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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 months ago
Another promising proposal involves supersymmetric particles, especially the photino, the zino, and the higgsino (the partners of the photon, the Z, and the Higgs). These are the most standoffish of the supersymmetric particles – they could nonchalantly pass through the entire earth without the slightest effect on their motion – and hence could easily have escaped detection.⁹
9. A viable dark matter candidate must be stable, or very long-lived, particle – one that does not disintegrate into other particles. This is expected to be true of the lightest of the supersymmetric partner particles, and hence the more precise statement is that the lightest of the zino, higgsino, or photino is a suitable dark matter candidate.
"The Fabric of the Cosmos" - Brian Greene
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tenth-sentence · 2 months ago
From calculations of how many of these particles would have been produced in the big bang and survived until today, physicists estimate they would need to have mass on the order of 100 to 1,000 times that of the proton to supply the dark matter.
"The Fabric of the Cosmos" - Brian Greene
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mysticstronomy · 2 months ago
Saturday, November 9th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Dark matter constitutes over 80% of all matter in the universe, yet it remains unseen by scientists.
Its existence is inferred because, without it, the behavior of stars, planets, and galaxies would be inexplicable.
Here is what we know about it — or rather, what we think we know.
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Dark matter is entirely invisible, emitting no light or energy, making it undetectable by conventional sensors and detectors. Scientists believe that the key to its elusive nature lies in its composition.
Visible matter, also called baryonic matter, consists of baryons — an overarching name for subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons. Scientists only speculate what dark matter is made of. It could be composed of baryons but it could also be non-baryonic, which means consisting of different types of particles.
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Most scientists think that dark matter consists of non-baryonic matter. The leading candidates are WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles), which are thought to be ten to a hundred times the mass of a proton. However, their weak interactions with "normal" matter make them challenging to detect. Among these, neutralinos — hypothetical particles that are heavier and slower than neutrinos — are the top candidates, though they have not yet been observed.
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Sterile neutrinos are another candidate. Neutrinos are particles that don't make up regular matter. A river of neutrinos streams from the sun, but because they rarely interact with normal matter, they pass through Earth and its inhabitants.
There are three known types of neutrinos; a fourth, the sterile neutrino, is proposed as a dark matter candidate. The sterile neutrino would only interact with regular matter through gravity.
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"One of the outstanding questions is whether there is a pattern to the fractions that go into each neutrino species," Tyce DeYoung, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at Michigan State University and a collaborator on the IceCube neutrino observatory in Antarctica, told Space.com.
The smaller neutral axion and the uncharged photinos — both theoretical particles — are also potential placeholders for dark matter.
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There is also such a thing as antimatter, which is not the same as dark matter. Antimatter consists of particles that are essentially the same as visible matter particles but with opposite electrical charges. These particles are called antiprotons and positrons (or antielectrons). When antiparticles meet particles, an explosion ensues that leads to the two types of matter canceling each other out. Because we live in a universe made of matter, it is obvious that there is not that much antimatter around, otherwise, there would be nothing left. Unlike dark matter, physicists can actually manufacture anti-matter in their laboratories.
Originally published on https://www.space.com
(Wednesday, November 13th, 2024)
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lunchboxpoems · 5 months ago
I’m back again scrutinizing the Milky Way
    of your ultrasound, scanning the dark
        matter, the nothingness, that now the heads say
    is chockablock with quarks and squarks,
gravitons and gravatini, photons and photinos. Our sprout,
who art there inside the spacecraft
    of your Ma, the time capsule of this printout, 
        hurling and whirling towards us, it’s all daft
    on this earth. Our alien who art in the heavens,
our Martian, our little green man, we’re anxious
to make contact, to ask divers questions
    about the heavendom you hail from, to discuss
        the whole shebang of the beginning and end,
    the pre-big bang untime before you forget the why
and lie of thy first place. And, our friend, 
to say Welcome, that we mean no harm, we’d die
    for you even, that we pray you’re not here
        to subdue us, that we’d put away
    our ray guns, missiles, attitude and share
our world with you, little big head, if only you stay.
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strwbmei · 10 months ago
I wonder of the limit of the Honkai. If a civilization manages to get to the level of something like the Xeelee, where their weapons can cut galaxys and half and time travel isn’t seen as a big deal, could the Honkai even win? Or the Photino birds idk.
Feel free to ignore this I am a massive nerd.
I don't think it has a limit, since it's a natural phenomenon. Even in the Honkai Verse where they're able to brave the Sea of Quanta or even directly change a leaf of the Imaginary Tree like Otto did, Honkai is still pretty prevalent.
I doubt they'd allow the civilizations to reach that level, though. Khaenriah wasn't anywhere near close, but most of them got turned into Hilichurls. Even in the Previous Era where they had the most advanced technology, even more than the Current Era, Honkai still managed to (almost) defeat humanity. The closest example I can think of is the HSR verse when it comes to defeating Honkai. In their case, the "Honkai" would be the Stellarons.
Project VALUKA where Su tried to use the Second Divine Key to find a universe where the Honkai was defeated ultimately failed, but he did find a couple places where Humanity made interesting innovations and compromises, almost coexisting with the Honkai.
Correct me if I'm wrong since I haven't played the new chapter yet, but Langqiu, a bubble universe tied to Mars, is a place that manages to keep afloat in the Sea of Quanta. The Honkai in that place take form as some sort of shadow creatures, and humans use their fear as a form of currency to get what they want from said creatures.
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wheel-of-fandoms · 2 months ago
Sci-fi settings that don't do that are weak. They have no conception of how huge even just the Milky Way is, even if you have very high FTL speeds. And with 100 billion to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way, it's not like you lack space to put different civilizations. But most of them do stay in one galaxy in my experience. Niven's Known Space, Heinlein's Lazarus Long setting (maybe at the end, when he brought in time travel and multiverse, they were getting outside the galaxy. But it didn't matter much because they had whole other universes to worry about). Even Star Wars, bad as it is about scale, was set in one galaxy (at least all the movies, not sure about old EU stuff). StarCraft was just in our galaxy. Not sure about Asimov's robot stuff, I haven't read it.
There are some that just aren't clear about scale or extent, but usually it seems pretty clear it is just one galaxy even if they don't mention it. Like if it takes you at least days to get from one star to another, you need a "second gear hyperdrive" or a very long "warp scale" to even cross the galaxy in decent time. Niven had a hyperdrive that like SW was a set speed, in a couple books they touch on faster hyperdrive, which lets you get to the center of the galaxy pretty fast, but it is quite hard to use (aside from the cost and technical and scientific know-how to build it). But let's say you have a hyperdrive/warp factor high enough to get you across the Milky Way in a year - from one edge to the other, and remember that in scenarios like e.g. ST Voyager, they would take ~70 years to get from somewhere in the Delta quadrant to Earth, so not edge to edge. But you have that let's say. Then it is still something like 15-25 years to get to Andromeda (depends on just how big the Milky Way is, which is hard to measure from the inside). And that is 15-25 years of traveling through empty void. Most of that time you will travel without encountering any stars or planets. Oh there could be here and there a star that got thrown out of a galaxy. But rare enough you probably won't find one, or if you do, it will so far away it would add years more to your overall journey, is it really worth it? That means not only no one else to talk to, nothing to explore, but also no source of raw material to resupply.
You do see probably multi-galaxy setting in humorous settings, like The Hitchhikers Guide series. Another that comes to mind is the hard sci-fi series the Xeelee sequence. A lot of the human interaction does happen in the Milky Way, but the Xeelee and their enemies, the dark matter "photino birds" are spread across most if not all of the visible universe. Humans on some occasions do get out of the galaxy, but it is quite difficult and involves special circumstances usually.
Sometimes I rotate the fact on Star Trek they'll use "whole galaxy" instead of "whole universe". Like, all the weird shit they encounter once a week is within the confines of the Milky Way. And there's still stuff in Andromeda and beyond that's yet to be discovered. So there's always a sense of things to find still out there. They just lack the technology to go far enough to discover them.
I love how the Milky Way just holds the entire Q Continuum. And an alien/energy presence who takes the appearance of a grown ass adult but is really a baby. And Greek gods. And also my beloved horta. And also planets with civilizations thousands of years old, already with ruins which they don't allow outsiders to access. And civilizations on the cusp of warp travel, ready to receive a visit from funny aliens in colorful t-shirts beamed down from a silver disk in the sky. And in the dark distance? Borg Cubes.
Did I mention this is all within our own galaxy according to Star Trek lore? I'm gonna do it again because I think it's cool.
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spacenutspod · 1 year ago
String theory, like most revolutions, had humble origins. It started all the way back in the 1960’s as an attempt to understand the workings of the strong nuclear force, which had only recently been discovered. Quantum field theory, which had been used successfully to explain electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, wasn’t seeming to cut it, and so physicists were eager for something new. A group of physicists took a formalism developed (and later abandoned) by quantum godfather Werner Heisenberg and expanded it. In that expansion they found mathematical structures that repeated themselves in spacetime: the first strings. Unfortunately this proto-string theory made incorrect predictions for the nature of the strong force, and also had a variety of troublesome artifacts (like the existence of tachyons, particles that only traveled faster than light). Once another theory came into prominence, the one we know today based on quarks and gluons, string theory faded from the scene. But again, like most revolutions, whispers remained through the years, keeping the hope alive. In the 1970’s physicists uncovered several remarkable properties of string theory. One, the theory could support more forces than just strong nuclear. The strings in string theory had enormous tension, forcing them to curl up on themselves into the smallest possible volume, something around the Planck scale. Once in place, the strings could support various kinds of vibrations, just like a taut guitar string. The different vibrations led to different manifestations of forces: one note for strong nuclear, another for electromagnetism, and so on. One of the possible vibrations of the string acted like a massless spin-2 particle. This is a very special particle, because that would be the quantum force carrier of the gravitational force, the holy grail of a quantized theory of gravity. The theorists at the time couldn’t believe their chalkboards: string theory naturally, elegantly included quantum gravity, and they weren’t even trying! The second big deal to come out the 1970’s was the introduction of supersymmetry, which claimed that all the particles that carry forces (called bosons, like photons and gluons) were linked to a supersymmetric partner in the world of particles that build stuff (called fermions, like electrons and quarks), and vice versa. This symmetry doesn’t appear in normal, casual, everyday settings, but only manifests at extremely high energies. So if you were to go back in time to the earliest moments of the big bang, or had enough funding to build a particle collider at the orbit of Jupiter, you wouldn’t just see the normal zoo of particles that we’re familiar with, but all their supersymmetric partners too, which were given suitably stupid names, like selectrons, sneutrinos, squarks, photinos, and my personal least favorite: the wino boson. Regardless of energy scale, by making this connection string theory could build a bridge from the bosons to the fermions, allowing it to make the leap from just a theory of forces to a theory of every single particle in existence. It also solved the nasty problem of tachyons, which was a nice flourish.At the end of the 1970’s, string theory could potentially explain all the particles and all the interactions between them, and provide a quantum solution to gravity. One theory to rule them all, one theory to find them, one theory to bring them all, and in the stringess bind them. The post How Supersymmetry Saved String Theory appeared first on Universe Today.
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celtic-cd-releases · 2 years ago
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jellycarp · 7 years ago
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If you think the particles in particle physics have absurd names now, here are just a few candidates for some undiscovered particles of the (maybe) future.
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Messrs. Mancy, Rappicini and Prince's Fortunes, Pharmaceuticals and more...
Messrs. Mancy, Rappicini and Prince is a Shop located somewhere or other and founded somewhere else or other (most likely either Padua, Verona, or Venice) at some time or other (post 1700s at least).
Said shop began in dealing with two things. Serving as an Apothecary...herbs, medicines, legitimate magical potions....very occasionally poisons.
Still around to the current day and still owned and operated by a Mr. Mancy, a Dr. Rappiccini, and a Mr./Dr. Prince.
In the current day and age Messrs. Mancy, Rappiccini and Prince have expanded their goods. Besides medicinals and Fortunes, They also sell Astronomy related goods (books, equipment and so on) and also a lot of Games. In fact it's primarily known as a Game sho. Board games, Cards, RPG (they have a bunch of Dice for sale) you name it. Even offers space for a couple DND groups to play at.
Current employees:
Mr. Astrophel O(Ophiuchus). Mancy (really one Alan V. Eldritch): An eccentric man most recognizable by his bizarre themed attire (can go into detail if asked) in particular his Eye Patch with a Circled Dot, a Fez barring the Monad Hieroglyphica (a Alchemical Symbol made by Dr. John Dee), his wizard looking beard...and his Stary Cape. Is the game obsessed one and made the move to expanding into selling Games and things. Is fascinated by DnD and has played a couple of times with some customers but is more often than not found to be lounging somewhere playing on the Guitar, or the stores Fotoplayer. The shop doubles as his home with house stuff in an above story Or something. Will tell fortunes for you in just about anyway with the sole exception of Living Sacrifice, or Tarot Readings. Appreciates the Art of the later but 'doesn't hold with it'.
Mr. Herbert Basilio Rappiccini: An Italian (likely from Padua or Verona) Apothecary .Assists in growing the Herbs and Plants the shop uses. In truth has been with the shop since the beginning. A student at the Fledgling Dreadrock and accompanied Alan/Astrophel Upon leaving. His daughter Beatrice also works at the shop....
Mr. S(Stolas) Prince: An often unseen gentleman who is said to be the one who appraises Gemstones. In truth, Mr. Prince is the Demon Prince Stolas who has had an agreeable contract/partnership with Alan for centuries. Often takes the form of an Owl with a Crown (serving as a sort of Shop mascot) and is almost always in the company of Mr. Mancy. When Human looks old, has an Owlish look about him thanks to some glasses. His Dynamic with Alan/Astrophel is like that of Merlin/Merlyn and Archimedes in the Sword in the Stone
Mahsa Attar: Iranian woman. Muslim, Graduated with full honors from Dreadrock University. Was invited to join the Fellowship of Eldritchicians by Overseer Sinbad Al-Amin but respectfully declined. Is not centuries old as the above founders and has been with shop for over 10 years. Probably in her mid 40s? Knows several languages, mostly involved in the Astronomy side of the Business. Has an excellent understanding of Spirits and Jinn. Has her own place of residence besides the shop.
Currently unnamed other Herbalist: A retired Eldritchician...still figuring out her background....
Phineas Phontinos: Completely regular guy in his 50s that just really loves Stars. Is completely blind to any and all Supernatural goings ons in the Shop. Could see Stolas change from an Owl to a Mind and only notice that Mr. Prince is now in the room, must have walked down stairs. Usually runs the register.
Cassandra Sibyl Read: A young Half Demon (I think the word is Cambion) who was told to seek out Messrs Mancy, Rappiccini and Prince when her parents faced some terrible trouble. Found her way there. Is now basically adopted by Astrophel. Helps with most aspects in particular the Games section and the Fortune Telling. Has some legitimate Precognitive abilities. Has learned most methods of divination, but really enjoys Tarot cards. Ends up deciding to join the FoE rather than attending Dreadrock. More on her later. Ask away? Stupid charac
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hug-bees · 7 years ago
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Hey so how have you liked the suffering guys? 
Special poses I did taken from Booth Buddies by Sarah, Gina, and Tyler; and from Skooled by Kristen, Jushtin, and Kenny.
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photinoapparel01-blog · 4 years ago
Welcome to the best childrens clothing store Photino garment factory, we provide the best sports clothing and running clothing online at an affordable price. Buy kids sport and running clothing.
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tenth-sentence · 2 months ago
For example, for the spin-½ electron there should be a spin-0 species called the supersymmetric electron, or selectron for short; for the spin-½ quarks there should be supersymmetric quarks, or squarks; for spin-½ neutrinos there should be spin-½ sneutrinos; for spin-1 gluons, photons, and W and Z particles there should be spin-½ gluinos, photinos, and winos and zinos.
"The Fabric of the Cosmos" - Brian Greene
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photinoapparel · 4 years ago
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seddm · 6 years ago
Star vs. The Forces of Evil FAQs
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With a new season around the corner, and with a fandom still full of doubts and confusion left from the previous one, @ngame989 and I decided to make some sort of FAQ post, compiling both specific answers (an extremely synthetic one, and a longer one in the post accessible by clicking on the questions themselves) to the most common doubts we have been seeing around the most over these months, and a list of links to posts we made in the past about more general (but still hot) topics.
Is Tom a monster? Would his union with Star send a message about tolerance to Mewni? Was his speech in Is Another Mystery an absolute truth about the state of things on Mewni?
No. Tom is not considered a “monster” as far as Mewni’s society goes, and a future union with Star wouldn’t send any message about equality, since past Butterfly queens married demons or non-Mewmans in the past: social standing, richness and power are what separate discriminated monsters and monsters seen as peers..
The speech in Is Another Mystery was well meaning, but stemmed from Tom’s limited and sheltered personal experience, and Buff Frog himself pointed out that things aren’t that simple.
What is considered ”a monster” on Mewni?
Tom’s speech and the fallibility of characters
Did Marco and Jackie break up over a cape? Why did Marco call Jackie “his best friend”? 
The cape was a symbol for Marco finally getting aware for the first time of the shift in priorities and goals that he had been experiencing since he met Star, and Jackie broke up with him because she could see how this would have come crashing down on both of them sooner than later, leading Marco to realize that he was forcing himself to live a kind of life he didn’t want anymore.  Marco called Jackie “best friend” in a last half-hearted attempt at lying to himself because facing the truth would have forced him to truly step outside his comfort zone and take a potentially life changing decision, something that he ultimately ended up doing thanks to Jackie’s push in the right direction.
Heart Vs Mind S3 Analysis - Sophomore Slump section (page 28)
The value of Marco’s “study year abroad”
Marco’s nightmare in Red Belt
Why did Marco have to leave Earth to be a squire on Mewni? Couldn’t he use the scissors to do both things?
Moving to Mewni wasn’t just about satisfying an itch for adventure to Marco, but a way for his character to acknowledge that what he wanted from life changed over the course of the previous seasons, and to find his place in life stepping out the comfort zone / shell he had build himself over the years. Marco didn’t turn down Earth forever (as evidenced by Marco Jr.), but he still needed a drastic change in his life to grow as a person. Keeping both things going on at the same time, Earth and Mewni, would have eventually failed, hurting him and Jackie even more, as she outright points out in the episode.
Is Marco 30/31? And does that make his relationships “problematic”?
Marco clearly retained memories and experiences from his time in Hekapoo dimension, but regardless of what one can think about these implication in the show’s universe he clearly hasn’t changed at all and still behaves and is written like his usual teen self, and one of the points of Running With Scissors was that he didn’t grow up at all, if not physically.
Adult Marco, manchild Marco 
Did Star forget Marco’s birthday in Lava Lake Beach?
The episode ends barely a minute into the new day, so Marco’s birthday had barely began. We can’t know for sure whether Star did wish him a happy birthday or not but she still had 23 hours and 59 more minutes to do it.
Is Star’s relationship with Tom a rebound one? Did she truly move on from Marco during S3?
Star initially reconnected with Tom as a way to silence the pain Marco left her with, but over Demoncism they bonded over genuine elements - even if going for the romance angle and not just for being friends proved to be the wrong decision. Star moved on from her crush on Marco, but never really stopped being attracted to the kind of role he had in her life, a trusted companion, and gravitated back to him because he encapsulates all she looks for in a partner.
Was the situation in Booth Buddies forced or did Ben Photino force Star and Marco to kiss? Did Marco force a kiss on Star?
No, the episode just needed some background plot to keep things fun and interesting, and they chose the “magic booth”, but all the feelings that emerged inside were there long before, and weren’t forced in any way (also Star was adamant on getting the picture she wanted from Marco even before Photino’s interference). Body language during the kiss tells us that it was evidently reciprocal, even if Marco might have been the one to initiate it.
An analysis of the kiss and the photo strip
Another analysis of the kiss
Differences between “forced development” and “narrative device”
Did the Blood Moon force Star and Marco's feelings?
No, the way their feelings for each other developed has clearly been organic (and slow). Even if the Blood Moon bond had to be related to fate or something like that it wouldn’t change that every step forward Star and Marco took came from their own experiences and efforts, and not from some magical imposition.
Does the Blood Moon have some kind of effect beyond pure symbolism?
Potential meaning of the Blood Moon
Old but still relevant post about the Blood Moon and forced feelings
Did Marco give up on fun and adventures with Hekapoo for Star in Night Life? Did Star’s demands limit Marco’s freedom?
No, at the end of the episode Marco doesn’t give up on having fun to help a nagging boss, he just manages to find, through immersing himself in the role of “squire”, a (temporarily) solution to the need for escapism generate by his feelings for Star, while at the same time being able to be close to her and part of her life, the thing that brings him the most fulfillment. 
Marco’s freedom of choice
Why did Star act so cold toward Marco when he came back on Mewni?
She was hurt by the way Marco ignored her confession and rushed away from her life, and had a negative (and completely understandable) reaction when he decided to come back as if nothing had ever happened, needing the duration of the episode to find her own way to adapt to the new situation, similarly to what happened to Marco some episodes later.
Did Star act like a jerk to Marco after his return to Mewni, and does she regret it?
Overall breakdown of Starco
What’s the most important thing in Star and Marco’s respective lives?
Possible future developments for Starco post canon dating
Point of no return for Starco
Star and Marco’s flaws
Starco flaws
Star and Marco’s first interactions
Platonic Starco, why it’s not viable
Why Starco couldn’t have happened immediately post S2 (1)
Why Starco couldn’t have happened immediately post S2 (2)
Why Starco couldn’t have happened immediately post S2 (3)
Opinions over romance in the show
Star and Marco’s mutual reliance
The importance of the hug in Divide
The current state of Starco and why things are going to change soon
Overall breakdown of Marco
Marco’s presence and screentime in S3
Marco’s role and importance in S3
Tunnel vision and “comfort zone” in S3
Some ideas about why would Marco love Star
Other ships, other characters, show’s handling of characters commentary
A comparison between Tomstar and Starco in the Book Of Spells
Star and Tom’s first relationship (as in the Book Of Spells)
The origin of Star’s horn headband
The show and failed relationships
Kelly and Marco’s relationship
Tom and Star’s flawed relationship and lack of trust over the season
Personal opinions about Tomstar
The fallibility of the characters in the show
Jackie’s use and lack of development
Show’s approach to developing relationships other than Star and Marco’s one
Are Tom and Star comfortable with each other in a romantic context?
Tom’s early appearances and negative behavior 
Season 4 predictions and themes
General considerations about Tom and Star’s break up
Speculations about the S4 promotional poster and what it might symbolize
Parallels between Star and Eclipsa
Star’s character arc and goals in S4
Fandom commentary
Interest in the show over time and effect of the airing schedule on the fandom’s activity
The circumstances of Booth Buddies’ release and its contribution to the fandom’s perception
The pacing in Tom’s development and its effect on the fandom’s perception 
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symbatine · 8 years ago
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Trying new things. Monday madness! #mokastout #romanempire #photino (at Chimera Brewing Company)
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