#petty eobard
thwackk · 2 years
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people underestimate the comedic potential of eobard’s existence and his extreme petty hatred for this one (1) dude
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bonus because i just feel like barry would think he’s just hallucinating or something but came up with the WORST way to tell his mom that
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ditzy-town · 11 months
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(close ups below)
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I never shared my funky design of this man so here you go ur welcome😌🤲✨
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misterbaritone · 7 months
If you think about it, DC comics has two big 3s
The first is the classic Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman trio
The second is Reverse Flash, Black Manta and Lex Luthor. The big 3 of hatin ass niggas
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rayfishandchips · 6 months
which dcau movie is that "it was me Barry" clip originally from?
someone please tell me
edit: found it. It's Justice league: the flashpoint paradox
thank you @i-think-ill-miss-you-forever for telling me in comments :)
second edit: Flashpoint paradox is SO GOOD gotta be my fav dcamu movie
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
Your post about Lady Shiva is very true but didn’t Reverse Flash at one point travel back in time to trip somebody down the stairs iirc? That’s an unmatched level of petty
Thawne is absolutely pettier. There is no DC villain pettier than Eobard Thawne. But Shiva as an entire concept is funnier imo.
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keanurye · 1 year
Eobard :
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dadoodler25 · 1 year
Can we just talk about Reverse Flash?
After watching memes about this guy, I fucking love him. He's one the most powerful beings in all of fiction, being a LITERAL paradox, and he uses this power to straight up fuck with Barry Allen. And I don't think we get enough.
I want to see super petty RF. I want him to go back in time and:
Write all the wrong answers during Barry's maths test in elementary so he fails.
Knock over his ice-cream cones.
Barry's going to give a love letter to a former high-school crush? Thawne tears it up, replaces it with a new one that has mean words written all over it. Barry gets beat up.
Tie his shoes together so he always trips.
THIS is what I want to see.
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zeroducks-2 · 3 months
speaking of august vs thawne I felt like those two were being petty towards each other when barry forced the 3 of them to work together. I remember at some point august pointed out how he's better than thawne cause he's actually willing to change hence why he gets to be part of barry's life. personally I felt like that struck a nerve in thawne and that's probably one of the reason he killed him lol. "you thought you'd get to be with barry? guess again!" moment
The thing about Eobard (and this is something that drives me insane in a very good way) is that his actions look pretty much nonsensical when you look at them without context.
Why did he kill August at the end of The Flash Age, after everything had gone SO WELL?
Barry trusted him, Eobard did the right thing. They easily fell into the right rhythm, they helped each other no strings attached, and not only that - after saving Chris, Eobard went back to Barry and August to save them too.
He could have very well left them to die, and if you think about it, he can just walk into the Speed Force and pluck Barry out like he did in the Rebirth Mini. So it was really just a plain good action.
But then he goes and pulls August's neck like a chicken's? Why TF Eobard? Barry doesn't understand it, and since we don't get Eobard's POV, we don't see what's in his head when it happens. But if you know enough Flash lore, it's possible to piece together what went down.
First of all, and this is very important to consider, Eobard was walking away. It's August who physically stops him.
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August grabs his arm, and Eobard immediately understands what this is about. August wants him to go back to prison. The fact that his response is about trust, and the defeated look on his face, make the feeling of betrayal pretty evident.
(also what in the FUCK you think you're doing August, this is a whole ass tiger not a kitten you can scruff oh my god. anyways)
Now, the reason why Eobard immediately assumes (correctly) that August wants him back behind bars, is because this exact same thing happened to him so many times, and it's basically a trauma so big he would rather take his own life over going to prison.
Back to his time of origin in the 25th century, he would stay locked up in the most inhumane conditions (total isolation, sensory deprivation, no human contact to the point where they fed him using radiations so that no one would approach and talk to him), and the only way he had to get out for a very limited amount of time, was when the good law abiding citizens needed a hero to fight some kind of superpowered foe.
Because in the 25th century superheroes are illegal, when something too dangerous comes up, the only way to fight it off is to use a criminal. And who better than Professor Zoom, the "sociopathic knock-off" of the now defunct hero the Flash, who'd do anything for a scrap of freedom and two minutes of leniency - especially because for all his life Eobard has desired being a hero and help people, so he'd never refuse such an offer.
Page from The Flash #147. The Flash in question is Wally in one of his timetraveling adventures.
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So Eobard helped, everyone cheered, and then locked him back in prison.
We see this *in The Flash Age* as well. It's what happened when he had to fight Paradox the first time - he was pulled out of prison and he not only fought of Paradox, he also saved the survivors, rebuilt Central City and the Flash Museum with it.
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Now of course August couldn't possibly know all of this, but what August knows is that Eobard, when he was locked up in Iron Heights, was in this condition:
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So what he's doing is in fact demand that Eobard, in order to actually gain their trust and proceed on his "road to redemption", willingly goes back to that BDSM contraption thing in sensory deprivation and with a muzzle in his mouth.
After this man went back in time to specifically save August's ass from a world eroding from under his feet.
Eobard is openly terrified at the idea of going back to prison, by the way. Many times he very clearly tells Barry that he'll die before going back to the situation described above. Or to this:
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Or this:
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Or this:
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And I could go on but you get the picture.
August basically put his whole foot into an open wound and twisted. The idea of going back to jail after his five minutes of leniency had to be so upsetting that I'm surprised Eobard JUST broke August's neck, and didn't like, gut him up while he was still alive.
It's understandable that people would think that he killed August out of jealousy, or that he somehow cringed at the good action that he did and had to sort of compensate with a bad one. But it's actually way more complicated. And the saddest part is that he assumed that Barry was on August's side, wanting to put him back to jail, because he's traumatized as fuck and will always assume the worst possible scenario.
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ftl-faster-than-life · 10 months
the more I think about it the funnier ‘Barry talking to Eobard like he’s his imaginary friend’ gets. In a universe where Eobard is slightly less aggressive and mostly keeps it to petty harassment but also follows Barry around constantly but invisibly to the humans around them.
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vexic929 · 1 year
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How would you personally approach redeeming Thad?
Well we can't undo Fastest Man Alive, it's canon. We can't just jump from Mercury Falling into a redemption arc so that must exist in the realm of fanfiction or an elseworlds story.
So there are one of two ways I would redeem Thad at this nebulous point in comic limbo where "everything is canon" according to DC right now.
1.) They redeem Thad by taking the approach that everything he did to Bart post-Mercury falling was in fact either a different Thad than the one in Mercury Falling OR he was mind controlled - likely by Eobard because he CAN do this (justifying why he would is something else that more keen fans of Eobard can pitch in). This would be an easy way for any writer to redeem him because then it wasn't really him and forgiveness would be quicker and easier to hash out because "who HASN'T been mind controlled or had an evil version of themself hurt someone?"
The second one is trickier and would need a skilled writer to execute.
2.) There is no other explanation for FMA and all subsequent events post-Mercury Falling. It was Thad all along, falling into his bitterness, his namesake, his inertia from rising above what he was made to do. Where redemption would come from would be likely a revisit back to themes in Mercury Falling, maybe he works with Max again and all those feelings come back, the grief, the rage at the nihilism and the hatred. Thad is essentially an indoctrinated/programmed child soldier, his entire being was centralized around being a weapon and being programmed to hate and to replace Bart - there was no real anticipation of self in his design. A skilled writer would marry all of these and tell a story of the tragedy of Thad's history and bring to a point that Thad wants to rise to be something other than a tool for petty revenge. Forgiveness would be difficult, if it ever came, and it might be one of those situations Thad and the Flashfam just never mingle again, Thad lets go of his anger, the hate, and runs off into the Speed Force to another time, maybe another reality and the reader knows he will be okay.
Honestly, with how many characters there ARE right now I would be more keen on regardless of which way he is redeemed he doesn't stick around and he just... moves on to somewhere else. The End.
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littlelambscandyland · 6 months
Precious Thing
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Cg!Eowells x Little!Reader x Cg!Eobard
Warnings- Female Reader, Panic Attack, Regression to 3yrs, Use of Daddy (non-sexual)
Eo used for Eowells and Eobard for past Eobard (not confusing at all lol)
It’d been a few weeks since he arrived. The other Eobard. One who didn’t know you or care to learn. Blonde hair and blue eyes, quite unlike the dark haired man you know.
Those few weeks have taken its toll. The man was cruel and capricious. It brought you back to when you first discovered that Harrison Wells wasn’t who he said he was. It brought you back to when you both hid yourselves with anger and hurtful words.
Your biggest problem however wasn’t the bickering with a past version of your husband. Your biggest problem was the stress waying you down without regressing. Eo tried to convince you. Tried to reassure you that the other him wouldn’t hurt you, but you feared Eobards words just as much as his actions.
Today was extremely difficult. You could feel yourself slipping. Your mind and body betray you to act on protective instinct to save you from yourself.
You barely made it back to your home, back to your room, before you regressed into a small child. Perhaps you were 3, maybe 4. You had no chance to call him, no chance to plan.
You’d moved quickly but not quick enough to completely avoid his eye. Not long after you locked yourself in the room you heard a knock. An aggressive knock. A noise you just couldn’t handle.
The sob tore its way through your throat as you buried your head into your pillow. The pillow you wish was your stuffie. You wanted the comfort, the love of your caregiver. Your mind could only make out how alone you were. Your breathing grew rapid. In only a small amount of time you were completely panicking.
So caught in your mind you didn’t notice the man phasing through the door. So caught up in your own mind you didn’t notice anything he was doing at all. You only noticed Eobards presence when an arm pulls you into a chest.
Your panic grew more. Whines and cries coming out of your mouth. You were turned in strong arms to face the blonde. He seemed confused himself. He pulled you in and shushed you calmly. He rocked you slowly.
“He’ll be back soon. Poor thing, you just can’t handle anything alone can you?” Despite his tease his voice was soft and sweet.
Your heart raced, but he held you tightly. His grip brought you a bit of comfort among your turmoil.
Soon enough Eo walked in quickly. “Aww, you sweet little thing. Look at you.”
Eo took you from Eobards arms as you clinged to him desperately. The man holds a dummy up that you take without question. Where he got it you weren’t sure, or where he got your favorite plushie, but you weren’t going to question him.
“You precious little girl, just couldn’t wait for daddy to come home hm?” Eo says as he peppers your face in kisses.
Eobard looked awkwardly between you and Eo. Brows furrowed as he tried to process the scene. His future self coddling a regressed version of his partner. He wanted to be petty and annoyed. To hold onto the anger he normally feels, but he couldn’t. Your cries have dimmed to a pout as Eo pretends your stuffed friend was real, and honestly, Eobard could feel himself fall in love with this little girl. You were so cute reaching towards the toy in Eos hand.
Eo looks towards Eobard with a knowing look. Smirking before looking back at you. “He was so nice to you wasn’t he, princess? You should thank him.” He tells you light-heartedly.
He turns you towards Eobard, and takes your pacifier. You hold up your toy as if it’d protect you. You sigh lightly and mumble out a few babbles.
Eo laughs and narrows his eyes at you. “That wasn't done properly and you know it.”
A few nonsensical sounds fall out of your mouth again before you whisper out, “tank oo eobar”.
You look down shyly and hide behind your plush again. Eobard who had sat there staring at you before shaking out of his own head. 
He pulled out his signature smirk and responded quickly. “Of course, how else would I react to a toddler?”
“Yes, there is no other way to act when such a precious thing is in distress.” Eo responds smoothly.
A squeak comes from you in response to the two mens shared words. Both men couldn’t help but smile at you as you cuddled into your soft toy.
Eo stands with you in his arms. “Why don’t we have some dinner?” He asks you before looking down at Eobard questioningly.
You nod enthusiastically as Eobard stands. The rest of the night was spent with two daddies proudly caring for their precious little girl.
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longitudinalwaveme · 8 months
The Retcon I'm Glad Hasn't Happened Yet
So, on TV Tropes, I found the following description of Len and Lisa:
"Captain Cold and Golden Glider. Jerks as they are, they were horribly abused by their father, who's cruel treatment of them left Leonard so emotionally broken he developed a cold and unemotive exterior that contributes to his "cold" image. Lisa, though more openly emotional, is still clearly affected by it herself and became a bitter, angry and violent person, not helped by the fact she also lost her boyfriend, The Top, who despite being an asshole had been able to make Lisa so hopelessly in love with him that she blamed Barry for his death and swore to hurt him as much as she could."
Most of this is accurate, with the exception of the part I bolded.
Doesn't the way that this is written make it sound like it was Roscoe's fault Lisa became a villain, and that she was the only half of the relationship to feel genuine love? I mean, Roscoe is undoubtedly a massive, massive jerk, but----and this is a BIG but-----he was not a jerk towards Lisa. Ever. There's nothing in any of Lisa and Roscoe's Bronze Age appearances that suggests that he was manipulating her in this way. Indeed, in Flash vol. 1 #297-303 (the Roscoe ghost story), we got to see them interact with one another quite a bit, and, in spite of the fact that both of them are generally dysfunctional and nasty people....their relationship itself was neither nasty nor dysfunctional. They work as an equal team, and if there's any manipulation, I don't see it. Roscoe isn't jealous of Lisa's flirtatiousness (no insecurity when she talks about how great Barry Allen is at kissing or about how hot he is), Lisa doesn't get frustrated with Roscoe's boasting, they compliment each other constantly, they work well together, and they protect each other to the best of their abilities.
It's also worth noting that, for the entire time Roscoe was alive, Lisa was not a criminal, and, since her debut comic (Flash #150) seemed to indicate that the two of them had been dating for at least a couple of years, that strongly suggests that Roscoe had no desire to lead her into a life of crime. Especially since he also served as her figure-skating coach, meaning that he was actively helping her advance in her career. That would make no sense if their relationship was a ploy to make her a supervillain or something. I seriously, seriously doubt that Roscoe decided to "make Lisa fall in love with him" just on the off chance that he might maybe die fighting the Flash, prompting her to become a supervillain to get revenge. If you want to manipulate someone into being a supervillain for whatever reason, there are much easier ways of doing it than having to actually drop dead before it happens. It's not like Roscoe knew he would be able to come back as a ghost. What, are we supposed to assume he did all this, up to and including his own death, just to spite Len or something? Even Eobard Thawne isn't that petty!
What's more, even Geoff Johns, who didn't like Roscoe and strongly downplayed the relationship Lisa had with him, never suggested that Roscoe was manipulating her....which is particularly significant since Captain Cold is the one narrating most of the scenes about Lisa (since she was dead at the time).
In his spotlight issue, he off-handedly mentions that Lisa became a Rogue after the death of her boyfriend the Top, with no indication that Roscoe was manipulating her into loving him or into becoming a criminal. If anything, Len puts more blame on himself for her becoming a criminal, since from his perspective (and, frustratingly, Johns' apparent perspective) she primarily became a Rogue to be with her older brother.
Later during the run, when a very, very mentally ill Roscoe popped up in the Rogues' hideout and brought up his relationship with Lisa as a reason that Len should allow him to stay:
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"Your sister loved me, Cold. Your sister---"
Len tells him to not mention Lisa again (Len gets grouchy when people bring up his dead sister), but it's worth noting what he doesn't say here. He doesn't say "No, she didn't. You just made her think she did." or "Only because you manipulated her." or anything like that. If Roscoe HAD been manipulating her, I'm pretty sure Johns would have had Cold bring it up here, since Johns dislikes Roscoe out-of-universe and Len hates Roscoe in-universe. He's not going to be sugar-coating their relationship!
But anyway, now I'm really afraid that somebody at DC will bring Lisa and Roscoe's relationship back, but that they'll retcon/change it so that it's more in line with the apparent interpretation I bolded above; that they'll have the relationship be abusive on Roscoe's end. He's used as a plot device boogeyman all the time anyway, so I could totally see someone deciding to have him be responsible for Lisa's becoming a criminal (in the sense of him manipulating her against her own judgement, I mean, not in the sense of "he's dead and I must avenge him"). And because most modern comic fans only know Roscoe from Johns' run (in fact, I would bet that that's where the above posted interpretation of their relationship came from), I could easily see someone deciding that it would be a great way to reintroduce their relationship. I really, really hope they don't, though.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm actually kind of surprised that Johns didn't make a retcon like that during his run, because it would fit with how he generally used Roscoe, and would have served as another reason for Len to hate Roscoe. I'm very glad he didn't, though.
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negative-speedforce · 4 months
In Your Teeth
Inspired by:
cw: injury, violence
(okay so if you're wondering about Siv's melee weapons, they're based on the Black Widows' batons from the Black Widow movie)
Of all the people she'd expected to run into while attempting to steal from Mercury Labs, Siv's own father was definitely not one of them.
"That device is mine." Eobard growled, the item that Siv wanted clipped to his belt.
"Not for long." Siv narrowed their eyes.
Siv rammed her head into Eobard's gut, the percussive force from her attack sending shockwaves of pain down her spine, but they forced the sensation to the back of their mind. In seconds, Eobard recovered from the blow, thrusting a series of punches towards Siv's body. They ducked and blocked each one, ignoring the sharp bursts that ignited on their forearms every time they blocked one of his punches from hitting a more vital area.
Siv darted out of Eobard's range, sliding low to the ground on the lab's linoleum floor. Ripping twin batons out of the holsters on their back, they pressed the small levers on their sides, flicking out sickle-like blades attached to the top edges of the batons. They crouched into a fighting position, waiting for Eobard's next attack.
Eobard kicked in a sweeping motion, attempting to knock Siv off her feet. They jumped back, slashing one of their blades across Eobard's sleeve. Red spewed out from the thin, shallow cut, staining the yellow fabric below. Eobard looked down, a smirk crossing his face.
"You finally managed to leave a mark. I see you've been practicing. I'm proud."
"Shut up." Siv made another slash at Eobard, but he managed to catch her batons. Siv bared her teeth, attempting to rip them out of his hands, but he stayed firm, moving to break the bladed tips off her batons. Siv quickly snapped back, sacrificing one blade in exchange for freedom of movement.
Eobard charged at Siv. Siv bolted, aiming to outrun Eobard to a traffic sign just outside of the building. Curling their head into their body for protection, Siv smashed through the glass doors. Seconds before Eobard could reach her, relying on muscle memory, Siv grabbed onto the pole with her hands, waiting just a heartbeat before Eobard was in range.
Siv mounted the pole, spinning around it in order to force their boot into Eobard's face with a satisfying crunch of cartilage. In his moment of disorientation, Siv snatched the device she'd come for from Eobard's belt, then plunged her remaining blade into Eobard's abdomen, dragging it across his diaphragm, making what looked like an impromptu top surgery scar.
Their father's eyes flashed red as he reached up and touched his face, his hand coming back dripping with his own blood. Again, Siv bolted, Eobard in hot pursuit. Guess those pole classes really did come in handy. That must have hurt. Good.
Siv ran up the side of the nearest building, where she would make her last stand. Standing on the precipice of the roof, Siv waited, nursing the bruises on her arms. Eobard appeared mere breaths later, rage evident in his expression.
"What, you're mad that you can't beat me halfway to death again?" Siv raised an eyebrow.
"Give me what I want, and I won't hurt you." Eobard promised. "And I'm not angry. Just disappointed. Imagine what you could do with your strengths if you weren't so obsessed with this petty grudge."
"Petty grudge? You killed my girlfriend, then almost killed me." Siv scoffed. "I have no idea how you sleep at night."
Eobard sneered, blood caked to the front of his teeth from when Siv had greeted his face with the sole of their boot. It was a fitting appearance for him, all things considered.
"Easily." Eobard replied, moving towards Siv. In response, Siv simply exhaled, closed her eyes, and let herself fall backward, plummeting through the night sky towards the ground. Siv dug her remaining blade into the side of the building, which made an unholy scream as it slowed her fall and allowed her to position her feet in a more acceptable manner.
Siv pumped her legs, awaiting the moment when their body would make contact with the ground. With a sharp shock of pain through her lower extremeties, Siv's feet touched the ground, and using the momentum from their fall, they hit the ground running, speeding off into the night in a streak of lightning. She looked down at the device in her hand.
They'd gotten what they'd come for.
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ageless-aislynn · 3 months
Because allllll of the cool kids are doing it, lol! *boops my own nose politely* 😂🤷‍♀️😉
Rules: Choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as poll options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe, then tag 4 people.
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Sara Ryder, Mass Effect: Andromeda
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Master Chief, Halo
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Eobard Thawne, The Flash
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Leah Stein, Dead Rising
Tagging anybody who hasn't been tagged in this yet but would like to do it! *boops your nose politely* 😎👍
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zeroducks-2 · 2 months
You know reverse flash will probably never chill out all the way but if he gets with Barry he’d probably settle down a little at least. Constantly follows Barry and touches him when he’s stressed. Definitely a healthier outlet.
Barry: what did you used to do to calm down before we got together?
Thawne: oh I went back in time to throw you down the stairs as a child.
Okay I laughed but at the risk of being insufferably pedantic, Eo is actually one really controlled and poised motherfucker 90% of the times.
The times in which you see him not being in control of the scene is when he's having a manic episode (notable examples include the mess he made in Running Scared and the mental breakdown of Finish Line). And even then, he's doing insane shit but in a very controlled way, like the fact that he managed to go through the entirety of Running Scared without actually pulling a hair off of Iris' head. He's very much not the type for random outbursts of rage, whenever you see him not fighting he's actually pretty chill, and there's a smooth grace in his movements like he was never in a hurry to do anything. Despite the fact that he's, you know, faster than light. In fairness, he's so powerful that if he wasn't so much in control he'd destroy everything he has around the moment his mood shifts a little.
He probably gives off the impression that he's prone to outbursts because he has violent emotional reactions that he can't regulate, but they're way more focused inwards than outwards. Eobard's rage tends to be the plotting kind, and his plotting can be so precise and vast that it extends through timelines, and the example of how he pushed Barry down the stairs is perfect because that time he wasn't hurting Barry out of spite. That was part of a bigger picture intent on undermining Barry's confidence, making him grow up as anxious and alone and insecure as possible, bigger picture which also included burning down his childhood home, or making him feel responsible for the death of his dog, or moving his arm slightly this or that way to make him fail at sports.
That wasn't anger or pettiness, that was an extremely controlled, horrifyingly calculated plot that resulted in turning Barry from who he was in the Silver Age (outgoing, always merry, surrounded by people, always "knowing a guy" in every scenario, loved by his parents, good at sports, good in school, good at dancing) to who he is today (timid, insecure, alone, anxious, lacking people he can lean on to, lacking confidence in anything but his skills as a chemist). Killing Nora was just one tile of the mosaic, albeit you could say the most important one, but the point was very much the bigger picture.
That being said, do I think Eobard would calm the fuck down if he and Barry got together? Might sound like an oxymoron given all of the above, but I actually think he would! I also agree with you in how he'd need lots and lots of physical touch. You know I can HARDLY think of ONE instance in which someone touched him without the intent of hurting him, including when it comes to his family? Except for Barry of course, Barry does touch him gently (and casually!) if the circumstances allow it.
Like at the beginning of Running Scared, which unfortunately Eobard doesn't remember.
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Or here. (panels from The Flash Age by Joshua Williamson)
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Or here, in which Barry's grabbed him to avoid him to faceplant after Paradox tossed him like a doll.
Eobard has to be so extremely touch starved he'd be looking for "physical reassurances" pretty much constantly, I think. Barry would have no qualms with it anyway, given how touchy he is by nature. He'd probably be more endeared than anything else.
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