#pgr drabble
unhappy-last-resort · 7 months
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Chrome, perhaps one of the most dependable and trustworthy constructs you've ever met. If only you knew how crazy you make him.
At first he excused the way he felt about you. You're a very capable and unique person, it's only natural for him to...observe you so closely, it's purely to help him understand you better so he knows how to use you when he needs to.
His habit of keeping an eye on wherever you go is simply because you have a tendency to get hurt is all. Nothing more. And no, he's not upset that you keep bottling all your up all your feelings, or run off in the dead of night to tell some other construct who has ties to the ascendants...He's sure you have your reasons, he'll just have to make sure you know he's available for you more often.
But then, all of a sudden the world started to feel more dangerous than it ever has been. It's impossible not to think about losing you, about you dying alone somewhere, or being ripped to pieces by hetero-creatures and corrupted. He has nightmares of it every time he sleeps, of you being taken away from him.
Perhaps that's why he started tracking you, placing little cameras in your room, setting up a secret comms channel that's only open one way so he can hear everything you do and everyone you talk to, no matter where you are. He's learned so much about you this way. You're rather reckless in who you talk to, but what's more interesting is the sides of yourself you show to each individual. He hates to admit it, but it brings him a kind of voyeuristic joy to be able to watch you like this. Whenever he's missing you, you're always a button away, whether you realize it or not.
Sometimes, he thinks of taking things further. Just to see how far he can take it, but for right now, being present for everything you do is enough.
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eld-creative · 9 months
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Battle hungry
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chronosh0t · 8 months
“ I listen to everything you say ”
short drabble based off this tweet
tags: male skk Zenas (my OC) x Lee ; PGR ; alternative universe but still inside the world of pgr ; ascendant Lee, the "young man / other Ascendant" is my OC Arawn.
words: 1.9k
this is very self-indulgent. no beta reader.
if you have any question, feel free to ask me on the box thingie! you can also find me on twt under the same username.
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It ended all wrong. Everything turned out to be wrong.
Zenas doesn't remember where, at what point things decided to turn in the wrong direction and changed the course of his life, of one his teammates life. He could not think of any specific moment, choice, or action that could explain the situation at hand at that exact time, but he knew that there was no way he could've turned back to zero again.
Not even now.
The days in Babylonia started to feel too dull, too dark, even the weather felt extremely gloomy, as if the system wanted to accompany him in his mourning. There was always a silence, that no matter how loud the music was, how many people talked, it was impossible to ignore. The absence was abysmal.
Zenas's mind was spiralling to utter chaos and, if he was truly honest with himself, he wasn't even trying to find a stop. The flashbacks of that day, as if they were purposely hunting him and remind him how much everything has changed, colliding with the knowledge of not being able to do nothing, not back then, not now.
He wanted to just sleep and forget about everything. If he were a Construct he would've already asked for a reboot. To Zenas's own disgrace he was but a mere human, and amnesia wasn't something one could ask and be given. He wished he could give up. However, it was not an option. There were still two girls waiting for him to get better, to be back so they could keep with their mission, for them, and for him. 
Him. The one missing. The one who wouldn't come back no matter how loud and how many times Zenas called him. His name tasted so different. Bitter.
Unknown to Zenas. He was also calling him, missing him, missing his teammates, missing his days in Babylonia. But he knew that, for his Commandant to be safe, it was best if they thought he was dead. And that's how it should've stayed. How it was supposed to be, yet, not quite meant.
Lee spent the days after the incident of the tower, wandering around earth, cleaning some corrupted and trying to help humans in need. He would search for any supplies that could help them go through their situation a bit better, Lee would also stay in some safe zones by providing some protection, all that by keeping a line and not letting any Construct from Babylonia know he was still alive.
After all, he was technically an Ascendant now. Even if he didn't give himself to the virus and became an Agent, he was still a corrupted, someone who Babylonia deemed a danger, something that needed to be ended. The years he spent in the front lines fighting for humanity meant nothing.
But it mattered little. As long as he could keep helping, it was fine. He just needed to make sure to keep his activities hidden and it should be fine. Right? That's how he planned everything, however, not everything goes according to a certain plan. That's why Lee never expected to see him.
Just like any other day, Lee was scanning the surroundings, his gun needed some repair after fighting nonstop some ascendants he did not know about. The task, as difficult as trying to dry out the ocean, was taking too long, he walked for hours, checked dead corrupted and even the weapons those ascendants were using, to no avail.
The sun was setting down. Wandering during the night being not the best option, he opted for finding a suitable place to rest and hide. That's where he found such a place. A greenhouse.
How come there's a greenhouse? Is that even possible considering the environment? Those thoughts filled his M.I.N.D. It was in fair condition, the glasses a bit muddy, but none of them were broken. He could see even a variety of flowers, wild grass growing outside the greenhouse, birds and butterflies flying happily at the sight.
While keeping as quiet as he could, Lee tried to get close and what he saw startled him. Inside, vintage furniture in really good state, teacups and… food? Two shadows suddenly appeared, Lee clutched down, kept that position for a few seconds before straightening a bit and focusing his visual mode on the two people.
Ascendants? Humans?
He could clearly see one of them, although just from the back, he had long white hair, dressed in a… suit? as weird as it looked, that person was wearing quite a fancy suit, and his mannerisms were as delicate as they could be. Maybe that individual used to be from a prominent family. The latter sat down on a sofa, now the other person was visible.
Lee's mechanical heart started to beat too fast. Chaos formed on his M.I.N.D and he could feel how his frame was malfunctioning slightly at the sight. The height matched perfectly, those pretty and unique eyes, with more dark circles that he remembered, that black messy hair with blue tips. Oh, and that mischievous smile, showing his fangs.
It was him. His Commandant. Zenas was standing there, inside that greenhouse, and moreover, he was having a conversation with an Ascendant. His posture was casual, Lee could notice that Zenas was too relaxed, so that only meant one thing: he knew that Ascendant, he knew he wasn't in danger.
In an attempt to deny what he was seeing, he double checked his visual modules and even did a deep scan on his M.I.N.D, just to be sure that it wasn't a trick or some error. As expected, everything was fine. What he saw was happening.
Lee sat down and rested his back on a rock. He needed to calm down. Of course, it was easier to said than to be done, it has been so long since the last time he saw Zenas, he knew himself very well, denying those feelings and the urge to run inside that greenhouse were too much to handle, but he couldn't let his Commandant know he was alive. Or it would oppose a danger not only to him but also to Lucia and Liv. He closed his eyes and tried to think of just that, of how bad it'd be if he dared to show his face. But oh boy, how much he desired to see him up close, to hug him, to…
ㅤㅤㅤ“Don't lose focus.” he said to himself through gritted teeth.
His ear still picked up some noise. If he wanted he could've easily listened to what they were talking but it was none of his business. At least not anymore. So he only opted to hear small hints that would let him know if Zenas left. And after what seemed ages, the glass door opened and a pair of steps started to fade away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He left already.” a raspy voice came from behind, “You can come out now, Ascendant.” finished, for some reason the tone of his voice carried some kind of annoyance.
Lee stood up and faced the white-haired person. It was a few centimetres taller than him, up close he could see his eyes didn't match in colour, one was of a dark green and the other was black. He talked and moved with delicacy. Nonetheless, this young man was still an Ascendant, so why did he sound so annoyed? Could it be..?
ㅤㅤㅤ“Why were you hiding here?” he asked, his face was stoic, no sign of emotion, then added, “You are… Lee, right?”
That question left Lee speechless. Did he know who he was? Does that mean, as he thought of, Zenas knew this Ascendant was some sort of friend? He was at loss for words. The silence was enough response for the man in front of him.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Zenas used to talk a lot about you” mencione casually, at the same time he did a gesture with his hand, as if telling Lee to get inside the greenhouse so they could talk. So he did.
After the two of them walked in, the door closed. The young man talked again. “You look slightly different from what he told me, but the overall essence is there. How did he call you?” he pondered to himself while serving tea. “Ah, right, he used to refer to you as his ‘soon-to-be boyfriend’, I remember now.”
His… boyfriend. It sounded pretty, it sounded right. Lee was not aware of it, but a smile took shape, the boy who was looking at him let out a sigh. If there was a mirror, Lee would've probably be shocked now, the warmth inside his body was perfectly visible on his face, that shy smile was still there and there was so much fondness in his eyes.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You can just tell him. He would go with you.”
That line brought Lee back to reality. Now his eyes were locked on the young man's. If he was honest, he wanted to ask what kind of relationship the two of them has but right now there was something more important to clarify.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He is not allowed to know I'm alive. It would out him in a lot of risk” Lee said firmly.
ㅤㅤㅤ“But he—”
ㅤㅤㅤ“I know he…” there was a pause, the words were stuck on his throat, swallowing seemed like a hard task now, “I know he would follow me, but it's precisely because of that reason that he mustn't know about my actual situation.”
The young man, again, sighed heavily. “I never understood him, and now I don't understand you either. It's clear that both of you share the same feelings for the other, so why not make it easy and just be honest?” he took a sir, crossed his leg and grabbed one of the teacup, “What are you scared of? He is a very strong and capable human, and trust me, he is not fond of the human side of his. He would gladly give up that just to stay with you.” finished his sentence and took a sip. Lee could smell it, it was a strong black tea, the same Zenas would usually drink.
Lee grasped his gun with so much strength it started to break, that statement was enough to make him angry. Funny enough that anger was directly at himself, for feeling slightly happy at hearing that, at the fact that Zenas felt the same way he did.
ㅤㅤㅤ“No.” Lee replied, the anger did not subdued. “If you know what I feel, then you should know that I would never do something that'd put him in danger. So I suggest you keep your mouth shut and keep this conversation hidden from him.”
The next few seconds were filled with silence, not far away the sound of birds could be heard. The tension was so palpable, anyone who dared to enter that greenhouse would've been able to feel it, even cut it with scissors. The Ascendant took a few more sips from the cup, placed it back on the table and stood up again, walked straight to Lee and stopped two steps away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You would do anything he ordered you, right? That's how loyal you are.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” he answered.
ㅤㅤㅤ“If he asked you to kill yourself, would you do it?” the man questioned him again, his eyes showing not a single ounce of emotion.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” dry, sure of himself. That was Lee's answer.
The Ascendants let out a chuckle. It seemed that he was not expecting such loyalty. And there was not a single second where the man thought Lee was lying, what made it even more surprising.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What a duo of insane people.”
🦋 and that's it. i hope it was good enough.
🦋 if you reaches this far, thank you for reading.
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aetherose · 4 months
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Layla's Transcendence
Punishing: Gray Raven Chapter 12 spoilers
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Unending, searing pain that overwhelmed her sensors, but for fear of suffering M.I.N.D. deviation and falling to the Virus sooner, she did not dare turn off her pain receptors.
Is this what all Corrupted go through in the process of losing themselves to the Virus? Or was it her persistence to live what made it all the worse for her? Or perhaps, this was just the result of her wounds.
It wasn't the first time she'd experienced infection from the Punishing Virus. As a human, it was the reason she had been dying, and had to be taken by Babylonia to become a Construct to save her life. Yet, that felt tame in comparison to now.
Likely because she was becoming Corrupted, and she knew it. That's why she had fled to the edge of Kowloong now. She was afraid of the possibility of becoming a Corrupted, but she was even more terrified of hurting her friends. Liv, Lee, the Commandant...Lucia, if she still lives.
(No, she has to survive. She has to. She will. Right...?)
How ridiculous is that? She wants to protect her friends from herself, but she doesn't dare step near any of the other squads to beg them to end her life. Because she's scared of death. But becoming a Corrupted is a worse fate than death, isn't it?
Yet, here she was, inching her way forward through sheer will to survive, even knowing her time was limited.
It's so stupid. She's always been stupid, though. She's a foolish girl who's killed, maimed, stolen, and more to survive, in spite of knowing how little right she really has.
And now because she's afraid of death, she is trying to fight off Corruption rather than ask for a quicker, much better end to her misery that'd guarantee she'd hurt no one.
Death is a fate she deserves, she knows it, yet she runs from it. Perhaps becoming a Corrupted is a more fitting end, all things considered, however.
It doesn't matter now. She's so far from the main scene of the ongoing fight in Kowloong she doubts there's a soul around now to end her even if she wanted it. And she's not sure she has enough time left to inch her way back to find someone.
Her fate is sealed, but she still persists.
She keeps limping forward. It's a wonder she can even walk, frankly, even if just barely in her current state. Her legs suffered the most when she found herself assaulted by Corrupted. Clawing all over her, leaving her now with faint electric sparks occasionally flickering from the now-visible machinery beneath the synthetic skin due to her wounds.
But her whole body is a wreck, not just her legs. Crimson vital fluid covers her all over, leaking from her wounds and seeping into her clothes, and she leaves a faint trail of vital fluid in her wake. Her sword was missing half its blade now, but she still clung to it for dear life. She knows if anything attacked her right now, she'd likely stand no chance, and yet here she was, gripping onto it.
It was the sword she'd been using for years now. A sword she'd taken so many lives with. Corrupted, humans, Mechanoids, and Constructs alike. None were spared, all were executed by Babylonia's orders, or were felled for her own survival.
The utter guilt she'd felt for it had threatened to drown her on numerous occasions. And in her dying state, it slithered back from where it always lingered in the back of her mind to the forefront.
Guilt. They say that's the emotion one must have if one wishes to redeem themself for their sins. But with how many sins she carries with her every second of every hour of every day of her now eternal life as a Construct, can you say she is redeemable?
Every life was an individual. No matter how many times she says she's sorry and no matter why she took that life, she still took it. It doesn't matter if she had to for survival, or under orders, or for war, or whatever else. She took so many lives, and ruined many others.
She is not the only one who suffers in this world. So many others suffer like her. She's seen it with her own eyes so many times. She is just another soul crushed under the ever-turning wheel that continues beyond her to crush thousands more as the apocalypse rages on.
('Isn't it detestable? The way that humans brought this onto themselves, and continue to hurt their own kind because of it?')
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Layla freezes as she hears that voice in her M.I.N.D. She at first looks around her, to try to find a person nearby who spoke, but she knows, in truth, there is no one at all nearby on the edge of this ancient, deserted city.
Is she hearing things now? Is this also what Corrupted go through?
('No, only a handful even get to hear this voice.') It states simply, seemingly a little amused at her confusion. ('Your will to persist is admirable, you see. But you cling to things as pointless as compassion. You find a way to feel sympathy for so many around you, and then beat yourself up about what you have to do to live.')
'Because they've suffered just like I have. Because they don't deserve what I do to them. I'm...an awful person.' She answers within her M.I.N.D. to the voice, and it seems to click its tongue.
('Oh, how very cute. But you know deep down they don't deserve it. Humans aren't beings to sympathize with. They're the ones who put you into this position in the first place out of their own senseless hatred. Don't you remember your mother?')
Layla's mother...she remembers her very well. Complicated emotions fill Layla as she finds herself leaning against a nearby wall, as memories filled her M.I.N.D.
('Don't you remember how much you tried to earn her love? The way she always looked at you, a small child, with contempt every time? All because of reasons you couldn't, and still don't fully understand. And not even just her, but your whole family looked at you the same way.')
She remembers it like it was yesterday. Each day before she was 11 years old, she would always go up to her mother and try to talk to her through pen and paper, ever since she learned to write. Each time, her mother would only briefly glance at it, before telling her to leave her alone. Sometimes she hit her if Layla persisted further.
Layla's relatives only humored her presence to ask her to do things for them, before shooing her away. Or worse, they too looked at her with hatred and refused to let her near them.
Even her younger cousins avoided her because of their parents' warnings. She held onto hope for so long, in spite of how painful it was. How lonely it was.
But in the end, she soon snapped, and burned her estate and family to the ground when she was 11, out of a childish wish for the pain to just end.
('Do you regret it?') The voice asked as the memory came to mind, and she hesitates to answer. The voice speaks before she can think of any response.
('Don't regret it. They deserved it, Layla. They deserved it. Humans are all the same. All because they thought you a defective child, they never gave you love or kindness, and used you for their own ends. You should hate them.') Yet why doesn't she? Why doesn't she fully hate them?
...That's right. Because some part of her still wonders if there's something truly that twisted and ugly in her, that made them not love her. Maybe she was defective in a way she couldn't understand.
('You aren't. No, perhaps the defective ones are in fact humans themselves. Think about it. Look back on all your memories after that fire you caused. How many times have you had to suck up to those with power to live? How many other times have you begged for food or shelter and been denied? How many times have you had to fight off those who tried to steal your supplies? How many times have you been used and been betrayed by those who did accept your request for help?')
Layla grits her teeth at the voice's words. 'But I was just as bad.'
('They were the ones who hurt you first.')
'But that doesn't make me any better.'
('You just wanted to survive.')
'So did they.'
('But how can you be sure they were truly people just as hurt by the world as you are? And even then...why should you care? Humans only worsen this world. They are a pestilence. They hurt you. They've hurt each other. All for power, or even pettiness, spite...and you know they treat Constructs even worse. Former humans who became machines to help save the world, treated as nothing more than tools...like yourself. And even they are not all pure-hearted, for they came from humans, even if they are now machines.') Layla goes silent, and the voice merely continues on.
('You could change this world, if only you accept the truth, and discard that compassion of yours. You could make a world that would accept you, you who they used, betrayed, and threw out like trash. Embrace your hatred, and turn it into the strength to destroy and remake this world.')
For a moment, for just a small moment, Layla thinks about it. Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful, to embrace her anger and hate, to destroy and remake this world that hurt her so badly? To make a world that'd accept her, a better world for everyone, without the lying, hypocritical humans that only hurt this world worse within it?
It'd be so easy to let go. It'd be so, so easy, to take that step and let herself fall into the depths of enmity. Some part of her wants to. The hurt, resentful child that burned down her home and family in her perhaps would accept it. That child remains in her heart, and now wants her to accept this voice's offer.
But then, more memories comes to her M.I.N.D.
Several years ago, when Layla was still in training after becoming a Construct, she'd already become an outcast amongst Babylonia. She struggled to speak in spite of now having a functioning voice module (even now she struggles, and prefers sign language and handwriting). She was the weird mute girl; an easy target for harassment.
Other Construct trainees would take advantage of the fact she struggled to talk back and ganged up, saying cruel words, one day, escalated to become physical, because no one was looking, and she couldn't cry out for help.
Layla had cowered in the corner and braced herself for what was about to come, but instead, heard the sounds of her tormentors themselves crying out in pain. And before she knew it, they were all on the ground, groaning and moaning in agony.
A woman with red eyes and black hair stood over them, gaze piercing as the Constructs looked up at her. They soon fled, and the woman reached out her hand and helped Layla up, confirmed she was alright, and then simply walked off.
It was the first time anyone had bothered to help Layla, without asking anything in return. Let alone, Layla quickly realized the one who helped her was Lucia, the Captain of Gray Raven, an elite squad highly admired by many. Why would someone like that help Layla and then ask for nothing in return? Layla went up to ask her later, and all she had to say on the matter was simply...
"What would I need from you?"
It left Layla dumbfounded. Lucia even knew her name beforehand, and before either of them knew it, they ended up becoming fast friends. Best friends, in fact. And for Layla, Lucia was her very first friend. Layla would later be assigned to Purifying Force, and became one of Nikola's personal practical attack dogs, but despite her displeasure at her position, how she resented Babylonia, she found Lucia made it all so much more bearable.
And then Gray Raven was wiped out, and Lucia Recalled, sustaining memory loss in the process. And for a time, Layla was bereaved. Because she knew the Lucia in front of her...wasn't just Lucia with memory loss.
No, she had a feeling...she was a whole other Lucia in the first place. Not like she could confirm anything; Babylonia made it difficult even for Purifying Force to get their hands on such classified files.
Regardless, Layla still mourned the Lucia she lost, whether it was a whole other one, or the old self of the current one. But then she was moved to the new Gray Raven, and found herself growing close to Lucia again.
And then this battle in Kowloong began, and it turned out Layla was right, and that...Alpha of the Ascendants was the original Lucia. But how? Why would she become this? She was so...different now, and she hated the other Lucia so much too, for being a clone.
But...she was still Lucia, too.
Both of them were. Both of them were kind to her. And in Babylonia, thanks to them, she started to open herself more to others. She made several friends. She can't simply ignore the good people she's met. She resents this world, and a level of misanthropy still exists in her.
But she cannot simply accept this voice's proposal, that asked her to embrace a hatred of all humans, of this whole world, and tear it all down to remake it anew, when this world wasn't black and white in such a way. There was bad...a lot of bad...but then, there was also...so much good.
Like Lucia. Like Alpha. Like Liv. Like Lee. Like Commandant.
She found her knees were about to give out as she came to this conclusion, and the pain she'd started growing able to ignore seemed to suddenly increase now, but she still persisted, as she responded to the voice in her M.I.N.D.
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'...I will have to reject your offer. This world...is a flawed place, yes. But...I can't just ignore how many good people I've met here.'
The voice seemed slightly taken aback by her answer...and then started to become hostile. ('If you don't accept my offer, you will cease to be yourself, and become a Corrupted.')
'...But if I accept your offer, I will have to tear asunder this whole world. You...just want to make me a puppet of destruction. You just want to use me...like all the others, don't you?'
('No, I'm offering you the chance to make a world where no one is used again. I'm offering you power. To save your life.')
'...I know manipulation when I hear it. I can't believe I almost accepted your offer...'
('You'll regret this choice as you lose all sense of who you are and become a mindless monster.')
'...I'd rather that than to become a real monster. Real monsters aren't the mindless ones...it's the ones who have minds and still do what they do with no remorse, no restraint, without necessity...'
The voice doesn't respond. Layla is alone within her own M.I.N.D. again. She finds her knees at last give out, and she collapses onto the ground, broken sword falling from her hand as warnings fill her ears.
The Punishing Virus Corruption she's suffering is at critical levels. Soon, she won't be herself anymore. It's a practical miracle she's survived this long through sheer force of will.
Countless thoughts race through her mind. Some part of her does regret rejecting the voice's offer. But at the same time, another part of her doesn't.
Maybe it's arrogance leading her to think she has even a chance of success at this, but she won't just give up and accept her fate. No...she can't die here. Lucia...Alpha...she wants to reunite with them both. She wants to make sure Lucia is alright. And she wants to understand why Alpha became this way.
Layla begins to crawl forward without any thought. Where is she going? She's not sure. No, she's not really trying to reach any destination. Even as her body screams at her in pain, she does this anyways, as an act of defiance against her fate.
She won't turn into a Corrupted. She will survive. She crawls, and crawls, and crawls. She doesn't make it very far with each little push forward. But she keeps crawling.
Warning sounds blare even more at the immensity of the Viral Corruption she's facing, but she pays it no mind. She simply keeps crawling.
She won't die.
She won't become a Corrupted.
She'll see Lucia again.
She'll see Alpha again.
She'll see Liv again.
She'll see Lee again.
She'll see the Commandant again.
She'll live.
By god, she'll live.
And everything goes dark.
A familiar voice calls out.
No...was that Lucia? Or was it...
She doesn't get the time to finish that thought.
Her body completely shuts down.
Later, in Babylonia...
"We can't find any trace of her. I'm sorry. At this point, it's safe to assume...she's probably dead." Celica hands the sword with a half broken blade to Lucia, the rest of Gray Raven behind her with grieved expressions, all whilst marking down on a casualty report...
'Layla Ceridwen - MIA, assumed KIA in the Battle of Kowloong.'
Afterward, in the Ascendants' base...
"...by all accounts, she shouldn't be alive. But she still lives, by the skin of her teeth...she isn't connected to the Ascension Network either...but she's still..."
A soft voice fills her ears, though it's hard to hear. But she makes out those words, in spite of how awful she feels. She can't move, at first. But after a few moments, she slowly can sit up, prompting the soft voice to gasp.
"...Sis, come and see. She's awake at last."
When she opens her eyes, she sees a dreamlike girl, who appeared just like a dazzling white light...
And a woman in red beside her, rugged and enigmatic looking.
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meaig · 9 months
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IT'S NOT A SMALL TOKEN YOU FOOL 🥹 Don't these blades mean a lot you Watanabe...
On another note, congrats to me on evolving him just in time for his Arcade Anima. This made my brainrotting so strong I've immediately drafted like 3 different drabbles.
Help, I love this man, his story and his harmonica.
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toastthewolfie · 1 year
Very random OC lore
The garden of the fallen
a place where those who have fallen from our life lay to rest
To one who wasn’t aware of its meaning, it seemed like a pretty little garden filled with trees and other plants, yet to Echo it was a cruel reminder of the one she had lost.
That blue-hair avian, her partner, murdered by that…demon.
she can vividly remember blood pouring out of the avian as she held them, praying for a day that would never come.
that demon had taken the moon to their sun and fueled the fire, and Echo was going to stop at nothing to avenge them.
Even if it killed them.
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flareovium · 4 months
can you make a fluffy scar drabble, where reader confesses their feelings?
Scar x GN reader
this draft was originally for Roland from PGR but i thought it would fit scar too, so i changed it up a bit! (also mortefi coming soon i promise)
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Had you lost your mind? Maybe!
Who knew that the guy who everyone would call a 'walking red flag' would drive your heart insane?
You just couldn't help yourself. Just one look from Scar– One interaction or even the simple utterance of his name makes you shrink bashfully, like a child discovering the concept of crushes for the very first time.
Upon noticing the way you react around him, Scar seems to take his flirting up by ten times, much to your dismay.
While he is aware of your feelings for him, he'll stop at nothing until you admit it out loud yourself. What's the fun in engaging it himself?
"Your face is all red. I wonder why that is..." Scar pondered out loud, resting his head in the palm of his hand as he stared right at you.
A tiny smirk grazed his face, watching as you squirm, face turning even redder from his teasing.
He rose to his feet, his footsteps drumming in your ears as you watched him take slow steps toward you. "Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here? If you have something to say, just say it, dear [name]."
You took a deep breath, you brain scrambling to find the proper words to say, trying desperately to utter even a simple 'i like you.'
His presence makes you sweat, and he seems to notice that judging by the way his smirk just grew wider at the sight of you.
"Go on... Don't keep the audience waiting now." He mused.
Swallowing your pride, you stammer out the words he's been dying to hear.
"I... Lo— *ahem* Like. Like you."
...Close enough.
Scar gave you a teasing grin, tilting his head to the side as he finally stood in front of you. He took your chin between his pointer and his thumb, tilting your head up.
"That wasn't so hard now, was it?"
Whatever it is that will come out of this, his teasing somehow left you even more flustered than before.
This guy will be the death of you.
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✧。◟[NSFW] ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ – lee x reader [PGR]
there's an indentation in the shape of you
a.n. - dress by taylor swift got me writing this fic first before I should even start writing the first ones I planned LOL + Lee's Eng VA got me feeling things. also not edited yet, I will edit it when I get back 🙏
pairing - lee x f!commandant (allusions that he's using the hyperreal frame, but you're free to imagine which lee this is)
words - 7,055 words (this idea was supposed to be a drabble. pls don't ask kek)
TRIGGER WARNING - MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. MAJOR SMUT AHEAD: mentioned fingering, cunnilingus (m to f), penetration, dry humping, tit play?? other stuff I can't seem to put my finger on. allusions to virginity loss. dom!lee hyperreal. a bit of a bratty sub!reader. includes jealous lee. degradation (but only in the seggs part) (mentions of slut, whore). a little bit chrome x commandant/reader. slight tipsy characters because wine and alcohol is involved. we get a soft!lee because he is™️. lee and reader gets to have the bed break because he is also a beast rawr ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ
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Everyone thinks the relationship between a construct and their commandant is purely professional; the latter exuding orders to be executed by the former, the war they face, the blood they had and have to shed — all for the sake of survival and success of the mission. In the end, glory and honor await those who return to Babylonia.
However, beyond the exemplary titles and glimmering medals of valor, no one knows what happens behind those walls.
For example — they never saw the way Lee's fingers curled on your thigh.
Babylonia shone its bright lights onto the heroes that successfully reclaimed another place on Earth. To celebrate their arrival, the leaders took initiative to throw a grand party. Not only to celebrate their win, but to also reignite the nearly-doused flames of hope to the remaining humanity, to show that there is still a chance to take back the Earth from the reigns of death.
Cheers still rang throughout the halls of Babylonia, its joy incomparable to the wails down below. Surely, those who are still alive at a time like this couldn't help but join in their charade, at least, before they wake up once more to the sorrowful reality.
The Gray Ravens are no exception. Being one of the elite squad to spearhead the operations with the banner of Babylonia, they were the subject of the grand feast. And that meant the glimmers of tonight awaited their victorious presence.
“I don't- ah!” A small squeak escaped your lips, as Lucia finally finished pulling on the flimsy thread on your back.
Gasping, Liv covered her mouth in awe, rose-colored irises twinkling as she looked at you, “Commandant, you look so pretty.”
Laughing awkwardly, you slightly nodded to your construct, “really? It feels...awkward though.”
“Liv's not lying,” a soft assurance came from your team leader, Lucia, a grin reflecting on her face, “you look really pretty today, commandant.”
Gently tugging your figure to the nearest mirror, Lucia and Liv revealed your outfit tonight. Mirrors were supposed to reflect what one should see, yet, your own eyes wouldn't believe what was in front of you:
A cream-colored silk dress with a sweetheart neckline, the end of the gown reaching the floor, that hugged your curves all too well. Your usual tied hair was freely cascading your bare back, strands tickling wherever they could reach. You noticed your skin was sparkling even; you were well-aware of the vigorous training and all the other unfortunate scenarios that you and your team went through, yet, your body seemed like it knew no fatigue or stress at all.
“Ayla volunteered to help you look perfect tonight,” Liv pipped, “I think you noticed it when she was scrubbing your body earlier.”
“That was her?” It explained the intense scratching on your skin while you were in the bath, one that your constructs insisted on doing.
The three of you laughed. You couldn't help but marvel at your own constructs as well — Lucia wearing a dazzling carmine gown that reflected her Plume frame, and Liv with her luminous bubblegum cocktail dress mirroring her Eclipse one. A small sense of pride that intertwined with your joy bubbled in your chest, you were glad they were around as your friends instead of just ordinary constructs that only know of staying in the battlefield.
A knock on the door interrupted your moment with your teammates. Liv quickly ran to the door. “It must be Lee!”
A mention of his name made your heart skip a beat. It wasn't supposed to be like that — the relationship between a construct and a commandant is strictly professional. Deep down, you knew your feelings for him are far from that; you saw Lee more than just a teammate or a best friend. But to you, you don't even know the depth of his own attraction to you, unless you remember that one time—
Pretending to look away and deciding to create a small talk with Lucia, your eyes betrayed you as it caught a glimpse of Lee's figure emerging from the front door.
“Are you excited for tonight, Commandant?” Lucia asked.
“A bit. I feel like it's different facing a crowd for a party than facing the corrupted.”
“I agree with you,” she hummed, “but I think it'll be alright, we are all here together rather than fighting at different places all at once, right?”
Once more, your heart skipped. You looked over the mirror, to see cerulean eyes staring at you: an unreadable emotion written on his face.
“Ah, other than that, we have respective partners for tonight anyways. Are you excited to have Lee accompany you, Commandant?”
Another mention of his name. Paired with Lee's lingering gaze on you made you feel like you've shrunken like a mouse. It made your heart beat even faster, that you stumbled on your words.
“I think Chrome will be an excellent pair.”
A pin-drop silence entered the room. Your attention flickered to the reflection of the mirror, where a downcast expression was rewritten on Lee's face.
“You mean Chrome is your partner for tonight?”
Curse your carelessness. You hadn't even asked Chrome in reality; you were just running away from Lee and that unfortunate time—
—Liv hurriedly came back into the lounge. Noticing the air of gloominess, Liv opened her mouth, before hiccuping into a squeal.
“A-ah, guys! I think we should be going now...the party will be starting soon!”
You took that as a cue to turn and face your team members. Taking Lucia's hand, you trudged up to Lee and Liv. You made a mistake in looking at the construct you've been ignoring ever since you came back to Babylonia: the navy blue suit that was carefully ironed, and the smell of musk that flooded your senses. And you wished you hadn't looked up instead when you met his gaze.
Cerulean eyes stared down at you, and the initial fear of shrinking into a mouse returned to you. Looking away, you noticed a small bouquet of roses behind Lee's back, making your heart ache for no reason.
Lee's voice matured through the months you've been together. This time, his usual calculative tone melted, and instead, a softer yet rough baritone tone escaped his lips.
He held out his free hand. White gloves instead of the rough ones you've always seen were in his hands instead. “Commandant, good evening.”
“Good-” your voice cracked, making you cringe, “-good evening, Lee.”
You instinctively took the hand that was for you, but Lee was faster, the bouquet of fresh roses and baby's breath already in front of you.
“This is for you.”
No words came out of your blanked out mind. Lee finished the sentence for you, opting to give the bouquet to you without even touching his hand.
“I initially thought I'd be the one to accompany you tonight, but I suppose Captain Chrome already took that place. I'm sure his bouquet is much better than mine, then I suppose I should leave this here?”
A new sense of embarrassment erupted in your face that covered the butterflies that charred in your stomach.
He certainly was about to make that night memorable, wasn't he?
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Golden lights poured all over the grandiose auditorium. People and constructs wearing ballgowns, dresses, and suits flocked underneath the glinting chandelier, its rainbow lights reflecting on the tiled floors. The faint smell of food and the clanking of glass filled the entire room, creating an ambiance that was sure to be remembered.
At that moment, confused gray eyes stared at your awkward figure.
“You want...me to be your partner?”
As soon as you entered the room, you had successfully evaded Lee and quickly found Chrome. You tried to keep things short and concise, just to let the captain of Strike Hawk agree to your proposal.
“Just for tonight.” You hushed your tone, frantically looking around to see if someone was eavesdropping on your conversation, “please, Chrome. I'll give you the cleaning robots you want for the whole month.”
“There's no need for that, Commandant. You already know that I'd do whatever you'd ask me to do, but I just don't get why? Isn't Lee around?”
A helpless sigh escaped your lips, to which the captain saw. Before you could speak, the expression on his face changed when he looked up, then looked back at you.
“Is this about Le-”
“-I know, I know, I'm a coward.” You deeply sighed once more, face covered by your hands, “I'm an idiot.”
Fortunately for you, Chrome knows about your dilemma – your infatuation for the man in your team. Giving you an assuring pat on your shoulder, Chrome lightly laughed.
“I see, I understand. I will be your partner for tonight then, Commandant. However, you should already know that you really need to talk to him about what happened before more misunderstandings would happen.”
You breathed out in pure relief. “I will, maybe not now. I still need time...”
Chrome held out your hand and whisked you away into the crowd. “I hope you do it sooner,” Chrome's voice cracked, “Lee looks like he's ready to assault me when I'm asleep.”
By the time Chrome led you to the dancefloor, you realized something: enjoying the party was a complete understatement. The laughter rang in your ears as the food you ate filled your stomach. Fruity gossip — especially those about Hassen and Nikola — reached your ears, paired with the ever-growing amounts of wine you've consumed over the last hour. Or was it last few hours ago?
“Commandant,” in your drunken state, you still managed to hear the worry in Chrome's voice, “I think you should put the glass down...you drank too much.”
You shook your head, refusing to give your glass into the gentle pull of his hand, “I'm fine, I'm not drunk. Let me have one more...”
While earlier, you were worried about Lee and *that* particular disturbance in your mind, you were already dancing with the lights in your vision to care about those trivial matters; after all, the wine was too sweet to whisk you away from everything.
“Ah, Commandant, please.” Chrome's voice shook with uncertainty, “Lee is-”
“-Lee this, Lee that!” You exasperatedly groaned, pouting as you downed on the nth glass for the night, “To hell with him! You're my partner; just come on and dance with me!”
The captain couldn't stop you, as you excitingly dragged him by his necktie to the dancefloor, the crowd around you cheering. Yet the loudness couldn't even drown out your laughter, as you drunkenly danced around your 'partner'. The alcohol had long fogged your head, but you weren't blind to the way Chrome's intense gaze was on you the whole time. You felt his hands around you, from your shoulders to your waist.
As the music played a sensual bass, your eyes opened to look around. Dim lights, a shadow overhead of the chandelier's outline, the sea of people on the dancefloor. Songs of praises about how tomorrow was another day for heroes to save the future, words of congratulations that only passed through your ears. Amongst the beat of the music playing in the background, your heart was playing a different song — there, you saw the person you'd been ignoring, yet looking for all this time: Lee was laughing and smiling at the ladies that surrounded him.
For a moment, you seemed to have gone sober. Perhaps, this was your punishment; and you deserve that heartbreak. So, you closed your eyes and danced to the unfathomable soundtrack of the night, forever drifting in your drunken stupor.
“How alluring,” you were suddenly aware of how Chrome was already too close from comfort, breathe tickling your ears, “I should have known that you were a mastermind to such things like this.”
His hands bordered around the area of your hips. It tickled you, but you couldn't help but remember Lee's own hands gripping your hips like what happened—
“Commandant,” his voice dropped an octave lower, making your spine shiver, as he brought you even closer to his chest, “why must you be like this?”
Reality and imagination overlapped your consciousness; while someone else held your body, all you could see in that proximity was Lee in his place. Your heart was throbbing now, as your drunken thoughts only made you remember that certain day with Lee.
His breath fluttered in your ear. Wandering hands. A tight space.
All you could do was inhale in that moment, before the breath of fresh air slipped through your lungs.
A momentary shake clouded your already-drunk thoughts. The bright lights in the dim room flickered in your vision before you felt a broad surface collide with your body.
“...enough.” Frankly, you must've been stuck too long in a daydream that you imagined Lee's voice. But then again, it must not be because—
“....Commandant....too much....drink.”
You shook yourself awake. When you returned to your senses, Chrome was in front of you, looking disappointed above you, but not at you. All because Lee was the one behind you, hands gripping your shoulders.
“I've already told her that.” the captain scoffed, “we're only dancing. I'm taking her home already.”
“Right, says the man who was close enough to kiss her.” Lee's cold tone made you shiver your spine. You've never seen him this angry before.
“At least I have the guts to do so, unlike someone who's been a coward.”
Coward. That seemed to sum up yourself. Or the man holding you.
“Lee,” you cried out a slur, alcohol coming back to consume you, “enough, Chrome didn't do anything wrong.”
The light of the chandelier blinded his features, making you unsure whether or not you'd seen Lee's face in the darkness. Pulling you away from the light and the crowd, you heard a shift in Lee's whisper, a softer tone, “I'll take you home, Commandant.”
“...wait,” a small whine escaped your lips, before your surroundings blurred into pure darkness, “Lee, hang on...”
Your eyes closed, your sense of hearing faded like your vision, yet you felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around you.
“Lee...my mac and cheese...”
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You remember that day.
A mission on Earth. The Gray Ravens were dispatched to help reclaim the piece of land vital to the operation's success. Alongside Strike Hawk, the two squads were sent without a hassle. Things were going very well until you and Lee somehow found yourselves cornered in one of the abandoned buildings.
You never expected yourself to be in that tight situation: a small dresser, with you and Lee stuck inside. You tried to awkwardly make the space comfortable enough still, but all the shifting and turning only made the situation worse.
“Commandant,” Lee breathed out after you tried to move your body, “I think you should stop...”
Sighing, you couldn't help but grow frustrated. “I could, but I think you're the one having trouble here. I don't want you to get back aches when we return to our base.”
“True, but...” he suddenly went silent, causing you to look at him, “this position is rather...”
“We don't have much of a choice then, I'm sorry, Lee. Don't worry; when we get back, I'll-”
Without missing a beat, Lee leaned forward, covering your mouth. Your eyes widened at the intrusion, eyebrows raised.
'There's someone out there'. He mouthed at you, still keeping his hand there.
As you listened to the creeping footsteps — one you identified as a corrupted — a small vibration, akin to a fluttering heartbeat, was heard thrumming alongside yours. You redirected your gaze from the small opening of the dresser, to Lee's focused stare to where you first looked.
A sharp jaw, clear and calculative cerulean irises that were curtained by his bangs, dimpled cheeks, soft-looking lips. You've known all this time that Lee was a handsome man, but have you ever looked at him like this? Have you ever stared at someone in a different light, that you want to kiss them?
A startled question brought you back to reality. You caught him staring back at you with a wild, confused, yet curious expression written across his dainty features. You reeled yourself back — did you just say your thoughts out loud?!
“Um-” squeaking, you frantically shook your head, “n-no, I was just-”
Without hesitation, Lee leaned forward, one hand over the aide of your head, the other grasping your chin. In the middle of your hazy thoughts, you read an unfamiliar expression on Lee's face, this time, you could hear both of your hearts beating in sync.
“Pull away when you don't want to, Commandant.”
Sensing no imminent signs of restraint, you could only breathe in the moment Lee closed the gap between the both you.
And God, who would have known, his lips were soft.
Enough to drive you mad, enough to drive you insane. Greed corrupted your rational thoughts, blindingly wrapping your arms around Lee's neck and grasped his hair, as if afraid he'd be dragged away. But he wasn't; instead, he pulled you closer, holding you by your waist.
The only antagonist that appeared in your play was oxygen. Pulling away, a small whine escaped your lips. But it did grant you a sight: Lee's disheveled hair and swollen lips. The fire in your stomach did not disappear; instead, it ignited even more.
“...more.” you muttered through shallow, shaky breaths, “I want...more.”
The taste of him felt trivial, yet it made your appetite appear itself. You wished to be devoured, to succumb to his strength alone — but it didn't seem enough.
Yet, you were afraid to be rejected. However, much to your dilemma, a faint smile appeared amongst the unfamiliar expression on Lee's face.
“As you wish, then.”
Lee hoisted you up to his lap, before closing the gap. Your hunger clashed with his as you kissed him with more fervor, breathing in his mouth, touching wherever your hands could reach.
As you moved in his lap, you suddenly felt something rub down there. Peeking as you gasped for air, you noticed a bulge sitting eagerly on Lee's middle. Experimentally moving upwards, you heard Lee's breathy groan in your ear.
“Commandant...” his tone was a warning, but your hunger was insatiable, opting to thrust yourself in a languid motion.
“Do you,” you held out a shaky inhale, pleasure clouding your senses, “do you like that?”
He grasped your hips, eliciting a small whine from you. “do it properly, Commandant.”
“No.” You grunted, slowly rubbing yourself on him, “you should call me properly when you want me to.”
A low growl came from his lips to your ear, a shiver that went directly down to your aching core. You tried to hold back a low moan, when the grip on your hips tightened even more, before he flawlessly guided you on him.
“Alright then, [Y/N].” He groaned in your ear, making you gasp as he directed you instead, “two can play at this game.”
Before you could finish what you've dreamt of, you jolted whenever you were laying on, breathing heavily from the dream's impact.
Coming back to reality, you felt your head throb mercilessly, groaning from the pain. When you opened your eyes, a dark room welcomed you back, with the faint light of day haloing the windows. You also noticed yourself on a bed you've known all this time, the sheets smelling like musk. Confirming that you were still wearing the dress you wore the last time, you were safe to say that nothing bad happened. At least, the decency of the blanket that covered you.
...wait, that wasn't your blanket. Nor was this room.
Panic filled you as you scrambled to get out of the bed with a raging headache, but a familiar voice somehow calmed your nerves.
“Relax, you're in my room.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, you turned to your side to see Lee, still wearing the suit from last night, sitting on a chair beside the bed, a small screwdriver and a little toy in hand. You recognized it as the little robot he had built for you, a stray thought that made you believe he must have finished tinkering with it.
“There's a hangover drink on the table beside you, along with the mac and cheese you requested.”
The drink was expected. But mac and cheese?
“Before you passed out, you called out to me for your forgotten mac and cheese. And threw a fit when I said no.”
You cringed. Pretending to look away from Lee, you silently took the drink and ate the freshly prepared food with a muttered "thank you". No thoughts — other than the raging headache — could come to mind, except for the tasty food that somehow satiated your hunger. But you were thankful, even though the creeping sense of dread and embarrassment filled your tired body. After finishing the food, you slowly got ready to get out of the bed.
“Well, um, thank you for the meal, I will probably just go back to the party now.”
“The party ended hours ago. You were asleep for eight hours.”
You looked at the bedside table to see the illuminated clock, signaling it was 10:42. You awkwardly chuckled, still avoiding Lee's intense gaze.
“O-oh...well, that's a shame. I guess I'll go back to my office, then. I will be finishing the do-”
“-I finished them for you while you were busy drooling on my bed.”
You contorted your face in disdain. This bastard...
“I guess I also still need to go, I need to talk to Lu-”
“-if you are talking about the favor Lucia asked you, I already did it for you.”
Your mind started to race once more, deciding that the only thing Lee should face was your bare back and not your disappointed face as you finally ran out of excuses. Opting out the last option, you stood from the bed, and sprinted to the door.
“...bye Lee!”
Freedom awaited you. Or you thought so. Because you only came in contact with Lee's chest instead. Looking up, annoyance written across your features, as Lee stared down at you, expresionless.
“I need to go, Lee. Please let me pass.”
“What is the rush, Commandant? I already did all the things I knew you'd use as an excuse.”
“I'm not making excuses!” Liar. Embarrassment and anger flushed your puffed cheeks, “I really need to go!”
“I'll let you go,” enlightenment filled your poor soul, “only when you tell me one thing.”
“Say it.”
“Why are you ignoring me.”
Why are you ignoring Lee? Simple. You didn't want to finish while you're drowning in the fear.
“I refuse to answer.”
“Then I'm not letting you go out.”
“Why do you want to know?” You exasperatedly sigh, glaring at Lee, “I thought you'd stop this charade.”
“Are you telling that to me, or are you telling that to yourself?”
Both of you glared at each other. He may be taller in height, but your pride refused to back down. “To you. I'm already honest.”
“I know you're not. You don't think I don't notice what you've been doing?”
In a sudden motion, Lee grasped your shoulder ever so gently, cerulean irises looking at you softly. “Why are you ignoring me, Commandant?”
“I'm not...”
“or should I call you [Y/N]?”
The way he spoke of your name made you weak in the knees. Flustered, you turned your back on him, approaching the bed.
“I'm not going to talk to you, Lee.”
“Alright, should I enumerate the things you've been doing then?”
You refused to answer.
“You never even look at me ever since we came back from the retrieval operation. Whenever I'm in the room, you always try to leave.”
The moments when you've done what Lee mentioned came to mind. You internally cringed.
“You told Chrome to be your partner, even though we already established that I'll be the one to accompany you, and Chrome didn't even know.”
Memories of last night resurfaced. The amount of wine you've drank, the music, the way Lee held you — no, that wasn't Lee. That wasn't supposed to be...
“Are you ignoring me because you are running away after what happened to us down on Earth?”
“N-no, I-”
“-then why are you running away from me?”
You turned to see Lee already behind you, eyes looking like they were close to tearing up. You couldn't help but feel your heart break into a million pieces, as the cracks of Lee's emotionless façade started to appear across his features.
“Won't you tell me?”
Your heart betrayed you.
“This is purely professional.” You breathed out, “constructs and commandants should not have a romantic relationship with each other. We already listed our names in Death's checklist, and anytime, death would reclaim us in this neverending fight; whether I succumb to the natural death or you succumb to the punishing virus.”
“Your point?”
“I-” you choked on your suddenly overwhelming tears, “I cannot accept what happened to us down there. I can't risk putting our feelings first when our duty calls.”
You looked at him, breathing in your tears, “what if I lose you?”
The dam of unspoken feelings finally broke down. You've put a lot of thought into it; the fear of losing Lee as a lover, as your construct, as your teammate, as your friend. What goes beyond the weapons and glory, you feared what happens when one of you either dies or succumbs to the virus?
With a gentle coo of your name, Lee leaned closer to cup your cheeks, his thumb caressing away the tears that were falling from your eyes.
“We cannot stop that. I know. I have already seen the futures; but should that really be the reason for us to be apart? To simply be my commandant, and I, as your construct?”
You thought it to be the answer. But Lee proved you wrong.
“I can't do that. I don't want us to be just like that. [Y/N], I feel the same; I can't imagine myself without you in this life.”
No words spoken to you other than what Lee told you made you breakdown like this: crumbling into the bed, the overwhelming feelings of the future consuming your thoughts. But Lee, he cradled you into his arms, soft sweet nothing muttered as he kissed the crown of your head.
“I like you. I like you so much that I am afraid to lose you in this life, that I want to be close to you all the time, I don't want you to pick anyone else; I need you. I'll love you all the time, I will keep you safe from everything.”
Kneeling to your crouching frame, he cupped your cheeks with a small smile on his face, “that's why I'll stay alive for you, I love you, [Y/N].”
Your feelings are incomparable to the confession you've heard from Lee. You felt the same; you'd devote yourself to him, you—
“I love you too, Lee.” You confessed, taking the hand on your cheek to your lips for a kiss, a choked sob signifying your truth, “I'll stay alive with you, for as long as we can.”
Without hesitation, Lee leaned forward, a hair's breadth away from your lips.
“I want to kiss you.” Lee muttered, “Pull away when you don't want to, [Y/N].”
This time, you were the one to pull him into the kiss. Fervor and hunger awakened deep inside you once more, devouring whatever Lee could give as he kissed you back deeply, pushing you onto the bed. You taste the wine you drank last night, you inhaled the musk Lee was wearing; everything drowns you in its mere presence.
You could stay like that with Lee forever: tangled in each other's arms, breathing into each other's mouths. But the way his leg slotted in the middle of your hips made you feral; greedily grinding like how you've done to him down on Earth. He fueled your hunger more, bouncing his leg to your rhythm, making you moan onto his lips.
Was it the alcohol making you like this? Or were you getting drunk just from Lee's ministrations?
“You are eager,” Lee chuckled, pulling away, making you whine. He watched you with interested eyes as you tried to get off with only his leg. “I should have known you're like a slut.”
The degradation only made you even more turned on. Pouting, you whined as you tried to pull on his suit. “Take that off and touch me more, please...”
“You think you deserve it, after acting like a brat?”
Without a warning, his fingers found your drenched core, making you whine from sensitivity. He laughed, “already wet, even though you were just grinding on my leg.”
“Lee, please,” you grinded on his hand, back arched, “more...please.”
He leaned in to kiss you, fingers still rubbing your wet panties. Pulling away, he fumbled with the ties on your dress, “I wanted to tear this off of you, but I think I'll spare the fuss of destroying such a pretty dress on you.”
He expertly took off the top part of the dress, exposing your bare breasts. You forgot you didn't even wear a bra, so you tried to hide yourself from Lee's hungry gaze.
“Don't,” you whined as he slapped your pussy, “don't shy away from me now.”
From your lips, he was now devouring the left part of your breast. Temporarily abandoning your soaked core, he played with your other breast. Oh, the way he was playing with you was driving you insane — you were sure you were wetting the bed all from his ministrations.
One hand covering your mouth to suppress your embarrassing noises and the other tugging on Lee's locks, you were desperate for something to fill your neglected hole down there already.
“Stop covering your mouth,” Lee scolded as he rose, a shiver running down your spine, “let me hear you calling for me, [Y/N].”
Effortlessly, he manhandled you to the center of the bed, teasingly looking at you as he slowly unbuttons his suit. Annoyed, you fumbled with unbuttoning his trousers.
“Stop teasing,” you whined, “hurry up, Lee, please.”
Begging was never an option, but desperation clawed at your throat, the knot in your stomach begging to be fulfilled. Lee only chuckled at your situation.
“You're so cute, Commandant, if only they know how much of a needy little whore you are behind these walls.”
Fuck. This bastard knew what he was doing. Kneeling in front of your now-closed legs, he effortlessly pried them open. Taking his precious little time taking your soaking panties off, threads of your essence sticking, you could hear a soft groan from the man.
“God, how are you so wet already, [Y/N]?”
A finger teasingly traced your slit, making your back arch. “L-Lee...”
You made a mistake in looking up; he was already close to your aching pussy, blowing a small breath on it. Your eyes met as he proceeded to kiss your wet core — eliciting a moan from you.
One last curse from Lee made your hole flutter around nothing. He smirked in response, “such a pretty little pussy for me to see, hm?”
And with that, he opened his mouth to your pussy. And fuck, indeed. It felt so overwhelmingly good — his mouth sucking on your hole, thumb twiddling with your shaking nub. You couldn't keep your eyes off from Lee's focused expression; you couldn't lie, it felt too fucking good. The way his mouth now moved to suck on your clit, fingers prodding to enter your fluttering core.
“God, fuck, [Y/N], stop squirming. If I can't prep you now, how are you going to take something bigger?”
Your hazy mind blanked out. Bigger? A broken moan came out of your mouth then, when you felt two of his fingers enter your leaking hole. Back arching when he rhythmically fucked you with only his fingers. How was it even possible — to already feel so goddamn full with just two fingers?
“Pretty,” he cooed, looking at your writhing figure, “who would have thought I'd be the only one to see you like this? To see you moaning like a needy slut?”
The knot in your stomach was close to snapping now, Lee could tell in the way you're pathetically moaning his name and how you pulled his hair. In kind, he maintained his pace, coaxing out the orgasm out of you.
“L-Lee, I-”
“Do it, [Y/N].” Lee muttered between your folds, “cum for me.”
With one more broken moan, you came over Lee's mouth, clamping your legs around his head. Lee didn't even flinch — he fucked you through your orgasm.
When you came back from cloud nine, you could make out Lee's figure, haloed by the light from the windows. You felt his hand cupping your cheeks, before leaning down to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his lips; salty, sticky, but it never fazed you.
You opened your eyes to find his own, looking at you with such reverence, that if you hadn't paid attention to your surroundings, that you wouldn't have noticed something hard rubbing on your slit down below. You peered down as Lee fondled your chest, and your eyes widened —
“Lee,” you whimpered, “you're so big...how are you going to fit that in me...?”
A small laugh passed through his lips. Down there, you underestimated the size you initially thought, but never took into consideration what it would have looked like when clothes are off. In response, the tip of his cock, smeared with what seemed to be pre-cum, making you jolt from the pulsating contact.
“You can take it,” he hummed as he leaned to your ear, licking the space underneath it, his breath tickling every part of your ear before lightly biting your earlobe, “if not, then we'll make it fit. You're a good girl, aren't you? You'll take it well, won't you?”
The cockhead was then playing with your swollen clit, and all you could do was to moan in response, hands gripping the sheets tightly, “I-I...I will try.”
“I'll be careful,” Lee kissed your ear, before pecking your lips, “your safe word is zero.”
Gently, he tried to guide his hardened member to your hungry hole. You mewled in pain, as the cockhead came through your folds. God, it stung: how it was already stretching you more than his fingers, but Lee wasn't even halfway through.
“Relax,” he grunted, whispering in your ear, “you should- ah, relax. You're too tense.”
Even so, Lee tried to comfort you, as he tried to push his dick further in, with your moans getting louder. In an attempt to ground you, he gripped you by the hips — before breathing in, and pushed further.
Your pussy spasmed at the intrusion. And all Lee could do was groan in your ear. “[Y/N], you're so warm...so tight. Breathe with me, relax.”
A strangled moan escaped your lips, but Lee closed the gap, just to calm you down. He let you adjust to his length that was now sheathed inside you, but God, it was too warm, too wet, too good inside. If you were going insane with him inside of you, then he's close to losing his mind to ramming you to oblivion.
But like the good man he was, Lee bit back those urges, even as your legs trembled and hooked by his hips.
“I'm going to move now,” he muttered, “I'm- ah, tell me...if you're uncomfortable, use the safeword.”
You might have been drunk over the alcohol, but no wine could compare to the pleasure that was drowning you profusely. Too fucked out to care, Lee began to shallowly thrust into you. There was slight pain as he started to move, but it eventually subsided, paired with his subtle touches on your body here and there. Finally, he bottomed out inside of you.
“Lee,” you babbled, “Lee.”
“I'm here,” he kissed your lips, one hand gripping your thigh, the other on your hips, “are you okay?”
“You feel so good,” you mewled when he thrusted deeply, back arching, “wan' more...I wan' more please.”
Who was he to deny you? Maintaining the pace, he held you by the back of your thighs, raising them to his shoulders. You were completely helpless now — the way he was pressing you onto the mattress, the world spinning around you as he was drilling so goddamn deep onto you. It didn't take long for Lee to find that one spongy spot that made you see beyond the stars in Babylonia.
“Lee-” you cried out his name, breasts bouncing from how he bullied that spot in you, “Morian-”
That made him stop. Looking down to see your fucked out state, he gripped your hips to shake you awake. “what did you call me?”
You froze. A shiver ran down your spine, only making you open your mouth. “Morian...?”
The gears in Lee's mind started to work. So that's what it was like: to be called by someone you love, your real name on their lips. For the very first time after being a construct, Lee felt human. Very human, that the proof was right there in front of him, being one with him. It drove him wild — his dick fervently pulsating inside of you.
“Say. It. Again,” he punctuated every word with every thrust, “say my real name again, [Y/N].”
You mewled out in pleasure. “M-Morian!”
That newfound energy throbbed inside of Lee, causing him to ram you deeper and harder onto the mattress. There, you babbled “Morian, Morian” like a prayer, and Lee could only growl in your ear as a response.
And such, you felt another knot in your stomach close to coming undone. Through tears in your eyes, you called out, “M-Morian, I'm c-close...”
“So am I.” He smiled at you, gentle hands clasping with your clammy ones, “we'll come together then.”
Reaching out to rub your neglected nub, your orgasm is closer than you thought. With one last look at Lee's glinting cerulean irises, his mouth moved faster.
Mind-blowing pleasure corrupted your mind, as you came over Lee's cock. A frothy white ring creamed on Lee's pulsating dick as he fucked you through your orgasms.
Lee thought you looked like the prettiest person alive as you came. Easing you through, he kissed and caressed every part of your body — cheeks, clavicle, chest, stomach. Soon enough, as you both came down from your highs, heavy breathing filled the room. You were about to wiggle out of Lee's grasp, when he held your hips. Looking tiredly at Lee's smiling face, a dreaded realization came over you.
“We're not yet done, [Y/N].” He whispered, his dick that was still inside you throbbing, “I still need to show you how much I love you.”
Before that, a creaking sound happened before you felt the mattress dip into the floor.
You're fucked indeed.
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The afternoon was a pretty time to see nice sights around Babylonia. Still drunk over last night's festivities, the constructs you've known decided to take a stroll around the place.
Bianca and Karenina were sitting on one side of the table, munching on the food they brought. Wanshi, Kamui, Camu, and Chrome were at the center, minding their own business.
“Commandant went home early, didn't she?” Bianca asked the surrounding constructs.
“That was past 11 pm though,” Karenina sighed, polishing the inver-device she had been carrying around, “I heard she was pretty drunk already.”
“Wasn't she with you the whole night, Chrome?” Said Bianca, “did you take her home?”
Chrome, with a disappointed expression on his face, shook his head. Opting to drink the glass he held, he muttered, “I was, but Lee took her...”
From a distance, Kamui waved to the appearing new constructs. “Lucia! Liv! Perfect timing!”
Even before the two Gray Ravens could sit down, an annoyed and confused expression is written across the team leader's face. “I already received a report that a bed in our dorm needs to be fixed...”
“Huh,” Wanshi perked up, yawning, “why'd the bed break? Did something happen?”
“No idea.” Liv sighed, “No one else was at our dorm...”
Kamui looked around, “where's Lee and the Commandant?”
“I haven't seen Lee since last night.” Lucia spoke, to which Liv also shook her head.
“Were you talking about us?”
A voice spoke from behind. The group turned to see Lee, and you beside him. Awkwardly smiling and waving, you sheepishly greeted, “Hello, sorry guys. I had a major hangover.”
“The commandant couldn't get out of bed. I had to look over her.”
Everyone around them was cheering, except for Chrome, who secretly ticked his jaw.
“Good to know you're alright, Commandant! Come and join us!”
You walked to where Liv and Lucia were, but you were flinching, as if in pain. In a heartbeat, your members went beside you, but Lee already had his arm around your waist.
“Commandant? Are you alright? What happened to you?”
“I'm fine!” you smiled and waved at Lucia, “just a little sore from...the heels I wore last night. I tripped while I was wearing them back home.”
“I got her, don't worry.” Lee cooly said.
Soon enough, you and Lee were settled nicely in the group. All of you talked about duties, the celebrations and other things under Babylonia's guiding light.
Everyone thinks the relationship between a construct and their commandant is purely professional; the latter exuding orders to be executed by the former, the war they face, the blood the had and have to shed — all for the sake of survival and success of the mission. In the end, glory and honor awaits those who return to Babylonia.
However, beyond the exemplary titles and glimmering medals of valor, no one knows what happens behind those walls.
For example — they never saw the way Lee's fingers curled on your thigh.
Or the way he looked at you as the group spoke.
“[Y/N],” he whispered. You gazed at him, before taking and squeezing his hand.
Lee leaned on you, his breath tickling your ear, sending butterflies to your core. “Don't forget about tonight.”
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don't forget to like, share, reblog!! comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! please dont copy or plagiarize my work!!
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renonm · 6 months
STUFF ──★ ˙◻️ ̟ !!
•I mainly write for Mashle right now
• can do enstars/twst/charisma house/genshin/pgr if i can lol. . .
•i can write drabbles/hc/fics
•cat meow
RULES ──★ ˙😱 ̟ !!
•no smut.(slight suggestive is alright)
•can do x reader, any gender just specify, if not specified, it will be gn
•can do fluff, ill try for angst
•no weird requests please.
•please try to be specific in the request!!
•plz also be patient because i am just some bored student who enjoys writing for their leisure time. . .
cat nya.
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whisperiin · 3 months
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this blog is sfw-only. i won't be writing or reblogging any explicit posts or posts that contain dark content, but there may be some suggestive posts! in that same vein, if you need something tagged / deleted, please let me know!
this is a purely reader-insert blog, so i won't be taking requests for canon x canon or oc x canon (but please show me your ocs i'd like to see them). please be respectful of this! also, unless it's important to the request or explicitly stated in the ask, i'll always be writing with a gender-neutral reader in mind.
for my own sake, i'll be accepting a maximum of three characters for headcanon/drabble requests, and a maximum of just one for oneshots! i can generally write for anyone, but i hope it goes without saying that i will not be writing any of the younger characters (bambinata, pulao, encore, verina, etc.) in any romantic context. this is non-negotiable.
i will not be writing anything based on leaks! in the case of pgr, i may use events or frames that already released other servers (cn and jp in particular), but in general, i'll wait for them to officially come out first before i write anything.
please remember that posts may be largely sporadic! i'm a university student and get swamped with work fairly often, so i don't usually have a lot of time to devote to writing. please keep this in mind, and thank you in advance for your patience!
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unhappy-last-resort · 5 months
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In the interest of keeping ones darling safe, many opt to keep them at home or within some confined space while the yan is away with the intention that they'll always know where you are.
However, this provides alone time- and while alone time is important, it gives you lots of time to ruminate about how much you hate your situation, formulate escape plans, and execute them.
That's why you never get to be alone. Maintenance, briefings, training, missions, frame changes, you'll be there for it all and more. You will never get a moment to yourself. Yes you will bathe under their watchful gaze, yes you will use the bathroom in their presence, yes you will dress and undress while they watch, yes you will breakdown on the floor sobbing with them near and dear.
You'll get used to it eventually. You will adapt to this new way of doing things, it's for your own health and safety. Besides, they're always under constant supervision from a higher power and they've grown accustomed to it, so you can too. Just relax. Let them take care of you.
Alpha, Bianca, Chrome, Hacima, Lee, Luna, Roland, Vonnegut
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sabotsen · 11 days
🍀-nonny, I'm keeping that ask for a while.
1) bc I want to knock out a fic and maybe short drabble for the pgr writing game first since the end date is coming up. &
2) bc I feel like touching his back/spine while keeping your hands attached to your wrists is a hidden side quest with very specific unlock requirements lol
So let me ... chew on that for a bit. It can be done. There's different ways to go about it, ofc and a few ideas/fics I could springboard off of but I wanna... figure out how to play off it.
0 notes
chronosh0t · 8 months
ㅤㅤㅤ. ;; [🎐] `INTRO
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This is Sae or Chrono 〔 he/him | 20+ 〕, I'm currently playing PGR and, in case it wasn't obvious, my favourite character is Lee.
I made this account to just post about BPN-06 (might talk about other characters as well if I feel like). I will also post my edits, and my writings. All of them are properly tagged, you can find them under the tags (sae pgr edits — sae pgr writings, respectively).
My writings are all Male OC x Lee. Everything will be tagged properly, especially if there's NSFW (not sexual) content. Eng is not my native language and I don't have beta reader, besides, everything is just short drabbles.
My OCs here: Zenas (Commandant OC) ; Arawn (Construct OC) ; Lyall (Variable OC)
If you like what I write or my edits, consider donate on my ko-fi page. Thank you.
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aetherose · 7 months
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For you and I's convenience, an organized Tags List! SEE THIS POST FOR HOW TO SEARCH FOR TAGS ON MY BLOG.
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&& ooc / your local queen of brainrot
&& rose plays hi3 / ellie herrscher ballista go
&& rose plays gi / this is my third playing gi tag jfc
&& rose plays hsr / screams in kafka simp
&& rose plays lc / im a sadomasochist confirmed
&& rose plays lor / screams in angela simp
&& rose plays lcb / 12 idiots and 1 simp
&& rose plays bg3 / who knew cats can get you so far
&& rose plays ptn / sapphic fever dream time baby
&& rose plays pgr / my impulses won and now we're here
&& aetherose pinned post / do not reblog; non-rp blogs dni
Spoiler tags to block: hi3 spoilers, genshin spoilers, hsr spoilers, lobcorp spoilers, ruina spoilers, limbus spoilers, bg3 spoilers, ptn spoilers, pgr spoilers
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&& ic / give all to the present for the sake of the future
&& thread / the hearts that can bend shall never be broken
&& commentary / live to the point of tears
&& open starter / freedom is nothing but a chance to be better
&& asks / seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable
&& drabbles / a nostalgia for innocence
&& memes / there is not love of life without despair about life
&& dash games / there is scarcely any passion without struggle
&& crack / oh lord save us from ourselves
&& incorrect quotes / just a rose tradition!
&& headcanons / man is always prey to his truths
&& oc lore / the gentle indifference of the world
&& gallery / at the heart of all beauty lies something inhuman
&& edits / the glimpse of an eternity stretched across time
&& mun art / rose can draw sometimes
&& aesthetic / an appeal to the essence of being
&& musing / can you see the meaning inside yourself
&& music / where words fail song speaks
&& announcement / gather around rose’s garden
&& patch notes / just a rundown of the updates to the blog!
&& psa / you should probably read this
&& starter call / where there is no hope it is on us to invent it
&& inbox call / a day will come when revolutions will have need of beauty
&& promo / a beautiful twilight that enhances everything
&& self-promo / heyo its me rose
&& discord chronicles / hidden beneath the surface lies treasures
&& signal boost / a little can go a long way
&& misc / rose doesnt know where to put this
&& munday / stuff about rose!
&& saved / rose’s most beloveds
&& wishlist / rose’s hopes
&& queue / rose remembered she can queue stuff
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&& c. elysia / miss pink elf
&& c. aponia / disciplinary perdition
&& c. mobius / infinite ouroboros
&& c. fu hua / taixuan impression
&& c. dr. mei / ward of humanity’s flame
&& c. seele / swallowtail phantasm
&& c. veliona / starchasm nyx
&& c. theresa / valkyrie pledge
&& c. senti / herrscher of sentience
&& c. binah / degraded arbiter
&& c. faust / representation emitter
&& c. rodion / what is cast
&& c. furina / endless solo of solitude
&& c. focalors / lady of all waters
&& c. columbina / the damselette
&& c. sandrone / the marionette
&& c. la signora / the fair lady
&& c. lumine / the abyss princess
&& c. klee / fleeing sunlight
&& c. raiden ei / plane of euthymia
&& c. raiden norika / guardian of eternity
&& c. zero / song of the end
&& c. kafka / twilight trill
&& c. black swan / loom of fate’s caprice
&& c. hsr bronya / windrider bullet
&& c. hsr seele / butterfly flurry
&& c. layla / silent nightingale
&& c. lumia / niveous eminence
&& c. rosemary / nocturne illusion
&& c. pamela / paradoxical heart
&& c. arabella / bloodied blossoms
&& c. lynn / starlight’s embrace
&& c. gabriella / tempestuous waves
&& c. daphne / flowing gales
&& c. calista / transcendent damnation
&& c. radiata / crimson lily
&& c. sylve / tempest archer
&& c. raven / lunar songstress
&& c. nimue / ethereal sorceress
&& c. luna / apocalyptic moonlight
&& c. vera / redheaded death
&& c. alpha / crimson abyss
&& c. qu / kowloong monarch
&& c. nanami / searing heart
&& c. selena / tempest finale
&& c. angela / star of freedom
&& c. iori / the purple tear
&& c. zena / arbiter of the head
&& c. eden / golden diva
&& c. bronya / wolf’s dawn
&& c. skirk / girl of another world
&& c. clorinde / candlebearer shadowhunter
&& c. kokomi / pearl of wisdom
&& c. jingliu / transcendent flash
&& c. robin / caged songbird
&& c. one / song of salvation
&& c. two / song of love
&& c. three / song of obsession
&& c. four / song of envy
&& c. accord / recorder android
&& c. popola / singer of the ancients
&& c. devola / singer of the ancients
&& c. shadowheart / daughter of darkness
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&& v. crossover / and we come together despite all odds
&& v. unspecified / dance in a world of endless possibilities
&& v. genshin / step into a vast magical world of adventure
&& v. hi3 / for all that’s beautiful in the world
&& v. hsr / may this journey lead us starward
&& v. lobcorp / face the fear; build the future
&& v. lor / book; librarian; star; and city
&& v. lcb / face the sin; save the ego
&& v. projmoon / hominem te esse memento
&& v. stp / you are on a path in the woods
&& v. bg3 / to become more than what we were made to be
&& v. d&d / our adventure begins here
&& v. fe3h / promise me you won't forget me
&& v. ph / there is no black and white; only our will
&& v. pgr / reclaim the world for humanity
&& v. dod3 / the songs of oblivion
&& v. modern / a world not far off from our own
&& v. ce / the ethereal abyss
&& v. ce: rein / reborn into peace
&& v. tenebra / repetition of history
&& v. herrscher of death / birthed from broken serenity
&& v. older layla / the nightingale’s metamorphosis
&& v. younger layla / from the embers
&& v. little layla / still-burning flame
&& v. white witch / the monster they made
&& v. star of the head / flickering lights in an empty city
&& v. shining star / reignition of lost light
&& v. fallen star / all-consuming darkness
&& v. chosen of bhaal / the embrace of her rancid blood
&& v. young nimue / unknowing accursed daughter
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&& complicated found fam / butterflies daffodils and birds
&& layla + crystal / the sweetest devotion i’ve ever known
&& calista x aelia / light up the night sky together
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0 notes
nyxronomicon · 2 years
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nyx. 30s. bi. she/her.
🔞 this is an 18+ multifandom blog. minors and ageless blogs will be blocked. 🔞
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//. most frequent fandoms: jjk, hsr, wuwa, yakuza, bg3, genshin impact, bnha, pgr //. about me: goth gf. villain apologist. filthy leftist. titty enjoyer. elder weeb. music aficionado. problematic dilf enthusiast. //. DNI: racists, terfs, pedos, bigotry is not tolerated here //. favs: Toji, Choso, Gallagher, Gepard, Boothill, Endeavor, Ryuji Goda, Wyll, Halsin, Wriothesley, Capitano
my monster boyfriend dating sim: and they were housemates... (ATWH)
🇵🇸🍉 sponsor a fic for Palestine! 🍉🇵🇸
ko-fi | ao3 | twt
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my other blogs // main: @vampnyx​ // art: @nyxronomicon-art
frequent kinks and ask guidelines under the cut.
🖤: titplay of any kind, cockwarming, monsterfucking (all types lol), yandere, intox, dub-con, mind control/hypno, cucking, public/semi-public/risky, stepcest, power dynamic, sacrilege, hatefucking, age difference (where both characters are 20+), horror & dark romance, praise & degradation, breeding/heat
❌: piss/scat, incest, virgin/inexperienced, ddlg, anal, pregnancy, furry
anything not listed above i am probably ok with but it's not my fave lol
ask guidelines: I don't do requests but my mind works on inspiration so sometimes i'll write drabbles/longer fics from asks! i'll answer pretty much any question if you're kind and if i get a bad vibe or you are rude i'll simply delete. i also enjoy rambling endlessly on my train of thought so watch out,
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lilithandroses · 2 years
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!!pgr masterlist 1!!
☁︎ - drabble
✪︎ - headcanon
☽︎ - fic
♤ - traumatic trigger(s)
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(nothing yet~)
(nothing yet~)
(nothing yet~)
(nothing yet~)
general nsfw headcanons - ✪︎
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©lilithandroses, do not repost any of my works anywhere without permission (ao3, wattpad, etc.)
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