#pharmacy says that he didn't confirm it
strangelylass · 1 year
Good news: My doctor finally got me an alternative to my Adderall
Bad news: The medication costs...
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ghostedeabha · 2 days
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simon ‘ghost’ riley x reader
wc: 894
warnings: chronic illness, mentions of acid reflux and nausea, mentions and descriptions of chronic pain. it's implied that reader is autistic and adhd but never explicitly mentioned. migraines. other than that, pure fluff.
a/n: this is absolutely a personal lil comfort fic i wrote bc i'm chronically ill and disabled lol. hope y'all enjoy. i tried to keep it broad and not mention specific illnesses so anyone with a chronic disability can read, but my experience with chronic illnesses and disabilities are based solely on my own and thus may accidently exclude certain illnesses.
it was more often than not that simon came home to the flat like this, and it never failed to break his heart a little bit every time. dirty dishes untoched in the sink, clothes strewn about. just generally messy and dirty.
it’s not as if simon had left the flat alone during his deployment, quite the opposite in fact. and anyone who knew that fact and saw the state of the flat would probably tell simon that his girlfriend was clearly lazy and didn't care for his things.
simon, however, knew that was far from the truth. he stepped over the dirty clothes and past the sink of dirty dishes, he’d deal with all that later, and made his way to the bedroom where he knew he’d find his love. find her in the exact spot he had left her no doubt.
his suspicions only confirmed when he opened the door slowly, giving it a gentle knock first as to alert her of his arrival. as he stepped into the room, placing his bag down by the door as he closed it behind him, he looked over to his girlfriend, curled up in a pile of blankets in the dark room. simon took note that the lights were completely shut off and the blackout curtains pulled over the window.
“hey bunny…” simon says quietly as he approaches the bed with careful steps, his deep, gruff voice barely a whisper. “got a migraine?”
his girlfriend’s response came in the form of just slightly moving blankets and a small face poking out from a tiny hole in the pile of warmth and plush. her pretty face etched with that permenant pout she had when she was having flare ups.
she needn’t respond to his question for him to know her answer.
“take your migraine medicine?” simon asks gently again, no condescending intentions, he knew the answer was one of two things. ‘yes and it barely helped’ or ‘no, i have none left’
when his girlfriend shakes her head no, he instantly knows that the latter option is her current situation, and his heart breaks further. it was too late to take those meds now, even if he ran to the pharmacy just up the road and got her refill. they were preventative meds, not relief.
“would you like to go to the hospital?” simon questions further, he holds up both hands and his girlfriend pokes the right.
“okay, then… how about i go and get you some chips and a soda? maybe that combo will help, want to try that luvie?” he suggests, his hands held up again.
this time she pokes the left.
“perfect.” simon responds, kissing her blanketed forehead. “i’ll be back in 10 with a large chips and a large dr. pepper. want anything else? have you eaten at all today?”
yet again his lovely girlfriend shakes her head no and her hand pokes out to point towards her lanyard on the nightstand.
“your cards?” simon asks, despite this he’s already grabbing the shark lanyard and handing it to his baby.
she takes it with a weak, forced smile. only on her lips to show her love and gratitude for his help before the mask slips and her pained pout returns to her face. no big deal, simon understands it’s not a reflection on her feelings to him.
uncapping the marker she writes on the blank, laminated card on her lanyard, part of a set of communication cards.
'didn't eat. too much nausea and acid reflux.’
“oh, okay. then just the chips and soda.” simon confirms with a firm nod. “i’ll be back in 10, doll.”
and as promised, he’s back in 10 minutes flat. ice, cold dr. peper and some hot, salty chips in his possession. a small smile on his face at the sight of slight progress in his lover’s state, instead of a pitch black room she sat in a mostly dim room with the tv quietly playing an episode of Bob’s Burgers.
“here y’are. made sure to get them nice and hot. want some ketchup?” simon says with a gentle tone, a stark contrast to the man he had to be just 12 hours prior.
when she nods, simon is quick to go to the kitchen, coming back with the bottle of ketchup for his beloved. he sits on the bed next to the blanket monster that his girlfriend currently was and handed the bottle of ketchup to her, holding out a little cup for her to squirt however much she wanted into.
even moments like these simon treasured. many would see his girlfriend as a burden, why? well he wasn't really sure. but simon didn't. he felt a sense of purpose being able to help her when she needs it, plus, what was better than coming home from deployment and snuggling with his princess? even if his princess was more of a blanket moutain than anything right now.
the two adjusted to make them both comfortable and cozy, blankets surrounding them both as simon held his darling close, large hands gently rubbing up and down her sides in a soothing manner, happy to relax with her and watch tv.
simon would take this here, over the battlefield anyday.
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ssentimentals · 5 days
seventeen members as love tropes: boo seungkwan
hanahaki disease (unrequited love)
'and i hoped - in vain, i know - that maybe there's the slightest chance of you feeling the same.'
tw: angst
at first seungkwan thinks he's just coming down with some flu or cold. his throat feels scratchy and dry no matter how much water he drinks and it's starting to annoy him to no end. runny nose and slight rise in the temperature confirms his first suspicion of just catching a cold, so he stops by pharmacy on his way to the house, grabbing some immunity boosters. they usually help him without the need to take anything stronger and assured in this, seungkwan doesn't even think that it might be something else. it's only when he feels like something is stuck in the middle of hi throat, only when he violently coughs and stares at the white petal on his hand does he realize what is happening.
he wishes he could say that this is a surprise. he wishes he could spend time thinking this over, trying to guess where the hell this is coming from. only he doesn't because he knows. seungkwan has no need to put on a show for anyone in the safety of his own home, so he lets himself slowly crouch on the floor, staring at the white petal. it suits so well, that's the thing. you love white, always look so pretty in it. but seungkwan might be biased cause in his humble opinion you look good in everything. ('seungkwannie!' you giggle, blushing prettily as he compliments your outfit. 'thank you so much. you always know what to say to make me feel better!') white petal looks suspiciuosly like it's from a rose and seungkwan instantly checks his guess, pulling up thousand pictures of white roses from the internet. and of course, he is correct. ('is this for me? oh, seungkwan!' your smile is blinding as you gratefully accept the bouquet from him. it consists of white roses and when you look up at him, seungkwan knows he picked it right. 'this is so sweet, thank you. so thoughtful of you, kwannie.') seungkwan stares at the petal for few more minutes before standing up and leaving it on the coffee table. he goes to take a shower, then cooks himself dinner and doesn't tell anyone about the petal he coughed up from his lungs. he knows what it means, everyone knows what it means. he'll deal with it on his own.
'oh dear, are you feeling okay?' tomorrow is a new day and his love for you did not disappear. how can it, when you're staring at him with such a concerned expression like you care? no, that's not right; seungkwan knows that you care. just not the same way he cares for you. 'you look a bit pale. maybe you should work from home today?'
'i'm fine, just didn't get my beauty sleep,' seungkwan jokes and watches in adoration as you smile at this. making you smile is his favorite way to pass time. 'don't worry.'
suddenly your hand is on his forehead and seungkwan freezes up, wishes time would freeze too so he could bottle this feeling up. 'hm, i think you're a bit too warm. seungkwan, are you sure you're fine?'
no, he wants to say. i am in love you and you don't love me back. i coughed up white rose petal yesterday and it's you, it's you, it can't be anyone else. 'i need to finish several presentations,' he says instead. 'deadline is tomorrow.'
you're not satisfied with his answer, of course you're not. that's why he fell in love with you in the first place, because watching fire in your eyes burn as you stand up for someone or when you're passionately talking about something had him hooked. right now he watches as you turn off his laptop, unplug it from charger and push it in his backpack all while mumbling about importance of taking care of yourself. 'i care for you, seungkwan.' your voice is gentle and sincere. 'please, take care of yourself, okay? let me know if you'll need anything else.'
all i need is your love so i could stop coughing up those petals is on his mind but he only smiles and dutifully goes home. by the end of the day he coughs enough to fill up small vase. it's alarming, the rate at which this is happening. seungkwan knows that one of the solutions would be to just try and forget you, rip you out of his heart but he also knows that it's impossible. rip you out of his heart? one might as well just rip his heart altogether because you're not getting out of there. your smile, your kindness, your eyes, your laugh - everything is carved inside him. how sad, he thinks, staring up at your profile on instagram, where you just posted pretty photo of yourself on a date with your partner. how sad that it doesn't break my heart. you were already taken when he met you and seungkwan knew from the start that he never stood a chance, but his heart still chose you. and it hurt at first but then he grew so accustomed to this feeling that he learned to live with it like it's normal to pine for someone, to have a onesided love. seungkwan coughs again and more white rose petals fall on the ground. it doesn't even hurt, surprisingly. seungkwan leans on the wall and presses a 'like' on your photo. last thought on his mind before he goes to sleep is how you are so gentle with him that even your white rose petals cannot hurt him.
a/n: just so you know, i hurt myself with this one too. but one of these tropes had to be angsty and seungkwan with his emotional maturity fits the best for hanahaki disease :( hopefully this was done nicely! - nini
check out my other seventeen writings here
if by any chance you're also intereted in f1 then check out my writings for them here
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
i need to project my pain on someone so lando taking care of his girl with tonsillitis (i feel like im dying but i can’t miss any school since i’ve got a perfect record which my ocd won’t let me break😭😭)
Cw: reader has tonsilitis
Note: I hope you feel better soon! And if you can, go to the doctor or at least to the pharmacy so they can give you something if you feel like you need it! ✨️🤍 hopefully this brings you some confort!
"Baby, you're very flushed, are you sure you're okay?", was the first thing Lando said as he picked you up from classes, driving home as you insisted it was the cold outside, just wanting to go home and rest.
"Let me take it from you", he offered once you were home, taking off your coat and then your scarf, his hand going near your neck, "Y/N, you're burning up", he sterned, looking into your eyes, knowing you had omitted it to him on the way home.
"I'm a bit warm, yes", you mumbled, "my throat is also killing me, I kept drinking water but it was no use", you said, your voice loud enough to sound the hoarseness on it.
"Open up your mouth for me, please", Lando softly ordered, hand rubbing your waist as you did, "tongue out", he encouraged as he looked at the back of your throat, "baby, your tonsils are really big, this is probably tonsilitis", he pouted, confirming what you didn't want to hear.
"Please don't make me go to the doctors, I don't want to leave the house", you moaned, tears brimming your eyes at the idea of having to go back out, "I won't, okay? I think I have the prescription you had last time for the pain and inflammation on my notes, and those are all over the counter meds, so how about you go and have a shower to cool your body off first and then I'll make you something to eat so you don't take meds on an empty stomach? How about that, does it sound good?", he said, brushing your hair behind your ears before kissing your forehead and looking at your eyes.
"I'd like that, but can you come with me, please? I might need help, my head is killing me, too", you asked, allowing your boyfriend to rest one arm under your knees and another around your shoulders so he could carry you to the ensuite, "let's go, baby, shower time", he mumbled against your warm skin.
Undressing you after you told him he could and undressing himself as well, Lando made sure the water was just about cool enough to help your body temperature without being too cold, "please, don't freeze my tits off, I'm uncomfortable enough already", you mumbled against his chest, feeling the vibration of his laugh on hihr lips, "I would never do that to you, baby, or to them either", Lando said as he guided you to the shower booth, arms around you as his hand rubbed the side of your chest, "just for a little, my love, to wash the yucky away and cool you down, I promise you'll be back in your warm pyjamas in a bit", he said, rubbing your skin soflty and kissing anywhere he could as you sighed in relief.
When you got out of the shower, Lando helped you get dressed in your comfy pyjamas and fuzzy socks, "my notes say you took one of these and one of these, too", your boyfriend said, checking on the boxes to make sure they hadn't expired, "Good girl", he cooed as you swalled both pills.
"Can we go to the living room, please? I want to be near you", you smiled softly, "okay, let's go then", he said, pulling you softly through the house and letting sit on the sofa, thankful that the apartment had an open floor plan and he could check on you while he made some tea.
"You can dunk the biscuits so they go all soft and eat something", he suggested, putting the tray in front of you and helping you to the mug, "we still had some soup in the freezer, so I have that warming up too for when you feel like you can eat it", he noted as you scrunched up your face, "I know you don't want to, darling, but it's full of the good stuff for you", he said, kissing your cheek and encouraging you to eat and drink the tea.
Cuddling up to your boyfriend, you traces shapes on his clothed chest, "thank you for looking after me, even if I'm a pain in the ass to eat and to take medication", you whispered, feeling it was best to keep your throat from growing angry at you, "it's alright, my love, no need to thank me. Just want my best girl to feel better", he said, kissing your forehead lovingly.
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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sunny44 · 11 months
All these years (Part 8)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Ex girlfriend Reader
Warnings: pregnancy test, mentions of sickness and things related to pregnancy
Summary: Separated by a disagreement, Charles and Y/n meet again after years apart and all the feelings they had repressed come flooding back.
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Two years after the last chapter
I left work early because if I stayed there for one more minute, I would throw up.
I knew what it meant. Or at least I think I know what it meant.
It's been a few weeks since my period hasn't come down, but I blamed work stress for it because it wouldn't be the first time it happened. But I never had nausea with it.
After Charles moved here, we tried a few times to have a baby but it didn't work out, so we decided that when it happened, it would happen.
Since I left early and he would take a few more hours to come home, I decided to do a pharmacy pregnancy test in the laboratory bathroom, the same place where I would do the blood test.
I got there and did the test in the bathroom after filling out my form. Since I didn't want to know now, I put it back in the box it came in and placed it in my bag.
After doing the blood test, I got the number where I would check the result online and left. I got home before Charles, took a shower, and then came out with my hair wrapped in a towel, wearing only underwear and a top. I stopped in front of the mirror, analyzing my belly. It was slightly elevated, and if I didn't think I was pregnant, I would say it was just bloating.
I put on one of Charles's black hoodies and a pair of socks and after drying my hair, I left the room and went to the kitchen to do something.
Since the test would take some time to be ready, I needed to distract myself, not to mention that I wanted him to be with me to see the results together.
So, I decided to make vanilla cupcakes with Oreo frosting.
I made the batter, added pieces of cookies in the middle, filled the cupcake liners and put them in the oven. Then, I started making the frosting.
And after finishing and eating many cookies, Charles comes home and is amazed to see me there since I usually arrived after few minutes after him.
"Hi, love, did you leave early?" He takes off his shoes at the door and comes over to me, kissing me. "Wow, made cupcakes. Are you trying to tell me something?"
"I just needed to distract myself." He smiles. "Go take a shower and come back here afterward."
"I'm afraid of what's to come." He goes, but in the middle of the hallway, he comes running back. "You're not going to break off our engagement, right?"
"No, go take your shower." I said, laughing, and he kissed me once again and ran off.
In the meantime, the oven beeped. I took them out and placed them on the counter.
I was arranging them on a glass plate when I felt him hug me from behind and leave a little kiss on my neck.
"I love you, you know?"
"I love you too, babe." I turned to him, and he picked me up and put me on the counter.
"So, what do you want to tell me?"
"I felt sick at work today and left early."
"And are you okay?" He asked worried.
"I am, I decided I would take a test to confirm what I suspected."
"What do you mean?"
"My period is late." He still looks at me without understanding. "I might be pregnant, Charles."
"Seriously?" I nod, and he starts giving me several little kisses on my face, making me laugh. "And are you really pregnant?"
"I don't know. I did a pharmacy test and a blood test, but I didn't have the courage to look yet." I opened my bag, taking out the box. "Do you want to see?"
"Of course." He takes the box and looks. "Here it says you're not."
"Oh." He looks at me, and by now, I was almost crying.
"Hey, everything will be okay. Is the blood test result available?"
"Still a few hours left."
"Then I'll help you finish your cupcakes, and we'll go to the couch to watch a movie."
We put the frosting on, and then he picked me up, carrying me to the couch. I settled on him, and he tuned into a channel that was showing "Grown Ups."
After a few hours, we ended up falling asleep. Now it was 8:30 PM, and Charles was entering the code to see the result.
"No." He laughs. "But we have to see."
He pressed enter, and soon he started reading what seemed to be there. He stood up, putting his hands on his face, and I saw tears in his eyes.
"It's negative, isn't it?"
"It's positive." He says in a whisper, and I get up. "We're going to have a baby."
"Are you serious? Don't lie to me because I'm very sensitive right now."
"Were have a baby, love, for real." He holds my face.
"We did it." He smiles.
"Yes, we did."
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“Baby Leclerc on the way” tagged:@charlesleclerc
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Charlesleclerc Instagram stories
“I’m gonna be a dad soon” tagged:@yourusername
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Tag list: @formulas-bitch @nuggetvirgo @lndonrris @cmleitora @janeholt3 @coffeewhore18 @blueflorals @agentadhd @eviethetheatrefreak @honethatty12 @lec-16 @ariamox @boherahpsody @ssararuffoni @leilani13gc @alldaysdreamer @minmira95 @dessxoxsworld @dessxoxsworld @vellicora @meadhbhcavanagh @viramila @lightdragonrayne @morenofilm @millinorrizz @leclercdream @buendiabebeta @ironmaiden1313 @julesandro @ssararuffoni @sialexia @notleclerc @glow-ish @heavengirls111
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peach-princess-snz · 5 months
Baizhu Snzfic (Part 2)
Pairing: Baizhu x OC
Includes: allergies, stifles, let out, false alarm... and more
Art by SayuuHiro
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The long way up the stairs to Bubu Pharmacy had never felt longer on this hot summer day. Why would they build a pharmacy so high up in the first place? Who in Teyvat thought, "Ah yes, let's make people do an entire cardio routine if they wanna get their meds - that'll surely cure them!" I wonder what Dr Baizhu thinks of it. Ehsan chuckled at the thought of Baizhu throwing his hands in the air dramatically and rolling his eyes at the incompetency of people around him. Step. Step. One more step, and he was at the top. The wide, rounded entrance of Bubu Pharmacy tempted him with its dimly lit interior, and he could almost feel the cool breeze coming from the inside. Gui, the pharmacist at the front, noticed him first and waved.
"Good afternoon, welcome back! Eyy-saan, was it?" Gui looked at the guest, seeking confirmation.
"Uh, yeah, I'm good with that."
Gui noted something in a big book and moved it over to the side of the counter in one swift gesture. "How may I help you? Aah, you must be looking for Dr Baizhu. He is in the back, getting the medicine ready for his 3 o'clock appointment. I will let him know you stopped by."
The pharmacist barely finished his sentence as the door on his left swung open, and a familiar tall figure with long green hair, a flowy blue coat loosely draped over his shoulders, and a white snake coiled around his neck entered the room. The man seemed fixated on a couple of brown pouches in his hands.
"Gui, I will need more sweet flowers and slime condensate, and for Rex Lapis' sake, where is Qiqi?" Dr Baizhu looked up, shifting his weight to one side impatiently.
Gui glanced at the doctor, then at Ehsan who was still standing at the entrance.
"Oh, my!" Baizhu's voice switched to the drawn-out purr he assumed with his patients. "Ehsan, please accept my sincere apologies. If I knew you were visiting, I'd brew some of that tea you enjoyed last time you were here," he said, setting the pouches down on the counter.
Gui sighed with the sigh of an underpaid employee too tired to question his supervisor and began scribbling a note. "Qiqi is still in the mountains," he replied. "I pray to the archons that she didn't get stuck between the rocks... again. I will make sure she gets your message when she returns."
"Thank you! Now that you say that, I am considering taking a stroll into the mountains to ascertain her well-being firsthand. The thought of any harm befalling my little Qiqi troubles me deeply, particularly as our herbal supplies dwindle. Now, where were we? Ehsan! How are you feeling today?"
"Thank you, Dr Baizhu, I'm doing quite well. I haven't made another trip to the Chasm yet, but definitely considering it for my vacation destination next week," Ehsan chuckled, exposing his perfect white teeth. "I was wondering if you were feeling any better?"
It's been two days since the accident, and, judging by his elevated mood and glowing skin, the doctor seemed to be in perfect health. Ehsan wondered for a second how one could recover from an illness so quickly when he saw Baizhu sniffle and quickly dab his nose on the back of his hand. Looks like even the most talented doctor is not immune to the fragility of human nature.
"Truly, I am flattered by your concern about my well-being, but I assure you there is no need to worry. My chronic condition tends to flare up from time to time, but I am feeling perfectly fine today." Baizhu smiled and gave a little pet to Changsheng, comfortably resting on his shoulders. "Did you by chance come back for more herbs to help expedite your recovery?”
"I actually stopped by just to see you," Ehsan almost let the words slip out of his mouth. "I actually stopped by just for a moment. I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time as I see that you already have a lot on your plate." Nailed it.
Baizhu sniffled again and tilted his head quizzically. "Well, if that's the case, allow me to at least walk you out."
As Baizhu was passing Ehsan, Changsheng gave the Sumeru scholar a long look as if she knew something about him that even he did not.
"So, ahem..." Baizhu cleared his throat. "Where are you headed next?"
Ehsan couldn't help but notice that the tip of the doctor's nose had turned pink as they began descending the stairs. Was it just his imagination? Ehsan felt a wave of tingles rush down his back and hurriedly turned away from the doctor's face.
"Ah, my schedule is pretty flexible. In fact, I've decided to take a day off from writing my thesis. Um… I was wondering if I could help with the search for your assistant? I've been meaning to explore Liyue beyond the Chasm, and this looks like a perfect opportunity."
Baizhu's face took on a concerned expression as he squinted his eyes and looked in the distance. Changsheng slithered down his body onto the ground and continued moving beside them. "Was I being disrespectful? Should I not have offered? Does he... not want my company?" Ehsan's usually collected thoughts were scattered all over the place.
"That would be most generous of you," Baizhu finally replied with a soft smile. As he said that, his nostrils suddenly twitched, forcing the doctor to bring a hand to his nose and give it a little rub. Ehsan's cheeks turned red, and he prayed that Baizhu would not notice the difference on his bronze skin. The doctor, however, seemed preoccupied with something else as his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. He sniffled again, wetly.
"Ehsan, I have to admit, I was delighted by your offer to accompany me. If I may be so bold, would you be willing to share your knowledge of herbal remedies in Sumeru? I find myself enraptured by the intricacies of medicinal practices in other nations, and your insights would be most enlightening."
"Of course! It is my pleasure as a scholar of Amurta..." Ehsan began as he heard the doctor's breath hitch, "...to share what little I know of..." Baizhu's breath hitched again, and it took all of Ehsan's willpower not to look over at the doctor, "...the biological, uh, structure of the, umm, world." He could not help but glance at his companion, now frozen in a perfect pre-sneeze expression, his eyebrows folded, eyes shut, lips slightly parted, and his face lifted towards the sun. The next moment Baizhu ducked into his elbow with a strong "Hiih... He-kxXnt!"
Distracted, Ehsan tripped on a perfectly smooth road but caught himself just in time. Baizhu did not seem to notice. He lifted his face away from his elbow and took one brief look at the sun, which seemed to be just enough to make his breath hitch again until he forcefully jerked forward with another stifled "Hiih’NKxshh!!"
Baizhu blinked and shook his head. "Please excuse me! Huh, look at that, as soon as I proclaim my well-being, I promptly make a fool of myself," he chuckled.
"I-uh... I assure you that is not the case... Ahem, as I was saying, I'd be happy to talk about Sumeru. Do you have any particular questions?" Ehsan struggled to compose himself. Normally, he could always push his emotions aside to make way for more important things. Yet today this task seemed almost impossible for a reason Ehsan did not want to admit to himself.
"Alright," Baizhu agreed, smiling. "My first question is, what is that exquisite scent you are wearing? I can discern some familiar notes, yet I cannot place them." Baizhu inhaled deeply, evaluating the fragrance. "Hmm, similar to glaze lilies, but much stronger, and with a hii-... hint of sweet fl…hih-flowers." Baizhu's eyelids fluttered and he brought his elbow up to cover another sneeze, but it seemed to escape him as the doctor lowered his arm with a sigh.
Ehsan felt the ground fall out from underneath his feet. He was indeed wearing a perfume he bought in Port Ormos before his trip to Liyue to remind him of home, and he did indeed hope that it would impress Dr Baizhu... just not like this.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Ehsan uttered softly. "I hope you are not allergic to my perfume? I would never have worn it if I had any idea..."
"Nonsense! I'm just... hih... enjoying the delicate scent, and this sudden outburst is likely completely unrelated," Baizhu declared cheerfully. "So, what are the exotic ingredients in your fragrance?"
"I-uhh..." Ehsan attempted to recall the label on the bottle containing the source of Baizhu’s misery. When that failed, he began listing random plants in hopes that at least one of them was correct. "Yes, the scent comes from traditional Sumeru flowers like nilotpala lotus, padisarah, sumeru rose..." Ehsan stopped as he heard Baizhu draw a sharp breath. He watched as the doctor tilted his head back, shut his eyes, and erupted in another semi-stifled fit, barely caught by his elbow.
"Hiih... Hheh... eKschh! Hih-hih... nGKkt-chew! Heh-kshuu!"
Baizhu paused with his face still buried into the crook of his arm. His chest expanded as he took a deep breath and lurched forward, struggling to contain his sneezes that seemed to be getting stronger the more he tried to stifle them.
"Huh... Hh-eKSCHew!! Haa-aKXTShhew! Ugh... snff.. Excuse me."
Baizhu finally put his arm down, removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
"Bless you! Once again, please forgive me if your, err... current condition is due to my carelessness,” Ehsan began. "I should not have assumed that Sumeru plants were harmless to..."
"Ehsan, you of all people should not be apologizing for an oversight on my part," Baizhu interrupted. "If I didn't forget to bring my handkerchief, you would not have been subjected to my utter lack of manners."
"But I do want to be subjected," Ehsan thought and immediately bit his tongue so as not to say anything stupid.
Changsheng made a noise in between a hiss and a scoff. "I too enjoy taking a short break once in a while, but if we don't get a move on, we might just lose our favorite herb collector, and you will have to run errands all by yourssself, Baizhu."
"Heh-AhTSHoo!" This time Baizhu didn't have time to cover and instead turned to the side with his hand hovering over his face helplessly. "Ah... snff... Yes, we should probably keep... hiih... g..." The doctor's eyes snapped shut and his eyebrows darted upwards. His voice trailed off as his breath wavered.
"Huh!.. Hh!.. Ahhhh," Baizhu opened his eyes and sighed wearily. "I am truly sorry for this display," he said quietly. "I do wish my adverse react... hiih.. was not a hh-hindrance to this otherwise pleasant conversation." Baizhu looked up searching for the sun through half-closed eyelids. His nostrils quivered impatiently and his nose wrinkled, and the doctor stood motionless, taking in air in short, rapid bursts. After a moment he sighed again and rubbed his nose vigorously. He turned to Ehsan.
"Oh, please, don't look at me with this concern in your eyes," Baizhu tried to give his companion a reassuring smile, but deep embarrassment and discomfort were written all over his face. "Truly, I am alright, my body is simply not cooperating with me today, but it's nothing to worry about. I promise you."
Baizhu's voice sounded more leveled and his sentences dropped their embellishments. He sounded almost... somber, for reasons unknown to Ehsan who took the doctor's change of tone as proof of his own guilt.
"I'm... So sorry," he mumbled. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Now, now, we should really get going," Baizhu smiled. "After all, we're here to save Qiqi, not me."
They left Liyue Harbor's gates and continued their way up the road. Ehsan kept hearing Baizhu's sniffling and an occasional soft gasp for air, but he couldn't bring himself to look at the doctor. The most he could do now was help Dr Baizhu as much as possible and not make the situation any more awkward. Ehsan kept walking and almost didn't notice when Baizhu stopped following him. Ehsan turned around to witness the tall figure of his companion standing on the side of the road, his head tilted up and his eyes shut. His shoulders tensed up as his lips parted and he took a shaky breath.
"Hiih... Ah... Huuh..."
Nothing. Baizhu wiped his nose with the side of his hand, exhausted by the persistent tickle that didn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.
He noticed Ehsan staring at him and laughed it off, reassuring the scholar that "it was nothing to worry about" and "seriously, Ehsan will make him blush if he keeps giving him so much sympathy." They continued walking with Baizhu slowing down every couple of minutes to try and relieve the itch buried deep inside his nose to no avail. After some time, Baizhu requested to sit down on a broken bench under an old oak tree on the side of the road. Ehsan joined him. The doctor looked weary and kept pressing the back of his gloved hand to his reddened nostrils glistening with moisture.
"When on the road, one should take ample time to pause and appreciate the wondrous scenery along the way," Baizhu finally said, looking at the blue sky dreamily.
"You're about to collapse, aren't you?" Changsheng responded without hesitation.
Baizhu was about to say something when his gaze went blank and he drew a sharp breath.
"Oh, come on!" Changsheng exclaimed impatiently. "If you weren't so dead set on trying to be polite, you'd feel much better without needing to sit down and catch your breath." She then turned to Ehsan, silently demanding his participation in the discussion.
Baizhu sighed and slumped on the bench. "I'll be alright. I just hh-... need a moh... hhh-... ment."
Ehsan felt bad for the doctor, but this feeling was mixed with a sort of excitement that gave the scholar goosebumps. He didn't realize as his intrusive thoughts got the best of him:
"Dr Baizhu, if I may, sometimes your body just needs a slight push to help it get rid of the allergen and make you feel better."
Ehsan froze with his mouth still slightly agape, unable to believe in the reality of what he had just proposed.
Changsheng gave him a curious look but didn't say anything. Baizhu lifted his head and looked at Ehsan. His soft green hair spilled out from his bun and unruly strands were now framing his elegant face, making him look ethereal in the dappled golden light filtering through the canopy above. "Did you have an idea?"
Ehsan almost jumped at the question. Baizhu did not seem like somebody who easily accepted the help of others. But if what Ehsan heard two days ago, albeit muffled by the walls of the pharmacy, was really what he thought it was... Ehsan's cheeks flushed crimson.
"I um... could help you... sneeze," the last word was so quiet it almost got lost in the breeze. Baizhu's piercing golden eyes seemed to widen, and his vertical pupils turned into thin lines.
"Alright, I have to admit, I'm intrigued. Mostly because I'd never expected to see such an offer coming from you." Baizhu's lips stretched into a smirk, and he sniffled wetly. "Suffice to say, it feels different to be on the receiving side of a treatment, but I... hiih-..." Baizhu's breath hitched, and he lost track of his thoughts. "Ahem, what I'm trying to say is, I guess, as a doctor, I myself should be an example of a perfect patient readily accepting hii-... the…"
Ehsan saw the desperation in Baizhu's eyes, barely masked by his pretend nonchalant attitude.
As the doctor sighed and rubbed his nose again, Ehsan bent down and pulled out a thin blade of grass, soft with a pointed tip. He looked at Dr Baizhu, hesitating. The doctor seemed calm, if a little tense, whether from the persistent itch in his nose or the peculiar situation they found themselves in. Ehsan reached out toward Baizhu's face but stopped himself, afraid that the doctor would burst out laughing at how silly Ehsan must look, exposing the affair as a joke he never took seriously. However, Baizhu's facial expression remained neutral, and he didn't pull away from Ehsan's hand. Ehsan carefully cupped Baizhu's cheek, feeling the warmth of his soft skin under his fingertips. He looked into Baizhu’s eyes, as if asking for permission. The doctor sniffled again and reached out for his nose instinctively, but Ehsan stopped his hand and put it back on the bench. Baizhu's bright eyes lit up with curiosity. Ehsan brought the thin blade of grass to the doctor's right nostril and brushed it gently. Baizhu's nostrils twitched, and the bridge of his nose wrinkled. Fascinated, Ehsan brushed the outside of the left nostril to witness the same reaction. Baizhu blinked a couple of times and exhaled shakily. Ehsan inserted the grass blade inside the doctor's nose and gave it a slight twirl. Baizhu's breath wavered as his eyes rolled back and his eyelids dropped. Ehsan kept rotating the grass blade, slowly climbing deeper into the doctor's quivering nose. Baizhu's breath was now hitching uncontrollably and his eyebrows darted up, forming a triangle. He tilted his head up, leaning away from the grass blade that was now tickling deep inside his irritated nose. Ehsan responded by pushing the grass blade further in as Baizhu audibly gasped for air. "Aaah!.." The swift movements of Ehsan's fingers sped up as Baizhu's nose kept scrunching up and twitching, buzzing with an unbearable itch. "Ah!.. Hh... Hh... HaaH!.." Baizhu lifted a hand motioning for Ehsan to stop, but the scholar was too entranced by the show to pay attention to anything but the doctor's red, twitchy nostrils and his shaky breath. "Aaah!!.." Baizhu froze for a split second before jerking forward towards Ehsan violently. The scholar quickly snatched the grass blade away as Baizhu erupted in an uncovered sneezing fit, misting Ehsan's lap with tiny droplets of spray.
"Huh'dSCHh'sshuh!! Huh'dSCHh'ssh! Hiih... Hiih... Hiih'IISSSHiuu! Haah.. Ah-kTSHHew!..  Hh... Heh-Eh'sSCHew! Eh'sSCH'ew!............................ Huh... Hh..." Baizhu paused with his eyes still shut and took another slow deep breath. Without thinking, Ehsan reached out and slid the wet grass blade back into the doctor's irritated nostril, making the latter gasp and lurch forward with a loud "Hhah!!... Ah'eeKSCHHew! Ah!.. Ae'SCHoo!...................Huh-AaahSCHHew! Ugh..."
The doctor blinked rapidly, collecting himself. He sniffled, trying to stop his dripping nose from making a mess, then grabbed a sleeve of his coat and buried his face into it.
Ehsan flicked the grass blade away, not taking his eyes off the absolutely breathtaking god-like figure sitting next to him dabbing the thick fabric to his sensitive nose and misty eyes.
"Phew... Ahem," Baizhu coughed into the sleeve a little longer than needed to clear his throat. "I have never experienced anything quite like it, that's for sure," he finally said, still wiping his nose in an upward motion. He then turned his attention to Ehsan and his face dropped.
"Oh, archons!! I am so, so sorry! Please do accept my sincerest apologies, I did not mean to... erm... make such a mess, let alone sneeze all over my patient!"
Baizhu lowered his head, bowing to Ehsan, who, in all honesty, did not mind a little mist on his clothes that seemed to make the doctor feel so flustered.
"He liked it," Changsheng stated with zero emotion in her voice. Baizhu lifted his head and looked at the white snake, his face still reflecting deep remorse. "What I’m saying is, our ssscholar friend seems to enjoy," Changsheng began, making Ehsan wish he’d met his fate at the Chasm and avoided going to the pharmacy altogether, "...helping others, and it bringsss him great joy to see people feeling better." Ehsan could have sworn that if snakes could smile, she would be giving him her sassiest grin.
"Oh, is that so?" Baizhu sniffled again, but his nose no longer looked red and irritated.
"Y-yes, I am indeed glad to have been able to repay your kindness as you saved me the other day," Ehsan hurriedly replied. "Besides, I couldn't bear watching you suffer any longer."
"Well, in that case..." Baizhu's face took on a contemplating expression before he turned towards Ehsan and looked straight into his eyes. "It looks like we have a lot in common."
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 5 months
A Little Angel (Or Devil?) Chapter 3
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Story Summary: Matt and Reader, happily married at the end of Angel of God, my Guardian Dear, start the next chapter in their life together -- parenthood.
Warnings/Tags: Smut, Unprotected Sex (I mean obviously, Matt and Reader are trying for a baby), Pregnancy and all that comes with it, no graphic depiction of childbirth
Word Count: ~1200
A/N: Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
Tag List: @nommingonfood
Matt’s head tilted curiously as he stood in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast. He had been hearing the same strange fluttering sound off and on all morning and he was starting to wonder if a butterfly or something had gotten into the house. 
Whatever it was, he wanted to try to get it out before the dining room furniture was delivered in about an hour. He and Y/N had already both taken the day off to deal with accepting and arranging their new furniture, so he didn't want to have to also be spending all day trying to locate then shoo out whatever was flitting around the house as well. “What is that sound?”
“What sound?” Y/N asked as she came up the stairs from the basement. “I don't hear anything.”
Matt listened closer, the sound growing louder as Y/N walked into the kitchen. “It's a fluttering noise. Kinda sounds like a butterfly or a hummingbird beating its wings -- oh.” 
Holy shit.
Suddenly it all made sense… the intoxicating change in Y/N's scent, her nausea and fatigue over the past few weeks, the butterfly --
Not butterfly. Heartbeat .
Matt slowly walked towards Y/N, focusing on the sound that he now realized was coming from her abdomen. 
He took her hand. “Sweetheart,” he said carefully, “I've been thinking about how you haven't been feeling well for the past few weeks, and um… have you considered the possibility that you might be pregnant?”
Y/N took a surprised step back. “What? No, no, there's no way, right? I mean, my cycle hasn't even really had the chance to get back to normal yet.”
Matt shook his head. “I don't want to get our hopes up in case I'm wrong, but you might want to take a pregnancy test just to make sure.”
Y/N took a deep breath. “Okay. Okay, I -- I actually bought a couple while I was at the pharmacy the other day so I'd have some for when we might need them, but I definitely didn't think it'd be this soon.”
Matt nodded. “Where are they?”
“They're upstairs in our bathroom cabinet.”
“Okay.” Matt bit his lip. “Do you, um, do you want some privacy while you go do that?”
Y/N took his hand. “What? No, of course not. Positive or negative, we find out together.”
They headed upstairs to their bathroom, where Matt spent the longest ten minutes of his life waiting to find out if he and Y/N would be growing their family. 
After the alarm on Matt's phone went off Y/N picked up the pregnancy test off of the bathroom sink, her free hand slipping into Matt's.
“Well?” Matt asked nervously. “What does it say?”
Y/N sucked in a breath, her heartbeat quickening. “It’s positive.”
Matt's heart leapt with joy. He had been pretty sure, but to have the news confirmed… “Yeah?”
Y/N let out a watery laugh. “Yeah, it's clearl y positive. I'm pregnant.”
“You're pregnant… You're pregnant!” Matt picked Y/N up and spun her around. “We're going to be parents!”
He gave her a kiss. “Oh my God, I love you so much, angel.”
Y/N kissed him back. “I love you too, Matty.”
Matt tilted his head curiously as she started to giggle. “What's so funny?”
Y/N gently patted Matt's chest. “Of course you'd knock me up immediately after I stopped taking my birth control.”
Matt smirked and wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist. “Well, we have been practicing quite a bit, and you did say that you could tell that the Murdock genes were strong.”
Y/N laughed again. “Yeah, yeah, I know your inner caveman is proud of your ability to procreate so easily. How'd you even figure it out?”
Matt smiled softly. “I can hear the baby's heartbeat.”
Y/N let out a soft gasp. “Really?”
Matt nodded. “Yeah, I'd been hearing it off and on all morning, but I finally realized what it was after I pinpointed where it was coming from.”
He knelt on the floor and lifted Y/N’s shirt up, then nuzzled his nose to her bare stomach before giving it a gentle kiss. “Hi, baby,” he said. “It's Daddy. Mommy and I just found out about you but we love you already and can't wait to meet you.”
Y/N carded her fingers through Matt's hair. “Not too soon, though. We want baby to be fully developed before we welcome them into the world.”
She pulled out her phone. “That reminds me, I should make an appointment with my doctor to get official confirmation from her and make sure everything's okay so far.”
Matt nodded and stood. “Let me know when it is and I'll go with you if you want.”
Y/N gave his hand a squeeze. “Of course, sweetheart.”
Matt waited as Y/N called her doctor's office. "Hi, yes, this is Y/N Murdock, and I need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Miller… I think I might be pregnant and need to have it confirmed. Yeah, I took a test at home this morning and it was positive. Mmhmm, mmhmm, yes, yeah, that's perfect. Okay, see you then. Thanks. Bye."
Y/N hung up. "Dr. Miller actually had an open appointment slot at 2 o’clock this afternoon."
Matt grinned. “That's great. Hopefully we'll have the dining room furniture all in place by then, but if not I can finish dealing with it while you go to your appointment.”
Y/N hummed. “Good thing we're still furniture shopping since we'll be needing to turn one of the spare bedrooms into a nursery sooner than we anticipated.”
“So when do you want to tell everyone? After your appointment, obviously, but I mean how long do we want to wait before we start spreading the news?” Matt wanted to immediately tell all of their loved ones that they were expecting, but he understood if Y/N would want to wait until she was further along.
Y/N was silent for a moment. “I want to tell Aunt Ruth in person but I don't want her to be the last one to find out, so maybe we can get everyone together while she's in town for her birthday in a few weeks and tell them all then.”
Matt nodded. That was completely reasonable. “Okay, yeah, that sounds good.”
He placed a gentle hand on her stomach. “I still can't believe it. I'm so happy, angel.”
Y/N set her hand on top of Matt's and gave him a tender kiss. “I am too, Matty. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” Matt turned towards the doorway as he recognized the now-familiar sound of the furniture delivery truck pulling up. “The dining room furniture is here.”
Y/N hummed. “Too bad we’ll have to wait until after my doctor's appointment this afternoon to break it in.”
Matt huffed out a laugh as they headed back downstairs. “Oh, don't worry, angel. I'll make absolutely sure it was worth the wait.”
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
No One but You 🖤
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◥ PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
◥ SUMMARY: Even a man like Patrick Bateman needs some love and care when he's sick.
◥ CONTAINS: (S)picy Fluff with Feelings🔥
◥ A/N: Since I'm terribly ill and the only thing that warms my heart is thinking about Patrick - I dreamed of taking care of him when he was sick. Also, I was inspired by this headcanon written by @bluujai 💗 I hope you like it!
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Imagine you heard his suspiciously hoarse voice while you were talking to him on the phone; you would ask him "is he okay?" and of course he would say he's more than okay - "nothing to worry about". But you wouldn't believe him, and right after that you would take a taxi to his place, even if it was pouring rain outside - you wouldn't care.
All the way to his apartment, you thought about how to persuade this stubborn idiot to accept your help and let you take care of him. Soon you were standing at the door of his apartment, the concierge had already warned him of your arrival.
Patrick slowly opened the door, his tired face only confirming your concern about his health. "(Y/N), I have no idea why you came, because I don't remember inviting you."
His grumpy intonation disappointed you at first, but then you glanced at him, noticed how red and puffy his eyes were, and something cracked in your chest, so you just pressed a hand against his abnormally hot cheek.
"You won't let me come in?"
"If I don't, I'll have to listen to your whining for almost … forever?" He tried to laugh but coughed heavily instead.
Without more words, you stepped into his apartment and held his shoulder, this time he didn't even try to fight.
"Do you have all the medicine you need?" You asked as you led him to his white couch, patting his back and feeling how wet the expensive fabric of his robe was.
Damn, he definitely had a fever.
"The doctor just left," he exhaled, resting his head on the back of the couch. "He gave me a list of meds that I think could compete with some novels in length."
You just nodded sympathetically, causing his eyebrows to knit and his voice to drop even lower: "Hey, don't look at me like that, I don't need that pitying glance!"
"I didn't… " you started to explain your genuine worry about him when you decided to leave this idea and just move on. "Give me the list, I'll go to the pharmacy."
"It's very rainy outside," he muttered, brushing the sweaty curls from his forehead. "You don't have to."
"Just give it to me, okay?"
Bateman gasped, pointing to the coffee table. Quickly, you picked up the list and left the apartment as suddenly as you had arrived.
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Several hours later, you lay next to him, stroking the top of his head as he finally fell asleep. His heavy breathing made your heart sink as you wanted nothing more than to ease his pain and help him feel better. From time to time, you tugged the blanket around him, checking his forehead and feeling sad when it literally burned under your touch.
Still upset, you would get up from his bed and go to the bathroom to get a piece of cloth and soak it in cool water. Then you pressed it against his hot forehead and gently brushed away his messy hair. Asleep, Patrick would let out a sigh of relief and snuggle into your palm as you caressed his face, mumbling nearly audibly:
"It's going to be okay, my love," you kissed his nose and continued to brush his cheekbone. "I will be here for you. I always will… "
After saying that, you took his palm and pecked it lightly, and even though he couldn't hear you because he was asleep, his lips curled into a soft smile that made your heart skip a beat. Jesus, he looked so vulnerable right now, so small, so helpless. You couldn't help but kneel down beside his bed and hug his sleeping form tightly, whispering something sweet into his ear.
Certainly, you had to take a few days off to make sure that Patrick was getting better. And he did, but his behavior seemed weird to you, especially when you noticed that you talked more in your conversations than he did, and it was not because he was sick, no. He was just very confused. Confused and out of touch because he wasn't used to be so vulnerable, so exposed. The way you cared about him was both shocking and heartwarming, but it was too difficult for him to accept, too damn difficult.
"I'm going to make chicken soup this time. My grandmother used to cook it for me when I was sick." You glanced at Bateman, who was sitting next to his kitchen island, looking better than he had a few days ago.
"Mmm, that's nice." He replied almost emotionlessly.
With a sharp breath, you placed a kitchen towel on the counter and stood across from him.
"Patrick, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," he covered his mouth and coughed a little. "But if you keep asking me questions like that, something will really go wrong."
For some reason, the last sentence he said was exactly what you were waiting for. It was so him, so cheeky, so Patrick.
You didn't react, though, as you decided to continue cooking, peeking at him from time to time as he read the newspaper.
That night there was a huge thunderstorm, you woke up every time the lightning flashed in Patrick's bedroom. Sniffling, Bateman slept like a baby on his side and you couldn't resist drawing some invisible lines on his broad back, ohhhh he was so huge, just a pile of buffed muscles. You smiled to yourself at the delightful sensation of his soft skin under your fingers, and then you tried to sleep as much as you could.
But it didn't last long. When the loud clap of thunder echoed off the walls of his bedroom, you almost jumped, but his strong arms held you still. Breathing heavily, you tilted your head to the side to meet his eyes, now even more mesmerizing with the flashes of lightning reflected in them.
"Hmm, I even forgot that my little girl — is not a fan of thunderstorms," he murmured before pressing his warm palm to your cheek. "Don't worry, I'm here."
God, he always knew what to say, especially in moments like this.
"I … I didn't mean to wake you. Are you feeling better?"
He nodded and pulled you closer, his muscular arms now roaming around your shivering little frame, outlining the shape of your curves, paying special attention to your hips.
When Bateman reached your butt, he gave it a few playful squeezes that made your head spin like a tornado. "Patrick…you need to rest, you haven't fully recovered and…"
And he just cut you off with the tender kiss on your lips, turning you on your side to get closer and letting you wrap your hands around his torso. Bateman enjoyed every second of your lips moving against each other as he did his best to be gentle and not press you down with his weight. Closing your eyes, you moaned passionately against his mouth, encouraging him to deepen the kiss and slide his tongue inside you.
It was so overwhelming.
Your bodies twisted together like snakes as you didn't stop touching each other even for a second. Sucking on your lower lip, Patrick suddenly brushed his palm against your breasts, teasingly pinching your nipples, and that was the last drop of self-control.
"Mmmhm, Patrick!" As you moaned, he quickly towered over you and pulled up your pajama top, exposing your heavy boobs.
"How I missed this." He purred so sexy before catching one of your nipples between his fingers, twisting it so skillfully, and taking another in his hot mouth.
"Ohh … y-yes … mmm, Patty … yes."
It didn't take long for you to turn into a whimpering, dripping mess as you writhed on his big bed and watched him play with your swollen nipples the way he liked. Panting, Bateman would switch between your little tips, sucking them greedily and then licking them barely sensibly.
When Patrick felt your body tense like a spring, he planted a sloppy kiss on the hollow between your boobs and then murmured: "Baby girl, do you want me … there?" He punctuated the last words with a noticeable push on your pubic bone, forcing your lungs to cramp.
"Patty," you stroked his flushed cheek, brushing away his brown strands. "You don't have to…"
"Shhh," he nuzzled against your nose. "I allowed you to take care of me, now let me take care of you, sweetheart."
Trembling, you had to crease the sheets beneath you as his experienced fingers began to play with your oversensitive bud. You moaned again and again, each time louder than the one before.
Patrick was gently kissing your face, watching you close your eyes in pleasure. "I love seeing you like this, honey. Such a perfect little angel." Bateman mused into your ear before he leaned down to your tits and repeated his ravenous assault on them once again.
"A-awwww!" you whimpered, arching your back as he nipped at one of your nipples, his fingers starting to rub your clit more intensely, causing a slick sound to mix with your lustful squeals. "I'm so c-close, mmm-aah."
"I know, honey." He moved up to your face and gently looped his hand around your neck, letting you rest your head on it.
"Mmm, P-Patrick," you looked into his eyes, balancing yourself on the edge, desperately trying to hold onto his firm body. "P-Please…"
Affectionately, Bateman smooched your temple and whispered in a demanding tone. "Cum for me, baby … just like a good girl you are."
The way his finger pads brushed against your little tip was almost unbearable, not to mention when Patrick pressed his forehead against yours, speeding up his ministrations to the maximum.
A coil in your lower abdomen finally snapped, and you couldn't help but wrap your hands around his neck, pulling him closer. It seemed as if the walls of your womb were spasming countless times in a row, and you trembled under him like a little kitten. To calm you down a bit, Patrick locked his lips on yours, kissing them, licking them, tugging on your lower one. You were kissing for almost an eternity, until your lips were swollen, and your lungs ached from lack of oxygen.
Later, you lay on his broad chest, his big palm caressing your forehead.
"Patrick … "
You pecked at one of his beefy tiddies before continuing: "I love you."
He didn't answer, but you could feel him smiling against your forehead, and there was nothing more to add.
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c3leste32 · 23 days
Dottore x Baizhu is CONFIRMED!!!
Yes, I said it! Dottore x Baizhu AKA Dottozhu or Baihutorre or whatever is CONFIRMED CANON BY THE DEVELOPERS!!!
Here is all my proof
Number 1: It's CONFIRMED that Baizhu has met Dottore in game. Just look at his hello voice line:
"Hello. I am Baizhu, a practitioner of medicine at Bubu Pharmacy. Blah blah blah.... Ah, then I'm sorry, I'm afraid I must ask you to wait. I'd like to see the other patients first before discussing things any further."
Did you notice what he SAID!??!?! He actually said that he had other patients to see. And who is this other patient? It's Dottore......
You say it isn't? Well, have a look at number 2
Number 2: Look at the "LEt's slow down" Voice line.
Baizhu: *huffing* When on the road, one should take ample time to pause and appreciate the wondrous scenery along the way.
It's CONFIRMED that Dottore has admired wonderous scenery along the way. Wanna know when? Well, he appears in the teaster winter night lasso or whatever the name was at 3:50 CLEARLY admiring the scenery along the way.
Coincidence? Me thinks not!
Number 3: They are both doctors
This ones pretty self explanatory. Dottore and Baizhu are the only confirmed doctors in game (I'm not including sigewinne because she is a CHILD and I'm not including Tighnari either because he's kinda ugly to be honest yeah that's right I said it)
Number 4: They both wear doctor jackets
This is a CLEAR SIGN that Dottozhu is CANON because they??? could be lending the jackets to each other???
Number 5: Pantalone
I really didn't want to drag Pantalone into this but in my very humble opinion Pantalone and Baizhu are BROTHERS!!! (this is also confirmed making another post or tumbler or whatever you call it on it later) So Pantalone could've gotten Baizhu to visit Snezhnaya for herbs and they could've met.... I mean they HAVE MET!!!
This next number is concrete evidence that they are a couple...
Number 6: Hoyoverse confirmed it in an interview
I actually contacted Hoyoverse so they could answer this important question and I set them up for an interview. They told me that Dottozhu was CANON!!! And that I can't tell anyone about it because it's top secret and really relevant to the story and lore.... Sadly I can't show the interview because it got corrupted but you guys better be grateful because I'm risking my LIFE to tell you guys this and to tell the TRUTH about DOTTOZHU
Conclusion? Dottozhu is CANON!!! AND CONFIRMED!!!
Thank you for listening :)
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femboysigma · 8 months
Bungo Stray Dogs Ship Headcanons
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Starring - Ranpo x Poe, Chuuya x Dazai, Atsushi x Akutagawa, Fyodor x Nikolai
Contains - fluff, MxM, teasing, hickeys, pet names
Word count - 614
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Ranpo x Poe
Ranpo will sometimes try to take inspiration from Poe and write a book, but get lazy halfway through and give up; and when Poe finds out he rewards Ranpo with snacks for his efforts (and because he felt touched).
Poe knows every sensitive spot on Ranpo and would mess with him by poking his sides or grabbing his thighs, watching as he jolts.
Poe makes sure he's always strong enough to carry Ranpo, wether it be on his shoulders or bridal style, he's going to carry him (and Ranpo loves it too since he's lazy).
Ranpo never likes to put effort into anything, so he always bottoms, but with Poe being soft he's always asking him if he's going too rough on him or if he's crushing him by accident.
Poe is at Ranpo's beck and call, if he so much as says 'Poe' he will materialize from around the corner and rush to him. And of course, Poe is always willing to go overboard for his adorable otter boy.
Chuuya x Dazai
No matter how much he denies it, Chuuya loves being the little spoon. If and when Dazai asks him about it, of course he denies, but Dazai knows better than that; He'll revoke Chuuya's 'little spoon rights' until he confesses.
Chuuya loves fiddling with Dazai's bandages, sometimes unwrapping his neck bandages to leave a hidden hickey underneath and wrapping it back up.
Chuuya blushed when Dazai said he liked his taste in shoes, that's why Dazai likes repeating that 'old gag'.
Dazai would sneak up behind Chuuya in public and grab his waist, earning a smack in the head afterwards; it never hurt though, so he didn't mind getting hit.
Dazai always initiates a duel by teasing Chuuya into it, and when Dazai wins (again) it only fuels his teasing more for next time.
Atsushi x Akutagawa
They never admitted they loved each other, it was just kind of implied after they started mildly flirting and did acts of love for each other (getting gifts, buying each other food, etc.)
Atsushi got way too clingy to Akutagawa after they both confirmed they had feelings, not like Akutagawa found that cute though.
When Akutagawa got sick, Atsushi would give him what they called 'tiger back rides', along with freaking out at the pharmacy on what medicine to get and just got all of them. He would also make him his favorite tea and food. Akutagawa would do the same if Atsushi got sick (minus the tiger back riding).
Akutagawa loved seeing his tiger boy blush, so he would call him pet names like 'kitten', or 'my sweet'. Seeing Atsushi's blush made up for when he cringed at his own words.
Atsushi would say he's going to the store and Akutagawa would say he's meeting up with someone to deal with them, but in reality they would meet in an alleyway and sit next to a dumpster and talk. The sound of Atsushi's giggles made Akutagawa crack a smile, before going back to his tough stoic face. His smirk wouldn't go unnoticed, but Atsushi wouldn't point it out for his sake.
Fyodor x Nikolai
Nikolai, similar to Poe, knows all of Fyodor's weak spots, and occasionally teleports his hand to poke at him from a distance, giggling uncontrollably as Fyodor squirms.
Fyodor would be talking and Nikolai stops him mid-sentence to make him repeat a word, just to laugh at his 'funny' Russian accent.
Even though Fyodor knew every one of Nikolai's tricks, he'd let him go through with them; watching the psycho laugh so softly warmed Fyodor's heart in a way.
Fyodor can't help but cackle a little when Nikolai jumps onto him and hugs him, it's too sweet for his cold heart to handle.
Nikolai is surprisingly scared of the dark, leading Fyodor to be his 'savior' and exasperatingly holds a flashlight when ever they're in a dark place.
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
Living, Not Just Surviving.
Warnings; mention of gun and knife, it's The Walking Dead afterall, mentions of death (nothing heavy), unedited.
Synopsis; Carl and Y/n go for a run, will disaster turn into confession?
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There was little to no time for peace. Every moment for you and the other survivors was spent like it was the last. Life could be so viciously taken with one wrong move, there was no living, just surviving.
That's how you and Carl lived anyway. The two of you mutually shared feelings but far from admitted them, both of you too scared to admit you'd break if the other was next on the chopping block. But that didn't keep you two from hanging out as often as possible.
Today was no exception, the both of you settled in for a car ride on the outskirts of Alexandria. You had both planned on a short run while you were out, and Rick confirmed that it was okay by him. Though he was hesitant, as he always was.
Carl chose to drive, he was always weird about you driving which you had found hilarious really. "Y'know minus all the rotting corpses walking around, it's really pretty around here." You'd commented, your elbow flat with the window seal, looking out on the yards of greenery.
"I think there's a lot of things you could say that about.." he chuckled, glancing at you before his attention went back to the surprisingly clear stretch of road ahead. "Yeah, yeah, like what?" You looked at him, the first example you could think of were kids. Judith was such a gorgeous baby, but she deserved more than this world.
He bit back his tongue, you coming to his mind as a cheesy pick-up line. "I dunno, animals, nature, a few people around here.." He discretely included you. "Some people? Grimes do you have a superficial crush?" You wiggled your brows, you were a good pal like that. You'd be happy as long as he was, the same went for him.
"No, we don't have time for that." He excuses, rolling his eyes at you. You smiled, settling back in your seat, "There's never really been time for crushes. But I think an apocalyptic crush is easier than most. They're stuck with you whether they like you or not." You teased.
"Well, think, how would you respond if someone confessed to you right now?" He tried to reason, whilst also gaining confidence in your possible future relationship. "I dunno, depends who. I have someone I'd like to reciprocate." You shrugged off, wondering if this would be it.
"You have..a crush?" He looked at you, his eyebrows furrowing as he racked his mind for something more to say. "Yeah, I do. He's like, my best-friend. I tell him everything, he tells me everything. We do everything together. Wonder when he'll get it through that thick skull of his that it's him."
He processed for a moment, you and Carl were closest. You didn't have many other friends, and definitely not ones you'd consider your 'best friend'. And that's when it hit him. Were you admitting it was mutual? You liked him back? Or had he misread everything. "Yeah, good luck." He reconsidered, surely it wasn't him.
The car ride had a few smaller conversations here and there, however nothing extravagant until you'd reached a partially destroyed town. Carl pulled the two of you off the side of the road near what used to be Walgreens, shutting off the car. "We'll go in together, clear then split, okay?"
You pried open the old automatic doors, stepping over debris and looking around with your gun gripped tightly in front of you. The two of you split before clearing, since you hadn't heard anything of significance. You booked it to the canned foods aisle, glad to see a couple of cans scattered about, ones which you slid into your bag.
Halfway through the next aisle, you heard some shuffling and clattering. Shit, Carl. You ran down the middle aisle looking down every row for Carl, till you finally found him in the pharmacy.
His gun was clattered on the ground besides him as he tried to fight off two biters, you pulled out your gun making quick work of both. "Carl!" You ran over, sliding down besides him as he picked up his gun, sliding it back into his belt. "Are you alright, any bites..?" You scanned him for any big injuries.
"No, no, just a couple scratches. I'm okay. Promise." He sat up a little, looking at his bag which had its contents now scattered on the floor. You took notice of this, and piled it back in his bag as he got up. "Sorry." He sighed, as he took his bag from you.
"One for me, zero for you." You teased, but he didn't smile. "What's wrong..?" You looked at him, turning to face him.
"Did you mean me? Back in the car.. you said best friend? Is it me?" He looked at you, he seemed almost determined. And he was. A part of him reconsidered what you said, what did he have to lose? He could die any moment and all his feelings would be lost with him. He didn't want that.
You did a double take, "Yeah. I guess there's really no point in denying it now. Why?" You looked at him, sighing as you prepared your defenses for rejection. "I'm glad, really. I thought I was the only one." He gave you a teasing grin, before nudging your side with his elbow, "Let's get out of here."
Perhaps the apocalypse wasn't only surviving, this was the chance to live.
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fangirlstorycreator · 6 months
Hey can you do some like this for Mateo
So you you and mateo are dating are you work together and you find out you was pregnant and you was scared to tell him and once you did he was happy and proactive of you
Of course I can do this for you anon 🤗 this is my first Matteo ask, so I hope it's alright for you 💚
You toss and turn in your bed, feeling this nausea deep in your stomach. When you sat up in bed, you try to do some breathing to calm the feeling you were having, you were on your own in your bed despite sharing it with your boyfriend Mateo, but he was on the morning shift down in the hotel. You were glad he wasn't there at that moment though, because you instantly had to run to the bathroom and throw up into the toilet. You managed to get it all up, that you felt you had, but your mind was going around in circles as to why you were unwell. There was no illness or bug going around, you hadn't eaten anything diffrent or that tasted off, and the only other time you had thrown up in the past was from a hangover or a migraine.
So what the hell was this? Wiping your mouth and lying on the cool floor, other possible reasons were going through your mind. You think back to anything that might have changed, but nothing. When you stood back up and looked in the mirror, a sudden thought just came to mind. "Wait?......No.....I couldn't be could I?" You run to your bedroom and check your calendar, your periods were like clockwork, always the same each month. These last few weeks had been really busy, and you had barley any chance to remember your cycles, you should have remembered. Looking over your calendar, your thoughts race, you were 2 weeks late! "Oh god!" There was a big chance you could be pregnant, but you weren't 100% sure. You felt your breasts were a little tender, and slightly bigger, and you felt like you were going to throw up yet again. Once you came back from the bathroom again after throwing up another time, you needed to know the truth, and what better way...than a pregnancy test.
Thankfully, you weren't expected to start your shift until 1 o'clock, and it was 9 AM at the moment. So you got dressed and headed out of the hotel to the pharmacy along the beach. You bought 2 pregnancy tests to make sure the first was correct, and to really solidify the truth, you needed the truth. But there was an issue in your mind as you start walking back to the Solana, you were worried about taking the tests, and you weren't ready to tell Mateo yet, it wasn't confirmed so you didn't want to worry him. You didn't want to do it alone, you wanted someone there, for comfort, support. And there was only one person that came to mind, your best friend Kenneth. Knocking on his salon door when you came back, you see him sat on his swivel chair.
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"Look! I've already told you Joyce! If I can't deal with those god awful split ends, noone can!" "Umm, Ken?" "Oh! Hello babe! I'm sorry, I thought you were Joyce. I tell you what, that woman really can't take my advice these days" "Advice? You literally thought I was her and insulted her hair" "In a positive way though!" Smirking at him, he gets up and gives you a hug, inviting you in to sit and chat. "Have you been alright today Ken?" "Yeh, I had a blow and go special this morning" "I didn't know you offered specials Kenneth?" "Oh no babe, that was from the guy who stayed over my place last night. I couldn't keep him off me...well...I didn't really stop him. He WAS absolutely gorgeous!" "Kenneth!" "What?! If he wants a piece of me he's more than welcome, and I didn't hear him complain. Well, he couldn't with his mouth full!" "Your terrible" "You wouldn't want me any other way babes. Anyway! What are you doing hear? Your not in uniform" "Yeh, I don't start till 1....I was hoping I could ask for a favour?" "Sure" "It involves the Salon being closed" "Ooh! Is this situation juicy?" "Pretty much" "You wait there!" He says excitedly as he runs to the door and puts up the closed sign. "Right! Tell me everything! I'll get the drinks from the fridge out back" He did offer you an alcoholic drink, but when you refused, he knew almost instantly. "YOUR NOT?! Are you pregnant?!" "Keep your voice down Ken, I don't know, but there is a chance. I woke up being sick, and I'm two weeks late" "Oh my god! Well have you got a pregnancy test?"
"I've got two" "Are they positive?" "I haven't used them yet. I was hoping you could be with me when the results come in" "What? In the toilet? I ain't gunna lie babes but watching you p#ss isn't-" "No Kenneth! Obviously I wouldn't get you to do that! I just don't want to be on my own when the results come in" "Ah alright. But can I ask, why aren't you doing this with Mateo? He is the dad after all, if there is a baby" "I want to be sure before I tell him. And you know as well as me, that if there is something important to tell him, it needs to be precise. He can get muddled up with words sometimes" "Yeh I hear you. You know, the other day he was in hear and I asked him to grab me some shampoo from the back. And he asked why I wanted to use a piece of human ex-" "Ok! I get! So yeh, I want to be sure before I tell him" "Well alright, take these into the bathroom at the back, and I'll wait for you to come back out" Taking the tests, you go into the salon bathroom and use both of them, hoping they would both be the same result. Positive or negative, as long as they were both the same, you'd have your answer. When you came back out, you had to wait two minutes, but you couldn't watch. So you hand them to Kenneth as you pace back and forth past the salon chairs.
"Why don't you sit down and have a drink babe?" "I can't, I'm tence, on edge" "Yeh, the edge of a bed with Mateo if this comes back pos-" "Your really not helping Kenneth" "Sorry" You keep walking back and forth, before Kenneth gives you a look, that stops you in your tracks. "Well? Are they both the same result?" "Yep..." "And?....." ".......they're both....positive"
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"Oh...my god...." You say as you slowly sit back on one of the chairs, shock going through you. "Are you alright?...I'm mean...are you happy?" "I'm...I'm going to have a baby....I'm going to be a mum" "You've said in the past that you've always wanted to be a mum though" "Yes I have, and my mind hasn't changed, I do want this baby. It's just....a lot different when the baby is actualy there. I'm not quite sure how to feel, happy of course. I think I just need some time to let it sink in" "When are you going to tell Mateo?" "I don't want to tell him while he's working, he has enough going on as it is. We both finish at 7 tonight, I'll tell him then. I trust this just stays between us?" "Oh absolutely babe, I won't tell a soul" "Thank you" He hands you the positive tests, you were definitely pregnant. Walking back towards the door, Kenneth stops you before you leave. "Y/N, if you need to talk about it with me, I'm right hear if you need me ok?"
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"Thank you Kenneth, I really appreciate-" You stop when you suddenly hear a loud crash and arguing from next door, it was Joyce's office, what the hell could be going on? You and Kenneth stand outside the salon and see Mateo storm out, looking angry, sweaty and his shirt was completely ripped. "Mateo?! What the hell happened in there?" "Y/N! This stupid boy came hear, and tried to get my job! He is stearing my job!" "Do you mean stealing?" "Yes, that's what I said! He ripped my shirt! And he wants to work behind my bar!" Then a young man walks out of the office looking quite smug, with his shirt ripped aswell. "Well old man, it looks like I'm hear for the next week. I look forward to working behind the bar" "What? No! That's my bar! Miss Temple Savage!" Joyce walks out, looking like she is having a hot flush. "Calm down Mateo, I'm just giving Jason a trial run with no pay" "Miss Temple Savage, you cannot do this! I am the barman!" "My decision is final Mateo, now get back to work....and for goodness sake, get another shirt on!" She says as she goes back to her office. You grab a green uniform shirt from behind the desk for him, Kenneth however, looks like he could watch Mateo all day, biting his lip as he watches him.
"Babe, why is your shirt ripped?" "This stupid boy came hear, trying to be the bar man. I don't like him. Estúpido idiota!"
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"Mateo, just relax, he isn't going to take your job. Just try to ignore him ok?" "Fine, but if he pushes me, I will fight back like angry bull" Kenneth just snickers "Oooh, I'd love to see that" Mateo shrugs it off and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before heading back to work. "Why did you give him a shirt? I could watch him be half naked all day" "Yes Kenneth, I could tell by the way you were drooling" "You can't blame me though can you? Your lucky, you have him. Right, well I'll see you a little later, my first client is coming over, I'll see you soon babes" "See you Kenneth" When it was time to start work, you head upstairs and get into your uniform. You were working around the pool and bar this afternoon, so the lovely sun was going to be shining everywhere. The pool was relatively busy, just the regulars who are there every year. You had just brought a trey of drinks to the Garvey's before you walked back to the bar. You heard the very familiar sound of a mobility scooter, and you knew exactly who it was. "Hello Madge, how are you today?" "Oh I've had an awful night, I've been constipated since Tuesday" "Oh dear, that's a shame. I can have a glass of prune juice made for you if you'd like?" "A glass of prune juice? F#ck off! I don't want any of that rubbish! I'll stick to my vodka and orange thank you very much" "How about pineapple?" "What about pineapple?" "If you blend pineapple and cucumber into a sweet juice, it can help with your issue" "Oh, is that right....well, could I have it with some vodka in it?" "I'll ask Matteo to make one up for you" "Thank you love"
And off she went, back over to her family. Matteo came over to you, smiling happily, he had the most gorgeous smile.
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"Hola mi amor" "Hi Mateo, you seem to have cheered up since this morning" "Yes, that stupid boy is trying to shake his ass and be more popular than me. I hate him" "Were you talking about me?" Came a voice as the same man from before came behind Mateo, and shot you a charming look. "You again! This is my bar!" "There's enough room for both of us old dog" "Hhrrr te voy a pegar-" "Mateo! Detente porfavor" You often spoke to Mateo in Spanish, especially when you wanted to speak to him and not let anyone else understand. "Ooh, the beautiful lady speaks Spanish? Hello, my names Jason. I'm new hear" He says, holding his hand out to you. You don't move a muscle, pretty much ignoring him. "Mateo, could you make a pineapple and cucumber blend for Madge Harvey? And pop a bit of vodka in there too" "Sure, I'll make it now" Mateo walks away to make the drink, and you walk away from Jason, happy you stoped a fight. But, you weren't expecting Jason to catch up with you. "Hey hey wait! What's your name?" "It's Y/N. Now shouldn't you be working?" "Yeh, but I just wanted to say hello properly. I was thinking, a beautiful woman like you must like a night on the town? How about I take you out for a drink tonight? I can show you the most beautiful spots in benidorm"
"I'll pass" "Oh come on, please. Let impress you" "Oh you've already made an impression on me.. and my boyfriend" "Boyfriend? Who's-" You point to Mateo making a drink, and Jason looks baffled. "Him? Really?" "Yes, me and Mateo have been together for 3 years, and if you want to continue working hear, I suggest you do your job instead of trying to get your leg over" And just like that, you walk away from him, blowing a kiss to Mateo. Jason was annoyed someone as beautiful as you were with Mateo, maybe he could try and show that he was better, he was trying to be the better bar man after all, why not try to get his girl too. The day went by quite quickly, and many things had gone down. Including a fight between Mateo and Jason that Joyce had to split up with the help of Les.
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He was getting so wound up by Jason, you hoped it wouldn't get any more boisterous. Unfortunately, it was never that simple hear in the Solana. Les came to you that afternoon and told you there was a competition between Mateo and Jason, and whoever wins stays at the Solana. You were so fed up with this fued between them, you were hoping to stop this tonight. In the evening, you and Mateo were finished, but he stayed on to prepare for the competition, making a sex on the beach cocktail as a large group gathered. As Mateo was doing his preparation, you tried to make your way to him, when Jason stopped you in your tracks. "Hey Y/N! How are you?" "I'm fine, I'm just need to talk to Mateo-" "Ah ah ah wait just a second! I have a proposition for you" "What? I don't have time for you right now, or anything you have to offer" "Oh really? Not even say...a night just me and you?" "Excuse me?!" "Come on, you honestly enjoy sleeping with that ancient fossil?" "He may be older than me, but he's more of a man than you ever will be. Oh! And by the way!" Taking a hold of his shoulder, you grab onto him and knee him in the groin. Making him grunt and wince in pain, falling to the floor and holding himself. You just smirk and walk away, in hopes to get to Mateo, but he's stuck before an enormous crowd.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, and turn to see Les in his outfit for the night. "Are you alright there sweet? You look worried" "I am worried Les, I don't want Mateo to do this competition. Jason's just doing it to get a rise out of him" "Aye, I know. But don't you worry, matteeo can do it" "Les, you know Mateo isn't good with cocktails!" "...Uhh..Aye...but we won't let Jason win, I promise" By the time you had finished talking to Les, Jason had brushed himself off and was back by the table with Mateo, and by that time, it was too late to intervene.
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Jason was showing off to the crowd as Mateo was struggling getting the right ingredients, poor Mateo. He caught a glimpse of you in the crowd, and it helped spur him on, trying to outshine Jason beside him. It didn't quite work though, especially when he accidentally threw a drink on a woman in the front of the crowd. You couldn't watch anymore, you didn't want to see this. You make your way around the other side of the crowd, and bump into your boss, Joyce. "Oh! Sorry Joyce, I didn't see you there" "That's alright Y/N, oh my, is the competition going well?" "Barley, Jason's winning, but I don't want Jason hear. He wants Mateo's job!" "I know" "And he-wait what?" "Allow me to let you in on a little secret" Joyce tells you that a man came into the bar tonight looking for Jason, apparently Jason had been on the run for stealing wrist bands as well as many other things, working in bars all over benidorm. And once the competition had ended, this man was going to take care of him. "Oh my god! So Mateo won't loose his job?" "No Y/N, now, shall we watch?"
Feeling a small sence of relief, you do watch the rest of the competition with Joyce, happy in the knowledge that your boyfriend won't loose his job. The thing is, it's been such a roller coaster for Mateo today, is it really a good thing to tell him your news so soon? By the end, the crowd were cheering for Jason, it was heartbreaking. But this man Joyce spoke about, came to the front of the crowd, and as soon as Jason saw him, his face was as white as a sheet. He ran, this way, that way, anywhere he could avoid getting caught. Unfortunately, he tripped and the man was able to put him in a headlock, and drag him back out of the bar. That was certainly an interesting night, and now, this was your chance to speak with Mateo, alone. Once the table for the cocktails had been cleared, Mateo made his way back to the bar, and started going back to his normal routine with Les, this was your chance. You weren't quite ready to tell everyone your news, and you wanted to speak with Mateo privately. And the way you would do that, would be to speak in Spanish to him, letting him know you needed to talk. "Mateo necesito hablar contigo. En privado" "¿En realidad? ¿Ahora mismo?" "Si, en este momento" You made your way to a table near the back, and he came over a few moments later, with two drinks in hand. When he sat down, he could see there was something bothering you. "What is wrong mi amor?" "Nothing is wrong exactly. But firstly, Mateo, why in the world would you do that competition? You know cocktails aren't your speciality! You could have lost your job" "I know, I'm sorry. I just hated that little idiota! Trying to move in on my bar" "And your girl apparently" "What?"
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"He was trying to flirt with me today, but don't worry, I kneed him in the balls" Mateo sucks in air through his teeth, he can imagine that pain. But the fact that Jason was trying it on with you was more painful. "He deserved that! He really tried flirting with you?!" "He tried, but failed. Trust me Mateo, your the only one for me" "As are you my beautiful Y/N. I am sorry about today, and I'm sorry I didn't kick his butt out of this hotel when I had the chance" "Well, a dad wouldn't want to behave that way would he?" "Si, but my wife refuses to let me see my children, you remember when I told you about her years ago" "But Mateo....what if there was...another baby?...." Mateo raises his eyebrow in confusion. "What?" Taking out the two positive pregnancy tests, you hand them to him, and his eyes go wide. "......I.....mi amor....your?" "Yes Mateo, I'm pregnant with your baby" It takes him a moment to show any expression on his face, it was shock for you too when you found out, it was bound to be the same with him. But a wonderful smile started to form on his face, excitement in is eyes, and a little chuckle coming out too. "You! We are having a baby! Oh mi hermosa diosa! I am so happy!" He pulls you in for a tight hug, he was over the moon about being a dad again. "When did you find out?" "This morning, I was going to tell you before, but you had been so busy today" "I'm sorry about that. But we're having a baby! I can't believe it! Oh! Don't drink the drink I gave you, it had alcohol in it. Your not allowed that anymore!"
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The rest of that evening, you and Mateo had spent much more time together, even him occasionally touching your stomach and smiling. The night did go by quickly, but you do remember discussing with him about going to the hospital tomorow, to find out how far along you were and if there was anything you needed to do or take. The next morning, you woke up to the smell of fresh fruit, yogurt and freshly squeezed orange juice. And it was all being brought in to you by Mateo, holding it on a trey and acting like a waiter. "¡Buenos días mi hermosa diosa! How is my beautiful girlfriend and our baby doing?" "Aww Mateo, your so sweet. We're both fine, thank you. The early hours weren't the best though" "Ah yes, morning sickness. I bet you were glad I came in and held your hair back?" "And stroking my back, yes thank you. This looks lovely babe, you didn't have to" "But I wanted to mi amor, also I want to make sure you are well fed before we go and find out more about our baby" "The appointment isn't for another 2 hours babe" "I know...which means that maybe...." "You are insatiable Mateo" "Only around you, besides, we need to fit in as much...alone time as we can before the baby gets hear" "I can't exactly disagree with you on that" "But don't worry, I will be very gentle" "Mateo I'm pregnant, not made of glass!" "(Chuckles)"
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rachi-roo · 2 years
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Buddies Daddies: Earth to Rei?
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The poll was tight, but a poorly Rei came out on top 🥺 He's very whumpable tho, ain't he? 👀
Summary: Sick fic. Rei starts acting strangely one morning, he's just not himself. Kazuki has to take on the role of nurse, knowing he's the only one Rei will accept help from.
Tw: Throwing up, delusions, long fic.
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Morning came once again. Time to get Miri off to kindergarten. Normally, they would all eat breakfast together, but something was off today. Rei took much longer than usual to rouse himself from the tub. Kazuki had to try and wake him several times, that at least was normal.
"Rei! Your food's getting cold!" Kazuki called, wiping Miri's mouth as she messily enjoyed her fluffy pancakes. Moments later, a very dishevelled-looking husk of a man made his way into the kitchen. He looked pale, even for him. His breathing was shallow, out of breath.
Kazuki watched him as he clumsily sat at the table, staring at his food for a moment before just resting his head on the cool table surface with a sigh.
"Hey, everything okay, buddy? If you don't want pancakes today then you can just say so." The blonde probed, trying to figure out what the issue was. Rei sat up, his head lulling to one side, seemingly too heavy for his neck.
Picking up his fork, he started taking teeny bites of his meal, struggling to swallow. Cringing slightly with each mouthful.
"Papa Rei, don't you like the pancakes?" Miri asked, sipping her orange juice as she watched him struggle. Kazuki wasn't sure what the problem was.
"Look, if you don't like them, don't eat them. Me and Miri will split the rest, no use in- R-Rei?" He paused in shock as Rei suddenly urged, dropping his fork and stumbling to the bathroom in a hurry. The concern within Kazuki was confirmed when he heard the unmistakable sound of gagging, followed by the contents of one's stomach hitting the toilet water. Sick.
Miri's lip quivered, what was wrong with her papa? Kazuki petted her hair, reassuringly. "It's alright, you go get your shoes on, okay? Go, go." He encouraged, lifting her from her seat before rushing to the bathroom.
"Rei? Hey, are you-" He was met with a very sad looking man, sat on the floor by the toilet, panting as he hugged himself, shivering as if he were freezing. "Oh Rei..." Kazuki sighed sympathetically as he walked over. "Hey, can you hear me, buddy?"
"Yeh..." The dark-haired man responded, his voice strained as his throat ached. "Sorry... 'Bout the pancakes..." He shuddered, glancing at the toilet bowl.
"Hehey now, you know that doesn't matter right now." Kazuki smiled, patting his friend's shoulder before flushing the loo for him. The sound made his head spin. He was presented with a glass of water, which he drank thankfully. "I'm going to get Miri off to playschool, okay? Will you be alright just for a moment?"
Rei nodded, groaning as Kazuki helped him to his feet. "Let's get you to the lounge. I'll leave the balcony door open, get you some fresh air." Kazuki held Reis's shoulders, supporting his wobbly frame as he sauntered to the lounge, practically collapsing onto the couch.
Miri watched from the doorway, worried about her papa Rei. Why was he all wobbly? Why didn't he like papa's pancakes? Rei spotted her, giving a soft smile. "M' okay, Miri. You have fun at playschool." He flinched as Kazuki pressed the back of his hand against his forehead, the blonde humming in thought.
"Temperatures a little high. I'll stop by the pharmacy on my way back." Now running late to get Miri to school, he hurriedly grabbed the bin from the corner of the room, setting it beside the sofa in case of an emergency. "Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can, Rei. You just rest up." He threw open the balcony door, letting the warm breeze into the lounge.
"Bye, bye papa Rei. Stay away from the pancakes! They're bad." Miri called with a wave before being scooped up by Kazuki and leaving.
Silence fell throughout the apartment. Rei was laying on his back, head propped on a plump cushion as he stared at the ceiling. "Cold..." He mumbled, turning on his side and curling up on himself. The shivering became unbearable. He wanted to be warm.
Fumbling for the throw blanket on the back of the couch, he managed to pull it over himself, tucking the fabric around his feet, bringing his knees to his chest as he cupped his hands near his mouth, desperately trying to warm up.
How long is Kazuki going to be gone? How long had it been already? Why was he taking so long? He groaned, his breath hitching, sweat starting to pool on his forehead, his hair growing sticky and damp. Still cold. Still so, so cold.
He squeezed his eyes shut as the room started to spin. God make it stop. Please. "Kazuki-..."
"Rei, it's me buddy. I managed to grab some Tylenol for you. And I thought you'd like some yoghurt, easier on your throat." Kazuki called as he set his shopping bag and keys on the counter, looking over at the couch. "I'm surprised you haven't turned the TV on." He chuckled, walking over, frowning with concern.
"Hey, you mustn't be bundling yourself up like that. You'll only make your fever worse." He pulled on the blanket, earning a grouchy humph in return as Rei peeked out from underneath.
"C'mon, I need you to sit up for a moment. I know, I know, it sucks, just whilst you take your medicine." Kazuki was ever so gentle towards Rei whenever he got sick. Although the man led a physicality healthy lifestyle, his lack of sunshine, continued smoking and excess junk food binges meant the occasional sickness would slip through his defences. And whenever that happened, Rei became frail. Very childlike in demeanour. Just wanted sleep, having a grump whenever he was disturbed and seemingly very dazed.
Kazuki grabbed his shopping bag, took out a brand-new thermometer, discarded the packaging and held it up to Rei's mouth. "Right, aaaah-" He instructed, sticking the end under Rei's tongue before gently guiding his mouth shut with a thumb on the chin. "Keep that in for a moment, okay?" He ordered, standing and folding up the throw blanket he had removed from Rei's frame, setting it on the end of the couch, out of reach.
The thermometer beeped, ready with the results. "... Geez, didn't think it was that bad." The little digital screen read '104'. Too high. Rei cringed, looking over his shoulder as if he'd heard someone. "Hm?..." He hummed, blinking in confusion before turning back to Kazuki, looking up at him with narrowed eyes.
"Not... Really..." He mumbled out of context. Kazuki raised a brow. "Not really, what buddy?" He crouched by his side, looking closely at his eyes.
"Um... Later..." Rei frowned, looking over his shoulder again. He wasn't making much sense. Kazuki looked in the same direction as Rei, figuring out what was going on. Auditory Hallucinations. He sighed sympathetically, holding Reis's hand. "Hey, there's nothing there buddy. It's just me and you. Okay? C'mon, let's get this medicine in you so you can have a nap."
He popped open the Tylenol bottle, shaking two pills onto his palm. He offered Rei a glass of water to take them with, but upon seeing his shaking, unsteady hands, decided he'd just hold it for him. "Alright, hey, can you put these in for me?" He asked, offering Rei the pills. The man cringed, leaning away. He did not want the pills.
"Pretty please? You can watch a movie afterwards." He smiled, giving his knee a reassuring squeeze. With a little persuading, Rei took the pills, put them on his tongue and, with Kazuki's help, swallowed them with some cool water.
"Nice job. Okaaaay, what do we wanna watch? Hm? Something fun?" He asked, gently taking off his friend's socks, knowing it was a good way to keep people cool, before helping him lay down on his side. Rei curled up again, tucking his feet under one of the couch cushions as he coughed out an answer. "Stitch."
Being deprived of a real childhood and now having to watch childish shows regularly, Rei had found comfort in watching old Disney movies. His favourite being Lilo and Stitch. Kazuki smiled, petting Rei's hair before putting the movie on for him.
Not ten minutes in and the gunman was out like a light. His breathing mellowed out slightly as he rested. Kazuki stayed in the room with him, sitting in the armchair and quietly working on his laptop.
Only another ten minutes had passed before Rei stirred again. Unfortunately, as the laws of the universe go, things always get worse before they get better. Rei pried his eyes open, the light making them sting, his head pulsing in pain. He couldn't see properly. Everything was blurry and wouldn't stop dancing.
With quite a struggle, he sat himself up, sitting awkwardly on his knees, when Kazuki noticed. "Reiii, Earth to Reiii, go back to sleep buddy." He cooed from his seat. Rei looked around, puzzled by the voice he heard. Where was it coming from?
This was weird. And he didn't like it. Rei's breathing hitched as his eyes filled with tears. He had no idea what was going on. Kazuki noticed him sniffling and was by his side in an instant.
"Hey, heeeey, you're alright. You're okay. Shhh. Kazuki's here." He took Rei's hands, becoming more worried when he pulled away.
The gunman tried backing away, holding his head in his hands. "My head, I-I can't- It hurts-" His panicked state caused his heart to race, and his breathing became shallow again. His cheeks paled suddenly, another wave of sickness making him gag as he leaned over the side of the couch. Kazuki, quick as a flash, tucked the emergency bin up under Rei's chin, catching the bodily contents as he spewed.
Kazuki brushed Rei's hair from his forehead as the feaver stricken man started to cry, tears and drool stuck to his cheeks and chin. "I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry... S-Sorry-" There was some unspoken trauma behind this reaction. Apologising after throwing up. What the hell did his parents do to him?
"Shhh, don't be sorry, Rei. No one's angry." Kazuki reassured, rubbing his friend's back. He grabbed a tissue from the table, gently wiping the mess from his friend's face. "Deep breaths buddy, in.... And out.... In... And out. There we go."
Kazuki patiently breathed with Rei, eventually calming him enough to get him to drink some water. That's when he noticed the sick down the front of Rei's hoodie. "Aw buddy. Let's get this one off." He smiled, gently helping Rei out of the messy garment, also taking off his shirt and swapping it with a fresh, sweat-less, long-sleeved tee.
Once he was changed, Kazuki got Rei to lie down again, chuckling briefly at his sleepy expression. "Close your eyes, buddy. You're gonna be just fine." Rei didn't have time to protest, sleep washed over him like a wave. He was out for good this time now that the Tylenol was taking effect.
The next time the sick man woke, he was greeted with darkness. Much easier on his eyes. It was nighttime. Though he still felt like crap, he at least wasn't seeing or hearing things anymore, meaning his temperature had gone down somewhat.
He groggily lifted his head, not remembering anything that happened. When did he change his shirt? He looked at his feet, a pair of ankle socks had been put on, just so he wouldn't get too cold overnight. It was all a blur for him.
A fleck of glitter caught his attention on the coffee table. Waiting for him was a card. Messily strewn together, hand made and covered in glitter glue and stickers. Without needing to sit up, Rei picked up the card, squinting as he read the front.
'Get well soon, papa Rei'.
He smiled, setting the card down with a yawn, a snore from nearby making him jump slightly. Over in the armchair, Kazuki and Miri were curled up together, sound asleep. Neither of them wanted Rei to be alone.
Glad to see his family were near, Rei nuzzled back down into his cushion, letting his mind wander once again. The rest of the night went by peacefully. With only snores and sweet dreams to be found.
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Richie is a reporter for a Maine wide TV Network. His job is all the public interest and wacky local news stories. He loves his job.
He is never happier than when he's interviewing a couple who've been married 80 years, or sitting down to try his hand at a local pie eating contest, or getting his face painted for a charity day run by a local school.
Richie is a natural on camera and a natural with people. He's popular and a local celebrity.
For years he's managed to avoid returning to his home town of Derry until his boss tells him that he'll be in Derry for the next week covering the town Canal Festival.
Richie considers calling in sick, but tells himself it won't be terrible. He drives out ahead of his crew, getting there in the early hours of Saturday morning and checking himself in to the Derry Townhouse.
He sleeps late, then goes for a walk to refamiliarize himself.
He doesn't expect any of the old gang to still be in Derry, not when they'd all wanted to get out so badly, but he finds Mike at the library. Richie can't believe how good it is to see him again.
They go for lunch and Mike lets slip Eddie is still in town.
Richie can't believe Eddie is still in Derry, not after all his plans to get out from under his mother's thumb and live his own life, but Mike tells him Eddie is working in the pharmacy so Richie swings by after lunch.
Eddie is still gorgeous, even after the years apart, even under the horrible florescent lighting. The last time Richie saw him, they were standing on the porch of Eddie's house and Eddie was kissing him goodbye and promising to write when he got to college in New York.
Eddie never wrote. Richie took it to heart. He tried to send his own letters, but they all got returned to him unopened. He figured Eddie didn't want to know any more.
Eddie looks shocked to see him and Richie takes that as confirmation of his theory.
He swallows hard when he sees Eddie is wearing a wedding ring.
Maybe it was all one-sided. Maybe Eddie was just experimenting, just having fun and Richie took things too seriously. He fell in love and he thought Eddie felt the same.
He buys a toothbrush and makes some small talk. Eddie bags up his items, not meeting Richie's eye.
It's painfully awkward, the opposite of how seeing Mike again had been.
Just as Richie turns to leave, Eddie grabs for the sleeve of his jacket, stopping him.
"We should catch up," he says, finally letting his eyes flick up to meet Richie's. "Are you staying at the Townhouse?"
"Last I checked it was the only hotel in Derry," Richie says.
Eddie nods. "I get off work at 6pm. See you around 6.30?"
Richie nods.
He feels sick waiting for Eddie. He's sure Eddie is coming to apologise, to explain his side of things, to let him down gently but Richie really doesn't want to hear it.
It's ten minutes past six when Eddie knocks on the door, and Richie knows he must have run from the pharmacy.
He opens the door and Eddie is sweaty and breathless, his chest heaving.
Their eyes meet.
They're on each other in an instant, kissing hungrily, tearing at each other's clothes, pushing and pulling the other towards the bed.
Afterwards, Richie smokes and Eddie fiddles with his wedding ring.
"Who's the lucky girl?" Richie asks.
"Don't laugh," Eddie says. "It's Greta Keene."
Richie laughs and laughs.
"No fucking way," he says.
"It was a small ceremony," Eddie mutters, cheeks red.
Richie sits up, feeling like Eddie stabbed him in the heart.
"Why the fuck would you marry Greta? She tormented you. She was a bitch to Bev. Did you forget that?"
"She wasn't that bad. We were just kids," Eddie protests.
"She wrote loser on your cast, Eds. She wrote shit about you and me on the bathroom wall. She used to call you a fairy to your face. What was it? You thought you'd show her how much of a red blooded heterosexual man you are by sticking it to her good?"
Eddie's face goes pale. For a moment Richie thinks Eddie might hit him, but instead Eddie gets out of the bed, running for the bathroom. Richie can hear him retching.
He comes back still pale and trembling and begins to dress, not looking at Richie.
"This was a mistake," he says. "I'm married. We can't do this again."
"Yeah," Richie hisses, stubbing out his cigarette on the bedside table. "I gathered that. Most guys I fuck don't throw up afterwards."
Eddie looks at him with wide eyes.
"What? No, Richie, I..."
Richie doesn't let him continue. "Just fuck off to your wife, Eds. I don't want to hear your apologies. Were you fucking her in high school? Is that why you blew me off when you got to New York?"
Eddie looks completely bewildered.
"No! I'd never have...Richie, I never got to New York!"
That shuts Richie up.
"My mum got sick. She needed me to take her to the doctors and to look after her. I deferred my place for a year, but she didn't get better so I just withdrew. I tried to get in contact with you."
"Shit, Eds. Did she die? I'm sorry," Richie says, although he's only sorry for Eddie's suffering, not Sonia Kaspbrak's death.
Eddie smiles bitterly. "No, she's still alive. I take her to church every Sunday and we have a family dinner Wednesday night."
"She faked it?" Richie asks, almost unbelieving.
"I think so," Eddie says, running a hand through his hair. "She started getting better when I began working in the pharmacy. She was fine for the mother and son dance at my wedding."
"How long ago?"
"Two years," Eddie says, looking down at the ring on his hand. "It wasn't - it wasn't anything like you and me. Mr Keene kept hinting at me asking Greta out, and she was always there, always talking to me and I guess flirting."
"Everyone else got out after Highschool. It was just Greta, and me, and a couple of the guys who used to pal around with Bowers. It wasn't like she really liked me, I was just a better choice than one of them."
"So you're straight now? Or bi?"
Eddie shakes his head.
"No. I just...I wanted to get out of my ma's house and do something with my life. Keene says he'll leave me the business when he retires and that's something. He wouldn't have done that if I hadn't married Greta."
"Eds, that might be the saddest thing I've ever heard," Richie says.
He's angry, but now he's angry that Eddie let this happen to him, that he let his mother and this town destroy the spark in him. Eddie always tried to see the good in everyone but it just hurt him.
"I guess I always was a loser, just like Greta said," Eddie says, a sad little smile on his lips.
Richie gets out of bed. He tangles a hand in Eddie's hair and kisses him, long and slow, knowing he tastes of Tabaco and Eddie hates it.
"Don't talk about yourself like that."
They kiss and kiss, falling back into bed together, and Eddie stays the night before leaving hurriedly in the morning to go home and change before he takes his mother to church.
Richie decides he's got a week to convince Eddie to leave Derry, his wife and his mother.
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silvermoose · 6 months
Fanfic I wrote for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Originally posted on Reddit, then Ao3.
Being able to be openly affectionate with Ashley was one advantage to quarantine, Andrew had to admit. Even when their parents lived with them, their mom was always giving them disgusted looks, or making snide comments to them. Now he didn’t have to watch over himself, trying to be cautious about every interaction they had. He could interact with his sister without feeling judged about it. Everything felt natural, and he could be himself.
This changed after they started having sex.
He became much more self conscious, in a way that he never was before. Even buying condoms had become an ordeal. In his past life, he would just pick some up when he got cigarettes. He didn’t care who saw him, because he didn’t care if anyone knew that he was getting laid. It was different now.
He tried not to go to the same place twice, and never went with Ashley, lest someone realize how similar they look and make the connection. Each trip had him on the brink of an anxiety attack. They had discussed other options, but getting a prescription for the birth control pill would start a paper trail, and the consequences of pulling out were too dire. So instead Andrew dealt with the fear and shame of being found out every time he went to the pharmacy. He also stocked up on pregnancy tests out of paranoia; It got to the point where Ashley was used to just taking one every few days as a matter of routine.
“You know how that’s not how it works, right?” she said the third time, as she handed him the test with one blue line. “It doesn’t show you the moment you get pregnant, it only shows after a few weeks.”
“It’s either this or your demon trinket, and I’m not sacrificing anyone else if I can avoid it,” he said. He checked the box to confirm that yes, a single line meant ‘not pregnant’.
While She didn't mind at first, it got tiresome after a while. So she stole a pen from the front desk while Andrew was out. When it was time to take another test, she drew an extra line on it.
“Hey An-dy,” Ashley sang to him, holding out a test with two blue lines on it.
Andrew puked. Violently.
“What the fuck, Andy?” Ashley screamed.
“You're pregnant?? How did this happen? We were so careful! Ashley. I don't think we can do this.”
“Well, then it's a good thing I'm not actually pregnant, Asshole. It was a joke. I drew on the extra line.”
It took a minute for Andrew to register what she had said.
“What? What the fuck, Ashley, why would you do that to me??”
“I didn't think it would make you puke! Did you ever puke after having sex with one of your floozies??”
“It's not the sex, Ashley,  it's the thought of having a baby!”
“You think I'd be a bad mother.”
“No, I think it's a bad idea to have a child when both parents are unemployed, on the run, and oh yeah, they’re siblings!!!”
“It's not like anyone knows”
“Really, Ashley? You think that no one ever looks at us and sees how similar we are? Which features we share? The same mannerisms we have? That’s bullshit.”
“Is that why you never show affection to me in public? That you won’t kiss me or hold my hand? You’re afraid some stranger will judge you?”
“If they notice us enough to judge us, they notice us enough to report us, Ashley.”
“We’ve been out in public a lot without anyone saying anything!”
“Not while we were fucking!  Going out in public is hell. All I think about is people seeing through me, realizing I'm the freak that fucks my sister. And when I'm alone with you, I feel better. I feel happy. I feel like I’m home. I reinforce that they’re right .”
“Oh, so I make you a freak?” She yelled, more angry than hurt.
“Ashley. Leyley .” he said gently. He embraced her and kissed her hair. “You don’t make me a freak. You make me happy. I can’t live without you. But I don’t know how much longer we can go on like this. It seems inevitable that we’re either going to get caught and arrested, or killed, or something else, but we’re going to be separated, and I don’t know what I will do with myself if that happens. I don’t want to lose you.”
“And I don’t want you to leave me.”
He closed his eyes and held her tighter.
“What do we do, Leyley? To be free?”
“Let's ask the trinket,” Ashley suggested. “We still have one vision on this thing.”
It seemed like such a big ask. Up until this point, the trinket had primarily worked when it wanted to. But it was right about the hitman, it had been right about them sleeping together, so he agreed to give it a shot.They slept together that night with his arms wrapped around her, holding the trinket between their hands.
Robbing the pharmacy was easier than it had any right to be, but that was the advantage of having demons on your side. The place was remote and had only one pharmacist, so when they went in Andrew simply locked the door behind him while Ashley held the gun to the pharmacist.
“Don't be stupid about this, and you can live,” she said. The pharmacist nodded. “We want sectional. All of it.”
“Sectional? Is that what it’s called, Ashley?”
“ Leyley . And yeah, something like that.”
“Something like that? Seconal, Ley. It’s Seconal.” He shot Leyley a look, but she only smiled and blew him a kiss in return.
The pharmacist brought them their entire stock of pills, which wasn’t a lot, but would be enough. The Graves then bound and gagged the pharmacist and left him behind the counter, a rare act of mercy for them.
In the car, Ashley popped open one of the beers they had bought earlier and handed it to Andrew.
“Not while I'm driving!” He said, and tried to wave it away.
“What do you care? The vision showed we’d arrive safely.”
“I need to be able to chisel properly.”
“Why? Does it matter how nice it looks?”
“You know what? Fuck it, you're right.” Andrew took the can from her and took a swig.
They had a good buzz going by the time they arrived at their destination. Ashley was initially against the idea, but Andrew convinced her that if it was in the vision, they should do it that way. Plus, since their parents' bodies were missing, there was no actual grave. No Coffin. Just a tombstone with the word GRAVES on it, with their parents names and dates of birth below it.
Andrew chipped away at their names and dates of birth as best he could until it only had “GRAVES” on it. It looked alright, considering how much alcohol he had. Ashley laid out a blanket over the area in front of the tombstone, and they sat down on it.
“Okay,” Andrew said, as he poured the pills into two piles. “I guess it doesn’t matter how much we take? So we’ll each take half. Then lie down and stay on your back.”
“On my back so we can go out with a bang?” Leyley teased. 
“I'm serious, Leyley. If you puke everything up, it won't work.”
“Being on my back will stop me from puking?” she asked. She took the pills and followed it with some more beer.
“Yes,” Andrew lied. The reality was that if either of them threw up while on their back, they would choke on it; being on their sides meant they might survive the ordeal. 
“In your vision, what was death like?”
“Peaceful,” Leyley said. “It was just us, here, then a feeling of warmth and heaviness. I woke up from the vision with a sense of peace.”
“I hope that means hell is nice,” Andrew said. “Look up at the stars with me.”
“Very romantic.”
“It is, actually. Author Mary Shelley supposedly lost her virginity on her moms grave. Romeo and Juliet died in her family’s crypt.”
“You always knew how to bring the romance,” Leyley said, her voice somewhat unsteady. Romantic, not romance, Andrew almost corrected, but now wasn't the time. He was starting to feel dizzy and didn't want those to be his last words to her. 
“I love you, Leyley.”
Leyley didn’t respond, and Andrew didn’t want to risk moving his head to look at her. Instead, he reached his hand out to hold hers. He felt his muscles grow weaker and weaker, and he couldn't keep his eyes open. As his breathing started to slow, he felt himself overcome with a sense of peace and calm.
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godsfavdarling · 6 months
18 fear's embrace
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pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!oc
summary: Brittany is trying to come to terms with her pregnancy.
list of chapters, also available on wattpad and Ao3, my masterlist
warnings: a lot of angst, anxiety, fear of pregnancy and stuff like that! but also some comfort!
words: 2,2k
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Brittany's heart raced as she stared at the five pregnancy tests lined up on the bathroom counter, hoping against hope that at least one would come up negative. But they all showed the same result: positive.
Anger surged within her, hot and fierce. "Damn it!" she swore, her voice trembling with frustration. She slammed her fist against the countertop, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.
Storming out of the bathroom, she began to pace back and forth in the living room, her mind swirling with a million questions and doubts.
What now? Should she call Spencer? What would he say? How far along was she? Has she been drinking recently? And if she had, what would that mean for the baby? But why did she even care?
The realization hit her like a ton of bricks: she was pregnant.
Pregnant with Spencer's child. They hadn't even known each other for a year, and now they were facing the prospect of starting a family together. It was all happening too fast.
Panic gripped her chest, squeezing the air from her lungs. She felt trapped, suffocated by the weight of the overwhelming uncertainty that lay before her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to make sense of the chaos that now consumed her day.
Brittany stormed out of her apartment, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty. She needed more tests. More confirmation. Maybe the first ones were wrong. Maybe there was some mistake.
As she approached the pharmacy, she felt the weight of judgmental stares boring into her. The cashier's raised eyebrow and condescending tone only fueled her anger. "Just go to the doctor," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "Don't waste your money."
Brittany clenched her jaw, fighting back the urge to snap at the woman. Instead, she grabbed several boxes of pregnancy tests and headed back home, her heart pounding in her chest.
Once inside, she wasted no time in taking the tests again. She followed the instructions meticulously, her hands trembling as she waited for the results.
As the minutes ticked by, her phone began to ring incessantly. Spencer's name flashed across the screen, but she ignored it. She couldn't face him right now. She couldn't bear to tell him the news.
Panic surged within her once again as she stared at the new five tests laid out before her. They all showed the same result: positive. Every. Single. One.
Brittany sank to the floor, her heart heavy with despair. There was no denying it now. She was pregnant.
Her thoughts spiraled into a dark abyss as she grappled with the enormity of her situation.
How could she possibly tell Spencer? Would he even want to be involved?
He was a germaphobe, for crying out loud. The idea of diapers and baby bottles would probably send him running for the hills.
And why would he stay?
They'd only been dating for three months. It was all moving too fast, too soon. She couldn't expect him to stick around, not when their relationship was still in its infancy.
But then again, she thought, maybe he'd surprise her. Maybe he'd step up and be the supportive partner she needed. Maybe he'd embrace the idea of starting a family together, despite the unexpected timing.
But what if he didn't? What if he walked away, leaving her to face this daunting journey alone?
The thought sent a shiver down her spine, filling her with a profound sense of loneliness and dread.
Brittany buried her face in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt utterly lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainty and fear. She needed to talk to Spencer, to share her fears and doubts with him.
But how could she bring herself to do it? How could she shatter the illusion of their perfect romance with the harsh reality of an unplanned pregnancy?
Brittany's mind churned with conflicting thoughts and emotions as she grappled with the weight of her discovery.
Did she even want a child?
The idea of motherhood had always seemed like a distant dream, something she might consider years down the line when her life was more settled. But now, faced with the reality of an unplanned pregnancy, she wasn't sure if she was ready to take on such a monumental responsibility.
She considered her options carefully. Abortion was certainly a possibility, one that offered a chance to reclaim her life and her future.
But did she want that?
On the other hand, there was adoption. Giving the baby up for adoption would allow her to carry the child to term without the burden of raising it herself. It was a selfless choice, one that would give the baby a chance at a better life with parents who were ready and willing to love and care for it.
But then there was Spencer.
Did she owe it to him to tell him about the pregnancy, regardless of what she decided to do? Would he want to be involved in the decision-making process, or would he prefer to stay out of it altogether?
Brittany felt overwhelmed by the weight of her choices, unsure of which path to take. She knew that whatever decision she made would have far-reaching consequences, not just for herself, but for Spencer and their relationship as well.
Brittany's breaths came in shallow gasps as she collapsed onto her bed, the weight of her turmoil pressing down on her chest like a suffocating blanket. She closed her eyes, willing herself to find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos swirling inside her mind.
The incessant ringing of her phone broke through the silence, each vibration a jarring reminder of the reality she was desperately trying to escape. Spencer's name flashed across the screen, pleading for her attention, but she couldn't bring herself to answer.
With a weary sigh, she reached over and silenced the phone, banishing the intrusive noise to the background. She buried her face in the soft pillows.
The events of the day replayed in her mind like a relentless loop, each moment etched with the sharp clarity of raw emotion. The shock of seeing those five positive pregnancy tests and then another five, the disbelief that such a life-altering revelation could be true, the overwhelming fear of what the future might hold.
She felt utterly drained, as if every ounce of strength had been sapped from her weary body.
Hours passed in agonizing silence as Brittany lay curled up in bed, her thoughts consumed by a whirlwind of uncertainty and fear. The incessant ringing of her phone had long since ceased, the absence of Spencer's calls leaving her feeling isolated and abandoned. With each passing moment, the weight of her emotions grew heavier, pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket.
But then she found herself drawn to the soft glow of her phone lying on the bedside table. With trembling hands, she reached out and picked it up, her heart pounding in her chest.
Brittany's heart clenched as she stared at Spencer's message on her phone screen.
Are you okay? Call me when you can. Love you!
The simple words carried an unexpected weight that threatened to engulf her in a tidal wave of emotion.
With trembling fingers, she dialed Spencer's number, the sound of the ringing phone echoing in the silence of her room. Her breath caught in her throat as she waited, each second stretching out into an eternity of uncertainty.
Brittany's heart clenched at the sound of Spencer's concerned voice on the other end of the line. She struggled to find her voice amidst the flood of tears that threatened to overwhelm her.
"Brittany? Are you there?" Spencer's tone was laced with worry, his concern palpable even through the phone.
She tried to speak, to reassure him that she was fine, but her words dissolved into a choked sob. Her breathing hitched, ragged and uneven, as the weight of her emotions bore down on her like a crushing wave.
"Brittany, please," Spencer implored, his voice gentle yet urgent. "You're scaring me. Tell me what's wrong."
But she couldn't find the words to explain, couldn't articulate the storm of emotions raging inside her. All she could do was cry, the tears flowing freely now, unchecked and unbidden.
Spencer's voice softened, filled with empathy and understanding. "Hey, it's okay," he murmured soothingly. "I'm coming over, alright? Just hold on, I'll be there soon."
The warmth of his reassurance enveloped her like a comforting embrace, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the darkness of her despair. She clung to his words like a lifeline, drawing strength from the promise of his presence.
As she hung up the phone, a sense of relief washed over her, tempered by the uncertainty of what lay ahead. But for now, in this moment, she took comfort in the knowledge that she wouldn't have to face her fears alone. Spencer is gonna be here. He had to know.
As Spencer stood outside Brittany's door, his heart pounded with worry. He had sensed something was wrong from her missed calls and unanswered messages. Now, as he waited for her to answer, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread.
Finally, the door creaked open, revealing Brittany standing there with red eyes and an exhausted expression. Spencer's concern deepened at the sight of her, and he immediately stepped forward, enveloping her in a gentle embrace.
"Brittany, what's wrong?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. He could feel her trembling against him, her emotions raw and unguarded.
Brittany buried her face in Spencer's chest, the dam breaking as tears streamed down her cheeks. She couldn't find the words to express the turmoil raging within her, but she didn't need to. Spencer was there, holding her close.
For a long moment, they simply stood there, locked in an embrace.
In a moment of silent understanding, Brittany took Spencer's hand and led him into the bathroom. She didn't trust herself to speak, her emotions too raw and overwhelming to put into words.
Instead, she simply gestured towards the array of pregnancy tests scattered on the counter, their positive results stark against the white backdrop.
Spencer's brows furrowed in confusion as he glanced at the tests, his mind racing to comprehend what he was seeing. It took a moment for the reality to sink in, but when it did, his eyes widened with a mixture of shock and disbelief.
"Brittany..." His voice trailed off, unable to find the right words to express the myriad of emotions swirling within him. He reached out, taking her hand in his, offering a silent gesture of support and solidarity.
Brittany met his gaze, her eyes brimming with tears as she searched his face for any sign of judgment or rejection. But all she found was love and compassion, reflected back at her in Spencer's unwavering gaze.
For a long moment, they stood there in silence, their hands clasped together.
And as Spencer pulled Brittany into his arms once more, holding her close, she felt a sense of solace wash over her.
"Is this why you weren't answering your phone?"
Brittany noded, her voice trembling with emotion as she apologized, "I'm sorry. I just... I didn't know how to tell you."
Spencer's arms tightened around her, offering silent comfort as he whispered, "Hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out together, alright?"
Brittany buried her face against his chest, her tears soaking into the fabric of his shirt, as she whispered, "I'm scared, Spencer. I don't know what to do."
Spencer stroked her hair soothingly, his touch a gentle reassurance as he murmured, "We'll take it one step at a time. Whatever you decide, I’m here. I promise."
Brittany looked up at him, her eyes searching for any sign of judgment or hesitation. Finding only warmth and understanding, she exhaled shakily and nodded.
Spencer gently lifted Brittany's chin, his eyes filled with concern as he asked, "Have you eaten anything today?"
Brittany shook her head slightly, her appetite forgotten amidst the whirlwind of emotions. "I... I don't know," she admitted softly, feeling a pang of guilt for neglecting her basic needs.
Spencer's expression softened even further, his thumb brushing away a stray tear from her cheek. "Hey, it's okay," he reassured her, his voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. "Let's order some takeout, yeah? How about your favorite pizza place?"
Brittany managed a weak smile at his suggestion, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "That sounds nice," she murmured, the prospect of food offering a glimmer of solace amidst the chaos.
As they waited for the food to arrive, Spencer tried to distract Brittany from her worries, engaging her in light-hearted conversation and sharing anecdotes from their past adventures together.
He told her about the quirky cases he worked on at the BAU and recounted amusing anecdotes from his childhood, his gentle humor coaxing a few genuine laughs from Brittany's lips.
As tears streamed down Brittany's cheeks once more, Spencer pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close as she cried. He said nothing, knowing that sometimes, words are inadequate in moments like these.
He stroked her hair soothingly, offering silent comfort as she released the pent-up emotions that have been weighing heavily on her heart.
Time seems to stand still as they clung to each other. Spencer holded her all night.
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