#pfff you're all good though don't worry!!
mouwrites · 6 months
Ninjas x reader with a pixiecut?
I went threw a bad slump and didn't brush my hair for months and now it's so matted I have to cut it all off if I can't get it done by Monday 😭 I just really love your writing and i wanna see how the ninjas would react to a reader with long hair chopping it all off into a pixiecut ♡♡♡
I'm so sorry friend; but I know you'll look gorgeous no matter what you do with your hair! And the ninjas think so too ;)
Ninjago - Ninjas' Reaction to You Cutting Your Hair
I am a "Kai the hair expert" truther
So of course he's always concerned about your hair and its health
When you had long hair, he was always reminding you to take good care of it, but he never really enforced his reminders
So when you turn up one day with cropped hair, he's just like :O
"What happened?? Did you not take good care of it? Was it matted?"
He runs over to you and starts feeling your hair for himself, probably deducing exactly what went wrong in his little head
He just runs his hands through your hair for a while, and he finds himself already getting used to the new cut
He tells you that it doesn't look bad; no, it looks pretty great actually!
But if he suspects that you cut it for hair health reasons, he's going to start cracking down on you taking care of your hair
Don't worry, he has an arsenal of tips and product recommendations
And styling tips, now that it's shorter like his :D
Hair care night becomes a weekly ritual for you guys, and Kai always looks forward to it
Even if/when your hair grows out again, you keep this tradition going because you both love it so much
If not for the fabulous hair that results from these nights, then for the intimate feeling of applying products to each other's hair and brushing it out and stuff :)
I feel like Jay's the type of guy to be enchanted by big changes
He was absolutely enamored by you when you had long hair, but when you turn up with short hair...
It's the night he first saw you all over again: love at first sight
That's not to say that he loves you any more now, he just falls in love with another side of you (if that makes sense)
He asks why you cut it, more excited than condescending or anything
Whatever you say he just nods (was he even listening??), telling you how amazing you look
Get ready for him to be staring at you nonstop for the next..... forever probably
And he loves each new style you try as it grows out again (if you let it grow out)
He just adores seeing you in different styles; it's like having a whole array of Y/ns to love
He definitely surprises you with new accessories and clothes that he thinks will look nice with your current style
And he's always on the hunt for more.....
He can't pass by one clothing store without looking at the mannequins like "hmmm, Y/n would look good in that!" or "that would really complement Y/n's eyes when they do [x hairstyle]"
Even if he doesn't buy it, he'll take a picture so he can send it to you imagine you in it
Okay this is going to sound bad but. I don't think Cole would notice right away
He's not so much a "looks" guy
Don't get me wrong, he thinks you're gorgeous, but he's more holistic in his love for you
He loves your personality, your voice, the way you carry yourself... your appearance is just another item on a very long list of reasons he loves you
So when you turn up with short hair one day, he just smiles at you and asks if you did anything interesting today
"Pfff—Cole. Look at me and ask that question again."
"Oh.. OH!! Your hair!!"
He tells you it looks great :)
I don't think he'll say much beyond that; like I said, your appearance is just one reason he loves you
And he always thinks you look fantastic anyway
He always tells you you're beautiful, and he's not going to stop just because you got a haircut
He'll be pretty oblivious if you grow it out again, too, though
One day he'll just be like "hmm hang on... Oh! You've grown out your hair again!! Looks great babe :) <3"
He'd notice right away
And in the most non-judgemental, completely unbiased, solely curious voice, he'd ask:
"Why did you cut your hair?"
He's not disappointed or excited or anything, just genuinely curious
And he listens quite intently while you explain, nodding along agreeably
He liked it when it was long; he loved to play with it and try intricate styles
Just to keep his hands busy, y'know?
But that doesn't mean he was sad to see it short
If anything he just sees it as a challenge to try new hairstyles!
He LOVES playing with your hair, long or short
Be prepared to try out like 50 different styles within the first month
It's usually late at night when he tries them out, so you don't have to wear them in public if you don't want to
But he thinks you're beautiful in every style, and he will be very proud if you actually sport one of his styles out in the world
Though he likes the way you style it better; he thinks that it's just so... you
And it doesn't need saying that he can't get enough of you <3
It takes him about two seconds to notice, then he just freezes like a deer in headlights
And he's not subtle about it either, if you don't see him staring, you can definitely feel it
He won't say anything—you'll have to break the silence
"So, uh... what do you think?"
He blubbers for a moment, words failing him
He was just so surprised, and he didn't know what to make of it
He doesn't actually even have an opinion at first, he's too shocked
But he comes around to the new look pretty quickly
He decides that you're so gorgeous that you can rock any hairstyle
So he'll just look back on your long-haired days like "huh. they killed it back then, too. dang."
If anything the change has made him more conscious about the fact that you literally always look beautiful, and he starts reminding you more often
Especially when you try out a new way of styling it
Get ready to be called beautiful 100x more often, even as your hair grows out again
She is ECSTATIC when she sees your hair
Literally squeals:
"Oh my—! YOUR HAIR!!"
She runs over to you and immediately starts messing with it
She loves it!!
She loved you with long hair, too, she's just so surprised that you'd do something so radical and have it look THAT GOOD
She was, like... smacked in the face with beauty
She jokingly asks why you don't do such drastic changes more often
But then when the excitement wears off a bit, she'll ask if there was a reason you cut it
She'll be understanding no matter what you say, but if there was a problem she's going to help you fix it 😤
She's a do-er like that
I also think that she, like Kai, knows a thing or two about hair
Maybe not to the same extent, but she'll know how to help you if you need it :)
And she knows all the little tips and tricks for dealing with short hair, which she's more than glad to share with you
I also think that she'd be able to give you a little trim every now and again if you want to keep it short :)
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Thank you for this request! And thanks for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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supercorpkid · 2 months
Right To Be Hellish
Supergirl. Kara Danvers x Reader. Alex Danvers.
Word Count: 3615.
Notes: the jealousy fic we deserve. thanks @supercorpenthusiastic for this idea :)
"I can't believe you're actually going on a date with your ex." Kara huffs, avoiding eye contact, clearly signaling her frustration.
"Yeah, pretty crazy of me going out with someone that is into me."
"Oh please. You guys broke up for a reason."
"The reason being he moved out from National City for work, and now he is back." Kara gives an audible scoff, which you catch even from the bathroom. You come back into her view, to find her sitting on your bed, arms crossed, biting the inside of her mouth, clearly displeased with the situation. "What? Just say it."
"It's risky."
"And I told you, you got nothing to worry about. We're going to have dinner at that new fancy restaurant that just opened. So there'll be plenty of eye witnesses."
"Don't use words like that, it doesn't help."
"Kara, he is not a criminal. He's an architect who likes to design self-sustaining buildings." You resume getting ready, even though she continues to look unpleasant with your choice. "It's pretty honorable, honestly. I thought you'd like him. He is like a hero in his area."
"Pfff. I'd like to see him save people from a burning building." She mumbles, and you ignore her because you're too busy for whatever it is that is happening with her.
"Worst case scenario, I get a nice meal out of him." You joke from inside of the bathroom while you change.
"I'll pay for your food if that's the reason! I'll fly to Italy right now to get your favorite, if you call this off." 
You're tempted — you do love pasta more than anything else, and eating on your coffee table with Kara, watching an old movie sounds like a perfect plan. But you also know you can't keep hiding yourself from the world. You need to put yourself out there again and find someone that won't leave you to sleep alone, like your best friend does.
"Hey, look, I appreciate you looking out for me. But I promise I'll text you if anything goes wrong and you can send all the Superfriends there."
She doesn't answer, so you come back into view. Kara's mouth drops when she takes a look at you. You open your arms with a huge smile.
"How do I look?"
She blinks, unable to string together a sentence. Then, she adjusts her glasses on her face and smiles. "Good. Great. You look — nice." You raise your eyebrows at her waiting for more, because there's something on her expression that just tells you there's more. "Very nice."
You can't help the disappointment, you were expecting something else.  "Cool. Think I'll get more than a nice meal outta this?"
Kara stands up. "That's my cue. Text me if you want out." 
The dinner is going smoothly. With no awkward silences when you both have so much catching up to do. You are aware he is your ex, but this dinner feels more like reconnecting with an old friend.
It's all nice and easy, until you spot a familiar blonde coming your way, and your eyes widen at her. This can't be good.
"Oh! You're eating here?" Kara grins broadly, thumbs pointing at herself. "I'm eating here!"
You just stare at her, utterly baffled by her sudden appearance. She makes her way to sit next to you, and you whisper close to her face. "Kara, I appreciate the rescue, but like I've told you before, it's fine."
She has an unhinged look on her face when she says, "That's what friends are for."
You refrain from saying that no, this is not what friends are for. In fact, none of your other friends even thought about crashing your date. And you gulp, while she stares down your ex, in a way that is making everyone uncomfortable.
"Um, Ted, this is my best friend Kara. And Kara, you remember I told you about Ted, right?"
"Oh, hey, it's nice to meet you." He tries to shake her hand from across the table, but Kara doesn't touch him.
"So Ned! Y/N told me you dumped her when you moved out of National City for work."
You mumble, "Pretty sure I didn't use those words."
"And now, look at you!" She points accusingly, a scowl on her face. Not even trying to fake how she truly feels about him. "Here! Again! Wanting to undo your mistakes."
"Well, it's – um – it's Ted." He tries, while Kara stares him down like she might just use her heat vision on him. Ted goes on about buildings and whatnot, while you glance at Kara from side eyes, face hot in embarrassment and something else. You breathe deep trying to control yourself. 
She looks amazing. Tough and confident and nothing like the sweet Kara Danvers you know. When she crosses her arms, flexes really, your mouth runs dry. She is puffing her chest out with a bright red blush on her face. A vision of perfection. Wait, what the hell. Stop having obscene thoughts about your best friend and her muscles, weirdo!
Ted looks at you, and you finally focus back on the conversation happening in front of you. "Didn't we agree to focus on work for a while?"
"We did. Yeah." You shoot Kara a look, pleading her to shut the fuck up. "And, um, talking about work, I thought you said you needed to work tonight, Kara."
You try, and Kara looks at you with furrowed brows. You raise your own at her wishing she would just fucking get the silent message you're trying to say.
"Oh, yeah! I had this article to finish." She agrees, touching her glasses, getting back into her old Kara Danvers quickly while talking to you.
"Great! Then –"
"But it's done now!" Kara smiles right after and you swear to God, you might kill her. "So, Ed, did you get fired? Is that why you're back to National City? Did one of your buildings come crashing?"
"OK! You know what," You stand up abruptly. "I need to freshen up. Kara, care to join me?"
"Oh, I'll keep Fred company." She says that in such a threatening manner, you're the one getting shivers down your spine.
"It's Ted." He tries yet again.
"No, I – I need you. Please." You insist and she can tell how serious you are, by the way you're staring her down. 
"Okie dokie." 
You make your way to the bathroom, with Kara following you close-by. It's only when the door is closed that you acknowledge her. She looks so hot with this black top, hair back, and clenched-up jaw. It takes everything inside you not to slam her against the door and —
Stop. Don't go there. Why the hell are you going there?
You've known Kara for years, and you never once — Well, that's not true, your first thought when you met her was how amazing she looked, and how much you wanted to kiss her. But then you guys started being friends, and you stopped this nonsense — except that one time she told you she was Supergirl and you imagined kissing her senseless while flying around National City. But other than that — wait, there was also that very explicit dream…
Ok, fine. It seems like friendship is not the only thing you want from her. You breathe out trying to focus on what's happening now and not on what you wish could happen, "What the hell was that? You were acting like a crazy person!"
"What? Did you see the way he was looking at you? It's my right to be hellish!"
You tilt your head sideways, thinking about it. "Why is it your right to act insane?"
"You don't get it, you're too sexy and beautiful, people just stare at you like they want to —" Her face gets red, this time from embarrassment. "I'm just doing what best friends do."
"Well, you're being a bad friend!" Her mouth drops, shocked by what you just said. "I told you I'd text you if I needed help!"
"But you texted!" Kara says and you roll your eyes. You can't believe she is now lying about this. She can sense you're not believing her, so she grabs her phone in her pocket. "See," she turns it to you, "you texted!"
You glance at the screen to said text, "Kara, that's clearly a pocket text."
"Well, I didn't know that! I thought that you were being kidnapped and was trying to let me know where he was taking you."
Oh. You blink at her, realizing your mistake. That actually makes sense.
"So I dropped everything and came here to save you, only for you to call me a bad friend."
You curse yourself. "I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry –"
"No, you said what you said. I'll leave you alone with hero architect Brad, have fun." She turns around, and before you open your mouth to stop her, she turns back at you. "Oh! And I hope you don't get kidnapped for real this time, 'cause I'm not coming back to save you."
You know she is lying, she would obviously come back to save you, but the fact she felt the need to lie about it only shows how upset she is about this whole thing.
"Kara, wait. Kara!" But she leaves without a glance back. You breathe deep, trying to decide if you should run after her or just go back to your date. You obviously want to make things right with her, but there's so much to think about. Why is it her right to be hellish when people are looking at you as if they want you?
The rest of the dinner is fine. But as soon as you're out of the restaurant, you're texting Kara trying to make amends.
It's been a couple of days and still radio silence from her end. You can't believe Kara is taking this so far, and you also don't know what else to say so she can at least go back to talking to you. 
You hear the doorbell and run to the door in a hurry, hoping that Kara has come to her senses. Your face drops when you open the door. "Oh, hey Alex."
"Don't look so disappointed to see me!"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm not." You open the rest of the door and make your way inside. "I just thought you were someone else."
"And who was that, exactly?" Alex closes the front door behind her, following you into the kitchen.
"Your sister, actually." You breathe out and Alex agrees with her head. "We had a little bit of a disagreement after I went on a date with my ex."
"Oh, right! Chad! I heard all about him and his 'buttface'." You furrow your eyebrows at her. and she explains right after, "Kara is too nice to call him an asshole."
"But apparently not nice enough to call him by his real name. He's also not an asshole." You grab two beers in the fridge and hand Alex one. You know her well enough to know she needs one to function. "How mad is she right now?"
"She's just butthurt 'cause you said she was being a bad friend. Just apologize."
"I have! Many times! I've been texting her for days and I tried calling her. She just won't talk to me."
"Oh. I might have misread the situation." 
"Well, try again?" You urge her. Alex chugs her beer then shrugs her arms as an answer. "Alex, come on! You know Kara better than anyone. I admit I was an asshole when I said she was a bad friend, but she has completely shut me off. She didn't even give me the chance to apologize properly. And then proceeded to tell you bad things about Ted when he was nothing but nice the whole time."
"Ok, fine. If I tell you what I think it is, will you drop it for now and order us some food?" 
You look at her in utter confusion. "You showed up here uninvited. You buy us food. I'm supplying the beer."
"Fine." Alex makes her way to your fridge and grabs another beer. Yeah, that one was on you. "I think she might be feeling a bit jealous."
"Because I have someone and she doesn't?"
"Aaaand I need tequila for this." Alex mumbles under her breath and you get up from the couch, getting closer. She is pouring herself a shot of tequila, and you're seconds away from calling her out on it, but she downs the shot and starts talking, "More like she is jealous you have someone that isn't her."
"I don't get it."
"And I'm not drunk enough." Alex says going back to her beer. 
"God, Alex, stop drinking!" You pull the beer out of her hands and she huffs, upset.
"You and Kara make me an alcoholic ok!" She stares at you with full intent. "It's always, 'oh but Y/N is going out with that guy when she could go out with me. Oh my God, why is Kara so obsessed with me?' Yadda yadda yadda. It's exhausting, you know? Just fucking kiss already!"
"Kiss?" You look down at the floor while thinking about it. "Alex, is Kara in love with me?"
"Has been for two years, thank God you finally noticed."
"Actually, you just told me." You joke and she rolls her eyes. You sit on the closest chair, and look at her. "I wasn't sure she felt like this. I didn't wanna mess up the friendship."
Alex sits next to you, puts a hand on your shoulder. "What are your plans now? Are you going to break up with Ted, or just pretend you don't know how Kara feels?"
"I don't know." And you don't. You don't know. Which is ridiculous, how can you not know something so big and life-changing? "I need tequila for this."
"Now we're talking!"
It's a whole bottle of tequila, all the beers that were in your fridge, and the warm Vodka bottle Alex found under the sink later, when you realize that you can't barely stand up and Alex is slow-dancing with a pillow to no music. And right on time, Supergirl flies in through the window.
"Kara!" You stand up from your place on the floor in shock. Alex, being caught off guard, sends the pillow flying right at your face. Two seconds before your butt hits the floor, Kara picks you up. "What are you doing here?"
"You called! You pressed the emergency button on the watch."
You furrow your brows, not remembering that. You look at Alex wondering what she's done. "Don't look at me. I didn't do it."
Two minutes prior:
"We should get Kara here!"
"Yeaaaah! Call her! Call her! Call her!"
"Wait wait, I have a better idea." Then you press the emergency button.
"And it seems that you two are too drunk to even remember that." Kara rolls her eyes, annoyed. She sits you on the couch, and goes around the apartment organizing what she can see. She pulls Alex's glass out of her hands with a mad face. "You had enough. I can't believe you were trying to drink Y/N under a table."
"Hey! She was drinking herself!"
Two hours prior:
"You know what, if you don't know who to pick it's probably 'cause you're trying to use logic. Love isn't logical. Let's get you drunk so you can feel it, instead!" Alex said pouring more tequila into your shot glass.
"Alright, well, you're the specialist!"
"I'm gonna fly Alex home, and you –" She looks back at you on the couch with sad eyes looking up to her. She breathes out, finding it impossible to be mad at you. "Stay put, I'll be back soon to help you."
"Okay." You give her a dopey smile, so happy she is coming back for you. 
Kara is truly remarkable. The fact that she's coming back to look after you, despite you calling her a bad friend, fills your eyes with tears. How could you have said such a thing? She's the epitome of a best friend, the finest person you've ever known! Sweet, caring, and undeniably beautiful. So beautiful. You can still remember her clenched jaw, biceps showing her strength through the top, lips pressed together. You fight to get air back in your lungs, your entire body so hot you feel you're about to combust.
You think back to all the moments Kara was there for you. All the times she made you laugh hard, and how you never had to ask her to show up for you because she would hear your sad voice over the phone and just materialize at your place the next second. Your love for her knows no bounds. You love her more than anyone you've loved in your life. Ted doesn't even come close to comparing.
It's Kara you want. It's always been Kara. It will always be Kara. You spent so long convincing yourself that who you wanted was unachievable that you missed on the fact she had the exact same feelings towards you. You just wish she would admit them to you.
Kara flies back in through the window, checking on you from farther than you'd like. "You look flushed. Are you feeling ok?"
"Ye—Yeah." You force out of your dry mouth.
She goes to your kitchen for a glass of water.
"How's Alex?"
"Having another beer. Even though I think you both had enough." She rolls her eyes, comes closer with water in hands. She doesn't give you much time to enjoy her closeness, when she goes back to picking up the beer bottles and cleaning around the house. "How are you actually feeling?"
"I, um —" You know she is upset, but girl's gotta get over it right about now. "Can you please look at me?"
"I'm trying to organize the mess you and Alex did. Why — why would you do such a thing, Y/N? You know Alex can't be outdrunk." She goes on, not a glance over to you.
"Kara, look at me." She turns to you, and you can see annoyance written all over her face. "I think I'm gonna marry Ted."
"What!" Kara's face is a mix of emotions. She wears them all clearly — anger, resentment, heartbreak, sadness. Her hand shoots to her heart, as if she's checking it's still there. She looks so pale all of a sudden, you're scared you might be giving her a heart attack. Her voice comes out so small, "Really?"
"No. But you should see your face." You smile and she rolls her eyes at you, incapable of keeping her anger in check.
"Oh, so you think this is funny?" Her face contorts in anger, one eye blinking at you. "Well, why don't you get Todd here to help you, huh?"
"Because I don't want Ted. I want you." 
"I thought you said I was a bad friend."
Tears pool under your eyes. "God, Kara. Will you get over that? I said I was wrong! I apologized! I'm sorry!" You get up from the couch, the first few steps are as unsteady as predicted, but you make your way towards her anyways. "I'm sorry. I love you. I'm sorry."
She hangs her head low and now you're close enough to touch her. You hold her face softly, making her look at you. "I love you."
"Y/N." Kara whines your name, eyes wet, lips parted. 
"Go on, Kara, tell me you love me too. Now is the time." 
"You're drunk." She says averting her eyes from your piercing gaze. "This is not how I imagined it."
"Well, I'm sorry baby," You hold her face a little stronger so she can look back at your eyes. You only continue when she does,  "but life is chaotic. Relationships are messy and they don't go like our fantasies, and I'm telling you Kara, I love you. And if you love me back, you have to tell me right here, right now." You show around. "In my shitty apartment, while I smell like alcohol and we curse your sister for getting me drunk."
Kara's tears fall, and she swallows deep. She doesn't talk, and your heart is seconds away from breaking and never recovering. You cry too, hiding your face on her chest. "Please, please say you love me."
"I love you." She barely whispers, planting a kiss on the top of your head. You look up to her again, and she cleans your tears with her finger. "I've always loved you, baby. I always will. And I'm sorry I pushed you away, I guess I was just jealous of hero architect Ted." 
You give her a sly smile. "So you do know his name."
"Y/N." She whines your name again and you let out a chuckle at her pretty pouting face.
You kiss the corner of her mouth lovingly, "I love you. I've always wanted you."
She kisses the tip of your nose, your temple, and your cheeks with no rush. There's no need to rush anymore. You just got the love of your life and you know she isn't going anywhere. "You're mine. I had the right to be hellish."
You smile, agreeing. "I'm yours."
Kara's cheeks flush, as she looks at you fondly. "Come on, let's get you sober, baby."
"And then we'll kiss." You say, because you know Kara so well, she won't 'take advantage' of your drunk state. 
Kara smiles, kissing your cheek softly, then she picks you up and starts carrying you to the bathroom. "And then we'll kiss, yeah."
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Hey Mac, we thought you were dead;
Sequel to this post on Macaque being back in the "Century Stone Egg Au".
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After the pregnant Monkey King breaks his shock, he'd run to embrace Macaque, even if he'd just been super close to clawing his eye out (again) and that they're last meeting was a huge fight. He only holds back because he's honestly a little scared/worried how and why Macaque is there. Wukong is immediately trying to apolgise for his violent reaction, but Macaque just laughes out; "Nah, it's my fault. Should've asked first." It's only with the shadow monkeys' breathy, almost *fond* laughter that Wukong realises that Mac is truly there for peace. Mac's interaction with PIF further confirms this.
The reincarnation gang + the dragon couple are super sketched out though. Pigsy is the one to loudly ask "How do you know it's him and not some weird copycat?", mostly cus he's legit worried for Wukong in this moment. Somebody's dead partner don't just show up one day!
Wukong responds with his Gold Vision + its hard to fake the way Mac smells. The gang still refuse to leave the two alone together until they recieve a decent explaination.
The fact that Macaque literally looks like he crawled out of the grave quickly gives everybody a bad feeling, and they def force Mac to sit down and explain how tf he came back to life before he's even allowed smell Wukong.
Macaque: "I may have agreed to do something... kinda stupid in hindsight." Wukong, : "Mac... look at me. What did you do?" Macaque: "...ok don't be mad." Wukong: "I'm preemptively seething." Macaque: "I accepted a deal from the White Bone Spirit." Wukong: "I'M FURIOUS!!!" *starts throwing whatever's closest at Mac* Macaque, dodges a pillow: "Pfff! Calm down, it's not like I'm actually gonna do it! She brought me back to life to release her from a tomb or something and I chucked the key away the second I got back." The whole Room: "..." Wukong: "Mihou... thats the stupidiest thing you could have done!" *summons hair clones to throw stuff at Mac* Macaque, now failing to dodge fruit: "OW! Why are you upset!? We both know nothing good will come of letting that demon free!" PIF: "Mihou, if this Bone Demon was able to bring you back from the dead, then she has the power to track you down and recind her offer." Macaque: "...so you're saying that I have to fufill her deal, or I might get dragged back to Diyu?" Wukong and PIF, at the same time: "YES!!!" Macaque: "Shit." The Whole Room: *covering Red and Mei's ears* "LANGUAGE!!" Tang: "You should work on that before the baby gets here.
Oh you better believe Mac's in the doghouse until they can figure out how to resolve the LBD business deal. PIF calls up her lawyer to go over the exact terms and conditions.
Fire Star: "Ok, I've got good news and bad news." Macaque: "Bad news first." Fire Star: "The Lady Bone Demon's geas is airtight. You will have to open her tomb *slash* free her spirit in order to keep your place in this mortal realm - less you be recalled at a later date for a task of similar value or until she makes you redundant." Pigsy: "Translate for the non-lawyers please." Fire Star: "Either he does it, or she makes him do it, or she just takes his soul." Macaque: "Shit." Wukong & PIF: *glaring daggers at Mac* Macaque: "So what's the good news?" Fire Star, slyly: "Those are the only conditions to the geas. There's a reason you need lawyers for these kind of things nowadays. She didn't stipulate say... where to release her. Or whom would be present to greet her when her tomb opens." Everyone: *shares similar delighted/scheming looks* (*a few hours + a few calls to a worried Nezha later*) Macaque: *unlocks LBD's tomb* LBD: "Freedom! Freedom! Fr-" All of Wukong's allies in the Heavenly Army + Diyu officials:
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LBD: "Oh bother."
As the Bone Demon gets carted away for conspiracy to destroy the world, she gets yelled at by all of the Underworld/Diyu officials that now have to deal with the fallout of her actions.
King Yama: "Do you understand how much paperwork I have to do to mark this monkey as alive!? He doesn't have a death date! It's been blotted out! I'll be correcting his files for months!!" Macaque: *high fives Fire Star for the solid lawyer-ing*
As far as Hell/Diyu is concerned, Macaque performed a service and was paid upfront. They don't want the headache of trying to take him back if his mate (someone who's trashed Hell before) wants to keep him.
Wukong is still super-mad at Mac for a variety of reasons, don't get hom wrong. But he's atleast glad in the moment to have his mate back. And glad that LBD is gone for the forseeable future.
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nightwonder7 · 4 months
I run an IDV x reader writing blog and I wanted to ask, since you're someone I look up to, for tips regarding portraying the characters.
Oh gosh, I'm really flattered! ;A; It truly means a lot to hear that! O////////O I try my best to learn about the characters and their lore and use that to portray them in my work to the best of my ability. Of course, I'm by no means perfect, and I'm probably wrong about some things. I'll slip in my own interpretation and headcanons every now and then. Even exaggerate for comedic effect.
But enough rambling, onto the question! The best tip I can really give is to read up on lore; everything from B-day letters to deductions to diaries to trailers to descriptions on skins, accessories and stories; every piece of information gives a bit of insight to a character, and together they can create a picture (albeit not always complete. That's where headcanons and theories come in to fill in the blanks). I find even events can tell a bit more about a character. Just soak it all up. The Wiki has been my best friend in learning IDV lore, even though I've heard it might not have all the info there is, but you can come a long way with it.
Analyses and theories people put out can also give great insight and provide different points of view. They have been really helpful for me in learning more about the characters, especially with trailers since I find them to be a little too poetic for me to understand sometimes ghfjdskgfds it's also good if you have someone to discuss these matters with.
Of course, the more invested you are in a character, the easier it is to learn about them. It is totally okay to stick with only a very few you like; the most important thing is that you're having fun! And you can always ask friends who are invested in other characters to help you out writing those. From my experience, they're usually happy to talk about their blorbos. Combined we are experts XD
And once you've gathered information, use it to answer questions like "What would they do in such and such situation?", "Do they prefer X, Y or Z?", "How would they interact with this character under these circumstances?" etc etc. Depending on what you're writing. Often times for me, however, my brain just comes up with scenarios by itself fdshjfgdsj
Gosh, this got a lot longer than I expected pfff But yeah, this is how I go about portraying characters; read about them and then apply what I've learned. I hope this helps! And like I said, the most important thing is to have fun with it, so don't worry about not writing a character perfectly. Every interpretation is different, and that's totally fine!
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bismuthx · 9 months
Oliva Biscuit x male reader and his name is Nitsu
Secret Santa gift fic for @unstuckmusturd
Sorry if some things don't add up very well also because it's too late!
Tw: infidelity, ambiguous thoughts, anal sex, blowbjob and spelling errors
"Get away from me!" You've deceived me, I don't know why I believed you.
"Listen to me, Nitsu, I was an idiot not to tell you anything, but I can make it clear..."
"Clarify what!?" That I'm the other? This was all a lie, you just called me so you can fix your problems with your girlfriend! "
"Maybe if you calm down..." Oliva tries to reassure him by grabbing him by the shoulder.
"Let go of me, dammit! You only brought misfortune into my life Nitsu" couldn't take it anymore and slapped him, Oliva didn't answer, he just bowed his head...
No one had imagined seeing Oliva's psychologist next to him having an argument... Who would have thought that the two of them would form an unbreakable bond?... We'd better start from the beginning.
And there he was, Oliva Biscuit, dressed as elegantly as possible and holding in his hands a pretty bouquet of roses, like the good groom who had been waiting three minutes before outside the room of his lovely bride. "Ah, Maria, my beautiful Maria, she is the only one in my heart, so lovely, she is just what I always dreamed of. Damn, I'm the luckiest man on earth—no! What do I say, of the universe" those and more cloying thoughts were running through his mind during the short time he had planted.
"What the fuck are you doing standing out there and why don't you just get in!?" "Maria didn't have that much patience for this kind of thing, even though it had been more than 7 years. "Tks, you're always late, damn..."
As always, Oliva received his daily dose of insults as it was already typical of what he had become accustomed to.
"Relax, Oliva, you know how she is, you have to be empathetic and not get angry like she does, understand what Maria is going through, it's not easy..."
"Are you done yet?" It was the only thing he could say, anything offensive or not; it would be used against him.
Maria just looked at him, she didn't say anything. Tears began to flow from those eyes that Oliva loved to see. He just came up to her and said, "My beloved, you'll never change, I love the way you are, maybe you won't be affectionate with me, but, I only have eyes for you, oh..." My dear Mary, stop crying. Scope! I brought you a bouquet of roses-
"Ahggg! Don't you understand me, I'm tired of this monotony, always lying around, not doing a single thing, just occupying a miserable place here... Also, you give me this bouquet of roses every day! Can't you see that I'm tired of this?, I want to change the rhythm of my life... I just want to... She was so melancholy that she didn't even feel like talking to him anymore, but Oliva noticed his beloved's feelings and quickly imprisoned her in his chest, hugging her lovingly.
Amazingly, Mary had stopped crying and had received the hug in a good way.
"I love you..."
Those were the only words that came out of the blonde. Biscuit's cheeks turned a crimson red.
"Have I told you that you make me the luckiest man?"
The woman ignored his question to hug him more intensely.
"Listen, Oliva, I really love your company, but would you like to leave me alone for a few moments?"
"Okay, don't worry, my dear, I'll wait as long as necessary for you." Without further ado, Oliva left the room.
"Hmm... What are you thinking? Does it have a surprise for me? Is he planning something pretty? Or is he just on his days? No, I say, he must have something beautiful to say to me, but is that a big deal, so that he should be made to leave his room? Pfff, of course it is, in our relationship everything is important..., but what do you want to tell me? If it was a good thing I'd say it... It doesn't matter what I'm thinking, our love is more important than that, I love her, hash, she's the most perfect woman I could have ever seen."
"Mr. Unchained, what's wrong with you?" Today it was a bit weird, it's going around in circles. "A high-ranking police officer noticed that Oliva was very different from any normal day.
 "Mmmh, nothing happened, you can retire..."
"Are you sure?"
"You know what? I've been feeling weird lately, I don't know why. Not only me, but Maria, lately our conversations are more banal, she is more different than before...
"I think that must be."
"What if it's my fault?" Jesus, I don't know what I would do if all this estrangement from her to me is my fault, Mary doesn't deserve me, she inspires admiration...
 "You're right! But if you'd let me talk-"
"I think I know what to do..." I know it sounds stupid, but I think I need a psychologist... Oliva began to whisper things that were incomprehensible to the policeman, until he grabbed the policeman's shoulder with a smile and said in an authoritarian way: "Stop looking at me like that!" I need you to call a psychologist now!
"Yes, sir! " The policeman immediately left the room.  Oliva was thinking about the action he had just done. Did he just send someone to call a psychologist? A psychologist?! For the devil's sake, why did he do that? Oliva has never liked to express his feelings that have nothing to do with Maria, he has always been a "reserved" man in that aspect, since from a very young age he had been taught that a man should not open up and less talk about how he feels, he should be the pillar of the house (in this case Maria) and show that as a pillar,  He is able to protect and manifest trust in all his loved ones.
A few days after Maria had given herself some time to herself, she did not want Oliva to enter her room every day, so she strongly requested that he leave or spend less time with her. Oliva had claimed to himself that this estrangement between them was his fault, so, unfortunately, he urgently needed the arrival of that psychologist to fix himself.
When the policeman confirmed the arrival of the psychologist in a few hours, Oliva was impatient.
Hours later, Oliva had received the news that the psychologist was already inside the prison. This would be the first and only time he would go to a psychologist, he was so anxious for it to be over!
Knock knock. Oliva knocked on the door, he heard he could come in, opened the door politely and sat down quickly.
"Mmh, well, let's get this over with quickly, please."
"Hey! We haven't even started and you want to leave... First tell me your name "
"My name is Oliva Biscuit, I'm a 37-year-old adult, I'm Cuban, but all my life I've been in the United States and well, I think that's all I have to say... "
"Nice to meet you, Oliva. Let me introduce myself, my name is Nitsu, I'm 32 years old, I'm Japanese and from this moment on I'll be your psychologist. Well, tell me, why did you decide to call a psychologist?"
"I don't even know why I did it. With that said, Oliva took a cigarette out of his pocket to light it. "
"You must know, for some reason you did."
"Could we move on to the question?"
"Well, if you wish..." Nitsu and Oliva were like that for a long time, at least Oliva now answered the questions, but only in monosyllables, so Nitsu asked him the first question again.
"Well, Oliva, in the end you didn't answer the first question... Why did you decide to call a psychologist?" With all the answers you've made, I've come to deduce that you didn't want this session.
"No "
"So?" Did you force yourself to come? Oliva didn't answer anything, he just kept his head down.
"Why did you do it?" Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable? If you want, you can tell me who or what it is.
"I-" Oliva was going to answer, but he was dry, he didn't want to mention Maria, she wasn't his problem, it was him. Why mention her when she has nothing to do with his banalities and stupidities that he thinks?
Nitsu got up from his seat, approached Oliva to grab his shoulder and say: "I know it's hard to open up to people you don't know, it was for me too, let me help you, my purpose is not to change you, but for you to reflect for yourself and better of that." You know, I'm amazed how it is that a very polite man is in this prison, although hey, you live better than me, I was better prepared as a bodybuilder than to spend 5 years cracking my skull! 
"Well, then, to be a real man, you have to be polite, it doesn't matter if you are strong, weak, rich or poor, manners make a man and even more so if it is a question of being with a lady. — Nitsu had an idea, at the time Oliva spoke about that topic of chivalry, his features had completely changed, now he was no longer anxious to finish speaking, but he was too euphoric, so Nitsu decided that from now on they would talk about that, chivalry and the ideology that Oliva had regarding that.
"Tell me, Oliva, what do you think about chivalry?"
"Ha! It's good for you to ask me, this is a serious topic... Well, as I told you, manners make a real man, the truth is that a real man knows how to deal with ladies, but unfortunately I don't know how to do that...
"Why do you say that?"
"Can we pass the question?"
Nitsu knew that this was an urgent issue to be addressed, but more important were Oliva's feelings, so he stopped asking and continued with the conversation.
After finishing the session Nitsu recommended that they now have 2 sessions for 2 months, which Oliva did not like very much, but what he did love was that he was able to talk a little about his chivalry. Every day the other prisoners and policemen only praised him for the strong muscles he showed and the fear he imposed, now you could say he got a new friend.
The sessions between Nitsu and Oliva were becoming more entertaining for Biscuit, it seemed that every day he was opening up more, although there was something missing, only that Nitsu still couldn't find... Until now.
"Oliva you are so amazing, I love your way of thinking!" I never thought that a patient can also help their psychologist, well unfortunately this will be our last session I hope you were able to find yourself, it was a pleasure of mine to be your psychologist, I never met a man as elegant as you.
 "It was also a pleasure and thank you very much for the compliment. The two shook hands like friends
"You know? You are someone to be admired... I don't know how you do it, I've never been able to be like you
"Why do you say that?"
"It's a very long anecdote..." Exhalo "It all started when I was little, I was like a... five or seven years old? I don't remember very well. My father had thoughts just like you, only he was too extreme. Since there were only two men in my family, my father told me that as a man, I didn't have to show my feelings, because that makes me weaker, I broke my bones trying not to cry, because according to my father that made me more "effeminate", every time I was growing up, I always kept everything to myself, and that was what affected me as a person...
"It was because of the pressure to comply with certain gender roles or stereotypes, which have a significant impact on mental and emotional health. It took me a long time to get out of that thought, but when I fully understood it, it was that strength is not in repressing emotions, but in acknowledging and addressing them in a healthy way".. These words touched Oliva's heart. Nitsu was right. All these years, he has been repressing his true self, so much so as to warp it into someone so strong with a stone shell.
 "Do you know anything, Nitsu?" Now that I think about it, you and I are not as different as I used to think, we both live in a macho environment, where we were not allowed to be ourselves, I have always avoided being vulnerable to someone and even more so if it is a woman... Because, tell me, who in this world would love a weeping man? The truth is-
Oliva didn't finish speaking as Nitsu hugged him so tightly, he was so warm and comfortable that there were no words to express it... It was as beautiful as that feeling of feeling at home
The dark-haired man felt something inside him, something that, never experienced before, is akin to tranquility
Maybe it's...
From that day on everything changed, Oliva went to visit him more often and vice versa with Nitsu, they were more than friends, maybe like brothers? I don't know, nor did they know this feeling, they just knew that they longed for each other more now.
Sessions became meetings, meetings became outings, and outings became appointments.
They had planned to meet one day outside the jail and Biscuit's luxurious home.
Maria noticed Oliva was very excited. Why? What bug bit you?
"Why are you so happy, huh?" Not that it was your birthday or mine...
"This is because of a thank you, Maria, for some reason I feel freer..."
"That's good, Oliva, I'm so glad for you that you're feeling excellent..." But tell me, where will you go?
"Oh! just to go with a friend to a restaurant, no need to worry! "
"I don't worry about you, I know you'll come in one piece and if you don't, obviously your pride as a man will crumble"
Oliva remained crestfallen at the latter. For some time I didn't feel the same way about Mary, but I still saw her as someone to be admired, she was like a sister.
After Oliva got out of jail, he made his way to a bar, where Nitsu was eagerly waiting for him, it would be the first time the two of them would drink together and better get out of jail! Maybe it's a respite for Oliva, that's what Nitsu thought when he invited him
"Hello, Oliva..." Nitsu looked at the brunette full length, he looked so good in that suit "He looks so cute like that dressed, I wish he would wear that kind of clothes more often."
"Hello, Nitsu. They both shook hands, but something Nitsu didn't notice was the fact that Oliva kept looking at his lips.
"Well, it's time to get in. Nitsu opened the door for Oliva, as if she were his lady.
The bar they had entered was a little different from the others, it was like the ones in Las Vegas, instead of waiters, there were women in "suggestive" clothes and it had a great slot machine. You could tell that the bar also had a place for couples to have fun. Neither of the two men gave importance to this, they had only planned this friendly date to chat and have fun with friends, right?
"May I take your order, gentlemen?" A beautiful young lady had approached them, she was dressed in a seductive manner. She saw Nitsu, he seemed more attractive to her than Oliva, so she stroked his hand.
"I want a free Cuba and my partner wants sake. Oliva intervened the lady's touch so that Nitsu wouldn't forget who she was going with.
"Mmmh, okay, if you need anything else just give me a call." "The young lady had been intimidated by Oliva's appearance, so she just withdrew. This situation seemed somewhat curious to Nitsu.
"Oliva, how did you know I prefer sake?" I've never told you.
"It's easy, you're Japanese, you don't have that much resistance to alcohol, plus I know you like rice cake, I've seen you eat it many times and sake has rice too.
"Good argument. "
The meeting went on normally, the lady had poured them their drinks, she still looked at Nitsu as if she wanted to eat it with her eyes, he knew about this, but he ignored any compliments.
Later, it was almost midnight, and people were arriving. It was announced that there would be a table dance show, this announcement took the conversation off the two men's mind.
"You look like you want to see those girls dance you..." Nitsu joked, however, Oliva only blushed.
"No- no! I didn't come to see those girls..." Oliva turned his face away so that Nitsu wouldn't notice the blush he was making. "I only came for you. "
Oliva's heart was pounding. Why did he feel this? Why did he do it? What was it about Nitsu in particular? "Damn, Nitsu, if you only knew how I feel now" those were the only words that crossed his mind at that moment. Fuck, seeing Nitsu flushed like that from sake and with his shirt a little uncovered made him look so handsome. How come he never noticed such a stud in front of him? Why do you think that? At this very moment, he imagined Nitsu lunging at the table to kiss him possessively. Something worse appeared at this instant... a BIG little problem that I had to solve, now.
"Ahem, Nitsu, forgive me, but I need to go to the bathroom for a moment, I think the drink hurt me."
"Don't worry Oliva, I'll be waiting for you," Nitsu said and then caressed her cheek.
Oliva quickly abandoned Nitsu to end his suffering once and for all. The moment he entered the bathroom, he locked himself in and decided to pull down his pants to see the problem they had caused him... This would have been better if the person who caused the problem fixed it.
Oliva started by pulling down his boxers, his member was throbbing like never before, he wasn't a fan of jerking off, but he was too desperate.
At first he started going slow, I imagine Nitsu sucking his cock slowly, up and down. God, he made it feel so good. Would Nitsu like slow or fast? It doesn't matter now, it was better to fantasize about it.
Elsewhere, Nitsu sat waiting for Oliva eagerly. Why will it take so long? Is he fucking a girl he met? That made Nitsu insecure, he was afraid that he would be left standing up for a woman. "Maybe a woman satisfies him better sexually or romantically than I do... Wait, why am I thinking about that?" Nitsu blushed, she had never imagined him and a man together, but, Oliva, he changes everything.
"What's a handsome man like you doing, alone?" Did they leave you standing, my love? The young lady who had had her eye on him had now approached him.
"Ah?" No, not at all, I'm just waiting for a friend...
"Well, I don't think that little friend of yours will come, maybe he already has his girl riding him, mmhh, you need one too, don't you think?"
"Excuse me!? Please, I ask you to stay away from me
"Is it a shame that a good man like you can't get someone to fuck tonight?" You know what? You better come with me and take that little face off, be serious.
The girl grabbed his hand and ran him to a giant inflatable bed, which was not in a room, but a place for the public to enjoy.
Oliva began to let his fantasies run wild as he moved his hips, he imagined Nitsu licking the entire length of his member, until he reached his heavy balls, where he would begin to play with them. Oliva began to go faster, so much so that he stopped standing and sat down on the toilet lid. She began to imagine Nitsu with his shirt unbuttoned, his cock throbbing as he rode his beloved Oliva.
Oliva pushed like a madman, biting his lip to silence his moans and moans. He didn't want to be caught doing something so explicit... Although, well, it was a bar, here everyone could at this time.
He tried to imagine Nitsu as a woman. Would he still be with Oliva? God, just imagining Nitsu riding him as her tits moved, that turned him on more... However, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, he was always going to fantasize about it
"N-Nitsu! He came with a choked cry and a soft moan. His toes curled as his seed sprouted. He never so hard in his life... "
Sweat trickled down his forehead as he tried to catch his breath. Some of his cum was dripping down to the floor... God, he was going to clean up all his mess.
The moment he finished cleaning, he washed his face and also his hands, it was time to go out renewed in search of his beloved.
What Oliva didn't expect was the fact that, at the time of leaving, Nitsu was no longer there, he quickly intuited that the girl had taken him. The best thing to do was to investigate.
The surprise was to see that Nitsu was lying on a large giant inflatable bed, where there were many people surrounding the bed, Oliva decided to enter all that crowd, at the moment visualize better, the girl from before was making very suggestive movements to Nitsu, the girl was rubbing her buttocks along with Nitsu's crotch,  that upon noticing, Nitsu was hard. How dare that one?! A random woman was seducing what is hers. Oliva noticed that Nitsu looked away, he couldn't get out of that place because he was tied to the bed. People were screaming for him to fuck him, while others were asking to be in Nitsu's place.
What generated another big problem in Oliva is that he finally realized that Nitsu was with his shirt unbuttoned, his abdomen was marked. God, Oliva wanted to bite him, Nitsu's hair was messy, and she was blushing because of the sake.
"Let go, he's not yours!"  The girl's dancing stopped and the onlookers turned their gaze to Oliva, maybe Biscuit had a big problem underneath him, but rescuing Nitsu was his priority.
"Ahh, you're his little friend, huh?" Well, you'll see that we're a little busy now... But maybe you'll join us for a threesome. With that said, the girl glanced at Nitsu out of the corner of her eye and then looked at Oliva. "My dream was always for two stallions to break two of them.
"Well, this isn't your day. Oliva pushed the girl away and untied Nitsu from the bed
"But why do they do this?" The girl looked at Nitsu confused.
"My dear, what you don't understand, is that this man is not going to give himself to you, because he is gay and I am his boyfriend" Those words left the girl stunned. For some reason Nitsu liked that...
Oliva quickly grabbed Nitsu's hand to make them run. Neither of them had realized that they were heading to one of these private rooms.
" Oliva, thank you very much... "
"Don't talk to me now, do you?"   Oliva wanted to forget what he had said, he was very embarrassed, it was inevitable to cover his blush, something that Nitsu had already noticed.
"I... Olive: What did you say at the time?... why?
"Ahh, I don't know, I just said it to leave you alone. This meeting is about us, not her.
"You... jealous?
"Isn't that obvious?"
The moment had become uncomfortable for Oliva, he didn't know what to do, he wanted to run away at that moment, but what he didn't expect was the following:
"Oliva, I don't know what to say, these feelings are so inexplicable..." Nitsu didn't finish speaking, because Oliva interrupted him
"Please don't say anything, this is all unexpected, look, we have to forget this. Oliva was so nervous that he started playing with his hands, as if he were a high school girl declaring to the boy she likes.
"It's not that, Oliva, it's just that, the feeling now, is..."
"It sucks... "
Oliva didn't finish speaking, as Nitsu kissed him, in a sweet way, as if he were saying "Idiot, I love you." The dark-haired man reciprocated the kiss, this act of love was going with more intensity, to the point of reaching the passion, so much so that the oxygen in both of them was going out. Oliva's heart was beating a thousand times an hour, when Nitsu stuck his tongue in it and Biscuit too, at that moment, the Japanese was already exhausted from lack of air, so he made a small moan, which had made Oliva hard, Nitsu felt it, he slowly lowered his hand to the brunette's crotch. She began to caress him and Oliva left the kiss to moan.
"Nitsu, enough is enough, or I won't be able to contain myself.
"Who said you should hold back?" — With that said, Nitsu bent down to where the opponent's crotch was, he began to unbutton Oliva's pants, she found his boxer shorts with a large erection that was begging for attention.
Oliva felt so shy that he covered his face with one hand, while the other stroked Nitsu's silky hair.
Nitsu massaged the still covered erection, he had always wondered... Is it true that chocolate men had a bigger one? He doesn't know yet, but he's trying to find out.
Nitsu began by pulling down Oliva's boxer shorts in seductive fashion. First, he grabbed the boxer shorts with his teeth, then he looked at Oliva, these two exchanged glances, which made Oliva more nervous, then Nitsu under the boxer shorts with his teeth and hands. Now Oliva was exposed.
"Olive... You're so beautiful, your cock is so beautiful..." Nitsu began to caress him breathlessly. and your balls are so heavy..." Nitsu squeezed Oliva's balls and then said, "I want you to give me everything of you and your cock..." Have you ever received a blowjob?
Oliva quickly shook his head.
"Well, now you're going to touch paradise itself. "
Nitsu was surprised to see Oliva's big hard member. God wanted so badly to suck him dry and him bathed in his seed. The first thing Nitsu did was unbutton his pants and pull down his boxer shorts to make the with one hand, while with the other he sucked Oliva.
First, Nitsu began to play with Oliva's cock in his hand and brush his balls against him. Oliva bit his lip so as not to let out any moaning, which Nitsu did not like, he wanted to hear the moans and gasps of his beloved, so he squeezed his wingspan tighter. Oliva understood what Nitsu wanted to do... Nitsu wanted to give Oliva an unforgettable night.
After some time he massaged Oliva with his hand. Nitsu got bored, so he lowered his hand and pulled the veiny, upright cock into his mouth.
"God, Nitsu... "
Nitsu began licking his glans, Oliva wanted to enjoy him more, so he began to move his hips to fake penetrations, so much so that at the second penetration Nitsu choked on the thick cock. This caused Nitsu to subconsciously cry. Oliva noticed this, so he was alarmed.
 "Are you okay?" Tell me if something happens to stop... Mmhh" Oliva's words were cut short as Nitsu shoved a large portion of his penis into his mouth and began sucking it in a delicious way for the brunette, causing Oliva to move his hips as if he was asking for more.
Nitsu shoved it all the way in, sucking and biting it with such euphoria as Oliva moved more and more. A few minutes had passed and Nitsu had an idea, first, he took the big and erect cock out of his mouth, Oliva had felt empty at the moment he stopped feeling Nitsu's lips.
"Maybe I'm not a woman, but I want to satisfy you with my whole body..." With that said, Nitsu took off his shirt, exposing his tiddies. Nitsu brought his pecs closer to the cock, so much so that they brushed, at that precise moment Nitsu was moving up and down, causing the cock to move as well. As Nitsu's tiddies were not as big as a woman's, with one hand he covered the cock making it tighter, his movements began to become more erratic and every time the member got closer to him, Nitsu eagerly licked the glans.
"I think I'm going to—" 
"Me too... That said, Oliva was the first to empty all the thick cum he had, this cum fell between Nitsu's tiddies and all over his face. While Nitsu emptied, staining Oliva's sagging pants.
Both were exhausted, Oliva fell to the ground, while Nitsu fell on top of him. They wanted to spend a night of passion, but they also wanted to make love to each other cloyingly. In the end, they both fell asleep for all the wild night they had.
The next morning, Nitsu was the first to wake up, he realized that they were both in bed and not on the floor.
"Good morning... "
"Oliva, Why are we in bed?"
"Oh, I carried you, you looked so tired. "
"I understand..."
 "Nitsu, I feel like we have to forget this, I don't want our relationship to change forever..." I do love you, but I don't want you to be prejudiced against me.
"Don't say that, Oliva, I'm feeling feelings for you too, I love you and I know I will until the end of my days." Oliva hadn't resisted kissing him tenderly.
"I love you, Nitsu, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..." You are so perfect for me and as I am for you... Please be mine...  I've wanted to tell you this for a long time: Can we be a couple? "
"Yes, please!"
After that day, both men started dating in secret, neither of them didn't want to be judged just for the fact of being in a gay relationship.
Oliva gave him a steady job in prison as a psychologist and gave him a small room to live in. Now the two of them saw each other more often, Oliva booked many appointments for the psychologist, most of the time it was to talk about his day, but a few other times, they were to have sex, Oliva loved to fuck him with his psychologist coat, that made him look sexier. On the other hand, those numerous visits made some people think that he had problems with Maria or maybe he was tired of being the strongest, well, who knows?
The things on Oliva's part, is that now he was at a rock and a hard place, he loved his boyfriend, but he was also in a multi-year relationship with a strong woman, he didn't know how to tell Maria, he didn't want her to be sad, so he stopped spending a lot of time with her,  those everyday meetings, now they were just Inter daily. Maria was surprised by this, but she didn't think much of it, as she now felt a little more free.
" Patient 21018, forward."
The patient came in and quickly sat down. He and Nitsu had a normal conversation, but the patient came with a bigger question.
"A question... Why is Mr. Unchained always with you?" Does he have serious problems? A few times I've passed by I've heard some screams, I think they were from him.
 Nitsu was getting nervous, he didn't know what to say but the patient quickly answered his question.
"Don't worry! I know what's going on here, don't worry, I won't tell anyone
"Huh?" What do you mean? Nitsu was beyond scared.
"That Mr. Unchained has problems with his girlfriend... You know?" It's hard to be a good boyfriend in this prison, besides, the two of them have been together for years, probably the love is gone and they only put up with each other because of the love they both feel, isn't it? 
"What?" Nitsu was speechless. "Does he has a girlfriend? Why? "
"I don't understand what you mean, man, you're the psychologist, you literally have the background of all of us, you could have easily figured it out on your first day.
Nitsu didn't hear anything he said, he just heard his heart beating, he was angry, he felt used, he longed to hit him now. He quickly left the room and went to Mary's room
"Mary... Can I come in? — The aforementioned heard a slightly nervous voice coming from outside, it was Oliva. How long ago was he so nervous? Maria let him in and was even more surprised to see Oliva well dressed and with a bouquet of roses.
"Maria, I, I have something to tell you..." Honestly, I'm afraid you'll hate me for this, it's better late than never, isn't it? Look, what's happening now is that"  Oliva kept his head down "I don't anymore... "
The door opened loudly, it was Nitsu. He couldn't believe what he was seeing: her boyfriend along with a bouquet of roses that were meant for her.
"What does this mean? Why did you lie to me!? "
"Oliva, he's your psychologist, isn't he?" What are you doing here?
"That's what I wanted to tell you, Maria"
"What did you want to tell me?" Oliva was about to speak trying to calm Nitsu down, but he interrupted resentfully.
"He wanted to tell you that he is cheating on me and I was a very idiot, I didn't realize that I was messing with someone with an established relationship. He's a liar, he just wanted me as his plaything
"Oliva... Is that true?"
"No! I didn't use it at all, I love it... I... Forgive me"
"How could you do this to me?" We were together for 7 years, I trusted you Why are men liars? Maria was devastated, so much so that she began to cry, not because of the loss of her love, but because of the years she lost.
 "I don't want to be with you, Oliva, I don't know how I accepted you as my partner..." Nitsu wasn't crying, he wanted to hit him now, but he knew that none of his blows would hurt him, no matter how hard Nitsu was he wouldn't be able to scratch him, so he wanted to leave the room to a place where he could empty all his resentment,  However, Oliba didn't want him to leave, Nitsu was his world, that's why he grabbed his hand to stop him, but when he looked into Nitsu's eyes he only saw disappointment.
"Get away from me!" You've deceived me, I don't know why I believed you.
"Listen to me, Nitsu, I was an idiot not to tell you anything, but I can make it clear..."
"Clarify what!?" That I'm the other? This was all a lie, you just called me so you can fix your problems with your girlfriend!
"Maybe if you calm down..." Oliva tries to reassure him by grabbing him by the shoulder.
"Let go of me, dammit! You only brought misfortune into my life — Nitsu couldn't take it anymore and slapped him, Oliva didn't answer, he just bowed his head...
Now Nitsu didn't know where to go, so he involuntarily locked himself in the room along with Maria. Oliva knew that he had behaved like a son of a bitch, so he left the place, looking for someone who could make him think.
"Your name is Nitsu, isn't it?" He turned to see Maria sobbing along with a rag.
"Yes, my name is Nitsu and an apology for having invaded your relationship, if I had known before that Oliva had a beautiful girlfriend, I would never try to get into her relationship, sorry for what I have done, maybe a pardon or sorry is not much, but it is the least I can do now for you" That said,  Nitsu bowed.
"Don't worry, this isn't your mistake, it's that damn bastard's mistake... In addition... "
"What's more?"
"It's my fault, too!"  Maria began to cry worse, Nitsu felt great empathy for her so he hugged her.
"Excuse me... But I don't understand what you mean. "
Oliva was running to where? He didn't even know, he just knew he needed to talk about this with someone... With whom? Ah! With Inmate 21018! Maybe he could help you.
Oliva was so desperate that he smashed down the jail door in one fell swoop, to see inmate 21018 and 22067 talking.
"Mr. Unchained" Replied on 21018
"Guevaru," Oliva replied.
Inmate 22067 named Baki was so confused about what was going on. Now?
"Guevaru, I need to talk to you"
"Huh? Why is that?"
"That doesn't matter to you, just follow me," Oliva and Jun withdrew from the place, leaving Baki more confused.
Now that he was in a more comfortable place, Oliva was able to tell Jun about the big trouble he made...
"A question... Is Nitsu a man?"
"So you're gay?"
"Yes, I say No! Stop asking those things and I'm not interested in you being homophobic, I just want you to help me... "
"I tried it and it didn't help!"
"You only did it when the bomb went off, didn't you?" Obviously you have to bide your time to speak, clearly you don't have to justify yourself, that would be the stupidest thing someone like you would do... Well, I think that would be my only advice.
"Can I ask you one more favor?"
"Can I stay in your cell today?"
"Yes, but don't sleep with me!"
"Thank you very much, Guevaru! " Oliva couldn't hold back the joy that hugged Jun, he was going to wait until the next day to talk to the two of them.
"Let go of me, I don't want to become gay like you"
"I thought pirates were gay."
"Gay? Never Bisexual? Perhaps" With that said, they both withdrew, and Oliva was taken into the cell.
Meanwhile in Maria's room, she and Nitsu formed a quick bond of friendship and occasionally teased Oliva.
"You know, sometimes Oliva was too stupid with me, that bored me."
"He never went overboard with me, only sometimes he would come to visit me just to fuck.
"Ah... Speaking of which, how does it feel to fuck a man? Well, I've done it too, but maybe for you it was different
"I suppose it's normal?" I don't know, it's just that I've never fucked a woman
"Are you gay?"
"Not at all! I've had more girlfriends than boyfriends, unfortunately I've never been able to fuck one
 "It must be unfortunate that a man as polite as you should not have done it"
"Meh, I don't care that much"
The next morning Oliva said goodbye to Jun, Baki and the other inmates who lived in the jail, it was very uncomfortable to sleep among so many men.
Oliva knocked on the door of Maria's room, he was a little nervous about what will happen. Nitsu was the one who opened it, he looked at him, he was about to close the door until Oliva said "I want to speak please, if you want later you can make me, but first let me speak" These words moved Nitsu, maybe he hates Oliva, but to his misfortune he still loved him.
"Nitsu, who is it?" Maria said, turning to look.
"Mary, it's...
"Get out of here! Neither of us needs you," Maria replied violently.
"Maria, let me speak first, I have no justification for this, if I have something to say to you..." He sighs deeply.
"It's my fault, too..." Maria interrupted Oliva
"Oh? What do you mean, Maria? None of this is your fault!"
"Oliva, let Maria explain everything to you..."
"It's been a long time now, I've had internal problems with myself, when I asked you not to come to my room to visit me sometimes, I started to think about myself, I've reflected on my life and everything I've been through. On the other hand, you didn't get as close to me anymore, for some reason that made me feel more... Liberated, like I wasn't suffocated with love, you know I never put up with the cheesy and cloying, yet I loved you and endured you for almost 7 years. I've been reflecting a lot on ourselves and my own feelings, and I think it's only fair to share with you what I've been experiencing. It's not easy to admit, but I feel like there's been a shift in my emotions and I no longer feel the same way I did at the beginning of our relationship.
"How long have you felt this way, Maria?"
"Unfortunately it's been almost a year now, sorry for making you live in a lie, I know that if I had told you before you would be in deplorable situations, besides, I'm very sorry for having behaved like a jealous person, I only did it so that you wouldn't suspect anything about me. But now, I feel at ease, I know you're in good hands" Look at Nitsu "I don't have a place here anymore, so I've decided to leave"
"What, where are you going?!" Oliva was totally surprised.
"She told me that she is going to her native country, Canada, with an old friend of hers... If I remember, her name is Diane Neil, isn't she?
"Yes, she's older than me, but our friendship still prevails.
Oliva and Maria were on good terms, and he helped her pack her things. That same day, Maria left for Ottawa and obviously Oliva made a VIP reservation for her as a form of apology and thanks.
However, now he had to fix the problems with someone important...
"Oliva, I don't know what to tell you, I want to forgive you..." But something tells me no.
"Nitsu, I just want to fix things with you, you're the most important thing to me," Oliva reached out to hug him, but Nitsu was still distant.
"Oliva, first, let me think about it, yes?"
"Okay, I'll wait anything for you
And so it was that hours, days and weeks passed and Nitsu did not speak to him, Oliva knew that he had to give him his time, he was patient, he would know that one day he would speak to him. Everything was normal until that day.
Oliva was calm changing, until only his boxer shorts remained, which had the texture of leopard, he began to pose in the mirror, he looked like a child with his favorite outfit. Everything was going well, until he heard someone knock on the door. Oliva only replied "Pass"
 "Oliva, I want to talk to you-" Nitsu couldn't finish, because he saw Oliva's half-naked body. God, he had already forgotten how handsome he was.
 "Yes?" Oliva knew very well that he was craving it, so he decided to be more of a son of a bitch and get closer to him so that his bare chest rubs against Nitsu
"This will be very short, but I have thought about everything and I want to leave the past behind, Maria already did it and I must do it too, I don't want to live resentful" Nitsu who was determined to apologize to her did not let herself be carried away by the seduction of her beloved. "I still fucking love you, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind during this time" With that, Nitsu hugged his beloved and Oliva pulled him closer to kiss him. This kiss was more intense, it was a combination of emotions, they were both desperate for love, they didn't want foreplay,
Oliva carried Nitsu, while he took off all his psychologist clothes
"Nitsu, don't take off your robe, I want to fuck you with that on" With that said, Oliva left him on the bed while he slowly pulled down his leopard-textured boxers. Nitsu licked his lips at the sight of the big cock standing upright.
Oliva was also more successful when he saw Nitsu's cock standing upright, it was his turn to return the favor.
Oliva threw himself on the bed as if he were a wolf that was going to eat its prey and began to eat the necessary cock. Nitsu started to let out moans, he didn't like to do that, but from the side Oliva looked like a hungry dog, such was the craving of both of them, that Nitsu cummed in Oliva's mouth. The brunette didn't want to waste any of the cum spilling, so he made sure to drink the entire delightful orgasm, being careful not to waste anything.
 "God, Oliva, where did you learn to eat me that way?"
 "I learned it the hard way" Oliva didn't notice, but a few drops of cum slid all over his chest that made Nitsu hard again. This time, Oliva would get straight to the point.
 That was so straightforward that Nitsu felt it hard, so he just wanted to obey her.
Nitsu got on all fours and Oliva had spanked him in the process.
  "Don't be so me, okay? Because if I don't- Ah, holy shit!" Nitsu didn't have a chance to speak, as Oliva had shoved it into him, it felt so painful, yet pleasurable at the same time. Oliva didn't make a move, just waiting for Nitsu to get used to his thickness. When Nitsu felt more comfortable, he gave him a signal for Oliva to move
  "You tell me if it hurts, okay? I don't want to hurt you." These were the last words Nitsu could clearly hear from Oliva. He began to move his hips in a romantic and slow way, putting it all in and then taking it out. it was so strong that Nitsu had to bite the pillow
 "God, Oliva, you're a dream, I love how you move if you keep going like this, I won't be able to contain myself"
"for me, Nitsu, for daddy" After a few more thrusts. Oliva was also about to inside her beloved. "I can't contain myself anymore, Oliva..."
"then" Oliva and Nitsu cummed at the same time, Nitsu's essence falling all over his abdomen and on a part of the bed, while Oliva cummed all over inside Nitsu, causing him to scream so much to the point of biting his lip.
After the moment of passion that they both had, Oliva got together with Nitsu, he was very exhausted, it had been a long time since he had sex and even less that they put it in, but now the only thing he can do is hug Oliva and give each other short kisses.
"I love you, Oliva"
 "And I love you, my little pookie"
"Hey! I'm not small, you only beat me by about four centimeters."
"Shut up and kiss me"
That said, Oliva stole a kiss from Nitsu and vice versa, they loved each other so much, they were perfect for each other…
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bigdreamerpeach · 6 months
Can we get a Lee hoppy fic
Here we go
Sweet giggles , Cute laughter
For Hoppy and Kickin it this a normal day, who will wins and who not , but today it was a relaxing day
Hoppy was sitting , eating a little while Kickin looks which sunglasses looks better
"Oh man , this one looks amazing, or Hoppy? " He ask
"You have many sunglasses Kickin, all looking the same." She told him
" Okay good point". He said , Hoppy giggles .
Kickinchicken looks at her , he never hear a giggles like this before. He looks at Hoppy , who looks confused at him.
"Oh hehe ups , it's nothing , sorry for looking at you like this."
" its okay , don't worry." She told him , happy.
Hoppy then cleaning her football , Kickinchicken looks at her, laying next to her. She doesn't see Kickinchicken lay on her feet. He touch her sole, she twitch a little.
" hey , don't do that".
"Sorry hehe there was something, thats why is touch it". He lied
"Oh , thanks then". She cleaning again her foot Ball. Kickinchicken touch her foot again but this time Hoppy starts giggles.
"Kiihihiickin, dohohon't." She get her feet away.
" whats the matter , ticklish?". He starts tickling her foot. She trys not to laugh but grinning.
"Come on Hoppy , let it out ." He grinning , trap her feet and tickling then with his feathered hands. She couldn't hold it longer.
" wow , i though you're not ticklish, did you lying to me?" He ask , softly tickling her toes.
"I-Ihiihi..-i'm only t-tihicklish on my fehehet, now stohohop!!". She falls on her back, hugging her self.
Kickinchicken then stops.
"Good to know you are ticklish , Well only there but good to know."
"Why Kickin, because you are ticklish like Bubba or Picky?hmmm?. " she ask him.
Kickinchickens face turns a bit Red. He was blushing a little , hoping nobode see it
"Never do this again Kickinchicken, or i do this on you." She pokes him, he twitch and giggles
"Okay okay fine , i never do it again Hoppy." He said .
Kickinchicken und Hoppy then playing a little , poking each other , but Hoppy wins this time.
Here we go my friends , New little story is out , sorry when its short again but i hope you like it anyways ^^
Have fun! Bye!
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quilveor · 2 years
He stood in front of a makeshift scene, surrounded by three of his friends. To be honest, he was panicking, but tried his best to act normal. Nodded, smiled weakly at reassurances, "everything will be fine"s, "don't worry"s. He heard that so many times, but having to actually step up… It was hard. Nobody knew him, but he also knew nobody, what if they would judge? When doors to the bar opened, at first the kobold felt happy at few seconds of everyone being distracted. Then he felt dread at who was actually in the door. Tall, black coat, hood over the face. Two curved horns bringing an image of a black dragon, and a face that… It was a face of someone who would definitely judge him, harshly, just because he can. That dragonborn was terrifying. He moved slowly, but with clear purpose, towards the bartender. He did take off his hood though, revealing his pale scales and a sickly complexion. Was he a vampire, too? He definitely did not look healthy. And his voice was deep, demanding respect. Trouble, there's going to be trouble, and he knew it, grabbing his instrument tighter in stress. And it really seemed like a nice inn, with kobolds working there on equal with others. The bartender was a kobold, even! He ordered something, and another kobold ran from him upstairs for some reason… Did something move under his coat? Is he‒‒
‒ Gwynddu! A higher pitched voice resounded from the stairs soon after, interrupting the thoughts of the panicked kobold. A green bird ‒ aarakocra ‒ was standing there, spreading his arms in a smile. Who did he spoke to? And what about‒‒ the bird came up to the dragonborn, hugging him. They seemed like friends, but… The kobold saw his own friend jump up and run towards them. What was happening? Did Ninix knew that bird? Two more kobolds joined the bird and draconid, one holding an instrument, the other was definitely smaller than pretty much anyone here. The one with instrument had a tail tied in a knot, which immediately stood out. He still clutched his own lute tight, noticing that his friend pointed towards them, and the weird group looked at him. That's it. He was dead. Surely. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the dragonborn waving for him to come over. He listened, didn't even know why, but he came up and just looked up. ‒ Strum, was it? ‒ The white‒scaled reptile spoke purposefully, asking in draconic. The kobold just nodded. ‒ And your compatriots? ‒ I am titled Arioth. ‒ …Zojik. ‒ Nice to meet Ninix's friends! ‒ the bird picked up, smiling, sitting on the ground to be more on height. He also spoke fluent draconic. ‒ I'm Quick! That's Gwynddu, Korek and Duke. ‒ He nodded at each reptile. ‒ We were thinking, maybe you would like to play with us, Strum? …with them?
‒ Pfff, man first needs to relax himself. You're holding that guitar too tight. Breathe. ‒ The smaller kobold chimed in. Only now he noticed that he had a collar on, although he also had this weird confidence about him. ‒ It's clearly a lute. ‒ Lute, guitar, ukulele, who cares. ‒ Ignoring dragonborn's comment, the smallest kobold smirked. ‒ You a bard, Strum? ‒ Y‒yeah? ‒ Afraid about the crowd? ‒ Uhh… ‒ Yeah, thought so. I'd say you could imagine them all to be naked but… ‒ That'd probably work only for you, Duke. ‒ Quick laughed, getting a "yeah" from his friend. ‒ A‒anyway, I hope we're not asking for a lot but we would decidedly be happy to have you play alongside us! We promised the owner a show, and Ninix mentioned you're really good! We could even start off, so you could just join in. Something in the coat moved again. Gwynddu undid it a bit, revealing a small pseudodragon who trilled and landed on his head. ‒ Well, Strum, it is up to you. We'll be preparing. With your permission, sir? The dragonborn turned to the bartender, before getting up and going towards a corner. His friends all looked at eachother. He did feel a bit stupid for judging the dragonborn so harshly, but… He saw the tied‒tail kobold with his violin step up onto the scene, followed by the bird wielding a flute. Soon enough they started playing, and quickly enough were joined by the dragonborn ‒ cloak down, revealing very high quality, outright noble outfit ‒ playing on a piano. Even Ninix seemed having fun, his panflute sounding well enough. Strum jumped up in surprise, feeling a tap from behind, but it was only Duke smirking. ‒ I don't play anything, but you better start playing. And so he did, stepping up, looking at the smiling bird and focused kobold, and started playing as well, joining them in one complete melody. His worries disappeared pretty quickly as he was leading the song, tapping out a rhythm. They played with him, even the weird kobold who seemed to take the second leading position. He heard Zojik shout in excitement.
And afterwards, there were only compliments and praise. Maybe even a bit too much but… but he was happy.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
The Pig and The Rhino Liveblog
Cool like a mongoose? What?
They agreed to serving Shredder very easily. Though BeeBop is right, employment options are indeed limited now, but uh I don't think Shredder pays his guys.
So this is an episode all about BeeBop and Rocksteady? Coo- NO MY STREAMING SI- oh good it just restarted, didn't crash. Phew.
Hehe. Crognard.
SO WIfi still isn't a factor in anything I guess.
There's... still movies playing? The Kraang like movies?
Awww Mikey gets to see the rollercoaster, yay!
Well I know the retromutagen doesn't fucking work because for half a second in Heart of Evil she turns into a snake again, so.
"You ugly" "I'm a rhino"
That tiny "Yehoo" was so funny though
How do you already know what turtles smell li- IT'S DONNIE AND APRIL NO
Bad ninja-ing, Donnie, he's so loud.
God I hope it's glue
Drop him like an ex-girlfriend? Oh he's totally gay and insecure about it
PFFFFFFFFFF "No worries, they were set to stun." WHY WAS HE SO FRIENDLY ABOUT THAT
Pfff fun movie was showing.
Casey don't compliment the enemy baby
Creepy carnival, bah... oh, this is probably Mikey's only chance to ever go to Coney Island, and he has to spend it on a mission while the world is ending... I Weep
LOVE that a haunted house at a carnival still scares them- has he been working out? Mikey he's been undergoing intense physical therapy.
God, Karai is going through it right now, I feel so bad for her.
Donnie is still out cold? What are those fucking hip guns made of?
Are they... distracting them by naming them? Oh, it's working, they're letting this happen. Awww ROacksteady likes the name. I like that. He's a fun guy for a villain.
Yes you are going to be called BeeBop, BeeBop.
I was about to say "Why does everyone instantly know what Retromutagen is" but BeeBop seems to think it'll make MORE mutation happen so I'm calm. For now.
Pffff DOnnie hates jumpscars, fun tidbit to kno- oh he got YOINKED
Oh Leo making fun of the broken English is kinda a low blow
Wait but- give him the retromutagen though. Because then. You're fighting a normal human man. And not an incredibly tough mutant.
More Casey and Donnie friendship! Casey jokes and Donnie smiles!
Don't take that tone with Donnie!
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scncfsparda · 5 years
ungrateful brother much :/ | @onjudgementnight
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“Oh so me offerin’ you my couch to crash on ain’t worth a thanks? Maybe I should offer you the trash outside the shop, more fittin’ for you, Vergil.” Was all he could scoff back to the slightly older twin. He knew that Vergil was never the one to be thankful, but it did leave a bit of an ego damage on him to learn that he wasn’t getting any form of thanks.
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kazamasthings · 2 years
tekken characters & love languages
genre: fluff
characters: jin kazama, hwoarang x fem reader
Jin Kazama
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the language that jin gives most are acts of service. why? well in the time he spent with his mother, the only person who loved him, she taught him how to take care of someone you love. I can see him when he was a kid asking Jun "mum why did you always do all this for me?"  and her replying with a big smile "because I love you jin". Jin learned to show his love with acts of service. he’ll book your doctors appointments, he will always know what to order when you go to the restaurant.  If you need help with any school or college assignments, don't worry! your super smart boyfriend will do it for you.
the language Jin needs most is physical touch.  yes, even though you guys have been together for some time, he is still shy to ask, but when you initiate physical affection, this man's heart melts completely.  Jin can be a little insecure because of the betrayals he has suffered in the past, so words alone aren't enough for him.  However, you only need to stroke his hair and give him the most sincere and bright smile, and Jin will feel loved again!  :)  he's just a baby.. 🥺
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the language that hwoarang gives the most is quality time. he is a loving person, but not good with words. he is a hothead and gets stressed easily, when that happens, his only thought is: "pfff,,,, i wanted my girl here". hwoarang wants to do everything with you. will he practice taekwondo?  then you will stay in the dojo with him. does he want to eat tteokbokki?  then you two will go out to eat. does he just want to ride his motorcycle around town? so get on the back!
the language hwoarang needs most is words of affirmation. tbh, he appreciates sincerity in his beloved. due to his explosive personality, he needs someone who can tell when he's crossing the line and getting into trouble. on the other hand, he loves having his ego massaged, so you win his heart when you give him heartfelt compliments: "whoaa rangie, you're so strong you're the best ever."
kazuya mishima: none.  he doesn't love anyone.
heihachi mishima: he kills you.♡
hello dear friends idk if anyone will read this but i hope you like it. i came up with this idea because i like this kind of headcanon, but i didnt find many about tekken around here, so i made my own hehe. did you like it? 🥺 maybe ill write more later… bye bye
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minho-hoho · 2 years
“Pff, I'm better than them anyways”
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❁ Genre⇛Fluff, established relationship
❁ Pairing ⇛Seungmin × GN!Reader
❁ Requested ⇛Yes
❁ Warning ⇛Jealousy?
❁ A/N ⇛Request are closed, tag list is open! I've always wanted to write for Seungmin (I mean he's my ult), first time I write fluff tho, so don't expect much lol. (It honestly sucks sksks).Anyhow, hope you have a fantastic day/evening/night ~!
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Seventeen's Darl+ing teasers and concept photos came out recently and you were very excited as you were a huge fan of them. You had your fair share of albums and photocards, and you have gone to multiple of their concerts. But you usually kept this to yourself, or you just shared it with your fellow Carats, but never with your boyfriend. It was sort of weird how you managed to keep it as a “secret” for such a long time from him, not that you intended to but it just happened.
But this time, both of you were at home when the Darl+ing official teaser came out. You received the notification while you were both on the couch. As soon as you noticed it, you thought to yourself that why not watch in better quality on the TV, and that's exactly what you did.
“Hey, Seventeen's new official teaser just came out” You announced.
“Hm really? You're going to watch it?”
“Yeah, on the TV.” You answered as you took the remote. You plopped down on the couch as you were looking for the teaser on YouTube. You found it and little smile creeped up on your face as you looked at the thumbnail, you were quite excited. The teaser started and without you noticing your mouth was sort of running loose. A lot of praises and compliments were coming out of your mouth, you didn't even pay attention but Seungmin on the other hand as he was nodding and giving you short answers to the compliments coming out of your mouth was giving you the biggest side eye. But he was getting even more jealous when he saw how happy you were when your bias came on the screen. He was rolling his eyes so hard even though he knew you wouldn't notice. When the teaser finished you immediately turned yourself to face Seungmin to ask for his opinion and whatnot.
“Sooo... What did you think of it?” You asked, all giddy and waiting for his input.
“It was well made I guess yeah” He said fumbling a bit over his words and not looking up from his phone. You were quite underwhelmed by his reaction.
“What do you mean it was well-made? It's like a masterpiece!” He rolled his eyes again.
“Well I bet you're never like this when it's Stray Kids' teasers...” He mumbled in way that was barely understandable. But you still managed to somewhat understand him. It made you laugh, how cute he was when he was jealous.
“Someone's jealous?” You joked.
"Pfff, of course not, I'm better than them anyways. I'm the one who's your boyfriend not them. So why would I be jealous?" He answered trying to seem as confident as possible.
"Are you sure? Because you don't seem like it" You smirked. He looked adorable. He sighed.
"Well of course I am jealous! My own partner is fangirling like a schoolgirl over other men! I don't see you fangirling over me..." A pout started to form on his face. You giggled.
"You know I prefer you over them, right? And plus you're ten times more handsome and cuter than all of them combined. And just because you don't see me fangirling over you and StrayKids doesn't I don't. You can just ask my friends, they sure know how much I "fangirl like a schoolgirl" over you." You reassured him.
"Well now you sound like a creep." He joked too.
"Hey! I was trying to be nice!" You said, shocked by his comment;
"I know, I'm just fooling around don't worry."
"Yeah whatever" You huffed jokingly.
"But you still owe me something you know." He told you, a smile forming on the corner of his lips.
"What? And since when?"
"Since you decided to fangirl over Seventeen over me. I'll be nice, I just want a good cuddle session. That will do for this time." A full smile was now displaying on his face.
"Whatever you want jealous boy" You said as you threw yourself onto him.
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Tag List! : @stacey-stonem
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layanasstories · 3 years
Part 2
I looked around my apartment one more time, to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. Then I closed the front door behind me and put my keys in my bag. A plan had formed in my head. First to the bank, to withdraw all my savings. Then buy a new phone. Then take the bus to Duskwood. I don't give a shit about Jake's text messages, he doesn't help. He only cares about himself. I know that's not quite fair of me, but what else am I supposed to think. He says he has to stay hidden, but always looks for danger. Says he's worried about me but can't be there. He can go to hell with his games! From now on I just follow my own plan.
I had done everything, and was waiting for the bus when a Volkswagen Golf hatchback with tinted windows stopped at the bus stop. The passenger's window slides down. I only saw the hood over his head and mask covering his face. I sighed in annoyance. He didn't look, didn't gesture, but I knew enough. I grabbed my bag from the floor, opened the tailgate of the car and threw my bag into it. Then with a jerk I opened the passenger door. And closed it gently. Fastened my seat belt and crossed my arms. "Jake" I said annoyed, as a greeting. "Layana" he greeted back with the same tone as he shifted into gear and accelerated. I wasn't even so annoyed by him, but more with myself that I immediately go along without hesitation. That he had found me right away. And that I am very bad at hiding.
"You know you're really bad at hiding, right?" If he hadn't sounded so annoyed, I would have thought he was teasing. "Like I don't know that, you're the mastermind of both of us. You don't have to rub it in!" I snapped back. "Woah, I'm not your enemy! But your way of 'disappearing' forced me to come out of my hiding place." he argued. I shake my head in disbelief "Pfff, I just can't believe what you're saying. My friends just got killed, I'm not even over the shock. And you're annoyed that I'm not good at hiding?! That you are forced to be the so-called savior?!" I pause and take a deep breath. "Stop the car. If you hate it so much then it's over. Everything, you, me, and everything in between. Stop the car!". my voice was determined. Even though it broke me inside. Indeed, I had made up my mind not to care about Jake anymore. Although I knew full well that this was just a survival attitude of mine, just as good it was his. "No, you stay here with me." he sounded more confident than I already did, so I didn't argue with it. Also I really don't want us to part like this, or part at all.
There was a long awkward silence before Jake broke it. His voice trembled a little. "It's not just your friends who were killed." again he let a silence fall and as he continued the trembling in his voice had grown much worse that I felt compelled to look at him. A stream of tears runs down his cheeks. "M-My sisters, they're my little sisters. I have nothing left. I watched too, I've heard and seen everything just like you. He killed my sisters.". I twist my face and squeeze my eyes closed at the thought that he have seen that too. "Pull the car over Jake, you can't drive like this. Please stop." I put my hand on his hand at the wheel. His hand felt icy cold, which put me off for a moment. I looked back at the road looking for a place to park. Plenty of road signs flashed by, but none that said there would be parking spaces. I keep my hand where it lies as we drive on. In the distance I finally see a road sign announcing a gas station in two miles. "That's where we stop Jake and I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."
He didn't say anything, he didn't nod. But he does what I said and took the exit. He parks the car in the first best spot. "Out" I say sternly. If he is already surprised, he does not show it and without a word he gets out. Whereupon I follow him. I walk around the car to him and wrap my arms around him. The unexpected embrace makes him stiffen, I don't care and keep holding him. I don't say anything to give him a chance to get used to it. It doesn't take long for him to give in and wrap his arms around me too. He nestles his face in my neck and breaks. "I don't know what to do" he says between sobbing. He tightens the embrace even more. "We'll figure that out later, okay. We're in this together, and together we'll take him down." I try to calm him down.
We stood in the parking lot for quite some time before we both calmed down enough to continue driving. But he doesn't let go of me yet, with one hand he pulls his mask from his face. He rests his head against mine and looks at me for a moment. His bright blue eyes look straight into me, then presses my body against the car as he kisses me.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Ahh late reply!!!! Soryyy
Ok! That's good to hear. I'm always here to worry for ya, haha. Enjoy your days off.
Pfft XD maybe I did. I don't know how anime characters, or any ocs can keep plasters on their face, because its really uncomfortable.
So many different customers kept asking me what happened to my face, and if I stabed my chin or something, just hope I didn't put anyone off their food XD
Oh that's so lovely!! Isn't that always what grandparents do though? What kinds of food did you get?
My grandparents used to do this, we would always leave with some chocolate of left over pizza. On my birthday we left with 12 cupcakes!
It's nice you got to see them, hopefully I'll get to see mine around Christmas since it's been a while!
I was mostly just working all weekend, so I didn't do much. But I've booked me ans my mother in to do afternoon tea uwu, so that's good be good!!
Same here! :'D We're even <3
Thank you so much! <3 Finally gonna work tomorrow, but it's Friday aaand the weekend is coming~ ;D
I feel you :') Is everything alright now with your face? (ó3ò) Pfff so sweet of them! (≧∀≦)
It is indeed <3 They gave me some borsch and vinegret (classic ones heh) so no need to think about lunches *w*
Awww that's so nice and generous of them! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Hope so too (ówò)
You're doing amazing╰(*´︶`*)╯Booked in to do afternoon tea? Do yoy mean at your work place or at home? (・∀・) (sounds intriguing!)
How are you doing lately? ♡
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Hii! <3 And thanks a lot! (〃ω〃) Guess this page will take a while indeed since some events are coming sooner ;) Such an intrigue tho, we never know when XD
Good luck to you too! ᕦ(òwó��)ᕤ Oh that's good to hear it (ówò)
Awww it's such a sweet tradition *^* Have a nice tea time! <3 And good luck searching for the Christmas birds (is it bullfinch? (゚∀゚)), I'd love to see yours! ☆ So good they're at home now <3
A sans plushie?? \(//∇//)\ OMG that's sooo cool!! I'm sure it'll be great, best of luck with it! (òwó) And don't forget to take breaks <3
Heh something new (not really tasty tho) to try for him! xp
I've been grrreat! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Drew a lot and it's coming <3 Such a pity I couldn't finish the whole thing on my sick leave but we're at the home stretch *w*
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So soon... (๑>◡<๑)☆
Ah I see! I'll be looking forward to it *^*
Oh wowie!! (〃ω〃) He looks sooo cute already! According to the white eyes... Ccino? (゚∀゚)
Yep! Thank youuu <3 Have a good night in advance! ☆
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noisyalmonddreamer · 4 years
Dating Leo Valdez would include
(a/n) I’m spam posting shit because i’ve already written a lot of stuff for my wattpad book so,,,im just uploading it here
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-so much flirting
-he may act all suave all the time, but he isn't
-he's never been in a relationship before
-mostly because he come's off to strong
-when he asks you on a date and you say yes he is surprised
- "Wait you- I mean of course you said yes"
-when you guys start going steady totally acts as though he wasn't nervous or anything
- "It's a matter of time someone locked me down Pfff"
-spending hours in the bunker helping him with his projects
-sometimes you guys end up getting lots of work done
-sometimes you guys end up just making out
-his kisses are pretty intense
-his hisses also burn slightly because of his powers
-boy has no shame at all
-voted 10/10 likely to makeout with you in public
-you have shame don't worry
-he wont do anything that you are uncomfortable
-this boy loves hickeys
-he will put them in places you can't hid them because he is smug about it
-he doesn't care for hickeys on himself
-he stay's in the bunker a lot so it doesn't matter to much
-but for you- Oh boy
-I feel like it's almost like he's trying to mark his territory
-gets jealous a lot
-wouldn't just sit there, yells at them
- "HEY! she's taken!"
-he's just insecure
-thinks you're to good for him
-you assure him that he's amazing and you love him
-you don't get jealous that often
-girls aren't really lining up to go after Leo (I'm sorry Leo but it's true) (other than the fan girls)
-the main person you're jealous of is Calypso
-I mean she is a goddess that likes Leo that he promised to come back for
-he makes it known that he loves you with his whole heart and loves you not Calypso
-he's such a cuddler
-you guys cuddle a lot in the winter because he is so warm
-less in the summer, again he is warm
- "No stop you're so hot!"
- "I know babe you're not to bad on the eye's yourself"
- "You're making me to hot"
- "come cuddle with me"
-builds a air conditioner so you have no excuse to not cuddle with him
-if he has nightmares about his mom you always help him
- "it-she-I-I-Why did I have to-"
-He just stays in your arms and cry's
-once he burned you (sneak peak) and was so horrified with himself
-he didn't talk to you for over a week
-Jason had to talk to him
-He was crying so much telling you that you should breakup with him because he was a monster that didn't deserve you (no bby ;-;)
-telling him that, that's not true and that you're not mad at him
-always telling him you love him
-again I said he acts all suave, but if YOU kiss him randomly his nose or hair will catch fire
-he still flirts with girls a lot
-if it makes you feel uncomfortable he will stop immediately
-he never means anything by it
-it's just kinda how he communicates with girls lol
-so many nicknames
-so so many nicknames
-calling him "Hammer head" as a joke
-people finding it funny
-dressing him as a elf for Christmas
- "Ok now go over to the little kids and give them toys"
- "I hate you"
- no he doesn't
-having to drag him away from near death
-getting him to sleep and eat and you know, not kill himself because of a project
-he makes you little trinkets all the time
-also makes you jewelry instead of buying any because he 1. Thinks it's more romantic 2. Can customize it 3. He doesn't have mortal money
-everyone's just happy Leo found someone
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darlingpwease · 3 years
for "blushing anon / honeypie anon / ‘whatever you’d like to call me’"♡
I ran to you through all my affairs to fall in the middle of the road;;; sorry my lovely </3
I decided to get over my nervousness and step away from being anonymous. I am not sure why I have been so nervous, especially since I have never even posted on tumblr <//3, but hi!! It’s me,, uhhh,,,,, (I was going to introduce myself but I feel a little shy giving my name and I have never created an alias to go by so,, not sure what to say– but feel free to call me anything I suppose ? Honestly I will probably end up giving you my nickname at some point because I have little to no self restraint <//3)
precious baby.
must be protected.
just as a gift, I'll give you the exclusive right to call me Lis if you want, since it's part of my real name <3
Oh? Kisses? >/////<
Don’t mind if I do–
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and it has already begun. look at you. you're such a tiny smart bun. I'm rushing the message timeline a bit, but you're so small, which makes you even more squeezable.
listen, do you know that there is little good in the world? I never thought that this phrase could be so literal — but look at you, you are too precious. that explains a lot about why I want to bite your cheek so badly. it's your charm. you're like a pretty kitten- gosh, I'm sorry, it's time for me to calm down.
I’m glad that you feel better!! (and that I was the reason behind it).
And you’re welcome! However, I apologize for not doing so sooner! I thought about sending a message earlier many times,, however, I am a very hesitant person when it comes to these things
ahhh, it's okay, darling! I was very glad to receive it! it was actually very sweet of you,,,,, a lot of serotonin,,,,,,,, thank you for making me so soft,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cookie run’s feminine he/him characters are a guilty pleasure of mine <3<3. Lilac before, and now Eclair and Affogato too— ahhh,,
people of culture create the cutest cookies </3 /hj
I'm sure that's one of the reasons why I keep playing it from time to time at all. it's just such a pleasure to see them, haaaa </3 I'm so not used to getting such cute "feminine" looks, and I love them so much </333
Pfff, yes– I had never seen Jack before today, but I am delighted to have been introduced to such a charming cat.
I love some of the comments under the video with him so much. besides, he has his own feline charm, you know? catcutie <3
I’m sure he won't :DD
Though, I rarely play the game nowadays— so it’s not like he’ll even be given the chance to disappoint,, sighs
hhhhh, I understand you, dear </3 look, but he's still very pretty, even if they don't play, so-
I have to admit, his eyes scared me at first. But he genuinely is adorable– look at this picture that crk posted of him on Instagram!
He looks so pretty in it, doesn’t he ? His little facial expressions are so cute !
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awwwww,,,,,,, adorable,,,,,,,, I have a few gifs here and there with him because he has such cute animations, and even though I've said it before, I just love his design so much? such a darling, hubby material <3
Don’t worry about answering that old message,, I have already said what I wanted to, so it is alright!
thank you, lovely,,,, I'll just keep it with me as a gift <3
It really is hard to believe! I remember spending all of late 2020 working up the courage to send out my first ask to you. I am so very glad I did,,,,
it's been so long — my my, we've known each other for almost three years, and you've even seen the whole messy beginning... ohhhhhhhhh
When I was younger, especially in adolescence, each birthday would remind me of how much I have changed from the past year. Now, it seems that years move past me even as I stand still,,,
ara ara, dear, this is normal. the longer we live, the less we notice our changes, but, listen, at least a few months ago you were a blushie anon, then you became a honeypie, and now you communicate with me through a blog — isn't that a significant change, hmmm? we don't always notice our little changes, but, listen, stagnation is not bad either <3 /hj
I'm afraid that might’ve come off as depressive, but I didn’t mean for it to. Just thoughts and observations,,
don't worry, dandelion, these are your thoughts and feelings, they should not give in to a negative emotional assessment. not even positive emotions are worthy of attention and love♡♡♡
Feel free to <3<3
However, I have, unfortunately, been forsaken by the height gods, and am at a below average height of 5’4” (I think that around 162 centimeters? I’m not totally sure-). You are most likely taller than me <//3
tiny honey pie <333 adorable <33333
you're actually shorter than me, what a sweetness <3
<text> (mine now)
*sigh* I apologize for all of the terrible things I keep telling you <//3. Please do not focus on Americans and whatever is going on with us. It is much more important that you focus on taking care of yourself <3
NOOOOOO stoooop suddenly I will think that there are actually intelligent and empathic Americans </33333 /j
also, line "Many Americans are just very dumb,, and I genuinely believe that no one hates Americans more than ourselves." reminded me of a phrase I heard somewhere; like, there was an American article about the Asian past of Russia or P*tin or something and someone wrote "it's just that americans want to get attention back to themselves because they are not used to people hating other whites" shhhhh </3
thank you so much for your supportive words, my dear <3 the best thing we can do is to believe and support as much as we can, huh
It has been a long time!! I apologize for continuously leaving without any warning <//3. I will try my best to stay around from now on– and I’m glad that you’re around too <3<3
ahhh, what a charm <33
it's okay — there's nothing if you disappear from time to time, I don't keep on a leash or something like that, and I'm not so active to constantly attract attention, so I understand that each of us has our own affairs <3
anyway, it's not that I won't be glad to see you more often, but don't feel obligated, my joy.
Have you heard about NU carnival? It is a mobile game that I would recommend–
oh, at the moment when you sent the message, about an hour before that, I downloaded it, looked at it- and got distracted pffff
don't get me wrong, but it made such a fuss that I couldn't help but take a look; however, I do not like the card system, so it was only after your message that I came back to play a little, and I want to say that it is much more enjoyable than I thought
Fair warning, it is, in fact, a sex game. But, If you have ever played Obey Me or some other gacha game with a card system, then this game will be pretty familiar.
hahaha, I've never played Obey me (comment from the future: downloaded it today, still not a fan of the card system), but I've played twisted wonderland and girl cafe gun so I imagine.
The main difference between NU carnival and Obey Me is that while OM has many flirtatious scenes with the main cast, NUC uses things that are more,, how should I put this,,, explicit.
and after that you say that you are not a spring child? <333
it's called "porn", my dear. "porn". /teasing
they don't show how someone is torn apart or killed, but they will tell you in detail and show you everything you want in nsfw scenes and ahegao during a fight <3
I will send you pictures of my current favorite character from it! I don’t have his SSR card, so I can’t unlock the scenes of him that I want to <//3,, but this is him.
If you want, you should try the game out! It is filled with many pretty men <3<3
awwww, the second reason I went to play again is to find out who he is. vvery pretty man. hope he will come to you soon, darling♡
look, the game is much better than I expected, and I'll give it a chance, because I'm already on the fourth part and the plot is, hhhh, the thing that really holds me back.
I do not dispute that they are pretty, and in fact they look very good <3333 yakumo my beloved
Actually, let me spin this around; why don't I give you something for your passed birthday !! You always write for us and complete requests, and I am always gifted by your new works,, but when was the last time you were given a gift me, hmm?
I am no writer, but I do enjoy drawing. Give me a character!! Any one you’d like, and I will draw something for you! You can also specify anything else you’d like to be in the drawing or what you’d like it to have !!
;;;;; character? ;;;
I feel embarrassed at the thought of us going to "exchange gifts", but I think that's how healthy communication usually works, so it's kind of normal, ehe
I do not know your limitations, so tell me if I am asking for something beyond your boundaries, but, I think, "what would Venti look like in the modern world/modern clothes"?;;; pretty please;;;;;
And, if you really insist on writing something for me, then, my (current) favorite character is xiao. I don’t think you’ve ever written anything for him before,, so feel free to decline, but otherwise, any sort of content with the adorable adeptus in it is more than enough for me <3
Of course I insist <3
Blitz question: do you have any preferences for what kind of content? (platonic, romantic, "explicit")
I have already written for him, especially after he came to me, but I never published it, as I planned to run a separate blog and even made it — but I never started. I can't say how good, but the gift is valuable in itself, not in quality, huh?
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(I am not sure how helpful the picture is,, and I mainly shared it because I find it cute,,, but I hope you like it regardless <33)
hm... looks like a new wallpaper for my phone, now it's mine.
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now it's kind of my turn to ask questions? I'm not really that good at this, huh.
can you tell me a story, how did you get to the point where you read "dom reader", my dear?
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Season 1 Episode 13
Ok, just over 3 hours for the last episode of the season. I'm good with that time. Not so good with where we left off though.
I was so excited to start the next episode I forgot to click it....😑
Yo, I like the intro again. Idk, the opening monologues are usually really good at catching my attention. Even when it's already enthralled.
Look, I 100% get where Michael's coming from, and I get what he wants, but I am way too worried about what Noah could do. I'd also much rather Max put his gun down, cause that's just not it. Hmm if only Noah would die while right now
Michael! Baby! Please. And torture is just worse then dying.
Pfff. I didn't think I'd laugh, but Max just shooting the antidote made me fucking snort. It shouldn't have, but it did.
Also, sidenote... how are they gonna explain Noah's disappearance? Like idk, that's gonna look sketchy.
Michael and Max are on such different sides on how they feel about things, and it's why they keep getting into conflicts. Like I've talked on the whole family and belonging thing before I believe. Michael feels he'll belong amongst aliens, Max feels what they've got is all they need, yada yada. It's still upsetting to see.
Ah shit. Michael please don't. We can't have Noah running around. Because see now that we might get that, I know 100% that it's a bad thing.
Aydgsjzyzyhhzgzydy! See BAD FUCKING IDEA! Shit! Fuck!! Ok, Michael will be ok, but this is most certainly a bad thing.
And now Noah's gonna be healed without anyone watching, he's gonna be running around again. This is not good.
Hey Maria. They didn't tell her anything. Ngl, I kinda thought they would
Wait wait wait wait! That necklace! The flower! Powder! Oh shit, that's supposed connect her family to aliens back in time. Yo that's cool!
I was wondering if it's supposed to protect her from them, and my first thought was how I don't think she was wearing it when Noah jumped in her body, then I realized she was when Isobel influenced her, so I thought it didn't work, then I remembered Isobel got sick from that! It does work!
Liz just went through a lot there lmao. She was about ready to jump on Maria/Michael, then learning about Alex and Michael, and now she's here. Both her friends have something with Michael. Lmao
"If we could choose we wouldn't fall at all," um excuse you, I would most certainly choose to fall in love. So sshh. Lol
Of fucking course it was Manes! Does this man do anything that isn't fucking sick and twisted?
Can we go back to Michael though? He's kinda bleeding out right now.
No? Ok, instead we go to this asshole. Great. Dude, they're planning murder right now, aren't they?
Oh shit, I am very uncomfortable with Liz in here alone.
Ah shit. He's here. Ok, well this isn't good
Oh, she has that dust! Theres gonna be more that'll happen, but at least there's this.
Ok, we're back to the house. I'm a little concerned about getting to Michael, but you know what, once Max sees he will be too, so I should just let it play.
Did it work? I mean, duh it has to, I know he's alive and well later on, but I still get worried.
Ok, but why does Noah have like all their powers? I just realized I never asked that. What's special about him.
Ha "I thought you were the smart sister" he says as he gets outsmarted.
Yeah, Michael may not be the best person to have around right now. I love him, but he's not in a good place right now.
Tell her something she doesn't know.
What is she thinking?
Oh wait. Liz doesn't know this. Kyle! Why didn't you tell her!?
I am not convinced she's fine. I'm fairly sure she got stabbed, and the more she says she's ok, the more sure I am.
Girl! Go to the fucking hospital! You're human, you can go. There'll be questions, but that's not all that important right now.
Ok, while I don't hate that guy dying, Noah gaining strength is something I do hate.
Ok, she called Kyle. That'll work as well.
Fuck off. I knew she wouldn't be good too. It sucks how she can be controlled. I can't wait til we're completely done with Noah for good.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I don't like what is happening. Nope not one bit! I keep remembering the picture! Why is Max see through? I don't like this. I am not okay. I know in my heart if he dies he's coming back (hence, see through. He'll still be around to some capacity) but I cannot deal with it if he dies I cannot I cannot I cannot. Nope nope nope.
Yeah, ok, Kyle's right, Liz should be in the hospital, but I also get her reasoning too. At least she has a doctor though.
He knew. Sorry Liz. Oh, she's just understanding about that. Wow ok. I expected her to be mad he didn't tell her. But I guess I should know better.
Hey Michael's up! Hey buddy, look I love you and Alex, and I love that Alex is here, but imma need you to head out and find Max, because he's not doing so hot rn. Also that is your blood actually.
Alex, any of other fucking time I would love this, but right now, I need you to stop. I am sorry, now is really not the fucking time Max is about to fucking die, and I can't say I'm gonna be okay either.
Look, I'm sympathizing with Alex, I feel bad for him, I'm happy he's talking, but I just... not right now. The timing is horrible. I don't even know if Michael could find the other two, so it's not a great situation we're in, but he's the best chance we've got right now of somehow helping, because Max is currently getting the his insides torn up, Isobel is out of commission. I just need some reassurance. Maybe even, idk, going back there in the show?
Bitch if this keeps up this is gonna be the episode I spoil myself for everything in. It is so tempting. Literally the only reason I have not read wiki is because I'm liveblogging. It is killing me. I am actually dying. Most shows I end Googling everything about after 3 episodes. I never wait and anticipate. Even when I watched the Walking Dead, if we weren't on time with the weeks episode, I'd read the episode description before watching.
Ok back to the show.... I don't want to keep watching. Lmao.
Shit! Ok, so, hey, he knows where to go now! And yeah, tomorrow's a great time Alex. Would have been better, but you know.
Oh, he didn't kill them. Well I mean duh. But why?
Who? The aliens are coming back? Oh shit. Ok, who are our aliens? Why wouldn't they be left here?
Saviour? What is all of that. Yo! They have more powers. Yeah, ok, see I don't mind the idea that aliens were the gods. It's fun to think about.
Yes! Ok, Michael's here! But now, um, well, how do we deal with Noah? Cause he's still powerful.
Where's he going? What are you doing Max? Also, I don't like leaving Michael in there alone either. Um, yeah no. Not a good idea.
Ok, I see what you're doing. He's gonna pull a Pikachu. That makes me nervous. But I mean so does anything. The image cover really just puts me on the edge of my seat. Watch it all be some stupid thing that means nothing and I've been freaking out half the season for nothing.
Um, what happened to Michael. You know, Noah coming out of the cave doesn't make me feel good.
Ophiuchus always annoyed me tbh. It throws off all the zodiac. Throws off the patterns, the even levels of everything. Does it even have masculine or feminine aspects? How about fixed, mutable, or cardinal? Whats it's element; fire, water, air, or earth? It doesn't make sense. And if you give it one of any of these the numbers are thrown off. Ophiuchus sucks. Am I trying to distract myself from my worries? Why yes, yes I am.
Ok, Michael's out, which, we knew, but Isobel is now up! So that could be good.
That's a lot of electricity. Yeah, Max is gonna kill him
Isobel? What are you doing? Oh. She did that to break up with him. Ok, fair I guess. It's her life
Take care of who? The only person I can think of is Rosa, but she's dead, so it can't be her.
Oh Michael's up too, and Noah is dead now. Deserves it. We still have half an episode though... hmm. Setting up for next season?
Yes, 'Murica and it's guns.
Kyle is going a little loopy. He should talk to someone.
'Murica! You think someone's going crazy, and instead of not selling him the gun, you sell it cheaper.
Ok, fall out with Noah now.
Look, I tend to agree that you focus on what you have and try and make the most of it. And I don't think they should be obsessed with their pasts, but I do think they shouldn't ignore them either. There's stuff to learn, and knowing things about who they are would definitely come in handy.
Also, Max definitely feels off. He's overly celebratory me thinks. I worry what this'll entail.
Ok, hmm, this is unsettling. Also definitely got that power boost from killing... I really hope hat nothing bad comes from it.
Don't worry Liz, that's from way before.
They ate still so cute together though. Like ngl.
Lmao, thirsty girl. Oh, first time sleeping together in the season finale.
Yep, says nothing about you Isobel.
Lmao, I mean fair enough. Yeah, her relationship problems definitely took first place in shitty relationships
Michael..... It's not Alex's fault, but like, yeah, his family history would definitely factor in a lot. Most of the trauma the Michael has suffered is at least in part due to the Manes family. That's a really shitty situation to be in.
Oh, is this Noah's cave?
IT'S FUCKING ROSA!? Well ok, I guess it was Rosa he meant afterall. Fuck me.
Wait, how is she even in there? She's human. Can humans be in there? Apparently. It works on everything. Does this mean she's aware of her surroundings though? You know, since his is a defective pod? Or I guess not since she's dead. So she's gonna come back then right? Like they're not gonna have her body there to leave it at that.
Yeah, um, no, you're not gonna see yours. He is though. Yeah.
It's because the mystery was something that was essentially keeping her alive. It was more you could learn about her, and uncover and all that. It was a new side of her you didn't know, something you usually find only while alive
DID HE JUST FUCKING KILL KYLE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? I was not predicting that at all. The fucking image made me focus on Max (which by the way seems to be a fakeout. Unless something happens next season. I can't really see him dying now. Though tbf, Kyle getting shot came out of left field too, so...)
Oh he's not dead. Well that reaction was for nothing then. Damn. Bulletproof vest I'm assuming. Nice idea.
Ok, went for a vest instead of a gun. I actually like that. Though, Kyle, you may want some kind of back up. Hmm, I mean that works too. I am worried though for Kyle's sanity. He's been through it the last couple days.
Yeah, they definitely have to tell Liz. Idc what they think it'll do to her, but she would want to know.
Max, that's not a good idea. And Noah was stronger because he killed. This is not something you can do.
Michael is 100% right right now. Yes, the best situation would be to take some time, bury her, though also tell Liz. We are not gonna try and bring back the dead. Bad Idea.
Max I don't like that look.
And Michael is visiting Maria right now. Dude, why did they have to have Alex talk to Michael like just the day before. If they didn't I wouldn't be feeling conflicted right now. I'd just say let him be. And then what he said to Isobel. Ugh! I think I'm gonna do a wrap up post about the season later.
I hate love triangles, someone always gets hurt. Usually me.
Ok ok ok. I mean its cute.
Oh, he can play again! I wonder how good that feels!
😬 she's not there Liz.
Max! No! I am scared! This could go so so wrong! Ah shit! Max! Consult people!
This with Liz's speech is giving me mood whiplash.
Isobel is practicing other powers. It's working! Yo that'll be so cool!
Ah shit. And this is what I mean about things hurting. Alex just sitting there waiting. See like I said, if this wasn't an issue, I wouldn't be upset. And same would've went the other way too. Idk, waiting is the worst. Like no matter how I feel about a ship, unless the person is an asshole, watching someone just sit and wait makes me hurt. I know I've never actually experienced that, but like, it's the one thing about relationships and relationship woes that I feel intimately familiar with, despite not dating. Maybe it's a past life thing, left a scar on my soul.
Yeah, um Maria's noticed noticed hand. See, this wouldn't be an issue if people let her in on the secret! Like dude, she's the ONLY one who doesn't know.
Isobel! She did it! Nice! Good for her good for her.
Ok, back to Max, this will not end well. Like either somethings gonna be wrong with Rosa when she comes back, or he's gonna be sick/hurt.
Rosa's back! But, and I'm sorry to brush you off girl, Where's MAX!?
Wait is this gonna be why he's see through!? He's not gonna fucking die in like the last minute of the season right? Like that's not gonna happen. They wouldn't do that. I'm right. Right? Nah. He'll be fine, like that be the worst cliffhanger to leave off on for people who first watched this.
Imagine though, seeing your sister after that. How would that feel. How could you feel?
Ah shit! Nononnonononobobinonkifuzgsgsygzgd they didn't nopenopenopenopenopenoepnoepenodp I refuse I do not accept I do not see he is not dead, episode ended earlier. I do not care. Nothing happened Max is fine. He's ok, he's not dead. Nope nope nope nope.
Well shit guys, kinda weird how that episode was just like a minute of nothing at the end, huh? No but seriously he's not gonna stay dead. There's no fucking way. Impossible. If Rosa came back, Max is gonna come back, so you know what, I'm not even that bothered (you know denial is fun. Even so, I doubt Max could stay dead. He's too important to the plot).
Ok, well I finished season 1. This episode took me so long to watch. I kept pausing way too much, but I'm done now, and probably should head off to get ready for my lift today. Expect a post summing up my thought on the season tonight. Maybe the first episode of season 2 also.
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