#pink fascinator
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elegancefascinator · 1 year ago
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blaithnne · 4 months ago
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This is so funny to me because I can PICTURE host!Vic furiously storming into the studio after having watched season 1, complaining that they look completely ridiculous on camera (bright pink? What are they, an anarchist?) and demanding a new wardrobe. They’re given one (1) new shirt in a different colour and go “perfect, now give me a broach that looks like a sea urchin to show what a cool fun guy I am as well”
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birthdaygame · 1 month ago
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you could have been anyone
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jubileedeeznuts-posting · 1 month ago
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the art of remembering history
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detailedart · 8 months ago
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i want to know who broke the sky's heart last night
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lyriumflames · 1 year ago
So we all know about the classic "I'm changing history to save clara" quote, but do people know the absolute batshit earlier draft of that scene? Like-
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My god
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k0fii · 10 months ago
Mutual Love and One-Sided Obsession
Love is mutual and that's the fundamental difference of MiziSua and IvanTill. That's what Ivan understood in his final moments - and that's why he said his feelings were shallow.
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Prefacing this, not really an analysis but more of a personal connection and overview of the songs of alnst, with a quote from Richard Siken on love.
"If it was unrequited, it wasn't your first love, it was your first desire. You've got all your loves ahead of you. That sounds pretty great to me."
My Clematis; Love and the Significance of a Duet
My Clematis is a song that stands out amidst all other Alien Stage performances. Not only because it's a duet with the intentions of a tie, but also because Mizi and Sua are singing this song to and for each other. Instead of catering to the audience before them, they look to each other. In an act of defiance, they love each other. Sua sings to Mizi, as Mizi sings to Sua and this performance isn't for anyone else but them. It's beautiful, enchanting and Sua's death is made more painful by that love that's so clearly shown to the audience. Even as Sua is taken away from Mizi, nobody can deny the fact that they love each other. That the feeling between them was undeniably love.
Unknown (Till the End...); Idolization
In juxtaposition to My Clematis' heavy focus on the duet between Mizi and Sua, UTTE makes it a point to show how Till takes the spotlight all for himself one-sidedly, not even allowing his opponent to sing. In a way, this represents the extent of Till's idolization - only his feelings, the admiration for this idealized version of Mizi he has in his head are sang and borderline shouted out. The other singer is drowned out in Till's intense voice and declaration of love;
"Ain't nobody but you're the one that I'm feeling it's love"
However, Till fails to realize that the thing he wanted - Mizi's gaze to look back at him too - is rooted in reciprocity. It means allowing the other singer to get their voice out, it means allowing this preconceived notion he has of her in his head to be shattered by the reality of who Mizi truly is. UTTE is a representation of how Till's deluded image of Mizi overpowers the reality he currently lives in, it's a form of escape for someone who has always been shackled by chains.
It's a contradiction present in the song itself;
"I wanna know all about you (ya)"
For all Till sings that he wants to get to know Mizi, he never attempts to get closer to her and always, in his view of her, she's far away like an idol he can't reach. Like a god to a sinner that needs saving. It's the first desire of wanting to be saved, of wanting a saint to reach out their hand to you. And that first desire, as much as Till proclaims it to be love for its intensity, is known as something that's not love, something closer to obsession because of that very same intensity. Because that intensity prevents him from loving who Mizi truly is apart from who she represents in his head - again, it drowns it out.
Black Sorrow; Unrequitedness
Black Sorrow starts off with an admission; Ivan can't reach Till. He'll always follow him, even if he recognizes that all this will end in is tragedy. He constantly speaks of an absence - foreshadowing of Cure perhaps, but also of Till leaving him and turning back, of Till always choosing to not stay by his side, to chase for an unreachable idol. To the viewer, Black Sorrow is a song solely focused on Ivan but we can see in the video that Ivan allows his opponent to sing - a representation of his subservient nature but also perhaps of the fact he sees Till. He allows Till to sing out in deafening roars and sees him for what he is, and admires him for that. In contrast to UTTE's idealistic nature, Black Sorrow is very much rooted in reality. Till is pointedly not awake during this song - once again, he doesn't see Ivan but also he is not woken up to the reality that Ivan forces him to face. If not rooted in love because of the acknowledgement of unrequitedness, then what is Ivan's desire? It's to drown in his chosen black sea of sorrow.
Cure; Obsession and the Significance of a Duet
Ivan and Till both sing to someone who is not listening, they both sing to someone who is not looking at them in contrast to My Clematis.
"Dissolve me in your gaze
Please, leave me scars
Please, hurt me so that
Not a single drop of me remains
Let me drown in you"
Till wants to drown in the fantasy he's created for himself - going back to the sinner analogy, he wants everything of him that he views as wrong cleansed by Mizi's saintly presence. For once, Till lacks the same conviction he did before - he's pleading now, and asking as if praying to a dead god. Maybe it's because he thinks Mizi is gone, maybe it's because he thinks he's beyond saving.
"May they linger on your tongue
You can break me apart
I'll drown in you"
Ivan remains the same, steadfast in his determination and doubling down on his declarations in Black Sorrow. He doesn't ask - he knows his 'love' is unrequited, but that he will drown in it anyways.
"To this everlasting melody
Face to face we dance
With our story
Lost in forever's embrace"
Despite the lyrics stating that they stand face to face, they don't - one is always looking away. That's why, the story of what they are and what could've came to be is lost in the embrace of a time that's both not there and forever there. What they could've been is not what they are because of that everlasting melody, the obsession the two of them have that is distinctly not love because it's unrequited. Because they will always ask to be consumed in another's gaze instead of simply looking at each other and seeing. Because Till's first desire is to be saved and Ivan's first desire is to drown, the round would have always ended that way.
"Thank you for being the victim of my shallow emotions."
Ivan thought he and Sua were similar at one point. He felt jealous when he realized that the fundamental difference between them was that Sua was loved, and he was not. I think that in his final moments, he recognized this jealousy for what it was - the incessant human need to be loved and to be wanted. And what does that love entail? He sees it in Mizi and Sua, it means loving and being loved in return. That's what love is, and with heartbreaking clarity, he understands that it's not what has driven him or Till this far. A one-sided obsession could never be love, because love is always mutual. To love is to be seen, to be known. Ivan was not the former, Till was not the latter.
He steels himself, he will drown in these shallow emotions, just as he always planned (even if the sacrifice was not). He knows this sacrifice seems hypocritical, but it couldn't be with such a simple yet clear difference.
Compared to the deep grief brought about by the deep and intense emotions of love and loss, the pain he will cause Till will only be as shallow as his own emotions. Because it only reached Ivan, only drowned him and it never seemed to reach Till.
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pinkrose05 · 10 months ago
Ok so @b1adie's post from earlier got me thinking about element Types and Paths again.... and predictably enough, I am also here to talk about my fave old man Yingxing and how his kit would look like if he were playable.
We can probably agree that Fire type makes the most sense for many, many reasons, but in terms of Path I'd like to humbly propose....
Ok, hear me out: Preservation in this game is frequently associated with building and construction. You've got Qlipoth's walls, the Cornerstone effects, and the very act of creating a shield! Naturally, a master artisan would be right at home constructing stuff; I mean, remember that one scrap lion?
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Yeah, Yingxing is very good at building things up from the ground. Just imagine the amount of detail this bitch would put in his shields! Knowing him, they'd be the most elaborate magic walls to ever wall in history.
Another thing is how Preservation pathstriders admire stubbornness and are prone to protective actions. As for the former trait, stubbornness is a part of persistence, and persistence through adversity is a key aspect of Yingxing's character: his home is destroyed, he's always struggling with the sabotage and prejudice of his seniors and peers... and still he keeps pushing on and ahead, all the way to hard-earned success.
As for the latter, Yingxing's attachment to the makeshift family he's found in the Quintet can definitely lend itself to a protective streak- doubly so considering the weapon gifts he'd given to them all. It's like he's always watching their back! It's his way of keeping them safe so he doesn't lose his loved ones again!
(It's the only part of him that will stay with them when he meets his timely demise. It's proof that, even in death, he will forever stand by their side.)
A third thing is that, if you consider the construction aspect again, Preservation is actually the most direct antithesis to the Path of Destruction. The symbolism in there really hammers in (heh) the 180° turn between Yingxing and Ren- and wouldn't it be the perfect sort of ironic for them to mirror each other in the very core of their beliefs?
(I actually think they should have the worst anti-synergy in history if/when Yingxing becomes playable. There's a kit concept somewhere in my files that has 1) several ways of pulling aggro, 2) Max HP buffs that depend on using skill points, and 3) a one-turn block on allies' HP changing whenever any of Yingxing's shields break. It's basically a dedicated sustain kit that just so happens to be a massive Fuck You to Ren in specific, because come on, the idea's just too good to pass up!)
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aworld-inpink · 5 months ago
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see, here's the thing:
I don't think Belphie has ever really cared for gender at all.
living as long as he has, and being the sin of sloth, you sorta get why he can't be bothered with it
is he a guy? nah, not really
but is he a lady? not necessarily
if Belphie had the effort to think about his gender, I think it would be more nonbinary than anything
he'll use he/him for convenience and from not wanting to be alienated from the others
but he doesn't mind other pronouns
food for thought: trans guy Beel and enby Belphie :)
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quiet-desperationn · 2 days ago
Notes on what I found interesting and the songs he chose (tried to be accured but dont trust me)
I believe this was around 2012
“Is it harder to be creative now because you perhaps are happier now?” “There’s some truth to that, I certainly am. But that’s not entirely the case”
“After the Live 8 you sort of tentatively embraced on stage…” “It didn’t feel tentative to me! We had dinner the night before. I’m so glad we did it before Rick died.”
Neil Young - Helpless
Gustavo Santaolalla - Endless flight (Babel movie)
His mother spoke a lot about his father, because she was very proud of him and of what he’d done, and she felt she had been very lucky to meet this man (roger’s father)
His mother never felt like she was physically attractive
His parents joined the communist party together. And it was when his father joined it that he changed his mind about killing nazis and going to war
Just like Pink in the movie he also tried out his father’s uniform
Leonard Cohen - Bird on the Wire
He was a very stroppy teenager and took out on any kind of authority.
One of his aunts gave him a guitar when he was 13 or 14 years old and he tried to learn it but found it way to painful and difficult so he gave up
He was never close to his big brother. His brother had memories of their father, so Roger thinks he paid a higher price
Roger had a recurring dream for around 50 years where he murdered someone and he knew he was going to get caught. After a ton of therapy he realised it was because he felt like he had killed his father. After that he never had that dream anymore.
He feels like he came late to a lot of his emotional realisations. 
It took him a long time to understand that as a man it was okay to have power. Because he grew up entirely in the company of women, his mother and her sisters, he intuitively believed that the correct way was for women to have all the power. And because of that he involved himself in all kinds of disastrous relationships where he gave away all his power to women.
Chet Baker - My Funny Valentine
He was getting married to Laurie at this point. (“The love of my life”)
“You have been married before. I have. It’s a bit of a habit (laughs)”
“I have been married three times. I’m not prepared to go any further into that, Kirsty”
“Did you sit down together to write SOYCD?” “No, I wrote it”
“It’s very moving to play it. It’s like he’s there again. He was SO beautiful, Syd. He was so vibrant and so talented and special.”
Ray Charles- Georgia On My Mind
“How did you feel about being a known person by being a rock star in those early days?” “I think I was so fundamentally frightened in almost every possible way that I really shied away from it.”
“I was always that kid who always dressed in black. At a party I would be found skulking in a corner and not being friendly.”
“But you see, the brooding rockstar is even more magnetic.” “(laughs nervously) Well, whatever.”
“Were you fighting off the girls with a big stick?” “No, I never went through any of that. I fought maybe one of two (laughs nervously again)”
“Is that true? Isn’t that part of the fun of being a rockstar?” “It should be, but again we can’t possibly go into all the awful details of my appalling(?) love life. But I attached myself by that time, and had been attached for some time, to the girl next door who I married. “
“Notwithstanding the fact that I strayed from time to time, it wasn’t a glorious love in.” 
He regrets very much all his “straying away”
His mom loved that he had success with Pink Floyd. She was 96 when she passed away. When she was dying she said she was going to leave everything to John (Roger’s brother) “cause I have a feeling you’ll be alright”
Franco Corelli - (?)
“Now with a bit of perspective how do you look back on that period of the split up?” “It was a great deal of wasted energy”
About his solo career not being very successful at first: “I think it was good for me. A bit of failure is very character forming. It makes you think about what’s really important and what isn’t”
“I feel so much more comfortable with who I am now and where I am now that I did 40 years loose. I’m really glad I was in that band for the 20 years I was in it but I have no wish to do it ever again.“
Billie Holiday - God Bless the Child
“Would you be fine with your own company?” “Probably not, I like the company of others, particularly one other. Won’t do very well on my own.”
Mahler’s 5th Symphony - 4th Movement
Book: All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy
Luxury: A grand piano
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maskerat · 11 months ago
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Slowly just getting back to traditional art, for some reason digital doesn't feel right for me at the moment.
Anyway, have Army in Pink from Lob-Corp, one of my favourite abnos, I think he's cute.
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sleep-escapes-me · 10 months ago
thinking about the alternate universe where bells hells doesn't happen so imogen and launda make a more permeant home in jrusar.
imogen eventually gains access to the starpoint conservatory. still finds the study by prof sumal that mentions her mother by name. but how far does she go to discover this bigger-than-exandria thing she's seemingly connected to? the ruidus/solstice shit still obviously effects her but how does not having the truth seeking journey of bells hells morph her perspective of future decisions that may come up
imogen temult, ever kind-hearted by nature, how different will her resistance to predathos be if she only has laudna by her side. laudna who often encourages that she's capable of so much. and that big red moon in the sky becomes the literal proof. something something fate can twist intentions
like...does she still even confess to laudna in any capacity??
intriguing side note, the "party split" could maybe still happen. shunted to different parts of the world, each half of bell hells meet each other as complete strangers
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sevennone · 8 months ago
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240612 | bauer combine 🌸
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Kid: Marvel can we have Abin Sur? Marvel: We have Abin Sur at home. The Abin Sur at home:
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otaku553 · 2 years ago
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Marx concept doodles part 2 electric boogaloo
I enjoy the cape but im still not sure how to handle coloring it without overwhelming everything else
Also long hair updo ideas :)
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zorra-dulce · 11 months ago
So, as we all know, cube shapes (like, well, Cube) have super strength, and spheres (like Iris) have super speed. Plus Iris has a sword and the ability to teleport, and Cube has claws, sawblades and gears. They are both equally overpowered in their own ways.
Now tell me, dear reader, what happens when you mix overpowered speedy circle that can teleport and has melee attacks, overpowered strong cube with (probably) solid metal ranged + melee attacks, AND the power of two heroes?
Iris isn't teaming up with Cube because he cares about him more than the others, he's doing it because it is a STRATEGICAL ADVANTAGE IN THE EVENT THAT THEY GET INTO A BATTLE AND HAVE TO FIGHT.
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Legit the reason Iris and Cube as a duo work so well is because power-wise they compliment each other PERFECTLY
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