#pichu anon
crystalelemental · 2 years
Hey, it's Pichu anon! (Might as well call myself this.) Yesterday I saw #ilikeMicaiah on Twitter and so I decided to discuss with you, another fan of hers, about one trait that isn't scrutinized enough, aka the roots of her patriotism. I mean, it's fascinating, coming from a Branded, even more so when it's directed at Daein, which is a lot racist. It's almost contradictory, to the point that many write her off as part of her kindness. But then, I remember something: the line where she says (1/?)
"That during the war (and after it) people helped her "just because she was from Daein. The sad thing? That's probably the nearest thing to a sense of belonging she has ever felt. She has been running all her life from people, even trying to abandon Sothe 'cuz she knew he could've gotten in trouble because she's Branded. But she never wanted to avoid people nor being alone but she's aware that the people could turn on her just as well if they knew her secrets (hell, the Brigade doesn't know)(2/?)
Ironically, this is best discussed in the English-only conversation in 3-12, where she says upfront that she'd rather be reviled as a beast than let Daein be destroyed. I don't know if that was the intent, but I like to imagine she was also referring to how she knows that the same people who adore her now might very well betray her. And it's all so intriguing, especially when you compare her to Stefan and Soren and their lifestories of abuse. God, Micaiah is such a golden written character!(3/3)"
Bless you, Pichu Anon, for giving me a chance to talk about Micaiah.  I love her so much.  I'm glad that at least some of the fanbase is coming around on her, because I remember launch RD involved almost nothing but hate for her.  It was a rough time.
I think the whole situation with Daein is really interesting.  The nation is known for being anti-Laguz, and very strongly so.  Its citizens are blatantly excited about fighting them and taking home trophies in the form of their dead bodies.  It's messed up how extreme it is, and we get a lot of how this indoctrination occurs from Jill in PoR.
But I think what's fun about Micaiah's route is that we see the other sides of Daein.  The racism is still there, but the people are more than just a one-note evil amalgam.  They're a fairly poor populace, and have a strong sense of community and connection.  When things go south, they band together and take care of their own.  Which is, in fact, a positive quality for the nation.  An Micaiah's taken in my this strength of theirs; their willingness to band together for the good of the community and make sure everyone is taken care of. It's likely something she's never experienced. Even if they didn't know what she was, that experience of being part of such a community likely would've made an impression.
So her entire focus now is on preserving that. She fights for Daein to preserve the lives of these people who were so kind. And she goes absolutely all-in for it too. Micaiah goes to fascinating extremes to pull off a win against opponents better equipped and more experienced than her, and I love it. Her sections in Act 3 can be annoying to play through, but it does present an interesting concept of what it's like to be so horrifically outgunned. Kinda like Thracia. Only not as obnoxious.
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askanoddpikachu · 10 days
Uhhhh Pichu and togetic for your hybrid thing? :3
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Yours to keep if you’d like! Just let me know ^^
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flake-n-rudy · 1 year
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Flake: Friends are supposed to SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER. no matter WHAT. The pichu begins to scribble more aggressively with their pencil, teeth clenching tightly Flake: I don’t CARE if I’m WRONG. Friend’s are supposed to support you NO MATTER WHAT. Their cheeks begin to spark as their grip tightens on the pencil, scribbling harder and faster Flake: I DON’T CARE IF I MAKE A ASS OF MYSELF. I DON’T CARE IF THE WHOLE WORLD IS AGAINST ME. I DONT CARE IF I KILL SOMEONE. Flake: A FRIEND IS SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT YOU. NO. MATTER. WHAT. Flake: NO. BODY. GETS. LEFT. BEHIND. The pencil snaps suddenly as Flake nearly drives it through the clipboard They stand there in silence for a moment, breathing heavily. Eventually their ears begin to flick back and forth, almost acting like a metronome to bring them back to their senses. They sigh, and glance at the clipboard Flake: ... At least I was finished with the dumb form anyways. They don’t elaborate further on the matter
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asktheweirdpichu · 2 years
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Asche: "Let me- let me just wait another minute- just in case!"
"Aaaaaand... aaaany moment now...!"
"... ... ... ... ..."
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Asche: "Sigh... alright, I'm not a Pikachu after all, I guess... good to know... yaaaay..."
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Asche: (Ah... g-getting dizzy...? That’s... weird, I haven’t used any moves today... guess I'll just... put this somewhere safe and... g-go rest for a bit...)
[ @auctor-phineas-quillsworthy​ ]
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popfizzles · 2 years
I love your pokemon translator! Is there a difference between those born with it and those who learn it from say being raised by pokemon (Like in the pokemon movie: Secrets of the Jungle) What are Pandoras thoughts of the differences between those born and those learned is there is any?
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The huge disconnect between working forever and learning how to understand an average maximum of four Pokemon (compared to over one thousand of the full Pokedex) is exactly why Translators are banned from participating in the League!...
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theanontrain · 1 year
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“ Megaman and Roll spot a Pichu.”
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the-mew-crew · 2 years
What kind of Pichu is that?
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"I'll have to translate for them, probably."
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johto-golden-boy · 1 year
[turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu][turns Gold into a Pichu] -Magic Anon
What's that supposed to me-
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blueespeon · 2 years
(The anon Pichu climbed up Teiji's back)
Does the elite ranked units eat meat?
What do pokemon that eat meat have to eat if they can't eat meat?
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Teiji: It is... complicated.
Pokemon that eat meat usually has alternatives that does not involve real pokemon, it is actually formed from turning berries into meat that only a few specialized pokemon can do.
There are some ways to eat real pokemon meat without killing such as eating the body of pokemon that are already dead, this is technically not murder but it is considered questionable.
This only applies to civilized pokemon though, because of the whole issue of pokemon living together in harmony in towns, some pokemon choose to not use this lifestyle and still live in the wild like when humans were still around, they refuse to use technology and still hunt and kill pokemon for food.
The elite ranked units would not even consider such a thing, none of them would consider murdering another sapient being even if it is for their own survival.
As you can probably tell, it is not that simple.
Some things are simply complex, as paradoxical as that phrase sounds.
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juvian · 2 months
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Pichu, the tiny mouse pokemon -> 172
Pikachu, the mouse pokemon -> 025
Raichu, the mouse pokemon -> 026
Alolan Raichu, the mouse pokemon -> 026
Do not repost - Pokedex serie | Ko-fi - Requested by anon !
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altocat · 2 months
*tucks Pichu ears under tablecloth* OH MAN it smells like mashed potatoes-
‘Ello!!! Anon here to tell YOU 🫵 that you are wonderful!! And perhaps that anons can be used for spreading some love after all <333
Anywho!! While I’m here… may I ask what AGS do when they feel like being kind? :3c Perhaps their kindest deeds?? (I know you would let Sephiroth have the last ice pop in the freezer, YOU CAN’T FOOL ME, GENESIS!!)
Ty for your loveliness!!!
*turns around, starts to waddle back home, trips on a coat hanger as she reaches for the door*
What a mysterious Pichu-shaped figure! Or maybe it was a Mimikyu? Idk is there a tablecloth pokemon now??? I feel like there would be lmao
Angeal: Angeal can be a stern and careful mentor, whether it's to Zack or any of the younger soldiers. He occasionally yells at the Seconds and Thirds whenever they screw up or aren't paying attention.
BUT. Angeal is unfailingly kind to new recruits. Some are just teenaged boys who have just left their family. If he snaps at them and they start crying, or if they're just upset or homesick in general, there is no force alive in all of Gaia that could keep Angeal from hugging them. He pulls them in close and tells them everything is going to be okay, even if they screwed up. He's glad they're here, glad they're following their dreams. He knows they're trying. And that's the best thing they could possibly do. Dadgeal is real.
Genesis: Genesis can be equally kind to the younger soldiers, reading Loveless to them or even teaching them some fancy materia magic techniques. He's got his own select crowd that he runs with, but he's not above occasionally taking time to mingle.
Genesis is hot-headed and rough around the edges. But if there's one area where his kindness shines through, it's his hidden love for children, especially artsy, unathletic kids prone to getting bullied. Genesis probably associates a lot of it with his own lonely, sickly childhood. He's been seen visiting various children's hospitals across Midgar, actually humbling himself to entertain the kiddos living in the children's ward. They love when he makes mini fireworks for them. Genesis can almost always be seen with a soft smile, reading them Loveless and, when the kids grow inevitably bored, reading old children's fables. He even alters his voice for the characters, putting 100% of his efforts into the narration.
Sephiroth: Sephiroth is the hardest to gauge emotionally, so lots of his kind acts are only discovered when people are actually paying attention. Like Genesis and Angeal, he can be kind to the younger soldiers, unfailingly protective of them in battle. And there's his monthly anonymous donations to various orphanages across Midgar, with big donations happening during the holidays.
Sephiroth expresses kindness through actions. Risking his life for his men. Supporting his friends in his own vague, offhand way. Going out of his way to check on Zack or to commit actual treason to keep his friends safe. Kindness was not something he was raised to express --it lingered within him thanks to Glenn and his own inwardly gentle nature. Sephiroth, deep, deep down before the madness had nothing but love to give to those he cared about. He didn't know how to express it. Or how to maintain it. But it was always held very strongly inside him and displayed through unconventional ways. He cared so much. He cared to much that it sickened him. He cared so much that the act of caring became a weapon against him. And thus, kindness became his enemy, an unwanted thing to be discarded in his madness.
But in the time before insanity and destruction, Sephiroth was filled with love, filled with devotion. Just not enough to save him from himself.
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Hello hello everyone, and welcome to what is bound to be the most insane thing I've ever done thorough Poké poll this side of the non-fictional world!
We will be going through every, yes every, known Pokémon in these upcoming months!
We'll start with each evolution chain or similar grouping. Only Pokémon from a single generation will be grouped together. So if a Pokémon has evos in other gens they won't be added until their gen comes up, for example: the first round will only have Pikachu vs Raichu. Pichu will be a stand alone for the gen 2 round. Each chain will go through voting, to narrow down the numbers. Then brackets will be randomly generated (the evos mixed with non-evos) until we get down to one single Pokémon per generation!
Then again the bracket for the final 10 (to make it even Legends Arceus will be its own generation!) will be randomly generated and the real fight begins!
Be sure to follow me (if you want 😄) and reblog the polls so we can get a good sample size going and make this fun!!
Each poll will be a week long. Feel free to ask questions (anon is on as long as everyone behaves!) and I'm happy to spread well meaning propaganda!!
Have fun!!!
Winners so far:
Gen 1: Bulbasaur!
Gen 2: Umbreon!
Gen 3: Spheal!
Gen 4: Luxray!
Gen 5: Zorua!
Gen 6: Sylveon!
Gen 7: Mimikyu!
Gen 8: Hisui - Hisuian Zorua!
Gen 8: Galar - Snom!
Gen 9: Voting going on now!
The Very Best:
Favorite Starter:
Top 3 Runners up:
(those last 3 options are subject to change, I just wanted to see them on here!)
tags: gen [#], thanks for the ask!!, not a poll, round [#], poll reblog (the round [#] will be excluded from reblogs, so when searching you won't get double polls!), other polls!!, propaganda
(Likes come from my main lilbit-of-kizzy)
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macaroonkitti · 2 months
Giving you an excuse to talk about ur Ethan and Silver ( and others if u wanna :) )
Thank you anon....
I'll save Lyra and Kris's designs for once I've actually drawn them digitally so for now I'll just do Ethan and Silver >:)
Rambles under the cut!
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So! Ethan!!
He's working at the daycare as a Pokemon breeder. He's really enjoyed hatching eggs ever since he hatched his Togepi (now a Togekiss) so he's gone into that, hence the gloves and apron. He's still a skilled trainer who was champion at some point, and he enjoys battling from time to time, but this is his true passion. He loves helping kids raise at least one of their pokemon from an egg
The Pichu stitched on is a reference to the spiky-eared Pichu ofc. In my hcs Lyra caught it but I still think it's cute
His casual jacket, of course, is colored like Ho-Oh! And his 99 shirt underneath is a reference to Red's 96 shirt.
Still kept the backwards cap. His style didn't change a whole lot
He outgrew his braces I usually draw his younger self in, but he's still got gold earrings for a bit of gold on his design :]
Didn't draw them here, but he has some burn scars from when he caught Ho-Oh as a kid. Ho-Oh healed them almost immediately, but they still scarred. He thinks they look pretty cool and no one believes him when he says they're from Ho-Oh. He also has a rainbow wing tattoo on his shoulder
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Now for Silver!
Silver is the Viridian City gym leader!! He felt a little conflicted about taking it over for obvious reasons, but Lance, his friends, and surprisingly Blue of all people supported him. (Silver suspects Blue really wanted the gym off his hands). He's doing a good job though, and he's enjoying it. Being the last gym trainers face in Kanto means he's had some tough challengers
Cape cape cape cape
It's from Lance btw. He said he wasn't going to wear it but here he is
That being said he only wears it on the job and not all the time like Lance lmao
He's got Lugia colors! Because gold and silver hehe. His cape also has little slits like Lugia's funky hand things
Outfit looks kinda similar to his jacket from when he was a kid, I gotta keep his swag. Plus it looks kind of like Lance's style
Really he's taking after Lance a lot. That's his dad. He's even started raising a few dragon type pokemon like the Dragonair he's with in the drawing
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
im so sorry for starting the front facing plushie trend
ohohoooo don't worry it's not just plushies. here you go i'm throwing these all at you
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from friend of the blog lurantis. two whole angles of the scorbunny, prime, and this sobble who looks like they're waiting for you to tell a funny joke after you just told one you thought was funny. they didn't think it was funny
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this sandile from daluckycat. a very lucky cat indeed
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this munna figure from spacialsquid. this could be a squid in space, theoretically
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imallergictomyself says their pichu says hi. i say hi back to him but you should probably get that checked out, imallergictomyself
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good to see the fennekin line getting the ratings they deserve so far, though i would have rated higher. i'm wondering if the anon nose rater is capable of giving anything outside [4/10, 9/10]
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this, veritably, would not be copying my idea, then..! it also sounds like it would be a helluva lot more work
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theanontrain · 11 months
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"Pichu is scared of that floating letter thing"
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the-mew-crew · 2 years
Woah! That's a funny looking Pichu!
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