#peter b: he has wHAT
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love-strikes-thrice · 2 years ago
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Miles: so I started seeing this guy~
Peter B., torn between being supportive and being a shithead: Good for you, kid, you were single for so long even I was getting depressed
Miles: >:(
Peter B.: I'm just kidding! C'mon, tell me about him!
Miles: Okay, so his name is Mikey, and he's the same age as me but he's homeschooled so we don't go to the same school which kind of sucks because I don't get to see him as much as I'd like to
Peter B.: Okay
Miles: But he's super into graffiti art like me - that's how we met, by the way - so we hang out after I get out of class and on weekends and stuff when we're not patrolling
Peter B.: I'm sorry, when "we're" not patrolling? What, do you bring your boyfriend with you on patrol?
Miles: oh, yeah! He's a vigilante too - well, he's a ninja, technically, but he actd more like a vigilante than a traditional ninja anyway
Peter B.: . . . A ninja?
Miles: Yeah! It's actually super cool, he and his brothers are all ninjas! It's awesome!
Peter B.: . . . How many brothers does he have?
Miles: He's got three older brothers, I think their names are Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo? They use a bunch of different nicknames a lot so I'm not totally sure but I think that's their names.
Peter B.: Miles, answer me honestly
Miles: . . . Ooooookay?
Peter B.: Are you dating Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Miles: how did you know they were mutant turtles?
Peter B.: Holy Fucking Shit, you're dating Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Miles: What is happening? Why are you being weird?
Peter B.: Why are you dating a cartoon character from my childhood? Huh?
Miles: What????
Boyfriend problems.
Leo: RaphRaphRaphRaph I have amazing news! I got a boyfriend.
Raph: Aw that's awesome! Who is he?
Leo: Yuichi Usagi, remember that rabbit waiter?
Raph, who is scared of rabbits:..The what waiter?
Mikey: Dad. I started dating this guy.
Splinter: That's good, tell me what is he like?
Mikey: He is so COOL! He has spider powers–
Splinter: He has what powers?
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aesthetic-uni · 2 years ago
Miles “Who’s Morales” vs Gwen “Gwwwwanda” vs Pavtir “You seem like a nice young woman I do not know” FIGHT
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 1 year ago
About Miguel taking the place of Gabriella's father -
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I know we say ooooohhhh Miguel is a psychopath, he's evil for taking her dads place. that's so creepy
and yeah, it is creepy. horror movie shit
But Question:
If you saw a child, a child belonging to another you, going through a deep pain, alone. Wouldn't you step in?
If you knew that a child was about to experience a traumatic event - and you were the only person in the universe with the ability to help.
Would you? Like you, personally. Or would you turn the other way and let fate take it's course?
Would you even have the strength to do that?
When Gwen lost her father in front of Jess, Jess felt like someone had to step in. WE felt like someone had to step in.
When Gabriella lost her father in front of Miguel - wouldn't he feel it too? Wouldn't you?
He did. He stepped in. And he tried to change it. And he killed her.
When Miguel and Jess are both faced with a young girl, on the verse of losing her father in an abrupt and traumatic way, they probably both thought the same -
'Someone has to do something. I have to do something.'
So with that in mind - can we imagine that Miguel felt that same way when looking at Gabriella? A girl who just lost her father abruptly? In a violent, permanent way?
Looking at her father and knowing that...eventually - Gabby is going to know something is wrong. Her father isn't coming home. And very soon - she's going to start getting scared.
Knowing that from this day forward her life will chance in a very big and very painful way.
Or it couldn't.
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Or, he could step in. Or, he could head 'home'. He can tuck Gabby in like nothing happened. She could go on like she lived everyday - normal, happy, safe, and with a dad that loves her. Nothing has to change. No funeral. No death anniversaries. No empty space. All he has to do is step in. Or, he can look the other way and let fate take it's course. And let Gabriella end up wherever the universe decides.
What would you do? Can you even decide that?
Look, Do I think what Miguel did was right - taking her father's place? I don't know. Does it matter? Either way - Gabriella suffered.
But do I think Miguel is a psychopath? Do I think he was obsessed, and scheming? No. I don't at all. I think he, like Jess, saw a kid in need. I think he's normal. He's Just Miguel. I think he was monitoring the universe for other Miguels, the same way they monitor all universes for anomalies or recruits. And when Lyla told him about the death - about Gabby - he was faced with a very hard decision -
I don't believe Miguel - at his baseline - is an intentionally malicious person. In any capacity.
I think he's a dude, like Jess - who saw a little girl in need. And now he's in way too deep, and people are dying, and he doesn't know how to stop it no matter how hard he tries and everything he does seems to make it even worse
And when he's trying - when he pulling out all the stops, finding all the best, watching universes day & night - nothing helps. Anomalies keep happening.
Even after all that, after making a whole society - he can't stop it. People are still dying.
And the moment he realizes this - the moment Miles breaks free and escapes. He realized once again - the universe is in control. He was never going to fix it. He never could.
All the efforts he put into The Society can't stop Spot - and they can't stop Miles.
And now, because Miguel isn't good enough to catch him, people are going to die, on his watch AGAIN.
Or..at least that's how Miguel sees it.
Miguel didn't sign up for this. He didn't sign up to be a boss holding all of existence together with duct tape and silly string.
He signed up to be a dad. He just wanted to help a little girl.
And now people are dying, Gabriellas dead, People's universes are on the edge of collapse, and now Miles is coming into play, and he's gonna lose HIS dad and Hobie's finally gone AWOL knowing it was gonna come eventually -
And Yes, he snapped. (lol not in the cvnty way)
Between those moments he went from this -
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To this. The emotional deterioration is sudden. Everyone around him is stunned he's capable of this.
Does Miguel even know he's capable of this?
I don't know.
I just know this is us seeing a Miguel with reasoning - and a Miguel without it. A Miguel who is being conscious about what he's doing and the words he's picking, to a Miguel running on pure rage and fury and desperation alone.
There's no planning here. There's no stopping to think. He can't and he won't. He wants everyone in the field now.
This is Miguel not being normal. And he got to this point -
All because he wanted to help a little girl. The same way we wanted to help Gwen.
I don't think Miguel's story is about an unhinged man using trauma as an excuse to rule with an iron fist.
I don't think that's what this is. Miguel's story is the same as Jess story is the same as Peter's story.
He wanted to help this kid who needed him. And it backfired.
I think Miguel's story is a reminder that sometimes our help can hurt.
And I think his story is a reminder that Yes, even normal people can reach Miguel's level of rage.
Even normal people can be pushed to the point total powerlessness, of feeling like everything you do makes everything worse. To total desperation - just to make anything better some way, some how. To just get any sense of control back when you're on a ride you didn't ask for and can't get off of.
No - I don't think anybody would go mauling children, but I do think there is a point where it does get to much. When literally nothing in the universe is going how you want it to, and you're angry. At it, and everyone in it, anyone that goes along with it-
Anybody can snap.
At this point..I'm not trying to justify what he did - I never was.
I guess I'm just saying I admire Miguel and his character depth for making a very difficult choice. And I hope Gabriella enjoyed the time she had left with Miguel.
Not because he deserved it.
Because she didn't deserve anything that happened to her. She deserved a loving and happy dad. And I hope that's what he gave her. I hope she didn't have to know about all this terrible shit, or why her dad had to wear that watch ALL THE TIME now.
I hope Miguel did what he came to do in the time he had to do it and everything else sucks.
But back to the question.
You see a scared child about to lose their parents. Do you help them?
If that child was technically your child, if they looked like you and laughed like you, - if you knew no one else in the universe could make this better BUT YOU - would you help them? Or no? No judgement, I'm just curious. Because honestly...I don't know what I'd do. At the very least, I don't think Miguel malicious. I don't think he was scheming. In fact, maybe he didn't even think twice.
Who knows.
But looking back, I think everything - everything we see happen in ATSV - was solidified the moment he stepped into Gabriella's world. I don't think there was ever really a point where Miguel would be allowed to say 'I'm in over my head and I need out.'
He was never going to fix it. He never could. We know it. Maybe he knows it too.
But that doesn't mean he can stop trying.
Miguel was never gonna fix it. He was always bound to snap.
I guess what I'm saying is I feel bad for Miguel. Shoot me. Call it a brick and a hard place. But also don't maul kids.
I think he's just Miguel. And he's in way too deep, because he wanted to help. Some Mild Miguel. But anyway -
If you were Miguel: Would you have helped Gabriella?
BONUS QUESTION: If you knew you were going to be leaving behind an orphan child- and you knew your other self would love your child like their own and take your place without the kid enduring the pain - would you want them to step in, or no? Would you rather your kid know you're dead, and then let the system and proceedures play out as fate makes it?
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ckret2 · 8 months ago
Here’s an odd question that I don’t know if you’ve answered yet, but what’s bill’s mental age? Like I know he’s older than our universe, but with the subject of mental maturity and all that I personally think he’d be between the mental age of 14 - 17 18, young enough to still be classified as a child, but not old enough to be seen as an adult. Or maybe like 23
If a 90-year-old who's lived a full normal life and had a career and everything still screams at servers when they get his order wrong, because he's figured out that everyone bows down to him and does whatever he wants when he screams, is he "mentally" a child? Or is he just an asshole? I think he's just an asshole.
Bill's not Peter Pan. Immortality didn't magically freeze his mental development. "Bill acts immature" doesn't mean "he literally has the mind of a child," it means "he's repeatedly chosen not to do the hard mental & emotional work to become a better person even though he could have." In many ways he's emotionally stagnant, but not "emotionally stagnant" in a magical way; "emotionally stagnant" like a full-ass adult who still thinks getting what he wants is more important than treating other people with dignity and respect because he's never faced consequences. In other ways, he thinks, acts, and feels like he's extremely old. Even if he'd become immortal as a 5-year-old, there's no way in hell you could call him a mental 5-year-old now.
But he didn't become immortal as a 5-year-old. As I write him, Bill physically lost his body and became immortal around age 20. No matter if you're trying to judge him by his present-day age or by the age he lost his body, he's an adult.
Beyond "that's an adult," I'm not gonna try to compare his mental age to any human developmental milestones. Being a trillion just makes it nonsensical. He's got traits from every age.
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papirouge · 11 months ago
"The sell your cloak and buy a sword" has to be one of the most misquoted Bible verse EVER
It's now become a pet peeve of mine Witnessing all these idiots with surface level theology take this passage at face value and mUh tHe BibLe wAnTs yOu tO bUy gUnS!! and seemingly don't have enough braincells left to rub to realize that the Sword is a metaphor for the Word/Christ crossing several books in the Bible AND that Jesus rebuked Peter for using the very same weapon he was allegedly okay with him using, and went as far as to heal the very man he harmed doing so, but hey I guess expecting those Christians to have a crumb of critical thinking skills might be a little bit too much to ask
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month ago
Girl help someone in DC and Marvel characters crossover ships on twitter, actually put Raven and Wiccan together as a ship.
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whippedcloudsofcream · 2 years ago
Honestly, it’s sad to think about how Miguel was once really close to all the Spider People. He probably had his own easy going and goofy personality, because how else would he get so many of them to join the Spider Society? But then his tragedies happened and he found out what they had to sacrifice, what they had to do. This cool club that they had for fun and to help people turned into a harsh and strict system. You can tell by the interactions Miguel has with everyone that they miss who he used to be.
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melodiesblue · 9 months ago
I watched dungeon meshi.
I get it now.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 1 year ago
"Peter didn't say anything to Miguel cause he was scared of Miguel after what he just saw him do."
umm what did he see
I mean yeah he saw Miguel bugging out but like..
Peter just saw Miles - a 15 year old - beat Miguel. I don't know
if he's still SO scared of Miguel in that moment doesn't that imply that Peter thinks he's weaker than Miles?
IS he weaker than Miles? Cause if that's the case-
But if he is more powerful than Miles then wouldn't he be able to beat Mig-
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you know what girl I ain't even gonna let that thought be thunk lemme shut the hell up
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authorityproblems · 2 years ago
one of the things i think gwen haters forget is that she’s like, max 17 years old in across the spider-verse, probably only 16 (she’s 15 months older than miles and he’s 15, but i don’t remember the exact timeline). you’re telling me that you’ve never made a mistake as a teenager? yes, gwen should have told miles but she’s literally just a kid who was almost shot by her goddamn father just a few months ago and is already going through a lot. she doesn’t think she can go back to her own universe. at that moment gwen would do anything to stay with the spider society because it’s the only home she has. but she still broke the rules to see miles because she missed him so much and she made that choice with her heart, not her head. but she was already dealing with so much and people who hate gwen don’t understand her
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swiftyangx12 · 2 years ago
🕷️The Adventures of Agent Arachnis!🕸️
[Ep. 3: Briefing & Chill out]
[Valorant x Marvel]
[Synopsis]: Arachnis has more to tell about Earth 2020-6-2 (Valorant Universe) and it’s mostly a chilled out day.
[Gender Neutral Reader]
[(A/N)]: Yeah, I’m still working on the OC. Just need some time working on their traits and backstory.
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[Earth-928, Spider Society H.Q.]
[Spider-Man 2099’s lair]
Arachnis: So, you’re still questioning about my world and line of work?
Miguel: It’s unlikely we recruited a Spider-based hero who has no variations of Spider-Man’s enemies.
Arachnis: That should be a good thing since we’re already dealing with doppelgängers stealing our power source. *Hooks up their tablet to the computer*
Peter B. Parker: What are you about to show us?
Arachnis: Video feeds of the agents doing their duties. Lyla, is everything ready?
Lyla: Yep! *Plays the video*
Peter B. Parker: What’s with the music?
Arachnis: Sorry. My colleague, Cypher edited these videos and he likes to add dramatization to everything.
Miguel: This is where we caught the Goblin variant.
Arachnis: Yeah, back on Omega Earth where I freaked out because we were on their territory.
Peter B. Parker: Huh. Sounds like you two had fun on your “date”.
Miguel & Arachnis: We’re not dating.
Lyla: Wow. You have so many video feeds. *Plays another one*
Peter B. Parker: *Growing concern* Are you sure this alright to watch this?
Arachnis: Peter, everything is heavily edited in case newly recruited agents are too squeamish when reviewing these feeds.
Peter B. Parker: What if the kids see these videos?
Arachnis: I added a passcode to the feeds for security reasons and only agents can access them. *Points to themselves*
Lyla: *Plays another feed* These look fun.
Arachnis: Oh yeah. For odd reasons, he likes to add titles and thumbnails like if they’re cinematic episodes or something.
Peter B. Parker: You have a training bot?
Arachnis: We had one, but everyone destroyed the thing. Originally, it was a cleaner bot and some agents decided to rebuild it as a killing machine for petty games, and it was completely demolished because it tried to eliminate us all.
Peter B. Parker: Oh. At least you’re okay.
Miguel: [Y/N], why aren’t you in any of these feeds?
Arachnis: I wasn’t recruited yet until later and had stealth missions during those times. I have some clips with me in them. *Shows some exclusive feeds to Miguel from their phone*
Miguel: *Watching intently* *Secretly impressed by their performance and gets surprised by the killing spree*
Arachnis: Ah fuck. Sorry. I forgot those parts. Some guards spotted me and I had to fight back.
Arachnis: Wait. Say that again? You called everything about multiple universes with their variants of Spider-people, the “Arachnohumanoid Polymultiverse”?
Miguel: It’s an accurate description.
Arachnis: It sounds stupid. Cute, but stupid.
Miguel: How would you rename it?
Arachnis: The Spiderverse sounds like a better fit.
Peter B. Parker: Has anyone seen Mayday?
Miles: *Nods* We haven’t seen her.
Gwen: Oh god. Let’s go find her.
[The Spider gang search everywhere in the building. Through the food court, to every sector, to the Go-Home area and even the darkest corners of the society.]
Hobie: *Spots a bundle of webbing by Sector 2* Found ‘em.
[Peter lifts off the flap that is attached to the funnel web and he finds a surprise inside.]
Arachnis: *Quietly napping with Mayday on their chest in the funnel-shaped web hammock*
Peter B. Parker: Awww. *Pulls out his phone and snaps some images*
Arachnis: *Wakes up drowsy and yawns* Huh? Peter?
Mayday: *Also wakes up and yawns* *Adorably rubs her eyes*
Peter B. Parker: Morning, sleepyheads.
Arachnis: *Takes out their mouth guards* Bleh.
Peter B. Parker: Huh. I didn’t know you wear retainers.
Arachnis: No, these are mouth guards. I can’t retract my fangs and don’t want to hurt Mayday.
Miles: When did you have time to make this?
Arachnis: Just an hour ago. It’s pretty easy when your role is Sentinel on missions.
Arachnis: *Babysitting Mayday again* “Spider-Mayday! Spider-Mayday! Does whatever a spider can do! She can swing, from her web!”
Mayday: *Giggling while Arachnis lifts her around the air*
Miguel: *Watches the two playing around through his monitors*
Lyla: *Over his shoulder* Stalker, much?
Miguel: What? No. They’re still a possibility that they can be dangerous.
Arachnis: Look, Mayday. Check this out, *Creates a Web Barrier* Can you do that?
Mayday: *Manage to trap Arachnis in her webs* *Cheers happily*
Arachnis: *Wrapped up like a burrito* Somebody help me.
Lyla: Uh-huh, yeah. They seem dangerous.
[Earth 2020-6-2, Valorant H.Q.]
Arachnis: *Contacting with the others through their watch* Sorry, Miguel. Things are tense at the VP now and I’m not sure how long it will take for the mess to settle down. There are major updates about Kingdom and something triggered my friend’s buddies from the revelations.
Gekko: *In the background trying to calm Thrash down with Wingman*
Miguel: Understandable. You do what you need to do. Just…
Arachnis: What?
Miguel: Just don’t get in trouble and do not fail your duties.
Arachnis: I know, you grump. You don’t have to remind me. Maybe when things get better, I’ll be back in the Society. Don’t miss me too much, big guy.
Miguel: I won’t miss you.
Arachnis: I know you will. Tell the others I’ll be gone for some time and be back soon. *Ends call*
[Back on Earth 928]
Lyla: You’re worried about them.
Miguel: No, I don’t.
Lyla: C’mon, admit it. I read the vitals and they don’t lie. You’re more than worried for their safety.
Miguel: Lyla, just stop. I understand they need to do their job. Just like everyone else.
Lyla: Not everyone faces their own double everyday to prevent a worldly disaster while avoiding hundreds of bullets.
Miguel: *Sighs* “Shock. I do worry for them.”
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[Tagged]: @hhurric4ne @radianights @l0serloki @theladyheroine @mrssabinecallas
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definitelynotshouting · 2 years ago
62, 65, 81, 91
Ask me fanfic writer questions!
Hey Book!! :D wouldve answered these last night but as you know tumblr crashed on me 😭😭😭😭 so im answering it now instead!!
62.) what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
Idk if this counts as weird per se but i straight up started shipping winteriron (Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes) because of THIS FUCKING FIC. It sold me on them SO HARD. Sometimes all it takes is one godtier fic that does everything right to get you hooked on a rarepair ✌️😔😔😔
65.) what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? 
If we're talking og titles i came up with myself, the title of my unpublished TES Oblivion fic is The Stars Have No Names, which ive always been fond of, especially combined with its planned sequel, But Those We Give Them-- which makes a full sentence that just sorta encapsulates the vibe of the whole thing in a way that really scratches my brain just right. This is closely followed by the piece i did for the DSMP Comics Zine, A Few E.G.G.s Short of the Full Scramble, which has multiple layers of puns loaded into it and makes me laugh like a lunatic every time i remember them
As for stuff that isnt original (aka song lyrics or poetry verses, which i steal from shamelessly), i'd have to say im most fond of sightless, unless the eyes reappear, which is the tma fic i wrote that accidentally predicted a decent chunk of the podcast's ending 😭 if i had a fucking nickel.... The verse is ripped from T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" and i really loved how it just perfectly hits the vibes i was going for in that fic. Extremely on-the-nose titles are a game and brother i am WINNING
81.) if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
"Hello tiny TJ. First of all, you are a transgender dyke. No this isnt relevant i just thought you ought to know. Anyway cool it with the perfectionism man one day people are gonna read a fic where every individual tag warning you've added is its own separate vine boom and you're gonna get tons of compliments on it despite the fact that it isnt what you consider fully polished. Got that written down? Cool. Now go forth and kiss women, peace<3"
91.) how has your writing style changed over the years?
My writing's always been pretty descriptive, but over the last few years its REALLY shifted into overdrive on the imagery. I think thats always been my biggest strength as a writer, and its something i really, really enjoy doing. As ive said in the past: if im not painting pictures with my words then what, pray tell, is the point!!!
The other thing ive noticed is that ive been dipping my toes into more experimental formatting, whether thats in regards to the story's structure (shout out to that time i planned to write a fic in reverse chronological order), the points of view (second person my beloved), different narration styles, or just the way the words on the page look-- something i know has been directly inspired by my cousin, who has an unpublished 85k Dead Space fanfic which replaces an ENTIRE CHAPTER with a twine game. The man is insane and i love him so much and one day i will bully him into finishing this fic because its not even halfway done what the fuck. Anyway thats my answer THANK YOU BOOK FOR SENDING THESE :DD
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years ago
I also want to make it very clear that the spider-verse franchise has made miles one of the dearest characters ever to me. All of the spidermen in the movie are great. But despite all our differences in bg and identity Miles' story speaks to me like very little else does (w/ some rare exceptions I keep very close to my heart). I'm not really coherent enough to provide sophisticated analysis rn but just know that he is my everything and I adore him so so much
#ramblings of a lunatic#like. the first spider-verse movie spoke to me as a 13 yr old when it came out#he was a kid with high expectations set for him and all these artistic ambitions but he dismissed himself. he doubted himself#he didn't realize that just being himself was valuable bc he is valuable. his journey to becoming spiderman#-hit so goddamn hard. it's about the fuckin. don't do it like me miles. do it like you (cut line spoken by peter b)#bc the way miles does it is good enough. he's good enough#and this second movie is still on that train but even harder as everyone tries to shut him out and make him feel not good enough#Miguel's projecting his bullshit onto miles his friends aren't sticking up for him his parents are disappointed in him. and he's hiding#but the movie affirms even harder that no. miles is something different and that is what makes him so special. he has so much worth#he has cosmic significance bc he is defiantly himself#and like. all of the subtext i mentioned above is clearly based around/related to his afrolatino identity#and I'm not gonna pretend for a minute that i get that part the way i get the more. surface level ig? aspects of his arc#these arcs exist bc of his background and how they thematically tie his identity into the story#but like. that context doesn't make him any less relatable. it just makes him mean different things for different ppl yknow?#and that's the beauty behind the while ''anyone can be behind the mask'' motif from the first movie#anyway. these movies are really good. i love miles#spiderverse spoilers
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eepy-bells · 2 years ago
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Old man about to sneeze. Pls give him space.
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the-sprog · 1 year ago
I know this isn't the same but another thing that's ticking me off so much about shipping from younger fans is the proship discourse. Not only because it's been stripped of all nuances and the actual meaning of the word, but because it's become some kind of peer review of the morality of every ship.
"is this a proship? I really like them together but if it's proship I'll stop shipping them" mfr it's selfcest idfk, but I think if you need someone else to decide whether or not you consider something morally ok, then you have bigger problems to worry about...
TikTokers are such pussies when it comes to ships. “B-but they’re not canon 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😖😖” honey back in my day we shipped characters from entirely different medias uphill both ways in the snow
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dancedance-resolution · 8 months ago
i kind of don’t like if books could kill
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