#peter maldonado
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tasteofyourblood · 2 years ago
tyler alvarez acted his ass off for vandal... did you see the amount of times he scratched his nose so losercore nerdboy extravaganza ??????
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call-me-medusa · 1 year ago
There were so many moments living in Chloe Lyman's guest house where Peter and Sam became Peter-and-Sam, and Sam wanted to memorize all of them.
Sam and Peter fell in love in Bellevue, Washington.
Words: 4,830
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0oooi · 8 months ago
first chapter UP!
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art1c-m0nk3ys · 8 months ago
Realest thing ever
peter maldonado's fluffy lil sideburns reblog if u agree
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art1c-m0nk3ys · 11 months ago
love making playlist based on different things in my notes app so take a peter x sam playlist lol
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priestfrommidnightmass · 1 year ago
since netflix decided to be the deadbeat dad and abandon the fruit of their loins (american vandal) i really think i should be able to adopt those characters as my own so i can give them what they deserve /peter pushing his limits even further and continuing to destroy the lives of others in pursuit of “the truth” (being right) and straining his relationship with the people closest to him (sam) to the point of no return because of this
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natjennie · 1 year ago
the fact that danny gonzalez has repeatedly tried to fake things on his social media accounts as an experiment but it has become such a known thing that his fans are constantly suspicious of anything he posts which means that it doesn't work.
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autistic-britta-perry · 11 months ago
I miss shiv roy so muchhh
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call-me-medusa · 2 years ago
hey av friends, does anyone have a timeline of season 2s investigation or am i going to need to do it myself
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martyncrucefix · 5 months ago
A Run of Readings in October/November
Talk to whomsoever (among the poets you may know) and a common theme is just how hard it can be to get invitations to read. It really is hard going and for those of us – most of us – who have an aversion to the push and flaunt that is required – it can even feel quite painful. But do it we must. So it’s really nice when it produces a few results. This, by way of saying that I have a few…
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lichfucker · 9 months ago
[image description: a photo of Peter Maldonado from American Vandal with text below him that says "cunt" in all caps. end id]
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pov you're christa carlyle & sarah pearson & mackenzie wagner & sam ecklund
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edgarallanhoetry · 8 months ago
what Peter Maldonado did for investigative journalism......
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aberfaeth · 1 year ago
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cristo-salva · 6 months ago
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Los músicos; JESUS ADRIAN ROMERO, MARCOS WITT entre otros. Los escritores C. PETER WAGNER, , ANA MENDEZ FARREL, BERNARDO STAMATEAS entre otros. Fueron los primeros en caer en manos de los jesuitas para ser instruidos a fin de que perviertan la fe de los evangélicos tibios. Luego seguirán pastores de menor renombre, ellos serán imitadores de grandes apóstatas como BENNY HINN, CASH LUNA, GUILLERMO MALDONADO, DANTE GEBEL entre otros. Serán muchisimos los que dejarán sus humildes iglesias locales caer bajos los pies del Papa, viéndose rodeado por todos lados de apostasia, no sabrán a donde recurrir y terminarán mezclados con la cizaña. Una ínfima minoria sera preservada como un pequeño rebaño hasta que el dia del Arrebatamiento, pero asfixiados sin poder crecer y manteniéndose en pie con la fuerza del Espiritu Santo, pero sin ninguna ayuda del "evangelismo oficial", caido masivamente en apostasia, de ellos solo obtendrán rechazo por no "adaptarse" a las nuevas "tendencias" (Evangelio de la Prosperidad, Confesión positiva, G12, Movimiento Apostólico y profético, que en si son todos lo mismo, cortados por la mima tijera).
El cristianismo liberal se encuentra en casi todas las denominaciones, y aunque pueda parecer cristiano, generalmente rechaza muchas verdades esenciales. Los liberales suelen negar o subestimar la inspiración y la autoridad de la Biblia (2 Timoteo 3:16), el carácter exclusivo de la salvación en Cristo (Juan 14:6; 1 Timoteo 2:5), y la completa dependencia en la gracia de Dios para la salvación, aparte de las obras humanas (Romanos 3:24, 28; Gálatas 2:16; Efesios 2:8-9). Y el catolicismo romano ya sabemos lo que es (La Gran Ramera) Los ecuménicos se unen detrás de doctrinas falsas, como APOSTATAS y FALSOS MAESTROS que son, y el estar juntos deja en claro cual es su rol en términos religiosos y espirituales en estos Tiempos Finales.
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ao3feed-johnnylawrence · 4 months ago
American Scandal
by amidsizedfrog, evol_love Five years after American Vandal was cancelled, Peter Maldonado and Sam Ecklund return to Netflix with a new investigative docuseries. Their subject? The mysterious circumstances surrounding the San Fernando Valley's All-Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament, and the teen karate gang wars it appears to have spawned. Written in screenplay format with embedded images, this fic spans the five episode limited series. Words: 2508, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Fandoms: American Vandal (TV), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Peter Maldonado, Sam Ecklund, Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso, Demetri Alexopoulos, Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Tory Nichols, Cobra Kai Ensemble, Miyagi-Fang Students Relationships: Sam Ecklund/Peter Maldonado, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Screenplay/Script Format, Multimedia, Embedded Images, Terry Silver is His Own Warning, Canon divergence/AU for Cobra Kai season 5 via https://ift.tt/Ms9E7l2
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palmviewfm · 5 months ago
hiii how active would u say the dash is? :') also any suggested counterparts for a kirstin maldonado or emma mackey fc? and which between the two would u prefer? <333
hey  there,  friend  !  i'd  say  that  we  definitely  have  our  quiet  moments.  as  well  as  a  couple  of  people  on  hiatus  right  now.  especially  while  it  is  nearing  the  busiest  time  of  the  year  pretty  soon  !  it  would  be  really  nice  to  welcome  some  more  members  in  and  have  our  activity  level  increase  a  bit  !  i do know for a fact that there's at least someone around on the dash ! we're  also  in  the  middle  of  ending  our  fall  event.  so,  i'm  sure  it  will  pick  up  more  once  we  go  back  to  our  regular  threads  again  !  as  for  suggested  counterparts,  i  will  list  them  for  you  !  if  i  had  to  choose  between  these  two  lovelies,  ( even though that's so tough for me bc they both would be great ! ) then  i'd  say  kirstin  since  i  don't  think  i've  ever  seen  her  used  much  before  ! kirstin  maldonado:  tinkerbell  from  peter  pan,  allie  hamilton  from  the  notebook,  sloane  peterson  from  ferris  bueller's  day  off,  frenchy  from  grease,  cassie  ainsworth  from  skins,  cora hale from teen wolf, frances 'baby' houseman from dirty dancing, samantha  montgomery  from  a  cinderella  story,  and  belle  from  beauty  and  the  beast  ! emma  mackey:  elena  gilbert  from  the  vampire  diaries,  aria  montgomery  from  pretty  little  liars,  dawn summers from buffy the vampire slayer, nancy  drew  from  the  nancy  drew  series,  joey  potter  from  dawson's  creek,  velma  dinkley  from  scooby  doo,  fiona  gallagher  from  shameless,  veronica  sawyer  from  heathers,  kat  stratford  from  ten  things  i  hate  about  you,  and  bella  swan  from  twilight  !
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