#pig plot
doomed2repeat · 4 months
I think some of the criticisms of Bridgerton come down to nostalgia as the the series progresses because too many people have forgotten we had an episode of S1 that revolved around Daphne not being able to properly choose a winning pig.
Every season has at least one “pig plot”, it’s inevitable.
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partysnake · 14 days
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okay i developed 'give everyone fursonas disease' which is mingling with my epic disease. have penelope shes a raven :)
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eddiediazismyhusband · 5 months
the only thing that will get me through being forced to watch another kiss between buck and the racist is knowing he won’t be there for another two episodes after
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ceiling-karasu · 29 days
Watched Black Cat Detective and started thinking about Squirrel and Hedgehog as well.
It's been a few days so I have lots of thoughts and rambling. I'll start off by saying that since the main villain of Black Cat Detective is named the 'one eared mouse,' and we already have one of those in this fandom, I'll be calling him Lǎobǎn (no idea if there is already a fan nickname for this guy).
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Putting these two together in a room would be fun, but I think Oegwipali is way smarter, to be honest, especially since he is a trained soldier. I'm not sure they would get along.
I would not do a Squirrel and Hedgehog and Black Cat Detective crossover in The Rod That Blocks the Lightning, though, since on is a North Korean cartoon and the other is strictly Chinese. I would be interested in doing a cross over in another, less serious, AU, though, since it is pretty similar with the violence and some other themes.
I watched the original series, then the reboot, and then the movie. Animation wise it does have that 'these kinds of thing happen in the first few episodes' issues, but it is only five episodes so they don't get ironed out. Still entertaining! It was pretty interesting, although I think the movie takes place in a different continuity. The series takes place in a forest with its own 'Forest Law,' and the movie is set in a massive futuristic city with space faring technology.
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(I think the giant hairdrier is a leg section of what is a science museum of futuristic space vehicles).
It is about as violent as people say it is, especially for the time period and the fact that it was made for children. I thought it really could not be that bad, that the FH spike impalement scene was wild, but no, an eagle really does beat a bunch of children and eat one alive on screen. Said child is never seen again. The police even know what is going to happen.
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Also, are the 'rats that eat cats' supposed to be vampires? Those are some wet slurping sounds, and then the talk of drinking blood later...
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I really wish that had been expanded upon. It would make for a fun murder mystery AU.
Definitely a police propaganda cartoon, but maybe (maybe?) not as much racism as we previously thought. The cats in the first episode do not jump to the assumption that the mice stole all the food immediately, and actual detective work is shown throughout the series. I think I saw a mouse living in a village normally in a later episode, and the cats don't even blink an eye at her presence. But when they do figure out who committed the crimes, they do not hesitate to brutally beat the mice half to death and shoot limbs off, if not shoot them dead, with absolutely no mercy. They are overly enthusiastic in sprinting forwards with their batons to beat criminals unconscious in general. At one point there's a stun baton, and they deliberately use it in sensitive areas for extra effect.
Then again, later, a criminal elephant trying to murder a group of cops later is simply tranquilized, so make of that what you will. Although, honestly, the elephant is referred to as a citizen of the forest, and the mice are not. Which would actually rival Flower Hill's xenophobia on the matter, and they don't even have a war going on. Maybe. They have tanks in the forest in the reboot outro?
We noticed a weird issue with the clinking of shackles and chains on arrested prisoners being one of the loudest and crispest sounds in the audio.
There's also the fact that Black Cat will reveal to the public that a prisoner committed a terrible crime, but declare them innocent based on the fact that the crime was 'only in their nature' and they couldn't help it. Which is a very strange thing to say, feels weird, and also suggests that the mice trying to steal and kill everyone were making a choice which is why (according to whatever lesson is being taught here) they 'need' to be punished so brutally and killed without mercy (the elephant and company needed a mineral in the laterite bricks they were stealing, so they were 'only ' sentenced to heavy labor so to speak).
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They start talking about using interpol to track down Lǎobǎn at one point.
Which means I think it would be pretty interesting if Lǎobǎn managed to escape to Flower Hill or something like that, and the cats were the Special Forces of the Rabbit Village police. Or the surviving mice could end up with the Weasel Unit and used a propaganda tools of 'this is why we hate Flower Hill, look what they did to your fellows' type thing.
Now as for the movie:
I'll be honest, there was no English release of the movie, so I watched it raw in Chinese while discussing it with rei-does-stuff and sah-headcanons. Maybe we can make a post of our live-blogging with each other later.
There's a Tumblr user named ernestelm who made a review on it, but it is one of those things where none of us would have bothered getting into Squirrel and Hedgehog if we listened without taking a look ourselves.
I'll have to rewatch the movie frame by frame with a deepl translator, but what I get is that a gorilla gets betrayed and floats off into space, and comes back with telekinesis and fireball magic he learned out there and wants revenge.
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Either way, he needs some sort of special green star gravity device so he can kidnap people in a museum, and enlists the help of Lǎobǎn for some reason (in case he gets captured or because he might be a local?). Except a pig kid sees this all happening, and Black Cat realizes that this kid has seen too much, and takes him into police custody for his own safety. Amazingly, he tells the parents he has to take the kid with him, from what I can tell.
It makes sense that the police would have Black Cat take care of the kid, since he has apparently always had a way with children.
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Side note: What is this character? We think it's a fennec fox? The ears don't look right enough to be a cat. I'm not even sure it's a living person, it might be a computer program. Black Cat sure does give commands into an electronic watch a lot.
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ernestelm is completely right about the duck/goose, though. I watched one of the most entertaining animations I've ever seen with meteors damaging a prison complex for six minutes, and then got hit with THAT voice. Maybe he is actually useful, I don't know yet, I'll need the translator. Not one of the police officers hesitates to follow his orders and start a musical number, which turns out of be a legitimate distraction, which means the singing was police protocol intended to confuse a target. Everyone keeps forgetting he can fly at crucial moments?
And why do unimportant characters have a different animation style near the end?
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(What is this? Why is it like this it looks like The Amazing World of Gumball?? Also reminds me of Pleasant Goat but these are not goats)
Black Cat Detective is just a slight bit expressionless as well. It would have been nice to see him actually in trouble or in distress like the original, instead of the calm to cocky attitude the whole time. Oh no, he's falling from very high up. Luckily the kid who hero worships the police enough to have studied their flying bikes, and whose father is a pilot, has been hanging around on said bike for just such an occasion. No peril at all.
The real question in the movie is this;
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They just casually happen to have a containment unit for the gorilla? Are superpowers and magic just a thing in the Black Cat Detective movie universe, and common enough that they have protocols for this? So many questions.
The city, plus the casual power containment unit, reminds me of Loonatics Unleashed, honestly. Someone could easily make a crossover out of this.
Funny enough, the three of us found that this cat police officer looks a lot like Geumsaegi or Commander Darami.
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There's always the idea that Black Cat Detective takes place in the same universe as Squirrel and Hedgehog. The amount of firepower these police officers have is far too much if they are not expecting a war to happen, even if they are referenced as a more elite unit. The implication is very interesting.
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Now, if I get to writing the Clever Raccoon Dog PSA fun series, which I headcanon as taking place in Flower Hill because it might be canon (they are both SEK anyway), I would most definitely have the main characters visit and do a ride along with Black Cat Detective (preferably in the cartoon series universe. They are fine with criminals being beaten up, heck they do it themselves!) for a chapter or two. It sounds like it would be fun!
The other one would take place in the movie universe. Maybe a kind of Jimmy Olsen situation with a mouse reporter who keeps getting into trouble, and Black Cat or other people in the police force have to keep saving him. Although, we still have that pig kid who wants to be a police officer, if I understand correctly. It actually sounds better if I just used the pig child continuously getting into situations and needing to be rescued by the police, all the while trying to balance school into the equation. Maybe he becomes a young deputy.
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sourtomatola · 4 months
Moana 2 trailer spoilers
"Why didn't you bring the pig last time?" -Maui
I'll tell you why
Cause the pig was BORING!! The pig is every other Disney princess sidekick that's cute but otherwise forgettable. I cheered internally SO HARD when the chicken came with her instead!
I had a chicken like Hei hei, so this was an amazing addition. An arrow is shot at him, *curiously and comically pecks at it*
What would have the pig done? The boring logical thing of squeal and hide Probably. He's cute, but predictable and dull. Would have added nothing to the trip other than an extra face.
Leave the pig at home, or give it an actual purpose. The chicken was at least comedy relief.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
IDW1 must take place on an alternate Earth where no one has ever heard of ACAB and everyone wears "thin blue line" merchandise because there's literally no other way that a single Autobot killing a USAmerican cop in self defense would be such worldwide news that even Mexican journalists would go "OMG???? You like, killed a cop?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?" and it wasn't even framed as like, "you killed a human," the phrasing every time any character talked about it was very specifically "he killed a cop".
The cop was also threatening to shoot a group of surrendering/not-attacking/injured Autobots btw which is just the icing on the cake honestly lmao
#yeah i still think about how that plot point's handling in phase 2 was fucking dumb#you can't convince me that if a usamerican cop got shot by an alien people wouldn't be making memes about it#ppl would be making memes like 'you know a pig is a pig because he'll even shoot alien robots when they're surrendering'#i'm also mad bc the gun that that cop had was a replica of cybertronian guns that meg spread among earth's populace#and what's worse is spike and this other guy literally HEARD M EXPLAIN HIS EVIL PLAN ABOUT THIS#but somehow in phase 2 literally no one ever brings it up ever again#like not even spike brings up the whole 'yeah M had mind controlling guns that he did specifically to destabilize the population'#he was just like 'nah that autobot shot a cop the autobots are evil now'#but like. i wanna make the earth ac/ab memes so badly lmao#you know that ppl would be making 'officer down' jokes about some cop getting killed by an alien robot#don't try to tell me that it's bc they're alien robots people would suddenly support the US#ppl literally make 9/11 jokes bc they hate the US that much don't even try to tell me earth would suddenly unite over a usamerican cop#getting shot on the job no less#and this is also a story written by barber who's literally the ac/ab writer that gave OP shit for being a cop so like#it's honestly so baffling. like was he trying to make a point about police brutality#bc jazz is black coded and he killed a cop so that's why barber wrote everyone hating jazz for it?#idek it's just another one of those stupid plot contrivances i hate and make me unable to take the rest of the story seriously
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savageboar · 1 year
"we need more complex female characters in pokemon!" you bitches can't even handle carmine.
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inquisitiveheretic · 2 years
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someone on the production team was absolutely watching hannibal 
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cacaitos · 6 months
sorry this is killing me this is absolutely destroying me
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beepbeepkazoo · 3 months
code geass is like my favorite anime solely cause like when explaining his mind control ability lelouch really chose to say the most genocidal and out of hand shit whilest said ability was acting wonky as fuck
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djsherriff-responses · 6 months
The more I think on it , the more I’m convinced that if Dolph meets Pey’J in whatever afterlife situation is going on, that Pey’J is going to be a source of conflict in season two
His facial beard being almost identical to Alex’s among other similar character design elements (older men with large builds), Jade and Dolph being the ones to take care of their respective old creep, Alex and Pey’J being father figures who end up betraying the trust of someone in their care and the fact they died by gun shots to the chest on the same night
That can’t be a coincidence, right? Those similarities have to be intentional to some degree
When I first saw that confession I thought like everyone else it was just a badly written joke, and chances are it probably is, but I actually think it was foreshadowing the two having an uncomfortable plot thread in season two
It would make sense , the show is about abuse and exploitation after all
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mistergreatbones · 6 months
Dune fans keep warning people not to read too many Dune books is hilarious because I feel the same way about Ender’s Game. If you think you want to read Speaker for the Dead no you don’t. No you don’t.
Edit: read some of the stuff y’all are saying about Dune and uh never mind. Enderverse is fine.
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aftout · 1 year
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Myyyyyey baybebee myy baybebbb. Yriue my babyb say it t o me
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pigswithwings · 2 months
god i hope iris dies. she's not going to in this story but i hope she dies idgaf
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random-bi-writer · 1 year
My oldest followers, you all remember how I come up with the wildest theories for Amphibia (especially my corruptianne and anastasia theory era.)
Well, here I am. Wondering what the heck did did I eat when I come up with them and I finally have the answer.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold; The Lore of My Childhood.
Pretty Rhythm: Ice skating Idol anime, in s2 the s1 mc got possessed by the clothes she's wearing and it dragged her soul to hell.
Shugo Chara: Magical Egg anime, Mc's youngest oc went evil the moment they were born and that oc decided to live with the edgiest idol in existence.
Danball Senki: Toy Robot anime, in s2 the s1 mc's friends got kidnapped by his dad and he teamed up with a gamer/power ranger cosplayer and a martial arts fighter to save them and they ended up having to protect the world from a capitalist company and the cosplayer's brother. Said cosplayer got his brain damaged and became a villain in the novels.
Idaten Jump: Bike anime, three idiots got isekaid with their bikes and they found out that the mc's dad is the missing king of the world they're in right now.
Mermaid Melody: Mermaid anime, A penguin and an octopus have a wholesome enemies to lovers relationship and tries to hide it from their friends romeo and juliet style.
Tamagotchi: Yes this game has an anime, a 12 year old alien accidentally kidnapped a human child and almost end the world cause he made god think that he's going to take a break.
I swear, I'm not messing with you all. All of this actually happened in canon.
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planet4546b · 3 months
LISTEN. HE HAS. however i love giving characters horrible tragic endings and i HATE happy endings because i have a malicious nature. so the literal last scene of this hypothetical fic was going to be typhon exploding in the sky overhead and a piece of it falling and killing him. like pigs that run straightaway into the water. by the mountian goats.
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