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eobe · 4 months ago
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Caf shop, Coruscant, 2:30 am
I could get no rest and went to a all-night caf shop to have a drawing session, a nice caf-uccino and to cry a little bit, but I got distracted by one of those intimidating red armored guards, so I drew him 😱
Guess what!? He noticed and wanted a copy of this and HE GAVE ME HIS COMM 🙈 I‘m normal about that. Yeah, absolutely. I‘m shuddering only from lack of sleep, yes. Not because of this clone getting under my skin, no… ❤️‍🔥✨
@eclec-tech I‘m still not over this encounter you made me meet COMMANDER FOX AND HOW TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THAT 🫠 and I found some between time to (art-)process this dopamine ❤️‍🔥✨
Thank you so much, dear Amber, I hope you can see what your writing magic did to me 🥰🫶✨
I WAS THERE and I smelled the caf shop and the atmosphere, heared the passing speederbikes outside and armor is really loud when a trooper approaches How do they sneak?
And I had so much fun to find my hand font in aurebesh 😂 I don‘t know from which planet those glowing decoration plants (or fungi?) come from, but they‘re quite fancy and now I want one 🤩✨
Have a closer look 👀:
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My personal ALT text mission (1 additional ALT text for a previous artwork with each new art posting!):
My single other writing fanart piece (until now, because writings can be really dangerous for me too intense too gold too heavy too much too magic )
Echo in the rain
Taglist: @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue and @ghostymarni @foxwithadarkside @feral-ferrule @nika6q for the shared Commander Fox fun ❤️‍🔥🦊
Did I say THANK YOU ❤️‍🔥🫠✨
Edit: what happens next! (Chapter 2 by Amber) 👀
Edit: and what happened after that (Chapter 3 by Eobe) 😂
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eclec-tech · 2 months ago
Last Line Challenge
Thanks @clonethirstingisreal @ireadwithmyears @dystopicjumpsuit @frostycatblr-fandom-files for tagging me!
I've been working on a Dogma x OC fic here and there, and last night I started getting back into it hard. Here's the most recent bit. It's more of a chunk than a line, but I couldn't resist!
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Dogma quickly donned the unconscious clone’s armor and helmet, noting with discomfort how the kama and pauldron added a weight he had not earned and would now never earn. But that weight was lifted almost as quickly as her words sunk in. She thought that he was worth saving—not CT-6922, but Dogma. It gave him a sudden strength he didn’t know he had. The Republic wanted to save the physical resource that was a healthy soldier. She wanted to save him.
NPT: @legacygirlingreen @apocalyp-tech-a @eyecandyeoz @ladysongmaster @lonewolflupe @drafthorsemath and anyone else wanting to ring in the new year with a writing tease!
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eclec-tech · 2 years ago
Affirmative! Yes! Tagwa! Elek! Uma! Ibana! But if you ask me a question about my stories, I PROMISE to answer in English (after performing an embarrassing happy dance that you fortunately will not be here to see).
Reblog if you write fic and people can inbox you random-ass questions about your stories, itemized number lists be damned.
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eobe · 4 months ago
Caf shop, Coruscant, 1:00 pm
previous chapter (<-)
No way. You won't believe this. Today Commander Fox marched into the caf shop, ordered his caf and came DIRECTLY to my table! No need to be so tall towering and intimidating... Trying to work outside my atelier maybe wasn't a great idea 🙈 Aaand teasing him in the message, calling his caf „Spicy YOU“ without thinking twice made it even worse…
I don’t know why, but he didn‘t stop grinning and he offered to invite me to as much ‚SPICY FOX‘ (...caf ☕️? Of course you... mean the drink, Sir?) as I want if I drew him smiling instead of tired like the first time.
And it’s not necessary to overemphasize that kriffing caf blend like! that! 🙈 Almost hissing... showing canine teethhzzzss 🦊 ... with that glare
I'm an artist. I AM professional mostly. I stay cool and sound. Hrrmph!
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Bold clone trooper! I‘m trying to pay my fees with my art and you can‘t just rush in and SPICY FOX (??) me and think that‘s okay. It‘s not. Why am I doing it nevertheless??
He‘s obviously not used to pose, to hold still or even smile. Way too tense, it‘s quite difficult to draw this man.
I‘m not sure if some ‚Spicy Fox‘ I MEAN THE CAF BLEND, SIR! is adequate payment…
Now look, the poor little artist reader is losing it slowly but steadily and HE KNOWS IT! 🦊❤️‍🔥 Hehehe! Screech 🦉🥰
Amber, this is way too much fun! 🤩🫶✨ You can‘t just keep on FOXING me and think that this is not coming back to yoouuu 😁 Hehehehe now YOU get FOXed! Follow me down hehe 😎 🫠
Fun unforseen side story to this drawing: I was sitting in the train on my way, drawing and giggling, irritating teenies so I showed them this drawing for fun. They couldn’t believe that I do TCW art, I guess I disillusioned them, being 30+ with my wild locks, heavy boots and fun excitement, not caring about indignant elders in the train, which would gasp if they knew that I‘m heading to play graphic design boss for some office dressed business peers in glass buildings ✨ I love this, indulging in my betweens like that because I LOVE THE STORY-ART-COLLAB-WHATEVER-MAGIC-MOMENTS. Thank you so much 🥰🙏 I guess creamy caf will never be innocent again hehe 🔥☕️✨
Magic moments between is how to deal with real life, my dear folks 🫶🥰 I'm getting faster drawing, planning, writing, tagging, ALT-texting... all thanks to you all ♥️🤩
My personal ALT text mission (1 additional ALT text for a previous artwork with each new art posting!):
Another clone clowning with his face, but inmidst chaos 😆
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue
Stay FOXed 🦊🔥: @ghostymarni @foxwithadarkside @feral-ferrule @nika6q
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eclec-tech · 9 months ago
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Since you have decided to relocate to Pabu, Tech has compiled a list of things you should be...aware of.
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3. Do not believe Wrecker’s claim that Pabu has a nude beach. 14. The Archium is only slightly haunted. 38. Hide all reflective objects during moon-yo mating season.
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eclec-tech · 21 days ago
Has anyone out there made some happy, non-Umbara Dogma art?
Would you like to?
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I'm writing a Dogma fic that isn't about Umbara but rather about him befriending a nat-born journalist and getting to be himself around someone who gets him.
Finding art and creating stills from the show that match that vibe is proving nearly impossible, soooo...
If anyone out there has some art of him that would work here or has been wondering which clone they should draw next, I would LOVE to pair up your art with my new chapter posts! (Spoiler alert, he'll be in civvies as of chapter seven, so if creating casual SW clothes is your jam, this would be an AWESOME time to flex your skills. Plus, I'm still writing the story, so I might end up describing the duds you design for him in the fic!)
There are certain EXTREMELY spoilery things coming up that would be amazing to see drawn, so if anyone wants to be sworn to secrecy and make art for things (I hope) no one will see coming, shoot me a DM or let me know in the replies!
Help me, clone artists of Tumblr! You're my only hope!
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eclec-tech · 1 year ago
"The Turn"
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I had a thought about this handsome fellow, and it manifested itself in the form of a little ficlet...
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Crosshair's eyes narrowed at the screen as five bright blips suddenly appeared exactly where he was hoping they wouldn't. "There's a squad on our tail, closing fast."
Omega turned with the authority of a commander. "Get to the tail gun. I'll get us out of here."
"You're sure?" One of them had to fly and one of them had to shoot. He wasn't at all happy with their chances knowing that she would have to be responsible for one of those.
"Tech taught me! GO!"
That was unexpectedly comforting news. Crosshair nodded and bolted for the rear of the ship, leaving Omega to hopefully do Tech proud as pilot. She did. She climbed and dove, weaving through the terrain as if Tech himself were guiding her hands.
An angry beeping broke her concentration. "The lead ship's targeting our engines! Crosshair, what do I do?"
Crosshair raced back to the cockpit. "Omega, turn sharp, zero thrusters NOW!"
Omega instantly realized her brother's plan. She turned the ship and cut the engines, then immediately reengaged the thrusters--the "Tech Turn". Crosshair almost instantly removed four of their pursuers from the equation. The pilot of the lead ship however, performed the exact same maneuver the moment Omega had begun her own turn, and was now careening skyward in an attempt to once again get behind the shuttle that now had no gunner in position.
Crosshair's blood ran cold. He knew of only one person who could fly like that, and according to a recent conversation with a very tearful Omega, he couldn't possibly be here. Yet here he was.
"Omega, we have a very big problem."
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eclec-tech · 6 days ago
It Was a Dark and Gothy Night 🖤
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It's GAR Goth Night at 79's, something the boys of Torrent neglected to tell Dogma when he agreed to go with them for a drink.
@gargothnightzine @eobe @wings-and-beskargam @ghostymarni @lonewolflupe @foxwithadarkside @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @nika6q (I gothed Dogma!) 😆
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reblog divider by @dystopicjumpsuit/chain divider by @strangergraphics
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freesia-writes · 8 months ago
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Originating from this post, I'd like to offer a list of longfics featuring TCW/TBB characters for those of you looking for some good reads! Feel free to drop any others into my asks! Fics are general audience or PG-13 unless noted "Mature" at the end.
The links are mostly to the post with the authors' descriptions so you can get a better idea of what each one is about!
Sharp Edges - @spicy-clones and @lightwise - Crosshair x F!Reader - Mature
Quiet Corners of the Galaxy - @badbatchposts - Crosshair x OC plus Batch/others - Mature
When the Order Fell - @victimofdavefiloni - Crosshair x OC - Mature
Caught in the Crosshairs - @silverwings22 - Crosshair x OC - Mature
Half-Moon Glow - @moonstrider9904 - Crosshair x OC; TCW AU - Mature
Roasted, Brewed, and Served with Attitude - MelMorganne99 - Crosshair x OC in Modern Police AU
It Never Rains - @letsquestjess - Crosshair x OC
Sunflowers and Blasters - @523rdrebel - Crosshair x OC
Only What Burns You Back - @the-little-moment - Crosshair x OC - Mature
Tech and Vel - @freesia-writes - Tech x OC
Song of the Sea - @silverwings22 - Tech x Alien OC - Mature
Tech as a Father - @missfrieden - Tech and Batch
Gravitation - @moonstrider9904 - Tech x OC AU - Mature
Meltdown - @autistic-artistech - Tech x OC - Mature
Brother, Hold Me Up - @lifblogs - Tech, Batch, Others - Mature
The World Goes Cold - @lifblogs - Tech, Batch - Mature
Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt - @freesia-writeswrites - Hunter x OC
Hunter and the Librarian - @clonethirstingisreal - Hunter x OC - modern day AU
Sun and Rain - @photogirl894 - Hunter x OC
As Iron Sharpens Iron - @arctrooper69 - Hunter x Reader
Not Just the Carcass, But the Spark - @the-little-moment - Echo x OC - Mature
Test Subject/System Upgrade - @just-here-with-my-thoughts - Echo and the Batch
Captain's Log - @rexxdjarin - Rex x OC - Mature
I Yearn, and So I Fear - enigmaticexplorer - Wolffe x OC - Mature
The Wolfpack Queen - @reader6898 - Wolffe x OC - Mature
No Strings Attached and Walk Me Home (sequel) - @cyarbika - Wolffe x F!Reader - Mature
Multiple Featured Characters
Rise of the Clones - @AmberOwl24 - SO MANY CHARACTERS!
Stars Beyond Number - @dystopicjumpsuit - Clone Rebellion Echo x Riyo, Gregor x OC - Mature
The Moonwalker Series - @moonstrider9904 - Batch x OC (love triangle then single pairing) - Mature
Line of Destiny: A Series - @ilikemymendarkandfictional - Multiple Stories: Rex x OC, Crosshair x OC, Clone OCs and Howzer
Same Heart - @dumfanting - F!Reader x TCW Echo, then Fives, then Echo/Cross Poly - Mature
Blood Daughter - @letsquestjess - OC + Bad Batch Adventure 
A Lupe of Faith - @lonewolflupe - Jedi!OC x Fives, later x Hunter - Mature eventually
Stronger Together - @cloneflo99 - Rex/Crosshair x OC - Mature
Other Clones
Quantum Entanglement - @freesia-writes - Howzer x OC
Martyrs and Kings - @dystopicjumpsuit - Post-Stasis Kix x OC - Mature
The Only Exception - @starqueensthings - Howzer x OC - Mature
Disillusioned - @amberskyyking - OC + OC Clone Squad Adventure - Mature-ish
The Helmeted Hunter - @jedimasterlenawrites - Boba Fett x F!Reader - PG-13
Children of Providence - @ladysongmaster - Din Djarin, TCW Characters Adventure
The Last Word - @ariadnes-red-thread - Fives x OC
One Step at a Time - @wild-karrde - Clone OC - Mature
Welcome to the Outpost - @just-here-with-my-thoughts - Mayday!!
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eclec-tech · 2 years ago
Me all day! 😭
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calm down please
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probadbatch · 10 months ago
Drop whatever you're doing and go read this incredible piece by @eclec-tech - trust me, you will not regret it! @photogirl894 just shared this in the discord server and we are all rolling on the floor over it. It's a quick read and it's so funny!
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amalthiaph · 1 year ago
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I do not know how to make a collage. But thank you so much for your patience. This has been a very fun two months in my art journey. I was able to draw things for the first time like meteor showers and droids and it was fun studying and watching tutorials just to be able to deliver the best that I can.
Left to right: amberowl24, nika6q, starrylothcat, heyclickadee, anxiouspineapple99, therisingdarkness, freesia-writes, ilikemymendarkandfictional, niobiumao3
You have beautiful, beautiful OCs and it's an honor to bring them to life.
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batchedzine · 10 months ago
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Fresh out of the oven! We're excited to introduce our outstanding OC Feature creators!
Poiby - @poibynt Wizardofrozz - @wizardofrozz KaijuSplotch - @kaijusplotch Captain Pheonix Pidge Ace Geniecat AmberOwl24 - @eclec-tech NikScribbles - @nikscribbles Mimse - @engagemythrusters ReneeoftheStars Not Dodecahedron - @not-dodecahedron Kelly Greeny Purplefangirl42 - @purplefangirl42 DraftHorseMath - @drafthorsemath Hannah - @porganas Wolviecat Nat - @coruscantguard Kazifrost - @kazifrost Divilu Dr Meat Muffin - @talesfrommedinastation Jasper Vin Maci SilverDragonoid - @silverdragonoid
These artists and writers are creating pieces that allow their original clone characters to shine, and we can't wait to have you see them all!
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eclec-tech · 25 days ago
Fox could see the toll Aev's work—her responsibilities, her grief, her...well, everything—was taking on her. He hated that he couldn't shoulder some of those burdens for her. He would do anything to see the fire and mischief return to her eyes. That look from her always meant trouble and extra paperwork, but it was worth it.
"Come here," he said gently, drawing his legs in to create a pocket in his lap. His arms opened wide as he looked up expectantly.
"Is that an order, Commander?" Aev answered wearily.
Fox was pleased to hear the hint of sarcasm. He responded with his most commanding tone. "Yes."
Aev managed a half smile and sank into his lap with a sigh. She still had so much to get done. Sometimes, it felt as if the datapad in her hand was permanently attached to her fingers. "I still need to work."
Fox wished she would take a break, but since another evening of work was on the agenda, he wasn't going to let her endure it alone. He rested his hands on her thighs so she could continue her work. "I know. Pretend I'm not here."
Aev lifted the pad halfheartedly and attempted to focus on the screen. But as Fox's thumbs began a slow, deep kneading of her tired leg muscles, the fight finally left her. Her head fell back against his shoulder, and the datapad tilted away as her eyes drifted shut.
"Foooox," she breathed contentedly.
Fox smiled. "Does this mean you're going to rest tonight and let me take care of you?"
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to take one night off."
Fox moved his arms up and wound them around her middle, wrapping her in strength and warmth. "Good."
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I’ve been exhausted lately
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ao3feed-techphee · 8 months ago
Brown Eyes and Golden Skies
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fDPC4BA by AmberOwl24 Professor Phee Genoa and inventive occasional farmer Tech set off from Tipoca, Kansas, to search for the lost civilization of Pabu. Words: 1200, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Zine Fics 📚 Fandoms: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: CT-9902 | Tech, Phee Genoa Relationships: Phee Genoa/CT-9902 | Tech, Phee Genoa & CT-9902 | Tech Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Steampunk, Alternate Universe - Star Wars Fusion, Star Wars References, Zine: For a Fistful of Credits, TechPhee - Freeform read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fDPC4BA
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cityscidewalks · 5 months ago
Idk since it's spooky season I'm going to recommend Tambor's Monster by AmberOwl24 on ao3
It's Echo as Frankenstein's Monster (or in this case, Tambor's Monster) and it's gorgeously written. I don't usually go back and reread fics/books but this is one I plan on rereading
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