#pharmaceutical analysis lab
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itclabs · 8 months ago
Discover why partnering with a pharmaceutical testing lab is crucial for safeguarding patient health. Our latest blog explores the essential role of testing labs in ensuring drug safety, efficacy, and regulatory compliance. Learn how ITC Labs' expertise and advanced facilities can support your drug development process, from initial testing to market release. Read more to see how we can help you meet the highest standards in pharmaceutical testing and ensure your medications are safe and effective.
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laboratory-instruments · 30 days ago
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transmutationisms · 2 years ago
could you elaborate more on your analysis on class in academia? especially the thing about TAs being capable of being class traitors. found your post very intriguing and would like to engage more in this topic
most grad students are not independently wealthy, which is why we pay for school by taking positions as teaching assistants (TAs) or research assistants (RAs). these positions are in turn the actual reason why the school admits grad students in the first place: it's cheaper to pay our stipends, which are often below poverty-line wages, than it would be to hire more faculty. grad students are increasingly responsible for teaching, grading, lab work, and research. depending on how nice our advisors and professors are, we might get co-authorship for some of these efforts, or some lines on our CVs. what we often do not get is legal designation as employees: generally we are classified as students or as ambiguous in-between categories, which means we don't get standard labour protections like sick days, and we can be fired expelled at will. in the us, this also results in ambiguity over basic questions like whether the school is allowed to simply stop paying our stipends if we go on strike: if we're not employees, we're not protected by labour law even in jurisdictions that do protect a worker's right to strike. the grad school experience is largely defined by the labour laws in your jurisdiction, by the culture in your department, and by your relationship with your advisor, who is either tenured or tenure-track and thus has far more job security than you do. advisors have tremendous power over their grad advisees, a situation that makes us easy to abuse or simply to economically exploit (this latter is a particular issue in stem fields where your advisor is also your PI, and being a grad student also entails being a lab employee).
despite all this, grad students frequently have absolutely horrendous class solidarity: for example, our unionisation efforts (when we can even get our shit together enough to push for a union at all!) often ignore non-academic staff, who form a critical part of the academy and are just as exploited as we are, if not often more. grad students also have a deeply nasty habit of trying to emulate our professors in the way we interact with undergrads: condescending to them, trying to make their lives harder, refusing to make allowances for students struggling with deadlines or workload for any reason. often grad students see ourselves as 'temporarily embarrassed professors' rather than as what we are: a very low rung on the academic ladder, most of whom will never land a professorship because statistically, there simply aren't enough of those positions. again, remember that the university is incentivised to hire more grad students and grant more phds than 'the market' needs, because the institution is relying on us as a source of cheap labour. in some fields, a phd can lead to a lucrative industry job (pharmaceutical companies, military contractors, &c); in others, it can lead to several years of underpaid post-docs followed by unemployment or 'under-employment'.
whereas a tenured or TT professor often has a group of employees grad students working under them (typically this is grant-funded), contingent or adjunct faculty work on a semesterly or yearly basis and are paid much less, protected much less, and subject to being let go any time the university reviews their contract. adjuncts are another popular way to reduce labour costs, and, like grad students, are becoming increasingly used to replace tenured roles. some departments have been gutted to the point where they run almost entirely on adjunct and grad student labour at this point. you might think adjuncts and grad students would therefore make natural allies in struggles for better work conditions and compensation. however, adjuncts are still more than capable of being abusive or just assholeish to grad students, and both grad students and adjuncts are difficult to organise because of overwork, fear of losing what professional status they do have, and the fact that adjuncts are often forced to work at multiple institutions at the same time, or to hop between institutions frequently. in cases where serious labour coalitions do start to arise, a university will often offer superficial concessions to adjuncts and/or grad students, like a one-time pay increase (which is not something most grad students receive on a yearly basis, which means in real terms our stipends are usually actually decreasing over time).
anyway, to return to undergrads: in the academy's propaganda self-perception, it is a force for cultural enlightenment and individual self-betterment. undergrads are, then, paying for the privilege of receiving education, here configured as a gift bestowed upon the masses to create an uplifted citizenry and an enlightened society. this is, of course, horseshit. the university is conservative in both structure (resembling a medieval guild, eg the tenure system and the entire structure of grad school-as-apprenticeship) and mission (serving as a class barrier system that enforces and ideologically justifies social stratification through the granting of limited and expensive professional credentials). most undergrads are not wealthy, and many are going into debt for their degrees, which are presented as tickets to future jobs and economic security. it's a system that promises a select few the opportunity to become part of the ruling class rather than the exploited one, and that itself generates massive profits for its upper-level administrators (presidents, deans, and so forth). so yea when grad TAs try to act like tenured profs by treating undergrad students like shit i will call them class traitors lmao
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eryiss · 8 months ago
[Jet x Freed] Cubicle Capers - Chapter Three
Summary: Jet was meant to do more. He was meant to do something with his degree. He was meant to have a purpose. He'd taken a job at Grimoire Pharmaceuticals to work his way up into a lab position, but found himself stuck in a cubicle. Every day the same. At least he had a new boss coming. Freed Justine. He’d be like the rest, though. Boring, outdated and.. hot as hell?
Notes: Hi all. Back again. Work hours are over, let’s see what happens. Again, this was requested by @jethro-art. Hope you enjoy.
Links: Ao3, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Epilogue
Chapter Three – The Late Night
Quarterly reports were a necessary evil, or so Grimoire Pharmaceuticals said. For the bosses and big wigs, it probably meant a better look into how big their Christmas bonuses – born from the exploitation of the sick and dying, of course – would be. For the menial workers like Jet, it meant pulling an all nighter finishing paperwork that apparently just couldn't wait another day.
The work always got dumped on Jet's desk. He'd been new to the workforce on the first quarterly report session, and hadn't known that it was always better to dawdle and procrastinate in the office. A fast worker was always given more to do. As such, five years later, Jet found himself alone in the office, slumped over his desk with the intake reports for the entire state, forced to input them into their own separate spreadsheet which would compare how their new rollout of allergy tablets were doing compared to market trends. It was boring as all hell, and he would rather be anywhere else.
An empty coffee cup, and the packaging from a convenience store sandwich cluttered his desk. He would have wanted something more to eat, but fast food wasn't allowed in the building. It was bad for the brand image, apparently.
Bull crap. Jet wondered what health benefits the BBQ Ribs, cheese fries and chocolate cake that was served in the executive canteen had.
He nearly jumped out of his skin, spinning in his chair and brandishing a hole punch to throw at whoever had spoken. He had been sure he was the only one left in the office. Sure of it. But when he turned to see Freed looking down at him, it was obvious he was wrong.
"Hey, boss man," Jet said slowly. "How you doing?"
"Perfectly fine," Freed frowned. "Are you intending to throw that at me?"
Jet glanced to the hole punch. "Nah. Just like holding it. Like a, erm, fidget toy thing. I don't throw things."
"Right," Freed smiled a little. He did that a lot; smiling but not all the way. It was a good look – a little cocky, a little reserved – but it did make jet wonder what it would be like to see a full smile on Freed's handsome face. "Why are you still here? You know they won't pay you for work outside of your regular hours."
"Yeah, I know," Jet nodded slightly. It was weird. His old boss said that a few times, and it felt like he was rubbing it in his face, but when Freed said it it felt like an actual reminder. "But this has gotta be done, right?"
Freed followed Jet's wave of the hand towards the stack of papers. "That's quite a lot for one person. Shouldn't your team be helping?"
"Ah, it's kinda my thing to do the quarterlies," Jet shrugged, then glanced at the clock at the bottom right of his screen. "Eight o'clock's pretty late for you too? Get caught up in the paperwork?"
"Conference call. The board of directors wanted preliminary assessment of the figures despite the fact they're getting a full analysis at the end of the week. Entirely pointless," Freed sighed, his gaze still lingering on the paperwork. "Do you really expect to do an entire team's worth of work on your own. It hardly seems fair."
"It's fine. I'm like eighty percent done already," Jet shrugged. Freed kept looking at the stack of papers, then walked to Laki's cubicle and switched on her PC, taking half of the stack for himself before sitting at her desk. Jet watched him with bafflement for a moment as Freed logged into his own account. "You don't have to, man. I can handle it."
"You shouldn't have to," Freed dismissed. "This way, it's done twice as fast."
"Seriously I can handle-"
"If you don't do as I say, I will discipline you, Jet," Freed warned with that half smile on his face, and it made Jet's inside squirm with a desire he couldn't quite quantify. He simply nodded, forced himself to put on a grin that hid the weird effect the threat had on him, and gave Freed a salute before he rolled his chair back to his desk and got back to working again.
The next hour was odd, to say the least.
It started off as quiet, with Freed occasionally asking questions on how to work the spreadsheet in a way no other boss would have. They'd assume they knew better and mess it up, leaving more work for Jet to do in fixing it.
At some point, the quiet of the office must have gotten to Freed, because a local radio station began to play from Laki's computer, tinny and annoying but breaking up the silence. Jet hadn't thought of that. Someone had brought in a radio once with their old boss, and they'd gotten yelled at for distracting the rest of the workers. It had been a nice hour while it had lasted. Maybe Freed wouldn't mind music on a workday.
Then, the radio had a competition. One of those stupid competitions; they played a small sound clip and asked people to call in and say what they thought it was. Freed idly huffed and said the sound was obviously the clatter of a fork on a plate. Jet had gaped at him and told him he was an idiot because that was a spanner on a metal tray! That turned into a twenty-minute argument between the two of them, wherein Jet told Freed his business school degree didn't mean crap in radio competitions, and Freed threatened to make an hour-long presentation on PowerPoint on the importance of hearing checkups because Jet seemed to be going deaf.
It was fun. Really fun.
Also, the noise was apparently a spoon in a sink, and then their argument had turned into who was closer. Freed claimed he was right because his contained cutlery. Jet claimed he was right because his had something hitting metal. Neither relented, and their arguing continued as they worked.
Then, just as the working night seemed close to ending and Jet paced his cubicle to stretch out his legs before the final stretch, he actually looked towards Freed. His tie was gone, top button undone, and his sleeves rolled up again. Fucking hell he looked sexy when a little ruffled.
And Jet might have sworn Freed did the next thing on purpose just to drive Jet to a state of madness. Freed picked up a bottle of water and squirted some of it over his face, sighing as the cold water hit his skin. Jet could do nothing but watch as his boss ran a hand over his damp face and through his hair, ruffling it enough to look unkempt for the first time. Droplets of water ran down his jaw, down his throat with his overly pronounced Adam's apple, before sliding down his partially exposed and rather defined chest.
Jet had never understood the desire to lick a man until then. Christ; a dizzy part of his mind screamed to drop to his knees.
"You hot, huh?" He said instead. Freed turned to him, smiled a little guilty.
"I've been trying to get building services to fix the heating. It's ridiculous they haven't," Freed said in explanation.
"Yeah, that's not happening. We've been stuck in sauna mode for years," Jet laughed, glancing at the always-on heaters in the corner. "Gotta say though, late nights really are tough. Gonna need a drink after this."
"Me too," Freed agreed.
And Jet, for reasons he'd never understand, spoke again without thinking. "We could go out when we're done maybe. There's a good bar down the street. Not exactly fancy or anythin', and it might not be up to your rich boy standards but-"
"I'd like to get a drink with you," Freed cut in, and Jet had to take a second to understand what he said.
When he did, he just nodded, and silently digested the fact that he was going to go and get a late-night drink with his boss. His boss who was sexy as all hell, terrible at guessing sounds from radio competitions, and had just made the last hour of work better than anything he'd done in the office for five whole years.
The walk to the bar down the street was just long enough for the small awkwardness between Freed and Jet to return, and Freed was having none of that. That was why he walked directly to the bar and ordered them both a large pitcher of beer to share and two-pint glasses. Jet grinned at him, and they walked to a small table in the corner of the room and settled.
Despite what Jet had said, the bar was incredibly nice. Modern in a hipster sort of way, with arcade machines and pinball machines lining the walls. It wasn't where Freed would choose to go, nor did he think it was one of Jet's regular haunts, but it was nice enough for one evening.
As Freed got accustomed to his surroundings, Jet downed an entire pint of beer.
Freed knew he was wandering into dangerous grounds with this. Jet was, by and large, his favourite employee. Through the few months they'd been working together, more and more of the office had been coming out of their shells, slowly and cautiously. Jet was the outlier, the front runner in being himself, and Freed had grown accustomed to the glimmer of fire that Jet had inside of him. Freed's eyes always were drawn to Jet, and breaking down the barrier of an employer employee dynamic could be a step too far.
But, Freed could handle this. He'd known Jet was handsome from the off. Maybe not in an Abercrombie and Fitch way, but who actually liked models? Jet was sharp, pointy and had a stern resting face. He looked like he could be nasty, but chose to be cheerful. He had bright ginger hair and pointy teeth and, were Freed to let himself think such things, Freed would love to run his fingers across both. He'd seen all of this from the first time they met, and he could control himself perfectly fine. Being at a bar made no difference.
He would keep things to manageable and responsible topics, make sure not to act on those split seconds where he saw Jet as a tempting friend and not his employee, and he would be perfectly respectable. How he could do that while also having fun at a bar, Freed didn't know.
"Rule one," Jet said, cutting off Freed's internal ministrations. "No work talk. Not at all."
"Fair enough," Freed agreed. "And rule two?"
"We take turns buying drinks. I ain't a charity, and I don't like it when people imply that I am. I pay my way, and if you suggest I can't, there's gonna be trouble."
"Noted," Freed nodded. "Are there any other rules I should know about?"
Jet grinned at him. "Not a rule exactly, more like a clause."
"Which is?"
"The loser has to go to the bar, buy themselves the largest pitcher of beer this place sells, go out into the beer garden, and tip the pitcher over their head."
Okay. Freed had a habit of getting into his head from time to time, but he was certain he hadn't missed whatever would make that sentence make sense. "Excuse me?"
"I got a lot of energy, y'know, and I'm kinda tipsy and just wanna have fun. I'm competitive, and I think you desperately clinging onto your dumbass idea that it was a spoon clattering onto a plate proves you're competitive too, so I think we should have fun," Jet shrugged, looking around the room. "We play every game in here that has PVP, and whoever wins the most games by the end of the night wins. Loser does the forfeit."
"And where did the forfeit come from, exactly?"
"Well, I was drinking and I was thinking about the game and then about how you squirted that water over your face and the two things kinda mingled together and then, hey, came up with the perfect way to put my boss man in his place," Jet grinned at him, and Freed tried to push down the burning pleasure that came every time Jet called him boss man. "But you gotta drink too. Otherwise, it's not fair."
Truly, as ridiculous and out of left field the demands were, it sounded like a lovely way to end the day. It had been a long, hot, tedious and endless day, and playing video games and forcing Jet to perform his own forfeit – Freed would not lose – was the perfect way to rebalance the scales.
The second Freed's empty glass was on the table, Jet took his wrist in hand and dragged him towards the nearest arcade machine. He explained what the game was and how to play it, as if Freed were fifty years older than him and needed to be told what a joystick was, and in a rather patronising voice, asked if Freed wanted a practice go. Freed smirked at him full force and a little tipsy, saying that he'd be able to pick it up soon enough. Apparently, Jet didn't know that in every city in the world there was some form of arcade hall, and it was one of the cheapest and easiest ways to pass the time, and Freed had gotten quite good at playing them.
One hour and twenty minutes later, and their completion had been a close run thing. Jet had a natural talent for arcade machines, and also had a competitive streak which refused to allow him to lose. Which was a shame, because he had lost. By three points.
"Oh dear," Freed hummed sarcastically. "That was the last game, wasn't it? Which means you have no chance of getting any more points? Which means you lost, correct?"
"Shut up,"
"Making you the loser," Freed continued. "The loser who has to buy a pitcher of beer and dump it over his head, correct?"
"Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do that," Jet shrugged, and his sharp little teeth made it hard for him to hide his smile. He was playing the role of unhappy loser rather than actually being one. Then Freed would play his role too.
"Oh I think you will."
"You gonna make me, boss man?" Jet jutted out his chin for that.
"I could," Freed leant in, and spoke low. The booze they'd both been drinking had an effect, and he used a voice seldom heard outside of the privacy of his own home. "But I think you'll do as your told, won't you? Even if you need a little push."
And, with a hand on Jet's lower back, Freed gave him a little push towards the bar. Jet made a show of slumping his shoulders, huffing, and walking towards the bar. Moments later he was holding a large pitcher of beer that sloshed precariously. They walked into the small beer garden side by side, Jet looking at the beer hesitantly as they did so. Freed took a seat at one of the benches and watched Jet with a patient expression.
Jet lifted to pitcher so it was eye level, then stopped. He looked at Freed as if expecting to be told he didn't have to do it, but Freed cocked a brow. "Would you let me get out of it if I had lost?"
Rather than answering, Jet sighed out a quiet 'dammit' and raised the pitcher higher. He clenched his fist, jutted his chin again, and poured the beer over himself in a quick, loud movement. A hush fell over the beer garden as everyone looked at Jet. Freed leant back, a cocky smirk on his face as he relished the moment.
It had been too long since he'd felt like this.
Jet looked at him, ruffled and wet and dripping. He was a mess, and had that look of determination that vowed a need for revenge, and that set a fire inside of Freed that he relished.
"We're coming here next Friday," Jet proclaimed, pulling his hair back in a delightfully tight ponytail. It would be fun to pull on that. Make Jet gasp just like he had when the beer had hit him. "And when you lose, you're getting two pitchers. One goes over your head. The other down your pants."
It was petulant, determined, and so entirely sexy that all thoughts of seeing Jet as a predominantly platonic part of his life died on the spot. Freed was just tipsy enough to not care in the moment. "I look forward to it.
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karanfartiyal · 1 month ago
BSC Full Form
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The Bachelor of Science (BSc) is a three-year undergraduate program designed for students who have completed their 10+2 education with a focus on science subjects. This degree offers a wide array of specializations, including Medical/Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Food Technology, Electronic Science, Forensic Science, Biomedical Science, Physical Science, Operational Research, Statistics, and Anthropology.
The curriculum is structured to balance theoretical knowledge with practical application, fostering critical thinking, technical proficiency, and research skills among students. Admission to BSc programs typically involves merit-based selection or entrance examinations such as CUET, CUCET, NPAT, TS EAMCET, SET, BHU UET, and KCET. Prominent institutions offering BSc degrees in India include St. Stephen's College (New Delhi), Hansraj College (New Delhi), Hindu College (New Delhi), Presidency College (Chennai), Parul University (Vadodara), and Fergusson College (Pune).
The annual fees for a BSc program range from INR 20,000 to INR 2,00,000, varying by institution and specialization. Graduates with a BSc degree have diverse career opportunities in sectors such as information technology, education, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture. Common roles include private tutor, nurse, food safety officer, lab technician, software tester, IT developer, agriculture specialist, and microbiologist. The average salary for BSc graduates ranges between INR 3 to 5 lakh per annum, depending on the chosen field and experience.
Specializations within BSc
One of the most compelling aspects of a BSc degree is the plethora of specializations available. Students can tailor their education based on their interests and career aspirations. Some prominent BSc specializations include:
Physics: Exploring the fundamental principles governing matter and energy.
Chemistry: Delving into the composition, properties, and reactions of substances.
Biology: Studying living organisms, their functions, and their interactions.
Computer Science: Focusing on computational systems, programming, and software development.
Environmental Science: Examining the environment and solutions to environmental challenges.
Biotechnology: Merging biology and technology to develop innovative products and solutions.
Microbiology: Investigating microscopic organisms and their roles in various environments.
Mathematics: Concentrating on abstract concepts, numbers, and quantitative analysis.
Each specialization is crafted to provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience, preparing students for diverse professional pathways.
Eligibility Criteria
Admission into a BSc program typically requires candidates to have completed their higher secondary education (10+2) with a strong foundation in science subjects. While specific requirements can vary based on the institution and country, a minimum aggregate score in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and/or Mathematics is commonly expected. Some universities also conduct entrance examinations to assess the aptitude and proficiency of prospective students.
Admission Process
The pathway to securing a seat in a BSc program generally involves:
Application Submission: Filling out application forms of desired universities or colleges, either online or offline.
Entrance Examination: Appearing for standardized tests if required by the institution.
Merit List Announcement: Institutions release lists based on entrance exam scores and/or academic performance.
Counseling Sessions: Some colleges conduct counseling to guide students in selecting appropriate specializations.
Final Enrollment: Completing necessary documentation and fee submission to confirm admission.
It's imperative for aspirants to stay updated with the specific admission timelines and criteria of each institution to ensure a smooth application process.
Course Structure and Curriculum
The BSc curriculum is thoughtfully designed to balance theoretical understanding with practical application. While the exact structure can vary based on the chosen specialization and institution, a typical BSc program encompasses:
Core Subjects: Fundamental courses central to the chosen specialization.
Elective Subjects: Courses that allow students to explore related areas of interest.
Laboratory Work: Hands-on experiments and practical sessions to reinforce theoretical concepts.
Research Projects: Opportunities to undertake independent or guided research, fostering analytical and investigative skills.
Workshops and Seminars: Interactive sessions with experts to stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field.
This comprehensive approach ensures that graduates are not only knowledgeable but also adept at applying their learning in real-world scenarios.
Fee Structure
The financial investment required for a BSc degree can vary widely based on factors such as the institution's prestige, location, chosen specialization, and available facilities. On average, annual tuition fees for BSc programs range from INR 20,000 to INR 2,00,000. It's advisable for students to research and consider additional expenses, including laboratory fees, study materials, and other ancillary costs.
Career Prospects and Opportunities
A BSc degree opens a multitude of career avenues across various sectors. Graduates are equipped with skills and knowledge that make them valuable assets in industries such as:
Information Technology: Roles like software developers, data analysts, and system administrators.
Healthcare: Positions such as lab technicians, clinical researchers, and healthcare consultants.
Research and Development: Opportunities as research scientists, project assistants, and technical analysts.
Education: Careers as educators, academic counselors, and curriculum developers.
Environmental Management: Roles like environmental analysts, conservationists, and sustainability consultants.
Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals: Positions in quality control, clinical trials, and product development.
The versatility of a BSc degree ensures that graduates can adapt to various roles and industries, making it a prudent choice for those passionate about science and its applications.
Top Institutions Offering BSc Programs
Several esteemed institutions worldwide offer BSc programs renowned for their academic excellence and research opportunities. Some of these include:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA: Celebrated for its cutting-edge research and innovation in science and technology.
University of Cambridge, UK: Offers a rich tradition of scientific inquiry and discovery.
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inposterumcumgaudio · 1 month ago
An Analysis/General Overview of Stewart Adams or Lionel? I think they're such interesting characters- Lionel anyways. Stewart kind of seems.... awkward, I think it's implied that him and Sally were something or maybe it was just jealousy from Fiona.
Lionel Castershire is fascinating in his own right, but since your question has more word count about Stewart Adams, we'll go with him today.
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One thing I think is interesting about all three characters who share the shopkeeper model is that they are acutely aware of the problems in the town that their services involve. They're all also, to different extents, responding to those problems in under-the-table ways because they understand that bringing attention to the problems themselves would not be appreciated while solving them quietly would. Lionel's the canniest about his observations, probably owing to that his backroom dealings are quite a bit more sophisticated than Reg Cutty's or Stewart's are. We know Reg is aware of the food shortages and what he's done to help keep the town fed. Stewart, for his part, is attempting to use his skills to solve the problem of the toxic fog, in the Village and out. Quite noble and not illegal at all!
But selling Sunshine is.
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I once said that I thought Sally was lying to Gemma Olsen about Verloc inventing Sunshine. At the time, I supposed that Sally hadn't invented it either but due to it's illegality, it was given a name following her naming convention. My current theory is that Stewart Adams invented it (or at least, arrived at it independently) and Sally gave it that name retroactively once it became part of her repertoire.
In composition, Sunshine is not that hard to craft. The trickiest part for most Wellies would probably be obtaining the rowan berries. Any passable chemist can make it on their own (and in the case of particularly accomplished chemists like Verloc, may have improved upon it), but Stewart was likely the first to need to make it.
Joy intolerance has probably always been a thing, ever since Joy was first introduced in 1953. If you're an old lady with arrhythmia for instance, maybe taking a drug consisting largely of methamphetamine isn't the best idea. As Joy use is gradually made compulsory, however, being intolerant of it becomes a greater problem. It's something a Wellie would seek help for.
Normally, a talented compounder like Stewart should be able to figure out what component of Joy causes the problem and sub it out for something else, except that the formula for Joy is a trade secret guarded by Haworth Labs. Given that Joy is not actually solving a problem so much as putting a band-aid on it though, Stewart was able to craft something else entirely to help the Joy intolerant skirt the rules. Sunshine would get them past Joy detectors; their behavior beyond that was on the client to manage though. We likely have a bit of a survivorship bias thing going on with Sunshine users nowadays; probably quite a lot of them succumbed to grief over their memories and were beaten to death or were otherwise cast out to Barrow Holm in those earlier years.
And at this point, Sunshine wouldn't have a name because it was something only Stewart was making and it was on the secret menu, so to speak. I think Sally's the one who put it on the map.
When talking to Arthur regarding "exotic pharmaceuticals", Stewart makes the point on two separate occasions that he only sells legal drugs. The first of these - if you trigger the secret dialogue about cod liver oil - is fairly innocuous.
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That he specifies legality at this point doesn't come off as amiss, given the broader climate of chemistry in Wellington Wells.
When discussing the second quest he gives you to retrieve the chemicals he sold to Mrs. Chaney however, he tells us a bit more:
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The legal standing of his work is important to him, but that he goes on to say that Sally Boyle, oft proclaimed "experimental chemist", doesn't work here anymore and this is a respectable shop consequently implies that this was not always the case.
There's not any information in the game about when Sally started working at Stewart's shop. Given surrounding circumstances though, my theory is that her first stop after leaving the Hastings house was the Design Centre. She likely wouldn't have become the fashionable It Girl she is now if she'd gone straight to the Apothecary. Shacking up with Davey Hackney fits her MO of finding a shitty guy prone to flattery to support her. It follows logically as well that if you have just left home because you were shown that your apparent value to the world is your youth and beauty to go somewhere where those things will provide you with an immediate living.
It also gives Sally time and space to cultivate her own clientbase out of the models and other assorted celebs.
Imagine your husband proposing to hire the prettiest, youngest, and most popular girl in town to work at your humble chemist shop. If you've got any kind of sense, you'd look real askance at that, right? If we're just imagining Sally walking in off the street and begging for a job unproven? I mean, Stewart seems like a genuinely nice guy and we're not really ever given opportunity to see what Fiona's level of empathy and generosity is, but hiring some rando girl off the street to do chemistry is a bit of an ask at that time. Sally even says herself they wouldn't have let her become a chemist if not for the war.
But if she already has a clientele that would then be purchasing her drugs from your shop, it'd be hard to argue with the numbers and arguing at all is just saying you don't trust your husband.
What was Fiona to do, really?
Anyway, now that Sally is no longer here, Stewart's working to cut that part of his customer base off, probably both on a professional level and on the "every time some Parade type comes here asking for Sally Specials, I have to sleep on the couch again" level.
And I think it's those types who expected Sunshine to have a name they could ask for. Why would they want a drug that is, in effect, not doing drugs? Is it not cool to do drugs?
Well, it would be if the government wasn't saying you had to.
Obviously, making Joy use compulsory hasn't diminished the popularity of drug use at all among the cool kids, but there's always going to be small subset with oppositional defiance. That's who of Sally's clients she would be selling Sunshine to at this point. "Nothing so cool as breaking the rules!"
One thing about Sally I think does go underappreciated is that she is also a talented marketer. All of her drugs have names that make using them sound fun regardless of what they do. It was also her idea to market her new Joy formula as a new flavor. She thinks about these things, finds demographics for her products. Seeing a useful formula that Stewart developed being under utilized probably seemed like a missed opportunity to Sally, rather than the deliberate downplay that it would have been for Stewart. And thus Sunshine got its street name.
So when Sally tells Gemma that Verloc invented Sunshine, it's probably that "lying with the truth" trick that Byng mentions. She tells Gemma that Verloc invented it (which is technically true if you assume he also came up with a formula for it independently for his own use) when the formula found on the streets - the one Gemma is actually asking about - is the one Stewart developed.
Let's put a pin in that and come back to it in a minute.
Stewart really only has quests for Arthur and they tend to be very shallow on the characterization aside from the matter of his shop's reputation, but there is other thing I want to touch on before we really get into his relationship with Sally.
Stewart's last quest for you, "The Beginning of the Endocrine", tasks you with taking "his" pituitary extractor and collecting samples from a Bobby, a Doctor, and a Crier.
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Now, Stewart's been fuckin' with this device ever since Sally left, which at this point would be about three years. What's interesting though is that he's apparently never tested it himself. Like Lionel, he professes to be too busy to leave the shop to attend to any errands outside of it. He's never actually seen the device in use. He can probably imagine, but he's elected to pass the dirty work of it off.
Frankly, it's really rather horrible using this device. The animation is startling to see the first time. And the quest is also sneakily structured in such a way as to lead you to feel a certain way about it.
That is, the objectives are, in order,
Obtain the Doctor Extract
Obtain the Bobby Extract
Obtain the Crier Extract
Bring the extracts to the Chemist
Bobbies are easy to find on the street so you're likely to nab one of them first. Doctors are also easy to find, but if you're struggling, Stewart also marked the Hippo House on your map for you. You're given these two first in the list because while using the extractor on these NPCs is an alarming sight, they are hostile to you and can kill you easily if you give them the chance. Arthur even has a ct line for it, in which he says to consider it karma.
The Crier is last on the list for a reason.
You're likely to leave the Crier to the last too because unless you've already done Lionel's quests up to the point that you had access to St. George, you'd not know where to find them immediately. (You could nab one off the street, but narratively, you wouldn't.) And the reason why leaving the Crier to last is most effective is because she's a helpless little old lady who effectively can do nothing to you. Snapping this ghoulish device around a Crier's head and scrambling her sinuses is supposed to leave you feeling some kind of way about it. In the original lines, the Crier even had a sad little line to make you feel extra bad about what you've done.
So when Arthur gets back to the chemist shop, he gives Stewart a piece of his own mind: "If anyone ever uses one of those on me, I will hunt you down and kill you."
Very tricky, manipulating you to feel bad like that.
You want to know what the real slight of hand here is though?
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There are cut lines for "Gland of Hope and Glory" in which Sally was supposed to have her own extractor that was broken, necessitating her to visit Stewart to collect her old one from him. That's what he means when he says here that his is not the only device like this out there.
The real trick that they've pulled here is letting you experience the horror of this device in a limited capacity as Arthur first and then giving it to you as Sally to use as often as you like, when the shock of it has worn off.
Because as Sally, you have no qualms nor compunctions about using the pituitary extractor. At very minimum, she'll use it on a helpless and dying old man. At worst, the player will use it in lieu of (and just as often as) Arthur and Ollie's takedown skill rather than crafting Sally's knockout syringes.
Arthur, for all his faults, often does consider how his actions will affect others and so using the extractor is viscerally horrifying to him. Stewart has to collect the extractor from you when the quest is over, not only because he has to have it when Sally visits in the next Act, but also because otherwise, a player would probably rely on the extractor the way people often do when playing Sally, which would be incongruent with Arthur's character.
That Sally, on the other hand, not only uses the pituitary extractor freely but invented it? It's really a very apt metaphor for her character. It's practically poetic. She created this Saw trap of a tool that she uses with impunity, ripping what she wants out of people with no concern for what happens to them afterward. (Also, how did she make this "quite clever" device if she can't tinker? Wants must, I guess.)
The game is calling collect to tell you something about her. Please accept the charges.
That being said...
Sally tells Gemma that Verloc invented Sunshine. If indeed Stewart was actually the one who made it, why would she do that?
Well, for one thing, despite abandoning him for Verloc, Stewart seems not to be holding any hard feelings about it. This means that he's still available to be called on for a favor if needed. No sense throwing out a perfectly good resource just to keep the heat off herself.
Pinning it on Verloc is satisfying in the sense that it'd be a lie with the truth as stated above. Lies that border the edge of truth are the most satisfying to tell, are they not? Don't they make you feel clever? But it's also a safe move too. Verloc, even if accused of developing Sunshine, is above the law as far as what happens on Uskglass goes. He can explain such an accusation away and even if he can't, it won't matter. Like, I don't think Sally would lie to Gemma with the express intent of making Verloc's life harder. She's not bitter about the break up because she wasn't the one left wondering, you know? But I do think she would do so knowing that he could take the repercussions of it better. What would be inconsequential to him could be devastating to Stewart.
And like with Verloc, Sally also is not bitter about her break up with Stewart because, again, she left him. That he's not sending her death threats or even banning her from his shop is worth maintaining a civil relationship.
I think Sally would still think back on her time with Stewart fondly. She never speaks of him outside her quests in his shop, but he was probably the first man she met who was just as interested in her chemistry as her looks. It's that age old trick: you tell a smart girl she's pretty, you tell a pretty girl she's smart.
Which is not to say I think Stewart had any guile or machinations about this. I know there's an age gap again, but it's not always grooming. I think if Sally fell for being told she was oh so clever, he was just as much prey to her charms telling him he could be oh so much more. I don't think there was any manipulation of the situation on either of their parts here; I think Sally and Stewart just fell into their affair out of circumstance because both of them told the other what they wanted to hear.
And real talk, it's kinda the only logical thing that would have happened and I think they both know it. Like, I don't think Sally actually loved Stewart (or vice versa). Stewart was never going to leave Fiona for Sally. Sally was never going to spend the rest of her life as a side piece to a village chemist. They both had to know their little affair was a temporary arrangement. And so it was and now that it's over, they're both being relatively adult about it. Such a rare thing in this town!
Aside from Stewart's remaining hopes anyway.
Fiona's lines hint at the cut content about Stewart hoping he can win Sally back. But I think those lines were cut because there's enough of a Greek tragedy happening behind that glass just have him trying to be more than he is because Sally convinced him he could be. Like, it'd be one thing if she'd been gassing up Verloc (who is only about a decade older than her) and telling him he could be more. But Stewart is over the hill. If he was going to be more than a village chemist, he would have by now. It was irresponsible of Sally to put these ideas in his head.
When Fiona says she could have gotten over Sally "borrowing" Stewart while she was here, she means it. Like, that was just kind of an accepted part of life back then, that your husband probably would cheat on you at some point. Again, because we now have access to every human on the planet and r/relationship_advice to compare notes, we generally consider cheating as a deal breaker these days. And it is, let's not diminish that, but in a world where you have limited options for life partners and divorce is a difficult and long process, you put up with more and settle for less. And it really wasn't that long ago that this changed. (In some places, it still hasn't!)
Like, Friends had a plot spanning nearly a decade involving whether one character cheated on another and if they could ever get back together. That was the 90's. In the 90's, if your boyfriend cheated on you, you might mull over whether you could "work it out" or if you could stand being alone or how long it would take to find someone new. Sunk cost fallacy like you would not believe!
Now imagine that in a small island town where no one new ever comes and no one can ever leave.
Yeah, Fiona coulda gotten over the cheating. But the aspirations Sally put in him? That's a bridge too far, oi oi oi.
It's as Fiona says; he's not going to climb the ranks anywhere in Wellington Wells and he can't leave the town for whatever opportunities might lie beyond the bridge for a man well past his prime. So what the fuck is he really doing? What is he hoping to accomplish with his tinkering?
It was one thing to wreck her home. But now that Sally's gone, Fiona can't even get her home back the way it was. Stewart is plagued by the flighty ideas Sally put into him. He's not satisfied with what he has anymore and it's not a problem Fiona can fix because the circumstances simply do not permit it. Sally isn't just a homewrecker; she salted the fucking foundations.
And she has the gall to tell Fiona that maybe that's what Stewart liked about her? She's lucky Fiona was in a glass booth or that would have been a short Act.
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biopractify · 1 month ago
How to Transition from Biotechnology to Bioinformatics: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Biotechnology and bioinformatics are closely linked fields, but shifting from a wet lab environment to a computational approach requires strategic planning. Whether you are a student or a professional looking to make the transition, this guide will provide a step-by-step roadmap to help you navigate the shift from biotechnology to bioinformatics.
Why Transition from Biotechnology to Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics is revolutionizing life sciences by integrating biological data with computational tools to uncover insights in genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery. The field offers diverse career opportunities in research, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and AI-driven biological data analysis.
If you are skilled in laboratory techniques but wish to expand your expertise into data-driven biological research, bioinformatics is a rewarding career choice.
Step-by-Step Guide to Transition from Biotechnology to Bioinformatics
Step 1: Understand the Basics of Bioinformatics
Before making the switch, it’s crucial to gain a foundational understanding of bioinformatics. Here are key areas to explore:
Biological Databases – Learn about major databases like GenBank, UniProt, and Ensembl.
Genomics and Proteomics – Understand how computational methods analyze genes and proteins.
Sequence Analysis – Familiarize yourself with tools like BLAST, Clustal Omega, and FASTA.
🔹 Recommended Resources:
Online courses on Coursera, edX, or Khan Academy
Books like Bioinformatics for Dummies or Understanding Bioinformatics
Websites like NCBI, EMBL-EBI, and Expasy
Step 2: Develop Computational and Programming Skills
Bioinformatics heavily relies on coding and data analysis. You should start learning:
Python – Widely used in bioinformatics for data manipulation and analysis.
R – Great for statistical computing and visualization in genomics.
Linux/Unix – Basic command-line skills are essential for working with large datasets.
SQL – Useful for querying biological databases.
🔹 Recommended Online Courses:
Python for Bioinformatics (Udemy, DataCamp)
R for Genomics (HarvardX)
Linux Command Line Basics (Codecademy)
Step 3: Learn Bioinformatics Tools and Software
To become proficient in bioinformatics, you should practice using industry-standard tools:
Bioconductor – R-based tool for genomic data analysis.
Biopython – A powerful Python library for handling biological data.
GROMACS – Molecular dynamics simulation tool.
Rosetta – Protein modeling software.
🔹 How to Learn?
Join open-source projects on GitHub
Take part in hackathons or bioinformatics challenges on Kaggle
Explore free platforms like Galaxy Project for hands-on experience
Step 4: Work on Bioinformatics Projects
Practical experience is key. Start working on small projects such as:
✅ Analyzing gene sequences from NCBI databases ✅ Predicting protein structures using AlphaFold ✅ Visualizing genomic variations using R and Python
You can find datasets on:
1000 Genomes Project
TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas)
Create a GitHub portfolio to showcase your bioinformatics projects, as employers value practical work over theoretical knowledge.
Step 5: Gain Hands-on Experience with Internships
Many organizations and research institutes offer bioinformatics internships. Check opportunities at:
NCBI, EMBL-EBI, NIH (government research institutes)
Biotech and pharma companies (Roche, Pfizer, Illumina)
Academic research labs (Look for university-funded projects)
💡 Pro Tip: Join online bioinformatics communities like Biostars, Reddit r/bioinformatics, and SEQanswers to network and find opportunities.
Step 6: Earn a Certification or Higher Education
If you want to strengthen your credentials, consider:
🎓 Bioinformatics Certifications:
Coursera – Genomic Data Science (Johns Hopkins University)
edX – Bioinformatics MicroMasters (UMGC)
EMBO – Bioinformatics training courses
🎓 Master’s in Bioinformatics (optional but beneficial)
Top universities include Harvard, Stanford, ETH Zurich, University of Toronto
Step 7: Apply for Bioinformatics Jobs
Once you have gained enough skills and experience, start applying for bioinformatics roles such as:
Bioinformatics Analyst
Computational Biologist
Genomics Data Scientist
Machine Learning Scientist (Biotech)
💡 Where to Find Jobs?
LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor
Biotech job boards (BioSpace, Science Careers)
Company career pages (Illumina, Thermo Fisher)
Final Thoughts
Transitioning from biotechnology to bioinformatics requires effort, but with the right skills and dedication, it is entirely achievable. Start with fundamental knowledge, build computational skills, and work on projects to gain practical experience.
Are you ready to make the switch? 🚀 Start today by exploring free online courses and practicing with real-world datasets!
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autisticsupervillain · 8 months ago
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
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Alex Mercer vs Tavros Nitram!
Prototype 2 Alex Mercer. Tavros has no become Gcatavrosprite yet.
Aradia has been amusing herself by traveling to post apocalyptic Doomed Timelines, where she ends up visiting a version of Earth where humanity nukes itself into oblivion trying to stop Mercer's infection. The liquefied remains of Alex travel along with her when she goes back to the meteor, hiding in the labs and assimilating left over imps to rebuild himself. Eventually Karkat sends Tavros to investigate because he keeps hearing weird noises coming from the vents, at which point Mercer attacks him.
Analysis: Mercer
It's the early 21st century and the apocalypse is here. A viral pandemic has engulfed New York city and begun assimilating all in It's wake. The government is powerless to stop the fleshy monstrosities that roam the streets. It seems that the end is here. And the man responsible is none other than Alex Mercer.
Fortunately, that is not who we're talking about today. Let's take it from the top.
Alex Mercer was a scientist who worked for the pharmaceutical company known as GENTEK. He was a brilliant virologist, a progidy even among GENTEK's most intelligent minds. As such, he was made head researcher on the Blacklight Virus, a powerful bio-weapon that promised to make the company rich. When his research was shut down by Blackwatch, a Government squad designed to contain viral epidemics, Mercer refused to go down quietly. He spitefully unleashed Blacklight onto New York as he was shot dead, the virus consuming and copying his body perfectly as it was freed.
Alex Mercer died that day and the Blacklight Virus woke up wearing his skin.
Believing itself to be Alex Mercer, the Blacklight Virus escaped from the morgue and set out to uncover his past and discover who he was. This doesn't go do well, as it results in him unleashing another sentient bioweapon known as the Redlight Virus, who swiftly begins causing chaos across New York. "Mercer" teams up with Mercer's sister Dana to both bring down GENTEK and stop the Redlight Virus, putting Blacklight into position to put together the pieces of his past by assimilating GENTEK staff.
The revelation that he isn't the real Akex Mercer shakes the virus to his core, giving him an existential crisis that follows him for the rest of his life. This causes him to eventually become disillusioned with humanity, motivating to try assimilating it into his own personal "superior race". This backfires when Mercer tries to assimilate Sgt. James Heller, whose "stuborn DNA" allows him to resist Mercer's influence after being transformed. Heller eventually grows strong enough to assimilate Mercer straight back, ending his spree for good.
From here on out, I'll be referring to the Blacklight Virus as Alex Mercer just for simplicity's sake, even if they are technically different characters.
Alex Mercer is effectively John Carpenter's The Thing on steroids. He's a sentient hunk of biomass capable of absorbing and shape-shifting into nearly anyone he so much as touches. While Mercer may technically be a "virus" he's shown to be capable of absorbing and infecting inorganic material, implying he attacks not on the cellular level, but the atomic one. This is what allows him to absorb and replicate clothing, as well as immitate the functions of some minor forms of technology, such as handheld radios. He also gains the memories of the people he absorbs, allowing him to use their identity to the fullest while undercover. He can even evade sensors designed specifically to detect viruses like himself and fool other shapeshifters.
Having said that, he still has plenty of combative powers at his disposal for when stealth isn't an option. His complete control over his own body grants him monstrous versatility, allowing him to turn his limbs into hammers that can smash tanks and whips that can pull helicopters out of the sky. He can create pseudo-wings to glide through the sky, can alter his eyes to see in the infrared spectrum and detect infected people, can run up walls, and can cover himself in steel-like armor to shrug off damage from powerful foes.
As if his offensive capabilities weren't enough, he's nigh unkillable to boot. He can shrug off the radioactive fallout of a nuke, can stop the Redlight Virus from trying to take over his mind, can endure explosions that reach up to several thousand degrees, and can adapt to being infected with every virus known to mankind. What's more his absurd levels of regeneration allow him to come back from being flat out liquified.
Anyone whom Mercer doesn't assimilate, he infects, granting him complete control over their mind and body. He's led an army thousands strong and nearly conquered the world with it. What's more, he gets stronger with every person he assimilates. Mercer as absorbed the Redlight Virus and the Supreme Hunter, two bioweapons even stronger than he himself was at the time, as he has the combined strength and experience of thousands of soldiers, making him a force to be reckoned with in combat.
For example, every time he transforms, he creates a shockwave the pushes away all of the clouds across Manhattan, which would require an energy equivalent to 102 kilotons of TNT.
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In terms of speed, Alex is capable of processing all of the memories and experiences of a 69 year old man in a matter of seconds after absorbing him, suggesting he processes information at a rate equivalent to 197,816,727 m/s. Thinking at 66% light speed.
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With all that being said, he still has one major flaw. Alex Mercer has a limited supply of biomass inside his body, which he must maintain by constantly absorbing other people. As such, his regeneration can fail if he takes enough constant damage and even on a full tank he has limits. When Mercer was obliterated by a nuke at the end of Prototype 1, only one small chunk of him remained. It was only after absorbing a crow that came to feed on him that Mercer came back.
Alex Mercer is an unstoppable, insatiable monster with apocalyptic ambitions... and the virus he made is pretty nasty too.
Analysis: Tavros
Alternia. The world before humanity. A death world designed to create conquerors and killers. Only the mightiest of warriors could possibly survive to adulthood. Only the cruelest killers would live long enough to join the fleet of the Alternian Empire and conquer the galaxy.
Tavros Nitram.... is not one of those warriors. Yet, he survives anyway. And Vriska hates him for it.
Tavros is a simple dude. When he's not playing Fiduspawn, rather, Troll Pokemon, he's happily LARPing with his friends while cosplaying Pupa Pan, troll Peter Pan. He's a shy and awkward dork on a planet full of bloodthirsty killers, which you think would make him an easy target. His Lusus isn't even big enough to protect him and he's a bronze blood, the second lowest rung on Alternia's bloodcaste.
Normally, you'd be right, but Tavros has an ace up his sleeve. His unparalleled ability with animal communion. He can control the minds of any animal he can telepathically reach, with his range expanding across entire universes. And when everyone else on the planet has a giant animal parent, that's a very easy way to guarantee no one messes with you. His telepathic ability can even extend to the nigh-omniscient First Guardians, reality warping gods tasked with preparing planets for the apocalypse, so long as they have some kind of animal component to them.
So, Tavros was left well enough alone... until he met Vriska.
Vriska... has had the opposite life experience on Alternia. Even with her similarly powerful telepathic abilities, she lived under a cruel, indifferent Lusus that demanded she hunt down and murder other kids to feed them to it, less she get eaten herself. Vriska, more than anyone, internalized Alternia's philosophy of might makes right. After all, if that wasn't true, then everything bad that happened to her happened for no reason at all and she was just a helpless teenage girl being pointlessly victimized. And Vriska could never admit to that.
So, when she sees Tavros living his best life without a single mean bone in his body, she figures she has to "toughen him up". If she won't, then he'll just die, right? No way someone can be a weakling and live a happy, carefree life.
So begain Vriska's attempts to ruin Tavros's life. Starting with her mind controlling him into jumping off a cliff to shatter his own spine, confining him to a wheelchair that his hive was not built to accommodate. Vriska would continually harass and bully him even as the world burned down around them, all under the guise of toughening him up.
This created something of a misconception in the fandom that Tavros is a complete pushover who lets everyone walk over him. This isn't completely untrue. Tavros is a complete disaster in social skills and the less said about his disastrous attempts to flirt, the better. He's nice, shy, and naive enough to see the best in everyone, even Vriska, which makes him struggle to put his foot down. He's even one of the only people on his team who'd never willingly take a life, even when Vriska tried to force him to kill her with mind control, he instead broke down crying and fled.
But, on the other hand, he does snark back at Vriska for her abuse constantly. He doesn't take anything she does to him lying down, he's just physically powerless to do anything about it and gets humiliated every time he tries. Remember, Vriska is the one most pushing the idea that he needs to be confident to fix all his problems... and Vriska is wrong.
Tavros is more than capable of handling himself in a fight. He used to play Fatal Live Action Roleplay for fun frequently and was confident enough in his abilities to go up against Vriska in it in the first place. LARPing is a lot more immersive when the other players are actively trying to kill you. Tavros spent hours side questing in SGRUB without having to kill a single imp, despite their hardcoded hostility. Equipped with a rocket powered wheelchair, Tavros can easily soar through the skies, charging foes down with his heavy lance. He even survived being carried down to Alternia on the back of a flaming meteor, just like everyone else on his team.
Keep in mind, one of SBURB's meteors hit the Earth hard enough to punch a massive hole in Jade's island, generating an energy equivalent to 4.24 megatons of TNT. So, being able to walk off an impact like that freshly after being born in nothing to sneeze at. After all, this impact was completely tanked by an unprototyped Sprite, which any SBURB Player would be stronger than at the minimum.
With his Fiduspawn cards, Tavros can create monsters to assist him in combat or call on the nearby wildlife for aide, preferring to use large groups to outnumber his opponents. Tavros is not the dedicated fighter Vriska is and he doesn't have to be. He's perfectly effective as he is doing what he's good at.
In terms of speed, Tavros can keep up alongside the likes of Equius, who can jump to his portal gate in a single bound, and can keep up in combat against the Beta Session's Black King. Seeing as the Black King was Prototyped up to twelve times, he should be faster than the three times Prototyped Jack Noir that fought evenly against Bro, who can move at 60 times the speed of light, throwing a Batarang within a single nanosecond.
Ultimately, Tavros's most impressive feat would come about after his death. After finally getting fed up with Vriska and ditching her, Tavros would help in the battle against Lord English in his own way. He'd gather an entire army of millions of ghosts, thousands of dead gods, to wage war against tge Lord of Time, persuading all of them to his side for the fate of all reality. Tavros would completely upstage Vriska's own plans to take the fight to Lord English and completely shatter her world view, just by being who he is. Just like he always had been from the start.
Alternia tried its damndest to beat the humanity out of every troll on the planet. It might have succeeded for awhile with Vriska, before her own character growth, but with Tavros... it never even came close.
Throwdown Breakdown:
This... is a hax vs stats fight.
It shouldn't suprise anyone that Akex decimates in terms of hax. Shapeshifting, regeneration, on contact assimilation and infection, etc. You can make an argument for Tavros's animal mind control having some grounds to work against Mercer, given he can effect anything animal related and Alex has absorbed the minds of animals before, but even if you did want to go there, Mercer has resisted mind control before from the likes of Elizabeth Green, so no dice.
What's shocking here, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, is.... Tavros has the massive advantage in stats.
Let's create a direct comparison. The nuke at the end of Prototype 1 exploded with an energy equivalent to 8 megatons of TNT.
Alex was far from the epicenter of the blast when he got caught up in it, meaning he did not absorb all of its energy, and yet, the explosion still almost killed him. It completely liquefied his body the pier and likely would've vaporized him if he'd taken it head on. Given how far away he was from the blast, he wouldn't even have taken 5% of the blast and that alone liquified him.
Tavros, meanwhile, powerscales above someone who tank a 4.24 megatons collision point blank....
Even considering the unknown degree to which Mercer gets stronger between games, the strength gap here is very clear cut.
And as for speed, well.... Alex can react at 66% of the light speed.... Tavros can react at 66 times *faster* than light speed. To put an exact number on it, Tavros is at least 25x faster.
I love power scaling, it creates power dynamics that are hilariously fucking dumb.
Now, yes, Tavros was crippled by a fall that should not have hurt someone this durable. That's a major facet of his character, in fact. But, by that same facet, Prototype 2 starts because an ordinary human with a combat knife was able to hurt Mercer, forcing him to regenerate. By all logic, the knife should've shattered on contact and that fall should've done nothing, especially given Tavros tanked a fall from orbit as a baby. Sometimes, outliers happen in character's power level for the sake of letting a plot happen. Writers aren't trying to be perfectly consistent physicists. They're trying to tell a story. And when both these characters are analyzed back to back without those constraints.... Tavros's feats are more impressive.
If Mercer gets his hand on Tavros for a second, he's dead. Instant assimilation. But, that's just never going to happen when Tavros can move 25x faster than Mercer can think. And when every single hit puts as massive dent in Mercer's biomass reserves, Alex is going to realize he's overmatched in a direct fight pretty quickly. As such, he'll try to break off, planning to use his shapeshifting to either ambush Tavros at a later point or try and find more biomass.
Given his personality, Tavros is not going to hunt down and execute Mercer while he runs away. It would take a lot of pushing to get Tavros actually ready to kill somebody and he has no idea who Mercer even is. He doesn't kill and he barely even likes fighting in self defense. He'd simply watch in confusion as this weird slime tentacle thing scrambles into the vents to lick its wounds. Then he'd shrug in confusion before floating off to report back to Karkat, nervous about.... whatever he just encountered.
Mercer would survive, but it'd be a big wound to his pride to run off like that.
This Throwdown's Winner is....
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Tavros Nitram!
Next Time...
Credits under the cut:
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ganurath · 1 year ago
"It's a matter of one's position on the status quo, you see. The so-called heroes are those who look at the world and see it as something good, worth preserving." I stopped my pacing, then turned toward my captive audience. I didn't have all the local Wards - they wouldn't gather in full force on routine patrols even if I did have the ability to corral them all - but even getting a few of them was a win. The groundwork for one, at least. "The world is full of information that gets overlooked, though. Did you know that eating bananas will get bees to attack you?"
One of the young heroes, ironically named Strapping Lad, paused in the struggles against the straps that secured him to the wall. "Wait, really?"
I nodded, momentarily shifting my focus toward where my scanner was analyzing their laser weapons. Inefficient and performative, a tactic more focused on appealing to Texas culture than actually winning against criminals. To my convenience, but it was still annoying in abstract. "Something about triggering a false positive for their panic pheromones. I don't remember the specifics. The world is full of neat trivia like that."
Chronicler was less impressed with my trivia. "I'm guessing bee attacks aren't the trivia that relates to your killing spree."
"Well deduced!" I clapped my hands together for emphasis as I turned to face the pair. I was tempted to approach, but I was mindful not to have anything within range of Chronicler's aura that he could potentially use to escape. Instead, I just spoke loudly. "No, it's that a great deal of the information that gets overlooked pertains to a problem, and overlooked problems have a tendency to fester. When the problem can be solved without running afoul the establishment, you get a feel-good story for the local news. If the powers that be insist that the problem isn't worth solving, though?"
I spread my arms out, directing attention to the equipment I'd tinkered up to support my efforts. It was a fairly generic lab as far as mad science villainy went, as my specialty was more... abstract, but I could see that Strapping Lad was taking the opportunity to analyze my equipment as best as his visor would allow.
Chronicler was, naturally, the one to break the silence. "Villainy. You expect us to believe that people like the fucking Fallen are just misunderstood?"
I frowned, shaking my head sharply. That boy would take issue with them, if my suspicions were correct. No need to give a prodigal son grief over family he'd left behind, though. "Oh, no. The so-called problems that those cultists want to solve are seen as features by the more compassionate members of society, and I'm personally of like mind with the latter in that regard. Capes like Lustrum and The Old Man favor the opposite extreme, pushing for greater change when the current pace of things is seen as inadequate."
I let the boys ruminate on that a moment as I checked on the analysis again. The lasers... wouldn't need any overt modifications for me to subvert them. Excellent. I attached the receivers, set them to prevent the laser guns from firing, and begun to upload the modifications. "You're probably wondering what overlooked problem that the murders you suspect me of committing are supposed to solve."
"Are you trying to say that you didn't kill those people?"
"I'm trying to say nothing that'd incriminate me in court, Lad. Don't pretend that you aren't recording this conversation." I looked toward my captives, and my fellow tinker at least had the decency to look admonished. Still, I'd beaten around the bush enough. "Still, there's a pattern to the deaths that have been attributed to me, pertaining to the stock market investments of the deceased. They all had money in pharmaceuticals and medical insurance."
"Why is owning stock in those companies the problem? Wouldn't the leaders of those businesses be better-"
Chronicler looked sharply toward Strapping Lad. "Dude! Don't tell him to kill more people!"
"Oh, relax. He isn't saying anything I hadn't considered." That got both the boys to relax, but they tensed up again when I pulled out a handlebar with a button on one end that could pass for a detonator of some sort. Comedic timing compelled me, almost as strongly as my plan. "Would you boys like to know the trivia that made shareholders the focus of my attention?"
Surprisingly, it was Chronicler who was quick to nod, and Strapping Lad who hesitated. Ah, well. I'll take it. I pushed the button, and the audio recording started to play. The Activator was more versatile than any detonator. "-do you mean, we're being sued?"
"Apparently, shareholders can do that, if they think we aren't doing enough to generate profit."
"By paying our workers well? By keeping prices lower than brand names?"
"Apparently, any company on the stock market is legally obligated to be as exploitive toward workers and customers as possible. That's not the worst part, though. Look who's bankrolling the lawsuit."
I pushed the button again, before the recording got into details that'd be revealing with regard to my civilian life. I'd managed to protect that well enough so far, and some bits of trivia were better off hidden. "Did I mention that the shareholders that died were all wealthy enough to afford prosecution attorneys?"
Strapping Lad's brow furrowed above the rim of his visor. "So, what're you trying to do? Stop the companies from being sued so that they can be nice to people?"
I snorted out a laugh at that. No, I was hoping that when the targeting criteria became public, the relevant stocks would crash, and my civilian identity who'd shorted the stocks would get rich enough to bankroll the next stage of my plan. Speaking of... Upload complete. Delightful. "You overestimate my faith in the compassion of those who have unaccountable power. No, my goal is to raise awareness and scrutiny until public pressure forces change."
"You don't need to kill people to do that," Strapping Lad gave his bindings another tug, "or kidnap us."
"Well, I had information I wanted to share with regard to the killings, and I didn't think that an anonymous tip would be taken seriously. Now that we've established what we know, though, I'm going to teleport my lab back to its actual location, which unfortunately means-" I rotated the frame around the button on The Activator with two audible clicks, then pressed it.
The straps binding the boys released, and I gave The Activator one more twist as they looked at each other in surprise. Strapping Lad only just managed to get the laser guns off the table before I clicked the button again, and the equipment around us started to shimmer out of local existence.
Lad tossed one of the lasers to Chronicler, and both boys immediately began pointing their weapons at me and rapidly pulling the triggers. As I tossed The Activator aside so it could fade with the rest of the lab, I frowned at them. "I'm beginning to think you boys don't respect my capacity for forethought."
With that said, I aimed my Blast Gauntlet at the nearest window, shattered it, and leapt out of the building.
I did some quick juking so that I wouldn't be visible if either of them looked outside for me, then sent a signal that'd remotely fry the internals of the attachments I'd added to their guns. The safeties were a convenience, but I couldn't let the PRT realize I'd modified the weapons. Specifically, modified their nonlethal settings.
Oh, nobody would be hurt, at least no more than law enforcement action usually did. It's just that now, the sensory overload that provided the lasers Strapping Lad had built with a stun option would be more specific than the equivalent of white noise. No, anyone that those boys shot with their lasers - criminals too dangerous for conventional police - would instead get their minds bombarded with everything I knew about the exploitive practices of the pharmaceutical and medical insurance industries... including the responsible parties. Even better, if the PRT were slow enough to catch the modification, Strapping Lad's equipment duplication method would see the "update" disseminated to the lasers used by every Protectorate and Ward team in the state of Texas.
By the end of the month, every violent criminal with parahuman powers in the state would know why their medical costs were so high... and who to blame.
I would show them. I would show them all.
Supervilliany isn’t a matter of morality, it’s a matter of obsession. If you have the kind of obsessive interest it takes to pursue a doctorate in a field that’s not readily financially lucrative then you’ve said or heard the phrase “I’ll show you! I’ll show you all!” at some point in academia
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compliancequest · 11 hours ago
How Blockchain Technology Enhances Traceability in Calibration Management Software
In today's advanced manufacturing environments, data integrity and traceability are central to achieving excellence in compliance and quality control. The growing complexity of instrumentation and the increasing regulatory scrutiny in industries such as life sciences, aerospace, and high-tech manufacturing demand a transformative approach to calibration workflows. One of the most impactful innovations in this space is the integration of blockchain into Calibration Management Software. This convergence is redefining how organizations manage traceability, nonconformance events, and the overall cost of quality within their quality management system.
The Evolution of Calibration Management Software in Regulated Industries
Traditional Calibration Limitations in Quality-Driven Sectors
For decades, organizations have relied on manual or semi-digital methods for managing calibration schedules and compliance records. These traditional systems often lacked the auditability, transparency, and data security required by global regulatory bodies. In pharmaceutical and aerospace manufacturing, a single error in calibration documentation can result in regulatory penalties, recalls, or production halts, all of which inflate the Cost of Quality.
Why Traceability is Non-Negotiable in Calibration Management Software
In regulated environments, traceability isn’t just a quality assurance protocol; it's a compliance imperative. Every calibration event must be linked to instrument history, technician credentials, environmental conditions, and certification documentation. Calibration management software, empowered by blockchain, now allows this linkage to be immutable and verifiable across audits, inspections, and internal reviews.
Blockchain as a Game Changer for Calibration Traceability
Immutable Records for Nonconformance Prevention
Blockchain brings an immutable, time-stamped ledger that ensures calibration data cannot be altered retroactively. This helps quality leaders eliminate instances of data tampering or backdating, which are major risks in nonconformance reporting. When nonconformance events occur, the root cause analysis becomes far more reliable due to the accuracy and permanence of blockchain-backed data.
Enhancing Trust Across the Supply Chain
In complex manufacturing ecosystems where suppliers, calibration labs, and auditors interact, blockchain-enabled calibration management software creates a decentralized system of trust. Every stakeholder has access to a single source of truth regarding calibration events, reducing disputes and facilitating faster approvals in the quality management system.
Integrating Blockchain with Existing QMS Architecture
Seamless Connectivity with Quality Management Modules
Modern calibration management software powered by blockchain does not exist in isolation. It seamlessly integrates with broader Quality Management Systems, including modules for document control, audit management, risk mitigation, and change control. This interoperability ensures that calibration records directly influence decisions made in the quality management lifecycle.
Real-Time Data Validation with Calibration Assets
As soon as a calibration event is logged into the system, blockchain validates the time, user credentials, asset status, and result metrics in real-time. This real-time validation feature supports robust hazard assessment protocols, ensuring that defective instruments are flagged before they impact production or laboratory outcomes.
Tackling Cost of Quality with Blockchain-Enabled Calibration
Reducing Costs from Preventive Maintenance and Recalls
An effective calibration management software system, fortified with blockchain, helps identify trends that could signal equipment drift or degradation. Addressing these proactively reduces the cost of quality by avoiding unplanned maintenance, production losses, or worse—costly product recalls that affect brand trust and regulatory standing.
Optimizing Resources through Audit Readiness
Preparing for audits—internal or regulatory—can be a resource-intensive process. However, blockchain-based calibration management software makes audit preparation seamless by offering transparent, immutable access to historical calibration data. This transparency drastically reduces the time and cost associated with audit readiness.
Improving Compliance through Automated Nonconformance Management
Accelerated Closure of Calibration-Linked Deviations
When a calibration event leads to a deviation or Nonconformance, blockchain enables instant cross-linking of calibration records to CAPAs (Corrective and Preventive Actions). This eliminates silos in the quality management system and accelerates the resolution process while ensuring full traceability.
Enhancing Regulatory Compliance with ISO and FDA Standards
Blockchain's inherent integrity and transparency align perfectly with global standards such as ISO/IEC 17025 and FDA 21 CFR Part 11. These standards require strict control over data handling and calibration documentation. Blockchain-enhanced calibration management software provides the digital trail required to meet and exceed these standards.
Supporting Digital Transformation in Calibration Management
Driving Data-First Culture in Quality Management Systems
The fusion of blockchain and calibration management software supports a broader digital transformation agenda. It encourages a shift towards data-driven decision-making across manufacturing operations, reducing reliance on paper-based or siloed systems.
Enabling Predictive Calibration Intervals
Blockchain, when combined with AI and machine learning algorithms, enables predictive analytics that adjust calibration schedules based on usage patterns and historical drift data. This innovation enhances quality control while reducing the risk of downtime.
Industry-Specific Use Cases for Blockchain-Based Calibration
Pharmaceutical Sector: Ensuring Cleanroom Instrument Calibration
In pharma, where environmental control is paramount, calibration management software integrated with blockchain ensures that all cleanroom instruments meet strict traceability requirements. Any calibration failure triggers automated nonconformance workflows, preserving data integrity across the chain.
Aerospace and Defense: Zero-Tolerance for Instrument Drift
The aerospace sector demands absolute precision. Blockchain-enhanced calibration software ensures every torque wrench, pressure gauge, or flight control sensor is traceable to its last certified calibration event. This level of rigor supports compliance with stringent aerospace standards and mitigates operational risks.
Elevating Stakeholder Accountability Through Transparency
Technician Credentialing and Role-Based Access
With blockchain, calibration events are linked directly to the certified technician who performed them. The system enforces role-based access to ensure only authorized personnel can execute or validate calibration procedures. This strengthens the overall governance of the quality management system.
Supplier Traceability for Calibrated Instruments
Organizations that rely on third-party calibration labs benefit from enhanced supplier visibility. Blockchain records help monitor supplier performance, adherence to timelines, and consistency in calibration standards—a key factor in managing the cost of quality.
The Future of Calibration Management: Scalability and Compliance
Preparing for Global Expansion with Decentralized Systems
Blockchain provides the scalability needed to support multinational operations. As companies expand, their calibration management software must maintain consistency in compliance and traceability across geographies. Blockchain ensures uniform enforcement of calibration policies globally.
Building Resilience Against Cyber and Data Integrity Threats
The decentralized nature of blockchain enhances cybersecurity by reducing single points of failure. It creates tamper-resistant logs that are immune to unauthorized changes, making it an ideal choice for managing mission-critical calibration data in regulated environments.
As regulatory pressures intensify and the cost of quality continues to rise, organizations must modernize their approach to calibration and quality management. Blockchain-enhanced calibration management software presents an unparalleled opportunity to boost transparency, traceability, and trust across the product lifecycle. ComplianceQuest stands at the forefront of this evolution, offering a robust, cloud-based platform that unifies quality management system functionalities with advanced technologies like blockchain. For manufacturers in the life sciences and discrete manufacturing sectors, adopting ComplianceQuest in 2025 isn’t just a competitive advantage—it's a strategic necessity for long-term resilience and growth.
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itclabs · 8 months ago
Discover top-notch pharmaceutical testing services at ITC Labs. Our state-of-the-art pharmaceutical testing lab provides comprehensive analysis to ensure the safety and efficacy of your products. Trust our expert pharmaceutical analysis lab for accurate and reliable results. Choose ITC Labs for all your pharma testing services needs. Contact us today!
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riya459 · 16 hours ago
Microbiology Testing Laboratory | Accurate Solutions at Biozed
Biozed's microbiology testing laboratory offers precise analysis to detect bacteria, fungi, yeast, and pathogens. Ensure safety and compliance with advanced testing solutions for food, water, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Trusted by manufacturers and businesses for reliable results. Visit our lab for expert microbiological testing services.
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gdgoenka6 · 17 hours ago
Top Diploma and Certification Courses After 12th Biology for a Successful Career
Choosing the right career path after completing 12th with Biology can be challenging, especially if you are looking for alternatives to traditional MBBS or BDS courses. While medical and paramedical degrees require years of study, diploma and certification courses offer quicker entry into the professional world with great career prospects. One such excellent choice is the Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology in Goa, which prepares students for a stable career in the healthcare industry.
If you are interested in a fast-track career in medical sciences, research, or allied healthcare, here are some of the top diploma and certification courses you can pursue after 12th Biology.
1. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT)
The Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology in Goa is a highly sought-after course for students interested in diagnostic sciences. Medical lab technicians play a crucial role in analyzing blood, urine, and tissue samples, assisting doctors in diagnosing diseases.
Why Choose DMLT?
Shorter duration compared to MBBS (usually 2 years)
High demand for medical lab professionals
Job opportunities in hospitals, diagnostic labs, and research institutions
Competitive salary packages in both government and private sectors
2. Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm)
For students interested in the pharmaceutical industry, D. Pharm is a great option. This course focuses on drug composition, prescription, and patient counseling.
Career Opportunities:
Pharmacist in hospitals and retail pharmacies
Medical representative
Work in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies
3. Diploma in Radiology and Imaging Technology
This diploma course trains students in medical imaging techniques such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, which are essential for diagnosing various medical conditions.
Job Prospects:
Radiology technician in hospitals
Diagnostic imaging centers
Research laboratories
4. Diploma in Nursing
If you have a passion for patient care, a diploma in nursing can be a great choice. Nurses are in high demand globally, offering excellent career stability and job satisfaction.
Career Scope:
Work in hospitals, clinics, and old-age homes
Nursing assistant in healthcare facilities
Opportunity to pursue higher studies like B.Sc. Nursing
5. Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
With increasing awareness about health and wellness, nutritionists and dietitians are in demand. This diploma focuses on dietary planning, nutrition counseling, and food science.
Job Roles:
Clinical dietitian
Nutritionist in gyms and wellness centers
Health coach
6. Diploma in Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is an essential part of rehabilitation and recovery for patients suffering from injuries or chronic illnesses. This diploma equips students with skills in physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques.
Career Opportunities:
Work in hospitals, physiotherapy centers, and sports clinics
Private practice
Rehabilitation centers
7. Diploma in Ophthalmic Technology
This diploma course trains students to assist ophthalmologists in diagnosing and treating eye-related disorders.
Job Roles:
Ophthalmic technician
Work in eye hospitals and vision clinics
Lens manufacturing and optical testing
8. Certificate Course in Forensic Science
For students interested in crime investigations and forensic analysis, this certification offers a specialized career path in forensic labs and law enforcement agencies.
Job Opportunities:
Forensic lab technician
Crime scene investigator
DNA analyst
9. Diploma in Biotechnology
Biotechnology is a growing field with applications in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental science. This diploma covers genetic engineering, microbiology, and biochemical processes.
Career Options:
Work in pharmaceutical and biotech companies
Research assistant in laboratories
Food and agriculture industry roles
10. Diploma in Veterinary Science
If you love animals and want to work in veterinary care, this diploma provides training in animal healthcare, pet grooming, and livestock management.
Career Opportunities:
Veterinary assistant
Animal care technician
Pet clinic worker
Final Thoughts
For students who want a career in the medical and healthcare field without spending years in medical school, diploma and certification courses offer excellent alternatives. The Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology in Goa is one of the best choices for those looking for stable and rewarding job opportunities in diagnostic sciences.
Choose a course based on your interest and career goals to build a successful future in the healthcare industry!
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laraphleb · 1 day ago
Top 10 Places to Work as a Phlebotomist: Unlocking Your Career Opportunities
Top 10 places ‍to Work as a Phlebotomist: Unlocking Your Career Opportunities
Phlebotomy is a vital‍ aspect of healthcare that involves drawing ⁣blood for tests, transfusions, donations, or research. If you’re a‍ phlebotomist looking to unlock new career opportunities, understanding where⁢ you can work is essential. This article will guide you through the‍ top 10 places to work as a phlebotomist ⁢ and provide valuable insights into each setting.
1. Hospitals
Hospitals are one of the most common⁢ employers for phlebotomists. They offer a dynamic work environment with various opportunities ⁣for skill development.working in a hospital allows you to interact with a diverse ⁤patient population and collaborate with healthcare⁤ teams.
2. Diagnostic Laboratories
Diagnostic labs​ specialize in testing and analysis. As a phlebotomist in this setting, ​you’ll ​perform‌ blood draws and prepare samples for testing, playing a critical role in diagnosing illnesses.
3. Blood Donation Centers
Phlebotomists working in blood donation centers⁣ help collect blood from donors. ‍This type of work is ​fulfilling as you contribute ⁤to saving lives. Blood ⁢banks​ frequently enough offer flexible hours to accommodate volunteers.
4. Physician’s Offices
Many physicians’ ‍offices hire phlebotomists to perform blood ⁣draws in a private setting.This ‍role allows you to develop strong patient relationships and often involves administrative⁤ tasks as well.
5. Urgent Care⁤ Clinics
Urgent ⁤care clinics need phlebotomists to assist ‍with⁣ on-demand blood work. Thes facilities typically see a high volume of patients, providing a fast-paced work environment.
6. Mobile Phlebotomy Services
Mobile phlebotomy is an emerging‌ trend where phlebotomists travel to patients’ ⁣homes or workplaces ⁤to perform blood ‍draws. This ⁤role offers versatility and can be appealing for those ​seeking non-traditional work settings.
7. Research Facilities
research laboratories, often associated with universities ⁤or ‌pharmaceutical companies, require phlebotomists to collect samples for research studies.⁢ This environment can provide unique career development opportunities.
8. Community Health Clinics
Community health centers prioritize accessible ‌healthcare ⁣for underprivileged populations. Working hear allows ​phlebotomists to serve diverse communities while enhancing their public health knowledge.
9. ‍Insurance Companies
Some insurance companies employ phlebotomists to⁤ conduct health assessments and screenings.This role often involves​ less⁣ direct patient interaction⁢ compared to other settings but can offer competitive salaries and benefits.
10. Private Healthcare Practices
Numerous private healthcare practices—such as dermatology or endocrinology—employ phlebotomists. This setting enables you ‍to leverage specialized skills and provides opportunities for long-term employment.
Benefits of ​Working as ‌a Phlebotomist
Job Stability: The demand for phlebotomists ​continues to grow, providing job security.
Competitive Salaries: Phlebotomists earn a median⁤ salary that is competitive within the‌ healthcare field.
Flexible Hours: positions in various ‍settings often offer​ part-time or full-time options, allowing for work-life ​balance.
Prospect for Advancement: With additional training and ⁤certifications, phlebotomists can advance to roles such as laboratory⁤ technician or supervisor.
Practical Tips for Aspiring Phlebotomists
Get Certified: Obtain certification from recognized organizations to enhance‌ your employability.
Network: Connect with professionals in your field through conferences and social media to discover job opportunities.
Stay ⁣Updated: Keep up ​with the⁤ latest trends and technologies‌ in phlebotomy to remain competitive.
practice Soft Skills: Effective dialog and empathetic ‌patient interaction⁣ are crucial for success.
Table: Phlebotomist career Overview
Work Setting
Key Responsibilities
Growth Opportunities
Blood draws, sample preparations, patient care
specialization, managerial roles
Diagnostic Labs
Testing, sample analysis
Laboratory technician, research ⁣roles
Blood⁤ Donation Centers
Collect donations,⁤ donor relationship management
Quality control, supervisory positions
Physician’s Offices
Blood draws, administrative tasks
Office​ management, expanded healthcare roles
Mobile phlebotomy
On-site blood draws, patient scheduling
Business ownership, freelance opportunities
Case Studies: Success in Phlebotomy
Many phlebotomists have shared their success stories, illustrating how they maximized their careers. As an ⁣example, a phlebotomist who started in a hospital transitioned to​ a mobile⁣ phlebotomy service, substantially increasing their earnings and job satisfaction by offering flexible scheduling and better ​work-life balance.
First-Hand Experience: ⁤Working ​in a Major Hospital
A certified phlebotomist recounts, “Working in a⁢ large urban hospital exposed me to numerous cases⁤ and a diverse demographic. Each ⁤day presented unique challenges, but the teamwork and empathy ‌shared⁤ among⁣ staff enhanced my overall experience.” This⁢ insight reflects the enriching environment that hospitals provide for phlebotomists.
As​ a​ phlebotomist, your career opportunities are vast, ‍ranging from hospitals to mobile services. Understanding the top places to work can not onyl enhance your professional journey but also help you align your skills and interests with⁣ the right work environment. By focusing on⁣ your skills, ​networking, and gaining certifications, you’ll position yourself for success in this ⁢rewarding field. Start exploring your options today, and unlock your career potential as a phlebotomist!
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morgan-blair · 1 day ago
Internships for Life Science Students: A Gateway to a Promising Career
The field of life sciences is vast, covering disciplines such as biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, bioinformatics, and more. With advancements in research and technology, the demand for skilled professionals continues to grow. One of the best ways for aspiring professionals to gain hands-on experience is through internships for life science students. These opportunities not only bridge the gap between academic learning and practical application but also help students build industry connections and enhance their resumes.
Why Internships Matter in Life Sciences
Internships serve as an essential stepping stone for students aiming to excel in life sciences. Here’s why they are crucial:
Hands-on Experience: Internships provide practical exposure, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Industry Exposure: By working in research labs, pharmaceutical companies, or biotech firms, students gain insight into industry operations.
Skill Development: Interns develop technical skills, analytical abilities, and soft skills like communication and teamwork.
Career Clarity: Experiencing different roles helps students understand their interests and choose their career paths wisely.
Networking Opportunities: Internships enable students to build professional relationships that can help in future job placements.
Top Sectors Offering Internships for Life Science Students
There are several domains where students can pursue internships, including:
1. Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
Biotech and pharma companies offer internships focusing on drug development, genetic research, and clinical trials. Students work alongside scientists and researchers to develop innovative solutions in healthcare.
2. Biomedical Research
Research institutions and universities provide opportunities for students to assist in groundbreaking studies related to human health, diseases, and treatment innovations.
3. Environmental Science and Sustainability
For those interested in ecology, conservation, and sustainability, internships in environmental labs and research centers are a great choice.
4. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
With the rise of big data in life sciences, students with programming skills can intern in bioinformatics labs, working on genomic data analysis and AI-driven healthcare solutions.
5. Food and Agriculture Technology
Internships in agribusiness and food science focus on improving crop yield, genetic engineering, and sustainable food production.
How to Secure an Internship in Life Sciences
Finding the right internship requires strategy and persistence. Here are some tips to help students secure a valuable internship:
1. Research and Identify Opportunities
Students should explore various organizations, research labs, and companies that offer internships for life science students. Many institutions post openings on their official websites.
2. Build a Strong Resume and Cover Letter
Highlight relevant coursework, lab experience, and projects in your resume. A well-crafted cover letter showcasing your enthusiasm and skills can make a difference.
3. Network with Professionals
Engaging with professors, attending industry seminars, and connecting with professionals on LinkedIn can open doors to internship opportunities.
4. Apply to Multiple Internships
It’s advisable to apply to several internships to increase your chances of selection. Tailoring each application to the specific role enhances the likelihood of acceptance.
5. Prepare for Interviews
Being well-versed with industry trends, research techniques, and basic technical skills can help students excel in internship interviews.
Final Thoughts
Securing internships for life science students is a crucial step toward a successful career in the field. These experiences provide students with practical exposure, skill enhancement, and networking opportunities that lay the foundation for future job prospects. By proactively searching and applying for internships, students can gain valuable insights and set themselves apart in this competitive industry.
Are you looking for an internship in life sciences? Start your journey today and take the first step toward an exciting and rewarding career!
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glarcresearch · 1 day ago
Comprehensive Testing Services for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices by Glarc Lab
Ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of pharmaceuticals and medical devices is a crucial aspect of healthcare and regulatory compliance. At Glarc Lab, we specialize in providing top-notch testing services that adhere to stringent industry standards. From Testing of Bhasma to Testing of Medical Devices in Delhi, our laboratory is equipped with advanced technology and a team of experts dedicated to quality assurance.
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Importance of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Testing
The pharmaceutical and healthcare industries rely on accurate and reliable testing to ensure that products are safe for consumers. Regulatory bodies, including the FDA and other global health organizations, mandate strict quality control measures. Whether it is Testing of drugs in Delhi or Raw material testing in Delhi, thorough analysis helps in maintaining product consistency and effectiveness.
Glarc Lab: Your Trusted Testing Partner
At Glarc Lab, we offer a wide range of testing services tailored to the needs of pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and herbal medicine providers. Our state-of-the-art lab ensures that every product meets the required safety and efficacy standards.
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1. Testing of Bhasma
Bhasma, a traditional Ayurvedic preparation made from minerals and metals, must be tested for purity, composition, and safety. At Glarc Lab, we perform detailed Testing of Bhasma to detect impurities, verify particle size, and ensure compliance with Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia standards.
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2. Testing of Drugs in Delhi
Drug testing is an essential process to confirm the identity, strength, and quality of pharmaceutical formulations. We conduct Testing of drugs in Delhi to assess their chemical composition, stability, and bioavailability, ensuring they meet regulatory guidelines.
3. Testing of Capsules
Capsules are widely used for drug delivery, and their quality must be verified before reaching consumers. Our Testing of Capsules includes dissolution, disintegration, weight variation, and microbial contamination analysis to ensure they meet industry standards.
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4. Raw Material Testing in Delhi
The quality of raw materials used in pharmaceutical and medical product manufacturing directly impacts the final product's safety and efficacy. Our Raw material testing in Delhi ensures that ingredients meet the necessary specifications and are free from contaminants.
5. Surgical Item Testing
Surgical instruments and disposable medical products must be tested for sterility, durability, and biocompatibility. Surgical Item Testing at Glarc Lab includes mechanical, microbiological, and material composition analysis to meet global safety standards.
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6. Testing of Medical Devices in Delhi
Medical devices, ranging from diagnostic tools to implants, require rigorous testing to ensure safety and effectiveness. Our Testing of Medical Devices in Delhi covers electrical safety, functionality, material compatibility, and sterility to comply with regulatory requirements.
7. Testing of Injections
Injections are a critical part of drug administration and must be free from contaminants, particles, and harmful substances. Our Testing of Injections includes sterility tests, pyrogen tests, and particulate matter analysis to guarantee safe and effective usage.
Why Choose Glarc Lab?
Advanced Technology: Our lab is equipped with the latest instruments to ensure accurate and reliable results.
Regulatory Compliance: We adhere to national and international quality standards for pharmaceutical and medical device testing.
Experienced Professionals: Our team of skilled scientists and analysts is committed to delivering high-quality testing services.
Timely Reports: We provide fast and detailed testing reports to help businesses meet production timelines.
Ensuring the quality of pharmaceuticals, raw materials, and medical devices is crucial for public health and regulatory compliance. Glarc Lab offers comprehensive testing solutions, including Testing of Bhasma, Testing of drugs in Delhi, Testing of Capsules, Raw material testing in Delhi, Surgical Item Testing, Testing of Medical Devices in Delhi, and Testing of Injections. Trust Glarc Lab for all your testing needs and ensure the safety and reliability of your products.
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