#peter headcanon
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 22 days ago
peter says ‘womp womp’ and ‘kys’ all the time to his friends
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faerie-remuslupinsversion · 19 days ago
Okay so headcanon,
Peter wasn’t chubby until hogwarts.
He grew up in a lower class family with a single mum living in flats, eating off food stamps and money from his father if they were starving enough for his mum to ask for help.
Then he got to England he saw all of that food and just ate, and ate, and ate, that ingrained message in his brain that said “eat while you can, cause you might not be able to later” never went away. He gets back over the holidays and his friends don’t recognise him, I mean he was a little on the chubby side before, but his face was never this round and happy. They tease him and push him about halfheartedly for a while but are ultimately happy for him.
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ezrazzle · 11 months ago
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After slowly chipping away at this for a while, I'm finally done drawing the cast of The Magnus Archives!
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that-bitch-kat3 · 3 months ago
sirius: remus isn’t a hear me out because everybody wants to fuck him
james: i do think that’s something you should look into on your own time
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c1nnam00n · 1 year ago
how it feels trying to find a fanfic/imagine about a fandom that’s dead and dry
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 6 months ago
he’s a massive beach boys fan, he bakes, he does pottery, he’s very funny and sarcastic but not on purpose and when he tries to be funny he fails (I love him so much), he’s Irish, he loves plants and makes bouquets for his loved ones for their birthdays or other special occasions, he has a lot of random allergies and Sirius and Marlene love to make fun of him for it (lightheartedly ofc)
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blueberrycasanova · 5 days ago
i think dumbledore was growing weed in the forbidden forest the whole time and that’s why it was forbidden. that’s also why he acts the way he does.
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my-castles-crumbling · 24 days ago
based on @waytootiredforthistoo 's post - background jegulus
"Even for your four, this is a new low," Minerva ranted, blood boiling as she stared down at her four favorite students, who were all seated in chairs in her office, looking less-than-contrite. "Breaking in to the Slytherin Common Room in the middle of the night? Sticking every single student to their bed?"
"We don't discriminate," Sirius Black nodded, sending her a grin. "Though James's boyfriend will be a bit mad."
"Oi! Shut up about Re-"
"Boys!" Minerva interrupted, trying not to laugh. "This is unacceptable. I have to take fifty points from Gryffindor!"
All four Seventh-Years paused, staring at her. "Fifty?" Remus Lupin asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Each!" Minerva nearly-screeched. "And detention every night for a week!"
"So that's two hundred points total," James Potter said sadly.
"Yes," Minerva nodded, trying not to feel too badly. "So if you-"
"Can you make it three?" Sirius asked, interrupting.
She blinked, quite sure she'd heard incorrectly. "I- what?"
"It's just, we're trying to set a record," Remus explained calmly, eyes wide. "We need to beat two hundred and fifty."
Minerva's heart began beating erratically. No. Surely they hadn't found out-
"We recently came across this, you see," James continued, grinning and pulling a paper from his pocket. "Peter, here, had a detention where he had to rewrite some old detention cards. And look at this one!"
Hand shaking slightly, Minerva looked at the card. On it, written in a scrawl, were the words:
Minerva McGonagall, sixth year, Gryffindor, a month's detention and a loss of 250 points for hexing all of the Slytherin team's brooms. (Most points lost in a single day.)
Sighing, Minerva tried to school her expression before she looked back at the four boys. But she knew it was far too late to do anything about this. The secret was out.
"You're our biggest role model, Professor," Peter said sincerely, an awed look on his face. "A record of the most lost points in a day? We just want to beat your record."
"Yes. Oh, well. We'll have to try even harder next time," James smirked, taking the card back from her loose grasp.
It was at that moment that Minerva McGonagall new she was absolutely fucked.
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accio-sriracha · 1 month ago
*Regulus finds the map in James' bag and stares for a while before casting revelio*
Moony presents his compliments to Regulus... and begs him to continue his studying because he's on track to be top of his class.
Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that... Regulus has finally forgiven him and will do nothing to upset him further, thank you.
Wormtail agrees with Moony and would like to add that Regulus is exceptionally terrifying with curses, so his mouth will remain shut.
Prongs bids Regulus a good day and advises him to kiss him more often, also he loves him very much, also his eyes look very nice in this lighting, also they should go on another date soon, also-
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bitchycheesecakecat · 10 months ago
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 4 months ago
hc that James is the only marauder with a British accent and Remus, Sirius, and Peter all make fun of it
Remus is Welsh, Sirius is French, and Peter is Irish
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faerie-remuslupinsversion · 17 days ago
If you’ve already seen me yelling about this I’m sorry, but here’s the first paragraph:
‘When Peter was very small, his mother used to sit him on the hot, sandpaper pavement with a sun-bleached box of multi-coloured chalks and draw all of the edible plants she found around the flats on the pale, rough concrete.’
There ya go.
Lots of silly accents, frienships, Aussie Pete, vibes and stuff. Half the cast is trans. Fight me about it. The first year chapter will be out once ive written it.
Each year has a chapter. Each one roughly 10,000 words.
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minyooon3012 · 1 month ago
Kinda headcanon that the black brothers both wear platform boots but Sirius wears them cause they’re cool and Rock ‘n Roll while Regulus wears them cause he’s short
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minimarvelh · 6 months ago
Tony: kid, you alright?
Peter: yeah, why are you asking? I’m right here with you playing minecraft.
Clint: yeah, Tony, stop being mother Hen.
Tony: fuck off, I feel like something is wrong. Look me in the eyes.
Peter: what? no?
Tony: Peter!
Peter: ahjak okay!
Tony, one second after looking at his kid: Friday, call Bruce, we’re heading towards Medbay!!
Client: you gotta be kidding? he’s completely fine!
Tony: ehh no, he has the “I was stabbed” look in his eyes.
Clint: no he’s not. that’s not a real thing.
Peter, bewildered: yeah, that’s not a real thi—
Friday: it appears to me that Mr. Parker-Stark jr. is losing his blood in exponential levels and he has some sharp object in his back.
Peter: the knife isn’t that sharp
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managone16 · 21 days ago
Before Harry went to Hogwarts, he probably went to a muggle elementary school.
So when he is sitting in class, and the teacher shows them a picture of a dog, he would just giggle before answering, "it's my gowdfather, padfoo!!" and the whole class would be laughing. The teacher would be immensely concerned. Then the day will come when she shows them a deer and harry says "that's my dad!!" and the teacher would end up calling his parents up.
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dixonsfawn · 4 months ago
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⊹ you tell best friend!peter you’ve never seen the star wars movies so he comes over to watch them with you but you get sidetracked
�� peter asks if he can record you, underestimating how hard it’ll be to control the camera when you feel so good
⊹ boyfriend!peter has been thinking about being inside you all day
⊹ boyfriend!peter loves how responsive you are when he’s fingering you because his spidey senses pick up on all of it
⊹ all he needs after a long day of being spidey is to be with you
⊹ he loves the effect he has on you, making you writhe and convulse from his touch knowing how much you love it
⊹ you call him daddy once and it makes him lose it instantly
⊹ having sex with peter for the first time
⊹ there’s absolutely nothing peter loves than when you’re on top
⊹ peter pulls out his camera and says he wants to show you how beautiful you are when you ride him
⊹ when you’re playing the new game peter got you but all he wants to do is eat you out
⊹ texting peter late at night that you’re missing him so he swings over and sneaks into your room
⊹ taking your time with him because you know he’s a sucker for a steamy makeout session
⊹ study sessions always go ary when it’s just the two of you
⊹ telling him to keep the suit on while he fucks you (wrong suit i know, don’t come for me)
⊹ you always send him teasing videos of you touching yourself so one day he sends you this as a response
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