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mrpeaceandliberty · 3 years ago
If I Were President Were President by Montagne Mathematically Perfected Economy™
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mrpeaceandliberty · 5 years ago
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IMAGINE: A world without banks. . IMAGINE: A world where we didn't have to pay interest to thieving banks because they can't justify "risk" . IMAGINE: A world where you can OWN your home for under £100 per month making renting a thing of the past. . IMAGINE: A world where there is no such thing as inflation or deflation so the price you pay for something now will be the same in 50 years. . IMAGINE: A world where all interest which has been stolen by banks is given back to the people and put towards principal. . IMAGINE: A world that understands the nature of money so therefore can see political betrayers in their midst. . IMAGINE: A world where it would be possible for an ordinary Joe to retire in his 40s . IMAGINE: A world where things are built to last rather than a planned obsolescence. . IMAGINE: A world where personal sovereignty is a given rather than something that has to fought tooth and nail for. . IMPOSSIBLE? FAR FETCHED? CLOUD CUCKOO LAND? For all you so called "researchers" out there. . Research Mathematically Perfected Economy the singular integral solution to: . 1) inflation and deflation, . 2) systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property, and . 3) inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to a vital circulation, engendering inevitable systemic failure at a finite system lifespan defined by an inevitable, terminal sum of insoluble debt. . Mathematically Perfected Economy™ is every prospective debtor's right to issue their promise to pay, free of extrinsic manipulation, adulteration, or exploitation of that promise, or the natural opportunity to make good on it. . YOU MAY SAY I'M A DREAMER BUT I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. . Mathematically Perfected Economy UK https://www.facebook.com/groups/1531359567098085/ . #imaginetheresnobanking #imaginetheresnohunger #heavenonearth😍 #ihaveadream #twilightzonememes #rodserlingistheman #endhomelessness #universaljustice #interestfree #nobandaids #nonpartisan #falseleftrightparadigm #itsthebanks #yousayimadreamer #ihopesomedayyoulljoinus #pfmpe #mikemontagne no more #paychecktopaycheck @onepaycheckawaymovie @berniesanders (at West Little Havana, Miami) https://www.instagram.com/p/B50HAtjA9YH/?igshid=1e5jx8k2alyr1
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mrpeaceandliberty · 5 years ago
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"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20 (KJV) . . #isaiah520 #callingevilgood #callinggoodevilandevilgood #darknessforlight #lightfordarkness #bitterforsweet #sweetforbitter #prophetisaiah #biblicalprophecy #endtimes #woeuntothem #wedonotneedbanks #enemywithin #pfmpe #mikemontagne #trueprinciples #jonathancahn #theoracle #georgeorwell1984 #newspeak #usuryisnotbiblical #biblicalmathematics #mathdoesntlie #numbersdontlie (at West Little Havana, Miami) https://www.instagram.com/p/B48Sd18A6I6/?igshid=ij4y07hypbdo
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mrpeaceandliberty · 5 years ago
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"As easily, accurately and reliably as we can calculate the interest a person pay on a debt next month, we can project the maximum possible lifespan of any purported economy subject to interest." . . ~ Mike Montagne . . #pfmpe #mikemontagne #interestcalculation #terminalstate #usuryquotes #moneychanger #libertyandjusticeforall #freedomforhumanity #freedomtoprosper #whatreallyhappene #tacotuesday #wearecreators #wearecreditors #weareproducers #endtimes #callingevilgoodandgoodevil #stockholmsyndrome🌙 #thematrixhasyou #redpillbluepill #wearetgeoneswevebeenwaitingfor #ihaveadream #thomasjefferson #benjaminfranklin #jfkjrlives #andrewjackson #foundingfathers #trueprogressive #questionauthority #teachabletuesdays https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xOuLsFd1m/?igshid=l91hlxcdeyq9
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mrpeaceandliberty · 5 years ago
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The Faux-Creditor Action™ (FCA™) forces banks across the globe to walk on as much as $10 Million of debt, because they cannot afford to got to court and answer these legally omnipotent questions: . . What lawful consideration does the banking system give up in the process of ostensibly lending money into existence? . . What knowledgeable public assent even allows the banking system the privilege of ostensibly lending money into existence without giving up law consideration commensurable to the debts they claim are owed to them? . . #debtforgiveness is absurd #resolutionnotrevolution #jeanlucpicard #patrickstewartmemes #facepalms #presidentialcandidates2020 #confederacyofdunces #monetarypolicy #bankingcartel #unworthy #evasión #singulartruth #contractlawyer #contractlaw #abnamrobanco #sundaysundaysunday #thetruthshallsetyoufree #2020presidentialcandidate #pfmpe #mikemontagne #startrekthenextgeneration #startrekmemes #wedontneedbanks . . #gotocourt with us . . #legalprecedent . . Google ANN AMRO FORECLOSURE (at West Little Havana, Miami) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4sLlUolX6t/?igshid=1dqk3t9t9vqx0
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mrpeaceandliberty · 5 years ago
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In a recent email from an organization calling themselves "Freedom To Prosper," somebody named Richard "RJ" Eskow characterized proposals by presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as "serious attempts to address the student debt crisis." . . The scary part is that he probably said (or wrote) it with a straight face. #freedomtoprosper #straightface #studentdebtcrisis #timetogetserious #pfmpe #mikemontagne @berniesanders @elizabethwarren https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PMbaQgXmS/?igshid=qrahwkzoahn8
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mrpeaceandliberty · 6 years ago
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The Language of 1984: War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength We Don't Have Enough Money Because There's Too Much Money In Circulation If we can ever hope to rid our society of all the injustices, we will necessarily understand that interest multiples debt in proportion to the obligated circulation. So the sooner we have the accountability to stop embracing ignorance as strength, we can understand the basic math behind why our morals have eroded right along with our life savings. Then, assuming we are grown up enough solve the problem, we can then become a truly free society. #tdt #tuesdayafternoon #1984georgeorwell #newspeak #universaldeceit #warispeace #freedomisslavery #ignoranceisstrength #inflatedprices #truthshallsetyoufree #mathematically #perfected #economy #pfmpe #mikemontagne #presidentialdebate https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RoWu9FiEG/?igshid=1kv0l5pqsrnl2
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mrpeaceandliberty · 6 years ago
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IMAGINE: A world without banks. . . IMAGINE: A world where we didn't have to pay interest to thieving banks because they can't justify "risk" . . IMAGINE: A world where you can OWN your home for under £100 per month making renting a thing of the past. . . IMAGINE: A world where there is no such thing as inflation or deflation so the price you pay for something now will be the same in 50 years. . . IMAGINE: A world where all interest which has been stolen by banks is given back to the people and put towards principal. . . IMAGINE: A world that understands the nature of money so therefore can see political betrayers in their midst. . . IMAGINE: A world where it would be possible for an ordinary Joe to retire in his 40s . . IMAGINE: A world where things are built to last rather than a planned obsolescence. . . IMAGINE: A world where personal sovereignty is a given rather than something that has to fought tooth and nail for. . . IMPOSSIBLE? FAR FETCHED? CLOUD CUCKOO LAND? For all you so called "researchers" out there. . . Research Mathematically Perfected Economy the singular integral solution to: . . 1) inflation and deflation, . . 2) systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property, and . . 3) inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to a vital circulation, engendering inevitable systemic failure at a finite system lifespan defined by an inevitable, terminal sum of insoluble debt. . . Mathematically Perfected Economy™ is every prospective debtor's right to issue their promise to pay, free of extrinsic manipulation, adulteration, or exploitation of that promise, or the natural opportunity to make good on it. . . YOU MAY SAY I'M A DREAMER BUT I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. . . Mathematically Perfected Economy UK https://www.facebook.com/groups/1531359567098085/ . . #imaginetheresnobanking #imaginetheresnohunger #stophumantrafficking #johnlennonedit #imaginejo #rodserlingistheman #twilightzone #homeownership #endhomelessness #plannedobsolescence #universaljustice #interestfree #nobandaids #nonpartisan #falseleftrightparadigm #itsthebanks #yousayimadreamer #ihopesomedayyoulljoinus #pfmpe #mikemontagne https://www.instagram.com/p/BzvueqdA7-p/?igshid=1iup4vb8lv6sh
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mrpeaceandliberty · 6 years ago
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Mike Montagne, in a 2013 Letter To ABN AMRO Bank, (which then walked on a $10 Million debt rather than provide the unavoidably incriminating answer) wrote the following inquiry: . . "I would be much obliged therefore for immediate, full and faithful disclosure of ABN AMRO's prior knowledge of the trust it may or may not even agree exists in the proposition that money can indeed rightfully be lent into existence. . . Specifically we desire to know without confusion, evasion or equivocation, how it is that banking contends it creates money as purported debts to a purported banking system which may or may not even give up commensurable consideration in the process. . . This after all, is something we would expect you already know from such plentiful and faithful documentation as legitimate enterprise would already have provided." @abnamronl @federalreserve #centralbanks #pfmpe #confusion #evasion #equivocation #suppressants #commensurable #consideration #contracts #quidproquo #fraud #legitimateenterprise https://www.instagram.com/p/Byk0gSng8gj/?igshid=1hg7sa4564wjr
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mrpeaceandliberty · 6 years ago
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Search Google for "ANN AMRO FORECLOSURE" , and you will find documents and videos where #mikemontagne reads the letter which sent the bank in late 2013, which forced the bank to walk on $10 Million of debt because they cannot answer the question of consideration and an equally important question of knowledgeable public assent. Although there have been many cases with similar outcomes across the globe since 1976, this one is exemplary. . . "Specifically, we desire to know without confusion evasion or equivocation, how it is that banking contends it creates money as purported debts to a purported banking system which may or may not even give up commensurable consideration in the process. . . This after all, is something we would expect you already know from such plentiful and faithful documentation as legitimate enterprise would already have provided." . . ~ Mike Montagne . . #banksmoredangerous #contractlaw #fraudsters #commonsense #economicjustice #norisk #banksters #misdirection #sleightofhand #mediumofexchange #tokensofwealth #youcreate #strangertothecontract #consideration #irrefutablepursuit #trueprinciples #pfmpe #wecreatewealth #leviticuschapter19 #contractualfraud #publicassent #confederation #moneycreation #contractualenforceability #lawfulconsideration https://www.instagram.com/p/Byctcr-AwLa/?igshid=m6maandbk56t
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mrpeaceandliberty · 6 years ago
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"When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again." ~Edith Hamilton #edithhamilton #brainyquotes #freedom #athensgreece #bechukotai #leviticus26 #leviticus27 #goodshabbos #shabbatshalom #pfmpe #shabatshalom #simcha #chesed #chokmah https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLWIhNgcfk/?igshid=jutjp11ohivd
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mrpeaceandliberty · 6 years ago
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"Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for." Will Rogers #willrogersquote Thanks to #dailyinspirationalquotes from @andysoldportpub , #thankfulquotes #wednesdaywisdom #governmentisnotyourfriend #pfmpe #patrioticquotes #greatorator #quoteoftheday✏️ #instashare😍😍 #instaquotestagram https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDRLEKgUL4/?igshid=1gdwsn52obao1
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mrpeaceandliberty · 6 years ago
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"With such a vast cast of the founders standing so adamantly against usury, perhaps it is not surprising that since the deception of the so called Federal Reserve was established, no purported representative dares even try to answer the most central question upon which the very fact of representation itself hinges. This is my standard question. A question I ask first to candidates, to presidents, to their staffs, and to naysayers of the proposition we can perfect economy: If the currency is introduced to circulation as a debt subject to interest, how is it even possible to maintain a circulation without suffering irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to the circulation until we succumb to an eventual, impossible sum of debt, if to maintain the circulation we must re-borrow whatever we pay against principal and interest as subsequent sums of debt, always increased then so much as periodic interest?" mike montagne — founder, PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy™, author/engineer of mathematically perfected economy™ (1979), #foundingfathers #usuryquotes #federalreservebank #standardquestion #presidentialstaff #currencycartel #reaganomics #jerrybrown #interestfreefinancing #pfmpe https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQXe7bHpie/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fkeugh67r57c
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