#philosophy of space
omegaphilosophia · 1 year
Theories of Philosophy of Space
Space is the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere, where all the stars, planets, galaxies, and other celestial objects exist. It is the three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction. Space is often considered as a vacuum, devoid of air, pressure, and sound. However, it is filled with various forms of energy, such as electromagnetic radiation and cosmic rays. The study of space encompasses various scientific fields, including astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and planetary science.
The philosophy of space is a branch of philosophy that explores the nature of space and its relationship to other philosophical topics such as time, matter, and causality. It is concerned with questions such as what space is, whether it exists independently of the objects within it, and how it is related to the fundamental nature of reality. The philosophy of space is also concerned with the implications of our understanding of space for other fields of inquiry such as physics, mathematics, and metaphysics. It seeks to provide a coherent and comprehensive account of the nature of space and its role in our understanding of the world.
There are several theories in the philosophy of space that attempt to answer questions such as what is space, what properties does it have, and how do we experience it. Here are some examples:
Substantivalism: This theory asserts that space exists independently of matter and has properties of its own. According to this view, space is a substance that can exist in different states, just like other material substances.
Relationism: This theory asserts that space is not a substance but rather a set of relations between objects. According to this view, space does not have properties of its own, but rather derives its properties from the relations between the objects in it.
Constructivism: This theory asserts that space is not an independent entity but rather a product of our cognitive and perceptual abilities. According to this view, our experience of space is constructed by our minds and is not necessarily an accurate reflection of the objective reality.
Idealism: This theory asserts that space is a product of the mind and does not exist independently of it. According to this view, space is a mental construct that is necessary for our experience of the world.
Spatialism: This theory asserts that space is a fundamental aspect of reality, just like time or matter. According to this view, space is an objective feature of the universe and is not dependent on our perception or cognition.
Non-Euclidean geometries: These are mathematical systems that explore the properties of space beyond the traditional Euclidean geometry. They include hyperbolic and elliptic geometries, which have different rules for parallel lines and angles compared to Euclidean geometry.
Empiricism: This theory posits that knowledge of space is derived from sensory experience.
Rationalism: This theory posits that knowledge of space can be known a priori, through reason alone.
Phenomenalism: This theory posits that space is a product of our sensory experience, and does not exist independently of our perception.
Nominalism: This theory argues that space is not a real entity but rather a name or label that we use to describe the relationships between objects.
Structuralism: This theory posits that space is a structural or organizational feature of reality that underlies all physical objects and events.
Cosmopsychism: This theory suggests that space is not just an external entity but also a reflection of our own consciousness or mind.
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lucidloving · 6 months
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D. Alan Holmes, Enlightenment // Signet Amenti // @cryptonature // Alan Wilsom Watts // Evan M. Cohen, "Oceans" // Nikita Gill // @pauladoodles // Julian Gough, "Minecraft End Poem" // Sleeping At Last—Saturn
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katabay · 2 months
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”—ah. seems like mother goose has been playing around in your egg salad. if you won’t dance to that tune, I got others.”
honestly, the would you kindly scene is whatever to me*, code yellow is the more interesting violation/betrayal of the body because of how beautifully it escalates the Fontaine reveal/betrayal and shows how ugly some of those ‘locks and keys’ that Tenenbaum mentions are. not only have you been a tool in another man’s hand this entire time, it goes deeper. your body is not your own.
*there used to be a meandering thought here about the would you kindly scene, but it was really just talking around the fact that I spent way too many years seeing people discuss it in the most insufferable and reductive ways possible when it’s a combination of three or four other things that make that moment compelling lmao
collage credits: heart one/heart two
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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astrophysicsblogs · 1 year
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The Andromeda Galaxy~taken from NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer
This is our neighbouring galaxy. Scientists have observed blue shift which suggests it is accelerating towards us. But not to worry, no catastrophic collision will occur and not any time soon. The spaces between stars, planets etc is so large that actual collisions are very unlikely.
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funeral · 1 year
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Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
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hexagr · 1 month
Objects decay. Information decays. Let's periodically reiterate obvious concepts as a safety measure.
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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stemgirlchic · 7 months
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jvgsjeff · 1 month
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utilitycaster · 3 months
if a ship has under 10 fics and someone's read every single one they are valid. If it has under 50 fics and someone's read every single one it's a little intense but also pretty valid. when people are like "THIS SHIP HAS 2000 FICS AND I'VE READ EVERY SINGLE ONE" you KNOW you are dealing with someone with zero standards and whose comprehension of the characters is mostly a vague amalgam/projection of the ghosts of blorbos past. Which is like, a valid way to engage if that's what makes you happy, but you do not want to read their meta.
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myhoneststudyblr · 10 months
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it’s revision season
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philosophybits · 5 months
Time and space come into being together and are therefore probably one, like subject and object. Space is enduring time — time is fluid, variable space. Space — the basis of everything enduring — time — the basis of everything changeable.
Novalis, General Draft
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noosphe-re · 4 months
Every sacred space implies a hierophany, an irruption of the sacred that results in detaching a territory from the surrounding cosmic milieu and making it qualitatively different.
Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane
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srisrisriddd · 13 days
Bodies intelligence flux of life
Our bodies intelligence don't belong to us  
They are the flux of the life of the universe
- Dr Devang H Dattani
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite SriSriSri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
#earth , #bliss , #TheBlissCity , #philosophy , #mindfulness , #DrDevangHDattani , #nature , #awareness , #InfiniteSriSriSriDDD , #quotes , #life , #art , #zen , #awakening , #quote , #spiritual , #photography , #Video , #meditation , #psychology , #poem , #poetry , #motivation , #inspiration , #quoteoftheday , #love , #words , #thoughts , #joy , #pun , #enlightenment , #health , #mental health , #consciousness , #flux , #god , #landscape , #life , #video , #intelligence , #bodies , #space , #moon , #nirvana , #tantra , #yoga , #universe , #cosmos , #photooftheday
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
Without space, there is no time.
Dejan Stojanovic
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americankimchi · 6 months
i am at any given point this 🤏 close to waxing poetic about the jedi code
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