#peter baelish
thedarkestgreys · 5 months
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name two bitches more iconic than these two, i’ll wait.
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eminjbrylv · 11 months
"The realm. Do you know what the realm is? It's the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies, a story we agree to tell each other over and over, until we forget that it's a lie. "
Peter "Littlefinger" Baelish
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frying-panties · 1 year
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
34 - Peter Baelish
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Part 35
Fire OF A Stark
Someone knocked on my chamber door making me rub the sleep from my eyes. It was early in the city but most people were already awake and off at their jobs. The sun had finally risen enough in the sky where it was pouring through the windows when I slipped out of bed. Finding some trousers and one of Jaime’s shirts I answered the door not expecting to see my sister Sansa standing outside. “Sansa, what are you doing here this earlier. Is everything okay?”
“I just wanted to talk with you…the last time I heard your name I thought you were dead. I…I miss my sister.” She grasped her hands together in front of her gray dress. Her red hair was pinned up in a bun while mine was a knotted mess from last night with Jaime.
Tucking hair behind my ear I cleared my throat not having anything else really to do. Jaime was off training with Bronn and Tyrion was dealing with his father. Joanna was getting her breakfast too. “Sure. Let me change really quickly. You can come inside.” Moving back to the crate I pulled out a tunic shirt and some different trousers, tying the laces of my boots pining some of my hair up with a golden clip.
“So you’ve just decided to not wear dresses anymore?” She asked me sitting on the foot of my bed watching me.
Glancing over my shoulder I rummaged around the other crates searching for my sword. Whether we were still in the North or in the South I wouldn’t go anywhere without a weapon. After being captured and beaten multiple times I wouldn’t let anyone push me around anymore. “It’s stupid. You trip over yourself and it just makes most men want to sleep with you even more or beat the crap out of you.”
“Should ask what happened to you when you were captured with Ser Jaime…I mean if it’s sensitive I understand.” She locks gazes with me before I clipped my sword belt onto my hip offering her my right hand.
Looping my arm through hers I just started walking figuring that she would like time in the gardens. She always liked seeing the flowers that would bloom when it was too cold in the North. “You’re right I don’t want to talk about it. But there’s something I want you to know, sis. The world of the game of thrones is risky and you have to accept that you can be more than what everyone expects you to be.”
“You mean like you and Jaime? He lets you just do whatever you want.” My sister met my gaze with some confusion on her face. I could tell that she had grown up a little since I had last seen her. Joffrey had broken the innocence out of her the day he took our father’s head.
Pausing our walking through the garden I intertwined our hands together feeling my sword swaying when I turned to face her. She sent me a weak smile parting her lips secretly proud of how strong I seemed to have become. “Jaime has surprised me if I am being completely honest with you Sansa. He lost his hand and has become a better person than the man I first ever met on my wedding day. And I know it doesn’t seem like it now but Tyrion might be the guy that is right for you too.”
“Jaime! Stop it the Northern lords will hear us.” I struggled to hold in my giggling at the top of my lungs. He had tugged me upstairs and back to our chambers. I fell backwards onto the bed with him struggling to remove his shirt until I grabbed his hand holding it in mine. "We don't really have time for this you know Lannister."
He sends me a glare plopping down onto his back where I held myself up with my elbows shaking my head. "Well I'm sorry if my wife declaring who she really is makes me want to do this…be alone with you."
"We can later once we finish this war coming according to Jon. But whether we like it or not I am going to fight so our daughter has a good life." Squeezing his hand in mine he nodded leaning forward resting his forehead against mine until someone knocked on the door making us break apart.
Getting to my feet I opened the door only by a crack seeing that it was Little Finger standing outside. He nodded simply before he spoke up. "Lady Dragon, I was hoping we could speak privately."
"I don't really want to talk with you right now, Baelish." Crossing my arms over my chest I glared at the man. We hadn't discussed anything more about our sort of arrangement since we had to deal with Ramsay. Jaime and I hadn’t even had a chance to think about what I had signed our daughter up for.
Jaime sat up on the bed getting to his feet coming to stand behind me wrapping his arms around my waist in the middle resting his chin on my shoulder since he was taller. “What do you want to discuss with my wife, Little Finger?”
“I assume she has shared with you the arrangement we settled on so that I would help aid Lady Sansa in her quest to remove Ramsay Bolton from keeping control of this castle and its citizens.” He replied, shifting his shoulders a little.
Jaime snickered in my ear, making me send him a slight glare from the corner of my eye. “You’re talking about marrying off my infant daughter to a young child who is almost becoming of age.”
Jaime was right about that it was weird. It would make more sense if Robin Arryn was an infant too but he isn’t. Even if we still agree to have them wed, Robin would be almost as old as Jaime. It worked for us but that’s not the case for everyone. “Baelish, I don’t think our deal can still stand. I didn’t even agree to the arrangement. You only spoke of it as a suggestion but we never made it official.”
“Then we need to make this a done deal before I have another house come offering their daughter up-“ Little Finger tries to say until the guards open our door beginning to drag him backwards. Jaime and I both shared the same confusing look chasing after the guards that were holding him.
Moving through the halls as fast as I could I gasped in great emotion seeing someone that I never expected to see ever again. “Arya! Seven hells you’re alive!” I cheered seeing the young girl standing before me still seeing that she was carrying the tiny sword that Jon had given her.
“Cadence!” She ran forward throwing her arms around my neck. Wrapping my arms around her I buried my face in her hair relieved that she was actually alive. Pulling away from the hug she eyed Jaime slightly confused. “You’re still with him. Why is he here to fight for the North?”
Jaime dropped his hands at his sides seeing that there was a handmaiden coming over carrying our daughter until I took her from her arms. “I intend to fight beside my wife and wherever she takes our daughter. Littlest Stark this is Rhaenyra Lannister.”
“She’s adorable. I like the name a good choice.” My youngest smiled before she heard someone coming over to us where I started crying even more seeing someone else I longed to reunite with.
The person in the wheelchair was none other than Bran, the last living Stark boy of the North. The boy was fully grown now but he was still paralyzed by what Jaime had done years ago. Arya takes the baby from my arms seeing that I would nearly drop her when I fling my arms around his neck sobbing heavily. “I have missed you, Lynesse. When I became the three eyed raven I saw all of what you have been through. You have also helped Ser Jaime to be better.”
Bran and I broke our hug before I saw the guards release Baelish right in front of Sansa. Taking Rhaenyra from my younger sister's arms, Jaime and I moved to sit down beside her knowing that whatever was about to happen wouldn’t be good. “You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges…”
“Lady Sansa, forgive me...I'm a bit confused.” He responded back slightly confused.
My sister sat back in her chair sternly speaking to him. “Which charges confuse you? Let's start with the simplest one...you murder our aunt, Lysa Arryn. You pushed her through the Moon Door and watched her fall. Do you deny it?”
“I did it to protect you.” He attempted to defend himself.
Yet she didn’t believe him and I was proud of her that she wasn’t so native anymore. The innocent girl was learning how to play the game of thrones. “You did it to take power in the Vale. Earlier, you conspired to murder Jon Arryn. You gave Lysa Tears of Lys to poison him. Do you deny it?”
“Whatever your aunt might have told you...she was a troubled woman. She imagined enemies everywhere.” Baelish stepped forward carefully wording his words.
Jaime and I shared a glance where I placed my hand over his seeing that he was making it into a fist. "You had Aunt Lysa send a letter to our parents telling them it was the Lannisters who murder Jon Arryn when, really, it was you. The conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters, it was you who started it. Do you deny it? You conspired with Cersei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon to betray our father, Ned Stark. Thanks to your treachery, he was imprisoned and later executed on false charges of treason. Do you deny it?”
“I deny it!” Little Finger shouted where I heard his voice break. My sister was right though everything that broke my chosen family apart was all his fault. “None of you were there to see what happened. None of you knows the truth.”
Bran suddenly spoke up with him being on the other side of Sansa. “You held a knife to his throat. You said, "I did warn you not to trust me."
“You told our mother this knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister. But that was another one of your lies. It was yours.” Arya was standing behind him while she drew a small blade that was inside her fighting gear.
Baelish moved forward putting his hands on the table trying to get my sister to rethink her decision. “If we could speak alone, I can explain everything.”
“Sometimes when I'm trying to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason you have for turning me against my sister? That's what you do, isn't it? That's what you've always done... turn family against family, turn sister against sister. That's what you did to our mother and Aunt Lysa, and that's what you tried to do to us.” Sansa rose to her feet when he stumbled backwards looking around the room at all the others watching the scene before them.
Little Finger turned to me and Jaime but I hugged Rhaenyra closer to my chest not wanting Robin Arryn to be anywhere near us. Who knows what that man has been telling the child. “Sansa. Lynesse, please….I can ensure the safety of that child.”
“I don’t believe anything you say. I have grown up and learned how people like you think and get others to think you’re so clever. Yet now you will face the consequences of what you have done.” Glaring at him, Jaime squeezed my knee not needing to say anything.
Baelish cracked his voice. “Sansa, I beg you! I loved your mother since the time I was a boy. “
“And yet, you betrayed her….if you truly loved her you wouldn’t have done such a thing. You’re lucky that I don’t release my dragon on you Baelish!” I snapped quickly cutting him off, glaring at the man directly.
He shook his head begging my sister again. “I loved you. More than anyone.”
“And yet, you betrayed me. When you brought me back to Winterfell, you told me there's no justice in the world, not unless we make it. Thank you for all your many lessons, Lord Baelish. I will never forget them.” Sansa moved around the table standing very close to the man who was now begging on his knees for his life.
Arya stepped forward quickly, cutting his throat with her blade, silencing his final words. “Sansa!”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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stark-illerbase · 2 years
The way Jon looks at Baelish is a fucking mood
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charliedawn · 1 year
GOT characters x Reader
"Please. Dance with me."
Sandor Clegane :
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Sandor was standing near the exit—ready to call it a night. He was tired of seeing all those high borns dancing and getting drunk on expensive Dornish wine. But when he was about to leave, he felt an arm wrap around his and looked down to find you—clinging to his arm. He was about to ask what the hell you were doing when he noticed how terrified you seemed.
"Please…Don’t let him take me."
You were on the verge of tears. He looked in the direction you were staring at and found some lord with a sleazy smile on his face. He was walking your way and Sandor instinctively raised his hand to clasp it on your arm.
"The lady’s taken. Piss off."
He felt you tense up next to him, but his hand on top of your arm kept you in place as the man decided to finally leave. Once he was gone, you wanted to thank him…But, Sandor pulled away and walked away.
…He needed a drink.
Daenerys Targaryen:
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When a man offered you a dance, you smiled and tried to politely decline the offer. But, the man wasn’t having no for an answer. Finally, he grabbed your arm as you were about to leave. Fortunately, Daenerys arrived just in time and stood between the both of you.
"I believe she has been quite clear. She doesn’t want to dance with you."
The man was about to protest, but quickly reconsidered. He left and you let out a sigh of relief. But, as you were about to thank her, Daenerys turned towards you with a soft smile before offering you her hand.
"Would you like to dance with me instead ?"
Her hand was opened invitingly and her eyes showed nothing but good will. So, you took her hand with a smile.
"I would be honoured, khaleesi."
Ser Jorah :
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"Would you dance with me, Ser Jorah?"
Jorah looked up at your hand and was about to politely decline your offer when he noticed your uneasy smile and the other man standing a few feet away behind you. He immediately understood the situation and smiled before taking your hand.
"It would be an honour, my lady."
He kissed the back of your hand and you smiled before being led away. You swayed left and tight slowly together and even though Ser Jorah only wanted to dance to help you—he found himself enjoying it as well. You closed your eyes and didn’t even think about your 'problem'.
You just enjoyed the dance until the very last moment when you had to part.
"Thank you."
Whether it was you or him who said it first—neither of you could tell.
Brienne of Tarth :
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Brienne had just won her final battle for the tournament organised by your father. She had put to the ground many of your father’s best knights and when her face was revealed…You were immediately impressed. A woman of such strength on your side would surely end in a successful alliance.
So, you waited.
You waited and when it was time to celebrate, your eyes landed on the fiercest woman who had succeeded in defeating most fighters of the court. Her eyes didn’t settle on you however.
You felt a little disappointed by it, but the night was far from over. You tried again and again to get her to see you, but she always seemed to escape your sight. Finally, you decided to give up and sit down. But, you then felt a hand land on your shoulder and when you looked up, you found one of your father’s choices staring down at you with a malicious smile.
You tried to tell him no. He ignored your request.
But, he finally listened when the woman you had been trying to talk to suddenly appeared behind you in all her armoured glory. She didn’t need to speak a word as the man immediately released you and walked away.
"Are you alright, my lady ?" She asked you and you replied with a smile of your own.
"I am now."
Jon Snow :
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Many people had warned you about Jon Snow. Some called him the King of the North—others a demon. You weren’t really interested in rumours though, but by the truth.
Hence, you had accepted to go and meet with him.
A war was brewing and you knew that strong allies were necessary. However, when you found yourself in front of the man who claimed to be Jon Snow, you immediately knew it couldn’t be him. The man before you couldn’t possibly be the King of the North. He wasn’t a giant. He wasn’t heavily armed. Or looked like a living dead. He seemed…normal.
"I am Jon Snow."
You looked him up and down.
Before he could say another word, you threw a dagger at him and he didn’t even flinch as it landed in a tree behind him. You both stared at each other for a minute until you finally smiled.
That man was Jon Snow.
For you saw no fear of death in his eyes.
"A pleasure to meet you, my King." You introduced yourself and bowed before him. "…The man who danced with Death and survived."
Tyrion Lannister:
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Tyrion was aware of your situation. He knew perfectly well of the unfortunate circumstances of your upcoming betrothal. But…He couldn’t bring you even more dishonour by agreeing to dancing with you.
"Do not look so disappointed, my lady. Even though I am sure you are quite lovely, I wish you to spare yourself the humiliation of dancing with an imp."
Such harsh words which ignited a general hilarity that made you red in the face with fury. But, not against Tyrion. You didn’t blame him for his refusal. You knew how it sounded and the pain behind such a request. But, you didn’t want to give up. So…You did something that no person had ever dared. You knelt before him—your eyes staring at the floor in respect.
"I see no imp. I see a valorous and just prince. And I still wish to dance with you. Please."
It made the crowd around you fall silent. Tyrion’s eyes widened and he seemed speechless for a while. But, he finally smiled before slowly reaching for your chin to lift it up so your eyes may meet.
"…Don’t you lower your gaze. You hold more bravery and wit than anyone else in this room. And if that is truly your wish ? Then I would be more than happy to dance with you."
Jaime Lannister:
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You were sitting down when you felt a presence in front of you as you ate. Your eyes looked up to find your ‘fiancé'. He was looking at you with such disgust that all food got stuck in your throat. You knew it was but an arranged marriage, but everyone knew that your betrothed hated your family with passion. Your eyes glanced away and met with another man. He smiled at you. You smiled back.
Unfortunately, your betrothed caught the exchange and suddenly grabbed your arm—ready to strike. But before he could as much as lay a finger on you, the tip of a sword was pressed against his throat.
The room fell silence as none other than Jaime Lannister had come to your rescue.
"I believe this is no way to treat a woman—even less a lady."
He then sat down next to you and smiled before eating next to you—an arm wrapped around you. The message was clear. And the man left.
"…You will get in trouble for this." You warned him, but Jaime replied with a cocky smile.
"I am a Lannister. And lions are not scared of insects."
Oberyn Martell :
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You were trying to leave the party. This was too much. A man was persistently trying to get a dance with you, but you didn’t want to dance with a man who surely did not care about you. You were almost there when you collided with another man who grabbed you before you could fall to the floor.
You looked up and your eyes widened as you saw who it was.
"Prince Oberyn of Dorne…" You gasped and the man gave you a small smile before looking behind you at the man following you.
"Is this man bothering you, my lady ?"
You gulped and suddenly took his hand. If you were to say anything, your father would blame you.
"Please. Would you dance with me, Prince of Dorne ?" You asked and the man following you seethed.
"You were promised a dance with m—!"
"I believe the lady asked ME for a dance." Oberyn cut him off with his usual charismatic smile. "Unless your title happens to also be Prince of Dorne."
The man huffed before walking away and you let out a sigh of relief. You were about to leave when Prince Oberyn grabbed your wrist.
"Now now…Where are you going, little sunflower ?"
You frowned in incomprehension until Oberyn smiled again and pulled you flush against him.
"…I believe you owe me a dance."
Peter Baelish (Littlefinger) :
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Lord Baelish had had your eyes on you for a while and he knew that being part of your powerful family would be extremely valuable. Hence, he asked your father for your hand. But, there were too many contenders for him to even be considered as a good choice. So…He observed you.
You were young, but promising as you danced with grace and proper etiquette with all your possible choices. But, he could see right through you. You weren’t exactly happy to be here. And when one of your possible betrothed stepped on your foot.
He stepped in.
He took your hand and almost pulled you away from the man. You were about to thank him, but Baelish had other plans.
"What will you give me for my rescue ?" Baelish asked you. You sighed. Of course he’d want a reward for acting like the hero he wasn’t.
"What do you want ?"
Baelish seemed to think about it before offering you his hand with a smirk.
"A dance."
Your eyes stared at his hand suspiciously. But, at this point ? You would have accepted anyone’s help in order to escape. He pulled you flush against him and started dancing with you. Your eyes widened as he led you away to the center or the room.
He knew everyone could see the both of you, but he didn’t stop—not even when you tried to pull away.
"Lord Baelish…That’s enough."
Your father tried to stop him, but Lord Baelish only smirked before surprising everyone by kissing you. Your eyes widened and you were momentarily took off guard. When he pulled away, he smirked before glancing challengingly at your father.
"Now…About my wedding proposal ?"
Sansa Stark :
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"My lady…Would you please give me the chance of a dance ?" You asked Sansa who hesitated for a moment before smiling and slipping her hand in yours. You smiled before kissing the back of it and led her to the dance floor. Sansa had always wished for someone to take her hand and make her feel like a princess.
She had first thought Joffrey to be the one, but that felt like eons ago. She had long learned her mistake. But, it didn’t mean she didn’t still wish for someone to make her remember what it felt like when her innocence and virtue were still recognised.
And you were more than happy to make her remember who she used to be.
"You are beautiful." You told her truthfully and she smiled.
She even graced you with a small chuckle as you made her twirl and made sure not to touch her that might trigger her in any way. After her awful treatment under Ramsay, you only wanted her to feel at ease. At peace.
And she knew it.
When she looked at you and a smile graced her lips—your heart seemed to skip a beat.
The pretty wolf was still a stealer of hearts, and you couldn’t wait for her to devour yours.
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villainsidechick · 10 months
Damn kiddies -- are you all diseased like me?
If you're following me, then I don't feel bad or weird for heavily lusting over this man --
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Hardcore simping this rat bastard of a man --
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I'd do anything for my skelly man, opera basement dweller --
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and a whole list of delicious, morally gray men ---
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I won't throw a massive gif list out to scroll for days --
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drewbadger68 · 2 years
Game Of Thrones. S4. EP7. Mockingbird.
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goodqueenaly · 21 days
Who do you think Hoster was looking at for Lysa, before the Petyr Incident? There are relatively few Lords Paramount, and most of them and their heirs were taken. Would he consider his own bannermen? Other people's? Maybe a cross match back to the Whents?
We know whom Hoster wanted Lysa to marry in the months (and perhaps years) leading up to the tourney of Harrenhal:
Jaime, meantime, had spent four years as squire to Ser Sumner Crake-hall and earned his spurs against the Kingswood Brotherhood. But when he made a brief call at King's Landing on his way back to Casterly Rock, chiefly to see his sister, Cersei took him aside and whispered that Lord Tywin meant to marry him to Lysa Tully, had gone so far as to invite Lord Hoster to the city to discuss dower.
"You asked me to reward you for your efforts in the battle," Lord Tywin reminded him forcefully. "This is a chance for you, Tyrion, the best you are ever likely to have." He drummed his fingers impatiently on the table. "I once hoped to marry your brother to Lysa Tully, but Aerys named Jaime to his Kingsguard before the arrangements were complete. When I suggested to Lord Hoster that Lysa might be wed to you instead, he replied that he wanted a whole man for his daughter."
Jaime could see archers moving behind the merlons on the castle ramparts. Above them streamed the banners of House Tully, the silver trout defiant on its striped field of red and blue. But the highest tower flew a different flag; a long white standard emblazoned with the direwolf of Stark. "The first time I saw Riverrun, I was a squire green as summer grass," Jaime told his cousin. "Old Sumner Crakehall sent me to deliver a message, one he swore could not be entrusted to a raven. Lord Hoster kept me for a fortnight whilst mulling his reply, and sat me beside his daughter Lysa at every meal."
What Hoster imagined for Lysa between the tourney and the outbreak of Robert’s Rebellion (as well as her pregnancy by Peter Baelish, whenever Lysa revealed that vis a vis the start of the war) is uncertain, though I think it’s important to keep a few points in mind. Number one, this period was likely pretty short, certainly relatively speaking; if the “false spring” of 281 AC lasted only two months, and baby Aegon was born by the end of 281 AC or, at the latest, at the very very beginning of 282 AC, there may have been only a handful of months for Hoster to consider Lysa’s marital future before the next major bombshell on the political scene (followed by the more personal, but perhaps nearly equally shocking to Hoster, bombshell of Lysa’s pregnancy news). However long Hoster had been considering and planning the now-impossible Lysa-Jaime match, I doubt he had nearly as much time post-tourney to think about what he was going to do with Lysa nuptially. There were likely, as you mention, no obvious replacements who would serve the aims of the southron ambitions bloc, nor any obvious candidates Hoster may have considered sufficiently grand enough to match with the future sister-in-law of the Lord of Winterfell and indirect relation by marriage to the Lord of Storm’s End (and that’s without Hoster perhaps worrying that any marriage he arranged for Lysa too quickly after the tourney would be seen as trying to hush up a scandal - Hoster trying too hard to prove that Lysa was desirable, when Jaime Lannister had for all appearances chosen to go celibate rather than marry her). Indeed, that Hoster summarily and haughtily rejected Tyrion as a bridegroom for Lysa, presumably in this pre-war period, demonstrates that Hoster was not feeling so anxious about Lysa’s future that he needed to rush into just any aristocratic marriage for her (certainly not that he and a number of other Westerosi lords considered an insult).
Maybe more importantly, certainly from a political perspective, Hoster may have been less interested in trying to broker a match for Lysa in this period and more interested in performing damage control and shoring up the future with his allies in the southron ambitions power bloc. To all the world - certainly all or virtually all the attendees at Harrenhal -  Rhaegar had looked like he was trying to make Lyanna Stark his mistress, grossly publicly insulting Robert Baratheon and the Starks (among others) - and with the Starks the fulcrum of the southron ambitions bloc, Hoster may have feared that the web of nuptial alliances on which that bloc rested its future was in jeopardy. Too, with the king and his heir so dramatically and publicly at odds - and with Aerys so shockingly declined in appearance and personality, as evidenced by his attendance at the tourney - Hoster may have suspected that open conflict between the king and the crown prince leading to civil war, or a proxy conflict for their antagonism erupting into civil war, would come sooner rather than later; if the ultimate aim of the southron ambitions power block was to change the political power dynamic between the Iron Throne and its major vassals, this sort of conflict may have seemed like the ideal, or only, opportunity to do so. Securing the bloc before any move would be undertaken would mean securing those established and planned, but not yet completed, marital alliances - first Brandon and Catelyn, then Robert and Lyanna. Perhaps, in this flurry of politico-nuptial activity, Hoster considered the identity of Lysa’s future husband of secondary importance; Lysa, still only in her early teens, was not so old (even by Westerosi standards, *eyeroll*) that Hoster needed to fear her being left a spinster while he attended to what he may have considered more pressing matters.
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
There’s a tendency among the fans to treat succession as a set of ironclad rules, at least, whatever version of succession they subcribe to. But the reality is that succession is largely a matter of will to power. Any claim can be justified with right of conquest/might makes right. Various characters might have claims that make it easier for them to persuade others to support their grab for power, but they all understand on some level that the rules aren't real. Words are wind, as they like to say. To quote Petyr Baelish, it’s treason “only if we lose.”
Right of conquest only works if you win. The problem with a claim based solely on this is obvious (hence why even Robert/Jon Arryn came up with a thin pretext of Robert’s Targaryen blood in addition to this): there’s no inherent normative reason anyone else shouldn’t do it or challenge your claim immediately by trying to kill/overthrew you. The Targaryens got away with this for a while because no one else could do it both due to dragons and other barriers, long enough for their system to be fixed. (In their case, they had an advantage since the entire concept of the united Seven Kingdoms was their creation).
For instance, Catherine the Great, an impoverished Prussian princess, had come to Russia in the first place to be empress consort and mother to the next heir. She had no legal claim to the throne. Aided by her lover Grigory Orlov and his powerful family, she staged a coup just six months after her husband, Peter III, took the throne. The bloodless shift in power was so easily accomplished that Frederick the Great of Prussia later observed, “[Peter] allowed himself to be dethroned like a child being sent to bed.” Catherine not only overthrew her husband but usurped the throne from her son, ruling for 34 years as empress in her own right even though legally, she could only be a regent until her son came of age. Yet you’d be hard pressed to find many people calling her a “usurper” because Catherine knew how to get and maintain power, and she kept the most powerful people in her empire in check. She surrounded her son with spies in order to prevent him from staging a coup and taking the throne that was rightfully his. She also manipulated influential men to keep them from allying with Paul (who didn’t inherited his mother’s political acumen).
This is in response to this recent ask about usurpation and "legitimacy".
And yes, even GRRM says that in both ASoIaF and real life medieval EU, these "laws" could be distorted or ignored by lords themselves when they had the means and will to do so in So Spake Martin:
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prpfz · 22 days
She/Her. 21+. Looking for various fandom roleplays. 🐺
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so daily replies will not happen. I try my hardest to get them out within 2-3 days. I do not double and have no triggers.
I'm open to MxM, FxF, and MxF ships, although MxM is my strong preference so please at least be open to discussing MxM pairings, even if we end up going with something else. I'm mostly looking for canon x canon pairings but am willing to discuss some canon x OC. I lean towards romantic pairings and writing NSFW/smut (with a healthy dose of plot). Neither of those are a requirement, though.
I'll just be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have a lot of favorite ships. I'm always open to doing others. There's only a slight chance I'll turn a ship down.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Arvir (male OC ; Dark Urge Tiefling ; "Cleric of Bane")
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who:
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jack Harkness
Second Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Game of Thrones (TV Show or the ASOIAF Books):
Beric Dondarrion
Davos Seaworth
Daenerys Targaryen
Jaime Lannister
Margaery Tyrell
Lyn Corbray
Petyr Baelish
Robb Stark
Roose Bolton
Sansa Stark
Stannis Baratheon
Tywin Lannister
Interview with the Vampire (TV Show Only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Frank Castle
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Movies or Game):
Drayton Sawyer/Slaughter
Johnny Sawyer/Slaughter
Nubbins Sawyer/Slaughter
Tex Sawyer
Tinker Sawyer
The X-Files:
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
If you want to work something out, please like this post and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Please only like this post if you actually want to do something.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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Terrible Fic Idea #31: A Maiden Dark and Fair, but make it f!Jon Snow/Jon Arryn
Perhaps I've just not searched the darkest depths of AO3, but I've seen relatively few fics where it's The Vale that's key to Jon Snow gaining the Iron Throne. There are tons where he relies upon the might of The North, more than a few that join or replace it with The Westerlands or The Reach or even The Crownlands, but almost none where the primary stepping stone to the throne is the might of The Vale.
And because I have a slight obsession with female Jon Snow fics, my mind immediately went to what if Jon Arryn, in need of an heir, married f!Jon Snow?
Just imagine it:
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an unmarried lord of a Great House, must be in want of a wife - and Jon Arryn is facing the end of his house if he doesn't produce an heir.
But now he's outlived three wives. Marrying a girl as young as Lysa was a mistake, but even he couldn't see his third wife throwing herself and her only living child out of the Moon Door after she was discovered to be cuckolding him with Peter Baelish.
And so, thrice widowed and eight decades old, Jon Arryn must marry and produce an heir before he dies lest The Vale tear itself apart over succession.
Shortly after Jon Arryn comes to this decision, he receives a letter from his foster son, Ned Stark, sharing all the usual information and expressing deep concern for his bastard daughter, Serena Snow, whom he fears his wife will force to marry the first man who asks for her hand just to get her out of Winterfell.
Jon Arryn, seeing a solution present itself, asks to marry Serena himself.
It is, perhaps, a stupid decision for the Hand of the King and Defender of the Vale to wed his foster son's bastard daughter. Except: 1) There are very few potential brides from the Vale he can chose without offending a significant faction of his bannermen, and those that remain are still objectionable for one reason or another; 2) Lingering resentment from the Rebellion means that no lord from Dorne, The Westerlands, or The Reach would offer their daughter to Jon Arryn, even if he's the Hand of the King; and 3) Of the remaining kingdoms, Ned Stark's bastard might very well be the best choice if he wants a wife from a large family of some standing with a decent head on her shoulders.
Plus, Jon Arryn genuinely feels guilty that he wasn't able to do more to prevent the Rebellion. He feels that it's partially his fault that Ned wasn't able to wed Ashara Dayne, Serena's presumed mother, and thus his fault the girl is a bastard to begin with.
The result is the same: Serena Snow becomes the fourth Lady Arryn of the Eyrie.
It is a remarkably successful marriage, given that Jon Arryn would be of age with Serena's great-grandfather had he lived. Other than the requisite attempts for heirs, they live more like uncle and niece than husband and wife. This is in part helped by Jon Arryn's role as Hand, which keeps him in King's Landing most the year, while Serena stays in the Eyrie managing the Vale in his stead.
Before his death, they have three girls: twins, Emma and Elys, and little Elena, who was no more than twenty-four hours old before a raven arrived from King's Landing saying her father was found dead in his bed.
And so as we come upon the events of canon, Serena Arryn, 18, is now a widow of a Great House and regent to her two-year-old daughter, Lady Emma Arryn.
In her time as Lady of the Vale, Serena has made herself beloved by the banners and commons alike by the simple act of being present. There hasn't been a Lady Arryn in The Vale for any significant amount of time in decades. Add to that Serena has a good head on her shoulders and support from The North and The Riverlands through her family ties and, well, she's much more secure in her position than Lysa was in canon.
As for what follows, I see the real meat of the story taking place after Serena is widowed - in fact, I see the message that her husband is dead being the opening scene of this theoretical fic. Rather than exploring the dynamics of a May-December relationship, it's about being a young mother and widow - about being a young woman in a more-or-less secure position of power, growing into that power, and coming of age despite being a mother thrice over already.
There's politics in the background, of course, with Ned unfortunately losing his head in King's Landing - but here Serena throws the weight of The Vale behind Robb early on and is on scene to provide much needed, peer-to-peer advice. This keeps the Red Wedding from happening, either by forcing Robb to keep his betrothal or keeping Catelyn from making it in the first place.
Additionally, the strength of The Vale makes The Reach decide throw their lot in with Robb rather than Joffrey after Renly is killed. As part of this, Serena agrees to marry Garlan Tyrell.
The combined forces of The North, The Riverlands, The Vale, The Reach - and those parts of the Stormlands that didn't go over to Stannis after Renly's death - defeat Joffrey.
Stannis holes up inside Dragonstone, in largely the same position Queen Rhaella was tactically shortly before her death. The island is eventually stormed and he choses to burn rather than be captured.
Shireen, the only legitimate Baratheon left alive, is made Lady of Storm's End. Robb, never raised to kingship, goes back to Winterfell. Jaime, never released from captivity, is sent to the Wall. Tyrion gets Casterly Rock - and marries Sansa Stark, which to everyone's surprise is one of the most successful marriages of the age.
And the Iron Throne? The next male-line claimant is Doran Martell, through his distant grandmother Daenerys, daughter of Aegon IV. Few would accept that, especially if he refuses to leave Dorne and abdicates in favor of his brother Oberyn. Robb could claim it by force, but he has no desire to rule and not even his allied Great Houses would accept that.
Except, while all of this has been going on, Serena has quietly learned the truth of her heritage - and the secret has slowly made itself known despite her best efforts otherwise. (I'm inclined to say she becomes the Mother of Dragons, finding a cache of dragon eggs either in the Eyrie from Daella Targaryen's time or in the crypts of Winterfell.)
Plus, Serena has distinguished herself as Lady and Regent of The Vale. During the war, all of Robb's allies saw how she was his most trusted advisor - and how it was she who brought The Reach into the fold, and negotiated peace with Tyrion. And The Reach has always wanted their blood on the throne.
And so Serena becomes Queen of The Seven Kingdoms as Visenya Targaryen I. Her eldest daughter, Emma, remains ruling Lady Paramount of the Vale. Her children with Garlan Tyrell take the Targaryen name, with the eldest named heir to the Iron Throne.
Bonuses include: 1) Catelyn and Serena fighting like cats and dogs at all opportunities, for all the expected reasons. This reaches peak drama around the time Catelyn tries to release Jaime Lannister as in canon, only for Serena to prevent it. They eventually reach an accord, dealer's choice how grudging it is. 2) So much family bonding. As Robb's alliance is basically held together through his mother and sister's marriages, it is family drama to the utmost degree. To which end, Robb is a doting uncle and Garlan a beloved stepfather to Serena's daughters. 3) Realistic travel times, depictions of the difficulties of medieval travel, and the breathless liberation of flying on dragon back and overcoming it all.
And that is... surprisingly more than I thought I had. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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frying-panties · 1 year
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You already know
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Fire OF A Stark
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Cadence Stark also secretary known as Lynesse Targaryen daughter of Rhaegar and Elia Martell. Surving twin sister of Aegon all thanks to Ned Stark who took her in as his own daughter. But the dragon struggles to keep up the lies when she meets Jaime Lannister and is betrothed to be his wife. The difficult task is will they allow their walls down to let the other in.
Ch 1 - The Queen’s Twin Brother
Ch 2 - Wines and Swords
Ch 3 - The King’s Command
Ch 4 - Bethrothed Lion and Wolf
Ch 5 - Wedding Grey to Gold
Ch 6 - Cadence Lannister
Ch 7 - Stark Camp
Ch 8 - The Secrets We Keep
Ch 9 - In The Name Of Father
Ch 10 - Defending the Enemy
Ch 11 - Suspicious Intentions
Ch 12 - Wolf Vs Lion
Ch 13 - His Equal
Ch 14 - Prisoners of Locke
Ch 15 - Can A Lion Be Trusted
Ch 16 - Bear Rescue
Ch 17 - Back In King's Landing
Ch 18 - Spirit Of A Dragon
Ch 19 - The Dragon and The Lion
Ch 20 - Trial of a Dwarf
Ch 21 - Dragons Can’t Be Caged
Ch 22 - An Heirs Dream
Ch 23 - Two Dragons Now
Ch 24 - Rhaenyra’s Crown
Ch 25 - Dragons VS Dragons
Ch 26 - She's Both Wolf and Dragon
Ch 27 - She's Ours
Ch 28 - The Trip Back North
Ch 29 - The Pack Survives
Ch 30 - Ramsay Bolton
Ch 31 - Knights of the Vale
Ch 32 - Regaining the North
Ch 33 - The North Remembers
Ch 34 - Peter Baelish
Ch 35 - Dragons in the North
Ch 36 - The Night King
Ch 37 - Battle Celebration
Ch 38 - The Lannister Heirs
Ch 39 - The Future of Westeros
Ch 40 - The Targaryen Queen
Ch 41 - Royals Grand Feast
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - just ask to be added
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firebloodicee · 5 months
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Starter Calls ; Memes ; Promo ; Wish List ; Head canons ;
Rules, Muses & Mains below ;
Rules ;
Please DO NOT rush me with replies. i am kind of slow with replies from time to time. i try to get better with that buttttt. xD
2. Note that this is not my only blog so i may not be on here everyday.
3. i will NOT be writing with anyone who isn't of age. so please if you are under age DNI please & thank you.
4. this blog WILL have NSFW themes on here & yes i do write NSFW threads.
5. i am a shipping whore, 9/10 i'm gonna like the same ship as you.
6. ALL muses will be written as Bi.
7. my messages is always open so if y'all have any questions please send me a message. <3
House of the Dragon Muses ;
Alysanne Targaryen FC ; Scarlett Johansson
Rhaenyra Targaryen FC ; Emma D'Arcy { Show-based }
Daemon Targaryen FC ; Matt Smith { Show-based }
Aemond Targaryen FC ; Ewan Mitchell {Mostly book based }
Alicent Hightower FC ; Olivia Cooke { Show -based }
Helaena Targaryen FC ; Phia Saban { Show mixed with book-based }
Aegon Targaryen FC ; Tom Glynn-Carney { Show -based }
Jacaerys Velaryon FC ; Harry Collett { Headcanon-based & some pulls from the show }
Saera Targaryen FC ; Jodie Comer { Headcanon & book based }
Game of Thrones Muses ;
Sansa Stark FC ; Sophie Turner { Show, book & headcanon mix }
Cersei Lannister FC ; Lena Headey { Show & book mix }
Tyrion Lannister FC ; Peter Dinklage { Show-based }
Jamie Lannister FC ; Nikolaj Coster { Show-based }
Daenerys Targaryen FC ; Emilia Clarke { Show up till season 5 then headcanon }
Sandor { The Hound } FC ; Roy McCann { Show-based }
Joffrey Baratheon FC ; Jack Gleeson { Show-based }
Margaery Tyrell FC ; Natalie Dormer { Show-based }
Oberyn Martell FC ; Pedro Pascal { Show-based }
Lyanna Stark FC ; Katie McGrath { Book-based mixed with headcanon }
Joanna Lannister FC ; Lucy Lawless { headcanon }
Jon Snow FC ; Kit Harington { Show-based up till season 5 then headcanon }
Theon Greyjoy FC ; Alfie Allen { Show & headcanon mix }
Viserys Targaryen iii FC ; Harry Lloyd { Show-based }
Ramsay Bolton FC ; Iwan Rheon { Show-based }
Testing Muses ;
Petyr Baelish FC ; Aidan Gillen
Catelyn Stark FC ; Michelle Fairley
Myrcella Baratheon FC ; Nell Tiger Free
Dragons ; Drogon, Syrax, Caraxes, Seasmoke, Vhagar, Dreamfyre, Sunfyre & Silverwing
Direwolfs ; Lady, Ghost & Nymeria 
Ser Criston Cole FC ; Fabien Frankel
OC Muses ;
Valkyrie Targaryen { Daenerys & Jon's daughter } FC ; Katheryn Winnick
Eddard Targaryen { Ned } { Sansa & Jon's son } FC ; Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Alyssa Targaryen { Sansa & Jon's daughter } { twin to Eddard Targaryen } FC ; Tamzin Merchant
Daemon Targaryen ;
Kyra Targaryen ; @amarvelousmencgerie
Cersei Lannister ;
Jaime Lannister ; @notdrifting
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y = young, a = adult. Bold means I love writing about them
I write soft NSFW, love triangles, social media au, modern setting and I’m willing to follow any trope, you can be specific if you want.
(I’m sorry if I haven’t included your fave, I just write about the ones I like)
Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Tom Hardy, Ewan McGregor, Cillian Murphy, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, John Bernthal, Evan Peters, William Zabka, Jensen Ackles, Antony Starr, Karl Urban, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Jack Nicholson, Matthew McConaughey, Enzo Vogrincic, Harrison Ford, Alain Delon, Marlon Brando, Bruce Springsteen
Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Michonne, Carl Grimes
Rick x Michonne, Rick x Daryl, Abraham x Sasha, Rosita x Tara, Daryl x Connie
Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow, Sandor Clegane, Oberyn Martell, Stannis Baratheon, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Petyr Baelish, Tywin Lannister, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, Jorah Mormont, Asha/Yara Greyjoy, Brienne of Tarth, Benjen Stark, Euron Greyjoy, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Harwin Strong, Aemond Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Cregan Stark
Jaime x Brienne, Sansa x Theon, Jon x Daenerys, Jon x Sansa, Stannis x Davos, Robb x Theon, Jon x Satin, Ned x Robert, Robert x Lyanna, Cersei x Oberyn, Tyrion x Oberyn, Jaime x Oberyn, Sansa x Margaery, Daenerys x Asha/Yara, Daenerys x Jorah, Daenerys x Euron, Stannis x Davos, Melisandre x Stannis, Rhaenyra x Daemon, Rhaenyra x Harwin, Rhaenyra x Alicent, Daemon x Laena, Jaecerys x Cregan
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Han Solo, Din Djarin, Boba Fett, Shin Hati, Darth Maul
Han x Leia, Han x Lando, Anakin x Padme, Obi-Wan x Satine, Obi-Wan x Darth Maul, Obi-Wan x Cody, Finn x Poe, Din x Luke, Din x Cobb Vanth, Shin Hati x Sabine
Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Porco Galliard
Erwin x Levi, Jean x Marco, Eren x Mikasa, Mikasa x Annie, Eren x Reiner, Reiner x Jean, Eren x Jean, Mikasa x Jean, Pieck x Porco, Reiner x Porco
Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, Nobara Kugisaki, Mahito, Choso, Yuta Okkotsu, Shiu Kong
Gojo x Geto, Sukuna x Megumi, Yuji x Megumi, Nanami x Haibara, Maki x Yuta, Mahito x Geto
Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Kitana, Bi-Han
Johnny x Kenshi, Liu Kang x Kitana
Johnny Lawrence (y/a), Daniel LaRusso (y/a), Miguel Diaz, Eli Moskowitz/Hawk, Tory Nichols, Sam LaRusso, Terry Silver
Johnny x Daniel (y/a), Miguel x Sam, Miguel x Tory, Tory x Robby, Miguel x Robby, Eli/Hawk x Moon, Kreese x Terry (y/a)
Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Cedric, James (y/a), Sirius (y/a), Remus (y/a), Albus (y), Lucius (y/a), Barty
Harry x Draco, Ron x Hermione, Sirius x Remus (y/a), Harry x Cedric
Frank Castle, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Loki, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker (any version), Felicia Hardy, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Gamora, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, T’Challa, Victor Von Doom, Erik Lehnsherr, Matt Murdock, Elektra, Maria Hill, Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm
Tony x Bruce, Loki x Mobius, Sam x Bucky, Tony x Bucky, Bucky x Natasha, Natasha x Yelena (non mcu), Yelena x Kate, Peter x Gamora, Scott x Hope, Frank x Matt, Frank x Karen, Victor x Tony, Victor x Reed, Victor x Stephen, Reed x Susan
Bruce Wayne (any version), Selina Kyle, John Constantine, Diana
Bruce x Selina, Bruce x Harvey Dent, John x Zatanna, John x Bruce, Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz, Harley Quinn x Diana
Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders), John Shelby (Peaky Blinders), Ragnar Lothbrock (Vikings), Joe Goldberg (You), Joe Goldberg x Rhys Montrose (You), Tyler Durden (Fight Club), Rust Cohle (True Detective), Kai Anderson (AHS), Tate Langdon (AHS), Tate Langdon x Violet Harmon (AHS), James March (AHS), Lalo Salamanca x Nacho Varga (Breaking Bad), Billy Butcher (The Boys), Soldier Boy (The Boys)
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