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Search Google for "ABN AMRO FORECLOSURE" , and you will find documents and videos where #mikemontagne reads the letter he sent the bank in late 2013, which forced the bank to walk on $10 Million of debt because they cannot answer the question of consideration and an equally important question of knowledgeable public assent. Although there have been many cases with similar outcomes across the globe since 1976, this one is exemplary. . . "Specifically, we desire to know without confusion evasion or equivocation, how it is that banking contends it creates money as purported debts to a purported banking system which may or may not even give up commensurable consideration in the process. . . This after all, is something we would expect you already know from such plentiful and faithful documentation as legitimate enterprise would already have provided." . . . ~ Mike Montagne . For full context, #directmessage me for the video where he explains and reads the whole letter. . . Listen to Mike Montagne every Saturday at 3pm EST at peopleforpeople.ning.com #foreclosuredefense #abnamro #thesystemisbroken #netherlands #finca #spain #interestonlyloan #banksmoredangerous #contractlaw #economicjustice #mediumofexchange #pfmpe #wecreatewealth #leviticus1913 #legitimateenterprise #contractualfraud #moneycreation #contractualenforceability #lawfulconsideration #2020presidentialcandidates #goodshabbos #shabbatshalom @mrpeaceandliberty @berniesanders @joebiden @speakerpelosi @betoorourke @kamalaharris @@saragideonme @elizabethwarren @dccc @repanniekuster @economicpolicy @whitehouse @the_federal_reserve @europeancentralbank @worldbank @abnamronl (at West Little Havana, Miami) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zlRDkgSti/?igshid=6mlcy7x0lm9w
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Search Google for "ANN AMRO FORECLOSURE" , and you will find documents and videos where #mikemontagne reads the letter which sent the bank in late 2013, which forced the bank to walk on $10 Million of debt because they cannot answer the question of consideration and an equally important question of knowledgeable public assent. Although there have been many cases with similar outcomes across the globe since 1976, this one is exemplary. . . "Specifically, we desire to know without confusion evasion or equivocation, how it is that banking contends it creates money as purported debts to a purported banking system which may or may not even give up commensurable consideration in the process. . . This after all, is something we would expect you already know from such plentiful and faithful documentation as legitimate enterprise would already have provided." . . ~ Mike Montagne . . #banksmoredangerous #contractlaw #fraudsters #commonsense #economicjustice #norisk #banksters #misdirection #sleightofhand #mediumofexchange #tokensofwealth #youcreate #strangertothecontract #consideration #irrefutablepursuit #trueprinciples #pfmpe #wecreatewealth #leviticuschapter19 #contractualfraud #publicassent #confederation #moneycreation #contractualenforceability #lawfulconsideration https://www.instagram.com/p/Byctcr-AwLa/?igshid=m6maandbk56t
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