#peter's like 25 or something
rainintheevening · 5 months
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Part I – Part II ... Part IX – Part X
Peter knows the smell of blood, knows the smells of fear, and sweat, and anger.
It's muted as he surfaces to consciousness, but still there, and even before he's opened his eyes, he's loosening his tongue, trying to drag moisture into his mouth, ready to issue orders or reassurance.
“Your majesty,” says a quiet voice, musical and wispy. “Lie still. You have suffered a grievous hurt.”
“Indeed?” he mumbles.
Hurt, wounds, blood… and enough memory returns
“Edmund?” he croaks, prying eyes open to light that seems too sharp, and there is movement, boots on stone, a dark head blotting out some of the light.
“I am here, brother, and unhurt,” Ed says quietly, and Peter would relax, but for the cough that climbs from his dry throat, and then another, and another, wrenching at his abdomen, so that at last he feels the pain, quick and hot.
Ed’s arm is under his head, lifting it just enough to hold a cup to his lips, and half the water ends up elsewhere, but enough gets down his throat to ease the terrible spasms, and he closes his eyes tightly, turns his face into the crook of Edmund's elbow, damp fabric of a sleeve cool against his forehead.
“Your majesty, you were not supposed to wake this soon. The knife carried poison, and my antidote is still taking effect. I have only begun to poultice and bandage the wound.” There is a pained edge in the hare's voice, an apology, but also frustration, towards herself, Peter guesses.
He tries to lighten his voice, but the pain radiating up from his right side is still abhominable, and the hand he holds out to her shakes slightly.
“Peace, Drybones. Continue your work, and I will bear it.”
He lifts his head from Ed’s arm just enough to see the hare take his hand, feels her whiskery kiss brush over his knuckles, before Ed lays him flat again.
“Wait,” he murmurs up at his brother, before the younger king can step away. “What happened to the assassin?”
Ed’s eyes seem to deepen, brown shading to black in their depths, but his expression does not change.
“Dead. But he had a letter in his purse, describing his charge, and we have removed from Lord Alcsace's keep into the town. The people at least are with us.”
“Ah.” Peter's acknowledgement twists into a gasp, chokes off into silence as he clamps his teeth together.
He is fully aware of his body now, and he thinks he can truly feel the battle in his veins, the antidote against the poison, every beat of his heart a strike for one or the other, fire creeping across his abdomen, up to his chest.
“Aslan,” he breathes, screwing his eyes shut, and then cool hands take his, loosen the wild grip he's taken on the sheets beneath him.
Above him Edmund's face blurs, but Peter understands the squeeze of his fingers well enough. He anchors himself to his brother, a sure and steady thing in the haze of agony, setting his teeth against the battle, forgetting to breathe until Ed’s reminder reaches him.
Some interminable time later, the pain begins to ease, and the moment that registers in his mind, he lets go, and tumbles down into the exhausted shade of sleep.
When he wakes, it is to flickering lantern light in the cool of night, the faintest of breezes touching his face from the open window, and he lies still, relishing the quietness in his body, and sniffing at distant jewlberry blossoms and woodsmoke.
A stirring nearby, and he turns his head on the pillow to see Edmund rise from a low stool, where he has been leaning against the wall close by Peter's bed.
“Do not try to rise,” Ed says softly, moving to the table, pouring a cup of water, and Peter smiles a little as the light catches on the clear stream falling from the lip of the jug. “Drybones does well as a healer, but she has none of Lucy's cordial.”
As before, Edmund's arm is strong under his shoulders, and Peter does not try to speak till he has drunk two cups of water and half a third.
“Well,” he murmurs, “I for one am glad our little sister isn't here.”
Ed nods curtly, drifts back to the table to pour a drink for himself. “Thank Aslan. Lord Alcsace knew of her reputation. She would have been their first target.”
“Have you sent any communication home?”
“Only a note with Sunleaf, and she is under orders to answer no questions and return at once. Merely saying we have met with an ill welcome on Lord Alcsace's part, and will make it known if we require aid.”
“Well done,” Peter murmurs, and something in his brother’s back relaxes.
“For now, the common folk hold him at bay,” Edmund adds. “We may either leave with our tails between our legs like kicked puppies, and return later with an army, or stay and attempt something diplomatic. But,” he adds as Peter begins to speak. “I run ahead of us. That debate will wait for the morrow, and our gathered council.”
Peter sighs, lets it go, listens to Ed tapping fingers on the wooden cup, the louder tap of his signet ring. The lamplight edges Edmund's face with gold, and Peter notes the firmness of his jaw, and the dark stubble sprouting there.
A different kind of ache is building in his stomach, catching his attention. “Is there anything to eat?”
Now Edmund smiles properly. “Of course. I'll go see what Courser and Ariane have made. Though,” he adds over his shoulder, halfway out of the room, “you won't be allowed anything thicker than soup for the next day or so.”
“Mane,” Peter mutters after him, just to make that loving smirk grow as Ed stops just outside, turns to confer with what must be some of their retinue on guard.
Peter listens closely, picks out two satyr's voices, Trifon and Kostas, and he wonders where the wolves are; perhaps on patrol outside the house? That was certainly how he would deploy them.
Quite quickly food is brought, and under Drybones’s watchful eye, Edmund props Peter up with a cushion enough for him to eat, with a bowl in his hands, resting it on his chest when he tires. Ed sits on the low bed by his feet, tearing into some very brown but sweet-smelling bread slathered with a white butter, along with some well-salted meat, while Peter is forced to carefully spoon up his own intensely uninteresting soup, though it tastes well enough.
He notes the fervor with which Ed falls to; he must not have taken food in all the time Peter had been sleeping.
The soup is warm and soothing, no doubt infused with a healing physic of one kind or another, and Peter feels himself relaxing again. When it is all cleared and Drybones spreads a grass mat on the floor to Peter's left, the old hare is humming a whispering breezy song, singing not quite under her breath as she stetches out her paws and flops down on her side. Peter's eyes drift shut.
He snaps them open again at the scrape of wood on wood, blinks over at Edmund, taking a seat on his low stool again, sitting on Peter's other side, naked sword laid across his knees.
Only a single lantern remains lit, and shadows play across Ed’s face, making it appear thinner than usual.
“Truly?” Peter asks, sleep thickening and slowing his voice. “You are to sit up when there are guards at the doors, wolves at the windows, and the hare who once bit the head of a mad squirrel clean off is also watching over me?”
Peter ignores the faintly protesting squeak that interrupts Drybones's song, and keeps his eyes on Edmund’s, until his brother looks away.
“I shouldn't have let them separate us,” he murmurs. “I should have been there to protect you.”
Peter glances down at his side, the lump of bandages under his loose shirt at the bottom of his righthand ribs. The attack had come from the right, the place where Edmund was accustomed to stand, where so often Edmund was his shadow and shield, his righteous blade and quiet right hand.
Lord Alcsace had been right to separate them, and Peter had sadly been wrong to give him so much trust. He had turned away from the soldier walking on his right without thinking, and found a dagger buried under his ribs a moment later.
Assassination of the High King of Narnia is no small action to attempt, and Peter only prays to the Lion this will not end in war.
But that is a worry for the morrow.
“You are an ass, Edmund,” Peter grins softly. “I will need you fully alert for tomorrow's council. Do not make me command you to sleep.”
“It may not be my duty to guard you,” Edmund says, eyes drifting around the room, never still, “ but it will always be my honour.”
Peter presses his lips together, and shakes his head just a little. “Then at the least, lie beside me and guard me from there. You cannot argue that will make me even more secure.”
Edmund turns his head, looks straight at Peter as he rolls his eyes in the most un-kingly fashion possible. But he doesn’t argue, he compromises by sitting next to Peter's head, and taking his boots off, leaning back against the wall, stocking feet up on the sheets. He keeps his sword unsheathed.
Peter falls asleep to the clean smells of bandages and ointment, and close by the smell of an oiled mail shirt, leather, and the cool earthy scent of mist that is Edmund. He knows those scents well, and he knows he is safe.
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scoliosisgoblin · 7 months
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I'm in hell.
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naurasweetarudesu · 1 year
I can't do this anymore, Stuart. I miss him. I miss Granpuff.
"To be honest, at that time... I also want to be comforted. To be told everything would be okay.
But I knew one of us had to be brave, and I was the one who took that role."
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Probably you: "Hey, Naura. WHY THE FUCK would you draw this???"
Listening to Kuyamu To Kaite Mirai is why I did this 😐
Btw, reference:
Project Sekai Nightcord at 25:00 event story
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fcthots · 11 months
ive had a revelation.
Jason Todd is called "Jaybean" by y/n in front of the batboys who have no idea jay even has a WIFE (let alone someone who he isnt dangerously annoyed by) and everyone goes fucking nuts (in a cute way)
(also can I have an anon emoji bc i'm planning to be here quite a bit i'm so sorry your writing and the brainrot is just too good TvT)
I hereby name you 🧶 anon bc I clicked it on accident so it was meant to be
It's not your fault he wasn't responding to you. You just figured he was ignoring you or something, so you texted him...several times.
You: Hey do you want batburger for dinner bc if the answer is yes, I need to leave to go get it now
You: Jay
You: Babe
You: I will drive all the way there to get just my order out of spite
You: Baby
You: Ok it's been like ten minutes, I really need to know
You: Red
You: Jason
You: Answer your phone
You: It's been like 25 minutes. I don't care about the food. Are you ok?
You: Ok you're starting to freak me out now, you were supposed to be back like 15 minutes ago
You: Jason, sweetheart
You: Love
You: Shnookums
You: Pookie
You: Jaybean?
You: Jason Peter Todd if you don't pick up the phone, I will divorce you
Your phone starts ringing. It's Jason. Something feels...off. A phone call?
You ignore your questions and pick up the phone. "WHERE IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?"
"Oh" That was not your husbands voice. What the fuck?
"um.. hello?"
"Who is this?"
"This is-... Wait. You're the one with my husband's phone. Who is THIS?"
"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. HUSBAND?"
"Who the fuck is this? Where is Jason?"
The man on the other end of the phone starts laughing. He's whispering the several other people. It lasts far longer than it should. "Um. This his brother, Dick."
"Hey, fuck you, asshole. You're the one with Jason's phone. Don't call me a dick-."
"That's my name. Dick is my name."
"Jason is uhhh asleep right now. Yeah. He's... He was really tired. He's taking a nap."
"A nap? Can you wake him up?"
"Did he get his shit rocked by Croc again?"
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harmoonix · 8 months
❝𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 - 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠❞
Asteroid Psyche Observations
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~𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭~
Psyche Asteroid Code: 16
💜 - Asteroid Psyche (16) harmoniously aspecting Venus makes your soul to crave for love/romantism, sometimes to be an hopeless romantic and to make you crush over people
💜 - Psyche harshly aspecting Venus makes it hard to give up on love and on loved ones, it can be hard for you to let the ones you love to go, because you tend to attach yourself hard on people
💜 - Psyche in Scorpio/8th house natives are really intense and surrounded in a mesmerizing aura, they're also very loyal to those they love and feels like their soul is a magnetic field
💜 - Asteroid Psyche in Venusian Degrees (2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26°), makes your soul to be feminine or at least to have feminine energy in it
💜 - Psyche aspecting Mars, there can be a conflict between your soul and your mind, sometimes you tend to be too dominant over the things in your life and you forget to focus on things that give you happiness and satisfaction
💜 - Psyche at 1°, 13° or 25° degrees are giving spiritual leaders vibes, they're usually the type of people who lead others to make good decisions and they're also protecting of them
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💜 - Psyche in the 7th house/Libra can attract partners who have a really great bounding, these natives can be very attached to their partners and so so adorable when they get into a relationship
💜 - Psyche in 4th house has a very peaceful home, their home brings them peace and their family has a strong bounding between eachother
💜 - Psyche aspecting Mercury can be the type of person who will always want to communicate their feelings and their emotions, they can be very curious of everything
💜 - Psyche in the 11th house/Aquarius usually has a very special connection with their partners and all of their relationships seem good
💜 - Psyche in Pisces or Psyche in the 12th house, here is a prominent and powerful place for Psyche to be in because she's connected to your soul/past/karma/subconscious to give you an example is like Psyche lies in your soul
💜 - Psyche square or opposition with Mars can indicate a fight with the inner spirit, usually they are very fierce souls and very ambitious
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💜 - Psyche in contact with Uranus has a very intelligent and strategic mind. What's admirable about them is that they can make a balance between their heart and brain
💜 - If Psyche sits empty in a chart that placement can indicate the native needs to be more aware of their spiritual side and awakening stage
💜 - If Psyche is aspecting the asteroid Eros (433) their love is so unique/soul loving/romantic and sensual and they're very attractive people
💜 - If Psyche aspects Neptune she can gain a lot of intuition by letting themselves to be spiritual. Also religious if is the case but you also have a strong belief system with this placement
💜 - Psyche aspecting Juno (3) can have a spiritual bounding/connection something is so mesmerizing about them and so magical
💜 - Psyche in the 2nd house/Psyche in Taurus The native can have a sensible body and they look ethereal at the first sight (Depends on the 2nd house sign), they're full of grace and so gentle & loving
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💜 - Psyche aspecting the ascendant (all aspects) have such beautiful eyes. Their eyes are majestic i feel like you fell in love with their eyes first
💜 - Psyche in Leo/ in the 5th house really give royal/princess vibes. Is like their taken out of a fairytale and they usually have a big pride about themselves
💜 - Psyche at 10° 22° degrees have a growing beauty, like their beauty is evolving with the time and is in a good way
💜 - Psyche at 9° 21° degrees or Psyche in the 9th house are free spirits, also Psyche in Sagittarius They're usually very stubborn when it comes to rules and like doing things in their own ways, for example like Peter Pan or Tinkerbell (and they can't stay in one place, always moving)
💜 - Psyche in Virgo/ in the 6th house have a healing inner power. They really know how to heal themselves when they're at the lowest/hurt and they're also very supportive
💜 - Psyche in Aries/in the 1st house have a very sensitive soul I think based on my opinions these natives have their first reincarnation like they feel like newborn souls and everything feels so exciting and new for them
💜 - Psyche in Capricorn/in the 10th house, I love these people because they know their worth. They know how to value themselves and how to be worth it, they're also hardworking and soul evolving in the same time
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💜 - Psyche aspecting Pluto, yeah they really evolve, every experience is felt with intensity so their soul acknowledge this and evolves together with the native. Also wow they're very intimidating
💜 - Psyche in Cancer or at Cancer Degrees 4°, 16°, 28° have a very welcoming energy, their souls are literally so kind and so sensitive and so helping wow it feels like they're some adorable kid you see on the street, they're also very generous with people
💜 - Psyche aspecting Jupiter has a spiritual teacher kind of vibe, maybe even if occult if they're interested, they are very spiritual and know a lot of things that's why they're also called wise for their age and they can have love or desire for travelling to ethereal places like idk some really beautiful looking beach or place/mountains/forests/jungle etc
💜 - Psyche in Gemini/or in the 3rd house, okay so here we have a multi-mind working soul, they are always thinking at more things at once, they're usually the people who bound really easily with others and their voice might also be pretty and unique
💜 - Psyche aspecting the Moon, now those natives are full of aware of their intuition of their spirituality of their spiritual path, they're also very beautiful inside and out and know how to impress other people
💜 - Psyche aspecting the Chiron (all aspects) have a hurt/wounded/ soul in pain like they really need to get out of the norms and their schedule and heal their soul because I feel is from their past lives in most cases maybe some of them didn't had the chance to heal it (in a past life) so is your moment now!!💜💜
💜 - Psyche aspecting the Sun (all aspects) natives that magical and ethereal aura outside and inside them, they're have a lovely personality and always make sure to give it or share it with others (they're also kind)
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💜 - Psyche at 11° or 23° degrees are usually having a different approaching style and something unique in them
💜 - Psyche at 0° degrees really gives newborn soul, I just know Psyche is in the most ethereal, magical, stage with this degree on it and it feels like the magician from the tarot card
💜 - Psyche in contact with Midheaven can have some sort of career or job involving spirituality/therapy/psychology/healing teacher/tarot reader/crafting etc ..
💜 - Psyche aspecting the south node is probably a very powerful placement to have in contact with Psyche because it tells about your past and how your soul/power source managed to work in a past life is like you're looking for your souls past lives and deja - cu moments might be a lot in your life
💜 - Psyche aspecting the asteroid Vesta or having those astroids in the same house makes you to be so devoted/loyal/kind/and it indicates that everything you do/touch/feel/see is unique and special for you
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💜 - Psyche in the 6th house or at 6° 18° degrees can also have a very cute/special connection with animals like I adore these natives so much for their love for animals
💜 - Psyche aspecting Saturn (all aspects) sometimes they feel like they restrict themselves from things they love, they're very serious in their work and about their life. They have a mature or an old soul kind of vibe but they're so powerful after they heal the pain
💜 - Psyche aspecting Lilith (h12) are those magnetic, intense fierce natives, very seductive energy in here is like their soul is made up with fire
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✨ ⚡⚡⚡We closed the January chapter: January for 2024: 🔒 ⚡⚡⚡✨
❤️With the 1st February coming I wanted to make a special post and that is asteroid Psyche which is a very beautiful and deeply connected asteroid, noted as the asteroid of soul ❤️
❤️ I'm so excited to share this post with you and I hope you'll enjoy as much as I did ❤️
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fandomxo00 · 7 months
You being Peter and Wanda's mom - Erik Lehnsherr - X-men Days Of Future Past
*originally posted on my old account that I've deleted*
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warnings: unedited, mature context, time passing, angsty, using google translation for Czech-
word count: 2.9k
Erik used to admire you. You remember when you first met him, he practically adored you. He wanted everything to with you, would pull aside, grabbing your attention and making you feel what he was feeling. As an empath, that wasn't hard to read his emotions and with you he always wore his heart on his sleeve. But the difference between you and Erik were the fact that you were different types of mutants. He was an active one, all powerful. And you had inactive traits that wouldn't be conducive in battle. That didn't mean Erik didn't drag you on missions, to not only read feelings of others but to control them so Erik could get what he wants. That's what drew the two of you apart, his evil his plans, they scared you, especially when you discovered you were pregnant. You refused to tell him, especially since you knew the infatuation he had with you was only for a short while. He wouldn't love you and he never could, especially if he found out the truth.  
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You wouldn't know how he felt now, it had been 25 years since the first time you had seen him, and you've had two kids since then. Peter had began harnessing his powers, it started out from a young age of having a diagnosis of ADHD, though you knew it was something different, that it was his powers were the reason why he couldn't control his behavior and he to always be moving or talking. You don't know how you didn't break apart in front of him the next time you saw him. You had finally taken a night off for yourself when you saw him again at a bar. You felt the immediate rush of affection and lust that radiated off of Erik, because of course you felt him before you could actually see him. You had been stupid enough to turn towards him a seductive smile on your face as you met his blue eyes.
"Long time no see." You greeted.
"How awful it has been, liebling." He countered, you rolled your eyes at the pet name and moved your eyes towards him as you spoke in Sokovian.
"Nemůžu říct, že bych byl naštvaný tvou nepřítomností." (I can't say I'm upset by your absence) Erik chuckled at your retort, he wasn't fluent in Sokovian but he had gotten used to the language and picked up the language easily.
"Nelži." (Don't lie).
"You've always been so full of yourself." You added, throwing back your drink. Banter was dangerous for you and Erik, it always led to fights and fights usually led to sex, which in that night, had happened. Peter had stayed with your mother as Erik brought you to meet Charles and the rest of the mutants. Charles had never meant an empath, so he wanted to know more, that's when he found out the truth, digging into your mind with your permission. You did your best not to think of your son, but that wasn't how Charles powers worked and he had asked Erik to leave the room as he brought your son in conversation.
"I think you should go. Your son needs you." "Will you take care of him?"
"Erik doesn't need my protection." Charles retorted. You stared over at him, not using your powers but wearing your heart on your sleeve.
"He would make a good father, it's not right for you to keep this from him."
The guilt has sunk into you, clung onto you like a cancer. Erik had crawled into your bed that night and the two of you made love before you left. You wonder if you were the reason why Erik had done what he had done to Charles, but you knew that deep down that was a part of him no matter what you could've done. You've never tried to stop. him.
A couple months later you discovered you were pregnant again and as you saw Erik fall apart in front of everyone, killing the president and being taken away and captive. For once you finally felt like you had nothing to hide but as Peter grew his powers became more evident as he sped around the house when he was too excited. Your daughter, Wanda, had different powers. When she was young, you gave her a ruby necklace after you first came in contact with the younger girl's power. She was strong, maybe even stronger than her father. You eventually learned that her she had been born with the ablitiy to control chaos magic.
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Though she had a dark power like her father, she was a sweet and caring girl, where her old brother focused on the go-go, Wanda was able to stop for a moment taken in her surroundings and adapt, she paid attention and she cared so deeply about those around her. But now it had been another 11 years, you were older and Peter and Wanda had grown up. Peter was now 22 years old, and you couldn't believe the reminders of his father in him. He had made the basement his own, and you wondered where he was during the day but one day when you went down to talk to your son you noticed the plentra of snacks, tvs and different things that Peter had 'collected' with his powers.
So you weren't suprised when yet again someone came looking for your reckless son. You opened the door to greet the strangers, one tall man with a beard and sunglasses, another man with glasses who was slightly taller than the bearded man, and a who was shorter than both with long hair-it was, "Charles?" You greeted.
"Y/n Maximoff." Charles chuckled, he looked much more dishelved since the last time you had seen him. He hadn't shaved, he was wearing sunglasses over his eyes and the shirt he was wearing was stained and uncleaned, this wasn't the Charles Xavier you had met over a decade ago. He pushed up his classes with his middle finger and looked over to the taller boy, regonizing him as Hank.
"We uh, need to talk to your son."
"What did he do this time?" You questioned.
"Nothing, we just-."
"We have to break Erik out of the pentagon, and we need his-your son's help." You glared over at Charles before turning to the taller man and the man with sunglasses sighing. You felt something odd radiating off of the man with sunglasses, his face expressed maybe annoyance or that he didn't care but his aura and emotions, he was desperate.
"Come on in." You moved back, letting the three of them in. Wanda came wondering over, her hair was red like her fathers and it made the man with the sunglasses pause in his place as he cleared his throat.
"Wanda, why don't you go to your room."
"Why?" She asked.
"Because we have to have an adult conversation and I don't trust that you won't listen in." You replied, putting your hands on your hips.
"Fine." You grumbled, as she walked into her room, red magic flowed through the air and closed the door gently.
"She's a mutant, aswell?" Charles questioned.
"Yes, she has the natural ability to control chaos magic." You answered before opening the door to Peter's room.
"Pete, we have company." You yelled down the stairs and moments later there was a quick woosh, barely noticeable but you knew your son. You trudged down the stairs and you were met your son playing Ping Pong, as if he hadn't run out to check out their car. "Peter, this is Charles, Hank and..."
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"Logan." He replied, taking off his sunglasses, as Peter wooshed around the air, still listening to your words but he still loved to move.
"You know them? Because I didn't do anything." Peter defeneded, as he continued to play ping pong, before moving over to the couch with a popsicle in his hand. "I've been here all day, right ma?"
"Just relax, Peter. We're not cops." Logan replied as Peter glared at him, his arms up around his head to defend nonchalance but you couldn't feel his defenses coming up.
"Of course you're not cops. If you were cops, you wouldn't be driving a rental car." Peter explained.
"How'd you know we've got a rental car?" Xavier asked.
"His ability is speed." You began to explain as Peter groaned. "I'm assuming he went out to go check your registration."
"You can't just tell people that mom." Peter argued as you rolled your eyes.
"I know Charles, he-we go back..."
"Did you know my dad?" Peter questioned. "Are you FBI?" He zoomed across the room, stealing Charles' wallet. "Nope, you're not cops. Hey what's with this gifted youngsters place?"
"That's an...old card." Charles trailed, as he grabbed his things from where Peter threw them down.
"Why, he's fascinating." Hank commented.
"He's a pain in the arse." Grumbled Charles.
"And when I knew him, he wasn't so...young. Neither were you." He nodded towards you.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh our dear friend Logan here is from the future and we need your son to break someone out of jail so he can help us destroy a massive threat to our future." Charles explained.
"What are you talking about?" Peter laughed.
"So you're not afraid to show your powers?" Hank questioned.
"We usually don't hide our powers around the hou-" You started.
"Powers? What powers? What are you talking about?" Peter interrupted. "Do you see something strange here? Nothing anybody would believe if you told them."
"Peter." You grunted, as he his big brown eyes looked over at you with innocence. "Did you hear a word I said?"
"Yes, why should I help them? A prison break is illegal, you know." "Because that's the first illegal thing you've done." You retorted.
"You, you kleptomanic..." Charles began rubbing at his eyes. "Get to break into the Pentagon."
"And he happens to be your father, Peter, and Wanda's."
"I knew it." Hank breathed.
"So you can trust them, Peter."
"Are you coming with, Ma?" Peter replied as you started to chuckle shaking your head.
"You don't need me, I'm not like them or your sister. I'll just be in the way."
"Don't you wanna see him?" Charles asked, as you looked over at him, a serious look overcoming your face as you looked down before shaking your head.
"I've hidden two children from him, like he'd want to see me." You joked.
"I know he would, when you left." Charles began as you looked over at the dishelved man. "He knew."
"Wanda." You stared at Charles before speaking.
"Well since you're breaking him out, if he wants to come see us, he can, he could've before too." You cleared your throat before glancing over at Peter and giving him a nod before walking up the stairs. You tried not to drown in your memories as Peter went out to help his father. You knew that this would do some healing for him, so you encouraged him to go. It was your fault that they didn't know their father, but you wouldn't blame it completely on yourself especially since he knew about Wanda. You and Erik tried to keep the relationship surface level, but in all truth, you had fallen in love with Erik. It had started with friendship, the two of joining arms and when it came to the mission in Cuba, you had left with him, leaving Charles behind. You weren't going to stay for some false sense of being good, as you've watch mutants flee back into the shadows you knew that Charles plans were just a pipe dream.
You remember the day on the beach like it was yesterday, you had been crouching over a broken Charles, tears streaming down his face, his legs now paralyzed. As a friend, you wanted to stay, but as Erik caught your attention, "Come with us, Liebling." His voice soft as he looked over at you, you felt his rush of emotions, the only thing you could've described it as was love as you left your friend for Erik. At this point, he had to know that you were pregnant, a big reason why he kept you out of the line of fire, telling you to stay where it was safe.
Looking back now you had thought it was because of your powers but it could've been protecting you for more than one reason. But it was impending conversation where he told you that he couldn't have you, that he wouldn't ever feel the way you wanted him to, that you were too good for him. You had argued, telling him that it didn't matter who was better, you didn't have expectations for this relationship you just wanted to be with him. But the reality had sat in, when you thought of your son at home. You thought of the comparisons, the stubbornness, the knowledge that the two had, the good that you found in both of them. But thinking of Erik as a father, it was role now that he clearly hadn't wanted.
"Mom, who were those men here?" Wanda broke you out of your thoughts, making you look over at daughter. You could read the curiousness coming off your daughter. "Where's Peter?"
"You remember when I would tell you stories about your pa?" You murmured, as she came over to you as you reached your arm out for her. She sat in your arm and looked up at you.
"I do."
"Well, your brother is going to go save him." You said, smiling over at her. You moved your hand down to move your red hair behind her ear with a fond smile on your face. The two of you continue to talk about her father, telling stories about mischievous adventures that brought smiles to your girl's face.
Eventually she fell asleep in your arms. You laid her down on couch draping a blanket over her before grabbing a book and settling on the armchair, waiting for Peter. You'd usually go to bed if he was out, he was an adult now, but this was a mission that could send Peter to jail. Not that you didn't believe him that's why you supported him so much in this, you knew he had the ability and strategy that would get out just about any mess.
You had fallen asleep reading your book when you heard the lock in the door. You sat up in your chair and blinked back the tiredness from your eyes before getting up from the chair. Peter walked through the door and you immediately ran up to him and squeezed him tightly. "You're okay."
"Of course I'm fine ma, it's me." Peter joked as he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly.
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You froze in your son's arms, before moving back and connecting your eyes with Erik Lehnsherr's blue ones. "Erik." You breathed, moving around him before looking back at Peter. "Did you-."
"He uh figured it out."
"Charles told me." Erik corrected, his accent thick and making a shiver run down your spine.
"So that's what your doing here?" You questioned as Erik looked over at Peter before stepping forward into the house. His eyes trailing around the room before landing back on to you. "Your here for the kids."
"Yeah, I'm here to meet my daughter."
"Good, but you'll have to come back, she's asleep."
"No, it's the middle of night, thanks for escorting Peter home." "You don't get to push me out again, Y/n." Erik agrued, his voice raising as you glared over at him. "I have a right to meet her."
"Peter take your sister to her room, please." You murmured over to your son, glancing over at him with stern gaze before looking back over at Erik. "You've known about her for 11 years, Erik."
"I didn't know about Peter, it's been over two decades and we managed to make another child and you couldn't tell me about him." "You wanted nothing to do with me!" You agrued. "You got bored and you left."
"I was never enough for you, Y/n. For an empath, you clearly have no idea how I feel about you."
"I don't like reading your emotions anymore, last time it hurt-." You started, looking down at the ground. "I could feel that you were rejecting me and I don't want to feel that ever again."
"You know that they were better off without me."
"But I wasn't!" You cried. "I was alone in raising two children and I tried to take pride in it. When I heard you killed the president of the United States, I-I couldn't believe what you done, and I knew that I made the right decision." Erik's eyes flashed in hurt, and he stared you, begging you to read him, but you refused. "Don't you have the world to save?"
"Well, if you care about your children's future, you'll leave." You propositioned. Erik stared at you, not sure what to say before stepping closer to you and leaning down to cup your cheeks in his hands. You stared at him in awe, unable to move away as you looked up into his eyes.
"I'll leave now, Liebling, but I'm coming back and I'm giving you life you deserve, do you understand?"
"No. Do you understand?"
You nodded.
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hope-ur-ok · 5 months
Surprise Song Master post ~ European Leg
5/9 Paris, FR: Paris + LOML
5/10 Paris, FR: Is It Over Now?/OOTW + My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
5/11 Paris, FR: Hey Stephen + Maroon
5/12 Paris, FR: The Alchemy / Treacherous + Begin Again / Paris
5/17 Stockholm, SE: I Think He Knows / Gorgeous + Peter
5/18 Stockholm, SE: Guilty As Sin? + Say Don't Go / Welcome to New York / Clean
5/19 Stockholm, SE: Message In A Bottle / How You Get The Girl / New Romantics + How Did It End?
5/24 Lisbon, PT: Come Back... Be Here / The Way I Loved You / The Other Side of the Door + Fresh Out the Slammer / High Infidelity
5/25 Lisbon, PT: The Tortured Poets Department / Now That We Don't Talk + You're On Your Own Kid / Long Live
5/29 Madrid, ES: Sparks Fly / I Can Fix Him (No Really Can) + I Look In People's Windows / Snow On the Beach
5/30 Madrid, ES: Our Song / Jump Then Fall + King of My Heart
6/2 Lyon, FR: The Prophecy / Long Story Short + Fifteen / You're On Your Own Kid
6/3 Lyon, FR: Glitch / Everything Has Changed + Chloe Or Sam Or Sophia Or Marcus
6/7 Edinburgh, Scotland UK: Would've Could've Should've / I Know Places + 'Tis the Damn Season / Daylight
6/8 Edinburgh, Scotland UK: The Bolter / Getaway Car + All of the Girls You Loved Before / Crazier
6/9 Edinburgh, Scotland UK: It's Nice To Have A Friend / Dorothea + Haunted / Exile
6/13 Liverpool, England UK: I Can See You / Mine + Cornelia Street / Maroon
6/14 Liverpool, England UK: This Is What You Came For / Gold Rush + The Great War / You're Losing Me
6/15 Liverpool, England UK: Carolina / No Body No Crime + The Manuscript / Red
6/18 Cardiff, Wales UK: I Forgot That You Existed / This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things + I Hate It Here / The Lakes
6/21 London, England UK: Hits Different / Death By A Thousand Cuts + The Black Dog / Come Back Be Here / Maroon
6/22 London, England UK: thanK you aIMee / Mean + Castles Crumbling w/ Hayley Williams
6/23 London, England UK: Us w/ Gracie Abrams + Out Of The Woods / Is It Over Now? / Clean
6/28 Dublin, IE: State of Grace / You're On Your Own Kid + Sweet Nothing / Hoax
6/29 Dublin, IE: The Albatross / Dancing With Our Hands Tied + This Love / Ours
6/30 Dublin, IE: Clara Bow / The Lucky One + You’re On Your Own Kid
7/4 Amsterdam, NL: Guilty as Sin? / Untouchable + The Archer / Question...?
7/5 Amsterdam, NL: imgonnagetyouback / Dress + You Are In Love / Cowboy Like Me
7/6 Amsterdam, NL: Sweeter than fiction / Holy Ground + Mary's Song / So High School / Everything Has Changed
7/9 Zürich, CH: Right Where You Left Me / All You Had To Do Was Stay + Last Kiss / Sad Beautiful Tragic
7/10 Zürich, CH: Closure / A Perfectly Good Heart + Robin / Never Grow Up
7/13 Milan, IT: The 1 / Wonderland + I Almost Do / The Moment I Knew
7/14 Milan, IT: Mr. Perfectly Fine / Red + Getaway Car / Out Of The Woods
7/17 Gelsenkirchen, DE: Superstar / Invisible String + "Slut!" / False God
7/18 Gelsenkirchen, DE: Speak Now / Hey Stephen + This Is Me Trying / Labyrinth
7/19 Gelsenkirchen, DE: Paper Rings / Stay Stay Stay + It's Time To Go / Better Man
7/23 Hamburg, DE: Teardrops On My Guitar / The Last Time + We Were Happy / Happiness
7/24 Hamburg, DE: The Last Great American Dynasty / Run + Nothing New / Dear Reader
7/27 Munich, DE: Fresh Out The Slammer / You Are In Love + Ivy / Call It What You Want
7/28 Munich, DE: I Don't Wanna Live Forever / Imgonnagetyouback + LOML / Don't You
8/1 Warsaw, PL: Mirrorball / Clara Bow + Suburban Legends / New Years Day
8/2 Warsaw, PL: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) / I Can See You + Red / Maroon
8/3 Warsaw, PL: Today Was A Fairytale / I Think He Knows + The Black Dog / Exile
8/15 London, England UK: Everything Has Changed / End Game / Thinking Out Loud w/Ed Sheeran + King Of My Heart / The Alchemy
8/16 London, England UK: London Boy + Dear John / Sad Beautiful Tragic
8/17 London, England UK: I Did Something Bad + My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys / Coney Island
8/19 London, England UK: Long Live / Change + The Archer / You're On Your Own Kid
8/20 London, England UK: Death By A Thousand Cut / Getaway Car w/Jack Antonoff + So Long, London
349 notes · View notes
captainkirkk · 27 days
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
how to return home by JBS_Forever
Flash Thompson is a good person, but not a great one, so when Peter Parker accidentally gets drunk at his house party, all he can do is say, “Shit.”
Or: the one where Flash is just trying to be a decent person and get a drunk Peter home. Peter, on the other hand, has different plans.
scandal of the century by joshriku
The headline reads:
“All right,” Charles says. “I wouldn’t call it steamy, you know, that’s an exaggeration.”
“That is seriously not the point, Professor,” Jean answers.
(A sex tape is leaked. PR crisis ensues).
two vigilantes carry a cake across gotham by JBS_Forever
Jason's had a nagging suspicion that Bruce keeps stalker-esque levels of tabs on all the places he’s lived, so when Tim Drake shows up at his apartment door, it takes only a half second for Jason to level his gun directly at Tim's stupid face and to say, bored, “Give me one reason not to shoot you.”
Honestly, he knew Bruce had a problem, but sending a bat to his doorstep? This is just ridiculous.
Or: in a scheming attempt to make them bond, Bruce forces Jason and Tim on what should be a simple quest: retrieve Alfred’s birthday cake from across town and make it back before the party.
But this is Gotham. And nothing is ever simple in Gotham.
racing on the thunder by merils
Fortunately or unfortunately, Clark Kent is kind of used to getting phone calls about his too-curious-for-her-own-good wife being held hostage somewhere. Superman usually handles it.
Conner Kent gets a phone call meant for Clark Kent, who is Superman, who is currently in space. Uh.... Have no fear, Superboy is here!
What could possibly go wrong?
Original Works
Halfway Home for Wayward Mages by hoebiwan
Part 24 of mage in a wolf pack (This whole series kills me)
He wouldn’t mind it if Lada collared him, if Khalida or Dimitri collared him, because none of them have forced him to hurt anyone, whether human or wolf. They mostly just want him to—
Live, Jaime. Live.
In which the wolves rescue Jaime, but he doesn't realize he's free.
the sin eater by whitegeraniums (puertoricansuperman)
Part 25 of mage in a wolf pack
Lada, alpha of the Hearthstone wolf pack, finds herself in possession of a captured, broken werewolf hunter.
Keeping Ones Head Down by ApoplecticAtPeace
Part 3 of May You be Noticed by The Fire Lord
Bao lost his ability to walk when he was 19. Despite the prejudice of many Fire Nation citizens, he got a job as an accountant in the Royal palace, in the Department of Education. After 11 years of working quietly, keeping his head down and allowing his work to be claimed by others, he expected nothing to change when Fire Lord Zuko took the throne. He didn't expect the entire department to be reformed under the new Minister Shu-Lin, and Bao's overlooked position with it.
Clone Wars
Something in the heart beat like a drum by CombatBootsandDreams
Most Jedi only have to take three formal sexual education classes. Obi-Wan, in all their blessed biology has to take five.
Or: Obi-Wan growing up in a galaxy where Stewjoni are Succubi. This changes very little--but it does make certain things a hell of lot more interesting.
A Stewjoni are succubus au that has way less to do with sex, & is more about logistics, medical problems, and cuddling. Featuring Qui-Gon being an excellent master, codywan, aromantic Quinlan Vos, Obi-Wan using he/they/she pronouns, and plenty of costume changes.
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stellaaarree · 1 year
some atsv characters with a reader that dresses bimbo, w/ the makeup and nails ect :)
instantly your gonna get called “diva”.
loves the opposites looks though
he pays for all your expensive mini skirts.
insert miguel’s shocked face. “mi amor?! this skirt is the size of a belt! £35 for a piece of stripped fabric?? dios mío.” he groans, swiping his card at the register.
will just lean in the door way watching you do your makeup. loves it nowhere near as much as your natural face but if you’re happy hes ecstatic (secretly. we all know he has to keep the badass exterior.)
occasionally pulls your skirt down a little so it’s covering more. that place is only for him to see >:(!
sugar daddy vibes. dropping you off at the nail salon and picking you up all fancy with your starbucks order in hand😚😚
is way too scared to touch you in fear of messing up your pretty hair or makeup.
something about you getting cold in your skimpy pink outfit and his black hoodie is going over your shoulder gets him giggling. everyone knows it’d have to be his.
asks his parents for money so he can pay for your nails😭😭
you assure him that he doesn’t have to pay and when he’s not allowed money he’s the one that swipes your card so it looks like its his. delusional king.
will 100% have your starbucks order memorised and when he hears you say for the first time just pauses with a “…how did you say all of that in the span of ten seconds?..”
brags 100%. if he has his other friends round his place and you’ve left one of your bright pink shirts there will go, “oh! sorry guys don’t mind the pink shirt over there.” knowing damn well he doesn’t wear pink..nor baby tees.
you’re the reason she dyed the ends of her hair pink. always has a bit of your sweetness around🫶🏻
shopping sprees!!! then after y’all go to mcdonalds and she’s tucking napkins over your shirt so the sauce doesn’t ruin it.
feeding you fries so your lipstick doesn’t smudge.
genuinely just loves to be up close with you.
she’s taking out your perfectly clipped and bumped up hair at the end of the day. being oh so gentle as your head falls asleep by her shoulder.
when you go to her place she empties out all the things she feels you’d like from her closet and now you have your own drawer. spare makeup, hair clips, a mini straightener and her brightly coloured hoodies and jumpers.
y’all share socks. shut up its cute!!!!!!!
she’s got ones with stars scattered on them and you’ve got hearts on yours.
as we’ve noted, he doesn’t believe in consistency so the stark contrast between you two is adorable.
always holding your hand, thumb going over the 3d details on your nails.or he’s straight up staring at the glittery gloss as you talk while making hand gestures.
‘darlin’ and doll’ are now your new names.
you give him hair inspo and he gives you hair inspo😭😭
has a special pink guitar pic that he uses when you’re around!!!!
absolutely enamoured with your nails, you know the questions coming. the dreaded question.
when y’all are comfy, cuddling he speaks the dreaded moment. “doll, …how’d you wipe your arse with those.” and the cute moment is ruined. you obviously where not gonna share your struggles so you hit him back with the “girls don’t poop, idiot.”
when you babysit mayday she always comes back with painted nails + toes. peter always having the same question. “how’d you get her to stay still for that long?!” with a smile you reply. “she makes exceptions for her favourite.”
if you guys are eating and sauce or something gets on your painted lips, he doesn’t even mention it. just straight away wiping it off and going back to the conversation at hand.
is the main funder for your clothes.
miguel and him fight over it all the time. miguel’s usual comeback “spoil your own kid! this ones mine!” and peter rolling his eyes.
peters the kinda guy to fund your usual things. his price range going from £5 - £25. as it happens more oftens.
miguels on the other hand. £35 - £200. and it obviously is a rare occasion.
to give extra thanks to peter you’d kiss his cheek. leaving a pink kiss stain behind and him proudly showing it off.
obsessed with the style. he’s a pretty chill guy so when asking you to come down to the store with him and you walk out in full glam, plans change. “yeah, no, we’re going to dinner instead. cmon pretty.” there was no option that was an order😭
you guys ended up stealing the pink coasters at the restaurant.
BONUS!! you’re maydays personal stylist. nails, done, hair? done, needing an outfit? done. and she sits still and pretty the whole time. completely shocking everyone else how you’ve kept her quiet. she just focuses on your pretty glittered eyelids as your big fluffy lashes bat at her sweetly🫶🏻🫶🏻
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you after atsv spoils you rotten😭😭
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petitemistletoe · 2 years
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Warnings: smut, angst
Word Count: 3.2K+
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“Mr. Potter, I’d like to talk to you about something,” Professor McGonagall called from her desk as everyone was filing out. James had to stifle a groan as he exchanged a look with Sirius before making his way to the professor’s desk. It was his last class before dinner on a Friday and he was starving and wanting to get pissed with the marauders. 
“Yes Professor?” He asked, hoping he didn’t sound too eager to leave. 
“Your grades this past year have slipped, Mr. Potter. You’re a very talented wizard but I’m afraid this year you’ve become more focused on Quidditch than your studies.” Professor McGonagall gave James a disapproving look over her glasses. 
“Oh yes, it’s been a bit of adjustment now that I’m captain but I’m confident we’ll crush Slytherin in the tournament.” James said eagerly. 
“Mr. Potter you are not listening. If you do not get your grades up you will not be allowed to play.” McGonagall sighed and took off her glasses. “You know there is nothing more I would enjoy than watching my house win the Quidditch cup. Now, I’ve found a tutor for you to help you in your area of weakness: potions.”
“Moony? Evans?” James asked hopefully. 
“No.” McGonagall shook her head. “You have a potions exam in two weeks. If you are able to get an A or above you will be permitted to play.”
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“I can’t believe you have to have a tutor! It’s inhumane!” Sirius protested after James explained everything over dinner.
“It’s just tutoring, Sirius,” Remus said with an eyeroll, “Who’s tutoring you anyway? Evans?”
“I wish. McGonagall didn’t mention who. I’m supposed to be in the library tomorrow at ten in the morning.”
“Ten! On a Saturday? Inhumane!” Sirius repeated. Then he looked down the table and called, “Oi! Evans! Why aren’t you tutoring Prongs in potions?”
“Tell the whole hall why don’t you?” James grumbled, laying his down on the table. 
“What?” Lily looked over at the boys with an already bewildered expression. “I’m tutoring a second year Hufflepuff in Transfiguration tomorrow.”
“Are you failing potions, James?” Mary chuckled. “Not failing,” James said, not moving his head from the table, “but I need to be doing better.”
“Who’s tutoring you?” Marlene asked. 
“Don’t know.” 
“What if it’s Snape?” Peter asked, a little fearful.
“Oh that would be perfect.” James hit his head on the table. 
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“Oh god, I’m so hungover.” James said, hitting his alarm with his eyes shut. 
“Shut up!” Peter groaned, curling his pillow around his head. 
“Both of you be quiet! I can’t get hard with you both talking.” Sirius yelled from Remus’s bed. 
“Sirius!” It sounded like Remus had punched Sirius as Sirius groaned and then fell through the curtain, holding his nose. 
“Why is your alarm going off anyway?” Sirius asked, standing up and covering his dick with one hand and his other hand still on his nose as he shuffled to the bathroom. 
“Put some clothes on!” Peter groaned, turning so his face was pressed into his mattress and his pillow was over his head. 
“I have tutoring today,” James groaned, putting on his glasses and trying to see how long he had until his tutoring session started. It was ten fifteen and James felt like his brain was pulsating inside his head. 
“Aren’t you going to be late?” Remus called from his bed. 
“No, no. I still have a quarter of an hour before I have to go.” James let his head hit the pillow again. 
“I thought you said your session was at 10?” Remus stuck his head out between the curtains of his bed. 
“No, 10:30. Right?” James started to feel a pit of dread form in his stomach. 
“You said 10.” Peter shook from underneath his blanket. 
“10!” Sirius called from the bathroom. 
“Fuck!” James shot out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater. “Padfoot!” He slammed his fist against the bathroom door, “Get out! I need to brush my teeth!”
At 10:25 James was stumbling into the library and staring around. He was sure that his hair was sticking up every which way as he looked to see where his tutor was. 
He saw you, Sirius’s cousin who the marauders all affectionately called Baby Black, much to your chagrin, sitting at a table in the library, looking over a piece of parchment with a red quill as you twirled a spoon in a cup of tea. 
“Hey! Baby Black,” James said, slamming his hands down on the table where you were, “are you my tutor?”
“You’re late,” you said, “and don’t call me that,” not even looking up from the parchment. You were the same year as the marauders but you had about as much to do with them as you did with the other Black cousins: Regulus, Narcissa, and Bellatrix. You preferred to forge your own path at a school that was seemingly bursting at the seams with your family. Sirius often talked about how you had been the luckiest of all the Black children as your parents, while a little wicked as was Black nature, were the calmest and kindest Blacks aside from any Blacks who had been ex-communicated. Needless to say, even though you were in Slytherin you were nothing like anyone in your family. 
“Sorry, sorry. I have a wicked hangover because I was super drunk last night and-”
“Just sit down,” you cut him off, “I’m finishing up grading a quiz from one of my other students in Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
“Sure, sure. Sorry.” James said, sitting down and taking off his glasses. He had a terrible headache and felt like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. 
“Alright, so potions? What do you need to brew amortentia?” you asked after setting the parchment aside. James took a second to look you. He couldn’t help thinking you were gorgeous: the way your lips were slightly parted as you read, the way you twirled your ring on your finger as you spoke, the brightness in your eyes. He was sure you had a great smile too, but he had yet to see it. 
“Uh, right, love potion. Rose thorns and petals, powdered moonstone, pearl dust, ashwinder eggs, uh chocolate?” James looked at you as your eyes narrowed. 
“Chocolate? God really doesn’t give with both hands, does he?” You shook your head.
“Tulip nectar! Pinecones! Fairy dust?”
“Stop guessing. It’s peppermint. You’re more behind than I thought.” 
“Why are you asking about love potions anyway? Got a crush?” James asked, leaning in and looking up at you seductively. 
“First,” you said, pushing James back with your two pointer fingers, “you have to brew amortentia for your potions exam. Second, you smell like whiskey and vomit.” 
“You love it, Baby Black.”
“I will get Regulus to hex you, Potter.” You said with a light shake of your head. You worked with James for the next hour and a half before assigning him some homework. 
“Thanks for all your help, Baby Black. I’ll see you Tuesday?” James tried to send you another winning smile and you shook your head at him. 
“Monday.” You said, pushing your books into your bag.
“I have quidditch on Monday.”
“What are you going to do when you’re done playing for Gryffindor?” 
“Play professionally,” James shrugged, “Marlene’s brother said he could arrange a meeting with the Canons.”
“So that’s it? You’re going to play quidditch for the rest of your life?” You weren’t sure why you were getting so upset about the situation but you couldn’t stop yourself. 
“What’s wrong with that?” James started to get upset too, raising his voice. “Who doesn’t love quidditch?”
“I don’t.”
“How can’t you? Your cousins Regulus, Narcissa, and Sirius all play or played quidditch. Is the sport of the international wizarding world!”
“It’s beneath you.””
“You don’t even know me. You’re just supposed to be my potions tutor.” James snapped. 
“Fine,” you said cooly, “I’ll see you Tuesday, then.” You practically ran from the library. James shook his head and made his way over to the great hall. He tried to search for you at the Slytherin table before he sat at the Gryffindor table for lunch.
“How was the tutoring session?” Lily asked, stabbing at a piece of lettuce on her plate. 
“Fine. You’ll never guess who it’s with.” James said, looking at Sirius who had been trying to lick Remus’s neck for the past minute. Every time he got close, Remus would snap his fingers up and grab Sirius’ tongue. Sirius’ tongue was currently lodged between Remus’s fingers as Remus read the book that was in his other hand. 
“Who?” Sirius asked, trying to turn but was pulled back by his outstretched tongue, “Let me go!”
“Stop trying to lick me!” Remus said, letting Sirius’ tongue go. 
“Anyway,” Sirius stuck his tongue out at Sirius, “who’s your tutor?”
“Your cousin!” James said with an eyebrow raise. 
“Regulus?” Peter cocked his head.
“Don’t be stupid,” Remus rolled his eyes, “you mean Baby Black don’t you?”
“My cousin is tutoring you? Why didn’t she tell me?” Sirius asked, looking over at the Slytherin table. 
“I have no idea.” James shook his head. 
“Oi! Regulus! Where’s the girl?” Sirius asked, tossing a crumpled piece of parchment at Regulus. Regulus couldn’t have given Sirius a more intense glower before rubbing his nose and saying, 
“Excuse me?”
“Our cousin, Reg. Have you seen her?” Sirius looked at Regulus like he was an idiot. Regulus looked around for a moment and shrugged,
“No idea. I’ll check on her after dinner.” 
“Did you say something to her, James?” Remus asked. Sirius took advantage of this moment of Remus’s distraction to lick him up the neck. 
“Ah ha!” Sirius grinned triumphantly. 
“I’m going to murder you!” Remus said, pulling out his wand. 
“Nevermind,” James rolled his eyes. 
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Over the course of the next two weeks, you and James met twice a week for tutoring lessons in the library. One Thursday was just one of those days that was rainy and sleepy and the last day in the week before one of those rare gorgeous three day weekends. It wasn’t a true three day weekend, really, there were no classes on Friday due to a set of makeup exams that were offered to students who wanted to improve their winter exam scores. James was one of these choice students who would hopefully be done once and for all with potions tutoring after the Friday exam. After a full set of classes and an early morning Quidditch practice, all James wanted was to eat dinner and crawl into bed before the weekend ahead of him. Of course, you had chosen today of all days to meet for a final tutoring session before the big potions exam on Friday. 
He was eating dinner when you stopped by the Gryffindor table and sat down next to him.
“What are you doing here?” Sirius asked, shocked by the presence of another Black at the Gryffindor table. 
“I need to talk to James,” you said quickly, “Meet me in the potions classroom in the dungeons for tonight’s lessons.”
“Why the dungeons? What’s wrong with the library?” James asked.
“Slughorn said we could use his classroom so you can fully practice brewing your assigned potions.” You said, getting up from the table, “See you at 8. Don’t be late.” You got up and walked away. James watched you leave the great hall and then sighed, 
“I can’t wait for this to be over.”
“Yeah right,” Remus snorted. 
“What do you mean?” James asked.
“All you’ve talked about these past two weeks is Baby Black.”
“Well yeah. Complaining. She’s annoying.”
“No, not complaining. You can’t stop talking about her. You like her.” Remus grinned. 
“You cannot date my cousin, James.” Sirius said with a hard expression.
“I don’t even like her!” James insisted. Apparently Sirius wasn’t the only Black child that was concerned about you. Regulus stalked over and sat down next to James where you had been only a few moments before. 
“Stay away from my cousin. She’s fragile and sensitive and doesn’t need a rat like you sniffing around her.” He snapped at James. 
“She’s just my tutor! I don’t like her! She barely even tolerates me!” James cried, ignoring Remus’s shit eating grin. 
“I knew it!” Sirius slammed his hand down on the table, “you are trying to fuck my cousin!” 
“Oh my god! I’m leaving!” James stood from the table, looking at the Black brothers. “You two are exactly alike. Why I would ever want to get more involved with this family?” 
“Hey!” Regulus and Sirius said at the same time as Remus cackled. 
“Your cousins are insane,” James said with a head shake as he sat down next to you in the dungeons. 
“You’re telling me.” You muttered. Your hair had been pinned up with your wand stuck through and you pulled your wand out letting your hair fall more freely. You worked with James for the next hour and a half and it seemed like James was going to pass his exam.
“Okay, the last thing I need to do is check on your amortentia, but we can do that tomorrow morning before your exam. Meet back here at eight in the morning.” You replied. You were fanning your neck it had gotten hot in the dungeons after James’ heating potion had gotten a little of hand. You took off your sweater so you were just in a pair of trousers and a thin tank top. James watched a bead of sweat make its way down your neck and into your cleavage.
“Thanks with all your help, Baby Black. You really saved my ass.” He smiled. 
“You worked hard for it, James. No wonder Sirius loves you so much.” You smiled back at him. You had to admit that James wasn’t bad looking at all. He was a bit annoying, the way the Marauders were, but he had a kind heart and easy smile. Before you could fully process what was happening, James was leaning in and kissing you.
“What are you doing?” You asked, pulling away suddenly. 
“I’m sorry! I thought…we were…you aren’t into?” James asked, bewildered. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” You scrambled up and ran out of the dungeon. It wasn’t until you were at the portrait in front of the Slytherin dormitory that you took a minute to stop and let your fingers ghost over your lips. You felt a small smile crawl onto your face and thought about how sad it would be to no longer have an excuse to see James. 
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“Where’s Moony?” James asked as he burst into the dormitory. 
“Sucking my dick.” Sirius called from his bed. “Ow! Fuck Moony enough with the teeth!”
“What do you need James?” Remus asked, sticking his head between the curtains. 
“Can you talk? Privately?” 
“Yeah, just a second. I left my notebook by the charms room today. You can walk with me.” Remus got dressed and walked alongside James to the charms classroom.
“So what’s going on, Prongs?” Remus asked. 
“Okay, first, you can’t tell Sirius I told you this.” James started. 
“You’re freaking me out, James.”
“I kissed baby Black.” James blurted out. Remus stopped dead in his tracks and looked at James. 
“You did what?”
“I know! It’s just…she was so nice. And she’s so warm but still sassy and she hates quidditch and doesn’t worship me or anything. And it was hot in the dungeons and she had her sweater off and I don’t know what happened but I kissed her and she ran from the room. Oh god, Moony what did I do?” James was rambling. 
“Okay. Alright. Listen. Did she say she was going to tell anyone?” Remus asked. 
“She didn’t say anything.” 
“You better hope she doesn’t tell Sirius. Or worse, Regulus. You should talk to her.” Remus shook his head. 
“I have to see her tomorrow for her to check my potion before the exam. I’ll talk to her then. Will you come with me?” James felt his stomach flip at the thought.
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James felt like his feet were cinderblocks as he made his way to the dungeons with Remus. You were there, in that damn tank top again, looking at the potions. 
“Oh good,” you looked up and gave him a shy smile, “you’re here…with Remus.” Your smile faltered. 
“I’d like to talk about-” James started but you cut him off. 
“Let’s just look at your potion.” Your words were clipped. 
“Alright, Remus why don’t you smell it first and let us know what you think and we can make sure it smells different to everyone.” James said. Remus bent down and took a large sniff of the bubbling liquid in the cauldron. 
“Smells like chocolate, parchment, leather, vinyl. Sirius. Nice job, James.” Remus sat back a little and smiled. “After you Ms. Black.”
“Alright,” you took a large sniff, “Clean cut grass, butter beer, hot Yorkshire pudding.”
Remus was stifling a smile, “And you James?”
“Firewood, a freshly sliced apple, vanilla, and…the Black estate? That smells like you.” James looked up at you confused. 
“I’m going to leave you two alone.” Remus stalked out of the dungeons, sending James a knowing look on his way out. 
“You smelled me in the potion,” James grinned. 
“You must have brewed it wrong.” You shook your head but you couldn’t hide your smile either. 
“You hate quidditch.”
“You’re a stupid jock.”
“You undress me with your eyes every time you see me.”
“You are Sirius’ best friend.”
“You are Sirius’ cousin.”
You grabbed James by the back of the neck and kissed him hard. James’ hands found your waist and started pull at the hem of your tank top. You took the tank top off and laid back on the desk. 
“You’re so beautiful.” James muttered, taking his shirt off too. He sunk down his knees and buried his face between your thighs. His tongue was as long as it was sharp and it darted in and out of your opening. 
“Fuck,” you murmured, your hands in James’ hair as you practically road his face. You came on his tongue before pulling him back up to kiss you. James unbuckled his belt and pushed himself inside you. You started to move your hips but James stopped you.
“Just,” he sounded strained, “I need to adjust for a moment. I’m so close, already, baby.” 
“Oh my god,” you grinned, pulling James closer so his forehead was against yours. James nodded and started to move. He pushed himself in and out of you and you were both moaning, especially when James reached a hand between your bodies to rub your clit. You saw stars as you came with James pulling out and cumming on your stomach soon after. He laid on top of you as you both tried to catch your breath. 
“Potter, what the fuck are you doing?” A new voice said. You and James turned to see Regulus and Sirius standing in the doorway of the potions classroom. 
“Oh Prongs, we’re going to have to kill you.” Sirius shook his head sadly.
“Oh fuck, you’re Sirius’ cousin.” James could only bow his head. 
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heradion · 5 months
Derek and Peter's age timeline makes absolutely no sense ,like what do you mean Derek went from 19 in season 1 to like 40 something in the movie?
The Hale fire timeline is also so messy cos Stiles says it happened 10 years back(s1) ,while Peter says 6 years to Cora(s3), Paige dies 10 years back but the fire happens after her death like what is going on?
Derek is said to be like 15/16 when the fire happens(s4), and then he leaves town for a few years and is back when he is said to be few years older and it's stated that he's 19.
Given that barely any time passes between s1 and 2, Derek's age is the same or is at most 20 by the end of s2.
But then in s3 he's in a relationship with Jennifer who's supposed to be in her late 20s/ early 30s, because Sheriff Stillinski says the Julia Baccardi case happened 10 years back(she was an adult then cos shes Kalis emissary) while Derek is around 15/16, which was before the fire , so is Derek 25 now ?
Peter is supposed to be few years older than Derek cos he and Derek were close when Derek is in HS, and then in the midst of all this , Peter has a kid who's 16?
So at what age did he even have Malia if Derek and Peter were so close when younger?
Like honestly, the Hale chronological timelines are a mess and its pretty evident that the writers / Jeff never really thought about this properly.
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castiwls · 3 months
peter - d.w
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Paring; dean x reader
Prompt; 'Said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me’
Requested; anons
Notes; this is long (for me) and sad :( reqs and inbox are open !
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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Dean Winchester was a man you’d never be able to understand. You’d only been 18 the first time you’d met him. You’d been bright-eyed and optimistic about the world, freshly out of high school and enjoying your newfound freedom when you’d stumbled into a dinner drunk on cheap vodka and craving some sort of food.
He’d caught your eye almost immediately. Your drunken confidence led to you finding yourself in the seat opposite him, a small smile pulling at his lips as he watched you ramble almost incoherently before falling silent.
That meeting alone led to a six-year relationship. For a moment you’d believed that Dean may have been the one. That you’d been one of the lucky few to find your soulmate at a young age meaning you’d get to live your life out with him.
And then everything seemed to unravel right before your eyes and you were hopeless to do anything. Dean quickly went from someone you saw your future with, to someone you’d seemingly outgrown - even though you were two years younger.
By 25 you were ready to settle down, traveling around the country had been appealing when you were 18 yet it began to feel like a chore. You wanted a home, a place you could go back to after a long day and feel safe.
You’d argued about it until once you’d had enough. You’d left with nothing more than a note explaining yourself.
It had been years since you’d even thought about Dean Winchester yet now you found yourself face to face with a man you’d long since given up on.
Dean’s smile was the same. His eyes still held that sparkle that you’d loved yet it had dimmed slightly, his eyes more tired.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. You swallowed watching him. “Why are you here?”
“What. I can’t stop by and say hello?” He pushed off the door frame stepping slightly closer. He continued to smile yet you’d noticed it failed to reach his eyes. A small frown pulled at your lips as you placed a hand on his arm.
“Dean. What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing wrong.” He shook his head. “Dean, I’m not stupid. Somethings wrong, and where is Sam?” You ran your hand up his arm before placing it on his shoulder. His face dropped slightly at the mention of his brother. He sucked in a breath, his body seeming to deflate slightly.
“Dean i…I’m so sorry.” You sighed pressing your hand to his cheek. He stayed quiet simply leaning into your touch his eyes fluttering shut. 
You’d once promised yourself you’d never let Dean Winchester back into your life unless he finally agreed to grow up. Yet standing there in that moment you still saw that 18-year-old you’d met at the dinner.
Moving your hand from his cheek you stepped back. 
“I have a guest room.”
“He’s alive.” Your tone was dripping with disbelief as you stared at the man opposite you. Dean nodded his back against the counter. “Yeah.” He sighed running a hand through his hair. “He has been for a while.” Dean was talking as if this was the most normal thing in the world, he was using the same tone he’d use whenever you’d discuss dinner, or whose turn it was to take the trash out.
This was utterly insane. Even after he’d filled you in on everything that had happened since you left you still found the whole thing insane. Yet it was Dean so you’d believed him. You’d allowed him back in your bed and over the past year you’d fallen right back in love with him.
You’d finally got what you’d wanted. The life you dreamed of with him was a reality and you’d grown so comfortable that you’d almost forgotten what he’d told you years ago.
“I love you. But I can't leave hunting behind, It’s my whole life!”
The words had stung then and they stung more now as you stood opposite him in your kitchen. 
“So your going with him.” You crossed your arms and swallowed back the hurt which lay heavy in your chest. “You're going back.”
Dean watched you for a moment, his eyes downcast for a moment. “Sweetheart I have to-”
“No, you want to.”
Dean paused as you cut him off, taking a small step forward. He placed a hand on your arm. “I’m sorry.”
You looked at his hand for a moment before pulling back and turning around. In doing so you missed the look of hurt which flashed across Dean’s face before he followed you out of the room.
Walking into the living room you grabbed a blanket off the floor, folding it before turning back to him. “I know you're not sorry. I know part of you is glad, glad that you’ve finally got your get-out-of-jail card.” You placed the blanket down as he crossed his arms. “Thats no-”
“You don’t have to lie Dean. I know you well enough to know damn well that you could never walk away from hunting.” You let out a breath sitting down on the couch.
“I’m not mad. I just…” You ran a hand through your hair, leaning forward on your knees. “I really thought that maybe you’d finally grown up. That you’d realised that hunting isn’t a forever thing. But I guess I was wrong.” 
Dean sat beside you, his hand grasping yours in his. “That’s not true.” He shook his head. You turned to look out the window, your eyes closing for a moment as tears burned at your eyes.
Dean watched you for a moment before gently grasping your chin and turning you to face him. “This year…This year proved to me that maybe hunting isn’t my be-all and end-all. But I miss it.” He admitted quietly. “And I can’t let Sam do this alone, I couldn’t live with myself.”
Your eyes stayed on his as he cupped your cheek with his hand. “I love you.”
You sucked in a breath before swallowing. “Yet you still broke your promise.” 
Dean frowned, squinting slightly as he tried to figure out what you could mean.
“The note.” 
His eyes flashed with realisation before he opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “I told you to come back when you had grown up and were ready to walk away, and only when.”
His face dropped. “When I came that was true. Sam made me promise that when it happened I would follow through on that promise and I did. I did for you and for him.” He moved closer stroking your cheek. “Sweetheart you have to believe me.”
“I do believe you. But you still broke that promise.” You took a breath to compose yourself. “And I can’t wait forever, Dean.”
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
Paved in Ashes
The only constant in your life is the board beneath your feet.
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Slice of Real Life Drama Focus: Romance and Life Struggles
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You're only 20 when suddenly your life goes bam! Throwing you into a whole new city, a different country even. Wasn't part of the plan, but you know how life loves to mess with plans. People happened, stuff happened, and suddenly you're on the move. The new chapter ahead? Buckle up, 'cause it's not gonna be all sunshine and rainbows. And guess what? Your step-mom? Yeah, she's right there in the same city. She's always had this knack for trying to steer your ship, like every decision's a GPS checkpoint.
But hey, there's this one thing that's never let you down—your skateboard. It's like the buddy that's been with you through thick and thin, the one that never bails. Among all this craziness it's like your anchor. So, the big question is—can you break out of the loop you got in? Find your place in the world and restart or lose yourself in temptation? Time to find out.
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Hamburg, Germany - Known as the Gateway to the World, featuring Germany's most sinful mile. Welcome to your new home!
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⫸ YOU: Customize your own Main Character
Looks: Hair, Body, Scars, Piercings & Tattoos and much more
Gender identity and sexual orientation
Personality: Sarcastic / Genuine, Rude / Polite, Grumpy / Friendly, Aggressive / Peaceful, Stoic / Emotional, Shy / Bold, Deceitful / Honest, Arrogant / Humble, Selfish / Generous, Oblivious / Aware, Disinterested / Curious, Cautious / Reckless
Nickname: What do people call you?
Fashion: Pick your clothes to match your personality
Custom Skateboard: Design the look of your board
Skate Style: What's your riding style?
Vices: Alcohol, Drugs, Smokes, Gambling, Aggression, Self-Harm
Job: pick one of several professions - or don't
Hobbies: pick a hobby that makes you happy
Housing: live with your step-mom, find a place for yourself, share a flat - or don't
ATTENTION - Regarding Qs
inbox open for game-related asks, No scenario asks, what if asks Progress updates will be posted once there is something to announce
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Status 23.09.24 - Coding Phase of the Demo
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⫸ FEATURES: Juggle a new home, new friends, new romance, new profession, new temptations, old and new vices, crazy night life, your stepmother and build yourself a reputation out there.
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⫸ ALL 12 DATEABLE & OTHER NON-DATEABLE CHARACTERS BELOW All romance in this story is optional and can be skipped all together if preferred. Still, the platonic relationships will be rewarding and deep on a different level. There are poly options available and each character has their own expectations, needs, wishes and desires, which you'll have to discover.
Note: Throughout the story, you'll encounter the ROs at various points. However, not all of them are destined to remain in your life; some seek fleeting enjoyment while others might become sources of annoyance. Just like reality, there's a mix of success and setbacks, reminding you that heartache is an authentic part of the journey. #heartacheisreal E.g.: If you behave like an a*hole, there's a chance they'll break up with you.
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⫸ DATE OPTIONS - Overall 12 ROs & flings available
Samual / Samantha "Sam" Peters, 25 - 💙
Your Neighbour [m/f]:
Occupation: Police Officer - Life's flipped you into a whole new city, right? Newsflash! Next door's got a friendly face that's making things a bit less chaotic. Only thing is, you're starting to wonder if there's more to this neighbor than the casual chats. Are they keeping something under wraps? 💬 "In front of my eyes? Are you serious?" ♡ Loyal, Observant, Dedicated, Reliable, Friendly & Approachable 🚩Overprotective, Controlling, Difficulty Switching Off 🛹 Does not skate Looks: tba Social Media: Samantha Playlist: Spotify #pia: samantha #pia: samual
Felix / Felicia Nowak, 21 - 🩷
Your Ex [m/f]:
Occupation: Rich Kid - Old flames flare up as your past strides right back into your life in this brand-new city. Sparks are undeniable, but so are the reasons things didn't work out. Can you give this a second shot, or is it just history playing its track again? 💬 "Your mother always loved me, you know it." ♡ Confident, Generous, Driven, Charismatic 🚩 Impulsive, Superficial, Entitled, Manipulative 🛹 Does skate Looks: here Social Media: Felix (xF!MC), Felix (xM!MC) #pia: felix #pia: felicia
Alex Czarnecki, 25 - 🧡
Your New Foe [m]:
Occupation: Lawyer - None other than a face that seems to have it out for you. Every encounter feels like a clash, sparks flying in every direction. But hold on, could there be more to this hostility than meets the eye? 💬 "I am looking forward to making your life a living hell." ♡ Sharp-Witted, Analytical, Passionate, Perseverant 🚩 Stubborn, Guarded, Confrontational 🛹 Does not skate Looks: tba Social Media: Alex Playlist: Spotify #pia: alex
Noah / Naomi Cho, 20 - ❤️
Your Best Friend [m/f]:
Occupation: Photographer - Your ride-or-die best friend's on the other side of the world. They're just a text away, keeping your spirits high as you dive into this new city's chaos. The catch? Obviously the distance, but: Is there more to this bond that's worth exploring, or should it stay in the "friend zone"? 💬 "Pah, plane tickets are so cheap these days." ♡ Optimistic, Spontaneous, Loyal, Empathetic, Playful 🚩 Conflict Avoidant, Flakey, Jealous 🛹 Does skate Looks: tba Social Media: Naomi(xGF) #pia: naomi #pia: noah
Xavier Hoffmann, 22 - 💚
Your New Friend [m]:
Occupation: Musician - So, you meet this new friend at an event, and suddenly life's got an extra splash of excitement. But hold on—there's something about this new buddy that's keeping you guessing. Can you really put all your cards on the table, or is there some trick up their sleeve? 💬 "See? Super easy and nobody will ever find out." ♡ Inspiring, Free-Spirited, Passionate, Charming 🚩 Attention-Seeking, Impulsive, Unreliable 🛹 Does skate Looks: tba #pia: xavier
Bianca Wolf, 19 - 🩵
Your Childhood Friend [f]:
Occupation: Student - A chance encounter brings back memories of your childhood friend. It's like life's throwing surprises your way, and this friend's becoming more than just a blast from the past. Can you pick up where you left off, or are you diving into uncharted territory? 💬 "I have to admit, seeing you kind of...messes with my head." ♡ Supportive, Empowering, Trustworthy, Honest, Kind-Hearted 🚩 Mood Swings, Stagnation, Drama-Prone 🛹 Does skate Looks: tba Social Media: here #pia: bianca
Laurenz / Laura Svenson, 20 - 💛
Your Rival [m/f]:
Occupation: Pro Skater - Rivalry's a familiar tune - Drama is to be expected 'cause they don't give you an inch of space. Competition's getting a different flavor once you both aim for the same goal. Can you navigate these uncharted feelings? 💬 "Oh, you will so damn fuckin' much regret it!" ♡ Spontaneous, Humorous, Enthusiastic, Entertaining 🚩 Egoistic, Control-Freak, Insecure 🛹 Does skate Looks: tba Social Media: Laurenz Playlist: Spotify #pia: Laura #pia: Laurenz
Francesco / Francesca Moretti, 22 - 💜
Your Best Friend's BF / GF [m/f]
Occupation: Model - They always knew what they wanted, and they always got it. Truth is, you fell for them even before they got with your best friend. Then, you behaved - but your friend is not here now. As their gaze draws you in, loyalty falters in the face of desire. Can you resist, or even want to? 💬 "Not even they know about it." ♡ Artistic, Sensual, Inspirational, Ambitious 🚩 Dishonest, Neglectful, Envious 🛹 Does not skate Looks: here Social Media: Francesca Playlist: Spotify #pia: francesca #pia: francesco
Dima / Dalia Petrov, 34 - 🖤
Your Boss [m/f] *
Occupation: Club Owner - As you step into the dark world of nightlife your paths cross. Soon you'll navigate the complexities of the club scene with all its secrets. Can you decode the hidden motives and stories behind their actions? 💬 "I bet you have never seen anything like this before." ♡ Confident, Assertive, Initiative, Alluring 🚩 Possessive, Aggressive, Manipulative, Deceitful 🛹 Does not skate Looks: here Social Media: Dima Playlist: Spotify #pia: dima #pia: dalia
Dr. Michael / Michaela Sturm, 29 - 🤍
Your Doctor [m/f]
Occupation: Doctor - Unfortunately, your meeting is based on an accident. Will your face stand out amidst the sea of faceless patients? Can you unravel the layers of their identity and unveil the person beyond the white coat? 💬 "How did you even survive for so long?" ♡ Charitable, Open-Minded, Witty, Empathetic 🚩 Restless, Workaholic, Burnout 🛹 Did skate Looks: here Social Media: Michael #pia: michael #pia: michaela
„Sparks“, 24 - 🩶
Your Supplier [m/f] *
Occupation: Drug Dealer - You heard a name, often, by many people, some you trust and some you don‘t - but they all agreed they are the one you should talk to. Sometimes it seems they don‘t offer earthly goods only. Soul for sale? 💬 „It‘s actually kinda fun and I make tons of money. But if I had been given the choice…“ ♡ Outgoing, Spontaneous, Genuine 🚩 Non-Reliable, Trust Issues, Volatile 🛹 Does skate Looks: tba Social Media: Sparks (M) Playlist: Spotify #pia: sparks
Paul / Paula Gerwig, 38 - 🤎
A Stranger [m/f] *
Occupation: Executive Vice President - There‘s no way you can read their true intentions, but why would you want to? They manage to surprise you in the craziest - good - ways and even allow you to cause some chaos. 💬 „My chauffeur will pick you up at 9pm.“ ♡ Generous, Attentive, Driven, Reliable 🚩 Hard-To-Read, Provocative, Hot/Cold 🛹 Does not skate Looks: tba Social Media: Paula Playlist: Spotify #pia: paula #pia: paul
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⫸ OTHER CHARACTERS (non-romanceable):
Kassandra [redacted], 45 - Your Step-Mom [f]
Occupation: CEO - She changed. Though she was never an easy person and always particularly strict towards you, she once had the kind heart your father fell for. But that was long ago. Now all that matters is that everything meets her expectations. At any cost. 💬 "You need to grow up before you are a shame to us." ♡ Responsible, Committed, Vigilant, Perceptive, Ambitious 🚩 Controlling, Obsessive, Dismissive, Authoritarian 🛹 Does not skate #pia: kassandra #pia: step mom
Manfred von Kulversteyen, 56 - Your Step-Mom's Partner [m]
Occupation: Lawyer - You have no idea how he ended up with your step-mom. Seriously. He seems to have it out for you and in some moments you are very lucky she is around. 💬 "If you were my blood, I would have beaten you into shape already." ♡ Driven, Efficient, Confident 🚩 Intolerant, Choleric, Arrogant, Unpredictable 🛹 Does not skate
Henric [redacted], 44 - Your Dad [m]
Occupation: Documentary filmmaker - Choosing happiness and authenticity over material pursuits, your father's separation from your stepmother revealed his unwavering commitment to a meaningful life. Unfortunately that also meant sacrifices. 💬 "I couldn't be any prouder of you. And I don't care what they say. I love you." ♡ Patient, Understanding, Affectionate, Supportive 🚩 Worries a lot, Inconsistent, Overcompromising 🛹 Did skate
Nader / Nazrin Davani, 23 - Your Roommate (#1) [m/f] *
Occupation: Art Student - They moved from London to HH a few months ago, when their parents opened a new hospital in Hamburg. Their parents try real hard to push them in the medical direction, but all they want is to shape a destiny distinct from their family's expectations. Be their muse? 💬 "I wouldn't mind settlin' in 'ere for the night, just to paint you." ♡ Trustworthy, Hilarious, Fun-Loving, Rebellious, Creative 🚩Over-Sensitive, Perfectionist, Self-Doubt 🛹 Does not skate
[redacted], 21 - Your Roommate (#2) [f] *
Occupation: [redacted] 💬 "I have to admit I did not expect to see you again under such circumstances, but I must admit it is a pleasant surprise nonetheless." ♡ Spontaneous, loyal, affectionate, protective, confident 🚩Perfectionist, self-reliant, argumentative 🛹 Does skate
„The Queenpin“, 58 - A Stranger [f] *
Occupation: ??? - Here's the scoop—an accidental run-in with a total stranger's changing the game. But there's this vibe you can't shake, a sense that there's more to this stranger than meets the eye. Is it fate playing games, or is there a hidden agenda in the mix? 💬 „Who clipped your wings little bird?“ ♡ Caring, Protective, Patient, Nurturing, Enigmatic 🚩 Controlling, Unpredictable 🛹 Does not skate
??, 18 - A Stranger [nb] *
Occupation: Barista - soon 💬 "If you were my type I would totally smash you. Right here, right now." ♡ soon 🚩 soon 🛹 Does skate
??, 35 - A Stranger [m/f] *
Occupation: Tattoo Artist - soon 💬 "Ha, THIS one will definitely surprise them!" ♡ soon 🚩 soon 🛹 Does not skate
??, 24 - A Stranger [m] *
Occupation: None - soon 💬 "I love my life. No restrictions, no nothing. I can do what I want." ♡ soon 🚩 soon 🛹 Does not skate
People working at Laces - Club* :
Sasha* Fernando* Pat* Pepe* Hana* Anders*
* the appearance of characters with an asterisk depends on your choices
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⫸ WARNING: Paved in Ashes will be rated 18+ because of explicit language, explicit sexual themes, drug and alcohol (ab)use, violence, moral ambiguity, and more. Full list here: PiA Trigger Warning
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love-hs28 · 4 months
It’s okay, you’re allowed to feel this way.
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Having to stay after school for Chemistry help wasn't the most ideal situation to be in after having a bad day. And coming home to Peter being so nice makes it almost impossible to hold your emotions in. (You’re living with Peter, May, and Ben bc your parents died in an accident. Not important to the story but jsyk)
CW: Reader has panic attack & cries a bunch Hurt/Comfort & Fluff Reader's gender isn't specified 1.3k Words Posted on 5-25-24
My third post, ahhhh!! I cannot thank you guys enough for the love I've seen so far on my first two posts. PLEASE lmk what else you'd like to see! I hope you enjoy this one!!
You had to stay after school one day to get some extra help with your chemistry homework. You didn’t struggle much in your classes, but for some reason, your chemistry class had been giving you absolute hell all semester. It never seemed like you could get the hang of it, and just when you were starting to think you were understanding what was going on, a new concept would be introduced and your progress would restart from the beginning. Peter usually helps you with any tough classwork because he always seems to know what the teacher is going to teach before class even starts, but this time your teacher insisted that you stay after so you could get some ‘real’ help, whatever that meant. You’re pretty sure that if she was actually able to teach you better than Peter could you would have already asked her for help, but whatever. 
You come home and slam the front door as you walk in. May and Ben are still at work and Peter is in the shed working on something for his suit, as he typically is after a school day. You kick your shoes off and angrily walk upstairs. Your bedroom door slams shut as you carelessly toss your backpack on the floor, sitting on the edge of your bed with your face in your hands. You’d felt anxious all day and having to stay after for fucking chemistry and still not understanding it definitely wasn’t helping. You try to control your breathing and just forget about the day and focus on the plans you had with Peter later. 
Out in the shed, Peter could sense that you were home, (he also heard the front door slam), which meant that he could also tell that you weren’t in the best state. He set aside his spidey stuff and made his way into the house and to your room. 
You hear a gentle knock on the door and Peter hesitantly saying your name. “Y/n? You in there?” 
You sigh and look up. “Yeah.” 
He cracks the door open and peaks in. “Can I come in?” 
You muster a smile, “Sure.” 
He comes in and shuts the door behind him. He gives a warm smile and comes over to give you a kiss and plops down next to you. 
“Hey bub. How was your day?” He absentmindedly rubs your knee with his hand. You know he already knows how your day went and is just trying to be nice. 
You sigh, “Shit. How was yours?” 
He frowns and tucks a hair behind your ear. “Mine was boring. Much better now though; why was it bad?” 
You sigh and stand up and begin to pace. “Well, as you know, I had to stay after for chem help and I’m sure you can guess how that went. I literally cannot fucking understand it no matter how hard I try and it gets so annoying because I’m good in like every other subject but that and I just don’t understand why.” You run your hands over your face and Peter is looking at you, concerned but attentive. “Not to mention the subway ride home was horrible; I had to sit across from this creepy fucking pedo who wouldn’t stop starting at me and he fucking winked at me when I got up to leave,” Tears start prickling in your eyes and your breathing gets heavy and uneasy. Peter notices this and you see that he’s about to get up and come over to you. “And to make it all worse, I saw a stray dog on the way home and he was just limping and I think he hurt his paw or something and I wanted to go help him but I didn’t know if he was a nice dog or whatever so I didn’t want to risk it but he looked so sad and helpless and I felt so bad and now I wanna go back and find him and help him or take him somewhere or something because it’s not fair that he has to be all alone and scared especially when it's getting so cold and I also think I’m about to start my period so that doesn’t fucking help and I’m just-” You’re fully crying now, on the verge of sobbing, and Peter comes over and wraps his arms around you. You bring your hands up to his chest and sob into his shirt while he gently rubs your back. 
He guides the two of you over to your bed and you sit down, your body turned into him and his arms still around you. “It’s okay, honey. Let it out, I got you.” 
You sob and your breath is coming in short gasps. Peter softly kisses your head over and over again to try and calm you down. 
“I’m s-sorry. I don’t know w-why I’m such a m-mess.” You grip his shirt as tears stream down your face. You can feel him shake his head and gently shush you. 
“Shh, don’t apologize. It’s okay. You’re allowed to feel this way, I’m right here.” 
You let out another sob because he’s being so nice and his hand that's not on your back comes up to brush your hair out of your face. As always, when the tears start to die down, the uneven breathing picks up. Peter knows this pattern by now, and rubs your back more firmly. 
“Deep breaths, baby. Follow my breathing, okay?” He exaggeratedly takes deep breaths while maintaining eye contact and you try your best to match the rise and fall of his chest, focusing on his heartbeat under your ear. 
When your breathing eventually slows down, you pull back a bit to sit more upright and rub your eyes, hiccuping. Peter gently puts a hand on the side of your face and tilts it so you’re looking at him. He has a sad but loving look in his eyes that almost makes you want to start crying again. He uses his thumb to gently wipe the remaining tears on your face and kisses your forehead. 
You lean your head to rest on his chest and he rests his head on top of yours. You take a few more deep breaths before leaning up again to look at him. He kisses your forehead once more and softly smiles. 
“Thank you,” you whisper, and wrap your arms around his neck for a hug. He holds you close to him as you breathe him in, the last step to really calming you down.
“Don’t thank me, Y/n/n. ‘s what I’m here for. I’m sorry your day was so shit, you don’t deserve that.” 
You lightly shrug and lean back to softly kiss his lips. “You made it better, it’s okay.”
He smiles and tucks a hair behind your ear. “If you want, we can postpone our date tonight and just stay in and watch a movie. Whatever you want.” 
You shake your head, “No, I think going out to do something will actually help. Get my mind off everything, y’know.” 
He smiles and nods. “Good, because I’ve got something planned that you’re gonna loooveeee,” He says teasingly, and you laugh as he moves you both in a lying position. 
“Oh really, what is it??” You rest your head on his chest and pull one of your legs up over his. He pulls the blanket over you two and takes your hand into his to play with his fingers. 
“Nope, sorry bug, it’s a surprise.” 
You giggle through your nose and snuggle into him. “Well, I’m very excited.” 
He kisses your head once more and you lay there for a bit while he plays with your hair and rubs your back, and you’re finally at peace. 
Hope you enjoyed! As always, please leave requests and such for me. Love you all <3
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schlong2 · 4 months
latest fix rant time
none of my friends want to talk to me about monkey movies and then i remembered i have a whole blog dedicated to my latest fixations so. i've watched Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes two (TWICE ✌️) times in theaters. this was after watching the newer trilogy (Rise, Dawn & War) and the first 1968 original in prep.
things (SPOILERS!!!):
Kingdom's run time is 2 hours and 25 minutes. this is incredibly long for a movie. compared to 1968's 1 hour and 52 minutes, that's a half hour difference. Infinity War was 2 hours and 36 minutes for reference. that's a whole marvel cinematic convergence, but ape. the run time isn't exactly the issue i've seen talked about. it's the pacing. sitting twice through this movie was not a problem for me. i sat there engaged all the way through. on the second watch, i tried to be mindful of times in which it might have been dragging for the average person, and i like, literally couldn't find any. pretty much every scene had meaning and didn't drag imo. which is something these newer movies do extremely well. Kingdom is pretty equally split between verbal communication and sign language compared to the first three before it. the apes use both verbal and visual cues to talk. but because they don't talk every single time, it makes every moment that they do feel special. it reminds me of the Quiet Place concept, where most of the movie you only hear a human voice a few select times when it's safe to do so. Rise, Dawn, & War were kind of like this, as Caesar only really spoke when he was trying to make a point or communicating to humans, who are mostly speaking in those movies. he speaks more as he gets more fluent, and by War, he can speak very well. we see other apes like Koba, Maurice, Blue Eyes, and Bad Ape also speak English. these moments are rationed pretty well throughout Kingdom, making the dialog more select and meaningful. this makes every time these beasts talk feel like it means something and isn't just fluff to fill your ears. every other scene feels like it's building or showing a side of a character we hadn't seen before, and the scenes between those advance the plot or are like, really action-packed. i just don't see why some people say it has pacing problems. it's just long. i understand the average person's attention span is super short, but when you're sitting down to watch two and a half hours of movie, you gotta know there's gonna be downtime. moments where they're not fighting or advancing the plot. and i think that's GOOD man. but im also not one for action/adventures very much so maybe that's it? i think a lot of people maybe watch these apes for the violence and conflict rather than their introspection, genuinely thoughtful world building, and complex characters. and hey, that's completely fine to enjoy, but POTA is originally about morals and asking the audience questions and posing dilemmas to popular beliefs at the time. ok
Raka. he's great. Peter Macon has this butter smooth voice that's just perfect for the kind of character he plays. you can't help but like him. but he dies like 1/3 into the movie and is really only there to religion dump about Caesar (ape jesus) and then he's swept away. people are complaining that that's all he was really there for. to explain the real values of Caesar and provide a foil to Proximus. and i agree to some degree. i really hope he's not actually dead. his presence and death are felt throughout the movie, as both Mae and Noa (mostly Noa vocalizes it, Mae just silently shares in his loss and i think cries at one point?) seem to mourn him, saying shit like "if Raka were here..." and especially at the end when Noa gives the Caesar pendant to her. it's the shared memory of Raka and what he devoted his life to. but they never really like, actually linger on his death. there's a moment after he's swept away, and the shot stays on the rushing waters, Raka no longer visible and plays some sad tunes, but like. C'MON. he's not really dead. he isn't please tell me he isn't PLEASE
Noa isn't Caesar. i honestly do not get why you would want otherwise. of course, he isn't Caesar. we don't need another Caesar. he had a whole three movies to be the center of. i would be extremely disappointed if they just made a carbon copy of him or made Noa like a direct descendant of him or whatever. i hate that Chosen One bullshit. Caesar was just a guy that wanted peace for his people and that got him killed in the end. Noa is also a guy who wants peace for his clan. they're both leaders and have good hearts, but like. they're different characters. i LIKE that Noa has no relation to Caesar, i LIKE that he's his own character with his own ideals and purpose. Owen Teague does a wonderful job making the character his own. i mean Andy Serkis is Andy fucking Serkis. pretty big shoes to fill and i think Teague has the right foot size you know. i heard one guy say like "we've had our time to mourn Caesar" and yeah. we have. let's accept that and move on
WHERE MY APE DIVERSITY AT. we get a fuck ton of chimps, ONE orangutan, ONE gorilla, and ONE bonobo. what the hell. i mean. what is with the bonobo villian. Koba i fucks with because bonobos are some of the most playful, nonviolent apes out there. that humanity and its cruelty could twist a naturally peaceful creature into what Koba became.. i mean, that's great. but again with Proximus? maybe trying to evoke some of the same energy and nuance Koba had? ALSO. GORILLA PSA they are like so sweet. all that muscle is there to protect their families, and they're strictly vegetarians. i feel like Rise, Dawn, & War portrayed this better with most of the gorillas getting bodyguard jobs because of all their bulk. especially when Luca tucks that flower in Nova's ear. man. and Red going out like he did. gentle giants. in Kindgom we just have Sylva. gorilla henchman for Proximus. that's it. then we have Raka, the one orangutan character that i saw. wise and knowledgeable, guides and accompanies Noa and Mae then dies. at least we get one female chimp character that's more than just wife or mother. wikipedia lists Soona as Noa's love interest, which i can totally dig, like it's there. he takes her to the telescope at the end of Kingdom, which is more than what we saw romance-wise between Caesar and Cornelia. and the only other important chimp female is Dar, Noa's mom. in Rise, Dawn & War there was usually only one of each species of ape assigned a main role, but we saw much more diversity it felt like. maybe that's because there were smaller in numbers and have since spread out in the last 300 years? also like, bonobos are known for having female-female & male-male sex. dont know about the other apes. my friend mentioned that Raka said something about having a male companion and promptly searched reddit. all they had to say was: gaype?
the visuals. dear god the visuals. this movie is just visually stunning. absolutely breathtaking. they did a great job. i mean Rise, Dawn, & War are all triumphs of cgi and are excellent examples of the animation style done right. i did hear some guy say there is a loss of texture, as mostly everything in Kingdom is cgi, from the characters to the landscapes. but there's an explosion of texture in this film. there's one point where Noa is covered in the ash of his village and you can see it on his fur. there's quite a couple water scenes where the moisture clings to the apes' fur. It's all very impressive. great work
the references!! Rise especially has a ton of them (IT'S A MADHOUSE!!! & GET YOUR STINKIN PAWS OFF ME YOU DAMN DIRTY APE), and names like Nova and Cornelius, but Kingdom... i picked up on at least three main instances, but im sure there are more. there's the scene where the apes are rounding up the feral humans, and its very reminiscent of the scene from 1968 where they're doing the same thing for sport. there's the scene where Mae is running in the field, and she jumps on that log structure to get to Noa, which is nearly identical to a similar scene in 1968. the scene when Noa, Soona, and Anaya are exploring the human bunker and they come across an old classroom. one of them picks up a doll that says a distorted "Mama" which was huge in the original because that was evidence that once man did speak, why else would he make a doll that talked? superb call backs to the og. respect what was there before
here me out guys. the starring ape-human relationship in Rise was between Caesar and Will. this type of love is called storge and describes the love a child has for a parent as well as the love a parent has for their child.
the starring ape-human relationship in Dawn was ultimately between Caesar and Malcolm. which i believe is truly philia towards the end, the love between friends and allies. just two dudes trying to keep peace in the world.
in War, i mean Caesar well and truly hates the Colonel. like more than he's hated any human in his life before. close to mania, obsession. anyways it's a study on this type of relationship between an ape and a human. true, all consuming hate.
SO in the newer movies we've explored familial love, platonic love, and hate, between an ape and a human.
in Kingdom the main ape-human relationship is between Noa and Mae. and their relationship is complex. not really that friendly and certainly not familial. no trust. some kind of begrudging respect maybe? i just think it would be neat if in further installments they explored a romantic love between a human and an ape. ok.
i KNOW Noa and Soona are probably going to get ape married and they're never going to touch on the subject but i just find it hard to believe that in the last 300 years or so that's NEVER been heard of. apes have the same level of intimacy between each other as humans do in this universe and can willingly consent. what are you so afraid of wes ball
after all, the whole franchise is about how apes, when given intelligence, compare to humans and begs the question: how different are we really?
is it possible for an ape and a human to fall in love?
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thebestofoneshots · 9 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8 K Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence. (Reader discretion is advised). Prompt: You'll get even... This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 25: I’ll Get Even With You
Thursday, November 25th, 1976
The boys had walked you through their plan step by step, it wasn’t going to be easy, and it required a lot of technical skill to be performed, but it wasn’t impossible. You gave them a few suggestions here and there, you yourself had already been pondering different revenge ideas in your head and together you managed to come up with a rather elaborate but hopefully foolproof plan. 
Remus and you would work on the potions since you were best at them, and you would prepare them that very night, since, as Sirius said “There is no time to lose, we need to strike and we need to strike fast. They must know it’s retaliation for what they did.” 
James and Sirius would be in charge of charms, spells and hexes, and Peter would do recognizance, making sure the coasts were clear before you snuck inside the Slytherin common room to prepare every single one of the things you had in store. 
The planning job they had executed so far was truly astounding, and if this level of meticulous preparation was standard for all their pranks, it was no wonder they were renowned for their incredible feats. Clearly, this wasn't just some fleeting idea that had occurred to them in the shower; it had been meticulously crafted. It bordered on madness and teetered on the edge of hazardous. The exhaustive list of steps might have deterred even the bravest Gryffindor, and yet, despite all these elements, there was an undeniable thrill to it, an unmistakable, electrifying excitement that pulsed through every aspect of the plan. 
As you looked at the list of steps, you marked all the things that you’d be doing, you had to memorise it and burn the page after. You had to leave “no evidence,” Peter had whispered. 
One time he had been caught with one of the plans and everyone had been put in detention for an entire month, from that moment on, they had made one of the key steps of all of their plans to memorise everything. You thought it made sense and started to drill all the steps in your mind, even the ones that didn’t concern you, just in case. 
By midday, and as you were walking alongside the boys towards Magical Theory, you had already memorised and burned the parchment the boys had given you. James, Sirius and Remus had their heads so close together as they were whispering about. Peter was right in front of them, he decided he’d walk all the way to your class even if he had to be late to his own.  And you? You were right in the middle of them all. Sirius had grabbed you by your good arm and pulled you in closer gently so you could be part of the conversation. 
It was weird, to be in the planning rather than just a spectator from the side, giving them enough space to discuss their things as you always had. But not anymore, even Peter had been welcoming and willing to let you in on absolutely every single detail of the plan. Yes, it might have been a little different, but it was definitely the good kind of different, you liked being a part of it. Even more now, since it was your own little revenge. 
Of course, you wouldn’t do something that would really harm the Slytherins, not like they had done to you at least. You were aware neither of them knew about Remus, so when they threw you in the Shrieking Shack, they really had attempted nothing more than to give you the hell scare of your life. “The most haunted house in England”, one of them had said. 
The only person that actually knew about Moony was Severus, and even if he had been a total asshole, he had also gone and told Lily about it, which had ultimately saved your life, since she had been the one to tell the boys. Either way, he could have also stopped them from being stupid and suggested a different thing, but he did not, so the fact that you had almost gotten bitten by Moony was also his fault. Which was exactly why he wouldn’t get scot-free either.
Even if the Shrieking Shack had actually just been a haunted house, the worst thing they had done, would have been the fact that they pushed you around, hexed you a couple of times, manhandled and threatened you, which is nothing they wouldn’t have done in the school, so you all had to carefully plan something that held the perfect balance. 
The prank couldn’t be too dark or harmful, just enough to teach them a lesson, so that they learned that throwing people in haunted houses and attempting to scare this shit out of one of them was a dreadful thing to do.  Which is why your prank had mainly consisted of something of the same nature. 
“So you’ll talk to him about it?” Peter asked. 
“Yes, I think I can convince him.” 
“You sure?” James asked, “It’s pivotal for the plan that we get help from one of the–” 
“–Yes, I’m sure. Most of them already know what happened, Myrtle ran her mouth through their own little circle.” 
“Thought you were friends with her,” Peter said. 
“I’m as much of her friend as you can be,” you said with a shrug “but only the close circle knows, and I asked her earlier today to give him a message, I’ll meet him later near the Perfect Bathrooms, I’ve heard they’re empty rather often.” 
“You can meet him inside if you want, I’ll give you the password,” Remus offered. 
“She can’t meet him inside the bathrooms, it’d be inappropriate!” Peter argued. 
“How would it be inappropriate Wormmy?”
“Well you know, people might talk and…” 
“As if Myrtle didn’t spend half the time there too,” Remus huffed.
“But that’s–“ 
“Hold up! How do you know Myrtle spends half the time there?” you asked, looking at Remus in disbelief. 
“Well, I’ve seen her there, plenty of times, logically.” 
“While… bathing?” you asked again, rather hesitant. 
“She can be very meddlesome, yeah.” 
“And she’s never told me?!” 
“Didn’t you say you weren’t that close?” Sirius said, arching an eyebrow. 
You weren’t really listening “Oh Godric! The gossip she must have seen in those bathrooms.” 
Remus turned to you now “What do you think happens in those bathrooms?” 
“What do you think doesn’t? Unsupervised, private bathrooms the older students have access to?” 
“Oh…” Remus said in realisation. 
Sirius nodded “Yeah, I can confirm things happen there,” he said casually. You gasped and swatted him in the side, it was as if he had forgotten he was talking to his girlfriend with whom he had not gone to the bathrooms… yet. “From hearing about it,” he clarified, at least an octave higher as he rubbed the section you had hit him on. Drama queen, you thought, didn’t even hit him half hard. 
“So… you want the password?”
You thought about it for a second “Yeah… I guess it comes in handy, just in case…” you said. Sirius gave you a suggestive look. 
“Ugh mate, at least try and keep it in your pants!” James said, pushing Sirius to the side, causing you to tumble against Remus’ chest, who held you in place and arched an eyebrow as he looked at you from his higher stance, he seemed amused. 
“For the prank!” you clarified as if it were obvious. 
Remus nodded, the same amused look as earlier, Godric was it fun to tease you, even if the reason you were getting red for was Sirius and not himself. You were blushing, becoming shyer the wider he smirked. You pushed yourself off him, which had his little smile falter even if it was just for a second. “If you boys keep being gross about this whole thing I’ll just go hang out with Lily instead.” 
“You can’t, we’ve got class together,” James said, placing his arm over your shoulder “and whether you like it or not, you’re my partner.” You gave an exaggerated groan in response, tilting your head back just a little to make it seem more dramatic. “Oi! I’m not that bad!” 
“You talk about Lily all the time, and since your date is on Saturday I can’t imagine how much you will–“ 
“–Righ! you need to help me with the planning of that too!” He said taking his arm off your shoulder and turning to you excitedly. 
“But that plan is already done…” 
“But what will I say if–“ 
Sirius came over now, placing his arms over your shoulder “Mate, if you need her to tell you what to do in every single situation, why not let her go on the date with Lily instead?” 
“She’s your girlfriend!” James said scandalised. 
“Wouldn’t mind sharing her with Evans,” Sirius responded with a shrug which had you laughing, “she’s nice, they’d make a hot couple, actually,” the boy added, just to see James’ reaction. 
“Don’t you dare come seduce my future wife!” he said, turning to you with a threatening finger and in a playful tone. 
“As much as I’m into redheads, Lilly is most definitely just a friend,” you responded. 
“What do you mean you’re into redheads?” Sirius asked, turning to you a little shocked. 
You just shugged, “Red hair is really pretty…” 
“But I… I thought that… You said I was your type!” 
You shook your head with a teasing smile “You said you were my type Puppy.” 
Sirius seemed taken aback, but that was right, he really had been the one to say that Remus wasn’t your type because he was, you could practically see the gears turning in his head as his confident expression faltered, which had you suppress a giggle “So you like redheads then?” he said a little defensively “next thing I know you’ll come around telling me you’re also into sexy werewolves.” 
Remus almost choked on the piece of chocolate he was munching, but he played it off with a cough, you just gave Sirius a diverted look “Puppy,” you said with a raised eyebrow “Are you jealous ‘cause I said I’m into redheads?” 
“Of course not,” he said, “Why don’t you go and flirt with one of the Weaslys then?” 
You just laughed, you had no idea who the hell he was talking about since Arthur had graduated a couple of years before you even got into the school, and his younger brother was in 2nd (you had yet to meet him). “Sirius,” you said, calling his attention by leaning in to whisper in his ear “I might be into redheads, but I still like you better than any of ‘em.” 
Sirius almost went red, for a second, but got back on his feet faster than he faltered, and turned to you with a smirk “Well of course you do Starshine,” he said cockily, “After all you’ve got the hottest boyfriend in the entire school.” 
You, along with the boys, laughed at Sirius’ antiques. But she really does, Remus thought as he chuckled and extended his hand with the chocolate towards you, you took a square and bit half of it off before feeding the rest to Sirius. Remus swallowed, wondering if he could be happy with this. With just being a part of it by sticking to the two of you like he was doing then. He wondered if he would be able to survive the heartache whenever he was consumed by greed and desire to have one of you. Whenever he felt like he had to stop being a spectator and take part in the story instead. He shook that thought off his head, he had to focus on the prank now, that was the priority. 
Once near the classroom, Peter waved goodbye, walking to his class while you entered yours. You and James sat behind Sirius and Remus, and while you did attempt to work on your project, in the end, you had spent most of the time going over the plan with James. He had it all perfectly memorised, and he was now telling you how Remus and Sirius would sneak into the library to get the book with the charms they’d be practising all night while you and Remus prepared the special potions you’d be using later that day. 
“So they’ll use the map to sneak in and…” 
“What map?” you asked “Did Remus make more maps for the rest of the passages?”
“Oh well…” James seemed at a loss of words, then leaned down to talk to the boys, you arched an eyebrow, but watched as they whispered about. “Can we tell Vixen about the map?” 
“Yeah, she’ll see it when we go make the potions anyway,” Remus said. 
“I trust her,” Sirius said with a shrug. 
“Of course you do tosser, she’s your girlfriend,” James said with an eye roll “I trust her too, but what about Peter?” 
“I don’t think he’ll mind…” Remus said. 
“You don’t?!” Sirius asked, “He can be touchy as hell sometimes.” 
“But he likes her,” James added, more convincing himself than the rest, “I’ll tell her about it.” 
Finally, you leaned in, having your head almost bump into Remus’ who was sitting in front of you “Tell me about what?” you asked teasingly. 
Remus smiled, “Oh you’ll see,” he responded mischievously “I’ll tell you all about it later.” 
“Mr. Potter, and company,” you heard the voice of the teacher booming in your direction. “Would you mind telling me what’s so important that Mr. Lupin and Mr. Black have to say that you’re not focusing on your work instead?” 
“Sorry Professor,” you apologised. “I was just asking Remus about a particular charm he’s really good at, and we need to use it for our project. James was trying to listen in since both of us will be performing it and Sirius was just trying to help us out as well,” then you flashed the most charming and apologetic smile you could muster. 
“Well then, you should have told me earlier,” he said “Why don’t you guys move your chairs around so you can focus on your conversation better, instead of leaning down over your desks like that?” 
“That would be delightful! Thank you, Professor,” you said with another smile as motioned for Remus and Sirius to stand up as you flicked your want to move their chairs towards you.
“Ugh, you really need to teach me your ways,” Sirius said as he stared at you “I swear I’m charming but… he would’ve eaten me up had I tried something like that.” 
You looked over at the Professor, at the way he held himself “Nah, I’m sure you would’ve convinced him with one of those flashy smiles of yours,” you said with a shrug, “Even James would have convinced him.” 
“Way to leave Moony out,” the boy said with a low whistle that earned him a kick from Sirius, for making so much noise. 
“Thought it was obvious, Remus would’ve convinced him before I even attempted to do it, Professors love him to dеath.” 
“What?! that’s not–“ Remus started. 
Sirius and James interrupted him “Yes it is!” 
In the end, you went over the steps of the plan one more time before you went back to working on your actual class projects. You and James ended up working on the night vision glasses and because of how useful they could be, both of you started digging through books to try and figure out if you could actually finish them before the prank. 
Eventually, you did find a spell that could work, and while you were drawing a bunch of runes on the wooden table, James was writing down a copy of the spell on a piece of paper so the two of you could enchant the object at the same time. 
Both Remus and Sirius were impressed with how fast and in tandem you were working, as if you really had known each other for longer than you had. It was easy to forget how freaking brilliant James was while he was cracking jokes half the time, but he was as much of a genius as the rest of the boys, even if each of them had their thing. The class finished, and since you had lunch, neither you nor the boys worried too much about leaving the classroom as you continued working on your spell. 
That was until Lily showed up near the door “There you are!” She said once she spotted you “I was looking for you, time to change your bandages!” She said pulling a roll-out of her bag “We’ve got like 30 minutes before Defence Against the Dark Arts–” 
Your eyes opened wide, “–30 minutes?!” you asked shocked and turned to the clock “fuck, I’m supposed to be in the bathrooms with Richie,” you said as you stood up and placed your robes around your shoulders to then start unbuttoning the shirt, your back facing the boys.
Lilly took off her own robes and levitated them around you to give you more room to move around as her robes covered you while you took off your shirt, “Why do you need to see Richard near the bathrooms?” She asked. 
“It’s confidential!” James said before you even had a chance to open your mouth. 
“Yeah darling, don’t tell the beautiful redhead, no matter how tempting,” Sirius teased right after. 
You rolled your eyes and Lily arched one of her eyebrows “What’s that about?” She asked as she opened the roll and took out a small pot with her cream, you were unwrapping the older bandages while at it so that you could both end faster and you could run off to see Richie before he got too angry. 
“I accidentally told Sirius I was into redheads,” you said with a shrug “he probably won’t stop teasing me about it.”
“Oh,” she said surprised, taking the bandage you were unrolling with her own hands and helping you with it “Didn’t know you were into redheads…” she said casually “Would you mind if I tease Sirius about it?” 
“Not at all,” you said, “be my guest,” you smiled complicitly. 
“Oh wow,” she said as she looked at your injury “You heal fast,” she said surprised. 
You turned towards it, and she was right, while the wound wasn’t completely healed, it was significantly better than it had been the day before, let alone today in the morning when you were crying as you tried to cure it in the Room of Requirements. Perhaps the piercing paste you had somehow mustered up in the morning did something good in the end, even if it had hurt a hell lot while doing it. Either that or it was something else, either way, you were just happy it was looking better, if it went on like that, you might just be able to convince James to let you play on Sunday. 
“Ready for your date on Saturday?” you whispered, you could tell there was a slight blush creeping up her neck.
“That bastard is lucky I said yes, I don’t even know how exactly he convinced me,” she muttered. 
I do, you thought as you remembered the glass of punch she had in her hands at the party, “No idea, perhaps you just were really happy,” either way, it’s not like the euphoria potion made you do anything you didn’t want to, in fact, I’d go as far as to say it was like liquid courage. Of course, Remus wouldn’t agree with that opinion, or perhaps it did give him some courage, for the first five minutes or something.
“Yeah, I did feel quite happy,” Lily agreed. “It was really nice to hang out with James while taking the pictures, I guess I really hadn’t given him a chance before that.” She said as she dabbed the wound with her much more reliving paste. You would have cried from relief if it wasn’t because she’d asked you why you were crying. 
You were taking deep, slow breaths when you heard Sirius’ voice from behind Lily’s cloak “Hey luv, we’ll pick up some lunch for you so you can take your time with Richie, all right?” 
You nodded and then shook your head when you remembered he couldn’t see you “Yes, save me some sausages, will you?” 
“Whose sausages?” James teased. 
“Ugh, don’t be so gross Potter!” Lily responded “And to think I agreed to go on a date with him,” she muttered to herself. 
“I’m sorry my love,” he said in return “did not mean to upset you.” 
Lily just rolled her eyes “Get the poor girl her sausages and stop being annoying then.” You snickered as you heard Lily’s bickering and she gave you a look, you raised your free hand in surrender. A couple of minutes later she was done wrapping the bandage. “There you are darling,” she said with a smile. 
“Thanks,” you said with a smile “You’re the best.” 
Lily just smiled “Want me to come with?” she asked as she motioned to the door and you rushed to put your shirt and sweater on. 
You shook your head “It’s all right, I can deal with him. Besides, it’s kind of confidential.” 
Lily arched her eyebrows “Really? You’re not telling me what this is all about?” 
“Trust me, you’re better off like this, you’ll have plausible deniability,” you said with a smile as you finished accommodating your shirt. 
Lily was staring at you shocked as you walked to the door “What do you– (Y/N)! You can’t be working on a prank with them–“ she said as she followed behind, pulling her own robe that was still suspended in the air as she picked up her pace. “(Y/N)!” She whined when she realised just how far down one of the halls you already were. 
“Plausible deniability Lily,” you shouted from the end of the hall “Plausible deniability, trust me!” you repeated with a smile before turning in one of the corners, speeding through the halls to reach all the way to the outside of the Prefect Bathrooms, thankfully they weren’t that far off. 
After some more running you finally made it to the bathrooms, Richard Jackdaw was already there, looking a little annoyed as stared at you, as if you had him wait for too long. 
“Sorry I’m late,” you said, panting. “I got stuck in a class and then they had to change my bandages because, well, Myrtle mentioned it, didn’t she?” 
“That Barty and his gang threw you into the Shrieking Shack because you invited us to the Halloween Party?” he asked, “yeah I’ve heard… You know I had never been invited to a party before, at least not since I became a ghost a couple hundred years ago, and Myrtle, well, I’m sure she hadn’t been invited to one even when she was alive.”  
You tried not to cringe at his words, Richard could sometimes be a little bit of a boastful prick, but he was nice enough to hang around, and he had lots of interesting stories to tell, which is probably why you enjoyed hanging out with him and some of the other ghosts as much as you did. And you couldn’t blame him for his impression of Myrtle, since you had a very similar impression of her. 
“So… why am I here? Revenge, I assume.” 
You smiled, it was nice to know Richie and you were on the same page, you nodded “I want to pay them back in equal proportion,” you said with a smile. 
Richie arched an eyebrow, floating a little closer to the floor to see you eye to eye “Did ghosts really scare you in the Shack?” he asked with what you could only classify as curiosity “I know of no ghosts in there… And you aren’t particularly scared by us either…” 
You shook your head “There are no ghosts in the shack,” you confirmed, “but it is haunted by something else.” 
Richard pulled back, clearly interested in the story that you had to tell, the only thing was, that you wouldn’t tell any story, not today, possibly not ever… “And..?” he asked. 
“And nothing, the thing there did give me a hell of a scare, I almost died and everything,” you said casually “Got scratched up too–“ 
“–Yeah, Myrtle mentioned that one, she also said something about Mulciber being bedridden because of you.” 
You smiled proudly at that “Yeah, so I’ve been told,” you said “It was just Oppugno, but I guessed something funny must have gotten to him,”  you said with a shrug. 
“Aren’t you in 6th? Oppugno is a 7th year spell, I believe…” 
“It is, I’ve been reading ahead a good bit,” you said cockily “but talking about my small little success there, is not why I’ve requested to talk to you.”
“Yeah, I figured,” he said haughtily “So then, tell me, what’s the plan?” 
“Well, I know you’re a member of the Headless Hunt,” you started, Richard arched an eyebrow as he leaned in one of the statues, “And I did mention payback in the same propor–“ 
“–Shhh…” he said as he placed a transparent hand close to your mouth and looked around “fuck,” he added as he fixated his head on one of the corners “Quick, rub the head of the toad!” he pointed at a statue. 
“Excuse me?” you asked with a frown. 
“Someone’s approaching, hurry!” He added you did as told, leaning closer to the statue and passing your hand over the large toad’s head. In a matter of seconds, the mouth of the frog opened wide and swallowed you whole. You ended up rolling on the floor and coughing a couple of times as you tried to figure out where you had ended up. 
Seconds later you saw Richard float through the wall “You all right?” he asked you “Didn’t hurt your arm, did it?” 
You shook your head, almost surprised at his concern, most of the time Richard was too stuck up to care for anyone else but his ghostly self, or perhaps that was merely a façade and you were finally looking at the real Richard Jackdow, either way, you already knew he was friendly enough to be willing to talk to the new girl, so you held him in relatively high regards. 
You nodded, he offered you his hand to get up but quickly pulled it back, as if it was hard for him to remember he wasn’t alive anymore. It was a rather interesting phenomenon, you thought since most ghosts still had a hard time remembering their capabilities as dеad people even if they had been ghosts for far longer than they had been alive. Myrtle, for example, hated it when books were thrown in her direction, even if she actually couldn’t feel them. 
You gave him a tight apologetic smile as you stood up, dusting your robes as you looked around “You’ve brought me to your Secret hideout, then… Who was outside?”
“Spellman and Nightshade,” he said “We don’t want them to think we’re plotting something, do we?”  
You smiled and shook your head, looking at the small table in the centre of the room, placing your hands on it and leaning in just a little to test if it was sturdy enough to hold your weight, naturally you used your good arm to avoid hurting the other one further. When it proved it was, you turned around and gave a small jump to sit over it, legs dangling a little as you stared at the boy, ghost with a smile “We certainly don’t, thanks for the heads up…” you said, trailing off at the end, realising how it could’ve been offensive only after you had spoken. Richie gave you an amused look, “sorry…” 
He just laughed, “You’re probably the only living person I’d let make head-related jokes without retaliation,” he informed. “But don’t you dare tell anyone about it!” 
“I would never…” you said with a smile “Consider it our little tête-à-tête secret.” 
Richard chuckled, shaking his head as he did, you were certainly a funny one, no wonder the entire school was so fascinated with the new girl “Don’t push your luck…” 
You just smiled, and leaned your head to the side “Will you ever tell me the story of how it happened?” you asked, since you’d been rather curious about it, but knew most ghosts didn’t really enjoy talking about their last moments alive. 
“I told someone once a few hundreds of years ago, they finished what I started,” he said “But that’s a story for another day, all thought they remind me of you a little.” 
You raised an eyebrow with a small grin “Did you also let them make head puns?” 
Richard hummed and shook his head “Privilege is reserved for you sweetheart,” he said with a wink. 
“Don’t sweetheart me,” you retorted with a smile. 
“You don’t mind when Remus does it.” 
“Well that’s–“ 
“You’re wasting my time luv,” he said, waving his hand dismissively, “What do you need me to do?” 
“The headless hunt,” you said. He hummed. “I need you to talk to them, and convince them to help us out.” 
He tilted his head “Won’t be an easy feat.”
“That’s the reason I came to you Ricchie, I know you can be very convincing.” 
He hummed again, leaning back a little as he stared at you “And then what? I doubt the Slytherins would be much too scared by the headless hunt, most of them are pure-bIood wizards anyway.” 
You started explaining all the details of the plan to him, his grin grew wider as you went through the potions and charms you’d be using, “You could add some spider venom essence to increase the sensation of crawling skin,” he offered, it had you raise your eyebrows and turn to him with newfound interest, he smirked “I was brilliant in potions when I was alive, that’s how I ended up working with Olivanders, helped whim with the extraction of ingredients.” 
“So now I know who to bother when I need potion-related advice,” you teased. 
He chuckled “Don’t make it a habit,” he retorted “By the way, do you not have class now?”
You looked around to try and find a clock in the old room, but there was none “Shit… I– Do you happen to know the time?” 
He laughed, “I’m dеad, not all-knowing.” 
You rolled your eyes, but nodded, finally jumping off the table “Thanks for helping me out with this, and for showing me your secret little hideout, clearly no one has been here in years.” 
“They haven’t indeed, I used to bring Anne and Apollonia to hook up here,” he said with a shrug. 
“You brought me to your hook-up hiding spot?!” you asked with a gasp.
He chuckled “Why? You bothered?” 
You looked around, aside from the dust and spiderwebs, it seemed clean enough “No… Can I use it?” you said casually, turning back to him. 
He raised an eyebrow “Which of your boyfriends will you bring here?” he asked. 
“I’ve only got one of those,” you dеadpanned. 
He smirked, “You keep telling yourself that, little one.” 
You rolled your eyes “So.. Can I?” 
He shrugged, “Leave a sock by the door at least.” 
You scoffed, diverted “It’s not going to be to hook up! it’s a perfect hideout to plan things… or even to prepare potions…” 
“Oh you’re definitely bringing one of your boyfriends here,” he said “Just don’t forget the socks.” 
“I swear, one can’t have close friends these days without everyone assuming shit.” 
“Or maybe you’re just that oblivious,” he whispered as he started to leave through a wall. 
“Hey! Wait! how the hell do I get out?” you asked. 
“You’re clever enough to figure it out,” he said with a laugh before disappearing. Freakin Richie! He left you locked up in the damn hook-up room. You looked around, the walls were wrapped with large thick bookshelves and a couple hundred books and other trinkets. There was a cauldron near the corner, along with some crystal vases, and a small cupboard with what looked like dried potion ingredients. It really was the perfect place to brew the potions once you’d gotten the ingredients from Slughorn’s office. The only issue left was getting out of it. 
There was no door, or anything that resembled one either. There wasn’t another identical statue either, so leaving the exact same way you had gotten in, was not an option. You took a deep breath and continued to look around, analysing the entire place again. There were more and more books, everywhere you looked. Some of them were in fact potion books, and they had some of the library symbols, which meant either Richie or someone before him had been the one to take them there. You grabbed one of them and started flipping through the pages when something caught your eye, there was a small frog carved into the side of one of the bookshelves. 
You left the book on the table without sparing it a second glance and reached the bookshelf in two strides, leaning down, you realised that there was a section that you could press, you smiled, leaning into the wall to try and hear if there was anyone outside. When you were sure there wasn’t you took a deep breath, brazing yourself for what was to come. 
Finally, you pressed the head of the frog, in a matter of seconds you were outside, this time you managed to land on your knees and quickly pretended you were tying your shoelaces as you looked around, trying to make sure no one had seen you. When you were sure the coast was clear, you stood up, and turned to the clock at the end of the hallway. You were fucking late. 
You didn’t think twice, speed walking towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom. The door was open and lots of people were gathered around two long tables, you instantly knew what was happening, you knew the arrangement, you’d seen it before… in the duelling club.
You took a deep breath and waited till most people had turned around to sneak inside as fast as possible, you were walking straight towards the girls when you felt a hand on your shoulder “Lovely to see you decided to grace us with your presence darling,” you froze dеad in your tracks, that was Professor Nightshade's melodic voice.
You turned around with an apologetic smile, ignoring the pang on your arm as she accidentally brushed your shoulder wound. “I’m sorry Professor,” you said “I’ve been feeling a little off lately, I’m aware I’ve missed a couple of classes, and duelling club but I–”
“–don’t need to hear your explanations,” she said with a smile, you weren’t exactly sure if she was being kind or hostile about it “We were just about to start a new duel, we were looking for a second volunteer, would you care to do it?” Remus, who was standing a couple of metres behind tensed up, trying to give you a warning, but you didn’t notice, you were too enthralled by Nightshade’s stare. 
“Uhh… yeah sure,” you said as you dug your pockets to bring your wand out. Finally, you noticed Lily facepalming herself on the side which had you frown. You turned around, to look at the spot on the table to which you’d have to climb to, and you instantly knew why she had done it. 
On the other side of the long table, looking as pleased with himself as it gets, was Evan Rosier. You looked at him, keeping your expression as neutral as you could. And walked over to the table, Professor Nightshade elegantly offered you her hand so you could lean on it as you gave the rather tall jump, and you took it with a small smile, even if you were gritting your teeth as you got backlash from leaning on your wounded arm. 
Seraphina had no idea you were hurt, so even if she was hurting you she was doing it unwittingly. You saw James cringe as she grabbed onto your arm to help you up, but neither he nor anyone else could interfere. Once you were up there, you tightened your grip on your wand as you stared ahead. Last time you’d faced the boy he’d been in advantage, he had gotten you from behind, by surprise and he was a lot stronger than you were. That without even mentioning how it had been a 4 against one situation. 
This time it was different, there was no room to play dirty,  Nightshade was there and she wouldn’t allow it, you wouldn’t say you were particularly in advantage. Evan was a very talented wizard, you knew that much, but you were even, and that was enough for you to feel the adrenaline start pulsing through your veins. You’d get the chance to redeem yourself. You’d prove that you weren’t actually weak.  
“Backs to each other,” you heard Nightshade order, both you and Evan did as told, “I’ll count to five, and you’ll step away from each other that same amount of steps, when I’m done, you may turn around and start the duel, Understood?” 
You nodded and noticed from the corner of your eyes that Lily was gripping James’ arm with a nervous grip, the boy himself seemed tense, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the way Lily was clinging onto him or because he was just as worried for you as she was, probably both. 
“One,” NIghtshade said, both you and Evan gave a step in the opposite direction, you realised Peter had a tight grip on his own wand, and was darting his eyes rapidly between you and just behind you, he was looking at Evan, you realised. “Two.” You took another step. 
Remus could see Sirius tensing up, the boy was breathing slow and steady and had his eyes glued to Evan. He took a step towards his friend, and placed a hand over his shoulder, attempting to make it look like a friendly gesture as if not to call too much attention. Not that people were staring, no, they were all too busy staring at you and Evan. It’s not that the entire class knew of the rivalry between the two, but most people knew about the time you had hit Barty with the quaffle and they knew Barty and Evan were best friends. They had also seen your hostile behaviour towards each other, and with all the attention you were getting because of quidditch, you weren’t exactly one to blend in the back. 
Even if not everyone in the classroom knew how far the rivalry went, they knew the duel they were about to witness would be one to remember. Especially since both you and Evan, were just as talented in charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts as each other. Had Nightshade paid a little closer attention, and not believed Slughorn when he said that you were on friendly terms with each other and made a fantastic team, maybe she would have realised what a terrible idea this was.  
“Three,” She said, you both took another step, widening the distance between the other. You took a deep breath, tightening your grip around your wand, Evan was most likely going to go straight for an attack, so you’d have to be ready to block it, “Four,” she said, and you took another step, you could feel the tension building, the entire class was silent. So silent it was as if they were holding their breath. 
Remus felt Sirius inch forward and he instantly tightened his grip on the other boy’s shoulder. Inching closer so that his chest was almost touching Sirius’ back. While Remus was just as tense as your boyfriend, he also knew how much more impulsive Sirius was, so he started to rub soft circles with his thumb near the boy’s shoulder blade, “She can take him,” he whispered reassuringly, his eyes glued on you as he spoke. 
Another moment of silence and then “Five.”
In a matter of seconds both you and Evan were facing each other, “stupefy,” he spat. 
“Protego,” you said just before his spell reached you, casting a light blue force field around you that instantly blocked his spell. Once the two spells crashed against each other you spoke again “expelliarmus.” 
“Excellent wand work, the both of you,” Seraphina said “Pay attention to her shield charm, she cast it right before Evan’s spell reached her, which makes the spell even stronger.” 
While she spoke, you and Evan continued launching spells at each other, but you both had wicked-fast reflexes and managed to counter most of them, which meant you were both increasingly using stronger and more complex charms and jinxes to try and get to the other. 
“Serpensortia,” the blond said, you paused for a moment to look at him while a very big snake approached you, it was a very basic spell, and you weren’t sure why Evan would use something like that against you, perhaps it’s a Slytherin thing, you thought.
“Flipendo,” you said pointing towards the snake, effectively pushing it back towards the boy, the snake had flown so fast, that it fell right over his shoulders. He hissed and pushed it to the side, having it fall over the head of a couple of other students. 
“Keep the spells on the table!” Nightshade reprimanded as several students sprung back, trying to get out of the way.
You turned to the side and pointed your wand at the snake “deletrious,” you said, the snake rolled on itself and disappeared, but the little distraction had given Evan an advantage.
“Diffindo,” the boy spat, you ducked, but the curse got your cheek either way, causing a small slash on it. You heard some people hiss, Remus had to basically glue Sirius to his chest to warn him not to step in. He knew the teacher would reprimand him, but even worse, he knew you’d be pissed if anyone stepped in at that point. 
You touched your face, with your free hand, seeing the bIood on your fingers as you turned your wand back to him, or more precisely to a point in the ground near his feet, “reducto,” you said, causing a small explosion on the table that caused Evan to jump back, giving you enough time to get back your own footing. 
Evan seemed to panic as you got up and pointed his wand at you “Confringo!” he said, you somehow managed to block the spell. 
“Rosier!” Nightshade reprimanded “That’s not a spell we–” 
“-Avis!” you responded, causing a swarm of birds to fly in Evan’s direction.
“Miss (Y/L/N)!” She started as well, but neither of you was paying much attention to her words at that point. 
“Expulso!” he spat, the birds all exploded into thin air “Incarcerus!” You blocked. 
“Petrificus totalus!” you said, but he jumped to the side, “Incarcerus!” 
“Impedimenta!” This time, you both got each other. 
You were moving in slow motion as he fought with chains that wrapped around his feet and arms. “Fini…” This was going to take a while, you realised. Evan was working around the ropes pretty fast. “…te incantatem…” you managed to say and got back on your feet only seconds before he shot another jinx that you managed to counter by a hair. 
He pointed his wand at your face “Reducto!” 
You blocked and shot the same spell, he blocked, “stupefy!” He blocked. “Exoelliarmus!” he blocked. He was blocking everything, you’d need something stronger to get him even as he was blocking. “Confringo!” you spat again, but Evan had been distracted by Nightshade who was still trying to end the duel and it got him. You gasped as the boy was shot back by a fiery explosion. You’d been expecting him to block, so you weren’t measuring the strength of the spell. 
Evan barely managed to sit as he reached the floor and started trying to put the fire on his robes off. “Relashio,” you said, launching a good deal of water over him. You had already won, he was on the floor, not on the table anymore, but he was pissed, everything stung and on top of that you had made him look like a wet rat with your stupid water spell. 
Evan pointed his wand at you “Furnu-“ he started.
“Expeliarmus!” Nightshade interrupted, taking Evan’s hand away from his hand “That’s enough!” she said sternly “The two of you are way out of line!” You swallowed, still looking at her. “Diffindo?! Confringo?! Are you two out of your damned minds?!” 
“Evan was the first one to–“ 
“–Silence!” she uttered, you bit your tongue, “I’ll take Mr. Rosier to the infirmary,” she informed “But we’ll be having a talk after dinner Miss (Y/L/N), not only because of the duel,” she added, and then turned to the rest of people “Class is cancelled everyone, you may go back to your daily tasks.” She then dragged Evan out of the classroom. 
There was a series of whispers and people started leaving the classroom, you were still standing over the table, slightly frozen when Lily reached for your hand and helped you down, she took a look at you, placing both hands on the sides of your head to check the cheek that Evan’s spell had gotten cut. James was there, looking at it over Lily’s shoulder, and he winced as the girl moved your head to the side to give it a closer look. The rest of your friends were fast approaching, you still hadn’t said a word.  
Sirius came to you with a huge smile, Remus trailing close behind you “Starshine!” your boyfriend said, trying to get your attention. Since your head was still being held by Lily’s hands, you just focused your eyes on him, he had a huge grin on his face “That was incredible luv!” he started. You didn’t have much of a reaction. “The way that you–“ 
“–Sirius,” Remus said, calmly, trying to get the boys’ attention, he had somehow gotten just in front of the longer-haired boy in a matter of seconds. 
“And then how you–“ 
“Sirius,” he called again. The boy finally turned to him, and saw the way Remus shook his head slowly. Sirius frowned, not quite getting what Moony wanted to say.
“He didn’t block,” you muttered. 
“What was that luv?” Lily asked, the boys’ attention all on you now. 
“I– I was expecting him to block… I didn’t mean to…” 
Sirius frowned “What?! But after the things they did–“ 
“What did they do?” Beth, who had just gotten there, asked. 
Sirius swallowed. “They threw them off their brooms while they were broom surfing,” Remus intervened. 
“You went broom surfing again?” James asked, in shock, Lily almost kicked him in the shin, “Because I thought–“ 
“He’s in the infirmary because of me,” you muttered again. That was not the plan, that was not how you’d get back at them. 
Yeah, you almost died because of him, I’d say you’re even, Sirius thought, but he didn’t voice it, the rest of your friends were gathering around. 
“Should we put something on your–“ Lily started. 
You shook your head “I’m fine.” 
The girl nodded, understanding that you needed some space to process everything that had gone down, especially because of how fast it had been.
“We should go to the common room,” Remus voiced from beside you, and then leaned a little closer, placing one of his hands on your back, a soft reassuring smile “We still have the food you asked for earlier.”
You looked at him, eyes a little unfocused at first, but eventually you nodded.  You all walked back to the common room together. Sirius had taken your hand in his, to try and give a reassuring squeeze, even if he wasn’t quite sure why you were so perturbed, since he thought the way Evan had ended up was well deserved. He’d seen the marks of his fingers on your neck and jaw, he’d seen the sheer stress you had been put into when they matched you with him in potions, in fact, he’d go as far as to say confringo, hadn’t been enough, but that might just be the Black in him. 
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A/N: So now we know exactly what they were looking at... Can we talk about those wolfstar interactions getting better and better? Gosh I love them so much I swear. Thoughts? Comments? What exactly could the prank be? Also, can you tell I really liked Richie from Hogwarts Legacy?
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