#pig tailed macaque
bjekkergauken · 4 months
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Mermaid & monkey pools
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
In contrast, two species for which detailed quantitative information is available show nearly identical rates of same-sex activity in the wild versus captivity: in Bonobos, studies of wild animals have revealed that 45-46 percent of all sexual activity is homosexual, while a captive study yielded a figure of 49 percent; in Black Swans, one investigator found that 5 percent of captive pairs were homosexual, while 6 percent of wild ones were.⁹⁸
98. Bonobo, wild (Kano 1992:187 [table 24], 140; Kitamura 1989:53, 55-57, 61); Bonobo, captive (de Waal 1995:41 [table 3.1]); Black Swan (Braithwaite 1981:141-42). Five other species for which the relevant quantitative information is available are Pig-tailed, Crested Black, and Stumptail Macaques, Common Chimpanzees, and Vervets. Although the wild (or semi-wild) and captive figures in these cases are more difficult to compare (due to differences in group size and composition, observed behaviors, length of study periods, etc.), they also generally show fairly comparable rates. For Pig-tailed Macaques in the wild, 7-23 percent of mounting is same-sex, compared to about 25 percent in captivity (rates in the wild based on information in Oi 1990a:350-1 [including table IV], Oi 1996:345, and Bernstein 1967:226-27; captivity – Tokuda et al. 1968:287, 291 [table 7]). Among captive Crested Black Macaques, about 5 percent of mounting is between males (Dixson 1977:74, 77), compared to an estimated 8 percent in the wild (C. Reed, personal communication; figures for both of these species combine "copulatory" with "noncopulatory" mounts). However, another study (Bernstein 1970:94 [table IV]) yielded a much higher rate of same-sex mountings in captivity for these species – 49 percent for Pigtails, 22 percent for Crested Blacks – demonstrating that there can be considerable differences between individual studies and/or populations (see also Bernstein [1967:228] for more on wild/captive comparisons in Pigtails). In Stumptail Macaques, 25 percent of sexual interactions (of all types) in captivity are homosexual (Chevalier-Skolnikoff 1974:100-101, 110), compared to 30-40 percent for mounting in a semi-wild troop (formerly captive animals that were transplanted and released) (Estrada et al. 1977:667 [fig. 14]; Estrada and Estrada 1978:672 [table 4]). In Common Chimpanzees, same-sex mounting actually occurs more frequently in the wild: de Waal and van Hooff (1981:182 [table 2]) found that mounting between males in captivity constitutes only 1-2 percent of the behaviors involved in reassurance, enlistment of support, and other activities during conflicts, while Nishida and Hosaka (1996:120-21 [tables 9.5-9.6]) found that mounting accounts for one-third to one-half of such behaviors in wild Chimps. Likewise, Bernstein (1970:94 [table IV]) found that 9 percent of mounting activity in captive Vervets is same-sex, while Gartlan (1969:144, 146) and Struhsaker (1967:21, 27 [tables 8, 10]) both recorded 11 percent same-sex mounting in the wild. Rowell (1967b) also conducted a detailed quantitative comparison of behavioral frequency rates in the wild and captivity among Savanna (Olive) Baboons; unfortunately, mounting (and other sexual-behavior) rates between males in the wild could not be compared to rates in captivity because males were too aggressive to be kept together in captivity. On a related point, Rasa (1979b:321) found no substantial differences in Dwarf Mongoose same-sex (and opposite-sex) mounting rates when their behavior in crowded versus noncrowded captive conditions was compared (based on controlled observational regimes). Likewise, Heg and van Treuren (1998:689-90) did not find significantly higher rates of homosexual bonding (in the form of bisexual trios) when population densities increased among wild Oystercatchers.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
Most Pig-tailed Macaques are probably bisexual, engaging in both same- and opposite-sex mounting.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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sitting-on-me-bum · 8 months
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A young pig-tailed macaque takes a moment to pose for a photo in Sepilok, Borneo.
(Photo Courtesy of Court Whelan / Natural Habitat Adventures)
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cherllyio · 1 month
Mei is connected to Chaos - Theory (Spoilers)
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This theory started out after I did an analysis of chaos powers and how they work, more specifically with our two known chaos-powers-holders: Macaque and Xiangliu.
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Here I realized that their chaos powers share two very important traits, that are also found in the Samadhi Fire:
The powers have a connection to the persons state of mind (meaning if they are unstable, the powers will also be unstable)
Just look at how, after Xiangliu lost connection to chaos, he went insane.
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And then there is also the theory that the reason Macaque died was actually because his shadow powers took over him, as we see here (Just look at how they latch on to his body!):
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He even laughed like a maniac while Wukong and Macaque were fighting! (as we heard in season 5)
2. They also have a general black core in the middle, no matter if its just general chaos powers, or shadow powers, which core seems to be chaos.
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And this also goes for the Samadhi fire!
1. The Samadhi fire is incredibly unstable, and if Mei wasn’t in the right state of mind, she would have destroyed the world.
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Princess Iron Fan describing the Samadhi Fire: “But over time it became… unstable.”
2.The Samadhi fire does indeed have a very strong black core, even after Mei has taken control of it!
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Not only that: Try to take look at how it looks, when the Samadhi Fire was about to explode vs when Macaque used the stronger parts of his shadow/chaos powers:
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AND how Mei, Xiangliu, and Macaque also has a sort “lightning” connected to their powers:
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Mei: “This ol zippi zappy lightning thing? I’ve always kind of- “
Red Son: “You haven’t lost your connection. That’s the Samadhi Fire!”
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And if The Samadhi Fire is connected to chaos, it would actually also explain why Red Son even had the Samadhi Fire!
Because it’s not treated as a part of Red Son’s "normal powers". Instead, the Samadhi Fire is explained as a completely different thing. Seeing as they could remove that part of his powers, without removing the rest.
DBK: We had no option but to… remove this power:
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And while it may sound strange at first, that someone would give a demon baby, chaos powers (as they did with Macaque in the “deal”), it does actually make sense.
As whoever that “he” is, that Xiangliu mentioned, seems to want the universe to be destroyed. And what was it, that was so dangerous about the Samadhi fire again?
Red son:” The Samadhi fire is more than just an inextinguishable flame. It’s an interdimensional weapon with a destructive power to burn through the very fabric of reality!”
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And not only would it destroy the fabric of reality, but it would also destroy the cycle! (it is “interdimensional” after all)
Which would also explain why LBD was so interested in first MK and Wukong (someone who has a very close connection with the cycle) and then the Samadhi fire! (Something that could destroy the cycle)
She likely knew about the cycle, which would make her motivation for “destroying” it, make even more sense.
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So, if anything, giving Red Son (especially as a baby) chaos powers, would actually be a really clever, and quick way, to destroy the cycle, leaving only the primordial chaos left:
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(notice the lightning again!)
And this is not just speculating! As we saw in season 5, they kept bringing the Samadhi Fire up, meaning it’s still important.
More specifically with this little guy, who is not only a “failed replica of the Samadhi Fire”, but also has an incredibly important place in Chinese Mythology!
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More specifically I believe him to be “a failed replica” of Taouwu, who is explained as: “a creature with a human face, tiger’s feet, pig’s teeth, a long tail, and flowing hair.”
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And what do you know? That fits our little creature exactly!
Meaning that the one who gave Red Son thoughs powers was Taouwu, and now (when Red Son tried to make a replica of it), it represents itself as Taouwu!
And Taowu is actually also known to be part of a group called “The Four Evils”, that are known to be the most malevolent beings in the Chinese mythology!
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They are even sometimes explained as being the antagonist counterparts of the Four Guardians! Meaning that if the Guardians symbolize “order”, these guys symbolize “chaos”. (Which is definitely important!)
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Which could hint at, that either one of these guys are the “he” who is winning or is connected to him in some way! (Hundun, as seen in the picture, legit represents “chaos”)
And that’s not even getting into the theory, that the Four Evils have a high chance of being the ones, or one of them at least, who made a deal with Macaque! Though- that will take some time to explain, so I will just link that theory here.
But more importantly the Taowu, in itself, symbolizes stubbornness and arrogance.
And here we have Red Son (someone who is very arrogant) and Mei (someone who is very stubborn), who has thoughs powers, meaning that they would also be the perfect fit for these powers!
Quick examples:
Red Son: “Get off me you peasants!”
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Red son: “You (Mei) and the newdle boy will stop at nothing to defeat her (LBD), that’s how I know you won’t lose.”
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The Samadhi Fire is, in its core, a destructive and unstable power, aka: a chaos power.
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Which also includes a lot of similarities back to normal chaos powers (like we see with Xiangliu and Macaque) With examples like being unstable, a black core, and lightning.
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Meaning that Red Son didn’t “create” the Samadhi Fire, and instead was likely given it by one of the Four Evil’s, more specifically Taouwu.
And since Red Son already had fire powers, and was a demon baby, no one would suspect anything, and Red Son wouldn't remember getting them.
But what do you guys think? :)
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Refering to Twin Sun AU:
Wait, so where's Macaque when the pilgrims meet Wukong's brother? Where's his hot goth boyfriend to show off to the pig?!(He can so get bitches, he just has an acquired taste unlike the greedy piglet!)
Like, if Mac kept going back to the mountain while he was imprisoned, even if they argued a lot, wouldn't Macaque be on FFM helping take care of their home? Wouldn't he be there for introductions after they come to apologize? Was he hiding in wukong's room with him when they first showed up and comforting his crying boyfriend? Are they official at that point or just besties dancing around each other still? Is he visiting DBK's family? Will he show up during Redson's arc? I don't think he would miss out on the chance to show up and spook Wukong's new friends if given an actually valid chance to do so, he's kinda petty like that, the sassy bitch. Where's my favorite emo monkey?!
I feel like Macaque still takes a break from FFM for a bit after a few decades to find himself artistically - in a lot of aus I have him train under the Nine-Tailed Vixen. And since Luzhen is at home governing everything (albeit with a lot of help from the Stalwarts) Macaque wouldn't feel much guilt in going on the road.
As long as he's able to return to Five Point Mountain at least once a year.
I love the imagery of Wukong running home after the White Bone Arc, believing that he's lost the closest companions he's had in centuries - only to see Macaque standing there in their bedroom, pretending as though he hadn't rushed home at the sounds of his mate's release upon the wind.
Wukong collaspes into his mate's arms, sobbing from a mixture of frustration and loss of his party, and of relief and joy of seeing Macaque in their home again.
Macaque is ready to murder that monk if he ever dares step on to their island.
Luzhen almost beats his brother-in-law to the punch with that one. Luckily the Stalwarts, Sha Wujing & Ao Lie, and Wukong himself stop that from happening.
As they're all hashing out their demands, a deep enchanting voice comes from the Palace doors.
It's Macaque, deliberately unglamoured and dressed in silk bedclothes befitting a King's spouse. His hair toussled as if he'd just rolled out of bed.
Wukong is confused by Macaque's choice in fashion until he sees Zhu Bajie's expression.
The very same pig who had goaded their master out of spite of Wukong "ruining his chance" with the White Bone Demon, was now staring jaw-dropped at who Wukong had waiting at home for him.
Wukong's face goes red from blushing, and he socks Bajie in the face for oogling his goth bf.
Macaque still doesn't trust Tripitaka. His own sense of premonition tells him that the monk will betray their trust in the future. He wants Wukong's circlet off Yesterday.
But Tripitaka cannot remove the Circlet. Only the Buddha himself can.
Macaque growls with frustration - and threatens that if Tripitaka ever uses the Headache Sutra again, then Macaque will personally take the voice from the Monk's throat before taking his mate home with him.
Macaque occasionally pops up along the Journey - whether working/performing for his Vixen mentor, or just to check that the Pilgrims are keeping their promises. Even just to step out of the shadows and terrify them at quiet moments. And ofc to smooch Wukong as they did whenever they met under the Mountain each year - the Golden-Eyed king watching his mate emerge from the darkness like he's the moon itself.
Misfortune does happen to Macaque though. Something that leaves him minus an eye. Perhaps a version of what happens in the Jttw Stone Egged au between him and the Brotherhood - the shadow far more quick to denounce his former brothers with the confidence a healthy marriage and a supportive brother-in-law has brought him.
Luzhen is very proud of how Macaque makes things up to Wukong, though he'd never say it.
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nekohime19 · 2 months
Mini Mac # 26 : brothers flirting advices
Wukong get some advices from the pilgrims!
Wukong was sharing the ginseng fruits he carefully stole from the venerable Daoist vegetable garden with his pilgrim brothers. He knew that, if Sanzang caught wind of what he did, he would be punished. As such, all the pilgrims huddled together in a dark corner of the Daoist temple. The fruits were meant for them in the first place. The two daoist lads who welcomed them instead of their gone master didn't give the fruits because of their petty biases. Oh without Sanzang intervention Wukong would have hit those two infuriating lads on the head, how dare they mock him? The nerve of those lads!
Pigsy received his fruit with joy, he was the one to suggest the idea in the first place. Wujing took his fruit with some reservation, perhaps not liking the idea of stealing, while Ao Lie gobbled his in one go. Wukong cut his own stolen fruit in half, preserving one half for the slumbering tiny monkey cuddled in his pocket. The sage gazed fondly at Macaque slumbering form, his tail swaying in delight.
“So is anyone gonna address the elephant in the room?” Asked Pigsy as he bit in his ginseng fruit.
“What are you talking about?” Carefully asked Wujing with a raised eyebrow.
“Monkey is in love with the tiny guy.” Replied Pigsy, as if it was the most oblivious thing in the world. Wujing chuckled nervously while Ao Lie nodded in agreement. Wukong fur fluffed up and he blushed, he gazed at Macaque, worried he could have heard, before glaring at the pig.
“I'm not!” Denied Wukong, more out of embarrassment than anything. Pigsy leveled him with an unimpressed glare.
“You are.” Snorted the pig.
“It's… quite oblivious, elder brother.” Sighed Wujing.
“Your tail is always wagging around him and you get easily jealous.” Pointed out Ao Lie.
“I'm not!!” Stuttered Wukong.
“You are.” They replied in unison.
“I'm not.”
“You are.”
“I'm not!”
“You are!”
“.....Maybe a bit.” Sighed Wukong as he hid himself in his hands, face dusted with red.
“I think it's cute.” Chuckled the dragon-horse as he patted Wukong on the back to reassure him. Wukong peaked from his hands and threw a thankful smile at Ao Lie's reassurance.
“It's painful, you mean.” Groaned Pigsy. “You pine after him so bad and he's not even aware, you gotta step up your game.”
“Yeah, because you are such an expert on flirting.” Sneered Wukong.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Asked Pigsy with narrowed eyes.
“It means that every girl you tried to flirt with ran away, Piglet!” Replied the golden-furred monkey with crossed arms.
“You repeat that, monkey face!” Growled Pigsy.
“Hey, hey, let's not get too heated. You don't wanna wake up Macaque, do you?” Intervened Wujing as he gazed at Wukong, the sage immediately calmed down, glancing at the slumbering Macaque worriedly. He was relieved to see Macaque still slumbering.
“You just have to court him, then.” Replied Ao Lie matter of factly, he would look more serious without the crumbs of fruits lingering around his mouth, thought Wukong.
“I know…” Sighed the sage as he fidgeted with his fingers.
“It's easy.” Huffed Pigsy. “Just give him food, gifts, clothes, protect and provide. The basics.”
“I'm already doing that.” Whined the sage. The pilgrims blinked in realization.
“That's true… Did you always dote on him like that?” Asked Wujing with a sympathetic gaze.
“I guess, yeah.” Sighed Wukong.
“You suck at flirting, Monkey.” Snorted Pigsy. “Since you always doted on him, now even if you're flirting he just thinks you're being friendly like usual.”
“Then maybe you need to do things you never did before.” Wisely intervened Ao Lie.
“The horse is right.” Nodded Pigsy.
“But what?” Asked Wukong, now curious.
“Compliments are a good start, aren't they?” Proposed Wujing.
Wukong nodded, he could do compliments, if it meant making Macaque realize his feelings were not exactly platonic. Wukong spent the rest of the night hyping himself and thinking about what he should praise Macaque for. Maybe he could mention the way light shone on his gorgeous midnight fur? Or the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about things he liked? Or how talented he was with the shadows? There were a lot of things that came to his mind. All the lil things that made his heart flutter, that made his day brighter.
The morning after, Wukong and the pilgrims were accused of stealing the ginseng fruits by the two Daoist lads. In his anger at being insulted, Wuking cut down the tree, and because luck was not on his side, the Daoist master returned at this very moment. Now, Wukong was standing in one of the temple rooms, being reprimanded by Sanzang and circled by the Daoist soldiers. Wukong gulped and looked down at Macaque who was in the pocket, gazing at him with worry.
“I… you…you look good today.” Mumbled Wukong.
+ cut scenes
Pigsy *When Wukong tried to praise Macaque* : Worst timing ever 😑
The Daoist Master : Sun Wukong you have to answer for your crimes! 😠
Wukong *looking down at Macaque* : you look good today.🥰
The Daoist Master : Is this guy ignoring me??? 🤨
Macaque *after being praised* : Mmm, thanks? 🤨 Can you do something about the soldiers encirling us though??
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
saw the notifs that you posted and came running.. IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW CYOA LETS GOODJJRF Primal Moon was so good too!! rlly enjoyed the way Wu kong had that sort of forcefulness to him,, much love and i cant wait to see your next post!!❤️❤️❤️
Ahhh thank you so much! I hope everyone will like the CYOA- I’ve been plotting things out for a while now, and I’m super excited for it too!
And I’ve been working on Primal Moon for a long time now, so I’m really, really happy to finally get a fic of it out!
Wukong is one of the more demanding, pushy demons during the verdant lunar cycle. He’s been alone in the wilderness with his monkeys for a long time- he’s super excited to have a troop! Wukong wants to cuddle! He wants to groom! He wants to share his food! He wants group naps and shared nests!
It just so happens that this swell of love-seeking behavior comes with a severe loss of inhibitions that he’s never taught himself not to indulge in. And although he’s pretty reasonable in spite of all this… he’s still willing to severely crack down on any intentional disobedience within his ‘troop’.
Macaque is a loner, and he gets along just fine by himself- so the instincts that get brought to the fore are much less severe than Wukong’s. But he still has them, no matter how much he’d like to pretend otherwise. There’s a lot of embarrassment involved in these weeks for him, accepting and giving affection without even realizing it. One moment Macaque is trying to distract himself by reading, the very next he’s snuggled up to you/Wukong/MK, whining for scritches and pats. By the time the time he’s realized what’s happened, he’s already purring on his back, his tail sweeping back and forth in glee.
Poor, poor MK. This kiddo is going to despise himself when all is said and done. After a lifetime spent unaware of his true nature, the first Primal Moon he endures absolutely destroys him.
Usually people have a lot of time spent preparing for this event- even babies and toddlers are affected by the moon, so people can grow accustomed early. As you grow older and stronger you can resist the animalistic urges that rise inside, and some demons/celestials can even suppress their instincts almost entirely- with training and practice.
And guess who hasn’t had so much as even a day to prepare?
So MK goes from gold-hearted goofball to a damn near abuser, beating and pushing and throwing you around because his mind and body are genuinely brand new to this- he doesn’t know what else to do! He doesn’t have the years of acclimation that his friend and family have, the coping mechanism that they’ve learned to employ. And at the end of the week, the viridescence in the skies dies away entirely, leaving him free to see the entirety of what he’s done to you.
And he’s going to hate himself for it.
Also I had to do a lot of research on animal behaviors for this AU- fun, because it’s my special interest- not fun, because animals are incredibly awful little things who sometimes engage in awful behaviors!
Like, male pigs engage in so much baby-killing. Just so very much. Very little in the way of parental/familial instincts. And unless I base him around an octopus, what am I going to do for Sandy? He’s a river demon- what instincts does fish even have?
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silvergolddraco28 · 10 months
Chaos in Ink- Open Roleplay
What would happen when our favorite Monkey Teen finally snaps with the ‘help’ of a ‘friendly’ ink creature after a curtain blue lion breaks his word?
“I'm sorry Mk, but Monkey King must remain in the scroll.” a blue lion demon spoke with a shake of his head and golden mane to the human teen that stood across from the speaking lion demon and his two brothers a white elephant demon and a white eagle demon. The teen clenched his hands in pure rage ignoring the concerned looks from the pig demon, the blue river demon, a blue and orange cat, a young girl, and an average man rounding out the rest of the group behind the teen.
“You… you lied to me… I trusted your word…” the teen realized as shadows covered his eyes.
A circle of blue-tinted black ink formed around the angry teen shocking everyone at this development especially the blue lion demon who looked at the scroll in his hands.
”Look at what we go here… another being that abused our trust, well technically Mac doesn't count anymore since he earned it back. Still… we going to let this kitty cat walk all over us at take away our mentor [mother] from us like everyone else?” An ink and monkey version of the teen spoke dropping itself across the teen’s shoulders like a friend would to comfort another.
“We beat you in the scroll! How did you get out?!” the girl questioned as the ink creature scowled at her.
”you beat me back… but the kid here absorbs magic like a vacuum. All he needs in a shard and he can produce it and any ability he sees. The perfect case of Monkey See Monkey Do.” The creature scoffed at the girl stunning her silent. ”after all…. Isn't Macaque a type of magic-eating demon while our Mentor [Mother] is the perfect template of a being gaining power through observation and fighting?”
The ink demon grinned. ”The Sun and the Moon combined into one creates an Eclipse. The symbol of Chaos and Destruction.” Ink added with a terrifying aura slowly rising from the teen the Ink demon was holding onto. ”So Mk, you want to show these lesser demons what happens when you mess with the Eclipse Prince?” the demon smirked as gold and purple lightning sparked up and down the teen.
The three demons from across the pissed-off teen prepared their weapons. “Boy, you won't be able to defeat us.” The lion demon scowled but in the back of his mind, he was mentally reeling with this information the ink creature had just spilled.
“You know what… I'm sick and tired of everyone thinking I'm some sort of pushover… I think it time I. Push. Back!” Mk spoke opening his eyes, the left glowing a bright golden and the right a deep dark purple with angry blood-red irises. Ink grinned and swirled around the teen easily encasing the teen’s body in ink before revealing it to have become silver armor on his arms, shoulders, and legs with icy blue etchings of stylized stars. His clothing had changed as well under the armor, his shirt was half gold and half purple that was diagonally separated with blood-red edging while his pants were black with a blood-red, gold, and purple shirt that was tied around his hips with a silver sash. Three monkey tails swayed behind the teen one tipped in gold, another in purple, and the last in a blood-red color. The teen then flicked out six lotus petal ears following the same color scheme gold, blood-red, and purple with an icy blue edging on all six ears. Finally, a blood-red flaming mask covered Mk’s face with gold and purple dots forming a heart within the flames.
The teen surged forward, nothing more than a streak of blood-red lightning as he raced across the space towards the blue lion. “Give me back my Mother!” the teen growled snapping his pawed hand like a snake onto the scroll tile the lion held.
Blood red tinted shadow rose up from the ground startling the lion into letting go of the tile as the teen held it close and tucked it into his shirt right next to his heart. More silver rolled over from the armor and created a rather solid chest piece to protect the tile now resting in Mk’s clothes. The teen then back flipped a few times away from the lion demon before landing with two feet and a hand on the ground while his other hand was level with his shoulder. ”You’ll pay Azure… for lying to me and emotionally harming my mother.” Mk growled showing off his monkey fangs as multiple red tinted shadow clones rose up with angered expressions and attacked the trio of demons.
“Mk?” The girl called out in shock at what she was hearing and seeing her long time best friend doing.
“Don’t Mei. I know exactly what I’m doing… I’m making sure no one takes my mother away from me again even if I have to hide us where no one will find us and bother us.” Mk responded, his tails flicking as he contemplated if he should bring Macaque as well. A troop was better with three then with just two. If he blended a power from the ice witch and one of macaque’s abilities it’s possible he could create a type of hypnosis that could work and help his Mother and teacher [father] reconcile properly.
*’See? Your already doing more then enough. Just beat those worthless demons collect [father] and we can create a whole new island for our family to live on without mortals interfereing or other demons trying to kill us.’* Ink mentally supplied the suggested to Mk who couldn’t keep back the wicked grin that spread on his face. “Alright… let’s break some bones!” Mk rushed back into the fight with his clones not even bothering to summon a weapon as he just used his fists, legs, and tails to attacks.
The group watched in shocked awe as Mk managed to separate the eagle demon from the elephant demon and Azure’s reach. “So… you're the Golden Wing Peng? We sure you're not a chicken?” Mk grinned at the bird demon holding out a pawed hand to the side and forming a wickedly sharp spear with a spiked end, the blade itself looked to be crystal red with a purple crescent moon at the base of the blade before it changed into a long dark gold shaft etched with black letters with a icy blue counterweight at the end.
The eagle demon, Peng, glared at the teen. “I’ll make you pay for that insult child.” the bird demon promised before he attacked with his spear. Mk simply dodged and blocked the attacks with his own spear watching and rapidly learning before he started to attack himself and quickly turned the tables on the bird demon.
Mk smirked as he drove his spear into Peng’s side right between the plates of armor. “That’s for insulting me. This is for insulting my teacher [father]!” Mk snarled as blood red energy arched up the spear and right into the demon’s body.
“Mk!” Mei called in shock at how violent the teen-turned-monkey was acting.
“Stay out of this Mei!” Mk called back. Pulling his spear out of the wounded eagle demon and dismissing it as blood-red-tinted ink rose up around Peng and consumed him creating a blood-red bamboo tablet with a name written out in glowing purple letters. The teen caught the tablet before it could hit the ground smirking up at Azure. “You should never have pushed me Azure.”
The lion and elephant looked at the young teen in shock as the teen pulled out the blue tablet. Arcane words slowly spilled from Mk’s lips layered with the warped voice of the ink as the blue tablet glowed ink flowed out of the tablet and took a familiar form. Dazed golden eyes blinked at the teen with mild confusion written on the being face. “Mk… what hap-owf!” the golden monkey was cut off as he was tackled by the teenage monkey getting sent to his ass while the teen’s three tails wagged happily.
“It worked! Yes yes yes!” Mk happily grinned nuzzling into the golden monkey’s neck and chin. “I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again Mama.”
Golden eyes widened slightly. “Mk I'm not a par-” the golden monkey was cut off once again. he locked eyes with the teen his golden ones shrinking and taking a dark purple hue before he slumped forwards into the waiting arms of two shadow clones as Mk stood swallowing the golden monkey and the clones in a red tinted portal of shadows. Mk looked towards the two groups a cold glare in his eyes.
”Don’t try and find us. All I will ever need is my Mother and my Father. This world can burn to the ground for all I care for all it's ever done for me and my parents. Be warned if anyone ever tries and take them from me there won't be a Diyu waiting for what ever poor soul that crosses my path.” Mk spoke before leaving in a swirl of his own portal knowing exactly where he wanted to go next.
‘Take me to my Father.’ he silently commanded his powers while encasing himself in an illusion of his normal mortal look.
He stepped out of the shadows blinking when he found himself back on FFM. “Macaque! Macaque are you here?!” Mk called out sensing the shadow monkey’s magic up in the trees.
Please please please reblog and comment!?!?! I want to know what everyone thinks and yes this is inspired by an animatic i found on YouTube but with my own twist to it.
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eirzera-blog · 1 year
Mk the Chaos King (AU/Theory)
To start this off, I need to give some context. Season four spoilers are advised. 
First off the Scrolls. The Scrolls also known as the book of death, are items used to punish criminals and well sinners. It’s a device that meant to make people reflect on their past mistakes. The ones who protect and use these scrolls are the Ten Kings. 
Each King has a different role to play. The theory is that Mk was one of them. Specifically the fifth. The fifth King is known as the son of heaven, and is the most powerful of all of the kings (from what I researched) his rank is so high is basically that next to an emperor. And I know that seems a bit extreme considering it’s Mk we are talking about. But after season four you can’t tell me this boy isn’t that powerful! 
Especially when Mk legitimately slapped Azure with is tail and caused Azure Lion (This guy who is the size and the power of the jade emperor himself) to go flying. 
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(Not to mention Mk’s Chinese name Qi Xiaotain means little heaven.) 
So it’s safe to assume there is something more to Mk then just Monkey Kings Successor. 
Furthermore Mk’s flash back. I’m his flashback of very short cut memories. You can see a goddess who I am guess is the creator goddess Nuwa because she creates beings out of clay and she is holding a clay statue of Monkey Mk. 
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Mk isn’t the only statue we see. There are nine others. Each a different animal: Bear, Bird, Mouse or Rat, Rabbit, Ox/Bull, Horse, Pig, Turtle, and Goat. As well as another monkey statue (but I will get into that later) 
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Each that can represent a different king. Especially the Bull/Ox and Horse considering in Chinese mythology there are two underworlders who are call Oxhead and horseface.  
Now the interesting part. Mk’s title Harbinger of Chaos. This fits with him being one of the ten kings. First it’s the scroll itself. Due to Mk having no memories or no name of who he once was the only thing the scroll has anything to go off of is what he was entirely, a being of chaos. Which is exactly what the kings are. The kings are designed one person, cause chaos. They were meant to torture and plunder criminals. That’s their job, as they are originally titled the ten kings of hell. 
And Mk fits the Fifth Kings role perfectly. The fifth kings duty is to past judgement. The king gives the criminals to reflect on what they have done and then proceeds to give them karma. 
Mk has technically already done this. First the Demon Bull king. DBK was originally put under the mountain as punishment for basically becoming a tyrant ruler. When he is freed he tries to go right back to that, not learning his lesson. Mk gives him karma by remaking the exact same punishment as before as a way to basically make DBK reflect and realize that nothing has changed. Which takes two seasons for him to figure out but it still works. 
Second Spider Queen. Mk doesn’t really say anything to her speech like. However his entire presence seemed to make her reflect on her actions. And then theres the dialogue he had for Macaque. 
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“I was meant to rule. I was, I would've been a good queen.”
“Well, I mean, that's definitely not true. You were in charge for like, a day, and it was, ah, it was so bad.” 
Season 2, 72 Transformations 
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“Then be a warrior.” 
Season 3, Destiny Fulfilled 
Then there’s the Lady Bone Demon. Obviously there’s the magic of friendship speech he gives while also destroying her with his giant staff. But I more want to focus on their last conversation. Because I believe this wasn’t her trying to mess with him. It’s her confessing on what she did wrong. 
“So it would seem. Know this monkey, you and I are not so different. We both fight for what we think is right, that pursuit only leads to one thing.”
“, to destiny right?”
“No. To pain.” 
Season 3, Destiny Fulfilled 
This is LBD’s reflecting and confessing her sins. She believed just like Azure that she was doing the right thing. But she was blinded by the negativity and her desire for Destiny that she didn’t realize that she was causing more pain. It’s almost as if she knew who Mk really was (this a speculation in all honesty I’m not sure) and that if she didn’t confess now before she died completely she would have been thrown into one of the scrolls. 
Lastly is Azure. This doesn’t need much explanation. Most of the dialogue MK says during his fight with Azure says it all. 
“That's who you were pretending to be right? To be my friend? To care about me? When really, you were just USING me to get what YOU wanted! To turn me against my own mentor.” 
“Put your hands in the monkey cage, expect to get bit son!”
Season 4, Emperors Wrath? 
This whole fight was Mk’s role shedding light. Making AL reflect on his actions while also giving him a karma beat down. And at the end with Mk present, he confesses before fixing his wrongdoings and dying. Sad. 
Since I don’t have a lot towards my theory. Trust me this was very little info on the ten kings. I can’t seem to find proper names for any of them. I have decided to make it an AU. Because In all honest I like this too much to not make it an AU. 
The AU is basically this. After season 4 Mk has been out of it. Guilt for Azure and scared of himself after seeing how powerful his monkey self was. But it’s not enough to take away his curiosity. Ever since his time in the scroll he has been confused on who he is. What he is. Until he comes across a women who seems familiar. Too familiar….
Remember the other monkey statue. Well it’s said that the fifth king has a twin sister. 
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cunked · 1 month
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i fucking love the posing monkey videos my partner shows me but i don't know his name. he's a pig-tailed macaque at the qianling mountain park in guiyang and is everything to me
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Infants can also be injured when they are kidnapped, which occurs only occasionally and is typically carried out by a nonbreeding female.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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midnightlavenderimp · 6 months
idk if you did it on purpose but there is a species of macaque with stubby tails! Barbary Macaques; very cool!
there is actually a few macaque species with short tails! (very cute much fluff) japanese, tibetan, and pig-tailed macaques just to name a few!
i've seen a good number of depictions where wukong and at times the other monkeys have short tails, and mac's warform/ smoke monster doesn't have a tail, so i started playing with the idea.
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sketching-shark · 2 years
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The Great Sage War of 2023 has been lost and won (courtesy of @antidotefortheawkward​). Yet in the aftermath, I thought it might be fun to ask which of these living simians found in China people think would provide the best base species for everyone’s favorite Monkey King!
So while I might be missing a few monkeys, the options are:
1. Rhesus Macaque:
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2. Tibetan Macaque:
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3. Stump-Tailed Macaque:
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4. Formosan Rock Macaque:
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5. Assam Macaque:
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6. Northern Pig-Tailed Macaque:
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7. Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey:
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8. Gray Snub-Nosed Monkey:
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9. Black Snub-Nosed Monkey:
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10. Myanmar Snub-Nosed Monkey:
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11. François’ Langur:
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12. White-Headed Langur:
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13. Phayre’s Leaf Monkey:
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14. Capped Langur:
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15. Shortridge’s Langur:
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16. Nepal Gray Langur:
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China has an amazing diversity of monkeys which makes choosing a favorite near impossible. Still, that does mean that any imagination of the Monkey King has an incredible living pool to draw from.
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starsfic · 1 year
Traffic light trio hearing about a brand-new VR video game and decide to go get it, unknowing that the alleged game is actually a trap set up by Syntax
(Bonus if the trio's guardians figure out what's actually going on and intervene)
Inspired by this art by @hangcastles
"Well, this is awkward, but...I can't stop it."
Tang had to grab Pigsy before the chef lunged forward at Syntax. "What do you mean, you can't stop it?!" Syntax took a step back. "You were the ones who got them like this!" Qi Xiaotian groaned from the center of the room and Tang tightened his grip on his husband. He wanted to kill Syntax too, but someone had to keep their cool.
Honestly, some days he agreed with his son. Some days, you just wanted a family-friendly bit of fun. Not having your son and his best friends go missing for over two days, only to find them comatose in a fake arcade, supposedly in a video game. Even worse, having the guy who put them in there claim he couldn't stop it.
"What happened?!"
"Oh no." All heads turned. Wukong, clothes still covered in dust from where he had punched through the wall, held a case. His face was pale. "Out of all the games, you chose this?!"
Syntax let out a whiny noise. "I had never heard of it before! I figured it was so obscure that none of them would know what it was."
"That's for a good reason!" Wukong whined. "I made this game!" The cover was revealed and Tang blinked. "There's a reason I shut it down before it got too big."
Romance Academy? "Is that..." Pigsy said, unknowingly saying the question rolling through his brain. "A dating sim?" Tang narrowed his eyes, enough to make out the anime girls decorating the cover
One was a white hair girl, wearing fancy clothes and a silly smile. Another was a dark-haired girl, wearing a dramatic purple dress. The third was a girl with a golden braid, arms crossed behind her back...
Wait. They looked...weirdly familiar.
"Is that Azure? And Macaque?" Tang adjusted his glasses in hopes it would help the sight. "As...anime girls? In a dating sim?"
Wukong's tail gave a nervous twitch. "I was going through some stuff," he whined. "Except, well, Ai got out of control. She was kinda crazy and obsessed with me, way more than I wanted her to be, and then she tried to kill me, and it was just this whole thing-"
Tang glanced at Pigsy as Syntax shrank in on himself. "Who is Ai?"
The computers gave a loud shriek as if triggered by the very name. The speakers gave an ear-piercing screech and Xiaotian whined. Tang let Pigsy go and the pig darted to their son's side. "Oh," a velvet-smooth voice crooned. "She's nobody special." Xiaotian gave a softer noise as Pigsy rubbed his cheek, moving aside so Tang could grab Xiaojiao and Red's hands in a little mode of comfort.
The room went dark.
And then the screens lining the room lit up at once.
The blonde girl smiled serenely.
"Just me."
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
Tripitaka is about to get a crash course in cat instincts. Warm sunny spots are his, he’s lightly pushing someone out of their spot. The pilgrims excluding Wukong found out about the catnip the hard way. Cute thought him just batting at Wukong’s tail like a kitten
Wait does Wukong have an egg during this au or separate from that?
me and @soniclozdplove have been goofing with his au a bit in the dms.
Might instead rename the au to the "Tiger Monk" au - Tripitaka accidentally gaining his own demonic nickname over the course of the story.
Tripitaka is completely in the dark instinct-wise. He's not a born demon, heck I wouldn't be surprised if his only contact with cats were fat shrine cats without a hunting bone in their body.
He absolutely shrieks the first time he sees something that looks even vaguely like a snake, prompting the Pilgrims to freak out too for a moment before Wukong turns the "snake" over to reveal it to be just a plantain leaf.
Tripitaka panics the first time he subconsciously marks a tree with his claws (tigers do so to identify territory boundaries), only to get carried away and turn it into a scratching post.
Wukong and Ao Lie quickly discover that their Master gets distracted by swaying/twitching tails, and will go full kitten-mode to play with them. It's good fight practice.
Him and Wukong come to a mutual teaching/learning agreement; Wukong will help his master learn the ways of demons and how to protect himself from harm, and Tripitaka will teach his disciple means of curbing his more violent and impulsive actions.
Like how many demons, living a dangerous existence in the wild where humans and wildlife alike want you dead, tend to say "Hi" through fighting.
Tripitaka balks at the idea, but accidentally makes his first progress by lightly bapping the Gold and Silver twins on their backs when they try kidnapping him. The twins guffaw and mock his lack-of strength, but pointedly untie him and start a normal conversation with the Pilgrims.
See the problem is; demons tend to have non-humanoid forms and silhouettes. They need to prove to the other party that "Hey! I'm not dinner! I'm like you!" and the easiest way is to throw a punch. It's like if you were a deer hunter and everyone wore antlers on their heads.
And Tripitaka is now a type of demon that responds to surprise, or even excitement, with smacking their paws on their target.
Macaque's anger towards the Monk is a little lessened, since he sees that Tripitaka himself is victim of divine punishment, rather than the sole instigator. Laughs his ass off to see this tiger demon practically swimming in a cassock meant for a human, and offers help with the demonic etiquette part of Tripitaka's training.
Meanwhile with Azure "The Dud" Lion;
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He still has no rizz. This tomcat getting smacked by eight (Macaque and Yellow Tusk tagged in) different hands whenever he tries flirting with the Buddha's Boy Scout. Also he still has unresolved feelings for Wukong, so his cat-brain isn't firing on all cylinders.
Tripitaka: "I never want to deal with another male cat demon again after that adventure!" The Tiger Power Priest: "Hello my dear Tiger Monk~" Tawny Lion Demon Clan: "We saw him first!" Leopard King of the Southern Hill: "No I saw him first!" The Pilgrims + Macaque: "NONE OF YOU SAW HIM FIRST!!"
The Queen Mother herself gets involved after she peaks down and nearly mistakes Tripitaka for one of her daughters. She thinks of the Human-turned-Tiger as adorable as a cub getting used to their legs. She gives him great advice on their species behaviours, and warns him of further suiting attempts.
Wukong doesn't have an Egg in this Au, but something hilarious probably occurs during the Kingdom of Women chapter;
Wukong: "Master! Me and Wujing managed to get the Spring Water Cure for you and Brother Pig!" Tripitaka: "Don't want it." Wukong & Wujing: "HUH!?" Tripitaka: "If the Buddha has blessed me with a sinless child, I do not wish to reject his gift." Bajie, in the bathroom: "A gift my hams!! Your mother cat instincts are going haywire!" Tripitaka: "Even if that is so, some of my more... undesirous instincts have quietened. I prefer to experience this than what I was suppressing before." (*curls up, purring*) Wukong, turns to Wujing: "Well! I guess we're going to have tiger cubs for the rest of the Journey!" Wujing: "Not exactly. I was in Heaven when the Queen Mother was with her final pregnancy. Celestial and demonic animals can carry their young for many years." Wukong, raises brow: "Uh-huh, yeah. Tell me, how many cubs did she have?" Wujing, gets quiet: "...lets consider that after we reach India." Bajie, pokes head out of bathroom: "Where's it gonna come out???" Ao Lie, giggling: "As if that's an issue for demons!"
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