A tragedy.
Here I am mournful to say that Luci and Vaniglia have passed due to old age. I miss both to the world and back, but I'm most mournful over vaniglia, because i had her since she was just a baby and she was just the sweetest thing. They both will be dearly missed, and wish them the best above.
However, on a lighter note, there are a few new recruits here to join the party. Will be posted later
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redeyedwitchcraft · 6 years
hey if i made a blog about my pets personified as humans would you follow it
i have seven pets/characters all with themes plus a guest pet/character so pls tell me what you think @the-rice-cat @usuk-hell @wait-what-pancakes @crafty-sappho
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dearkayta · 13 years
this always makes me feel better, jacob
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Hello one, hello all, and welcome to PetsPersonified, where all of my pets are humanized and personalized.
First, let me introduce you to my pets (these are the ones I have now, and will update as time passes. The About the Pets link will change with the pets).
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Here are all the pets! Each ask won’t be answered in color, but it’ll be answered in a similar style/in traditional if I can’t access my laptop.
Here’s what the pets look like in real life;
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^This is Gerkie, around 8-10 years old and very quirky. She is bonded to me only, so she has a seething hatred for anyone else (save for a select few). She is a female Quaker Parrot and very sweet, singing songs and overall whistling to locate where I am. She has a missing toe from an incident with Bacall, but she is doing just fine health wise!
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^This is Bacall, gender unknown, so their character goes by they/them pronouns. They’re a 7-9 year old Senegal parrot who tends to be very jumpy. They’re very sweet otherwise, not really bonded to one person in particular and loves almost everyone in the house. This little demon is, in fact, the one who bit Gerkies toe off and left me a worried bird parent for a full 24 hours. They do not get along with the other two birds and vice versa.
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^This is Smokey. His age is unknown due to him being a rescue. We found him on our backyard fence and found that he was tame, so we picked him up. No fellow bird parent called by to retrieve him. He is a very anxious bird who is bonded to himself in the mirror (hence his narcissistic personality in-character). He likes the occasional head scratch, but besides that, NO TOUCH!! 
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^This is Luci (short for Lucifer). She is also a rescue, so her age is also unknown. She is a black and white Syrian hamster who, when I first rescued her, was very much more wild and prone to biting. However, with more handling, she has gotten used to me and others, but still has a tendency to jump out of peoples hands. Her previous owners where severely cruel, which explains the small cage from before and the lack of exercise wheel. She hates just about everyone and has been deemed (by me) as Vaniglias adopted sister.
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^This is Vaniglia (pronounced va-knee-lee-a)! She is a 1 year old peach-colored Syrian hamster who is a natural born sweetheart (which is funny because apparently Syrian hamsters are supposed to be mean). She loves peanuts and crackers and will stuff almost anything in her mouth. She has a tendency to run on her wheel with her cheeks stuffed. She is not the smartest baby of the bunch, but she is definitely one of the sweetest!
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^This is Rosie, a guest-pet (i'm dogsitting her). She is a 2-3 year old blue nosed pit bull rescue who loves people and food. She is a natural sweetheart, snuggling at every chance she gets. Her tail never stops wagging, unless there's a thunderstorm. She is very intelligent, almost seeming to understand what someone says to her. She purposefully comes off as ditzy to surprise people. (She is not drawn in the art above)
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^This is Pompeii. He is around 14 years old and very fuzzy. He's a noisy pomeranian who never leaves my grandmothers side. As a side effect of his age, he has no teeth and his tongue hangs out. Otherwise he's a sweet dog who likes to play, even for his age. Even when his bark is annoying, he can still be good.
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And finally, This^ is Exo! He's a 1 year old bearded dragon with a severe back deformity. Regardless, he is a hungry little lizard who likes to run around and receive pets. Months back he had a siezure from eating petsmarts live cricket feed (to this day i don't know exactly what caused this), and ever since he was sick. However, with my care and attention, he's been brought back as much as he could be, save for the mangled back. And even though he's changed slightly ever since the incident, he's still my good boy who loves crickets and running.
And those are my pets featured on this blog! More may be announced depending, and of course, updates will come around on pets health and aging. Their personalities will be more prevalent within asks the pets receive and within interactions between each other.
Thank you for following and, if you could, please reblog to spread the word about my blog! 💕💕
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New animal alert!
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This is Zoey, a chihuahua/papillon mix. She's only a year old, very small and playful! However around strangers she is rather anxious, but warms up quickly. She's an overall sweetheart and loves being held! Pompeii and her fight quite a bit and she is still learning about our house rules, but besides that, perfect girl!
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"And now, to freak out for no reason and collapse onto the floor."
-Smokey, .2 seconds before spazzing and collapsing
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Luci; Am I the only one who hates him? (exo)
Vaniglia; Luci...you hate everyone.
Luci; ..o yeah that's right
Also a small doodle that's kinda shit of Rosie, the guest pet (Vaniglia and Rosie get along quite well, but Luci and Rosie.. not too much)
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This just in; Smokeys age is showing in his feathers, and we have a new member (to be posted later)
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