#pierre luc dubois blurb
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 month ago
I need some fuckboy PLD vibes with a sprinkle of prompt “Call me when you get home, so I know you’re safe.” -- you know who 😏 p.s. it doesn't have to be smutty
You always pick the best requests @cellythefloshie the first of the blurbs!!
For you🤍
It wasn’t even fair. You thought to yourself as you watched the muscle in his forearm flex as he popped the cap off the beer bottle and tossed it in the trash before turning and making his way back over.
Pierre’s apartment was warm and cozy compared the the dark and cold that it was outside and while you’d been there for hours, this was your first and only beer you were having.
“Thanks.” You said as he handed it to you. You didn’t even like beer, but when he offered you said yes on instinct and now you had to drink it.
He was surveying you over the neck of his bottle and smiled.
“You look so awkward.”
You breathed out a laugh “I feel awkward.”
“Around me?” He pointed to himself and made a face “Why?”
You’d known him a little while now, but up until this point you’d only hung out in a group or out in public at a bar. Never alone like this but you’d been intrigued when he asked. It had been fine so far, but the longer you spent there the more you wanted to know what he wanted. It had been hours of talking and surely, that couldn’t be the sole reason he’d invited you over.
“I don’t know. We’ve never hung out just you and I before. Is there a reason why you wanted to?”
He stared at you for a second and then shrugged “I don’t know. I just like hanging out with you. Do I have to have a reason?”
“No i-“
“Or do you want me to have a reason?”
You opened your mouth to speak and then closed it. You were acutely aware of how small the couch you were seated on was and in reality there was only a couch cushion between you. He had his legs spread out in front of him, bottle resting on his upper thigh, arm braced on arm of the sofa.
You gulped “No. I was just…wondering is all.” You said looking at your lap.
“Like you wanted me to say what? That I want to hang out because I want to fuck you?”
You raised your head very slowly, meeting his eye “What?”
“You heard me.”
“I mean-I mean do you want to?”
“Want to what?” he asked eyes twinkling mischievously as he leaned forward.
You backed up and coughed “You know.”
“Say it.”
You cleared your throat, cheeks burning and said very quietly “Do you want-“
“Mmmmmm can’t hear you.”
You squirmed and crossed your legs but raised your chin and spoke louder “Do you want to fuck me?” Your eyes started to water and your face felt like it was on fire. You were sure it was fire red, and the botches were making their way down your neck and chest.
“Yes. I do.” He said simply before he leaned in to kiss you, tongue first.
It was hot. It was wet. It was messy.
The beer in his hand hit the floor and rolled, spilling suds across the hardwood but he didn’t even seem to notice. You set yours down as he pushed you up the couch, fingers gripping the back of your neck. Your senses were on overload as you kissed him back, almost too dazed by it to even participate but after a few moments you gained your focus. He gripped your arms, pulling you over so you were straddling him on the couch. He twisted both of his hands in your hair, bucking his hips up to meet yours.
You had never had as much pleasure in your life as you were right now. His hands down down your chest, to your waist, gripping the fabric of your shirt and pulling it over your head.
He raised his arms so you could do his and once it was over his head, he reached up running his tongue across the underside of your jaw. You let your eyes slide closed and let out a shuddering breath.
He stopped kissing you a second, and in one swift moment had you up and off his lap and on your back on the coffee table.
He pulled your underwear and your skirt down your legs, and pushed them apart. He picked up the bottle of beer, and lowered it down over your belly button and poured it, making you gasp. You watched as the beer ran down your sides, pooling on the table and watched as he leaned forward, running his tongue alone the lower part of your abdomen. You let out a strained gasp as he moved upwards, sucking on the skin where the beer had settled and had to bite down on your lip to keep from screaming. You looked down to find him staring at you as he made his way upwards, reaching down to undo the buckle on his belt. You jumped when it clanged against the table leg and watched him lower his jeans and boxers and then paused.
“Wait the blinds-“
“Leave them open.” You breathed out.
He let out a noise of surprise and then grinned “Yes ma'am. Ready?” You nodded and he pushed in, euphoria washing over you in waves as he bottomed out and stayed there a few moments before he pulled out and pushed in again.
You reached a hand up and let your fingernails scrape against his shoulder as he moved again, finding a steady pace. His right hand gripped your waist tightly and his left hand came to rest at the base of your neck, lightly gripping it. You arched your back and pushed your hips up into his, allowing him to go deeper for a moment. He then let out a choked noise.
“Do that again. Again.” He breathed out. You obliged and rolled your hips. The veins in his neck bulged as his head fell back and he gave your neck a squeeze.
“Good girl.” He whispered, looking back down at you and resuming his pushing.
Your legs began to ache and a bubbly warm sensation began to pool somewhere around your lower region. An orgasm that nearly made you pass out, roared through your body and blinded you as you arched your back and made you illicit a noise that was between a moan and a scream. Your vision went cloudy, your ears got foggy and your body was spent by the time it was over. He had his face resting in your neck, breathing heavily for a few minutes before he picked his head up to look at you, and smiled.
“Did you just fuck me on a coffee table in front of your neighbors.” You asked as he pulled out and pulled himself into a kneeling position.
He breathed out a laugh and then nodded “Yes I did. And now I’m going to walk you to your car because I’m a gentleman.”
You nodded and pulled yourself up, taking your underwear from him and collecting your clothing that had been scattered around. He kissed you again before you left his apartment and it was mostly silent as you made your way outside. You turned to him when you reached the parking space.
He leaned against the side of your car and smiled down at you “Call me when you get home, so I know you’re safe.”
“Call you?” You questioned.
“Mhm.” He leaned all the way into your space “Or better yet. FaceTime. That’s more fun.”
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jackhghes · 2 years ago
The Masterlist
my hockey boys ✷
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Hello! Welcome to my Masterlist this Masterlist will consist of only hockey players. It'll be much appreciated if you call me JJ. I write both smut-angst. If I do make smut works it'll be for 18+ if you're a minor DNI. If you'd like to request then shoot me a message or press the button on my profile that says "Request Here"Please choose from my prompt list. Blurbs Series NSFW Alphabet Request Here
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jack hughes coming soon
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mitch marner coming soon
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pierre-luc dubois coming soon
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ross colton coming soon
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matthew tkachuk coming soon
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bqstqnbruin · 7 months ago
Washington Capitals
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Main Masterlist
If the links don’t work, let me know!
Pierre-Luc Dubois
4 times he wanted to come over + one time he did 
You just had a really bad day but PLD makes it better
You find a sweatshirt that you can’t keep anymore
You ask Pierre-Luc to bring you lunch
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senditcolton · 8 months ago
washington capitals
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Pierre-Luc Dubois La Vie En Rose Monsters*** ☀️ Best Believe I'm Still Bejeweled 🔮 take me to the edge*** (blurbs & musings)
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matthewtkachuk · 3 years ago
why do you think that strangers gonna mind with PLD??? 💚💚💚
hi love, hope you don't mind this being a little late ❤️
pairing: pierre-luc dubois x reader
warnings: mentions of cyber bullying, fangirls being mean :/
word count: 1k
why do you think that strangers gonna mind
You’re not a stranger to unsavoury comments made about you on the internet. In the eighth grade you’d pissed off the wrong group of girls in your school and ended up drawing their ire vis a vis facebook. At the time it had been the worst thing ever, with constant harassment and even a private facebook group made to shit talk you, but looking back it was pretty funny that they were threatened by your friendship with one of their (and you use the term very loosely) boyfriends.
Now? Now every bit of social media you had was locked down or deleted. Instagram and twitter? Private. Facebook? A variation of your first and middle names that you’d told everyone was because you didn’t want future employers finding you. LinkedIn and Pinterest? Deleted. Spotify? Fake name.
The reason for that was simple.
Your boyfriend was a professional athlete and fangirls be crazy. You’d managed to fly under the radar for a lot longer than you thought you ever would, lasting more than a year and an international trade before an errant ponytail on your boyfriend’s wrist during an interview had the internet sleuths of instagram on your tail.
The tiny, insignificant detail had brought attention to the fact that he was likely dating someone, and from there you can only speculate it was a careless tag that led them straight to you. In the beginning, you’d never thought of making your account private. Really, you had 300 followers tops, and most of them were people you’d gone to school with throughout the years. It never crossed your mind in the early months of dating Pierre, especially since you’d never actually posted him on your feed, only tagging him in your insta stories that disappeared alongside the experiences together.
Even after you’d been found out, it hadn’t been a cute selfie of the two of you on your couch that nailed the final nail in your coffin. In fact, it wasn’t Pierre at all, it was a totally cute, totally innocent picture of Pierre’s bulldogs sleeping alongside your lab daschund cross. That had been enough though, firmly cementing you as the mystery girl whose ponytail had been around Pierre’s wrist.
Very quickly, you’d had to limit your comments and not much longer you went private entirely. Yet, somehow, particularly determined fans were able to make their way to your filtered messages and sent you insults through the messaging systems of other less conspicuous apps. You can’t really explain why, but you don’t really tell Pierre the whole truth behind your social media cleanse. Deflecting a little, you minimize the situation, stating it was ‘only a fan or two’ and it was just a good idea to lock it down before things got too insane.
And then they’d found your LinkedIn, the one you’d made in college because the career guidance staff told you that you’d needed one. Luckily, you hadn’t updated it since you were a sophomore and so the only information anyone was able to glean from it was long outdated and didn’t tell them much. Although you were pretty sure that the restaurant you’d worked at part time through college was receiving an uptick in patronage. Honestly good for them, if they’d offered a better salary and health benefits and your boyfriend hadn’t been traded to Canada of all places, you might have stayed long term.
As it stands, you’re in Winnipeg and Pierre is too, and above anything else you’re young and in love and Pierre, rightfully so, wants to plaster you all over his instagram. It should make your face warm, cause your heart to beat a little faster than is medically necessary. It doesn’t though, it just fills you with an awkward sense of dread that is proven rational by the comments Pierre doesn’t see and the messages you don’t show him.
You’re relatively confident in yourself, having learned to love the body you were blessed with a long time ago, and you know that more than anything you have a good and kind heart, but yet you can’t help but let the awful things that strangers say about you take root in your heart.
It has you protesting the next time he wants to post a video of you playing with the dogs onto his story - at first, playfully wrestling for his phone to delete the photo until the air turns thick with tension as you all but demand he not post it.
It’s not until he asks what’s going on that you break, pulling your dog onto your lap and tearfully admitting you don’t want to hear what strangers on the internet are going to say about you.
“Why do you think that strangers are gonna mind?” he asks and you can’t help the sarcastic laugh that leaves your lips. Your dog whines quietly at the heartbreaking sound and you comfort her with a hand running down her back.
You admit it all then, the taunts and the insults and the threats. The real reason behind your social media purge and the twinge of fear that lights up your insides every time you see the little notification pop up on your phone.
“I didn’t want to worry you,” you tell him after he asks why you never told him what was going on.
“I want to know what’s going on with you always,” he protests and you relax into his embrace on the couch. “If you don’t want me to post you on my instagram anymore I won’t, but I like to show you off.” The grin on his face is so endearing, canine teeth on display that you can’t resist the urge to kiss it right off him.
You let him post it, and every other post he wants that features you, including one a year and a half later that focuses on a pretty little ring on your left hand.
After all, who cares if a stranger minds?
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hookingminor · 3 years ago
“if you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up. “ with pld please
“If you called just to get off on my voice, I'm hanging up.”
for a split second i wanted to make this a cheating fic what is it about pld that screams cheater idk idk (i didn’t bc i know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea)
(18+) phone sex, masturbation
It was a rare occasion that anyone called you on the phone nowadays, but it was even more rare to receive a call in the middle of the workday and from your regular bootycall nonetheless.
“Hello?” You answered your phone curiously. You could only assume it was a matter of life and death if Pierre was calling you at three in the afternoon.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted huskily. “You at work?”
“It’s three o’clock on a Tuesday, so yes,” you chuckled. “What’s up? Aren’t you in Pittsburgh right now?” It was just a little past four where he was.
“I missed you…” His voice trailed off for a moment, and you could hear the low rumble of the TV on in the background. “Are you alone right now?”
“Yeah, I’m in my office finishing up some paperwork,” you chuckled. “Isn’t the game soon?”
“We’re heading to the arena in half an hour,” he confirmed. “Can you spare me a few minutes of your time?”
It took a minute for the gears to click into place in your head, and mixed with the slightly ragged breathing and deep voice on Pierre’s end, you pieced it together.
“If you called just to get off on my voice, I'm hanging up.”
He protested immediately, and you expected nothing less, but he didn’t have to know you were already closing your door and locking it while he begged you to not hang up.
“Baby, just ten minutes please,” he whined across the line. “It’s been a week since I fucked you, and I’m dying here. You don’t even have to dirty talk me. Just tell me about your day and I’ll get there.”
“Really?” You teased. “Would telling you about my plans for running errands later get you hard?”
“I was hard the second you said hello,” Pierre admitted. “What are you running errands for?”
A faint rustle let you know he was shifting around, most likely to sneak a hand into his pants to stroke his cock.
Wanting to test his theory, you kept the facade up. “Grocery shopping for starters,” you said. “I need to get more cereal since someone eats all my Froot Loops when they come over. Probably get some milk, coffee, and bread. You know, the usual stuff. Quick trip to the post office after that before it closes at five to send out some packages to my family.”
“Any plans for tonight?” His voice was strained.
“Maybe watch the game while I make dinner…”
“Maybe?” He asked. “Not sure if you wanna watch us beat the Penguins?”
“You know I’m always going to root for Crosby over you,” you teased him.
“You’re killing me, you know that?” 
“Of course I will be watching the game,” you said. “I stand by rooting for Crosby though, but I guess I can spare some support for you. I’ll probably make some pasta for dinner and have some wine… maybe I’ll call you after the game so you can get me off when I’m in bed.”
“I’d love to, baby, but I don’t know if Lowry will appreciate me asking how wet you are.”
“I don’t mind him listening in. It’ll take more than that to dissuade me,” you added.
Pierre let out a moan of approval at your words, and you could tell his hand was picking up the pace. “Careful before I actually extend that invitation to him,” he warned.
“Come on, Luc, we both know you’re not the type to share…” Pierre was uniquely jealous even when it came to you. Not that you were together exclusively or anything, but he always made sure to mark you up whenever you had sex and kept a firm grip on your waist whenever you went out. 
“No one else would know how to handle you like I know how,” Pierre grunted. “And no one else could fill you up like me.”
“Mmm… You’re probably right,” you agreed. “Maybe I’ll get myself off tonight thinking about that…”
“When I get back in a few days, I’m going to fuck you sideways, I swear,” Pierre promised.
“Threat or promise? Either way, I’ve got a new mirror in my room to show you when you do.” Maybe you’d show it to him early and send him some pictures during intermission.
“Yeah?” He said, his breathing becoming more labored by the second.
“Mhm,” you hummed. “It reflects the end of my bed and is about eight feet tall. I can send you a picture later if you want. Maybe you can show it to Adam while you’re at it and see what he thinks about it.”
His groans increased in volume throughout your words, and by the end of your sentence you knew he was finishing across his stomach. A few more seconds of his heavy breathing went on before slowing down, and you couldn’t help but clench your thighs together as you listened to him work through his orgasm.
“I have to say,” you started after giving him a few moments to recover. “I didn’t think grocery shop talk would actually get you there.”
A deep laugh sounded across the line. “Only you could make me come talking about bread and mail.”
“We’ll have to see what other boring things I can come up with to say in bed,” you joked. “I hate to cut this off, but your ten minutes are up, bud. And you’ve got a bus to catch soon.” 
“Mood killer,” he stated, and you could imagine the smirk on his face. “I’ll call you later tonight, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed. “Good luck tonight.”
Pierre said his goodbyes before you hung up. Only thirty seconds passed before your phone was lighting up with a new text message from Pierre, and in that message contained a picture of his softening cock with white ropes of cum decorating his stomach.
You bit your lip examining the image, sending a quick text back over to Pierre. Trying to focus on your work after that was useless, especially with the image of his cock burning in your mind, so you clocked out early and headed home. Maybe you’d have to make a quick pit stop at home before heading to the store…
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blueskrugs · 3 years ago
Candid photos with PLD? 💚🎉
sorry only people who say please get blurbs
I apologize for formatting issues on this one, written and posted from my phone in a car!
1. candid photos
length: 593 words
You’re not sure when it started, really, or who started it. In the early days of you and Pierre-Luc dating, you felt like you were in this little bubble, so wrapped up in each other that you never noticed anyone else.
It was Josh Anderson who sent the first picture to you, though you were pretty sure he couldn’t have taken it, from where he was sitting next to you and PL on the couch. You suspected that half the team had already seen it. You held your phone closer to your face, squinting at the picture. Pierre-Luc pressed a quick kiss to your shoulder before hooking his chin over your shoulder to peer at your phone, too.
“Whatcha looking at?” he mumbled. You tilted the phone a little so he could see better.
It was the two of you, in the exact same position you were still in. You, sprawled across Pierre-Luc’s lap, where he’d settled you early in the evening, one of his big hands spread across the small of your back, and one of your arms hooked around his neck. You were talking animatedly with your free hand, and Pierre-Luc was watching you intently, a small smile on his face and love in his eyes.
“Cute,” he murmured then, pressing a kiss just behind your ear. You saved the picture to your phone before settling in against PL’s chest again.
The pictures continued throughout your days in Columbus, until you had enough to fill an album on your phone. You and Pierre-Luc holding hands in a crowd, blurry and taken by someone walking behind you. Hugging in an arena hallway, your face tucked into Pierre-Luc’s neck. You leaning heavily against PL in a dark bar, Pierre-Luc looking down at you with amusement. You falling asleep on someone’s couch after a team party, sleepily tracing the lines of his tattoos with your fingers. A piggyback ride home, both of you drunk and giggly, wrapped up in each other.
You thought it would end with the trade, but somehow the tradition followed you to Winnipeg. The photo album grew, and you never did manage to catch anyone actually taking the pictures of you.
Pierre-Luc caught you scrolling through the album on your phone one morning. He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned against you, pinning you to the kitchen island.
“Do you have a favorite?” he asked.
You knew the answer immediately. It was a recent picture, and you quickly flipped to it. It was late spring, and Pierre-Luc had taken advantage of a warm afternoon to drive you out to Lake Manitoba. You loved any time near the lake, and you’d rushed ahead of PL, unaware of the photographer following you. You were standing on the shore—making a smartass comment about seeing Manipogo, probably—too caught up to notice Pierre-Luc pulling a ring out his pocket. In the picture, you can see the ring in his hand, late afternoon light glinting off the diamond, and you’re just beginning to turn towards Pierre-Luc again, still grinning, completely oblivious to the fact that you’re about to be proposed to.
The same ring now glints on your left hand in the kitchen light. Pierre-Luc’s arms tightened around your waist once.
“That’s a good one,” he said.
“Yeah, I think so too.” You giggle as Pierre-Luc turned you, your back pressing into the granite of the countertop. He leaned in for a kiss.
“I can’t wait to marry you,” he added.
You rest your left hand on his shoulder. “Me neither, Luc. Me neither.”
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leafs-lover · 3 years ago
Can you do “If you don’t stop now I’m calling your mom!” with Pierre Luc Dubois? Thank you 😘
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Boyfriend!Pierre-luc taken from this prompt list
For the first time this winter, the weather in Winnipeg is perfect. Normally frigid temperatures accompanied by extreme winds, you woke up to an amazing sight. A few inches of fresh snow, the sun shining and not a single branch moving. Completely still air, to the point it’s almost eerie.
Unlocking your phone and opening the weather app, you expect to find the bright red 'cold weather' banner at the top of the screen. The same warning from yesterday, and the day before, and basically every day this month. Instead it's only -6°C. Practically unheard of for this time of year, the type of warmth that in comparison, feels like summer.
Running back into the bedroom you jump into the bed, almost landing on Pierre in the process. Phillip and Georgia immediately perked up, alarmed by the commotion. Grabbing the blanket you forcefully throw it off him, causing him to shiver as cool air hits him.
“YN…it’s my day off,” Pierre groans, not yet ready to open his eyes. “What you are doing?”
“Pierre! It’s perfect outside!” Running your hand over his broad chest you feel the muscles under his shirt right before you bounce your knees, causing the mattress to move with you.
“Babe,” he groans. Easily wrapping his arm around your waist he pulls you down, pinning you against him in an attempt to calm you. By this point it’s no use, Phillip and Georgia have jumped into the bed and are joining in on the excitement. Tails wagging, stepping all over Pierre's chest with wide smiles.
“Pierre,” you pout. Pushing up on one elbow you haul Phillip up, who eagerly begins licking Pierre’s cheek, causing him to laugh. Bringing his free hand up he pets the dog, who sits on his chest continuing to lick his cheek. Georgia, not wanting to be excluded, forces her way between you and lies with her head in the crook of Pierre’s neck, giving you the opportunity to pet her. Slowly Pierre’s hazel eyes open as he keeps one had on your waist the other gently scratching Phillip.
“What are you going on about?” He asks, finally looking toward you with some sleep in his eyes.
“We have to go outside. There is snow and it’s not that cold, this doesn’t happen here!”
Shaking his head with a grin, he asks, “is there coffee?”
“No, I was going to make it, but the snow distracted me.”
“You’re such a kid,” he laughs. Gently picking the two dogs up and setting them on the bed he sits up slightly, bringing himself closer to you. “Morning.” He places a soft kiss on your lips, morning breath still heavy in his mouth, “can you make coffee.”
“Of course,” you smile. Placing one last kiss on his lips, you leave him alone in bed. Nails click on the floor behind you, following you to the sliding door. Letting them out, you head to the kitchen and begin coffee and breakfast. By the time coffee is brewing the pups are at the door, barking to be let back in. It’s not that they dislike the cold, it’s that they prefer to be with the humans. When you and Pierre are in the living room, they are in the living room. When you are in the backyard during the summer, they are outside with you. Right now you are in the kitchen, and that is where they want to be.
Following a quick breakfast, you are tugging on your hat and boots, zipping up your coat and heading into the backyard. Pierre, still wishing he was in bed, hangs back at first. Watching while you make tiny snowballs and throw them in the air, laughing as the dogs try and track them like tennis balls, only to lose them once they land in the white landscape.
“Pierre!” you scold.
Whipping your head to the side, jaw slacked after a snowball hits you square in the back.
“That was for Georgie, I missed,” he shrugs, but the devilish grin on his face says otherwise.
“You missed?”
“You? A professional athlete? You missed a shot from 5 ft away?”
“I play hockey not baseball,” he shrugs.
You let it go, or you act like you are letting it go. With a soft smile as if you’ve accepted his lie, you bend down and grab a make a small snowball and begin rolling it around, telling Pierre you want to make a snowman. What you want is for him to come help, get closer, and allow you the opportunity to get him back.
The snow crunches under Pierre’s boots and you hear a loud thud as he falls onto his back, arms wide open. Moving his arms and legs he works to make a snow angel, trying not to trip Phillip who chasing his hands around, thinking he is playing.
“YN, can you help me?” he asks. “I don’t want to ruin it with footprints.”
Sighing, you leave the snowball and walk over to Pierre’s feet, holding your hands out for him to grab. When you feel his hands grasp yours, you start to lean back in an attempt to pull him to his feet, only to be met with resistance. With blown pupils and wide grin, Pierre pulls his hands and you tumble forward landing in the snow. Your legs and butt are completely white, the sleeve of your jacket cold. As you feel snow hit your stomach under your coat you loudly gasp.
“PIERRE!” You want to sound firm, mad, but all that comes out is a laugh.
“You said you wanted to play in the snow,” he explains, taking a snowball and throwing it at your chest, a few flakes going down the top of your sweater.
“OHMYGOD!” you shriek. The commotion pulled the dogs over who are eagerly wagging their tails, Georgia even letting out an excited bark.
“If you don’t stop now I’m calling your mom,” you warn, watching him make another snowball.
“Fine,” he huffs, throwing it away, drawing the dogs away momentarily.
Standing up you begin the process of brushing the snow off. Pierre stands beside you and draws a hand back before placing a firm slap on your ass, causing some snow to fall off.
“You are the worst,” you laugh, rolling your eyes.
“I put snow on you I get in trouble, I take the snow off I get in trouble, no pleasing you,” he mutters, placing another slap on your ass, to the other cheek this time.
“I’m all cold now.”
"Lets go inside.” His voice is dark and husky, his hand still on your wet clothes burns to the touch. Ducking down he places a kiss to your neck, his lips warm against your skin cooled by the snow. Keeping his hand on your ass, he gives it a firm squeeze, eliciting a faint giggle. “I’ll warm you up.”
Without another word you head for the backdoor with a firm grip on his wrist, two wet pups not far behind.
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marchyslove · 4 years ago
That Smile
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
It’s our one-year anniversary and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I see a blanket in the back seat, and I know it’s going to be something romantic because that’s how he is. He’s not one of those over-the-top romantics, but he has his moments.
We pull up to a big open park, not many people around but it’s dinner time so no surprise there. He got out, almost sprinted around the car to get the door for me.
*11 months earlier*
“So this is your place.” It’s exactly what you’d expect of someone like him, big, fancy, granite countertops, leather sectional, open spaces, a balcony with a hot tub and some couches. Rich people might not always look rich when you see them out on the street, but once you see where they live, there’s no denying they have money.
“It’s beautiful.”
He scratched the back of his neck nervously, “thanks, I’m not around enough to make it look the way I’d want it to, but I was thinking in the summer I might move some stuff around… make it more home-y.”
I eyed the guitar in the corner, ‘cliché,’ I thought. So many douchebags have guitars on display with no idea how to play them. So I challenged him to it. “you play?” “Yea, I do.” “Are you good?” “I’ve got a couple songs up my sleeve,” he said with a chuckle.
I plopped myself on the couch and pretzeled my legs, staring at him eagerly, “well, by all means, I’d love to hear one.” He didn’t hesitate, walked over and picked up the guitar, he came back and sat right next to me.
“any requests?”
“you know any Clapton? Cliché I know, but I love his music.”
“not cliché at all, anything specific?”
“surprise me.”
In an instant I knew the song, my favorite. When I was younger my mom and I would always listen to 70’s and 80’s radio whenever we were in the car together. Softer, slower music, played later in the day. Then there was bedtime radio that started at 9 at night. It would always start with “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton.
He must’ve noticed the smile on my face, because he started smiling too. “You like this one?”
“Love,” I answered, almost too quickly.
His smile grew.
He had one of those smiles that could make flowers bloom, or make babies stop crying. It wasn’t perfect by any means, even a little crooked, but it made fireworks go off in my stomach.
“It’s a great song, and easy enough to learn cause it’s slower. Not too many different chords.”
“It’s one of my favorites. The lyrics are incredible.”
“Can you sing?”
“Not even a little bit, I’m so bad.” Trying to find something to change the subject I started glancing around the room. My eyes went to the balcony. I got up from the couch and went over to the door. I felt a presence behind me. “We can go out if you want.” So I opened the door and step outside.
The warm, summer breeze felt like a hug. I walked around a bit, glancing at the lights and down at the street below. “Careful,” he said as he took a cautious step towards me. I didn’t realize how much I had been leaning over the edge. “Heights never really scared me.” “Well that’s good, but still… careful.” “I always am.”
I looked up; outside the city the stars were a little more visible. “Beautiful,” I said under my breath. Again, I felt a presence behind me. “You big into astrology?” “Only enough to know my star sign, and that it apparently fits me well. Beyond that, I just like to look at the stars.” “Do you know the names of any of them? Or constellations?”
My confidence grew a little bit. My summers laying outside in the grass playing around with the app on my phone that labeled the stars if you point your camera at the sky were finally about to pay off.
“That one is Sirius. It’s the brightest of them all.” “That’s easy to remember. That’s one of the dippers right?,” he asked, pointing up. “The big dipper, the little dipper is right there, and over there is Ursa Major, its shaped like a bear.” “That means there’s an ursa minor, right?” “Very good work detective,” I teased jokingly, pinching his cheek. He gave a giggle and winked at me. My heart skipped a beat.
“So you know a decent amount about stars?” “I know where they are and how to find them, I don’t know much past that.” “Impressive,” he said as he kissed my cheek.
We walked for a little bit towards the center of the park. He carried the basket; I had the blanket. “I’ve never heard of this place.” “I had to do a bit of research to find it.” “Any reason you chose this park in particular?” “You’ll see.” There’s that smile, after a year I still get the same fireworks when I see it. I glance over at him, and he’s already looking at me. “What are you looking at?” “My girl,” he said with a wink.
He stopped walking abruptly. He looked up at the sky, then around the park. Looking back at the car he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He put down the basket and looked through his phone for something. “Are we stopping here?” “One sec, I have to check.” “What’s the difference between here and 5 feet away?” “You’ll see, but I have to make sure we’re in the right spot.” He put his phone back in his pocket, took 8 steps forward, turned back towards me and grinned, “here.” “Fair enough,” I walked over.
He laid out the blanket, put the basket on it. I hadn’t seen him pack the basket; I actually only saw it for the first time when he picked me up today.
He opened the basket and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. I sat down and started pouring. “Shit, give me one second,” and before I realized what was happening, he was running back towards the car. I took this opportunity to sneak a peak in the basket. Chocolate covered strawberries, little triangle-cut sandwiches, a little bin of grapes, some crackers- “no peaking!,” he yelled as he made his way back to me. “Too late babe.”
He was carrying four pillows and dropped them when he came over. “What are these for?” “Comfort, we might have the blanket, but it won’t be comfortable without the pillows.” “Yea, I guess I could’ve put that together.” “I mean if you had an idea of doing more, the pillows will definitely help,” another wink.
He had all the makings of a douchebag, on the surface level. He has that superiorly confident look to him. The way he walks, he doesn’t think he’s better than anyone, but that’s the vibe you get from him if you judge him solely based on looks. If you saw him on the street you might think he was the biggest fuckboy on the planet, but then you talk to him.
He’s goofy, in the best way. He’s smart. You wouldn’t think it, but he’s better at quick mental math than anyone I’ve met, and he knows geography like he’s traveled the entire world himself. He likes to talk about anything and everything. On our first date we spent an hour talking about different birds we’d both seen, and our favorites. He likes loons because they sound funny, I like bluebirds because of their beautiful color. I didn’t have much interest in birds until that conversation. Now every time I see a bluebird I think of him. My family went on vacation last month and we rented a lake house. Every morning I’d hear the loon calling and think of that smile.
“Hey you, whatcha thinking about?,” he poked my cheek, I snapped out of my zoned out state, “you.” He turned away a little but I saw the blush creeping onto his cheeks. He had pulled everything out of the basket and tossed it to the side. “Grapes?,” he offered, holding one up in front of my mouth, I opened, and he placed it in my mouth gently, like it was fragile. The sun was starting to set, that’s when I realized there were no lights around. All we had was a tiny lantern he had pulled out of the basket. The view we had of the sunset was incredible, I hadn’t kept track of time on the drive here, so I really had no idea how far outside of the city we were. “How much research did you do exactly?” “Alright to be fair I asked a buddy if he knew any romantic spots and after I got him to quit joking about sex, he gave me a few. Then I googled them and found this place.” “It’s beautiful.” “Not as beautiful as you.” “Oh hush-,” he interrupted me with a kiss.
We ate as the sun set, starting the strawberries just as the last bits of golden light dipped below the horizon. He turned on the lantern.
The glow lit up his face, he was really handsome. His skin looked so smooth and he had those long eyelashes that all guys have, it made me jealous. That smile, again. He kissed me, again. He shut the lantern off while we were kissing. He pulled the pillows over and put them behind us, he laid back and spread his arm out. I laid down and put my head on his arm.
He kissed the top of my head, “Sirius,” he pointed toward the star. “Glad you remembered,” I teased. Another wink. He pointed up again, “look.” As I glanced up, there was a light that shot across the sky. “A shooting star. I’ve never seen one,” he was staring in awe. “Make a wish.” “I don’t need to, I have you.” I rolled my eyes, “you are such a cheeseball.”
We laid there pointing out the different stars and constellations. “You’ve been studying,” I glanced up at him. “I wanted to impress you,” he stated, followed by another kiss. I’ve never seen the stars so bright and clear. “Is this why you were so stingy about the spot?” He looked down at me, “I needed to make sure the view was clear so we could see everything.” Like I said, he’s not a huge romantic, but he has his moments. We kept watching the stars in the most comfortable silence. Then, almost as if he let it slip out accidentally, he whispered, “I am so in love with you.” I waited to see if he’d say anything else, but he was quiet, a nervous quiet. “Ditto,” I giggled and glanced up at him. And, without fail, there it was again, that smile.
Okay be nice! It's my first work, and like I said- I don't consider myself to be much of a writer. I hope you guys like it, I kept thinking about the idea and wanted to give it a shot! I purposely left names and too-specific details out so people can think of whoever they'd like, and hey! feel free to add the person you thought of to the tags if you reblog, I love stuff like that! Maybe I'll write more if people like it enough :)
If you like it please give it a like and reblog, it would be much appreciated!
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savoies · 4 years ago
Things Changed - Pierre Luc Dubois.
Summary: Neighbors to lovers.
Word count: hopefully 1.6k
Warnings: hints of angst, a few bad words, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol
A/N: Since I have a cute new neighbor I thought why not use the neighbors to lovers trope to live out all my fantasies. I had a lot of fun writing this with the help of a few close people so enjoy! (not proofread)
taglist: @hartsyhart​ ​ @nhlpetey​ @mitch-slap​ @frostythegoalman​ @ryanssuzuki​  @aria253264​ ​  @josty​ ​ @kaitieskidmore1​ ​ @kiedhara​ ​ @laurenairay​ ​ @teenagekook​ ​ ​ @alxvlasic​ ​ ​ @hockeyallthetime​ ​ ​ @barzy-baby​ ​ ​ @officialgritty​ ​ @bowenbyram​ ​ @mems06​ ​ ​ @joshsandersons​ ​  @connormcdavo​ @maattamatthews​ ​ @pierreslucdubois​ ​ ​ @selenophileangel​ @boqvistsbabe​ @ana-maa​ @stars-canucks​
tagging some friends: @npatrickz @beauvibaby @heybarzy @tkachuk-yeah @cozycozzy @2manytabsopen​
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(*credit to gif owner*)
Y/N had recently moved to Canada seven months ago and honestly it was going just fine. Nothing major had happened other than wanting a change of pace and well she had gotten it. Well at least the most change her dog and her could get.
Today was a nice day so she decided why not head to the dog park that was connected to the apartment complex and just spend all day there. What she did not suspect was running into a cute stranger who happened to be her neighbor from a few doors down. 
Pierre had come to the dog park well to see the dogs. After the trade from Ohio to Winnipeg he decided that it was best to leave his dogs with his mom until he got settled in. He probably thought that most people would find a broading 6′ 3″ man sitting on a bench creepy but honestly he couldn't care less because the smile the dogs provided him as they ran by was worth the stares.
"Brody! Brody come back here." Y/N yelled as her dog ran across the yard in and around anything he could get through. As her dog ran up to a cute stranger sitting on a bench she couldn't mutter enough curse words to process why this was happening now and today. 
"I am so sorry about him, it's just we don't get out much." She replied and mentally shook her head, not understanding why she had to explain herself to a complete stranger.
"Oh it's totally okay, I love dogs. I actually have two but they are back at home. This might seem kind of straight forward but if you ever need a dog sitter I can offer my services." Pierre smiled at the dog and stranger in front of him.
Y/N knew that she shouldnt take up the offer but with work and life and a cute stranger who seemed actually genuine she threw away mostly all her morals and said why the fuck not.
"Really, that would be really helpful. I'm not sure if I should tell you my apartment number now or after I find out you're a murderer." She looked up at him. After assuring her that he was indeed not a murderer and just a normal guy who loved dogs they traded numbers and apartment info. I guess after all the dog park was worth it.
The First Time.
The first time Pierre earned his title of dog sitter was when you went away for a work conference. It had been three days. Honestly you were quite nervous since you had never really left your dog with anyone other than your family but after hanging out with him so often you felt like it was okay.
"Brody say bye to your mom, we are gonna have so much fun without her huh." He said as he led Brody into the living room and waited for you to give any special instructions.
"Pierre thank you so much for doing this. I want him the same way as when I left him." You hugged him as you said your goodbyes and gathered your things to head off to the airport for your departure. 
"Have some faith in me Y/N." He said as he closed the door and watched netflix with the dog cuddling into his side. 
The Second Time.
A family emergency had presented itself and as much as you wanted to take Brody with you you just knew it wasn't the best choice. Pierre had come over a few times to "spend time with Brody." Even though most of the time was spent joking around and talking about each other's week.
You had got the call when Pierre was over. Both of you sprawled out on the cold tiled floor. "Hello?" You answered as someone quickly informed you on what was going on. "Wait what, uhm yeah I'll go back home right now." You said as you hung up and quickly sprang up to your feet to pack.
"Pierre I know you're busy and you can say no but can you watch Brody, a family emergency has come up." You spoke hastily.
"Yeah of course, everything ok?" He asked worried.
"No but hopefully soon." You gave him a soft smile as you said your goodbyes and rushed out your apartment door.
The Third Time.
The third time was different. Not necessarily an emergency but mostly a way to make sure that your dog was okay for a few hours. Or at least not alone and spending it with one of his favorite people aside from you. You had gone out to a club with some coworkers and had dropped off Brody at Pierres earlier in the day. Of course you asked if he was busy and he said he had to catch up on some work so that's the only reason you really asked him to. You knew he had a life aside from your dog sitting escapades. 
Later on in the night as you arrived home with a guest you had asked him to wait by the door as you went to go pick up Brody from a few doors down. It was late and maybe you should have just done it in the morning.  But your mind being hazy with the few drinks from earlier didn't think about Pld being asleep and you knocked before you could stop yourself.
Pierre was slowly drifting off to sleep with thoughts of you in his head. How he had to adapt to this new city which he barely knew anything about but since you had come into his life everything seemed somewhat easier. 
There was a soft knock on his door and as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes he walked up to the door with Brody close by to his feet and he saw you. "Y/N hey what are you doing here?" He asked confused on why you were here at one in the morning.
"Just here to pick up Brody." You smiled at him as he looked towards your apartment and his smile dropped as he saw the random dude standing in front of your door awkwardly. 
 He knew he shouldn't be making a big deal out of it. You guys weren't anything in the first place. But Pierre couldn't help what he felt towards you.
"You okay?" He asked before letting you head back.
"Yeah, I'll see you soon." You said as you walked away. 
After that things weren't the same. You could sense it. After getting the stranger out your bed you cleaned up and headed over to Pierres for your weekly brunch hang out but he didn't answer. That wasn't what made you realize that it wasn't the same. I mean you knew he had a busy life. Maybe it was the way that every time there was a knock on your door you were hoping it was Pierre hoping to "hang out with Brody" but it never was.
Or maybe it was that he was ignoring you. It had been a week since you had last seen him and as you walked to the elevator you tried to rack your mind with what you could've done to upset him.
As you reached the elevator there stood the boy that you so much wanted to see. Pierre rolled his eyes as you arrived, having deliberately been avoiding you for a full week and bumping into you in the only place he couldn't escape.
Y/N looked up at him hoping that he would talk. Hoping that somehow he would reveal why he was mad or at least why he was ignoring her.
"So it seems like you were just using me as a dog sitter huh.” Pierre broke the silence. He was feeling so many emotions seeing the person that made him feel good about himself. 
"What, Dubois what are you talking about?" Y/N looked up at him confused on why he would even think that. Cause honestly it did start like that but after that it grew into a friendship that she was so thankful for.
 Pierre just scoffed thinking of what he would say next. "The dude you brought back to your apartment."
"What about him?" Y/N asked.
"Look when i offered to be your dog sitter i didn't think it was for bringing guys around." 
"Look Pierre i don't mean this to sound rude at all but when you offered you said it was for whenever i needed a dog sitter and i brought Brody over because I thought you liked spending time with him. And honestly the guy is a one time thing.” Y/N spoke up suddenly feeling a bit vulnerable recalling the events from last night to her not so stranger anymore cute neighbor.
 "I do love dogs, honestly spending time with him was nice but why do you think I always came over to hang out with Brody?" He asked putting air quotes around hanging out. Then it clicked in Y/Ns mind. Him coming over more than two times a week, him ignoring her after her unfortunate night with a stranger, them now spilling their guts to each other in an elevator. He liked her. At least she hoped that she was right and was not about to make a dumb mistake.
"Oh." escaped from her mouth. As the door opened and Pierre smiled at Y/N waiting for somewhat of a reaction other than oh. 
"Pierre I've always been bad at reading signs so I'm really hoping that I'm reading the correct sign right now. Uhm would you like to maybe come over later, you know to hang out with Brody?" You asked as you put air quotes around hanging out with Brody like he had down earlier.
"I thought you'd never ask." He replied before placing a kiss on your cheek leaving you with a small smile on your face.
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 year ago
A very Merry NHL Christmas
Warnings: Mild cursing, some sexual humor, talks of Christmas, Jesus and the holidays.
This was originally planned for last Christmas but ya girl had writers block. So enjoy this now. Let me know what you think!
Note: this is a small group of blurbs about all the couples currently in process on my Masterlist. This won’t include anyone who’s not currently being written about. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and happy holidays to the rest🤍
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‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, the kids were asleep, and Matthew and Brady were trying to get Keith into a Santa costume without laughing too loud.
Chantal had one hand over her mouth as she watched them struggle with the zipper before finally closing the suit, and adjusting Keith’s beard. Brady was red faced, and coughing to cover his laughter as Keith whipped around and glared at him, while Matthew had one hand braced on his knee, the other holding his side laughing openly.
“I’m never doing this again.” He grumbled as he stepped into the boots and straightened up looking for the sack of presents. The kids had set up a hidden camera earlier in hopes of catching a picture of Santa putting presents under the tree. Taryn was outside picking up the reindeer food they had left in the front yard and making hoof marks on the front walkway, the milk and cookies had been disposed of and Emma, who would be spending her first Christmas with them since they got married, was sprinkling sand by the front door because south Florida Santa had no snow to work with. Noticeably pregnant Hallie rubbed her hands together and smiled excitedly. Keith placed the presents under the tree, keeping his back to the camera.
“They’re going to love this.” Chantal said giving her hand a squeeze.
Matthew was smiling at her from the doorway as he watched his dad carefully set out gifts and made his way over. He glanced down at her baby bump and rested a hand on it.
“Merry Christmas in there.” He said softly rubbing it “Can’t wait to celebrate with you next year. And by that time someone else will be taking up your space.”
“Uh I don’t think so.” Hallie said shaking her head “This mama is done….for a little while.”
“How many fucking-freaking kids are you guys gonna have Jesus.” Brady said around a mouth full of Christmas cookie. They were all looking at them mildly interested and Hallie wasn’t really sure how to answer.
Matthew shrugged “I guess until I don’t get it done on the first try.”
Her face burned in embarrassment, and she couldn’t believe she had let him answer, but the others were laughing. He threw an arm around her shoulders “But who am I kidding, that won’t happen. I’m 3 for 3. A triple champ.”
“Yeah kind of like an ugly, skinny, Conor McGregor.” Brady said elbowing him.
That started a scuffle and Hallie crossed her arms shaking her head, eyes moving over their house. Over the pictures on the walls they’d amassed over their years together. The ones that started with just them, and then their family, and then their children. Over the decorations, and lights, and ornaments the kids made for them at school that hung on the tree. Her life was so full, so wonderful.
Taryn bumped her shoulder and smiled, eyes moving around before coming back to meet hers “So? Is it everything you hoped for?” She looped an arm around her waist.
She nodded, reaching an arm around her “It’s more than I hoped for.” And then she laughed when Matthew and Brady’s scuffle dissolved and he came over and grinned at her.
“If you don’t stop fighting with Brady you’ll end up on the naughty list, and you won’t get any presents.” She said, reaching forward to wrap her arms around him, as much as possible, with the baby bump in between them.
“The naughty list is more fun anyways. It’s how I became 3 for 3.”
Music played softly in the background of Pierre’s apartment as snow fell outside. It was warm and cozy, the house smelled of cinnamon, and Mila and Pierre were snuggled on the sofa watching the snow fall.
“It’s so pretty.” Mila said off handedly, eyes following the flakes as they blanketed the ground below them, creating a fluffy white blanket on the ground.
“Not as pretty as you.”
She rolled her eyes and tilted her head up to look at him “Your so cheesy.”
“It’s all part of my appeal babe…which speaking of. I have something for you.” He nudged her so he could stand and disappeared around the corner and came back with a box.
“Here.” Pierre said handing it to her. It was long and rectangular shaped and she took it before looking at him.
“Didn’t I tell-“
“Oh shutup.” He said waving her off “Stop trying to police my spending habits on Christmas.”
She giggled and rolled her eyes “Okay Jesus.”
He held a hand up to his chest “Did you just take the lords name in vain…on his birthday?”
“Okay now you shutup.”
“Open it.” He said nudging his chin impatiently at her.
She pulled off the paper, which was no easy feet as it was wrapped like a car ran over it, and pulled out a long blue velvet box. Inside of it was a shining, glittery diamond bracelet.
“Pierre!” She said mouth falling open “This is-“
“Nope!” He held up a hand “It’s not too much. You are worth every single dollar I spent on that, which is none of your business before you ask.”
Mila bit her lip. It was gorgeous, platinum with what looked like a hundred tiny diamonds, held together by a small clasp with her initials on it.
“Well?” He was smiling widely “Do you like it?”
“Of course I like it.” she held it out to him so he could put it on. She turned her wrist so the light caught the diamonds and smiled a little before looking at him.
“Merry Christmas Mila.”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas Eve!”
Vince felt a weight bounce across his bed, rip the covers off of him, and a body wriggle under the blankets, kicking him out of his warm spot.
Josie had come barreling in the room, smiling so wide it could light up a city’s worth of Christmas lights.
“Noooooo.” He groaned eyes closing again. He reached down and pulled the blankets up over his head, and then pulled her closer, leaning down to kiss her deeply but she pushed away from him and tapped him on the lips.
“Uh uh. Santa says no funny business on Christmas Eve until we do something fun!”
“Well Santa can-“
“Ah! None of that or you won’t get any presents!”
She jumped out of bed and pulled the covers off of him, pointing at a neatly folded pile of clothing, “Get dressed. We’re going somewhere.”
He sighed and rolled over with a groan, but when he saw the look on her face he sat up. She looked so excited, hands clasped under her chin as she stood in the doorway of his bedroom.
“Okay, okay I’m awake.”
She squeaked excitedly and bounced from the room, leaving him to get dressed and brush his teeth. She was bundled by the front door as he came around the corner.
“So where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
10 minutes later, he was chuckling as they stood in front of an outdoor ice rink, and he knelt down to tie her skates. He finally got them tied, even though her legs were shaking in excitement and looked up at her.
“Do you even know how to skate?” He asked as he adjusted her leg warmer over the top of her skate and then did the same on the other one.
“Nope!” She said brightly, tapping him on the nose and standing, hands resting on her hips “That’s why you’re going to teach me.”
He helped her out on to the ice and stood facing her, gripping both of her hands in his. He skated backwards pulling her along. It was slow going and he was laughing as she went split legged a few times.
“Hang on. I have a better idea.” He skated around her and pressed himself against her back, arms coming to rest around her waist.
“Hang on.” He said lowly in her ear.
Josie smiled with excitement as he started moving, allowing her to just let her skates sit on the ice without having to do anything else. She closed her eyes and breathed in, the winter air stinging her skin.
“Having a good time?” he asked from behind her.
“Always when I’m with you. Are you having a good time?”
“Of course.” He slowed down a little and walked over her shoulder to kiss her cold cheek “Even though I’m doing all the work. Santa had better reward me with a great gift.”
Josie giggled to herself thankful for Christmas with Vince.
And thankful that he didn’t know, she really did know how to ice skate.
Mat snapped the picture of Leighton and Lucy in front of the tree and smiled.
His first Christmas with his girls had been perfect. The entire month of December had been like something from a dream. Lucy had been to every possible Christmas event they could find on Long Island, often accompanied by her godparents, who were across town celebrating their first Christmas together. Snow angels, Christmas decorating, and even the first time she’d been in an ice rink had all happened in the part month and Mat’s heart felt so full it might burst.
“Let me see.” She squinted at the picture and smiled down at Lucy, who was looking more and more like her as she got older.
“Who’s that beautiful girl?”
He smiled down at them and stood up, setting his phone on the couch and picked up a box and went to hand it to Leighton.
“From Santa. I guess I’m not the only one who thinks you’re beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes and blushed, but pulled out a box and handed it to him. “Here open this first. I think you’re gonna love it.”
He sat on the sofa and pulled at the paper. It was small, enough to fit in his hand. The box was flat, with a cardboard lid and when he pulled it off he saw a blank sheet of paper that said “Pick me up.”
He glanced at her, to find her smiling brightly and she nodded “Go ahead.”
He gripped the paper and pulled, and from it another long sheet of paper fell like an accordion. He pulled it up to look at it and saw that it was t a sheet of paper.
It was a sonogram.
He whipped up his head to find that Leighton was now crying, cheeks red.
“Are you-Oh my god.” He reached forward to hug her, chin resting on her head.
“Are you happy?”
“More happy than I’ve ever been.”
She closed her eyes and breathed him in as he spoke again “This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten, and I love you.”
“Is this dress to short?” Ginny asked turning in front of the mirror. Beau leaned out of the bathroom and grinned in a way that was not appropriate on any level, but especially not on Christmas.
“Yes. You should definitely wear it. Can’t wait to take it off later.” He leaned back in the bathroom.
She smiled and looked at her closet for shoes. The Islanders Christmas party was in a half and hour and they were running a little behind.
She’d been on time until he came into the bathroom and cracked a joke about opening a present, which turned out to be his jeans and the rest of it was a Christmas story for another time. But not the kind you read before bed.
He walked out of the bathroom looking better than he needed to in a pair of grey pants and a black button up. Ginny paused while she slipped a shoe on, eyes moving from his face to his feet and then back up. He winked and smiled at her.
“Not bad huh? But you’ve got me beat. WOW.” He said as he took in her red dress, and heels. It had been a little over six months and she continued to surprise him by outdoing herself. This was the first big holiday they were spending together and tomorrow she’d be meeting his parents.
He stood staring at her “You look beautiful.”
She smiled and blushed a little. Though she was used to a slew of compliments from him, and she knew he was always being genuine when he said them. But it still made her blush.
“Thank you.” She said softly, slipping into her shoes and turning back to the mirror.
“Are Mat and Leighton coming?”
She nodded and sat at her vanity to find earrings “Yes. She said she has something for me.”
“Like a gift?”
Ginny shrugged “I’m not sure. She just said it was something I would love.” She smiled a little as she poked an earring in her ear.
“You know what I love? That dress. Gosh.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her hair over her shoulder to put in her other earring “Why are you being so nice to me? Keep being too good and I won’t let you unwrap my present later on.”
His mouth fell open “I think it’s supposed to be the other way around. Only people on the nice list get to unwrap presents.”
Ginny smiled at him over her shoulder “I much prefer my present openers to be on the naughty side.”
Beau leaned on the doorway, smile as wide as it could possibly get “Best Christmas ever.”
“Stop laughing.”
“I’m not!” Nash giggled from the ground.
Travis was up on a ladder hanging lights from the archway inside the living room of their new house. She’d insisted for weeks that she didn’t want any there, until she announced she was throwing a Christmas party, and then decided the house wasn’t festive enough, which meant she’d shoved a bunch of lights into his hands and told him to hang them.
“Oh come on!” He yelled as he turned the bulb on one of the strings and the rest went out. He’d been fighting with them for 10 minutes “One goes out, they all stay on. One goes on they all go out!”
“Well at least we know that if hockey doesn’t work out, you won’t have a career as an electrician.” She said from the bottom of the ladder with a shrug.
He glanced over his shoulder “Ha Ha. I’m glad you’re having fun down there.”
“Of course I am. The view is fantastic.” She said with a wink.
Travis chuckled and went back to hanging lights, finally getting them all lit “Finally.” He turned to find her smiling at the bottom of the ladder, hands on her waist “How does that look?”
She nodded and pursed her lips “Perfect. Thank you.”
He shrugged “Don’t thank me. It’s the least I could do. And it makes you happy so it’s a win in my book.”
He made his way down the ladder and pulled her into his arms “Besides. A good deed on Christmas always gets rewarded and I-“
But he was cut short when there was an electrical pop and every light in the house went dark.
“It’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing. You can’t even see me.”
He grinned “I don’t need to.”
She sighed and he felt her arms slide around his waist “We could just stay here…in the dark I guess.”
“But then how would Santa find our house?” As he said that the lights all lit up at once just in time for him to see her smiled widely at him.
“Who cares? Nothing he could bring me would ever be a better gift that the one I have right here.”
“Merry Christmas!” Sawyer yelled as she pulled open the door to find Nolan’s parents on the other side. She pulled them inside and out of the cold Winnipeg winter and into their cozy house that was full of friends and family.
Nolan was parked on a barstool at the counter watching Sawyer. She was having the absolute time of her life and just looking at her made him want to smile.
It had been a hard year. A hard few years actually but this one in particular had been rough. They’d had so much hope for Vegas and it had only been more of the same, and no one was sure that he’d ever be able to play hockey again. It was sad and scary and she held his hand every minute, but he’d come to terms with it now.
But he didn’t have time to think about it because Sawyer herself came bounding over, hanging mistletoe over his head and kissing him on the cheek with a loud “smack”
“Come on you Grinch! At least smile a little.”
He smiled and she made a face “I mean a real one. Santa is watching.” She pointed upwards.
“I thought that was Jesus who lived up there.”
“Yeah well then he’s watching too. So you won’t get any presents and you might get struck by lightning and that will ruin the whole holiday.” She grinned “And I’ll have to take all these decorations down by myself.”
He chuckled and reached forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
“Thank you.” She said against his chest, quietly enough that only he could hear.
“This.” She pulled back and gestured around “I know this isn’t your thing, but it means a lot to me that you let me throw this party.”
“It’s not that bad. I’d do anything to make you happy, you know that. My Christmas gift to you.”
She looked up at him and smiled the most beautiful smile “Your the gift that keeps on giving Nolan Patrick, and no gift could ever be better than spending my life with you.”
Nolan rested his chin on her head “Merry Christmas Sawyer.”
“Merry Christmas Nols.”
“Cash will you sit still!” Tyler grumbled as he tried for the third time to stick reindeer antlers on his head. Marshall, Molly and even Gerry were all sitting obediently, but Cash had shaken them off twice. Even though he was as uncooperative as possible, Ava was having so much fun. There was a magic in the air that only lasted one month out of the year that you couldn’t find any other time. The feeling of Christmas was unlike any other and it was the first one she was spending with Tyler, and the first one she could remember being excited for.
She was knelt down, phone in one hand, tennis ball in the other which had the attention of the other three dogs, waiting for Tyler to quit wrestling with their most unruly child.
“Freakin dog.” He said with a huff as he finally got them fastened and made him sit.
“Just like his dad.” She said smiling at him “Okay ready, hey guys!” She waved the ball so they all looked and quickly snapped several pictures before they all started moving with excitement.
“Got it!” she said tossing the ball.
All four took off running after it, skidding through the house and falling over each other like Bambi on ice, and Ava and Tyler both yelled “No!” as Gerry went flying right into the tree.
It swayed for a second before it fell in slow motion as Tyler raced forward to catch it, which he did, but not before it rained ornaments that hit the floor and rolled in all directions.
Ava covered her mouth the keep from laughing and hurried forward as Tyler tipped the tree back up on to its stand, and made a loud noise of annoyance.
“What’s so funny?” He asked when he saw her laughing.
“What’s funny is now you have to help me redecorate it. Since you conveniently seemed to be missing last time.”
“I was at practice.” He said eyeing her with a small smile.
“Sure. That’s why Jamie called looking for you.”
“That douche. Busted I guess. Okay I wasn’t at practice I was out-“ he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box “Buying this.”
She smiled and glanced up as she took it “That’s funny cuz I wasn’t here waiting for you, I was out picking up this.” She pulled a bigger rectangular box from under the sofa.
As they opened their respective gifts she heard Tyler make a noise like a gasp and an exclamation and she smiled. She’d had blown up and framed the first picture they’d ever taken together, them and all four of the dogs. It had been the first time Ava had let anyone take a photo of her in years, and Tyler was so proud of her for it. But she’d kept it hidden, telling him it didn’t take for months. This was the first time he’d seen it, and his eyes softened as he looked at it and then at her.
“I love this. Thank you it’s amazing. We gotta hang this.” He glanced around and picked a spot right by the front door “There. So people see it right when they get here.”
He turned as she pulled her own gift out, a silver locket with a tiny photo of the dogs on one side, and them on the other, and a date a time inscribed on the back.
“This is beautiful, but what’s this?” She asked pointing at the date and time that was engraved at the bottom.
“The day and time I saw you for the first time.”
“Oh my gosh.” She was blushing but he continued “That day and time changed my life. The only thing that could would have made it better was if you wanted to join the mile high club or something.”
She laughed and swatted his arm “Tyler!” She turned holding up her hair so he could put it on and then smiled “Thank you for this and for making every other day better than the one before.” She placed a hand on his heart.
“Thank you.” He said placing his hand over hers “For letting me.”
He squeezed her hand and then pulled her into a hug. He was warm, and she could feel his heart beating through his chest. Tyler smiled and squeezed her tighter. “Best Christmas ever. Don’t you think?” He asked glancing down. She nodded with a small smile.
“Better than all your others?”
“Everything with you in my life is better, Christmas included.” She closed her eyes and squeezed him tightly.
There really was something magical about Christmas.
“Ho Ho Ho!” Joel rumbled as he made his way inside of the Connolly’s house. He and Libby had gone home for Christmas and though they wouldn’t be able to stay long, there was no way they were missing her parent’s Christmas party.
“AH!” Heather screamed rushing forward to pull them both into a hug, as she had also voyaged home just for the holidays “Happy kissaversary lovebirds.”
Th house was packed with guests and family and friends, and Libby couldn’t stop smiling. It felt so good to be here in her parents house, on Christmas Eve, with Joel where their story had started. She’d kissed him for the first time right upstairs in her room, and at that moment their lives together began.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked from beside her, arm around her shoulders.
“Oh just about that Christmas Eve when I kissed you upstairs.”
“Uhm no.” He scoffed “It was me who kissed you actually.”
“Im thinking about-“ they turned to find Heather, standing with her sweater half open to conceal a bottle of wine under it. Discreetly they all made their way up to Libby’s room and out on to the roof, bundled in jackets as they each took sips from the bottle.
“Last time we did this we were teenagers.” Joel said from his spot next to Libby.
“The last time your mom had a party was when I was in Florida and you guys were in there making out, thinking we all had no idea.”
“Well you might, but my parents didn’t.”
Heather rolled her eyes “Yes they did Libby. They just didn’t think Joel had it in him so they didn’t care.”
Joel gave her a dirty look and an eye roll, and stared off into space for a second before he asked them “Do you guys ever think about what things would be like if you hadn’t moved here in 8th grade?”
“I don’t like to.” Heather said rubbing her arms “You moving here was the best thing that could have happened to us.” She said smiling at Libby “Because I gained a best friend and Joel finally found someone who would go out with him.”
Libby started laughing, breath turning into fog and Joel’s mouth fell open “On Christmas? Really Heather? Aren’t you already pretty low on the naughty list?”
“I live on the naughty list. Alright I’m not 15 anymore. It’s too cold for this, you guys coming?” She said as she climbed back in.
“In a minute.” She disappeared out Libby’s bedroom door leaving her with Joel on the roof. She reached forward grabbing his hand to hold it in her mittened one.
“If I hadn’t moved here in 8th grade, we still would have found each other some way.”
“You think?”
She nodded and looked out across town, at the black sky, white snow and twinkling stars above their heads “I do. Just would have needed some magic. Some Christmas magic.” She pointed at a star that streaked across the sky and disappeared before she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Can you think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve?” He asked.
She shook her head “No. I want to spend every Christmas Eve here, and every other day of the year with you until we’re old and grey. Promise me that?” She looked up at him, eyes wide under her glasses.
“Promise. Merry Christmas Libby.”
“Merry Christmas Joel.”
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troubatrain · 4 years ago
Hiii, can you write 43.giving them a piggy-back ride with Pierre Luc Dubois? Thank youu 😘
so i feel like this was supposed to be happy and fluffy - instead i chose VIOLENCE so this is super sad but i do hope you guys like it :)
Pierre couldn’t help but stare.
It was like seeing a ghost, the piece of his past that seemed to haunt him no matter where he went. Pierre had been back in Columbus for all of six hours before he saw you again. Every memory of your relationship flooded back to him while he stared at you from afar, down to the night he left for Winnipeg and told you he couldn’t do it anymore. You were fighting constantly, a result of Pierre’s stress about asking for a trade and the way he was being treated by his own team, and right before the trade went through - you broke up in a fit of rage neither of you were able to control.
Pierre watched you put yourself back together, at least that’s the way your Instagram appeared. It was wiped clean, like Pierre had never been there to begin with, and he was happy for you. You deserved better than he was giving you and Pierre knew that, which was why he wasn’t going to get up from his chair and see you. Pierre wasn’t doing well, lonely nights spent with someone who wasn’t you in his bed and a part of him wondered if he’d ever move on. Even then, he wasn’t going to be selfish enough to crash into your life and fuck it up again.
Except you knew he was there.
You had the date in the back of your head for weeks, knowing the Jets would play the Blue Jackets and eventually Pierre would be in the same city as you. The plan was to avoid him, but it wasn’t like he didn’t stick out like a sore thumb even in the huge crowd at that bar. So, you drank, convincing your friends it was a girl’s night so that’s why you were going so hard but they all knew the truth. You heard the whispers, So we’re just going to let her do this? Are we acting like we don’t see him?
“Hey babe,” Cara says gently, your best friend just trying to look out for you, “Maybe you can slow down, or we’ll leave-”
“I’m not leaving for him,” You slur, crossing your arms because you shouldn’t let Pierre dictate what you do. He should watch you, see how much fun you’re having without him because he didn’t want to try and fix what you had both broken. Instead he ran, he headed to Winnipeg without a word to you, “I’m going to the bathroom.”
That was when Pierre knew he had to get up. You were beyond drunk, Pierre could’ve known just by the way you were walking, and he couldn’t let you walk down that hallway alone. He promised himself, he’d just wait in the hallway to make sure you were safe and let you go back to Cara who’d make sure you were home safe and sound by the end of the night. He was doing fine, until he heard you gag through the door and Pierre had definitely known what was following. He knocked softly, pressing his ear against the door and listening to the sound of you throwing up on the other side, “Y/N?”
Your entire body froze, stopping before more vomit came out again and you couldn’t stop it. You knew it was Pierre, his voice both calming and terrifying to you at the same time. Your brain was screaming for you to pretend you just weren’t there, maybe he’d leave and never speak to you again, but then you heard a second knock, “P? I need you.”
The tears were falling from your eyes when you said it, a moment of weakness you couldn’t fight. You missed him, months of pretending like you were fine when you weren’t was starting to take a toll on you. Pierre opened the door immediately, crouching down and pushing your hair out of your face. His thumb swiped the tears that had fallen, and that was enough for the floodgates to open. Pierre held you tightly, whispering to you over and over again, “I’m here, it’s okay… we should get you home.”
You nod, stumbling out of the bar under Pierre’s arm and hoping your friends didn’t catch you. It was probably a mistake, but the way it felt to his arms around you weighed the regret hangover you were going to have in the morning. You stopped half a block into your walk, “Can you carry me?”
Pierre almost let out a laugh, his mind flashing back to the times he’d piggy backed you to your place because Luc these heels hurt my feet despite Pierre telling you he wasn’t going to carry you home this time. He always caved, feeling guilty that you were in pain and he knew he could help if he just gave in. He stepped forward, crouching down to catch you, “Hop on.”
Pierre carried you all the way home, your head tucked into his neck while you fiddled with the chain that was peeking out of his shirt. He thought you’d fallen asleep, because usually that was all it took. It wasn’t until Pierre unlocked your front door that you finally spoke, “Why didn’t you say something to me at the bar?”
“Because you deserve better than I gave you,” Pierre says solemnly, he constantly regretted not working to fix your problems, and he couldn’t live with himself knowing he would make them worse. You looked up at him sadly, tears brimming your eyes. He wanted to say it so badly, that he still loved you but every logical part of his brain was telling him no. You lived in a different city, you moved on, and he couldn’t keep calling you to come back - that wasn’t fair. He opened his mouth, the words on the tip of his tongue before he changed his mind at the last second, “C’mon I want you in bed before I go.”
You nod, settling on just listening to him because you were sure this meant nothing. Pierre was a good guy, he wasn’t going to leave you in that bathroom alone, and he wasn’t going to leave your place until he knew you were fine. Maybe he was right, you did deserve better than what he gave you, but he gave the world until things got hard, “Will you stay? Just until I fall asleep?”
Pierre nods, grabbing you some clothes and helping you get changed. You fell into your bed, Pierre making a note that every piece of your bedding looked different. You got rid of the old ones, trying to rid your brain of nights spent between the sheets with Pierre. You curled up into bed, Pierre leaning against your headboard while you started to doze off. He stayed for a bit, curling your hair around his finger and just remembering the way it used to feel to be with you. He thought about that night, the way he stormed out when he shouldn’t have and hammered in the final nail in the coffin. Pierre thought about you, and how one day you’d find someone who was going to do better than he did and he hoped you’d find it. It took him a while, but when he finally got up he made a promise to himself that he’d never come back and fuck up your life again - whispering one last I love you and wiping a tear that had fallen from his eye before he left.
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years ago
94 with pld!
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Happy blurb weekend!
Tagging: @besthockeyfics @glassdanse @stlbluesbrat21 @dembenchboys @stars-canucks @beauvibaby @nhlboyshavemyhart88 @gotpucks @annedub
94. You don’t have to pay me back.”
Word Count: 506
You were in such a rush that morning that you forgot to make your lunch, your alarm, for whatever reason, not going off when you needed it to. Either that or you managed to sleep through it ringing for the first 15 minutes it was going off. Regardless, you ran out the door without anything for lunch, your wallet at home, and no way to get food.
“How much do you love me?” you ask into your phone during your break.
“What’s today, Tuesday? Eh, only sort of,” you hear Pierre tease on the other end.
“Are you implying that you love me differently based on what day of the week it is?”
“That’s not important,” he says, ignoring your ‘yes it is,’ “What do you need?”
“Is there any way you would be able to bring me lunch around 12:30? Literally anything you can find would be fine, I just can’t go the entire day without food and I left my wallet at home,” you plead.
You hear him laugh a little, suddenly worried by what he was going to do. “Sure, I’ll see you later.”
You now just had to make it the rest of the time until lunch before Pierre showed up to drop off your lunch, thankful that he had the time that day given his practice and what you were sure was a game later that night (although you had to admit, you had no idea).
When Pierre texted you to meet him outside, you practically ran, feeling like you hadn’t eaten in what was way too long, despite knowing that you had breakfast that morning and were just being dramatic. “Get in,” he tells you.
“I thought you were bringing me lunch?” you ask, poking your head into his car. You saw no food in there.
“I’m bringing you to lunch.”
You roll your eyes, getting in his car anyway. He leans over to give you a kiss before pulling away, refusing to tell you where he was taking you in the forty five minutes you had off for lunch. You weren’t even expecting to leave, your computer still on and your entire bag left sitting at your desk. It wasn’t going to be a problem leaving it there, but you still would have liked some sort of warning before you left.
Pierre-Luc pulls up in front of the cafe the two of you loved going to on weekends when he didn’t have games. “I told you I didn’t have my wallet on me.”
“You don’t have to pay me back. Let me treat you for lunch,” he says, getting out of the car, waiting for you to lead you to the table that was already set up for you. “I called them and told them we were coming and in a rush, so they made the food ahead of time.”
You reach up to kiss him, wishing you could do more for him to thank him. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“I know, but I wanted to.”
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senditcolton · 2 years ago
Prompt #7 with PLD?
ah PLD, the man i can never let go of. this prompt might be a little cliche but do you know why cliches become cliches? because they work!
Love doesn't have to be something that we hide behind the scenes.
“I think we should tell them.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, your voice quiet but assured. “To be honest, I’m kind of surprised we managed to keep it a secret for this long.”
“Well, to be fair, we didn’t really plan for this to happen.”
“I know, Luc. I was there when it started,” you tease and your heart trills at the sound of Pierre’s laughter coming from the adjoining bathroom of the hotel suite you found yourself in.
How did you get here? Well, it was a long story.
How you came to be staying in the same hotel as the Winnipeg Jets was an easy answer. Right before the season started, you got a job as a part of the Jets the athletic training staff and soon, you found yourself as part of the travelling team, an honor that you hadn’t expected to receive in your first year. So, technically speaking, you were supposed to be in this hotel with the rest of the players and staff. However, your assigned room was actually a floor below.
That lead to the story how you came to find yourself nestled in the bed sheets behind the hotel room belonging to one Pierre-Luc Dubois.
As previously mentioned, you didn’t plan on this happening. At first, Pierre was just another co-worker. An insanely attractive co-worker who maybe sometimes flirted with you in the hallways to be sure but that was all. You certainly weren’t expecting him to become something more than that, a brief infatuation that you would get over eventually and things would return to business as usual. The rational part of your brain also told you that it was impossible for you and him to become something more. You’ll be the first to admit that you had only skimmed the employee code of conduct but you were pretty sure there was a section that said no fraternizing with the players.
And you never planned to.
Not until one night in Tampa when Victor Hedman laid a particularly messy hit on Pierre, a hit that caused his legs to tangle underneath him and had him ushered off the ice to the training room where he sat as you checked to see what the damage was. And when you and Rob confirmed that it was serious enough for Pierre to not return to the game, you stayed with him in the recovery room, icing and taping his knee to make him feel as best he could.
You could confidently say those 30 minutes or so of you and him just sitting together talking was the turning point in your relationship. And shortly after, you found yourself falling into an easy romance that you now couldn’t imagine your life without.
The two of you knew that being together wasn’t the smartest plan, that it could easily cost you your job. But you managed to keep it under wraps for almost four months and no one was the wiser.
However, you knew you had to come clean at some point. And that’s what lead to this conversation in a hotel room.
Pierre emerges from the bathroom, his pullover and sweatpants covering his frame as he walks back over to you still in bed.
“Are you sure you want to?”
“I wouldn’t say I want to. I like what we have right now, I like being in this nice little bubble of just you and me. But I think it would just make things easier, less complicated.”
“I could kiss you in hallways instead of having to wait until we were alone,” Pierre adds and you laugh at his light teasing.
“If I keep my job,” you say, trying to keep your voice light but having to voice the harsh possibility.
“Oh, right,” Luc sighs, his eyes ducking down. You reach out for his hand, taking in his palm in yours as you intertwine your fingers.
“Hey, that’s the worst-case possibility,” you rationalize, trying to dissuade your fears as much as his own. “I could also stay in my current position, or I can’t travel with you guys, or I get fired at the end of the season instead of immediately so we’d still get about another month of this. We really know until we reveal… this.”
Luc chuckles at your stuttered sentences, his hand tightening around yours.
“If it does go badly, which I hope it won’t considering the fact that this has been going on for months and I’d like to think I’ve remained professional, I’ll just be like a normal hockey partner. Like everyone else,” you laugh and Pierre smiles at you.
“You could never be like everyone else,” Pierre says with a soft smile and you can’t stop the heat from flooding your cheeks. “But I think you’re right. I think it’s time we tell everyone.”
“Maybe not everyone,” you laugh. “Maybe, let’s start with my boss. I can talk to Rob on the plane today and we’ll go from there.”
“So, I still can’t tell the boys?”
“Not yet. Depending on what Rob and the rest of my bosses say slash decide, we can talk about telling the boys.”
“That works for me,” Pierre accepts, lifting himself up off the mattress and using the hand clasped in yours to pull you up from the sheets. You can’t help the giggle that falls from your lips and you and Luc fall back into the easy intimacy that had defined your relationship. The two of you finish getting dressed, Pierre’s bag packed and the two of you are causally talking as you step out of the hotel room, so caught up in the conversation that you don’t notice Mark Scheifele stepping out of his own hotel room directly across the hall at the same time.
You notice Mark first, your words pausing and eyes widening as you watch him take the scene before him; you and Pierre stepping out of the room, one of Luc’s shirts falling from your shoulders.
“Oh my god,” he says and the pleading look that you plaster onto your face is a millisecond too slow because before you knew it, Mark’s voice was carrying down the hallway, followed shortly by the sound of other doors being opened and more hoots and hollers joining in the noise.
“This is who you’ve been seeing, Luc?”
“Yo, Lowry you owe me 20 bucks.”
“I knew it the whole time. You two weren’t being subtle at all.”
These sentences and more surrounded you as you felt the entire teams’ eyes on the two of you, the heat that you felt in your cheeks earlier now multiplied by a hundred. But soon the embarrassment turned into contentment as the boys came up to you, hugging you and you felt like you were being welcomed to the team once again. And somehow, having the boys know before anyone else made you feel better about the prospect of telling your bosses. Because now you had an entire team backing you; a family that you would now always be a part of regardless of what happened.
Eventually, you feel Pierre’s hands on your waist, pulling your attention from the few bodies still lingering in the hallway to him. And when you connect your eyes to his, you see a matching smile stretched across his face.
“Well, that didn’t go as planned.”
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snoopyhughes · 3 years ago
voices; pierre-luc dubois
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I’m a little late with this, but here is my blurb for @antoineroussel surprise prompts for November :) I love Luc and I hope you guys enjoy this! Not a ton of dialogue but I’m really proud of this! 
Just over 700 words of dad!Pierre fluff :) There’s no pronouns mentioned for the reader, however the reader gives birth to the child so it’s a uterus bearing reader. 
i act like i know things i don’t, i just like the sound of your voice (song: all loved up)
Pierre knew everything about you. He knew what made you smile and what made you frown, he knew what you liked to eat after a long day of work and just how to massage out the sore spot in your neck. He knew which shoes you liked to wear when it rained and which when it snowed. And he knew what made your voice sing and what made it crack.
That was his favorite part about you, truly. Your voice. He loved to hear your passion and enthusiasm shine through when you talked about a good day at work, or your favorite song, or what one of your friends had said while you went out for happy hour. Even the sound of your shaky voice when you had a tough day, or you hurt yourself, or you were watching a sad movie. Your voice was so soothing to him. 
He never quite understood the magnitude of voices before he met you. He didn’t understand how a voice could make you weak at the knees like his dad always said about his mom. That was until he heard yours.
The little “Luc,” that would come out of your mouth when you needed something, or just simply wanted his attention.
“Luc,” your shaky voice had called out to him from the ensuite earlier that year, causing his heart to race. He ran into the bathroom from the bed and found you standing shakily over the bathroom counter. Three small tests looked up from you, one had a plus sign, one had two lines, and one said the word that conveyed all of those things: pregnant. 
Pierre felt his hands shake as he wrapped them around your biceps, pulling you into his chest softly. “Ma belle, please.” He murmured, smoothing out your hair. You trembled in his arms and Pierre was sure he felt the same way to you. The two of you had never been so scared of anything. You knew in your heart that Pierre would be the most amazing dad, but you were both so young and this was certainly a retch in your plans.
Pierre didn’t think he could love the sound of your voice any more until he heard your voice over the phone that March morning. Pierre was on a road trip, and you had gone and found out the sex of your baby. You told him you would wait to tell him until he got home three days later, but the both of you knew wouldn’t last that long. “Luc,” you exclaimed. “It’s a girl.” Your teary voice got the best of you, cracking as those three words came out. But Pierre didn’t even notice, his own tears falling the moment he heard the words come out of your mouth.
Over a year later, Pierre didn’t think he would ever find a sound he loved more than your voice. He had heard perfect songs and the chirps of the prettiest birds and he listened to his favorite albums on loop but nothing would ever compare to the way your honey smooth voice said his name. Until he heard Lennon’s.
Lennon Lucile Dubois, the other light of his life. She was almost identical to you, except she had Pierre’s eyes and his perfect smile. You and Pierre stared at your daughter and she laid on her stomach, playing with her toys on her own. You both found yourself doing this quite often now that the season was over, simply staring at Lennon, in awe of the creature you put on this earth.
“Phil, play nice.” Pierre warned the dog as he barked at Lenny to hand his toy back. Phil nuzzled into his sister’s tiny leg, causing her to giggle. “Da.” She chirped out, causing Pierre’s eyes to widen into saucers. “What did she just say?” He asked, not sure if he heard her correctly. “Lenny bug, what did you just say?” She had made countless intangible noises, but never anything that strung together to even resemble a word.
“Dada.” This time, it was clear as day. Tears fell from his eyes as he grabbed his baby girl, kissing her all over her face and then setting her down and pressing kisses all over your face. Deep down you knew Lennon would say dada first, she was truly a daddy’s girl. And you couldn’t find it in your heart to even be the tiniest bit jealous as you saw the way Pierre’s face lit up. 
Pierre didn’t know what he knew anymore. But the one thing he’ll always know, is that nothing will ever compare to the sound of his two girls’ voices. 
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hookingminor · 3 years ago
"I was worried something happened to you" with pierre-luc dubois
"I was worried something happened to you."
It was an unfortunate series of events, truly. 
Ice in the winter was deadly, but you never expected to be carrying groceries with your roommate when she slipped on the stairs leading up to your apartment, effectively shattering her leg.
An ambulance was called immediately, and you rode the entire way to the hospital with her. Due to the late hour, the emergency room was operating at its lowest capacity, leaving you in a waiting room chair for hours on end while you waited for an update. The EMTs declared her tibia had broken, along with some pieces of her knee splintering off. Conclusion? Emergency surgery.
It was almost midnight when you received a call from your boyfriend, who was on a roadtrip on the west coast. You presumed he was calling you before heading to bed, but you’d been so preoccupied with your roommate that you forgot he had even played a game tonight.
“Hey, baby,” Pierre’s scruffy face greeted you. He immediately took in the unfamiliar off-white walls behind you. “Where are you at?”
“The hospital,” you answered with a sigh. “It’s been a long night. I’ve been here since eight—”
“What the fuck are you doing in the hospital? What happened? Are you okay?” Pierre went into full panic mode, sitting up from his relaxed position on the bed and bombarding you with questions.
“Well I was with Carrie—” Just then, a doctor rounded the corner and called your name.
“Hold on, Luc,” you said. “The doctor’s here. I gotta go. Call you later.”
You hung up before Pierre could say goodbye, eager for any update the doctor had. You sprung up from the chair with shaky hands.
“Is she okay?” You asked.
“Surgery was successful,” he answered with a smile, immediately calming your nerves. “We had to remove the splintered knee fragments and reset her tibia, but she is fine. She should be waking up from surgery any minute now if you’d like to see her. She’ll make a full recovery but it will be a few months.”
The doctor ushered you to Carrie’s room and found her lounged on the bed, broken leg elevated in a fancy contraption and a tired look on her face.
“Yikes.” You couldn’t help but make fun of her situation.
“God, I know right? Wasted fifty dollars worth of groceries, and I won’t be able to walk for months,” she chuckled dryly. “At least I’m so medicated I can’t feel any pain right now.”
A nurse brought in a padded chair at that moment, sliding it over to you since you requested if you could stay the night with Carrie. You didn’t want to leave her in the middle of surgery to wake up alone, and with it being so late, it didn’t make sense to go back home.
Exhaustion washed over you now that you were reassured your friend was okay, and she gave you the extra blanket on her bed for you to curl up with.
In all your worrying about Carrie, you completely disregarded the phone buzzing away in your bag and the tens of text messages and missed calls from Pierre. You fell asleep in that hospital room with Carrie, oblivious to the heart attack you were about to cause your boyfriend.
A knock woke you both up around eight in the morning, the same nurse from last night making her rounds to check Carrie’s vitals. Her prognosis was good. They decreased the morphine in hopes of getting her off it completely, and when the doctor came back in an hour later to check in, he supposed she’d be able to be released the next day so long as everything went smoothly today.
A few seconds into his discharge instructions, a hurried figure rounded the hospital room door and bursted in.
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Pierre cursed a breath of relief when he saw you, clutching his laboring chest.
“And you are?” The doctor asked not unkindly, but he didn’t appreciate the interruption.
“Luc? What are you—” You turned to Carrie and the doctor, feeling rude about the interruption yourself. “I’ll be just outside.”
You grabbed Pierre by the wrist and tugged him into the empty hallway, and his hands immediately cupped your face to search for any sign of injury. “You had me worried to death,” he said, still in the process of catching his breath. He’d clearly run from somewhere, probably through the hospital to find you.
“Of course I’m okay,” you said. “What are you doing here so early? Weren’t you supposed to fly back today?”
“I was,” he answered. “Until you told me you were in the hospital then proceeded to ignore all my messages, so I booked the first flight back. I was worried something happened to you.”
“Oh.” Realization dawned on you. “Oh, I meant I was in the hospital with Carrie. She broke her leg last night and had to have surgery. I’m so sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he sighed. “I mean, I feel bad for Carrie, but you nearly sent me into cardiac arrest.”
“I feel terrible. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you, but it was late when she got out of surgery and we were so tired.”
Pierre brought you into a tight hug. “I understand.” He kissed your forehead. “Please don’t do that to me again though.”
“Promise,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his torso. “Would you mind taking me home so I can take a shower and grab some things for Carrie?” 
“Of course,” he replied. “I better let the guys know you’re okay. I think I freaked them out last night.”
“Oh god.” Remorse washed over you in waves. You hadn’t even spared him a second thought after that phone call because you were worried about Carrie, and here he was worrying all his teammates and coaches that something terrible happened to you. 
But there was another part of you that wanted to cry over your boyfriend’s concern. He flew all the way from California in the middle of the night just to check on when you wouldn’t pick up.
“We should get you home then. You’re probably exhausted.” You took note of his messy hair and tired eyes.
“I think I lost about five years off my life after that,” Pierre said dryly, obviously too fatigued to put more effort into his joke. “If I never step foot in a hospital again, it will be too soon.”
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