#petroleum engineer jobs
maxli-catenby · 1 year
Something I feel like I keep seeing on here is people treating labor as an inherent moral good, rather than a means to a (usually but not intrinsically good) end.
Labor, when good, is good because of what it produces, and how those products sustain all our lives. But there are jobs where what is produced is bad, and we have to accept that that means those jobs will have to stop existing, lest we become the people opposed to universal health care because of all the insurance adjusters it will put out of a job
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arolesbianism · 5 months
I've been chipping at a new oni save recently and I have to say I have gotten way less ambitious with my teleporter planet over my past few saves. In a lot of my earlier saves Id dive right in there, but nowadays I find myself ignoring the teleporter for a good while before dipping in to set up some basic utilities there before leaving again and continuing to stall lol
#rat rambles#oni posting#probably because Ive been busy coring out my starting planetoid in my more recent playthroughs#I do want to do some space travel and setting up several colonies but Im not quite sure how Im going to go about it#Ill probably need to use my teleporter planetoid to set up my rocketry program since it has an oil biome but idk#I could in theory go for a steam engine until I get a radbolt engine or a hydrogen engine set up#which honestly Im not sure which I wanna go for since I havent rly played around with either#radbolt would probably be easier to rush but hydrogen would be easier in the long term I think#its all abt the difference between getting a radbolt generation system set up safely vs getting supercoolant#now I usually tend to mostly just stick to petroleum engines but thats because I lack ambition#I could be using that petroleum for power instead#although currently my power situation is actually going pretty ok all things considered#now its a very ducktaped solution given that I am procrastinating on actually properly taming the hydrogen vent Im using for part of it#rn Im using a cool slush vent to produce coolant for the area and using that heat to warm it up enough to be filtered without freezing#but thats a very unstable solution so once I get access to better options Ill likely just fully block it off and call it good#as for my alternative power source Ive recently set up coal generators after getting my obligatory sage hatch farm set up#Im still working on automating it all but itll do it's job just fine for now#I also wanna tap into my cold brine vent soon both for potential extra coolant and for another water source#currently Im fine on water but I wanna get bristle berry farms set up soon so I just wanna be sure Ill have enough#honestly the thing Im saddest abt is that I dont have any natual gas vents#I usually like to get a gas range running quite early so the combination of no natural gas vents and no oil biome is quite saddening#like there are other ways but none that seem particularly worth it to me#anyways Im still sick and exhausted so Im gonna go to bed now#just wanted to make sure everyone knows Im alive
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energysearch · 1 year
Navigating the Competitive Job Market: Strategies for Petroleum Engineers in Texas
Original Source: https://energysearchassociates.blogspot.com/2023/07/navigating-competitive-job-market.html
Texas, often referred to as the energy capital of the United States, offers numerous opportunities for petroleum engineers seeking rewarding careers in the oil and gas industry. However, the job market for petroleum engineers in Texas can be highly competitive. As a petroleum engineer, it is essential to develop effective strategies to navigate this competitive landscape and stand out from the competition. Energy Search Associates, a trusted leader in energy job recruitment, understands the challenges faced by petroleum engineers in Texas. In this article, we will provide valuable insights and strategies to help petroleum engineers successfully navigate the competitive job market in Texas.
1.         Acquire Specialized Education and Training:
To excel in the competitive job market, petroleum engineers must acquire a strong educational foundation. Pursue a bachelor's or master's degree in petroleum engineering or a related field from a reputable institution. Consider gaining specialized knowledge in areas such as reservoir engineering, drilling engineering, production engineering, or petrophysics. Additionally, participate in industry-specific training programs and certifications to enhance your skills and marketability.
2.         Gain Practical Experience:
Practical experience is highly valued by employers in the oil and gas industry. Seek internships or co-op opportunities with oil and gas companies or consulting firms to gain hands-on experience in petroleum engineering. These experiences provide valuable exposure to real-world projects, industry practices, and cutting-edge technologies. They also allow you to network with industry professionals and build relationships that can lead to job opportunities.
3.         Develop Technical Proficiency:
Petroleum engineers must have a strong technical skill set to succeed in the competitive job market. Stay updated on industry-specific software and tools used in petroleum engineering, such as reservoir simulation software, drilling software, and production optimization tools. Familiarize yourself with industry standards and best practices. Developing technical proficiency will make you a more desirable candidate for employers seeking skilled petroleum engineers.
4.         Build a Professional Network:
Networking is a crucial component of job searching in any industry, including petroleum engineering. Attend industry conferences, seminars, and workshops to meet professionals in the field. Join professional organizations, such as the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), and actively participate in their events and activities. Networking provides opportunities to learn about job openings, gain industry insights, and build relationships with key decision-makers. These connections can help you access hidden job opportunities and receive recommendations from industry professionals.
5.         Polish Your Resume and Cover Letter:
Your resume and cover letter are essential tools for showcasing your skills and experience to potential employers. Tailor your resume to highlight relevant coursework, internships, projects, and technical skills. Quantify your accomplishments and emphasize results-oriented experiences. Craft a compelling cover letter that demonstrates your passion for petroleum engineering, aligns your skills with the employer's needs, and conveys your enthusiasm for the industry. Ensure that both your resume and cover letter are error-free, well-structured, and visually appealing.
6.         Leverage Online Job Platforms:
In today's digital age, online job platforms are an integral part of the job search process. Utilize reputable job boards and industry-specific websites to explore petroleum engineering job opportunities in Texas. Create a professional profile on professional networking sites like LinkedIn and actively engage with relevant industry groups and communities. Leverage these platforms to showcase your expertise, connect with industry professionals, and stay updated on job postings and industry news.
7.         Prepare for Technical Interviews:
Technical interviews are a common part of the job application process for petroleum engineers. Prepare for technical interviews by reviewing fundamental concepts in petroleum engineering, including reservoir characterization, well testing, drilling techniques, and production optimization. Familiarize yourself with industry-specific challenges and problem-solving methodologies. Practice answering technical questions and presenting your solutions effectively. Technical proficiency and problem-solving skills will impress potential employers during the interview process.
8.         Stay Informed about Industry Trends:
The oil and gas industry is dynamic, with constant technological advancements and evolving market trends. Stay updated on industry news, emerging technologies, and market dynamics. Follow reputable industry publications, attend industry conferences, and participate in webinars and workshops to stay abreast of the latest developments in petroleum engineering. Demonstrating knowledge and awareness of industry trends will set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your commitment to professional growth.
9.         Utilize the Expertise of Energy Search Associates:
Energy Search Associates can be a valuable resource in your job search for petroleum engineering positions in Texas. They possess in-depth knowledge of the Texas energy market and have access to a vast network of industry professionals and employers. Leverage their expertise to gain insights into specific job requirements, market trends, and employer expectations. Energy Search Associates can help you identify and connect with potential employers, provide guidance on interview preparation, and assist you throughout the job search process.
Navigating the competitive job market as a petroleum engineer in Texas requires a strategic approach and a focus on developing a strong educational foundation, gaining practical experience, building technical proficiency, networking, tailoring application materials, preparing for technical interviews, staying informed about industry trends, and utilizing the expertise of Energy Search Associates. By implementing these strategies, petroleum engineers can increase their chances of securing rewarding job opportunities in the competitive Texas job market. With dedication, perseverance, and a proactive approach, petroleum engineers can thrive in their careers and contribute to the dynamic and ever-growing oil and gas industry in Texas.
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cosmicpuzzle · 7 months
What is your Career like?👩🏻‍💻💼💰💸
The 10th ruler in your chart can indicate your career but it is not the only factor. However, the house placement of 10th lord/ruler can indicate at times the type of career you desire and also can indicate your job literally.
1st House : You will do well in careers which gives you a certain amount of independence. You can be an entrepreneur or a boss or a team leader. Authority and power are essential for you.
2nd House : You will do well in careers which pays you well. You can be good with numbers, finances and any responsible/routine job. Careers that depend on your appearance like modelling are good. Your job would need a good self esteem and self worth.
3rd House: You will do well in careers that involve mobility, communication, writing such as YouTube. Freedom of expression, and movement is important to you. You should be able to experiment as you wish. Change of careers as times change
4th House: You will do well in careers that gives you emotional satisfaction such as nursing, psychology. making an impact on people’s lives is important to you. Working from home can be good.
5th House: You will do well in careers that allow your self expression such as art, acting . Careers connected to children and transfer of knowledge are good. A career in which you are a genius and unique such as music, painting, investor.
6th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to maintain order such as backend work. Routine and a stable job is important to you. You may also do well in health , healing and animal careers.
7th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to exchange things whether product or service. You will do will in public careers like politics. Business is good as well as client based careers. You will do well in careers that allow you to work with another person.
8th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to research things like a biomedical or chemical engineer. Careers in digging like oil petroleum or digging another’s finances as auditing, insurance are good. Investigation and finding secrets. Psychology, medicine , surgery are good choices.
9th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to reach a wider audience around the globe such as publishing books, writing, online teaching, academia. A sense of meaning and purpose is important in your job.
10th House: You will do well in careers that allow you to be skilled and efficient in what you do. A generally good position for executive and managerial jobs or Government routine jobs
11th House: You will do well in careers that allow you to build your network such as social media manager, politics, businesses, digital marketing etc.
12th House : You will do well in careers that heal people and raise their consciousness. Careers in spirituality, metaphysics, non-profit work would be good for you. You need freedom and a flexible schedule.
For Readings DM
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Response To Quote On Male Protection Of Women.
Protect us from who? 🧐
The very fact that you can ask that question is a stunning testimony to the effectiveness of male protection. A tribal woman living on the plains of Africa or in the jungles of the Amazon would never ask such a question. Women living in 17th or 18th century colonial America would never ask such a question. It is protection from both the physical threats and the stringent physical demands imposed upon the human race by a brutal natural world. Men are always protecting women either directly, as is done in more primitive societies, or indirectly by building barriers against nature around them, and an infrastructure that creates a far greater life of ease. Men also maintain that infrastructure.
Men are virtually all of the mechanical engineers, materials engineers, civil engineers, electrical engineers, petroleum engineers, construction workers etc. Men do almost all of the most dangerous jobs on the planet. And all of it is done to sustain and enhance this infrastructure which men have created in order to insulate and protect their families (which is to say, women and children) from the hazards of the natural world. That is why when there is breakdown in that infrastructure and some kind of tragedy strikes, that is the priority for men "Women and children first".
Original quote
"Men have sacrificed and crippled themselves physically and emotionally to feed, house, and protect women and children. None of their pain or achievement is registered in feminist rhetoric, which portrays men as oppressive and callous exploiters."- Camille Paglia
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andavs · 2 months
Nope, still thinking about it.
Shannon comes back around Halloween and Eddie says they haven’t seen her in “almost two years”. The show timeline generally lines up with real life, so Eddie would’ve started at the 118 like early September? He’d been working there for about two months by then.
LAFD training is 22 weeks (or it was, apparently they shortened it a few years ago) which is like five months. Looks like there are academy classes starting in January and April, and April is the latest he could start to finish by September, and that’s basically graduating one day and starting work the next.
But April is a weird time to up and move a seven year old to a new school, just a couple months before the year ends. I don’t know if he would’ve moved in January for Chris to start at the new semester, but he probably moved prior to April to get him enrolled and get their new place somewhat set up before he started at the academy. (Unless they lived with Isabel at first, which I love the idea of, actually.)
All that right there is almost a year. So that leaves about a year before he moved to LA where he was back in El Paso alone after Shannon left.
Adding a cut because this got long.
Whether his parents helped him out financially for part of it or not, that’s just one year they gave him to not only adjust to suddenly being a single parent, but to try to cobble together the equivalent of his military salary with a high school diploma, alone. While also readjusting to civilian life and employment. And probably still recovering physically from getting shot three times. And losing the insurance he had through the army that was covering Chris. With untreated PTSD to cap it off.
And who knows what Shannon was doing in LA. It seems like her mom died at some point and she was too paralyzed to come home after (grieving, guilt, etc.), but I assume she had a job? If she inherited enough from her mom to be able to live on it for over a year, and she didn’t send any of it back home, that would be a serious dick move. But they were still legally married! I don’t know how it works when your spouse is in another state, cut off but also working, but I’m assuming that factors into things if Eddie tried to file for any kind of government programs or assistance.
That’s one year they gave him to navigate all of that alone before his parents tried to take Chris away.
Eddie was doing everything “right” before he got shot. He had a solid job, he was providing, they had two cars and a mortgage, he had insurance for Chris, Shannon could be a stay at home mom—she didn’t want to be but financially, she could be. As far as we know, that was all on Eddie. It seemed like Helena helped with Chris (even when Shannon didn’t want it) but it didn’t sound like his parents were contributing financially. Eddie was doing what he thought was his part and providing all of that.
And then he got shot. He got discharged from the military. Shannon left. And the five years it took to build all of that fell apart within a few months.
And instead of helping him get back on his feet by giving him a minute to breathe and get his bearings, his parents watched him struggle for a year and then tried to take his son.
It sounded like Helena was caring for Chris quite a bit while Eddie was working, but Ramon was a petroleum engineer at the same company for forty years. He made enough to raise three kids on one salary and send (presumably) all three to Catholic school. He was still working well after Eddie moved to LA. They couldn’t have helped him out financially during that year so he could actually spend time raising his own son? Maybe only work two jobs while he tried to figure everything out?
Nope. “Don’t drag him down with you,” Helena said, while she watched Eddie drown, only caring that Chris was safe with her.
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New Fic: Steal My Sunshine
yeah, yeah. I know. Another ongoing fic... That's four at once. ANYWAY hope you enjoy.
Memories hazy and unreliable, Eddie Diaz wakes up every morning in a house at the end of a cul de sac, goes to his office job at a petroleum engineering company, and comes home to his wife and son. But something is missing, and the more Eddie begins to put the pieces together, the stranger the predicament he finds himself in.
“Morning, baby,” Ana yawns, then leans over to kiss him on the cheek.
Eddie flinches a little at the contact. An automatic response that surprises both of them. 
“You okay?” Ana asks. 
Eddie looks down at the hand clutching the comforter. At his wedding ring. 
“Yeah,” he says. “Sorry. Just woke up from a weird dream.”
Ana runs a soothing hand up and down his back. “I’m sorry. You want to talk about it?”
“No,” Eddie answers quickly.
He wouldn’t know where to begin. 
Eddie looks at his phone screen. It’s six in the morning. Eddie’s phone background is a generic wash of dull blue-gray. Like factory settings. Hmm. He should change that. 
Eddie sighs and climbs out of bed. He stretches as he stands. He feels strangely stiff. He doesn’t think he usually wakes up this uncomfortable, but maybe he does? He can’t actually think about any other morning right now.
@diazpatcher @epicbuddieficrecs @theotherbuckley @sevenweeksofunrepression @slowlyfoggydestiny @devonwritesstuff @diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @aquamarineglitter @loserdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @your-catfish-friend @incorrect9-1-1 @hawaiianlove808 @babytrapperdiaz @watchyourbuck
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future writing updates!
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sabakos · 1 year
I feel like killing five petroleum engineers in their beds each a few months apart from each other and then setting their houses on fire would be far easier than killing a single oil company executive, and it would probably disrupt the industry itself far more. The media loves fearmongering about the violent deaths of ordinary people, they'd do your work for you of discouraging people from going into that industry - it would be far more difficult for oil companies to hire workers and there would be more hazard pay and protection for those who did take the job. You might even inspire copycats! At any rate, you would at least succeed in being labeled a terrorist organization by the third or fourth one rather than just being dismissed as a lone weirdo.
I think this makes for less effective rhetoric though, because *most* people don't want to grapple with the idea of actually murdering someone and it's far easier to talk about killing a nameless oil executive who you'll never have the opportunity to go after rather than suggesting that you burn down the house of someone who might very well be your neighbor. So injecting plausible reality into your deranged revenge fantasy makes me look like the unhinged weirdo.
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necarion · 3 months
It's impressive the number of things that had to fail at Fukushima to get to a situation where...things could still be brought under control with zero radiation casualties. Following an 9.1 earthquake and tsunami that had just killed 18,000 people and taken out much of the local infrastructure for solving nuclear problems. In a reactor constructed in 1971 that was nearing the end of its operational lifespan. Which was in the middle of an ongoing refueling process at the time.
Like, at a certain point you start to reach the "6001 Hulls" problem.
And yet, we also quickly developed engineering solutions to prevent the problems at Fukushima. For one thing, the reactor had backup batteries good for 6 hours, and battery energy density has at least tripled since 2010 (and I'm sure those batteries weren't new at the time). And we can build the protective shield for the backup generator taller. And put more backup generators out of reach of tsunami. And newer reactors (since 1971) don't even have the vulnerabilities Fukushima had where the spent fuel is kept in the air.
It's such a fucking tragedy that the lesson the world took for "holy shit, we did such a good job back in 1970 that the reactor survived a 9.1 earthquake and tsunami and only suffered problems we were able to mitigate without casualties" as "well, that means the nuclear power is inherently dangerous and we gotta go back to killing people with coal".
Germany was willing to subject itself to Russian extortion as a result of shutting down power equal to 1/3 of their 2022 electrical use (and 82% of its total 2022 non-renewable use). Japan made itself vulnerable to petroleum use. Taiwan is now considering shuttering its reactors, a suicidal move that would mean a PRC blockade could utterly strangle it in a matter of weeks.
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allegrasilva · 1 month
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Oh, is that ALLEGRA SILVA? I heard the THIRTY-THREE year old is DAUNTLESS. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also IMPETUOUS. Makes sense seeing how they are a GETAWAY DRIVER in the SOCIETY.
full name: allegra isabella rubi silva
nicknames: spitfire, dodge, whip, coyote, correcaminos (road runner), big al, al, ally, alba, legs.
faceclaim:  ana de armas
birthdate: april 19th
alliance: the society
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
occupation: mechanic getaway driver
hometown: sancti spiritus, cuba
sexual orientation: pansexual
relationship status: single
height: 5"3
the rainbow slick of oil on tarmac, red lines of pleasure scratched down your shoulder blades, the ringing of slot machines, a floor length scarlet raw silk gown with nothing underneath it, neon lights reflecting off wet asphalt, engine grease smudged on your nose, punching nitros and feeling your entire body sing with adrenaline, applying red lipstick in the rearview whilst reversing at high speed, a hand wandering up your inner thigh beneath the table, dancing to guajira over a tinny radio with sunlight pouring through the blinds, sweat glistening on bronze collarbones, the pop and spray of champagne, the feeling of your body nearing g-forces.
Basilio and Catalina were an unlikely pair: one a street rat drag racer, who learned everything he knew from the solares of Havana and the other, a decorated army engineer. Their love was instant chemistry, petroleum kissed match, a passion that burned bright and quickly but gifted them three kids.
Allegra spent the first few years of her life bouncing between military bases until her parents separated and Basilio got the career opportunity of a lifetime. He was to be provisionally training some pit crews at Monaco for the Grand Prix, after spending a couple years in his youth experimenting with mechanics on the Indy 500.
After that the stability of the base never felt adventurous enough for Allegra, who spent at least the entirety of race season living with her father overseas, her other siblings remained with Catalina. Endlessly curious, Allegra would sneak out to where her dad was working and start picking up the skills that brought her to the Society.
Basilio saw that wild streak that he had in himself in Allegra and knew that fighting it would only mean losing her entirely, so he indulged her. Teaching her how to hotwire, allowing her to help him experiment chemically with fuel systems. Allegra grew up grease stained but happy.
She loved her mother but they fought endlessly and she always ended up in trouble for getting into the hangars on base and tinkering with the heavy 4x4s and tanks. Allegra was a constant flight risk. These exploits were aided by her being a competitive gymnast since she was six and her taking up free-running when she spent time in London with her dad before races at Silverstone.
Sensation is everything to Allegra, anything that gets her blood up or adrenaline running is something worth doing.
Organised a simulated Italian Job Scavenger Hunt for her fifteenth birthday party with her car meet friends. The real way to win was to be the last car of the night to be caught and arrested. She very nearly ruined her entire future but just managed to get off by the skin of her teeth.
The champagne and glitter of the Formula One circuit, kids of millionaires becoming Allegra's earliest playmates. She terrorized and captivated them in equal measure; they were fascinated by this little Cuban girl causing so much trouble, she taught the children of diplomats ring of fire, how to take their tequila and how to get out onto the track at night. This is where she got a taste for the finer things, the high life and after that she was used to a certain kind of lifestyle and was going to do anything to maintain it.
Her brother and sister began visiting far more and in turn Allegra would spend a portion of the Winter back in Cuba. She was something of a stranger and something of a legend to friends she had in Havana, she'd been accepted for a mechanics apprenticeship under Ferrari after being caught elbow deep in one of their older models just at the Gran Premio d'Italia at Monza circuit. Another brush with the law that could have ended everything. Though even over the winter she still raced, she still broke into old mansions, llegaypones and bajareques with her friends, setting off firecrackers and doing the usual hoodrat shit.
Basilio was considering sending her back to Cuba permanently as her antics could reflect poorly on him, something she knew she'd despise. She needed newness, travel, novelty, excitement. Ferrari sent her to school, a strange combination of mechanical, electrical engineering, chemistry and physics that for the first time actually challenged her mind instead of leaving her bored and disruptive in the classroom.
Giselle, her sister, had slowly morphed into an alternate universe mirror of Allegra, without the mascara smudged last night's party raccoon eyes and the acting out. A perfect slick back bun, ROTC, her mother's miniature.
Then Elle was dead, just like that, her entire family that had just about sustained equilibrium again shattered in every direction. Allegra's father had just bought a house in upstate New York, much to his employers chagrin, he had turned to her and muttered under his breath 'Never move to Indiana, mija'. Now they could barely talk to each other.
Allegra was sixteen and put her head down and got to work. She drifted through the race circuit for almost eight years until she started to get her spark back, her love for the work, her inspiration. Unfortunately, even if you don't experiment with fuel types and engine parts on the race site or race team's HQ, being a mad mechanic scientist reflected poorly on the company and Allegra was dumped on her ass with a small bag of belongings, no fixed address and no village to return to. She completed basic training for the Army but got thrown out after knocking her drill sergeant out, luckily Basilio got her out of Cuba and back to the US. Authority had always had to earn her respect or get nothing.
Worked in a few small garages in NY; Rochester, Carmel, before realising she'd never carve out any respect there and focused her sights on the city.
One thing Allegra had learned in her time with F1 was how to network, so for the first three weeks she hit every bar and club she could remember, using any social leverage she could to get in to see old familiar faces and schmooze her way up. She landed a personal valet, driver position, when posed as having a beautiful thing in the driver's seat would be some kind of novelty for the very rich client and his esteemed guests.
Ingratiated herself fully with the New York car meet and drag race scenes, this is where one of The Society saw her race for the first time and quietly passed her information up the ranks for contact. [ Wanted Connection ]
Names all the cars she's ever driven and 'knows' their personalities. Speaks to them like she's riding a damn horse. Who cares if she gets results. Laments that she never got to go back for 'Hugo the Yugo' that she drove once in Indianapolis.
So what if when she took Society leaders for a test drive so they could see what she could do she very seriously asked: Danza Kuduro or Gasolina? Pick one. She got the job, even if she overexplained the horrendous fate of a young Scandinavian water carrier from early F1 and how she had trained on their simulators and cars which regularly hit 200mph so reacting to obstacles and pedestrians was everything. How blinking could end it all.
Allegra has a range of playlists you can choose when you get in her ride: 80s power anthems, reggaeton, speed metal, punto cubano guajira, classic rock, 2000s sleepover, rap, hip hop, techno trance, an entirely Pitbull playlist entitled 'Pledge Allegiance to Mr. Worldwide' and many, many more.
Uses her devil-may-care reputation to make sure people underestimate her and don't think she's capable of deeper machinations, she's extremely intelligent, even if she also happens to spend a lot of her time at the Ruby Casino chatting up boring, ugly clientele. She can slip on a new character every night, they don't get to meet her.
Doesn't have an appropriate fear response at all, instead of becoming serious or fearful when afraid she often laughs like crazy, sometimes scaring those not familiar with her particular brand of gearhead. Drifting at 40mph with a maniacally giggling driver is an experience. Though she can seem flippant and capricious to those unfamiliar with her, when it's time to work she flips into a mode that is all steel.
Most often seen cruising the city on her KTM 1290 Super Duke GT motorbike, or in her 1970 Dodge Charger, she loves classic cars.
In her element when she's in her garage come laboratory space, a pair of welder's goggles perched on her head and gesticulating wildly with a wrench, yet few see that, instead they see the polished young lady in a perfectly tailored suit or a raw silk dress sat in the driver's seat.
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tawzeefonline320 · 1 month
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recruitment #وظائف #jobs #recruiting #توظيف #careers #hr #السعودية #job #search #وظائفالشرقية #وظيفةشاغرة #التوظيف #وظيفه #وظائفاليوم #وظائفالرياض #hunting #توطين #وظائفإدارية #الرياض #طاقات #saudi #ساعدتتساعد #riyadh #المواردالبشرية #بنكالرياض #جدة #عاجل #الامارات #عمان #هام #humanresources #قطر #خبر #وظائفالسعودية #الدمام #وظائفعمان #كلمني_عربي #السلطنة #humanresources #وظيفة #اللغة #qatar #oil #work #banque #petroleum #people #الطب #energy #الطيران #amazon #development #الصحة #markets #hotels #accorhotels #hospital #الأبحاث #egypt #airlines #oilandgas #insurance #microsoft #oilgas #university #power #pwc #middleeast #bank #canada #deloitte #medicine #aviation #الطاقة #health #education #التسويق #إدارة #الهندسة #team #investment #engineer #projects #devops #remotework #engineers #azure #design #india #management #digital #opportunities #engineering #culture #china #microservices #infrastructure #agile #java #kubernetes #software #cloud #python #network #experience #linux #docker #bigdata #softwaredevelopment #programming #sql #reference #finance
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tuesday again 6/6/2023
two things to frontload:
if you have good vibes to send off in service of me getting a livable apartment in the greater houston tx area i would be most grateful, bc the hunt ain't fuckin goin too fuckin great
go play ABZÛ
soul bossa nova by quincy jones bc it popped up on my discover weekly. i can only assume spotify recced this to me for bossa nova reasons bc i have been categorically ignoring austin powers my entire life and intend to continue on in this fashion.
it is a bop tho.
when i wrote the pinned post for this blog i settled on "a common throughline in Shit What I Like is understanding how and why systems work" bc i hadn't yet listened to Well There's Your Problem, a podcast with slides about engineering disasters and systemic failures, and "OSHA aficionado" is shorter but less snappy than "WTYPP fan". anyway when i think "chemical spill" i do not generally think "hand sanitizer spill", and when i think "how do i get rid of all this unsellable poorly made hand sanitizer made in the early days of the pandemic" i do not immediately leap to "well i'll just dump pallets in this parking lot and warehouse and surely it won't spill and/or explode bc hand sanitizer is a product that makes you safer".
ArtNaturals was, at that point, not on the [FDA warning] list. Its sanitizer, labeled with a tasteful, millennial-friendly design that said it was vegan and infused with jojoba oil, was marketed as “safe for kids” and “a great bulk hand sanitizer pack for parents and teachers.” At least two school districts on the West Coast had purchased the sanitizer to distribute to students, in addition to two Ivy League universities. Then, in March 2021, a year into sales, an independent lab in Connecticut called Valisure announced that it had found benzene in the company’s sanitizer. Benzene, a widely used industrial chemical derived from petroleum, can be absorbed through the skin and is known to be a risk factor for leukemia.
came across it bc my rss feed really wanted me to subscribe to longreads (no), but this one did catch my eye as i was checking to make sure the site still wasn't for me
watching this was a unexpectedly funny experience bc i recognized one of the backing instrumentals as a previous tuesdaypost song, which kind of felt like solving a mystery book on chapter three bc u knew an obscure fact about eels. this documentary came out in nov 22 and the song was one of this past feb's tuesdaysongs so i can only assume the spike in popularity from the documentary propelled it onto my discover weekly playlist??? the internet is a series of algorithmic tubes &tc
this is a tremendous work, as a documentary/history/archival effort/piece of art. it made me tear up. there's a very lovely sequence about memory and legacy that got me thinking a lot again about how i would like to be remembered. ive rewritten this section four times, when usually i don't redraft the tuesdaypost much at all. boils down to: complex and weird topic to talk about as an orphan, i am reluctant to be any more emotionally vulnerable than i absolutely have to during this time of great cross-country change and moving upheaval.
i appreciated how this was not tearjerker webby bait, which would have made it feel very hollow and embittered me even more during a week i am already predisposed to hate humanity. instead, mr perjurer is simply very good at his job (being an ethical documentarian)
one game i really loved and one game i really hated, so it goes.
despite religiously downloading the epic store free game of the week bc i have a reminder written in my planner, i never fucking remember to actually look at what i have in that library.
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ABZÛ genuinely healed my heart during a very unpleasant weekend.
i don't use this as a recs platform except for this one time when i am cashing in all my chips. go play ABZÛ, it takes like an hour and a half.
all you need to know about it you can get from the cover art. it is not a hard game and it is not a horror game. i went in totally blind and the less you know about this game the better. i was delighted nearly every minute. every time i saw an ammonite i felt like i was seeing an old friend. there are SO many clever game design choices i want to talk about. message me after you play this. i said "of COURSE IT WAS AUSTIN FUCKING WINTORY ON THE SCORE" during the credits. what an absolutely goddamn perfect little jewel of a game.
AGAIN: go play ABZÛ.
i also played Call of the Sea, bc it was in my epic library and i wanted something fast and oceanic to continue the high of ABZÛ.
Call of the Sea did not continue the high of ABZÛ. i think this team carefully and thoughtfully sidestepped several of the usual issues is making something Lovecraftian but fell into the rest of the pits. eg i liked that they had Polynesian culture consultants, but from an interview it seemed like it was limited to a one-day crash course? i am deeply grateful this isn't a dead-wife game and the female protagonist has a great deal of agency, but she's still a rich white lady from boston trekking about the Tahitian islands commenting on primitive structures, which made me suck air in through my teeth at many points. there is an "ancient slave culture" thread that never actually resolves. i really wish it resolved. the game overall is in a very weird place, trapped between the norms and mores of the early 40s and the 2020s. you have Got to commit to one or the other.
the overall vibe is very polished for a first game. general vibes are Firewatch but puzzle-adventure. the lighting is a little too dynamic and was very distracting throughout. due to this studio's age (new) and odd location (spain) and how their debut game came out (took a year and a half to make, debuted on gamepass) i understand why this game exists the way it does from a marketing and industry standpoint and why they favored visual polish and art style over everything else. it's still annoying bc it is so close to an interesting game.
the twist particularly infuriated me as a chronically ill person, spoilers for the twist behind rot13
gur gjvfg vf gung Abenu gur cebgnt vf frpergyl n "Qnhtugre bs Pguhyuh", naq ure puebavp cebterffvat gb grezvany vyyarff vf op fur'f ba Rnegu naq abg va gur Urnirayl Ernyzf jvgu Pguhyh jurer fur orybatf. guvf frg bss fbzr fvyrag nynez oryyf gb zr nf n puebavpnyyl vyy crefba, op vg vf Fb fvzvyne gb gur Arj Ntr "vaqvtb puvyqera" pbaprcg. n terng qrny bs zrqvpny nohfr naq abezny nohfr fheebhaqf guvf pbaprcg. guvf ernyyl fbherq gur raqvat sbe zr
fallow week. if it isn't moving-related it isn't happening, and even then a lot of moving-related things are grinding on painfully slowly
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energysearch · 1 year
Energy Search Associates is a leading recruitment firm specializing in connecting talented professionals with petroleum engineering jobs in Texas. https://energysearchassociates.com/petroleum-engineer-jobs/
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
🌟What is your Ideal Career?🌟
The 10th ruler in your chart can indicate your career but it is not the only factor. However the house placement of 10th lord/ruler can indicate at times the type of career you desire and also can indicate your job literally.
1st House : You will do well in careers which gives you a certain amount of independence. You can be an entrepreneur or a boss or a team leader. Authority and power are essential for you.
2nd House : You will do well in careers which pays you well. You can be good with numbers, finances and any responsible/routine job. Careers that depend on your appearance like modelling are good. Your job would need a good self esteem and self worth.
3rd House: You will do well in careers that involve mobility, communication, writing such as YouTube. Freedom of expression, and movement is important to you. You should be able to experiment as you wish. Change of careers as times change
4th House: You will do well in careers that gives you emotional satisfaction such as nursing, psychology. making an impact on people's lives is important to you. Working from home can be good.
5th House: You will do well in careers that allow your self expression such as art, acting . Careers connected to children and transfer of knowledge are good. A career in which you are a genius and unique such as music, painting, investor.
6th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to maintain order such as backend work. Routine and a stable job is important to you. You may also do well in health , healing and animal careers.
7th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to exchange things whether product or service. You will do will in public careers like politics. Business is good as well as client based careers. You will do well in careers that allow you to work with another person.
8th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to research things like a biomedical or chemical engineer. Careers in digging like oil petroleum or digging another's finances as auditing, insurance are good. Investigation and finding secrets. Psychology, medicine , surgery are good choices.
9th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to reach a wider audience around the globe such as publishing books, writing, online teaching, academia. A sense of meaning and purpose is important in your job.
10th House: You will do well in careers that allow you to be skilled and efficient in what you do. A generally good position for executive and managerial jobs or Government routine jobs
11th House : You will do well in careers that allow you to build your network such as social media manager, politics, businesses, digital marketing etc.
12th House : You will do well in careers that heal people and raise their consciousness. Careers in spirituality, metaphysics, non profit work would be good for you. You need freedom and a flexible schedule.
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sharlenedablogger · 11 months
What is STEM?
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. These four fields share an emphasis on innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. And together they make up a popular and fast-growing industry.
Most STEM workers use computers and other technology in their day-to-day jobs. Many also use the scientific method to test hypotheses and theories. Most STEM jobs are in high demand but suffer from a lack of qualified candidates.
STEM is necessary for growing the economy and staying globally competitive. As society innovates and technology advances, the need for professionals who understand how these technologies work and who can propose practical solutions continues to grow. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) calls STEM careers "tommorow's job," emphasizing the importance of these unique industries. Today, STEM jobs are in high demand, and many are projected to stay in demand for several years. At the same time, STEM professionals are in short supply, which is why so many colleges — as well as the U.S. government — are imploring students to study STEM. This high demand for computing professionals makes sense if you consider how much of our lives have become reliant on some form of digital technology. It’s how we communicate and keep in touch. It’s how we entertain ourselves. It starts the engines in our cars; in medical practices, it keeps us alive; it drives massive segments of our economy; and for better or worse, advances in digital technology will continue to control the future direction of our society. As our daily lives become more reliant on software and digital devices, jobs in computing will become increasingly more important.
Engineering and Physical Science is the next largest category of in-demand STEM careers. These are careers like Orthodontists, Petroleum Engineers, Biochemists, Nurse Anesthetists, Civil Engineers, and Cartographers. Yes, cartographers—map makers—are still a thing and they earn a median salary of $63,990. (Cool, I know.) These types of careers have much less to do with computers and more to do with rolling up your sleeves and getting elbow deep in real work, with real results that you can see right now.
Life Sciences and Mathematics are much smaller fields than the previous two, but they make up the third most significant chunk of STEM careers. These two fields involve the more theoretical STEM careers that account for only a small amount of the demand for STEM professionals. These are careers like being a Clinical Research Associate or an Economist that—while still in demand—might be harder to find a position in. However, these are by no means your only options when it comes to STEM careers. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer working with computers, building robots, drawing blueprints for skyscrapers, or developing groundbreaking medicine. If you can make it through a STEM program in college, there’s a STEM career for you. 
Going through a STEM program is pretty intense. It requires a lot of dedication, perseverance, and sacrifice to make it all the way through. No matter how, this style of education builds the skills and mindsets that employers find incredibly valuable. And since the demand for STEM professionals is so high, employers in STEM fields are willing to offer some of the most generous starting salaries that recent graduates can get.
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I would love to hear more about 4 and 6!!
Hey! Thank you!
These seem to be the intriguing ones! I'm glad there's interest <3
4 is "Steal My Sunshine" - premise "Memories hazy and unreliable, Eddie Diaz wakes up every morning in a house at the end of a cul de sac, goes to his office job at a petroleum engineering company, and comes home to his wife and son. But something is missing, and the more Eddie begins to put the pieces together, the stranger the predicament he finds himself in."
A lil tiny snippet:
Eddie sighs and climbs out of bed. He stretches as he stands. He feels strangely stiff. He doesn’t think he usually wakes up this uncomfortable, but maybe he does? He can’t actually think about any other morning right now.
Barefoot and shivering a little under a harsh blast of AC, Eddie pads along the hardwood floors of the bedroom, into the attached master bath. It has the weird, clean, unlived-in feeling of a hotel room when you’re just arriving.
Ana is a minimalist, his brain fills in for him. She just likes a really clean house. 
Eddie flicks on the bathroom light before walking to the toilet to pee. He catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and stops short, for a moment. He looks at the smooth, unblemished skin covering both his shoulder and blinks. It feels like there’s something missing. A tattoo, maybe? He touches his right shoulder lightly. Weird.
6 is called "Long Death" and it follows a vampire outbreak in Los Angeles and how that impacts Buck, Eddie, and Chris primarily.
Another lil tiny snippet:
Buck dresses in pants made from a heavy, cargo material and a turtleneck. The latter part isn’t strictly necessary, seeing as the kevlar jacket he never fails to gear up in covers the skin of his throat. But Buck always finds the way it rubs against his sensitive scar tissue grating, so a turtleneck it is. Besides, the more real estate between anyone and his jugular, the better. 
He selects two hunting knives and slips them into sheaths attached to his belt. There’s a third one in the glove compartment of the Jeep at all times, just in case, despite the fact that he knows it makes Christopher nervous. 
You just never know.
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