#pilots bring back nigel
tylerssblurry · 3 months
crying over hearing nigels voice on a bandito tour recording. im not good
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bethcartoonist · 2 years
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Sector V: Undercover Adult Agents of the KND
While WHAT they do in the organisation is kept under wraps, one thing’s for sure: they’re still kids at heart.
Numbuh 5 (Abigail Gilligan): Part-Time Teacher at McClintok High School
Numbuh 4 (Dr Wallabee Beetles M.D.): Doctor at the local hospital
Numbuh 3 (Kuki Sanban-Beetles): CEO of the Rainbow Monkey Corporation
Numbuh 2 (Hogarth P. Gilligan Jr): Short-haul-flight pilot at the airport
Numbuh 1 (Nigel Uno): Unknown
After the whole fiasco with the GKND, Nigel has finally returned to Earth…sort of. While he longs to join the KND again as an adult operative and be with his Sector, the organisation has him in hiding due to the lingering tensions between them and the Galactic branch. No one really knows where he is, what name he goes by now, or what he’s doing, but the KND are working hard to bring him back.
- 38 years old
- Finds ways to contact the now adult members of Sector V to let them know he misses them and that he’s ok.
- His name has become legend in the organisation. None of the current kids are entirely sure he exists, but the undercover adult operatives hope for the day they can be reunited with their old friend
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kingbryancroidragon · 4 months
Darkness Rising Part 1 Commentary
I felt like I'd be using the account to comment on things, so why not? Now, I will be sharing my own little head canons, so if that's not your thing just a heads up.
Right off the bat we are introduced to our first Cybertronian and it is Cliffjumper. Now, I once considered writing up my own story to send to Hasbro, something that is doomed from the start because why would they ever accept it, but with all the spotlight Bumblebee has been getting, I'd switch things around and have Cliffjumper as a member of the main cast. Red is my favourite colour after all. As for Dwayne Johnson, I personally find him an average at best actor and I haven't seen a ton of his stuff, but I have seen a fair number of portrayals of Hercules and he isn't one of my favourites, but I don't hate him either. For the record, my favourite actors are Nigel Green ("Jason and the Argonauts") and Lawrence Bayne ("Mythic Warriors"). As for Cliffjumper, I don't know, you just can't beat Casey Kasem, but on the subject of Shaggy Rogers, another Kasem role, I find Matthew Lillard to be a superior Shaggy, something that is no doubt going to get me a lot of hate, and in general I consider him a superior actor to Johnson, so maybe I think he would have been a better Cliffjumper, but at the same time I think it would have been a disservice to have such a great actor be brought in only to die in the pilot episode.
Then we get introduced to our second Cybertronian and of course, it is Arcee. I say "of course" because I love the characters who were introduced in the 1986 film. She, Hot Rod/Rodimus, Springer and Ultra Magnus would so have been included in the story I would have submitted to Hasbro. As for her altmode, it has typically been either a car or a motorcycle, but with the Transmetal 2 Maximal version of her having been a spider, I kind of feel like there was another direction to go, especially since at that point her screen appearances had two points for a car and this series brought it to three for a motorcycle and it could have been a good mirror for Airachnid, but I don't know, that's just me.
The energon on earth is a nice return to "Beast Wars", my introduction to Transformers. I really like that. I also really like seeing the Vehicons return in some form since I loved "Beast Machines."
Peter Cullen returning as Optimus is a real treat. I know we had gotten him back in the live-action films, but seeing him return to Optimus on television is just fantastic. He was actually at FanExpo last year alongside Frank Welker and I wanted to get both of their autographs, but I was not regularly working yet, I was only a call-in for a rare bookstore, and I did not know you could bring something in to get autographed, so instead of paying one hundred dollars to get an autographed picture of Megatron from Frank I could have brought in the Ultimate Guide to Transformers and gotten them both to autograph it. Maybe one day I'll have Peter's too.
Now we are introduced to Starscream voiced by the great Steve Blum. If you haven't seen the English dub for "A Cat in Paris", I highly recommend it. Blum is just fantastic in it. As for Starscream's design, I remember watching this and have no idea what I was expecting. Until the Michael Bay films, Starscream had always been recognizably Starscream. He might not have always had the same altmode (Yes, he was always a jet, but never the same kind, especially strange in my mind since I've looked it up and the F-15 Eagle is still in service, meaning unlike some characters, his altmode isn't exactly dated), then the 2007 film came and he has this head which is just not Starscream and it is the same here. I don't have the same problem with characters like Megatron because he hasn't always had a consistent design. Thankfully, Starscream's character is in tact with some variation.
Four minutes in and we have our first named casualty. Oh, God, I love it. I remember watching the 1986 film during lunch in high school with some friends and me being the only one who could actually identify them because I was such a big fan I watched the G1 episodes, I was on Unicron.com quite often. There were questions of how I knew all their names and an exclamation of "The medic?!" when I went "No! Ratchet!!" To me it hit more because I knew the names of these characters, but to someone who didn't they were just nameless casualties.
I kind of feel the same way in regards to Soundwave's design here as I do with Starscream's. It takes someone referring to him by name to know its him. I know he hasn't had many screen appearances, but his design is still recognizably him while this isn't, but on the other hand it looks so alien that I actually kind of like it.
The establishment of there being only five Autobots on earth now really makes you wonder how many others were lost. Its a nice touch.
And we are introduced to one of our human protagonists: Jack Darby. For obvious reasons, I head canon him as having gone dressed as Spider-Man one Halloween when he was younger, but for another head canon, just because, I have it that he eats shrimp with the tails. It drives both his mom and Miko crazy, Raf is indifferent and Fowler also eats the tails, thinking it adds a nice crunch.
I wonder if Arcee is the only who named their hologram driver.
While I do ship Jack and Miko, I had this head canon since before I started shipping them. June was asking if Jack was going to the dance because she'd heard someone was hosting a foreign exchange student, a girl, and thought Jack would go, meet her and hit it off. Miko was actually briefly at the dance, only to realize she felt like she didn't belong there without any friends and left soon after.
In regards to the "This is Jasper" line when Jack is told to be careful, I have the head canon that Jasper's most notorious crime was when its bank was being held up by a man wielding a taxidermy stork in the 1950's. For people who have lived there all their lives like Jack, June and Raf it is just a funny little story, but for someone like Miko she just has "WTF" flying through her head in big red letters. Sure, it sounds weird, but when your most notorious crime is some lunatic wielding a stuffed bird trying to rob a bank, what do you think is the worst that could happen?
Jack is so a motorcycle afficionado.
Ah, yes, Sierra (No Last Name) and... What was her name again?
And now we get into the action. A nice motorcycle chase, Bumblee gets into the action (my dad loved Bumbleebee) we are introduced to Raf (I have a soft spot for the glasses-wearing characters as I require them myself), it is a really good climax.
I would say robots that turn into cars is more accurate.
I actually don't have a problem with Bumblebee's more Bay film-inspired design. That is probably because due to a lack of screen appearances, unlike some characters, he didn't really have a set look. With this and "Animated" making it two for two, I'd say he has two looks.
Bumblebee accidentally stepping on Raf's toy car never fails to make me laugh.
Love how the Vehicons just call it them moment Bulkheard shows up.
And Optimus creates the Autobot Witness Protection Program.
Jack doesn't know what is going on. For all he knows, he and Raf are getting kidnapped by robots disguised as vehicles.
And now we are properly introduced to Miko, admiring the same motorcycle Jack was the day before. Fellow motorcycle aficionado?
And then Miko volunteered for the Autobot Witness Protection Program.
I love how indignant Ratchet sounds at the concept of someone having made the Autobots.
Having Megatron return is just the perfect way to end the pilot, especially since it heralds the return of Frank Welker as the character to television.
And that is the episode, great start. Thank you for reading this if you did.
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ambitionsource · 8 months
ok I FINALLY caught up (just before the s4 finale too let's go) and there's so much I need to say!! firstly, like always, the writing is just next level like I've laughed, I've cried, I've stared at my phone in shock I love this universe so much. idk where to actually start so this is so out of order and so long sorry but kenneth!! that whole plot was so sad but the resolution was so cathartic and lucas and grace becoming kinsleys is so beautiful and I'm so proud of him reclaiming himself. CHARLIE!! my jaw dropped when he came out to eleanor I wasn't expecting it but I'm so proud of my boy!! like he deserves to be happy and who he is!!!! him and zay oh I love them so, I'm so excited to see if zay's going on tour or not but I hope they're ok either way. FARKLE!! MY ORIGINAL BOY!! I was rooting for him and isa so much and I just want him to be happy. also ik I said this on ig but as a longtime stuart and jennifer fan I wanna again thank u for making him an absolute wifeguy it's so cute and actually makes a lot of sense (like no wonder u two have six kids 😭) and since gmw were cowards and never gave us their backstory I'm now accepting ambition as canon and I also eagerly await their spin off sksfjksk. anyway back to the main plot rucas I'm always rooting for u, riley matthews ik ur gonna do what's best for u both in or not in california!! the jeric wedding was sooo beautiful and rae!! maybe I'm name biased but I loved her, her connection to lucas was so sweet. super excited to see where josh and maya goes and yindra!! they could all work for the same label which would be so fun!! I kinda hope nigel gets to go to london (sorry jade) bc I think he'd do so well and they could still work somehow idk how but they could 😭😭 anyway sorry this went so long but I'm so excited for the finale ik it's gonna be amazing 💖💖
miss rae!! "like I've laughed, I've cried, I've stared at my phone in shock I love this universe so much" i adore how long this message is but rest assured, this sentiment alone would have been enough. this is exactly what we hope for with each new episode and it's so lovely every time y'all reiterate that we're hitting the mark. 💞
as for the rest of this beautiful wordy message (which we love and encourage):
yes on the friar plotline!! that piece of this world has truly been slow burning for years -- all the way back to season 1 -- and it was so cathartic to finally bring some clarity and closure to it. i can definitely say that writing 410 and 411 were challenging but also some of my favorite episodes to craft in the entire series (and, dare i say, some of our best). i'm so glad it landed and is paying off. it was so meaningful to start getting to write lucas james kinsley in the following episodes instead.
can't even get into the zc of it all i'm so *dial up noises* about them. make me insane, truly. it's been a long, hard-fought journey but oh did we get here. i'm so proud of both of them for the growth -- ESPECIALLY charlie, as you said. he's come so far (even if there remains tribulations to face, i.e., eleanor)
it's definitely been so fun to bring the minkus clan to life over the last five years. they are a unique, intriguing, colorful cast of side characters (just like the gardners), and i'm so happy that we have readers like you who enjoy even those details in our story universe. 😊 their dynamic as a family has certainly come a long way since the pilot too.
for everything else you've said... well, the finale awaits!! thank you so much for reading as always, pal, and i hope you enjoy the rest of the season (if you haven't already).
-- Maggie
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eliotheeangelis · 3 years
oh god okay nigelio masterpost here goes:
pov you're nigel mansell scrappy f2 driver you're 26 years old you're a dork and you have begged and lied and scraped your way to a test at paul ricard with the Actual Lotus Team for a potential race seat in 1980. but. you are still injured from a crash you had in a race 6 weeks ago and you are pretending to be fine even though you're in agony with literal cracked vertebrae.
when you finally get to the test the car is too fast and you can't cope with it and you're in too much pain and you're miles off the quickest time which was set by some italian millionaire musical prodigy twink who looks like marlon brando with better hair and he will definitely get the seat instead of you and you're devastated.
and then this beautiful rich kid says to one of his friends "I want to help him, this boy" despite the fact he is 5 years younger than you and he gives you tips on where you're going wrong and what to do differently and then you find seconds in the car and you manage to do a time good enough to be offered the lotus test driver seat.
and the next year you are promoted to race driver alongside the rich kid and you get on really well even though you're total opposites; he's a roman aristocrat, he's cultured and sporty and charming and you're just some awkward working class kid from the midlands with a chip on your shoulder but you get along, you're friends. he even gives you a nickname mansueto which means tame, docile, gentle, but to you he's always just elio.
(one time you're hanging out on the beach in brazil when one of the lotus team members gets caught by a riptide and you both run in the water to save him and you get to the guy first and get him back to shore and then you realise elio hasn't come back with you and you have to be physically restrained from going back in the sea to look for him even though you're completely exhausted. elio was ok but you didn't know that.)
(one time you're on a flight together in south africa in a tiny jet in a thunderstorm and elio is so terrified you go up to the cabin and speak to the pilot just to make sure everything is ok and reassure him.)
anyway your car isn't that great but things are still going ok, you get your first podiums and elio gets his first win, you hang out at the drivers' strike and elio plays piano for everyone and you will spend the next several decades recalling how ~talented~ he was on that occasion.
but. then your inspirational, legendary lotus team boss, your idol, your mentor, dies unexpectedly and a new guy comes in to run the team and he hates you. he starts favouring elio and giving him better equipment and tries to turn you against each other by giving you different information but eventually you figure out what he's doing and stick closer together.
by now there is this hotshot new brazilian rookie on the grid and you know you're going to get replaced by him for the next season so you decide to leave lotus and go to williams. and then lotus starts treating elio the way they treated you, favouring the new guy and letting him test more, giving him better equipment and generally leaving elio out in the cold.
so you're testing the williams car at donington park when elio turns up out of the blue and says you both need to talk. and he flies you in his private jet to his father's luxury mansion in the south of france and you stay over and you talk into the early hours about how he's being treated at lotus and how it was the same for you and the realisation brings you closer together and the next day you drive with him to where lotus are testing at paul ricard and you escort him to the garage and you glare at the entire lotus team on his behalf because you're so disgusted with how they are treating him.
(one time in canada he gets pole position over his amazing teammate and he comes and finds you in the pitlane afterwards just so you can laugh together about the old men outqualifying the ‘arrogant young kid’)
at the end of the season you finally win your first race with williams but elio decides he has to leave lotus and goes to the brabham team for the next year. your new car is amazing and you know you're going to be fighting for the title but elio's brabham is awful and he's really struggling in it. so after monaco his teammate riccardo patrese is meant to be doing a test but elio asks if he can do it instead so he can understand where he's going wrong with the car. it's at paul ricard again and you will be testing the williams there too.
there's an accident. the car fails and crashes and elio is trapped. a fire starts. you are there, you are fighting to get him out of the car with some other drivers but you can't do it. the marshals don't know what they're doing, there's no doctors and no medical helicopter, because nobody thought something like this would happen in a test.
elio dies in hospital the next day.
the belgian grand prix is a week later. you take your first win of the season.
in your interview after the race, you dedicate the win to him.
tldr i would literally die for nigelio and you should too xx
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couriersiccs · 2 years
some more Rambly Gay Pirate Show Posting: after finishing the finale and starting the pilot again, it’s wonderful mirror-structure in some key moments, because a lot ties this whole thing together. and im not just talking abt the pan-up the mast to the final shot of each episode, the Flag(s) of The Revenge
stede’s crew originally wants to mutiny him because they believed he was soft, and weak for being soft. this is precisely the fear that izzy is reinforcing by renouncing loyalty to a softer blackbeard than the one (blackbeard WITH a beard, in many senses) he wanted to believe was ed’s true self. (it wasn’t, it was the trauma, since he clearly hasn’t even recognized his own as Worth Taking Seriously.)
and the part that reinforces ED’S decision to regress character was, as pointed out on a different post on here somewhere (sorry maybe reblog or reply with the post if u got it on hand) was the feeling of being laughed at, such as he experienced as Jeff the Accountant (who we know is a completely fake personality and identity and follows the same blueprints that Ed used to create Blackbeard the Pirate). And when he begins to question if his new (read: Stede’s old) crew aren’t actually laughing behind his back as a joke in a way he couldn’t yet see happening, like with the aristocrats, he decides they gotta go. as the same post i think mentions, this is exactly the decision that Stede makes when Nigel laughs at and rejects the reality of who Stede just said he is, based on that weakness being perceived as hilarious incongruent with Being A Pirate. This has always just been Known - Pirates Were Brutal and Straight Men.
Stede is out there precisely because he wants to change that being the norm, because he believes a softer approach to pirating in regards to your crewmates, victims, and prisoners - other people you find, you try talking first. straight up preparing to raid a ship sent stede into a spiral with the crushing realization that he was very uncomfortable doing this. this was stede doubting himself, or realizing he couldn’t actually lead with an iron fist. he wasn’t tougher, he was soft, this was not going to end well.
and by sheer providence, his soft appearance in his “Battle Robe” is what stopped the english from actually starting (and swiftly finishing) that battle. stede’s femininity was the only reason why an English Captain bothered to look at the deck before open firing and the “heavyset woman” turned out to be a guy he used to bully as a kid. because of the social connection two people shared (however traumatic, it meant they knew each other enough to have to act like old friends on the surface.) on his own ship, stede’s crew only had to fight the small number of guards that came when Nigel underestimated Stede so much that he insisted on coming aboard. They took two hostages and killed like two others or something in order to kill the captain of an English Warship - ALL INSTEAD of going to battle with a naval warship and 100% absolutely losing in a ‘fair fight’ typical of war.
it wouldn’t have happened if stede hadn’t been exactly who he is.
it was the perfect Fuckery that could never had been a Planned Fuckery, and it only happened because of Stede doing what Ed had first found admirable in him - being himself instead of following Patriarchal Norms, bringing some originality to the table. no one is doing it like he is, that’s the only thing sure as fuck about his piracy methods. but maybe this is just the thing that will make piracy a better profession. things just working out like that as a real effect of People-Positive Management Style might make it more popular, if Pirate Captain Culture could just get over Not Embodying Toxic Masculinity a little bit (as we see evidenced by two other pirate captains who Keep Getting Mutinied For Some Reason).
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chidoroki · 3 years
TPN - “Dreams Come True”
What better way to cheer up the TPN fandom after the second season’s final episode than with the special exhibition chapter finally being fully translated. I caught glimpses of a few pages here and there over the past couple months but seeing all the children live happily together in the human world in their own little village that they made close to Emma and Alex warms my heart. Of course I would’ve loved if we got to see more of the GP Resistance (because the anime denied us of them) but following the GF kids around the world as they experience their dreams is fair enough. We started the series alongside them so might as well finish strong with them too. I really loved seeing everyone grow up but no matter how old they get or how much time passes, I’ll probably never get used to seeing Emma without her iconic “63194.” It’s a bittersweet feeling for me, but her smiles bring me so much joy and I’m beyond happy that she accepted everyone into her life as they accepted her without her memories.
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I haven’t a clue on how much time passed since everyone found Emma in ch181 to now, but seeing her call out everyone’s names is a little detail that I love so much considering she had no idea who anyone was at first. Trying to remember 60+ names doesn’t seem like an easy task to me. No doubt I was just as shocked as our girl upon learning these mere children bought a goddamn plane! We learn in a couple pages that it’s because of Norman’s company that they can afford it, but still, he’s like 15 or 16 now? He’s still a child! And I’m impressed! Not only at him, but that Oliver and Violet became pilots as well! It’s especially cute when you remember that Lucas gave Oliver a little toy plane during their time at Goldy Pond.
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Speaking of GP, is it just me or does Emma’s current outfit resemble her GP one just a little bit? Sure we have no idea what color scheme this one has but come on, the short jacket, the dark shirt and jeans.. just imagine it! Jemima, Yvette, Alicia and Mark remade Gillian’s original GP outfit sometime before the Grace Field Raid arc (ch137 extra page) so I don’t doubt they could’ve done the same for Emma. Of course that’s just me being completely hopeful and missing the Goldy Pond arc to death but yeah! I’m also so happy to see Chris up and moving again! Seeing him wake up briefly in ch181 was nice but this is so much better. I imagine he and Emma have a lot to catch up on in terms of stories, with him being unconscious since ch105 and Emma not remembering anything.
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But here we go, the original 15 escapees plus Norman, Phil, Sherry, I believe I saw Carol somewhere and a couple other random kiddos ready to see the entire world. They get to accomplish so much.. and in a single day too I believe? At least that’s what Phil and Alicia say a bit later about everyone’s wishes, but aahh what a lucky bunch. Hell, I’ll say we’re lucky readers too to be able to see such a great story. Can’t thank Shirai and Demizu enough y’all. I wish we got to see more of Alex though. He’s such a kind soul but I’m sure he’ll be just fine staying behind with everyone else.
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This entire page where we learn about Norman as a CEO is gold. I still can’t believe this child successfully built up an entire multipurpose company not only to help their search for Emma but also because he didn’t want to live off the Ratri clan. I wish I knew about this last week when writing out Norman’s birthday post because hell yeah this deserves some praise! AND he managed to graduate school as well during all that! Well, by skipping grades which totally makes sense. I mean, if he managed to pass all the Grace Field and Lambda tests effortlessly I’m sure normal human world school was a piece of cake for him. Holy shit dude, keep on impressing me why don’t ya. Not only him but Nigel and Sonya too! I’m not surprised that Vincent helped out but I’m glad those two got a tiny moment to shine as well! Ray is another obvious choice when it comes to helping Norman, as they’re best friends and he’s always been good with machines.. but boy, I can’t take you seriously when you’re just sitting there unamused and eating chips! Hahah I love him so much! And the fact he replies to Norman’s idea with just a simple “kay” is an eternal mood.
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Okay boys aside, can we talk about our fabulous girls now? Because oh my god, they’re so darn beautiful! They’re more fashionable than I’ll ever be and it’s so cute how they drag Emma along to take advantage of the 3-for-1 deal. But our girl pulls off that sporty look so well! (r.i.p. goldy pond outfit ver2.0). I’m not at all surprised that Nat wanted to go see the opera. That's perfect for him and I’d like to think the anime did something similar with that one shot we see of him in the human world. We don’t see him in a theater like this but to me it looks like he’s on the streets of Broadway? At least that’s the vibe I get from it. I’m sure there was something music related on one of those signs.
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I can’t get over how adorable all the children look and how happy they are fulfilling their wishes, even if some of them aren’t as extravagant as others. Like eating a fluffy pancake and a ton of ice cream? We can do that whenever we want. But for these kids, it means everything and they absolutely deserve to experience such simple joys like that after all the harsh nonsense they’ve been through. I also love how Ray continues to be such a great older brother by still looking out for them too. The fact he remains completely unfazed by the haunted house is perfect. This boy has been haunted by his own nightmares and demons his entire life, there’s no way a couple of lousy jump scares are gonna spook him. Though I do find it funny that Alicia and Rossi still manage to get scared while Yvette is having the time of her life. I can’t help but laugh at Thoma’s “Shirai face” as well.
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I find it interesting that out of all the different kinds of exhibits they could’ve shown us while Rossi visits a museum, they give us dinosaurs.. like that seems so silly to me. Y’all have seen several demons in your young lives already and yet dinosaurs manage to amaze you too? God these kids are precious. And then our boy Phil finally gets to see and ride a train! Just look how happy he is! The poor kid can’t even sit still he’s so darn excited and I can’t help but smile with him! Thankfully the anime showed us this too.
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We eventually get to Ray’s wish and guys.. oh my fucking god. Tell me that this is not the absolute best and prettiest smile we get to see from him!! It honestly leaves me speechless okay? Ray never imagined he would ever get to see the outside world, let alone live past the age of 12, and yet here he is, seeing such a beautiful sight such as this, right in front of him instead of from inside a book. You can’t believe how happy and proud of him I am right now. Did you see how ecstatic I was when the anime kept Isabella alive? Multiply that feeling by ten and there ya go. That’s my level of happiness upon seeing my favorite boy smile like THAT! AAHHH!! That panel is gonna live rent free in my head until the end of time. I can’t get over how damn perfect it is. His smile is so pure and how he looks like he’s in complete awe is beautiful. He’s about to burst into tears and I swear I might do the same because I’m making myself emotional over this fantastic boy. Someone hold me.
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No seriously, hold me because we’re about to get into some angst as we move onto to Emma’s wish. We all know that ever since 2039 her one dream was to ride a giraffe once they got outside, so here we are, about ten years later and the animals in question are within reach. Our girl should be totally excited, right? Ha, not quite.
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That wish was something the old Emma wanted, but since demon god had to be such a bastard, this Emma doesn’t know what to think, let alone what to even feel. She hasn’t experienced the same hardships as her family. She hasn’t gone through hell and back while holding onto that one wish that would make all the suffering worth it. The amount of joy everyone else felt upon living out their dreams, she wonders if she would be able to feel it too.
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They brought her here to make her happy, but is this truly want she wants as well? This is old Emma’s wish after all. What about her and what she wants? Could this wish make her just as happy as her old self? She knows her family is only trying to help, but seeing her doubt herself does a number on my heart. Even without her memories, she’s still the same Emma deep down, as she doesn’t want to disappoint her family. She spends so much time worrying about living up to her family’s expectations, to try and be that Emma they all love so dearly.
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Little does she know that she acts the exact same as usual, almost as if nothing has changed when she finally expresses how much she wants to ride a giraffe. And that’s great considering when they first arrived at the giraffes, no on had even mentioned riding them. She came across that feeling all on her own and everyone else can’t help but laugh and feel relieved. Her mind may have forgotten but her heart remembers everything. There is no “old Emma” and “new Emma” to her family, just “Emma” and words can’t express how wholesome that is because they love her regardless. All that matters to them is Emma’s happiness because if anyone deserves to feel and experience that, it’s her.
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I just made myself tear up, damn it. I started this series with season one okay? I heard about this precious girl’s dream within the first minute of the first episode and here I am, a little bit over two years later, finally reading about it coming true and seeing that bright as hell smile on her face. Do you know how amazing it is to come full circle like that? My heart feels so full right now. I’m beyond proud of her and love her to death. Say what you want but I believe this to be the true manga ending in my eyes.
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(damn this series for always getting me emotional)
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f1 · 2 years
MUST-SEE: Sebastian Vettel pilots a 100-year-old slice of Aston Martin history around the Circuit Paul Ricard
The Silverstone weekend saw Sebastian Vettel pilot a 30-year-old ex-Nigel Mansell Williams FW14B around the British Grand Prix circuit in a demo run. But if you thought that was old, wait until you see what the four-time champion’s been trying out at Paul Ricard... On Thursday of the French Grand Prix weekend, Vettel got behind the the wheel of a 1922 Bamford & Martin TT1 – affectionately known as ‘Green Pea’ – and took to the track at the Circuit Paul Ricard, putting the car through its paces in the company of former F1 racer Johnny Herbert. ‘Green Pea’ was one of two cars prepared for the 1922 French Grand Prix at Strasbourg – with only Mercedes-Benz of the current F1 teams having a Grand Prix lineage that stretches back further than Aston Martin. READ MORE: Vettel says he has ‘clear intention’ to stay in F1 beyond 2022 season “Green Pea holds a very special place in Aston Martin’s heritage, and you can almost feel that century of history beneath your fingertips when at the wheel,” said Vettel. “The racing spirit and will to win is something that defines Aston Martin, and it’s fantastic to celebrate it this weekend as we bring Green Pea and our heritage in motorsport together with the cutting-edge technology and performance of today’s AMR22 car.” Watch Vettel’s run in the video above. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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fictumlibrary · 2 years
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cartoons vs aliens but make it nextgen: kids next door, battle stations! codename: kids next door.
the apple doesn’t fall far from the treehouse. fighting adult crime seems to run in the family, though times have changed in the past several decades. interactions between kids and teens slowly grew from hostile with weapons drawn to quieter and more understanding. they were starting to realize that perhaps they were not each other’s enemy and that it was the truly evil adults they should be focusing on.
before it could go that far, however, sector v was facing problems. when most of them were fresh faces, some still just cadets at the arctic training base, sector v’s leader and pilot at the time, wilder drilovsky (numbuh 61, son of patton drilovsky, formerly numbuh 60), was about to turn thirteen. a sad event, but one that was inevitable. everyone has to be decommissioned sometime.
the rest of sector v thought so too until wilder fought his way out of decommissioning and fled.
recently graduated cadet harrison uno (numbuh 361, son of nigel ‘numbuh 1′ uno and rachel t. ‘numbuh 362′ mckenzie) stepped up as the new leader of sector v. tomas drilovsky, wilder’s younger brother and numbuh 600, took this news the hardest.
the other sector v operatives here during this time were thea gilligan (numbuh 205, daughter of abigail ‘numbuh 5′ lincoln and hoagie p. ‘numbuh 2′ gilligan jr) and kana beatles (numbuh 43.0, daughter of kuki ‘numbuh 3′ sanban and wallabee ‘numbuh 4′ beatles). all operatives of sector v at the time were asked to be discreet about what transpired despite everyone finding out eventually.
in the five or so years following this incident, the relationship between kids and teens was at an all time high, and soon a real peace treaty was written up and signed. while there were some dissenters, most welcomed this change and, with it, the ability to be transferred to the new ‘teens next door’ when turning thirteen. the tnd tended to focus on stopping higher levels of crime.
it was around the time of this treaty that nene beatles (numbuh 34.0), jack beatles (numbuh 102, son of lou beatles, formerly known as the toiletnator), lennox gilligan (numbuh 2.5), and lissa gilligan (numbuh 5.2) joined sector v’s ranks, joining their family members.
not long after the treaty was signed, the soopreme leaduh stepped down due to entering the teens next door. they hand-picked thea gilligan as their successor, who took the job. this, however, caused a rift to grow between her and harrison uno, who believed that as sector v’s leader, if anyone should be asked, it should be him. this didn’t stop thea from taking the job and continuing in that role until she entered the teens next door.
now they are all in the teens next door, but some things never change. wilder is still considered an enemy, adult crime is still being stopped, and teens are continuing to do stupid things.
edited, 14/2/20XX: adding freya kang (numbuh 167, daughter of sonia and lee) to the list of subjects. while part of sector w, she is currently staying with sector v due to being unable to contact her own sector. they went to moonbase right before the invasion started, and as contact with moonbase has been cut off, she is searching for a way to restore it and bring her teammates back.
@raith-way @kendelias @ocsandallthatjazz @foxesandmagic @decennia @ocfairygodmother @stanshollaand
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lothiriel84 · 4 years
I Relate to the Sparrow
“Arthur,” Douglas clears his throat, the beginnings of a mildly problematic intuition stirring at the back of his mind. “You do know what ‘attractive’ means, right?”
“Of course I do,” Arthur scoffs, about as offended as he ever gets, which is to say, hardly at all. “What do you take me for?”
A Cabin Pressure ficlet. Acespec!Arthur, pre-canon. Title borrowed from Susannah Pearse's eponymous song cycle.
They’re sitting in an overpriced café in the main concourse of Prague Airport, enjoying the momentary respite from their employer’s sharp tongue – just a spot of Arthur-wrangling, nothing Carolyn couldn’t sort out in the blink of an eye, should she want to, but as they’re genuinely quite early there’s no real objection to letting the boy roam freely around the duty free area just a little longer. Not precisely the brightest of chaps, Arthur, but he’s really not all that bad, when you get to know him; and for all that he’s already witnessed countless displays of Carolyn’s maternal exasperation at her son’s misplaced attempts at making himself useful, he suspects no one would ever find the bodies of anyone who was foolish enough to dare touch a hair on Arthur’s head.
“What do you reckon?” Nigel nudges him, eyes darting sideways as a gorgeous specimen of the flight attendant persuasion walks past them, her pristine uniform doing a rather marvellous job at putting her long legs and delectable backside on display.
“Hmm. Not too bad,” he agrees easily, taking a sip of his alcohol-free passion fruit martini. “Reminds me of one of my old flames, actually.”
Well, not so much an old flame as a mutually enjoyable layover in Bern, somewhen between wife number one and wife number two. He’s certainly had his fair share of fun in his brief spells of singlehood in between marriages, not to mention his early days as a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first officer at Air England.
“What about that one?” he drawls at length, glass subtly raised to point at a stunning redhead strolling down the concourse, her low-cut dress leaving very little to the imagination. “Ten to one says she wouldn’t think twice about jumping into bed with an airline captain.”
“Well, we could scarcely call ourselves ‘an airline’, but I take your point,” Nigel concedes at length. “Carol’s best friend’s a redhead, and she’s always on about her latest conquests. Makes you wonder, you know.”
The rustle of several bags signals Arthur’s approach, mercifully without any sign of an irritable Carolyn hot on his heels for a change. “Hello, chaps,” he greets them, looking if anything even jollier than his usual self, which is something of an accomplishment when it comes to someone whose entire personality could be summed up as ‘perpetually cheerful’. “Did you know they have four different types of Toblerone in the duty free shop?”
At his side, Nigel sighs almost imperceptibly, and downs the rest of his virgin mojito. It’s not that he doesn’t get on well enough with Arthur, he even told Douglas as much on the first leg of one of their earliest intercontinental flights together; he just happens to find constant chatter a little tiresome, and who can blame him when he’s married to the most talkative woman this side of the English Channel. Not that Douglas ever had the occasion to exchange more than a few pleasantries with Carol, which is just as well, given how Helena seems to hold some kind of long-standing grudge against the woman for reasons she never actually cared to explain.
“Care for a spot of bird-watching, Arthur?” he says instead, keen on forestalling any potential diplomatic issue between his captain and their employer’s only son and heir. “Nigel and I spotted a few truly remarkable specimens earlier on.”
Arthur blinks, confusion apparent on his face. “Birds? How did they even get in here?”
“They’re not actual birds, Arthur,” Nigel explains, only just managing to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “We’re talking about women.”
“Ooh, I get it,” Arthur nods, plainly not getting it in the slightest. “What about them?”
“Attractive women,” Douglas clarifies, as if talking to a twelve year old. “It’s who can get most in however long it takes for Carolyn to hunt us down and shout us back to our respective duties.”
“Brilliant. How about that girl sitting on the bench, the one with the book? She looks like she’d give really good hugs.”
The two pilots exchange a surreptitious, disbelieving look at that, which goes completely over Arthur’s head. Each to their own and all that jazz, but for all that he’s got a good thirty years on her, Douglas can think of at least a dozen plausible scenarios off the top of his head in which he’d very much rather take a rain check.
“Suit yourself,” Nigel shrugs at length, twirling his empty glass so that the melting ice cubes clink against one another. “I can see at least four other people from where I’m sitting that I’d rather take to bed, and I’m not even counting that gentleman in the indigo suit over there.”
“How do you mean?” Arthur frowns, looking like he’s slowly and earnestly puzzling over the meaning of that sentence in his head.
“I mean,” Nigel huffs, pinching at the bridge of his nose in what is most likely a desperate attempt to keep himself from snapping at his boss’ offspring. “We’re not all straight here. I believe we’ve been through this before.”
“Oh!” Arthur’s eyes widen, almost comically, and then he’s shaking his head. “No, not the you being bisexual bit, I know that. I meant the bit about taking random strangers to bed.”
“Arthur,” Douglas clears his throat, the beginnings of a mildly problematic intuition stirring at the back of his mind. “You do know what ‘attractive’ means, right?”
“Of course I do,” Arthur scoffs, about as offended as he ever gets, which is to say, hardly at all. “What do you take me for?”
As luck would have it, Carolyn picks that exact moment to emerge from the crowd, phone still in hand. “Ah, there you are, drivers. I bring good news.”
“Absolutely not, Carolyn,” Nigel interrupts her before she can get another word in. “I don’t care if it’s the Queen herself, tomorrow’s our first day off in weeks, and I’m not going to give up on that.”
“O ye of little faith,” Carolyn sighs dramatically, and just like that, the entire conversation is forgotten.
A week later they’re on standby, and it’s just the two of them in the Portakabin – Nigel having apparently decided he feels lucky enough to brave the airfield canteen for a latte and whatever it is they’re trying to pass off today as pastries – when Arthur approaches him, and from the look on his face, he’s been ruminating about this for quite a long time.
“Douglas,” the boy begins, somewhat hesitantly. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“You just did,” he sighs, putting his pencil down and pushing the crosswords further away on his desk. “Go on.”
“I mean, it’s kind of a personal question. You don’t have to, if you’d rather not.”
“I’m not telling you how I got your mother’s Talisker off the plane, if that’s what you’re planning to ask,” he ventures, and that seems enough to momentarily derail Arthur’s train of thought.
“Wasn’t going to ask about that, actually,” Arthur shakes his head at length. “You know that game you and Nigel were playing in Prague?”
Douglas nods, slowly. “Bit sexist, I’ll give you that. Still, just a spot of harmless fun, hey? No harm done.”
“Yes, no, I mean – I’m still not sure what it was all about.”
“Come on, Arthur, I distinctly remember you mentioning at least two different girlfriends ever since I started out here at MJN Air. You can’t be seriously suggesting you didn’t at least have an idea as to what was going on there.”
“But,” Arthur pleads, a faint note of distress starting to tinge his voice. “You and Nigel, you’re both married, right?”
Douglas is suddenly reminded of everything he’s managed to piece together about Carolyn’s ex-husband – Arthur’s father – so far, and quickly realises he’d better tread carefully now. “Yes, we are, Arthur. I promise neither of us was seriously planning on cheating on our respective wives; it was more of a hypothetical question, you know – something along the lines of, who would you rather sleep with if you weren’t married. Not one out best moments, as far as game material goes, but there you go.”
“Yes, but – I was wondering, how can you tell?”
“How can I tell what, exactly?” It’s Douglas’s turn to start feeling confused, if he’s perfectly honest. Not that he’d ever admit that out loud.
“That you’d like to, you know. With them.”
“Arthur,” that half-formed idea from a week ago is back now, and it’s getting more and more disturbing by the moment. “Are you trying to tell me that you’ve never – ”
He trails off, struggling to reassess the situation to the very best of his judgement. “Not,” he hastens to add, “that there’s anything wrong with that.”
“Oh, you mean sex,” Arthur nods his head sagely. “Yes, I’ve done that.”
“Right,” Douglas feels pretty much like he’s grasping at straws now, but he’s still determined to see this through, whatever this is. “So, you must have been able to tell, that you wanted to. That you were attracted to them.”
“Well, that was easy. They were my girlfriends, of course I knew I fancied them. How does it work with someone you’ve never even spoken to?”
“Surely, with each of your girlfriends, you had to go through a stage in which they were but strangers you’d only just met?”
Arthur tilts his head to one side, considering. “I suppose so, yeah. I still didn’t know I wanted to have sex with them back then, though.”
“It’s not – you’re making it a bigger deal than it actually is. You were attracted to them, that’s the point. Doesn’t matter the exact moment you decided to act on it, so to speak.”
“But, I mean – with your wives, you didn’t just – I don’t know, look at someone walking past you on the street and go, oh, I know I’d like to have sex with them one day.”
“It was precisely like that with the current Mrs Richardson, in point of fact,” he points out, though he elects to omit the – neither small nor insignificant – detail that he didn’t so much bump into Helena on a stroll through the park as she was one of the bridesmaids at his second wedding.
“Oh. Okay. No, it doesn’t work like that for me at all.”
Douglas can almost hear the wheels inside his own head finally click into gear. His daughter would be appalled if she knew he’d put most of her half-hour lecture on sexual orientations and gender identities out of his mind as soon as she was finished with it, but he hasn’t precisely forgotten it, either. “If I recall correctly, some people experience sexual attraction differently than most. As in, some might not experience it at all, while others do but only occasionally, or under very specific circumstances. I’m not saying that might be your case, but I believe it could be something worth looking into, should you feel like you want to.”
For the longest of moments, Arthur stands stock still, turning the idea over and over in his mind. “Wow,” he exhales at length. “That’s just – wow. Thank you, Douglas.”
Before he knows it, he finds himself with an armful of Arthur, looking for all the world like he’s out on a mission to put the ‘bear’ into ‘bear hug’.
“Oh dear,” Carolyn’s voice makes itself heard from where she’s only just materialised in the doorway, clearly debating whether or not she has the energy to deal with whatever nonsense is going on in there. “Please tell me it’s not Hug Your Pilot Day, again.”
“That’s not even a thing,” Douglas protests, only to think better of it. It’s Arthur they’re talking about, after all.
“Don’t be silly, Mum,” Arthur grins, unrepentant. “That’s not until May.”
“Someone give me strength,” Carolyn huffs under her breath, even as her son plants a quick peck on her cheek and dashes off, only narrowly avoiding knocking Nigel – who appears to have finally found his way back to the Portakabin – over in the process.
“This is going to be a long day,” Nigel announces philosophically to no one in particular, and resumes his usual place behind his desk.
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fartofthesunrise · 3 years
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Really old OCs I made based off Primus albums. Lee and Davis are a druggie couple, Sammy’s an edgy bitch, Dee is feral, Nigel looks up to his pilot brother, Fats is a boxer, Bobby and Arnie are twins, Jell lost a bet and Amos shaved his head, Charlie is a food addict, and John and Jerry are partners in crime in the kitchen - Jerry goes out and fishing, he brings back the catches for John to cook in the kitchen. I remember Sammy having a lazy eye. Dee is almost always shirtless, like Jerry and Fats. Jerry tends to get sunburns out fishing. I don’t remember ever giving Jell and Fats real names, nor Dee. Charlie wears oversized sweaters. Amos can barely see out of that hair - he’s a southerner boy. Bobby and Arnie grew up on a farm, but they always avoided working on it. Nigel’s brother is was a pilot and before he left on a work trip, he gave him a pair of his goggles and his scarf. He later died in a flying accident that Nigel doesn’t know about. Sammy grew up as an only child to a single dad. No one knows where Dee came from, he’s just there. Fats has anger issues and takes it out on people if there’s no punching bags in sight. Lee and Davis met at a record shop, Ernie November. They exchanged numbers, started hanging out to smoke, do LSD and weed, and eventually they started dating. I’m sure there’s more but this is all I remember. The digital batch is from April, 2020. The paper bunch is from September, 2020. Nigel is my favourite.
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dovebuffy92 · 3 years
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Clarice Season One, created by Jenny Lumet & Alex Kurtzman, has a promising start, but there are some weaknesses in the television show’s tone. Rebecca Breeds portrays Clarice Starling as a brilliant profiler and a woman struggling with mental illness. In addition, the television show captures the FBI during the 1990s. The governmental institution wrestles with racism and sexism. However, until the last couple of episodes, the main issue is that it feels like a glossy procedural instead of a dark and gritty horror crime drama.
Hannibal, developed by Bryan Fuller, does a better job of creating a coherent stylized story while digging into the dark mind of psychopaths and the FBI agents who get lost in their twisted psyches to track down the serial killers.
The CBS television show feels too much like a polished procedural. Part of the problem is that Clarice doesn’t enter the world of psychopath Alastor Pharmaceuticals’ CEO Nigel Hagel until the last two episodes. For fans of the Hannibal television series, the interest is not in solving the mystery but instead unraveling the psychology of the twisted killer.
Following both the FBI’s investigation and the serial killer in Clarice would be especially interesting with Hagel because his psychopathy remains linked with Capitalism. Fuller’s Hannibal was so successful because Mads Mikkelsen as forensic psychiatrist cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecter, manipulated his friend FBI Profiler Will Graham during his cases while killing people under his nose.
Jenny Lumet and Alex Kurtzman miss that whole point by designing the show like a police procedural that contains well-lit scenes, and the investigative style is a lot like Criminal Minds or Law and Order: SVU. Like network crime shows, the story focuses on the sexual tension between Clarice and her partner, former sniper Agent Tomas Esquivel.
Some early episodes are structured based on solving one case per week instead of figuring out who’s making it look like a serial killer in Washington D.C. It does not help that two of the central characters in the television show are performed by actors who have been in shows Like Criminal Minds or Southland. Both Michael Cudlitz and Jayne Atkinson harken back to classic crime dramas.
The best part of the series is Rebecca Breeds as Clarice Starling. Breeds capture the West Virginian accent perfectly. More than that, she expertly shifts Clarice from a calm agent to spiraling into a PTSD episode within a couple of minutes. For example, later in the season, Clarice runs through the park trying to remember her past. She calmly jogs, holding the necklace her father gave her. Clarice starts to have flashbacks of her therapy sessions, her father calling her his little deputy, and him using her to get out of being beaten up by drug dealers. She speeds up, then suddenly falls. Clarice can’t stand up because she is so overcome by emotion.
The character spends a lot of the first season suppressing the anxiety and emotional pain from her time with the killer Buffalo Bill. Clarice seems to the put-together agent the exact opposite of the young woman she rescued, Catherine Martin, a mentally broken recluse. When Clarice starts her therapy with Dr. Renée Li, she has confusing flashbacks about her beloved deceased father. She suppresses all these traumatic memories from her childhood. Clarice’s father, a West Virginian town marshal, had her deliver partial payments to these local gangsters. One time the gangsters almost shot young Clarice.
These re-awaken memories don’t just further traumatize Clarice but make her realize that she built her FBI career on a lie. Clarice’s ability to understand human nature allows her accurately profile psychopaths, even when they are wearing their disguises.
The television creators could have chosen to write Clarice’s weakness as her small stature or nativity, but the writers made a more exciting choice. Her weakness is her unwillingness to deal with her feelings and PTSD that crystalized before meeting Buffalo Bill.
The sexism and racism that the characters experience bring a sense of realness and drama to the television show. Clarice’s first sexist incident is in the pilot episode when a colleague hides cream and tissues in her desk. The most egregious moment is when a male agent massages her in a surveillance van without any solicitation. While Clarice suffers discrimination in the FBI, her Black best friend, Agent Ardelia Mapp, is doubly oppressed. First, using forensics Ardelia helped solve the Buffalo Bill case but never received the same level of fame as Clarice.
Then during the show, Ardelia solves the cold case of Bobby Larkin’s murder, wins funding for a task force, builds a DNA database for investigations, and applies for a leadership position for a task force involving her expertise. She isn’t even appointed as the senior agent. Instead, Ardelia works under White “senior agent” Eddie, who doesn’t know the first thing about DNA or her database. Eric Phalen, Anthony Herman, and Eddie take credit for her forensics work in the FBI newsletter.
Earlier, Herman criticized her for the newsletter article about her work on the Bobby Larkin case. Being a Black woman traps Ardelia in the basement, working grunt jobs for the cold case unit. It’s uplifting to see the friendship between Clarice and Ardelia despite all the oppression they face. Clarice endorsees the fact the Black FBI Coalition is suing the FBI for racially discriminatory actions using her and Ardelia as an example. The FBI and press dubbed Clarice the poster child for Criminal Profiling while ignoring a Black woman’s significant contributions to solving the case. The television show depicts a loving female friendship but doesn’t ignore the real sexism and racism that FBI Agents who were not straight White men faced during the 1990s.
Clarice Season One is not what I would call “quality television.” Still, it’s refreshing to see Clarice Starling depicted as a complex female character who deals with trauma while still being one of the best criminal profilers in the world.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
New British Comedy TV Series for 2021: BBC, Channel 4, Sky, Netflix, ITV
An inter-generational zombie horror-comedy, an Alan Partridge-presented travelogue, Rowan Atkinson fighting a bee… 2021 British TV comedy is a broad church, and that’s before we’ve come to all the stand-ups slicing up their Edinburgh shows into streaming half-hours and Daisy May Cooper playing a 17th century witch. Here’s the info about those new shows and more.
This list will be kept updated through the year as new commissions, casting and release dates arrive. Here’s a look back at the new British comedies that arrived in 2020, here are the new British dramas on their way this year, and here are 2021’s best returning British TV series.
And Did Those Feet
In addition to a second series for The One Show-spoofing This Time With Alan Partridge, the son of Norwich is back to poke fun at the history TV genre. With a working title of And Did Those Feet, Steve Coogan’s character will present what Chortle describes as “a Simon Schama-style historical documentary of Britain” for the BBC, directed and co-written by frequent Steve Coogan/Partridge collaborators, Rob and Neil Gibbons.
Baby Reindeer
Here’s a promising commission: stand-up-actor-screenwriter Richard Gadd, winner of the 2016 Edinburgh Comedy Award, is bringing his one-man show Baby Reindeer to Netflix. It won’t be a stand-up special, but a comedy-drama adapted into eight half-hour episodes about the true and revealing story of Gadd’s experiences with his stalker.
Big Boys
Comedian Jack Rooke (above, left) has adapted material from his stand-up shows into six half-hour TV episodes for Channel 4. Big Boys is a university-set comedy about a friendship between shy, closeted student Jack and his boisterous mate Danny. Derry Girls’ Dylan Llewellyn stars alongside Plebs and Pls Like’s Jonathan Pointing.
Famalam, Sliced and Truth Seekers’ Samson Kayo has created paramedic comedy Bloods for Sky One. In it, he stars alongside Jane Horrocks as a pair of paramedics working for a south London emergency service. Motherland’s Lucy Punch, Ghosts’ Kiell Smith-Bynoe and The Mighty Boosh’s Julian Barratt co-star.
Comedian and TV presenter Iain Stirling, best known as the voice of ITV’s Love Island and for his presenting work alongside CBBC’s Hacker the Dog as well as his appearance on Taskmaster series eight, has co-written a sitcom for ITV2. Buffering is a six-episode coming-of-age comedy starring Stirling, written in collaboration with Steve Bugeja.
A six-episode comedy series promising to “skewer and satirise the complex state of contemporary sexual politics” is on its way to Channel 4. Written by and starring Him & Her and Ridley Road’s Sarah Solemani, Chivalry asks if romance can survive in the post #MeToo era (answer: yeah, of course. Predatory, entitled sleazebaggery has never been romantic). Steve Coogan stars as a successful film producer and womaniser, with Solemani as a writer-director seeking funding for her next feminist project. The two are thrown together and thrash out two different perspectives on gender, sex and romance.
Finding Alice
Keeley Hawes stars in this six-part ITV comedy about a recently widowed woman (Hawes) who’s forced to wade through a mountain of debt and secrets left behind by her husband. Among the cast are Joanna Lumley, Nigel Havers, and Sharon Rooney. It starts on ITV1 on Sunday the 17th of January at 9pm.
Generation Z
Cult British filmmaker and sometime Doctor Who director Ben Wheatley (Free Fire, High Rise, Kill List) is writing and directing a six-part satirical comedy about the generation gap for Channel 4. Using the supernatural premise of a retirement community becoming infected with a toxic substance that turns them all into flesh-eating zombies, Generation Z will see yoots vs boomers over six hour-long episodes. 
Diane Morgan, star of Mandy, Motherland and Philomena Cunk, has co-written new half-hour comedy pilot Lethal for BBC Two. It’s about a Bolton woman so obsessed with emigrating to the United States that she plans to marry a prisoner on death row to get her Green Card. The pilot was created with comedy producer and co-creator of Holly Walsh secret family comedy The Other One Pippa Brown.
Man vs Bee
Johnny English’s Rowan Atkinson and Will Davies have collaborated on a new comedy series for Netflix. Told over 10 x 10-minute episodes, Man vs Bee is… exactly what it sounds like: the story of a man who does battle with a bee, and causes untold damage to a luxury mansion in the process.
Murder, They Hope
Following on from Death on the Tyne and Dial M for Middlesburgh, Gold’s Jason Cook-written Agatha Christie spoofs starring Johnny Vegas and Sian Gibson will be back for a third instalment. Murder, They Hope sees Gemma and Terry chuck in the coach tour business and become private investigators.
Read more
New British TV Series for 2021: BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky Dramas and More
By Louisa Mellor
Best Returning British TV Series 2021: the Most Anticipated Series Coming Back This Year
By Louisa Mellor
The Baby
Comedy producer-writers Lucy Gaymer and Sian Robins-Grace (Sex Education, pictured) have created an eight-part darkly comic horror series for Sky about a 38-year-old woman unexpectedly landed with a baby that changes everything. “Controlling, manipulative and with violent powers, the baby twists Natasha’s life into a horror show. Where does it come from? What does it want? And what lengths will Natasha have to go to in order to get her life back?” This one’s likely to arrive in 2022, but we’re banging the drum early.
The Cleaner
This six-part BBC comedy is adapted from a German comedy original about a man who works as a crime scene cleaner. Man Down and Taskmaster’s Greg Davies stars in the title role as Paul ‘Wicky’ Wickstead, the cleaner responsible for removing traces of murder from a scene, who meets and gossips with some interesting people on the job.
The Offenders
Stephen Merchant (The Office, Extras) has created new BBC comedy The Offenders about a group of strangers flung together as part of a community payback scheme. Think Misfits without the superpowers? The cast welcomes Christopher Walken to British TV comedy, alongside Merchant, Rhiane Barreto, Gamba Cole, Darren Boyd, Clare Perkins and Poldark’s Eleanor Tomlinson.
The Red Zone
BBC One’s football comedy The First Team may not have set the world alight, but Netflix is trying a different tack with The Red Zone. Created by sports writers Barney Ronay and Jonathan Liew, it’s described as “a comedy about football, but also not about football,” so that clears that up. Casting is tba.
The Witchfinder
On its way to BBC Two from the writer-directors of the excellent This Time With Alan Partridge is historical comedy The Witchfinder. Set in 1647, it’s the story of a failing witchfinder played by Tim Key (stand-up, poet, actor, Side Kick Simon from loads of Alan Partridge shows and most importantly, Taskmaster task consultant), on a horseback road-trip through East Anglia with his latest captee, played by Daisy May Cooper (writer-creator of This Country, the brilliant Kerry Mucklowe on screen and people’s champion of Taskmaster series 10). Six half-hour episodes will air on BBC Two. 
This is Going to Hurt
Everybody should read Adam Kay’s excruciating but brilliant and moving memoir of his time as a junior doctor, then they should immediately buy a copy for a friend. If the BBC Two adaptation, written by Kay (he left medicine for comedy writing years ago), is even half as good as the book, it will be a must-see. Ben Whishaw stars.  
Toast in America
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Thespian, egotist and voiceover artiste Steven Toast is returning to the screen. Matt Berry (What We Do in the Shadows) and Arthur Mathews’ Toast in London ran for three series on Channel 4 between 2012 and 2015, following the embittered actor’s career ups and downs, with a host of outrageously unexpected guest stars. Now a spin-off is on its way to a new home on the BBC, tracking Toast’s attempts to break America.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “Extra, Extra” [ 1.05 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
HEADLINERS – Isadora’s world crumbles when AAA Confessions shares a major secret. Lucas’s temper flares out of control. Rumors swirl around Charlie and his relationship with Riley.
43 Minutes (6.5K words) || No warnings apply.
[ ← Special Snowflakes ] [ S1 Synopsis ] [ Stripped → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Rumour Has It” as performed by Adele || Performed by Maya Hart (feat. Chai Fresco, Sarah Carlson, and Darby Winters)
The episode kicks off with a broody and ballsy rendition of this flagship Adele track, MAYA HART leading while CHAI FRESCO, SARAH CARLSON, and DARBY WINTERS back her. Everything about the performance emanates trouble ahead – the shadowy lighting, the song choice, the urgency of the vocals. Yes, we’re back from winter break, and that warm and fuzzy holiday spirit isn’t going to survive long.
As the song unfolds, we get glimpses of everyone getting ready for school much like in the pilot. But our focus narrows in on a couple of students in particular.
At the Matthews apartment, Cory and Topanga’s arguing is growing more difficult to ignore, Riley electing to climb out the bay window rather than pass them to the front door.
ISADORA DE LA CRUZ is getting ready for the day, just pulling her hair back out of her face. Her phone lights up with a text message, seemingly from Asher. The message is simple: “did you see the confessions page??”
Isadora frowns, obviously having no clue what he’s talking about. Even as she’s trying to open the Instagram app and search it, another message comes in at the top of her screen. This one is from Dylan (“Dyl Pickle,” as he’s known in all the techies’ phones): “omg y didn’t u tell us?????”
Now Isadora is nervous. She waits impatiently for the page to load, scrolling past the latest post – one featuring Riley and Charlie – to find what they could possibly be talking about. When she sees it, her eyes widen and she reacts as though she’s been burned. She gasps, dropping her phone. Another message comes in, from Asher: “Isa???????”
It’s evident that whatever is on that page, it’s mortifying to her. She can’t even bring herself to pick up her phone.
As people filter into the school building, students of all ages and stature are checking out the latest Instagram updates.
The post in question for Isadora features selfies of her and a rather glamorous woman, enjoying the Los Angeles sunshine in the midst of winter. This is VALERIE DE LA CRUZ (40s), one of the biggest pop singers out there right now. And as the posts from her Instagram suggest – taken and reposted on the AAA Confessions page – Isadora is her daughter. Isa is famous blood, the rogue talentless daughter of one of the greatest performers of a generation, and none of them even knew it. What a plot twist…
The other post featured that morning is a photo of Riley and Charlie, the submitter having captured the moment they hugged after their performance at the winter showcase. The caption essentially implies that the two might be forming much more than a musical partnership.
Isadora makes her way into the school, and already all eyes are on her. Whispering, passing judgment, trying to put the pieces together. How is that the daughter of one of their idols? She tries to avoid the stares, but it quickly becomes too much. She goes to hide in the girls bathroom.
The moment she steps inside, she snaps at the two freshmen in there to get out. They listen, wise enough not to mess with her. Isadora fights a panic attack as Maya’s vocals come to a climax, Isadora ducking into the farthest bathroom stall. She can’t bring herself to calm down. She never wanted this to happen. No one was ever supposed to know.
Frustrated, she throws her phone at the wall. It shatters and slams to the floor, yanking us out of the number.
Cue title sequence.
The techies are assembled sans Isadora, frantically discussing the latest AAAC update. This is the first time a techie has been featured, so they’re all freaking out. ASHER GARCIA claims he tried to text Isadora to see if she was okay, but she didn’t answer.
LUCAS FRIAR emerges from the technician’s booth, all of them immediately jumping him with questions. Has he talked to Isadora? Has he seen the Instagram? What are they supposed to do? Lucas is like it’s way too fucking early for this, slow down, what’s going on? DAVE WILLIAMS pipes up first.
Dave: Well, for starters, the AAAC posted a very interesting bulletin that Prince Charming Charlie Gardner may have finally found his chosen princess in one Miss Riley Matthews.
Lucas: [ impossible to read ] … I see. And why do I care?
Dave: I mean, it’s just interesting. Especially considering –
Jeff: You spend way too much time following this thing.
Dave: ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING, their more recent posts about Charlie have sort of suggested an opposing narrative –
Lucas asks Dave if he can see his phone. Dave happily obliges. Lucas swipes to the Instagram app and holds it down until the “x” pops up, deleting it from his phone. Then he hands it back, giving him a smile. Dave takes it back with a frown.
Dave: Hey. :(
Asher and DYLAN ORLANDO redirect, claiming that’s not what they wanted to tell him. They simply mention Isadora, and immediately Lucas is in danger mode. He’s like what the hell are you talking about, and they hand him Dylan’s phone with the posts already open.
Lucas: [ dead serious ] Shit.
Dylan and Asher call after him, but he’s already outta there. The techies exchange worried looks, not sure what the hell is going to happen next.
Lucas darts into the halls, a man on a mission. He starts sprinting in one direction and accidentally runs right into RILEY MATTHEWS, who was incidentally heading towards the auditorium to find him.
Riley: Have you seen – ?
He doesn’t even bother to comment on the post, instead insisting that they have to find Dora. Now. Riley is on the same page, nodding and taking off down the hall with him. They go around checking all of the girls bathrooms, Riley darting inside and Lucas impatiently waiting for her to emerge and confirm or deny. No show after no show.
When they get close to the one where she actually is, they can already hear her from outside. Lucas doesn’t wait for Riley this time, darting in without delay despite the gender norms. Riley hesitates on this, then dashes in after him.
Lucas has already found Isadora when Riley steps in, approaching them crouched in the corner stall. He’s kneeling down next to her, talking her down and demonstrating that he knows well enough how to interact with Isadora when she’s in a state like this. It’s also a completely different persona on display than we’re used to. More authentic? Hard to say.
Lucas: Okay, look at me. Dora. Listen to what I’m saying. Follow my voice, not your thoughts. What are five things that you can see?
Lucas continues doing this specific routine with her – five things you can see, four you can hear, three you can touch, two you can smell, and one you can taste. Isa’s answers aren’t the most optimistic (“I can smell sweaty performer stink”), but it’s getting her out of her panic.
Riley watches, uncertain how to help but also feeling as though she shouldn’t interrupt. It’s clear that she’s impressed (and maybe, potentially, attracted) by how effortlessly Lucas is handling the situation, but also that she is no longer sure what the dynamic between him and Isadora actually is. She always assumed friends, but now it’s hard to tell.
Searching for some other way to help, she goes and picks up Isadora’s phone off the ground. The screen is totally shattered, making for a careful task to hold. Yikes.
Class has assembled, but all anyone is talking about are the Instagram posts. Trying to determine whether it’s true, if it could be faked, working out their reactions to it. How could they have the descendant of a famous person in their class and not even know it?
Darby: My mom is part of the team developing a cure for lung cancer in pets.
Haley: Okay, Darbs, we meant someone famous that we care about.
People are also a bit confused about the name business of it. They’ve known Isadora as “Smackle” for as long as they’ve been at school together, and never really questioned it.
Dave: How did we not know? I thought her last name was Smackle.
Asher: It’s De La Cruz.
Nate: Yeah, you could’ve checked the yearbook.
CHARLIE GARDNER states that out of respect for Isadora, they should stop perpetuating the drama and discussing it so much. Everyone is like okay Prince Charming, blah blah blah, rolling their eyes. NIGEL CHEY points out another facet to the exchange.
Nigel: You were featured this morning, too, your highness. Don’t you care about that?
Charlie: [ with a nonchalant shrug ] Can’t control rumors.
It’s… honestly weird that Charlie doesn’t seem at all phased by this considering the earlier posts featuring him seemed to rattle him so much. But ANGELA MOORE disrupts before anyone can comment further, gathering their attention. She knows there is drama afoot, and she doesn’t have the time or patience for it. She claims they’ve got rehearsing to do, so best get to it. When she tells the techies to set up, they’re uncertain.
Dave: But Lucas and Isa aren’t here yet.
Angela: … and?
The message is clear. The theatre waits for no one. Get to work!
Riley and Lucas drop off Isadora at ERIC MATTHEWS’ office, who thanks them for their help and for looking out for their friend. JACK HUNTER is present as well, checking in with Isadora after catching wind of the reveal. She doesn’t have much to say at the moment. Jack turns to Lucas and Riley, thanking them as well before dismissing them.
Lucas starts to argue, wanting to stay with Isadora, but Jack gives him a warning look. If he’s going to pick any time not to be difficult, it should be now. Jack tells Eric he’ll leave them alone, escorting Riley and Lucas out.
As Jack shuts the door to Eric’s office behind him, he turns to Lucas and Riley and asks them what they know about the purported “AAA Confessions” page. But he’s talking to the new kid and the guy who never checks social media, so they’re not much help.
Jack instructs them to return to class, leaving them alone in the hall. But Lucas is bristling, evidently in no mood to be going and watching his stupid classmates sing as if that’s the only thing on Earth that matters. Riley tries to guide him in the right direction but he storms the other way. It’s clear he’s not going to the auditorium.
Riley is like well, shit. She glances back towards the auditorium, before making a decision and going after Lucas instead of heading to class. As the opening drum riff bleeds in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Nicest Kids In Town” as performed by Hairspray Original Movie Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomore Performers
The sophomore class runs through an energized yet somewhat ironic performance. They’re singing about how they’re the nicest kids in town, but considering everything that’s going on at the moment that seems far from the truth. Still, it’s boppy! FARKLE MINKUS takes the Corny Collins lead vocal, and Charlie of course is their Link Larkin.
Lucas pushes through the doors out into the exterior lunch courtyard, typically abandoned this time of year considering the weather. It’s cold enough to see their breath and lightly snowing, but it’s the only place with fresh air and that’s what he really needs at that second.
He stands there for a moment, letting his brain catch up to what’s actually happening. He lets out a frustrated “fuck!” and kicks at the legs of one of the tables, allowing Riley the chance to catch up to him. She steps out into the courtyard and immediately hesitates because of the chill, uncertain whether she should join him or not.
Ultimately, she opts to stay. She steps out into the courtyard, trying to calm him down. She states that Isadora is in good hands with Eric, that her uncle is the best at comforting people, but Lucas claims she doesn’t get it. She doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation.
Lucas: Dora never wanted people to know about her mom. It was this whole thing. We did so much so that people wouldn’t ever…
[ He curses again, lightly kicking at the table again. ]
Riley: [ out of the loop as always ] So, Valerie… is famous? People like her?
Lucas: People without taste.
Lucas deflates, crashing into one of the benches at the table he keeps kicking. Riley slowly approaches and sits down next to him, taking a moment of silence.
Riley ventures another thought, commending him for how well he handled the situation with Isadora. He claims it wasn’t a big deal, that’s the kind of stuff you’re supposed to know when you’re friends. It’s also not the first time she’s had a panic attack while at school, but the cause has never been this huge.
They exchange a few more words on it, before settling into the cold and the quiet. After a couple more moments, Lucas speaks.
Lucas: Sorry you’re missing class. Didn’t mean to turn you into a truant.
Riley: Don’t flatter yourself. I’m a big girl, I can make my own decisions about being a truant.
[ Lucas scoffs at this, but it does seem to ease some of tension. Riley watches him for a moment, then shrugs. ]
Riley: So far, it’s not so bad.
Lucas glances at her, the two of them making eye contact. Then he looks away, rubbing his hands together. They sit there for a moment longer, hanging on the temporary peace…
SHAWN HUNTER has joined Angela to tidy up after the class is dismissed for lunch, the students chattering as they make their way out. Angela hangs back to help him rearrange things, and he has a snarky comment or two about how wow, suddenly she is helping him clean up. Was it her that had the change of holiday heart instead? Angela smacks him on the arm.
The two of them do get to talking, discussing Isadora and the revelation that one of their students has a famous mom. Well, Angela is surprised, as Shawn already knew and was entrusted with helping keep the secret. Hence, why they called her Smackle from day one and then just let everyone else run with it.
Angela: You didn’t tell me?
Shawn: Well, I’m loyal to my crew. Someone has to be.
Angela is touched by this, once again noting how much Shawn cares about his students, if nothing else. Before she heads out, Shawn takes a moment to thank her for the holiday stunt she pulled. Their shared gaze hangs just a little too long. As Shawn walks away, Angela is like… is this really happening again. Am I really feeling things for this mess again? Oh, no.
Eric and Isadora finish their conversation, trying to decide what to do next. It’s evident that Isadora has been crying, but Eric doesn’t make a big deal out of it. He’s trying to assess what’s going on in her head, make her as prepared as possible for how the rest of the day might proceed. She’s nervous, fretting over what people are going to think of her now and things are inevitably going to change. If there’s anything to know about Isadora, it’s that she hates change.
Eric assures her that she has options, and he’ll support whatever she feels would be the least stressful avenue forward. He’s genuinely sorry this happened, but he’s not sure that continuing to hide from it will help.
Eric: I totally understand if you don’t want to have lunch in the cafeteria today. But you know, it’ll only get harder to go back tomorrow, and the day after that. The anxiety will only increase, and we don’t wanna let that happen.
Isadora nods. She knows he’s right. But it’s still a daunting task.
Riley is wandering sort of aimlessly towards the lunch room, accidentally bumping into Charlie. He’s happy to see her, pleasant and charming as always. He asks if she’s caught up on all the drama of the day, which reminds Riley of the fact that she too was featured this morning before it all got lost in the shuffle of Lucas and Isadora. She takes Charlie’s arm and pulls him aside, darting into an empty classroom so they can speak more privately.
The moment they’re alone, Riley breaches the question of… well, if he… likes her, or what. Because of the Instagram post, and just some of his behavior since she came to the school. Charlie doesn’t get the implication at first, but as Riley becomes more explicit in her questioning he gets what she’s trying to say.
Charlie laughs nervously, removing his arm from Riley’s hold and clarifying that he doesn’t see her that way. They’re just friends, no worries, and rumors are just rumors. Although this reassurance is a relief, it’s hard to tell if it’s genuine or not. Riley points out that he doesn’t seem very upset about the post or the rumors. Charlie shrugs, basically stating his stance that as long as a rumor isn’t problematic, isn’t going to cause unwanted trouble, it’s not really worth stressing over. Is it?
Charlie: [ lowering his voice ] I mean, if it were true… you and me. Would that be the worst thing in the world?
[ Another weird, potentially flirtatious moment that contradicts what he stated earlier. Riley blinks, obviously not sure how to react. ]
Riley: I… um. I have to go.
Charlie watches Riley go, maintaining his pleasant smile until she’s out of sight. Then his facade drops a bit. It’s so difficult to tell what is real with him and what isn’t. He seems genuine about seeing Riley as just a friend, but doesn’t mind perpetuating the rumors that they might be an item. So what gives?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dirty Little Secret” as performed by All-American Rejects || Performed by Charlie Gardner
Charlie starts this anthem to avoiding the truth, kicking it off in the empty classroom before taking his self-expression out into the halls.
Charlie parades around the halls, belting the rocker and dancing with an unusual amount of frantic energy. It’s somewhat confusing, but again, a really good performance. He carries us right up until the lunch bell, the students assembling to break their daily bread.
Lunch is here, the first true communal gathering of all the students since the morning news broke. There’s a strange energy to the room, an ominous sort of sense that almost crackles like electricity. Nothing has happened since the drop, but everyone is waiting for it. Like an aftershock after a major earthquake.
It doesn’t help that everyone is continuing to talk it up. Farkle is seated off to the side of some of his performer classmates, and he tries to get them to shut up about it. He’s both tired of the discourse interrupting rehearsals, but he’s also perhaps aware of how negatively the gossip might be impacting some of their classmates.
Farkle: Ms. Moore told us to drop it, so just stuff it and eat your processed chicken nuggets. Please and thank you.
Not the nicest way to go about it, but the sentiment is there, and from an unlikely ally at that.
Riley is at another table at the other end of the cafeteria, attempting to explain what she knows about the situation to ZAY BABINEAUX, YINDRA AMINO, and Charlie. But she’s also trying to maintain Isadora’s privacy, so what she has to offer isn’t exactly groundbreaking intel.
As if on cue, as she mentions them, Lucas and Isadora enter the lunchroom together. The room somehow simultaneously gets quieter and more chattery, and as the two of them attempt to make their way across the room to the techie table in the back corner it’s impossible not to avoid some choice commentary.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Tremble For My Beloved” as performed by Collective Soul || Instrumental
None more vocal than our table of gossips. Maya watches as they approach, Darby, Chai, WYATT LIVINGSTON, and Sarah all having something to say. The rest assembled at their table watch, amused and curious as to what might happen next. Maya seems apprehensive.
Darby: Smackle, I can’t believe you didn’t tell us your mom was Valerie De La Cruz.
Chai: Wait, can we even call her Smackle anymore? If that is your real name?
Maya: Would you all leave her alone?
Maya’s statement goes unnoticed – one of the few times she’s lost her power since she stepped up to the plate when she arrived at AAA. But there’s more interesting fish to fry today. Lucas looks more aggravated than Isadora, ready to do something about it.
Isadora: [ to Lucas ] Just ignore them. It’s not worth it.
Sarah: I can’t believe she’s your mom. I guess the talent gene skipped a generation.
[ Most of the table laughs at this. Lucas starts to do something but Isadora pulls him back, nudging him forward to keep walking towards their table. They’re almost there. Just have to get to the table. ]
Wyatt: Yeah, she got the retarded gene instead.
YIKES! There’s no way that’s going to be spoken without consequence. There’s a moment where it seems like maybe they’ll be able to move past it, Isadora stunned but obviously not looking for a fight. She grabs Lucas’s arm and gives him a look, already sensing trouble. Warning him not to.
But there are tears pricking at her eyes and she’s biting down on her cheeks to stop her lips from trembling. Lucas gives her a thin smile, nodding like, no, yeah, totally. No trouble here.
Then Lucas whips around, marching back over to Wyatt and clocking him clean across the face.
In an instant, the cafeteria erupts into a full on war-zone. People swarm as they always do, trying to get a good look at the fray. Wyatt has friends at the table who jump to his defense, expanding the fight.
Dylan and Asher see the chaos from across the cafeteria, immediately rushing through the crowd and jumping into the scrap to defend Lucas. RIDE. OR. DIES.
Riley exclaims an “oh my God, oh my God,” before scrambling to her feet, she and Zay launching into action and trying to do damage control as the rest of the school swarms to get a good view. Charlie and Yindra attempt to stem the flow of traffic, guiding students in the other direction.
Farkle attempts to step in and stop the fight, but he gets caught in the middle of it instead. A stray punch lands on him and he goes down, hitting the ground. Riley tears her gaze away and takes off, running to get more help.
Maya, startled, jumps around the commotion and tries to get to Isadora. She’s standing in the midst of the fight, watching it unfold in front of her but totally frozen. She can’t move, she can’t react. Maya – well-intentioned but not prepared for this kind of situation – roughly grabs Isadora and drags her out of there.
Janitor HARLEY KEINER (50s) is the first adult to arrive on the scene, breaking through the crowd and attempting to pull Lucas off of Wyatt. But he’s basically rabid, and it’s going to take more than one person to get him out of there. The beat down is relentless. Good luck, Wyatt.
Riley returns with Shawn, the latter dashing into the fray without hesitation. Together he and Harley are able to peel Lucas back, restraining him as they work to get him out of the cafeteria. He’s bruised and bloody, but he’s nothing compared to Wyatt.
Lucas: [ as Shawn and Harley drag him out ] I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna kill him!
As more faculty arrives, the other fighters are escorted out, Asher and Dylan included and both with scrapes on their faces. Zay kneels down and tries to help Farkle, who is still stunned by the fact that he literally got punched in the face. It would be funny, if the situation weren’t so overwhelming.
Riley tries to comprehend what the hell just happened. She looks to Zay, who locks eyes with her and shakes his head in bewilderment. Welcome to Adams? Riley exhales, dumbstruck.
Maya leads Isadora into the girls dressing room, her usual safe haven and go-to recluse. She immediately starts checking Isadora for any accidental injury, talking her down from the situation but more so keeping herself calm. Isadora is in complete shutdown and totally out of it, so it’s mostly Maya talking for the sake of talking.
Maya: Forget what Wyatt said. He’s an idiot. Most of them are.
Maya handles Isadora with the utmost care, going on to explain that she understands how terrible other kids can be. She herself isn’t all that great, sometimes. It’s evident that she’s speaking from experience, ruminating on how hard she works to keep her financial status under wraps because of exactly this sort of behavior.
It’s the softest side to Maya we’ve seen extended to another classmate yet. Maybe she’s got more of her mother’s nature in her than she thought.
Riley, Zay, and Charlie are helping clean up in the aftermath of the fight. Janitor Harley gives them instructions before heading out to give his testimony as to what he saw happen. There’s blood smeared on the floor, and Riley can’t look away from it. It seems impossible, surreal.
Zay claims that Wyatt got what he deserved, as he’s always saying rude shit like that and this was one step too far. Charlie agrees to a certain extent, but he argues that there’s no way Lucas isn’t going to get the axe for this. Like, speaking of one bridge too far. This is enough to pull Riley out of her fugue, asking Charlie what the hell he means. She gets all fired up on Lucas’s behalf, stating that there’s no way they can expel him. She storms out, obviously on the warpath.
Zay and Charlie watch her go, both skeptical that her quest is going to hold any water. Now alone, Zay takes the initiative to question Charlie on his seemingly calm nature in regards to all the rumors going around about him. Charlie remains nonchalant, but Zay is clearly suspicious about how chill he seems about the whole thing. It just doesn’t feel… believable. Or human.
Charlie grows more and more nervous at the way Zay seems to see right through him. He suggests they focus on the cleaning, avoiding any further interrogation.
Speaking of clean-up, Shawn is back in the auditorium attempting to patch up a couple of scrapes he got from pulling Lucas off of Wyatt. He winces as he does so, evidently not able to stretch the way he needs to in order to bandage himself up effectively. Angela enters, watching for a moment in amusement before sauntering her way over.
Angela: You always were fiercely independent. Even in licking your wounds.
She steps up and holds her hands out, waiting for him to relinquish control of the bandages and allow her to help. She starts to patch him up. Shawn jokes about how he will defend Lucas to the death, but God if the kid isn’t like a feral cat half the time.
Angela points out that whatever is going on with the culture of their students, the rivalry they’ve been perpetuating between the two of them definitely isn’t helping matters. Shawn agrees, and the two of them effectively decide to try and work more in one another’s corners rather than against one another. Let the past be the past, and focus on right now.
There’s a moment of tension as they realize how close they’re standing and how quietly they’re speaking. When Angela finishes patching him up, she lifts her gaze to meet his. All those old feelings have definitely shaken loose… they’ve got this magnetic drift towards one another…
Shawn backs off before the moment can develop. He thanks Angela for her help, before excusing himself to go check on his students.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Never Can Say Goodbye” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by Angela Moore (feat. Maya Hart, Chai Fresco, and Darby Winters)
Angela is left reeling, wondering if she really is destined to fall back into the same traps with Shawn Hunter as she did all those years ago. She takes this song out into the halls of AAA.
As she’s wandering her way through the halls, her backup singers make the trek with her. She ends outside teacher’s lounge, walking away just as Eric comes down the hall with Isadora. He’s walking her protectively, making a march towards the lounge.
Eric steps in, telling the couple of loitering teachers present to get the hell out. They do, knowing that if Eric is snapping at them – usually jolly and cheerful Eric Matthews – then something must be seriously wrong. He goes to set Isadora up on the couch, doing everything he can to make her more comfortable.
It’s evident that he’s prepared for these kind of situations, taking his role as a counselor to an autistic student quite seriously. Once he’s gotten her all situated, he offers to stay with her. The two of them settle into the quiet, Isadora lightly fiddling with a string on the edge of the weighted blanket she’s been given. As we’re settling into the quiet…
BAM! Jack slams his planner down on the desk, launching into an intense scene between him and a bloodied up Lucas. It seems as though Lucas hasn’t even been to the nurse, he was carted and dumped straight into Jack’s office. Without the chaos of the fight to blur it, his injuries are more glaring up close.
The two of them debate what the hell happened. Lucas is aloof and defensive to start.
Jack: Well, you tell me what the hell you think I’m supposed to do. What am I supposed to say when a student is carted out of the cafeteria shouting…
[ He reads from a testimonial on his desk. ]
Jack, deadpan: “I’m going to kill him, I’m going to kill him?”
Lucas: Sounds like hearsay. Kind of a big problem at this school…
Jack, louder: [ Slamming his hands down on the desk. ] Is this a joke to you? You’re lucky they’re not PRESSING CHARGES!
Lucas: What, was I supposed to just do nothing? With the shit he was saying –
Jack: Whatever it was, it doesn’t give you the right to –
Lucas: He called Dora a… a retard, I’m not just gonna stand there and let that happen!
Jack: … what?
He hadn’t heard that part of the witness reports, at least not yet. Lucas gives him the full spiel, a bit hard to understand through how he’s gritting his teeth. Jack is more sympathetic upon learning the full context. But it still doesn’t give Lucas a free pass.
Jack: I’m sorry to hear that. It’s disappointing, and unacceptable that he said those things. [ off Lucas’s disdain ] But the way you reacted isn’t appropriate either. And I can’t just do nothing.
Lucas: So? What?
Jack: Dylan, Asher, Sarah, and the others will be receiving a day’s suspension and one Saturday detention.
Lucas: Don’t punish Asher and Dylan, they were just –
Jack: Wyatt will be given a week-long suspension, especially given the full context of what may have provoked the fight in the first place.
[ There’s a pause. Lucas locks eyes with him, waiting. ]
Lucas: [ practically daring him to say it ] And?
Jack: Ten days. Effective immediately. Go get your things.
Jack is done with the conversation. Lucas isn’t, not expecting the dismissal to be so sudden. He hesitates, changing his tune. He pleads for one last visit to Isadora. It’s the first soft moment he’s shown the entire conversation, obviously sincere.
Lucas: Can I see her? I just want to make sure she’s okay.
[ Jack hesitates. Lucas meets his gaze. ]
Lucas: Please.
Jack: … five minutes. That’s all I can give you.
Riley marches into Eric’s office. She launches into an impassioned speech about why they can’t expel Lucas. She explains all that she knows about the situation and what may have provoked the attack, as well what she’s been able to glean about Lucas as a person so far. She specifically references the way he handled Isadora this morning, and how he was obviously, clearly acting in her defense. They can’t expel him. They can’t!
Eric, patiently: Lucas isn’t being expelled.
Riley: WELL – Oh! Oh. Well, good. Good. Um, what?
Eric gestures for Riley to sit, which she does obediently. He then proceeds to give her the full explanation.
Eric: I’m sure you, like everyone else, have been questioning why Lucas at triple A.
Riley: Well, I wouldn’t… he’s a good technician…
Eric: I don’t dispute that. But it’s pretty clear being here doesn’t seem like his top choice. And that’s because it isn’t.
Eric explains, for the first time, the true reason Lucas is at Adams. His enrollment is a personal favor to an old friend of Jack’s, who happened to be best friends with Grace Friar in college. She specifically requested that Lucas get a spot at the school after a particularly disastrous freshman year at the local public school.
To put it lightly, Kenneth Friar isn’t… the most charming of men. It’s best to keep Lucas away from him as often as possible. So why this school? The local public school that Lucas would go to isn’t all that bad… except that it employs Kenneth as a coach and part-time administrator. If Lucas attended that school, he’d be in the grip of his father basically full-time, which wouldn’t be good for anybody involved. In fact, they know this for a fact, as Lucas skipped so much school the first time he went to ninth grade that he had to repeat it upon transferring to Adams.
So given the circumstances, it’s pretty unlikely – barring serious, serious crime – that Lucas will be expelled any time soon.
Riley is completely floored. She mutters an “oh my God” and hides her head in her hands, trying to wrap her brain around it. First Isadora’s famous mother, now this. But at least she’s getting a fuller picture, if there’s a bright side to be found.
Riley: Is… is anybody here fine? Is anybody actually happy?
Eric: [ with a sympathetic shrug and half a smile ] We try our best.
Well, seems like their best isn’t good enough. Riley gets to her feet, still somewhat dazed.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Fake Happy” as performed by Paramore || Performed by Riley Matthews (feat. AAA Sophomores)
As Riley emerges back into the sea of students, she launches into this sardonic and cynical Paramore tune. Other performers trickle in throughout, until they’re a full parade of dazed and somewhat depressed students marching through the hall.
They finish the number on the stage, Riley front and center with the rest of the main cast behind her. As Riley finishes the song, she tries to catch her breath. It’s been a crazy day.
Angela, Shawn, and Eric have assembled in the principal’s office to discuss the confessions page. Jack has reported it, but that’s not guaranteed to dispose of it or keep it gone for good. He instructs all of them to be vigilant, keep an eye out for odd behavior, because it’s time they started figuring out where the hell this page is operating from.
They all agree, finally on the same page and working towards a united cause.
Isadora is starting to come out of her shutdown, more restless and uncertain what’s going on than anything else. She’s still obsessively picking at threads from her blanket, unable to sit still.  Thusly, it’s relief when Lucas comes by to visit – that is, until she sees his condition. She questions what the hell he was thinking as he sits down next to her, telling him that he shouldn’t have started the fight. He claims he had to, but she disagrees. It was too dangerous, and not worth whatever consequences he might face because of it. Because when he’s not there, when she has to face all this alone, she’s in just as bad a shape. She can’t deal with this hellhole without him.
Lucas opts not to tell her about his suspension. Instead, he assures her that it’s all going to work out, checking to see if she needs anything and expressing gratitude that she’s okay. They quickly get back to their usual banter, showing just how easy and comfortable their relationship is.
Farkle is in the dressing with Yogi, Charlie, and Nigel, attempting to cover up his developing bruise with stage makeup before rehearsal. He’s on a dramatic tangent, forlornly lamenting how his perfect face is marred. And for what? Nigel and Yogi exchange a look, the former rolling his eyes. Maya enters, startling the boys.
Yogi: You can’t be in here!
Maya: Unclench, Yogles, and scram. I need to have words with Minkus.
Farkle glares at her, potentially a little scared. Nigel and Yogi sense the seriousness of her statement, leading the way out with Charlie following behind. Within moments, the two of them are alone. He continues his soliloquy in lieu of not knowing what else to say as she’s approaching.
Farkle: It’s a true shame. With a face this damaged, I’ll probably never work in this town again.
Maya: [ with an eye roll ] Alright, Rocky, calm down. Let me see that. Come on.
Maya takes the makeup from his hands, leaning closer and beginning to apply foundation to the bruise. Farkle is hesitant, but lets her help. The two of them stand in silence for a few moments, Maya much more skilled with the makeup than he was.
Not able to hold it in any longer, Farkle questions why she’s helping him at all. They’re not exactly… well, they’ve never been friends. Maya admits that she doesn’t know, really. But something about the way he jumped into the fray to try and stop it this afternoon impressed her. Showed he had an actual heart in there somewhere beneath all the self-righteousness and entitlement. Digs aside, there’s an actual potential for future friendship between them.
Maya finishes with the cover up, directing him out with her towards the stage for their final number. Farkle asks if they’re still doing it with everything that happened, to which Maya simply shrugs.
Maya: Show must go on.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Titanium” as performed by David Guetta (feat. Sia) || Performed by AAA Sophomores
The sophomore class wraps the episode with this impassioned performance. It’s a bit odd, some students missing and everyone a bit out of step. But the sentiment rings true.
Isadora is gearing up to head out of school, but not before taking back control of the narrative. As she heads through the halls, she turns on her cracked phone and goes to Instagram. She prepares to submit a post of her own to AAAC, scouring through a folder in her photos application simply labelled “Valerie.” She picks a photo of the two of them.
For the caption, she puts a simple statement: “I’m Valerie De La Cruz’s daughter. My surname is De La Cruz, not Smackle. So now you know. Now fuck off, and leave me alone.”
Then, she blocks the account. As the song comes to an end, she walks past the crowd of students staring at her and pushes through the doors like a boss. Leaving the drama behind…
In theory.
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topweeklyupdate · 6 years
TØP Weekly Update #67: I Don’t Want the World to See Me (10/19/18)
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I say “they’re back, they’re really back” every week, but I only say it because it’s true. Our band kicked off the first tour of the Trench Era with gusto this week, and that’s only just scratching the surface.
This Week’s TØPics:
The Bandito Tour Begins
Additional Tour Dates Announced
Jim Dun
More Interviews with the Band
Major News and Announcements:
Again, there’s not an awful lot of “news”, mostly just developments happening in real time. That said, there is one notable piece of intel, as the band added another three dates to the second North American leg of their tour: namely, a second show in Toronto, a concert in Newark to further serve that densely-populated metropolitan area, and a show in San Antonio to show Texas some love. You can register for those tickets now, so get to it!
The Shows:
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The Bandito Tour kicked off in Nashville last Tuesday, and it was incredible. Of course, not everyone was totally pleased with it: Some people thought there were too few songs from Trench, while others were heartbroken that too many old favorites were knocked off. For that first point: nine out of fourteen of the new songs made their way onto the setlist, one more than the eight songs from Blurryface that landed on the first headlining show in Australia that era. Granted, those shows were significantly shorter than the current arena shows, but those songs also had much less competition for space. Point is, there’s still plenty of time for “Chlorine” to make it on the setlist, clikkies.
As for the second point... listen, I’m gutted for everyone who didn’t get a chance to sing “Migraine” or “Guns for Hands” this week. But if they could play “Taxi Cab” after five years of acting like it didn’t exist, they can- and will- play those songs again. I promise.
The setlist was comprised of:
Fairly Local- The first full performance of the song since 2015, complete with a reveal of a scissor lift under Josh’s drum kit and a “Hometown”-disappearing act.
Stressed Out- Introduced by a cute video of a flying red beanie to give Tyler a chance to run back to the stage, culminating in it descending from the sky for Tyler to wear.
We Don’t Believe What’s On TV- Complete with Nigel introducing Josh with a romantic poem and Tyler’s now-customary first speech to the crowd.
The Judge
Lane Boy- Josh’s flying drum platform gets an extra light display at the end.
Nico and the Niners- A runway out to the b-stage descends from the heavens and hangs over the crowd; Tyler performs the rap there and finishes at b.
Taxi Cab- Tyler Joseph asks the thousands of people in the audience to sit and listen to this nice piano song his dad likes, causing us to drown in our tears.
Neon Gravestones- A transparent curtain imposes giant ghostly images of the band over the b-stage, while a gorgeous moving light display hangs overhead.
Bandito- The debut of this song was accompanied by another incredible light show and displays of soaring vultures. Notably, the first verse was cut, seemingly just to keep up the pace.
Pet Cheetah- Tyler and Josh head back across the runway to finish the sick beats, the pit drops like nobody’s business.
Iris- The band brings out the openers to play this Goo Goo Dolls classic, infusing it with incredible emotion and a killer uke arrangement. So far, Tyler’s been introducing it as the soundtrack for Josh’s childhood “firsts” (first kiss, first Fun Dip, etc).
Hey Jude- The bands perform one of the greatest songs of all time.
Holding On To You- Now with more pretty stars
Ride- Now without a drum island
My Blood- Now with SKELETON HOODIES and holding on to the crowd harmony conducting from The Complete Diversion.
Morph- Tyler does his best rap thing while Josh busts out his most technical drum island yet.
Car Radio
Leave the City- Replacing “Goner” for the encore, Tyler leans in hard for audience participation.
Trees- Now with imagery reflecting Josh’s tree tattoo. The keyboard is also placed above the car, which rises dramatically from the ground in the middle of the song because Tyler’s just extra like that.
Tyler’s Trees Speech in Nashville was a full one. After acknowledging earlier in the show that he and Josh were really nervous about getting this one right, Tyler thanked the opening crowd for giving him the experience of hearing “Leave the City” sung back at him for the first time, lampshaded how ridiculous the production value of the shows has gotten, gave Nashville-native lighting director Shap some grief, and joked about how he only messed up the second verse from “Morph”, so there’s some room for improvement.
Interviews and Other Shenanigans:
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The biggest interview from this week was the band’s feature with The New York Times, which did not go too awfully in-depth in terms of revealing information that we didn’t already know but was still one of the more well-written pieces on the band I’ve seen in some time. The article takes their art and artistry seriously, covering their oft-repeated backstory with reverence fitting a band that has proved themselves time and again to be worth that consideration. The descriptions of Tyler and Josh read as totally on-point to their personalities, and there’s a cool revelation that Tyler’s kept an encouraging voicemail from Chris Martin on his phone since 2016. The highlight for me, though, is the absolutely crushing ending where Tyler responds to a question of his mental health by answering “I’m OK today.” It’s a mature and sobering outlook on his future struggles with his mental health; I hope he stays OK for many years to come.
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Oh, and Jim Dun’s Instagram page is now public, so you should definitely go splurge through a year’s worth of cute dog photos featuring Josh, cameos from Brendon Urie, and snarky comments from Mark, Brad, Debby, Jenna, Jordan, Abigail, and friends. Josh even gave a little interview with Global K9 Protection Services talking about his relationship with his pup. Jim will be joining the gang on tour, so we’re sure to get plenty more adorable puppy action in the weeks to come.
Chart Performance:
Well, it looks like my suspicions last week were correct: Trench fell just shy of securing a #1 spot in the States, losing out to A Star Is Born’s soundtrack. But that’s no reason to be gloomy- last week was still the band’s biggest sales week ever, selling 135,000 albums and earning an additional 40,000 equivalent units in streams and other avenues of listening. And hey, they were the #1 album in Australia! That’s pretty cool.
As far as individual songs go, things continue to look pretty rosy. The album release boosted “Jumpsuit” and “Nico and the Niners” back to the Hot 100 at #79 and #95, respectively, while “My Blood” was able to debut at #81 off of the music video. Below the Hot 100, “Morph” and “Chlorine” managed to sneak onto the Bubbling Under chart at #6 and #12 respectively.
The songs impressed more individually down on the Rock Charts. Every single track from the album made it onto the Hot Rock Songs chart, which combines every source of music consumption with a similar formula as the Hot 100. Most of this can be attributed to streaming- nine songs from Trench made their way onto the Rock Streaming chart versus only two new arrivals to Rock Sales. “My Blood” is also continuing to gain radio momentum; we’ll see if that’s enough to keep it around next week.
Upcoming Performances:
With the Bandito Tour fully underway, let’s look to the week ahead to see what communities the band will be sharing their music with and try to determine if we might expect any surprises.
Show 3: Enterprise Center, St Louis, Missouri (10/19)
Capacity: 22,000
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Tonight, the band returns to St. Louis, a city they’ve visited many times in the past. They played this venue at their last show here in 2016, albeit when it was under the “Scottrade Center” name.
Show 4: Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (10/20)
Capacity: 17,500
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Twenty One Pilots have never played this venue before, because it didn’t exist the last time they toured; heck, it didn’t even exist when they announced this one! The brand-new Fiserv Forum, built as the new home for the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, opened just last month with a concert from The Killers and has already hosted a number of other artists. It should make for an incredible show, even more so because it will be the band’s first ever arena show in the city. 
Show 5: XCel Energy Center, St. Paul, Minnesota (10/21)
Capacity: 13,000
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The band also played this venue in their last visit back in 2016. Not much else to say, so... moving on!
Show 6: Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio (10/23)
Capacity: 20,000
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Tuesday’s show in Cleveland will be the closest thing to a hometown show the band will play until their two announced concerts in Columbus next June, nearly nine months from now. As a result, expect to see plenty of family members in attendance (and maybe an on-stage cameo from Zach to perform his verse from “Kitchen Sink”). It’ll definitely be a real special night.
Show 7: Little Caesar’s Arena, Detroit, Michigan (10/24)
Capacity: 22,000
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Wrapping things up, Twenty One Pilots will be playing their first show in Detroit proper since 2015, and their first ever arena show in the general region. This is another relatively new facility that only opened in September of last year, the harshest season of the hiatus. Hopefully those Ohio boys put on a good show for my Michigan kin.
It was another incredible week. I can’t wait to see how these shows continue to grow and evolve in the weeks and months to come. Let me know when you all get the chance to see them. Until then, power to the local dreamer.
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Strengths and Weaknesses
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Alex “Seapilot” x Reader
Strengths and Weaknesses
Prompt: “Hey! Can you do a Seapilot imagine (jumanji), where reader is fridges sister and sea pilot fancies her, but then she saves his life (instead of Bethany) and he proper falls in love. Then at the end when Vanpelt confronts them instead of him holding a gun to Bethany he holds a gun to reader. Fridge and seapilot kind of says to take him instead, he saves the reader, and then they kiss. Maybe could Alex’s young self come back with them so it’s kind of happy. Over protective fridge aswell please! Xx” and “Hey could you do an Alex (jumanji) x reader where one of the readers Strengths is ‘alex’ and she’s confused before she meets him. Then they fall in love, then at the end could you make it so his young self comes back with the kids so it’s not sad, could there be a kiss scene😀 thanks x”
Note: I’m kind of in love with Alex??? I think we all are??? These two requests were pretty similar so I combined them. Hope you enjoy. Also, there are Jumanji spoilers, so I’ll put it under a cut.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1375
Play the game, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Well, now you were stuck in a video game outrunning motorcycles with rocket throwers, man-eating animals, and the like. Your character was Penny Fixit, a mechanic. You were wearing, from what you could tell, a khaki vest, khaki capris, some sturdy brown boots, a red bandana around your neck, and some aviator goggles were resting on your head.
Your left hand had a sparkly diamond ring on it, and when you had asked Nigel in the car earlier, he had said it was from your fiance, someone called the Seapilot. Spencer explained that there had been another character in the game but they couldn’t choose it, meaning somewhere in here there must be someone else. Or maybe he had already spent his three lives.
The five of you made it to the marketplace where your adoptive brother, Fridge, now about half his normal height, had de-fanged a snake that had been poised to strike Martha. And now, you were all following some handsome stranger to evade Van Pelt’s men.
“I am so stoked you guys are here. So stoked.” He sounded very stoked. The stranger had black hair, handsome features, and warm brown eyes.
“You’re the other player, right? The pilot?” Spencer asked.
“Yep.” You passed another obstacle and he instructed: “Stay off the white tiles and don’t move.”
Several blades slid out of the walls. Your eyes widened. Then they slid back out. The pilot moved a plank over a pit and walked across it with ease.
“Careful. It’s a horrible way to die.” Alligators snapped in the water below and your heart raced. Spencer went across next. Then Martha, Fridge, Bethany, and then you were the only one left. You looked down and gulped, frozen in place. The pilot held out his hand and nearly melted you with a soft smile. “Come on. I’ve got’cha.”
You took a few shaky steps and then took his hand, letting him pull you over to the other side. Stumbling into him, he looked you over, but didn’t say anything. He knew who you were. And now, he was super stoked.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
A few moments later, all of you were standing outside again. “I’m Alex.”
“You’re one of my strengths.” You blurted out before the others could introduce themselves.
“Look.” You pressed just above your heart and your profile popped up in the sky.
Penny Fixit
Strengths: Machinery, Fixing Things, Tinkering, Alex
Weaknesses: Fear of Heights
“My name’s (Y/N).”
“I’m Spencer. This is Martha, Fridge, and Bethany.”
“You’re a girl?”
“Woman,” Bethany did one of her little flirty finger waves. You kind of laughed. You were lucky the avatar you picked was a girl.
Alex led the group to his hideout and made everyone Margaritas. He explained his weakness to mosquitos and then took a seat next to you.
“Cheers.” He clinked his glass against yours.
You had done it. You had snuck into the flight shed. The helicopter was a little bit broken, but you knew exactly how to fix it. Fridge handed you your toolbag, which was in his backpack for reasons unknown, and Alex was helping you with the fixing.
He handed you the wrench.
He handed you the screwdriver. You rewired some things, and then when you closed up the door, wiping off your brow.
“Ready to go, Flyboy.” You patted his chest.
He smirked. And then his eyes widened in fear as he looked around, realizing just where he was and what had happened here previously. You took his hand.
“You’re my strength, Alex. Let me be yours.”
Alex took a deep breath and then nodded, putting on his sunglasses.
“Alright. Let’s do this.”
The mission was a success, and even if you had hit a little bump in the road, everyone had made it out alive. Alex managed to help you overcome your fear of heights by holding your hand and talking to you. Luckily, you didn’t explode. For some reason, you were afraid that would happen.
It was once everyone was out of the helicopter and celebrating that the mosquito struck. Alex slapped the back of his neck and passed out.
“He’s dying…” Ruby whispered.
“Alex! Alex, wake up!” You knelt down beside him, looking at his wrist. His last stripe was fading. But...you still had two. Maybe…
“Spencer, how do I do CPR?”
“Uh, three chest compressions,” you pressed down on Alex’s chest three times. “One breath, two breath, repeat.”
“How do I-?”
“Pinch his nose shut and breathe into his mouth, full seal.” Spencer instructed.
You pinched his nose shut with your fingers and then breathed into his mouth twice. Then, you repeated the chest compressions and did it again.
“Wait, your arm!” Martha interrupted. “I...I think you’re giving him one of your lives.”
“I’m okay with that.”
“But what if you need it?”
“I want Alex to come home too.” You moved the hair out of your face and continued until Alex’s eyes opened and he started breathing on his own.
“What happened?”
“(Y/N) gave you one of her lives,” Bethany explained as you and Alex got off of the ground.
“Are you serious?” Alex looked at you for a few seconds before pulling you into his arms and hugging you tight. “Oh my God, thank you!”
“Don’t mention it.” You smiled, hugging him back.
It was hours later, and it was all over. Jumanji had been saved and Nigel was driving down the road towards your group. Alex had not only saved your life during the fight, he had kissed you, too. You were still up on cloud nine and you doubted you would ever come down, jittery with all of the emotions that came with newfound love.
“Thank you for saving Jumanji. This is where our journey ends.” Nigel held his hand out to Alex. “Seapilot. It’s been a pleasure.”
“I’ll see you on the other side.” Alex looked at you and saluted before shaking Nigel’s hand and getting whisked off into the sky.
“Penny Fixit, thanks for all your help.” You took Nigel’s hand and shook it, and once again you streamed away in a ribbon of green light.
When you came to, the five of you that had gone in together were all in the basement of the school again. You looked around a bit, but Alex wasn’t anywhere in sight.
“Where’s Alex?” You asked. The others looked around too, but their new friend wasn’t there. Fridge watched as your expression sank.
“You alright, little sis?” He walked closer to you.
You nodded and pretended you would be okay. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
The group finished up most of the detention project and then started walking home. All of you had decided to stop by the Freak House just to...check. It was different. Painted bright white and decorated for Christmas. It looked...normal.
You weren’t sure what this meant. There was a car parked in the driveway, and the front gate was open, so you all walked up the front path to the door and rang the doorbell. Alex’s dad opened the door. He looked a lot younger and a lot healthier than you remembered.
“You must be Alex’s friends. I’ll go get him. He’s upstairs. Come on in.” He opened the door and all of you walked inside, looking around. It was nice inside. Normal. Furnished and painted and full of paintings and family portraits. Footsteps tracked down the stairs and you almost couldn’t bring yourself to look, but you did.
Alex ran down the steps so fast he almost tripped. He was wearing a red and white baseball shirt, his black hair framing a youthful face. He was taller than you, built well, and really cute. Immediately, you found yourself crushing. Not that you hadn’t been already.
“Alex,” You almost whispered.
He smiled, taking a few steps forward. “I was afraid it would spit me out right where I started.” His fingers brushed the hair out of your face.
“Bro,” Fridge was about to pull him off of his sister, but Spencer put a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Welcome to the future.” you laughed.
“I’ve got a lot to catch up on.”
“I think I can help you out.” You smirked as he pulled you in for a long-awaited kiss. Alex may have been your strength, but as far as he was concerned, the feeling was mutual.
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