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nouveaucrystals · 9 months ago
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Pink Opalite needs no filter! Reblog if you agree 🌸 Shop Here 🩷
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shilatjewelers · 6 months ago
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thewajewelry · 1 year ago
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Emblems that signify the excitement , our 23 K Gold Thewa jewellery of window shape necklace and earrings beaded with pink quartz and pearls , creations are crafted to be the perfect surprises for Coming Wedding Festive season!
To shop visit our website www.sonkanch.com or walk in store or DM@9351511707
In Focus :
Material Used - 23 k Gold , Glass , 925 Silver Gold Plated , Red Quartz , white pearls !
Man Hours/ Time Taken - 150
Note : All Rights on IP are reserved by SONKANCH. Due steps have taken to protect our IP. Any violation of our IP will invoke due legal actions & consequences
⭐Certified for gold and silver purity by leading laboratories.
⭐Guarantee on Back Silver Cover Gold Plating.
⭐100% Exchange of Full Bill Amount after 3 years
⭐️ Free Shipping All Over India
#thewajewellery #thewajewelry #thewaart #thewaartjewellerypratapgarh #thewaartjewellery #rajputijewellery #punjabijewellery #weddingjewellery #bridal #kundanjhumka #silverjewelry #silvernecklace #meenakarijewellery #goldnecklace #silverearrings #silvernecklace #chokarset #kundanjewellery #wedding #bride #bridaljewellery #weddingjewellery #ruby #finejewelry #handmade #rajasthan #jaipurjewellery #wedding
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rananjayexportsuniverse · 2 years ago
Hands up for these beautiful different colored agate jewelry . We have many high-quality agates stones . waiting for your purchase! It's all on the website 🥰🥰🥰 . Our website (link in bio) or via dm . 🌍 www.rananjayexports.com .
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adreciclarte5 · 2 months ago
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by Kinga Pinkston
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ghosts-of-gotham · 3 months ago
Pinky Pinkston was enjoying a rare night in. But as she was about to sip her wine, there was a knock at the door. She went to answer, wearing nothing but pink lacy lingerie and a robe.
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"Well, Hello! Don't get many strangers knockin'. How can I help ya? Lookin' for the Pinky Express? Or just sightseein'?"
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 5 months ago
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positivexcellence · 2 months ago
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Gen in laurensmithford's IG Story
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nouveaucrystals · 2 years ago
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New pink Aragonite palm stones have been listed! Beautiful gemmy stones that glow hot pink😍😍
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thewajewelry · 1 year ago
Emblems that signify the excitement , our 23 K Gold Thewa jewellery of round necklace and earrings of kundan jadau hangings, creations are crafted to be the perfect surprises for Coming Wedding Festive season!
To shop visit our website or walk in store or DM@9351511707
In Focus :
Material Used - 23 k Gold , Glass , 925 Silver Gold Plated , Red Quartz , white pearls , Silver Kundan stones
Man Hours/ Time Taken -250 hours
Note : All Rights on IP are reserved by SONKANCH. Due steps have taken to protect our IP. Any violation of our IP will invoke due legal actions & consequences
⭐Certified for gold and silver purity by leading laboratories.
⭐Guarantee on Back Silver Cover Gold Plating.
⭐100% Exchange of Full Bill Amount after 3 years
⭐️ Free Shipping All Over India
#thewajewellery #thewajewelry #thewaart #thewaartjewellerypratapgarh #thewaartjewellery #rajputijewellery #punjabijewellery #weddingjewellery #bridal #kundanjhumka #silverjewelry #silvernecklace #meenakarijewellery #goldnecklace #silverearrings #silvernecklace #maangteeka #chokarset #kundanjewellery #wedding #bride #bridaljewellery #weddingjewellery #ruby #finejewelry #handmade #rajasthan #jaipurjewellery
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editfandom · 10 months ago
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Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2004-2007)
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yellowskinnedwackyman · 11 months ago
"CREEPY!!!!" Pinky cries out as she came to his home. Wearing a pink trench coat that covered her. "Why didn't ya tell me today was your birthday? I would have planned so much but I got ya a gift... Well two if ya could my birthday suit under this coat~" She giggled. "I'm all yours today! Servin' you Colas galore and all the Pinky you can eat! But for now..." She hands him a set of keys.
"Wanna see your new Creepy Cave?"
*jaw drops* I'll text you ahead of time next year, but this is a hell of an attempt of winging it! *eyes widen getting the keys* Uhhh yeah, let's look, Sweetie! Thank you in advance. *kisses her gently*
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passifaggot · 4 months ago
Weird Theory: you carried around a notebook to seem mysterious in elementary school.
not necessarily to be mysterious but to write my terrible harry potter fanfic
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ghosts-of-gotham · 2 months ago
Open - Pinky Pinkston
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"Real question.. With all the sex we Pinkstons have, I am surprised my Momma or my Auntie or me ain't pumpin' out more babies! Like there should be, like, five a me runnin' around and five guy versions of me.... Is that even possible? A male Pinky?"
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stuff-diary · 3 months ago
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2025
Laid (2024, USA)
Creators: Nahnatchka Khan & Sally Bradford McKenna (based on the Australian show by Marieke Hardy & Kirsty Fisher)
Directors: Nahnatchka Khan & Mo Marable
I had high expectations for this due to the cast and creative team, and while it's certainly not perfect, it did not disappoint. I really love its dark sense of humor, although it does get a tad too dark in certain jokes. The main character may not be the most likable person, but Stephanie Hsu's endless charisma and comedic timing make her supremely watchable. The rest of the cast is more than up to the task, too. The most confounding thing for me is the show's puzzling message; sometimes it feels like it's slut-shaming the main character, while at other points it exalts sexual freedom. Anyway, I definitely enjoyed Laid enough to want a second season, especially after that cliffhanger.
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carewyncromwell · 2 months ago
Really Get To Know Me ask: 2, 4, 8, 10, 21, and 31 (What are your favourite mangas and/or anime TV shows? Or at least, which ones are you planning to try reading or watching?) for Ana, Jasper, and Preston?
Tell me about your first kiss.
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[A blush rushes to Ana's cheeks, and even if she tries hard to keep her face straight, she's failing to keep the girly happiness off completely.]
Ana: "...Mmm, well...I've kissed plenty of people on the cheek before -- family, friends, you know. But my first real kiss was with Charlie." @drinkyoursoupbitch
[Yeah, okay, she might not be smiling openly with teeth and everything, but she's totes smiling.]
After that whole fight -- after all the misunderstandings and not seeing things as they were, after all the waiting around thinking it'd never happen...it was like my heart soared out of happiness, the moment our lips locked! Like my whole world burst into bloom! Even if we both were a bit awkward in how we moved, and I had to go on my tiptoes so much of the time so I was leaning against him and he didn't know where to put his hands...somehow with all that, it was still perfect.
Ana: "(quietly, but warmly) ...It was everything I hoped for, when I read stories about love."
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[Preston looks noticeably less romantic than his stepsister in response to this question -- if anything, he looks almost contrite.]
Preston: "Er, well...my first kiss was done on a dare, so..."
[Both Jasper and Ana side-eye the heck out of Preston, though Ana looks more more startled and Jasper's expression comes across as much more dry.]
Preston: "(defensively) I wasn't leading anyone on or anything! It was just...well, there was this group of chicks -- mostly from Slytherin -- who were all super anti-Muggle. Like were their folks Death Eaters, no, but they totally agreed with their crap, you know? And they were picking on this one other girl in Ravenclaw -- her name was Keiko Rei. Well, Keiko was in a wheelchair, and over the summer she'd gone to this shop and gotten it tricked out with these really pretty wheels decorated with different water Pokemon!"
[Ana's eyes lit up.]
Ana: "Really?"
Preston: "(laughs) Yeah! It was brilliant! Every Muggle-born thought so -- it made her really popular. But it also pissed off those loser Death Eater-wannabe chicks. So they started harassing her when they could. Did all sorts of garbage, like grabbing her chair from behind to try to throw her out and hexing her wheels so she'd be late for class. Then, one day, the leader of the loser pack -- this girl named Ambrosia Nott -- cornered her in Hogsmeade around the holidays, and crowed loud enough for anyone to hear that Keiko was a good-for-nothing cripple who had to gussy up her chair just to get any boys to look at her."
[Both Preston and Ana look furious.]
Preston: "My friends and I were walking by at that time, so we heard the whole thing. We were all super pissed, and my bud Kevin was like, 'Yo, Presto, I dare you to teach that bitch a lesson.' And yeah, after seeing Keiko start to cry, I really wanted to. So..."
[Preston winced sheepishly.]
Preston: "...I strutted right over to Keiko and acted all sweet with her, calling her 'sweetheart' and complimenting her outfit like I was there to meet her for a date. Then, seeing Ambrosia Nott go red and mad, I looked at her all innocent and said, 'Oh, I'm sorry -- are you feeling left out, Nott? Here -- let me give you a kiss goodbye.' And I kissed her full-on the mouth and pushed her backward. She fell flat on her arse and was so red and stunned that she ran out of the Three Broomsticks crying. Probably traumatized that a blood traitor like me had dared to kiss her. (laughs)"
[Ana is the only one laughing too, but both she and Jasper look incredibly proud of Preston.]
Preston: "But yeah, it wasn't until later I realized I technically gave that blood purist twat my first kiss. But hey, the boys and I hung out with Keiko the rest of that Hogsmeade visit and we became pretty good friends after that, so it all worked out!"
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[Jasper takes his time a bit more contemplating the question than the other two.]
Jasper: "...When I was younger...before I transitioned...my first kiss was on the stage, during one of our theater's yearly Shakespeare youth showcases. I was playing Beatrice in a scene from Much Ado. It wasn't great -- the bloke playing Benedict was two years older than me and significantly more awkward, and his braces ended up getting caught on the inside of my lip at one point."
Preston: "(cringes) Wait, what, they did? Eugh!"
Jasper: "(coolly) It was decidedly unpleasant. Fortunately I've had much better kisses since. The mouth-to-mouth 'bout' I had with the actor playing Mercutio while rehearsing fight choreography during a production of Romeo and Juliet comes to mind. I was Tybalt. (smiles mischievously)"
Do you like cooking or baking more?
Jasper and Preston: "Cooking."
Ana: "Baking."
How many languages do you know?
Preston: "I've picked up some conversational Japanese here and there from Keiko! Eigo wo hanashimasu, that kind of thing. It's actually pretty helpful when I watch any anime with Anya. (grins at Ana)"
Ana: "(beams) I like picking up some Japanese from my shows too...though most of that's just the easy stuff, like 'Nani?!' for 'What?!' or 'Ganbatte!' for 'Good luck!'. I've also studied a little bit of Latin, so I could figure out the roots of words and spells I don't know."
Jasper: "Only English, I'm afraid, though I love listening to people speak other languages. There was this one girl at one of the Shakespeare youth showcases who recited Juliet's 'Give me my Romeo' speech in Swedish, and it was glorious."
What's your favorite book?
Preston: "(cheekily) Can you even pick one, Anya?"
Ana: "(frustrated) No! This question is always so hard, because I can never pick just one! Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, The Last Unicorn, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice, Oliver Twist, The Neverending Story...not to mention Shakespeare's works...and if you want to count manga, there's Sailor Moon and Fullmetal Alchemist and Ouran High School Host Club and -- "
Jasper: "(chuckles fondly) When one loves books as much as you do, Anya, it's unsurprising that picking a favorite is difficult."
[Jasper pats his younger stepsister's head fondly.]
Jasper: "Personally my favorite will probably always be Macbeth. I think of all of Shakespeare's plays, I think it's the best written."
Preston: "I'm actually not a huge reader -- that's really more Anya's thing than mine. But I guess I found Muggles Who Notice an interesting read, when I was assigned to write a paper about it in Muggle Studies."
A song that evokes a good memory?
[Jasper, Preston, and Ana all grin at each other -- they all simultaneously know how to answer this.]
All Three: "Rhythm Nation!"
[Preston laughs, while Ana giggles more quietly. Jasper smirks.]
Jasper: "It's our dad's favorite song. He used to play it in the house whenever Preston and I had to clean up our rooms -- like, we had to clean up as much as we possibly could before the song was over."
Preston: "(grins) Whoever Dad judged did the best got a little treat, like an ice cream cone or a new toy."
Jasper: "We still play the song a lot whenever we have to clean up and decorate before our yearly Christmas parties. Our resident Charmsmaster Anya usually wins whenever we do it now."
[He smirks at Ana, who giggles quietly.]
Ana: "(more shyly) A lot of Nightwish's songs bring back good memories too. They've always been my favorite, and I love it whenever we get to play one of them for dancing at our Christmas parties. Charlie and I danced to Swanheart, the first time he came."
What are your favourite mangas and/or anime TV shows? Or at least, which ones are you planning to try reading or watching?
[Oh boy, Ana loves this topic!]
Ana: "Well, my favorite of all time is Sailor Moon. Usagi's always been my favorite. But I also like Cardcaptor Sakura, Pretear, Ouran, Fruits Basket, Princess Tutu...most shoujo, really. I've just started watching a lesser known series called The Royal Tutor as well, and so far it's pretty good!
Jasper: "(nods) Anya introduced me to Fullmetal Alchemist, which is my favorite manga. I personally prefer Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood to the original anime since it follows the manga more closely, but I appreciate the darker tone of the original anime. I also quite enjoyed Death Note when I watched it -- I really like the concept musical based off it."
Preston: "(grins) Keiko turned me on My Hero Academia and now I've gotten kind of addicted. I know it's cliche, but I really vibe with Deku."
Get to Know Me Ask!
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