#peter tuinstra
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khaoala · 1 month ago
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A Guide on How to Be Incompetent with Captain Christ
Step 1. Disturb your target's peace and quiet by calling him everyday. He can't refuse me. I have his criminal record and I can very much so fuck with his life.
Step 2. Say you're going to clean his criminal record, but only partially, because there's still work for him to do, and I need that sweet sweet promotion that will come my way if I get a big boss killing big names.
Step 3. Threaten to reopen his cases if he refuses me.
Step 4. Threaten the safety and well-being of his baby brother when he has been under Kant's care since their parents died when he was like, 10.
Step 5. Tell the civilian (!!!) to get involved with hitmen.
Step 6. Follow Kant to places where the assassin might notice a white dude just hanging out and doing NOTHING because that's my job. Doing nothing.
Step 7. Tell the civilian (!!!) to get in the house of two very well-trained assassins.
Step 8. He gets me all the information I need about the hitmen's next target, but you can't let him go so easily. No. Because he still has to figure out who their boss is. That's right. Not me, the police captain. The civilian (!!!).
Step 9. Make fake promises of safety because we're definitely so competent.
Step 10. Lose track of the assassins after their attempted murder fails. Detail, I didn't even know they were in the bear costumes. If Bison hadn't interfered, Ruerat would be totally dead.
Step 11. Tell Kant I don't need his services anymore after he did everything by himself.
Step 12. Remember when I promised to keep him safe? Lies. I couldn't even recognize the assassin taking him away in a wheelchair, unconscious.
Step 13. Fail to make a correct assumption at all.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 14 days ago
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“Tonight episode, will it be bitter or sweet?” - GMMTV
The Heart Killers EP11 Promo
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deliriousblue · 10 days ago
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THE HEART KILLERS (2024) episode eleven
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hughungrybear · 14 days ago
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Look, I understand Captain Christ is a (yummy) daddy but I still want him dead 😅
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theflagscene · 3 months ago
First and Jojo do have fantastic taste in men, because damn, Peter really is a daddy! Wow! 🥵
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krazycattgurl · 2 months ago
Captain Chris from the heart killers appreciation post ❤️🔥
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stephreviews · 1 day ago
The Heart Killers (2024)
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Fadel (Joong Archen) and Bison (Khaotung Thanawat) are hitmen who have just moved into the area. Kant (First Kanaphan) and Bison have a one night stand, leaving Kant wanting more. When a cop (Peter Tuinstra) who has dirt on Kant forces him to track down Fadel and Bison, Kant gets the help of his friend Style (Dunk Natachai) to seduce Fadel. Will Kant and Style be able to get information for the police? Will Fadel and Bison find out Kant and Style's plot? Does Style even know what's going on?
The first episode of this show had me hooked. JoongDunk and FirstKhaotung are probably my top two favorite pairs at GMMTV, and I was so excited to see Joong and Dunk do something different!! Joong and Khaotung played brothers so well, and they played the brainwashed hitmen amazingly.
First and Dunk made hilarious best friends. I've gotta say that Style is my favorite character. The way he walked into danger headfirst just for Fadel? Dick so good he ready to die for it. Iconic.
...but. There were just some scenes that felt off. Why did Kant and Bison meet in a bowling alley? Why did they join a random dance-off in that bowling alley??? And more. I would be enjoying the show and just suddenly get yeeted out of it by one of those scenes. It feels like P'Jojo wanted to make a dark and gritty drama à la Kinnporsche, but some exec at GMMTV said "make it more lighthearted".
Overall, it was great, but it could have been amazing
Chemistry? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hilarious but morally questionable friendships? 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
Fadel being disappointed in everyone including himself? 10/10
Style being the sassiest power bottom? 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻 slay queen
Bison being one inconvenience away from a breakdown? MOOD
Kant being pulled in a million directions? 10/10
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Holy shit this is so funny cuz it's ironic but the guy who plays sexy ass Captain in Heart Killers Peter Tuinstra, I think owns a weed shop?? Or some sort of cannabis buisness
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kittychicha · 2 years ago
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#Peter Tuinstra monopolizing the Evil Bitch industry once again
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antongecensureerd · 7 years ago
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Weg met
Weg met Zwarte Piet, weg met de ronde missen bij het wielrennen, weg met de gridgirls bij de F1, weg met de walk-on girls bij het darten, weg met cowboys en indianen, weg met de straatnamen van onze zeehelden, weg met mensen met een afwijkende mening, weg met partijen die trots zijn op Nederland en de Nederlandse cultuur en tradities willen bewaken, weg met een nationalistisch gevoel, weg met grappen over de islam, weg met Rusland, weg met de joden. Zomaar een greep uit het krankzinnige heden waarin we terecht zijn gekomen. Allemaal veroorzaakt door extreem-links. Een vorm van activisme dat maar één doel voor ogen heeft. Nederland afbreken en kapot multiculturaliseren. Het houdt niet niet. Niet vanzelf. Het is tegenwoordig verbinden of verbannen worden. Je moet voor diversiteit zijn, voor inclusiviteit, voor het boomknuffelen met 180 nationaliteiten, voor genderneutrale toiletten en voor sekse verandering. Vooral geen grapjes maken over homo’s, lesbiennes, bi-seksueeltjes, transgenders, cisgenders, pannetjes, queers, in dubiootjes en a-seksueeltjes. Pas op, hè. Voor je het weet heb je de Belangenvereniging van Bouwpakketten achter je aan. Ik ben gaan rondsnuffelen en schrok me kapot van het grote aantal mensen die zich met dit soort activisme bezighouden Het is geen klein marginaal groepje. Meestal wordt er gesproken over een groep van 50 kopstukken en wat aanhang, maar ik ben ervan overtuigd dat die groep veel groter is. Als we alle stromingen bij elkaar optellen hebben we te maken met een flinke club mensen die geweld niet schuwen en bereid zijn om ver te gaan voor hun idealen. Een kleine opsomming van organisaties en ik ben bang dat er nog veel meer van dit soort groeperingen zijn : de Antifascistische Aktie, Nederland Bekent Kleur, Roet in het Eten, De Grauwe Eeuw, Antifascistische Onderzoeksgroep Kafka, Kick Out Zwarte Piet, Zwarte Piet Niet, No More Blackface, Krakersvakbond De Vergulde Koevoet, Werkgroep Stop Deportaties, De Fabel van de Illegaal, Van Harte Pardon, de Partij van de Eenheid, Onkruit, No border Network, Internationale Socialisten, Block Pegida, Laat Ze Niet Lopen, Anarcho-Syndicalistiche Bond, de Nieuwe Communistische Partij, Rode Morgen, Socialistisch Alternatief, Socialistische Alternatieve Politiek, Vrije Bond, Verenigde Communistische Partij,  
Ik ben ook gaan speuren naar namen van onbekende landgenoten die bekend staan om hun Nederland en witte mens onvriendelijke houding. Dan zeg ik het heel netjes : Stoffel Spierings, Richard Tuinstra, Jan Cleton, René Danen, Rob Schuitema, Maarten Hanebergh, Cyriel Triesscheyn, Eric Brinkhof, Peter van Gent, Jop Polak van Galen, Roel Buitenhuis, Kevin Marree, Gerard Jager, Paul Benschop, Ties Mouthaan, Koos Borghouts, Bart Groetelaers, Jelle Schuurman, Niels Minnaard, Frake Schermer, Sietse van Tiggelen, Arjan Pont, Adriaan van Duin, Annemarije de Geus, Dave Mahabiersing, Raymond Olivers, Ryanne Bolhaar, Kwinten Keesmaat, Maarten van Herpt, Harmke Lubbers en de Vegan Streaker Peter Janssen. Een paar van de bekendere en beruchte landgenoten die onze manier van leven haten zijn Asha ten Broek, de broertjes Al-Jaberi, Frank vd Linde, Michael van Zeijl, Wijnand Duyvendak , Francisco van Jole, Sylvana Simons, Anousha Nzume, Quinsy Gario, Anja Meulenbelt, Sunny Bergman, Jerry Afriyie, Roelof Jan Minneboo, Tunahan Kuzu, Selçuk Öztürk, Farid Azarkan, Nourdin El Ouali, Arnoud van Doorn, Jazie Veldhuyzen en good old Gloria Wekker. Tot slot de rol van de media en die rol is een hele kwalijke. De mainstream media wakkeren de strijd constant aan door deze mensen en hun standpunten een podium te schenken. Keurige mensen als Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, Jeroen Pauw, Eva Jinek, Humberto Tan en Twan Huys. Wat te zeggen van de zogenaamde kwaliteitskranten die hun oren laten hangen naar de macht van de minderheid. Zomaar een greep. NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw, Parool, Algemeen Dagblad en DWDD, Pauw, Jinek, De Nieuwe Maan, Nieuwsuur en last but not least de huissite van het linksch-extremisme JOOP. Ik wens Nederland veel succes is de strijd voor het behoud van zijn eigen normen, waarden en tradities. Het is een kwestie van tijd en dan zijn wij een minderheid. Met dank aan.
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khaoala · 4 months ago
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i think that's a very reasonable request.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 2 months ago
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Kant, WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT Captain Christ???
Save my man 😭🤧 - he is exhausted and so so done with the Captain’s bullshit
The Heart Killers EP6
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stephtastrophe · 12 years ago
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I watched the movie Croc today which I recorded off the SyFy channel the other day just for Michael Madsen because I thought it had to be awesome with him in it lol. It was as well, although he wasn't in all of the movie and through most of it his voice sounded very gravelly. He was really awesome in in it and the movie was pretty cool. A very fun movie to watch and it wasn't just all about catching the killer crocodile but also about a business that someone wanted to steal from under Jack. 
Jack was played by Peter Tuinstra who I haven't seen before, probably because this is one of only four things he's ever acted in so far. He was really surprisingly a great lead, he was very good looking and charming and a very good actor. He should definitely be in more. Actually all the acting was very believable and quite good.
It was a cool movie though, I very much enjoyed it. 
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scrumptiousstuffs · 2 months ago
Me everytime Madam Lilly or this motherfucker himself come on my screen
(And Keen - I do not trust him at all)
The Heart Killers EP6
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scrumptiousstuffs · 3 months ago
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Kant and Captain Christ
Source: petertuinstra IG
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thaiandotherbls · 1 month ago
Facts!!! This was legitimately my reaction every time that idiot came on screen talking nonsense
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A Guide on How to Be Incompetent with Captain Christ
Step 1. Disturb your target's peace and quiet by calling him everyday. He can't refuse me. I have his criminal record and I can very much so fuck with his life.
Step 2. Say you're going to clean his criminal record, but only partially, because there's still work for him to do, and I need that sweet sweet promotion that will come my way if I get a big boss killing big names.
Step 3. Threaten to reopen his cases if he refuses me.
Step 4. Threaten the safety and well-being of his baby brother when he has been under Kant's care since their parents died when he was like, 10.
Step 5. Tell the civilian (!!!) to get involved with hitmen.
Step 6. Follow Kant to places where the assassin might notice a white dude just hanging out and doing NOTHING because that's my job. Doing nothing.
Step 7. Tell the civilian (!!!) to get in the house of two very well-trained assassins.
Step 8. He gets me all the information I need about the hitmen's next target, but you can't let him go so easily. No. Because he still has to figure out who their boss is. That's right. Not me, the police captain. The civilian (!!!).
Step 9. Make fake promises of safety because we're definitely so competent.
Step 10. Lose track of the assassins after their attempted murder fails. Detail, I didn't even know they were in the bear costumes. If Bison hadn't interfered, Ruerat would be totally dead.
Step 11. Tell Kant I don't need his services anymore after he did everything by himself.
Step 12. Remember when I promised to keep him safe? Lies. I couldn't even recognize the assassin taking him away in a wheelchair, unconscious.
Step 13. Fail to make a correct assumption at all.
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