#phillip coulson: married
gotlostonmywayhome · 9 months
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This has been a slow year for me due to health issues (my own and my family's health not doing so great was all the rage this year), but I still wanted to celebrate that I created fanworks. I love the escapism creating and engaging in fanworks gives me.
I'm still firmly in the Marvel fandom. I was hoping to dip my toe in the Stranger Things and Percy Jackson fandoms, but alas, life had other plans. Fingers crossed I can expand into other fandoms in 2024.
So, in order of publication, my works for 2023:
“It is my duty to keep an eye on you.” (Rated M, ≤500 Moodboard & Short Fic, Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff)
Natasha stepped in closer, running her finger along the edge of James’ tie, “I wouldn’t want you to not fulfill your duties.”
If you're gonna have car trouble on a road trip… (Rated T, 1.3k, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Bucky didn’t set out to upend his life in Indiana or his relationship with his boyfriend. Or thought he would contemplate becoming part of a polyamorous relationship with a married couple in a different state. Life can be funny sometimes.
Vibe Check (Rated T, 1.1K, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Harley and Peter worked too hard to get their dads together for Tony to forget to give Steve flowers.
A Price to Pay (Rated T, ≤1000 Moodboard & Short One-Shot, Loki/Tony Stark)
Stealing from a powerful wizard comes with consequences.
More after the cut...
The Awkward and the OnlyFans (Rated M, 3.6k, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, for the @silver-fox-steve-bang Valentine Exchange, created for @espressosaur)
A minor disaster with a book display has Steve meeting a handsome man who is clearly flirting with him. But Steve has a feeling he has seen this man before. And there may have been some booty shorts involved.
Stucky Bingo February 2023 Round Robin (Rated G, 1.7k, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, for the @stuckybingo Round Robin)
When Russian figure skater Bucky Barnes defects, he can only skate for the Team USA if he skates with a partner. What he and Steve Rogers find together on the ice is golden.
Stucky Bingo March 2023 Round Robin (Rated T, 2k, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, for the @stuckybingo Round Robin)
It wasn’t that he hadn’t noticed Bucky being struck. He’d thrown out his shield to block the worst of the damage from the exploding debris, but he’d noticed Bucky clutching his side throughout the fight. Steve knew. But in the middle of it there had been no opportunity for pause, no moment where he could check that Bucky was okay. He kept moving, and that was what mattered.
Project: Pathfinder (Rated M, Moodboard, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, created for @geekymoviemom)
When Captain America goes missing after a routine Avengers’ mission, leaving Tony Stark and the rest of the world stunned, Peter Parker decides to take it upon himself to try and fill the hole left behind by his absence. But while Peter believes that he’s finally gotten a decent handle on his new powers, he quickly discovers that there’s a lot more to being an unofficial Avenger than the ability to climb walls. Meanwhile, Steve is once again forced to face the demons of his past, all while searching for a way to get back home.
Coming Home (And Finding You) (Rated T, 1.4k, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, for @clintcoulson appreciation week)
Phil has a rough mission. When he gets home, Clint has all of Phil’s favorites ready.
Not a Stranger in the Wood (Rated G, Digital Art, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, for @clintcoulson appreciation week)
Clint Bartonguard was shocked to see his former party leader. Phillip had been run through the heart attempting to save Clint from Loki the Trickster's spell.
Family Dinners (Rated G, ≤1000 Moodboard & Short One-Shot, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, for @clintcoulson appreciation week)
It isn’t many nights they are able to get together like this, but each one Clint carries in his memory like a treasure trove. An uninterrupted dinner with the team.
The Universe is Ridiculous (Rated T, 1.3k, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, for @clintcoulson appreciation week)
Phil should know better and be careful about what he asks for. Or at least be very specific as to what he asks for. The Universe has a wicked sense of humor and will likely do exactly as wished.
First Gift Given (Rated E, 11k, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Yes, Tony is hiding in a dive bar, but it is for good reasons. Pepper should thank him for not sticking around the Stark Industries board members' schmooze-a-thon. He was bound to piss off someone sooner than later and then she would have to go and make it all better. See, he’s making her life easy by not being there. But Tony wishes he would have picked a better hiding spot. One where a gaggle of college co-eds wasn’t screaming Bon Jovi’s greatest hits at the top of their lungs. It would be pure hell if it weren’t for the gorgeous, blue-eyed possible jail bait flashing Tony sweet, shy smiles across the room. Flirting with college boys is a big no-no, but what’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like Tony’s going to take him home or anything.
Stucky Bingo May 2023 Round Robin (Rated T, 1.7k, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, for the @stuckybingo Round Robin)
If Steve were honest with himself, he’d been at least as curious as Bucky to discover what had happened to Becca. She’d been the closest thing he’d had to a sister growing up, and he remembered how kind-hearted she was, even if she did get into nearly as much mischief as he and Bucky did along the way.
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark star in Ghosted (Rated T, Digital Art, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
The latest movie from Marvel TV+, don’t miss Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in the action packed rom-com Ghosted.
Trying not to lose my sensibility (Rated E, 6.5k, Steve Rogers/TonyStark, for @cap-ironman Stony Loves Steve event)
In the weeks leading up to his heat, Steve rethinks about his relationship with Brock. And his fading friendship with Tony.
The Future is filled with Surprises (Rated M, 1.3k & Moodboard, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, for the @stevetonygames)
A chat on his favorite app has Steve meeting the last person he expected for a hookup.
The Only Time (Rated G, Moodboard & Drabble, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, for the @stevetonygames)
The invitation for another Iron Man Memorial statue arrives in his inbox at 6 AM. Steve has been to more ceremonies honoring his friend in five years since his return than he cares to count, but he attends them all. And at each one, Steve takes a moment to think about the man.
Will Not Be Caught (Yet) (Rated M, Moodboard & Drabble, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, for the @stevetonygames)
Tony knows he will be caught, but that’s the point. He will not make it easy for Steve.
Getting Tony out of the workshop (A Guide) (Rated G, Infographic, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, for the @stevetonygames)
Infographic for Stony writers on how Steve can lure Tony from an inventing binge using food.
A Little Advice (Rated G, Image Edit, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, for the @stevetonygames)
I feel like this is a conversation they had a lot when the team would make them sit up front on their own.
Must Be Tuesday (Rated T, ≤500, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, for the @stevetonygames)
Who needs to treat their husband to a fantastic steak dinner that could satisfy even a super soldier's appetite when Dr. Doom threatens the end of the world? Again.
Late Meeting (Rated M, Moodboard & Drabble, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, for the @stevetonygames)
Sex in Tony’s office always excites him, and marks are usually left behind. Steve doesn’t mind.
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tahitiwoke · 2 years
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john richard coulson married orla macarthur, both boston natives, and settled in lowell. john was an accountant for local businesses but was not particularly successful; he was a strict parent, staunchly devout catholic and took the personal philosophy of spare the rod and spoil the boy. he was especially hard on his son phillip, who made john feel stupid, even from a young age. orla was a nervous, anxiety ridden woman who most likely suffered from severe ocd and was prone to panic attacks.
phillip was the elder of the two coulson children, his younger sister jessica five years his junior; both incredibly clever, phil managed to get a full ride to harvard to study analytics, while jess went to boston university to study psychology. she dropped out early, however, when their father died suddenly and she had to move back home to take care of their mother. she married a walmart manager named david george, and owns a local bar, shannon’s. 
jessica and david have two children: nora and francis. nora is nineteen and goes to georgetown (paid for by her uncle phil) and francis is seventeen, utterly uninterested in school and works part time as a server at shannon’s. jess, david and their children live on the south side of boston.
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romanva · 2 years
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OPERATION LAST OAK ( 4 / ? ) ft. @tahitiwoke
'what's this really about, phillip?' 'you. It's about you - it wasn't polite, it was flirting and I'm telling you, it stops now.' 'oh, you're telling me, now? i'm sorry, i wasn't aware that being fucking neighborly was no longer allowed.'
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2022 Fic Masterlist
Learn To Soar - In a reality where people who are born with wings are seen as abominations to society, Steve Rogers defies society and keeps his wings. He can't use them to fly and they might cause him to nearly black out anytime they start to flutter but Steve is proud of them.
The Queen & Hammer- All Steve wanted to do was have one nice evening, using Mjolnir when Thor decided to pay his boyfriend a visit, and tell their girlfriend about what he saw.
Once Upon A Time - ��This is a story about Captain Peggy Carter, a fierce pirate of the 7 seas who takes from the rich and gives to the poor, and Prince Steve Rogers, a prince who is hidden from the world and knows nothing of the world around him.” Steve and Peggy are forced to attend Howard’s yearly Christmas party, leaving their 7-year-old twins, James and Michelle, to spend Christmas Eve with Pappy Phillips and Mama Sarah.
NICU Meeting - Steve and Peggy are both single parents to their little warriors. They both just happen to meet through Clint, Peggy's brother, and Bucky, Steve's best friend.
Marriage of (In)Convenience - Steve had only agreed to marry Bucky because the man was making all the points. He'd get better health insurance, a better house, not to mention he could finish his degree. Peggy only agreed to marry Clint because he annoyed her into doing it (that's what she told others) and maybe, just a little bit so she could stay in the country. This platonic love was going well between them until, years later, Clint met a hot brunette at the gym and Peggy ran into a gorgeous hunk working on a mural.
Sword Meet Bow, Bow Meet Sword - Clint Barton blames the universe for bringing him together with Captain Carter, aka his lifetime crush. Now he's sure the universe is fucking with him because Coulson wants /him/ of all people to help Peggy adjust to the world?
Head Of The Class - The second he met her, Steve knew Peggy Carter was going to change his life. She was going to push him, challenge him, and rival every decision he made. Their rivalry would take them from simple college roommates to teaching at the same high school and trying to fight the flames for one another.
Those Red Boots - Howard gifts Steve a pair of red boots, the most ridiculous boots that he's ever seen. His only logical idea is to hide them in his footlocker until Bucky finds them.
Vines & Compass - One of the most common questions they got asked was how did they meet because no one in their right mind would think that the skinny, award-winning tattoo artist would be dating someone in the military. Not that Steve nor Peggy ever seemed to give any fucks what someone had to say on their relationships. All Peggy wants is a new tattoo now that she's out of the military, but it has to be symbolic and special and she trusts only one man to handle that gesture.
Wedding Bells & Bullet Shells - Steve finds a wandering child while cleaning up after his Ma and Chester's wedding. The child insists that Steve is Captain America and will not take no for an answer.
A Promise Doesn’t Mean Forever - Steve swore that when he and Peggy broke up, he’d never contact her again. Her job at SHIELD was far too much for him to handle. The lies and the anxiety were too much baggage for him. He swore off ever seeing her again and wanting nothing more than to just forget Peggy Carter existed. That’s until her number called him a year later. Peggy swore that when she and Steve broke up, she’d put her job first. She’d rather bury herself in her job, than deal with another relationship. Now a year later, she’s desperate to find a date to her brother’s wedding so she doesn’t have to put up with her traditional family’s bullcrap about Alphas always needing to have an Omega. She just prays Steve answers and they can put their differences aside for one week.
Pappy - After leaving the SSR in the hands of Carter and Rogers for over 4 years, Phillips comes home to find it’s not just his organization that’s changed. He’s a pappy now.
Fall On Deaf Ears - Just a short ficlet about Clint losing his hearing aids and Clint and Peggy realizing their dialect are different.
That’s My Future Husband - When Peggy first sees Steve, she knows that he will eventually be her husband. There's no way she can deny how intriguing Steve Rogers is, especially after what he blurts out during their first date.
Kangaroo Volunteer Care -  “Mr. Rogers, there’s nothing wrong with you. Physically, you’re healthy as a horse.” He’d heard the worst versions even before the serum. There was nothing physically wrong with him, so then why did he struggle to do the simplest things? Why couldn’t he sleep? Eat? If he was physically fine, then why couldn’t he perform the most basic of human functions? The truth was - Steve was suffering from PTSD and Natasha knew that getting him out of his head would help him. Help comes in form of Natasha, Bobbi, and a little infant named Oliver.
The Most Bestest Birthday Ever - It's his mom's birthday and James Micheal Carter is determined to make it the most, bestest birthday ever.
Good Morning, Sunshine - While drunk, Ed falls asleep in Stede's bed. He decides to award his co-captain for a great night's sleep.
The Best Things In Life Are Unpredictable (Chapter 5 & 6) - After a one-night stand at a costume party in the Brooklyn Museum, Peggy Carter finds her life being flipped upside down in the most unpredicted ways. She doesn’t know the name of the gentleman with who she slept with, she just remembers the taste of alcohol on his lips and the smirk on his lips while he was between her legs. Steve Rogers aka Captain America on the other hand wants nothing more than to find the mysterious woman who he slept with on Halloween Night, but thanks to the Asgardian Mead in his system he remembers nothing about her. Not even a name, just a vision of red behind his eyelids and a warmth in his chest.
A Touch of Home - From the moment that they’d met, Peggy Carter had become that little touch of home.
Steve’s Competence Kink - There was always something arousing about watching Peggy work, rather it was during the war or even now, as Director of Shield. While being forced to work from home during her day off, Peggy decides to reward her husband for being patient and for his competence kink.
Father To Be - Steve finds out he’s to be a father and he has mixed feelings. On one hand, he’s excited, but on the other, he’s terrified.
What Makes Us Whole - "You think vengeance is the missing piece of the puzzle, that it will make you whole again, but all it does is break you further." Steve's life drastically changes when his best friend dies in his arms and he learns that things may not be what they seem. And it seems he might not know his fiance as well as he thought.
Strawberry & Applesauce - After a lifetime in the army, Chester Phillips spends his days' bonding and looking after his godkids, Micheal and Peggy. He never bothered with the idea of love, far too busy for it during his military career and now that he’s retired, he has all the love he needs when he meets a little blonde boy who asks him for basket after basket of strawberries and his mother.
The Final Letter - Weeks after Steve’s death, Peggy receives a letter from him.
My Darling - Steve is sent on a solo mission that he shouldn't have been on in the first place. Now he's been missing for over 72 hours and Peggy intends to find him.
Rat Names - On one hand, Jemma knows she's right. They shouldn't be naming the rats meant for an experiment but on the other hand, Fitz is adorable when he gets worked up talking about the rats and he named them.
Language Barrier - A reporter decides to be nosy and ask some questions.
That Poor Oven - They never knew how Steve's serum would affect her while pregnant, but going by the dents in the fridge and the shattered coffee pot, Peggy figures they have some idea. And she hates it.
Piercings - Peggy had always been sexy to him, there was no denying that. He just never knew how much sexier she could get until he saw her with her nipples pierced.
Winterhawk Drabbles - Collection of Winterhawk Drabbles
Playing Hooky - What does a 10-year-old son who doesn’t want to go to school + a father who doesn’t want to work equal? Why, playing hooky, of course!
Steggy Drabbles - Collection of Steggy Drabbles
All That Stuffed Inside A Tiny Package - Peggy takes the time to admire all that Steve truly has when he gets stuck in a pair of tights. And who could blame her.
Set The Mood - After Peggy leaves him wanting at the bar, Steve thinks about what could’ve been. At least, until he forgets about the bond between them
Captain America Story Time - The Captain America Reading Program was just supposed to be a pipe dream and nothing more. A daydream Steve entertained himself with as he watched bored kids try to listen to the same storytellers of the week. When he accepted the job, Steve never thought it would end up with him dressed in a red, white, and blue suit and carrying a handmade shield to read to kids. He never thought he’d come to love it so much. Or that it would lead him to the woman of his dreams and delicious coffee.
Dish It Out - “See something you like?” Peggy purred in his ear. Peggy’s boyfriend is Professor Steven Grant Rogers and she learns why she shouldn’t tease him. He can dish it out in return.
Cravings - Steve and Bucky always trade off who gets to go get Peggy's 3 am cravings.
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themculibrary · 7 months
Fairytale AUs Masterlist
Bruises (ao3) - lopingloup loki/tony T, 3k
Summary: Tony goes out to seek a witch he doesn't entirely believe exists in hope of finding a cure for his sister. He ends up making an ill-advised deal with a powerful witch.
I don't know what's happening (but I know you) (ao3) - BrilliantlyHorrid phil/skye T, 14k
Summary: As weird as it was, if Daisy was going to be stuck in a bizarro universe, married to anyone, there were way worse options than Phil Coulson.
If the Glove Fits (ao3) - six_demon_bag bucky/zemo T, 5k
Summary: Bucky is an orphan trapped under the steel fist of his horrible uncle Pierce. When the realm’s Prince Zemo holds a ball to find a husband, Bucky decides he has to find a way to attend, if only to get out of the house.
Just a little misunderstanding (ao3) - LittleMrsCookie, scarletnerd05 darcy/brock M, 2k
Summary: “Jack,” Brock begged, eyes taking in the two forms in front of him, “Please tell me you didn’t kidnap a princess.”
Little Red Riding Hood: The Taking of Tony (ao3) - Beware_The_Tristero loki/tony E, 8k
Summary: The standard tale but with my twisted, little brain behind the steering-wheel; I have, however, spared grandma from being eaten... I’m nice like that : )
red and the wolf (ao3) - Merideath darcy/steve T, 2k
Summary: There are wolves in the woods, Stephen knows, with sharp teeth and golden eyes. With a mournful song to call down the moon. But still he slips among the trees, lets his feet stray from the well worn path. The wind carries the bite of winter as it tears autumn leaves from the trees; the shadows of trees hide patches of frost from the sun's warmth.
“The wolf is carnivore incarnate and he's as cunning as he is ferocious; once he's had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do.” ― Angela Carter
  A retelling of the fairytale 'Red Riding Hood'
Sleeping Bunny (ao3) - CeliaEquus phil/steve, pepper/tony G, 2k
Summary: '"Once upon a time, there lived a man named Phillip, of the House of Coulson. He had the outward appearance of a man of business; yet inside of him beat the heart of a warrior, and he was much admired by all who knew him, especially—" "Shut up, Tony," Rhodey said, hitting his friend upside the head.'
Phil has been cursed to look like a rabbit, and only true love's kiss will break the spell. But he isn't in love with anyone. Will he ever be the same again?
Strange Magic (ao3) - i_am_a_hog steve/bucky T, 1k
Summary: Sarah Rogers is a magic creature from Ireland. This is the story of her son who has powers he does not know about.
The Girl Who Was Happy And The Giant Who Was Not (ao3) - Lunik darcy/loki G, 2k
Summary: Once upon a time there was a girl who was happy and thought she knew how to remain so. And there was a giant who was miserable and thought he knew the way to happiness. They were both wrong.
The Path Beneath Your Feet (ao3) - StrivingArtist steve/bucky, bucky/steve/tony T, 44k
Summary: A Star fell, and in its wake, Soulmarks appeared. Smaller than a person’s palm, centered over their sternum, and a greater risk than when the Stars gave mankind Guilt, the Marks were to be Humanity’s eternal guides. The gift gave the Stars a way to direct their children. The Stars would watch, and wait to see what a person needed in their life. They waited to see what would bring them the greatest joy, then they could give them a token to find that path and keep them true. *** All three share a Mark.
But Steve and Bucky have each other.
And Tony has Iron Man.
the Witch and the Wolf (ao3) - Neutralchaos steve/bucky M, 151k
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a boy named Bucky.
This boy was like others you might know. He liked to fight wolves, pretend he was a knight, and wage magnificent wars against the most villainous of villains. He played knights and vanquished all the villains he and his friends could imagine. But then he grew up, and the villains vanquished him.
And there was another boy; Steve. He was not much like other boys you’d know, or maybe he is, depending on the sort of boys you know. Wars were not his ideal session of make-believe. He liked to befriend wolves rather than fight them. He was a boy, but he grew up long before he should have.
Adventures always start with kids like that. Bucky was the boy who took too long to start the process of growing up and then grew up all in one night. Steve was the boy who grew up much too quickly to have been a boy in the first place. This story might sound like it’s about just one of these boys, but that’s not really true. It’s not really about either of them, because to say that it’s about one of them would be disingenuous. Candidly, this story is about what they grew up to be.
The wolf and the witch that befriended him.
Will you be my Kriskindle? (ao3) - sirona steve/bucky, clint/phil, pepper/tony E, 21k
Summary: Just because he was a unicorn did not mean he had to fall in love and mate for life, and those assholes could suck it because Bucky Barnes was not going to let himself be paraded before the screaming public just to raise some cash for the forest, no matter how good the cause.
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melindaofshield · 5 years
[ text ] + married because apparently i can't get enough of death!
(✉️ ➡️ Phil ): So apparently there is a rumor going around at SHIELD(✉️ ➡️ Phil ): The trainees think we’re married(✉️ ➡️ Phil ): Apparently, they think it’s rude that I don’t wear my wedding ring?(✉️ ➡️ Phil ): I got a full scolding about how I need to consider your feelings when I leave my ring at home 
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mcuhawkeye-blog · 6 years
after finishing season 4 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. here’s a list of characters that deserved better
Daisy Johnson
Leopold Fitz
Phillip Coulson
Melinda May
Alphonso Mackenzie
Elena Rodriquez
Jefferey Mace
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puckwritesstuff · 3 years
What If... the Jotuns never attacked Asgard? (Preview)
A/N: Last week, Loki saw what would happen if Sigyn had sent him to Earth to save him and Nari from Thanos. This week, Loki sees what would happen if he had refrained from just one decision-- letting the Jotuns into Asgard during Thor's coronation. Thor becomes king and doesn't go to Earth, but that doesn't mean that other parties aren't interested in what the Earth has to offer. King Thor sends his two closest advisors to investigate a possible invasion.
Fury stood at the edge of the crater that was once SHIELD’s Tesseract research facility. The Tesseract was gone, along with the green girl that had taken it. He had no idea where she was going next.
He didn’t like not knowing.
He was interrupted by Agent Coulson and Maria Hill approaching him like they didn’t want to say what they had to tell him. Fury closed his eye, shaking his head.
“This better be good news,” he said.
“We’re… not exactly sure,” Maria said.
Up in the Helicarrier, Fury looked into the interrogation room. Loki sat at the table while Sigyn paced behind him.
“Norse gods?” Fury said.
“That’s basically who they say they are,” Coulson said. “He’s a prince of Asgard and she’s his… girlfriend, or something. They say we’re about to be invaded by an alien army.”
“You don’t say,” Fury muttered. “So, who are they really?”
“We ran their prints,” Coulson said, handing over a stack of files to Fury. “Got nothing on the girl, but he’s associated with about a dozen or so crimes over the 20th century, including…”
Fury opened the top file and rolled his eye. “You’re telling me I got D.B. Cooper in a holding cell, and he thinks he’s the Norse god of chaos?”
“No, sir,” Coulson said. “I think you’ve got the Norse god of chaos in a holding cell, and he just happened to have hijacked a plane with a bomb in 1971 in exchange for $200,000.”
Fury paused. “You’re serious.”
Coulson shrugged. “Last aliens we met, one of them could crush a mountain with her fist.”
“She wasn’t an alien,” Fury said. “The rest of them were, but she wasn’t. All right, go ahead.”
Coulson walked into the interrogation room. Loki sat up.
“Son of Coul, was it?” he asked.
“No need to be so formal,” Coulson said. “Phil’s fine.”
“Phillip, we must speak with the leader of your organization,” Sigyn said. “You don’t have much time.”
“Now, my heart, I’m sure there’s procedure they must follow,” Loki said.
“There is,” Coulson said. “But first, we need to confirm your identities.”
“Prince Loki Odinsson, the Cunning,” Loki said. “Mother of Sleipnir, God of Lies and Mischief, Lord of Chaos, Trickster, and Slut of the Nine Realms.”
Sigyn rolled her eyes. “You really love that one, darling.”
“My heart, it’s an accomplishment!” Loki said.
“Right…” Coulson said. “And you?”
“Lady Sigyn Heimdallsdóttir, the Unwavering,” Sigyn said. “Goddess of Fidelity, Shield-Maiden of Asgard, and betrothed to Prince Loki of Asgard.”
Loki smirked.
“Congratulations,” Coulson said. “Unfortunately, I can’t verify any of that. How am I supposed to trust you are who you say you are?”
“Oh, you can’t,” Sigyn said.
She shrugged, and green magic washed over her as she shifted back into Loki. Gold magic shifted Loki back into Sigyn.
“But do trust that we are here to help,” the real Sigyn said.
Coulson gave a bemused look. “So you’re Skrulls?”
Sigyn grinned and looked up at Loki.
“I like this one,” she said.
“We can discuss keeping pets after we’re married,” Loki said. “Phillip, you do not have any active force that can handle the threat that is coming.”
Coulson paused. “But we may have something else.”
"Love, Duty, and Glorious Purpose" is available on AO3.
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samanthaswishes · 4 years
My Headcanon AOS Kids Names
@if-we-had-a-monkey shared their headcanons/ideas for the names of the team’s kids (which are all great names! Please check out their post), and it got me thinking about my headcanon kids that are from my Their Future series. I don’t really post much about my headcanon kids for the team outside of ao3, so I thought I’d share them here as well. For some of them, I’m not 100% set on their names, but these have been the names I’ve chosen for them since about August. Here are their full names, meanings, and birthdates.
Flint Johnathon Mackenzie (born July 1, 2001)
I 100% believe that Mackelena adopt Flint like right after they got back from the alternate timeline. I chose Johnathon as his middle name after Mack’s dad, John. I didn’t know when exactly what year to put Flint’s birth year (I mean, technically he wouldn’t be born until way later, but you know). If I remember correctly, he was 16 in s5, which occurred during 2017-2018. He comes back in s6, a year later, making him 17, and s6 occurs during 2019, so I felt 2001 was a good year (if s6 happens before the bday I gave him). That would also put him at 18-19 during the “One Year Later” when he’s at the academy. I chose July 1st because that is Henry Simmons’s (Mack) birthday. 
Alya Rose Fitzsimmons (born May 27, 2015)
Alya was obviously named after Jemma’s favorite star, but Alya is another word for sky, so she was sorta named after Daisy/Skye. I put Rose as a placeholder middle name because I didn’t know what to name her originally, but it’s starting to grow on me (and not just because it’s my middle name as well lol). I still might change it if I find something I like better. Alya was definitely born in early-mid 2020, but with the time travel, that would put her birth year in 2015 (that was definitely something Fitzsimmons had to explain to Hunter and Bobbi when they reconnected). I chose May 27th because that was the day when s7 premiered.
Isabelle Daisy Hunter (born October 3, 2019)
She goes by Bella for short. Isabelle after Isabelle “Izzy” Hartley. I feel like Bobbi and Hunter were both close with Daisy in some capacity or another, so I chose her name as the middle name. She definitely cried (the same way I imagined she probably did with Alya and finding out her name meaning) when she first found out Bella’s middle name. I feel like Bobbi and Hunter would have had a kid sometime while on the run but before reconnecting with the team, so 2019 felt like a good year. There’s no real special reason for October 3rd besides the fact that I wanted her to have a fall birthday.
Michael Phillip Johnson (born March 19, 2021)
He went by Mikey for short as a little kid, but goes by Michael exclusively as he grows older. Both Daisy and Daniel are where they are today because of someone named Mike. When Daisy first got started in SHIELD, she got in contact with Mike Peterson. When Daniel lost his leg, he was saved by Mike Stevens (Stephens?). Phillip after Phil Coulson, Daisy’s father figure. For the last name, I feel like Daisy and Daniel probably hyphenated their last names to Johnson-Sousa when they got married, but only close friends know that. Outside, they both go by Johnson because Sousa is technically supposed to be dead. Their kids also technically have the hyphenated last name, but go by Johnson outside like their parents. There isn’t really a specific reason for the March 19th birthday.
Lillianne May Johnson (born March 19, 2021)
She goes by Lilly for short. I wanted to be cheesy and give her a floral name, which was how I got Lilly. Anne after Jemma’s middle name. May after Melinda May, Daisy’s mother figure. I didn’t find this out until literally about a week ago, but lilies are the birth flower for May, so it works there too. She is Michael’s twin, so same reason for the March 19th birthday. 
Francisco Ruben Mackenzie (born August 12, 2022)
Francisco after Elena’s cousin. As a kid, he had the nickname Coco (from FrancisCO), which was given to him by Lilly. This wasn’t the reason why I chose it, but I found out maybe two or three months ago that Natalia Cordova-Buckley (Elena) did the voice of Freida Kahlo in the Pixar movie Coco, so that’s pretty cool too. Ruben after Mack’s younger brother. August 12th because that is the day AOS ended.
Damien Alfie Hunter (born July 21, 2023)
He’s actually one of first kids I named. I didn’t really get his name from somewhere in the show, but it just felt fitting to me for a Huntingbird child. Maybe he’s named after an unknown relative of Bobbi or Hunter? Alfie after Mack given that both Bobbi and Hunter seemed to be really close friends with him. His birthday is more of a reference to me than the show. Before joining the aos fandom, I was in the Descendants fandom, and Descendants 2 came out on July 21st.
Christopher Enoch Fitzsimmons (born December 29, 2023)
Like Damien, I just felt Christopher felt right for a Fitzsimmons child. We never got a name reveal for Jemma’s dad, so maybe he was named after him? I know Enoch is kinda a weird name for a child, but I feel like Jemma and Fitz would want to honor him in someway given he saved them back at the Lighthouse and was with them the entire time they were in space. December 29th because that is Iain De Caestecker’s (Fitz) birthday.
Penelope Faith Mackenzie (born June 8, 2025)
Like Damien and Christopher, I felt Penelope sounded good for a Mackelena child. I was also rewatching One Day at a Time when I was first coming up with all the kids’ names, so the name Penelope was kinda stuck on me (and in the show, Penelope’s daughter’s name is Elena, so that furthered me to name Mackelena’s daughter Penelope). Faith because both Mack and Yoyo rely heavily on their faith. Also it’s another word for ‘hope’ and I feel like Mack would want to honor his daughter in any way. She doesn’t have a specific reason for her June 8th birthday other than I wanted her to have a summer birthday.
James Deke Fitzsimmons (born September 24, 2026)
James after Fitz’s middle name. I know Deke is an unusual name, but here me out. Before s7, I had this theory that Deke was actually named after himself. My headcanon was that bbg Fitzsimmons would grow up with her ‘Uncle Deke’ in her life then decide to name her son after him. When s7 ended, I came up with the next best thing I could think of. Alya names Deke after her brother’s middle name, so, in a way, Deke is still named after himself. Basically, his middle name is Deke so I can satisfy a theory I had XD. For his birthday, I chose September 24th because that was the day the pilot aired and the SHIELD journey began.
Eleanor Mackenzie Johnson (born February 22, 2027)
Her nickname is Ellie, but she goes by Eleanor and Ellie pretty interchangeably. Eleanor loosely after Elena. Mackenzie after Mack given that he’s basically Daisy’s older brother, and I feel Mack and Daniel become really good friends. I chose February 22nd because that is the birthday for both Kyle MacLahlan (Cal, Daisy’s bio dad) and Dichen Lachman (Jiaying, Daisy’s bio mom).
I didn’t know where to put this, so I’m putting it here. With Dousy’s kids, I kind of wanted their names to be “old-fashioned” while also being pretty modern to kinda reflect both Daniel and Daisy. I feel like Michael, Lillianne, and Eleanor did the trick. Plus, I got five-letter, rhyming nicknames from all three of them (Mikey, Lilly, and Ellie). I actually originally planned for them to have only 2 kids, with Eleanor always being the youngest, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted their first kid to be a boy or a girl, so I created the twins. Also, I plan on having Dousy foster kids when their kids are little older (I think I wrote in a fanfic that they start to foster when Ellie is 10).
And of course, Coulson and May are all the kids’ honorary grandparents, and the kids refer to them as Papa Coulson and Nana May (Dousy’s kids also call May Lao Lao) 
Other Shipping Children Headcanons:
In the past, I have created both a StaticQuake child and a QuakeRider child, both girls.
The StaticQuake child was named Violet Avery Campbell (Violet after the flower, Avery after the agent that saved baby Daisy), and my headcanon was that Daisy went into labor on April 17th (Luke Mitchell’s (Lincoln) birthday), and baby Violet was born on April 18th (Chloe Bennet’s (Daisy) birthday).
My QuakeRider child’s name was Gabriella Reyes (Gabriella/Gabrielle is the feminine version of Gabriel, so she’s named after Gabe) I can’t remember what her middle name was, if I gave her one at all, but I’m like 90% sure she was named after May. I never gave her a birthday either.
I also had a SkyeWard baby girl named Maia Avery way back before I got to Ward’s betrayal in season 1 but we don’t talk about that...
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loveroflemons · 4 years
Jordan Phillip Sousa has to travel back in time to make sure his parents meet
Jordan: okay, just need to describe them. No problem!
Jordan in 1946: Daniel Sousa, we are going to meet a women with a flower name and you are going to marry her.
Daniel confused: okay...?
*Daniel meets Violet a year later and proposes*
Jordan: not what I had in mind, might have a better chance with mom
Jordan in the summer of 2013: Skye, you are going to meet a high ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who is older than you.
*Daisy meets Coulson weeks later*
Jordan: this is harder than I thought
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coulsonxarchive · 3 years
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———  BASICS!
NAME! -  kay
PRONOUNS! -  she/her
ZODIAC SIGN! -   pisces (but i don’t believe in zodiac stuff)
TAKEN OR SINGLE! -  married
1!  -  i just adopted a little black kitten named phillip and he is a sweet bean.
2! -  i'm attending school to be a court reporter, and i really love it.
3! -  i don’t have a third fact. i’m boring lol.
PLATFORMS USED! -  i started on aol e-mail when i was younger. rp’d a little on neopets and myspace, then roleplayer.me when myspace swapped over. i’ve tried forums but they never work for me. migrated to myspace forever ago. i don’t like discord rp at all ... it also has never worked for me. so now tumblr.
FEMALE, MALE OR NONBINARY! - i’m mostly comfortable writing male muses, i just connect with them better, but i have a couple of female muses as well.
MULTI OR SINGLE! -  single, on coulson. i do have a multi-muse but for personal reasons i am taking a break from it.
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! -   i’m more for angst than anything else. fluff can be very ... slow if it doesn’t have a purpose, but it’s nice sometimes. and smut with the right partner, if we connect with our writing and our muses have chemistry. it can be very interesting to write then.
PLOT / MEMES! -  i prefer memes first, but i’m not opposed to plotting if there’s an idea there. i’m just really burned out from like 5 years of “do you want to plot? what ideas do you have?” from the rp group circuit.
TAGGED BY!  -  yoinked from @nirgama​
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im-a-lonelyheart · 4 years
Fitzsimmons Family Headcanons in case canon fails me
And before they destroy them. Buckle up.
(I wrote this in less than an hour and english is not my first language, sooo sorry for any mistakes)
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Edit: I re-posted it because it wasn’t showing up in the tags. sorry.
Enjoy! (Gift credit: X)
They finally decide to retire to their cottage.
Daisy and May lived with them for a while but at different times. Daisy around the time their first kid was born and May when the youngest was a kid already.
May and Daisy totally live together in the USA.
Fitzsimmons started a biomedical company, they make prostetics and medical supplies. They fund small researchers and become relatively known in the medical field (under aliases of course). They run their company from their home as much as they can.
Deke got bored of his company, so he eventually fused it with FS’s, he has enough money to travel around the world and be whatever he wants. Once was a TV chef, and he got bored and became a travel blogger, then launched a clothing line so it goes…
Tried to convince the team to turn their story into a broadway musical. They all said no. He brings it up everytime they are all together (you never know)
Fitzsimmons have three kids, they were all planned ;) of course
Daisy teases Fitz about how the three of them look like Jemma. “You are adopted”. the son is the only one who kinda looks like him. Fitz doesn’ t mind.
After the kids go their own ways they leave together again.
Have their own quinjet in case of emergencies, they say. Let’s be honest after years of flying with SHIELD, commercial flights lost their charm.
Look retired Fitzsimmons would be that kind of couple who travels the world together (properly this time), they say the quinjet is to visit their friends and Family around the world but would randomly send pictures of them in front of a famous landmark.
Mackenzie Skye Fitzsimmons (Daisy calls her Kye) (Born around 2021) (Quarantine baby) or (Timetravel baby)
They never asked Deke about their daughter’s name in the original timeline, but once they told him, judging by his reaction they knew it was this. (but in the lighthouse timeline her nickname was Kenzie)
Fitz was really adamant on this name, Jemma thought it was cute and a great way to honor their best friends, but years later he told the kid:
“you were named after two of the bravest persons I’ve ever met”.
Jemma just stared into the space as it dawned on her that her husband was really an idiot.
He winked at her and she forgave him. Eventually.
When she was a toddler Fitzsimmons moved back to the city and left their cottage, they wanted their daughter to have the best education and also didn’t want to wake her up early because the closest school was still an hour away.
Around that time Daisy found Bobbi, they met up, and Bobbi introduced her to her baby son Owen. 
“oh my god. I need to call Fitzsimmons” 
“shhhh. wait, it’s connecting... Hey guys! Look who is here! Bobbi and her baby Owen Shaw” 
Fitz spits his tea all over his phone. Bobbi doesn’t know what’s going on, and they eventually explain it to her, well, after Daisy stops laughing and Fitz stops coughing.
Bobbi and Hunter had changed names and moved to England. After learning that Fitzsimmons live nearby, they make plans to see each other as much as they can. Look this is my headcanon AU so Fitzsimmons offer them positions in their company, Bobbi in the lab and Hunter in a made up security position that doesn’t fit his nametag. 
Some weekends Fitz and Hunter take the babies to the park together, while Jemma and Bobbi work or hang out together. One day kye and Owen were playing and Owen proudly declared he was going to be an astronaut. Fitz was like “you and your son are the bane of my existence”.
The kids become best friends. Duh 
BUT this is Bobbi and Hunter we are talking about, they’re nomads so they eventually move out around Europe and America, when the kid started high school they agreed to stay in one place.
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Amazing kid, took a while for her parents to figure out the whole parenting thing but she was so great, as long as things went her way.
Fitz can’t say no to her. A dog? We’ll manage. Ice cream for breakfast? c’mon you know how convincing she can be. 
She is a really calm kid, well behaved. Responsible older sister, mom friend, but messy af. “look mom, I have a system and I know where everything is”.
Nicest kid you’ll ever meet, but if you mess with her siblings be careful, you never know if you will find trash in your backpack.
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She is an MD. Eventually, her parents moved back to the countryside but she stayed in the city with her sister to finish her education.
Makes friends everywhere she goes.
She and Owen started dating in their teens but were on and off several times, they even briefly dated other people because one of them would get scared of things becoming too serious (even more when they learned that Uncle Deke was genetically their son). 
In their late twenties they decided to get married as a compromise to stay together and work things out, after all, some things are inevitable.
They had two kids: Daniel Shaw (Deke, but They wanted him to be his own person so they changed the name), Gabrielle Shaw (Born as Oliver Shaw)
Owen worked for a while for SWORD. Eventually decide to move to Germany to work as researchers.
Margaret Abigail Fitzsimmons (Maggie) (Born 2025)
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The odd one. Grew up to be a successful artist. Really independent as a child, could play hours by herself or caually chill around her parents or her brother’s crib.
Despite being the only one in her family who isn’t into science, she loves doing experiments all the time, in the name of aesthetic. One time turned the dog blue. There’s a fire extinguisher in the living room just because of her. Banned from her parents’ lab “Pretty colors can go boom”. Aparently.
After being constantly told she is diferent from the rest of her family, she feels happy when someone tells her she looks like her mom. She scoffs but she doesn’t really mind.
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Acts though but is a softie, vegan, activist, animal lover. Loves to tease everyone, prankster, makes fun of her mom but it’s the first person she thinks of when something troubles her. Late night calls are not unheard of.
Can’t commit to a single hobby. Photography, cooking, volunteer work... name something, and she has probably already tried it.
Really close to Deke, sometimes travels with him. They are kindred spirits. Feel like only them understand the need to explore and try new things.
She grew up to resent shield. Look she loves what her parents and their friends did, but hates how it affected them. Forgive and forget? in this economy?? 
Lives in Paris by herself but somehow always manages to get everyone to come to her art exhibits. You won’t be able to stop her once she sets her mind to something. Stubborn as her dad.
Doesn’t want kids, maybe one day if she feels ready she will adopt but she is happy as an aunt.
Matthew Phillip Fitzsimmons (Matthew) (Born 2030)
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Ray of sunshine, Momma’s boy. He loves it when his parents take him to their lab. Ever since he could walk he is always following his sisters around, if they are up to something he is the first one to know. They love to tease him, but he has enough blackmail material to get them to shut up. He would never use it tho.
Computer genius. He has his own video game company. Launched his first video game at 16. Fitz is mildly offended he sees the Framework code as “old stuff”.
He is a sweetheart, adores his parents and calls them every single day. He met his wife in college and has been happy ever since. It was fast and passionate, they got married within a year and a few years later they had a baby. 
Truly an example of living fast. 
Melissa Fitzsimmons (his daughter) a sweetheart, may is her godmother. (The babies’ baby’s baby, i cry). The cousins are thick as thieves. 
May loves the kid, “age is making you softer”, Daisy tells her and laughs, May’s glare while holding a baby is too much for her.
Emma Johnson (born 2029) (the honorary fourth kid)
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Daisy’s daughter. Jemma cried when she told her the baby’s name. She wanted May and Jemma in the delivering room with her. 
I can see Daisy being a badass single mother but I also see her finding love, I haven’t made up my mind but I think she will be loved either way.
Only child, so loves to hang out with the FS kids.
She and Matthew are best friends since they were little, even having video calls when they couldn’t see each other in person.
Fitz and Daisy had a bet on whether they would get together, but it was called off when it became apparent Emma wasn’t interested in men altogether. She was the first woman in his wedding.
The “Quake” legacy was too much for her so she decided to focus in something different. Currently works as an architect and on her spare time works as a freelance illustrator.
All I can imagine is a scene where the are all together in a field (probably the same one where they buried Coulson and Loop!Fitz) May, Fitzsimmons and Daisy. They try to meet up there at least once a year to chat and reminisce about old times, sometimes with Deke, Mack and Elena (and their twin boys) or just them. 
Their kids are playing while their parents watch, but May’s watching them, with their backs to her they almost look like the kids she met in the bus all those years ago. Coulson would’ve been so proud, this is the future we were fighting for all along, she thinks.
“You did good”.
Daisy turns around with a soft smile on her face and says “yes, we did.”
The end
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The Lady and the Chauffeur Name Thing
So at the end of my LAST installment of my FS Downton Abbey AU, Christmas at the Abbey, I promised that if ONE person wanted an explanation of the many new names that popped up I would write it. Well many weeks ago now the lovely @valentinaonthemoon asked for such a list, and I am a woman of my word, even if I completely forgot about and only remembered about it just now. I’m going to pop it under a read more bc it is going to get LONG  and also contain ALL OF THE SPOILERS for that series. 
We’ll do this in birth order I think. Nicknames are in () 
Eilidh May FitzSimmons, born December 12th 1919 - The first of the many babies!! As many of you will know if you have been following me for a while, Eilidh May was, pre-finale of course, my utter ride or die name for baby girl Fitzsimmons. I think I have like three or four fics with this particular name in it, I loved it so much. Eilidh is the Scottish variation of Helen, and means sun-ray, which ugh wouldn’t that just be so perfect for a little FitzSimmons baby. I was just utterly in love with the idea of FS giving their baby a Scottish name (as you will see in the NEXT FS baby) and the fact that this had a space/star/sun/celestial twist to it just absolutely SOLD IT for me. I should add, for all my non-scottish followers that Eilidh is pronounced Ay-Lee. I have no idea how gaelic pronunciation works, I just know how to say it.  Her middle name, May, doesn’t need much explanation. I just loved the idea of them giving their little girl a middle name after someone on the team. 
George (Georgie) Lincoln Campbell, born 2nd October 1921 - Okay ngl, I got real lazy with this name. Mary and Matthew’s (who Daisy and Lincoln were in the place of in this fic) son was also named George, and I liked it, I thought it would be cute if he was called Georgie, as a bit of a variation. His middle name comes from his father, obvi, who, in keeping with BOTH canons (the noise I made when I figured out I could do that I swear. I’m so sorry Lincoln it was just far too good an opportunity to pass up), I killed off on the day he was born. My apologies. 
Hamish Phillip FitzSimmons, born 6th January 1922 - Oh this name. A lot of people REALLY don’t like this name, which is fine. As I said with Eilidh, I was really on a kick of giving FS babies Scottish names. I originally dismissed Hamish, and it just wouldn’t leave me alone, and just utterly grew on me. I actually went to school with a Hamish, he was a fair few years below me and he was just the tiniest, most adorable little toot! From what I can gather, Hamish is an anglicised version of Seamus or Seumus, which is the gaelic version of James, which is a very long and roundabout way of honouring Fitz’s middle name, but I still love having that connection. The middle name, Phillip, again, this name was a love of mine before this fic came about and it just seemed so natural to me that they would name their son after Coulson, and there was just no other name I liked so much with Hamish 
 Kathleen (Kathy) Skye FitzSimmons, born 30th May 1925 - I have no really grand explanation for this name, other than Kathleen is a special name to me, and I love using it in stories. It fit in well I thought with the 1920′s style of naming (yes I did that extensive googling) and as I say it is a very dear name to me and FitzSimmons are deserving of it. Skye, again, I’m just going through the checklist of names from the team. This was in NO WAY  a narcissistic naming, I promise, I just really think they’d give their child that as a middle name, as also this was my way of slipping a lil bit of Scottish into her name too. Just a smidge :)
 Hazel June Sousa, born 14th October 1926 - Oh Hazel. Hazel is just a name I really love. It is also the name of a dear friend of mine who I don’t get to see very often, and I just love it. Honestly I was just trying to find names that worked with the last name Sousa and Hazel just popped into my head. Again it works with 1920′s naming trends, (again with the googling) and yeah I just really love it. The middle name June comes from the fact that in this fic, Daisy and Sousa get married in the month of June. I thought that was a nice way of honouring their relationship, through their daughters name :)
Finley (Flint) Alphonso Mackenzie, born 28th May 1927 - So Mack and Elena adopting Flint is basically canon isn’t it??!?!? He is their son I will have no arguments. SO finding a name that Flint would work for as a nickname, bc lets be real no one was naming their child Flint in 1926, I had to find a roundabout way, was NOT EASY. I still have no idea how Flint could come from Finley, but it is close enough to make sense. By the time I got to Flint I had already named five children and was getting a bit lazy, and so his middle name is just the same as his fathers first name, which is still a very common middle name tactic. 
Emily Lorna FitzSimmons, born 12th October 1927 - Again, by the time I got to poor little Emily, I had named six children already. Emily I just like. Every Emily I have ever met has honestly been the nicest and sweetest person I have ever known. It has a good track record for me and it just sounds so nice with Fitzsimmons. Lorna, Lorna comes from my own personal headcanon for Fitz’s mum’s name, and so I think that’s where Lorna comes from, as a way of honouring Fitz’s mum.  It is also believed to derive from the name of the Scottish town Lorne, so snuck another bit of Scotland into baby FitzSimmons’s name :) 
Arthur (Archie) James FitzSimmons, born 14th August 1929 - If you all cast your minds back, at the very start of the Lady and the Chauffeur, I named Jemma’s dad, Lord Shieldshire, Arthur Simmons. So this was my way of honouring dear old Donk, but they call him Archie, just so he’s his own wee man. James, again, got a bit lazy, same middle name as Fitz. Also v Scottish name, we are 5/5 for Scottish baby FitzSimmons :)
Eve Margaret Sousa, born December 24th 1929 - Eve, well, she was born on Christmas Eve. I cast around for ages trying to find Christmasy names. She was Robyn for a little while, I considered Noel, but that felt a little too contemporary, so she was Eve! And yes, Margaret is my little wink to Agent Carter. I couldn’t help myself. 
Violet Faith Mackenzie, born 6th April 1930 - I actually had a lot of fun finding this name. I briefly considered calling her Hope, but no, that felt a little too on the nose for me. The name Violet comes from obviously the little purple flower, but the flower itself means hope, which I liked. Out of the three surnames, I feel like Mackenzie is the easiest out of all of them to find names for, (maybe it’s because I’m Scottish and know a fair few people with that Mac/Mc sound at the start of their surname) and I played around with a few possibilities, but honestly I just fell in love with Violet. Faith comes from the fact that faith is very important to both Mack and Elena and I wanted to consider that and honour that in the naming of their little girl. 
 Edward (Teddy) Donald FitzSimmons, born December 1st 1932 - The last (for real this time) little FitzSimmons baby of this verse. Blame Fitz being forever broody and Jemma just loving their babies so much, and also being an easy burst when it comes to Fitz and their babies. This name, boy oh boy, this name was HARD. Girls names for FitzSimmons babies, for some reason, easy as pie for me, I have a list as long as my arm of girls names I love for them. As for boys names, Hamish is the only one that has really stuck long term for me. All of the names I found for this poor wee boy that I liked were just a bit too modern, so I had to go searching again. I saw Edward, realised it could be shortened to Teddy and fell in LOVE. Only in this verse would I really get away with calling a baby Teddy so I took the chance and ran with it, and now little dark haired blue eyed Teddy FitzSimmons runs around rent free in my brain. His middle name, is not really obvious why I chose it at first glance. Again I struggled. I couldn’t really find any more Scottish names that I liked, or at least ones that i could give poor Simmons a fighting chance of pronouncing properly (Lachlan is still on my list and I have NEVER heard anyone not Scottish pronounce that first syllable properly). So Scottish was out, and so I went to my next mainstain of family names. And Deke or Enoch were the only two male names I hadn’t touched. Enoch was going to be impossible to find a link (trust me I tried) but DEKE, comes from a common nickname for Donald. So Donald he was. 
I hope you enjoyed this little (haha) list! I just love putting thought and meaning into names, and this kind of gives you a little glimpse into my naming process. Yes I know I will be a nightmare if I ever have children. That is a whole SEPARATE and ever changing and evolving list. 
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areiton · 4 years
what you know - stucky
This is what you know about soulmates: 
Some find them young. 
You are six years old, fighting mad and bloody faced, when James Barnes swans into your life, larger than life, prettier than Mama, and brilliantly alive. 
You are six years old when he quirks a grin at you, all mischief and smug and you say, “I didn’t need no help.” 
“Got it though, didn’t ya,” he shoots back, and you shiver. You sway and he reaches for you and you don’t quite understand the way your heart trips and tumbles and steadies next to a new thumping heartbeat, the way his eyes go wide. You don’t understand the ache in your knuckles or the way he touches his lip and winces. 
You are six years old, and you don’t know what soulmates means, really, when you meet James Buchanan Barnes. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
They share pain. 
Bucky always knows when you’re fighting, because he can feel it, the hot bloom of pain when you’re getting punched, the crack of your ribs and the bruises blooming up because you decided to get involved when some asshole got handsy with Dot. 
You know when his Da gets drunk and comes home, beats his anger into Bucky’s ribs, busts his lip, and you think the helpless fury you feel is what he does, when you’re hurting and he’s catching echoes. 
It keeps you outta fights while he heals up, keeps your touch gentle and your voice light until he snaps at you, all brittle bruised fury and you snarl back, and the fragility that ol’ man Barnes beats into him with heavy fists shatters with sharp, love-laced words. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
It isn’t easy. 
Your Ma had a soulmate, a pretty woman named Eliza that she drew, when you could drag her away from the washing, and the cooking--mostly on the nights when you were sick and couldn’t draw for yourself and Ma would trace Eliza’s features on butcher paper, and you’d watch in awe to see her come to life, this woman you never met, would never meet. 
She had a soulmate, and she married your Da instead, left Eliza in Ireland and he left her in New York, a baby in her belly, for a war that would kill him. 
“Bein’ soulmates don’t mean life is easy, love,” she said and watched Bucky, chasing tomcats in the alley. 
You spit blood on the floor of a dancehall and Bucky tackles a mouthy bastard to the ground, fists flying, rage contorting his face because he called you a fairy, a queer, a fag, and you think about her words and how much you just wanna be left alone with your soulmate. 
Bucky yelps and pain blossoms on your jaw and you wade back into the fight, snarling. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
They mean happiness. 
Your dirt poor and sick as hell and Bucky works too hard and spends his sabbath at temple with his Ma and sisters, and sits shiva whenever someone dies, and there’s nights when you only stop shivering when he wraps around you, lips pressed to your neck, hands hot on your belly and a heat that isn’t from him licks through you. 
You’re poor and sick and tired and you go days without seein’ him even though you share a tiny apartment but there’s this too--
He kisses you when he slips out. You leave food in the icebox for him, and smile when it’s gone. He wraps around you when your sleepin’ and you know that when you cough, he’ll wake, worried and careful. He knows that when he comes home, exhausted and sad, you’ll be waiting with open arms and quiet. 
You’re tired and your poor and you’re sick--and you are happier than you ever thought you would be. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
It’s a lonely business. 
Bucky kisses you in your dark apartment and squeezes your hand before he slips away, and he’s beautiful in his uniform, everything you love all packaged up pretty and off to fight for the country you both love, and you ache with it, even before his footsteps fade, a drumbeat that echoes and throbs and promises months of loneliness. 
You hold tight to a promise of a stranger, and the loneliness that chases you through bootcamp and the Rebirth chamber and all across the damn country, while pain blooms on your skin, and a heartbeat not your own flickers in your chest. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
There’s some things the soul knows. 
Phillips says Bucky is dead and Peggy stares at you with pity in her pretty brown eyes, her mouth set in an unhappy curve and the rain is still coming down. 
But you can feel him, can feel his heartbeat like your own, matching. Can feel the ache in his bones that reminds you of the vita-rays. Can feel the bruises and blood spilt and the pounding in his head, and the dryness of his lips, cracked and bleeding. 
You turn to go and Peggy, she chases you because she’s the smartest dame you know, and you look at her when she says it, again, gently this time. “Your friend is dead, Steve.” 
“He isn’t.” 
Maybe it’s your tone or maybe it’s something in your eyes but she stills, and she stares at you. “How do you know?” 
“He’s my soulmate,” you say and your voice doesn’t shake, because it’s terrified you for years, hiding your male soulmate, because the world doesn’t look kindly on that. Peggy pales, and she takes a half step back, something you won’t think about filling her eyes. “He’s my soulmate,” you say again. “And he’s not dead.” 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
Few survive without the other. 
You rescue him. 
You rescue him and you fight with him, side by side for years, and then it falls apart in a rush of wind and his voice screaming and a fall so long you can’t see the end of it. 
You watch him fall and you want to fall with him. 
You cling to the train, held there by your men, and you ache in your bones, but it’s your ache, your pain, and the heartbeat you know like your own, that has been the match to your own for decades--is quiet. 
They treat you with a quiet fragility that makes you want to scream, the Commandos and Peggy both. Phillips doesn’t know that Bucky was your soulmate, and he’s brusque, almost cruel, and you’re grateful for it, grateful for the mission because if you don’t have that, you’ll put a bullet in your brain, and Bucky spent more than half his life keepin’ you alive, and how the hell is it fair to him, to kill yourself? 
You don’t care about fair, really, you miss him, want to chase him down into that endless fall, to the only place he’s gone that you can’t follow. 
And then there’s bombs and a endless stretch of ice and sea, and you can hear the frantic pain in Peggy’s voice, but you smile as you tip your plane down into the ice and dream you can still feel his heartbeat. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
The ones who survive--don’t. 
You wake up. 
You shouldn’t, and you hate Fury and Coulson and SHIELD, for waking you, for dragging you into this future you don’t know, don’t want. 
You hate the whole fucking world, because you are in it. 
You wake up and you shouldn’t, and you fight because you aren’t sure what else you can do, and tryin’ to kill yourself didn’t take. 
Sometimes, when you’re lying in your bed in SHIELD’s headquarters, you imagine you can feel a heartbeat, sweet and familiar, thrumming next to yours. 
Ma called ‘em phantom ticks--the heartbeat of your soulmate long after they’d died. She felt them, after Eliza died, after the pain exploded in her head and left her writhing and weak, and then pale, hand clutching her chest. 
You never wanted to. You never asked Bucky about the nights when you were sick, and lingering near death, if he ever felt the aching absence of your heartbeat. 
You hope like hell he didn’t, because this--this is a hell you would never wish on someone you love. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
They are complicated. 
Your pulse steadies when you meet Natasha, and your breathing slows to match Tony, and you can feel the way that every sense in you reaches for Sam. 
They’re yours and you didn’t even know that was possible. 
“Stark spent a shit ton of time and money learning everything he could about soulmates,” Sam says. “It’s not always romantic, ya know? There are other soulbonds. Ours is platonic.” 
“How do you know?” 
Sam casually cuts his arm open, a shallow stinging cut--and you don’t feel it. 
“Have you--do you have--” 
“Riley,” Sam says, softly. “He was my soulmate, my heart-true soulmate.” 
There’s an ocean of grief there, echoing in his voice and you can’t feel his pain, but you can feel this ache, and you reach out, blindly, and Sam’s hand squeezes yours. 
“You aren’t alone, here,” Sam says. “Stark ain’t my soulmate. Nat’s got Clint. But we’re all yours and your ours, and this world might not be the one you want--but we’re here.” 
You breathe, and there are tears burning in your eyes but you think that maybe--maybe you can learn to live again. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
You got lucky. 
Natasha is beautiful and brilliant and you adore her. You see echoes of Peggy in her, in the way she fights, free and fierce, and the way she commands the world she walks through, refusing to bend to the men around her. She’s soft with you, teaches you how to make borscht soup and foists Liho on you when she vanishes with her heart-true soulmate for missions and sometimes, for weekends that bring her back to you loose limbed and smiling. Clint is good for her, and it hurts, sometimes, seeing them together, but you’re happy for her. 
Tony is brash and loud and pushy and you fight with him when you aren’t fighting together, and when you are, it’s like fighting side by side with Bucky, an extension of yourself that you didn’t realize you missed, until he’s there, and you feel safe, in the middle of the world gone sideways. He’s pushy and demanding and extravagant, and you take a while to realize it’s because he cares so much it hurts, that he pours every bit of himself into the people he loves, because he can’t help himself. He has two heart-true soulmates, and you think he needs two just to keep him steady, and then you meet them and you’re pretty sure that Rhodey and Pepper and Tony could rule the world if they wanted, or could be dragged out of Tony’s workshop long enough. They match him, wild and brilliant, a genius touched with madness, and it doesn’t show in Rhodey and Pepper as quick, but then he sees Pepper facing down the Secretary of Defense, and he sees Rhodey fighting and he sees them all together and drunk and he doesn’t know if he’s turned on or terrified. 
Sam is quiet and sarcastic and steady, the things he misses most about Bucky without the history. Sam sees Steve, not just the shield and the cowl, not the seventy years of trauma and loss. He shows Steve the new century--Nat and Tony do too, but Sam shows him a new world that Nat and Tony can’t, show him the world from the outside looking in, the place that Steve always found himself, and it’s different--a sickly queer kid and a black boy--but it’s familiar, too, a different kind of familiar, and he likes seeing the world through Sam’s eyes, and aches, seeing the world through Sam’s eyes. 
Sam knows, too, what it’s like to lose the soulmate of your heart, and the night that Steve tells him about Bucky, they drink until he finally cries, and fall asleep curled together like puppies, and he feels warm for the first time in years.  
This is what you know about soulmates: 
Not a damn thing. 
You dream, still, sometimes. About a warm body sleeping next to you, and a familiar voice shaping your name and pain blooming across your knuckles and your heart tumbling to match his. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
Sometimes, the universe gets it right. 
You fight him on a bridge, and pain starbursts against your skin with every blow of your fist, and your heartbeat is erratic and painful and you finally stare and you say, “Bucky?” 
He watches you with wide, terrified eyes, and runs from Sam, and you want to chase. 
When you do--when the helicarriers are smoking in the Potomac and your platonic soulmates are watching with wide, scared, angry eyes, you chase and Bucky runs, and you think the universe got it right, tying you together, a century ago, and keeping that bond through the ice and the torture, and you hope that it’s enough to bring him home. 
Sam chases with you and Tony watches, angry and petulant and finally throwing himself into helping, and Natasha does the same, and you think you got lucky, got so fucking lucky, to have them and this second chance with Bucky. 
This is what you know about soulmates: 
You get one second chance. 
In the end, you chasing him doesn’t mean shit because you're asleep in Sam’s apartment in Harlem and Bucky is sliding through the window and into your bed, and he’s skittish and bloody and won’t meet your eye. 
But his hand is on your heart, and his heartbeat is thrumming along, next to yours and his voice is a familiar welcome home when he says, “I missed you.” 
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melindaofshield · 5 years
(✉️ ➡️ Melinda ): that’s adorable (✉️ ➡️ Melinda ): point out to them that if you wore a ring, your punches would only hurt them more
(✉️ ➡️ Phil ): I don’t think that would help.  (✉️ ➡️ Phil ): That would just fuel the whole ‘YOU AND COULSON ARE MARRIED THAT’S SO CUTE!!’  (✉️ ➡️ Phil ): And if I did have a ring, I would wear it. I want my punches to hurt them more after this. 
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daughterofphil · 4 years
Director Rogers Timeline
As an FYI, this is an EXTREMELY rough MCU Timeline. I’m going to do another one that is specifically for the Grant Ward Redemption Verse, but this one needed to be done for the Director Rogers to get some dead on specifics corrected. Like Scarlett’s age. And yes I changed Coulson’s mom so sue me. 
March 10, 1917 - Bucky Barnes is Born
August 15, 1917 - Howard Stark is born
May 8, 1918 - Joseph Rogers die
July 4, 1918, - Steve Rogers is Born
1919 - Daniel Sousa is born
1920 - Rebecca Barnes is born
April 9, 1921 - Peggy Carter is born
1925 - Robert Coulson is born
1936 - Sarah Rogers dies
1939 - Stark Industries is founded
1943 - Stark Expo in New York
Late 1942/Early 1943 - Future Scarlett gets thrown back to the past where she meets and falls in love with Steve, meets her grandfather, Daniel, before he loses his leg.
May 1943 - Scarlett returns to her present day
June 14, 1943 - Steve is recruited by Erskine
June 15, 1943 - Bucky ships out
June 22, 1943 - Steve gets Super Soldier serum {Project: Rebirth}
November 3, 1943 - Steve rescues the 107th
1944 - Battle of Finow
December 1944 - Siege of Bastogne; Daniel loses his leg due to shrapnel but is saved thanks to Steve & the Howling Commandos
March 3, 1945 - Bucky falls from the train; labeled KIA however was taken captive by Hydra and turned into the Winter Soldier
March 4th, 1945 - Steve crashes the Valkyrie into the ice
May 8, 1945 - WWII ends
1946 - Peggy is working in the SSR office in New York, meeting her future husband Daniel Sousa. She also saves Howard’s ass yet again
1947 - Peggy goes to California, reconnecting with Daniel, to save the world from Zero matter
1949 - Shield is founded by Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and lesser known founder Chester Philips (Colonel Phillips).
1950 - Rebecca Barnes & Robert Coulson marry
1952 - Peggy Carter & Daniel Sousa-Carter marry
1954 - Alastair Jordan Sousa-Carter is born
1956 - Camilla Stark is born;
September 1960 - Elizabeth Sylvani Carter-Coulson is born
November 22, 1963 - Winter Soldier assassinated JFK.
July 8, 1964 - Philip J. Coulson is born
1965 - Howard & Maria marry
1970 - Peggy becomes Director of Shield
May 29, 1970 - Tony Stark is born
July 1970 - Camellia’s mother dies of Stage 4 Cancer; her grandmother takes her to Howard; Maria and Howard take her in and Maria adopts her as her own daughter
1974 - Alastair & Camilla marry
July 7, 1974 - Robert Coulson (Phil’s Father) dies
February 28, 1976 - Sharon Carter is born
October 7, 1976 - Gracelynn Margaret Carter is born to Alastair Carter & Camilla Stark-Carter
January 7, 1983 - Grant Ward is born
1984 - Phil & Elizabeth marry
May 16, 1985 - Oliver Queen is born
May 16, 1986 - Scarlett Kathleen Coulson is born to Phil & Elizabeth Coulson
July 24, 1987 - Felicity Smoak is born
December 1989 - Elizabeth Coulson is killed in a car accident by a drunk driver.
December 16, 1991 - Howard & Maria Stark die in a “car accident”, but in truth were assassinated by the Winter Soldier
1995 - Captain Marvel comes to Earth; Grant Ward sets his parents house on fire.
2004 - Scarlett graduates High School at 18 and starts engineering degree at MIT where she meets Felicity Smoak; proceeds to party with Oliver Queen & Tommy Merlin
2006 - Scarlett Graduates MIT summa cum laude; she then enters the Operations Academy for Shield and spends the next three years with Natasha as her Supervising Officer; Scarlett meets Grant at the Academy
2008 - Iron Man Events take place
2009 - Natasha runs into Winter Soldier in Odessa; Scarlett graduates the Academy as a level 6 - per Natasha’s recommendation
April 23, 2011 - Steve is found in the ice and thawed by Shield
April 24th, 2011 - Steve wakes; Scarlett is tasked with “babysitting duty”
April 25th, 2011 - Scarlett breaks up with Grant; Steve & Scarlett are at the Lodge and start a relationship.
2012 - Loki/Thanos attacks New York; Phil Coulson “dies”
May 2012 - Coulson is revived at the Guest House
August/September 2012 - Steve moves in with Scarlett
2013 - Peggy is placed in Assisted Living in Washington due to her Alzheimers after an MRI discovers the beginnings of deterioration in her brain. Scarlett & Steve move to Washington.
October 12, 2013 - Steve declared a fugitive by HYDRA-controlled Shield
2013 - The events of Iron Man 3, Thor 2, & Winter Soldier take place
2015 - Ultron & Ant Man Events take place
June 18, 2016 - Peggy Carter Dies
June 18 & After, 2016 - Events of Civil War, Homecoming, Strange, Ragnarok, & Black Panther take place
2019 - Infinity War takes place; Daniel Sousa dies of natural causes post snap
2023 - Endgame takes place
This will be updated as @magickisafoot and I figure out things past Endgame. But right now, it’s more of a touch and go type thing. 
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