#pineapples 2024 halloween party
vodika-vibes · 19 days
Something Goes Bump In The Night
Summary: Months after you find Fives on Kamino, you and he start looking for answers as to why he's alive.
Pairing: Wraith! ARC Trooper Fives x F! Twi'lek Reader
Word Count: 3659
Prompts: Fixing each other's clothes, "Shut the kriff up and eat your shitty ration bar." and "You make me feel safe." "You really shouldn't"
Warnings: Violence, Fives attacks the reader without meaning to, the word sex is mentioned twice in regards to the reader doing Spoogle (space google) searches, Reader is described as a blue-skinned twi'lek with ear cones.
A/N: So, this story is brought to you by the many, many, many pictures I've seen of Fives with a y-incision. Also, I played around with wraiths a little bit. Because I wanted to.
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In the months that Fives has been living on your ship with you, you’ve come to learn a few things about him. 
A, he’s something of a perfectionist. You’re much more of a “good enough” type of person, especially when planning jobs, but he gets all bent out of shape if you don’t have a whole plan from infiltration to escape.
Ironically, he doesn’t seem to have a problem with improvising if the plan goes wrong, which is more confusing to you than you’d like to admit.
B, he’s messy. Since he was a soldier, you thought he would be a neat freak. But he’s not. He’s careful about ensuring his mess doesn’t get in your way, but you’ll find his datapads and models strewn around your ship rather than consolidated in a single place.
C, he’s clingy.
Look, your ship is small. Tiny. Built for one person and an astromech, maybe. It’s certainly not built for an adult man who is built like a brick wall and another person (namely yourself).
So you quickly sussed out that you and Fives were going to have to share a bed. It was a little weird, that first night. You’ve never shared a bed with anyone before, after all. 
But the following morning you woke up with him curled around you, his arms tight around your waist. Like a giant, clingy blanket. And, despite what you said to him that morning, about him being clingy, you’ve grown to enjoy it.
Your family isn’t really the “touchy” type, and Fives curling around you every night is the closest you’ve had to a hug since you were a child.
Which…is depressing, if you think about it too hard.
So, you don’t.
There are other things you’ve noticed about Fives, things that you make note of in your tablet, but would never mention to him. He has moments of extreme violence, never directed towards you, but towards other people.
He’s fiercely protective of you, to the point of murder.
And he’s afraid.
He’s so, so afraid of finding out what the Kaminoans did to him. 
You rest your chin on the palm of your hand and watch Fives move around the kitchenette with an absent sort of interest. He’s always hungry, Fives. Most of your money is spent on making sure there’s enough food on the ship for him.
“You’re staring,” Fives notes as he sits at the bar across from you.
You shrug, unconcerned, “I’m thinking.”
“Oh, is that why I was smelling smoke?” He teases something unnatural and inhuman glittering in his eyes. It should scare you. It should. But this is Fives.
How could you be afraid of Fives?
“You know me,” You joke back, “My brain is just three tookas on a treadmill—”
He grins at you, a lopsided smile that’s actually insanely attractive. It’s really not fair. How dare the Kaminoans choose Jango Fett as a template and not some ugly bounty hunter?
Wait…you’re getting distracted.
It takes you a moment to put your train of thought back on track, “I’m thinking,” You say as you point your ration bar at Fives, “We should hit up Jedha.”
He pauses, his spoon halfway to his mouth, “Why?”
“They have a collection of weird shit. Maybe they know what’s going on with you.”
Fives lowers his spoon back to his bowl and taps the rim of his bowl thoughtfully, “Are you sure you want to steal from Jedha?”
“Steal?” You press your hand to your chest in mock offense, “Fives! I do not steal! I merely…borrow things.”
He points his spoon at you, “And tell me, moonbeam. Have you ever returned anything you’ve borrowed before.”
“I returned your shirt!”
“Yeah. Because we live together. And you kept the sweatshirt.”
“I look amazing in your clothes.”
“You’re a twi’lek, you’d look amazing in a paper bag.”
You point at him, “That is a harmful stereotype.”
“Uh-huh,” He actually takes a bite of his oatmeal, “Remind me, what did you do for a living before you decided to become a thief?”
“I am a recovery expert—”
He raises a single brow and you huff and cross your arms, “I may have, possibly, been an exotic dancer. At a club that only hired twi’leks.”
“Thank you for making my point for me.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “Anyway. I think Jedha will have some of the information we need. Or, if nothing else, they can point us in the right direction.”
“I thought you decided that I’m a zombie.” Fives asks.
“Well, I thought so. But I’ve been doing some research online—”
“Oh boy.”
You glare at him, “I’ve been doing research,” You repeat, “And aside from a, truely concerning, number of people who would be okay with fucking a zombie, I have determined that you can’t be a zombie. Because you’re too smart.”
“Can we rewind to the point where people want to fuck zombies?”
“No. We can’t.”
“Come on, moonbeam,” He grins at you, “What did you see?”
This time, you pout at him, “Shut the kriff up and eat your shitty ration bar.”
“I’m eating oatmeal,” He counters smugly.
You reach across the table to steal his bowl, only for him to smack your hand with his spoon, “Rude!”
“Make your own oatmeal! I’m not sharing.”
“I let you sleep in my bed!”
“Our bed Moonbeam.” He wraps an arm around his bowl protectively, “Anyway, you were saying about Jedha.”
You mournfully eye the ration bar in your hand, and then shove it to the side, “I think you’re a spirit of some kind.”
“I’m solid.”
“I don’t know, Fives. This is why we need help!”
He watches you steadily for a moment, and then shrugs lazily, “Alright. We go to Jedha. You want to go set the heading?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You spin on the chair and hop to your feet to head to the cockpit. Then you pause and step around the bar to wrap your arms around Fives from behind. You rest your chin on his shoulder for a moment, “We’ll figure it out, Fives. I promise.”
You see a small smile out of the corner of your eye, and his hand lightly presses against your cheek. I know. I trust you. You’ll figure this out. His touch seems to say, and you tighten your arms around him for a moment, before you release him. 
“Right. Jedha! Hopefully, the Empire hasn’t destroyed it yet. Or, if they did, they didn’t destroy the information.” You mumble to yourself as you leave the room.
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Fives scowls as he looks around Jedha. They’re too late.
Nothing is left standing.
He glances at his moonbeam and feels the stirring of rage at the look on her face. She looks crushed.
He swallows the rage with difficulty, there’s no one here to lash out at. There’s no Empire here. No pirates. No Cartels. Just him and his moonbeam. A gentle breeze washes the scent of her over him, and it helps quell his anger enough that he’s able to speak.
“There might still be something left.” He offers.
She turns to look at him, her wide eyes glassy with tears, “How can you say that? There’s nothing left!” She gestures to what was once a bustling city at the foot of the temple. “They…destroyed everything.”
He’s going to kill the Emperor. And all of the Admirals. And probably everyone who’s ever worn an Imperial uniform.
How dare they make her cry.
Fives takes a deep breath and lightly sets his hand on her shoulder, “Don’t give up hope yet. We haven’t actually looked yet, have we?”
She sniffles and wipes her eyes, “Do you really think we’ll find something.”
“Well, if we don’t then all we lost is time.” Fives replies logically. He smiles at her when she turns to look at him, and gently adjusts her headwrap, pulling it down over her earcones. 
A tiny smile lifts her lips, and she presses her hands over his, “I suppose there’s no harm in looking.” She murmurs, she scans his face for a moment and then a small furrow appears on her brow, “I upset you. I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head, “Not your fault. I’m controlling it.” One of his hands falls so the backs of his fingers brush her cheek. “I suppose this ruins the plan we made.” He gestures to the ruins.
“Well…makes it moot, I suppose.” She replies as she tears her gaze from his face to scan the former city. “...do you think anyone got out alive?”
“I’m sure they did.” He lightly squeezes her shoulder one more time, “It looks like there’s a path through the ruins, shall we?”
“After you,”
He flashes a small smile and starts down the steps with his moonbeam hot on his heels. 
It takes time for them to work their way through the ruins. They have to backtrack several times after stumbling over roadblocks that Fives determines are too unsafe to climb over. 
Eventually, they make it to the former temple.
There are several openings and Fives checks all of them, before bringing her to one in the back, “According to the schematics, the archives used to be on this side of the temple.” He explains, “This opening should be the easiest way to get there.”
“Alright. Are you going first or do you want me to?” She asks.
Fives shoots her a look, “When have I ever let you go first?”
“Never, but there’s a first time for everything.” She grins at him, and he shakes his head before he smooths his hand over her head.
“I’ll go first, you can come after me when I tell you it’s safe.”
And that’s exactly what happens, Fives lowers himself down on the rope and makes sure that the area is safe, before shouting up that she can join him.
She descends the rope much faster than him. But then, his moonbeam is a thief, so she knows ropes a little better than he does. Fives makes sure that she’s secure on her feet before he looks around.
The Temple really is little more than a ruin.
Honestly, he doesn’t expect to find anything useful here, but he has to look. If only to keep her from feeling guilty.
“Alright. So the Archives were that way,” Fives nods at a collapsed hallway, “But I think if we go this way we’ll be able to find a way around.”
“Sounds like a plan,” She replies as she steps towards the opening in the wall that Fives indicated.
He stops her with a hand on her chest, “Why don’t I go first, see what I can see. Make sure that there’s actually a way through before we start poking around.”
“I can help, Fives.”
He chuckles and lightly kisses her forehead, “I know you can. But I’d like you to stay here. Maybe make a map?”
She blinks, “Oh! That’s a great idea!”
“I’m full of them.” He counters with a grin.
“You’re full of something, alright.” Fives’ grin widens. The fact that she’s sassing him means she’s slowly getting over seeing the aftermath of the massacre.
He hates it when she’s sad.
It should be illegal.
Fives waits until she pulls her headset out of her pocket and slips it under her head wrap, and he doesn’t move until he hears the familiar crackle of her comm coming to life in his ear.
“Alright, moonbeam. I’ll call out directions as I move.”
“And I’ll mark them on my tablet.” She finishes with an agreeable nod as she sits on a rock, “Just be careful. Just because nothing has killed you yet, doesn’t mean nothing will.”
“I’ll be careful. I promise.”
An hour later, his moonbeam’s comm crackles to life, “—Who are you?” And Fives’ blood runs cold. 
He never considered that someone else might still be in the temple. He never considered it, so he didn’t look. 
“Wait, what are you…Hey!” There’s a sharp squealing noise of her comm being destroyed.
And that’s the last thing that Fives remembers.
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You try to back away from the men that are slowly circling you.
Try being the keyword here, as there are five of them and only one of you and they have you completely surrounded.
“Who are you?” One of them, the leader most likely, demands as he aims his blaster at you.
“Who are you?” You counter, pulling bravery from…somewhere.
“I asked you first.”
“I was here first.”
“Do you always talk back to people pointing blasters at you?” Another man asks.
“Yeah, Pretty much.” You swallow hard. Fives is coming. You know it. Maybe if you get these men to leave you won’t have to witness the massacre that is Fives lost in a rage. “You should probably go.”
“Is that right?” One of the men, holding a snipe rifle (which seems excessive to you) asks sarcastically.
“My partner—”
“So you are not alone.”
“It’s fine.” The last man says, “We still outnumber them.”
“True.” The first man stares at you through his helmet, “Wrecker, tie her up.”
“Got it, Hunter.”
Wait, wait, wait.
Wrecker? Hunter? Those are clone names.
That or really bad call signs.
“...you’re clones?” You yelp as you take a step back.
The men pause, and then helmets come off and they move so that you can see them properly.
“We might be clones,” One of the men, paler than the others with cybernetics on his head, says coldly, “But you’re a graverobber.”
You ignore his words, staring instead at the handprint on his chest plate. “You’re Echo.” You say numbly.
He falters, “How can you possibly know that?”
“Oh Force, you’re Echo.” You whisper. “You! You have to put the weapons down! You have to!” 
“Why should we do that?”
“Fives is going to kill you.” You say bluntly. Matter of factly. 
Echo’s face twists, “My brother is dead.”
“Yeah, he got better.” He doesn’t believe you, and slowly you take a step away from him when you hear, what sounds like, wailing. Goosebumps rise on your skin, and your lekku twist in discomfort. They can’t hear him.
They won’t hear him until it’s too late.
And Fives—
Dear Fives. Sweet Fives. Kind Fives.
He’ll never forgive himself if he kills his brothers.
And so, when the wall bursts open revealing Fives in a deadly rage, his form constrained by his armor, you know what you have to do.
He lunges at Echo, who is closest to you, and is the most obvious threat towards you. And you lunge forward as well, placing yourself between Echo and Fives.
“Fives! STOP!” You shout, spreading your arms wide to shield Echo as best as you can.
He can’t hear you. You know he can’t hear you.
But you have to try.
A strong hand wraps around your throat, and Fives slams you to the ground as if you weigh nothing. Pain blooms across your back and the back of your head.
Something sharp pierces both of your shoulders, and you bite your tongue to stifle your scream of pain. Though there’s no stopping the pained tears rolling down your face. 
You’ve always been a baby about pain, it’s fine.
Slowly, painfully, you reach up and pull Fives’ helmet off, allowing it to fall to the side. His eyes are blank, there’s no recognition in his gaze, and his teeth have grown to the fangs that always appear when he gets like this.
“Fives,” You speak his name calmly and clearly as you reach up and gently press your hands against his icy cheeks, “Fives. It’s just me. It’s just your moonbeam.”
Slowly the wailing subsides to a level that doesn’t make you want to claw your ear cones off, but his hand is still around your neck, and your vision is starting to spot. 
“Fives,” You repeat his name, “You need to let go.”
His grip tightens, and you gasp for breath. It’s getting hard to stay conscious. 
“Fives,” You rasp his name, “Safe. No danger.” Your hands are still pressed against his face, but you’re starting to lose consciousness. Force, you hope he doesn’t kill you. That will destroy him.
Just as you’re about to pass out from lack of oxygen, his grip around your throat loosens and you start coughing. There’s sharp pain as the nails in your shoulders retract, and Fives collapses on you, unconscious and human again.
You wrap your shaky arms around him, “It’s okay. You’re okay. We’re okay.”
“What the fuck?”
Suddenly you’re reminded that you’re not alone, and you blink, hazily, up at Echo. A stricken, horrified, looking Echo. “It’s fine.” You say, “Everything’s fine.” 
It’s a lie. A horrible, awful lie. 
But you have to believe it.
You have to.
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Fives wakes up slowly.
His head hurts, his entire body hurts.
It takes a moment for him to remember that someone was threatening his moonbeam and his eyes snap open.
He’s about to sit up when a gentle hand cards through his hair, “Easy there, Fives.”
He blinks at her, twice, and then looks around. They’re on the ship?
“I thought…what happened to Jedha?”
“We’re still on Jedha, just back on the ship.” She says smoothly, though her voice sounds rough. She’s wearing one of her sweaters, though the shoulders look bulkier than normal.
He sits up, slowly wincing in pain. “What happened?”
She opens her mouth to say something and then hesitates. “Nothing important.” She finally says, and Fives knows that she’s lying to him.
Memories flash in front of his eyes, faster than he can keep track of.
But he sees her, tears streaming down her face, his hand around her throat. His name, calm and collected, falling from her lips. 
He reaches out with a shaking hand to lightly grab the collar of her sweater, and he tugs it down.
There, stark on her pale blue skin, wrapped around her throat is a hand-shaped bruise.
His hand.
“What did I do?”
“It was an accident.” She says lightly taking his hand in hers and allowing the material of her sweater to hide the injuries from him, “It was an accident and it wasn’t your fault.”
“I tried to kill you.”
“It was an accident,” She repeats.
“What else did I do?” He demands, “Tell me.”
“I have a few…minor stab wounds.” She says with a sigh.
“Minor? Or all the way through.”
“It’s not you’re fault.” She repeats, “Not any more than any other time. You can’t help what you are.”
“A monster?”
She moves so she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, her hands moving to cup his face, “Fives, I’ve never thought that.”
“You should.”
She sighs and gently strokes his cheeks, “With help from my new friends, we managed to get into the archives, and I found a lead.”
He stares at her, “A lead?” Fives repeats, feeling as numb now as he did the day he woke up on Kamino.
“I think you’re a Wraith. Or a Wraith adjacent.” She explains, “We have to go to Zakuul to learn more.”
“Zakuul.” He feels like Echo, repeating everything that she’s saying. “You should leave me here. Where you’ll be safe.”
“No.” Her answer is immediate, “No. Fives, I’m not afraid of you.” She smiles at him and brushes a curl from his forehead, “You make me feel safe.”
“You really shouldn’t.”
She sighs and leans in to press her forehead against his, “If it helps, someone else will be traveling with us from now on.”
His gaze snaps to hers, and he feels the stirring of jealous possession burning in his gut.
“Don’t be like that,” She chides lightly, “You’ll like this one.”
“I doubt that.”
“I’m hurt, vod.” Fives jolts at the familiar voice and turns his gaze towards the doorway, where Echo is leaning against the frame. He has a small smile on his lips, though there’s something sad in his gaze.
“Rex told me you died.”
“I saw you die.” Fives counters.
“Yeah well, looks like we both got better.” Echo jokes lightly, “I’m going to be hanging out with you two for a bit.”
“That’s…” Fives pauses, “Because I tried to kill her.”
“It was an accident.” She repeats, and Fives is sure that she’s going to say that a lot in the coming days.
“Because you’re my twin and something is wrong.” Echo walks over and lightly rubs Fives’ head, “Come on, did you think I wouldn’t help my little brother?”
“We were decanted at the same time.”
“And yet, Rex says I’m older.” Echo grins, “Now, baby brother,” He ignores Fives’ glare as if it’s not even there, “You need to rest.”
“Me? I’m fine.”
“Fives,” His moonbeam says his name in a sigh, and Fives frowns at her.
“I’m fine! You’re hurt.”
“You both need rest,” Echo announces, “I am going to do some research on where this Zakuul place is, and then we’re going to comm Rex for a bigger ship—”
“What’s wrong with this one?”
“It’s too small for three people. Hell, it’s too small for two people, and I refuse to share with the pair of you.” Echo says bluntly, “Anyway. You two rest, and I’ll handle everything for a bit.”
And then Echo is gone, allowing the door to snap shut behind him.
The bedroom is silent for a moment, and then Fives jolts when his moonbeam crawls over him and squishes herself between the bulkhead and himself, “There, now we can rest.”
“...you really don’t hate me?”
She releases an explosive sigh and pulls him down so she’s able to wrap herself around him, her head tucking under his chin, “How could I hate you? You’re Fives.”
And somehow, without her saying it, Fives hears exactly what she means.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
How could he not? He feels the same way.
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tlmtwelve · 7 days
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Prompt: A tooka/loth-cat who stares into one room every night and hisses
Alt/cropped version:
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After a shaky day on Tumblr, the 2024 Halloween party is STILL ON! If you were following this blog before you will need to refollow to get updates and reblogs of this year's submissions!
Reminder for creators: Share your work to your own blog, then tag with @pinahallowsevecloneparty, and it will be reblogged here!
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eclec-tech · 19 days
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(Heady art by @lonewolflupe!)
Happy Spooky Season, everyone!
Commander Fox captured my imagination this year. The injustice of his canon death at the hands of Darth Vader led me down this spooky, five chapter path. Updates will drop on Sundays throughout the month of September, so don't lose your heads! 😉 Find more spookiness at @pinahallowsevecloneparty!
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You scoffed at the Holonet News report along with everyone else. That is, until the other witnesses who had been too scared to come forward began confirming what the young woman had said. Seventeen people—with no history of mental illness or spice use—saw a man with no head break a neck without even touching it.
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hetalianskywalker · 6 months
So I told myself when I published my first fic on here that I would make a masterlist once I got to 5 fics. I have now made it to five fics.
I create and share explicit content, therefore this is an 18+ blog.
I currently just write for Star Wars and more specifically the clones.
Here is the link to my AO3.
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Nothing to Lose - Captain Rex x Reader (Monster AU submission for Pineapple's Halloween Party) (Horror/Angst with a hopeful ending) Still considering if I should write more of this
Wedding Cake Cookies - Captain Rex x Reader (fluff)
A Name Day - Captain Rex x Reader (fluff)
An Old Request - Echo (both ARC and TBB versions) x Reader (fluff)
End of Avoidance - Commander Wolffe x Reader (TBB prompt event) (fluff)
Mermay 2024 Masterlist - Captain Rex, Jesse, Kix, Hardcase, Fives, Echo, Denal, Captain Vaughn, Commander Cody, Captain Gregor, Waxer, Boil, Commander Wolffe, Boost, Sinker, Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire, Commander Stone, Sergeant Hound, Sergeant Hunter, Captain Howzer, Commander Mayday, Slip, Fireball, Nemec, Samson, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Captain Fordo, and Alpha-17.
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allurebutterfly · 3 months
10 Stunning Press-on Summer Nails to Elevate Your Look 2024
June 25, 2024
When summer rolls around, it's time to shed those gloves (both literal and metaphorical) and let your nails shine. Whether you're sipping margaritas by the pool or dodging mosquitos at a BBQ, nothing says "I've got my life together" quite like a set of stunning press-on nails. Gone are the days when press-ons were just for kids and Halloween. Today, they’re chic, versatile, and the best accessory for your summer vibe.
So, let’s dive into the top 10 press-on nails to make your summer 2024 look hotter than a heatwave 🌞
1. Tropical Paradise
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Imagine this: You’re lounging under a palm tree, the sound of waves crashing nearby, and your nails are the star of the show. Tropical Paradise nails bring the vacation to you with vibrant colors, hibiscus flowers, and the occasional toucan. They're perfect for those days when you wish you were in Hawaii but are actually stuck in your backyard with a kiddie pool.
2. Neon Dream
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If subtlety isn't your thing (and honestly, who has time for that?), Neon Dream nails are here to make a statement. Think electric pinks, bright greens, and neon yellows. These nails say, "I'm here, I'm fabulous, and yes, I do glow in the dark." Perfect for summer festivals or just making your grocery run feel like a rave.
3. Mermaid Vibes
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Channel your inner Ariel with these iridescent beauties. Mermaid Vibes nails shimmer with every move, changing colors like the ocean at sunrise. They’re not only mesmerizing but also a great conversation starter. “Oh these? Just my mermaid nails. No big deal.”
4. Sunset Ombre
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Is there anything more iconic than a summer sunset? Probably not. Capture that breathtaking gradient of reds, oranges, and pinks with Sunset Ombre nails. They're a reminder that no matter how chaotic your day has been, it can end in beauty. Plus, they pair well with a cocktail in hand.
5. Floral Frenzy
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Florals? For summer? Groundbreaking. But seriously, Floral Frenzy nails are the epitome of summer chic. Delicate blossoms in pastel shades will make your hands look like they belong in a fairytale. They're perfect for weddings, garden parties, or just admiring while you binge-watch reality TV.
6. Geometric Glam
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For those who like their nails like they like their Instagram feed—perfectly curated—Geometric Glam nails are a must. Bold lines, sharp angles, and a modern color palette make these nails a work of art. They scream sophistication and look amazing whether you're at the office or a rooftop bar.
7. Fruit Salad
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You know it's summer when everything turns into a fruit theme, and nails are no exception. Fruit Salad nails feature cute little watermelons, pineapples, and strawberries. They’re not just adorable but also a fun way to embrace the season. Warning: May cause sudden cravings for smoothies.
8. Pastel Perfection
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Soft, muted, and oh-so-pretty, Pastel Perfection nails are for those who love a touch of elegance. Think baby blues, gentle pinks, and lilacs. These nails are understated but still stand out, making them perfect for any summer occasion, from picnics to professional meetings.
9. Metallic Magic
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Who says metallics are just for winter? Metallic Magic nails bring a futuristic twist to your summer look. Silver, gold, and rose gold options will have your nails catching the sun and everyone's attention. They're perfect for evening events or when you just want to feel like a summer superstar.
10. Nude Illusion
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Sometimes, less is more. Nude Illusion nails give the appearance of effortless beauty. With varying shades of nude, these nails look natural but better. They’re ideal for any outfit and any event, proving that simplicity can be stunning.
Nail Your Summer Look
Press-on nails are no longer a last-minute fix; they’re a fashion statement! Period! 💁‍♀️💖
This summer, whether you’re going bold with Neon Dreams or keeping it classy with Nude Illusion, there’s a press-on nail set for every mood and occasion. The best part? You can switch them up as often as your outfits, ensuring you always stay on trend.
Remember, your nails are an extension of your personality! They can be as wild, vibrant, and unique as you are. So go ahead, pick your favorites from this list, and let your nails do the talking. Because in 2024, we’re not just living our best lives—we’re nailing them!
And there you have it, folks. From tropical vibes to metallic magic, these press-on nails are here to elevate your summer look and make every hand gesture a statement. So, grab a set, stick 'em on, and get ready to stun. Happy summer, and may your nails always be on point!
— allurebutterfly xoxo
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tlmtwelve · 5 days
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Vampire Kix
Creature Prompt: @pinahallowsevecloneparty
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Here are the 2024 clone Halloween party prompts!!
You are free to use more than one prompt! You are also very welcome to submit multiple works!
Artists and writers are welcome to use the bonus theme “Candy”!
Remember all art, graphics, fics, etc must be clone centric and Halloween themed!
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Spooky Prompts
Waking up in a dark forest and remembering nothing.
“What are you hiding from me? Show me!”
“You make me feel safe.” “You really shouldn’t.”
“I did everything you asked of me! Why won’t you stop!?”
“Oh by the Force, stop breathing so loudly!” “That’s not me…”
“Just play along… please…”
“You thought you were the hero? Oh no my dear. You? You’re the monster.”
A tooka/loth-cat who stares into one room every night and hisses.
Waking up in the morning covered in blood and not remembering the night before.
Revenge of the headless clone trooper or Jedi.
Fluffy Prompts
Fixing each others’ clothes.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
“Your lips are really warm.”
“You don’t want me. I’m broken.” “I’ll spend the rest of my life putting you back together piece by piece.”
A hug lasting longer than it should.
“You’re not as scary as everybody says…”
“Please look at me…”
Hands gently tracing their features as the other looks away.
Beauty and the beast trope
“Star gazing was a great idea… thank you.”
Spicy Prompts
Holding hands in a stressful situation. Escalating to more once safe.
A kiss to the thigh
“You little devil…”
“I’m starving and I want to eat all of you.”
“Lick it.”
“I promise I’ll be tender…”
“You want to have sex here? Now? Are you serious?”
“You make me feel things I’m not supposed to feel! How?! How is it you consume my entire being?”
Frantic and heated kisses while trying to remain quiet.
“I’m the villain. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
Funny Prompts
“Okay daddy long legs… can we move on please?”
“The Force may love you, but the rest of us think you’re an idiot.”
“That’s the third time you’ve brought up cannibalizing me and I’m starting to worry.”
“Shut the kriff up and eat your shitty ration bar.”
“Don’t get your blood on the art, please.”
“Tell the Corries to wait. I’m playing dejarik.”
“This is my husband, Crap Bag.”
“Shush! I will figure it out! Just let me panic first!”
“Well how did he drown?” “Uh he couldn’t breathe under water?”
“Why are you poking me?” “Looking for a mute button…”
Angst Prompts
“Why does everything have to be a struggle with you?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t need to apologize.”
Regaining consciousness and realizing what they’ve done.
“I just want to forget you!”
“You never noticed me loving you because you were too busy loving someone else!”
“I don’t want to feel anything anymore.”
“No. I don’t want space. I want you.”
“Stop apologizing. I don’t want an apology. I want you to change.”
“Can I convince you to stay?”
“I told you not to get too close!”
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I’ve just had a question that I’ll answer here for everyone!
Can OCs be submitted for the event?
The event is centered around the clones but your OCs can absolutely be featured with them in some way because I love OCs and love to scream about them from the mountain tops!
Clones OCs ARE WELCOME! We love a clone OC, baby. We love all OCs here.
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tlmtwelve · 12 days
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Gorgon Tup
Creature prompt: @pinahallowsevecloneparty
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yes I am just reusing the graphic because these are only suggestions lol.
Feel free to choose from the list or pick a creature of your own!
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This pinned post contains submission guidelines, prompt lists, suggested creatures, and last year's master list.
Submissions are open from September 1–October 31.
Submission Process: Post works to your blog. Tag with @pinahallowsevecloneparty. I will reblog them here.
Asks are open for questions!
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2024 Clone Halloween Party Prompts!!
You are free to use more than one prompt! You are also very welcome to submit multiple works!
Artists and writers are welcome to use the bonus theme “Candy”!
Remember all art, graphics, fics, etc must be clone centric and Halloween themed!
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2023 Creature List (all creatures welcome)
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Event Masterlists
Pineapple’s 2023 Halloween Party Pineapple’s 2024 Halloween Party (masterlist coming soon)
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Halloween Party Clarification
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Since this is a clone party, your work MUST be clone centric and either Halloween themed or be part of a spooky season AU.
There is a prompt list and a creature list (last year's) that you can choose from, but really any monster or creature is fair game.
We've already had a gorgon, which wasn't on the list but fits the monster AU theme perfectly!
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Ten days until October...
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Optional graphics! I’ll make more but I’m sick again lol.
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eclec-tech · 12 days
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You meet the headless man for a second time, and he is not exactly pleased to see you.
Check out @pinahallowsevecloneparty for more clone spookiness!
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The sound was deafening as the huge black bike and its headless rider careened through the caf shop wall as if it were no thicker than the fog hanging in the air. The woman screamed as she and her accomplice fired on the headless specter. Their shots flew right through his red and white armored form, lighting up the wall behind him with a spattering of glowing holes.
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