#personalized crystal awards
designsengravedseo · 1 year
Recognizing Achievements with Crystal Diamond Awards: Designs Engraved Sets the Standard
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In a world where exceptional accomplishments deserve to be honored, Designs Engraved stands out as the premier destination for exquisite Crystal Diamond Awards. These awards go beyond mere acknowledgment, serving as symbols of prestige, elegance, and achievement that commemorate remarkable milestones and celebrate outstanding individuals and organizations.
What sets Designs Engraved apart is their unwavering commitment to excellence and meticulous craftsmanship. Each Crystal Diamond Award is meticulously crafted to perfection, ensuring the highest quality and attention to detail. From selecting the finest crystal to precision engraving and flawless design, every step is carried out with utmost care and expertise.
Personalization is a key aspect that makes Designs Engraved the top choice for crystal diamond awards. With a wide range of customization options, including engraving the recipient's name, adding personalized messages, or incorporating logos and symbols, you can create an award that is as unique and extraordinary as the achievements being recognized.
Regardless of the field, Designs Engraved has the perfect crystal diamond award to honor any accomplishment, whether it's corporate success, academic excellence, athletic prowess, or community leadership. Their diverse collection offers various designs, shapes, and sizes to ensure a perfect match for every occasion.
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In addition to exceptional craftsmanship and customization options, Designs Engraved understands the importance of timely delivery. They prioritize efficiency and professionalism to ensure each crystal diamond award is completed and delivered on schedule, allowing you to celebrate achievements and honor recipients without any delays.
With their commitment to excellence, meticulous craftsmanship, and unparalleled customer service, Designs Engraved has earned a solid reputation among customers in Irvine, Anaheim, Yorba Linda, Tustin, Newport Beach, and Costa Mesa. Whether it's a small-scale recognition event or a grand ceremony, Designs Engraved is the go-to destination for those seeking high-quality awards that truly reflect the significance of the achievements being celebrated.
Recognizing achievements through crystal diamond awards goes beyond honoring individuals or organizations; it inspires greatness, fosters a culture of excellence, and leaves a lasting legacy. With Designs Engraved, you can trust that every award is a masterpiece that embodies the essence of accomplishment, serving as a remarkable symbol of success.
Experience the pinnacle of recognition with Designs Engraved and celebrate achievements in a way that captures the true spirit of excellence. Choose Designs Engraved as your premier destination for custom diamond awards and elevate your recognition to new heights.
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grapeagata · 1 year
It's so sad and demolishing!
frankly it's smiting!!!
it makes me booboo!!!!
there's not enough rocks on tumbler!!!!!!!!!
I follow a ζπᾸ⨋⨑⨓⨪⨞illion geology blogs but it's not enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need more
I need more
43 notes · View notes
Alastor - [DEVOTION…. Pt. 2]
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Beautiful days weren't uncommon in New Orleans.
They frequently occurred -even more so during the late summer months in the swamped countryside- where you now found yourself traveling through alongside your husband.
Alastor had decided it was high time both of you visited your recently conjoined families. His mother constantly asked to see you again, calling twice a week like clockwork to check on her darling son and his ever-so-sweet wife, and you appreciated her sincere affection.
You missed visiting her in person, learning things from her, and observing how much adoration she had for Alastor..
In a sense, she'd raised you like her own daughter, taking the place of your mother, who'd passed before you'd even taken your first steps. Your father was adamant a 'fever' took her, but Alastor's mother always hinted at a force greater than unfortunate health having to do with it.
You'd never thought to ask what she meant, trusting her wise and kind words wholeheartedly since Alastor was your only friend, but curiosity did plague your thoughts from time to time.
Her passing was a tragedy you could barely remember….
However, it was in the past, your mother was gone with your childhood, and you were now in the present -married to a man you never wished to part from…
Even more so now that he'd revealed how truly devoted he was to you and you alone…
“….I feel much more than love for you, my dear. Devotion is a better term…obsession at times…”
Those words of his rang loud and clear in your head for days on end, making your heart flutter ten times harder than it usually did when he was near and coaxing a particular passion for making him happy out of you at every opportunity given.
Your infatuation had grown into undeterred loyalty and in your opinion he deserved every bit of it.
Alastor worked tirelessly to further his career. Reaping the benefits of such hard work through copious amounts of money and awards from various admirers.
He'd perfected so many things to reach that point, hiding his natural down home drawl with a perfect transatlantic accent -you found both charming but preferred the first. Although, you understood why he’d mastered the ladder accent, and never insisted upon him disregarding it.
It was what made his character, brought the masses running back for more each time he was on air, and what kind of wife would you be if you asked him to refute all the admiration for simple and selfish reasons?..
He wasn’t home often enough to have such conversations in the first place…
Alastor was no stranger to working late into the evening, writing script after script past midnight at the station, and only returning home when he was sure his manuscripts were crystal clear.
That’s what you were made to believe he was doing anyway.
Alastor made sure of that.
In your eyes he was perfect, hardworking, and utterly perfect…
Not the merciless, flesh hungry, murder that’d been stalking the streets of New Orleans for almost six consecutive months…
To your knowledge Alastor had no flaws, no deep, dark secrets you felt the need to uncover, and certainly not a man with a tainted sense of morality you couldn't fully trust.
He ensured your view of him remained spotless, devoid of bloodthirst or cruelty.
You were too innocent for it, too pure to know what he'd done and continued to do for the sake of self-satisfaction, but there is always a time for truths to come to light…
Nevertheless, Alastor strived to make sure that time never came…
So, when the city became on edge, being put under a curfew by law enforcement in hopes of slowing the occurrence of his murders, and the number of police patrols significantly increased, Alastor decided a nice…long…relaxing vacation to the countryside would be an excellent idea.
Nothing suspicious about the idea at all…
You were ecstatic about the trip, rushing to pack things for the both of you the very evening he mentioned it, and Alastor was genuinely pleased to see you so excited.
You were painfully unaware of his true motives…so willing to spend time with him and leave the fear-induced city behind…
Oh, how he loved it…you and your gentle, naive nature…
Truly, a warm-hearted belle safe and sound in his bloodstained grasp.
He almost felt guilty, looking at you now, taking your first bare footsteps into the dewy summer grass surrounding his mother's home. Your eyes lit up like the high noon sun shining down on you both, soft lips pulled into a satisfied smile as you reacquainted yourself with fresh summer air, "God, I missed this.." you whispered to yourself as the comforting wind blew through your hair.
Alastor laughed softly, smile ever present as you did a twirl in the grass before looking at him over your shoulder, "Well, aren't you gonna join me, Al? Or am I gonna have to get a hug from your mother first?"
He narrowed his eyes, smile softening at the mention of her, "First? My dear, are you askin' for a race?"
You grinned, giggling as you shrugged playfully while walking backward towards the pathway leading to his mother's home, "Only if you're agreeing to one, honey.." you respond cheekily.
Your husband could never resist a challenge.
You’d realized that very early on in your time with him, using it to your advantage more often than he realized.
Getting your way with Alastor was a special skill unique to you and not a soul else…
A smirk tugged at your lips as Alastor pushed off from leaning against the car, rolling his sleeves up as he strode towards you, "Daring, little thing, aren't you?" He teased, having to yell as you spun on your heel and took off without warning.
You let out a laugh, hearing him give chase, only a meter behind you in less than three seconds, and his subtle chiding at your attempt at cheating urging you to beat him.
"Looks like I'll beat you, dearest!" He boasts, drawing nearer to you within seconds, but hesitating to pass you by as he took in the sight of your white cotton dress riding higher up your thighs as you ran.
A delectable view for him in more ways than one…
Alastor couldn’t recall the last time he’d seen such a carefree and angelic sight. Nor, did he want to when you were right in front of him.
You scoffed at his teasing, oblivious to Alastor’s longing stare as you hiked up the front hem of your dress to hop over a fallen tree branch, but when you landed, he was at your side -a smirk already sneaking its way onto his face as you shot him a surprised glance.
When had he gotten so fast?…
You weren't sure, but Alastor had always been more physically fit than most, so you merely tried to keep up with him as the end of the path approached.
He beat you by five feet at least, but you were in too much of a giggle fit to notice. "You cheated!" You chirped, faking a pout as he leaned against one of the dark timber poles that upheld the wrap-around porch. "I was only beating you at your own game, ma chère… fair is fair." Alastor flashed you a grin, pushing his glasses to rest on top of his head before raising a hand to swipe the specks of dust that'd landed on his cheek during your short race.
You smiled at the rare, docile, boyish action. Alastor was never one to altogether drop his guard, so when moments like this occurred, you'd relish in it for as long as possible.
"Here, let me…" you spoke softly, still a little breathless after running but eager to help your husband. Alastor dropped his hand from his face, leaning down to make your reach for him less strenuous, and you smiled at the tiny habit.
He'd always considered your height difference, and your tummy fluttered at each implication of it.
Using the back of your dress sleeve, you carefully wiped at his cheek as he stared at you, allowing you to gingerly guide his face from side to side with your small hand cupping his jaw. "There, much better, monsieur.." you compliment him with a flirtatious drawl, admiring his dust free skin in the sunlight as a few strands of his wavy brown hair shifts over his eyes from the wind.
Alastor returns your admiration, gaze lowering to your lips when you speak and slowly rising again as you place the round glasses back on his face. "Thank you,'ma chère," he sighs gratefully, natural southern drawl shining through as he speaks, finding himself out of breathless as you stare up at him lovingly.
In all his life Alastor could count on one hand how many times an inkling of ‘love’ had trickled its way into his heart. You seemed to be a factor in at least half of those memories.
He deemed that fact more than enough reason to kill for you if fate ever dictated harm your way…
What man wouldn't spill a bit of blood for a woman that looks at him the way you are looking at him now..?
A lesser one, surely.
Alastor considered himself far from the definition of a lesser man..
“It’s my pleasure,” you mutter in response, shifting to step around him and knock on the door, but Alastor stops you by wrapping an arm around your waist, bringing you in close to gently kiss your nose, then your lips, and you return the intimate gesture on instinct.
He hums deep within his chest as your soft lips melt into his, grip tightening on your waist as he unconsciously glides his tongue along yours, and you successfully stifle a moan at the unexpected intrusion.
Was that….blood you tasted on him?…
You weren't given much time to register the iron residue mixed with the hints of black coffee you'd made for him that morning since the sound of a door swinging open startled you half to death before any connection could be made.
"Oh, well, would you get a look at you two!" Angelique Hartifelt beamed as she registered who was on her doorstep. Alastor immediately let you go, smiling wide as his mother tugged him into an airtight hug, and you blushed at the heartwarming sight.
"Hello, mother," Alastor mumbled into her dark curls, swaying her in his arms as she took him in, "My, you've grown baby…real successful too, I hear.." She laughed as he nodded, both clearly happy to see each other after so long, but she eventually pulled away from Alastor to turn her attention to you.
"Sweet girl… c'mere! God, you're just as pretty as a magnolia in May!" You had no time to reply as she hugged you tight, kissing your cheek while you giggled and greeted her politely, "You're too kind, Mrs. Hartifelt … It's nice to see you again! I've missed you dearly!"
She stepped back, grinning as wide as her son as she spun you around, "Don't be silly, honey! Married life becomes you! I missed seeing your lovely self, too. Maybe if Al stopped working so much, you'd have more time to stop by.." She gave him a playful glare, to which he flashed an apologetic smile.
"I'll try to remember that, Mother.." he tipped his head in understanding, and she swatted his arm lightly. "Oh, you know I'm only poking fun, baby. Come on inside, I wanna hear about the two of you…"
She paused, ushering you in the door first with a knowing smile, "…and if I have any grandchildren on the way." Her jest made you turn bright red, but her lighthearted laughter that followed eased your nerves.
However, Alastor's face fell for a moment as she said it, the two of you sharing a strange stare as Angelique closed the behind her and whisked past you both to lead the way into the kitchen.
It was only for a split second, but you could've sworn Alastor looked…
Or rather, genuinely affected by the mention of having a child with you…
The complex expression vanished from his face just as quickly as it appeared, his gaze shifting from you to his mother as she set a pitcher of sweet tea and a plate full of cookies out, and you instantly focused on the dish of sweets as the sugary smell invaded your nose.
You were here to enjoy her company, get away from the world and its burdensome worries, and overthinking Alastor’s every reaction wouldn’t be a good start to that….
Besides, her sweets were always your favorite; she'd shown you how to bake, and you attributed most of your cooking skills to her teaching. Alastor had also picked up a great deal of culinary tricks from her, and it became another hobby you two bonded over during childhood.
"Those look amazing, Mrs. Hartifelt," you flashed her a smile, humming as you pretended to swoon over them, and she laughed at your slight dramatics. "I suspected you'd stop by, so I made your favorite, honey. Come on, sit!"
"Don't mind if I do," you chirped and sat next to her at the modestly round dining table; she poured you both a glass of sweet tea before looking over at Alastor expectantly. "That means you too," she gently scolded his standoff-ish behavior, watching as he took a seat on her unoccupied side and patting his cheek in gratitude as he did.
Alastor leaned into her touch, mumbling an apology for not accompanying her sooner, "I got lost in thought, is all…" he clarified in a soft chuckle, and she nodded in understanding.
"Mmm, really, what about?"
His gaze shifted to you again, and your body momentarily froze as he stared while answering his mother, "How much I love you…that’s all.”
Whether he meant to direct the phrase towards you or his mother was unclear, but your chest tightened, and your head filled with fog nonetheless.
How could he still manage to make you so unsteady within the simplest efforts and gestures?…
Alastor held your gaze for a minute longer, forgetting where he was presently, but his self induced trance vanished as his mother spoke again.
"I see you still haven’t lost your charm to the big city. That radio show must keep you on your toes, then.."
He nodded, laughing gently at his mother's teasing, "I wouldn’t dream of it, and my audience expects the best, so I must deliver."
She nods, humming as her chocolate eyes drift towards you, "And how is my lovely son treating you, sweetheart? Well, I presume?"
You could hear the hint of curiosity in her tone, light but underlying seriousness in her question. It was no secret to her that Alastor had…certain tendencies, but those were reserved for people who deserved it, and you'd never been deemed deserving.
She hoped it remained that way…
To her inner relief, you answered her with the broadest smile and happiest tone, "Oh, of course! I couldn't have asked for a better husband! You raised him well..a true gentleman, Mrs. Hartifelt."
Alastor smirked, reveling in your praise, unbothered by his mother eyeing him carefully before she gave you a pleasant response, "I'm glad to hear that. You're still sweet on him too…just like when you were little."
You blushed, taking a ginger bite of one cookie while nodding, "Mhm.."
Why you became nervous when your childlike crush on Alastor was brought up was a mystery, but you couldn't help it since both of your families saw your subtle pining for him day in and day out.
"Speaking of 'little'…" his mother sat straight, arms crossed over her chest as she glanced at the both of you, "When are you two gonna give me a grandbaby to look after. I'm not getting any younger, Al.."
That look crossed his face again, but his smile remained.
You, however, nearly choked on your sweet treat, but luckily managed not to make an utter fool of yourself. A minor cough and a quick sip from your glass eased your mishap.
Angelique patted your back gently, laughing softly at your reaction, "Honey, I'm only kidding… there's no rush." Her reassurance was genuine, but unbeknownst to her, Alastor had breached the subject already.
Albeit in the heat of a very intense and lust-driven moment.
"Ma chère," Alastor rose from his chair, slight concern on his face as he came to kneel by your chair, "…are you alright?"
You nodded slowly, smiling softly at him before huffing out, "M' fine…no need to worry.." he nodded in return, standing to his feet to address her implications.
"We'll see what the future holds, Mother, but as of now, are we welcome to your hospitality for a few days?"
He knew she'd say 'yes' but made it a habit to ask.
Alastor maintained impeccable manners, just as she'd taught him to have, and it brought a proud glint to Angelique’s eyes.
"Now, Al, why would I ever say no to that. You two stay as long as you want!"
You tipped your head in gratitude, "Thank you, Mrs. Hartifelt.."
She scoffed, placing her hand over one of yours before leaning in close as if to tell you a secret Alastor shouldn’t hear.
"Even after all these years and being married to my boy, you're still so polite, Y/n. The world won't burn to a crisp if you call me 'mother' sweetheart."
She kissed your temple, and your heart melted at the tender gesture, "We are family, after all."
That was true…
"I suppose you're right, Mrs- I mean mother." You tripped over the words, so used to being formal but enjoying the new arrangement.
It felt natural enough.
"Look how easy that was!" Angelique patted your hand assuredly, stood from her seat, and began to clear the table.
There was no doubt in your mind that Alastor got his charm from her….
Your revelation was cut short as she absentmindedly spoke to you again, "Pay your father a visit before you settle in. I'm sure he'd like to see you…he comes by often asking about you two a lot these days.."
You stiffened at the mention of your father, recalling the last time you'd seen him.
Exactly a year ago.
The day you married Alastor…
After that, you'd barely spoken to him, not because you wished for distance but because he'd established it.
Your father may have agreed to your marriage with Alastor, but he only partially warmed up to your husband. He'd looked upon him with a hidden distaste from the very beginning of your friendship.
"Something's off about that boy…" he’d say.
Then proceed to warn you of a danger that never existed in your opinion. "You be careful around him…real careful.."
When he realized your attraction to Alastor his nagging only worsened, "He's a charmer…those are never good for anything. You remember that."
For years, his assumptions of Alastor irked you to no end; it perplexed you why he even married you off to him, but whenever you'd search for answers, he'd give the same vague answer.
"That boy isn't what he seems. Never has been and never will be.."
Frustrating as he was, you could never bring yourself to hate him for it, but the thought of having to endure his morbid company wasn’t comforting at all.
Alastor recognized the distress in your gentle features, your bright eyes narrowing at the tabletop, and your hands wringing around each other nervously.
All because of him.
Mr. L/n...
The one man who seemed to get a clue as to who and what Alastor was without anything other than a so-called ‘gut feeling’.
Alastor had tried for years to mask his true nature from him, but your father saw right through him at every encounter.
He had been and still was Alastor’s worst agitation…
Such a bothersome fool…
Your husband averted his oncoming glare to the nearest wall before wiping the disdain off his face, and reaching a hand out to caress your back. You relaxed under his firm touch, looking up to him as his thumb rubbed soothing circles into your spine, "It'll only be a short visit, my dear. We'll have the whole weekend after that…"
His smile eased your fretting, leading you to nod and smile back. "Alright… y-you'll come with me, yes?"
Absolutely not-
Alastor inwardly hushed his shadow demon, tipping his head in warning to the spectrum and forcing it to hold its tongue before it overrode his consciousness.
His smile widened, the hand on your back sliding up to cup your cheek, "Of course, mon chere. I wouldn't dream of letting you go alone.."
We should-
His shadow attempted to cut in again, but Alastor withheld its advance with a simple command.
Hush up. Now…
Fortunately, it ceased all communication, and his focus on you went unhindered.
You stood from your chair, rising on your tiptoes to peck his lips with your own, whispering against them before you pulled away.
"Thank you… Sometimes I dont know what I'd do without you…"
Alastor cursed the sharp pang that penetrated his heart as you said those words, an eerie sense of Deja vu hitting him in waves, but the uneasy feeling never showed on his face -not until you thanked his mother one last time before flurrying upstairs to freshen up.
Angelique felt her son’s mood shift, intuition leading her to ask him what was on his mind, "Something wrong?.."she mumbles calmly without ceasing in her task of cleaning.
Alastor remained silent for a long moment, watching as his mother moved on to pulling out ingredients to cook for dinner, and when she turned to face him entirely, he found the sense to speak.
"It's gettin' worse…" he confessed through a tight-lipped smile, leaning back against a wall to keep his composure, and she needed no other clues to figure out his cause for distress.
"The killing' or the magic?" She inquires, back to him, and but her voice laced with evident care.
"Both. It's getting to me..bad…more frequently.." he confesses.
Angelique hums in understanding, "Have you been hunting at all these past few weeks?.."
Alastor took his glasses off, breath coming out strained as his eyes shifted from their usual whiskey color to a redder hue.
"No. Not since…" he falters, gritting his teeth as his unruly spectral companion cut into his train of thought.
Not since you fucked her-
"I said shut the hell up…" Alastor seethed out loud, eyes screwing shut as his shadow danced onto the wall, yet his mother remained unphased by the sudden outburst.
She merely peered at the taunting shadow, causing it to cower back in her son's tall frame, "Go hunting while you're here. That'll take the edge off, but get that spirit in check before you do, or it won't end well. You hear me?"
Alastor nodded, rolling his neck to alleviate the tension in his body before recapturing his shadow and flashing his mother an understanding smile.
Her advice was final, a direct warning to him, and it garnered a welcomed sense of control over his frazzled behavior.
His smile lost its crazed edge, drawing into a polite smirk as he peered at her expectantly.
"Do you happen to have my old hunting gear lying around?.."
She turned towards the stove, not affected by his sudden personality switch by any means, and simply motioned a hand upstairs before answering him, "In your father's old study. Right where you left it, behind the bookshelf…."
Alastor perked up, grinning wide as the memory of his last hunting spree crossed his mind, "Merci, mother." He thanked her, walking over to kiss her cheek before exiting the homely kitchen while humming a new tune as he strode up the steps with newfound confidence.
Tonight, he'd look for prey…
How he'd satiate his shadow's pesky intrusions was a matter he'd have to solve later.
Although, if the way it constantly became hyperactive at the mere mention or sight of you had anything to do with it Alastor was certain you were the solution to the problem.
The visit with your father went as you expected it to go.
He welcomed you with open arms and a tender smile, but when he saw Alastor climbing the marble steps of your family’s estate, his cordial behavior waned.
“I see you’ve brought him along…” he made no effort to hide the distaste in his tone as Alastor reached your side.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again as well Mr, L/n…” Your husband remained polite as always, masking his hatred for the man with a practiced facade of kindness.
Alastor became more affectionate towards you in his presence, going so far as to kiss the top of your head and wrapping an arm around your waist protectively, making every effort to keep you close throughout the tense reunion.
Your father clearly did not take a liking to his indirect aggravations it at all…
Yet, he said nothing on the matter, cutting your visit short with the tired excuse of having an 'important engagement' he needed to attend to.
So, in under an hour of resisting your childhood home, you found yourself walking back through the secret trail you and Alastor had paved years ago to commute across, and with each step, you felt more at ease.
You weren't quick to anger, but your father's jabs towards Alastor never ceased to ruin your mood. Thankfully, your husband seemed more eclectic than when you'd arrived in the countryside, and that, in turn, brightened your previously somber spirits.
Alastor held your arm under his as the two of you trekked along the path, going over small hills, thin creeks, and finally through a line of forestry bordering his mother's home.
The sun was beginning to set as you entered the forest end of your journey. The warm summer wind becoming a bit chilly as it whipped through the large willow and evergreen trees. Alastor kept you close, better acquainted with the woods than you were, but not because he'd memorized the path from childhood.
No, his memory of it stemmed from the many bloody escapades he'd enjoyed there and intended to continue sooner rather than later…
All for a rush, for the flesh, for the undisputed thrill.
Even now he couldn't stop grinning, thinking about it, failing to dampen his excitement as he led you both through the darkening woods.
You glanced up at him, happy to see Alastor so content despite your awful encounter with your father, "I apologize for him… he's…" you paused, trying to find the right words to describe your father's behavior, but he beat you to it with a gentle laugh.
"A cynical old man who believes that I'm no good for you?"
His voice held an edge, but you took the comment as playful heat and not as a harmful insult the way Alastor intended it to sound.
You couldn’t blame him for feeling spiteful about the whole ordeal…
He had every right to be unnerved…
A tender sigh slipped past your lips, and you nodded in agreement as he glanced down at you, "A spot-on depiction…not a pretty one either.." Alastor chuckled, shaking his head dismissively as he reassured you he took no offense to your father's dislike of him.
Though it was somewhat justified.
"Don't you worry yourself about him, my dear. I have you, and he can do nothing about it…"
Not a fucking thing…
You peered up at Alastor, noting the unwavering smile on his face as he spoke, but the glare in his eyes said he felt anything but indifference about the situation.
That worried you…scared you a little…
"Al…" you whispered, halting in your tracks and causing him to do the same. Your brows furrowed as he lowered his head, his breaths becoming heavy as his hold on your arm grew harder, but not enough to harm you.
His smile only grew as you muttered again, "Alastor, …look at me…" your words as tender as ever as you turned on your heel to face him head-on.
Alastor's eyes twitched as you came close, flashing red when you cupped his face with both hands and dipped your head to gain proper eye contact with him.
Concern was written all over you face…
You tried to decipher Alastor’s expression, ignoring the chill running down your spine as his gaze hardened while the air around you grew stiffer by the second.
Was he angry?
It felt as if he were but something in his unwavering stare told you this emotion surpassed that, and you couldn't deny how intensely it radiated off him as he slowly tilted his head at you.
Pure, unbridled need for dominance.
Whether it was over you or his state of mind remained unclear as he took a step forward. You made no effort to back away, letting Alastor tower over you, and not once breaking eye contact with him.
“Alastor…you can tell me-“
The comforting words died on your tongue when he jerked you into his chest, large hands finding your wrists as the heated kiss he initiated silenced the surprised yelp that left your lips as they melded with his.
You eyes drifted shut as he deepened the exchange, gradually relenting your body control over to him as he guided your arms to wrap around his neck. Alastor shifted his hold on your wrists to trace down your sides, the ghost like touch sending a shock through you immediately.
He smiled at your skittish reaction, oddly calmer than he was a moment before as he dared to pull similar responses from you. His skilled tongue delved into you mouth, inviting yours to play along while he leveraged his larger frame against your smaller one. You obediently stepped back as he pressed forward, subtly flinching as your backside hit the bark of the nearest tree, yet the scratch of wood on your covered skin failed to bother you as the kiss became feverish.
Alastor was desperate for something…
For what you weren’t certain, unable to think straight when he had you pinned against a decaying evergreen, stealing your breath away with ease, only pulling away from your lips to catch his own breath.
You quietly panted for air as well, blood rushing to your head from the sound of his have breathing mixing with the distant chirps of crickets harmonizing alongside buzzing cicadas.
The wind seemed to lose its chill as it passed between the nonexistent space separating you both.
Alastor held you still in that moment, one hand at the back of your neck to keep your head raised towards his, and the other resting under your chin. His thumb traced over your now spit slick lips, brown eyes following the slight tremble in them as you continued to pant for air.
Oh, how he adored your eagerness to please him. Always so desperate for more of him and never quite aware of your own greediness for his undivided affection.
“What is there for me to tell you, ma chère…?” The words thundered in his chest, almost a low hum in the midst of the surrounding wilderness, but you heard him clear enough.
“How you truly feel….whats behind that smile you fight so hard to maintain.” You gulp down the anxiety trying to creep its way into your tone, inhaling sharply as he pushed a knee between your thighs, and your train of thought came to a halt feeling him put pressure on your thinly covered cunt.
You knew the gesture was a from of distraction on his part, an attempt to avert your attention from the uneasy shift in his mood, and though you wanted to push him back and demand he take your concerns seriously…
The building heat in your core advised otherwise, overriding your urge to coax an explanation from Alastor with the need to be filled by him instead, and the growing amount of stars in your eyes as he continued to toy with your body made it all the more obvious to him.
“I assure you I’m quite alright, darling“ Alastor remained true to his previous claim, smiling softly as your eyes lidded over while your hips tentatively began to rock over his thigh at a sluggish pace, and your hands unraveling from his neck to trail down his chest. The linen fabric of his shirt cooled your burning fingertips, keeping your focus clear enough for another hushed whisper to leave your lips, “Tellin’ me not lie to you but then turning around and doing it yourself…”
You paused, holding his gaze as your tongue darted out to lick at his thumb teasingly, “How is that fair, Alastor, hm?…” your voice remains quiet, the taste of his skin lingering on the tip of your tongue as the questions hangs in the air around you, and it seems to hit a nerve in him.
A flash of red illuminates his irises, smile stretching wide across his face at your seductive actions and reprimanding remarks, “Fair? Is that what you want from me, mon chere? A fair bit of truth?”
His shadow itched to enlarge, wanting nothing more than to show itself to you, and intake the delirious reaction you’d surely have to seeing its monstrous form.
Although, Alastor kept it at bay, settling with trailing the hand on your neck to tangle through your hair, tugging it just rough enough to earn a soft gasp from you, and that action alone hard your inside twisting with anticipation.
You knew he’d never harm you, never lift a finger to imply harsh treatment, but the thrill of finally experiencing a hidden side of your husbands persona had your heart racing and your cunt throbbing.
“Yes…” you whimper compliantly, hands fisting the collar of his dress shirt to tug him closer, and Alastor growled at the aggressive action.
“Careful what you ask for, sweet girl…” he warns you through gritted teeth, tempted to kiss you again as an airy giggle leaps from your mouth, “And what if I refuse to be?”
Fuck, I need her…we need her…
His shadow twitched, writhing in the waning light of the sun at your taunting, and embodying every ounce of excitement the man before you struggled to contain as the heat of your cunt gliding over his thigh persisted with every gentle buck of your hips against him.
Alastor felt his blood run hot as you pried at his self control, the corner of your lips pulling up into a knowing smile as he stared at you hungrily, and not a single drop of apprehension present in your gaze as he lowered his head to whisper in your ear.
“Then I suppose I’m left with no other choice than to remind you what happens to curious little cats, my dear…”
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx
Idk if I hate or love this chapter…like I’m so used to writing smut that writing angst or fluff feels so dreadful to me. Plus, you guys liked the first part so much I didn’t want to fuck this up…I promise the next part is pure smut and gore lol. This was essentially a filler part (I’m sorry)… ❤️ also did you guys catch the Princess and the Frog reference I threw in?!? If you did then I freakin adore you hehehe ❤️
I’d cry, scream, fucking beg for this man…it’s fucking ridiculous how much I love him tbhhhh ❤️ credit to creator
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 18 days
Toto Wolff with wife. She accompanied him to the award event (idm what is it). Whenever his gaze landed on her, he was just having lovey dovey eyes and couldn't seem to tear it away. She was the same as him. Proud of his achievements. Everyone could see that. Up to you. Fluff and maybe suggestive. Thanks!! :))
Hii guys, I hope you enjoy this request :)
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As the doors of the lavish ballroom swing open, you find yourself momentarily overwhelmed by the grandeur of the FIA’s annual award ceremony. Crystal chandeliers hang like glittering constellations from the high ceilings, and the walls are adorned with rich tapestries and golden accents. Soft music plays in the background, mingling with the hum of excited conversation and the occasional clink of champagne flutes. It's a world of luxury and elegance, and yet every year, you feel a sense of wonder stepping into this magical evening.
Toto squeezes your hand gently, drawing your attention back to him. His eyes, filled with warmth and a hint of mischief, sparkle under the dimmed lights. “Look, mein Liebling,” he says, his voice a deep, soothing rumble that you can’t get enough of. “George and Carmen are over there. Let’s go and say hi.”
You nod, smiling, and allow him to guide you through the crowd. He moves with a confidence that draws the eye, effortlessly navigating the sea of glamorous attendees. You catch sight of George and Carmen near a grand piano, both looking elegant and happy. George is dashing in his tuxedo, his bright smile reflecting his successful season, while Carmen is stunning in a flowing emerald gown that compliments her radiant features.
As you approach, Carmen spots you first and waves, her face lighting up with delight. "Hey, you two!" she calls out, pulling you into a warm hug. George follows suit, shaking Toto’s hand enthusiastically.
“It’s so good to see you both,” you say, returning Carmen’s hug. “You look amazing, Carmen. And George, congratulations on your incredible season. You’ve really made a mark!”
“Thanks!” George grins, his cheeks flushing slightly with modesty. “It’s been a great year, and I couldn’t have done it without all the support from Carmen and the team. And speaking of amazing, look at you two! Always the power couple, aren’t you?”
Toto laughs, his arm slipping around your waist as he pulls you closer to him. “We just try to keep up with the younger ones,” he teases, casting you a loving glance that sends a flutter through your heart.
Just as you’re about to reply, a well-dressed official from the FIA approaches, his expression politely urgent. “Excuse me, Mr. Wolff,” he interjects, “we need you for a moment to discuss the agenda for tonight’s ceremony.”
Toto nods, his eyes still locked on yours. “Of course,” he says. Then, without hesitation, he leans down and presses a tender kiss to your lips, lingering just a moment longer than necessary. When he pulls back, his thumb brushes lightly across your cheek. “I’ll be right back, mein Schatz.”
You watch him go, unable to tear your gaze away as he moves through the crowd with that characteristic grace. Even as he engages in a serious conversation with the FIA official, his eyes flick back to you every few moments, a silent promise in his gaze.
George chuckles, noticing the exchange. “You two,” he says, shaking his head in amusement. “Honestly, it’s like watching a romantic movie. You’re so obviously in love, it’s adorable.”
Carmen nods in agreement, her smile soft and genuine. “It’s true. The way you look at each other, it’s like nothing else matters. It’s really beautiful to see.”
You feel your cheeks warm, a shy smile playing on your lips. “Thank you,” you say softly. “I guess when you’ve found the right person, everything else just fades away.”
Carmen squeezes your arm affectionately. “We’re all lucky to have found that, aren’t we?”
Just then, you notice Toto making his way back to you, his conversation with the FIA official apparently finished. As he approaches, his eyes never leave yours, and you feel a magnetic pull drawing you to him.
“Sorry about that,” he murmurs when he reaches you, his arm immediately sliding around your waist again. “Didn’t mean to leave you for too long.”
You lean into him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. “It’s alright. You’re here now.”
He smiles down at you, his expression soft and full of affection. “Always.”
George and Carmen exchange a knowing glance, their smiles widening. “And there it is again,” George laughs. “Completely head over heels.”
Toto just chuckles, his gaze still fixed on you. “Guilty as charged,” he admits, his voice low and playful. “But can you blame me?”
You laugh, your heart swelling with love for this man who has captured every part of you. “No, I can’t. Because I feel the same way.”
As the lights dim slightly, signaling that the ceremony is about to begin, Toto gently guides you to your seats. You settle in beside him, his hand finding yours once more under the table. As the host takes the stage and the room quiets down, you lean in close, whispering in his ear.
“I’m so glad we’re here together.”
He turns his head, his lips brushing your temple as he murmurs back, “So am I, mein Liebling. So am I.”
The ceremony starts, but all you can think about is how lucky you are to have him by your side, and how, in moments like this, the rest of the world seems to fade away.
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striders · 5 months
i had to go on a work trip earlier this year after winning an award and had to dress extremely fancy for an event and after going up approximately 6 to 8 sets of escalators in the worlds most uncomfortable gown we were all queued up waiting to be let into the giant corpo event space and while i was sweating bullets worried about being mildly to moderately drunk in a ballroom full of rich businesspeople i realized the person directly in front of me had a full-back tattoo of gir from invader zim. and in that moment the realization crystallized in my mind that nothing is ever as fancy and unapproachable as it seems
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bangtanhoneys · 9 months
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He had drunk about six bottles of water, one glass of whiskey, had made around ten trips to the bathroom and walked seven laps around Yoongi’s hotel bedroom while he waited for the time to tick. It hadn’t taken long to put on his designer suit, hadn’t taken too long for the make up and hair stylist to do what they needed to do, photographs and videos to be taken and it hadn’t even taken that long to get downstairs to the garden where the ceremony was going to take place 
While Seokjin had been used to waiting around for award ceremonies, photoshoots, recordings and the like, this time it was completely different. Waiting for the woman of his dreams to walk down the aisle as the pianist played generic music in the background was causing anxiety levels to be kicked up to the max. 
Waiting and waiting. 
All eyes of the guests were on him, even as he stood up there with his six brothers and his actual older brother. There were excited murmurs over what was going to be the first BTS wedding and what he, as the eldest, was going to pull off. 
He turned his back, as instructed by the officiant, to the aisle and stared straight ahead as he clasped his hands to the front. The music slowly changed to an instrumental version of his own song, Epiphany, something you had picked personally. He could hear the lyrics flow through his head as the pianist played the chorus. 
He could hear the gasps, could hear the whispers, could feel his brother gently nudge his arm but he didn’t turn. Not until he felt your hand slip into his, fingers locking together, a promise of a lifetime, that he finally turned to smile at you.
“Ready?” you asked, grip tightening.
“For you? I’ll wait a lifetime.”
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The fact he had married you only days before had settled his nerves. However, doing a semi-formal traditional Korean ceremony in front of everyone made every hair stand on end and it didn’t help that all morning he had nothing but teasing from the guys, how he was marrying you all over again even though you were already married. 
And of course, he swore he wouldn’t cry but the sight of you in your dress made him swallow hard and blink a few times to keep said tears at bay. 
Throughout the whole ceremony, he kept one eye on you and one eye on the MC before him. The wording and the bowing and the drinking of the wine flowed over his head like it was nothing - he just wanted to get to the end where in the eyes of his Korean family, you two were finally husband and wife. 
A loud cheer made the world settle into place and he cupped your face, that loveable gummy smile on display and kissed your forehead. “Fully and completely mine now,” he said as he kept his forehead against your own.
“In the legal sense, Korean sense, BTS sense,” you replied with a small laugh as the congratulations flowed around you but you could see nothing but your groom in front of you and a long future ahead. 
As he had once said, the future's going to be okay. 
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“Hobi-hyung, you’re going to run out of tissues before she even gets here,” Jungkook scolded as he handed over a new pack to the man who had taken one look at the ceremony area and had promptly burst into tears. 
And it happened again as they all stood at the top of the aisle, waiting for your appearance. 
There were no words said when six handkerchiefs were passed down the line, ending up in Hobi’s hands. And no more words were said when his mother gently hugged him, whispered in his ear how beautiful you looked and no more words were said when the music finally changed.
He gasped as the 20,000 Swarovski crystals from the high ceiling of the cavernous ballroom sparkled along with the bodice of your dress. The bright flowers in the bouquet matching the wedding decor that you had carefully picked and how every thought and idea had gone into creating the wedding of your dreams. 
Hobi hadn’t realised you were in front of him until he felt your hands on his face, wiping the stains of his tears away. He pressed his lips to your knuckles once he took hold of your hands and looked straight into your eyes, as if there were no one else in the room. 
“I’m all yours now, my love.”
“I’m all yours as well, my hope.”
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It was becoming a bit of a running joke that morning as Jimin pointed to Namjoon’s smiling face and nudged Seokjin in the ribs. “He’s on cloud nine over there,” the mochi muttered with a giggle as the leader in question smiled at a guest who had congratulated him on his upcoming nuptials. 
“At least he isn’t nervous,” Yoongi sighed as he called at Namjoon for forgetting his tie. 
He wasn’t nervous, not in the slightest. He was marrying you in front of all your family and friends, ignoring the fact that there were also famous idols, celebrities, famous American singers and politicians in the guests numbers. If anything, he was a bubbling ball of happiness that had to be pulled down to earth when he was reminded it was time to get him married. 
It was as if being the leader of BTS had prepared him for this moment - the professional cameras in his face, the amount of people there to watch him finally marry the love of his life, the little hint of security around the area to stop anyone getting in, how he could keep calm in the face of it all and simply stand there, turned towards the aisle. 
Dimples were on complete show as he watched the bridesmaids walk down, stand on the other side of the aisle and he let out a deep breath when finally you appeared, looking gorgeous in the dress you had chosen to match the theme and the bouquet of flowers in ivory with more greenery than necessary to match. 
“At least you didn’t get lost on the way,” you gently teased as your fingers grasped his and squeezed.
“I’d always find you anyway.”
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He had been a constant ball of nerves since he woke up that morning. Pure adrenaline was fueling him when he opened the curtains to his hotel room and went through his mental checklist for the day - meet the boys in half an hour, shower, change, meet photographers, meet the guests, go over everything with the wedding co-ordinator, make sure you were ready by checking with your sister, get to the aisle, get married, party. 
It repeated over and over in his head while he let his Yoongi-hyung finish the knot on his tie and made sure the wedding rings were in Taehyung’s pocket. He let his Namjoon-hyung check over his speech and got a thumbs up in return and watched as Jungkook, Jin-hyung and Hobi-hyung run errands between the two rooms. 
By the time they all got to the room, the guests were starting to arrive while oohing over the decor. Pink and gold, matching flowers on stands going down the aisle, a backdrop of white material with pink draping and gold clasps. 
“Here we go,” Jimin breathed and took the tissue Taehyung handed him, without realising he had been crying. There were many doubts and thoughts that made him think you weren’t going to show up but that all drifted away when the familiar tune of ‘Wedding Day’ by Taeyang was played on piano. 
Bridesmaids in gold dresses, drifted down with their pink flowers and the last one revealed you at the end in your light pink wedding dress. Doubts, thoughts, worries and issues were swept away with each step you took. Eyes caught yours, pinky fingers grasped together and you both turned to commit to a lifetime of promises. 
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The Ballroom was ready to go having been dressed the night before by the team in the theme you both had requested - red roses, glass and silver glitter. Attention to detail like never before and the theme had followed over in the room down the hallway, in the Le Grand Trianon where they had managed to squeeze in everyone. 
Celebrities, fashion designers, artists, idols, had taken every seat possible that hadn’t been reserved for your family. Everything had run smoothly from the moment he got up to the moment he put on his black dinner suit, long fingers coming up to fiddle with the bow tie until Namjoon-hyung gently slapped his fingers away for the fiftieth time. 
The red rose on his lapel had been sprayed with your perfume and he took a quick sniff, letting the floral scent wash over him while he listened to everyone talk in the background. He had no worries of you not turning up, of you not saying yes. But the longer it was taking the more he started to get worried. 
Maybe you had changed your mind the moment you saw the guests arriving. 
Yet, out of the corner of his eye, the wedding team gave a nod to the band where the saxophonist stood up. The beginning notes of Can’t Help Falling in Love played as the doors opened to reveal you in your art-deco themed wedding dress, a large bunch of red roses and baby breath held in your hand as your father walked you down the aisle. 
Your hands reached his, fingers twisting together as your eyes met as the lyrics came to mind ‘Take my hand, take my whole life to. For I can’t help, falling in love with you.’ That verse summed up perfectly the two of you as the saxophone played out the last notes. 
“Ready?” Taehyung asked, grinning while squeezing your fingers. 
“For the rest of my whole life.”
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Jungkook was vibing with excited nerves. He could hardly keep still even when the long arms of his Seokjin-hyung wrapped around him when he woke up in the morning, having spent the evening in the room with his two hyungs. Yoongi contently sleeping in the other bed, unaware of the chaos that would be brewing in the youngest.
They had kept him somewhat calm as he showered, got ready, and talked to his parents and his brother. Bam, dressed in a little bow tie, wagged his tail happily against Jungkook’s parents as the make up artist and hairstylist turned him into the idol JK. He would be Jungkook for his vows, but for now the idol persona swept in. 
The sound of the Busan sea let him breathe finally as he followed his parents and his hyungs out of the room, towards the garden where the chairs had been laid and the wedding decor of white flowers, hints of black and purple peeking through especially on the arch that been set up at the end of the aisle. 
The general music played around them as the guests started coming down the steps, heading towards the allocated seats. 
“You ready?” Seokjin asked, reaching over to give the golden maknae a quick squeeze on his shoulder. 
“Ready,” Jungkook nodded, though now he could feel the nerves. 
His three friends from the 97s group, Mingyu from Seventeen, Eun-woo from Astro and Yugeom from GOT7 sat at the side of the wedding ceremony area with a small band that had been secured through Big Hit. All three of them waved when they caught Jungkook’s eye.
There was silence for a moment as the wedding co-ordinator gave the nod to the officiant who nodded at the boys and slowly the beats from 10,000 Hours written by Dan + Shay with Justin Bieber began to play with the three idols singing. 
A tissue was pressed into his hand and Jungkook realised he was crying, his knees getting weak as Mingyu sang Justin Bieber’s part just as you started to walk down the aisle in your ivory dress and white flowers. 
“I’m gonna love you,” he sang quietly underneath his breath once you reached his side, realising you were crying just as much as he was. He pressed his side against yours, hands slipping into a tight grasp as the singing finished.
It was time. 
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laiqualaurelote · 3 months
Oooh! Charles/Edwin, musicians/band/orchestra AU for the ask game? :D
thank you for the prompt! (from this AU ask game - it turned out more a Crystal POV but I think the fandom could use more of that)
“Edwin,” says Crystal, “if you take the fucking theorbo onstage I will kill you myself.”
Edwin folds his arms mutinously around the theorbo, which when stood upright on the ground is nearly as tall as he is. “But we need it for the sound!”
“You literally have a billion other instruments! Play those instead.”
“I do not literally have a billion instruments,” says Edwin. “I literally have three. Are we to have lugged the theorbo all the way to the club for nothing?”
“You did not lug the theorbo here,” Crystal points out. “Charles lugged the theorbo here, because he carries all your shit for you.”
“‘Course I do,” says Charles brightly. “Don’t bother me one bit.”
“Charles, you had to push his harpsichord all the way across Hoxton!”
“And the people of Hoxton loved it,” says Charles nostalgically.
Crystal sighs. “Either that theorbo is going onstage or I am, because there isn’t enough space on there for both of us. Literally.”
“I could stand on an amp,” ventures Niko, “and then there would be more room?”
“Niko, honey, you’re not standing on an amp.”
The door bangs open and Jenny sticks her head into the dressing room. “Why are you guys not ready?”
“Crystal and Edwin haven’t decided if we’re bringing out the theorbo yet,” says Niko. “Also, I’m still doing Edwin’s nails, and he can’t play until they’ve dried.”
Jenny throws her hands up in despair. “Why does Edwin have to have his nails done?”
“I think lilac really is his colour,” murmurs Niko, crouched over Edwin’s left ring finger. “Don’t you agree?”
Edwin, who is sitting primly on a flight case in the three-piece suit he insists on wearing to every show, gives Jenny a regal nod of assent.
“For fuck’s sake,” mutters Jenny. “I should never have agreed to manage you idiots. I could have had all my Friday nights in bed with a crime drama.” She inhales. “Anyway, we have a problem. David’s here. He’s in the front row.”
The world narrows. Crystal hates how just the sound of his name can do that to her, for all that it’s been months since she got out from under his thumb. “How’d he know—”
“I did put it all over Instagram,” says Niko anxiously. “Crystal, do you want to cancel, or—”
“No,” hisses Crystal. “No. I can do this. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“Crystal,” says Edwin, “with all due respect, you are not fine. You are shaking.”
Crystal puts her head in her hands. “It’ll pass.”
She feels Niko’s arms go around her. Overhead, she hears Charles say: “Maybe I should just go out there now and knock his lights out.”
“Or I could stab him,” offers Jenny. “I’ve got the boning knife in the van.”
“We are not knifing my ex right before a show!” yells Crystal.
“Thomas could sort it out,” suggests Edwin. “It is his club, after all. I shall go speak with him.”
“Like hell you will,” Charles protests. “That arsehole won’t lift a finger to help.”
“He will if it’s me asking,” says Edwin. “Now come on. Do you want to play tonight or not?”
Edwin Payne is the last person you’d expect to start a rock band. Piano virtuoso, played his debut concerto at the age of eight, won the Liszt at twelve and BBC Young Musician at thirteen. Had it all lined up: scholarship to the Royal College of Music, orchestras queuing round the block to fling gigs at him. Then: unspecified breakdown. Vanished from public view for three years. As a former child pop star herself, Crystal gets it. Okay, so maybe whatever happened with Edwin wasn’t as extreme as drunk-driving your way into a fender-bender so dire that even your platinum award-winning parents couldn’t buy enough spin to keep you out of the tabloids. Anyhoo. The past is the past. Crystal’s living for the present now. 
Of course, she was aware of none of this when she auditioned. As far as she knew, this band had one cute guy and one dickhead snob who clearly didn’t think any decent music had been composed since the 19th century, and who dismissed her CV with a snide “We’re not exactly looking for Hannah Montana here” — whereupon Crystal looked him dead in the eye and sang, pitch-perfect, the first verse of Caro Mio Ben. Edwin pursed his lips like his mouth was a vinegar distillery and said: “Hardly Bartoli, but I suppose she’ll do.” 
Charles punched him in the shoulder. “Oi, mate, be nice.” To Crystal: “You’re loads better than Hannah Montana. Honestly I’m surprised he even knows who Hannah Montana is.”
Crystal could have walked then. She almost did. She was getting her life back together, out of her parents’ shadows and on her own terms; she didn’t need this shitty little band with its one-half shitty leadership. To this day she doesn’t know why she stayed. Maybe it was the open warmth of Charles’ grin, maybe it was the glint of challenge in Edwin’s eye — a heady combo of affection and spite bubbling up in her chest. 
“So what’s the name of this band?”
“It’s aces, you’ll love it,” said Charles. “Spooky Action At A Distance.”
“That,” said Crystal, “is the stupidest fucking band name I’ve ever heard.”
“It is a quantum science concept,” said Edwin frostily, “not that I expect you to understand.”
“It’s sad,” Crystal went on. “Literally, its acronym is SAAAD.”
“I am beginning to regret this,” said Edwin in a too-loud aside to Charles. “Must we have someone on vocals?”
“Look, will you two just jam together one time? It’ll be aces, I promise.”
“So what does Little Lord Fauntleroy play then?” Crystal snapped. “Does he tinkle on the pianoforte after supper?”
Charles chuckled. Edwin arched an eyebrow at Crystal and held out his hand to Charles, who reached down behind them and pulled out a goddamn Fender Strat.
Edwin played a few experimental chords, tuning up, and then his fingers slid and it was Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, but not like Crystal had ever heard it, wild lightning runs of arpeggios where every note was somehow picked out with the clarity of blown glass. Crystal knew her jaw had dropped, which she seemed unable to do anything about at the moment. The guitar sang in Edwin’s hands, and he never once broke a sweat or eye contact with her.
“Holy shit,” she said when it was over.
“I quite agree.” Edwin flexed his fingers, then stuck out his hand for her to shake. “Allow me to formally welcome you to our little band.”
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sunaluv · 2 years
Event m.list
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sakusa, ever the gentleman, held his arm out for you to take as the two of you made your first appearance at the tokyo awards night. you gracefully wrapped your manicured, jewellery-clad hand around his toned arm that was concealed by the crips suit he wore.
before you could even look up, the flashing lights of the photographers came crashing in. you stood up straight, gently running your hands down across the crystals of your dark mermaid dress. the sequins caught the reflection of the vigorous flashing causing a twinkling like affect on your dress.
your eyes met your husbands eventually after looking him over from the polished black shoes to the signature curl that rest against his forehead. for a moment, the sounds and shouts of the people around you stopped as your proudness and affection shone in your eyes.
you were very proud of kiyoomi.
the two of you walked down the red carpet, giving people time to admire the two of you, get good photos and whatnot until you finally entered the ballroom of the awards ceremony. quickly surveying, you caught the eye of the rest of the MSBY team, as well as players from other teams, some bringing their partners as plus ones, others bringing friends or going solo.
after you two made rounds, you pecked sakusa on the cheek before going to catch up with the friends you spotted earlier.
the awards ceremony had officially started. the volleyball teams were seated around their assigned tables meaning you could not sit with kiyoomi, but his frown was short lived as you he basically demanded you cheer the loudest for him if he won, to which you corrected him with when he won.
the black jackals had gotten used to their usually stoic teammate wearing a faint smile when around you, so they learned not to question it when kiyoomi returned with pink-dusted cheeks and a smile not so easily caught as his head was ducked down.
the announcer had finally made it to the athlete's awards after what felt like years of watching last year's volleyball highlights. you swore you saw all the players sit up straight when a man in a fine suit wheeled out numerous gold trophies that caught the spotlight as they travelled.
"...and now for the outside hitter's awards," the pretty lady announced as the slideshow behind her showed various outside hitters' highlights. you couldn't help but smile seeing numerous clips of sakusa on the screen.
"this year has been exploding with new talent. as we know, most of the teams have at least fifty percent of new players coming from the same tournament back in the high school days..."
her introduction to the category was great, but the anticipation was eating you up inside, making you a little antsy. meians fiancee chuckled from her place beside you at the roundtable as she watched your leg bump up and down restlessly.
"...and now to announce the winner of the best outside hitter award of 2023..." your leg stopped. the room was silent as she peeled open the envelope, matte red lips lifting at the name inside.
"...and your winner is... sakusa kiyoomi of the MSBY black jackals!"
the room erupted into applause as his teammates clapped him on the back all at once. though particular about who touches him, he didn't mind this time.
his onyx eyes met your excited ones from across the table and you clapped your hands, whispering a silent well done, I'm proud of you, as your cheeks started to ache from all the smiling.
the cameras followed as he ascended onto the stage, shaking hands with the announcer and the trophy guy before taking the slightly heavy trophy from his hands.
he then made his way to the microphone.
"thank you so much for this," he started still in shock, a smile of disbelief on his face. "I'm not sure i was expecting this, but i know one person was" he spoke teasingly, looking directly at you. "I'm beyond grateful to MSBY and my teammates for setting up an environment for me to show my skills because clearly, it paid off." the shouts of atsumu and bokuto could be heard, which made his smile grow wider. "ill continue to make you proud, thank you for believing in me, everyone."
the room again burst into congratulatory shouts as he made his way down the stage, receiving many more claps on the back from other teams.
on the way back to his seat, he passed your table, cupping your cheek with one hand, and briefly pressing his lips to yours. you ignored the wolf whistles from the people sitting at your table.
"i knew you would get it, mr best outside hitter sakusa kiyoomi."
he chuckled and nodded.
"i know, thank you, my number one fan."
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read-write-thrive · 1 month
inspired by my last post on dead boy detectives high school AU: obligatory band kid AU (and it ended up v long so buckle up)
edwin: if we’re talking still in his shell edwin, he’s an oboe/bassoon player. if we’re talking out of his shell edwin, he’s a French horn player. either way he is 100% first chair but will only accept the section leader title if there’s no one else in his section, he is not about to deal with marching band any more than he has to. he aces competitions and the like when he’s on his own, but rarely has the patience for ensemble work. his parents started him on his instrument younger than his peers so it makes sense he’s so good, but his ego is mostly separate from that—he’s just like that. he’s in the main/symphonic band, marching band with some hesitation, orchestra, and chamber/honors band
charles: while you could say almost any brass/low woodwind instrument and I would say fair enough, I personally think he’s a trumpet player. he does sports so he is often running back and forth on practice/game days but wouldn’t trade it for anything. he’s probably not first chair, or at least isn’t until his later years since he/his parents prioritise sports, he 100% would love being a section leader!! he fits the loud trumpet stereotype but is one of the few that’re complete sweethearts (as long as you keep him away from some of the more toxic dudes, he can get a little swept up in it from time to time, but luckily he figures it all out by the time he graduates). he doesn’t do competitions or any of the fancy stuff since he has obligations with sports, but it sometimes makes him sad that his friends are so good at his instruments while he’s juggling this other stuff and can’t match their level. he’s in the main band, marching, and jazz band in the spring semester
crystal: she’s a saxophone girlie 100%. she can play any of them if pushed, but she tends towards alto sax during marching season and tenor/baritone during the off season depending on the piece’s/concert’s needs. she kept up with some of the more toxic upper woodwind/percussion players in her mean girl era but she’s since come to her senses and avoids them whenever possible. she could be first chair and section leader if she wanted, she’s good enough (parents definitely put her in lessons) and charismatic enough, but she’s not enthusiastic about either position and often purposefully dodges the extra responsibilities. likewise, she’s not interested in separate awards or competitions or anything like that (though I think she also tried it her first semester, like orchestra, to try to get her parents’ attention—when it didn’t work, she dropped it). I can see freshman being simultaneously terrified of and crushing on her. she’s in the main band, marching, and jazz band, though she tried orchestrating for a semester before deciding it was not her vibe
niko: I see her as a violin/strings player who then switches to flute for symphonic/marching band, especially since she’s an international student. I don’t think she gets along super well with the other flute/violin players, so she’s glad to make friends with the group. she’s taken lessons for both violin and flute, but violin was mainly when she was a kid and flute was to help her catch up to everyone else. she does competitions and such mainly so she can get out of classes and hang out with her friends, but tries her best to do well without taking away from her other activities/free time. her instrument cases are COVERED in stickers. she’s super nice to the younger years but they stop talking with her much once they find their friend groups, which always makes her sad. she’s the type to be a “band mom” to an underclassman once one sticks around, but it takes until her senior year for that to happen. she’s in the main band, marching band (again, more to hang out with her friends than for any enthusiasm in the competition), and orchestra to get a chance to play the violin
monty: that boy plays the clarinet argue with the wall. he has his shy moments but also his outspoken moments, just depends on the people involved. he was never in lessons but definitely practices more than your average person. he’s the one to always be in a practice room, either actually practicing or giving people readings, to the extent that there’s a practice room that’s unofficially his (including him scratching/writing his name somewhere before he graduates). he’s perpetually second chair, and secretly would like to be section leader but is just enough of a people pleaser that it never happens (either by him giving it to someone else or the director doesn’t give him the position). he’s in symphonic, marching, orchestra and chamber
thomas/the cat king: so I think he’s a percussionist as his mood can be a little all over the place and hard to read, so I think the variety of percussion suits him. plus the putting on a persona thing just screams percussionist to me. if he isn’t the one dealing himself he 100% has an in with the local dealer (which ig isn’t band related but the percussionists were the dealers/stoners in my band so). he isn’t first chair by any means but he is 100% the section leader of the pit (I cannot see him marching). I think he’s also one of those guys who tends to date underclassmen which concerns literally everyone and breaks a few hearts but is ultimately harmless if a bit of a dick (said with love). he’s in the main, marching, and jazz bands
jenny: was a stellar saxophonist in her time, graduated a few years ago but comes back to help with marching band over the summers/eventually decides to become a band director herself and student teaches during the gang’s senior year. when she was in school she did every ensemble available, which honestly intimidated most of her peers (barring the sapphics bc she 100% had everyone crushing on her, dated quite a few of them too). she’s a great band director once she learns more on how to deal with the inevitable students breaking down in your office on random lunch periods
esther: monty’s mom but refuses to be part of any band parent organization. will occasionally show up to concerts, but if you talk to her she somehow makes it all about her. at some point she gets in trouble with her concerning relationships with minor girls and as a result can’t go to school functions, which monty doesn’t talk about to really anyone but secretly is glad about. she never played any instruments and openly calls monty a nerd for enjoying band
the night nurse: I’m sticking with her as an assistant principal/in charge of attendance/some cog in the bureaucratic system. the band kids are all too familiar with her as they’re often incorrectly marked absent when they go to band practice during lunch/free periods, so getting called down to her office happens to everyone sooner or later. during the gang’s senior year she’s assigned to be directly in charge of the band (for whatever reason idk) which has her suddenly showing up to games and concerts. no one really likes this but they eventually warm to her. she tried the flute once when she was in school but wasn’t good right away so she decided it wasn’t for her
tragic mick: I’m again sticking to custodian but specifically the custodian that’s in charge of the practice field/band rooms/etc and is as such a beloved if cryptic figure in the greater band family. he played the tuba when he was in school but when asked says it’s been far too long to remember anything about it
kashi: hear me out, Kashi as the band director goes hard. like he’s eccentric, always has a grand story to tell, and is simultaneously good at making you laugh and at giving advice. his main instrument is something weird like the soprano saxophone or the euphonium or flugelhorn or harp, but as band director he’s learned most of not all of the instruments in the band over the course of his career
david the demon: percussionist. I take back what I said about the cat king dealing, david is 100% the sketchy dealer of the band. Is also older than the gang. was in the main and marching band but that’s it.
Lilith: superintendent. cryptid type figure. is the one responsible for the shit that goes down with Esther. showed up to exactly one concert and everyone is still losing their mind over seeing her in the flesh
I cannot remember her name but the lady who ran the gift shop: the choir director/theater teacher/eccentric English teacher. well known by the band kid population but not directly involved
the finality or whatever that character is called: prinicpal. directly in charge of the night nurse. surprisingly agreeable for how much bs/cruelty she oversees. her coming in right at the end of the series echoes her showing up to graduation and that’s it for out side of school hours
the ghost mail carrier: he mans the front office desk. will deliver messages over the intercom that always make people jump
extra info/plot points in a fic i doubt I’ll actually write:
monty and edwin get close after being sat near each other in orchestra and then working together during a chamber piece
thomas/the cat king is also older than the main gang. edwin is one of the underclassmen he cozies up to, but edwin never actually dates him
the charles and edwin dream duo imo is charles on trumpet say behind edwin on French horn, with both of them constantly making little comments just to make the other laugh/roll their eyes/react during practice/rehearsal. their senior year they end up being co-section leaders of upper brass but only after some serious begging on charles’s part
crystal has a major crush on jenny at one point
not a single person can stand esther finch, to the point that Kashi slips monty some flyers on different help resources and the other kids all let monty crash at different points when she’s angry
it’s at one point revealed that thomas/the cat king’s parents aren’t in the picture for some traumatic reason and he’s being raised by his grandparent(s), which most people accept as justification for his iffy behavior (it isn’t, for the record, but ive seen this situation happen exactly twice over in my band career and it lines up with him too well not to include)
crystal and charles date for a time and are the band’s it couple when they do. a handful of people don’t like it, but it’s mainly bc they’re jealous they missed their chance with one of the other ( cough edwin cough ) but it doesn’t end up lasting
david and crystal date when he’s a senior and she’s a freshman and it’s BAD. like she’s partaking in drugs she doesn’t fully understand and he’s enabling it/actively supplying it. it’s ultimately jenny who notices the spiral and talks some sense into crystal/gives her a semi-relatable authority figure to lean on. aforementioned crush happens during the chaotic period during/immediately following this. david stays in town and still deals post-graduation, so he shows up to high school parties and without fail creeps on crystal if she’s around. as such she starts avoiding parties, which is the final mail in the coffin of her mean girl era, leading to her befriending charles and niko (and eventually edwin) and made part of the gang
there’s a running joke/conspiracy theory that Kashi and the night nurse are in love with each other. it has been used to embarrass freshmen several times over the years. the night nurse actively denies it but kashi keeps it vague just for the fun of it
at one point when charles and crystal are dating and the four of them are already friends, someone starts a rumour/starts suggesting that niko and edwin should pair up. edwin isn’t openly out but his friends all know so they laugh about it (I also hc niko as aroace for a multitude of reasons i won’t get into here but I think that adds to the humor of it all)
when the band plays for a sport that Charles is on the team for they all go WILD when he’s mentioned by the announcer/scores/what have you. to the extent that there a specific chant/riff/cadence/whatever they start playing specifically for him. this eventually gets them in trouble on some big championship game and the band only stops/does it quieter so that charles doesn’t get in trouble over it
charles had a letterman’s jacket that he adds his band letter to (as well as some diying with pins and patches and such to make it more his style). he uses offering it as a way to flirt/show off his partner(s). it is very effective (to the chagrin of some of those partners who wouldn’t otherwise be caught dead in a letterman’s jacket, incl crystal and edwin)
monty initially charges the rich-asshole kids for readings until he’s caught and forced to stop. he then stops giving readings to anyone he doesn’t already know/like. he uses readings as a way to flirt with edwin, who literally doesn’t realise it for an extended period of time. monty keeps trying to flirt/ask edwin our, but by the time he hyped himself up for it the bell rings and the lunch period ends. they eventually go on one date, which edwin doesn’t realise is even a date (despite his friends insisting otherwise) until monty kisses him at the end of it. it’s awkward for a while afterwards but they eventually settle into a friendship
several other band kids place bets on when edwin and charles will finally get together. niko wins the bet, despite actively encouraging monty x edwin along the way. some say she’s biased being so close to them, but she openly admits that she wasn’t sure it would ever happen
may add to this post later but ive written wayyy too much for rn so we’ll leave it here
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designsengravedseo · 1 year
Elevate Achievements with the Black Glass Certificate Frame from Designs Engraved
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Recognizing accomplishments and celebrating milestones requires a tangible symbol of achievement that truly stands out. That's where Designs Engraved steps in with their exceptional offering: the Black Glass Certificate Frame. This stunning display piece combines sleek black glass with expert engraving techniques, creating a sophisticated presentation that adds a touch of elegance to any achievement.
Designed specifically to showcase and protect your most treasured certificates, diplomas, or important documents, the Black Glass Certificate Frame from Designs Engraved transforms these valuable items into cherished keepsakes that can be proudly displayed. The frame's exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail set it apart. Each frame is meticulously crafted using high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity. The sleek black glass finish adds a touch of sophistication, making it the perfect fit for any professional or personal setting.
But what truly makes the Black Glass Certificate Frame exceptional is the opportunity for personalization. Designs Engraved offers custom engraving options, allowing you to add names, dates, or personalized messages to the frame. This personal touch creates a unique and heartfelt connection between the recognition and the recipient, turning the frame into a cherished memento that celebrates their achievements.
The Black Glass Certificate Frame isn't just ideal for individuals; it's also a fantastic option for organizations looking to recognize and honor their employees, clients, or partners. As a tangible symbol of appreciation and accomplishment, it fosters a culture of recognition and inspires others to strive for greatness.
In addition to the Black Glass Certificate Frame, Designs Engraved offers a diverse range of engraved and personalized gifts. From crystal diamond awards that symbolize excellence and prestige to custom-made creations that capture the essence of individual achievements, Designs Engraved has established a reputation for exceptional quality and unparalleled craftsmanship.
Choosing Designs Engraved means investing in a unique experience. Each product is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, exceeding expectations and creating truly memorable recognition moments. Designs Engraved is your trusted partner, providing exceptional quality, impeccable craftsmanship, and personalized service.
Whether you're celebrating corporate achievements, academic milestones, or personal triumphs, Designs Engraved offers a wide selection of personalized gifts and crystal diamond awards to suit every occasion. Their commitment to exceptional quality, unparalleled craftsmanship, and personalized service sets them apart as the go-to destination for recognizing and celebrating success.
In conclusion, the Black Glass Certificate Frame from Designs Engraved is the perfect choice for those seeking an elegant and sophisticated way to display and honor their achievements. With its sleek black glass finish, impeccable craftsmanship, and custom engraving options, this frame becomes a cherished memento that celebrates the recipient's accomplishments. Explore the world of engraved and personalized gifts, including crystal diamond awards, and experience the exceptional quality and service that Designs Engraved offers. Elevate your recognition moments with Designs Engraved and make lasting impressions that inspire greatness.
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Written By: Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Gerard Way & Frank Iero
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2010
“Summertime” is a ‘new wave’ song, allegedly believed to be written about frontman Gerard Way’s wife, Lyn-z Way. In an interview, Gerard said that it started as a riff Mikey had written, before evolving into a song they ‘couldn’t have the record without.’ “[“Summertime”] is one of the lyrically personal songs on the album, whereas the rest of it is just me talking about my worldview. So it’s a really beautiful song and again—no rules. We can have a soft song.”
[Verse 1] When the lights go out Will you take me with you And carry all this broken bone Through six years down In crowded rooms and highways I call home? Is something I can't know till now Till you picked me off the ground With brick in hand, your lip-gloss smile Your scraped-up knees and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Verse 2] Terrified of what I'd be As a kid, from what I've seen Every single day when people try And put the pieces back together Just to smash them down Turn my headphones up real loud I don't think I need them now 'Cause you stop the noise and [Chorus] If you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want [Post-Chorus] Well, anytime you want Well, anytime you want [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] Don't walk away, don't walk away Don't walk away, don't walk away! [Chorus] 'Cause if you stay, I would even wait all night Or until my heart explodes, how long until we Find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me [Post-Chorus] Or you can write it on your arm You can run away with me Anytime you want
I See the Light
Written By: Glenn Slater & Alan Menken
Artist: Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi for Tangled
Released: 2010
“I See the Light” is a romantic duet in Tangled between Rapunzel and Eugene. It is sung when Rapunzel is finally achieving her lifelong dream to see the floating lanterns. The song was nominated for best song at the 83rd academy awards but lost to “We Belong Together” from Toy Story 3. “I See The Light” was originally called “You Are My Forever,” and was a reprise of a song Mother Gothel sung to Rapunzel, before being removed. After “You Are My Forever” was removed, the song was still different from what it was in the finished film. It was an anthem-like song at first but Alan Menken decided it should be more gentle.
[RAPUNZEL] All those days watching from the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been Now I'm here blinking in the starlight Now I'm here suddenly I see Standing here it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything looks different Now that I see you [FLYNN] All those days chasing down a daydream All those years living in a blur All that time never truly seeing Things, the way they were Now she's here shining in the starlight Now she's here suddenly I know If she's here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go [FLYNN & RAPUNZEL] And at last I see the light [FLYNN] And it's like the fog has lifted [FLYNN & RAPUNZEL] And at last I see the light [RAPUNZEL] And it's like the sky is new [FLYNN & RAPUNZEL] And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything is different Now that I see you Now that I see you
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awardsmaster-blog · 3 months
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Personalized Gifts in Pensacola, FL - (850) 438-2124
Pensacola's Largest Award shop. Selling top-quality Trophies, Plaques, Crystal Awards, Acrylic Awards, Promotional Products, and Engravable gifts, plus we can engrave anything.
Award Masters Inc. 2211 N. Pace Blvd. Pensacola, FL 32505 (850) 438-2124 https://www.awardmastersinc.com/
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fluffiestpancakees · 24 days
I pulled 200 times on the Recollection Banner currently live on Project SeKAI to determine if it is worth it
The recollection Gacha will be held from 28. August to 1. September and features all limited characters (except for Colerfestival and Birthday cards) as well as all permanent cards. With every Pull a bar will fill up, from zero to 200, a none paid ten pull will award 5 points. At 50 points (non-paid 100 pulls) you will be guaranteed to recieve a permanent 4 star card. At 100 points (non-paid 200 pulls) you will be guaranteed a limited 4 star card. At 150 points, a permanent card of your choice and at 200 you will recieve a limited 4 star of your choice, meaning without payment you need 400 pulls to guarantee your desired limited four star card. This banner features the same 6% droprate as a colorfestical banner. To try out whether this banner is worth pulling on, I made a throwaway account with 200 pulls and while the drop rate and four star rate was no doubt amazing, this banner is in no way better than a colorfestival banner. While the concept of the Recollection Banner in and of itself is a very nice idea, I was a little disappointed that a f2p player would have to spend 120 000 crystals in total to obtain their desired limited four star card. This seems more like a scam to waste crystals on than anything else. In 200 pulls, I got 19 4 star cards, one of which was the limited Scramble Festival Kohane. With the same rate up as a ColorFes, it was fun to pull but I would not do this on my main account, as I personally see it as a waste, where you aren't guaranteed to get anything you actually want without spending large amounts of crystals or even using up a real life currency. If this comes to ENSekai in 1 year, then I recommend saving for the 4th Anniversary instead, as it has the same drop rate and you can pick cards you want. You will not be able to obtain every limited card in a colorfestival gacha but even in the Recollection Gacha, the chance was slim or close to zero. At the end of the day: If you wish to pull, please do. I'm not trying to discourage anyone or force you to stop, this is just my honest review of the Recollection Banner. <3
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bookscandlesnbts · 8 months
Jimins Sweet Letter
No, I’m not talking about Letter the song, but the sweet Letter that he wrote for Army, folded up in his pocket (side note: I miss being there) and posted to Weverse. This letter had me crying first thing in the morning once I read the translation because it was as sweet and heartfelt as I imagined it to be. In my opinion, Jimin made a couple things crystal clear in this letter: that he misses us deeply and that he’s very grateful to Jungkook for being with him and supporting him and that Jungkook is doing well. I did giggle and kick my feet a little that half this letter is about Jungkook. 😅 Jimin is just so amazing and inspiring. The other thing that I got from this letter is that Jimin really needs that support from JK. And before you come for me, I absolutely believe Jungkook is receiving equal support from Jimin as well. That’s what you are me, I am you means after all. While Jimin obviously excelled in basic training earning special recognition, I just get the sense that he really misses his old life and never wanted to go. Of course he’s incredibly capable physically hence the award and we know how strong of a person he is to ensure all the hardship he’s had in his career, but he’s still in completely foreign territory. Jimin’s dad posted a couple photos to his cafe’s instagram. He got Jimin flowers a longstanding tradition which I find so sweet. I couldn’t help but notice though that Jimin wasn’t wearing his signature eye smile. Not going to lie…. That broke me. Not seeing the full warmth of his true smile broke my heart. I’m so glad that he will be with Jungkook for the rest of the time and I wish for nothing but the best for them. And all of the other members serving as well too. But Jimin is my “favorite child” and so is Jungkook. I can’t help but stress and miss them the most. 아포방포.
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lgcrp · 2 months
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hi everyone ! as we approach our fifth anniversary, we're so grateful to still have muses around since (almost) the beginning, and since our initial opening, lgc has grown in a way none of us have ever imagined before. we think it's a testament to not only ours, but also our members' hard work that we've been able to ic-debut five idol groups (with a sixth on the way !) within the almost-five years we've been open as a roleplay, and we've always operated in a way to reward our members' commitment and dedication to their groups with new, fun ideas for activities and gigs that keeps the excitement for writing for your muses going, even after debuting. however, we at lgc also like to maintain a certain level of realism in our directory, while also being considerate that both admods and members alike all have real lives that take precedent to roleplaying. hence, we've made a conscious effort to diversify as much as possible for our idol groups in terms of ooc-missions and writing requirements that correlate with ic-career development. it's come to our attention, however, that there's speculation of favoritism amongst the idol groups in terms of what the admod team 'gives them'. to address it bluntly, we have never and will never 'play favorites', and to make that clear, we'd like to clarify as much as we've deemed necessary to finally put the topic to rest.
firstly, we want to address the culture of comparison that's been happening around lgc. as it stands right now, a person could have two muses in the idol career path, in two separate idol groups regardless of gender, and would have two completely different experiences ooc and ic. we intentionally operate this way because we think that one of lgc's charms is the variety we provide our members as writers here. we all know how monotonous and boring idol roleplays can get, which is why we've made a conscious effort to diversify as much as we can as we've expanded. however despite these efforts, it's disheartening, to say the least, to hear talks of comparison more than anything whenever we post new events. we understand that, to some extent, comparison is inevitable, especially when we ourselves simulate an environment of competition with future dreams, awards, and other marks of popularity. but it seems that lately, more often than not, these comparisons and even criticisms are done without the consideration that we purposely give our idol groups their own unique flair, and that what we write out in missions (and even sometimes what we don't write out in missions) is not done because we supposedly favor one group over the other.
we've never planned to release this information publicly, but to cease all debate on the topic, just in terms of music releases, we can break our idol groups down simply:
crystallis is the group with subunits and their own solo shows;
v&a is a self-producing group with their own reactions;
nova gets 6 songs constantly;
type zero gets prereleases; and
nknd releases often but mostly digitally, then will compile in physical releases.
everybody gets two korean comebacks + one other comeback in a targeted market in the original calendar we plan out at the beginning of the year:
crystallis and agito target the japanese market;
type zero targets the chinese market;
fabula and versus target the western market;
nova targets the domestic market; and
nknd currently just targets domestic but will likely also target japan.
these are just two factors that come into play when we plan out an idol group's activities for a quarter. not to mention that agito, crystallis and fabula all have members that regularly act for their notoriety tiers gigs, and as acting career gigs are the most time-consuming along with idol career gigs, we have to also take those into account when writing out missions.
and on the topic of notoriety tiers, we want to provide some context: the Great Revamp of 2021™ really solidified a lot of what we wanted to do for the idol groups early on here at lgc. as the years went on and muses gained more points and notoriety, though, we implemented our notoriety tiers system mainly as a way for our members to provide input into their career trajectories for the first time, but also as a great resource for us as admods to figure out the 'reputation' each group has.
needing to have all this information in place is partially why notoriety tiers gigs happened so frequently in the beginning, but as muses started reaching higher tier levels and claiming activities that required more time and effort for us to plan out, we've had to adapt the way members submit their notoriety tiers forms.
it's now explicitly denoted how busy muses actually are in the forms so that everyone has an idea of the amount of additional work they're putting on their muses through the notoriety tiers vs. the work they already have through their career missions. additionally, this change was done to better reflect just how much a muse's solo activities do impact their group activities, both ic and ooc.
as stated before, realism is important here at lgc, and it's not unrealistic to see idols miss out on comeback promotions because of their individual activities. for us as admods, the choice has either been between (1) planning comeback/group promotions for certain idol groups to accommodate their members' acting gigs or (2) to exclude certain members from comeback/group promotions if their schedules don't permit them. we haven't started the latter, and we don't intend to, but with growing complaints amidst all the comparison, we wonder if taking it to the extent of excluding certain members is necessary to reach a compromise.
for instance, it's unrealistic to give a 12-track full album to a group whose main vocalist is also an actor and busy with acting gigs, but right now, we could give the group a two-track single album instead and only let the main vocalist be on the title track with minimal promotions to still include them in the comeback if that's preferred.
from our perspective, though, it's always been more realistic that during that first seven-year period when an idol signs their contract and debuts, their priority is always the group first and foremost. there's always exception to the rule, and idols do typically have to make that big decision of solo vs. group career eventually. but our most senior muses are at-most three years into their careers, and in the fictional entertainment company that we run, it doesn't make sense for us to let an idol prioritize their solo career over their group's at this point in time.
relatedly, the notoriety tiers have also been a great way for us to see which muses actually aren't eligible for any notoriety tier gigs and as such, we're able to give additional gigs to certain muses as part of their career missions. this is part of our constant struggle of balancing older muses with newer muses, especially when it comes to our idol groups.
as is the natural course of things in roleplay, members and their muses come and go, and that unfortunately means that muses in idol groups do drop and throw a wrench in our plans. along with future dreams, that's part of why we've also introduced team unknown – we'll be honest and say that we had different plans for team unknown, but had to change said plans because of members leaving the roleplay.
again, that's just one of the many factors that we have to take into consideration as we keep the machine going that is lgc. we don't want to over-explain ourselves but at the same time, we hope people can start understanding our reasonings better through this post.
and that's not to say that we aren't open to any criticism nor suggestions. if anything, we always to strive to make ourselves as available as possible to our members either individually on our personal accounts or as a group through the main to consult with us about anything. we have no desires to close those lines of communication, but as much as we want to reiterate that we're always open to discussion as our roleplay continues to evolve, we also hope we won't have to make another statement on the matter.
lgc has always had a long-standing issue of being too events-focused, and we've tried as best as we can to alleviate the stress and dissatisfaction that comes with such a culture by taking in feedback, implementing new systems, and keeping things fresh and fun for everyone as k-pop fans.
however, it's only natural that most people focus on their own muses in idol roleplays and can view other muses getting certain things as missing out on something when, in reality, we hope people can start seeing that they also have things that no other muse (or group) has in lgc. no one has ever gotten less or more, just different, and different is okay.
at the end of the day, we hope everyone doesn't focus too much on the comparison or competition-side of things. lgc is what it is today partly because of what we've curated for you all as an admod team, but mostly because of the unique experiences our members have crafted for themselves as writers and roleplayers.
thank you all for your understanding. please like this post to indicate you've read this announcement.
– lgc admod team
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rainbowsky · 8 months
Elle Thailand - GG's looks for Weibo Night
Straight from the runway! Revealing details of Xiao Zhan's special tailored look at Weibo Night 2023
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The awards ceremony of the year in China, Weibo Night 2023, has ended. This event was an event that gathered many Chinese celebrities. both senior actors Actors who have worked this year Including many rising stars The same goes for actor Xiao Zhan, who also appeared at the event. Which he comes with 2 very special looks. L therefore did not miss the opportunity to unpack the details of his outstanding looks for fans to see. Let me tell you that each look is special and also reinforces the young man's popularity as a global brand ambassador. This person really is!
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Custom Made Gucci
For the first look on the red carpet at the awards ceremony. The global ambassador for Gucci wore a custom outfit created by the brand's new creative director, Sabato De Sarno. The look was a classic black suit. Embellished with sparkling crystals inspired by the Menswear Fall/Winter 2024 collection that just ended at Milan Fashion Week. Complete with sparkling accessories from Boucheron, who is also the brand's global ambassador. Which with this brilliance also makes the hashtag 'Xiao Zhan twinkling' is trending at number one in the hot search on Weibo while the awards ceremony is going on. Gucci Menswear Fall/Winter 2024 / imaxtree
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The One and Only Zenith ICONS
For the second look, he chose to wear a white swallow pattern suit from Balmain and completed the look with a 1971 Zenith ICONS watch, the same model that astronaut Walter Schirra first owned. Not only that The watch that Xiao Zhan wears in this look is the first and only watch currently available in China. It can be said that it is a special look and truly worthy of being a famous actor in the land of dragons.
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In addition to the outstanding look that must be looked at He also created an impressive moment by winning the important award of the event, Outstanding Actor, together with two talented senior actors, Ma Li and Lei Jia Yin. Because of this, Xiao Zhan avoided being in the middle to respect the senior actors. But it turned out that the two senior actors wanted him to be in the middle. As a result, there was a very cute moment on stage that everyone was concerned with. But in the end, he had to be in the middle and be the first to say the thank you speech. And after this incident happened This moment immediately became viral in the Chinese online world. Because everyone admired this young man's cuteness and also admired his politeness. Seeing this, it is no wonder why he has become a favorite of fans all over the world because Xiao Zhan is truly handsome and cute.
Patnakan A - 15 January 2023
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