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omanxl1 · 2 years ago
Nathan East - Featuring Philip Bailey, Ralph Johnson, Verdine White - Serpentine Fire
Digital Crate Digging Continues per this Throwback Thursday / Thankful Thursday edition, getting breakbeat scientific is how we’re living! The saga / struggle continues, this is our response to it all as we fight back not trying to take a fall, some can see what I’m saying.. I see how these jokers are playing; they’ll try to “trump up” charges like the ones Hunter Biden is facing in retaliation…
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duranduratulsa · 8 months ago
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Here is this week's 80's Fest Amazon Music Preferred Artists...
1. Prince, Phil Collins (11 appearances)
2. Michael Jackson (10 appearances)
3. Prince & The Revolution (9 appearances)
4. Sting, Billy Joel, Daryl Hall (8 appearances)
5. George Michael, Hall & Oates (7 appearances)
6. AC/DC, Huey Lewis & The News, The Police, Kenny Loggins, Cyndi Lauper, Neal Schon, Jonathan Cain, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder (6 appearances)
7. Def Leppard, Chaka Khan, Steve Perry (5 appearances)
8. Bobby Brown, REO Speedwagon, Eddie Money, Guns N' Roses, Journey, Bon Jovi, Tina Turner, Lionel Richie, U2 Andy Taylor (4 appearances)
9. INXS, John Mellencamp, Tom Petty, Starship, Wham!, Whitney Houston, Eddie Van Halen, Eric Bazillian, Rob Hyman, Billy Idol, Duran Duran, John Waite, Janet Jackson (3 appearances)
10. Dire Straits, Ronnie Spector, ZZ Top, Genesis, Animotion, Paul Young, Deniece Williams, Sheila E., Steve Winwood, Tommy Tutone, Toto, Men Without Hats, T'pau/Carol Decker, Bad English, Billy Ocean, Philip Bailey, Rick Astley, Scorpions, Beastie Boys, Blondie, John Parr, Paul McCartney, Luther Vandross, Sade, Bryan Adams, Kenny Rogers, Tina Weymouth, Chris Frantz, Bonnie Tyler, Eurythmics, Boy George & Culture Club, Jennifer Warnes, Bruce Hornsby, Diana Ross, Dionne Warwick, Bananarama, Belinda Carlisle, Kool & the Gang, The Human League, Richard Page (2 appearances)
#Amazon #Amazonmusic #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest #prince #RIPPrince #princeandtherevolution #philcollins #michaeljackson #ripmichaeljackson #Sting #billyjoel #darylhall #JohnOates #hallandoates #darylhallandjohnoates #georgemichael #RIPGeorgeMichael #ACDC #hueylewisandthenews #thepolice #kennyloggins #CyndiLauper #nealschon #JonathanCain #brucespringsteen #steviewonder #defleppard #chakakhan #steveperry #bobbybrown #REOSpeedwagon #eddiemoney #RIPEddieMoney #gunsnroses #bonjovi #tinaturner #riptinaturner #lionelrichie #u2 #andytaylor #inxs #johncougarmellencamp #tompetty #starship #wham, #WhitneyHouston #RIPWhitneyHouston #eddievanhalen #evh #RIPEddieVanHalen #ericbazillian #robhyman #billyidol #duranduran #johnwaite #JanetJackson #direstraits #ronniespector #zztop #Genesis #Animotion #paulyoung #DenieceWilliams #SheilaE #belindacarlisle #Bananarama #stevewinwood #TommyTutone #Toto #TPau #menwithouthats #badenglish #BillyOcean #philipbailey #rickastley #Scorpions #beastieboys #blondie #JohnParr #paulmccartney #LutherVandross #RIPLutherVandross #Sade #bryanadams #kennyrogers #RIPKennyRogers #TinaWeymouth #chrisfrantz #bonnietyler #Eurythmics #cultureclub #JenniferWarnes #brucehornsby #dianaross #DionneWarwick #RichardPage #koolandthegang #humanleague
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singeratlarge · 6 months ago
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SONG OF THE WEEK! “Born Lover” by Kris Ryder a.k.a. Chris Andrews  https://timchrisandrews.bandcamp.com/track/born-lover …This late 70s New Wave “blue-eyed soul” song urges the natural-born instinct to love, with a groove that feels like a prequel to “Beat It” (Michael Jackson) and “Easy Lover” (Philip Bailey & Phil Collins). “Born Lover” features sizzling guitar by Phil Palmer (Dire Straits) “dueling” with synthesizer by Billy Lyall (Alan Parsons, Pilot). On a cosmic jukebox it would place near Level 42 and Boz Scaggs. https://timchrisandrews.bandcamp.com/track/born-lover
If this is your introduction to Chris Andrews, he’s a British singer-songwriter and recording artist whose songs have been covered by Roger Daltrey, David Essex, and Davy Jones (Monkees). Under the name Tim Andrews he was a champion of late 60s psychedelic pop and (later), as Kris Ryder, he released New Wave synthpop sides in the 80s. Chris was also part of the seminal freakbeat band Fleur de Lys.
#NewWave #blueeyedsoul #chrisandrews #krisryder #singersongwriter #philipbailey #philcollins #philpalmer #billylyall #direstraits #alanparsons #level42 #bozscaggs #Queen #brianmay #fleurdelys #rogerdaltrey #davidessex #davyjones #monkees #michaeljackson #christopherneil #recordingartist #britishrock #britpop
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jamieroxxartist · 11 months ago
Happy Birthday. Today, May 8, 1951 – #PhilipBailey, American singer-songwriter, drummer (#EarthWindandFire), and actor was born.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Bailey )
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juhnkit · 1 year ago
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #PhilipBailey feat #PhilCollins, #EasyLover ... from the album #ChineseWall [Official Music Video] (1984) #MMitM1
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jettajimm · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday @ZorotheDrummer! 🎂🎈🎁🎊🎉🥳 Have a rockin' one! 🎼🥁🤘 #DanielDonnelly #LennyKravitz #BobbyBrown #FrankieValliandtheFourSeasons #NewEdition #JodyWatley #SeanLennon #PhilipBailey #LisaMariePresley #ThrottleBodyMotorcycleClub #DWDrums #EvansDrumheads #LatinPercussion #VicFirthSticks #MarsMusic #OlympusStylusDigital
2nd 📸: @Modern_Drummer
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earthwindfire82 · 4 years ago
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My 6th EWF concert, 2017. My 2nd time meeting my boys, and I got a hug from @nilerodgers. I hate my phone died, but memories last forever!! This concert was memorable because I clocked out of work in Memphis that Thursday at 1:30pm, drove straight to Bridgestone Arena in Nashville to be at VIP check in at 5pm. I then danced, sang, partied, and clowned in the front row until midnight when it ended. I made it BACK HOME to Memphis and bed by 3:45am...to be up at 6:00am to take my kids to school and be at work at 7:30am. I. Was. DEAD. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 And I'd do it all again for @earthwindandfire. I was going to do it for the EWF/Santana show in Nashville last month, but you saptappers and Da Rona...😑 I got to make my guys a bracelet. I wanted to give them one when I saw them. Who knows? I still might. 🥰 #EWF #EarthWindAndFire #September21 #ElementForLife #RalphJohnson #VerdineWhite #PhilipBailey #Fangirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CFbPYOFFi3Q/?igshid=rl2y2peia3s3
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nasu-no-hana · 6 years ago
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Earth, Wind & Fire / Touch The World (1987) おはようございます。今日の始まりはこの一枚から。 #EarthWindandFire#MauriceWhite#PhilipBailey #vinyl#vinylcollection#coverart#albumart#33rpm#lp#nowspinning#nowplaying#アナログ盤#レコード#records #soul#funk#pop#jazz#ColumbiaRecords#1987 #miyakojima #宮古島 #coffee#コーヒー (Miyakojima-shi, Okinawa, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/toshinorinamiki/p/BvAIxcnA7ev/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sqtnhpyxkbo7
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soulpatrol345-blog · 2 years ago
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_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 2022/11/23 バイブル 太陽神 Serpentine Fire 太陽の戦士 Jupiter Maurice White Verdine White Fred White Philip Bailey Al McKay Larry Dunn Ralph Johnson Andrew Woolfolk Johnny Graham Budokan ‘79 武道館 パピーのお姉ちゃん ディスコ Disco 鶴間 シルバースワン 六本木 BG&Rソウルエンバシー 大使館 小田原 シルバーミラー 沼津 スクランブルハウス 横須賀 サンタナ 赤坂 ムゲン ムゲン向かいのローストビーフバーガー 六本木 ジョージ 六本木 マハラジャ 六本木 ウィナーズ 六本木 ラビングパワー 六本木 ピップス 新宿 ゲット 新宿 ツバキハウス 横浜 ベイサイドクラブ 横浜 シュガーシャック 芝浦 インクスティック 横須賀 ウインドジャマー 横須賀 ベイサイドレストラン 横田 オフィサーズクラブ 横田 ボールルーム 富士 ソウルトレイン 沼津 ザザ 静岡 ファイブダラー 赤坂 アコラーデ 赤坂 ポテト フィリピンバンド 六本木 アフロレイキ 六本木 松崎しげるの元チャンカー #太陽神 #serpentineFire #太陽の戦士 #Jupiter #MauriceWhite #VerdineWhite #Fred White #PhilipBailey #AlMcKay #LarryDunn #RalphJohnson #AndrewWoolfolk #Johnny Graham #Budokan79 #武道館 #パピーのお姉ちゃん #ディスコ #Disco #鶴間シルバースワン #六本木BGRソウルエンバシー大使館 #小田原シルバーミラー #沼津スクランブルハウス #横須賀サンタナ #赤坂ムゲン #ムゲン向かいのローストビーフバーガー #六本木ジョージ #六本木マハラジャ #六本木ウィナーズ #新宿ゲット #新宿ツバキハウス https://www.instagram.com/p/ClSIE7xynFF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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almcfoster · 3 years ago
🤣 SELFTAPE AUDITION BLOOPER # 289 🎬 (watch 'til the end 😭) Sliding into the new year like... HAPPY 2022!!! 🙌🏾 Congrats, you made it! We're a few weeks in. I want you to do something for yourself this year though... JUST HAVE FUN!!! 😁 See, with so much serious stuff going on in the world today, people aren't just having as much genuine fun. The past 2 years have affected people's mental health negatively like never before! So having FUN is a great release. And I don't mean just on your spare time either... Find ways to have FUN during your workday. Since I'm an Actor, if I'm not onset filming, my favorite time to have fun while working is in the audition room. Whether in front of casting directors, producers, directors or while recording a selftape. I LOVE IT!!! Sometimes it's great to be silly. And it eases the nerves... So if you're at your desk, play finger hockey with a coin or something. 😉 If you work on your feet, take a bathroom break and shoot some trash can hoops. 🏀 Whatever you gotta do to have some fun during "work", DO IT!!! (of course without getting yourself in trouble... 😋). And if you're currently looking for work, keep up the search and optimism, it's coming so be ready. 🙏🏾 P.S.  That ain't real wine in my glass or is it, LOL! 😳🤷🏾‍♂️🤣 WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN??? Let me know in the comments ⬇️ #Actor #Acting #ActorLife #ActorsLife #Selftape #Audition #BookedIt #OnScreen #PureJokes #ThatBurpWasNasty #SelftapeAudition #PhilipBailey #PhilCollins https://www.instagram.com/p/CY4QpY5olzp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mitsuyayam · 3 years ago
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EARTH WIND & FIREのリード・ボーカル、フィリップ・ベイリーの2ndソロ・アルバム「CHINESE WAL L」 フィル・コリンズとデュエットした「EASY LOVER」はもちろん良いのだが、アルバム全曲めちゃお洒落❗️ #philipbailey #chinesewall #earthwindandfire #philcollins https://www.instagram.com/p/CW401pxp2xo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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omanxl1 · 2 years ago
Paulinho Da Costa - Deja Vu Full Length Remix
Sunday Jazz Continues check these menus as we proceed and continue with this Father’s Day  and Juneteenth vibe, check out the conjunction! The saga  / struggle continues but we’re rocking these venues trying to uplift the spirit, we’re dropping the funk son! Knowledge was gained from intergalactic journeys on how the funk should go! while out there mirrored stars glared in my rear view…
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duranduratulsa · 8 months ago
Philip Bailey, Phil Collins - Easy Lover
80's Fest Duet of the day: Easy Lover by Philip Bailey & Phil Collins (1985) from Chinese Wall #philipbailey #philcollins #easylover #chinesewall #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas6thannual80sfest
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singeratlarge · 2 years ago
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SONG OF THE WEEK! “Born Lover” by Kris Ryder a.k.a. Chris Andrews  https://timchrisandrews.bandcamp.com/track/born-lover …This late 70s New Wave “blue-eyed soul” song urges the natural-born instinct to love, with a groove that feels like a prequel to “Beat It” (Michael Jackson) and “Easy Lover” (Philip Bailey & Phil Collins). “Born Lover” features sizzling guitar by Phil Palmer (Dire Straits) “dueling” with synthesizer by Billy Lyall (Alan Parsons, Pilot). On a cosmic jukebox it would place near Level 42 and Boz Scaggs. https://timchrisandrews.bandcamp.com/track/born-lover
If this is your introduction to Chris Andrews, he’s a British singer-songwriter and recording artist whose songs have been covered by Roger Daltrey, David Essex, and Davy Jones (Monkees). Under the name Tim Andrews he was a champion of late 60s psychedelic pop and (later), as Kris Ryder, he released New Wave synthpop sides in the 80s. Chris was also part of the seminal freakbeat band Fleur de Lys.
#NewWave #blueeyedsoul #chrisandrews #krisryder #singersongwriter #philipbailey #philcollins #philpalmer #billylyall #direstraits #alanparsons #level42 #bozscaggs #Queen #brianmay #fleurdelys #rogerdaltrey #davidessex #davyjones #monkees #michaeljackson #christopherneil #recordingartist #britishrock #britpop
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jamieroxxartist · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday. Today, May 8, 1951 – #PhilipBailey, American singer-songwriter, drummer (#EarthWindandFire), and actor was born.
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humanworldwide · 7 years ago
“Stop Trying To Be God” Travis Scott *Featuring Philip Bailey, James Blake, Kid Cudi and Stevie Wonder on harmonica
Travis Scott dropped a music video for his new song, "Stop Trying to Be God," from his latest Astroworld album on Tuesday, and it is definitely interesting, to say the least. Not only does it feature James Blake, Kid Cudi, and Stevie Wonder, but Scott's girlfriend, Kylie Jenner, appears in it, as well, as — wait for it — the Virgin Mary. Yep, Jenner is shown covered in gold paint while holding a lamb, and that's just one of the many biblical references in the video. Scott is also shown baptizing fans in one of the scenes, as well as walking through the street with a herd of sheep. You just have to watch the whole thing for it to make sense.
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