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Vamos fazer uma galera só de desenhos de artistas?! ✏️❤️ @gamelas_maite essa é você ❤️ #desenho #balletdrawing #ilustrator #photodrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOobHhNii8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Veel verhalen begonnen voor mij met KERST
Kerst is dan ook de tijd waarop de mens vaak graag lief voor elkaar wil zijn en elkaar vaak wil voeden me uiterst zoete verhaaltjes
Maar lukt dit de mens eigenlijk wel?
Ook in het Jaar 2024 reed er in Duitsland weer een auto in op een zogeheten speciale "kerstmarkt" En wanneer ik kijjk naar het voorbeeld van mijn grootouders, bleek dit toch telkens weer opnieuw uit te kunnen lopen tot een hele grote mislukking.
Toch blijft ik goede moed houden en gimg ik in 2024 speciaal nog even voor Kerst nog eventjes traditiegetrouw naar de kapper.
Tja gewoon omdat ik mijn hele leven al iets specials met kappers heb gehad. Ik weet ook niet precies waarom?
Many stories started with CHRISTMAS for me
Christmas is therefore the time when people often want to be kind to each other and often want to feed each other with extremely sweet stories,
But can people actually do this?
Also in the year 2024, a car crashed into a so-called special "Christmas market" in Germany again.
And when I look at the example of my grandparents,
it turned out that this could turn out to be a major failure again and again.
Still, I remain in good spirits and in 2024I will traditionally go to the hairdresser, especially just before Christmas.
Well, just because I've had a special thing about hairdressers all my life.
I don't know exactly why either?
Hierbij wens ik je heel veel goeds met alles waar je hart werkelijk mee verbonden is. En mocht ik je ooit kunnen bijstaan met een unieke photodrawing ( fototekening) of een hiwidrawing (verhaaltekening), laat dan zeker van je horen. Een photodrawing is een foto waar ik een unieke tekening van kan maken en een hiwidrawing is een verhaaltekening, waarin ik op een klein A4 formaat, een heel groot verhaal vertel, om je hiervan te kunnen en willen overtuigen, raad ik je aan om de webpagina van https://hiwidrawing.jouwweb.nl eventjes te openen. Je zult hier werkelijk versteld kunnen staan naar alle verwijzingen die de hiwidrawing kan geven en waar ik dus bij het maken van de hiwidrawing aan heb willen denken. Ook kan ik voor jou natuurlijk een HIWIDRAWING gaan maken en wil ik met je samenwerken om dit zo goed mogelijk voor je te kunnen doen. Gebeurtenissen die je hebt mee kunnen maken, kunnen zo mogelijk beter en inzichtelijk voor je worden en jij bepaald daarbij zelf de beloning die dit voor je waard is. Schrijf, bel of mail me maar. Veel liefs van Hans de Groot Mijn email is: [email protected] en mijn telefoonnummer: +31 (0)6 42233166
Hereby I wish you all the best with everything that your heart is truly connected to.And if I can ever assist you with a unique photo drawing (photo drawing) or a hiwi drawing (story drawing), please let me know. A photo drawing is a photo from which I can make a unique drawing and a hiwi drawing is a story drawing, in which I tell a very big story on a small A4 format, in order to be able and want to convince you of this, I advise you to open the web page of https://hiwidrawing.jouwweb.nl for a moment. You will be truly amazed at all the references that the hiwi drawing can give and what I therefore wanted to think about when making the hiwi drawing. Of course I can also make a HIWI DRAWING for you and I want to work with you to be able to do this for you as well as possible. Events that you have been able to experience can, if possible, become better and more insightful for you and you determine the reward that this is worth to you. Write, call or email me. Lots of love from Hans de Groot My email is: [email protected] and my phone number: +31 (0)6 42233166
Op 13 december 2024 overvalt mij de vraag:
"Wat is kerst?"
In mijn kerk wordt er in ieder geval nooit veel aandacht aan KERST besteed.
Maar wat is kerst dan eigenlijk?
Waarom wordt dit zeer grote jaarfeest op een onjuiste geboortedag van Jezus dan ieder jaar weer opnieuw gevierd?
Daarom doe ik een klein naslag met de vraag:
Wat is kerst?
En dan vind ik op:
https://www.hoewerktdat.be/geschiedenis/wat-is-kerstmis :
de volgende omschrijving:
25 december werd gekozen omdat de heidenen rond deze periode het twaalf dagen durende Joelfeest vierden.
Tijdens het Joelfeest vierden ze op 21 december Saturnaliën ter ere van de god Saturnus. 25 december was dan weer de verjaardag van de Griekse god Mithras.
Tijdens het Joelfeest haalden de heidenen groene twijgjes in huis en lieten ze lichten branden met als bedoeling boze geesten af te weren.
Dit is dan ook de oorspronkelijke herkomst van de hedendaagse kerstboom.
Kiezen om de geboorde van Jezus tijdens het Joelfeest te vieren zou ervoor zorgen dat zoveel mogelijk mensen deze feestdag overnamen
Daarnaast zijn nog enkele andere theorieën die Jezus linken aan deze datum.
Het Christendom begon daarna traag het Heidendom te vervangen waardoor Kerstmis zich over heel de wereld verspreidde.
Maar vanuit de Stichting Bando wil ik ook graag mijn eigen omschrijving van het woord "KERST" geven:
Vooral met Kerst vond ik altijd bijzondere contacten met bijzondere mensen met wie ik altijd heel lang optrok.
In mijn jeugd was "Kerst" altijd een dag als "Sinterklaas" (In onze familie hadden we niets met God, Jezus Christus of de Heilige Geest.)
Toch kwam ik in mijn grote levenslange zoektocht naar Werkelijke Liefde pas echt verder op eerste kerstdag 25-12-2005
En in 2006 heb ik op basis van deze ervaring de Bando foundation opgericht.
De stichting Bando laat ons inzien dat we in de communicatie als mens allemaal zo goed mogelijk kunnen samenwerken. En dat we hierbij samenwerken op de 4 manieren waarop we ons als mens kunnen presenteren.
Door dit te doen via "DE WERKELIJKE LIEFDE" vinden we zelfs het grootste doel van het leven dat ons als mens is gegeven.
Vanuit deze overtuiging van STICHTING BANDO heb ik besloten om een HIWI tekening te maken met het woord: "KERST". Zie de HIWIDRAWING, als een verhaaltekening op A4 formaat.
On December 13, 2024, the question strikes me:
"What is Christmas?"
In my church, it is never really given much attention.
But what is it then?
Why this very big celebration on a wrong date of birth
of Jesus christ?
I do a litle research and read by internet with the question:
What is Christmas?
And then I find on:
the following description:
December 25 was chosen because the pagans celebrated the twelve-day Joel festival around this period.
During Joel, they celebrated Saturnalia on December 21 in honor of the god Saturn. December 25 was the birthday of the Greek god Mithras.
During Joel, the pagans brought green twigs into their homes and left lights burning with the intention of warding off evil spirits.
This is also the original origin of the modern Christmas tree.
Choosing to celebrate the birth of Jesus during the Feast of Joel would ensure that as many people as possible would adopt this holiday.
In addition, there are a few other theories that link Jesus to this date. Christianity then slowly began to replace Paganism, causing Christmas to spread throughout the world.
But from the Bando foundation I would also like to give my own description of the word "CHRISTMAS":
Especially at Christmas I always found special contacts with special people with whom I always spent a long time.
In my youth "Christmas" was always a day like "Sinterklaas" (In our family we had nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit.)
Yet I only really got further in my great lifelong search for Real Love on Christmas Day 25-12-2005
And in 2006 I founded the Bando foundation based on this experience.
The Bando foundation shows us that we can all work together as best as possible in communication as a human being. And that we work together in the 4 ways in which we can present ourselves as a human being.
By doing this through "THE REAL LOVE" we even find the greatest purpose of life that is given to us as a human being.
Based on this conviction of STICHTING BANDO, I decided to make a HIWI drawing with the word: "CHRISTMAS". See the HIWIDRAWING, as a story drawing on an A4 format.
wanneer ik aan mijn bekering tot Christus in Nederland, denk ik aan 3 belangrijke gelovigen met wie ik alledrie een persoonlijk contact heb gehad.
Dit waren achtereenvolgens
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Microsoft Office color history
Office 97 : first installment of the colors. The red-blue-yellow-green puzzle is first used for office standard. Word gets red, Excel (dark) green, PowerPoint Red, Outlook Yellow; In the professional edition Access gets a magenta~purple, and Publisher gets a cyan~teal color which completes the primaries and secondaries. Interestingly the core 3 apps are primaries, and the later 3 gets the complimentaries of the app they resemble the most.
Frontpage at some point gets a cyan color.
Office 2000-XP:
Word gets a darker blue, Excel a less saturated green, Outlook dark yellow/ochre, PowerPoint get an orange-red, Publisher dark cyan Access red-purple. The icons only have a definite shade in 48x48 size. FrontPage gets a midblue, Photodraw a true carmine. Binder a darker violet,
project a darker green and visio an eye-aching blue.
In the updated office logo, powerpoint’s colour is definitely closer to orange than before.
Office 2001-X-2004-2008
For office 2001, the apps get much brighter colours, probably to match the colorful imacs of the era.
Word gets blueberry, powerpoint tangerine, excel lime, and entourage grape, inaugurating the (blue/green/orange/violet) quatuor which will eventually replace the (blue/green/yellow/red) one, and definitively push powerpoint towards the oranges.
Office gets associated to the color yellow, which would eventually also appear on the PC. Although TBH it should have been strawberry for completion
For v.X, the colors are made even brighter and more imac-like. For 2004 they become darker (to match apple’s new brushed metal look), and then brighter again for 2008. PowerPoint has moved towards reddisher tints but is still resolutely orange.
On doc. Icons, powerpoint is very orange, while word was colder in 2004 and warmer again in 2008.
The glass UI colors for 2008 have really light tints. Powerpoint is 100% orange. Excel is, for the first time, really cold.
Office 2003-2007
For 2003 the colors get more shaded on the PC too. Outlook is bright gold with shades of ochre. PowerPoint is much oranger, and because access is slowly moving towards the reds, room has freed in the purples for OneNote’s slightly brownish lavender. Also new, infopath gets a true dark purple, word is lighter and slightly warmer as visio and frontpage inherit the cold blues. Publisher is really cyanner and excel gets a true emerald.
Office 2007 has mostly the same stuff. Powerpoint is slightly redder, visio gets darker, publisher is greener and excel is shifting towards olive (while project keeps the really dark green). Newbie groove is really lime. Sharepoint workspace inherits frontpage’s lavender
During that period office gets associated with yellow-orange shades, darker than outlook but lighter than powerpoint.
Office 2010-2011
For 2010 all apps colors get much brighter and more shaded, which gets outlook in the true yellows, powerpoint in the whole orange-red range, and access closer to magenta; onenote gets brighter purples too; publisher is more cyan but not as cyan as newbie lync, excel is the greenest green ever though project is now lime. Visio is still a cold blue, word spans more shades of midblues, and sharepoint is now orange. The office logo is orange too but obviously not the same one.
For office 2011 brighter but close colors are used. The only one really different is word, which is really bright and warm. Communicator/lync uses true cyan. On doc. Icons word is even brighter and powerpoint is closer to orange.
Office 2013-2016:
For 2013 the colors get darker and matter. Office is now a dark orange, and access gets closer and closer to red. Outlook is now azure, pushing word back to the indigos and publisher back to the near-greens. The mac uses slightly brighter shades as usual.
Mid-2017 onenote (with the 16.0 update) changes colors to a very saturated purple, while newbie teams gets a shade of lavender.
Finally we come to the current set of icons. Powerpoint is less red than in 2013, while access is even more (and no longer even shades to pink). Onenote is still extremely saturated, word is slightly more so, publisher gets closer to cyan and so does outlook, access is now a fresher shade of emerald.
Teams is now darker lavender. Visio, sharepoint and project use the exact same shades as word, publisher and excel.
The new office logo has quite the range – it’s mostly red but actually shades from light orange to slight purple.
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I've been wanting to make a poll about people's first art programs but I'm realizing that I don't know what options to put. My first art program was Microsoft PhotoDraw but almost nobody I've talked to has heard of it, and I imagine MS Paint was a common first, but what else? Jasc PaintShop Pro? Paint.NET? Whatever drawing thing iPads have?
Please drop me some suggestions.
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#photopainting #photodrawing #photosketch #pictureperfect #pencildrawing #pencildrawings #pencilsketch #pencilart #oilpainting #oilpaintingportrait #oilpaintingart #watercolor #watercolorpainting #photoartist #photoart #picturemeanseverything #howtophotography #prettyinpictures #photographyart #transformation #phototransformation #photographyisart #realityoflife #realitycheck #composition #beautyinpictures #magicmoments #photoshoott #photoshoottphotography #professionalphotography #professionalphotographer #photographysession #photographytips #learnphotography #howto #howtophotography #improveyourphotography #professionalservices #onlocationshoot #photographytips #onlocationprofessionalphotography #prophotography #photographyisart #onlocationprofessionalphotography #gizmopanel #gizmopanellite #gizmopainter #portraits #portraitphotography #photographytips #photographyediting #photographysession #howto #howtoedit #photoshopplugin #photoshoppresets #photographyislife #photographysession #photographing #photographyequipment #shutterspeed #editingphotos #editingphotoshop #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #shortsyoutube #shortvideo #shortvideos #shortviral #words #frdavid
#youtube#photoshoott#beautyinphotography#newjerseyphotography#photoshop plugin#adobe plugin#photoshop plugins#adobe plugins#editing photos#photography editing#creative editing#photography art.
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Rose face
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Libertà è un pesce che nuota nel cielo.
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~ That time the Sky everything turned Yellow ~ another one of my PhotoDraws! And yes, the sky was that way, i didn't edit that, That's actually my backyard. REMEMBER!!! This style of commissions are my cheapest! you CAN GET ONE, Follow this link --> http://www.furaffinity.net/view/29641158/ Thanks & Enjoy!
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Paura del diverso Paura del possibile Paura che diverso Sarebbe anche possibile*
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once upon a time when my hair was short
#toonme #photodraw #toonmechallange #toonme2024 #drawonphoto #selfportraitpainting #photodrawing #photoart #cosplayer #creative #illustratorsoninstagram #originalcharacter #characterdesign #fantasyart #ipadart
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Essa foi a ideia que desenhei para a @gamelas_maite 👍❤️ @alicegeocasta @teteacessoriospara_ballet @sodanca e @lojasapatilhas @rg8aviation #balletdrawing #drawing #ballerinadrawing #ilustrator #desenho #fanart #photoart #photodrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CohunolOfaV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zie https://www.photodrawing.nl/
Photo Drawing is een combinatievorm van fotograferen en tekenen. Van iedere foto kan een unieke tekening gemaakt worden door photodrawing er op toe te gaan passen
Photo Drawing is a combination of photography and drawing. A unique drawing can be made from every photo by applying photodrawing
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Another of my initial #JapanImpressions #JapaneCrane #Ninja Done with #PhotoDraw https://www.instagram.com/p/CXWXq3RJs1l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#taigaaisaka #taiga #tsunderegirl #tsundere #tigrepalmare #toradora #animedrawing #animedraw #photoinstagram #photodraw #photodrawing #manga #taigaxryuuji #toradorataigaaisaka #toradorataiga #naruto #kawaii #aisakataiga #animeart #onepiece #fairytail #animelove #toradoramanga #mangaart #mangadrawing #mangadraw #animeemanga #cute https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJiQf1ILo7/?igshid=1k2daljf417du
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Turn Your Photos into Stunning Art with Gizmo Pencil Drawing. Transform your favorite photos into beautiful Pencil Drawings easily using the Gizmo Pencil Drawing plugin for Adobe Photoshop. Elevate your creativity to the next level with just a few clicks! Full video on this presentation: https://youtu.be/XfY4mYneMuo If you enjoyed this video, please give us a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos. Our Website: https://photoshoott.com/ Our Photoshop Plug-in: https://gizmopanel.com/ Our Gizmo Pencil Drawing: https://gizmopanel.com/gizmo-pencil-d... Follow Us Here: Vero: https://vero.co/photoshoott2022 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photoshoott2022 Twitter: https://twitter.com/photoshoott2022 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/photoshoott... LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/photoshoo... #photopainting #photodrawing #photosketch #pictureperfect #pencildrawing #pencildrawings #pencilsketch #pencilart #oilpainting #oilpaintingportrait #oilpaintingart #watercolor #watercolorpainting #photoartist #photoart #picturemeanseverything #howtophotography #prettyinpictures #photographyart #transformation #phototransformation
#youtube#photoshoott#headshots#naturallight#naturallightphotographer#beautyinphotography#outdoorphotography#pencil drawing#oil painting#painting#photo art#photography art#photos to drawing
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