#piano plays LM3
pianokantzart · 2 months
I know I had already spoiled myself by watching the cutscenes of this game on youtube, but I can not believe I missed how much love is in Luigi's eyes when he looks at Polterpup on the bus
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He gives Polterpup this adoring, half-lidded stare for like a full three seconds. This guy loves his dog so much.
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auroraknux · 1 year
I've already complained a lot about the pacing, and how the film suffers because of it. So now I want to switch gears and talk about some of the stuff I did like (it's a long list!). Putting it under a read more, because of spoilers:
Mario being a protective big brother ❤️
Mario calling Luigi "Lu" (it's no "Weegee" or "Weeg", but it's still cute)
"Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together"
The flashback of the baby bros 😭
Luigi being the one to protect Mario at the end
Mario and Luigi's relationship in general is so incredibly sweet and definitely the highlight of the film for me
Peach is a badass, but she's also cute. Which is exactly how I think she should be depicted
Toad is cute and funny, and I wish we could've seen more of his dynamic with Mario and Peach
Mario and Peach's interactions are cute, even if they're rushed
I like Peach's backstory (even if I have a lot of questions about the circumstances surrounding them crowning her princess). I think it's sweet that she became their protector after they raised her. The idea of her possibly being from Mario's world is also very interesting to me. I hope fanfic writers go nuts with that
Mario having daddy issues is kind of a funny concept to me, but also really interesting, and it's something I'd like to see explored more (probably in fanfics)
I love how sweet and supportive their mom is!
Mario and DK's rivalry is fun
Luigi 💚 (literally all he has to do is exist and I love him with all my heart and soul)
Lumalee was funny (even if I wish they'd actually done something with the character)
I was disappointed about Peach not actually using the halberd, but she still gets to beat up Bowser, so I'm not complaining too much
Peaches 🍑
The concept of Bowser being able to play piano is something I never realized I needed in my life (definitely need to incorporate it into a future fanfic)
I love the way they incorporated the game mechanics into the worldbuilding. I want to see what they'd do with other stuff, like 1-ups (like we thought we were getting)
The idea of Mario hating mushrooms is funny
Pauline got a cameo at least
The score was great
The DK Rap being included was funny
It's cool to have official versions of Mario's parents (even if they're probably not canon)
Having Charles Martinet voice Mario's dad was a cute touch (and it makes him saying "these are my boys!" at the end really sweet in a meta way)
I actually liked most of the voices. The only one that remotely bothered me was Cranky, because he doesn't sound old enough, but even then I don't really hate it. Yes, I actually came around to Prattio in the end, so fucking sue me (it helps that his performance is better than in the trailers, and you can actually hear the Brooklyn accent now)
The Bowser's Fury theme playing in one part made me so happy because that's one of my favorite Mario games ever
I loved seeing Mario being insecure and scared! It was really refreshing
This might sound weird, but I actually appreciate them not holding back on the violence in some places. The most notable example is during the climax, when Mario is all bruised up from Bowser beating the shit out of him
As I've said before, the animation is absolutely gorgeous. The expressive character animation and the color choices are what really make it shine
The action sequences are so good! Even just Peach doing the training course was mesmerizing
Peach is just...so nice. People were assuming she'd be a stereotypical girlboss that hates men or some crap, but she really isn't. (I never did; I had faith that they'd get her right.) She waits for Mario to complete his training so he can save Luigi, even though there's a looming threat to her kingdom. She lets Mario go with her even though he didn't complete it, and tries to make him feel better about not getting it on the first try. And she's willing to marry someone she hates just to protect her kingdom (and then tricks him and beats him up). I love her 💖
I like how Peach says "my Toads"; it feels like she's saying "my family" (because they are her family, and she'll never let anything happen to them 🩷)
I already mentioned Mario and Luigi's relationship. But one scene that I haven't seen anyone talk about it when they're in Mario's room after their dad rejects him, and Luigi tries to comfort him. Mario is a great brother in this movie, but so is Luigi 💚
As much as I love Mario x Peach, I'm glad they don't try to force the relationship (outside of other characters shipping them, lol). There's not much time for that to happen--partly because of the pacing, but also because they're both focused on stopping Bowser and wouldn't be thinking much about that anyway. I would like to see some romance between them in a potential sequel, but I also want the development of their relationship to feel natural
Mario finding his strength and confidence through his desire to protect the people he cares about 🥰
They did the "So long gay Bowser" tail swing
The character designs are sooooooo good! Mario and Luigi are precious, Peach is pretty, Bowser looks cool, etc. I love how everyone looks! 👌
Luigi's hair 😏
There's probably more I could add here, but I should probably stop before this post becomes ridiculously long lol. Despite the issues I had with this movie, there's still a lot I appreciate about it. And it made me smile and laugh the whole way through, so that makes it good in my book. It's definitely going to be one of my comfort movies from now on.
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squibbylibbydibby · 2 years
Do you have any more lm3 headcanons?
Cause I have seen some of yours and they are very cool!
I'm SO sorry I didn't get to this ask earlier. A lot went on and just general life happened so that's why it took so long. Again, I apologize.
Anyway, to the headcanons!
.I think of Lindsey, Nikki and Ginny thinking of Hellen as their mother. This is because I headcanon that the triplets were abandoned at a young age, so they preformed magic tricks on the streets to help take care of themselves. Unfortunately, their efforts weren't enough, so they perished. Hellen probably took in the frightened ghosts and decided to give them the proper life they deserved.
. Chambrea is addicted to caffeine. That's all.
. Amadeus tried to teach Gloria how to play piano, let's just say she's not aloud around pianos anymore. Gloria also tried to teach Amadeus how to be "hip" but he didn't see the point in it.
. Chef Soulfle gives the dead fish he doesn't use to Clem. Soulfle doesn't know what Clem does with the fish, and frankly he doesn't want to know.
. Chambrea tried to help teach Ug how to socialize better, and now they're best friends.
. Morty has made a lot of popular movies in his time, but credit was always stolen from him.
. Johnny's whole personality is basically if Gaston from Beauty and the Beast was a himbo.
.Clem is one of those people who thinks ducktape fixes everything. Car troubles? Ducktape. Broken heart? Ducktape.
.Kruller actually dreamed of owning a bakery before he became a cop.
.King MacFrights felt challenged when King Boo was brought into the picture, this led to MacFrights proudly challenging King Boo to a duel. MacFrights's ego was soon crushed.
.Dr. Potter has been called Harry Potter so many times he's about to go feral.
I think that's enough headcanons for one post. I hope you enjoy!
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kokoronbain · 2 years
What was Divana (Fell!Paloma) like when she was alive? What happened that made her hate her father and ex-fiancé?
Ugh, I would love to do a comic about her past since a long time but knowing me, I am not still ready for that... Well, let's write it, at least.
Here what I imagined for her, whatever it was originally for LM3 or being in another fandom/media (or again... an universe i would totally create):
We are in 20th century. And a new baby was born in a very rich -and even a powerful- family's house.
Instead of hearing cries of joy or just happiness, it was chaotic and dramatic between new parents, just because of the birth of this baby.
The new father expected a boy, not. a. GIRL.
The poor tired mother in her bed held her baby AND had to substain at this screaming dispute from her husband
If it's a girl, who will be inherited from his family? It's been years they waited a boy for finally having a WEAK girl?! Now, this female successor had to marry a man, meaning they HAVE TO be subject to another family!!
So much problems already happened while the baby started to cry, making worse the situation.
After the ridiculous brouhaha, the Grandmother -who was here since the whole time- hushed her screamful son and decided to take care of her granddaughter.
Unlike the father who underestimate his own successor and the mother who just stayed silent, the Abuela felt that the new baby would do something amazing: She put a lot of esteem in her future, that she felt the baby will be... divine.
And this is how she get the idea to name her dear granddaughter, the new member of the Family despite all: Divania.
Already young, Divania get basically a strict education: She learnt how to sing, dance, paint and play piano. And she was great at everything of this!
But unfornately, she didn't find a passion in any of it, except maybe the dance but it missed something....
One day, she went to a Corrida with her family, since it was the familial tradition.
In this show, Divania discovered so the gracious way to dance by dodging the danger but specially the gracious way to... kill that bull. For at the end to be cheered and loved by spectators!
And Divania for the first time fell in love... with the Bullfighting. It was exactly what she wanted: dancing, killing and being the center of attention. And all of that with style!
But - oh of course- she knew that she couldn't be a bullfighter: her father, which still underestimated her due to being a girl, wouldn't never accept to do this Bullfight Art that only mens practiced...
While Divania accepted internally to never accomplish her newly dream, her Abuela noticed in silence that her granddaughter would love to be in the Corrida. She felt it. So the Grandmother decided to persuade her own -"stupid"- son to leave Divania being the first matadora of the family.
And guess what? It worked! 🤭
Many years later had passed and Divania became one of best bullfighters of the country!
Even... one of most beautiful ladies.
As she received cheers from her fans, she get also desires from seducers to get her heart.
It didn't mind Divania actually, since she wanted to be the center of attention and being attractive to most people as she could get.
Her still present father didn't want to marry her as long there isn't the perfect new member for the family. And until now, the father wasn't enough charmed by anyone to be the perfect husband for her daughter. For once, Divania was agreed with her father.
From flirt persons which wanted to be close to her, Divania simply ignored them, being intentionnally naive by simply not understand their advances or by showing her superiority to them since her family is one of most powerful families of the country. So what did she risk?
For those which continued to harrass her at this point, they went into prison or they were died for mysterious reasons....
Whatever. In all cases, nobody couldn't change Divania's statut......... until one day.
She met a new colleague matador which were from another country.
Seducer and appreciated by so much people, he was famous as Divania. And like others, he was charmed by her and flirted with her, which didn't surprise Divania as usual.
... However for some FREAKING reasons, this new matador successed to charm... her father?!
The father seemed to get along with this newcomer and decided to invite him more often into the house... Which meaned Divania had to spend more times with this cabrón.
And not only that, with special events of her country, she had to sing, dance and doing bullfight with her not-so-dear colleague...
She make sure to mess with him discretly, even humiliate him. But he seemed to handle it.
Plus she discovered that he was a very manipulative person. Even though he admitted he sincerely fell in love with her, he was determinated to get her as his housewife, forcing her to leave the bullfighter job.
Oooh, if she could, she would make sure to torture him until his freaking death... But she was aware she couldn't do that, legally.
This colleague, even if he was from another country, was even more important and powerful than her own family so politically, it could be very complicated to just eleminate him.
So even she deeply wanted his painful death... she had to handle his presence, still making sure to mess and ridicule him as she could.
Many days later, while Divania walked peacefully in her house, she heard a conversation between her parents.... talking about that stupid colleague? She decided to spy the conversation discretly.
Her father mainly talked actually, praising that new matador.... Seriously? Divania never understood her father. He literally discriminated and despised other families, whatever if it was from this country or elsewhere. So why is he prasing a literal stranger? It doesn't make sens-
"He is like a son to me... I think that he is the perfect one for our family!" Divania stayed silent as ever. She stopped from what she reflexed internally and listened more than ever her father's words.
The mother said " You mean-" but the father interrupted his wife, speaking loudly with a smile "Yes! It's decided! He will marry our daughter!"
Divania's eyes became wild open as ever............ From all ridiculous and stupid beings she met, she had to marry THIS one, the one she HATED the most?!
OF COURSE, she had to be married one day which would force her to quit her bullfighter job. But knowing now she will be the fiancée of THIS bastard, it make her LESS accepting her future condition to be housewife....... All because she was a woman.......
If she could, she would kill the entire country.
But for the moment, she decided to calm down by training and spending times with her shows, like she usually did... And maybe plan to certainly kill her stupid husband-to-be, no matter what.
But a very bad thing happened to Divania, a thing she didn't plan and would never think about it: She died, from being gored by a bull.
And another thing she would never think it would happen: she became a ghost.
She felt ridiculous to be stupidely killed like that!.... But when she realised she could be free from her stupid family, that useless rules and specially her bastard fiancé, she began to have a malicious smile, the most honest emotion she could have.
Despite being dead, she started her new life... and she felt that she will have a lot of fun, more than ever.
Aaaaaand that's all! Thank you to reading it until the end! 🙏💖
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
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wolfgeist but hes a wolf
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hiya-im-mary · 2 years
Lm3 theory: Amadeus’s death
TW!!! Death,explosions,fire,slight gore,t3rr0rism .generally not good things! Please don’t read if this is something that makes you feel awful.
So,I watched the boss fight against Amadeus Wolfgeist’s boss fight in Lm3,and it made me think…is there some sort of story being told by how his boss fight goes?
I analysed certain things in the fight. Spesifically these:
His stretchy arms
It gave me a few…gruesome ideas as to how he died.
Let’s start with the bombs. They fly out of his piano,and you have to throw one in to damage him. If you think about it…bombs are quite random. What does playing the piano have to do with explosives? Well,I think this could tie into how he died. For some reason,some awful person probably set bombs off in one of his performances,that being his final performance.
Fire is similar to the explosions. Explosives cause fire! If he didn’t die from the explosives,the fire left from them must have done it.
His arms also stretch out really far to attack Luigi. This sort of makes Sence…pianos,hands,arms…arms stretching? Maybe? Well another idea I got from @united-ghostal-service is that he might’ve gotten entangled in the stage workings before one of his shows. They were pulling his arms…no one could help him :(
So…I pieced this together! Someone…for some AWFUL Reason decided to set bombs off at one of Amadeus’ shows. Meanwhile,while the bombs were being set off,he got his arms tangled in the rigging above the stage. It was pulling at his arms painfully. But…no one could help him. The explosions went off,and fire soon burned everything in it’s path. Everyone was too panicked to do anything Exept leave the place. Amadeus was left there,hanging by his arms…that didn’t last forever. He fell into the flames the bombs left,his arms being broken,or if you wanna get really gory,broken off. He died by being burned alive.
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cloudsrust · 4 years
Odd idea, imagine either Amadeus or DJ Phantasmagloria was in No Straight Roads? Like as bosses or something?
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This took quite a while but hell it was worth it,,
I would see them as some sort of mini boss! Kinda like DK west but more like- some sort of “bouncer” before Yinu (Wolfgeist) and DJSS (Phantasmagloria) that try to stop you from hijacking the concerts.
For both of them I tried to mix both the districts and the style of the bosses they’re ment to protect (Elegant and nature inspired for Wolf and more casual and space themed for Gloria)
Extra info on how they could fit into everything under the cut as always!
-former rival of Yinu’s father. Retired from the idea of becoming the leader of the distrct after his death, feeling that Yinu would’ve been the best choice to continue such legacy. 
-He still performs with his piano but he also found a certain interest to the theatre scene, drammatic musicals especially.
-Seeing the rock duo approach the gates of Yinu’s concert he will challenge them (”I didn’t give up my chance at the throne for two trash dwellers to steal it- Engarde!”)
-The piano pattern can be drawn from his vest and played like actual piano keys- same with the pentagram patterns. He will use the first to form projectiles notes while the latter can work as both a whip or a lazzo.
-His hair are prehensile and he will use them to stop or interrupt attacks.
-As the last resource he will shoot out the thorns present in his cravat and then take the last one to duel as if it was a sword.
-fun fact: the whole “thorns stabbed into where his cravat forms a bleeding rose” is a nod at my death headcanon for Wolfgeist in lm3- it being an heart aneurysm.
-She is simply a huge fan of DJSS. Ispired by him to keep up with her musical dreams even with her being blind.
-She feels vibrations to understand where everything his. The rings around her also help with feeling her surroundings. 
-She’ll feel the duo arrive thanks to Mayday ruckus about wanting to hjyack the concert and will block them at the entrance (”No one told is rude to skip queues?”)
-The rings that surround her transforms into portable disk-jockey disks- ready to hit hard both when thrown like frisbees and when spewing rounds of notes.
-She can use her hair to block attacks. They very thicc.
-Her earring and other round jewelry can transform into mini bombs she’ll scatter around the “battlefield”.
-Fun facts? ... I’m love her;;
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meltedhorror · 5 years
Some more HC’s for lm3
Long post ahead so uhhh here’s a cut
- He has a group of Goobs who just like to follow him around and help out wherever they can - He’s VERY protective of these Goobs - He’s great at acting fine and happy, but he’s so far from being either of those - His death really messed him up and he never really got over it
- Probably the only one who can stand Soulfflé’s cooking - Literally a ray of sunshine wherever she goes and loves making the others happier too
- He used to have a real gun (From a lot of begging), but since he’s so easily spooked and got pretty trigger happy with it if startled, he was instead given a water gun. - When the stores are closed for the day, he and a few Hammers and Goobs play cops and robbers around the area
Chef Soulfflé
- No matter what this man cooks its gonna be salty or burnt.... Or both. - He himself sees nothing wrong with his cooking, and instead thinks of himself as a master cook - He absolutely hates the Goobs and refers to them as “ghost rats”, and will NOT let a single one into his kitchen - He doesn’t let anyone into his kitchen for that matter - He has a very heavy French accent
Amadeus Wolfgeist
- He knows how to play most instruments, but of course he mainly just plays piano - Even though he has such a short temper, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about the others. Because he very much does, even if he would never admit it. - Although he enjoys being alone, he still can feel very lonely sometimes - He likes teaching his music skills to other ghosts, although being very strict doing so. He would never hit someone over it, but he’s not afraid to loose his temper over it anyways.
King MacFrights
- Will probably challenge you to a duel whether you like it or not, and he won’t take no as an answer - Very narcissistic and thinks very highly of himself - Call him Fred from Scooby Doo cause he loves his traps
Dr Potter
- He got a floor to decorate with plants, but he ended up overrunning the floor instead with them - He doesn’t see an issue in it. A few flowers never hurt anyone! - He acts as a grandpa to all other boss ghosts as well, and shares his knowledge about his plants to whoever wants to hear it - He still would never let anyone else try and care for the plants though
- Although not an artist in that sense, he does draw, and pretty well at that! - He’s a really.... REALLY good actor, and you never know if he’s just acting or if he’s serious about certain things. - He’s almost constantly cold, which comes with being dead. He just never seems to get used to it.
- Despite being a cave man, he’s pretty smart in his own way. He finds a problem? Well, it may not be the RIGHT solution, but its a solution at least. - He’s got extremely good hearing and vision, so good luck keeping anything a secret from him. - He picks up at languages fairly quickly, even if he’ll never be fluent in any of them. - He really does like trying new things, even if said things may be scary for him at first. - Loves telling stories from when he was still alive
- Hates Polterkitty and absolutely REFUSES to have her anywhere NEAR his part of the basement - Ducks galore - He plays the banjo and is really good at it - Although being very messy in every other sense of the word, he does stay clean himself at least - Unless it involves having to get into water, he’ll never back down from a dare
- She really loves her spooky aesthetics - But she’s really nice behind acting all royal and ghostly - She really loves snakes as well and even though she has so many of them roaming around her floor, she considers them all her babies
The Triplets
- Once every so often, they steal the great stage from Amadeus to perform magic for the entire hotel - A lot of their tricks go wrong, but they always find some way to save it again and just say it was planned afterwards - They LOVE causing trouble and just inconveniencing the other boss ghosts - Also a lot of pranks
Captain Fishook
- If you ever want to go to a haunted house.... Er... Boat.... Visit this guy! Even though its not his job, he enjoys creating haunted shows for the other ghosts in attempts to scare them. Some are easier than others. - His pirate accent is fake, but he keeps it up anyways to go with his whole aesthetic
Johnny Deepend
- He holds Yoga classes for whoevers interested in it of the other boss ghosts - He’s a great personal trainer - Very supportive in whatever the others are doing, even if he doesn’t understand it - Long flowing hair when he takes off the hat an lets his hair actually dry for once and you know I’m living for it
- She has a few different kinds of wigs, but she prefers the afro - Constantly absolutely JAMMING on some music, even if she leaves the disco. She got them headphones to blast from - Total ball of energy
Hellen Gravely
- She opened the hotel for ghosts to help out those who felt lost, or just wanted somewhere to stay. Some inhabitants became permanent, while some moved on after a while. - She’ll always welcome new ghosts with open arms - Out girl is absolutely CONSUMED by her love for King Boo, and she just wants to do things right for him. She never meant to take it out on any of the hotels inhabitants - 100% scared the everliving hell out of everyone when explaining who Luigi is and making him out to be a way bigger threat than he actually is
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snazzy-suit · 5 years
Out of all the boss ghosts in LM3, which are the gayest, which get along with luigi, and would the piano boss teach luigi how to play? Also, how would King Boo react to Luigi pulling a prank on him by playing dead or stagging his own death?
I don’t really have much in the way of headcanons regarding the sexuality of the LM3 boss ghosts atm, but off the top of my head…Morty, Amadeus, and DJ Phantasmagoria??
Most of the boss ghosts get along pretty well with Luigi—at least, there aren’t any that straight up dislike him, anyway (Except maybe Hellen Gravely. It’s complicated). The ones that enjoy his company the most are Morty (no surprise there), Steward (Team Tired™), Dr. Potter (plant friends!), Kruller (anxiety buddies!), Clem (maintenance bros!) DJ Phantasmagoria (he likes her music! And dAncED with her crew during their fight!), and the Triplets (Luigi knows cArD tRicKs holy shit).
Amadeus is a bit of a loner—preferring to spend his time honing his craft—and doesn’t have much in the way of patience. I doubt he's the teaching type. That said, if Luigi showed enough interest and respect for his profession (a little flattery wouldn’t hurt either), Wolfgeist might be willing to give a few lessons.
Luigi has no problem shootin' the sass back at King Boo, but pranks? That’s a veeery delicate line he's not too eager to cross. Our mad spooky boy would rain hell down upon whoever/whatever he believed to be responsible for robbing him of his vengeance, and Luigi isn’t willing to risk anyone's safety. Faking his own death for a good chuckle at the monarch’s expense wouldn’t be worth King Boo’s wrath.
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bedieorgay · 5 years
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Here he is in his full glory
I’ve been wanting to make a lm3 oc for a long time now after I bought the game... but I didn’t know what to do since the two ideas I wanted to do were already in the game (Morty {theater/director} & Amadeus {Pianist/musician}) so I just decided to go with it anyways... Hux is a very determined musician and actor. The instruments Hux plays best are: Woodwinds (flute, saxophone), the piano, Strings (bass, harp, viola, violin).
He’s been in a few different musicals, plays, and some other things... though he isn’t always in the full on cast. He helps set up and the design for props. But he sure does love performing- however he doesn’t much care for performing with his instruments, so when he’s caught playing he gets very flustered and upset.
And you’ll only see him show more emotion during musicals+... sadly.
Anyway, let me actually do his info.
>Name: Hux Watson
>Age: 32
>Occupation(s): Musician, actor
>Gender: Male
>Sexuality: Gay
•Angered easily
•Calm most the time (just as a resting bitch face)
+when he’s in a relationship
•Very Gentle
•More emotional
•but still very quiet
Voice claim: Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson)
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creepychippy · 5 years
LM3 - Additional Ghost-Sona Info
- Sarah can (kind of) juggle. When she juggles with 3 balls, she can catch them up to 5-7 times before she accidentaly throws them a little bit too far away and drops them
(Funfact: It was school who taught me actually how to juggle) 
- She was already an Aunt before she was even born 
(I come from a Patchwork-Family and my older sister already had a son, who is 1 year older than me) 
- She tends to rock back and forth a lot when sitting in a chair 
- Sarah likes Video Game, Vocaloid, Remix, Rock, 8-Bit, Dubstep, and Piano as well as Violin Music. She prefers a lot of times Music that sound darkish/ could belong to a Villain Theme. 
- Her favourite type of foods are Pizza (Salami), Watermelon, Strawberries and Cookie Dough Ice Cream 
- Her favourite beverages are Strawberry Ice Tea and Cola 
- Tends to drink beverages right out of the bottle instead of using a glass
- Sarah has Arachnophobia (Phobia of Spiders) as well as Social Anxiety. She actually had a Phobia of Death (to be more precise: What comes after Death/Questioning, if she will seize to exist after Death) but after she became a Ghost, all of her worries have been lifted 
- While she is more of a couch potato, if you invite her to play Tag, she would happily join 
- She also really likes to play Hide and Seek 
- Generally, she would join every type of game that are usually played by children if invited 
- When it comes to her sleep schedule, she is more of an night owl than an early bird 
- In her whole life never once has she screamed when being startled/jumpscared. The most reaction you would get out of her is a sudden flinch and wide eyes. 
- Has actually a missing tooth but you can’t notice it so easily, since the gap was already fixed by braces (It’s Tooth Number 7 which is missing, for anyone wondering) 
- Be assured that when you give her something long like a cardboard tube, she will lightly bonk you on the head with it 
- Give her a coloured cardboard tube/swimming noddle/etc and she will probably pretend to be a Jedi/Sith (and also tries to fight you if you hold one, too) 
- When she does something physical, Sarah will probably say sound effects that is associated with the movement out loud (”Doink”, “Nyooom”, “Pat, pat.” “Pokedy, pokedy, poke.”, etc). She also tends to say those with a higher pitched voice 
- The living version of Sarah would always shrink into herself and point her feet inwards when being nervous. Now that she is a Ghost, however, she still shrinks into herself but this time curls her ghost-tail inwards, due to her missing set of legs.
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pianokantzart · 1 month
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Mario having a slice of pizza on the edge of the bathtub to eat while he bathes feels pretty in character.
The medieval sword he stashed inside the toilet? That one was a surprise.
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shanxy180 · 5 years
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guess who made an entire cast of characters(?) that are related to each boss ghosts somehow.. It’s mee
Though I’m kind of thinking of changing some designs but thats for another day bc this took forever fsndjkfnskj
snkjfnsd Anyway, yea I made a couple good kids/teenagers that are all related to the lm3 bosses, information about each kiddo below..!
Sadie  - The cousin of Steward, younger by a couple years. Perhaps 17-19 years old.  - Acts like a mix of both “responsible adult” and “nervous teenager that doesn’t know what they’re doing”.  - She’s responsible, likes to plan ahead and is hard working, but when faced with something new or unfamiliar she cracks and nervously tries to get through it.  - She originally wanted to go to nursing school, but couldn’t pursue it due to her death.  - Died via car accident, she was crossing the road when a vehicle suddenly lost control and ran her over.
Claude  - The son of Chambrea, somewhere around 14-15 years old.  - The quiet, kind hearted (former) mama’s boy that’s nervous but tries his best.  - Has picked up the habit of nibbling on things while lost in thought.  - Can act very nervous and shy around people,  - He’s jolly and loves to giggle and chuckle, ends up in a 2 minute giggling fit if something really makes him laugh. And really likes to make other people laugh.  - Also likes to hug people he enjoys, or at least let people know that he cares about them, if he’s not being sheepish.
Korey  - The daughter/child of Kruller, 16 years old.  - Is a huge dork, obsessed with comic books and cartoons, sometimes for video games and movies.  - When not nervous about her interest and around people, she likes to ramble about her topics and get really deep into discussions about her interests. And often gets passionate when speaking.  - Has a fear of bats, loves the color purple, she’s a bit of a sensitive person, snorts when they laugh, and likes to collect marbles and coins they find.
Alexandre Soulfflé  - The son of Chef Soulfflé, around 17 years old.  - Kind of an awkward and bitter guy, dripping with sarcasm and a bit of sass.  - He’s a decent cook, knows a couple recipes and some of the things he makes can actually be super tasty.  - He also has a weak spot for animals, loves to draw, knows a lot of french vocabulary, has a slight accent and is just the smallest bit touch starved.  - Though he’s insecure about a couple things about himself, and prefers to keep some things a secret.
Thomas Wolfgeist  - The son of Amadeus Wolfgeist, somewhere around 16-17 years old.  - A grumpy, sarcastic guy, not really that sociable but at the same time lowkey wants friends, and is slightly emotionally distant.  - Has a temper, although not as bad as his fathers, he can still snap and yell at people who frustrate and/or annoy him for long periods.  - Likes attention and receiving compliments, not too big on criticism but will take that to improve if he must.  - Plays piano very well, knows a couple songs but can’t play overly complicated or fast ones.  - Has a mild fear of bugs, not so much when on the ground or distant from him but absolutely hates when one is crawling on him, also knows how to speak german, but he rarely does.
Queen/Princess Drew MacFrights  - The daughter of King Macfrights, 17 years old.  - Has a fiery and aggressive personality, loves to have battles and being active overall. Is decently strong and a good leader, but rarely ever thinks before doing or saying things and is impulsive.  - She’s also stubborn, doesn’t think much on what other people feel, and can be ignorant at times. But, she still cares for a lot for her friends and family, knows when to tone down her edge (sometimes), and can be a supportive and lovely friend. - Is really good with weapons and fighting in general, she’s decently strong and knows how to defend herself.
Fiona Potter  - The granddaughter of Dr. Potter, around 15-16 years old  - Is a really sweet and caring girl, loves to make others happy and is overall very understanding and friendly, but also is a doormat and can’t tell when someone’s her friend or is taking advantage of her.  - Loves plants as much as her grandfather, used to have a small venus flytrap/piranha plant like flower that she took care of but has sadly been overwatered by a house sitter at the time.  - Is a part time bookworm, and has a book on plant care on her and even though she has read it hundreds of times, it’s still a very good pass time.
Micheal  - The son of Morty, around 16-17 years old.  - Has a very passionate and caring personality, he loves to be dramatic and give scenarios a certain flair.  - Always has his notebook and sketchbook on him, along with a couple supplies, he loves to write notes and sometimes doodle about stuff he sees, experiences, etc.  - Basically very creatively driven and is very jolly, although naive.  - Is a very good actor, loves to watch movies and sometimes dreams of being able to record things he’s done and make some “vlogs” of himself for fun.
Oogh - Daughter of Ug, 17 years old.  - Grumpy and judgemental of everything and everyone she sees, though if gained her trust, she’ll only be grumpy. With the slightest hint of sass.   - New thing? Must smash. New person? Must be danger, must smash. Always keeps her wood club with her for smashing.  - Barely knows english, but understands body language and facial expressions enough to know when people aren’t gonna harm her.  - Prefers to be left alone, being used to it for a long time. But has since grown a little bit sociable after meeting the others.
Cathy - Youngest niece of Clem, 15-16 years old.  - Very outgoing and very friendly, laid back and carefree but also wouldn’t hesitate to gently bully her friends or roughhouse for a bit.  - Had at least 3 other brothers and 1 sister, she’s younger than all of them by a couple years.  - Has enough sense to know when something’s a bad idea but will still do it for a dare or simply for fun.  - Sometimes acts difficult on purpose and likes to annoy people for fun, but of course she knows when to stop and actually try to be helpful.  - “Cathy” is actually short for “Catherine”, but she thought that sounded too boring so she mostly goes by the nickname.
Atuumb  - The son of Serpci, around 17 years old.  - Acts like a serious, no funny business and dull kind of person, but is actually a pretty chill and calm guy, he loves to make friends, talk to people, he’s very curious and loves to figure out new things. Though if his buttons are pushed too far he can get upset.  - Even found his prince/king status pretty boring, and having to act like a stuffy, refined and pretty formal person, always busy and secretly getting stressed. Lowkey he’s super glad he’s out of that situation  - But still, he keeps that sense of responsibility, even in death he still feels the need to be responsible for something or to keep busy/distracted.  - Has a love/hate feeling for “Life or Death” scenarios, traps, etc. On one hand it’s super fun but on the other he doesn’t want anyone actually getting hurt or killed.
Ebony Fishook  - Daughter of Captain Fishook, around 16-17 years old.  - Acts mostly like a feral pirate, being raised by pirates/sharks in the middle of the sea, stealing, pillaging, and mostly eating raw fish and drinking milk.  - She loves to use her sharp mouth on things, such as biting things she’s not supposed to eat (tables, chairs, etc.)  - She’s not much of a cook, or can clean all that well, being used to having others cook and do stuff for her. But, she can hunt for her own food, she has a great sense of direction, knows how to handle a blunderbuss and a sword.  - She’s rather excitable, and barely knows proper etiquette. But is very sociable, and just as long as you don’t upset or offend her, there’s a good chance she’ll want to be your friend.
Justin Deepend  - Nephew of Johnny Deepend, 16 years old  - He’s a pretty friendly and energetic kid, always eager to help and loves to get himself moving. Though since he can be so carefree he sometimes comes off as aggressive or uncaring.  - Is a bit self centered, competitive, and often doesn’t know his own strength, he also isn’t that bright. But, again! His heart is in the right place, and he’s always willing to make people happy.  - Has tried a variety of different sports but his two main ones were soccer and volleyball. Soccer was when he was much younger (around 7 years old), and volleyball when he was starting out in middle school.
DJ Tony  - The son of Dj Phantasmagloria (or simply Gloria), around 16-17 years old.  - Although he can get sentimental, he’s a pretty joyful and overall chill guy. He’s laid back, and takes things to stride. He’s very caring and sympathetic, a total softy.  - A huge sucker for music, any kind will do, just as long as it has a groovy beat and it’s something he can bop to. Sometimes loses himself in the music and ends up dancing to the song, totally unaware of everything.  - Despite being only a teenager, and him constantly having headphones around him, he’s a pretty good listener, so he’s nice to vent too and he even sometimes gives decent advice.
Hector Gravely  - The eldest son of Hellen Gravely, 17 years old.  - Is a huge fashionista, and loves to try on different outfits.. When he can.  - He’s a pretty quiet, albeit friendly character, when not in a bad mood, he can be clever and a pretty good friend.  - Is a bit of a spoiled bitch, he’s mostly used to being pampered and having other people do his things. Being complimented and having lots of money. All that.
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minuitdanslalune · 5 years
Okay. The portrait ghosts from LM1 and the hotel ghosts from LM3, how do you they’d get along? Who’d be best friends and who’d be sworn enemies?
@mintyfrosty alright.. i dont really have that good of grasp on their characters since i never played the game and my attention span was shit whenever watching someone else play but here:
melody and wolfgeist piano bros
everyone loves fortune teller ghost except king mac fright
and thats all i got really but generally i think they would get along(of course there's a bunch that dislike each other as no one can like everyone)
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kokoronbain · 4 years
My Palomas as...
LM3 Boss Ghosts (Part 2)
Since it's been a long time I made the first part, I wanted to do with the mafia version but I hesitated a lot about the perfect boss ghost for her... So I asked on discord which one could fit her and @tarathelostghostinhere suggested me Amadeus Wolfgeist and....
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It's totally neat!!! :D
I never thought about him but the fact that she is stylish, doesn't smile and in some situations can be pissed off pretty easily like him fits totally her! (And plus she can play piano but shh it's our little secret) Anyway don't mess with her and her inflamed feathers lol
Now since I don't want to make just one paloma here I have another idea for this serie....
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Time for the Roleswap one!!!
No need to explain why I chose the triplets costume for her ~
All I can say it's that I was more based on Ginny's haircut because it's my little favorite between the Magicians for some reasons.
Anyway, hope you like my art!
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
Meaning behind the boss ghosts' names?
As the title suggests, I'm gonna run through the boss ghosts' names of lm3 and try to analyze or, at least hypothesis what their meanings are. Of course, these are just opinions and also largely speculation-
with that out of the way, enjoy!
Steward- A steward is someone employed in businesses such as hotels and manages the place. Essentially the head servant if you will. And, funny enough, that's practically the exact role we see our boyo Steward in! Also also, may be a bit of a stretch, but could also be a sorta reference to the name Stewart? Kinda? They're awfully similar-
Chambrea- From the bat, her name sounds similar to the title of "chambermaid", which is basically her job. Also, when translated into french (bc maids are generally associated with being french), it literally translates to "chamber of", further referencing the chambermaid motif
Kruller- This one's pretty simple! A cruller is a (rather tasty looking) pastry doughnut. Of course, this is a reference to the stereotype of how cops like doughnuts. Buy why the K? not too sure-
Chef Soulffle- a combination of the words "soul" and "souffle". Soul to fit with the oooo spooky ghost motif and souffle because it's a french dish (and it seems pretty damn clear that him and his area is very french. probably bc it's associated with food and all)
Amadeus Wolfgeist- A play on the famous composer in the 18th century, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who just so happened to play piano. The "geist" part is a pun and also makes it sound more Ghostly
King MacFright- the surname prefix "Mac" has Scottish/Irish origins from what I can tell (in this case I feel like he's Irish, but I'm not sure-). This goes with the idea that he's more likely than not a reference to a stereotypical medieval European setting with him as the king. Fright is also there bc fright. Spooky. (On a side note the prefix Mac means "son of" so his name translates to Son of Fright??)
Dr. Potter- Pot. Like plant pot. Like you pot a plant for it to grow :o]. On another note, the Dr part of his name implies he received a doctorate of some form???
Morty- not sure about this one. Most likely because the root word "mort" means dead and y'know. He a ghost- also I just think it's a nice name <:o)
Ug- relates to stereotypic caveman noises and shit. 360 ooga booga booga.
Clem- I honestly have. No idea?? Maybe because the mark on his hat looks like a clam??? I really have no clue man maybe he was just named that just bc it felt right-
Serpci- sounds similar to serpent or snake, which is a common motif and symbol throughout her level and on her design. Snakes also might have significance in ancient Egyptian culture, but I'm not sure
Nikky, Lindsey, and Ginny- for the longest time I had no fucking clue. Like. Maybe they all end in that ee sound bc they're triplets and their names usually similar?? But it turns out, the wiki said that their initials are NLG, which are also the initials for Next Level Games, the developers for Luigi's mansion, so that's very cool! :o]
Johnny Deepend- Deepend as in like. The deep end of a pool, which he's residing in. Also likely a reference to the American actor Johnny Depp. Why him? I have no clue-
DJ Phantasmagloria- probably derived from the word phantasmagoria, which is essentially a descriptor for something that seems so unreal it's like a dream (sound familiar ;o) ). Not to mention it sounds like phantom for Ghostly-ness and also gloria, probably a reference to the name Gloria if anything
Hellen Gravely- mix of hell and grave, both associated with the dead
And there you have it guys! Hope you enjoyed!
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