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weepingpatroldragon · 4 months ago
Darkworlds feeling more fictional than real is so perfect to me
Because yeah dreams are like that you don't question your dreams at the moment you accept the most ridiculous situation and just enjoy the moment just like reading a book, playing a video game or watching television those are fictional but you are willing to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the moment
But how we consume media could also affect our dreams to some extent at least
The great black and white dream epidemic is a great example of that where people who grew up with black and white TV dream in black and white even after the world moved away from black and white while no concrete evidence is given as to why this happens as there is hypothesis that dreams themselves don't seem to have any colour which makes this phenomena more interesting cause while not confirmed does imply that our brain process dream more similar to fiction than reality and depending on how media is presented today determines how we dream
Fiction in a way shapes dreams
So perhaps in deltarune the reason dragon blazers and the darkworlds feels so similar in combat to the lightnners in the game is just because in some ways that fiction inside their world shapes the combat system of the darkworlds though i am willing to admit that is a huge stretch still i think that's cool way to interpret story considering deltarune is trying to tackle how we interact with fiction
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years ago
[ID: collections of the attempted spellings in various levels of legibility. 1. Tradgedy 2. Tragaty 3. Tradgey 4. tegedy 5. tragidy 6. Tragdey 7. tradgety 8. tragdiy 9. crossed out is "Tradey" and then "Tragdey" 10. Tragactey. END ID]
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My students’ adventures in trying to spell “tragedy” for their Romeo and Juliet quiz.
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0ctogus · 1 year ago
hey bad idea since the suffix -ome is out of control anyway what if we scrapped the word phonology and went with phonome and phonemome for "set of phones a language has" and "set of categories of sound aka phonemes a language distinguishes". you could also apply this to like an utterance and describe the set of sounds within that utterance as its phonome. hehe
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astra-ravana · 6 days ago
Types Of Divination
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Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the unknown or future through supernatural or symbolic means. There are hundreds of divination methods used across cultures and time periods, each utilizing different tools, elements, or techniques. Below is a categorized and comprehensive list of various divination practices.
Classical & Symbolic Divination
These methods use symbols, numbers, and abstract concepts to gain insight.
A. Alphabet & Writing-Based Divination
• Abecedarian Divination – Using letters of the alphabet in random patterns for messages.
• Onomancy – Divination through names.
• Graphomancy – Analyzing handwriting for hidden meanings.
• Lexomancy – Opening a book randomly and interpreting the first word or passage seen.
• Spirit Boards(Ouija) - Spirit divination using an alaphet board and planchette to spell out messages.
B. Number-Based Divination
• Numerology – The study of numbers and their mystical meanings.
• Arithmancy – Using numbers associated with names or events to predict outcomes.
• Geomancy – Casting marks on the ground or sand to form patterns for interpretation.
C. Sound & Speech-Based Divination
• Echomancy – Interpreting random or accidental sounds.
• Oinomancy – Using the sounds and bubbles of poured wine for divination.
• Geloscopy - Divination using the sound of someone's laugh.
• Cantiumancy - Drawing messages and predictions through music.
• Phonomancy - Divination through people's voices and speech.
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Elemental & Nature-Based Divination
This category includes divination methods that rely on natural elements like fire, water, earth, and air.
A. Fire Divination
• Pyromancy – Divination using flames.
• Capnomancy – Studying smoke patterns.
• Causimomancy – Burning objects and interpreting how they react.
• Spodomancy - Divination using ashes.
• Ceromancy - Interpreting the patterns/shapes in melted candle wax.
B. Water Divination
• Hydromancy – Scrying or divining using water.
• Pegomancy – Studying the movement of sacred wells or springs.
• Aspidomancy – Scrying with whirlpools or moving water.
C. Air & Wind Divination
• Aeromancy – Divination through atmospheric conditions.
• Anemoscopy – Studying wind direction and patterns.
• Chaomancy – Observing air currents and swirling dust or leaves.
D. Earth Divination
• Lithomancy – Casting and reading stones or crystals.
• Geomancy – Reading marks or patterns in soil, sand, or earth.
• Spatalamancy – Divination through cave formations.
• Halomancy - Divination using salts.
• Abocomancy - Divination based on interpretation of the patterns in dirt, silt, sand, or dust.
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Animal & Plant-Based Divination
These methods rely on interactions with living things and biological matter.
A. Animal-Based Divination
• Ornithomancy(Augury) – Observing bird flight patterns.
• Ailuromancy – Watching the behavior of cats.
• Myomancy – Interpreting mouse or rodent behavior.
• Ophiomancy – Observing snakes.
• Ichthyomancy - Divination using fish.
• Zoomancy - Divination through the actions of wildlife.
• Alectromancy - Using roosters or hens to make predictions.
• Apantomancy - Interpreting chance meetings with animals, such as the familiar black cat crossing your path.
• Myrmonancy - Discerning the future through observing ants eating food.
B. Plant-Based Divination
• Dendromancy – Divination using tree bark or branches.
• Botanomancy – Burning plants and interpreting the smoke.
• Xylomancy – Interpreting patterns in fallen branches or wood.
• Tasseomancy - Gaining wisdom by reading tea leaves
Object-Based Divination
Using objects, artifacts, and physical tools to gain insight.
• Bibliomancy – Interpreting messages from the open page of a fallen book.
• Rhabdomancy – Divining with rods, wands, or sticks.
• Belomancy – Throwing arrows and interpreting where they land.
• Oomancy - Divination using eggs.
• Crystallomancy – Scrying into crystals (e.g., crystal ball gazing).
• Curiomancy - Divination by casting random or obscure objects.
• Catoptromancy - The art of scrying with a mirror.
• Psychometry - Scrying of a held or touched object.
• Astagyromancy - Divination performed by tossing dice.
• Dactylomancy - Using a ring suspended on a cord/chain or a pendulum to divinate.
• Papyromancy - Folding paper into shapes, then interpreting the forms and shadows created.
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Death & Spirit-Based Divination
Methods focused on communicating with spirits, ancestors, or the dead.
• Necromancy – Summoning or consulting spirits of the dead.
• Oneiromancy – Interpreting dreams.
• Psychomancy – Communicating with spirits and being able to hear their voices.
• Osteomancy – Reading bones or skeletal remains.
Energy & Psychic Divination
These methods rely on intuitive abilities or the reader's energy field.
• Morphic Resonance - Using the concept of collective memory and patterns from the past to predict future patterns.
• Aurascopy – Reading auras and energy fields.
• Cryptomancy - Supernatural insights through secret signs and omens.
• Intuitive Counseling - Offering guidance based on intuitive feelings.
• Remote Viewing - Psychically perceiving a distant or unseen target.
• Energy Scrying - Divining information about a person’s physical or emotional state through their energy.
• Channeling - Mediums communicate with spirits to convey messages or predict future events.
Popular & Modern Divination Systems
These systems have structured methods and are widely practiced.
• Cartomancy/Tarot – Using cards to interpret the past, present, and future or speak to spirits.
• Runecasting (Runology) – Reading ancient runes for insight (Futhark, Ogham, Witch Runes, etc).
• I Ching (Yi Jing) – Using hexagrams derived from coin or stick throws.
• Astrology – Studying celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs.
• Palmistry - Reading the lines on a person's hand.
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stn-tmblr · 4 months ago
Asking you random questions day 2
What's your favourite movie?
Good Will Hunting. I could go on and on... it's a phonomeal film. I'd like to know your thoughts on the movie, if you've seen it.
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bugbbear · 11 months ago
so i tried to tokipona-fy the names of the hermits
⚠️I am still a beginner in toki pona, so if anything here violates the language/phonics rules, IM SORRY I tried⚠️
Under the cut is a brief explanation of toki pona and how the words and letters are pronounced, and reblogged after it is a list I've made (with some credited help) of each hermit, their tokipona-fied name, their combined sign, and an explanation of why I chose what I chose.
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For those of you who don't know what toki pona is, it's a minimalist language with only 120 official words and ~135 widespread words. It's got only 14 letters and 14 phonemes (sounds). For comparison, the english language has roughly 1 million words, 26 letters, and 44 phonemes.
Toki pona does not have the english letters b, c, d, f, g, h, q, r, v, x, y, or z. You may now be realizing how difficult (impossible) it would be to mimic a name like Bdubs in this language. Not only do B and D not exist in toki pona, but the U here makes the "uh" sound, a sound that ALSO isnt in toki pona.
Each letter in toki pona makes one, and only one, sound. J is pronounced like english Y as in "yikes". A is pronounced like "fAr", E is pronounced like "bEt", I sounds like "whEEE!" (or according to some like "bIt"), O is pronounced like "Or", and U is pronounced like "mOOn".
In addition, there's several specific phonics rules for toki pona. You can't end any syllable with a consonant other than N (although vowels are allowed) and the phonomes Wu, Wo, Ji, and Ti are illegal.
Toki pona uses 14 latin letters (a,e,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,s,t,u,w), but it also has a separate glyphic form called sitelen pona.
For each hermit, I'm going to give their tokipona-fied name, a combined glyph, the name of the words in the glyph, a meaning for those words, and then an explanation for Everything.
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evaristo-velez · 7 months ago
You may find this important as a reader, or you should. In genre fiction, we see constructed languages (conlang) used to flesh out a world or universe. Dothraki, Klingon, and Elvish were all undertakings by a group of linguists (or just one) to build rules and grammar.
Do you need such detail in your book? Maybe, maybe not. If it is, here are some things I thought over as a self-professed polyglot and general know-it-all.
Languages are shaped by where the humans are located. I'm a big proponent of (dialectical) materialism: the material world will shape how people and groups of people will act.
Examples? Okay!
One study showed ejective phonomes (close your mouth and make a sound, to put it crudely) were used in higher elevations. This is because the lower pressure found in such elevations allow these closed mouth sounds to project easier, also preventing a release of moisture — considered by some to be an evolutionary adaptation.
Whistle-speak is another interesting way humans adapted to their environment. Found in locations where humans are more isolated, whistles do not echo like shouts or claps, making it efficient over a large range.
Accents are similar, shifting voicings and inflection to suit the environment. Notable in a country as large as the United States of America, it is present in many other cultures. Those distinctions can immediately point out where someone is from and their background.
Yes, and?
Consider ways to characterize using language. For example, in my current book a character from California moves to Nebraska. This sort of culture shock is based on my childhood, moving from South Florida (as a Latino) to the Midwest.
Slang, idioms, and general idiosyncrasies were something I had to listen for. No one called fizzy fountain drinks 'soda' in Nebraska, they call it 'pop'. Distances were usually measured in minutes versus miles. "Y'all," "folk," and "visiting" were words I began adopting in the custom of Nebraskans.
Nobody from California would call it 'Cali' which an easily distinguish a west coaster from the average...anyone else. By the same measure, when I moved to Nebraska next to no one could say my (Latino) last name correctly, an issue I seldom encountered in a suburb of Miami, Florida.
Closing Thoughts
Small or large details can change how your world feels to the reader, especially if the character voices can vary as much as they do in real-life.
Next time you write out dialogue, think of the person's style and upbringing. Do they say "thank you" or "much obliged"? What do you call a fizzy fountain drink???
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zerothefool0 · 1 year ago
Thinking of different magic types that could be "related"... Aeromancy (Wind), Phonomancy (Sound), and Gravitomancy (Gravity)...
Aquamancy (Water) and Cryomancy (Ice)...
Lithomancy (Earth) and Metallomancy (Metal)...
Photomancy (Light) and Tenebromancy (Darkness)...
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mellarked-katnisseverdeen · 2 years ago
How do you feel about Johanna Mason?
What do you think about Johanna’s strategy in her first games?
What are your favorite Johanna moments?
What do you think about the movie’s depiction of Johanna?
Thank you so much :)
Johanna probably is among my favorite characters! I love her and how natural her anger is and her unapologetically sarcastic way of communicating. She is one of the victors in on the rebellion and in my book that makes her incredibly brave and smart. We also have other evidence to point to her not just being ruthless but also very intelligent and sympathetic to others in certain moments.
A favorite moment is hard, but I do love the elevator scene where she is trying to get to Katniss. Also love her 'make him pay for it" I guess if I had to pick a single favorite that would be it. She is confrontational with Katniss but she softens and connects with her on that for a moment, even before there is some growth in their friendship during Mockingjay. It shows where her heart is and I like that especially on a reread where we know what happens to her.
Will also mention the Johanna/Gale moment! The hip bump is hecking cute and Johanna and Gale need so much more love XD.
Jena Malone did a PHONOMAL job. The most important part to Johanna in the films to me was always gonna be her complexity. She is angry, and prone to being violent but it's not her whole story. Jo has been so effected by this loss she has nothing else but this fight. She has this vulnerable and understanding side that wants connection to. Buried and ready to come out, mainly with Finnick, or eventually Katniss. Malone got that across SO well and thusly I don't think it could have been better.
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theninjabozo · 9 months ago
*jay casts loud sound. The spell that creates a loud sound. One of the basic spells of phonomancy. Cool, but still annoying.*
Byrd sits at the top of a high rise, looking down at the street below. He stretches out and lays on his back on the roof, wings stretched to his sides.
Jeez. These are always boring. Nothing interesting happens in the meantime...
*byrd hears jean's voice behind him*
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teachreadingeasily · 3 years ago
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The Only system to teach reading made exclusively to benefit toddlers and children straggling to read. Click Here Now!
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poisonerspath · 2 years ago
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By thoughtfully staging our “set and setting” during psychedelic experiences we can avoid bad “trips” and enhance the overall experience. In AP Psychedelics by Sean Manseau we learn that we can achieve infinitely more than that by taking our psychedelic experiences to another level. Using ritual, performance and a carefully selected playlist you can literally make magic to change your life and go on epic quests of self-discovery and empowerment. AP Psychedelics outlines the entire practice, one of the core concepts of The First Church of David Bowie, operating out of Portland, OR Manseau shares his breakthrough approach in a futuristic musical montage. Check out Sean’s YouTube channel where you can find the whole playlists and discussions with the world’s first “phonomancer.” Sean will also be presenting @botanicaobscuraconference in 2023!!!! Follow @seanwmanseau - #phonomancy #phonomancer #appsychedelics #psychedelicstudies #entheogens #botanicaobscuraconference #psychedelictherapy #psychedelicintegration https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIGQm_r2Jx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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disinformer · 7 years ago
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Psilocybin Based Phonomancy: This Week on the Disinfocast
Holy shit, we actually have a guest on the show which is in fact a first. Sean Manseau is the founder of both the Seattle Psychedelic Society and the First Church of David Bowie. Join us as we chat about how his practice evolved from guided Ayahuasca trips into the visionary words of psilocybin...
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theweevilwizardofthewest · 4 months ago
When an entomancer dabbles in phonomancy
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thirtyonetoday · 4 years ago
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3KfYbbg3nSXWA6VH5DLyIb?si=X4GTrEa8QDmz5lnW_xDU4g) 
Purging those ghosts, chipping those oogles, exorcising those tunes. Kriya means “completed action.” Or, “a spiritual emergency or surrender. Always significant, frequently psychosomatic.”
You and I both know that the house is haunted Did I carry my piece of the fire?
Don’t make me wait for you at the Serpentine Wall Leave you dancin’ with a ghost And it seems to me the fear in me might be so much alive That’s why I’m singing out I want to see the bright lights tonight
Am I the stupid one for doing everything that I did for us? We spend our days locked in a room, content inside a bubble Oh, I will find it doesn’t matter if you fall at her feet Tell her that she’s fucked it, I can’t read her
If you want a second to breathe, I’ll give you all that you want Please don’t change a single little thing for me Brush the rock and wait for the maker I swear to God that I don’t think I can go another day And God knows just what that means Oh my God, what do you do? God is the one, God is the one, God is the one who changed
I’ll be your whatever you want Somebody come get this man Those bees are all around you
I’m discovering God and she is paper-thin
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vlacksr · 5 years ago
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Phonom from Under Night In Birth
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