#picard x oc
ericac318 · 1 year
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Adley Benson is a young Data Analyst for Starfleet. She met Jean Luc Picard at 10 Forward three years before this story begins. They began a relationship and now she lives with him at Chateau Picard and works from the vineyard. When Picard gets a distress signal from Beverly Crusher, what happens next for the couple? Picard x OC/Kirk x OC/ Shaw x OC
Chapter 12
A/N: Here’s a bonus chapter with flashbacks to Picard/Adley’s romance along with Shaw/Delaney. This one is just for fun. This chapter will be in italics to represent the past. This flashback chapter also takes a slightly more ‘M’ rating.
Four Years Earlier …
Adley had been working from Jean Luc Picard’s chateau for a year when she entered his home to turn in for the night. She knew that it was basically her home now, too, but she had a hard time accepting that information.
“I’m heading to bed, Jean Luc,” Adley announced as she walked into the entryway, “Unless there’s anything you need?” she added, as she’d done every night since her first one staying at his Chateau after she’d convinced him to let her stay.
She always hoped that he’d want more for them, but after a year, she was no longer hopeful that their relationship would take the next step.
That night, however, Jean Luc surprised her, “Would you like to join me for a glass of wine?” he’d shouted, causing her to almost do a double take.
Adley, slowly, walked into the main room where she found Jean Luc pouring his most recent vintage into two glasses, “Did I hear you correctly, Admiral? You’d like me to join you for a drink?” she inquired, truly second-guessing herself.
Jean Luc let out a slight laugh at her confusion, “Adley Benson, you’ve been staying here for a year doing your work. If I wasn’t sure about your intentions when you first showed up, I no longer am. Would you like a glass of wine?” he offered as he held a glass toward her.
Adley smiled as she took it before taking a sip, beaming at the way the wine moved through her body causing her to feel a warmth she hadn’t experienced all day, or in a very long time if she was being honest with herself.
“That’s very good,” she complimented, “ Are you going to release this one or continue trying to perfect it?” she asked as she took a second sip, experiencing the same comfort she’d gotten from the first.
Picard felt his lips curl into a smirk at her comment. He hadn’t realized how much she’d learned about him during their year together in his vineyard.
He sobered himself as he shook his head, “I am planning to sell this one because I think it happens to be a fairly decent blend compared to some of the others. Would you agree with that plan based on this tasting?” he inquired, as he took a step closer to her.
Adley nodded as she took her third sip, “You’d be a fool not to release this vintage. It’s delicious as well as comforting,” she described with her eyes closed, causing him to take a few steps closer to her until he was merely inches away from her.
“Thank you,” he replied, almost breathless, “I always appreciate your candor when it comes to my business,” he added before he changed the subject, “Is there anything else you’d like to discuss before you head up to your room?” he inquired, feeling bold as he locked his eyes onto hers.
Adley could feel the way his eyes were burning into her own, wondering if this was his way of making his move, before she responded, “Well, now that you mention it, Jean Luc, there is something I could use some assistance with, but it would require you to join me in my room,” she stated before she sent a wink his way, wondering what he would do with her coy, yet sexual advance.
Picard smiled to himself as he moved closer to her, closing the small gap remaining between them, “I would be open to assisting you if you truly need my help,” he offered, causing her to take his hand and begin guiding him up the stairs of his chateau.
“You’re the only one who can help me,” Adley responded, her voice coming across more breathy than she’d anticipated as she led him through the doorway to her room before she pushed him gently down onto her bed.
Once he was settled, Adley climbed on top of him, slowly grinding her hips into his, once she was comfortably straddling him, “Let me know if this is ok?”
“It’s more than alright,” Picard replied as he grasped her neck while his body responded to her assault, allowing him to pull her closer until he could place his lips to hers.
Two Years Earlier …
Delaney Hale had just completed a very taxing day of testing at Starfleet Academy before she joined her friends at one of the local bars near campus.
Her friends disappeared into the crowd once they arrived at the bar so Delaney took a seat at the bar where she ordered a beer, unaware that she was seated next to Captain Liam Shaw.
“Are you here all by yourself?” Shaw inquired once he saw the trainee get comfortable next to him.
Delaney glanced to her right until her eyes focused on Shaw. She attempted to contain herself as she realized who she was in the company of, “Captain Liam Shaw,” she began, “I’m a fan of your work. I like the way you do your job with no-nonsense,” she added as she took a sip from her beer.
“You are in the minority, but it’s nice to know that I have at least one fan,” he replied, “How close are you to graduation?” he questioned as he realized his attraction to this cadet, wondering about their age difference.
Delaney reached her hand out, “I’m Ensign Delaney Hale and I’m three months from graduation. I hope you won’t hold that against me when you decide whether or not you’re going to take me home for the night,” she alluded to the possibilities that their night held, possibilities that she was confident he was also contemplating.
Shaw was shocked at how forward this cadet was, but also intrigued, “What makes you so confident that you think I was contemplating taking you home tonight?”
Delaney attempted to suppress her smile as she took another sip of her drink, before she batted her eyelashes at him, “I don’t know. It just seemed like you were attracted to me. I already know that I’m into you, so it just seemed like the natural next step. However, if I’m wrong, then I’ll go find someone else in this bar/ There seem to be a lot of potential candidates for one night of fun,” she finished as she slid off of her barstool waiting to see if he’d stop her.
Shaw grasped her wrist gently in his hand, “You were right. Come back to my place?” he requested as he ran his free hand through his hand.
Delaney hesitated for a moment to tease him.
Once she noticed he was starting to sweat in anticipation of her answer, she spoke, “If you insist,” she said simply as she allowed him to guide her out of the bar and back to his quarters within Starfleet HQ.
Shaw and Delaney barely made it through the door as they were caught up in a passionate kiss, causing her to push him up against the door once he had it securely closed.
Shaw lifted her into his arms until her legs were wrapped around his waist. He felt her start to undo his jeans as he moved them toward his bedroom.
Once he reached his destination, he dropped her down onto the bed, just as she’d freed him from the confines of his pants, the reveal causing her lips to curve into a triumphant grin.
“Come here, big boy,” Delaney whispered as she started to work her panties down her legs in anticipation.
Shaw moved between her legs until he was lined up with her entrance, surprise evident in his eyes as he felt her hands guide him until he was inside of her.
“That’s it!” she exclaimed as she began bucking her hips against his, “C’mon, baby!” she added, urging him to move with her, matching her pace.
Shaw began thrusting into her at a faster, harder pace even though that wasn’t his usual way of doing things. Delaney was different and he didn’t want to chance to lose her.
Once he matched her pace, she moved them until she was on top of him, straddling him. She started riding him, keeping the same pace they’d established while he was on top.
“Is this alright?” she inquired as she placed kisses on his neck before moving to his jaw, working her way to his lips.
Shaw’s eyes were closed in pleasure as he responded, his hands grasping at her, all over her, “This is perfect. I’ve never experienced anything like this,” he revealed before he continued, “Are you close? I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on,” he confessed as he reached his fingers down until they were on her clit, rubbing slow, small circles over the most sensitive part of her body.
Delaney felt her breath catch, before she nodded, “I’m close. Let go, baby,” she added as she felt herself getting lost in pleasure, not realizing how much this one-night stand would hurt her in the long run.
A/N: The entire story can be read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45696184/chapters/114994717
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X-Men as the TNG crew,,,,,, inside me are 2 wolves and they are both autistic
I think I should’ve had Morph in the place of Data instead of Kurt but I’m happy with everyone else’s places :3
I think Storm as Guinan would be super interesting as she’s less comedic but just as wise
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snowysoong · 3 months
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nothin special just posting old traditional snowbot shits :3
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mavlotov · 1 year
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commission for @dustydahorse !! <3
commission me!
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crowfootwrites · 11 months
Devotion & Diplomacy
I am nothing if not an impatient b, so I'm moving forward with posting! Tagging a few who asked/I think might be interested! This story is currently standing at 10 parts, so if you wanna be added to a tag list, lemme know! @horta-in-charge @deepspacedukat @bigblissandlove1 You can also read on AO3!
Daro doesn't make his first appearance until Part II because this first part is a lot of setting things up and getting to know our daring OC. We do, however, see some other familiar faces!
For some background, the Federation-Cardassian Armistice was signed in 2367; the Phoenix Incident occurred this same year, which helped settle the formation of the Demilitarized Zone. The Occupation of Bajor ended in 2369, at which time Cardassia withdrew from Terok Nor. There is a 3 year gap between when the armistice occurred and when the Federation-Cardassian Treaty was finalized in 2370 – this story will take place in 2367, with the understanding that our OC is basically traveling to and from Cardassia Prime frequently in order to broker peaceful relations and encourage the signing of the treaty.
Warnings: none really in this part; Jellico being a dick (canon-compliant) | Words: ~2,450
Anyway, without further ado:
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Emrys sighed quietly and pinched the bridge of her nose as the voices of the men down the table from her increased in volume, desperate to be heard over one another. She’d been sitting at this table far too long for her own liking and it still felt as though everyone was talking in circles. It’d be a miracle if they accomplished anything today.
A familiar voice began climbing, adding to the chaos. Without looking, Emrys could identify it as her one-time communications partner, Varsek – a hulking Aenar with limited patience. How he’d managed a career in communications, Emrys would never know.
As had been the case over the two weeks, Emrys knew that once most of the Cardassians and Federation members present, Starfleet officers included, had descended into a rage-fueled argument, there’d be no progress for the remainder of the day. Out of the corner of her eye, Emrys spied the only person she could count on to always remain calm - another Federation delegate, the Vulcan, Romar - but even he was sporting a raised eyebrow. As the highest ranking Starfleet officer and only woman present, Emrys was disinterested in the prospect of another pointless day and opted, yet again, to put her foot down.
Placing her finger and thumb between her lips, she let out a short, shrill whistle. The yelling halted immediately, with all eyes suddenly on Emrys as she rose from her chair and planted the palms of both her hands on the long conference table before her.
“Gentlemen,” she began, before anyone could interrupt. “We are getting nowhere, and quickly.” She made eye contact with each participant around the table in turn, recognizing the importance of acknowledging everyone present, if only to soothe their pride. She found in the responding gazes of the Cardassians genuine frustration and hostility, but perhaps also some desperation there. And in her fellow Starfleet officers, exasperation and some retrospective shame.
“We’ve agreed that shouting will not solve the issues we’ve come together to discuss, but we seem to end up engaging in this behavior with every meeting,” Emrys continued. “It is unbecoming of us all.”
In her momentary pause, she was interrupted by the Cardassian Gul-Tar Ziven, who also rose from his seat. She met his gaze with a calm confidence that she hoped belied the feeling of overwhelm that had been slowly settling in her stomach. Failing in this mission could mean losing the peaceful relations between Cardassia and the Federation that had only so recently been won. And given everything that Emrys had lost in the Federation-Cardassian War, she couldn’t allow that to happen.
Stoic as ever, Ziven’s expression gave nothing away as he addressed the men and women, so recently enemies, gathered around. “Lieutenant Commander Beck makes a fine point,” he declared, his voice a peal of thunder across the table’s expanse. The lighting deepened the shadows beneath his eye ridges, his face a series of sharp planes in black and gray. He made for an imposing figure among the brutal Cardassian architecture of the room and clad in solid brown armor, and Emrys took a deep breath to try and remind herself that this head of the Cardassian Union was no longer her enemy.
“Perhaps it would be best,” he suggested, planting his clenched fists on the table before him, his widening stance reinforcing the power he commanded over the room, “if we took a recess.”
As Emrys opened her mouth to respond, Ziven held up a hand to silence her. “The short breaks we’ve been taking have clearly not had a lasting effect. I suggest that we adjourn for a few weeks, giving us all time to review proposals and consider our options individually. Perhaps when we reconvene afterward, we will all be more amenable to compromises.”
Emrys’ lips pursed into a frown as she exhaled hard through her nose. Although she agreed that a longer break might be more effective, she was loath to leave Cardassia Prime without anything set in stone. Peace was too tenuous at this point to feel confident that it would continue, especially without near-constant Starfleet presence to remind the Cardassians of what they’d lost in the war and why they had signed the armistice in the first place. The prospect of having to report yet another extended recess back to Captain Jellico and Vice Admiral Nechayev, without any results, also sat heavy on Emrys’ mind. They were sure to be displeased, and neither were known for mincing their words.
“I propose that we reconvene in three weeks time, so that our… esteemed guests,” he added with a hint of sneer that Emrys wondered if anyone else caught, “will have adequate time for travel in addition to this little hiatus.” Emrys glanced around at the various Federation members present, recognizing that some of them genuinely looked like they needed a visit to their homes. They had already been on Cardassia for two weeks, and for some, like Emrys, this was only the most recent in a long string of visits designed to soothe tensions with the Cardassian Central Command as they collaborated on developing a more formal treaty. 
“We are in agreement, Gul-Tar.” With a conciliatory nod, Emrys took her leave. She wound her way through the broad, windowless halls of the Central Command building lost in thought, and made for her temporary quarters. She hated the gloom of the capital buildings on this planet - it was much more pleasant outside, in the bright and balmy sunshine. But inside, surrounded by intense and inhospitable architecture, with dark halls and rooms bearing strange combinations of outdated construction and modern technology, she felt out of place and unwelcome. Like many of her fellow Federation members, she was eager to get off-world, although she would not have time to go home.
Not that she had a home to go to. 
In her quarters, she contacted Captain Jellico, trying to maintain composure despite her frustration as his face appeared on the viewscreen. 
He gave her a tense smile. “Beck. The negotiations?”
Emrys sighed. “Ziven has called for a three-week recess.”
“Three weeks?” His clasped hands on the desk before him tightened.
“Aye, sir. As I’ve mentioned, there has been significant opposition to the points presented in the last couple of weeks, and today’s session was devolving into absolute chaos, frankly. I will have to rethink our approach for when we reconvene. I believe we can still make progress, but there are some items that I don’t believe the Cardassians are willing to compromise on, such as their continued contact with the Xepol-”
“Commander, it sounds as though you might be losing some control here,” he cut in, sounding aggravated.
Emrys opened her mouth to object, but he continued on. “If you cannot bring the Cardassians to compromise on the Federation’s priority points, we will need to bring someone else in. This peace was too hard-won and is too precarious for us to allow the Cardassians to continue drawing this process out.” The edge in his voice had Emrys’ hackles up and she took a deep, discreet breath to calm herself. Jellico might be her superior, and one of the people who had helped initiate the truce in the first place, but he could still be an ass. Emrys knew from experience.
“Sir, with all due respect, you say that as if we have the power to pressure the Cardassians into meeting our demands.” She hinted at what she knew the captain wouldn’t say out loud, wouldn’t confirm, not to her anyway. “We don’t have that kind of power right now and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Cardassians knew as much.”
“Enough,” he snapped. “That is beyond the scope of your rank. Your job is to follow orders and they have already been given to you.” Emrys sat back in her chair, aware of the ticking in her jaw. 
“You were selected for this position for a reason, Lieutenant Commander. Arbitrate, make them settle. Preferably in short order,” he demanded, glancing away from his screen for a moment, as though someone had come into his office.
Given a direct order from her superior officer, there was little she could say or do next.
“Aye, sir,” she replied through clenched teeth.
She watched as Jellico was handed a PADD by someone off screen. He reviewed it for a moment, then turned back to Emrys.
“The USS Enterprise is currently passing near the Cardassian border on a mapping survey before returning to cross Federation space. I am arranging transport aboard for you - their findings may be useful in nailing down some coordinates on the Demilitarized Zone,” he said almost dismissively. “They’ll be in touch to pick you up.”
Emrys sighed, barely managing to suppress the desire to roll her eyes. “Thank you, sir.”
Jellico ended the transmission without another word and Emrys tossed her head back against the top of her chair, heat rushing to her face as Emrys vacillated between wanting to scream and wanting to cry. She settled for neither, instead hanging her back over the deeply uncomfortable chair and gazing around at the temporary quarters she’d been assigned - a room that reminded her a little of a prison cell.     
— — —
Emrys clasped her hands tightly behind her back, her shoulders drawing upwards instinctively as she rematerialized aboard the Enterprise – transporting always made her stomach turn. With a deep exhale, she glanced around at the familiar faces gathered in the transporter room and smiled. 
“Welcome back aboard the Enterprise, Lieutenant Commander,” Captain Picard announced, and Emrys stepped eagerly off the pad to shake his hand. 
“It’s been a long time, Captain,” she replied. “It’s wonderful to see you again.” Without waiting for a reply, Emrys glanced to the Captain’s side and her smile grew into a grin as she launched herself into the waiting embrace of Counselor Troi. 
“Deanna!” she exclaimed, pressing her face into her friend’s shoulder, letting her excitement run rampant, knowing that Deanna would feel the wave of it and realize just how much she’d been missed.
“It’s so good to see you, Emrys,” the counselor murmured, squeezing her tightly. The two women had attended the academy together and been fast friends ever since – but their veering career paths had led them away from each other for far too long. 
As Emrys withdrew, she noticed Captain Picard tempering a grin of his own as he cleared his throat and moved to introduce the other crewman present. He motioned to the handsome human man with striking blue eyes standing beside him. “You know my first officer, Commander William Riker, I presume?”
“Of course!” Emrys exclaimed with a firm shake to Will’s hand. “Good to see you again, Will.”
“Good to see you, Emrys. Glad to have you on board,” he said with a wink. 
Deanna ushered Emrys into the hall, the captain and Will lingering back in the transporter room. “I’ll show you to your quarters, and then perhaps we can grab some dinner and catch up,” she offered. Although she and Deanna corresponded regularly, Emrys was excited for the chance to catch up in person, and eagerly agreed.
After tossing her bag atop the bunk in her quarters, she and Deanna headed for Ten Forward, grabbing a table near one of the large glass windows. Emrys’ shoulders relaxed at the sight, glad to be back in space and off Cardassia Prime for a while.
“So, how have you been?” Deanna asked eagerly, a spoonful of chocolate ice cream halfway to her mouth.
Emrys groaned. “I’m better now,” she muttered. “But long stretches on Cardassia listening to men argue about exact coordinates of the Demilitarized Zone hasn’t exactly been pleasant.”
“I take it the peace talks aren’t going well?” she murmured, glancing to make sure no one could overhear her. Emrys appreciated her consideration. The last thing the Federation needed was more worried citizens.
Emrys shook her head behind her glass of Alvanian brandy. “We’re a little… stuck,” she said quietly. “I think it will turn out alright, I mean, negotiation is an art, you know? We have to cycle between slow and quick progress. If everything happens too quickly, or we push too hard, the Cardassians may find themselves having misgivings. We could wind up right back where we started. But my superiors don’t seem to agree - it’s like they expect progress at warp nine.” 
Deanna patted her hand empathetically. “Yours is a difficult spot to be in. I certainly wouldn’t want to do your job.”
Emrys snorted. “They’d shit themselves if you offered. They’d consider your abilities to be giving them the upper hand.”
Deanna smiled around a spoon full of ice cream. “That’s why I’d never offer,” she muttered. She paused thoughtfully before pinning Emrys with a meaningful stare.
“Have you been home recently?”
Emrys sank back into her seat. A pang of guilt settled below her heart. “I haven’t had a lot of time to make it all the way back to Earth,” she muttered, not meeting her friend’s eyes. “And… with Silas gone, there’s really no reason to.” She shook her head slowly, trying to clear the dull ache that was forming behind her eyes as she thought about her brother. 
Deanna, perhaps sensing Emrys’ discomfort, changed the subject. With a sly grin, she sat back and crossed her legs. “And have you been… seeing anybody lately?”
Emrys laughed harshly, the sound carrying in the mostly unoccupied Ten Forward. “Yeah, a whole bunch of angry Cardassians.”
Deanna snickered, but doubled down, wanting an actual answer. She waited, gazing at Emrys with a raised brow.
With a sigh, Emrys shook her head. “This post has been taking all my time and energy. I go where they tell me, leave when they tell me - I’m always working or on my way to work, essentially.”
“What about that Vulcan on your team? What was his name? R-”
“Romar,” Emrys groaned after another pull of brandy.
“Romar!” Deanna repeated excitedly. “What about him?”
Emrys shrugged, trying not to call to mind her efforts to become closer to Romar, only to be brutally (for a Vulcan) rebuffed. “He wasn’t interested.”
With a frown, Deanna grasped one of Emrys’ hands. “I’m sorry, my friend. It seems like you don’t have a lot of time for yourself right now, and I can’t imagine how difficult that must be,” she fretted. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Emrys pulled her hand from under Deanna’s, only to place hers on top and pat Deanna’s hand softly. “Let’s just talk about you, hmm?” She gave her friend a small smile. “I’ve missed you, you know?”
With a hum and smile tinged with heartache for Emrys, she nodded. “I’ve missed you too.”
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emma-m-black · 4 months
Lillian Crusher, a What if Multi Chapter Story.
Chapter Five
I had an idea for a story spin on this season's Picard. Where Lillian Crusher is the Daughter of Beverly and Jean-Luc and it was that fact that Beverly became pregnant with her that Jack was formed by our bad guys as a twin to use for their future plans. Kind of my take on the comment from Vadic about when she says something along the lines of "you think he was yours?"
Let me know what you guys think. I have a few chapters done up now and like all my work I post on the interwebs, it is really unedited. So excuse grammar and spelling that you come across, I usually just stream of conscious these for the most part.
All Works Mater List Post
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four,
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Seven, along with the ships, two special guests walked in. “Captain Shaw, sir. May I present Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Captain William Riker.”
“Gentlemen, please. Come, sit.” Greeted the Captain. ‘“And, Hansen, there really is no need for intros."
Lillian sipped on her wine as she watched the others moved around the table. She noticed both men eyeing her.
“I apologize, Captain. Are we late?” Asked Admiral Picard.
Captain Shaw brought a napkin up to wipe his lips. “Hardly. Just your reputation preceded you so far into the room that we started early. May I introduce my Senior Intelligence Officer? Commander Lillian Crusher.” He motioned with a hand toward Lillian
“Crusher?” Captain Riker questioned as he looked at Admiral Picard. “I don’t remember seeing that name on the crew manifest.”
“The transfer is still going through Sir’s. Please sit.”
Admiral Picard eyed Lillian as he stepped forward. “As a token of appreciation for your hospitality please accept...” Began the Admiral as he handed a bottle of wine to the Captain.
“On, Chateau Picard.” Captain Shaw took the bottle and immediately sat it down away from himself. “That is... that is terrific. I’m much more of a Malbec man myself.”The Captain took another bite of his meal. “Captain Riker, I take you for somewhat of a bourbon-ista.”
“I enjoy the occasional old-fashioned. what gave you that idea?”
Lillian took notice of the Admiral’s continued stares. There was no subtilty to his action, and she knew exactly what he was thinking about, his history with her mother. Reaching for her wine, Lillias brought the glass to her lips and took a large sip.
“Well, the bebop that I had to purge from the system when I took the chair. Speaks to your freewheeling, loosey-goosey Kentucky mash kind of style.”
A choke came out of Lillian at her Captain’s words, and she put her glass back to her lips to hide her smirk.
“Not a fan of jazz?” Asked Captain Riker.
“Mmm. No, I am not. I like structure. I like keeping tempo and time. Which is why you will probably find this inspection boring for the likes of you two.”
“It’s just all in advance of the fleet exercises for Frontier Day. Ensuring the condition of our starships would be boring?” Asked Admiral Picard who had finally dragged his eyes away from Lillian to look at Captain Shaw.
Lillian sat her wineglass down and looked to Captain Riker. “Tell me, why wasn’t I made aware of the notice for inspection?”
“Well, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise had it been announced to the fleet.”
“Yes, but as a notice of surprise inspection is still required to be made in private memo to the Senior Intelligence Officer. Now would be as good a time as any to plan something against Starfleet and those involved in the celebrations.”
“With the amount of pressure on this years celebration’s, inspections were only now just decided upon.” Said Admiral Picard. “The paperwork, as you would say, is still going through. Tell me Commander Crusher, any relation to one Doctor Beverly Crusher?”
Lillian took her napkin and placed it on her plate. “She gave birth to me, yes,” Replied Lillian with a hint of disdain in her voice.
“Such a cold response.” Captain Riker spoke.
“Yes, well, that’s what happen’s when both parties carry a heavy disdain for one another.”
“So you haven’t spoken to your mother recently, then?” Asked Admiral Picard.
Lillian stood from her seat. “Not since I expressed my desire to join Starfleet, and her response was to ship me off. Captain, if you would please excuse me, I have some final preparations to do before our departure.”
“You’re dismissed Commander.” Captain Shaw spoke with a nod of his head.
“Commander.” Lillian spoke as she looked to Seven before turning to the rest of the table. “Sir’s” Then she left.
Lillian made her way towards her quarters but paused at the door, then turned and made her way towards Captain Shaw’s room and used her authorization code to enter the room. “Lights” She called as the door shut behind her. Looking around the room, she found the layout similar to her own. She ran her hands along one of the bookshelves. There were some old earth classics, and many volumes on the engineering, diplomacy and histories of Starfleet.
Lillian made her way towards her quarters but paused at the door then turned and made her way towards Captain Shaw's room and used her authorization code to enter the room. "Lights" She called as the door shut behind her. Looking around the room she found the layout similar to her own. She ran her hands along one of the bookshelf's. There were some old earth classics, and many volumes on engineering, diplomacy and histories of Starfleet.
There were may statues, weapons and other small favors that were most likely collected throughout his many years in Starfleet. Lillian moved throughout the room and eventually she found herself moving around his bed. There was a dresser off to the side and she activated the second one down and found a few basic Titan branded t-shirts. Pulling one out Lillian removed her uniform and slipped into the shirt. Her clothes now discarded on the floor, she pulled a book from one of the shelves and padded barefoot to the couch and laid down.
She was on her stomach a good portion of the way through the book, her bare legs swinging back and forth as she turned the page. The door opened and Lillian turned her head to see Captain Shaw enter the room. When he saw her, he jumped and put a hand on his heart. "Fuck me."
"Well, perhaps that can finally be arranged." Said Lillian from her spot on the couch.
"I would asked how you got in here but I really don't care." Captain Shaw undid the top of his uniform before dropping himself down on the couch next to her." He leaned back and put a hand over his face. "Did you know about this?"
Lillian closed the book and sat herself up. "No, but given the oddness of it all I wouldn't be surprised if the two were connected. Did they give away why they are really here?""
"Some bullshit excuse of showing what the ship is capable of by going off schedule to the Ryton system."
"That's the edge of federation space."
The Captain pulled his hand from his face. "Yup."
Placing the book down on the coffee table, Lillian crawled over and swung a leg across the Captain, and rested herself in his lap. She tucked her hair around her right side to get it out of the way, and she looked at him with a smile.
"So mommy and daddy issues huh?" Lillian felt his hands skirt up her bare thighs as he spoke. "I mean it makes sense. Secret agent. Deadly and seductive, nothing to lose."
"Past trauma and a penance for control." Replied Lillian with a raised eyebrow,
A smile appeared on his face and he looked her up and down before meeting her eyes. "Yeah, you got me there." His hands trailed further until he paused, his pupils dialating. "Commander, are you not wearing underwear?"
"It's Lily." She responded. "And no I'm not, I do believe I left them on your bedroom floor Captain."
"Liam, call me Liam."
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c0smic-coral · 1 year
Might start Chapter 6 later
Prepare for more plot, angst and gay
more ocs
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
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i made this instead of studying
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With how much focus she has received since the beginning of the Krakoa era, what are your thoughts on Storm ? And do you agree on the perception that she's becoming something of a Mary Sue?
I’m going to start with a mini-rant about the Mary Sue.
To the extent that there is any validity to the term at all, it is solely and exclusively within the realm of fanfiction. A Mary Sue is an OC (original character) whose supposed annoying omni-competence is really secondary to the main problem with the character, which is that they warp the narrative away from the main characters of the source material - Kirk and Spock or Picard and Data stop doing things that drive the plot, and instead just stand around asking "where's Poochie?"
Outside of fanfiction and in the realm of the media that gives rise to fanfiction, a prominent character who is incredibly talented and powerful and who makes the plot center around them is called a fucking protagonist - so no, Rey isn’t a Mary Sue, Carol Danvers isn’t a Mary Sue, Katniss Everdeen isn't a Mary Sue - none of them are Mary Sues and anyone who claims otherwise is showing that they have deep-seated Issues with female protagonists in their fiction.
Is Storm a Mary Sue?
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Even if we weren't talking about the most prominent black woman character in fiction, I would consider this question pretty damn offensive, both because no one would ever ask this question about a male character and - in a franchise packed to the gills with hyper-powerful women who make the plots revolve around them and who even get the complementary Love Triangle - no one sends me asks about any of those (white) women.
But to answer your question: no, Storm is not a Mary Sue - she's the main character of the X-Men.
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See, when Chris Claremont took over X-Men in 1975, he did so with a brand-new cast of characters, the so-called "All-New, All-Different X-Men." In no small part because they were far more diverse and more colorful than the O5 (suburban WASPs one and all), most of these characters would become break-out stars and the core of the X-Men from that day to this.
However, Claremont didn't vibe with all of the All-New X-Men equally: he had Sunfire quit the team (repeatedly), he killed off Thunderbird for shock value (a death that has only been reversed this last year), he would have killed off Wolverine if John Byrne hadn't stopped him (Claremont would later turn around on Logan once he worked out his voice), etc.
But one character that he vibed with right from the beginning was Ororo Monroe. From the very beginning, Claremont's Storm is the most powerful of the All-New X-Men, both in terms of her powers and in terms of her personality, being the only person who can face down Logan. At the same time, she's complicated by her struggles with crippling claustrophobia caused by the Suez Crisis-induced trauma of her childhood.
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After a few years, Claremont tired of the African Nature Goddess routine and had Storm experience an almost total transformation that nonetheless was completely grounded in her character. Feeling overly limited by the total emotional control required of her powers, Ororo undergoes a subtextual lesbian awakening in Tokyo's underground punk scene and emerges out the other side a free spirit, leader of the X-Men, and Queen of the Morlocks.
In his most audacious move in LifeDeath I and II, Claremont had Storm lose her powers thanks to Forge's anti-mutant tech - and then defeat Cyclops in a duel for command of the X-Men without her powers - and then regain her powers in an epic cycle that saw the X-Men die and be reborn as outlaw heroes in the Australian Outback.
In sum, Storm was clearly Claremont's favorite character and, as a result had the most interesting character journey over his 16-year run on X-Men.
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Storm in Krakoa
And then Storm basically lay fallow for almost thirty years. In no small part due to the pioneering work done by Claremont with this character, later writers were frankly too intimidated to touch the character and so starting in the 90s, Storm was increasingly sidelined in the comics in favor of the characters that were commercially "hot" at the time - Wolverine and Gambit, especially.
In the 2000s, the most significant thing to happen to Storm was her marriage to T'challa. While I think Reggie Hudlin had mostly good intentions with this decision - he wanted to create a black power couple at Marvel and thus put together Marvel's most prominent black man and black woman into a relationship - the result was to make Storm a supporting character in Black Panther comics, rather than a main character in X-Men comics.
I would argue that it is only recently with the advent of Al Ewing as a major writer in the X-office with S.W.O.R.D, X-Men Red, and Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants that we've gotten a writer who's not afraid to write Storm as she deserves to be written - as the most powerful of the X-Men, the Regent of Arrako and the Voice of Sol, the standard-bearer of Magneto's legacy, and a woman trying to balance the demands of two planets and her own desires.
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mylittleredgirl · 5 months
after spending 29 hours thinking about a canon-ship scale for that poll, i decided i might as well spend another few hours looking through my old livejournal icons folder to rank the collection of ships i have written/am writing (for better or worse)...
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we lost so much when we stopped making those 100x100 pixel icons. where are the pretty tiny photos of artfully cropped couples with even tinier text on them. all we know now is the wasteland of youtube thumbnails on google image search. we used to be a society
decryption key:
same canon, never met on-screen: clone!sam/jack (sg-1) (i'm rounding up from 0.5 here since she's an open-source fanon OC, but you get me)
they interact on-screen: jack o'neill/elizabeth weir (sg-1/sga), b'elanna/kes (st: voy)
some charged interactions: daniel/fraiser (sg-1), troi/ro (st: tng), margaret/trapper (mash), hawkeye/trapper/margaret (mash)
important intimate relationship (not labeled romantic): sheppard/weir (sga), hawkeye/trapper (mash)
one-sided feelings in the text: janeway/chakotay (st: voy) (i will hang for this take i know), miles/keiko/kira (st: ds9), talia/garibaldi (b5) (not necessarily proud of this one but i filled sooooo many five-subject notebooks about them when i was a teenager)
they kiss but it doesn't count: hoshi/travis (st: ent), julian/jadzia (st: ds9), riker/ro (st: tng)
mutual feelings in the text (unresolved): doggett/reyes (x-files), picard/crusher (st: tng - 24th century edition only)
unresolved on-screen, word of god confirmed: sam/jack (sg-1), jake/diane (jake 2.0)
they get together on-screen: trip/t'pol (st: ent), julian/ezri (st: ds9), frank/margaret (mash)
they stay together (endgame): mulder/scully (x-files), riker/troi (st: tng), miles/keiko (st: ds9), berena (holby city - somehow??? i hear we won in the end?), chidi/eleanor (the good place), jason/janet (the good place)
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althea-and-alcestris · 3 months
TWST Game of Thrones AU
So before I begin explaining. Yes I am aware how dark the series is and for that, I wrote out all the inc3st, forced intimacy, problematic aspects of the story. I however do not shy away from giving a kill count to an AU and that's not gonna be any different here.
So the main plot remains. 7 Kingdoms/Houses battle against one another for the main throne and also fending against the ones outside the wall. The cast is sorted into mixed groups and I also included ocs this time too. This also messes with the canon timeline since some characters arent supposed to coexist with the current cast and also includes relatives (mentioned or shown)
House Aurum (House of Gold)
-King Henrik -Dawn Knight -Ace Trappola -Ace's brother -Albert Cardinal -Althea Cardinal -Juliette Lionhart -Princess Leia
House Bestia (House of Beasts)
-Leona Kingscholar -Cheka Kingscholar -Falena Kingscholar -Rin Kousei -Vega Zavattari -Jack Howl -Meng Yao Li -Luca Volpe -Ametist Crystal -Jamil Viper -Najma Viper -Ashton Vargas -Kifaji
House Coronis (House of Crows)
-Dire Crowley -Yurika -Fauna -Haru Yuudai -Epel Felmier -Marja Felmier -Ruggie Bucchi -Ruggie's grandmother -Mozus Trein -Kalim Al Asim -Cater Diamond
House Nobilis Dracones (House of Noble Dragons)
-Meleanor Draconia -Malleus Draconia -Lilia Vanrouge -Silver Vanrouge -Baul Zigvolt -Sebek Zigvolt -Zigvolt parents -Alcestris Zigvolt -Allen Alagona -Deuce Spade -Dilla Spade -Evander Ngam -Lamon Ngam -Augustino De La Bete
House Profundum (House of the Abyss)
-Azul Ashengrotto -Azul's mother -Jade & Floyd Leech -Leech parents -Idia & Ortho Shroud -Marina Seabrook -Gideon & Debby Campbell (excluded from the house)
House Rosae (House of Roses)
-Riddle Rosehearts -Mrs. Rosehearts -Trey Clover -Clover parents -Blanche Picard -Neige LeBlanche -Chenya
House Venenum (House of Poison)
-Eric Venue -Vil Schoenheit -Rook Hunt -Soleil Auclair -Divus Crewel -Marqu Camilleri -Bai Chenfeng -Sylas Armani -Angel Poupée -Pixel (will need a more old fashioned name) -Elion Kato -Ambrose the 63th
-Cain -Robo
I only have chunks of the story but. But I have the kill list
Kill list
-Silver (shot by an arrow infront of Lilia to wage war) -Yurika (Asssassinated) -Baul (poisoned) -Ortho (Dies protecting Idia in an ambush) -Trey (killed by Leona) -Kalim (Assassinated) -Dilla (Dies to a disease) -Meleanor (killed by the enemy) -Falena (Assassination) -Ace's brother (executed) -Mrs. Rosehearts (killed by Riddle) -Neige (poisoned) -Ruggie's grandmother (illness) -Henrik (Killed by Sebek) -Albert (Killed by Sebek) -Najma (Killed by the interrogation) -Gideon (Dies while protecting Blanche) -Augustino (Executed) -Pixel (???) -Haru (Killed by Trey due to an accident) -Marqu (Executed) -Evander (Executed) -Jack (Dies on the battlefield)
Silver is shot by a soldier from House Aurum as a way to wage war Baul is poisoned because he's believed to be a serious threat to House Venenum alongside Alce Trey is killed by Leona because of Haru's demise Kalim is assassinated because he's a noble Meleanor is killed because she was the previous queen of Nobilis Dracones and a feared one at that Falena is assassinated because he's king Ace's brother is executed for stepping up against the king for Thea's sake Mrs. Rosehearts is killed by Riddle for her abuse Neige is poisoned by Vil Henrik and Albert are killed by Sebek who wanted Thea safe Najma dies from the interrogation she was put under for a crime she didn't commit
Sebek x Thea Allen x Deuce Ace x Fauna Silver x Sylas Haru x Trey x Leona Augustino x Chenfeng Rook x Soleil Very subtle Lilia x Baul Alce x Najma and later Alce x Juliette Gideon x Blanche Ami x Divus
If anyone has questions just dm me or ask me in my ask box, I'll gladly answer because it's a bit jumbled right now.
Ocs belong to:
Allen, Marqu, Gideon, Debby - @raguiras Angel, Meng Yao, Yurika, Fauna - @ang33333333l Sylas, Elion, Evander, Lamon, Cain, Robo, Haru - @vanrouge13 Vega, Blanche, Soleil, Marina - @nyx-of-night Augustino, Chenfeng - @spookyavenuestreet Pixel, Rin, Luca - @heyhellohihowareyou
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ericac318 · 1 year
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Adley Benson is a young Data Analyst for Starfleet. She met Jean Luc Picard at 10 Forward three years before this story begins. They began a relationship and now she lives with him at Chateau Picard and works from the vineyard. When Picard gets a distress signal from Beverly Crusher, what happens next for the couple? Picard x OC
Chapter 11
Back on the Titan, Jack’s attempt to take over a member of the bridge crew failed, resulting in the death of Lt. T’Veen.
“We need a new plan,” Kirk began as Reagan began to come to, “Is there any way to take back control of the ship in the next ten minutes?” he questioned as he felt her take his hand in her own.
Picard leaned back against the wall as he brainstormed for a solution.
Reagan sat up in her bed, against Kirk’s wishes, for the second time that day, “What’s going on? Where can we help?”
“You can help by resting,” Kirk responded, “That battle with Vadic’s men took quite a toll on you,” he added before continuing, “You experienced a severe concussion so you are stuck in sickbay for a while, understood?”
Reagan took a deep breath before she replied, “I understand. However, I do have an idea,” she began once she saw she’d grabbed the attention of the others, “We have our own supercomputer on board. It’s time to see if Data can win over Lore and take his body back. If you can get Data back, then he can take control of this ship with ease,” she stated, surprised no one else had thought of it, earning a proud smirk from Kirk.
Picard turned to Beverly, Jack, and Sidney (who’d been attempting to find a way to take back the ship’s controls), “That is not a bad idea, though I’m not sure if Geordi will go for it. Let’s go see if we can make that happen,” he looked at Captain Kirk, “Would you like to join us or stay here with Reagan?”
“I’m going to stay here until she’s cleared to leave and return to action, if that’s alright, Admiral?” Kirk inquired with his superior, even if their ranks based on their time served made no logical sense.
Picard nodded, “That is perfectly fine,” he gestured for Sidney, Jack, and Beverly to follow him to engineering where they would find Geordi and Data/Lore.
After Delaney made her comment about Vadic having control of the Titan, one of the guards returned to the small group.
Before the guard had a chance to say anything, his body was disintegrated before their eyes.
Delaney recognized Worf from her studies at the Academy, but she watched with a hint of delight as Riker and Troi embraced the Klingon.
“One’s personal space is a right,” Worf replied to their affections as the couple released him before Riker introduced Worf to Delaney.
“It is an honor to meet you, Lt. Hale,” Worf replied, “There is something you will want to see before we leave,” he added as he looked at Troi and Riker before he gestured for them to follow him.
The three trailed behind Worf through the halls of the Shrike until they reached what looked like a lab where Raffi was waiting.
Deanna and Delaney were introduced to Raffi before they took a look at the sight before them.
“Jean Luc,” Troi stated, empathetically.
Worf corrected her, “That is not him. It is the version of him that died. According to the records, they are isolating and taking apart the pieces of his brain infected with Iromodic Syndrome,” he shared.
“Why would they want the part of his brain destined to die?” Troi inquired as Raffi shook her head.
“We have no idea, but it has something to do with his son, as well,” Raffi replied, “I think I can download what they have and take it back with us. We can’t stay here any longer. We need to get back to the Titan,” she urged.
Raffi’s words caused a lump to form in Delaney’s throat. She hadn’t seen Liam Shaw since the morning she’d made her quick escape after their one-night stand and she wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to see her again.
While Geordi began working on separating Lore and Data, with the hopes that Data would win, Picard and Jack made their way to turbo lift as their next ten-minute deadline was nearing its end.
Jean Luc handed Jack a device as a contingency. A device that would initiate a forcefield to protect him in the event that they would need to open the airlock on the bridge to get rid of the intruders, even if that was their last choice.
Once the turbo lift doors opened, Jack and Picard were greeted by the sight of Vadic with her phaser aimed at Adley’s head as Picard’s girlfriend sat on her knees, awaiting her fate.
“Ah, Jack,” Vadic began as she backed away from Adley, causing Picard to move to her side and pull her protectively into his arms, “I’m so glad you decided to join.”
Jack shook his head, “You only want me. Let the others go,” he instructed, causing Vadic to wave her hand as she instructed her soldiers to move everyone but Jack into the Ready Room.
Everyone left except Seven, she chose to stand by Jack’s side.
“Are you alright?” Picard questioned Adley once they were behind closed doors, even though they still had a small audience.
Adley nodded as she leaned into his embrace, resting her head against his chest, “I’m ok, thanks to you. Are we going to get out of this one alive, babe?” she asked while attempting to stop her teeth from chattering from the nerves coursing through her body.
Jean Luc placed a kiss on her forehead before he replied, wishing he could comfort her more, “If Jack does what I told him then we’ll be alright. I still wish we knew what they were planning for Frontier Day, though. If we could understand their bigger picture, then this entire situation would be much easier,” he added as she placed her finger to his lips.
“We’ll figure it out,” Adley responded with confidence that she had no right feeling, “As long as we’re together then we can take on anything. That’s what I’ve learned in the years we’ve been together and I can’t wait to see what comes next for us. I know that this isn’t the appropriate time for me to be saying such things, but I want you to know how much I love you, always,” she added as she attempted to stop her lips from curling into a smile.
“Don’t you ever feel guilty regarding our love,” Picard stated before he placed his lips to hers, wondering what was going on aboard the ship surrounding them. Adley gave into his kiss, for a moment before she pulled away. “I have waited my entire life for someone who makes me feel the way you make me feel. Nothing could get between us, and I hope you understand how seriously I take those words,” he added before he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.
Adley smiled at her boyfriend, ready to call him by a more significant title, “I trust you, baby. Before we came on this mission, I wasn’t sure that I was the person for you, but now I am. I can’t wait to see how our lives evolve when these babies arrive,” she added with a smile as she felt him place his hand on her slightly swollen abdomen, as he’d done a few times previously on their mission.
While Picard and Adley were having their sentimental reunion, Data had won over Lore and taken control of the ship at the same moment when Raffi, Riker, Troi, Worf, and Delaney made their entrance on board.
Raffi glanced at Delaney, “We can handle these soldiers. Why don’t you go to the bridge and see how the hostages are faring?”
Delaney nodded as she made her way to the turbo lift.
When she reached the bridge, she saw a man standing next to Seven of Nine addressing Vadic.
“One of my prisoners has returned,” Vadic interrupted Jack, “Let’s put her with the others,” she instructed as one of her soldiers grabbed Delaney roughly by the shoulder and threw her into the Ready Room with the others.
That’s where she came face-to-face with Captain Liam Shaw, who had clearly taken quite a beating.
Shaw let out a long sigh at the sight of Delaney while Adley was also in the room, “How many of my exes are going to show up on my ship during this mission?”
Delaney let out a small laugh, “I don’t know if you could really call me an ex, Captain,” she stated as she walked toward the man she’d spent the best night of her life with. “You don’t look great,” she added as she reached up and placed her fingers, gingerly, on his injuries.
“Thanks,” Shaw replied, sarcastically. “How did you get tangled up into all of this mess?” he inquired, resisting the urge to close his eyes from the feeling of her fingers on his skin. Shaw loved Adley, but he also loved Delaney and he couldn’t believe that they’d both shown up in the midst of all of this chaos.
Delaney shrugged, “Luck of the draw, I guess. Somehow Vadic knew about our one-night stand and she tortured me for information on your location. I suppose she doesn't understand how a one-night encounter between two people works because I haven’t spoken to you since that night, but she didn’t believe me,” she explained.
Shaw didn’t know if it was the blood loss or if he was feeling bold, but he decided to take a step forward with Lt. Delaney Hale, “Would I be too presumptuous if I asked you to be my girlfriend? I know we need some time to catch up, but I don’t think that’s a good enough reason not to move forward to a more formal title..” he let his words linger, waiting to see what she would say.
Delaney couldn’t stop the smile from creeping across her lips as she responded, “I wouldn’t say no to that proposal. I’d be more than happy to be your girlfriend,” she replied as they were interrupted by the feeling of the ship shaking, beneath their feet.
That didn’t stop them from entering into a passionate kiss that would seal their new relationship status.
Data had taken over the AI body, besting Lore, and he had control of the ship. Luckily, Jack used his device, given to him by Picard, to protect himself and Seven when Data opened the airlock to the bridge and sent Vadic and her men into the cold, depths of space.
Back in sickbay, Kirk was sitting on the edge of Reagan’s bed, while all the events were transpiring around them, including the Titan, finally destroying the Shrike with every weapon they had at their disposal.
“Are all those sounds a good thing or a bad thing?” Reagan questioned as she heard the Titan firing at the Shrike, unaware of what was actually going on, just making a hopeful assumption.
Kirk’s lips curved into a smug grin as he replied, “Those sounds are a very good thing. Our people managed to throw Vadic and her people into space and now we’re destroying her ship. The only thing left for us to do is to stop whatever the Changelings have planned for Frontier Day,” he added as he tentatively placed his hand on top of hers. He was fairly certain that she felt the same way about him that he felt for her, but he couldn’t be one-hundred percent certain.
“James Tiberius Kirk,” Reagan began, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you like me. Maybe even as much as I like you. Am I hot or cold with my suspicions?” she inquired while wearing a sly smile on her lips.
Kirk was unable to suppress the light chuckle from escaping his lips, even while they were in these dire circumstances, “I’m not sure how you were able to guess that I liked you too, but you’re right,” he replied, sarcastically, before continuing, “There are a few problems with ‘us’ though. The first one is that you’re far too young for me,” he stated matter-of-factly as if the words leaving his mouth were enough to set that in stone.
“Age is merely a number,” Reagan replied as she sat up and swung her legs off the side of the bed, “Based on your crazy track record, you’re bound to outlive me. Do you have any other more valid reasons for us to stay apart?”
Kirk let out a loud laugh at her logic before he replied, “I don’t suppose I do. So, what does that make us? Are we boyfriend and girlfriend, or not quite there yet?” he questioned as he heard his communicator chirp.
He chose to ignore it for the moment while he awaited Reagan’s response.
“If you’re ready to be exclusive then so am I,” she stated as she moved forward and placed her lips to his. She deepened the kiss, resisting the urge to straddle him because she knew that they were needed, as she broke the kiss and continued, “Are you one-hundred percent sure about being exclusive with me? There are a lot of girls in the galaxy you haven’t even met yet,” she added, with a smirk.
Kirk shook his head as he looked to the ground, his smile reaching his eyes causing his crow's feet to shine through, “I’ve never felt the way I feel for you about anyone so there’s no need for me to scour the galaxy for a better match. You’re it, my one, my everything,” he added, even as cheesy as his words sounded.
Once they resolved their conversation, Kirk answered his comms. Everyone was wanted in the conference room to figure out their next steps.
A/N: This is the most recent chapter of this fanifc, but you can start from the beginning here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45696184/chapters/114994717
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spocks-husband · 10 months
My Fanfic Masterpost!
I figured this would make it like. a lot easier to find all of my fics so here you go!! This contains links to all of my fanfics so you don't have to go digging for them lol
it's rotton work: spirk - canon-compliant hurt/comfort. - one shot.
our continuum (enforced infinity): spirk - AU where Spock is a Q. - one shot.
vulcan has no moon: spirk - canon-compliant hurt/comfort - one shot.
nothing according to plan (all according to fate): spirk - AU where Jim is an intergalactic pirate on the run from Starfleet, and Spock is the crown prince of the Vulcan monarchy. - long fic, currently on hiatus.
i fell in love with a war (no one told me it ended).: Kira Nerys - Introspective fic about Kira's trauma. - one shot.
there is something inside me that is not myself.: Jean-Luc Picard - Dead-Dove Fic about Jean-Luc's trauma from the Locutus incident. - one shot.
wordless, wordless.: Garashir - some gentle slow-dancing fluff :) - one-shot
stir my soul, make me bleed.: Julian Bashir x OC - Before his transfer to DS9, Julian comes face to face with the Tal Shiar. - long fic, unfinished.
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
Hank McCoy / Beast [Earth 616/295/etc]
Alex Summers / Havok [Discord]
Ben Grimm / The Thing [Discord]
Count Luchino Nefaria [Discord]
Isaac Christians / Gargoyle [Marvel Earth 616]
Worf, son of Mogh [Star Trek: TNG/DS9/Picard]
Kotal Kahn [Mortal Kombat X/11]
Various OCs
Not too applicable at present, too busy. :P But there aren't many muses I've been soured on, just ones I've lost interest in or who don't have an applicable writing partner to write with.
Tagged by: @overclocks Tagging: you, friend! If you're so inclined.
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crowfootwrites · 11 months
Devotion & Diplomacy - Part II
Y'all, I'm SO PUMPED to share this chapter with you! Daro has finally arrived! Much of this chapter follows the events of TNG S4E12 "The Wounded", but with the spin of our OC being present - but it felt like the perfect introduction for Daro in the show, and it feels that way for this story, too, I think.
Anyway, Emrys and Daro meet and it's all heart eyes and shit. 🥰
Part I of Devotion & Diplomacy | Read on AO3
Warnings: Miles being a traumatized bb boi; spoilers for TNG S4E12 | Words: ~3,100
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When Emrys awoke the next morning, she was sorely tempted to remain snuggled under her blankets - spending weeks at a time dealing with the tense atmosphere of peacekeeping and treaty-writing was beginning to wear on her. She had stacks of PADDs to work through and she almost certainly had new, pressing messages from her superiors, the tone of which she could already guess.
She sighed and pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes, rubbing away the sleep and steeling herself for the day ahead - at least aboard the Enterprise she could be a bit more leisurely. With no Cardassian timetables to keep to, and no meetings to report back on to her superiors, Emrys could sit and review things methodically and interruption-free.
As she flung the covers away from her, a tremendous jolt rocked the ship and sent Emrys rolling off the bed. She stumbled to her feet just as the thunderous roar that had followed died down. Immediately, the red alert klaxons began to wail and Emrys reached for the comm in her quarters.
“Do you need any assistance, Counselor?” she called to Deanna. If her memory served her correctly, her friend would be on the bridge this morning.
“We’ve got things under control for now, but standby.” Emrys could hear Lieutenant Worf barking orders in the background and let her communication line close. They’d call her if they needed. Trying to keep any anxiety at bay, she took to pacing.
— — —
A brief chime sounded, interrupting Emrys’ review of what little progress her group had made on Cardassia Prime, before Captain Picard’s voice came floating through her temporary quarters: “Commander Beck, I hope I’m not interrupting, but I have a favor to ask.”
“Go ahead, Captain,” she responded, gathering up the stack of PADDs on the table before her. The red alert klaxons had stopped sounding not too long ago and she had a sinking feeling this favor had something to do with that.
“The red alert this morning was called after we were fired upon by a Cardassian vessel,” he began, and Emrys frowned. “The crew of that ship was apparently retaliating, due to reports of a Federation starship destroying an unarmed science station in the Cuellar system.”
Emrys couldn’t contain the groan that pulled at her throat. This incident certainly wouldn’t help when she had to return to Cardassia next. 
“The USS Phoenix is responsible for the attack,” the captain continued, “but they have since gone silent and are not responding to Starfleet communiqués. Admiral Haden has asked us to find the USS Phoenix, and the crew of the Trager, the Cardassian vessel, have offered safe passage, provided that we allow a delegation aboard while we do so.”
Emrys blew out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding as quietly as she could. The tension that was sure to accompany these Cardassians aboard would be difficult to navigate. Peaceful relations were so new that there were certainly still members of the Federation who would be unable to stay quiet, even if it went against orders.
“Given your experience on Cardassia and in helping to navigate the formation of the treaty in general, I was hoping that you might be available to assist in the… handling,” Picard added delicately, “of their delegation while they’re aboard.”
Although the situation was sure to be tense, Emrys reasoned, drumming her fingers on the tabletop, it had the potential to be a net positive. The vast majority of Emrys and her team’s interactions on Cardassia had been limited to members of the Central Command. That made sense, of course, but Central Command wasn’t exactly known for its tolerance of dissenting opinions. If she could manage to broker or at least maintain positive relationships with the delegates who came aboard, perhaps she could gather some additional perspective to take with her into negotiations. 
Emrys cleared her throat and tossed her stack of PADDs into her travel bag. “Of course, Captain,” she replied. “I’m happy to help in any way I can.”
“Excellent,” the captain responded. “The gul and two of his aides will be beaming aboard in one hour. Please meet us in Transporter Room Three.”
“Aye, sir.”
Gulping down the rest of her red leaf tea, Emrys rushed to get ready as her first day of “vacation” was suddenly dashed. A strand of hair came loose from her braid as she tugged on her boots and she blew it out of her face exasperatedly. Smoothing the wrinkles in her uniform shirt determinedly, she stepped out into the hallway to make for the Transporter Room with only a few minutes to spare. 
In the Transporter Room, Emrys took her place beside Deanna, who gave her a friendly bump with her shoulder, and Will, just as three imposing Cardassians appeared on the transport pad. Their helmets still donned, and clad in brown armor, Emrys was reminded acutely of her trips to Cardassia over the past several months, far from friendly faces and never too far from underlying currents of tension and anger.
Immediately, Emrys noted that she didn’t recognize any of these men in particular, although she understood their insignia easily – the aide to the left of the gul had a much friendlier look about him than the other two. Although the firm set of his mouth remained, his wide eyes curiously took in his surroundings, and Emrys smiled to herself.
“Welcome to the Enterprise,” Will offered. “I’m First Officer William Riker.”
He motioned to the two women beside him. “Counselor Deanna Troi and Lieutenant Commander Emrys Beck,” he introduced, as Deanna and Emrys nodded in turn. Emrys smiled as the friendlier-looking aide caught her eye and dipped his head in acknowledgement.
“I am Gul Macet,” the Cardassian in the center declared, stepping down off the transporter pad. “My aides, Glinn Daro, Glinn Telle,” he added as his men followed, standing at ease behind him.
“This is our Transporter Chief, Mr. O’Brien.” Will motioned to Miles as he spoke and Miles nodded curtly at the group. A tinge of dread began pooling in Emrys’ stomach as she watched the interaction, remembering that Miles’ reaction to the Cardassians on board would hardly be an isolated incident. A glance at the mostly well-concealed concern on Deanna’s face told Emrys that she wasn’t alone in her worries.
“Shall we?” Will asked, leading the group into the busy halls of the Enterprise.
The group was quiet as Will guided them to the Observation Lounge, and Emrys found herself wanting to bridge the gap, to be as welcoming as possible, if only to shake off the lingering effects of Miles’ terseness. 
“Gul Macet,” she remarked, matching her pace to his as he looked at her in mild surprise, “on my most recent visit to Cardassia, I had the opportunity to speak with the Prefect of Bajor stationed on Terok Nor, Gul Dukat. I can’t help but notice that you bear a striking resemblance to him - are you of any relation?” Emrys turned to await his response, noticing the glance that the two glinns walking behind them shared.
A dark look passed over Macet’s face. It was quick, but Emrys caught it and filed it away to be analyzed later.
“Yes,” Macet responded blithely. “Dukat is my cousin. Although, I am significantly more interested in hearing what brought you to Cardassia, my dear.” He appraised Emrys with a critical eye. Even with the armistice in place, few non-Cardassians came to his home world for any reason.
“Well… I assisted in forming the armistice between Cardassia and the Federation,” she admitted. “And now I lead the team of Federation members who are working with Central Command to formalize a treaty.”
“Ah, so you’re a diplomat.” He seemed almost disdainful, but Emrys thought she’d seen the barest hint of a smile on his face.
“Not entirely, Gul,” she countered. “In fact, I’ve served as a communications officer on several Starfleet ships. Weeks at a time on Cardassia is the most time I’ve spent on land in years,” she added with a light laugh.
Emrys was robbed of Macet’s response as the door to the observation lounge opened and their group joined the captain, who was already seated at the head of the table. Emrys found herself seated beside Glinn Daro as Miles and Commander La Forge trailed into the room. 
As Will and the captain discussed the steps they were planning to take to locate the Phoenix, Emrys allowed herself the opportunity to subtly study the Cardassian beside her. He seemed more at ease than his counterparts, his broad shoulders relaxed as he listened intently to Captain Picard. Emrys had spent more time than she could reasonably quantify around Cardassians in the last year, and none of them had been half as agreeable as this one. She wondered briefly if it was an act, some elaborate display designed to catch adversaries off guard. She dismissed the idea just as quickly, however; Cardassians could certainly be devious and underhanded, but in the more recent past, they’d preferred to rely on brute strength, a trait that Emrys had noticed was perpetuated by most members of the military and Central Command. She then wondered how this Glinn Daro’s seemingly pleasant nature served him there.
The sound of Miles snapping at something the gul had said brought Emrys back to attention. As the captain intervened, she made a mental note to have Deanna check in with Miles later. If the information Emrys had from Vice Admiral Nechayev was good, the Federation wouldn’t be able to handle falling back into conflict with Cardassia; they were still reeling from their losses to the Borg. Emrys often felt that her job was akin to walking a tightrope, and she wanted to ensure that at the very least, no one on this ship would be pushing anything off balance.
The captain’s combadge chirped as Worf summoned him to the bridge. The gul and captain exited the lounge and Emrys turned to the glinns, rising from her seat.
“Would you like to join me in Ten Forward for a drink? It seems likely that it will be a while before we catch up to the Phoenix.” 
Daro nodded his agreement and gave her a small smile. Emrys was struck again by Daro’s height as he rose from his seat; he was several inches taller than her, and carried himself with a cool confidence that only accentuated his stature. Telle fell in step with them as they approached the turbolift, looking for all the world like someone had just hit him. 
Emrys’ heart rate picked up slightly as she stepped into the turbolift and realized that Miles had joined them. 
Miles called for deck six and Daro, seemingly intrigued by the command protocol, called for deck ten. There was a moment of awkward silence while Miles glared at the wall, but just as Emrys opened her mouth to break it, Daro spoke up.
“Your captain is most impressive,” he proffered kindly. She couldn’t be sure whether he was speaking to her or Miles.
“Yes, he is,” Miles agreed, his voice clipped.
Daro’s eyes slid to Emrys’ for a moment and she gave him an encouraging smile.
She watched as he bolstered himself slightly, standing up just a bit taller. “Chief O’Brien, our transporting system is still operating with active feed pattern buffers. I would like to talk with you about your technology.”
Emrys felt a momentary fluttering in her chest. He was trying to be friendly! Even though Miles had already been standoffish, Daro was still trying to build bridges, something Emrys could certainly appreciate. His attempts to break the tension in the turbolift were endearing.
“I’ll have to get Commander La Forge’s approval on that.”
“I understand.” Daro paused, as though hesitant. “In the meantime, we’re going to your Ten Forward. Will you join us?”
Emrys felt the dread deadening her limbs again as the turbolift halted and she glanced at Miles’ face. He looked murderous.
“If my Commander tells me to discuss the transporter with you, I will,” he began acidly. “If Captain Picard orders me to tell you everything I know about Ben Maxwell, I will-”
“Miles,” Emrys warned quietly. 
“But who I choose to spend my free time with,” he ground out, ignoring Emrys and stepping into Daro’s space, “that’s my business.” His proximity to Daro suddenly sent anger crackling through Emrys like lightning.
“O’Brien,” she barked, placing a hand between the two men. Miles glared at her before stepping aside and exiting the turbolift. The doors closed and they were off again. Emrys exhaled sharply before finding a smile for the glinns.
“My apologies. In my experience, the chief is not usually quite so… prickly.”
Telle, who Emrys had yet to hear speak at all, addressed her sternly. “Perhaps that is your experience because you are human.”
“That is very likely,” Emrys replied softly. “I apologize for it nonetheless.” The turbolift halted and she guided Daro and Telle to Ten Forward, eager to move on to more pleasant conversation.
At the bar, over kanar and Alvanian brandy, the trio kept the discussion light, discussing how the glinns came to be posted on the Trager and how Emrys was enjoying her visits to Cardassia. Emrys did most of the work, which she had anticipated, but once she started getting responses from the thoroughly stiff Telle, she gave herself a mental pat on the back.
After a while, Telle excused himself and Daro seemed to relax even further. Until Miles appeared. He spotted Emrys and Daro and approached hesitantly. Emrys appreciated that he at least had the decency to look a little ashamed of himself.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. Emrys glanced at Daro questioningly. He gestured to the open barstool and Miles sat down as Emrys hid a small smile behind her glass of brandy, affected once again by Daro’s civility.
“I wanted to say,” Miles began sheepishly. “I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have popped off like that in the turbolift.” He peeked at Emrys before looking down at the bar top.
“I think…” Daro replied quietly, “This has been hard on all of us. I know I’ll be happy when I’m back on my own ship.” A delicate tendril of something like sadness curled around Emrys.
Miles nodded thoughtfully. “I guess that’s true. I hadn’t thought about that.”
“I was on Setlik III with Captain Maxwell,” he continued, “the morning after the massacre.” Daro’s eyes widened just slightly. Emrys knew this story - knew how Chief O’Brien became the “Hero of Setlik III”. She understood why Miles felt the way that he did. Part of her job in the formation of the treaty had been thoroughly reviewing Cardassian war efforts, in addition to all the things she’d experienced firsthand. There were atrocities she’d seen and heard about that she’d never be able to forget. But she was also capable of considering the big picture, the long term: that continuing to behave like enemies would only lead to a ceaseless war that no one could afford, certainly not the Federation. 
The chief carried on, as if determined to get this out. “We were too late, of course. Almost everyone was dead.”
To Emrys’ surprise, Daro spoke. “That was a terrible mistake,” he murmured, gazing down at his kanar glass. “We were told the outpost was a launching place for a massive attack against us.”
Miles shook his head sadly. “The only people left alive,” he contended, “were in an outlying district of the settlement. I was sent there with a squad to reinforce them.” His eyes studied the wall behind the bar despondently. “The Cardassians were advancing on us… moving through the streets, destroying, killing. I was with a group of women and children when two Cardassian soldiers burst in. I stunned one of them. The other one jumped me.”
Daro regarded him wide-eyed.
“One of the women threw me a phaser and I fired.” Miles grimaced. “The phaser was set at maximum. The man just… just incinerated there before my eyes.” He looked at Daro meaningfully. “I’d never killed anything before. When I was a kid, I’d worry about swatting a mosquito.” Grief swelled in Emrys’ chest for Miles, knowing that nothing would ever take away or undo the burden he carried from his time in the war. It was yet another reminder for Emrys why she was working so hard for this treaty.
Miles got up from his barstool abruptly, and both Daro and Emrys regarded him with concern.
“It’s not you I hate, Cardassian,” the chief added with a note of finality. “I hate what I became because of you.” Before Emrys could even consider responding, he was gone.
Daro studied the glass in his hands intently. Emrys opened her mouth, but he cut in. 
“Please don’t apologize for him,” he said, finally meeting her eyes. “I understand him.” He nodded, seemingly to himself. “We all carry things with us that we’d sooner forget.” He drained the last of his kanar and set the glass down lightly.
“I think,” he added quietly, “that I should return to my quarters.” That tendril of sadness around Emrys squeezed a little tighter, wishing that this visit could have been easier, more positive. A small part of her whispered that it also would have been nice to have more time to talk to Daro alone. But she couldn't imagine how exhausted he must be, how uncomfortable.
“Of course,” she replied. “May I walk with you?”
Daro gave her a small smile. “I would enjoy that very much.”
Emrys noticed how Daro slowed his pace as they made their way through the halls of the Enterprise and hummed thoughtfully.
“You know, Glinn Daro,” Emrys admitted, tucking her hands behind her back and glancing up at him thoughtfully, “you are unlike any Cardassian I’ve ever met.”
His eye ridges rose slightly as he looked back at her. “Is that a good thing?”
Emrys nodded emphatically. “Definitely. You are infinitely more approachable.”
“Well,” he replied as they reached his door, “if that is what has allowed me the pleasure of your company, then it is a trait I am happy to have.”
Emrys flushed, dipping her head to hide her flustered expression. Forcing herself to look at him, she found her voice again.
“The pleasure has been all mine, truly.”
The warmth in his eyes seemed to spill over as he gazed at her. “I bid you goodnight, Commander.”
Emrys inclined her head, allowing a smile to pull at her lips. “Goodnight, Glinn.”
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emma-m-black · 1 year
Lillian Crusher, a What if Multi Chapter Story.
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I had an idea for a story spin on this season's Picard. Where Lillian Crusher is the Daughter of Beverly and Jean-Luc and it was that fact that Beverly became pregnant with her that Jack was formed by our bad guys as a twin to use for their future plans. Kind of my take on the comment from Vadic about when she says something along the lines of "you think he was yours?"
Let me know what you guys think. I have a few chapters done up now and like all my work I post on the interwebs, it is really unedited. So excuse grammar and spelling that you come across, I usually just stream of conscious these for the most part.
All Works Mater List Post
Lillian sat on a cargo crate, datapad in hand. She was skimming through the personnel records of the bridge crew of the U.S.S. Titan. Currently, she was reading the classified psychological report of the ship’s Captain. Another victim of the battle of Wolf Three Five Nine. Twisting a strand of her red hair around her finger, she hit the section which read about Starfleet’s reluctance to give him the promotion to Captain.
“Ensign, are we boring you?” A voice boomed over Lillian’s thoughts.
Looking up, Lillian found the other Starfleet officers in the hangar all leaning over one another to look at her. She was sure she was a sight to everyone in the room. Everyone was in their assigned colours, pressed and starched, while she wore dark black form-fitting pants and a plain black shirt under her dark brown leather jacket.
Tapping on her pad, she closed the file and slipped off the crate. She tucked the pad under her arm as the Captain of the Titan himself walked her way. “I asked you a question, Ensign.”
Standing to attention, Lillian looked the Captain over as he came to rest in front of her. His hair was slightly thinning, salt and pepper in his trimmed beard. He had a stern look on his face as he, too, examined her. “It’s Commander, Sir.”
“What are you, twelve?”
“Really? Do you have a name to go along with that title?” He asked, before tucking his hands behind his back.
“Commander Lillian Crusher, Sir.”
Captain Shaw looked at one of his security officers and pivoted his head in such a way as to call him over. “Lieutenant, are we expecting a Commander Crusher to be joining us today?”
“No Sir.”
Lillian smiled as she looked from the Captain over to the Lieutenant. “Perhaps you should check again.”
The Lieutenant lifted his pad and, after a few quick button presses, looked at his Captain with wide eyes. “Captain, I read this posting roster an hour ago.”
“And your point being?” Asked the Captain with a roll of his eyes.
“The transfer must have just come through. It says she is your new Senior Intelligence Officer.”
“Give me that.” Captain Shaw reached out a hand and took the pad. He began to tap away at the device as he tried to find answers to his questions.
Watching him, Lillian held in the laugh that threatened to leave her lips. The look that had quickly overtaken his face told her that he was trying to access her personal file, only to discover he did not have authorization. She watched as he handed the device back over.
“You will find your room assignments and station postings in your data pads. Dismissed.”
Everyone in the room turned to leave, including Lillian. However, she was paused by the Captain stepping in her path. “Nope, not you. You are coming with me.”
“With all due respect, Captain. I would like to take a shower.”
“And I would like to have you off my ship, but today we don’t get what we want, do we?”
Lillian smiled. “No Sir, we do not.”
“With me Commander.” Captain Shaw led the way to the turbo lift and Lillian followed silently. No words were said as they moved throughout the ship. When they arrived at the bridge, Lillian paused her steps and just looked out at the bridge. It was truly a magnificent sight. Her attention was drawn away when Captain Shaw cleared his throat.
Swiftly Lillian followed him into the Captain’s ready room.
Once the two were alone, the Captain finally spoke again. “Can we skip the bullshit cover story?” He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.
“Aww, but it was really good. I spent the entire trip thinking it up.” Replied Lillian.
“How do I know that you are who you say you are?” He asked as he lowered his hand and looked at Lillian.
Pulling her datapad from her arm, she typed in her clearance code and handed the device to the Captain. “You should find what you were looking for in there.” Now her redacted picture and general information would show.
She watched as the Captain stepped back and sat partially on the large desk as he looked over her file. “How do I know you didn’t fabricate this?” He placed the datapad down on the desk next to him and looked across at her.
“Secure room, authorization Crusher, seven, twenty, charley, omega.”
“Authorization accepted, room secured.” Come the electronic voice of the ship’s computer.
Captain Shaw shot up, his right hand tapped on the tabletop and quickly he pulled a phaser on her. Lillian placed her hands up in surrender. He reached with his left and tapped the device, but it only let out a scratch of static before losing the connection.
“If I wanted to take you out, Captain, I would have done so in the lift. Now, I’m going to reach into my jacket and pull something out, okay?” She could see the twinge of fear that came out on the Captain’s face. “I’m trusting you, and I need you to trust me, too.”
He tipped his head, indicating for her to continue. Leaving her left hand up, she reached across her chest with her right and slid it into the inside of her jacket. She soon felt the coolness of metal against her skin. Pinching it between her fingers, she pulled it from its confines. She held it out and then lightly tossed it high in the air towards him. Reaching out, he caught the object in his free palm. Bringing it towards himself, he opened his hand to reveal a Starfleet badge. Much like his own, however, this one was completely black. “You’re the fucking boogeyman?”
“I prefer bogey woman.” Replied Lillian, who had moved to raise her right hand once again while he inspected the device.
“Why show me this? Surely it’s not standard to be announcing you work for a division that officially doesn’t exist. Or are you here for me?”
“Honestly and off the record, Sir, I don’t know why I’m here.” Lillian gave her right hand a slight shake. “Can I put my hands down? I promise I’m not armed.”
“Something tells me you don’t need a phaser to kill me. So in the spirit of trust.” Captain Shaw lowered his weapon and placed it on the table.
Lillian lowered her arms and gave them a shake as she placed them at her side. “That’s better. I haven’t slept or eaten in over seventy-four hours any longer and I might have just passed out on you, Captain.”
“A non-federation mercenary team pulled me in the middle of my assignment, handed that datapad.” Lillian began. She pointed towards the pad sitting next to the Captain. “They gave me no explanation. I moved from destination after destination came through. First a refugee shuttle, then a cargo station and then a nearby Starfleet transport hanger. While on route, I was given notification of promotion and station placement on your ship. They put me here for a reason, but gave me no further instructions.
“So I’m just supposed to let you wander the halls of my ship, until what? You take out one of my crew. What if I’m your mission and you just gave me time to run?”
Lillian rolled her shoulders. Her muscles and joints were stiff and throbbing. “My gut is telling me something is wrong. If you look more closely at that crew roster, you might notice that while looking official it is missing the Starfleet archives code. Meaning…”
“The list hasn’t actually been recorded in the Starfleet database. So it’s a fake?”
“No, I think it’s real. I would just bet they are delaying the paperwork.”
Captain Shaw ran a hand over his face. “So someone is using my ship as a safe house?”
“I believe so. Which is why I am telling you. I won’t have your crewmen put themselves in harm’s way for me. Especially when I have no clue why.” Said Lillian.
“And you’re sure you didn’t just make the wrong enemy along the way? Had your identity compromised?”
“No, I don’t believe so.”
“Why my ship?” Asked Captain Shaw.
Lillian stuck the pads of her thumbs to her eyebrows in thought. “If I knew, I would tell you.” She closed her eyes for a second and felt herself sway. Without her vision to help her balance, the fatigue in her body quickly took over.
“Woah.” Captain Shaw spoke.
Opening her eyes, Lillian found the Captain on his feet, and a step closer to her. His arms were outstretched as if he was preparing to catch her. “I’m fine.” She meant to brush him off, instead however, she felt her knees buckle as she began to fall to the floor.
Hands wrapped around her arms, keeping her semi upright. “Go to your quarters, eat something, shower and get in uniform before rumors spread and your cover is blown.”
“Yes, Sir.” Replied Lillian.
“Are you okay to walk?”
“Yes, thank you.” Lillian raised her hand up and gripped the Captain’s biceps as she pulled herself upright. “Might be a little suspicious to be walking me across the bridge.”
Captain Shaw nodded and slowly released his hold on Lillian. He then proceeded to walk back over to the desk. He retrieved her datapad and badge. Tapping away at the screen for a few seconds, he then handed her items over. “Room assignment and schedule. I’m trusting you with my crew, but I will be keeping you on a leash.”
“Understandable Sir.”
Chapter Two - Read Here
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