#pigin is artistic
pigin-is-so-rad · 5 months
“When Scar fell, so did the first drop of rain.”
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The moment he died, the desert was brought to life for the first time since the beginning.
The smell of petrichor had never brought a more bittersweet sense of relief, nor a heavier sadness.”
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cosmica-candy · 1 year
Long term plans
I wish to expand my art to the world of 3d models and 3d printing.
With my knowledge of 3d.printing.and sculpting.
I hope to become a renown doll maker similar to pigin doll
I hope to create a line of custom dolls that clientle can
Buy the 3d modles print and create themselves
Pay me to print them in resin, and they draw the features
Pay me to handcraft them a one of a kind work of art
Using the realm of content creation and my stories I hope to bring my, and other artist characters to life.
On top of all this I wish to continue lovers fable, Perhaps make it's stand alone story,and Begin my original story, Legion of Light.
I hope you will stay with me throughout this ride
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clownbutlerdotcom · 3 months
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Ok but I love Pigin as a brand and as an artist and when this doll was announced I basically pounced on the chance. I didn't get the last figurine since I'm not in the drag community but I've been into comics and DC as a whole for years now.
Don't remember rn everything ab the doll but it's quite hefty so it's def good quality.
All in all, I'm just very excited 😊
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bkcboss · 2 years
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It has always been a beautiful journey since I took my first step towards showbiz. It hasn’t been easy though, but it has been an eye-opener and a big influence in my life as well as the people around me. Today, I wish to share my experience growing in this showbiz of Ghana.
From the side of Ghana I stay, there happens to be a kind of music we all are glued to. Without any bad intentions attached to this, I ask to say that, those kind of music do not permit us to listen wide. Those songs, in my own opinion, are so “Okey” for us that, opening up to new Music becomes a “weirdo”. From my side, every Foreign song is either called HipHop or Cools or Country Music. Most of us did not have time to find out the right genre a song is. So, if the song doesn’t make us dance or nod our head, it ain’t our type of song.
I was always sidelined as such until I met people like “Ko-Jo Cue” who could make me listen to some “weird” songs and later comes to discuss the content of the songs (that was in early 2007). This thing he did with me made me begin to listen to the contents of the songs I was introduced to. So, I begun to listen to Jay Z, Nas, J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar. These guys changed the way I saw Music. They made me realized Music wasn’t just for entertainment but a way of educating or sharing the way you thing about things and your way of life. Their songs made me begin to compare theirs to what we do in Ghana here. Until I realized where our modern day rappers derived their inspiration from. I was then introduced to Skillions, Ghetto Rep, Cue, Pigin Music, FoKN Bois, Rebel Muzik and a couple of guys who really did songs I could then relate in Ghana here.
My long talk is that, to make it short, ever since I was made to listen to the true content of songs, I can boldly say that, music is not for just entertainment. Music speaks to your soul. Music educates you on certain stages of life. Music changes your idea of things; that’s when the artiste behind the music is singing from experience. Music has been my enlightenment.
So, end this write-up, take your time to listen to the content of music. If I am to make recommendations, I may make mention of a couple of Ghanaian artistes who really has content that may change your way of thought. Artistes like Ko-Jo Cue, M.anifest, Kweku Flick, Sarkodie, Joey B and some fast arising arts like Mickey Lux, Kula, AmakyeTheRapper, Akwanda, Kay Ara, Kofi Jamar, Kwame Baah, Strongman, Darko Vibes, Sketchy, Icebox (you may google those artistes and you won’t be disappointed).
Note that, those artistes I mentioned are the ones I listen to locally and have influence on me. You may not like them because you haven’t paid much attention to them. But trust me, take your time and listen to them and you will thank me. Don’t forget to leave a comment after reading, so that I may know your point too.
Enjoy music from
Kweku Flick - King of Melodies (EP)
Mickey Lux - Aye
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?80: What size shoes do you wear?81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?82: What is your favourite word?83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.84: What is a saying you say a lot?
Personally Personal || -
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Waiting for Andy to join her before they go to dinner, she sits at the bar, and as the minutes of her wait tick by there’s various questions asked of her, some strange and some not. She does her best to answer them.78. Can insanity bring on more creativity?“Uhm. Mebbe. Mebbe when da mind fracture…new pathways open up an’ whatever fills dose spaces come out. Whethah by art or music or…da kine. Ya know? Look a’ Van Gogh, or Gaugin, O’Keefe, an’ Michaelangelo. Goya and Munch. Or da works of Sylvia Platt an’ mos’ of da Romantics, Pound and Poe… So yeah, I absolutely t’ink is possible.”She wonders if they were specifically talking about her, and that much she knows is an intrusive thought because there’s no way a stranger can know that she’s both an artist herself, and she has mental illness in her genes.
79. What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
“T’ stan’ up f’ myself an’ no let da Admiral railroad me into a life I knew I no wan have. I don’ have da tempahment t’ be one cardiac surgeon, or neuro-surgeon. I wanna help people who oddahwise would no have access t’ da level of care I know I can give, as a nurse or some day doctah.”80. What shoe size do you wear?That…was a very strange one and Beth shrinks inwardly almost not wanting to answer the question due to its general creepiness. But she looks down at her feet and tries to wiggle her toes inside her boots, one of the few consolations she makes to the wet, late autumn New York night. “I wear a US women’s size four. Which is a size two inna UK, or t’irty-five in da EU. An’ before ya aks… I wear between size 0 an’ size 2 in petite women clothes. Yes, I know I’m scrawny, mahalo f’ aksin’.”
81: What do you want to be written on your tombstone?Uhm. Okay. That’s starting to get REALLY CREEPY, and Beth can’t help but tighten herself up, wrapping fingers around the stem of her wine glass. She knows exactly where she’ll have to hit it on the table edge before it breaks and turns sharp.“I no t’ink of t’ings li’dat,” her voice slurs heavily into pigin. “But mebbe… ‘`A`ole e `ôlelo mai ana ke ahi ua ana ia. E lawe lilo ka ha`aheo, i ka no ke ola, i ka no ka make.’  “Which means…“Fire will nevah say it has had enough. So go forth and take victory with pride, in life or in death. “As quotin’ my ali’i, Kamehameha da Great. An’ bein’ part shark, ya know. Means I’ll die like I live. Wild. Free.”And let that serve as the warning she meant it to be.
82. What’s your favourite word?
“Aloha.”She doesn’t even have to think twice about it. A single world that encompasses so much more than most people understand it to mean. “Is hello, and good bye. Is love and peace an’ compassion. Is how t’ live ya life, a life of Aloha is one where ya heart is so full it overflows wi’ da ability to influence oddah people around ya, wi’ jus’ ya spirit.”To her it means all people are humans, all people belong to one great family regardless of gender or age, education or wealth, and thus everyone should be treated with as much dignity, respect, and care as possible. “Aloha…is mean everyt’ing.”
83. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘heart’?Broken.But she doesn’t say that. Doesn’t want to. And to stop herself, she takes a sip from her glass.“My braddah, Andy. He’s a police officer, an’ before dat, he was Pararescue, which is kinda like….911 for Special Forces. He’s very tall. Very strong. Crazy-fire Irish temper. And no really like strangers t’ boddah me. But I’m sure ya find him t’ be a really nice guy when he gets here in da nex’ few minutes.”
84. What is a saying you say a lot?“Is really a toss up between, ‘No, I won’t give you a sponge bath.’  and… “I’m sorry to wake you, Doctor…’ with mebbe all my teeth showin’ in a smile.”Nursing life.
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papapamedia · 7 years
Bbnaija 2017 winner Efe, whose real name is “Ejeba Michael Efe”, is an Afrohiphop artiste with a stlye deeply rooted in Pigin English Rap. He started his music career in Jos in 2012, releasing a single, “Bad Man”, which drew the attention of music lovers & critics alike. He went on to win “Best Rapper” in the talent tv reality show “Jos Bring It On” in 2013, organised by Kevin Chuwang Pam (BBA…
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pigin-is-so-rad · 5 months
The Watchers’ Favourites
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pigin-is-so-rad · 1 month
Death and time loops
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pigin-is-so-rad · 5 months
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Tumblr frightens me and I lowkey have no idea how it works but I felt that cuteguy deserves to be shared in his home as well
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pigin-is-so-rad · 2 months
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I really like outer wilds
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pigin-is-so-rad · 1 month
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pigin-is-so-rad · 5 months
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Lera my beloved I love this game everyone has to go play it this instant to understand why I love my sad Russian rat girl
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pigin-is-so-rad · 4 months
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A completely normal marriage portrait
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pigin-is-so-rad · 1 month
I made them listen to brat
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Rip solanum you would have loved girl so confusing featuring lorde
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pigin-is-so-rad · 5 months
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Lycanthrope pearl because I will never be done thinking about dl pearl
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pigin-is-so-rad · 1 month
Time buddies amiright (self unaliving mentioned)
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