#peter macmillan
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bones-ivy-breath · 2 years ago
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11 // The Revolving Moon Though we are as far apart / as the drifting clouds, / do not forget me till we meet again, / for the moon that circles in the sky / will surely come around again.
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—Tachibana no Tadamoto, from The Tales of Ise, tr. by Peter MacMillan
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petercapaldifan1 · 25 days ago
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Photo Section In Macmillan Cancer In 2021 Photography By Nicky Johnston🔥
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Peter Lovesey - A Case of Spirits - Macmillan - 1975 (cover photograph by Steve Puplett)
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samtallchester · 7 months ago
(S)he's so unserious [silly] fr, how do i take them seriously?
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millerdoc · 1 year ago
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ministerforpeas · 8 months ago
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Also Bojo somehow got 3rd without killing anyone wow
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americanahighways · 2 months ago
REVIEW: Brenna MacMillan “Dear Life”
REVIEW: Brenna MacMillan “Dear Life” @brennafrancesmacmillan #americanamusic #bluegrass @americanahighways @peterrowanmusic @ronniemccoury #newmusic2024 #musicreviews @sarahjarosz @chrisscruggsofficial #dearlife #banjo
Brenna MacMillan Dear Life   Brenna MacMillan is a Kentucky-raised artist who’s created an album with bluegrass and old timey overtones blended with modern and Americana sensibilities. It includes duets with Sarah Jarosz, Peter Rowan, Ronnie McCoury, Mary Meyer, James Kee and more; and Chris Scruggs on steel guitar. There’s lots to love, with songs that tell stories, songs about stories, and…
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clairekreads · 10 months ago
Stop Them Dead by Peter James @peterjamesuk @panmacmillan @riotcomms #bookreview #stopthemdead #paperbackpublicationday
🎉🎉🎉 Happy Paperback Publication Day to Peter James 🎉🎉🎉 Stop Them Dead the 19th(!) Roy Grace novel is out today in paperback! Continue reading Stop Them Dead by Peter James @peterjamesuk @panmacmillan @riotcomms #bookreview #stopthemdead #paperbackpublicationday
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impcrios · 17 days ago
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"i'm so jealous that you don't stick out like a sore thumb like the rest of us, macmillan," he laughed, shaking his head looking at her outfit. she looked great, but everyone knew that peter worked here with his robes. "i swear to merlin, i'm going to file a complaint on our work outfit, this is ridiculous." he rubs his hands over his face and shakes his head. "are you having a good night at least?" he asks, with a raised eyebrow. being in the order he was constantly watching alastor while also trying to do his job with greeting people.
Who: Evie & Open Where: St. Mungo's When: Blishwick Wing Grand Opening
"Sorry my boss would have my head if I let on who the anonymous donor is, you're just going to have to wait for the announcement. It'll be worth the wait, though!" Evie promised with a shrug and a smile. They didn't need to know that she had just as little clue as to who had made this wing happen as the rest of them. She watched as the mildly intoxicated eventgoer grumbled and went off to find another mediwix to bother, she presumed. How did they even know she worked here? Evie hadn't abided by the suggestion that all employees wear their uniforms--Evie might not be a huge lover of parties, but she did enjoy dressing up and she wasn't going to miss out on that. "Can you believe that guy?" She asked the closest person, eyes wide. "Absolutely crazy."
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kquil · 2 years ago
How about the marauders meeting their match in reader from Slytherin and falling for her, but reader is oblivious?
Btw i love your writing, you're literally my favorite writer
I tried! it's not my best work but i hope you like it anyhow, darling
i also hope i interpreted this request correctly (┳Д┳)
length : 0.8k
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You go barrelling into James’s chest with a yelp and take a moment to recover, “oops! Sorry about that!” you grin up at the Gryffindor chaser as he and his three other friends stare down at you in bewilderment. Most Slytherins would scoff or pull a disgusted face at the sight of a Gryffindor so your apparent and undisturbed rapture was bewildering. 
“GET BACK HERE YOU DAFT COW!” It was then that they finally saw the merriment be wiped from your face and get replaced by slight terror. 
“gottarunbye!” you push away from James’s chest and speed away as the marauders stare at you, still bewildered at what they just witnessed. Not long after you made your prompt exit did a group of Slytherins go run past them with warts all over their faces. 
“Wow…” Sirius whistles lowly, impressed by your handiwork, “Rosier, Macmillan, Lestrange, Malfoy and Nott too,”
“To her own house as well,” James voices in shock. 
“Somehow, I hope she gets away with it,” Remus tucks his hands into his pockets as he smirks at his friends. 
“Me too,” Peter pipes in, “I was partners with her in Potions once, she was civil, friendly even but still guarded,” the boys listened to his observations closely, even leaning in to do so, “I thought she was just shy but…”
“Interesting…” Remus hums to himself, speaking what was on everyone’s minds.  
The next time they see you is during charms. The room was circular and the podium for the teacher to explain spells and communicate openly with the students was in the centre, while the students were seated all around and at different levels, much like a circular theatre. From their side of the room, James, Sirius and Remus watch as you snicker to yourself, using the ‘wingardum leviosa’ charm to sneakily move the quill of the Slytherin in front and below you from their right side to their left, then back again when they found it but didn’t have use for it at that moment. 
Sirius giggles along with you when you make eye contact across the room. You wink at him and mouth a ‘watch this’. He focuses his gaze on the scene and has to hold back a devious cackle when you momentarily transfigure the quill into a spider just as the Slytherin student went to reach for his ‘quill’. This pulls a piercing, girlish scream out of your victim but when the professor swiftly turns to see what was wrong, you had already turned the spider back into a quill again. Promptly, Slytherin was deducted house points for causing a disruption in class — a small price to pay. 
“She’s my new idol,” Sirius sighs with his chin propped up on his palm, a dreamy look in his eyes, “forget her being a Slytherin,”
You meet eyes with Sirius once more, who silently claps for you as you pretend to tip a hat at him. Looking down you see James with his jaw slacked and mouth open at you in awe. He couldn’t believe how brilliant you were and his mind was racing with thoughts of whether he should try to compete against you or celebrate your small but remarkable victory. So caught up in his admiration of you, James overlooked the elegant swish of your wand and almost screamed in fear when he felt something ticking his chin. Abruptly pulling away with force, he watches as his feathered quill slowly floats down to his desk, beside his parchment. 
“She tickled me…” James awes, “with my quill…” 
“She’s a pretty little minx, is what she is,” Sirius comments with a chuckle, unable to take his eyes off your sweet face and pouty lips. Beside his two friends, Remus stares at you with a captivated gaze and can’t seem to keep his eyes away for too long when they have to return to taking notes for class. You became a prominent distraction for Remus, leaving Peter to seek help from the student seated on his other side, who wasn’t much good either. 
After some moments, Remus looks up at you only to make brief eye contact with him, which he embarrassingly, swiftly pulls away from. He looks at you several more times, still avoiding your gaze, until he catches you folding up a small piece of paper. He proceeds to stare in fascination as you create an origami bird that you gently breathe life into, sending it across the classroom to him, flapping its delicate wings for flight. The dainty bird lands gracefully on his parchment, where it falls lifelessly. Meeting your eyes again, you subtly signal him to unfold it and read the message written inside while Sirius and James lean over to have a read for themselves. 
‘Who’s more ticklish between you and Sirius?’
The question makes Remus look up and stare at you with a raised brow. However, the sight of your impish smirk as you twirl your wand between your fingers makes his heart hammer in his chest frantically. The brunette turns to James who was holding in his laughter and trying to hide his grin behind a closed fist. 
“Looks like you two are next,” the Gryffindor chaser chuckles under his breath as Sirius and Remus share a look before gulping apprehensively. They look at you with tense shoulders, nervous eyes and butterflies in their stomachs. 
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samtallchester · 1 year ago
Whenever I am listening to Hall of Fame, I just see my favorite characters as the lyrics pass by. It makes me emotional because even if they aren't real – or may be a pain in the backside sometimes – it reminds me of how much I love them for who they are.
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ministerforpeas · 8 months ago
Fallen Tributes 7
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The game is nearly ending...
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 months ago
Five Times Sirius Black Fucked James Potter and One Time He Didn't
(somewhere in a slytherin!sirius au inspired by @arliedraws...
part 2/5. read part one here.)
Sirius Black had already turned the lights off for the night. He had already changed into soft flannel pajama bottoms and had gotten into bed. Soft summer blanket over his legs. Everything was quiet in his cottage on the side of shore, aside from the waves crashing against the rocks outside. Just as he liked it. Preferred it.
Until there was a knock.
A knock was an understatement.
Pounding. Banging. Punishing. His front door.
Sirius instinctually grabbed his wand, though he knew it was probably a drunk muggle who had wandered a touch too far down the road from the neighboring shore town. Or his cousin, had forgotten how to use the floor for some reason and desperately needed a cup of sugar for a cake she was making.
It was wartime.
Of course someone was baking.
Sirius tiptoed down the stairs, wand in front of his face, and paused before the front door.
“What in the name of Merlin’s wrinkled—” Sirius started, swinging the door open roughly, ready to give a firm dressing down to whoever was on his doorstep at this hour, for being so damn rude, but lost his train of thought.
Even in the dark, only lit up by a wand, Sirius could recognize the shape of James Potters messy hair. It had been nearly a year since they had graduated, and the last time they had seen each other, and that was across a crowded train platform. Of course, Sirius had heard his name circulating among talk in the wizarding world, and he mostly stifled eye rolls. Out of school and people were still worshipping the ground James Potter walked on.
Such a lovely boy.
“Put your wand down, Black,” James said, his hands attempting to shield some of the light.
“Excuse me?”
“Just put it down, okay?”
“You’re at my doorstep and you’re making demands?”
“I’d prefer to be in your home, but I don’t want to invite myself in. Didn’t your mummy teach you manners? One of your nanny’s perhaps?”
Sirius exhaled through his nose, wiggling his fingers around his wand, “Prove it.” Sirius said, attempting to get control of the situation again. Though he knew no one impersonating James Potter on this Earth would’ve thought to find Sirius. Mistake one. But even so. Sirius was buying time.
Time to collect himself.
Time to trying to figure out what James could possibly be doing here.
“We got detention together fourth year because we raced to the front of the room in Potions to get Professor Slughorn’s attention first, and I tripped on my shoelace—that you untied—and accidentally spilled two vials of Shrinking Solution onto Peter MacMillan.”
Sirius snorted, “I did not untie your shoes.”
“You’re still going with that, are you? And here I thought, now that we’ve graduated and moved on a bit, we could let bygones be bygones and go about our lives like mature adults, and maybe you could admit to untying my shoe, and I don’t know, dying all my robes pink second year and—”
“Now you’re being ridiculous. Showing up to my home, making demands to enter and now accusing me of sabotaging your Potion’s grade. I ought to shut the door on you.”
“If you were going to do that, you would’ve already done it,” James said, voice losing some of the lightness it had moments before, and calling Sirius’s bluff in a single breath. “Can I come in?”
It was almost embarrassing, how quickly Sirius stepped aside and lowered his wand to let James walk into his home. He already knew to take off his shoes, leaving beat up trainers by his front door next to Sirius’s dragon hide boots. Sirius prided himself on always having an answer. A plan and a protocol in place. His parents used to chastise him, because he always had something to say and always had to get the last word in. But at this moment, with James Potter in his foyer, Sirius hadn’t a clue what to do.
Because it had been months and James was wearing jeans, and he had swapped out his thin wire-rim glasses for smarter, squarer ones that suited his strong jaw, and Sirius—
“I like your jammies,” James teased, looking down at Sirius’s flannel pajama bottoms.
Sirius wanted to disappear, following James’s gaze and remembering he was also wearing slippers. Pale blue slippers.
“I wasn’t expecting anyone,” Sirius offered as means of an explanation, “And it’s the middle of the night.”
“It’s barely eleven.”
Sirius made a noise from the back of his throat, “You’re the rudest house guest, Potter. You know that?” he said, walking down the short hallway, hoping, knowing James would follow. “Calling at odd hours, making fun of my attire, and the time I go to bed….”
“I said I liked your jammies.”
“Fancy a pair?” Sirius responded, all too aware of how juvenile he sounded. If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it? Ha, ha, ha. James made himself at home instantly in Sirius’s kitchen, unphased and uncaring. What a confidence, a power to know you were welcome anywhere in the world. James didn’t have to question that. Whether he was wanted in spaces, he just knew. Sirius busied himself with the tea kettle, watching with a raised eyebrow as James looked around the kitchen, slouching back in the chair at Sirius’s circular kitchen table.
James had been sitting for approximately fifteen seconds and the tablecloth already had a crease in it.
And Sirius knew he’d spend all of tomorrow doing is very best not to straighten it out again, the same way Sirius would leave his curls loose in school after a…meetup with James.
“How do you take your tea?”
“Huh?” Sirius mimicked, trying his best not to smile at how quickly James scowled. Eleven and Fourteen and Nineteen were one in the same. “How do you take your tea?”
“Just milk,” James said, attention returning to Sirius, “This isn’t where I imagined you would live.”
“Pray tell, Potter.”
“I dunno,” James shrugged leaning forward onto the kitchen table, another crease in the table cloth, “Some place sterile…dark. A hospital ward, perhaps. A cave. This is actually charming.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest and leaning his hip against the counter, “It was my Uncle’s and I chose it—”
“Chose! Of course you had multiple options of houses available to you. What, you didn’t want to go to France? Or Croatia, I’ve heard it’s lovely there.”
“Thought about it,” Sirius shrugged, heart squirming in his chest and smirking as the familiar banter infiltrated their conversation. Especially as James shook his head, always eager to poke at Sirius’s blatant privilege. “I preferred the quiet over here. Don’t get too many visitors. In fact, there are wards, and I’ve not given out my address to the Daily Prophet, so I am wondering how it is you found me.”
“Lucky guess?”
“Not quite.”
“My…mother knows your cousin. Andromeda, that’s her name, right? And I…told her I—”
“Okay, well, yes, I lied to my mother—”
“Shame on you.”
“--and told her to ask because I wanted to send a birthday gift and we had lost touch—”
“How sweet of you to remember. What did you bring me?” Sirius asked, flicking his wand to magically pour the steaming water from the kettle into two mugs. One with milk, one without. And walking over to sit across from James in the soft, dimly lit kitchen.
“I uh..didn’t…” James fumbled, “That…was the lie.”
Sirius clicked his tongue in mock admonishment, “You’re on very thin ice here, Potter. Infractions adding up one by one.”
“…Sorry?” James offered, large hands wrapping around the cup of tea, thumb neatly sliding under the handle. He still bit his nails.
“Hm,” Sirius responded, and took a sip of his own tea slowly, eyes never leaving James. This was more like it. Sirius liked to see James squirm. Stammer. Forget himself. And if Sirius waited just long enough, James would fold, and Sirius would let him. “So, are you going to tell me why you’re here, Potter? Or should I start guessing? Make it a…game. I recall you being fond of those.”
James nearly choked on his swallow of tea, not all of it making the way down his throat, a small dribble leaking out of the corner of his mouth. James covered his mouth in search of a napkin, but Sirius was quicker, summoning one over to the table and into his hand. Sirius stretched his arm across, carefully wiping the corner of James’s mouth, tilting his head to the side.
“Careful,” Sirius said, “It’s hot.”
“No games.”
“I’m not playing one. Are you?”
“I’m getting married tomorrow.”
“Congratulations.” Sirius had known, of course. There was no wizard or witch in London who didn’t know James Potter and Lily Evans were getting married. The wedding the gossip around pubs and shops. The silver lining, and the only good bit of news in recent times. Dark times. Sirius knew. He didn’t know it was so close.
“It’s my stag party tonight…actually. Right now.”
“Should I be expecting those…charming friends of yours to show up as well? What’s that dodgy blokes name, the small one you walked around with? Pettigrew?”
“He’s not dodgy,” James corrected, and Sirius nonchalantly took a sip of his tea, in lieu of saying anything further “I…they’re not coming here. I stepped away, lost them and walked around that town down the road for about two hours before deciding to make it to your door.”
“And why would you want to come to my door,” Sirius asked, hand under his chin pretending to think, “I’ve got it. You want me to attend your wedding. Well I deeply apologize, Potter, I’ve simply nothing to wear on this short of notice.”
James groaned, head tilting backward to stare up at the ceiling, “I forgot how irritating you were.”
Sirius laughed softly, taking another drink of his tea, watching as James’s fingers tapped on the top of the table, still staring up at the ceiling.
Game. Set.
“Cold feet?”
“I love her,” James said firmly, before looking back to Sirius, “I love her.”
“I would hope so.”
“It’s not cold feet, I want….I want to marry her.”
“What else do you want?” Sirius asked, resting his forearms on the table and leaning forward.
“I’m getting married tomorrow,” he repeated, perhaps hoping Sirius would heed the warning. Push him away, kick him out of his house.
In which world?
Sirius just smiled softly, “So you’ve told me. What else do you want?” he asked, bringing a hand up to Potters face, caressing his cheek softly.
“You know. You know why I’m here, Black.”
“I do…” Sirius said, standing up from the table and walking to stand to the side of James, tilting James’s head up to meet his gaze, “But you should know…I’m still going to make you ask.”
James’s tongue poked out to went his bottom lip, hazel eyes blinking. Sirius’s heart rate was beating faster and faster, even as he wedged himself between James’s legs.
What a scene.
They were two people absolutely desperate for one another.
“This is the last time,” James said finally, breaking the silence and standing up so quickly it knocked the kitchen chair backwards. His mouth crashed into Sirius’s, and Sirius didn’t need further permission. His hand palmed the back of James’s head, the other hand pulling James closer to him by his belt buckle.
“Play your cards right and maybe you will end up with a pair of my pajamas you liked so well…” Sirius smirked into James’s mouth, lips brushing against his as he spoke.
“Shut up.”
go to part three
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libraryleopard · 3 months ago
macmillan's remixed classics line-up has two retellings starring trans boys but no trans girl protagonists so naturally i'm contemplating which classics could be retold to have a transfem protagonist for this series.
anne of green gables because one time i saw a post that said that trans girl anne would fit with the "matthew and marilla thought they were being sent a boy orphan but they actually got a girl" set-up of the story.
wizard of oz because isn't there all that gender stuff with ozma being raised as a boy and then being turned into a girl? it has been too long for me to remember the details of that but you could definitely do something trans with that set-up in the vein of galaxy: the prettiest star by jadzia axelrod.
much ado about nothing where beatrice is a trans girl sent to live with her aunt and uncle so she can have a fresh start and live as her authentic self, maybe some kind of a lady for a duke set-up where she and benedick knew each other before her transition but now he doesn't recognize her?
peter pan. mostly thinking about this because i recently read boys weekend by mattie lubchansky and you could do something similar with a trans girl wendy exploring what it's like to be a transfeminine person in a group of cis guys. but they're in neverland and there's pirates.
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clairekreads · 11 months ago
Perfect People by Peter James @peterjamesuk @panmacmillan #perfectpeople #bookreview
Happy Saturday everyone! Today I’m reviewing Peter James’ Perfect People. Continue reading Perfect People by Peter James @peterjamesuk @panmacmillan #perfectpeople #bookreview
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impcrios · 2 days ago
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peter had been doing night shifts recently, he didn't like them, but at this point everyone at st. mungos had been stretched thin and he couldn't help but sigh. he missed his normal schedule, found himself taking naps for most of his lunches. so when he sees evie he smiles at her briefly. "coming in." he says unfortunately. "we're being stretched so thin," he lets out a breath, his eyes panning up to the ceiling. "i'm due to help in a surgery later, so i'm just waiting for them to call me in." he was out in the field for the most part, but since many healers were scared of what was going on, he's been at the hospital, volunteering his time because what else was he supposed to do? "i'm guessing you're leaving soon?" he smiles. "take me with you. i won't say anything." peter laughs.
Who: Evie & Peter @impcrios Where: St. Mungo's Break Room When: Early shift, a few days after the event
It had been a long shift, and Evie was exhausted. Things had somehow seemed crazier at the hospital and beyond than it had been last month. She had been called out to deal with an accident in the middle of the night, and it had taken up most of her shift. Now it was getting towards the end, and she was just ready to get home and collapse in her bed and sleep for twelve hours. She had been fantasizing about it for the last two hours. She dragged herself into the break room, relieved that she could leave soon. She spotted Peter already there and offered him a tired smile.
"Coming or going?" She asked curiously. Sometimes, it was hard to tell around here, especially with all the hours that they had been doing lately.
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