#phoenix honey orchid
notyet-infected-lav · 8 months
Trying to survive is hard.. I miss Orchid.. I want to go see her again but the other's won't let me because of her condition.. I miss Dad Mom too..
[In this AU, Lav is mostly deaf and half blind]
(Honey: Time to have some fun with a new AU >:] The blog will update as soon as I digitalize my art!!)
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Others Survivors:
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dragonologist-phd · 2 years
Unusual OC associations
tagged by @turbulentpumpkin43​! thank you for the tag!!
And since it looks so fun, I’m gonna do it for two OC’s!
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Seasoning: Honey
Weather: An early spring day where the weather is just starting to warm up
Colour: rose gold
Sky: A clear starry night
Magic Power: Hypnosis
House Plant: Moth Orchid
Weapon: Words
Subject: Music
Social Media: Instagram
Make-up Product: Eye Shadow
Candy: Licorice
Fear: Imprisonment
Ice cube shape: Fish
Method of long distance travel: Open cart
Art style: Impressionism
Mythological creature: Siren
Piece of stationary: Perfumed parchment
3 emojis: ✨🎶💃
Celestial body: Stars
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Seasoning: red pepper flakes
Weather: A lightning storm with no rain
Colour: Dark purple
Sky: Storm clouds
Magic Power: Pyrokinetics
House Plant: English Ivy
Weapon: Magic Staff
Subject: Law
Social Media: None
Make-up Product: Eyeliner
Candy: Truffles
Fear: Failure/Weakness
Ice cube shape: Spheres
Method of long distance travel: Horseback
Art style: Abstract Expressionism
Mythological creature: Phoenix
Piece of stationary: Official letterhead
3 emojis: 🌩👑📚
Celestial body: Comet
I’ll tag @rannadylin​ @serenbach86​ @risualto​ @starlightcleric​ @orime-stories​ @ammoniteflesh​ @galfrey​ if y’all want to do it, plus anyone else who hasn’t been tagged and wants to!
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The way young people appreciate tea starts with "smelling the aroma"
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Spring tea is a type of tea made from the buds and leaves of tea plants that have sprouted after winter dormancy. After a winter of rest and nutrient accumulation, the tea buds have ample organic matter and the moderate temperature and sufficient rainfall in spring make the buds plump with high freshness, fullness, and coordination.
Processing of spring tea used to be a sign of maturity, but now it is capturing the hearts of young people. When young people drink tea, they may not have too many requirements and do not need too much tea ware, just a cup or a pot and a day's leisure time. If there is sunshine or a sense of ceremonial atmosphere to enhance social interaction, everything will be perfect. However, for friends who want to improve their tea tasting, they do not need hardware, they just need to know how to "smell."
Each type of tea has its own unique aroma, which is influenced by the tea plant variety (variety fragrance), the growing region and environment (region fragrance), and the production and processing technology (processing). Therefore, the aroma of tea on the market can be divided into the following categories, and everyone can collect them for future tea tasting.
Floral aroma The tea emits a fragrance similar to that of fresh flowers. It can be further divided into clear floral and sweet floral types. The clear floral type is more elegant, such as orchid fragrance and honeysuckle fragrance, while the sweet floral type is more rich, such as osmanthus fragrance and rose fragrance.
Representative tea types: jasmine tea, Keemun black tea, etc.
Furry aroma The aroma of the tea made from the buds and leaves with more fuzz is a type of plant tender flavor.
Representative tea types: Silver Needle white tea, Huangshan Maofeng green tea, etc.
Woody aroma The aroma contains a fiber smell and sweetness, especially the aged ripe tea has a clear woody aroma. In addition, this flavor may also exist in some newly fermented but unsuccessful ripe teas.
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Representative tea types: Yunnan Pu'er tea, Zhengshan Xiaozhong black tea, etc.
Smoky aroma Tea leaves that are older and contain more stems, such as high smoke, old smoke, and pot smoke, have high-temperature baking during processing, which causes the caramelization of sugar substances.
Representative tea types: Wuyi Rock tea, Huoshan Huangda tea, etc.
Fruity aroma The tea emits a fragrance similar to that of fruits, such as peach, snow pear, Buddha's hand, orange, pineapple, apple, longan, etc.
Representative tea types: Minbei Oolong tea, Dianhong black tea, etc.
Sweet aroma It generally includes clear sweet, sweet floral, sweet fruity, honey, and caramel aromas, which are more common in heavily fermented and baked teas.
Representative tea types: Keemun black tea, Phoenix single bush tea, etc.
Clear aroma Tea with a relatively low degree of killing, kneading, fermenting, and roasting will produce a clear aroma, with less human intervention during processing.
Representative tea types: Zhuye Qing green tea, Mengding Ganlu green tea, etc.
Aged aroma / Mellow aroma The unique fermentation process of dark tea gives its tea flavor a different aroma from other teas, and the longer it is stored, the more mellow the aged aroma becomes.
Representative tea types: Guangxi Liubao tea, Anhua dark tea, etc.
Pine smoke aroma Tea leaves dried using pine chips during the drying process will have a distinct pine smoke aroma.
Representative tea types: Tongmuguan black tea, Zhengshan Xiaozhong black tea, etc.
In fact, many times the aroma of tea often presents a comprehensive mix. Zhang Jing, honorary chairman of the Sichuan Tea Culture Association, believes that tea has the charm of "winning people with fragrance." Fragrance is the first impression that consumers have of tea. Young people should start with smelling when learning about tea, and then deepen their understanding of tea through tea art and aftertaste.
To identify and evaluate tea aroma, you can start by remembering the tea aromas with clear analysis. Generally, the less fermented tea that is killed early, such as green tea, has a relatively simple aroma, which is easier to distinguish. As the olfactory memory bank deepens impressions and supplements more different flavors, the ability to identify multi-flavored tea aromas will improve, which is training the sensitivity of the mouth and nose to aromas.
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gongfood · 7 years
02/25/18: The Slanted Door-Vietnamese
Situated at the very end of the Old Ferry Building in San Francisco, The Slanted Door proves to be romantic and scenic. What better a place to celebrate my twenty-fifth birthday with my family. Upon arriving, I notice beautiful wood-slab tables before minimalist, leather couches. Staff members with business-like manners greet me. This is not to say they are cold, rather they are not ones for unnecessary pleasantries. Indeed, the staff fits well into the minimalist décor.
They seat us in a picturesque spot, albeit one that proved cramped spatially. Again, I notice right away simple, minimal décor at the tables. The menus, both in design and content, are consistent with this running theme: uncomplicated, modern, and simple. I, a fan of elegant aesthetics, am enjoying this.
My father graciously dropped us off at the restaurant, and then parked the car, meaning that we are short one member. While we wait, I take a moment to observe and consciously take in the setting of the locale. Although rather loud, it is oddly serene, even though the people next to me shove their groins in my face as they wiggle into their table.
A jovial woman attentively checks on us and has no issue with us waiting for our absent diner. I find this surprising. Usually, restaurants of this nature- the kind with coat checks and bathroom attendants- are keen on having every diner present.
I spend the time waiting and ruminating on what combination of items would taste best. My mother, though not a vegetarian, has a fondness and proclivity for vegetables. She suggests the five-spice cauliflower featuring Chinese bacon. My sister, having a preference towards shrimp, requests the gulf shrimp. I am a fan of most things; an adventurer in cuisine without many dislikes or restrictions. I suggest the imperial and spring rolls, as both are perennial favorites at other Vietnamese locales.
I want to get a cocktail, as I understand they are superb. Instead, I look to the tea menu. Coming from extensive tea menus, like that of the teahouse at which I work, and the connoisseurship of tea, I am not used to a simple menu like this. In spite of its simplicity, the menu features remarkably sophisticated teas known for being favorites among connoisseurs. For instance, they feature a 2017 Phoenix Honey Orchid oolong and maocha from 2013. I’m impressed.
My mother commands that I order everything, as she feels that I know the restaurant and cuisine best. Regardless of whether or not it is true, I accept. Ordinarily, I would not be as willing to take on the task, but today is my birthday, and I still accept the praise.
We then discuss tea and beverage options. My mother tells me she is considering the Gua Pian “Melon Seed” green, again, a well-known tea. I am considering maocha, as we have a hearty meal ahead of us, and pu-erh soothes me after dinner. My sister opts out of tea, as it is too late in the evening, and decides on a pineapple spritzer, which, admittedly, sounds delicious.
My father arrives, guided by the staff. I appreciate their courtesy and organization. Much like myself, my father is not one for pickiness or fuss, especially in food. He tells me he trusts my tastes.
With everyone now present, we decide on our menu for the evening: daikon rice cakes, spring rolls, imperial rolls, five-spice cauliflower, clay pot chicken, and gulf shrimp. My parents both order the Gua Pian, and I decide on the maocha for our accompanying teas.
Our server returns fairly soon to take our order, an accomplishment during a packed Sunday evening on the weekend before Valentine’s Day. A few moments later, staff members bring us our teas. To my surprise, they are not served in gaiwans, gong-fu style pots, or even small, restaurant-style metal teapots. Instead, they serve them in Hario glass pitchers-like those coffee shops use for pour-over coffee- containing metal tea balls and the respective teas. I feel perplexed.
According to The Slanted Door cookbook, chef de cuisine and owner Charles Phan met both Roy Fong and David Lee Hoffman, both of whom he cites as being pioneers and progenitors of both his own “tea program” and the larger tea industry. He also cites Fong as a personal mentor in tea, and describes his experiences in learning about it. Phan continues by saying that his education with Fong opened his eyes to the vast and beautiful world it offers. Consequentially, he wishes for guests to have the same experience of good tea, and mentions the frustrations with its at-the-time small presence. He even explicitly mentions and refers to his serving of high quality teas as his “tea program”.
Assuming all of these to be accurate, I feel disappointed already, albeit in something peripheral to the culinary experience. I am a firm believer that there isn’t a wrong or right form of brewing tea, even if it is in something unconventional like Hario pitchers and tea balls. I stand by that.
Nevertheless, I do take issue with an aspect of our tea experience: when my tea arrived, the staff gave me no sort of instructions on brewing guidelines. Though not necessarily a complete issue, it does make me question the customer experience of those unfamiliar with tea. My specific worry is that this style of brewing posits a scenario in which a customer unknowingly brews tea in such a fashion that isn’t doing it justice. As a result, they cannot understand and experience the complexity of tea- a contradiction to the aforementioned goal of serving the guest tea in an artful and enjoyable way.
Before I come off as overly critical, I present a few points in defense of the restaurant. First, due to my own self interest and career in serving tea, I tinkered with the brewing set-up and parameters to get a nice steeping. It wasn’t very much work. Second, it is a busy night. I know from personal serving experience that when the order of operations in serving is constantly in flux you, unfortunately, have to prioritize. It is entirely possible that the staff is diligent in their communication with the guest about the way to serve tea. Third, according to their website, The Slanted Door offers an afternoon tea service. I did not experience it; therefore, I cannot make harsh critiques of the tea program. Perhaps this teatime is more relaxed and focused on the tea experience, and can provide a better chance to drink it. Fourth, tea service in a restaurant setting-especially one such as this- provides challenges. A friend and I discussed this in detail before I began writing about my experience. Here are some of the challenges we covered: providing hot water; explanation to the guest on the brewing process and characteristics of each tea; formal staff training and education; serving size; tea ware; and integration with the cuisine, both in providing teas that pair well and ensuring that it does not interfere with the dining experience in any regard. Lastly, I still enjoyed my tea, even if in a context that I don’t prefer. While the tea did pose some challenges, I do not intend to judge the restaurant by its tea program. I digress. 
            (Note: Having voiced my complaints, I do plan a follow-up visit for tea so I can fully understand the scope of the restaurant).
After a surprisingly short wait, our first courses arrived. All of them are excellent. The daikon rice cake is well seasoned, and has a perfect texture. The spring and imperial rolls, although small, are vibrant and complex, but simultaneously so simple of a dish. They all disappear with great haste from our plates into our stomachs.
I enjoy hosting people, which means I have a habit of checking in with my guests. Even when I am not cooking for others, it is still of the utmost importance to me that everyone enjoys their experience. Despite the fact that I think I know the answer, I check with family. No surprise, everyone enjoys everything. In fact, all of us agree that there is no clear winner as they are all outstanding.
The tea is enjoyable, I have nowhere to be, I am 25, and the first courses piqued my interest and appetite. Our main courses arrive, though we did wait a bit longer than before. I don’t mind. We feast.
One aspect of our dinner that I notice right away is the seasoning in each dish. It is perfect: never too spicy or skewed in a particular direction, but always flavorful. None of these dishes ever contrasts each other in a negative way, yet they each stand out as distinct. I always appreciate this in food. Of the three, I found the clay pot chicken to be the most remarkable, as it has an extremely succulent texture in every bite.
            If there were a dish that I would call my least favorite, I would chose the gulf shrimp. This is not to say they tasted bad, on the contrary, they were delicious. I simply feel that the clay pot chicken overshadows both the shrimp and the cauliflower, as delicious as they may be.    
            As we finish the last morsels, I check with my family again. We all agree upon the claypot chicken being excellent, but I know that my sister secretly feels the shrimp to be the best. I digress. Now it is time for dessert.
            I always find myself torn after dinner. I enjoy many indulgences –after dinner coffee, desserts of all sorts, and digestives- but I have always preferred savory dishes. Although, tonight, I have especially conflicted as our options include: honey mousse, featuring pistachio butter cake, passionfruit gelée, and honey pistachio crisps; beignets with dulce de leche crema; and vanilla bean cheesecake with whipped greek yogurt, burnt honey cremeux, cointreau macerated blood oranges, and salted honeycomb crunch. Can you see my dilemma?
            My parents, not one for heavy desserts, opt for coffee-a usual occurrence on their part. I finish the remnants of my tea, somehow both full and unsatisfied. I end up deciding against dessert, as I have cake at home. Perhaps I will return for teatime and enjoy one of their heavenly-sounding desserts. It is now time to go.
            On my drive home, I consider every aspect of my experience: service, taste, creativity, atmosphere- all of the aspects that influence our gastronomic experience, and, ultimately, whether or not we return another day to enjoy ourselves. I find myself thinking of the expectations I previously held, and then compare that to the actuality of my experience. I acknowledge that this mindset does have flaws. In particular, we end up obsessing over why the result differed from the expectation. Though I keep telling myself not to, I cannot stop considering the discrepancy.
            When I had first heard about The Slanted Door, I heard it hailed as the paragon of fine Vietnamese cuisine. I even heard it being described as “world class”. Even the reviews of it featured in the eponymous cookbook refer to it as such. Other critics professed Phan’s excellence in bringing Vietnamese dishes to the minds, mouths, and stomachs of American diners unfamiliar with the rich, dynamic cuisine. In simple words, it seemed to be the destination to experience it at its finest.
            I, however, question that description. I did thoroughly enjoy my dinner, but I felt puzzled by its perceived excellence and its cost. Something- I wasn’t sure what, exactly-felt off.
            After my two hour car ride and mental parsing out of the experience, I came to my overall conclusion: The Slanted Door, although modern and delicious, did not seem as innovative as I had thought. Furthermore, the price did not seem to match my expectations or the overall experience I had. In short, for the price we paid (~$200), I expected something similar to ADEGA, a wonderful restaurant with one Michelin star at which I have dined.
 I realize this may come with controversy. But the fact is that many of the dishes, even the ones I had, could be found in similar or near identical forms at smaller, less-refined, even potentially-violating-health-code locales. Hell, my local Cambodian restaurant has a plate similar to the clay pot chicken at one third of the price, and is similar in taste. Although they may have been instrumental in exposing the zeitgeist to quality Vietnamese food in its earlier years, today they appear as an aging giant showing themselves as something larger than they really are.
        I want to note: I am not dissatisfied with my experience. It was wonderful. Nevertheless, I am dubious of calling something “world class” and excellent when other establishments serve similar dishes at better prices. While this critique does discredit the veneer of a Michelin-esque restaurant setting and aesthetic, it is not to say the experience is all-bad. If you have the ability to afford it, do not deprive yourself of a good experience.
Atmosphere + Location: 9/10
Service: 7/10
Food: 7.5-8/10
Tea: 7/10
Price: ~$200 for 4 people, 6 dishes, 3 teas, 2 coffees, 1 sparkling drink
Classification: Higher End Dining: $$$/$$$$$
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pronounsrus · 3 years
Plant/Flower theme
Warning: yet another long one
herd/spice pronouns here
Des/Desert/Desert roses/Desert rose's/Desert roseself/Desertself/Roseself
Jac/Jacobs/Jacobs latters/Jacobs latter's/Jacobs latterself/Jacobself/Latterself
Lil/Lily/Lily pads/Lily pad's/Lily padself
Lad/Lady/Ladys mantles/Ladys mantel's/Ladys mantelself/Ladyself/Mantleself
Orc/ Orchid/Orchids/Orchid's/Orchidself
Pho/Phoenix/Phoenix plants/Phoenix plant's/Phoenix plantself/Phoenixself
Po/Poppy/Poppy seeds/Poppy seed's/Poppy seedself
Pow/Powder/Powder puffs/Powder puff's/Powder puffself/Powderself/Puffself
Rai/Rain/Rain lilys/Rain lily's/Rain lilyself/Rainself/Lilyself
Ro/Rock/Rock roses/Rock rose's/Rock roseself/Rockself/Roseself
Sweet/Sweet pea/Sweet peas/Sweet pea's/Sweet peaself/Sweetself/Peaself
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bengesko · 2 years
Was talking about perfume/scents, so I thought I'd list the ones I commonly use (also for my own reference later on, as I often use these as references when writing!)
Almost all of these come from the delightful, progressive, Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs. (I include years to indicate how old they are- bpal scents are best when aged for multiple years- the older, the better they smell!)
The character based blends were made by @scentofawarden!
Dorian(2004/2018): This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea.
Stormclouds over the Midway(2006) : Thunder-charged ozone, plum-colored incense smoke, opium tar, and wormwood.
Talvikuu (2019): Skeletal limbs of birch and fir coated in a thick, impenetrable blanket of snow. This is the death of the year personified.
Halloween In San Francisco (2010): Salt air wafting in from the bay. Rain falling on rain-soaked leaves.
Wolf Moon (2014): This scent is that of unending, unquenchable hunger and feral madness. This is the dead of winter: a frozen night, chill wind, and the sharp, warm perfume of blood, fur, fang, and claw. Winter air, Terebinth pine, juniper berry, dusty orris, deep amber, brown musk, white sandalwood, black cypress, blue cedar, Siamese benzoin, white tobacco, and tonka.
Sir Thomas Sharpe (2015): Black amber darkens a pale fougere.
Gingerbread and Leather (2021) : black leather, gingerbread, clove, and tobacco.
Bitter Moon (year unknown): Nepal poppy, lotus root, wild rose, and blue hibiscus with blackberry, tonka, sage, lavender, peony and vetiver.
Buck Moon (2019): an amplification of one’s natural musk coupled with forest herbs, pine pitch, cedar berries, dew-kissed juniper, deer fur, a hint of clear, warm evening air and a crystalline spark of lunar oil.
Berzerker (2020): Thick furs, strips of leather, and a blood-stained axe with crushed poplar bud and juniper.
Rogue (2020): Soft, well-worn black leather, hemp, and rosin.
Fenris Wolf (2020): Rosewood, amber, red musk and a dribble of red sandalwood.
Blood and Bone: (This one is made by Sucreabeille) A dark forest at night. Moss and cypress, blood and warm fur. A whisper of gunsmoke, and a drop of sweet resins.
These are by scentofawarden! (All purchased 2012)
Saren Arterius: Geranium, chili seed, black pepper and cypress with notes of coffee and chocolate.
Kai Leng: Steel, vetivert, gunpowder and amyris wood only vaguely tempered with musk.
The Normandy: Steel, amber, ozone, leather and linen with hints of coffee, black tea, honey and musk and the barest trace of gunpowder.
Leta Weyland: Cajeput, jasmine, orchid and coriander with barest hints of chilli and patchouli.
Ellen Shepard: Cinnamon, clove, woodsmoke and cedarwood with the barest hint of violet.
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fatewalker-phoenix · 2 years
Character Associations
Stealing from @tiredassmage​’s open tag and responding in kind, if you would like to do this then go for it!
Eden Azalea
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Animals: phoenixes, peacocks, cats, butterflies
Colors: purple, black, gold, red
Songs: Fire in the Rain - Mans Zemberlow | Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos | All I’ve Ever Known - Anais Mitchell | Silhouette - Owl City | Ash and Ember - Augustana 
Numbers: n/a
Day or Night: dawn
Plants: azaleas, cherry blossoms
Scents: oranges, cinnamon, incense
Gemstones: amethyst, fire opal
Season: autumn
Places: Doma/The Enclave, Swallow’s Compass, Hell’s Kier, The Ruby Sea, Kugane
Foods: pork cutlet bowls, dumplings
Drinks: alcohol, coffee, tea
Elements: fire, lightning
Kiana Kveykva
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Animals: songbirds, horses, rabbits
Colors: pale blue, silver, white
Songs: You Learn - Takida | What You’re Made Of - Lindsey Stirling | Eagles and Horses - John Denver |  Misterioso - Kalafina | The Day The Wind Blew - Bravely Default
Numbers: n/a
Day or Night: Day
Plants: crane Orchids, daisies
Scents: lavender, vanilla
Gemstones: quartz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine
Season: spring
Places: The Azim Steppe, The Black Shroud, Castrum Abania, Terncliff, Cloud Deck
Foods: blueberry pancakes
Drinks: hot chocolate, tea
Elements: wind, lightning, ice
Airi Nakamura
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Animals: fireflies, mourning doves, tigers
Colors: gold, red, orange
Songs: Toward the Sun - Rhianna | Be Okay - Oh Honey | I Won’t Give Up - Jason Mraz | Soap - The Oh Hellos | Fire and Fury - Skillet
Numbers: n/a
Day or Night: Day
Plants: sunflowers, honeysuckle
Scents: honey
Gemstones: topaz, diamond, garnet
Season: summer
Places: Ul’dah, Ala Mhigo, Il Mheg, The Crown of the Immaculate, Thavnair, Elpis
Foods: pineapple upsidedown cake
Drinks: orange juice
Elements: fire, light
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forthegothicheroine · 4 years
Lilac perfumes I have known
I love lilacs.  Maybe it was because of an essential oil I had as a kid, maybe it was the lilac bushes that lined my college campus in the spring, maybe it was the Discworld book Night Watch.  My ideal lilac perfume is my great white whale, but the truth is probably that different lilacs are better for different moods.  Here’s what I have found.
French Lilac by Pacifica: Very nice, but very soft.  I really only smell it if I hold my wrist directly under my nose, and even then it goes faint quickly.  Might be better if you get a whole spray bottle and can decide how much you want to wear.
Lilac Path by Aerin: More tart than I usually think of lilacs as being, but very nice.  Maybe it’s the angelica or galbanum notes?  Anyway, it’s a lovely floral, especially if you’re looking more for a spring flowers scent than a lilac soliflore.
Lilacs Along the Winding Drive by Alkemia: This was more violet than lilac to me.  Which is fine, violets are very nice, but not what I’m looking for.  Alkemia scents in general tend to smell different to me than their listed notes, but they have a very devoted fanbase so keep in mind that mine is the minority opinion.
En Passant by Frederic Malle: Another one that’s extremely soft on me.  I like the cucumber and water notes that keep this cool and not overly sweet, but I found it very faint.  Again, it might be stronger if you get a spray bottle, but that’s a lot for me to potentially spend on something that still might not be what I want.
Haunted by Deconstructing Eden: Love this!  Lilacs over roses, wisteria, lillies and supposedly wood and ambergris (though that doesn’t stand out to me.)  I have a small bottle of this, and as with its name, it gives me pretty ghost vibes.
Les Fleurs du Mal by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab: Another indie lilac/rose/wisteria blend that I love, but with stronger siliage.  I’ve seen reviews call this soapy, but I haven’t noticed that.  I’m probably going to get a small bottle of this at some point.  I’d give a general warning for all the BPAL scents here that perfume oil (as opposed to alcohol-based perfumes) seems to just not work on some people.
Cave of Treasures by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab: A valentine’s limited edition from a few years ago, gifted to me.  Sweet and gourmand as liacs go, with honey and cream.  The smell is delicious, though the lilac note is strongest at the beginning and seems to fade into the honey.
Dead Leaves, Blue Lilac, Black Currant, and Black Orchid by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab: A halloween limited edition from a few years ago, gifted to me.  It’s exactly what the name says, and so good!  It’s not a light maiden wandering through an enchanted garden, but a melancholy vampire posing dramatically in an overgrown cemetary, and sometimes that’s exactly what I want to be.
A Lilac a Day by Vilhelm: A full blast of lilac, strong and incredibly sweet.  This is probably the best lilac soliflore I’ve found, in that it does smell like a lilac bush, but it could probably have stood to be de-sweetened a little.  A good scent for being a fairy godmother.  I got a small bottle of this on ebay.
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bambooslayer · 4 years
Scent Headcanons
so my covid/quarantine experience has been marked mainly by two things: indie perfume and the magnus archives. to combine these two interests, I’ve decided to match the “scent vibes” of some magnus characters and the entities. scent headcanons I guess? if those weren’t a thing before they are now. scents that I’ve tried will be marked with a *.
The Institute Staff
Jon- Solstice Scents' Gibbon’s Boarding School: dusty wooden desks, paper, carefully hidden tobacco pouch, dying fire, dried leaves, leather chairs, autumn breeze
This scent really captures the “tired academic” aura of Jon, especially S1-S2. Not quite completely put together, but still surrounded by the scent of knowledge.
Martin- Stereoplasm's Lydia*: A uniquely transformative scent; opens with agrestic lavender and earl grey tea with snips of fresh fennel greens. A flood of soapy emerald green bubbles then rests softly into clean sunset musk.
Martin has a comforting, calming scent. He always, always smells like tea no matter what he wears or does. Hints of soap peak through as he tries to keep himself clean and put together, even if the world is about to end. The scent of someone who’s learned to pull himself together to be ready for everyone else.
Sasha- Alkemia's Old Books and Fresh Flowers*: Fresh neroli orange flowers and heliotrope blossoms pressed between the delicate paper pages of a leather-bound book
Boundless beauty and ancient knowledge in one scent. She’s always sorting through the archive’s resources and constantly smells like the ancient paper surrounding her.
Tim- alphamusk's Bardot*: Gorgeous badass goddess like musk that’s insanely irresistible. Notes of roses, woods, magnolias but all blended so effortlessly and meld together beautifully in this sexy magnetizing musk. Everyone who smells it loves it. Very femme. Iconic.
Who doesn’t love Tim at first sight? A sexy, charismatic, fingergun shooting bisexual who’s always ready to do what he needs to get things done. A scent that blurs the lines between gender fits him, and it’s sexy to match. Even when he’s at his lowest, he still draws you in.
Elias- Alkemia's Book of Shadows*: A biblichor of eldritch books - heavy parchment paper, ancient iron oak gall ink, crumbling leather bindings, and wafts of rare incenses
Jonah Magnus smells of all the cursed knowledge he’s acquired. The statements and ancient books he’s encountered leave their marks on him in scent. You can’t smell the underlying evil, but there’s a certain darkness that lives there.
Basira - Death and Floral’s Red string of fate: Red musk and black, burnt amber blended with golden honey and black molasses
I don’t have a good explanation for this, it just feels right.
Melanie- Death and Floral’s Half-hoping to be eaten by a bear: Woody, sweet bare skin; the lingering scent of dry leaves on a cold morning.
Melanie smells of her supernatural adventures and longing for something more.
Daisy- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Mr. Czernobog: Unfiltered cigarettes, the leather and metal of sledgehammers, aortal blood slowly drying, and black incense.
Daisy knows what she’s done. She’s a Hunter, and these smells follow her.
Peter Lukas- Arcana Wildcraft's Black Sand: The scent of a warm night on a dark, sandy beach. Atmospheric sweetness with a hint of salt air and a subtle undercurrent of danger. The richest amber resin, black coconut, coconut husks, and smoky vetiver.
The scent of the loneliest sailor. There’s a dangerous draw to him still, but you can tell you should keep your distance. (unless you’re Elias of course)
The Entities
The Buried- Alkemia’s St. Louis Cemetery #1: “An atmospheric brooding of Spanish moss, crumbling stone, old cement, red clay brick, and graveyard dirt.”  
It’s not quite burying you, but it’s about to. You won’t be able to tell that it will until it’s too late.
The Corruption- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s Elli’s Song: “The horrors of entropy, death, and decay: desiccated black mosses, vetiver, olibanum, patchouli, and ashes.”
Rotting. Decay. The disgusting decomposition of all things.
The Dark- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s Event Horizon: “A disconcerting scent, heavy and oppressive, through which no light, no matter, and no spirit can escape. Black opium, labdanum, opoponax, black orchid, and benzoin.”
Pretty self-explanatory. Complete and utter darkness.
The Desolation- Arcana Wildcraft's Devilish: “Shaking off vanilla's reputation for namby pambyness, this infernally dark and smoky fragrance comes complete with licks of fire and sulfurous wafts of brimstone. The devil really does have all the best scents.”
Was it worth it? The meaningful life you lived? Was it worth meeting this fiery end? A scent to match the end of a life worthwhile.
The End- Alkemia's Dustsceawung: “Dustsceawung is the contemplation of dust, worldly desires, and the ephemerality of all things... raspings that were once a tree, ruins that were once cities, bones that were once lovers. Dust is always the ultimate destination on our journey. The scent of forbidden explorations and an olfactory meditation on dust... attic air, the inside of old trunks, abandoned haylofts, library stacks, and abandoned buildings.”
The death of all things. Everything must succumb to its true form: dust. No matter what you fear, no matter how accomplished you are, no matter what you’ve planned, it will come for all. This scent carries the dust of those already ended, a reminder of your fate.
The Extinction- Alkemia's Deus Ex Machina: “An olfactory portrait of industrial decay and the fallen gods of age of disruption, innovation, and technological revolution... fire hardened steel, rusted iron, motor oil, wet cement, burnt copper wires, and grey amber.”
Mankind has brought itself to the edge. All that it has created is what finally destroys it. Remnants of industry linger, all that’s left of humanity’s monstrosity.
The Eye- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's The Book: “Old, yellowed parchment paper, tattered leather bindings. There’s a distinct warmth to the scent, though it is ancient and brittle.”
All knowledge lives here. It has watched you your entire life. It knows everything about you, everything about everyone, everything about everyone that has lived. Pages and pages and pages of its stronghold live in the institutes.  
The Flesh- Arcana Wildcraft’s Edward Hyde: “A depraved mix of dirt, blood red musk, roasted meat accord, acrid yellow musk, salt, and an odd hint of expensive men’s cologne.”
Meat. Meat. Meat. Meat is meat. A meaty scent that marks the servants of the flesh.
The Hunt- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s Berzerker: “Thick furs, strips of leather, and a blood-stained axe with crushed poplar bud and juniper”
The Hunt is never over. Once you get a taste of blood, there is no going back. Furs of a predator, the sharp metallic weapon mixed with the blood of your prey.
The Lonely- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s Desolation: “In the perfume, I also tried to capture the blue-violet-white of an afterimage and the silence of a snuffed candle. The scent is dry with age, taut with loss, grief, and heartbreak, and sorrowful in the unspeakable desolation of simply being forgotten.”
Alone at last. Forever. Alone in life, alone in memory, alone in history. A scent that marks those marked by the Lonely, disappearing into nothing.
The Slaughter- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s The Black Tower- “A sepulchral, desolate scent. Long-dead soldiers, oath-bound; the perfume of their armor, the chill wind that surges through their tower, white bone and blackened steel: white sandalwood, ambergris, wet ozone, galbanum and leather with ebony, teak, burnt grasses, English ivy and a hint of red wine.”
The scent of those trapped in the endless cycle of the violence of war, spanning centuries of slaughter.
The Spiral- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s Azathoth: “Azathoth is the blind, idiot god who sits on a black throne at the center of Chaos. His scent is high-pitched and screeching, both impenetrably dark and searingly bright with the clarity of madness: tangerine, saffron, vetiver, black amber and cedarwood.”
A scent that matches the contradictions and chaos of the spiral.
The Stranger- Arcana Wildcraft’s Blood & Circuses: “The monstrously sweet scent of clowns gone wrong. An outlandish, carnivalic mix of white pancake makeup accord, pink cotton candy, and the salty sugariness of warm kettle corn.”
The circus has returned. I hope you’re ready for the show. Steer clear of anyone who carries this smell, and give an extra glance to the mannequins you pass.
The Vast- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s R'Lyeh: “The sunken city of the Great God Cthulhu. A hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves.”
The scent of an eternal expanse that you cannot possibly comprehend. Is it the fear of what lies beneath? Is it the depth itself? Does it matter once you’re lost in it?
The Web- Haus of Gloi’s Spider Silk: “Procured from a dream: delicate water mint, wispy grey musk, crystalline webs of amber, oakmoss, torchwood, copaiba resin, and a touch of withered violet leaf.”
A gentle spider creeps its way around, leaving their little traces in the webs they weave. Only too late will you notice that you’re trapped in the web.
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bangtansorciere · 4 years
legacies | house information
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Tucked between the third and fourth castle wing, the Hall of Fame is more a gateway than a passage. Your footsteps echo off the high, arched ceilings, the stone walls and marble floors refracting every sound until it reverberates off your skin. It’s warmer than you thought it would be, the large stained glass windows rich in color and texture, heat emanating from somewhere, nowhere. Along the walls, the founders’ portraits move, their eyes following your every step. They whisper together, laugh together, words passed between the boundaries of their gilded frames, peculiar in their silence. Imbued with remnants of their souls, the founders live on, ever watchful of Bangtan Sorciere’s initiates. The plaques of their histories, accomplishments - their lives - shimmer, eternally golden. Beside them, still portraits of the current professors hang lifelessly, though beautifully, waiting for their magic to ascend.
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At the apex of the wall hangs a black frame – its obsidian surface polished to a glimmering sheen. A dragon figurine sits at the top left corner, its body - scaled in jagged plates of agate – lazily stretched over the top edge, and its tail – lanced in spikes of onyx – furls around the right length. Despite its languorous posture, it rests majestically, an air of nobility oozing out of its being. Limpid eyes of emerald stare at you, their chlorochrous lustre luminous – as though glistening with the knowledge of old.
Underneath the magnificent creature, is the portrait of Kim Namjoon, the founder of House Ajoonis. Wisteria-hued hair is swept back from his chiseled face, revealing a crisp undercut; while ink-blackened eyes glint through sharp eyelids: the unfathomable depths rich with wisdom, and something darker – something carnal. Pillowed lips of velvet tug into a wry smirk, and as his turbulent gaze locks onto yours, you find yourself swept away by their undertow.
❂ Delve deeper into the legacy of House Ajoonis.
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Next is a frame carved from amber, and as light filters through the pellucid casing, it casts honeyed shadows of saffron across the wall. Phoenix sculpture perched in the bottom left corner, its wings are spread over the edges of the left and bottom length. Feathers of scarlet and vermillion blend with those of carnelian and jacinthe in a brilliant display – as though the tufted appendages were made of a radiant, blazing fire. Rubies encrusted in the eye sockets, the creature’s avid gaze bores into your soul, the ardent pools somewhat threatening – as though they could ignite your very being at any moment.
Depicted in the painting is Kim Seokjin, the founder of House Jincubus. Carob eyes twinkle: the murky pools swirling with barely contained desire; and framed by flavescent scarlet hues: the gold undertones of his complexion deepen, causing his flesh to shimmer with each movement. His lustrous visage has you gasping, and unable to tear your gaze from him, white-hot spikes prickle at your spine.
❂ Delve deeper into the legacy of House Jincubus.
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The third portrait boasts a frame of copper - the burnished exterior incandescent with shades of sinopia and russet. Winding around the right side is a basilisk, it’s coiled body thick, and corded; the surface of its skin ridged in countless scales of rust. Under the gilded effulgence of the flickering candlelight the creature is resplendent: foiled plates glittering - the scintillation making it seem as if it’s languidly slithering along the edge. From the deep inset of its serpentine head, eyes of sapphire peer at you, the azure tincture gleaming in interest - as though it’s beckoning you closer in order to sate its curiosity.
The canvas itself is emblazoned with the likeness of Min Yoongi, the founder of House Yoonus. Sable tresses fall into his eyes, the tips brushing against the line of his brow. Partially obscured, the coal of his irises are shrouded in riddle, faint inklings of intrigue intermittently peeking through the fierce, defensive shield of his regard. The carefully guarded secrecy piques your own curiosity, and breath hitching, you step closer - endeavoring to unfurl the mystery.
❂ Delve deeper into the legacy of House Yoonus.
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Pinned to the middle of the Hall of Fame’s wall, is a frame carved from sunstone - the mottled mineral streaked in pale shades of honey and gamboge. Stood atop the top right corner of the portrait is a griffin, its sharpened talons gripping the edge and its immense wings splayed out in all its marvelous glory. Entire body cloaked in down, mellow tinged light seeps through the feathers, causing them to glimmer in splendid tinctures of nacarat and citrine. With its head facing you, eagle’s eyes, chiseled out of heliodor, observe you carefully - the surreptitious reflections of light in the gems making it seem as though its gaze follows your every movement.
Beneath the creature is Jung Hoseok, the founder of House Seokubus. Dark hair, the shade of blackened umber, is parted at the side, and chin cocked in a display of power, he stares down at you. Gaze locking onto his, the edges of his lips twitch, and the shapely folds of his mouth tugging into an arrogant grin, he cocks an eyebrow at you. The gesture has you reeling, and throat constricting, you audibly swallow.
❂ Delver deeper into the legacy of House Seokubus.
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A frame of silver - the argentite surface so refined it twinkles as though made of diamonds - encases the fifth portrait. Along the bottom edge of the casing lies a siren, its figure sprawled out over the entire length and its head peeking at you over its shoulder. Calcareous flakes encrusting its skin, the scales are lucent: crystalline hues of palladium and platinum blending together, and flaxen light spilling over them, they shimmer. Through half-lidded eyes, twin gems of aquamarine glimpse at you, the jewels glinting almost coquettishly - as though enticing you towards it.
Painted on the canvas above it is Park Jimin, the founder of House Jiminysus. Azuline hair, the colour of deep ultramarine, is tousled in deliberate waves, the tresses parted at the side and spilling over the right of his forehead. Blatantly leering at you, onyx eyes sweep over your figure, and as tempestuous depths lure you into its sensuous currents, he winks. Immediately, your breath hitches, and tingles of pleasure jolting down your spine, you’re ensnared in their riptide.
❂ Delver deeper into the legacy of House Jiminysus.
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Another frame, this one made of gold so supple, so soft, it seems born of tenderness itself. Yet, even delicate, beautiful things like this are ripe with immense power: the reddish yellow texture giving away the pure rawness of the metal. At it's left corner, the frame's gold has been carved into the shape of a hippogriff; the auric tail-feathers burnished to a lustrous sheen that draws attention to their intricate patterns - each so clearly detailed it’s as though the metal itself has encased the creature for eternity. Amethyst eyes - glinting in the light in an alluring display of violet and indigo elegance - catch your eyes; almost as though willing you to swoon for it, to adore it.
Held affectionately within the frame is Kim Taehyung, the founder of House Taeros. His dark tresses curtain his regal features in waves, all the candlelight finds the high edges of his cheekbones, and he eyes you conspicuously down the length of his nose. Full lips set in a pout and long fingers wrapped around the edge of a tea cup, you get the sense you have interrupted him. Rather, that you have been invited, and that he has willed your company towards him.
❂ Delver deeper into the legacy of House Taeros.
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The final frame seems to emanate from moonlight itself, emerging from the stone rather than clinging to it. It’s opal borders are iridescent, manifesting light itself without offering shadow. Resting in the bottom right corner, is a pegasus with its wide wings unfurled. As if illuminated from within, its diaphanous feathers gleam in nacreous pearl and its gossamre mane glows in prismatic moonstone; not unlike a haunting. Through soft, tourmaline eyes - the hues dancing in shades of blush and orchid - it watches you curiously, the sparkle in its gaze youthful and playful.
Illustrated in the painting is Jeon Jungkook, founder of House Koopid. Despite his boyish features, the curiosity in his expression runs deep - deep enough it bleeds into desire. Though tips of his dark hair falls into his eyes, you are certain there is nothing he does not see, nothing he would not take should he ask it of the world. Raising a single chalice, he studies you inquisitively, pointing a single digit at you as though demanding you drink with him, this drink a game of wit.
❂ Delver deeper into the legacy of House Koopid.
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jayrart · 4 years
HPHM Profile
Character Profile template is from @hogwartsmysterystory​
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Name: Jenny Callisto Romero
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birth Date: December 12
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Nationality: American, British
Residence: Romero Forest Manor
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Myer Briggs Personality Type:INFP-T  The Mediator
The Mage
1st Wand: Eleven-inch Redwood wand Unicorn Hair core
2nd Wand:Ten-inch Alder wood wand Phoenix Feather core
Animagus: Munchkin Cat
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Misc Magical Abilities: Zoolingualism- can speak with animals and understand them.
Boggart Form: Her Aunt Bianca
Riddikulus Form: N/A
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Honey, Roses, Apples, Mint 
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Fresh laundry, Forest, Sandalwood,
Patronus: Jaguar (family trait from mother side)
Patronus Memory: finding out she can speak with animals
Mirror of Erised: relaxing with her family back home
Specialized/Favourite Spells:Bambarda, Disillusionment, Silencio, cheering, Ferula, Orchideous, Colovaria
Faceclaim: N/A
Voiceclaim: N/A
Game Appearance:
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Height: 5'2
Weight: 147 pounds 
Physique: Average
Eye Colour: Lime Green that glows in low light
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Light tan
Body Modifications: Stephanie's gifted earrings 
Scarring: the Aztec symbol for death (Miquiztli) between shoulder blades 
Other: Birthmark under left eye, Right shoulder, stomach, Inner left thigh, bottom right foot, and light heart shape one on her back. purple hair clip on the right side (Jacob gave it to her before he left.)Pearl bracelet on the left hand (past down from her mother)
Inventory: Potions (Draught of Peace, Wiggenweld Potion, Invisibility Potion, Memory Potion, Wideye Potion), Journal with her forgotten memories (Jacob wrote down memories that their parents obliviated from Jenny), Wand, Hair ties, Journals, Pens, Snacks, Animal food.
Winter/Autumn: sweater, layers, warm tone colors 
Spring/ summer: flowy, simple, pastel colors 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
second-order of the Phoenix
Auror department
Professions: Auror, Later becomes a healer at school 
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Charms:  ★★★★★★★★☆☆
DADA: ★★★★★★★★★☆
Flying: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Herbology: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
History of Magic: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Potions: ★★★★★★★★★☆
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Muggle Studies:★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Ancient Runes:★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Quidditch: Only friendlies
Extra Curricular:
Potions club 
Frog Choir
Favourite Professors:
Least Favourite Professors:
Name: Jacob Vincent Romero 
Eye: Teal
Hair: Dark Brown, Wavy 
Height: 5'11
Schoolhouse: Slytherin 
He left during winter break to keep his family safe. 
Was going to tell Jenny but decided not to. She saw him leave 
Also Zoolingualism 
Expert at Non-verbal magic 
Learn to Apparition by himself
Extremely smart
 Heir to the Romero family funds but passes it down to Jenny
Shy around strangers 
Hates crowds 
Misc Siblings: 
Name: Dalton Nash Romero (baby brother)
Age: 1
Eye: Skyblue 
Hair: Brown, Curly 
Name: Cordelia Roselind Romero (baby sister)
Eye: Skyblue
Hair: Brown, Wavy
Born at the start of Jenny's 5th year
Doesn't have the Zoolingualism gene
Name: Kristopher Vulcan Romero 
Age: 43
Eye: Blue
Hair: Black, Wavy 
Height: 6'1
Schoolhouse: Slytherin
Job: Auror 
One of the strongest Aurors 
Has a brother and sister
Traveled to America when Voldemort started to gain followers (orders for parents because he was the youngest)
Met his wife after a bad accident. Eventually got married and had Jacob and Jenny before moving back home.
 Was divested when Jacob left and tried everything he could to find him.
Regrets not being around due to work
Name: María Celeste Gallegos
Age 40
Eye: Emerald Green
Hair: Brown, Curly, Knee length 
Height :5'6
Schoolhouse: Thunderbird 
Job: Healer
Comes from a family of 13 (2 Parents and 11 kids)
One of the 5 kids of her family with Ancient blood 
family of healers
Moved to England after her sister tried to kill Jenny 
Part of a special healer unit (basically the ICU) at St. Mungo's
Takes time off after Jacob left to comfort Jenny
Emotionally unstable for 2 years until she eventually comes to terms 
Love Interest: Jae, Barnaby, Cristiano (Au)
Best Friends: Rowan, Tonks, Barnaby, Charlie, Bill, Jae, Badeea, Talbott, Chiara, Andre, Merula 
Rival: N/A
Enemy: Rakepick, R, Bianca 
Dormmates: Rowan, Liz, Merula, Ismelda
Pets: owl, dog, cat, Abraxan (back home)
Closest Canon Friends: Tonks, Barnaby, Charlie
Closest MC Friends:
Stephanie @hanihonii​
Dia @dia-m-o​​ 
Samuel @moko-sh​
Kyril @kyril-hphm​
Cristiano @chrisception13​
Luna @lunasilvermorny​
Helene @heleneplays​​
Septimus  @brothergrimm71​​  
Ethren @hogwartsmysterystory​
Flavio @sirfluffig​
Pre Hogwarts: Jenny was born in the US and lived there for 2 years. She was proclaimed the heir of the Gallegos fortune due to her strong Magical Abilities. This angered her Aunt Bianca so much that she abused Jenny. Often hitting, yelling, and cursing her but she would always obliviate her memory after. She cursed Jenny making it so she was unable to have kids (unless they are born with strong powers). When she was unsuccessful she decided to just kill her off by marking her for death and sacrificing her to Tezcatlipoca. Jenny's mother found out about everything her sister has done and fought with her before leaving the country and moving to England. They once more obliviated Jenny's memories and forbidden her from leaving the Manor. She was fine with that until Jacob went off to school and both her parents started working longer hours. Her aunt who is a Muggle would often come over to babysit Jenny and show her a lot of muggle things. But One day a death eater made their way into the Manor sent to kill Jenny as a warning to her father. Her Aunt got in the way to protect Jenny from dying in front of her. Her father was able to make it before the death eater was able to finish their task. Not wanting his daughter to remember seeing the death of her aunt he once more obliviated her memories. After that Jenny became very lonely and depressed when she was left alone. Often having nightmares of her forgotten memories. When Jacob ran away she broke down mentally and physically refusing to eat and never leaving her room. Once her Hogwarts letter arrived she began to open up again.
1st Year: Jenny is excited to finally go to school and explore other places outside the manor ground. She isn’t really used to talking to others so she comes off as odd. Often mimicking others’ actions and personality. She doesn't focus on any of the vaults and just pays attention to school and friends. You would see her exploring and talking to people and animals often. 
2nd Year: The start year is similar to her first year. Often hanging around Rowan, Merula, Barnaby. Once the Ice vault starts to affect her and her friend Jenny takes an interest. When she found notes left behind from her brother she became invested in finding him. Jenny starts to sneak around closed-off areas of the school and in the forest at the end of the year.
3rd Year: she meets Tonks at the start of the year and joins her for pranks. Eventually meeting Tulip and things got very very chaotic whenever the three are together. She starts to spend a lot of time with Barnaby. Eventually, he finds out about her ability and they become really close. They were often seen with one another, and everyone thinks they are dating but they aren't. As the vaults become more dangerous Jenny starts to get more involved so she can protect her friends.
4th Year: She meets Charlie this year and starts to hang out with him and Bill. They both become a brother figure to Jenny. They even take her back to their place during the holidays. She focuses less on the vaults this yeah and more on her friend. Eventually going on a date with Barnaby without knowing it and being her date to the dance. Jenny still got in trouble for looking for the vault in the woods and ends up in detention.
5th Year: When the year starts Jenny was ready to start looking for any clues but because of detention she wasn't able to. She actually starts developing a crush on Jae. When Rakepick shows up Jenny does not like her at all. She didn't say anything because she didn't want to be rude, but when Snape said not to trust her Jenny told him her thoughts. As year 5 continues Jenny became more stressed but didn't show or told anyone. She helped others with their problems to ignore her own. Once at the vault, she tried to talk to the dragon, but when Rakepick attacked there was nothing she could do but fight it. when Jenny found Jacob she was happy it was finally over. (It was the first time anyone has seen her cry) of course, when he eventually left she was really hurt ,but she put that to the side and tried to help her friends that have been hurt both physically and mentally. Before going home she goes back into Jacob's office and finds the journal that is full of all the obliviate memories. After being taken from mad-eye Jenny returns home and reads the journal. She loses all the trust of her friends and family and locks herself away from everyone the entire summer
6th Year: Jenny tried to hide her emotions and make things back to normal like things where before, but ultimately failed when she noticed everyone acting strange. She literally was doing everything to help her friends, find her brother and the next vault, and keep her grades up that she neglected her health. She rarely slept or eat and the only time she did was because Snape made her. ᴴᵉ ʷᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵃᵈᵐᶦᵗ ᶦᵗ ᵇᵘᵗ ʰᵉ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ʷᵒʳʳʸ ᶠᵒʳ ʰᵉʳ ᵃⁿᵈ ˡᵒᵒᵏˢ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ʰᵉʳ. When Rowan was killed Jenny literally broke. She was a mess cry and screaming as she held on to her lifeless body. After that, she joins Merula and Ben wanting to kill Rakepick. Once she finally meets back up with Jacob she confronts him for running away. Before he leaves again she hands the hair clip to him and makes him promise to bring it back once everything is done. Once Alanza arrives at the school Jenny didn't like her at all. She felt like Alanza was trying to take Roman's place.
7th Year: Jenny gets engaged to Barnaby to help him from being forced into an arranged marriage. They become more of a couple then just friends to make the marriage work eventually Jenny does fall for him.
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War: Becomes an Auror after school joining Tonks and becoming an apprentice of mad eye. Joins the Order helps with Intel, investigating, and spying. Fights at the battle and finally is confronted by her aunt. Jenny is able to kill her after everything she has done.
Post-War: Jenny still works as an Auror until her 50 where she becomes a healer at the school. Jenny becomes pregnant a few months after the war but loses her kid before they were born. During one of Jenny's assignments, she finds an infant child whose family was killed. Knowing that the child has no other family Jenny adopts him and raises him as her own. Jenny eventually gets pregnant again and had a girl named Melody who has the same powers as her.
Old Age & Death: Jenny is 97 when she dies of old age.
Good: Loyal, Loving, Kind, Optimism, Adventurous, Resourceful, Bold, Playful, Affectionate, Funny, Smart, Lively, Strong, Reliable, Determined, Cheerful, Friendly, Honest, Easygoing
Bad: Wild, Talkative, Rowdy, Fidgety, Cunning, Silly, Careless, Foolish, Impulsive, Sarcastic, Secretive, Clumsy, forgetful
Talents: Singing, Playing the Piano & Guitar, Baking, Ice Skating, 
Knew that something was off with Rakepick
Actually really good at potions but doesn't like to show off (snape knows but doesn't want it to go to her head)
Goes to the forbidden forest when she is upset to speak with the animals
It's strange to see Jenny when she is serious because she acts like a completely different person.
She stopped growing so she wears heels
Joined the order because of Tonks
When she goes home she invites Barnaby to stay, so he doesn't have to go back to his place if he feels uncomfortable.
The Romero family has 3 house elves but they are all "free". They were bought and set free the very same day, but given an option to say and look after the house and kids while they were at work in exchange for housing and food. 
Never had a real friend until she started school.No one other than the family has seen her up until then.
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romancemoved · 3 years
✨ @leopardos asked 🌙 💗 meme. still accepting!
so vi definitely wears everything from black phoenix alchemy lab around thor... the marketing is really gothy. very 2000s. i love them lol. their scent profiles are seductive and a little weird. this is what vi wears around thor:
ice / eucalyptus blossom, crystalline musk, white ginger, mint, and elemi. described as a ruthless, cold metal, icicle scent.
lady death / white musk, grey amber, calabrian bergamot, vanilla absolute, french labdanum, styrax, wormwood, caraway, and bois de jasmin.
fairy bite / osmanthus, raw honey with lavender, chamomile, white peppermint, raspberry, honeysuckle, thyme, bergamot, and dracula orchid.
he layers them if he’s really feelin’ a lil frisky... tbh.
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jackisreallycool · 5 years
Debate your mother
1. Uffie- pop the Glock
2. Nicki Minaj - super bass
3. Jeremih - oui
4. Laurel Halo - years
5. Kelela - rewind
6. Sunny Sweeney - from a table away
7. Miley Cyrus - space boots
8. Black eyed peas - meet me halfway
9. Hyuna- bubble pop
10. Winter Gordon - dirty talk
11. Lady antebellum - need you now
12. Shady - Go in
13. Taylor Swift - the archer
14. Ciara - ride
15. Fifth harmony - work from home
16. Nav- myself
17. Xxyyxx - about you
18. Travis Scott - sicko mode
19. Yung lean - ginseng strip 2002
20. Brianna Perry - Marilyn Monroe
21. Katy b - Katy ona. Mission
22. Maggie Rogers - on + off
23. Saweetie - my type
24. Picture plane - goth star
25. Charli XCX - Gone
26. Lorde - Ribs
27. Juice Wrld - lucid dreams
28. Lady Gaga - Judas
29. Selena Gomez - bad liar
30. Rick Ross - BMF
31. Migos - motorsport
32. Best coast - boyfriend
33. Clairo - bags
34. Anna Meredith - nautilus
35. DVSN - too deep
36. Teen suicide - salvia Plath
37. Skrillex - bangarang
38. IloveFriday - Mia khalifa
39. Young MA - ooouu
40. 21 savage - ocean drive
41. FEMM - fuck boys get money
42. Kreayshawn - Gucci Gucci
43. Jazmine Sullivan - mascara
44. Becky G - shower
45. Troye Sivan - bloom
46. SZA - drew veeeymore
47. Yves rumor - licking an orchid
48. Hyetal- Phoenix
49. DJ Dodger stadium - love songs
50. SIA - Chandelier
51. Nadia Oh - taking over the dance floor
52. Jennifer Lopez - on the floor
53. Rebecca black - Friday
54. Gil Scott heron - New York is killing me
55. Grimes - oblivion
56. Beyonce - formation
57. The knife - full of fire
58. NERO - promises
59. Nicki Minaj - starships
60. M.I.A. - xxxo
61. Kero kero bonito - only acting
62. Xxxtentacion - look at me!
63. Tove Lo - habits stay high
64. oOoOO - hearts
65. Rihanna - love on the brain
66. Jam city - the courts
67. Taylor Swift - we are never ever getting back together
68. Salem - king night
69. Azealia banks - Anna wintour
70. Lana Del Rey - the greatest
71. Maren Morris- 80s Mercedes
72. AG Cook - keri baby
73. The Dream - Yamaha
74. Travis Scott - antidote
75. Bladee - be nice 2 me
76. Icona pop - I love it
77. Ciara - bodyparty
78. Sky Ferreira- everything is embarrassing
79. Charli XCX - vroom vroom
80. Dej Loaf - try me
81. April - oh! My mistake
82. Drake - hotline bling
83. Yemi alade - Johnny
84. Madonna - god control
85. Playboi Carti - lean 4 real
86. Nicki Minaj - black barbies
87. Kane brown - heaven
88. George clanton- slide
89. Elle king - exes and ohs
90. Selena Gomez - good for you
91. Cigarettes after sex - each time you fal in love
92. Moses sumney- don’t bother calling
93. Waka flocka flame - hard in da paint
94. LOONA - girl front
95. Weyes blood - andromeda
96. Purity ring - fineshrine
97. Ariana gende - thank y next
98. Lady Gaga - do what u want
99. Ski mask the slump god - faucet failure
100. Marina - how to be a heartbreaker
101. Ellie Goulding - love me like you do
102. Hatchie- sugar and spice
103. Spooky black - without u
104. Loreen - euphoria
105. Ella Mai - boo’d up
106. Rina sawayama - alterlife
107. Sofi de la torre- vermilion
108. Billie Eilish - bury a friend
109. Rihanna - what’s my name
110. Chelley - took the night
111. Noah Cyrus - make me cry
112. Crim3s - stay ugly
113. Kacey Musgraves - merry go round
114. Rosalia - malamente
115. Nicki Minaj - chun li
116. Drake - crew love
117. Anhoni- drone bomb me
118. Britney Spears - til the world ends
119. Didddy dirty money - ass on the floor
120. Lana Del Rey - video games
121. Daphne and Celeste - BB
122. City Girls - act up
123. SOPHIE - bipp
124. Moses sumney- quarrel
125. Lil uzi Vert - xo your life
126. Wonder girls - I feel you
127. Kyary pamyu pamyu- ponponpon
128. Taylor Swift - look what you made me do
129. Lorde - royals
130. Cupcakke - cpr
131. White ring - IxC999
132. Jai Paul - str8 outta Mumbai
133. Tay K - the race
134. Flo milli - beef flomix
135. Katie got bandz - I need a hitta
136. Jhene aiko- sativa
137. Fever Ray - to the moon and back
138. The internet- girl
139. Susanne sunddor - delirious
140. Future - codeine crazy
141. JLin - erotic heat
143. Mariah Carey A no no
144. Dua lipa - don’t start now
145. Paramore - hard times
146. Azealia banks - heavy metal and reflective
147. Kesha - tik tok
148. One direction - kiss you
149. Kelis - acapella
150. Azealia banks - 212
151. Future - mask off
152. Demi Lovato - cool does the summer
153. 100 gecs - money machine
154. Chief keef - love Sosa
155. Lana Del Rey - high by the beach
156. Post Malone - better now
157. Lim kim - awoo
158. Nicole Dolangangrr - chapel
159. Let’s eat grandma - falling into me
160. Miley Cyrus - we can’t stop
161. Charli XCX - track 10
162. Cardi b - bodakyellow
163. Leikeli47 - attitude
164. K Michelle - VSOP
165. Sevyn streetwr - it won’t stop
166. The band Perry - if i die young
167. Usher - climax
168. Trippie Red - love scars
169. Lady Gaga - bnorm this way
170. Lana Del Rey - Venice. Bitch
171. Kelly Rowland - motivation
172. Yung lean - Kyoto
173. BANKS - Gemini feed
174. Hudson Mohawke - fuse
175. F(x) - 4 walls
176. Rihanna - kiss it better
177. ASAP Ferg - Shaba
178. Sophia Grace - Best friends
179. Kim Petras - heart to break
180. Sleigh bells - tell em
181. Sandy Alex g - Bobby
182. Florrie- I took a little something
183. The 1975 - love it if we made it
184. Nicki Minaj - your love
185. Mitski - your best American girl
186. Carly Rae Jepsen - run away with me
187. Robyn - honey
188. Jade bird - lottery
189. Rosalia - con Altura
190. Kanye west - black skinhead
191. Solange - cranes in the sky
192. Lil Peep - kiss
193. Fka twigs - two weeks
194. Ty dolla sign - paranoid
195. St Vincent - masseduction
196. Bad bunny - caro
197. Drake - in my feelings
198. Kanye west - father stretch my hands
199. Bhad Bhabie- hi bich
200. Caroline polachek - Door
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Cassie Profile
Format made by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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Name: Cassandra Eliza Cresswood
Gender: Female
Birth Date: February 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Scottish
Residence: Glasgow, Scotland
Myer Briggs Personality Type: Defender-ISFJ-T
The Mage
1st Wand: 10", Cedar, Phoenix tail feather
2nd Wand: 10″, Ebony Oak, Horned serpent horn (made by Bianca Firahel)
Animagus: Red Squirrel with a red heart marking on the chest
Misc Magical Abilities: Legillimens
Boggart Form: Lucia dying
Riddikulus Form: Lucia dressed as a clown
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Strawberries, watermelon, Lavender and roasted almonds
Amortentia: (What do they smell?)  sunflowers, honey, chocolates and mint
Patronus: Flame Skimmer Dragonfly
Patronus Memory: Getting married to Lucia(Was made up until they actually did)
Mirror of Erised: She and Lucia having a happy family together
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Carpe Retractum
Orchideous (She used this spell to help ask out Lucia)
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Height: 5′3
Weight: 138lbs
Physique: Muscled arms, quite curvaceous
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Red
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: Tattoo of a sunflower with multiple sunflowers wrapped around her left arm, around her stomach she has six daffodils forming a heart, In her seventh year she dyed a part of her hair blonde
Scarring: Scar going vertically down left eye, X- shaped scar on the middle of her chest and a scar on her right side of her waist
Inventory: Wand, Dragonfly Brooch gifted by her sister, a charm bracelet that matches with Lucia’s, dragonfly species books, a locket with photos of Sierra and Lucia in it, multiple songbooks  
Hogwarts House: Slytherin 
Ilvermorny House:Horned Serpent
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Arcuri Family
Wand Maker(Briefly)
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: 5/10 (A)
Charms:  9/10 (O)
DADA: 8/10 (O)
Flying: 7/10 (E)
Herbology: 6/10 (E)
History of Magic:  5/10 (A)
Potions: 4/10 (P)
Transfiguration:8/10 (O)
CoMC 7/10 (E)
Music:  7/10 (E)
Ancient Runes:  8/10 (O)
Quidditch: Beater
Extra Curricular:
Frog Choir
Dueling Club
Slytherin Quidditch Team(Beater)
Favourite Professors:
Professor Snape: Despite her skills at potion making being subpar, Cassie trusts Snape and his teaching, she just believes she is not suited for potion making. Snape shared her distrust of Rakepick which Cassie was relieved as many of her friends did not and he helped train her legillimency after the vault, she was also thankful for him giving Lucia the garroting gas as it saved their lives from Rakepick
Professor Flitwick: Cassie took to charms like a duck to water which she attributes to Flitwick’s kind and understanding nature which always encouraged her when she attended his classes and she always looks forward to learning any new charms from him even if she intends on using them to break the rules
Least Favourite Professors:
Rakepick: Cassie never trusted Rakepick from the outset and made this known to all her friends in an effort to keep them safe. When her true nature was revealed in the portrait vault, Cassie was not surprised but she did not expect the things she would do to them.
Professor Trelawney: Cassie does not believe in her teaching Divination, does not believe in any of her prophecies and dismisses them as pure superstition. She believes that someone who is a proven seer should teach instead.
Sister: Sierra Arcuri(Nee Cresswood)
Shoulder length red hair that fades to dirty blonde, brown eyes, lithe build
Duck animagus
She is a muggle veterinarian 
Cassie is closer to Sierra than to her parents especially so after year 3, Every time Sierra returned from Hogwarts, she would regale Cassie with everything she learnt and Cassie listened with great enthusiasm every time. Sierra was the first person Cassie told about her crush on Lucia
Father: Edward Cresswood
Buzzcut red hair, brown eyes, pudgy build
He is a entomologist 
Edward was the one who got Cassie interested in dragonflies when she was young and is very caring to his kids to a certain extent, Before year 3 he supported his daughters in everything they did and worried about how Cassie’s introvertedness could affect her. Eventually he grew hatred towards Sierra and eventually Cassie aswell for their sexualities.
Mother: Joan Cresswood
long red hair, brown eyes, svelte build
She is a published writer
She is the reason why Edward became homophobic in that she was able to convince him that LGBT+ people are wrong to exist and just like Edward she cared about Sierra and Cassie up until that point. She believes that the magic world corrupted her daughters and made them stray from what she saw as their path.
Love Interest: Lucia Firahel
Best Friends: 
Rowan Khanna
Talbott Winger
Chiara Lobosca
Rival: Rebecca Lord ( @cursed-ice-spirits​ ) in Quidditch
Death Eaters
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?)
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Liz Tuttle
A Elf Owl named Syl
When she moves out into her own house, she gets a samoyed named Mayhem and three ragdoll cats named Cassia, Yuki and Pixel
Closest Canon Friends:
Rowan Khanna
Talbott Winger
Chiara Lobosca
Closest MC Friends:
Lauren Shields
Rebecca Lord ( @cursed-ice-spirits​ )
Cassie grew up in Glasgow, she was very much an inside child always reading books whenever she could, the times she was outside it was to hunt for dragonflies that she saw in her books
When Sierra got her Hogwarts letter, Cassie was incredibly interested in all things magical and begged Sierra when she returns to tell her everything she can.
Cassie learnt about Cirilo and the cursed vaults from Sierra and became determined to prove they exist if she gets accepted to Hogwarts.
A few years later, her wish came true and she was accepted to Hogwarts where she started reading everything she could to do with magic and chose to neglect to gain any friends 
This changed in Year 2 when Lucia Firahel searched the Library for anything pertaining to the Cursed Vaults which was also what Cassie was doing, Lucia’s cheery personality and persistence in talking to Cassie broke through her antisocial exterior and it was here that Cassie developed a crush on Lucia
Next year was one of the worst years of Cassie’s life when Sierra came out to her parents who were disgusted and disowned her. This event hurt Cassie mentally and emotionally to such an extent that she avoided Lucia for weeks until she was able to sit Cassie down with the help of all her friends and find out what the problem was. Lucia promised that if living with her parents ever got too bad then she has a place at her home which increased the intensity of Cassie’s crush on Lucia
In year four Lucia asked Cassie to the celestial ball which excited her a lot until Lucia intended it as just friends which caused Cassie to be less excited but still pretty excited. 
After the ball, Cassie with encouragement from Sierra asked out Lucia though they tried to keep it secret to the school
In year five her legillimency was used by Rakepick to enter the Portrait Vault along with Lucia, Merula, Bill and Ben. When Rakepick betrayed them to say she wasn’t shocked would be very apt, fortunately Lucia was able to make Rakepick go away through the garroting gas
The next year, Cassie was relieved beyond belief when Lucia revealed she will no longer be going after the cursed vaults which meant Cassie wouldn’t have to worry about Lucia’s safety anymore
However she was scared and angry when Ben and Merula made Lucia come with them to the Forbidden Forest, a fear which she was right to have as Rakepick did try to kill them there but thankfully she failed and Lucia survived
It was also during this year that her relationship with Lucia was revealed to the school when they were caught kissing before a quidditch match
In year 7 once she turned 18 Cassie got her arm tattoo so that even if they are apart she is always fighting alongside Lucia
In the final battle against R, Cassie singlehandedly kept any members of R from interfering with Lucia and Rakepick’s duel, killing any who kept trying to do so
After she graduates, she briefly becomes a wand maker under Lucia’s mother and a part-time magizoologist before finally becoming a baker with Lucia
Four years after she graduates, she has her first daughters, Selene and Alissa with Lucia
When Voldemort returned she was openly defiant of him and joined the Order of the Phoenix. She also sheltered Muggleborns where she could and commonly was found dueling Death Eaters sent after her and her family alongside Lucia
Three years after Selene and Alissa’s birth Lucia gave birth to Aurea
Cassie took part in the Battle of Hogwarts with Lucia staying behind to protect their family. When Cassie learnt of Tonks’ death it was as if Lucia’s anger that she would have flowed into her and when the battle recommenced after the armistice ended, every death eater and creature that faced her met a gruesome end, most of the death eaters were unrecognizable at the end of the battle due to the full extent of Cassie’s attacks. Cassie survived the battle and returned home to Lucia’s relief and the two were able to live their lives in peace
Cassie is highly ambitious to an almost extreme degree, before Hogwarts she willingly chose to not befriend anyone to focus on schoolwork instead, this backfired on her in that due to the lack of social skill development she was very shy and avoided people out of shyness rather than willingly when she started Hogwarts. She eventually overcame this shyness over the years with the help of Lucia and her friends.
 She also has an incredible competitive streak that comes out when she takes part in any competition and is always seen in Quidditch especially once Lucia started watching her matches.
She struggles with emotional situations and will always leave it to others to deal with that stuff, she hates this part of her as many of her friends deal with emotional breakdowns multiple times over the years and she never knows how to help.
Once she is befriended she will never let a single bad word be said about her friends without her shutting them up and will never give up on her friends no matter what. If you aren’t her friend and you wrong her and/or her friends then never expect her to forgive or forget ever.
The names of her five daughters are; Alissa Dawn, Selene Abigail, Aurea Amara, Roxanna Amber, Rebecca Ciana and Hannah Chiara Firahel
She is fluent in English, Scottish Gaelic and Italian which Lucia taught to her
Has a pretty strong Scottish accent which never goes away with age
She’s left handed
She got her scars from a magical accident involving a spell Lucia was working on
She has a fear of bees from an incident when she threw a rock at a beehive when she was young and the swarm chased her until she got inside safely
She only joined Quidditch at first because she wanted to experience Quidditch up close but her competitive streak soon took over and she started loving it but she  never wanted to be a professional quidditch player
She was taught to sing by her sister, Sierra and was a great singer out of the gates
She’s had two dragonfly brooches in her life, the first was from her parents but after they disowned Sierra she threw it into the Black Lake 
She is really only physically affectionate with Lucia, that is not to say she is touch scared or won’t reject hugs from her friends but she won’t be the one to initiate any hugs
She is very knowledgeable about everything related to dragonflies 
She can in theory cast all three unforgivable curses 
When she graduated, she packed her stuff and left home immediately kissing Lucia in front of her parents as a big fuck you to them for how they treated Sierra and her
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qhostqizmo · 4 years
Five Senses: Essie
1. a serpent’s shed; most of it is intact but other areas are brittle, damaged, flaked away into soft mossy dirt beneath a tree in a lone meadow. the clearing is filled with flora, and a wide open sky; faded morning sunlight cast through tree branches on one of the first warm days of spring. dewdrops glistening on grass blades. a dusty road-worn travel bag appears left behind at the base of the tree.
2. a smile; soft, uneasy, but luminescent. it is like a newborn sun; warm and caring, casting its gentle rays and sunbeams of light upon a world only beginning to prosper life.
3. a small library. old books with frayed edges; some are dirty, or have stains that look reminiscent of old bloodstains. the binding on others are in bad shape. even the ones that look promising of lovely tales have jagged scars and strike-outs on some pages and phrases. the newer editions to the shelves however are beautiful; intricate pictures and designs, the pages glistening gold and splashes of color. you can feel the joy, the laughter, and love in the pages.
4. a pure snow-white dove flying across the sky after a storm, with a faded rainbow in the distance. a symbol of innocence, purity, and justice. it gives the sensation of hope and beauty at the end of a long journey or war. you think you see something tied to its leg. a treaty perhaps tied upon it; a message to end suffering and begin compromise and unity.
5. a fire; crackling and burning along a majestic figure. the phoenix reborn again; a never-ending cycle. its eyes are haunting. it has seen things. been stricken blows that would fatally kill any other. when it spreads its wings, it can not fly. not yet. there is pride in its posture. promise in the way it watches over its territory protectively.
1. footfalls crunching along the road. it is constantly changing beneath foot; sometimes stone, sometimes leaves, sometimes grass, dirt, or eerie silence. occasionally it falters, but it is always moving; backwards, forwards, to and away. the world is a blur of background noise against it.
2. the humming of lullabies and songs joining a jewelry box tune, some you know and most you don’t. it can be melancholy and filled with pain, or it can be ringing and filled with hope and pleasant memories. it is better not to ask about the loneliness that rings in your ears after its gone.
3. a thunderstorm outside of your window; the sort that is calming and gentle, puttering against the walls as a quiet rumble echoes against a darkened night sky. despite the threat, there is security of being indoors and away from what once left a sense of fear in your heart. sleep-sounds and mumbled words and quiet snoring against wrestling sheets of movement as two bodies toss and turn to get comfortable against each other.
4. his voice; worn and ragged, standing out against other recognizable tones against the background. laughter; free and joyous. this room is filled with clanking glasses and chatter of friends. his still stands out though; honey-whisky, steel, and crackling embers against wood. you feel holy in its presence. safe. warm. loved. wanted. its all you’ve ever longed for, and more. “Stay.”
1. the same shades of perfume in different mixologies, but the results offer similar effects. fruity; apple, pomegranate, pear, a berry blend, or cherry. these mingle with flowers; lavender, gardenia, lily, jasmine, orchid or hyacinth. a little childlike, a bit sugary sweet, and a touch of vanilla. this one has a rainy odor that brings you back to days better left forgotten. this one is more rose-y, it reminds you of a cologne that reminds you of something... romantic.
2. rusty, metallic odors; dank and musty. the hair on the back of your neck stands up. its not safe here. sulfur. death. rot. explosives. magic; atmospheric, good or bad, everything is too much, its blinding your nostrils, making eyes sting. war. its difficult to breathe.
3. the faded scent of water against stronger notes of pine trees and dirt and moss. one home lost, one home gained. there is chocolate in the air; and a market filled with baked goods that you zero in on, stomach aching for a nibble. clean linens cling to you. damp cobblestone. its home. its home. you’re home.
1. liquor; rum, wine, ale, shots. you drowned in it earlier, you sip on it now. spicy, sweet, bitter, tangy. drinks meant to be savored, drinks meant to mend, drinks meant to be had for unions and quiet dates. tingling tastebuds. intermingling flavors; his sharp ale kiss to your syrupy fruit mead.
2. chocolate. chocolate, chocolate, chocolate; its in the flaky crust of your bread, its in the melted goe you stuff in your mouth, its in the pudding, the lava cake, the shavings on your coco. you remind yourself its the little things. each bite reminds you of your mothers words to savor it. you do.
1. heartbeat to heartbeat, hand to hand, chest to chest. is it passion? is it an embrace? human-to-human contact. how you missed it so. tears in your eyes, warm skin touching skin. fingers carding through hair. bliss. serenity. you cave in to it, closing your eyes. this is your dream; to be loved despite sins and differences. you feel it coursing in your veins as a palm travels your spine. you are found.
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everly-kindred · 4 years
Eve’s Diary - Entry #68
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Date: 14th of July, 2027
Dear Diary, 
Summer has been pretty great so far! I’ve been spending a lot of time in the forest, writing and playing and finding things. I’ve thought a lot about the kind of stories I want to write if I’m to become the next Beedle the Bard and I have a lot of ideas!
The first thing I started writing when I went to O’Keeffe’s tutoring was a story about a witch or wizard who uses magic to shrink down to faerie size. Then, they enter the world of faeries, and falls in love with one. There’s drama and such over the wixen not being a faerie, but I don’t know if it ends in tragedy or not. 
Then, I started thinking about writing a story for the phoenix I dreamed up over winter. She’s very strong, and full of power and rage, and she inspires me. Along that same vein, sort of anyways, I’ve thought about writing an autumn tale of a magical world full of pumpkin people, where everything smells like cinnamon and maple and apples and everything is orange and red, yellow and brown. I love autumn. I can’t wait for it to come back, even though the lush green of the forest makes me happy. 
I also remembered this muggle movie I used to love, Milo and Otis, and thought about writing a story like that for Puck, or Cornelius or our owls, Fable and Wander, or Genevieve’s rats. An adventure story with beloved pets as the stars. Or I could write fables in general, like Winnie the Pooh or Frog and Toad about rabbits, foxes, mice, deer… all sorts of animals! Mum told me fables are stories about animals that teach us about right and wrong, so I made a big list of all the animals I like and could write about.
I’ve been baking and gardening more lately, too. Genevieve and I made honey-cakes, and went out hunting for wild strawberries. Mum has had me help her plant her vegetables, and they’ve been growing so well. We do it the muggle way, when it comes to these plants. She says it’s more satisfying like that, and it reminds her of her grandmum - my great-grandmum. I remember going out into the field near my great-grandmum’s farmhouse, and there was this huge patch of wild mint just growing everywhere. You have to plant mint in a contained area, otherwise it’ll take over your whole herb garden! Anyways, we picked so much of it, and then washed it and boiled it to make tea!
I can’t wait until later in the season, when the blackberries are ripe. My aunt was talking about making elderberry wine. And I love being able to tell how late into summer it is by the flowers that grow. First there’s lily of the valley and honeysuckle, my favourites personally, and then tiger lilies, and then finally sunflowers. I never really noticed before until the past year or so. And I just love lilies, especially. Arum lilies are my favourite, but also lily of the valley, water lilies, tiger lilies… now the word lily sounds silly. Oh, I love bluebells, too, but I never see them. Anything bell shaped, really. I can’t wait to be able to practice orchideous again at school.
Anyways, that’s mostly what I’ve been up to. Playing outside, reading, writing. I haven’t been drawing as much, and I keep telling myself I should. 
Oh! And, because it’s been so long and I’ve fallen out of practice, I’m going to do a tarot reading today. Since Lughnasadh is coming quickly, in the next two weeks or so, I’m going to do a spread for that. Lughnasadh, or Lammas is the first harvest, and is all about work and reward. I also got a new deck as a sort of “congratulations on finishing your first year” present from my grandpa, and the artwork is really cute - very colourful, all animals! And since I haven’t done a spread in a long time, I’m going to do a big one. Grandpa helped me with this one, found the spread for me and everything.
It’s a six card spread. The first card asks where I am currently, and for this I drew temperance reversed. I think this means I’m in the process of sort of healing myself and balancing my life.
The second card asks me about ‘the fruits of my labor’ and what I’m harvesting this year. I drew the chariot. I translated this as meaning I’ve succeeded in some way, likely just with my magical journey and education in finishing my first year in fairly good standing, since that card means victory. Grandpa says it also means control and willpower. 
Thirdly, I am asked ‘what needs to be cut away’ to allow me to take the most away from this harvest, and I drew the six of wands. This, to me, means self confidence and progress, so it is perhaps saying that I need to not… be so confident? Or more like that I should be less insecure, I guess. 
Next, the fourth card asks me what I can share to maximise my good fortune. I drew justice. Justice is… justice. It’s fairness. It’s cause and effect. So I should perhaps treat everyone and everything as fairly as I can? 
The fifth card asks me what still needs to be nurtured and grown, and for that, I drew the five of swords. So what that’s probably saying is amidst conflict, defeat, competition, and the like, I should nurture the part of me that wants to keep going, and the part of me that wants to let those past experiences go and make amends.
Finally, the sixth card asks me what I should focus on transforming for the remainder of the year, and for this, I drew the wheel of fortune reversed. I guess that means a sort of warning against resisting change, and that doing so could bring me bad luck. I should break negative cycles.
I don’t know how accurate this reading is since this deck is very new and I’ve only ever worked with the very first one. But, overall, this makes me think about my current path and where my past experiences have led me. What I see in the future, and all that. Which, I think is overall telling me to push through my trials and to be as kind as I can be, to myself and others. 
I’m exhausted, so that’s all for now. 
Much love, Everly
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