#phone keeps getting really hot if I scroll too far on tumblr so uh
Watching a video on intrusive thoughts (by a psychologist, seems reasonable) and I’ve accidentally done good intrusive thoughts management! I mean. Minus talking to my therapist about them (when I still had a regular therapist) (in my defense I didn’t fully grasp that they were abnormal until recently — or want to explain the random self-harm-y thoughts when they weren’t that intense — and I had more pressing concerns).
Look for patterns: I’m always having shitty intrusive thoughts when I’m tired
Acceptance: idk bruh that’s just what my brain does when it wants to say that it refuses to do more work.
Coping Statements: see above.
(The other things listed weren’t very applicable)
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pyrten · 3 years
Post about Tumblr etiquette and basic stuff that I'm trying to make as entertaining and colourful as possible because I have the attention span of a stick and if I saw long paragraphs like this too, i would go " I will scroll ".
Part 2: here you go. it’s very short, i think. 
CW! Twitter discourse (indicated, Techno's boundaries being broken. sleepytwt disbanding??, it's short, don't worry).
Hi hi hello to you all coming from Twitter after whatever the fuck happened. Sit down have a drink, take a sip, have a cookie (...cept for chocolate chip, those are mine). It's pretty safe here as long as nobody drags in the cousin we all dislike.
Tags, hashtags, not shopping tags.
We use the tags as a filtering system, basically. Like stuff about:
Tubbo in general? #tubbo .
Stuff about character Tubbo? #c!tubbo / #c!Tubbo .
Stuff about content creator Tubbo? #cc!Tubbo / #cc!tubbo.
etc. etc.
We try to keep positive stuff in the main tags (in general tags), occasionally there will be stuff about Twitter or negativity about them but generally, as far as I've seen, they aren't heavy, or they are but they're pretty solid arguments that aren't like, loud, yelling, or gives off that vibe, I suppose.
#cw!__ / #tw!__ / #neg!__ / #__ crit+ more can be tagged if needed or requested (as in, if the tag isn't already there). Depends on who runs the blog. Whether you need to send in a ask, or just reply to the post, or DM. Up to the person to runs the blog.
-- if there's more I'll add, when I think of them later --
Reblog button my beloved
I'm not : hey I study the algorithm I know shit!
But IG and Twitter runs on likes / retweets. Tumblr runs on reblogs. yeah, yeah, that small button that's like, circular next to the heart.
Looks like recycling, something the government failed to incorporate well. Looks like the recycling symbol doesn't it? yeah it just lacks one arrow and it's not a triangle.
Liking posts? Great that's nice buddy, thank you (not /s)
Reblogging? Mmmmmmm THATS THE SHIT. SEEING THAT IN MY NOTIFS? serotonin. absolutely.
please, it's like the one thing that's keeping this platform afloat and information / works spreading. also it helps spreads the post. Liking doesn't do much, most it does is be a bookmark just so you can look for that post later.
"but I don't want my blog to be flooded with stuff I reblog!" No, no, dude (gender neutral), that's how you get people to follow and find your stuff. You really worried about people being annoyed, can't find what you actually post? Refer to part 1, tags as a filtering system. Make a reference post or whatever, pin it to your profile or make a Carrd, link that stuff. If people are really that lazy to go to the hashtag, doom scrolling works for them.
Filtering, yes great mechanic.
Filtering, now, this isn't for other people to find your stuff and save them time of scrolling. It's somewhat related to the tagging system of Tumblr but it's for yourself this time, very cool.
- Gear icon. Top right corner of your profile.
- Account settings.
- Filtering.
Two options : tag filter and content filter.
Tags filter is self-explanatory. You enter the tag you don't wanna see, and done. You'll never see that tag, or any posts that have that tag again.
Content filter filters posts with certain text content. Certain- as in the text you've entered, and decided you never wanna see em.
Congratulations, your eyes didn't lose HP today.
Bruh when was this posted.
Haven't used Tumblr on a laptop for a while, but I'm pretty sure it says, uh somewhere.
But on phone:
Three dots. Top right of the post.
There it is, like, rightttt there, above that rectangle pop up thing, there's the date. Have fun seeing how dead some blogs are.
My post is getting drowned :(
Uh, reblog your own post or pin it to your own profile. That works.
So does the post drowning and disappearing into oblivion. Tapping a button requires a lot of work and if ya don't want to, shruggie.
Ayo, if you're gonna justify something about someone or any situation, be specific and as clear as you possibly could, if you mess up a little with your argument, that's fine. Edit button is a pencil on the post, you can make another post or reblog the OG post to clarify.
Use tone indicators. There are neurodivergent people on this platform, like, every platform basically. Save us some worrying and head scratching.
Use the tone indicators, and don't use them as a joke (unless it's between like close moots, and your uh following gets it then yeah I suppose that's fine, but clarify in the tags would be great).
Typing out /insert_acronym_here isn't a time consuming thing. ( A simple Google search of Reddit tone indicators can give you a list if you need it ).
Last thing I can really think of is: the hashtags is where all the short hot takes, that good shit, is.
Not just in general, in posts too ;) .
also why are people on Twitter spreading the #kick____ with saying that you shouldn't do that. Your intentions are great m8, but uh, ಠ◡ಠ that's a... It's a method.
k welcome to tumblr. Each app has their like etiquette, this is Tumblr's or the most I can think of. no you can't have my chocolate chip cookies, have a good stay.
I'm going to bed like man, I'm sleepy. (Also since people is coming in because of like, the stuff related to SBI going on twitter, gonna mainly tag that. Hope that's chill)
Also, it's Ramadan. claps, Ramadan Mubarak, have a good one y'all. (whispers hey, hey send some love to fellow Muslims, hope you're doing well.)
15/4/2021 , 6.42 PM --- Filtering (new section)
199 notes · View notes
simmerandwrite · 3 years
strangers - steve rogers x reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: mentions of sexual harassment and non-consensual touching, swearing.
Word count: 4870
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: When your subway ride home takes a turn for the worst, you hope a stranger in a coffee shop will help you out.
Notes: If you saw a snippet of this the other day, here’s the full thing! I wanted to tackle some ‘in need of saving’ tropes and this just sort of happened. I’ve never posted straight up on Tumblr before but I’m a bit lacking in my experience with reader fics, so I figured this was a good place to share it. no beta, any mistakes are my own! If you like it, let me know - thanks for reading!
Steve Rogers liked his days off. Not that he had a set schedule week to week anyway but when things aligned correctly, he could do whatever he wanted. No world saving, no training, no report writing, no meetings.
He had scoped out a small little coffee shop in Brooklyn where he liked to spend these quiet afternoons. Usually with a book in hand (he had so many books to catch up on) or some music loaded to his phone (Nat was currently educating him on 90s punk rock) or a notebook and pencil. People watching served as wonderful inspiration to sketch.
He sipped his cappuccino, eyes tipped downward at the book ahead of him on the table. He was interrupted just moments later as someone dropped into the chair across from him.
Now, Steve wasn’t intentionally hiding out at this hole-in-the-wall cafe. But he did put on his laughable disguise still - a beaten up Yankees cap and his prescription-less thick framed glasses. He liked the anonymity. That didn’t always stop people from recognizing him.
As he opened his mouth to question the person who was suddenly joining him for coffee, she slid her phone across the table to him. Her hand shook. His eyebrows flexed into a curious frown as he looked at the screen displaying a plainly typed note:
‘Do you mind if I sit someone is following me home sorry to disturb you’
As if your day hadn’t been absolutely terrible enough, you spotted the gremlin of a man on the subway watching you again. You knew he worked somewhere in the same office building as you because he always trailed a few paces behind you when pushing through the revolving doors in the lobby. It wasn’t uncommon to see the same people on the same subway line at the same time every day, but this man’s presence had become an unwanted downside.
He was always there. Worse than that, he seemed to be always watching you. Today, it was even more obvious that he was following you.
When that thought first occurred to you, it had been really easy to shrug off. He was just a guy taking the subway. But when he happened to be on the later train with you one day, an uncomfortable feeling settled in your stomach.
And now, as the car was filling up even more after the second stop in DUMBO, he had moved to stand and put himself even closer to you.
You had been going through so many Next Steps. God, that phrase was the bane of your existence. Next steps, next steps..
Maybe you could tell him to fuck off. You could make an appointment with Leanna in HR and see if there is a way to figure out the name of this guy - though he didn’t work for your company so that was likely going to be a dead end. You could start taking the bus to the village before grabbing the train. Maybe you could Uber home some days instead of taking the subway. Not that you could afford that but this guy was..
You stiffened immediately.
This guy was touching you. In the midst of the crowded subway car, he was pressed against you entirely. And was he.. His hips were moving against your leg and.. Wait, that was two hands on your hips now.. Hot breath whispered against your neck and -
You threw yourself through the mob as the train came to a stop. With hurried feet you ran onto the platform and up the stairs, doing your best to weave through the flow of people, like a fish trying to make it upstream. You tried not to be obvious but as you snapped your head over your shoulders to look back, you saw him there again.
He was smirking. No, snarling.
Next steps, next steps.
You joined a sea of people crossing the street, taking your first left to try and steer yourself into a particular direction. You were still a far walk from your apartment but with this man on your heels, you didn’t want to lead him anywhere near there.
You grabbed your phone from your jacket pocket, unlocking it quickly and scrolling through the contacts. Surely there had to be someone you could call but even then, what could they do? Offer advice?
It didn’t occur to you until then but would it be valuable to call the cops?
Despite the late day sunlight, you suddenly felt very aware of the emptiness of the sidewalk on that side street. You needed to be around people. It definitely wasn’t logical to be anywhere near alone with this guy and -
It sounded like his footsteps were getting closer. With a panicked gulp, you yanked on the door of a little hole-in-the-wall cafe. Your eyes scanned the space quickly once you were inside. You probably shouldn’t sit alone, you couldn’t run to the bathroom if you aren’t sure where it is or if you needed a key. There were too many variables.
You needed something. Next steps..
You spotted someone sitting at a small table near the window and without thinking, you sent out a silent prayer to whoever might be listening and you rushed over. The man was clearly alone, a half consumed ceramic mug of coffee sitting to the right of his book.
Swallowing hard, you quickly typed on your phone and slid it across the table to him after you sat. You tried your best to stay very calm and hoped that he would play along. God, what if he didn’t play along and -
Behind you, the door chimed once more and you desperately wanted to see if it was that man - if the gremlin had followed you inside. You clasped your hands together in your lap and forced a smile on as you looked at the stranger sitting across from you.
Despite not knowing him, there was a familiarity about his appearance. Behind his thick glasses, soft blue eyes searched you carefully. His eyes flicked to the screen once more, stiffening in his chair as he looked past you towards the rest of the cafe.
With his right hand, he reached into the inside pocket of his coat and took out a small notebook and a pen. He scribbled something quickly and turned the page towards you.
Are you hurt?
You shook your head quickly. He offered you a tight smile and wrote once more.
Buzzcut, grey jacket?
Your eyes blew open wide and you tilted your head into a nod.
I’m Steve
He flipped the notebook closed and extended his hand across the table, palm facing up. He leaned forward just slightly, meeting your eyes with a reassuring smile. “Play along.”
Your eyes flicked to his hand and you slowly unclamped your own, grabbing his on the table instead. He was doing an impressive job splitting his attention between you and his surroundings, eyes scanning the room. He squeezed your hand very gently, brushing his thumb against your knuckles.
“Tell me about your day.”
You sucked in a hard breath. You weren’t entirely sure what his strategy was but something told you this guy was in your corner. Though despite that, you could feel another set of eyes on you.
“Uh,” you started quietly, letting the air escape your lungs. “Surprisingly, I didn’t think it could get worse before I got on the subway after work. I had a review meeting that was not great and we had a free catered lunch that was not vegetarian friendly. Missed an important email and deadline and… well, here I am whining about it and interrupting your day. Listen, I’m going to-
You moved to stand up but Steve shook his head, grasping your hand. “Give it a few more minutes, I think he’ll give up and leave.”
His words were casual but had an authoritative tone. Once more his eyes left you, looking towards the front of the cafe. He raised his free hand and motioned to one of the baristas. You weren’t certain if this was the type of place who served people at their seats but clearly he had a comfortable rapport as the young girl approached with a warm smile on her face.
“Hey Tia, could I get another?”
“Anything for you?” The barista turned her head as she asked, pony tail moving from side to side.
“Uhm.” You paused and thought. You certainly had no desire to even consider a coffee order when you felt someone’s linger gaze boring into you. “A decaf con panna, if that’s possible.” The girl confirmed it was with a nod then left the table side.
“Con panna?” Steve’s lips pulled into a curious smirk. Something about his smile calmed you.
“Espresso with whipped cream on top,” you answered. “Short and sweet.”
“I’ll have to try that next time.”
Steve sure had a soothing smile. When his thumb stopped tracing against your palm - when did that even start? - you felt an empty sadness about the loss. Wow, what did that even say about your standards when a stranger was brushing his thumb against your hand that you were so grateful for? Well, it was a thousand times better than someone rubbing his -
You winced at the memory, biting down as you clutched your bottom lip between your teeth. Though that shameful feeling hadn’t disappeared, you managed to keep it at bay. But now, it seemed to have left an image you were unable to blink away.
The sweet smell of whipped cream and the shuffling of paper cups broke you from your trance. You reached for your bag to fish out a few dollars but when you looked up, Steve was waving a hand to stop you.
It’s not that you didn’t appreciate his kindness. You did. You really, really did. But given the last half hour, you still had a hard time settling your nervous mind.
“Thanks, Tia.” Steve’s eyes were jumping around the place as the barista grabbed the cash he offered. A loud stomp of footsteps drew their attention as the Subway Gremlin saddled up beside the table.
“Sorry to be a bother, darlin’ - any chance I can borrow your phone?”
You couldn’t help but look at him. Though his words were directed at the barista, he made a point to glance over at you.
You felt Steve’s hands grip yours. When you looked towards him, his eyes were very carefully watching the man. How did he manage to -
“Sorry, we don’t have a dedicated line available to customers.” Tia politely shook her head, pointing towards the door. “There’s a CityBank up the street that can help you, I’m sure.” She shrugged and headed back to the coffee counter.
The man stood still, opening his mouth to argue.
Steve sat back, shoulders broad and steady. “Did you need directions there? I think it’s just two blocks. Maybe 500 paces.” His tone was flat. “Just out the door and you’ll be on your way.”
You kept your eyes on Steve. He kept his stare directed at the man. Finally, after what felt like hours of waiting, the man moved his feet. He turned on his heel, though not before stopping to look at you again.
“I will see you tomorrow, dar-
Steve released your hand and pushed his chair back, standing quickly and grasping the man’s shoulder.
Steve towered over him. “You have five seconds.” The man pulled away from Steve’s grip then finally stomped away. You kept your eyes tightly shut until you heard the chime of the bell indicating the movement of the door. Then, you collapsed onto your arms on the edge of the table.
Steve, meanwhile, headed to the door and kept watch for a few more moments to ensure the man actually departed from the area. Then, he stopped at the counter and exchanged a few words with Tia before returning you.
You were still doing your best to encourage the floor to open up and swallow you whole. How had this even escalated? The worst part was your mind seemed clouded with doubt. This man, you hadn’t even interacted with him before. Why was he suddenly so invested in you? To a point where he might follow you home? Were you just another target or had this been intentional?
You considered yourself a fairly observant person and yet..
You twisted your hands together in your lap and tried to consider what was going to happen now. Next steps, next steps..
“Hey.” Steve returned to his chair. Your eyes flicked up towards him, noticing he was sliding a bottle of water towards you. Your sad little espresso and whipped cream treat was deflated next to it. “Are you okay?”
You reached for the water bottle, twisting the cap open and taking a long drink. “I don’t know.” Chewing on your bottom lip, you shook your head. “No, actually. I’m not. It somehow feels like my skin is on fire and my lungs are failing me and I’m sweaty but I’m not and - and -
“Hey, hey. Look at me.” Steve spoke so calmly and evenly. “Just take a slow breath with me, okay?” You closed your eyes once more and followed his instructions as he walked you through a few breathing exercises. “That’s great, you’re doing great-
When he stopped speaking so quickly, you opened one eye to look over at him. His cheeks were a warm shade of pink and his mouth was twisted into a frown. “What?”
“It just occurred to me I didn’t get your name.” He paused, as if to consider his next thought. “Although, given what just happened with that man, you are under no obligation to tell me anything about yourself. I just.. I’d like to help.”
His genuine concern for you was surprising. You allowed a small smile to stretch across your face. “You’re very nice, Steve.”
You gave him your name and he smiled back, repeating it to himself. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Your smile turned downwards when you looked towards your phone. “I should probably get going. Again, I’m really sorry for dragging you into this mess but I appreciate the… solace.” You took a deep breath and pushed your chair back, pausing to tip the lukewarm espresso into your mouth. “I owe you one.”
You winced when you heard yourself and sighed. Why did you say that? This stranger, this friendly, broad shouldered, tall, handsome stranger who’s day you interrupted, did not need your weird backhanded flirting. In fact, even though every signal in your brain seemed on edge after, well, everything, the only thing that seemed to ground you now was the kindness of Steve. So you tried to will yourself not to ruin it with any additional commentary.
You weren’t entirely sure what had driven you down this particular street into this particular cafe and towards this particular man. But, you were certainly grateful. “Actually, do they have gift cards here? I’d love to buy you one to say thank you and -
“Are you going to walk? Wherever you’re going right now?” When you looked over, you saw that Steve had stood, too. You saw his eyes move towards the door and the far windows up the street where the man from the subway had gone. “I don’t want to overstep but I hope you’ll let me walk you home. Or far enough away to have cleared his radar.”
“I feel like I’ve already wasted enough of your time, Steve.” You truly felt worse and worse for interrupting his afternoon.
“Please, I insist.” Steve tilted his head, half a smirk on his lips. “You just said you owe me one, so. I’m cashing in the favour.”
“The favour repayment you’re cashing in is.. you doing me another favour? Do you know how favours are supposed to work?” Admittedly, you knew you would feel a lot safer having someone walk home with you. And something about Steve made you feel very secure, his presence like a comforting shield.
“C’mon,” Steve replied with a laugh, nudging his head towards the door.
When you stepped onto the sidewalk, you stopped to think. “Let’s go this way.” You turned to the right and Steve followed, staying on your shoulder closest to the street. You walked in a comfortable silence - which made you nervous at first. Then, as your steps fell into a pattern, the quiet soothed you.
You pushed your hands into the pockets of your jacket as you turned down the next block. You looked over at Steve, who turned his head towards you as you shifted. “You didn’t ask anything else about the man.. Who followed me.”
A quiet hum came from Steve. “I didn’t think I should. You seemed shaken up enough.” He shrugged, peering down at you through his glasses. “If you want to talk about it..”
“I work in this big office building in Midtown. The Clifton building?”
Steve motioned his hand diagonally. “Little bagel place downstairs? That’s right down from The Avengers tower, isn’t it?”
You nodded along. Right. Stark Tower was The Avengers Tower, now. It was the most iconic landmark on that block. “Yes. Actually, I work on the 40th floor, which makes for a great angle to see Iron Man coming in.” Your smile was fleeting when you continued on. “It’s a huge building. I work in human resources for this pharmaceutical company.. But there’s a law firm in there, too. Insurance companies, start ups.. Hundreds of people in and out all day long. Yet, that man on the subway has managed to..” You stopped yourself before your chest got too tight. “Let’s just say I’ve seen him around before.”
“Do you know his name?”
“That’s the thing!” You couldn’t help but laugh now, shaking your head in dumbfounded confusion. “No. I have no idea who he is. But he often gets on the same subway line as me, watches me from across the crowd then today..” You stopped and dragged a hand down your face. “It’s a sad truth but I would say most of my friends have been.. Touched inappropriately on the subway before. I guess it’s a weird right of passage or something..”
“Wait - what?” Steve stopped in his tracks and reached his hand out to grab yours. You stopped and looked up at his eyes, somehow both soft and dark with concern. “He touched you? What do you mean?”
You raised an eyebrow, wondering if his ask was authentic. When you saw the disappointment in his face, eyes flooded with something you couldn’t quite pinpoint, you realized his reaction was genuine. You opened your mouth to explain but suddenly it seemed impossible to find the words.
Steve let go of your hand as he absorbed your lack of response and reached for his phone. “You can file a police report, right?”
“No, no.” You stopped him, placing your hand on his as he held his phone. “Trust me, that’s just paperwork that goes nowhere. Without the guy's name, absolutely nothing would come from it anyway.” You shook your head. “It’s fine, really. I might just adjust my work hours and change my route home for a few weeks. Maybe he’ll give up.”
Steve muttered something to himself, shaking his head. His face shifted from concern to something else, like his brain was working on a different trail of thoughts. He spoke your name quietly, drawing your attention to him again. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
Steve’s kindness was a strange contrast to the entire experience on the subway. How one man could have such questionable intentions while another apologizes with sincerity for it was nearly jarring. Although, it did suddenly occur to you that Steve was just as much of a stranger.
“The worst part is.. men like that sever any opportunity for trust in other people. Especially blind trust. Like me telling you, a stranger, where I work and walking you to where I live. Funny enough though - every wire in my brain should be telling me not to and how it was a bad idea but.. I guess there is something about you.”
Steve sucked in a breath, eyes wide as he considered his response. “When you walked into the coffee shop, you could have asked the barista for help or tried to hide out in the bathroom. But you sat next to me instead. How come?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. Like I said, there's just something about you, Steve.”
You walked in silence again, feet falling into a pattern once more. The sky was growing darker, the air cooler. After crossing the street again, you looked at him. “How do you feel about Prezio being traded to the Orioles?” You reached out and tipped up the brim of his Yankees hat. “A tragedy, right?”
A quiet laugh escaped him as he tipped his head. “I think it was a huge mistake. Don’t you think we’ve had a hard enough year as it is?” Your silence was filled with baseball talk instead and it seemed to put both of you at ease.
“This is me.” You stopped outside of a short apartment complex, pointing a thumb to the door.
Steve smiled, one hand in the pocket of his jacket as he studied you. Was this it? After the wild rollercoaster of emotions you had spilled onto him in the last hour, parting with nothing else seemed empty. Lacking. He opened his mouth and closed it, once then twice.
Finally, you cut in. “Thanks again, Steve. Really. If you hadn’t played along and scared him away.. well, I’m not sure where I would be right now. It means a lot that you cared enough about a stranger to make sure I was safe.”
Steve sighed out your name. “I’m sorry your barometer for kindness is so low.”
You sighed. “Yeah, me too.” Part of you wanted to do something. Say something else. Linger a tiny bit longer. But your feet shuffled and your hand reached for the door. “Have a good night, Steve.”
“I need a favour.”
“Well, good morning to you, sunshine. Did you lock yourself out of your computer again? FRIDAY can help with that.”
“Tony, this is serious.”
“Okay, okay. I recognize that scowl. How can I help you?”
“If I provided you some video footage from a security camera, can we track someone down? Figure out who they are? For full transparency, it’s just a civilian.”
“Sounds like we’re operating outside of the law, Rogers. Can you provide me with more context? I don’t mind the grey area - I just like the drama, too.”
Steve sighed, then reluctantly explained himself. The cafe. Your panicked message. The stalker of a man. The way you dismissed it all as a normal, unfortunate side effect of existing as a woman. His barista friend provided him with camera footage but he wasn’t sure it was enough.
Tony pinched between his eyes. “Men are scum. And I say that as someone in the practice of trying to be better. Recovering scum, if you will. I’ll see what I can do. FRIDAY, how quietly can we get into the security database at the Clifton building?”
Although you hadn’t lied to Steve, it occurred to you on your journey home that your guard should remain up. Which is why you had actually allowed him to walk you to your aunt’s apartment, instead of your own. She was happy to see you burst through the door and insisted you stay for dinner. That was a tiny silver lining to the whole mess.
The next day though, the thought of going into work was suffocating. So you opted to spend the day working from home instead, which your boss had been agreeable to, at least. One day rolled into two and you successfully avoided the office building until the following Monday. But then, you needed a plan. Next steps, next steps.
You took an Uber to the office early and left late at the end of the day, leaving out the back stairway and crossing a few blocks to take a different subway line home. It was unfortunate you had to cater your life to the chance you would run into this goon again, but your sense of security was slowly returning. That had to count for something.
Things shifted later that week. There was a sudden new policy sent out to all the staff in your office outlining new building ownership and training about sexual harassment policies.
“It’s a long time coming,” you heard someone mutter out in the elevator as you headed down towards the lobby.
“Guess Tony Stark just wants to own the whole block,” their coworker chirped back, pulling to loosen his tie.
There was even more commotion when you exited the elevator and walked towards the large glass doors. A team of NYPD officers were standing outside, shoving someone in the back of their cruiser. Your eyes narrowed. You couldn’t be certain but from that angle, you certainly recognized the bad buzzcut. Your eyes darted around the lobby anxiously and across the room, a small crowd of suits and officers had formed near..
Tony Stark, himself.
Before you could even try to understand what was going on, you heard someone calling your name. You turned your head and saw someone who looked a lot like -
“Steve?” You took a few steps towards him, pausing to glance from him back at Tony Stark and.. “Oh my god. You’re Steve Rogers. Why didn’t you say something?”
Captain America had walked you home. Hidden behind glasses and a hat. And you always considered yourself observant.
Steve just smirked, shrugging a shoulder. “I didn’t think it was important.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Should I be thanking you for all of this chaos?”
Steve furrowed his brow in mock confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, maybe I’m extrapolating here but the same day my subway stalker gets taken away in cuffs, Stark Industries buys out this building and mandates a new policy and code of conduct.”
Steve pursed his lips, swallowing back a mischievous smirk. “Here’s the thing. It occurred to me that your best choice of action after that day was changing your entire life to avoid that man. And I couldn’t help but think about how broken that system was.”
You sighed. It had occurred to you, too. While you were relieved to shake the man from your trail, your mind considered he would probably turn his attention to someone else. And that wouldn’t be fair.
“Well, Cap. Job well done. That scum of a man had priors in Jersey, too.” Tony Stark himself had walked to where you and Steve stood. His hand clapped on Steve’s shoulder. “You’re at least going to ask her out, right? I mean, I bought an entire building for you - make a move, pal.”
Steve flushed pink and you couldn’t help but do the same.
“I’m getting a bagel. You want a bagel?” Tony raised an eyebrow from you to Steve again, smiling proudly.
“I’m good. I recommend the poppy seed though!” You called as Tony flitted away, narrowly avoiding a proper looking blonde woman who seemed very tired.
You turned your attention back to Steve. “He seems like a lot.”
“He is.” Steve nodded, motioning his hand. “I know it’s only one thing, maybe a ripple in making a difference but.. I’m hoping one less inappropriate person on the subway can give you peace of mind.”
You smiled again. Though you had seen many appearances by Captain America on the news, seeing the man in person was different. It seemed Steve Rogers walked the walk. After parting ways with him before, though he had crossed your mind, you didn’t anticipate your menial issues leading to this.
“Thanks. Really. Even one person makes a difference.” You reached out and touched his arm. “Thank you, Steve.”
“I’m sorry about Tony, though. His comments about asking you out and.. that certainly wasn’t my goal here.”
“I don’t know. You just did me a huge favour getting rid of that gremlin. I think I owe you.”
Steve caught your cheeky smile and stood up a bit straighter. “Well, in that case, the Yankees are playing the Sox tomorrow night. Tony never uses his tickets and the seats aren’t half bad. What do you say?”
“You’re cashing in this favour to take me on a date? Usually people ask for help moving or a ride to the airport or something.” You let out a dramatic sigh. “Sure. I guess you can take me to the game, Steve. If you ask politely, I’ll probably even hold your hand.”
After work the next day, Steve met you outside and you took the subway together to the stadium. You knew this wasn’t the end of it for you or anyone else worried about their personal boundaries being crossed. But, as you gripped the subway pole and your fingers grazed against Steve’s, you could finally breathe again. For the first time in a while, you weren’t anticipating next steps.
It was just you and the kind stranger from the coffee shop.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 20
Bakugo x Reader
Words : 4082
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
Your phone was blowing up. Notification after notification until finally you heard your boyfriend groan, “Check your phone already dumbass.”
You took a deep breath and cracked your eyes open. Your head was on Bakugo’s chest and you weren’t really in the mood to move. Your phone had other ideas though as it continued to buzz on the nightstand. You reluctantly pulled away from your boyfriend and rolled over to grab your phone. Bakugo was quick to throw his arm back around you and hug you from behind, peppering kisses on your shoulders.
You grabbed your phone and was alarmed to see that you had dozens of notifications amongst several apps. Your Facebook, your Twitter, your Instagram, hell even your long-forgotten Tumblr page had alerts. Nothing however compared to your overflowing text messages.
The first one you opened was from a friend back home that you hadn’t even spoken too since moving to Japan. No words, no context. Just a link to a news article. You clicked it and felt your blood turn cold. In front of you was a picture of you covered in blood, alpha teeth bared, claws out, looking absolutely feral.
Bakugo felt you tense up and put his chin on you shoulder pulling you closer to him, “What’s up? Who’s been bugging you all morning?”
You immediately hid your phone from his view. “He did it…. Dabi, he- he leaked my secrets all over the internet.” You knew there was no point in hiding it. He would be able to look it up. You were sure people were probably sending him the same links, he just values his sleep more than people and his phone was on do not disturb. You handed him your phone and got up to go to the bathroom.
At first, he grabbed your wrist, but quickly realized you needed space, so he let you go.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as your skin began to heat up. Sure, you graduated from UA but there was no way you’d be a hero now. What about Katsuki? Would you hurt his reputation by dating him? Would you ruin his plans of being the number one hero? Could you stay here? In this house full of heroes?
Your instincts were screaming for you to run. To get the hell out of here. But you couldn’t. You refused to leave your pack again, and that included Katsuki. Even if you had to go into hiding, you would never cut yourself off from him again.
You splashed some cold water in your face and counted in your head until your breathing became regular again. It had taken you all the way to thirty-five.
You walked back out into the room to find Bakugo sitting up with his head in his hands. Your phone was on the floor in front of him. You had needed your space, now you were going to give him his. He needed to be able to process this without you clinging to him.
You picked up your phone and saw that he hadn’t even made it through the whole article. He stopped when he got to a still shot from a video of you tearing a man’s arm off. You cringed and exited the article before you could see more. You didn’t need to read it, you were there, you know how it went. You were sure they spun it in some awful way to make it even worse, but at the end of the day you had done terrible things. So, they were allowed to say whatever they wanted.
You pulled open a new tab and started to look at flights back home. America was a little more lenient with vigilante behavior and while they still hold their heroes to the ridiculously high standard of not killing villains… they also tended to look the other way when it happened. It was a broken system that you had wanted nothing to do with, but now it might your only option.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt two arms circle your middle and pull you down until you sitting in Bakugo’s lap. “I already knew about some of this stuff… Mercy told me… but having to see it… Shit y/n…”
You were glad he couldn’t see your face because you were in absolute agony. You had disappointed him. The only person to ever give a fuck about you. And it hurt.
He could feel your anguish and pulled you tighter. “Hey, I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Your past is your past. You can’t run from it forever. You have to face it head on and I’ll be right there to help you do it.”
Your hand found his and intertwined your fingers. “You’re not disgusted with me?”
“What? No, of course not. I’m disgusted with the people who did this to you. Who hurt you and pushed you until you had no other choice but to do what you did. I’m disgusted with your parents for not taking better care of you. I’m disgusted with the fact that the system was so broken that it took a seventeen-year-old girl putting herself in danger over and over again to fix it. I’m disgusted that there was no one there to help you.” You could feel so much stress begin to seep out of you as you slowly let yourself melt into him. “You don’t have to do it alone anymore. I know you have Mercy, but now you also have me.”
Your tender moment was interrupted by a banging on your door “Y/N ARE YOU OKAY! YOUR EMOTIONS ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE! LET ME IN!”
You untangled yourself from Bakugo and walked over to open the door. You were surprised to find that Mercy wasn’t alone. Kirishima was there too with a sad look on his face. “So uh… I’m assuming you know… I’ve been sitting out here for an hour trying to decide if I should wake you guys up.” He rubbed his neck, “I know it’s such a stupid question, but… are you okay?”
You could see the hurt in his eyes and while you didn’t want to see him sad, it was comforting to know that he still cared about you after learning about you. You reached for him and gave him a hug, “I’m obviously not okay right now, but it means the world that you care. Thank you.”
He gave you a quick squeeze. “So, should I go check on him? Or does he need a minute?”
You nodded towards Bakugo, “I think he’d appreciate the company. Let him know I’m taking Mercy for a walk, yeah?”
“You know he’s not going to like you leaving the house without him.”
You shrugged, “I’m not going far. He’ll be able to feel me through the bond if he gets nervous.”
You looked to Mercy, “Alright let’s go. I have a feeling I have a lecture coming.”
“Damn straight you do.”
The two of you left the house and walked in silence for a few minutes before Mercy stopped, “I’m very mad at you.”
You sighed. You knew this was coming. As much as you had wanted to immediately find Mercy when you came back, you were also trying to avoid this. You had failed him as an Alpha and now you had to face him. “I know. I fucked up. But I knew I had to do this alone. I had originally intended to only meet up with them. Kick some ass and come home… It obviously got a little out of control.”
He huffed in annoyance, “Obviously… But I understand why you cut off Bakugo’s bond. But why mine? If you could have just told me what you were doing, I could have helped you.”
You took a seat on a low wall and patted the top of Mercy’s head. “Because as much as I know you say you would listen to me, I know Bakugo would convince you to help him find me. He’s persuasive like that.”
Mercy growled, not liking your answer. “Okay fine… but just so you know. We know you lied. It doesn’t matter how well you think you hid it. We know. There are no lies between pack members. He’s letting you get away with it, but I’m not.”
You had a feeling he knew, but the idiot was way better at keeping secrets than you were. “Will it make you feel better if I tell you?” Mercy nodded enthusiastically. “Okay, but you can’t tell Bakugo. He’ll freak out.”
So, you told Mercy everything. Every single detail. He was fascinated at the progress you had made in the last few days. “You know Bakugo’s going to get suspicious when you can all of the sudden sustain alpha mode without shifting. Or when you can basically go feral without having to push past your limit.”
“Yeah well… we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I think more importantly we need to worry about Dabi. He’s obviously pissed I left. Shigaraki was supposed to be coming back in the next few days. He’s gonna be pissed I left. Then both of them are probably going to try and kill me.”
“Glad to know you know me so well y/n… although I’d probably wait until after you killed shit-araki before killing you.” Mercy immediately stepped between you and Dabi and bared his teeth. “You going to call Cujo off or do you want me to cremate him in front of you.”
You could feel rage coursing through you. “You fucking ASSHOLE! I did everything you said. I didn’t tell anyone about your plans and you still fucked me over! You ruined my life! WHY?!”
You swear you say something similar to regret pass over his face before he quickly schooled his expression. “You still have a job to do. Didn’t you get my text last night?”
You narrowed your eyes, “Sorry I was too busy sleeping off the torture you put me through.” You held your phone screen up so he could see, “Also, I don’t know if you noticed but there’s currently all kinds of news circulating about me right now, so, I kinda have a lot of texts to go through.”
Dabi used his finger to scroll down to his message and clicked it. “Well read it now.”
Your eyes widened, “You don’t mean… He’s back now?”
“Not only is he back, but he’s here… at your house... waiting for you.”
In seconds you had shifted and were sprinting back towards the house. You hadn’t gone far, it would only take you a few seconds to get back in wolf form.
You had to be smart about this. You couldn’t go in full force. You had to believe that Kiri and Katsuki were still alive. They were tough. If Shigaraki was as smart as everyone says he is, he’d know to keep them alive as a bargaining chip.
You skidded to a stop outside of the house. “NO! Get out of here! We can handle it. RUN!” He had to have known that wasn’t going to happen. You knew he’d be pissed but you forced your mind into his and looked through his eyes.
Kirishima was passed out on the ground, tied up but otherwise unharmed. Shigaraki was sitting in a chair next to him with his hand wrapped around Katsuki’s wrist, all but the pinky. You focused really hard so you could hear. “Tell her to come back to the house, or you can say goodbye to your hands. I’m sure you heard what I did to Overhaul.” You felt Mercy’s presence as he made his way towards the back door, waiting for the signal. You two had played this game dozens of times. Let the villain think they had you, just for Mercy to take them out.
Katsuki spit blood on to the floor. “You could take my whole arm and it wouldn’t make me do shit.”
Shigaraki cackled, “Well if you insist.”
Your eyes glowed as you kicked the door open. “You want me? Here I am. Now let him go. NOW!”
You put as much Alpha authority in your voice to make him drop Katsuki’s hand. His eyebrows shot up before he showed you his disgusting smile. “Wow that quirk really is something.” He ran a hand through Bakugo’s hair and you could see a few hairs disintegrate under his touch. You growled and your eyes glowed even brighter. “It seems you aren’t going to come quietly…” He gestured to someone behind you. “Try and keep our friend company here, while y/n and I have a little… chat.”
“Sure thing boss.” Dabi bumped your shoulder as he passed you. Making his way over to take his place behind Bakugo.
“Y/n! Stop being so stupid. Just go. I’ll be fine. PLEASE!” You could hear the desperation in his voice even through the bond, but you couldn’t react.
“Mercy is out back. As soon as I leave with Shigaraki, meet up with him and have him fill you in on what’s going on. Don’t fight me on this, I know what ‘m doing.” Dabi smirked at you, knowing you were plotting inside the bond. “Dabi, if you so much as touch him. I will kick your ass… again… and this time I won’t stop until you’re dead.”
Shigaraki squealed in delight, “Oh I love her already. Come on let’s go somewhere a little more private for… negotiations hm?”
You silently followed him through the kitchen and into the biggest garage you had ever seen. It had obviously been modified to fit all of the guys cars as well as a bunch of hero tech and equipment. The floor looked like it had some kind of mat over half of it, that would allow the heroes to spar. Man, Endeavour thought of everything. It was thankfully empty at the moment. You were going to need all the space you could get.
“Look I’m going to get straight to the point. I’m sure there’s a top of the line security system here and I know it won’t be long before the other two hero’s along with Endeavor show up and I’m not in the mood for that headache. So, you have two options and only two minutes to make your choice.” He started to pace in front of you, “Option A. Join us and we’ll put a strict do not touch order on your precious little boyfriend. You can live your life with us knowing no villain would be stupid enough to hurt him. Option B. You decide to fight me right now and we kill everyone you have ever known. But, of course we’ll leave him for last. We’ll burn and melt him little piece by little piece right in front of you. It’ll be the slowest, most agonizing death that could truly ever exist.”
He pushed a button on his watch. “Well there are your options, your time starts now.”
You heard a loud bang in the other room. A part of you was screaming for option A. To just let them take you and protect Katsuki. Did you have enough confidence that you could win this fight. Could you risk it.
“Mercy where’s Bakugo?”
“He’s fighting with Dabi right now. I told him everything, but now he’s mad at Dabi for hurting you. He won’t calm down. I’m trying to break it up. Dabi’s trying to convince him you can do it alone. He’s trying really hard to get to you right now. I don’t know if we can hold him much longer without hurting him. Please hurry.”
Shigaraki’s watch dinged, “Ok, time’s up, what’s it going to be?”
His eyes barely had time to come up from his watch before you were tackling him in wolf form. Digging your teeth into his shoulder, claws ripping at his side.
He screamed out and placed both hands on your shoulders. You immediately smelled the melting fur and skin. You pushed through it for a few more moments before letting go and jumping back. You needed to shift back to human. You needed to heal faster.
You shifted but your eyes continued to glow. Your skin started to stitch itself back together, but you were alarmed to see it was much slower than with Dabi’s quirk.
You lunged at him with your claws out and raked them across his face. And that’s how you started what felt like the longest fight of your life. A constant dance of you lunging in and him trying to grab you. He was better at hand to hand combat then you were lead to believe.
At one point you dove to the ground to avoid him. He lurked over you and you grabbed a metal pipe and swung at him. He grabbed it easily and melted one end before yanking it from your grip. He pulled it straight in the air before bringing it down hard. You moved you head out of the way at last second and the pipe lodged itself into the soft sparing mat on the floor. You rolled out of the way and jumped back to your feet.
You were ready to lunge again when you heard the door to the garage slam open.
You turned towards the noise, “KATSUKI NO!”
That’s all it took. That small distraction left a window for Shigaraki to get his hands on you.
Bakugo sprinted towards you but stopped short when he saw was happening, “That’s right. Come any closer and she’s as good as dead.” Both his arms were wrapped around you. One hand on your shoulder the other on your hip. If he hadn’t been trying to kill you it would look like a lover’s embrace.
You took in a deep breath and pushed your quirk as hard as you could. You’re healing was desperately trying to keep up with him. But it seemed that even with all of the extra training it still wasn’t a match. If you kept up like this he would eventually win.
Bakugo reached a hand out, desperate to help. To do something.
“No Katsuki. Do nothing.” You watched as he fell to his knees helpless to your alpha commands. You know you promised you would never do that to him. But you knew the consequences of you losing this fight. You couldn’t let Shigaraki get his hands on him.
He was right in front of you, the only thing between you was the pipe that was still in the ground. The melted side looked pretty sharp. You knew what you had to do.
Shigaraki continued to try and disintegrate you while you continued to try and heal yourself. It was painful and disorienting and you could feel yourself slipping under. You had to do it now. “Don’t watch Katsuki.” Katsuki lowered his head to floor in front of you. “I love you.”
“Y/N NO!!!!! PLEASE!”
You took a step towards the pipe. Shigaraki thinking you were trying to get away pulled you closer to him. Good.
You threw yourself onto the pipe. Taking him with you.
You had thought it would hurt, but if anything… you were numb. You felt Shigaraki’s arms go limp. At least you could die knowing you took the bastard with you.
******* Bakugo’s POV******
He couldn’t move. Your command wouldn’t allow it. His eyes glued to the floor. He heard the most disgusting sound of something cutting through flesh and his heart sank. He watched as blood started to pool around the metal pipe. But he still couldn’t move. And only when he realized that it wasn’t your command holding him anymore, it was his own fear did he really understand. You were gone. Your bond was gone.
This was what Mercy meant. Before it was like a closed door when you cut him off, but now it’s just… gone. Like a vacuum, had come and sucked out part of him. “No, no, no, no, NO!” His fist pounded the ground over and over again until they were bloody. Tears were streaming down his face.
He had only had you back for a few hours. You had made plans. You were supposed to live here with him. You were going to work together. He already had a ring picked out. You were supposed to be it for him. How did he let this happen? He trained his whole life to be a hero, and he couldn’t even save you.
He could feel the utter terror coming from Mercy right before it disappeared altogether. Without you there was no bond for him and Mercy. A loud howl ripped from the other room as Mercy began to frantically paw at the closed door to the garage. He was being consumed by a cold emptiness. The blood was almost touching him now, but he remained frozen to the spot. Moving would mean he’d have to see you, and there was nothing in the world that could prepare him for that.
The world was now rid of Shigaraki, but at what cost? He knew it was incredibly selfish, but he’d take Shigaraki wreaking havoc on Japan every day for the rest of his life, if he could just be able to hold you one more time. If he could tell you he loved you one more time.
A broken sob left his lips as he realized those were your last words before you died, ‘I love you’ and he hadn’t even said it back.
His head still hung with tears dripping from his nose when a hand came out to cup his cheek.
His eyes snapped up to see it was yours. When his eyes met yours, it was like he was hit with a truck as the bond suddenly reopened. “Shit, shit, y/n. God please don’t die. Stay with me.”
You gripped his hand, “Please… help me… off this fucking pipe.”
He scrambled to stand up. Pulling Shigaraki off first who he threw like a limp doll off to the side. He then gently eased you off, wincing at the awful sounds you made while he did. Your eyes continued to glow as he eased you into his lap. He looked at the hole in your stomach and sighed in relief when he saw it was slowly shrinking.
He nudged your forehead with his nose, “Hey don’t you dare fall asleep until I see that fucking hole close up.” He rocked you back and forth just kissing your face and running his hand through your hair.
At some point Dabi came in looking busted after a few rounds with Bakugo. Without saying anything he walked over to his former boss and burnt him to ashes before doing the same thing to the pipe.
He swept up he evidence and dumped it into a trash bag. “Get her cleaned up before the idiots show up. I’ll tell the league Shigaraki never showed. You tell the heroes that you fought him off and he got away with critical injuries.” He threw the bag over his shoulder as if he was Santa Clause and not a homicidal maniac.
“I will never forgive you for this. For kidnapping her. For torturing her. For dragging her into this. And especially not for putting her business out these for everyone to know. For hurting her future.” Bakugo held you tighter as if to confirm you were still there, “I don’t care what side you’re on. The next time I see you… your dead.”
Dabi hovered by the door, “Don’t worry, I’ve already been dead a long time. I won’t bother her anymore. You don’t have to worry about me…” He took a step closer to the door but looked back one more time. “I know you don’t owe me shit… but when she wakes up… can you tell her I’m sorry.”
Before Bakugo could answer the sound of the front door sounded as it slammed open followed by the voices of Todoroki, Deku, Endeavor, and Hawks. When Bakugo looked back Dabi was gone.
Mercy lead the heroes to the garage. There Bakugo told them a modified version of the truth. The entire time Hawks’ sad knowing eyes never left your limp and bloody body.
Tags : @tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2, @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha , @weebnumber3622 , @mixedfeeelings , @munchmunch01 , @inumorph@xxoperatexx @runrabbitrun3 @insane-without-delirium @yolei94 @let-love-bleeds-red
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Hoodie Thief
Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima x reader
Warnings: Fem reader, super fluffy and one of my favorites!
A/N: Is it clear to you guys now that I have a certain liking for this boy? I take no criticism. This is the oneshot that was too long for the hoodie headcanons I put out a few days ago, so here it is. I absolutely loved writing this and hope you love reading it!
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You drained the last of your tea as you sat on the common room couch, a textbook abandoned at your side while you took a 'break' from studying to scroll aimlessly through your phone. You were nearly alone in the room, the only other student out at this time being Tokoyami. The two of you hadn't really spoken, the only acknowledgment of each other's presence being a subtle nod when you'd come in.
You were currently thumbing through Tumblr, half-heartedly hopping around on blogs looking for new writers to read from. Casually scanning through fics, you couldn't find anything that particularly caught your interest.
The lights of the common room had been dimmed for the night, stars just barely visible from the floor-to-ceiling windows set in the walls. You liked the sleepy feeling that pressed against the back of your eyes, your thoughts having slowed to a hazy stream after a long day of being active and awake. The darkness of the room wrapped around you like a blanket, comfortably enveloping you. You were truly a creature of the latest hours. The rest of your class was probably more or less asleep, but you had other plans, deciding to wait up for your boyfriend to return. It wasn't that late yet, maybe a little past eleven, but you were prepared to stay seated for another few hours.
Contrary to your resolve, a familiar set of footsteps made their way into the common room, and you glanced up to see your red-haired boyfriend. You broke into a grin. "Hey, Eiji. Back from your work study already?"
He caught sight of you on the couch and smiled back. "Yeah. Fatgum let us go early. There was some villain paperwork he had to do on a robbery we helped stop today and—wait a second. Is that my hoodie?"
You glanced down at the red fabric you were swaddled in. "Uhh . . . maybe?"
Tokoyami had looked up, silently observing your exchange from across the room with newfound interest.
"Dude," Kirishima said. "I've been looking everywhere for that for the last month."
"You said you hadn't seen it!"
You shrugged helplessly, flopping back against the couch in dismissal. Your fingers went back to their work on your phone—however, this time you were carrying out your premeditated plan in the case of you ever getting caught like this.
Kirishima smirked and put a hand on his hip, shifting his weight slightly as he held out his hand. "Give it back."
"Because it's mine."
Your eyes flicked back up to meet his. "Oh, ho ho, I don't think so."
Eijirou frowned. "What do you mean?"
"You see," you said, standing up. "In this relationship, there is no longer a 'mine' or 'yours'." A devilish smirk appeared on your face, pausing for a bit of effect. "There is now only 'ours'."
With that, you pressed play on your phone. The USSR anthem started blasting from your speaker as you dashed off, vaulting over the couch with Kirishima hot in pursuit.
(In case you’re interested)
You were a near-even match; your own speed aided by your months of training combined with Eijirou's leftover tiredness from the day kept the two of you sprinting around the empty first floor, trying to keep your giggles quiet for the benefit of those attempting to sleep upstairs and in the dorms around you.
Your song ended and you glanced down to start it again. In your moment of distraction, Eijirou took a final, valiant leap of faith and tackled you to the ground, pinning you to the floor under you.
"Noooo!" you cried out, the hand that was holding your phone dramatically going limp.
Eijirou shifted his weight so he could roll you over, giggles still bubbling up from your throat. "Now, about taking back what's mine—" His hands started to dip under your hoodie, purposely wriggling his fingers against your sides to make you squirm and giggle more. His hands hit bare skin, and he paused, confused, digits feeling around for some kind of undershirt or tank top.
A diabolical light stole your eyes once again, smirking at his discovery that you were just wearing the hoodie. 
"Forcibly removing clothing from a lady?" you said in mock horror, smile still playing on your lips. "And out in public too? That's not very manly."
His mouth fell open at your accusation, wholly defeated by what you had said and done.
"Whatcha gonna do?" you continued to tease. "Can't take it away from me now~"
Eijirou hauled you onto his shoulder, getting up off the ground. "Sure about that, babe? You're coming with me."
He lugged you over to the elevator, still laughing as your legs flailed and your fists playfully pounded against his strong back. Kirishima grinned and waved at Tokoyami, who had been captively watching the whole affair from his vantage point on the couch. Eijirou pressed the button for the fourth floor, the doors closing you in together. He carried you straight to his room, kicking the door shut with his foot before finally tossing you onto his bed.
"Now, about me getting that hoodie back . . . ."
You stuck out your tongue, sitting up and crossing your legs over each other. "Come and get it," you taunted.
Kirishima surged forward, wrapping his arms securely around your waist as he brought you in for a kiss. You happily pushed back into him, folding your own arms around his neck. He rubbed your sides through the cloth of the hoodie, eventually slipping his hands underneath again to brush over your skin. You sighed into the kiss, letting his tongue dart into your mouth to meet with your own. He started to slowly lift the hem of the sweatshirt, the bottom of your sports bra peeking out to meet the cool air of his room. Finally, you groaned in defeat, slipping your arms from the sleeves and letting him pull away to slide it over your head.
He danced off a few steps backwards as you pouted on the edge of his bed, having difficulty in squishing down your smile. Kirishima triumphantly held up the article of clothing, sliding it onto his own body for safekeeping.
"Okay, okay, fine. You can have it back," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. "It was starting to not smell like you anymore, so I was considering returning it anyway."
"Well, little miss tsundere," Kirishima said, folding his own arms in mockery at your position. "You had it so long . . . ."
An idea struck him as his voice trailed off. He buried his nose into the collar, inhaling deeply. He could smell . . . you. It was wonderful. The perfect combination of your deodorant, perfume, sweat, and even some hints of your shampoo and conditioner. Eijirou closed his eyes for a second, relishing in the traces of yourself you had left behind.
"Uh, Earth to Kirishima," you said from the bed, awkwardly watching your boyfriend sniff his own hoodie.
He peeked out at you, wondering exactly what traces of him you had been able to smell the first day you had come into his room and stolen his hoodie.
"You are going to wash that, right?" you asked him, staring dubiously at his far too-pleased expression.
"Not until it stops smelling like you~" He sang the last part of his sentence, letting his sharp teeth flash over the collar of the hoodie in his smirk.
"Eww, I got that out of your hamper and wore it for a month." You wrinkled your nose.
"Too bad."
You rolled your eyes. "I'd offer you one of my hoodies, but I don't think you'd fit."
Kirishima shrugged, finally taking his face out of the front of the sweatshirt.
"Now how am I going to get back to my room?" You gestured down at yourself. You were glad at the rest of your choice of clothing for the day; a sports bra and high-waisted yoga pants. It was okay with you to wear that around your boyfriend, but being seen by one of your classmates in the hallway might be a little too much.
Kirishima sighed and went to his closet, pulling out one of his t-shirts. "Will this do it for you, Princess?"
You happily took it, slipping into the red material. To your delight, this one smelled like him just as much, but you opted to be more subtle than your boyfriend; deciding to wait until you got to the privacy of your room before taking a deep inhale of the clothing article. "Thanks, Eiji."
"No problem."
"How long do I get to keep it?"
He thought for a moment. "Can you please just give it back to me when I ask?"
"Will I get another one?"
Kirishima rolled his eyes. "You drive a hard bargain. You're lucky you look so dang cute in my clothes."
You giggled, finally taking your turn to pull the collar of his shirt over your nose, eyes twinkling over the fabric.
Eijirou stared at you, the intense feeling of how much he loved you suddenly crashing down on his chest. He walked back to his bed, wrapping his arms around you and laying the both of you down. "I have decided that we're going to cuddle now," he bluntly stated, nuzzling into your shoulder.
"Ooh, do I get a choice in this?"
"Oh, I'm sorry," Kirishima said, suddenly letting go of you and rolling over so his back was to you. "I forgot how much you hate cuddles. I'll just be over here—"
"NOOO!" You tackled him, peppering kisses all over his neck, fighting to find patches of exposed skin among the abundance of the fabric of his hoodie.
He laughed, giving in to your tugging hands and rolling onto his back. You happily kissed his cheeks and nuzzled his nose, hugging him from above.
"I was just kidding," he said. "You get all the cuddles you could ever want! I'd say you get all the cuddles you deserve, but then we'd be here forever, and I don't think that would be very productive. It would be nice though."
You snuggled into his chest, happy he was there, happy you could hold him and wrap your arms around him. "Yeah . . . ," you said. "I love you. Thanks for being my boulder."
"Thanks for being my pebble."
It should be illegal how soft Kiri was in that hoodie. The two of you spent the next hour just holding each other in bed, conversing and getting comfortable with each other. Kirishima was right. You'd gladly spend forever in his arms. You both began to drift off, sleep finally overtaking your heavy eyelids.
---------------------- ≪ °✾° ≫ ----------------------
A/N: I snatched some inspo for this from Yagami Yato’s ‘Manly Kisses’ video on YouTube, so if you’re interested, go check it out! This oneshot was so much fun to write, I couldn't handle it! I literally had to take a ton of breaks to just sit back in my desk chair and squee. 
Make sure you're staying hydrated and active, kiddos! It's important!
Love you,
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @xoxopam4​
304 notes · View notes
One Day At A Time - Jensen x Reader
A/N: Part Three! If you’d like to be tagged, please sent an ask or message. As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
Tumblr media
Warnings: Widower!Jensen. Grieving process. Age Gap. Character pregnancy. Unrequited feelings. Online personality problems. Guilt. I believe that is all.
Word Count: Roughly 2,700
“Hi, there,” The woman giggled into the mic as Jensen played up the flirty eyebrow bounce and cheesy smile that would be cast over Tumblr within twenty four hours.
He was finished after that final panel, for the trip. Nothing sounded better than a hot shower and catching some sleep. His mind was still reeling from the news he'd been given that morning, but he couldn't focus on that. So, he buried himself behind that charming persona he'd created.
“Dude, leave her alone...she wants me,” Jared smoothed his thick, long, chestnut locks in a way that caused thirsty cries from all around. He cackled as his friend mock frowned his way; unimpressed at the turn of attention. Earning the familiar high pitched laugh from the crowd in front of them.
It was easy to play into their hands. To take the nerves that came with being shy and put it towards acting like a dork with his best friend. He appreciated the disguise more than he'd ever say. Letting it mask the worry and fear he could feel churning inside of him when it was too quiet for long.
“Actually, my question is for Jensen-”
“Ha!” The mentioned man in question leaned forward at the barked utterance, pretending to gloat. Smugly bouncing his brows at Padalecki.
With a deep, regretful sigh, the taller of the two settled back in his chair; wrapping his arms around the back of it as he sat in reverse, “Okay, I guess.” The over dramatically stated words were coupled with a theatrical sulk that drew forth more giggles.
“I was wondering if Y/N and the kids are enjoying the trip to San Diego,” It was no secret that his family had been flocked around him. Until now, that is. The way he paused at that had every eye present turning towards him.
“Uh, actually...” He forced his lips to stay upright. “They're back home, right now.” Concerned 'awes' filled the air. “No, no. It's okay. They're living it up.” Jared turned his gaze back to the man he'd been brothers with for almost two decades. Not buying into the idea that he was really alright with it. “Last time I checked, they were having some kinda dance party. Again.” The way he clenched his teeth relaxed the fans a bit. An over emphasized grimace always seemed to break the mood. “It was wild. There was pink everywhere and a herd of little girls shouting to music.”
“Odette was leading the charge on the one I got,” The taller man joined in, having received his own recording. “Kicked Zeppelin over to my place for an old fashioned dinosaur night with the boys.” More awes filled the air.
“Y/N sent you something? I thought you two still weren't talking after you tried to drown her?” His brow crooked, finding something he could latch onto. Knowing that his friend had delivered that ammo on purpose. He really did love the moose.
“I can explain!” Jared held up his hand towards the 'ooohs,' and then stopped. “No... no, I can't.” His head dipped in false shame, earning another set of rambunctious chuckles.
“I can.” Jensen easily took over. Turning to better face the crowd now that he'd successfully maneuvered around the original question. “This guy tortures my nanny. She's like the female version of Misha to Jared. It's endless.” The mentioned man's lips screwed up as he nodded proudly, accepting the label that was thrown onto you. “So, we were at a cookout over at his place. I'm flipping burgers and relaxing with a beer. You know...like a normal person.” His words only made his friend shrug. Zero shame in sight. “Next thing I know? She's screeching as he full on tosses her into the pool.”
“She called me old!” The roar that followed was deafening. “See? They get it!” He beamed at the response only serving to make Jensen over-exaggerate the roll of his green eyes. “And, it worked. What did she say after?”
“You're a child.” The admission was straightforward.
“Meaning that I'm young, and that she was wrong.” A round of applause made him get to his feet, and bow as the widower shook his head in mock shame. Cracking his own grin.
The mic was lifted back to Jensen's lips, “Dude...you started a war because she told the truth?” He knew what had been said, but the crowd was eating it up. Keeping him safe for a little while longer.
“That hurts...” A pat to the heart was thrown in. “That hurts me right there.”
“The kids all joined in. It was chaos.” Ackles explained the previous comment to the women, with a few men scattered here and there. “My kids and Y/N versus his herd and him. We needed an ark to get to the tables. They soaked everything.” His hand panned across the people in front of him, emphasizing how far the damage had spread. “Everything. Gen thought they were going to kill each other.” Jared cackled. Remembering the look on his wife's face. “Y'all know how we had to stop pranking each other, right? 'Cause it was so deadly? That's what they should be doing. Instead, she's become this...epic battle partner. I'm thinking they'll start the next apocalypse before this is over.” A proud nod confirmed it. Jared wouldn't give in until the world ended. Or, he had to go back to work. Whichever happened first.
“Do you prank Y/N?” Someone shouted, catching his attention.
“Do I... Do I prank her? Are you kidding? Do I look stupid?” More laughs filled the air as he shuddered something fierce. “Misha? Absolutely. He doesn't fight back.” His fingers tacked off each point. “He doesn't live in my house. Doesn't hang out with my kids. I like not having to worry about her sicking my spawn on me in retaliation. They'd do it in a heart beat, too.” And most importantly, it kept the professional barriers somewhat in place. “Yeah, no, Y/N and I don't....we're not...” Weren't anything other than co-parents, employer and employee, and almost friends in an odd sort of way. How's that for complicated?
“As fun as I am,” Jared finished, saving him, again. Hoping that the fans wouldn't take that last statement as he had started to. He covered his own look of interest before diving back into the panel. “Now, that we went way off topic....who's next?”
“How did the 'mom' thing even start?” You asked in confusion, scrolling through your Instagram notifications. Your feet thrown over the back of the couch as you sprawled. Making yourself quite at home in the Ackles house. The selfie you'd posted while cleaning the damage the girls had caused was packed.
Not that you weren't used to it by that stage. The moment Danneel had tagged you in a post, it had been over. You'd been stalked and fawned over by some. When she passed? You'd been flocked for updates about the Ackles family.
It had taken a year for you to gather the courage to begin posting again. Once you did? The fandom clung to you for offering small pieces of what life was like inside the Ackles' household. Needing to have that sense of closeness to the supernatural family, still, even with a member gone.
The simple image of you with Oscar resting his head on your lap as you sorted the makeup away had garnered the usual 'queen', 'mom', and 'I love yous' mixed with the occasional trash talker. Once Jensen had commented saying he wanted his dog back when he got home? It had grown worse. When you told him that he'd have to fight you for the golden doodle? The post had blown up. The fans demanding to know if you and him had something going on.
Apparently his panel had only cemented the idea, somehow. You hadn't watched it. Leaving you to only wonder what he'd said to garner that response. Sure it had simply been taken out of context.
You scrolled on, determined to find some answers. A few flicks of your fingers and fate intervened. The phone slipped to your face. Making you wince all the while. As if life had directly told you that social media was bad for your health.
With a sigh, you tossed your phone to the couch. Trying to not let the extreme Danneel and Jensen fans get under your skin. Too many 'you'll never be her' comments filled your mind. More than enough 'stop trying to take her place' had you questioning where you stood. You were doing everything you could to get what was needed done while not dancing on your deceased friend's toes.
Did the world really not understand? Were you really any better off than they suggested? The small crush said you weren't.
“No idea,” Genevieve stated seriously, walking towards the grey couch you were occupying with a pile of healthy snacks loaded up. Pulling you from the internal struggle. She'd been extra conscious of what she was putting into her body since she'd discovered the newest pregnancy. “I just kinda...roll with it.”
She and the kiddos were bunking with you. Tag teaming was so much simpler when the baby exhaustion hit. And it gave the both of you some grownup time together when the men were away.
“It's so strange,” You picked up one of the grapes with your fingers before plopping it in your mouth. Giving up on trying to understand the fact that you'd become an icon of sorts- and the ramifications- for simply nannying some, albeit great, kids.
At your friend's next words, you choked, “So...what's the deal with you and Jensen?”
“It's the same as its always been,” Came the broken words as you got back a hold of yourself. Brushing it off. “Why?”
“Just curious,” That wasn't it. The cool, actress's poker face she wore said as much. But, you were too sensitive to call her out on it, just then. Luckily, she changed gears. “I can't believe that this is it...The last season is being filmed this year.”
The CW had finally pulled the plug on the Winchesters once it had hit adulthood. The boys had found out in a meeting that morning. They'd known it was coming. Had even agreed to it. And yet? Hearing the finality of it? Was another nail in the coffin.
“Eighteen seasons...It's crazy.” Your hand ran through your hair as you looked at the old episode on screen. Sister Jo stood off against Michael!Dean. The tension in the scene was palpable. It didn't hurt to watch it, anymore. Instead, you focused on the fact that she'd been doing what she loved with the man she'd been head over heels for. “How's Jared holding up?”
“He's zeroed in on the kids. Telling himself that it's going to be good for us in the end.” Her hand rubbed over her still flat stomach. “But, he's definitely feeling it. He's been Sam for so long... Saying goodbye is hard.”
“That it is,” You agreed, frowning at the screen. Wondering how Jensen was taking the day.
He hadn't said a thing to you when he'd checked in. Simply had asked for an update on the household before he crashed. Dean had become his crutch. Without the Winchester in his life, you weren't quite sure what he'd do with himself.
Ackles had a passion for directing and acting. There was no doubt about it. But, Supernatural had become everything when his life had turned upside down. It had given him the consistency he'd needed to get through. And while things had been okay for a time? It would be just another major thing he was losing.
Your socked foot rubbed over the soft fur of Icarus. The cockapoo was up there in age. He'd been diagnosed with congestive heart failure at sixteen years old. The white, fifteen pounds of floof didn't let it deter him, though. A couple of pills a day kept him comfortable and loved for as long as he could be. But, it had gotten under Jensen's skin, too.
It made your stomach churn to think about how fast the negative could pile up on already weakened shoulders. And yet, he wanted you to step back. Having time away from him had cleared your head. Allowed you to see his side of things. Maybe it was time to give him some room to breathe. To let him process everything on his own. After all, you were just the nanny...
“Dad!” Three voices shouted in unison when the door opened. Ditching their place at the table as Jensen stumbled in with a wide smile on his face. Each kid got a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
When they tried to talk over each other, he slowed them down, gently with a, “One at a time.” And, miraculously? It worked. He was informed of everything he'd already had reported to him. Only this time? In child perspective. Which made it dramatic. Completely over the top. Just the way he liked it.
A nod your way was all you received as you slipped past the scene; lifting his bag for him so that no one tripped over it. Including the bumbling dog that was trying to get a kiss in, himself. Oscar had missed his human while he'd been gone.
The dog had been with Danneel's brother during her last pregnancy. She'd been too sick to handle the energetic buffoon while Jensen had been away, filming the show. Gino had fallen in love with the pup. Keeping him...until he thought Jensen needed him more. Returning him back to the Ackles' home solemnly. Oscar had, once again, latched back onto the head of the house with a fierce loyalty that most wouldn't expect from a fluffed up mixed breed. The affection was mutual. Jensen's hand stilled the squirming beast with a simple pet to the top of his curled head as you left the chaos.
Jensen's room was clean. A feat that wouldn't last long once he started unpacking. Bed made up, clothes lined nice and neat, with just a hint of his cologne still lingering in the air from before he'd left. You dropped the duffle on the mattress and turned away. Only to catch sight of the image beside his pillow. It held the dogs, his wife, and the kids all surrounding him. Everything he loved in one picture. His family.
Slowly, you slid the door shut and returned back to the reunion, “Dinner's ready if you're hungry.” You smiled softly at the way he ensured each kid knew that they were loved before climbing back up to his feet. Lumbering after you to get the food while it was still hot.
“Spaghetti,” The actor rumbled in excitement, sniffing the air as he approached the table. His lips smacked hungrily. He was a sucker for a pasta with a good meat sauce. “The wardrobe ladies are gonna be mad at me, later, but I'm piling it up.” He hadn't exaggerated. The flight had left him hungry. “God, this is good.” Came the Dean-like groan as he chowed down. Forgetting that he didn't have to eat like a man who had lived off of nothing more than pizza and beer.
“Dad!” The tiny, disapproving tone left J.J with ease. “You're not supposed to talk with your mouth full.”
He gulped down the food, and smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, J-bird.”
“It's okay. Just try to remember,” The words were so Danneel that you couldn't help but to smile gently at them. She was going to be trouble as she continued to age. But, you had faith she'd be pretty great in the end. Hell, they all would if the night was any indication.
If he was upset about the show ending, he didn't show it. Even after the kids retired for the night and he helped clean up, he didn't say a word. The only thing you got was a pat on the back and a low “goodnight” that made your skin prickle before you returned your own.
Part Four
ODAAT: @winchester-ofthe-lord​​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @ima-be-a-mongoose​ @briagallen​
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​​ @supernaturalginger​​ @lilulo-12​​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @malfoysqueen14​​​  @michealneedssomemilk
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perspective-series · 5 years
Freezing Perspective (3)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Fear, panic, extreme cold/almost freezing, mentions of dying, negligence, unwanted touching, and feeling helpless
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
The lessons were going well. Logan was enamored with how fast Patton caught on. However, as he found himself yawning a third time, Logan realized that it had gotten later than he thought.
“Perhaps it may be time for bed.” Logan admitted, slowly putting the textbooks away.
 Patton couldn’t help but yawn back. “That sounds good.” Patton said. “Thanks for teaching me!”
“Anytime.” Logan looked down at the borrower so comfortably nestled into the blankets. “I...will be needing my bed back, unfortunately.”
 Patton’s smile dropped. “Oh...Um, right.” Patton bit his lip and carefully slipped out of the blankets in order to stand. Immediately, he started shivering and he wrapped his arms around himself for warmth.
“Careful.” Logan warned, reaching out a hand and then thinking better of it. He looked around the room, wishing he had a spare blanket or something else suitable for Patton to stay bundled up. “I don’t want you to freeze, either.”
 Patton hummed as he continued to shiver. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself back in the blankets. “Where...Where am I sleeping?” Patton asked.
“I was just trying to figure that out myself.” Logan admitted. “I don’t know your comfort level, but I offer we share the bed? There’s plenty of room and it will most likely be warmest, which will be important throughout the night and temperatures drop further.”
 Patton answered by burrowing into the blankets again, letting out a content sigh as the warmth started to rush back. “...I’m okay with that.” He said after a moment.
“Alright.” Logan gave an amused chuckle. He disappeared into the other room, returning in a pair of pajama bottoms and a NASA hoodie. Logan walked around to the side of the bed without a borrower, cautiously moving the blankets so that he didn’t upset Patton much.
 Patton scooted back a little as Logan got into bed, giving the human as much space as he could without falling off the edge.
Logan settled into bed, looking down at Patton and trying to convince himself this was normal. “Goodnight, Patton.”
 “...Goodnight.” Patton said back after a moment of hesitation. He curled up more into the blankets and tried to get some sleep.
 Patton wasn’t sure what time it was when he woke up but it was still very dark and suddenly the blankets weren’t cutting it for keeping him warm. He shivered and looked around for something else. His eyes landed on Logan’s sleeping figure and he hesitated. But when another breeze came through and seemed to pierce his skin, Patton hightailed it over to the human.
 As he got closer he could feel the heat coming off of Logan in waves. Much warmer than the blanket. He got closer and closer until he was practically pressed up against him. Patton sighed in content but realized staying this close could only get him hurt...unless he climbed up.
 Biting his lip, Patton gripped the fabric of Logan’s hoodie tight and started to climb.
Logan awoke to the soft tugging sensation, wondering tiredly what it could be, before he froze in realization. 
 Patton grinned in victory as he made it up to Logan’s chest. But when he turned and noticed Logan’s eyes on him, he tensed up. “O-Oh, I-I’m sorry, I…”
“Can I help you?” Logan asked softly, watching in bewilderment as Patton was jostled by his voice alone.
 Patton looked down, scared at having been caught. The movement of the chest when Logan talked caught him off guard though, and he had to move to a sitting position in harder to not fall. “...I...I was cold…” He said softly.
Logan chuckled, amused by this notion. “Well, I’m glad to be of service.”
 Patton blinked. “...R-Really?” He had expected the human to be angry with him.
“Of course, Pat.” Logan smiled tiredly down at him, pulling the blankets up to comfortably cover them both.
 Patton grinned, tears welling up in his eyes. This human...Logan really was good. Patton laid down and snuggled against Logan’s chest. Soaking up the warmth. “Thank you Lo…” He said, before drifting back off to sleep a moment later.
 When Patton woke up again, the sun was out and he was actually sort of hot which was really weird. He pushed himself out of the blankets and realized the heater must have turned back on. Patton grinned but then he looked down at Logan and realized he now had a choice to make. He could leave and Logan wouldn’t even know...or he could stay, just a little bit longer.
 He should leave. It was the rules after all but Logan had been so nice so far. And he found he was actually...enjoying spending time with him. 
 But no, he had to go. It...It was the borrower code. With a lot of hesitation, Patton carefully climbed down off of Logan and then down the side of the bed. He paused once more when he made it to his entrance before entering. Leaving the human alone.
It wasn’t much later that Logan woke up. The human almost sat up, before remembering Patton was on his chest...but looking down, the borrower was no longer there.
“Patton?” Logan called out, slowly moving the blankets and checking around the bed before moving. He slowly got out, looking around for the little person. “Patton, where are you?”
Logan looked under the bed, worried that in the night the borrower might have fallen, but Patton wasn’t there either. 
Only after several minutes of searching did Logan realize he was no longer feeling the chill of yesterday. When he listened, Logan could hear the distant hum of the heater that must have come back on in the night. That meant the walls would be livable again. Patton probably left the first chance he got.
Though it brought a sinking feeling to his chest, Logan could rest easy knowing that Patton should be okay. Of course, that didn’t stop him from getting his hopes up when he walked into the kitchen, only to see the counter was indeed empty.
 Virgil woke up the next morning, blinking away the blurriness in his eyes. He groaned as he rolled over in bed, not wanting to get up. Unfortunately, his bladder had other plans and so he reluctantly got up to use the bathroom.
 When he was done he put on a clean hoodie and realized that the heater had come back on. Good, it had been starting to get way too cold last night. He sat down on his bed and started to check his phone.
Roman woke up to the sounds of shifting outside, eyes adjusting to the darkness as he remembered where he was. The only good thing about this was that he was no longer shivering the moment he unraveled himself from the t-shirt. He braced himself for the drawer being opened but...that didn’t happen. Was Virgil really ignoring him again?
 As Virgil scrolled through Tumblr, his stomach growled and he let out a small sigh. Welp, he supposed he should go take care of his basic needs. He shoved his phone in his pocket and headed out of the room to go find something for breakfast.
“Uh...hello?” Roman called out, knocking on the dresser when it became unusually quiet. He tried to shove it open himself, but this proved fruitless.
 Virgil didn’t really feel like cooking so he was glad to see he had some frozen waffles in his freezer. He popped those in the toaster and got out his plate and syrup as he waited for them to be done.
“I’m still in here, you know!” Roman huffed, getting annoyed.
 Virgil grabbed his waffles and drowned them in syrup before sitting down at the table and starting to eat. As he did, he had his phone out but he was mostly focused on the things he had to do today. School, for one. Which he had to get to in about an hour. He wished he was the type of person who could skip classes but he couldn’t handle the anxiety.
“Virgil!” Roman pounded on the wood. “Let me out, you great oaf!”
 Virgil finished up, placing the dirty plate in the sink and then heading into his room to get his stuff together and lay in bed for another 45 minutes before he had to leave.
“VIRGIL!” Roman yelled at the top of his lungs, hearing sounds in the room beyond once again.
 Virgil jumped in surprise and his eyes glanced over towards his nightstand, where the noise had been coming from. “...What?” Was that...Oh! 
 Honestly, Virgil had almost forgotten that Roman was in there. Or that he actually existed. He had chalked it off to a dream at first. He went over to the drawer and opened in, peering down inside. “...Good morning.”
“I cannot believe you.” Roman glared up at the human, crossing his arms. “First you trap me in here, and then you ignore me completely? I’ve been yelling for over an hour!”
 Virgil winced and reached down to grab Roman and lift him up to chest level. “Sorry, I wasn’t ignoring you, I just...forgot you were in there.” Virgil admitted sheepishly.
“I’m fairly certain that’s worse!” Roman’s jaw dropped, looking furious. “You forgot me?”
 “I thought it was a dream, alright!” Virgil scowled. “It’s not like I meant to forget you.” 
“You thought it was a dream and you didn’t bother to check?” Roman scoffed. “What kind of human are you?”
 Virgil glared. “Whatever.” Virgil huffed. He didn’t have to explain himself to Roman. “Are you hungry?”
“Of course I’m hungry, I’ve been stuck in a drawer for half a day.” Roman narrowed his gaze.
 “Look, I’m sorry. I’ll try to find something better for you while I’m out, okay?” He walked into the kitchen and placed Roman down on the dining table, grabbing a bag of cereal and shaking a few pieces in front of Roman. “There you go.”
“You could just let me go home.” Roman pointed out, shoving most of the cereal into his bag and munching on a piece himself.
 “...Nah.” Virgil said with a shrug. “Trust me, things will be a lot better here with me. And then you won’t have to steal and be creepy and stuff.” That was Virgil’s main concern. Well, that and getting Roman healthy. Just looking at the guy told him how thin and vitamin deficiency he was.
“I don’t steal.” Roman insisted. “I just...borrow. And I certainly don’t creep.”
 “Well, what you did last night certainly creeped me out. So…” Virgil trailed off and looked at Roman with a raised eyebrow.
“That was one time.” Roman argued. “And it was unusual circumstances. I’m not in charge of the heat, and I wasn’t creeping on you I was just trying to stay warm!”
 “Well, now you won’t have to worry about all that.” Virgil said, wondering why Roman wasn’t getting that. “Now hurry up, I gotta get going here soon.” He said as he glanced at the clock.
“Well where am I going?” Roman began to grow concerned, wondering if Virgil would forget him in the drawer again.
 Virgil paused, thinking for a moment. He had originally been planning on putting Roman back in the drawer but...maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. But he didn’t really have anywhere else Roman could stay where Virgil knew he couldn’t escape.
 ...He could always bring him with him but that created a whole new set of problems. Still, if Roman was with him the entire time than he knew he wouldn’t be able to escape.
 “I think you’re coming with me.” Virgil decided.
“Coming with you...where?” Roman felt his unease only grow, having a good guess.
 “School.” Virgil said before grabbing Roman and heading back into the bedroom to grab his bag. He looked from that to his own clothes, wondering where he could put Roman where he wouldn’t get squished.
“What? No!” Roman protested. “I can’t go to school, someone will see me!”
 “No they won’t, relax.” As if Virgil would let that happen. Virgil bit his lip at the bag, realizing there was way too much stuff for Roman to be in there. “Well, looks like your going in my pocket then.” At least there he could keep a better eye on him.
“I don’t want to be crammed in your pocket all day!” Roman gave a noise of offense, struggling in Virgil’s grasp.
 Virgil rolled his eyes. “You’ll be fine.” Virgil grabbed his bag and shoved Roman in his hoodie pocket, keeping his hand in there. He had to go now or he would be late.
“Ugh!” Roman stuck out his tongue as a bit of pocket lint stuck to his clothes. “This is disgusting, unbearable!”
 “I’d be quiet unless you want people to hear you.” Virgil said, grabbing his keys and heading outside.
Roman huffed, realizing Virgil had a point. One human was certainly better than more, although none was still preferable. Instead, to illustrate his displeasure Roman gave Virgil’s stomach a jab with his elbow.
 Virgil paused for a moment, feeling the slight tap before realizing what it must have been. Snorting, he nudged Roman with a knuckle as he climbed into his car.
“Hey!” Roman protested, before remembering he had to be quiet. Instead, he sunk lower into the pocket, muttering about how insufferable Virgil was being.
 Virgil snickered but otherwise ignored him as he started the drive to the school. Hopefully Roman wouldn’t cause him any problems.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
*Following the trend and re-taking and responding to my very first survey on here from December 2014...SIX years ago!*
Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you? Sigh. Very much so. <<< Wow, that was when I was all in love Joseph. I’ve long since moved on. 
What did you do yesterday? I’ve been on break for the past week and I can honestly say I haven’t really done anything. It’s been kinda nice. <<< Back when I was in school and doing something with my life and had breaks to look forward to. Now I’ve been on break since 2015 and doing absolutely nothing. Anyway, yesterday I slept in past 3PM, had my coffee, checked social medias, played Animal Crossing, watched a few episodes of The Gilmore Girls, had dinner and chilled with my mom the rest of the night while watching another special on the ID channel (they’re doing a different one every night all this week).
Something you really want right now? Hmm. I don’t really want anything at this exact moment. <<< I’d love for this hot, gross, miserable weather to go away and to just fast forward to autumn.
What were you doing an hour ago? Making this side blog. <<< Awww, can’t believe I’ve had it for six years now. An hour ago I was scrolling through Tumblr and listening to ASMR.
If you could seek revenge on someone would you? Nahh. I’m not revengeful. <<< Yeah, I’ve never been a vengeful person.
Does any part of your body hurt right now? Nope. <<< Yes.
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? Sighhhh. It’s been like two years since I’ve kissed anyone. I feel so deprived of any affection. The situation with me and ~him is complicated. Isn’t it always? <<< Ohhh boy, it most certainly was. Ha, if I felt deprived then imagine six years later.
Can you recall the last time you liked someone? Yep. Right this very second. I more than like him at this point, but like I said. It’s complicated. <<< It was such a mess. I don’t know why I allowed it to go on as long as it did. :/ I should have known nothing was going to change. Since that time with Joseph, I fell in love with Ty and I thought that was actually going to lead to something, but surprise, surprise it did not.
Would you ever get a tattoo? I want to. I’m just a big ol’ baby. <<< Yep, still am. I highly doubt I’ll ever get it done.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? HA. That’s funny. <<< *Spongebob transition thing: Six. Years. Later.* Still single!
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Uhh. Probs my mom yesterday when she called from work. <<< My mom yesterday when she called from the store.
Who was the last person you talked to in person? My brother. <<< Yep.
What plans do you have for tomorrow? Coffee with Amanda. Maybe get some more Christmas shopping done. Hopefully! <<< Omggg, back when I had friends and actually did stuff! ha. And aww, Christmas shopping. Wow, going out and doing things back when we weren’t going through a worldwide pandemic. Presently, I don’t have any plans for tomorrow.  
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish had not? Not recently, but yes a friendship has ended that I wish had not. <<< All my friendships ended a few years ago...
What are you listening to right now? Hey Arnold. <<< An ASMR video.
What happened at 9:00 am today? It hasn’t been 9am yet, but I imagine my ass will be on the couch scrolling through Tumblr and watching tv. Exciting stuff, guys. <<< Ha, you won’t catch my ass up at 9AM anymore. I’ll be sleeping.
Ever given your ALL to someone who walked away? Yes. I put my heart on the line and they walked away. Awesome. <<< Yepppp. Twice.
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Nooo. <<< Just on the cheek.
Do you and your last ex hate each other? Nah. We don’t talk, but there’s no hard feelings. <<< Same.
What are you afraid of? Life. Death. <<< That sums it up quite well. Short and precise. 
When was the last time you were sick? Always. <<< True. I’ve also been getting this gross nauseous feeling that comes and goes that hits at random. As for a virus or something of that sort, I had a cold back in April.
Are you one of those people who are always cold? No. Although, I am right now. <<< Nooo, definitely not. I’m someone who seems to be hot a lot of the time. Like now. I wish I was cold. 
Where are your biological parents? In their room. Sleeping. <<< That’s where they are now, too. I swear they haven’t been there since then. ha.
Do you have any summer plans yet? I wish. It’s still awhile away, though. It could change. <<< There won’t be any summer plans this year.
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? On food. Always. <<< I don’t spend much on food anymore, actually. I’ve gotten better about my online shopping, too. I’ve been better at saving money these days than I used to be.
Last thing that you said out loud? “Goodnight, Jon.” <<< “Goodnight.” I’ve pretty much always done my surveys at night, so.
Do you have trust issues? It’s not really trust issues. I just have a hard time opening up in general. <<< Still have that problem. I keep a lot to myself. I’m not at all open like I am on here.
Do you think this year will be better than the last? This year is just about over, which is crazy. I always hope the next year will be better, but there’s always something. <<< Omg. This survey was done in 2014. The next year I graduated UC and shortly after that is when things started going downhill. :/
What are you doing? This pretty much. My tv is on, but it’s background noise. <<< Same, but I’m also listening to an ASMR video.
Are you a jealous person? Yes, but not like psycho jealous. You probably wouldn’t even know it. <<< Yeah. I haven’t felt jealous in a longgg time, though.
Do you think age matters in relationships? Well, yes. To an extent. <<< Yep.
When was the last time you got a haircut? I think maybe back in July. Or a little before then. I’m trying to grow out my hair now. I’m over short hair. <<< My hair was so short then, but now it’s down to my butt! I just got a couple inches cut off back in February.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed? Tons of people. <<< Yep.
Who is the last person you rode in a car with? Mom & brother. <<< My brother.
What is one thing you’d love to happen tomorrow? I’d like to get more Christmas shopping done. My plans for that are still up in the air. I can’t believe Christmas is already next week like wth??? That went by SO FAST. <<< Uhhh, perhaps get Wingstop for dinner.
Did you sing at all today? Yes. <<< Not so far.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? My mom. <<< Yeah, that hasn’t changed.
Where will you be 2 hours from now? In bed asleep. <<< Right here in bed, probably reading for a bit.
Are there any stressful situations in your life? A few. <<< A lot.
Are your lips chapped at the moment? Nope I’m good thanks for asking. <<< Ugh, yes. I keep licking them because I have fans blowing on me all day.
When you met the person you now love, what happened?: Uh well we met through a mutual. Nothing happened right away. He pursued me first after awhile, but I wasn’t interested initially. Boy did that change. <<< I don’t understand why he did that. He was never interested in really pursuing anything with me, but sure made me think that and I fell for him. He knew how I felt about him and he kept playing me. ANYWAY, I don’t currently love anyone in the romantic sense.
Did you realize anything today?: No, but it’s early. <<< Not so far.
What do you need right now?: Sleep probably. <<< Yeah, I definitely need that.
What’s your favorite food?: Mongolian BBQ. <<< Man, I was obSESSED with Mongolian BBQ for the longest. I miss that. D: I can’t eat spicy food anymore, sadly. Ugh, it was SO good. My favorite food now is garlic parm and lemon pepper wings from Wingstop.
How are you feeling today?: Just kind of whatever. It’s 1 in the morning. <<< Hot and tired and blah.
What is your biggest fear?: Life and death. <<< We went over this already in this survey...
Describe your looks to us: Ugly? Ha. I don’t know. Look at my avatar. <<< Yeah, look at my avatar. 
Have you ever woke up next to someone and wanted to puke? UH no I can honestly say I have not. <<< Nope, thankfully.
What are you listening to right now? Degrassi. <<< An ASMR video still. 
Are you afraid of death? Very. <<< Yes.
Do you open up to people easily? No. It takes a lot. <<< I’m still that way. Even people I’m close with I still struggle with that.
Do you miss anyone? So very much. <<< There’s always a few loved ones I’ll miss that have passed away.
What are you going to do tomorrow? I feel like I’ve been asked this a billion times. <<< For real, we’ve been over this. 
Does any part of your body hurt right now? Noooo. <<< Yes.
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gaylotusthatexists · 6 years
Not A Party Person
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairing: Platonic Moxiety, Platonic Prinxiety, Platonic Analogical
Summary: Roman decides to throw a surprise birthday party for his roommate, Virgil, but not all goes to plan...
Word Count: 1886
Notes: it's virgil's birthday! yay! i wrote a thing to celebrate so here's a thing, hope y'all enjoy!
Taglist: @journalanxiety​ @applecantbebothered @quietwords-loudthoughts @xx-fandom-potato-xx @trash-can-so-do-i @bunny222 @phantomofthesanderssides @everythings-coming-up-aces  @unknownanonymousgirl @tinkslittlebelle @jani-bunny54 @noahlovescoffee   @unicorndragon1-2-3 @ab-artist @honeysucklingz
It was loud. Too loud. And the lights were so bright, and the warm was so warm, and Virgil felt suffocated. Why had his roommate thought this would be a good idea? Roman knew that Virgil wasn't a party person, and yet he had planned a surprise birthday party anyway. This should have been his day.
He had somehow found himself in Roman's bedroom, curled up on the beanbag that Roman had by his window. It was soft, comforting, and with the door shut tight, Virgil could feel safe. Of course, going to his own bedroom would have made more sense, and he would have done if it hadn't been for the crowd of people standing outside his door.
How had he even got himself in this mess?
Virgil thought back to a couple days ago, when the two roommates had been sat on the sofa in their apartment, with Steven Universe on in the background - Roman had chosen it, and Virgil had pretended to be annoyed, but they both knew he secretly loved it.
"When's your birthday?" Roman asked, out of the blue.
Virgil frowned. "Why?"
He shrugged. "Just out of curiosity."
"It's, uh..." Virgil hesitated. He had only been living with Roman for a couple months, since the two had started university, but the two were close. So close. It felt as if they had known each other for far longer. It should have been a surprise that Roman didn't already know Virgil's birthday, but at the same time, Virgil had never been one for birthdays. "It's this weekend," he finally said.
"What?!" Roman screamed, causing Virgil to flinch back. "This weekend? How didn't I know that?"
Virgil merely shrugged. "I, uh, I guess it never came up in conversation?"
Roman stared at him a shock. "We need to get ready, then, if it's so soon."
"No, no, it's fine," Virgil quickly said, waving his hands around as if it signal him to stop. "Really, I don't mind. You don't need to do or get anything for me."
"It's your birthday, Verge, of course I do!" Roman retaliated.
Virgil sucked in a breath of air. "Okay, if you... if you insist." A smile grew across Roman's face. "But... nothing too extravagant, okay?"
He nodded enthusiastically. "Got it!"
He guessed that Roman didn't get it, at all. Virgil didn't even know half the people at this party. All he wanted to do was sleep, but the music blasting down the corridor was still too loud. Plus, anybody could have walked through that door. It wasn't even his room!
Virgil breathed in and out, and closed his eyes, willing for the throbbing in his head to go away. At some point Roman would notice that he had gone, and he'd come to find him, and Virgil would be forced back out there. Maybe he shouldn't have come back home tonight. What had he been doing before?
His friend, Logan, worked at the coffee shop down the road from their apartment. Sometimes Virgil would go in and just chill, grab a cup of hot chocolate maybe. Logan was always there to keep him safe.
"It's your birthday today, correct?" Logan asked, as he handed Virgil his usual cup of hot chocolate.
Virgil nodded. "Yeah, but, uh, I kinda wanted to keep in on the down-low, y'know?"
"I completely understand," Logan replied, and Virgil knew he was telling the truth. "I, too, find birthdays to be... stress-inducing."
Virgil let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God, I'm not the only one."
"Still, I insist that you take this drink on the house," Logan offered.
"Are... are you sure? I have the money ready..."
"Consider it a birthday present from me."
"Huh." Virgil smiled. "Thanks, dude."
"It's no problem," Logan said, as Virgil turned around and lifted himself up to sit on the counter. Nobody else was in the coffee shop, so he was able to sit wherever he liked. Logan never protested against it.
The two sat for a while in silence. At some point, Virgil got out his phone and began to scroll mindlessly through Tumblr, whilst Logan got out his book on astronomy or something and began to read. It was slowly starting to get dark outside, but Virgil didn't move at all. Earlier that morning, Roman had requested for him to not return to the apartment until after seven, anyway. Why, Virgil didn't know, or wanted to know, really.
"Are you planning on doing anything in celebrations?" Logan inquired.
"No- God, no," Virgil replied. "Literally just sitting here is perfect. I think Roman had something planned, though."
Logan frowned. "Roman?"
"My roommate," Virgil clarified. Strange - how had Virgil not told Logan about Roman before? Surely that would be something that he would have talked about. Maybe not. To be fair, a lot of the time the two did just sit in a comfortable silence.
"Well, let me know what happens," he requested. "And, of course, you can message me if you need to."
You can message me.
Virgil brought his phone out his pocket, and just managed to navigate to his messages with Logan, typing out a quick message with shaky hands.
8:56 Virgil: help
Immediately regretting his impulsive decision to text Logan that, he threw his phone to the floor a metre or so away. He swore he heard the sound of glass cracking. That thought was proven to be correct when his phone lit up, and he saw a crack running down the centre of his screen. Great.
Light flooded into the room. Virgil heard muffled voices outside, getting louder and louder, and footsteps echoing along the wooden floor, moving closer and closer. He grabbed his phone and shoved it in his pocket, before looking up to see what had happened. The door was wide open. A dark silhouette stood in the way of the light. Somebody had entered.
"I thought I-" The person stopped. His voice was one that Virgil didn't recognise, high-pitched and clear, calming in a way. But he clearly wasn't there for Virgil. He must have heard the glass or something and came to investigate. But then he noticed Virgil, and everything had gone wrong.
The stranger approached Virgil, crouching down so that he was eye level. But the room was dark, and Virgil could barely see him. Virgil tried to shuffle further back, but he was already right up against the wall.
"Are you okay?" the stranger asked, his soft voice filled with concern.
Virgil wanted to scream. To shout. To cry. To tell him that, no, he clearly wasn't okay. He could feel his eyeliner running down his face, indicating that he must have been crying. Ugh, that would be an amazing first impression.
"I'm going to take that as a no," the man said. "Is there anybody at this party who can help?"
"It's my goddamn party," Virgil mumbled, so quietly that surely the man couldn't have heard him.
And yet, he somehow had. "Wait, are you Virgil?"
Virgil nodded, slowly.
"How come you aren't out there, havin' fun?"
Virgil just pointed out the door, before bringing his legs up and wrapping his arms around them.
"You're overwhelmed," the man guessed.
Virgil nodded.
"Would it be better if I left?" he offered, beginning to stand up.
Virgil grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.
"You want me to stay?"
He nodded.
"Okay." The man sat down cross-legged, showing that he was willing to stay. "I'm Patton, by the way."
Virgil had managed to get his heartbeat back to normal, and the throbbing in his head had stopped. Maybe it was how calming Patton sounded, or just the fact that another person was there. Virgil lifted up a hand to wipe his tears away.
"Not much of a party person, huh?"
"Yeah, that, uh, that sounds right." Virgil's voice was deep and gravely, not sounding like it usually did at all. To be honest, he was almost surprised that he could speak at all.
"How come this is happening, then?"
Did this man really have to ask so many questions? Couldn't he have just left Virgil alone? Even so, Virgil still found himself replying.
"My idiot roommate thought it'd be a good idea."
"Roman, you mean?"
"No, I mean Venessa."
Patton looked confused.
"That was sarcasm. I do mean Roman."
"Oh." He laughed. "Roman is so nice, though. We've been friends for years. I'm sure if you just spoke to him-"
"I tried," Virgil interrupted. "He wouldn't let me get away with not celebrating my birthday."
Patton hummed. "Wait here a moment." He began to stand up. At first, Virgil protested, but stopped after Patton assured him that he would return.
Virgil took his phone out whilst he waited, seeing that Logan had messaged him back.
8:57 Logan: Are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you want me to come round?
Virgil failed to hold back a smile. Logan really did care about him, huh. He quickly typed out a response.
9:14 Virgil: i'm fine now, don't worry. you don't need to come.
It took less than a second for Logan to respond.
9:14 Logan: Okay, that's good. Do message me if you change your mind, though.
Virgil locked his phone, just as Patton walked back into the room. The loud noises had stopped, and the lights had calmed down. Maybe it was just because Virgil was in a better place.
"Come on out," Patton said, reaching out a hand. "It's safe, I promise."
Hesitantly, Virgil touched the ends of Patton's fingertips, and allowed Patton to then wrap his fingers through Virgil's. He pulled Virgil up and helped him out the room, never taking an eye off him. Once they reached the hallway, Virgil realised that Patton was right - it was safe. Nobody, not a single person, was there. They all must have gone home.
They found Roman waiting for them on the sofa, with a Disney movie ready to play on the TV. His favourite Disney movie, as well - The Black Cauldron. Various snacks were laid out on the coffee table. Blankets covered the floor. Patton dragged Virgil over and allowed him to sit down, before pilling the blankets on top of him and sitting down next to him.
Roman wrapped his arm around Virgil's shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
Virgil gave him a weak smile. "It's fine. I, uh, I'm not angry at you."
"I just wish this could have gone to plan," Roman said. "I told everyone to leave, though. And set this up. Sorry it isn't much."
"Dude," Virgil said in disbelief. "This is literally all I wanted. Our movie nights are the best."
Roman let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God. I hope you don't mind Patton staying, though?"
"I don't mind. He's... sweet."
Patton smiled. "Really? That's what you think?"
"Yeah. What you did back there was... really great," Virgil said, burying himself deeper into the blankets. He could see Patton blushing out the corner of his eye. "But, uh, how 'bout we start the movie?"
Roman pressed play, and wrapped his arm tighter around Virgil, who proceeded to lean on his shoulder. Patton joined the huddle, stroking through Virgil's hair in a calming, swirling motion. And just like that, Virgil could finally relax. He was safe.
so there ya go! I hope y’all enjoy this :D feel free to like/reblog and all that jazz. and happy birthday to our boi virgil!
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Dino Rant (Nov 27 + Other Side Tales)
My siblings are currently mad at me. Here’s what went down. Tagging: @akaskira​ @ce-la​ @caratheillustrious​ Who are all practically my spiritual online older sister/sage advice givers and @lizard-in-the-rain​ who can be an idiot along with me.
For context:  Ate = Sister Kuya = Brother * My dad and I have a rocky past because he’s very old-fashioned, hasn’t been always supportive about my mental health, and is really old and out of date (especially about LGBTQ, feminism, HK protests, etc.) * My sister also has a rocky past with me but has since calmed down a little thanks to old age (she’s 23) * My brother is constantly busy with school (and stressed), is still mourning his breakup after a few months which continues to salt his wounds (not because his ex is crappy but she’s really nice. He’s having a bit of trouble still.), and is a very sensitive person (more sensitive than my sister)
Further in, you can see what happened at the orchestra concert on Saturday. For context, you can check out a previous rant.
Me: Dad got some bad oil burns. I was in the family room as he was yelling “[MOM NAME x 3] WHAT DO I DO WITH OIL BURNS?” Mom was upstairs and didn’t hear They are kinda big He’s upset
Ate: What the why didn't you help him call mom???? did you??? yike oil burns are no joke bc they hurt for longer bc water just steams away but oil sticks and keeps burning and the scars are worse
Me: Uh... I was scrolling on tumblr? I don’t know. I thought he already put ice.
Ate: smh
Me: But looking back, I heard the water running for less than a minute.
Ate: LOL
Me: And never heard the freezer open
Ate: water won't help unless you use soap anyways
Me: So I thought he did that but he was really just yelling for mom He didn’t even ice it. He said he ran some water over it.
Ate: make sure you help if someone yells for help next time even if you think it's handled bc if a person is panicking/in pain they're likely not thinking straight to help themselves speaking from experience
Me: Mom tried to give him advice now and he just walked away going “uh huh”
Ate: even I know to put my hand under cold running water and ice it but I've definitely not done that when I've burnt myself before I would be pretty choked too if there were 2 other people in the house and neither of them came to help me when I got oil burns
Me: Mom was upstairs and couldn’t hear. I thought he was crying wolf as usual.He yells for mom around three times on a daily basis
Ate: fair but fr next time take the 5 seconds to check bc sometimes bad things happenesp if all you hear is a thud
Me: “[Mom Name x 3 again] I CANT FIND THE [blank]!!!” Mom: it’s been in the same spot for over a decade. Look with your eyes.
Me: Mom does that once every other day (has a big thud) usually because something broke. When I heard the yell this time, I thought it was because he knocked something over. Dad is always yelling He even asked mom how to make the rice And didn’t make it because she didn’t answer fast enough Dad is a drama queen. That’s where we all get it from.
Ate: I mean
Kuya: Tf is this situation How can you ignore someone in need of help Regardless of who it is Doesn't it hurt to see someone suffering
Me: I didn’t see anything
Kuya: Unless you hold extreme animosity Like they killed your mom or something I have to hand something in by 10 But I find this quite upsetting
Me: I didn’t see anything, and the last thing he yelled was an oil burn, and the only advice I had was water and ice which I thought he already did.
Me (in response to animosity): Not extreme, but living with him with only me as the child has screwed a lot of things up.It has taken a toll on my sympathy for people (or whatever is left)
Ate: Same but he's still our dad?
Me: Eh, I honestly thought it was a small thing until I saw it.
Ate: I have only shreds of respect for him left but idk if I would go as far as to just overlook "oil burn" and figure "oh, I can't help so I'll ignore him" like that's a lil funny
Me: Again, when someone is constantly yelling, there’s a point where you don’t listen fully to what they’re saying. It only registered later that his burns might actually be serious and more than putting your fingertip on a hot pan. I also have little sympathy due to how he’s treated me during my past situations so honestly, I’ve little tolerance.
Afterwards, my mom called my sister who was absolutely hysterical and screaming on the other line to the point where my mom had to pull the phone away from her ear.
Some Stupid Orchestra Stories:
Things I have said to my orchestra cohorts that might’ve scared them:
*sees me bump my instrument* Trumpet: Ouch Me (walking away): Snitches get stitches and end up in ditches, and dead men tell no tales. Doug: What?
*sees me bump my bow* Doug: Ouch Me (tired because I was just excluded from the conversation today because no one would listen to what I had to say): I’m going to stab you Doug: Pat, protect me!
Me: *tells anything about school* Everyone: MAJOR CONCERN (Examples: Kid said that this guy could have sex with his friend before she turned 21 by slipping a drug into her drink, kid saying he was going to hit a girl with a metal bar from the desk, kids smoking out back, kids make noise downstairs which causes the room I work in to shake, kids throwing stuff out car windows, kids brawling, my science teacher from regular school failing me for practically no reason)
More of an annoying incident from me: Hannah: Who’re you messaging? Your girlfriend? Sean: Yeah Me: YOU’RE STILL TOGETHER?! Sean: (sheepishly) yeah
To be fair, I get weirded out whenever they flash their privilege as semi-well off rich kids.  “Remember those special trips you get to take with your school to learn more about science? // Remember those international trips you take with your school club?” Me: ...no?! I’m not poor, I just dropped out of school before I could even go to my nearest McDonalds for a field trip.
But Doug is a little dumb sometimes. He doesn’t get my sense of humour (understandable), but he’s a little ignorant towards not-privileged people. 
He literally said he goes to sleep at 9:30pm, got into university (this is a semi-prestigious one) first try with 90s in all of his classes (at least), has a girlfriend, has friends, and doesn’t understand why anyone would stay later than that unless they had poor time management. His words, not mine. My brother stays there until around 12am studying. He was not happy to hear that. Doug is first year so my siblings are making fun of him saying he will perish in a year’s time. My parents saw him stealing kisses from his girlfriend in a parking lot during the day of our last concert. I seriously though the girl in his profile picture was his sister and not his girlfriend because they were both seriously white. Whiter than a bowl of milk I tell you.
He also doesn’t know what a period app would be for. I was a little annoyed. My brother knows about this well enough because we all know my sister and mom would not let anyone in this family live if they did not know the ins-and-outs of a period. Doug was like, “Why would you need to track that?” I responded, “Because they’re irregular.” He looked a little puzzled and I said, “Douglas, you’re a science major. There’s sex ed in school.” He responded that he is going into research (not sure what that has to do with menstrual ignorance) and never paid attention during sex ed (since it’s never for marks). I then got a little more pushy and said, “Well, if you ever want a girlfriend, maybe you should learn.” To which he said, “I have a girlfriend”. To which I gave him a look of:
Tumblr media
Stories from the orchestra concert:
I did tell the bass instructor about this so maybe it’ll get sorted out but I did this “tell the teacher” thing twice where it backfired terribly. Let’s hope university kids are a little more grown up.
My messages from that night: Pat told me it was cute when I played in the wrong spots. It was genuine like she said it was cute. But it was like ??? I was having a panic attack. My brain left my body. I don’t want to play anymore. Then she put up her bow to make sure I wouldn’t flip the page Then she hit her bow on her bass. I really don’t want to play anymore. (She also repeated the same thing twice knowing from a previous talk that I have bad anxiety. She has anxiety as well.)
Me: Then Hannah and Patricia were commenting on my shoes. I like wearing my orthotics. They make my feet feel not in pain. Ate: tell them that Me: I did They told me to take off my shoes “They can’t even see my feet” I’m all the way in the back behind people “Then take off your shoes” “But then I’ll be in pain” “But you sit” (I have one foot on the ground) “So take them off. It’s for dress code. People can see you” Ate:  but it's literally a medical thing Tell them to actually fuck off hoh my god it's like asking a blind person to put their stick away bc people will trip on it or that you can't have your service dog with you like????
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mycandylavynder · 6 years
Christmas Date
Castiel - Nathaniel - Rayan - Priya
You are furiously punching away at the keys on your laptop when your phone buzzes aggressively on the desk. You check the glowing screen to see you have a text message from Hyun.
"Hi Candy. Can you meet me at the Cozy Bear in an hour... if you have the time."
You are ready to reply when you receive another message. "And if you want to come. I know it is Christmas..."
You smile. "Of course. I'm just finishing up some work and I don't have to be anywhere until 3. As long as I don't have to work, it sounds good to me." You feel a little bad for being so forward, but you really don't want to work today.
"Oh...no. I got the shift covered. We close at noon.
"Well, I get to close in an hour since it is Christmas. So will I see you then?"
"Cool. See you then. :)" You say, wondering what Hyun might be up to.
You push out a few more sentences before closing out your schoolwork and switching to Youtube videos. You kill some time on the internet, waiting for noon to inch a little closer on the clock. At 11:45, you pack up your belongings and trudge out the library in your pink boots, black winter duty leggings, and fluffy oversized pale pink hoodie.
It's a little nippy outside, but not too cold to keep people indoors as you pass a few couples and families on your short walk to the Cafe. As you tug on the door, a man pushes through with a carryout tray of hot drinks and a paper bag tucked between his teeth. He flashes an apologetic look before disappearing down the street.
As you enter the cafe, the familiar syrupy mixture of specialty coffee and freshly baked pastries fiddles your nostrils. Your eyes dance around the room, captivated by the new decor placed around the room. Green tinsel drapes the walls with little red bows pinning the tinsel where it curves up. A large pine wreath with pine cones and burgundy poinsettias hangs on the far wall. And a small Christmas tree dressed with large red ornaments is twinkling in the corner. You smile at the festive decor and let your eyes finally fall on the black haired boy on a Cozy Bear hat looking at something on the counter.
"Oh hey Candy... you're a little early." Hyun says as he lifts his dark eyes from the counter. His fair face is a little flush.
"Yeah, that isn't a problem... is it?"  You say a little worried you intruded on something important.
"Oh no, not at all. I'm glad you're here." He smiles softly before adding, "Why don't you settle into a seat while I finish closing. It shouldn't take me long."
You nod and pick a seat in the corner. You pull out your phone and lazily scroll through Tumblr while Hyun locks the doors. He goes over to the cash register to count out the tills and take inventory. When he starts to pick up chairs, you stand up to join him. "You don't have to Candy." He immediately protests.
"I know, but I want to." You say with a smile. You playfully nudge his shoulder, "Besides I'm curious to see what you called me in for."
He blushes and grins to himself before quickly changing the subject. "So... you are headed home for Christmas today?"
"Yup. My train leaves at 2:30."
"That's cool. I'm sure your parents will be happy to see you again."
"Yeah, especially when it isn't because of a medical emergency."
Hyun smiles. "Yeah, definitely."
"So you aren't going home today?"
"No, not today. I took some time off for New Year to go up to visit them then."
"Oh, that'll be fun. I can imagine your family misses you like crazy."
"Yes, they do. My sisters never stop calling me."
You laugh. "Yeah, that sounds like my parents as of lately. They are constantly calling or texting me to ‘check in’.”
“Ah you can’t blame them though. They are just worried about you.”
“Yeah, I know.” You say with a small sigh.
“I was really worried about you too when I heard you had fainted. And not to mention that shady guy that attacked you and Nina, he hasn't given you any problems since you filed your report has he?” He asks firmly as he picks up the last chair.
You smile to yourself. Hyun is very attractive when he gets serious and stern. "Nope, not at all."
"Good. And Nathaniel?"
"Besides just being a regular pain, no. Not at all. In fact, I haven't seen him in a while to be honest."
"Even better. You have enough on your plate to worry about anyway..."
You look at the intense furrow of his black brows and concern riddling his eyes. Hyun really is impressively kind. He handled your confession and Nina's confidence so carefully and supportively, it was such a relief to know you had and still have someone in your corner. You really lucked out having someone so protective and caring around. Maybe this is what Rosa and Alexy see in him too, some one much more than a nice guy.
“So...uh, I was going to make some hot chocolate for the road. Would you like some?”
“Sure, but why for the road?  I thought you wanted to hang out here?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.” He grins before disappearing behind the counter. Your heart warms in your chest as you watch his thick black eyebrows pinch together as he concentrates on pouring the chocolate into your cup. He presses the lids down on both cups and takes off his hat and apron. “I’m just going to grab my things and set the alarm. Why don’t you grab our drinks and wait by the door.”
You nod, catching a better view of the blue-grey sweater hugging his body perfectly. You try not to overthink things as he returns wearing his brown bomber jacket. He smiles and holds the door open for you to step outside. You follow his lead and watch anxiously as he locks the door again. He turns around to face the road and stands there a moment.
You stare at him very confused as you begin to hear the sound of clopping feet trotting around the corner. Your mouth drops as a brown coated horse with white feet halts in front of you both. You look over the horse, carriage, and the little old man driving it in disbelief. “I-is this for us?” You manage to say.
“Uh, it sure is. Is this...okay?” Hyun asks, nervously running his fingers through his silky black hair.
You nod, speechless and eager to climb in. Hyun smiles charmingly and grabs your waist to hoist you into the seat. You feel a little childish at the gesture, but appreciate it nevertheless since the hot chocolates are still in your hand. Hyun slips some cash out of his wallet and hands it to the old man. “Thank you, Mr. Du Monte. I owe you big time for coming out on Christmas.” You hear him mumble to the driver before climbing into the seat beside you.
The driver gives a solid shake to the reigns and the horse pulls everyone forward. “So a horse ride, huh?” You say as you hand him his hot chocolate.
He chuckles. “Yeah...it’s a bit over the top, isn’t it?”
“Maybe. But luckily for you, I love this kind of thing.”
His smile is beaming and radiate with relief as he says, “Good, because this was not the easiest date idea to pull together.”
“Oh… so this is a date?” You tease, flashing a playful grin and wiggling your eyebrows.
His fair skin turns as red as Chani’s True Blood juice and you can’t stop yourself from laughing. You tenderly pat his firm shoulder and smile warmly at him. You catch his shining dark eyes before saying soberly, “Thank you. This is really thoughtful.”
He gives you a half smile and you decide to ask him some lighter questions. “So, what were some of your other ideas?”
“Well...this might sound lame, but I thought maybe decorating a gingerbread house? My little sisters used to enjoy making them together every year and we’d fight over who made the best one. I thought it could be fun.”
“That isn’t lame. That’s actually a very cute idea.”
“Really? My little sisters shot it down when I ran it past them.”
You lift your eyebrows at him. “Your little sisters helped you pick out your date?”
He chuckles nervously, “Yes, I told you they never stop calling, so I figured I’d ask them what you might like.”
You stare at him a moment, taking in the curve of his lips and the gleam in his eyes. You take a sip of your drink to bite back a smile.
“What? What is it?” He says as he catches your expression.
“Nothing. I just think your sisters sound very cute. It would be cool to meet them someday.” You say shrugging casually. But you also think he is very cute. It is seriously refreshing to spend time with someone that is willing to give you the princess treatment.
“Yeah? I know they’d go crazy if they ever got to meet you.” He laughs.
You smile and let a comfortable silence settle between you both as the clopping feet of the horse lulls in the air. He takes a sip of his drink and stares out at the shops that pass by. You do the same, occasionally nudging him to look at one of the dramatically decorated storefronts. After a little while, you feel his arm against yours and feel your heart race. He moves his arm and mutters sorry.
You have suspected Hyun of being interested in you for quite some time from how bashful he is whenever he is around you. But you still weren’t positive he liked you. No matter how obvious he can seem, he is still packed with surprises. You never would have guessed he would have surprised you with such a grand gesture. Maybe it is time to give him a small gesture back. Something that might let him know you are on the same page. After all, you have been on the same page for a while...
You inch your fingers beside his, gently brushing your pinky against his while you keep your eyes on the passing road. Out the corner of your eye you see him glance over before taking your hand into his. You grin, feeling the chemistry tingling up your arm from the touch of his smooth hands.
You close your eyes and let your head fall back into the cushioned seat, a satisfied grin mounted on your face.
He smirks and asks, “Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Yes.” You purr.
“Good. I am too.” He says, relaxing into his seat.
You fill up your ride complaining about Clemence and discussing life, family, and friends. You never let go of his hand, squeezing it gently everytime you laugh or he says something sweet. Although the carriage ride lasts an hour, time feels unjustly shorter when the carriage pulls to a stop in front of the campus gates.
Your face is beet red as you see a few students pass by. Hyun steps down from the coach to assist you. He thanks the driver and you find his hand again as he quietly walks you back to your dorm.
When you arrive at your door, you both linger, unsure of what to say. "So...," You both begin, laughing awkwardly at your timing.
"So... I had a great time Hyun. You definitely made this a memorable Christmas." You say radiantly.
He smiles, "Good. I just thought something like this would help keep your mind off things."
"It definitely did."
You both linger near the door a few more seconds before you finally add, "Well, I better get packed and ready to leave. My bus leaves in 30 minutes."
"Right. Well...I'll see you later then."
"Yeah," you say, eyeing him as he reluctantly steps away.
You grab his wrist and quietly say, "Wait."
Pulling him closer, you plant a soft kiss on his warm lips. Your heart melts into your stomach with each electric second your lips are against his.
You pull away gently, giving him a mischievous grin before you leave him stunned and alone in the hallway. You are so relieved, allowing a dorky grin to slather across your face.
"Merry Christmas, Hyun." You whisper with your back against the door. Hopefully, you both can finally turn the page in the New Year...
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myideaofluxury · 6 years
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STORYTIME: taylor swift called me a baby god????
so in case you’ve been living under a rock, last friday, july 13, i met taylor before the show in philly and it was everything i had ever dreamed of it being and more... so i figured i should discuss the full story! full disclaimer i am very bad at formal storytelling and i know this is tumblr and nothing is formal but nevertheless, let me live. also if you want to skip to the actual meeting taylor part of this story i’ll put the start of that in bold so y’all know what to look for because i’m a very charitable person.
so a few months ago, my angel of a friend erin (@yousayouvechanged) invited me to come to the show in philly with her, and i cannot thank her enough. none of this story would’ve happen without erin, and i mean none of it. but it was last wednesday when erin texted me “i need yor birthday,” “im on the phone with taylor nation,” “i need your email,” and “im not joking” (those are all direct quotes btw, i have the conversation open on my phone literally right now). to make that part of the story short - taylor nation dmed erin asking for various information such as her name, phone number, and the best time to reach her. they then called her and told her that there would be a “special opportunity” waiting for us to pick up at will call between 4 and 5 on the day of the show. i was not involved with any of this, please don’t bombard me with questions that i do not have or know the answers to.
ANYWAYS flash forward to last friday when i get to the stadium. i meet up with erin (for the first time!!) and we basically stand outside of will call for 20 minutes before concluding that it wasn’t open. it was at this moment that i remembered that there was another will call at the other side of the stadium and suggested we walk there. well, we did, and basically that will call. had no idea what we were talking about, but made 4 different phone calls and told us that they did have something waiting for us...at the first will call that we had just come from. and so we walked back, waited for will call to open, and that is the we picked up our wondrously purple (!!!!) meet & greet pass for before the show. (also i just have to say, when i tweeted my picture of our m&g pass, so many people were so happy for me and i have truly never felt as loved as i did in that moment, so thank you if you were in any way part of the response to me meeting taylor. that feeling was almost as good as the feeling of meeting taylor. almost.)
once we got into the stadium, we waited in the area where our pass told us to wait for about 45 minutes before taylor nation came to get us and check us in for the m&g. after they checked us in, they led us into this extremely hot stairwell with no air conditioning (if you saw any of my tweets that day, you know how unbearable the heat was in that stairwell) and made us wait there for about 20 minutes. after the stairwell debacle, they moved us to a hallway just outside of rep room - it’s also worth mentioning that i got screamed at by both security and taylor nation for trying to take a picture of the entrance to rep room, but it’s fine, and then we waited for about another half hour.
once they took us into rep room after telling us to leave all our bags on a table outside, it really started to hit me that oh fuck, this is happening. first thing i noticed - tree paine aka my favorite person ever, just standing in the middle of the room, to whom i yelled “queen of publicists!” me, erin, and tree were in the midst of a great conversation when i saw the curtain open for the first group to go in and meet taylor. and there she was: miss swift herself, in all of her tall, blonde glory. all i can remember from that moment was screaming at erin “SHE’S WEARING PLAID! PLAID!,” so we can get back to rep room. it was around this time that tree told us to walk around and that we could get food or drinks. first of all, let me know why rep room exclusively has dasani bottled water...i mean it’s whatever, but still. it was in this moment that i decided that i needed to eat a really obscure food just so i could say i ate something really random before meeting taylor swift, and that’s why i ate a singular broccoli before meeting (not eating, contrary to my typo on twitter) taylor. the actual throne from the lwymmd video was also in there, and we tried to take polaroids sitting on it but uh...there was no film in the polaroids, and i’m pretty sure we broke one of the cameras trying to put film in so we gave up on that. for the remainder of our time in rep room, we basically just walked around at sat on every couch possible and looked at every possible detail (direct quote from me to erin: “we’re never gonna be in here again, so i suggest we make the most of it now”), including the rainbow dress from the end game video (at which i screamed “’GAY RIGHTS!’ - JENNIFER LAWRENCE”) and i thiiiiink the dress from the delicate video, but i was obviously more focused on the rainbow dress.
suddenly we were next in line to meet taylor (and also last in line to meet taylor). at this same time, i like it by cardi b started blasting in rep room, so i took that moment to fuck it up and go off a little, as one naturally should. this has no significance to the story, but it’s a fun detail because now i can never listen to that song ever again, and because i turned around to see tree laughing her ass off at me, so it’s safe to say my job was done there. we got back in line, and talked to steph from taylor nation briefly about how nervous and excited we were, and she handed us our card to get our picture with taylor after the show.
finally, the curtain opened, and suddenly i was making eye contact with taylor swift. the first thing she said was “HEY!!!” to which i responded with “oh my god, you’re not real” so there’s that. naturally erin and i introduced ourselves, and taylor asked us where we were from (GOD I AM REALLY BAD AT STORYTELLING I’M SO SORRY). i told her i came from jersey in the area around metlife and she asked if i was going to any of the shows there and i too her i’m going to all three and that i have pit for night one! her response? “oh i’ll see you- OH I’LL REALLY SEE YOU THEN! and you’re like, so tall...” (i’m 6′4″ for anyone wondering and yes i was taller than taylor and yes she had heels on). then erin talked about how she was from pennsylvania and we told taylor we met through a group chat made for her and her face completely lit up oh my god it was the cutest thing.
now we get to the good part - i told taylor i had 3 things to talk to her about and so did erin, and taylor told me to “go for it,” so i did! while i do want to keep some of the real details of my conversation with taylor between me, her, and erin, most of the general parts that i’ve tweeted about will be mentioned here. i started off by talking about how the last year of my life has been really hard for me because of men (this is the part of the conversation where taylor went “ohhh” and sighed deeply), and thanked her for giving me a soundtrack to all of my emotions during that mess. while i was expecting some meaningful response, i was not expecting the following statement to leave taylor’s mouth: “everyone should love you...like, you’re so handsome! you walked in and i was like ‘oh my god a baby god!’ [to erin] isn't he so handsome? [to taylor nation] right, isn't he so handsome? you’re so cool!” and that is the first moment in which i died. then i got into the part of the story i’ve been waiting almost five years to talk to her about - for those unaware of my emotional trauma, my father passed away a few years ago, and taylor and her music were essentially the main driving force behind me getting through the hardest and darkest period of my life. i do want to keep this part of the conversation to myself, but i remember thanking taylor for “giving me a reason to be happy when i couldn't find anything to be happy about,” to which she thanked me and said “i’m so honored that you would credit me in any way for that...that’s so unfathomable to me, i’m so sorry.” to this moment, i still can’t get the image of her face during that conversation out of my head (she was so sad, you guys, she was so upset for me i love her so much). then i told her i had something to ask her “like...privately” and she leaned in and that is when i asked if erin and i could each take individual pictures with her. at first, taylor said “mmm i don’t know, they’re gonna argue about it,” which was completely fine by either of us, but we’ll get back to that.
after that, i let erin have her moment with taylor and let me tell you - it was the absolute cutest thing i had ever seen. there are no two people i love more than taylor and erin, this is a fact. after her and erin had their moment, taylor stopped and thought for a second, then leaned over to taylor nation and said “they’re fighting, so we’re gonna do separate pictures” (queen of comedy). so i took that moment to move to the other side of the room, because my left side is my good side...but taylor didn’t seem to be getting it (”oh, but i thought we were gonna do individuals” “i was just making an excuse” “isn’t that what you wanted?” “OH OK OK i get it now!”). so backstory - when i’m really, truly happy, i do this thing in pictures where i close my eyes intentionally and i explained this to taylor and asked if we could do that for our picture, and she was like “of course, yes!” the rest of that part is history, i guess. just like...scroll up if you want to see the outcome of that.
after her and erin took their picture, i asked taylor for one more hug, and she said “of, of course!” and that is how i became enveloped i the tightest hug i have ever experienced. i said “i love you so much, thank you for everything” and she said “i love YOU, buddy!” and that was the second time i died that night.
that’s basically all that i can remember as of right now sksjskjskksjsk so if you made it this far...congratulations, i guess! but seriously, i know i’m not a great writer so this was probably a pain in the ass to read, i can imagine. but thank you to anyone who ever rooted for me to meet taylor, and thank you to everyone who was happy for me when it finally happened. i really haven’t ever felt so loved.
and finally, thank you @yousayouvechanged and @taylorswift. i love you two more than anything and anybody else in this world. july 13th forever.
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Rating: T
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 7067
Summary: Simon's life is upturned by another man bursting into his family flower shop.
Read on AO3
AN: Okay this will probably be the longest fic here. I let it spin out of control. It's not my best writing, I know. But I hope blushy embarrassed Simon makes up for that. Shoutout to my Tumblr bestie @carryonmylovelies because this fic would not exist without her. She gave me so many ideas and so much support. She is the real MVP.
I’m lounging on the counter when he bursts in. The man who disrupts my whole life.
Working at a flower shop is usually slow as hell. So when my Mum is out, I can get away with lying on the front counter, throwing my red ball up in the air, thinking about my next assignment for uni (unfortunately).
He slams the door open violently, causing an equally violent crashing noise. I yelp and roll off behind the counter.
“Ouch,” I mumble, rubbing my bruised elbow.
“Mother, I’m here, alright?” Injury causing man shouts. “You can stop freaking out. I will get the bouquet, then I will take a cab right back. Stop yelling! It will not make me do it any faster. Dear lord, Mum, you’re not going to have any voice for your speech if you keep going like this. Goodbye, Mother. Bye!”
He rapidly hits the counter bell, sending out a loud and annoying ‘ding ding ding’. “Hello? Anyone here?”
Shit, I’m still on the ground. I bounce up. And my breath catches.
He’s my age, I think. But he’s about ten times more attractive, which is wholly unfair. His high cheekbones look like were carved by a renaissance sculptor. His hair is dark and slicked back with a stark widow’s peak, like some thirties era movie villain. The impeccable black suit only helps that comparison. He looks at me blankly with deep, swirling grey eyes, and I lose my ability to form speech.
“Hello?” He says, waving an elegant long fingered hand in front of me. “Are you a mannequin or something?”
Shit, still haven’t said anything. I shake my head. “No, no. Hi! Welcome to Rosebud Flowers, how can I help you?”
“I need a table arrangement.”
I wait for him to say more. But he keeps standing there, both hands on the counter. “You’re...going to need to be more specific than that.”
He sighs and rubs his forehead. “Your store filled an order for Grimm-Pitch yesterday, correct?”
“Yeah,” I say flatly. Of course I remember. I assembled half those arrangements myself. My hand hurt for hours after trimming them.
“Well, they’re for a gala, and my little sister broke one of the arrangements today so my mother is having a melt down over it. Could you possibly assemble one more?”
I scratch the back of my neck nervously. “Uh, well, we’re out of black roses, because of your order yesterday-”
“Dammit!” Handsome man slams his fist on the counter, making me jump. He massages his temple. “Sorry. Just, not looking forward to telling my Mum.”
He looks less angry now. More at his wit’s end, really. Damn, I feel bad for him.
“But...” I say tentatively. “I’ve got some regular red ones. Would that okay?”
His head snaps up. He smiles brightly. I try to ignore the way my pulse stutters at that bright grin. “Yes! That’d be marvelous!”
I smile back, and my heart nearly beats out of my chest. “Gimme like, five minutes.”
I race to the back of the store. We keep most of the roses in the back, because they tend to sell out way too fast. With practiced speed, I assemble an identical arrangement to the ones I did yesterday. (Considering the number of these things I made, the image is practically burned into my brain.) I add the last complementary green parrot tulip, take a final look, and dash out.
“Here!” I say, holding it up. Mystery Posh Man sighs with relief.
“Thank you so much,” he replies. “You have just literally saved my life. You’re a superhero.”
I really hope the heat on my face isn’t too obvious. “No problem, man.”
“Here. For the trouble.” He puts 50 quid on the counter and my eyes bulge out.
“Oh my god! No, you don’t have to. Your Mum already paid for the order. And that-that’s way too much.”
He shakes his head. “I insist. I came barging in here like a madman and you still helped me.”
I shrug, a smile pulling at my mouth. “Well, it is my job.”
He chuckles and it sounds like a warm breeze. “Please.” He pushes the bill forward. “Please just take it. It’ll feel wrong if you don’t.”
I chew on my lip. The feeling turns in my gut uncomfortably. Part of me feels bad for wanting to take it. But, on the other hand, I did race around making it for him. And he made me bruise my elbow. And...he’s really cute. Not taking it would make him sad. I don’t want to know what he looks like sad.
I sigh, and take the money. “Thank you,” I say.
He grins ear to ear. “You’re welcome.”
“Good luck at the gala.”
“Thank you. Believe me, I need it.” He rolls his eyes and flashes me one last smirk. Then he’s out the door. And by extension my life. My stomach aches realising I’ll probably never see him again. I sigh. Oh well, I guess. Not like anything interesting ever happens to me anyway.
Penny warned me about back problems caused by excessive textbook carrying. I didn’t listen to her, but right now I fucking wish I did. My spine feels like it’s been bent into a question mark. I’m practically doubled over as I trudge down the sidewalk. And I’m still twenty minutes from home.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see a little coffee shop, “The Midnight Grind.” My stomach growls, promptly reminding me I haven’t eaten anything since a granola bar for lunch. (It’s like my whole body hates me, honestly.) Shit, I could really use a bite to eat.
I dig around in my pockets for some change, but pull out the 50 pound note instead. A week later and I still haven’t used it. Not that it’s bad or I haven’t needed it. I’d just feel weird using a fifty for anything. But considering my lack of any other funds, I guess this time is as good any.
I push open the heavy café door. It’s warm and cozy. Soft lights, pine wood tables, burgundy armchairs. Everything just feels calmer in here. I go to the counter, where a beautiful blonde woman is at the register. Her name tag says “Agatha”.
“Hello,” she says cheerily. “Welcome to the Midnight Grind. What can I get you?”
“Uh, a latte and a cherry scone please,” I reply.
“Sure thing. Name for the cup?”
She scribbles out the letter on the white cup. “Awesome. Thanks Simon. Your order will be ready in a few minutes at the end of the counter.”
I trudge to the end and pull out my phone. There’s messages from Penny telling me when we’re hanging out tomorrow. There’s more from my Botany 101 study group, mostly Gareth sending plant memes. I decide to just scroll through my Instagram (which is mostly just cute dogs.) (I like dogs, sue me.)
“Alright, got one latte and cherry scone for Simon- Oh my god it’s you!”
I whip up to face the voice’s owner. And my heart stops.
He looks very different out of a suit, dressed in a white v-neck and grey apron instead. His hair is pulled back in what should be a ridiculous looking man bun, but it somehow works on him. His face is still terrifyingly sharp, but it’s softened by his square wireframe glasses and expression of utter shock. He’s frozen with the coffee and scone still in hand.
“Holy shit,” I whisper. “It’s you. Posh suit guy.”
He laughs, open mouthed and amused. It still feels very warm. “Seriously? That’s how you remember me?”
“Well, you were wearing a suit.”
He rolls his beautiful grey eyes, but keeps smiling. “Believe me, that’s not what I usually wear.”
My goes hot with embarrassment. “Right! Yeah, of course. Just...wow. I didn't think I'd ever see you again.”
“Me neither. Especially since I never got your name.” He looks at the cup with a smirk. “Though I do now, 'Simon’.”
“Same goes for you Mr....” I look down at his apron, and frown in confusion. “What kind of name is ‘Baz’?”
“One that’s short for Basilton.”
I look at him blankly for a second. “What kind of name is Basilton?”
It's out of my mouth before I can stop it. I inhale sharply, waiting for him to be pissed or something. But instead, he just chuckles and shakes his head. Not even a hint of anger.
“An annoyingly posh one, obviously,” he says. “Hence why I prefer Baz.”
My anxiety melts away. I just smile back. “I can certainly understand that.”
We go silent. All the words I think of seem insufficient or stupid. I look him over. He's somehow even more attractive in casual wear. I notice he's wearing dark skinny jeans and try not to stare. But they fit him really well.
“Y’know, you should probably take these before they go cold.”
Posh Man’s- wait, no, Baz’s voice snaps me out of it. “Oh, yeah, sorry.” I take the warm cup and scone. “I should probably get home anyway. Got some much work. Uni and all...”
“Oh yeah I understand! I’m stuck here for another two hours. But...” He rubs the back of his neck. I can’t help but stare at the way his bicep flexes. (Fuck I feel like such a horny teenager.) “I’m free tomorrow. Want to hang out?”
I nod far more eagerly than I should. “Yeah! I have to work at the shop, but we could get lunch.”
He smiles. “Wonderful. Meet you at noon?”
“Sure! Sounds, awesome.” Awesome? Am I 12? Fuck he’s making all my speech dumb.
“See you tomorrow then, Simon.”
“Yeah, see you.”
I walk to the door, but sneak one last look at Baz. But he’s looking too. I wrench my gaze away before my blush gets too bad. As I walk down the street, I don’t hunch over. My body feels too light for that.
The morning at the shop goes by in a blur. I can barely focus on the present, my mind too busy imagining the future. It’s understandable right? How is someone supposed to pay attention to flower organization when they’re having lunch with a really cute posh suit wearing barista boy? I keep looking at the clock and praying it moves faster.
After an hour of no customers, I take my usual place of lounging on the counter, bouncing my ball against the opposite wall. I remember doing this for hours back at the cabin when there was nothing to do, which was most of the time. Now it’s just comforting, a familiar repetition to keep me occupied. Which I desperately need right now.
“Well this is a familiar scene.”
I nearly fall down from turning my head so violently. Baz stands at the door, smirking with his arms crossed. He’s dressed in a green t-shirt and those (amazing) black skinny jeans. Instead of slicked back or in a bun, his hair falls loose around his face. How does he look better every time I see him?
I scramble to my feet and to subtly flatten my staticky hair. “Haha, yeah...slow day again,” I say, the nervous tinge in my voice very obvious. “Ready to go?”
“Obviously. I’m here aren’t I?”
God, how does he turn me into even more of a bumbling idiot? “R-Right. Let’s go.”
My shoulder brushes his as I walk out the door. And it sends a very noticeable jolt through my system. Holy shit, what am I getting myself into?
After some debate over pizza versus Starbucks, we go with Subway. I get a ham sandwich while Baz chooses a meatball marinara. We sit opposite each other at the dingy brown table. It feels like ages before I muster up something to say.
“So, what school do you go to? I-If you’re in school, that is.”
Baz chuckles. “Yeah, I’m in school. I go to LSE.”
“Wow. That’s fancy.”
“Posh suit guy, remember?” He says with a knowing smirk.
I roll my eyes. “Oh right. With his elegant gala flower arrangements.” I lean forward more. “What ‘gala’ were those flowers for, anyway? Black roses are super fancy and expensive.”
“Well, the gala was certainly fancy and expensive. They were for a fundraising event. My mother is the headmaster at a high end private school. Gotta sway those donors right? Floral arrangements make a good first impression.”
“Damn, posh suit guy has a posh family. What a surprise.”
He rolls his eyes and pokes my shoulder (another jolt, dammit). “Shut up. How about you, huh? How did you end up at that flower shop? Not exactly a typical student job.”
I nod steadily in agreement. “Yeah, I know. Funnily enough, it has to do with my Mum too. It’s her shop. She started it after she divorced my Dad.”
His face crumbles a bit. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“No no, don’t be.” I wave my hand dismissively. “He’s a total prick. We left when I was 11 and he’s talked to me a total of five times since then, all over the phone.”
Baz’s eye bulge out, making his glasses slide down his thin nose. He pushes them back up with a long finger. “Damn. And I thought my father could be an arse.”
“Yeah, no one compares to the arseholery of one Davy Mage.”
Baz laughs loudly, throwing his head back. It’s warm and hearty like a summer’s day. “His name is seriously Davy Mage?”
I shrug with a smile. “So he says. I’m pretty sure he made it up but I have no proof.”
“God, that’s rich. At least I have the excuse of my parents giving me my stupid name.”
“Yeah, at least. Hey what is your full name? Is it all stupid?”
Baz looks at me over his glasses. There’s a playful glint in his eyes that makes my heart race and palms sweat. “Sorry, rosebud boy, but I like to keep a little air of mystery.”
I groan and roll my eyes. “Fine. And please don’t call me that. It’s what my mother calls me that and it’s bloody embarrassing.”
“Oh now I’m going to use it all the time.”
I lower my forehead into my hands. “Dammit.”
He lets out another gorgeous laugh. “Your own fault.” He takes a bite of his meatball sub and the tomato sauce squirts out. It dribbles in two lines down his chin. I snort out a laugh involuntarily, earning a glare from Baz.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, lips curled in an annoyed frown.
“Nothing!” My tone isn’t very convincing. So his expression doesn’t change. “It’s just, the sauce, it looks like you’ve got blood on your chin. Like you’re a vampire or something. And I mean,” I gesture to his face, “the cheekbones and widow’s peak only help the comparison.”
He scoffs, but a smile reluctantly pulls at his mouth. “Fuck off. Can’t help if I look like an Egyptian Bela Lugosi.”
I laugh genuinely, and his smile widens. We eat and chat for what seems like forever. I almost forget I have to go back the store. Baz walks me back after we’re done.
“Okay, you seriously have four younger siblings?!” I say, trying to keep up with his long legged strides.
He sighs and nods. “Yes. Three sisters and a brother.”
“Holy shit! That must be insane!”
“Believe me, it is. Especially since two of the girls are twins. They cause twice the trouble together.”
I put a hand to my chest. “Oh my god I’m so glad I’m an only child.”
“As you should be. Small children are nightmares.”
We stand in front of the shop. Baz sighs, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. “Well, this is your stop, I believe. I must say, I had fun today.”
“Yeah, me too.” I rub my wrist nervously, biting my lip.
“You know, if...you ever want to come by the Grind again, I work there during the school week. It’s a great place to study or just hang out, in my opinion.”
I cock an eyebrow. “Are you just trying to get more business for your café?”
He scoffs, punctuating with an exaggerated eyeroll. “Well, I get the same shitty wage either way, so no. Just...if you want to see me again...”
“Yeah,” I say far too eagerly. “Yeah, sure. I’d definitely like a quiet place to study.”
Baz practically beams and my heart ceases to function. “Fantastic. I guess I’ll see you again soon, Simon.” He hold his hand out. I gladly take it. His skin is rough and scratchy. I really like the way it feels against my palm.
“Yeah definitely.”
I stare at his smiling face, the rest of the world fading away around him. It takes me a few seconds to realise we’re still holding hands. Baz is looking at me a bit curiously. My face goes red and I pull away.
“S-See you,” I stutter out before quickly going into the store, not even looking back at Baz. I put my hands on the counter to steady myself. Shit, be still my beating heart, seriously. I don’t know if he’s just being friendly or, y’know, not friendly. I guess I’ll have to go to that café on Monday to find out. That’s the best option, really.
Okay, it’s official; I have a crush.
I’ve been coming to the Midnight Grind every day after school for a week. And every day I sit at a table and try to study, but my eyes keep wandering to Baz behind the counter. He smiles politely to the customers, even the rude ones. But when they’re gone he looks right at me and rolls his eyes, flashing an actual smile. It’s not just polite, but genuine and lively. And makes every cell in my brain explode like fireworks.
I’m so screwed.
“What have you got there, rosebud boy?”
Baz crashes into the chair opposite me, having finally finished his shift. He drapes across the armchair with all his long limbs.
“Got a big test on plant breeding tomorrow,” I say. (I hope if I don’t acknowledge the nickname long enough he’ll stop using it.) “Have to cram all this into my head.”
He leans forward and snatches the textbook from my lap. I’m about to protest, but Baz raises a finger, and I promptly close my mouth. He pushes his glasses onto his forehead and squints at the page. I’ve never thought that anyone looks cute while frowning, but he does. Well, he looks cute no matter what.
“This makes absolutely no sense to me,” he mutters.
“Well duh.” I snatch the book back. “You’re a finance student. You deal with numbers, not chemicals”
He humphs and pushes his glasses back down. “Chemicals are numbers, arsehole.”
“Different kinds of numbers though. I’d like to see you try to take this test.”
Baz leans forward in the chair. “Well I’d like to see you try one of my exams. I’ve got one on the history of the stock market on Tuesday.”
“That sounds like my hell.”
“Hey it’s mine too, I understand.” He tilts his head back, stretching out his long neck. “Ugh, I should probably get home and study too.”
My brain generates an idea. A terribly amazing idea. I slowly close my book. “Well, in that case, I uh, I could walk you home.”
Baz’s eyebrows shoot up, and I’m about to retract my statement. But then he smiles, the same genuine one I’ve been seeing all day, the one that makes brain fireworks.
“That’d be great. I could use some company.”
Fuck. Goodbye fireworks, hello nuclear explosion. I start packing up my stuff. “C’mon then, let’s go.”
“No no, I’m serious. Cherry scones are the best food. Ever!” I throw my arms up for effect.
Baz looks at me like I’m being an extra special idiot. “So you’ve tried every food ever made, and decided that cherry scones are the best?”
I shrug. “Well, based on the sample of foods I’ve tried, yes. They are the best.”
He shakes his head, chuckling slightly. “I’ll have to try one sometime. Just to see what all the fuss is about.”
Baz stops in front of a fancy apartment building. He smirks as he turns to look at me. “Well, looks like the roles have reversed today. This is my stop.”
“Oh, cool.” I try (and fail) to hide the disappointment in my voice. “I guess I’ll get-”
We both whip around to face the very loud voice. A woman stomps towards us from inside the building, flinging the door open with violent force. She’s dressed like a punk rocker, complete with beat up leather jacket and black Doc Marten’s. She looks like Baz. Same reddish-gold skin, sharp cheekbones, and black hair. Except she’s got a blonde streak at the front. And she dresses like she never left the seventies.
“Where have you been?!” She says. “Your classes ended like, 5 hours ago!”
Baz groans and rolls his eyes. “I picked up an extra shift at the Grind tonight. I told you so this morning, but apparently you weren’t paying attention.”
She frowns. Holy shit, it makes her look even more like him. “Well you could’ve at least called. Tasha told me to look after you when you moved here and-” She looks right at me, glaring suspiciously.  “Who are you?”
“I-I’m Simon Salisbury. Nice to meet you.” I offer my hand, but she just stares at that blankly too. Slowly, I drop it, looking at the sidewalk embarrassed.
“He’s my friend, Fiona. Don’t scare him.” My heart simultaneously soars and breaks at his words. I’m his friend. Just his friend. Shit...
I look up slightly. Fiona stops glaring and smirks. She crosses her arms over her Ramones shirt. “Well, you are cute.”
“Fiona!” Baz snaps. “Really?!” A little red spreads across his cheeks. Though it might be my imagination. Wishful thinking, right?
She shrugs. “Hey I’m just making an observation. By the way, we’re ordering pizza tonight. I forgot to make dinner.”
He groans. “Goddammit, not again.”
“Shut up, you made me worry. Now say bye to your...friend get the fuck upstairs. Or I’m getting the pizza with pineapples.” She starts to walk away towards the building.
“You wouldn’t!” Baz shouts after her.
She turns to flash a smile that certainly says, ‘I would,’ and enters the building again. Baz shakes his head and sighs.
“Sorry about that,” he grumbles. “My aunt likes to embarrass me for kicks. She’s the worst roommate ever, honestly. But she pays the rent, so I don’t have much choice”
“Oh it’s fine. My Mum is the same. I’d move out if I could,” I reply. “But, you should probably get up there before she orders pineapple pizza.”
“Very true. Night, Simon.” He waves, which isn’t as nice as that handshake, but I’ll take it. I wave back.
“Night, Baz.”
I walk away, smiling wider than I have in ages.
“What do you mean you can’t come in?!” I shout into the store phone. “C’mon Trixie, I can’t do this order all by myself, and my Mum isn’t back for another three hours! Yeah, I get that you have schoolwork, I do too, but-. Fine, whatever. But you’re gonna have to talk to my Mum later. Bye, bye!”
I slam the phone down. Goddammit, my life is a Hell. I groan and lean my elbows on the counter, holding my face in my hands. This is a nightmare.
The bell over the door rings. Someone walks towards me. I don’t have the energy to even look up.
“Well, what’s going on with you?”
My head snaps up so suddenly I nearly hit Baz’s chin. He stumbles back.
“Jesus, Simon! Be careful,” he shouts.
“S-Sorry, Baz. You just startled me.”
He frowns and comes forward again. “You alright? You seem stressed.”
I sigh heavily. “Yeah, I am. I’m supposed to make fifty arrangements with Trixie, our other employee, today. But Trixie just called to say she can’t come, and Mum is out making some deal with some garden catalogue, so I’m going to have to do them all on my own because God hates me.” I plant my forehead on the countertop. The solid coolness of it calms my nerves a bit.
“Well,” Baz says. “What if I help? Can’t be that complicated, right?”
I look up. He’s smiling softly, kindly. My pulse flutters. “Really? You don’t have to. It’s not going to be fun.”
“I’m sure you’ll make it enjoyable.”
God, I don’t want to make floral arrangements. I want to stare at his face forever. But we have work to do. I stand up straight. “Awesome. Let’s get started.”
It takes a few tries, but Baz and I get a good method going. The roses are already de-thorned, so Baz just needs to cut the stems so they’re even then hand them to me. He gets up to four at a time eventually. I take them and put them in the glass bowls.
“What is this order for, anyway?” Baz asks as he hands me another bunch.
“A wedding,” I reply. “Hence the yellow roses.”
“I don’t understand. Wouldn’t you want red roses for a wedding?”
I shrug a bit. “Yeah, some people would. Red roses mean love and desire. But yellow roses mean joy, friendship, and promise of new beginnings. Much more appropriate for a wedding, in my opinion.”
Baz makes a surprisingly intrigued “hm” sound. “Do all flowers have meanings?”
“Most of them, yeah. Daisies mean innocence and hope. Bluebell means humility. Sunflower means adoration. If you want to say something, there's almost certainly a flower for it.”
“Interesting,” Baz mumbles. “Do they teach you all this stuff in botany class?”
I scoff and grab another group of roses. “I wish. No, my Mum did. Back when we lived with my Dad in his stupid cabin in the middle of nowhere, she had a huge flower garden. She would get me to help her plant the flowers and tell me what they meant. Had this big book too. I knew flower meanings before I knew what a door was called.”
“Wow. You were really raised on this shit, huh?”
“Yup! Live and breathe flowers. Thank my Mum for that.”
“What are you thanking me for?”
We both look up to see my mother in the doorway, walking towards us. Her curly hair is piled on top of her head in glowing blonde mound. She’s dressed like a hippie like always, with her long layered skirt and worn sweater.
“Hey Mum,” I say happily. “Just talking about how my love for flowers is most certainly learned.”
“Definitely, no question. I indoctrinated you young.” She leans forward and kisses my forehead. My face heats up from embarrassment. God, does she have to do that in front of Baz? She turns to look at him.
“Hello. I don’t believe we’ve met.”
“Oh, sorry. Mum, this is Baz Grimm-Pitch. Baz, this is my mother, Lucy Salisbury.”
He reaches out to her. “Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Salisbury.”
She gladly shakes his hand. “Pleasure’s all mine, Baz. Especially since you’re helping with my business.”
“Well, your son was being so pathetic I just had to help.”
I scoff and knock his shoulder. “Arsehole. You offered!”
He knocks back, shoving back harder with his obviously greater strength. “Only because you looked like a kicked puppy.”
I stick my tongue out. He laughs beautifully. I think I could listen to that laugh for the rest of my goddamn life.
“Well you can go now if you like, Baz,” my Mum says. “Simon and I can finish up.”
My chest seizes for a second. Shit, Mum! Don’t do this! I expect Baz to get up and leave. But  he merely flashes a polite, kind grin.
“No, it’s fine. We’ve got a good rhythm here. You can rest and we’ll do it.”
Mum raises an eyebrow. She looks at me curiously, as if to ask ‘you okay with this?’ I nod vigorously. Her face shifts into a lopsided smile.
“Very well. If you two are doing so well, I’m happy to leave you to it. I’ve got soap operas to watch. Good to meet you, Baz.” She ruffles my hair (like I’m five years old). “And see you later, my rosebud boy.”
I roll my eyes as she walks out to go to our apartment above. Baz chuckles.
“So she really does call you that,” he says, sounding far too amused.
“Yes, all the time,” I grumble. “Even though I’m bloody 19.”
“Oh c’mon, it’s cute. It seems your adorableness is genetic.”
My cheeks heat up. I focus on the arrangement. “Uh, thanks.” I take a few seconds to build my confidence to speak again. Y’know I-I think you’re...pretty cool.”
“That’s very nice of you to say.”
I turn to look at him. He’s keeping a suspiciously calm poker face. Like there’s something hidden behind it. His eyes are a bit strained though. Does he...not believe me?
“Well, I only say it because it’s true,” I say softly.
He turns to me slowly. The poker face slips off bit by bit, eyes widening, perfect lips falling open. Though I can’t still figure out what he’s feeling. It’s a mix between wonder and anxiety, I think.
“Simon...” he whispers.
And I wait for him to say more. Seconds stretch into minutes into eternity. I try to will my limbs to do more than just hang uselessly. To reach out and touch him, or ask him the question that’d been on my mind for two weeks, ever since we met. But anxiety infects my every muscle and nerve. So I just sit there like a statue, as does Baz, with his complicated expression. Just listening to the cars speeding outside.
Baz turns back to his flowers and the moment abruptly ends. “We should finish this up. I’ve got work to do back home.”
“Y-Yeah,” I mutter. “Good plan.” We finish the rest of the arrangements without speaking. The silence weighs on me like a ton bricks.
Christ, I wish I wasn’t such a coward.
When we’re done, I send Baz off with awkward mumbled goodbye which he reciprocates. I watch him walk away for too long. Then I close the shop and glumly walk up the stairs. It’s like there’s a cloud hanging over my head. Fuck, I had my chance and I missed it. Because I’m a total idiot.
I walk in the apartment door, still looking at my shoes.
“So, Baz huh?”
“Gah!” I jump back from my mother, standing literally four feet away from me. “Have you been waiting here for me like a creeper? Jeez, Mum.”
She puts her hands on her hips. “You’re avoiding the question, love. So, Baz huh?”
I stare at her blankly. “That’s barely a question.”
“Ugh, do I need to spell it out for you? I thought I raised you smarter than this.”
“Hey! I-”
“Shut up, darling. Okay, to be more specific, are you and Baz together?”
I look at the floor again, kicking the carpet. “No,” I say quietly.
“But...I’m guessing you want to be.”
I start chewing at my nails, something I only do when I’m especially nervous. “...maybe.”
I feel my mother’s hand curl around mine, bringing it away from my mouth. She tilts my chin up to look at her. Those big blue eyes, even bluer than mine, instantly calm me down like always. She cups my cheek in her soft hand.
“Well, as someone who learned a lot from her horribly failed marriage, I say go for it. You obviously like him a lot. I can tell just by the way you look at him. And I think he likes you too.”
I scoff. “Yeah, right. What makes you think that?”
“Because, he looks at you the exact same way.” She pats my face once. “Don’t be an idiot, honey. Put yourself out there.”
With that, she walks away towards the kitchen. “Now should we have chicken fingers or frozen pizza for supper? It is junk food night.”
Is she right? Does Baz feel the same way? If so, why didn’t he do anything earlier? Well, I didn’t do anything either, but I was nervous. Baz wasn’t nervous. Baz gets frazzled and annoyed, but he’s too confident to be nervous. Right?
I sigh, and push my thoughts to the side for now. “Chicken fingers, please. And can we have cherry scones after?”
“Oh absolutely!” she says from behind the freezer door. “It’s not junk food night without cherry scones for dessert.”
I smile, and let myself not worry for awhile.
Okay, this is it. It only took a week and half since the yellow roses incident to muster up the courage, but I’m going to do it. I’m going to go in there, go straight up to Baz, and ask him on a proper date. Not me dropping in on his work place or vice versa. An actual, honest to god date.
I take a deep breath and walk in before I lose my nerve. I march towards the counters and-
My heart stops. But not in a good way.
Baz is leaning on the espresso machine. And he’s giggling. With Agatha. They’re smiling and laughing with their heads so close together their noses almost touch.
My stomach bottoms out. I’m frozen in place. No, this can’t be right. We’ve been hanging out, flirting even. He’s interested in me. He has to be! But...he didn’t ask me that day a week and half ago when he had the chance. Maybe this really has all been in my head.
Baz lifts his head to look at me and smiles. “Hey Simon! I-”
I turn and march out the door. How could I be such an idiot?! Of course he doesn’t like me. He was just messing with me for fun or something. In what world would such a cool, kind guy ever like me? Not this one obviously.
“Simon wait!” Baz calls, obviously chasing me. I don’t stop. “Simon, please just stop!”
I groan and finally stop walking. I turn on my heels. Baz’s brow is furrowed. “Where are you going, Simon?”
“Home,” I snap. “I assume you want some alone time with your girlfriend.” I spit the word out like venom.
Baz is obviously taken aback, stepping away slightly. His mouth jaw drops. Yeah, must be pretty shocked I figured it out. Bastard.
“Simon, wha...what are you talking about? Agatha and I-”
“Are together?! Yeah I guessed, considering you were an inch away from kissing. God, how could I have been so stupid? To think you’d ever be interested in someone like me. You-you were so nice, and you flirted with me and I thought you wanted- ugh. You’re,” I hold my forehead in my hand, “just like my Dad. He acted like he cared about me too, lied to me constantly. And you know how that ended.”
His face falls even more, and I almost feel bad. But my anger is too overwhelming.
“No, it’s not like that. I do like you-”
“As ‘just a friend’? Yeah I guessed. Like messing with people, hm? Or maybe I was just deluding myself. But I don’t want to be your friend. Fuck, I don’t want to be your anything anymore!”
“Simon, I-”
I hold up my hand. “Y’know what? I don’t want to hear it. Don’t come to the shop anymore, alright? I don’t want to see you. Ever again.”
With that, I turn and stomp away. I stomp all the way to shop, stomp up the stairs home, stomp past my mother, and finally collapse in bed. Only then, when my head hits the pillow, do I let the sadness wash over me. All the light hearted joy I’ve been feeling for weeks turns to misery. And I just...cry. I let myself cry over a stupid boy. How pathetic.
But my heart’s just been broken. I think I’m allowed to be a bit pathetic right now.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” My mother says, holding my face in her hands.
“Mum,” I groan, wiggling out of her grip. “I’m 19. I’m an adult, I can take care of myself.”
“I know, love. You’ve just been so upset lately. I can skip tea with Mitali and we can close the shop and just hang out.”
“No, go see Mitali. You’ve missed tea for two weeks. I’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” she sighs. “If you say so. Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“Of course.”
She leans forward and pecks my cheek. “I love you, my rosebud boy.”
I kiss her forehead in return. “Love you too, Mum. Now go, have fun.”
She rolls her eyes. “My teenage son is encouraging me to go out and have fun. I feel old.”
“Hate to break it to you, Mum, but you are old.”
“I’ve raised an arsehole son,” she mutters as she walks out the door.
“No shit, Mum!”
And with that, I’m alone. Alone in the shop, with the sound of the light storm out and my own thoughts. I bounce my red ball against the counter. Four days later and I’m still mulling over what happened with Baz. My stomach still aches, but with more sadness than anger now. For just a second, I thought it could actually be something. That he liked me and I liked him and we could be happy.
But that all fell apart, shattered in one moment. He tricked me. Messed with my head for kicks. I know what I saw!
I’ve been rerunning the scene in my head for days and I have to be right. Why else would they be like that? But...he said it wasn’t like that. And that he liked me. Maybe I should’ve let him explain. Maybe he still could...
Fuck, I’m weak.
I grab my rain slicker, flip the closed sign around on the door, and-
My heart stops. Again.
He’s standing right there, damp black hair hanging in his face, rain drops sliding down his grey trench. No glasses though (must have his contacts in). He’s holding a medium sized bouquet in his right hand. We stare at each other with wide eyes and slack jaws.
“Hi,” I finally say.
“Hello,” he replies. “I was just...I wanted to see you. And I’m sorry, I know you told me to stay away, but-”
“No! I...I was just going to see you too, actually.”
“Oh. Well, uh...”
The silence resumes. Baz sighs and runs a hand through his hair, slicking it back. He looks just like the day we met. He squares his shoulders and lets out a long breath.
“Tyrannus,” he says flatly.
I stare at him for an inordinately long time. “...what?”
“My full name. It’s Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch. I didn’t lie when I said it was stupid. And...” He takes a step forward. “I didn’t lie when I flirted with you.”
The anger bubbles up again. “Oh really? Then why were you so cozy with Agatha?”
“Because we’re old friends. The private school my mother runs? We both went to it. She was and still is one of my closest friends. And, she was the first person I came out to. As gay.”
My eyes go wider than humanly possible. I blink stupidly. His confession rattle around in my brain like a pinball machine. “Wait, what?”
He takes another step forward. “I’m gay , Simon. Completely. I’ve known it since I was 15. I’ve never so much as looked at a girl romantically. You on the other hand, I have definitely looked at.” He sighs, running a hand through his damp hair again. “I guess I wasn’t obvious enough with how much I was looking.” He laughs it off, but I can hear the nervous twinge in his voice.
“No, no no. You definitely did. I’m just, very thick. Penny reminds me of it daily. I’m sorry I over reacted. It brought back all the shit with my Dad. And I was wrong and stupid and I’m just really sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he moves even closer so there’s only three feet between us. “I apologize too. I’ve spent three weeks wanting to ask you out properly but chickening out every time. I thought if I dropped enough hints you would do it. This all could have been avoided if I wasn’t such a coward. So,” he holds the flowers out, “Simon Salisbury, will you go on a date with me?”
I look more closely at the bouquet. My breath hitches. There are three kinds of flowers in there, and I know what they all mean. Purple hyacinth, “asking forgiveness.” Bittersweet, “truth”.  And finally, lavender rose, “love at first sight.”
I tilt my head up to him, beaming so hard it hurts. “You remembered. About flower meanings.”
He smiles back. “Of course I remembered.” He bites his bottom lip. “So, do you have an answer?”
If I was a crueler person, I’d tease him, let him stew in uncertainty like I have been for weeks. But I’m not that cruel. Plus, I’ve been wanting to ask him out for ages, and now I have permission. Who wouldn’t take that? And really, he looks too fucking adorable to deny.
I take the bouquet from him, holding it at my side. I take his hand with my free one, purposefully lacing our fingers together. “Yes, I would like that a lot.”
Baz lets out a long breath, all the tension seeping out of his body. “Amazing. That’s certainly a weight off my shoulders”
“Mine too,” I giggle. “C’mon, let’s go somewhere that isn’t a coffee or flower shop.”
“Please. I think we’ve had our fill of both.”
I laugh and let my head fall against his shoulder. He rests his cheek on my hair. Though it’s very inconvenient, we stay like that. Any space between us feels like too much. After three weeks of worrying and dancing around it, there’s no way I’m ever letting him go ever again.
A certain flower pops into my brain. I think I’ll give it to him when we get back to the store.
Red salvia, “forever mine”.
AN: So Baz with glasses and a man bun is my aesthetic and that is the sole reason it's in this fic. Also Baz's mum is definitely Natasha not Daphne. I just needed Baz to have siblings in this fic and I think she and Malcolm would have more kids if she had lived. So I hope you liked this flower/coffee shop AU. Tomorrow, song inspired!
PS: This is the arrangement I based Baz's one on.
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bangchanshehe · 7 years
Are you mine? (part 3/?)
Summary: When you moved to Korea to chase your dreams you ended up doing things you could only ever dream of doing. When you get wrapped up in Idol’s lives your luck seems to take a turn for the worse. Your friends will betray you and your enemies will be closer than you think.
Genre: Angst, smut 
word count: ~4k
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The next morning you woke up and got dressed ready to do some shopping. You still needed a few things for your room and needed to gather some teaching supplies for the upcoming school semester. You left the house with a very happy roommate in tow ready to leave a hole of doom in your bank account. You went store after store shopping for the perfect belongings for your room and finally settled down when you finally he spent all of you energy carrying around your bags that added up going from store to store. When you looked down to check the time you saw that it was almost five o’clock. You quickly hailed a taxi and made your way back home.
Once you reached the house you decided that it would be a perfect to enjoy a ice cold beer while you decorated your room before you had to deal with the very anticipated visitor that you were expecting later. Usually you would never be under the influence willingly before teaching a lesson, but the circumstances at hand were far from normal. You decided that now would be a good time to go out to the convenience store that you noticed was just down a few blocks from your house. As soon as you made your way outside you took your time to walk slowly down the streets to remember all of the small businesses and buildings that were around your neighborhood. When you reached the front door of the store you made your way inside slowly. Instead of rushing straight to the beer you decided it would be wise for you to go up and down the isles to see what all was inside. You drooled looking at all of the drinks and snacks there were, making a mental bucket list of snacks to try for the future when you noticed you phone consistently vibrating. Expecting it to be a phone call your mouth dropped at the number of incoming messages that you were receiving. You tried to ignore the messages buy ultimately your curiosity got the better of you.
           Hot Byuns: Can’t wait for our date tonight!
           Hot Byuns: it feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen your beautiful face.
           Hot Byuns: hope you’re as excited to see me as I am to see you.
           Hot Byuns: by the way I hope you didn’t invite anyone over to chaperone
Tonight. Especially that guy from the other night.
Hot Byuns: I want you all to myself.
 You could practically hear his flirtatious tone in his voice as you read his messages. You rolled your eyes at your phone and typed out your text.
           You: tonight is not a date. Tonight is about me teaching you as your favor.
           And there will be people there, I have a roommate and Cole happens to be a
           Friend of ours.
You made your way over to the refrigerated section and got your beer. As soon as you made your way to check out you felt your phone buzz again once more and you opened the message.
           Hot Byuns: his name is Cole! Now I finally have a name to put to that ugly
           Hot Byuns: I mean I seriously don’t know what his problem is but he needs
           To control his frustrations. He shouldn’t be punishing random people (me)
           For his inability to get out of the friend zone.
           Hot Byuns: maybe I should introduce you to some better friends!
 You completely ignored his messages and purposely chose not to reply. You made your way home and immediately decided to start decorating now that you had something cold to complete your afternoon.
About thirty minutes later after unpacking everything you bought you put it in its new homes and sighed contently as your once emptier room started to now feel more like a space of your own. Somewhere in between the time that you had gotten home and unpacked the boys came over and were in the living room watching TV mindlessly while Lydia was in the kitchen cooking. You joined them and sat on the floor in between their legs and scrolled through your Tumblr as you waited for dinner to be ready.
As soon as everyone had finished with their plates you gathered up the dishes and began to do the cleaning in the kitchen. Part of the new system that you had with Lydia was that whoever cooked left the other the dishes to clean which you were more than happy to do since you weren’t much of a cook yourself. Half way through the dishes your beer was empty and you cracked another one open and simultaneously the doorbell rang. You didn’t even have to think twice before questioning who it was. Jonathan quickly got up to answer the door and looked through the peep hole.
“Uh, is anyone expecting any guests?” he looked back at everyone with a shocked expression.
“I am. You can let him in”
Jonathan opened the door and stepped aside with a quick bow and hello. You continued to work on the dished when you froze noticing Baekhyun’s attire. He was practically in all black with a hat, glasses and a flu mask on. He looked completely opposite of how he looked the other night. He looked more like a human being rather than a perfect idol. As soon as he took his mask and hat off Lydia and Jonathan gasped.
“What the hell is Byun Baekhyun doing in our apartment Emily?” Lydia asked you while never tearing her eyes and sweet smile away from Baekhyun.
“He came over to learn a little bit of English.” You stated back.
“I understand that but I mean you’ve been in Korea less than 48 hours and you already know someone as famous as him?!”
“Actually he’s the guy who we left at the bar in Gangnam the other night” at that she quickly snapped her head back to me smirking.
“And you let him go? Emily, have you seen this boy? He’s so pretty and so much more handsome in person? I would have let him do whatever he wanted to me!” she stated.
Cole cleared his throat and you took that as your que to leave the awkward situation and guide Baekhyun down the hall to my bedroom. Once we were inside Baekhyun immediately took a space at the desk and pulled out a notebook and pencil. You waited for any sort of unwelcome flirtation to be thrown your way but it never came. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at you in anticipation and you cleared your throat.
“So Baekhyun how much English do you already know” you asked looking anywhere but at him to avoid any type of awkwardness. He chuckled and looked down at his own hands then.
“It’s probably best if we just started out with the very basics.” He omitted with a slight blush on his cheeks.
“Alright” you stated and immediately stood next to him pulling out papers and English study books for him to read from and reference.
You’re not sure when exactly Cole entered your room but shortly after you actually began to start with the vocal practices of your studying he came in and took a place on your bed unnoticed. When you turned around to finally give up on standing and retried a chair from the kitchen you nearly had a heart attack at the sight of him sitting at the foot of your bed glaring at the two of you at the desk.
When you jumped back at the sight of him Baekhyun turned his head to see what startled you and smiled at the man sitting on your bed.
“It’s nice to see you again Clause, it looks like you’re happy to see me too.” Baekhyun commented with sarcasm dripping from his voice. Cole maintained his composure and just nodded his head with a lopsided smirk on his face. You silently watched the two while they shot daggers at each other and excused yourself from the room to get your chair.
When you came back into the room Cole was still staring at Baekhyun’s head while Baekhyun was turned around focused on what he had written down.  You were actually surprised at the amount of focus that Baekhyun had put into studying. You thought that tonight was going to be a painful few hours of dodging his advances until he figured out that you weren’t interested and left for good. You were silently starting to gain a small amount of respect back for him, if not as a person as a student. You sat down next to him and continued your routine of reading writing and speaking with one another until it was 11 o’clock and you felt like you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. You felt your head dip to the side and immediately woke yourself up to the feeling of strong hands holding your head up.
“Woah, you okay?” Baekhyun asked and you nodded clearing your throat, trying to sit up to focus your last bit of energy on the task at hand.
“I guess it’s time for me to go, you seem like you’re exhausted.” He said with a chuckle.
You stretched and looked around the room and noticed that it was just the two of you. Baekhyun noticed your searching gaze for Cole and sighed.
“He left about an hour ago. I guess he realized that I was serious and wasn’t trying to do anything funny and went home.” You nodded your head and turned your attention back to the boy at your desk.
“Look I know that this may seem like a bit much to ask but I’ve seriously enjoyed my time studying tonight. I really learned a lot and I haven’t really been able to ever really focus on studying English with any other people, but you make it easy. Would you by chance be willing to help me a little more?” he looked down at his notebook while he spoke but the minute that he lifted his gaze to your eyes you saw nothing but seriousness in his face. Nothing about him seemed like it was a joke or a way to hang around. You pondered your options for a minute and then shook your head giving him a small smile.
“Really?” he asked with a huge grin.
“It’s fine as long as you take it seriously. The minute that you start messing around or wasting my time is when we end this.”
“I won’t waste your time I promise!” he looked absolutely triumphant as he smiled at you. “Thank you so much for giving me a chance!”
“Yeah, yeah. How about on Wednesday nights you come here at eight and we’ll continue lessons.” You offered.
“Would Wednesdays and Mondays work for you? I really want to learn as fast as possible, we have a tour coming up in the US and I want to be able to speak to fans.”
Normally you wouldn’t have given into him having started off with each other the way that you did, but he seemed like he wasn’t trying to play around and he earned points tonight for how well he worked with you. You sighed and pretended to think about it for a while, watching the anticipation grow on his face.
“Fine” you said chuckling at his dramatic sigh and smile that lit up his whole face.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You didn’t expect his sudden skin ship when he pulled you in for a hug and hugged him back after a few moments of hesitation. You didn’t see any harm in hugging him since he wasn’t actually a student per say. He quickly packed up his bag and headed towards the front door. You saw him out and he waved before turning and making his way to the elevator with his happy grin still plastered on his face. You went back inside and locked up making your way to your bedroom to wash up and settle in for the night. As soon as you made your way over to your bed you received at a text from Baekhyun.
           Hot Byuns: thank you for giving me a chance! I’ll show you how dedicated I
           Am to learn. Goodnight Emily!
You smiled at his message and put your phone on silent and closed your eyes to sleep off your tiresome day.
The rest of the week flew by and you were amazed at how fast Monday had approached. Nothing new had happened in your life other than finding and trying new restaurants and exploring new buildings all over Seoul. You busied yourself with all sorts of small tasks that you gave yourself like finding interesting museums and parks to visit to familiarize yourself with your new country and even visited the school that you would be teaching at soon. The closer to the school year that it got the more excited you were to get started with the school year. You were finally starting to feel like this was reality and not a dream. Everything was starting to come together and you felt like you had made all the right choices to lead you to these moments in your life.
As eight rolled around you didn’t dread Baekhyun coming over in fact you were kind of excited. If you could help someone like him you felt like you could really teach to these kids at your school. You began to tidy up your room and get things prepared for the lesson where you left off. You didn’t bother to invite the boys over because you didn’t really feel the need for them to watch since Baekhyun had behaved himself so well the last time, even though Cole still offered. When the doorbell rang you opened the door and stopped in your tracks when you saw two men standing outside. One was obviously Baekhyun but the other was completely new to you. Once both men entered they took off their hats and face masks and you immediately knew who the other man was.
“It’s nice to meet you again Miss Emily” manager Park said with a small smile.
“Ah yes, it’s nice to see you too!” you said back in the now awkward silence. Baekhyun coughed after a moment longer of silence.
“He came with me today so that he knew what I was up too.” The two men exchanged looks at each other and you saw the silent communication between the two. You decided that whatever it was you didn’t care enough to ask more about it.
“That’s fine, the more the merrier.” You turned to grab a chair and head down the hall to your room when a strong set of hands took the chair from you.
“Will you grab another chair?” Baekhyun said to his manager and you continued to walk forward.
Once inside your room Baekhyun immediately took his seat at the desk and you sat next to him while his manager sat across from you two and silently watched you to work until he became bored and decided that there were more interesting things on his phone.
The two of you worked and worked until you felt like you just couldn’t sit in the same spot anymore. At ten you took a break to get a drink from the kitchen and when you came back the two men where in the middle of a conversation bickering back and forth like school children.  Had you not known of the age gap between the two it would have sounded like brothers were arguing over a shared toy. You chuckled at the two when you took your seat and the two promptly stopped talking at sat straighter than before.
“Miss Emily Baekhyun and I will have to depart here shortly due to his schedules but first I would like to say thank you for giving him a chance and teaching him.” He stood and bowed to you.
“It’s really no problem, he’s been perfectly fine and well behaved. I’m actually quite surprised with him since he seems like a totally different person than the person I met at first.” You spoke up and gestured for him to sit back down since he was still standing awkwardly as stiff as a board. When he sat down he coughed and looked up at you.
“We actually have something that we would like to discuss with you.” He turned to his backpack and pulled out an envelope with presumably documents inside of it.
“You have done exceptionally well with Baekhyun these past two meetings and he speaks very highly of you” you turned to look at Baekhyun and you saw him nod his head proudly with a small blush on his cheeks “on behalf of SM Entertainment, I would like to invite you to work full time with the company.” You swear you felt your soul leave your body and your eyes probably looked like they were the size of saucers.
You took a deep shaky breath and then looked down at your hands to process manger Park’s request. When you looked back up at him he continued.
“I know this seems a little rushed and short notice since you would start teaching in less than a few weeks but we are prepared to buy out your contract with the school in order to allow you to work for us.” He opened up the envelope and took out a contract. Opening it up to several different pages and explaining all of the benefits of working for the company.
“You would have access to all health and living benefits such as private housing compliments of the company, you would work around the clock whenever a member would need lessons or a translator. Since there are so many groups with SM you would work solely for EXO. Your housing would be in the same building that the boys dorms are at for convenience and you would travel with them when they go on tour to English speaking countries. You salary would be roughly 100 Million Won per year contracted and any travel expenses would be covered.” He turned to you and gauged your response so far. You sat with a blank expression and your mouth hanging wide open.
Just then you got a cold chill that ran all the way down your spine and you snapped out of your zombie trance. There was literally nothing to think about of course you would work for SM Entertainment, you would be completely stupid not to. You would get paid way more than you would teaching, the housing would be nicer since you could live by yourself and you would still get to travel where you wanted to go with the group. You instantly felt your heart beating through every limb, muscle and fiber of your being. Your heart beat was so loud in your head that you felt like it was going to explode. You knew that this was what you wanted to do without a doubt but you felt so much guilt for leaving your other job at the school. You would have to move out of your place that you just settled in and you wouldn’t see the boys and Lydia anymore.
“if you need some time to consider the offer you are more than welcome to take as much time as ne-“
“no.” you cut him off before he could finish
“No?” he questioned back
“I don’t need any time to consider the offer.” You pulled out a desk drawer and the men both looked at you with wide eyes at your cryptic answer. You pulled out a black pen and turned to manager Park.
“Where do I sign?” you looked at him in the eyes as serious as could be. You hated that you had to leave behind what you had now but you would always regret turning down this once in a lifetime offer.
He turned to the signature lines in the contract and you gladly signed all of them. When you were done you sat back and smiled to yourself.
“Oh my god this is really happening!” you chuckled and Baekhyun and manager Park both laughed with you.
For the rest of the night Baekhyun had nothing to say he just listened to the conversation between you and manager Park with a grin on his face that he tried so hard to keep as small as possible.
“So tomorrow come by the building and we’ll have a walk through and we’ll help you get moved into your new place as soon as possible. I have some time around noon so it would be best for you to come then.”
“Alright that sounds perfect to me!” you walked both men out and waived goodnight as you parted ways. Once the door was shut you immediately jumped up and down and screamed. The excitement was literally too much to handle and you were sure that if you didn’t let it out you would explode. To the sounds of your screaming Lydia came out of her room with a startled look on her face.
“What the hell is going on?” she asked
“The craziest thing in my entire life just happened!” you said in between pants from the screaming and jumping. Instead of asking any more questions Lydia just looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“I’m moving!” you laughed and yelled simultaneously. And Lydia looked at you with complete shock.
“WHAT?” she yelled. I sat her down on the couch and told her all about the last 30 minutes.
“That’s fucking insane!” she yelled. “How in the hell are you so lucky?”
“I don’t know. I just saw the opportunity and took it!” and then it dawned on me that I would have to move again and I wouldn’t have friends so conveniently close. That is what sucked the most.
“I’m starting tomorrow and moving in the afternoon. I’m going to SM around noon” you spoke and Lydia started to look less excited and more and more sad.
“We’re still gonna hang out though right?” she said in a small voice still looking at her hands.
“Of course, I know that we’ve only had about a week with each other but, I’m really gonna miss you and the guys. Y’all are my Korea family! I don’t want this job change to mean the end of our friendships.” You smiled down at her sunken frame and she looked back up at you with a bit of a perkier smile.
“Oh my god! OH MY GOD!” she began yelling again and you laughed at her extreme mood swing to excitement again. “You have to invite me over all the time so we can talk about of the members and other artists at SM! Also you should totally slip my number to Chanyeol!” she gave you an evil smirk and wiggled her eyebrows.
You leaned back on the couch and sighed rethinking how much of a dramatic change your life made in the last hour. Once the excitement settled down you decided that the last thing that you needed to do was message your mom to share the good news. After typing out what felt like a novel the exhaustion hit you like a ton of bricks and you fought through the exhaustion as you stayed up to pack your belongings.
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The Devil On My Shoulder (A story written by a friend for me)
“Go on… just go up to her… talk to her, say something… anything(!) before… fuck, there she goes”.
— Story of my life man… I don’t know what to say.
“Just stop overthinking it! I keep telling you: you just… hey… wait a minute, look at that!”
— Her phone… she left her phone at the bar.
“Get it and return it. There is your opening! Golden opportunity.”
— On it… there we go.
“Oh look, she does not even have a lock on it. You wanna peek in her photos, see if she has anything juicy.”
— Shush you… that is not proper. And besides, she would not have those kinds of pictures. She seems much too nice.
“Hah… as if you are one to speak about ‘nice’, you filthy f…”
“What’s that? A notification? What does it say?”
— It says… 'Loved this! You write rape stories so fucking hot… mmm… wish I could be with you when they do that to us’… wait, what?!
“Ok, now you gotta! No, don’t chicken out on us now, do it. Go on… click it! Oh it is a Tumblr. 'Beautifully Broken Disgrace’. Now that sounds promising… oh, and there is the story”
— …
“Bloody hell fire… she wrote that… she is a complete freak!”
— That… I mean… shit, that is so…
— Sick is what I meant!
“Then so are you, you perverted fuck, because that hard-on is about to bust your pants”.
— Shut up! We are giving this back to her and not saying a thing about it.
“Bullshit… you want to look at her pictures. Do it… you are itching to, I feel it.”
— …
“Come on now… just a quick peek. If you are right, it is nothing but kittens and unicorns anyway”.
— Fuck you…
“Atta boy… let’s see what we got… oh those are chat pictures… she likes to send them it seems. Lots of those. Go on… keep scrolling. Aaaaand… bingo!! Keep scrolling… wow, so nice. Wide open and soaking wet.”
— You are fucking kidding me… that… that’s not even at home!
“Oh look at all that juice… who is she showing that to? Check the chat logs. No, no, wait.. browser, now. check the history.”
— What?! No that is not…
“Oh cut the act now boy… you want to know if it’s even a tenth as filthy as the stuff you keep watching… all those nasty…”
— All right, all right!! Just… stop. There we go… browser… history. See… nothing"
“Wrong app you moron… she has another one too. There… open it… and then 'history’ and…”
— Holy sh…
“Ooooh mama, we got a live one. What do we have? Gangbang… blackmail… bondage… all of the above at once. Well then… you know what to do”.
— What?! No… that is…
“Shut your face for once… can’t you see?! She loves it! She wants it.”
— Look… that is just fantasies… and…
“…and you are about to make them real for her.”
— How can you be sure?
“Just listen to me for once: find her… go up to her… show her. I guarantee you will make her happy…”
— This is just insane…
“There… there she is… look, she is searching for it. Go to her…”.
— Hey… you looking for this?
“Yes, yes she was. She is happy… so relieved… now pull it away and let her know…. whisper it to her”.
— Nu-uh… you can’t have it… “Beautifully Broken Disgrace”.
“Oh look at that shock… you got her… now drive it home”.
— You want this back? Or do you want me to tell your friend over there all about what is in this thing. You want her to know what a slut you are?
“Hah… you love it you sick bastard… blackmailing a girl like that has you rock hard”.
— Shut up! What… no not y… yes, do shut up. Come… let’s go around back. Stop fidgeting…
“Pffft… 'let’s go around back’… you gonna say 'please’ and 'thank you’ too?”
— …
“There… behind the dumpsters… that will be just fine”.
— Don’t make a sound… just get on your knees, and no-one will need to know, you got that? That’s it… now open my pants… you know what I want.
“She’s got such nice make-up for the evening… she dressed up real pretty… that cute summer dress… immaculate war-paint… hey… check if she has any panties on! No not like that… with your foot of course dummy! Kick off that sandal and rub her crotch with the top of your foot”
— Oh… those are some nice lacy panties you have on there… tiny little things aren’t they. Stop… turn around… bend over and show me.
“A thong… will you look at that sweet ass… cutting right in between her cheeks… she has been feeling that dress against her butt all night. And… hey, that’s a princess plug! All this time she was strutting about looking all sweet and innocent, her ass was filled. Move those panties aside and feel it…. feel her pussy”
— You like that slut… having your ass played with. Oh you like it a lot… you are soaking wet.
“Isn’t that just adorable… when she tries to deny it. Get your fingers inside her… prove her wrong. That’s it… she took them just like that… mmm… that was a real moan she tried to suppress. Ok, stop playing around now and put her to work… but don’t let her get the chance to cool off.”
— Turn back around… start sucking me like a good girl, you hear? Get one hand down in your panties and rub your wet pussy. That’s it… rub it real good… get your fingers in there.“
"Oh look at you go… where did you finally get a back-bone from?! Or maybe it is just that boner she is gagging on. She is really slobbering that up.”
— Now look up at me, and smile for your camera… oh yes, that is beautiful!! You look gorgeous with a cock far down in your throat. This would look real good on that Tumblr of yours, wouldn’t it? Let everyone see what kind of girl you are…
“Mmm… did you feel that? She moaned again… that buzzing in your cock was one big groan… look at her… so desperate to please, not just because you force her”.
— Mmmm… that feels so nice… you are really good at this you know. Maybe I should call some of my friends over so you can suck them too. Would you like that, slut? No?! Would you like it more if I sent them your picture and let them know they can play with you any time they want instead?
“Check you out… that was a mean one… but look at her, she is fucking herself even deeper and faster now! And man, doesn’t that feel good… she is sucking you like she is starved!”
— Nnnngh… that is just… so… fucking good… no, stop… stop!!
“Nice save there… now don’t let go of her hair… hold her… keep her under your control”
— Go on… stand up…. I said stand! Now drop your panties… there you go.
“Oh what a slime trail…she is so worked up now…”
— Turn around and bend over again… hands on that wall…. spread your legs…. that’s it… and arch your back.
“Oh yesss…. look at that… dripping… literally so. Just claim it… its yours now… just what you have been dreaming of”
— NGH! Oh my fucking god… you feel so good…. so wet… I can’t believe you took it all… you are so good. I’m going to cum real soon…
“You would, you greedy bastard… what, you just going have all the fun by yourself?”
— Rub yourself… do it… rub your clit. You want it…. mmmm… good girl, there you go… keep going… don’t stop…
“Listen to her… hear that moaning… she is about to have a great orgasm… do it faster… harder, fuck her harder… keep at it… you are both going to cum now. Do it… make her cum!”
— Shit… keep it down! You’ll… ngh… attract attention… stop… screaming… uh… cumming… I’m cumming!
“Wow…. she made such lovely noise… cumming so hard… as did you. Oh… looks like you two attracted some attention…”
— Oh… ehm… hi guys. We’re just… yeah…. it is… it is just what it looks like".
“So… now the question is: do you keep her to yourself… or…”
— What? You want in on it? Well… what do you say slut… you want a few more cocks, hm?
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