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frankiescottage · 2 years ago
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The funkiest Jesters around!!
It's cat hat time!!
These are available on the Depop store; Link in bio ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
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magify · 2 years ago
Do you want your pet to be the king of the jungle 🦁 🐾 (laughs) Get the funny pet hat from Magify! Made of traditional lion hair and ears, it will make your cat or little dog look like a real lion. Get it now and get ready to celebrate Halloween! 🎃
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nonamehorse · 6 months ago
What if someone hugged me and told me nice things
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shycrowns · 4 months ago
Captured the firey wings of a Pheonix
[Sg Optimus x Pheonix gn!reader]
Tfone + repunzel inspired kinda
Backstory : your a pheonix bot, its like a flyer/seeker or like sentinel but your more flamey. You were a lone bot never bothering to get company it was fine since everyone doesn't like a bot whose has been broken, your wings ache and hurts everytime you move or try to use them when you were a sparkling your Sire would hurt you even your Carrier got hurt you didn't want the pain to continue so you ran away and stay alone at a old tower it has everything you need it just that you need to find energon yourself, and everyday stayed the same, alone and no one to bother you until a mech has found himself at your tower.
- You were in your tower reading the same archives in the section of your little tower, lonely yes but it was nice at least you have a place to stay in and recharge without being hurt and belittle by anyone, you didn't know what was happening outside since you rarely leave cause whats the point you only leave when you need to find energon it was hard but you can't complaine now but now energon begins to be easier now you don't know why but you didn't care now.
As you continue to read again you heard footsteps you begin to worry that your Sire has finally found you and drag you back where you never want to be in again but that can't be right your sure that your Sire doesn't want you, unless this is another bot you hesitated though, you never talk or saw another bot in eons or cycles you wanted to see the bot and great them but your still scared that the bot would be like your Sire but more worse, who knows what if they'll pretend to be your friend and hurt you or they'll hurt you right away because your not perfect at all. You panic to what to do without knowing that the bot can literaly see you but only the tip of your helm your hiding the bot scoff before opening his vocalizer "I can see you, you know?..." the bot or know identify as a mech said your wings flare up "..ouch" you murmur before peaking out, you place your servos on the windows to look at the mech "w-who are you?..." your optics are on the mech your wings parch down it still fragging hurts.
The mech seems to notice your broken wings oh no. He going to know how disgusting you are.
Orion Pov:
I look at the wing bot, they look pethatic yet they're cute. "Desingnation Orion pax, you are?..." the bot looks suprise and confused. "Sparky..." the wing bot said, the name fits yet its odd what a bird.
"Alright then birdy... i'm gonna to need you to come with me..." the wing bot hesitated before obeying, the wing bot slowly emerge out of the tower i look at the wing bot up and down observing their frame they're timid . I walk towards them "you look pethatic you know that..." the wing bot frame shown a little of dread "...i know" their responded so quietly i scoff "why are up there anyways, there's nothing here" i ask them "...its the only place i can be in" the bot wings lower down even more before i can talk back d 16 came searching for me
"hey Pax!, who are you talking to?.." d 16 pause for a bit "your making friends now? I'm D 16 you?" Dee introduce himself to the wing bot "their called sparky." "Thats a odd one??" "I know, i found this birdy in that tower over there" the bird wings flare up seems like their offended, thats funny. "huh.. um do you want to come with us Sparky?" Dee ask the pheonix bot they nodded "great, come one lets go Pax! Elita and Bee is waiting for us" dee grab the bird servos and his dragging him along "hey! Dee i can walk on my own.!" D 16 just ignore him "your too slow"
End of Pov:
There when the journey started, you and pax got to know each other during the journey even tough he's quite mean but nontheless you got comfortable enough to tell him your past and he tell his but its mostly how tired he is being a miner.
You enjoy being by his side sometimes but then the group seperated you were told to stay behind in a cave that was fine you don't mind it and so you stay at the cave just admiring your surroundings you don't know whats going on in Iacon. You were sitting down letting your broken wings rest against the floor and whatever is behind you, your optics seems to chaught of someone
It was Pax but he looks different you get yourself up and walk towards where you see Pax and exited the cave meeting Pax once again "...Orion?" You called out Pax turn around and looks at you "hey...birdy.." he sounded off but you walking towards him "Orion.. what happened?..." you ask him oh the sounds of innocence is like melody in his audio receptors, he hold your wings with his and begins drag you to somewhere you were suprised his grip was firm but wasn't painful but your wings was still sensitive. "Its optimus prime.. now little bird.. Orion is dead..." you were starteld by the news but you didn't have time to think about it as he pick you up and carry you before leaning down to your helm and whispering something to you.
He told you to offline your optics and you did, he hum as you did glad that your being so good to him and obeying. Optimus carry you to Iacon where you will live with him forever, to care and give all his love to his little pheonix
[He lock you in the cage, he gave you everything and love even so why aren't to returning his feelings? He doesn't want to hurt his little bird even though he is not Orion pax but his feelings is with Optimus now]
Guys i can never watch the movie it would be a wish a dream even (ToT)
Edit : i realize it kinda sucks so i edit it
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mysticofspades · 5 months ago
So.. Just finished Joel's WL 3
I just finished session 3 from Gem and Joel's POVs after already watching the tuff guys and Skizzly and can I just say, the siblings (thats what im calling them because they give off big-age-gap-siblings vibes. with joel as the hot-tempered toddler brother and gem as the responsible college student sister) are definitely making it to top 3. If someone doesn't pull a Martyn on them, they'll defintly be the winners here.
That being said; wouldn't it be absolutely hilarious if Tango happened to win?? I don't actually know why but im really, really rooting for Tango this season. It wouldn't be the first time the under dog type player gets a win right? (cough Scar cough).
I mean do I think he's any good PVP wise? Fuck no. Did you see that pethatic excuese of a fight he had with Skizzly?? Yeah, Tango's not winning based on PVP prowass at all. I think he'd be more like Beetee from the Hunger Games, yk? Beetee won without actually having to use any weapons. He electocuted like six contestants and won with that one trap. Tango's good with redstone (not really known for his traps but who knows) maybe he could pull this off.
Realistically tho: Joel / Gem. Im rooting for Joel between them just cause of the fact that he's been doing this for 6 (7 if you count real life) seasons already and id really want him to show off his PVP skills a bit more.
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traceytrons · 4 months ago
I want every single Jayce hater out there to get on their knees and beg for forgiveness. I don't care what you think of him as a character. That pethatic man went through so much you better put respect on his name.
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lynnluan · 4 months ago
Im being dramatic but seeing him i get happy and then he passes by me and not even glance accidentaly and i feel davestatingly empty and disgustingly pethatic and shattered with a horrible feeling and undeserving of love.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year ago
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#BootsAndBarkley #BootsAndBarkleyBirthdayGoldCrownDogHat #PetHats #PlushPals
This is a Boots & Barkley Birthday Gold Crown Dog Hat and it is 5 inches from the bottom of the dog hat crown to the colorful crown cotton ball tip parts.
I also noticed one of the colorful puffballs are missing besides that it is pretty neat.
Some stuffed animals can wear this hat.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
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ke-os · 2 years ago
Time of Ke'Os
So I am currently writing a book, a medieval high fantasy, you know, magic, dragons, knights in shining armor, that kindda thing. As you might guess, it does have some thing to do with Ke'Os (pronounced chaos). But that's not the title of the book. Still figuring that part out. Since I am nearing completion, about 70% (maybe not exactly near completion but close enough) I thought I will introduce it to the great wide world. I will be writing short stories related to the main story, Kind of introducing the world the story takes place in. Characters, locations, history etc. A small taste, to get us started:
The fire around the god of fire grew so intense that it almost blinded, burning away even the earth into ash.
His voice was filled with rage and hate. When the god of fire spoke, the world trembled, “You forget your place Rahkemel. Did you forget who created you? I made you out of nothing. And I can return you to nothing. Do not think, even for a moment, that you are more then what you are”.
The deamon averted the god of fire’s eyes, instead choosing look down at his feet. But then, a few moments later, when he looked back up, Nadia could see that his mind was made up. “The lord of dakeness will rise again lord itawani, and your precious world will decend into chaos and death. I will play my part in bringin that about. I will do what my god asks of me. And you do what you must. But no matter what you do, you will not be able to stop the tides of darkness”.
“How pethatic! You deamons and your petty little schemes”. The god of fire shook his head in almost mockingly. “Come now Rahkemel, show me the strength that your darklord has given you”. With that the god of fire started slowly towards the deamon.
Belthazar picked up his massive war axe and holding it aloft in both hands, he ran towards the god of fire, screaming fiercely as he did. As he came within striking distance from the god, he stopped and swung the axe. In a great arc the axe blade travelled, picking up speed along the way. And then it happened. In less than ablink of an eye, the axe completed its arc through the air. And for a moment nadia believed that the axe blade had cut through the god of fire. And then that moment was gone and Nadia knew that it would not be so.
Lord Itawani, the god of fire, stood majestically over his opponent. “Is that all”? he asked as the daemon lifted the hilt of his battle axe off the ground, its end still smoking. Where the giant axe blade had been, now there was nothing. The axe blade had burnt and disintegrated into ash when it had come into contact with the fire that surrounded the god. Not even the strongest metal, mined and forged in the heart of the world could withstand those flames.
More to come.
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lisalanderrr · 2 years ago
I wish i could drop out, this is my first year at collage but i am already hating it. Studying for the sake of my parents. Dumbest thing ever. Also its not like a great school, or a major that i want. I would prefer working as a server for 4 years instead of going uni tbh. Not that i am seeing being a server is something like low or anything. It makes money. It dosnt waste my time like these stupid classes, i am not even social so uni is not worth for me. But why cant i just drop? Idk i feel like a such an dissapointment at the moment. Getting shamed from family doesnt help. Iwould rather work and study on improving my art. I hate this, i hate wasting my time that i dont care, i hate that i have to satisfy my family, and caring so much about what people think. It just not for me. I can wait to get out of family house, but i also feel bad leaving them. Living in a third world country makes you feel like this. I wish i could live a life like my pears around the world. Ok i sound like i complain a lot but its true. Its deprressing living like this, especially when you see people on internet living their life, its hard to not compare.not being able to afford anything, even tho you work, you will make 10$ for a whole day. Yeeyy, working for 2 months just to afford and iphone 11. What about food? Rent? Going out? No, these are luxury for us. Thats why i gotta work hard. Leave this country. Hopeless youth. Thats what i am. This is so loser shit omfg but i cant hellppppp pls. I hate even writing these it sounds pethatic. What i am rrying to say is I HATE SCHOOL, THE SYTSEM, WHOLE THING ABOUT EDUATION SYSTHEM. WHY IT COMSUME SO MUCH TIME? GOD THINGS I WOULD DO TO WORK AS AN WAITER IN US. OR ANYTHING.I WANNA LEAVE THIS FUCKED UP PLACE BEHIND BUT I KNOOOW I KNOW, anyways,I wanted to go US for work and travel but ofc i couldnt, its so expensive. 5k$??! I mean who can pick out 5k from their ass its expensive for everybody but its impossible for me. But i am sick and tired of waiting for miracle to happen. No one gonna save you girl. Like kali uchi said “ if you need a herooo, JuSt loOk in tHe mirrOrrrr” this so cheese but it is what it is. Save yourself girl. I am not badass boss bitch actully. I wish i was. But i feel like one the more i age. I am not that insecure the way i was when i was in highschool.I shouldnt feel shame for feeling theese.i feel bad talking like this tho.i am complaining about my life but my parents didnt have anything either. Worked for their entire life, no vacation, no trip, no resting, all for living like this. This feeling is so heavy on my shoulders, i have to make eneough money so i can make them live. I have to take care of them. Seeing them getting old kills me. So i feel like i gotta hurry up and find something and make money. idk why i am writing this, i just need to talk but there isnt anybody that i can talk about this topic so i rant on my tumblr. Plss i need a friend so badd. will delete this but no one sees it anyways so itdoesnt matter. Getting into this depression hole is pretty easy and get caught up with it, i am not an optimist person, but i have to try atleast, fake it until make it. These are my thoughts, just wrote what came to my mind, jumped one topic to other
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sexygrass · 2 years ago
ughh, my dear god!! why is it that every time I leave for a couple of hours I find you dealing with these pathetic excuses of humans? and bcz of skin color??? like, u think just bcz u hv a white ass that means ur better than colored ppl?? yes, my girl here is one of the kindest ppl and for a lots of 'poeple', she's a safe place. so fuck off you disgusting white ass bitch. pethatic racist, if your so brave to act like a bitch be THE bitch and came straight to it, not hiding behind anon. bark no bite
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Name one person who can vouch for you being all nice and 'supportive'
you're fake asf.
and from what I can see you're mean too.
so what because I'm white I can't get representation?
piss off
Yes safe space are you dumb or something?
You are a perfect example of a waste of space because you took your time to type this message with the intention of spreading hate smh.
You bitches are just sad.
Also, don’t be putting words in mouth hun
I said if you want a non poc character you have thousands of other blogs to choose from.
You have representation in multitudes
Others do not.
Suck it tf up.
I said what I said and if you’re upset you can always come and kiss my very much melanated black ass🫶🏿
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klmkreations · 5 years ago
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Another personalized pet hat shipping out ~ Link to our shop in profile! 🐾💕 #pet #pets #dog #dogs #hat #pethat #doghat #personalized #personalizedpet #yowza #klmkreations https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HP3oxj4ci/?igshid=1ilreixk2uuui
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rubadubmedia · 6 years ago
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@gdhfilms absolutely SMASHING 💥 IT with these product photos! 🧢 🐶 WSUP DOG?! #rubadubmedia #rubadub #pethat #petapparel #doghat #cathat (at Rub-A-Dub Doggie Scrub) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7tCHhndSl/?igshid=1sn4oxpw50yuw
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beesdiy-blog · 6 years ago
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Knit Dog Santa Hat - Free patternt
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uniquelymore · 3 years ago
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This review made my day! ❤ Thank you so much! #5starreview #doghat #abominablesnowman #abominablesnowmanhat #dogchristmas #dogchristmashat #pethat #etsy5star #etsy5starreview #etsy #christmasgifts #christmasphoto #snowman #crochetgifts #happycustomer (at Bushnell, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWFMQu0ri-I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shopjournalvintage · 4 years ago
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Yarn bomb yr babies with this hat made by our pal Jess in Philly lol! The best part of our recent drop, hands down!!♥️ These are ready to ship! We only have one of each right now, but she may do made-to-order ones for your furry friends available on site. She’s rad so we’re super happy to carry her beautiful creations! Come peep!💐💐💐💐💐💐💐 #handmade #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness #slowfashion #crochet #crochetbuckethat #petclothes #pethat https://www.instagram.com/p/CSe24aNrqSU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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