#personal shopper jobs
emploisdacheteurs · 2 months
Emplois dans la Mode: Personal Shopper à Cannes
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Cannes, joyau de la Côte d'Azur, séduit par ses plages ensoleillées, son prestigieux festival du film et sa réputation de luxe. Mais derrière cette façade étincelante prospère un monde de services exclusifs, et l’un des rôles les plus recherchés est celui de personal shopper. Vous aimez le shopping ? Si vous aimez la mode, vous pouvez obtenir des emplois de personal shopper chez The Personal Shopper Agency.
Une journée dans la vie d'un Personal Shopper Cannois Imaginez ceci : votre journée de travail tourne autour de la navigation dans les boutiques de créateurs, les bijoutiers prestigieux et les tailleurs sur mesure. Vous cultivez des relations avec les vendeurs, dénichez des trésors cachés et créez des expériences de shopping personnalisées pour une clientèle haut de gamme. En tant que personal shopper cannois, cela pourrait être votre réalité.
Une journée typique pourrait inclure:
Consultation client: Vous commencez par comprendre les besoins et les préférences de votre client. Assiste-t-il au Festival de Cannes et a-t-il besoin d'une tenue de rêve pour le tapis rouge ? Ou peut-être un rafraîchissement de garde-robe pour ses vacances en yacht ?
Création d'itinéraire: Sur la base des consultations, vous élaborez un itinéraire de shopping personnalisé, englobant les magasins qui correspondent au budget et au style du client. Cela nécessite une connaissance exceptionnelle du paysage de la mode cannoise, des grandes marques aux designers locaux.
Navigation en boutique: Vous agissez en tant qu'ambassadeur de votre client, en prenant des rendez-vous, en négociant des visites privées et en assurant une expérience de shopping sans faille. Votre maîtrise du français est un atout majeur, tout comme vos compétences en négociation.
Sélection de la garde-robe: Vous allez au-delà de la simple sélection de vêtements. Vous aidez les clients à créer des looks, à accessoiriser les tenues et à vous assurer que tout est parfaitement ajusté. Un œil pour le détail et une compréhension des tendances actuelles sont essentiels.
Les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Le monde du personal shopper cannois est rapide, exigeant, mais indéniablement gratifiant. Voici ce qu'il faut pour réussir:
Expertise en mode: Une compréhension approfondie des tendances de la mode, des marques de créateurs et de la scène de la mode cannoise est essentielle.
Compétences linguistiques: La maîtrise du français et de l'anglais est indispensable. Les langues supplémentaires sont un plus, répondant à la clientèle internationale de Cannes.
Compétences interpersonnelles: Une excellente communication, de la patience et la capacité à établir des rapports avec les clients sont essentiels.
Compétences en négociation: Obtenir les meilleures affaires et naviguer dans le monde des prix de luxe nécessite de solides compétences en négociation.
Organisation et gestion du temps: Juggler les horaires des clients, les rendez-vous et les itinéraires exige des compétences organisationnelles exceptionnelles.
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queer-cosette · 1 year
So many people get self-conscious about ordering alcohol via online grocery shopping so I just want all of you to know that we literally just assume that anyone who buys more than two bottles of wine or a four-pack of beer is hosting guests. Literally you don't have to explain it to us. We have seen weirder. We have seen customers way more deserving of judgement. At the store I work at, we got a nine-basket order that literally only included 10kg bags of kitty litter and 1ltr cartons of shelf-stable apple juice. And the dude never showed up to get it. We had to return the entire order. The next week he ordered the exact same thing for home delivery and made the delivery driver cart it all up three flights of stairs to his apartment. Apparently the apartment smelled of piss. We are judging him way more than we're judging you for your four bottles of chardonnay and two 12-packs of Birra Morretti.
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giftedpoison · 10 months
So I don't know what to do with this information so buckle up I guess.
Hi, my name is Eve and in my real life I used to work at a grocery store (it's a chain but not necessarily a national one so i won't be saying their name for purposes of anonymity).
I worked there from the age of 16 (was hired December 18th 2016). Eventually started working in their shopping department for curbside pickup in 2019, when the department opened. Became a supervisor in the department in November of 2021 (after doing the job for a few years being paid as a part time shopper rather than supervisor) then i was promoted to Lead of the department in Feb. of 2022 (which essentially meant I ordered supplies, dealt with managing a group of 13 individuals and sat in on corporate meetings and the like).
That's my history. I quit in September of 2023. Because the job was trying to kill us all and I hit my breaking point. (My breaking point was when 5 of my employees including myself nearly passed out from over exertion. I say nearly because I forced them to stop and eat and hydrate when it got too bad, i was fighting for management to give me help so we could get breaks out but they wouldn't listen and I ended up absolutely word vomiting my building frustrations with their management style that I had been actively fighting against for well over a year at that point.)
I know I'm a good leader, but management increasingly thought of me as naive and too soft as a leader because I refused to step back and allow abuse of my workers for corporate profit. Despite the fact I would show them statistics and give them nuanced balanced perspectives they let their own biases get in the way.
Three of my shoppers were their main targets. Two of which were neurodivergent and came from a not so great background. The third one wasn't neurodivergent but she came from a broken background that involved drugs and alcohol as a minor she was 19.
I think about the third girl so often. Because I remember she wasn't shopping at the speed they wanted her too (aka the goal for the whole department) which was a valid critique and the manager basically played bad cop which was fine. And I remember after this I was working with this girl and we were running behind that day, to no fault of hers, and i had to come help her finish her shop so we could prepare for the customers to arrive.
And she was panicked. Saying she's really trying and she's afraid she's going to get fired and a bunch of other things as i'm helping her. And I looked at her and tell her. "Listen I've seen you're numbers recently, they aren't where they need to be but i can see you steadily increasing if you keep increasing no matter what the number is by the time management says something again. I will back you. It is okay and me helping you right now is not your fault." I found out recently she no longer shows up to work. And she basically quit. Which was probably in part due to personal issues like the fact her best friend was in coma at one point. And such. And she also got jumped in the parking lot by some girls and the police had to be called. But I can't help but to wonder if I had still been there, if she would have felt safe to keep coming back knowing that there was at least one person in charge in her corner. (now, I know for a fact there is none because I was a one man defense line)
I can't help but to think about my one coworker, one of the neurodivergent ones, who is still routinely get shit about his out of stock list despite back when I was still working there I literally showed them that his numbers averaged out to be about the same as everyone else.
I'm not going to say any of the three were perfect, they didn't always do their best and were sometimes unreliable. But did they deserve to get emotionally abused by one of the supervisors (who i reported over five times, and who also once threatened me but management refused to deal with)? No. Did they deserve to be treated like less than assets when two of them used to come in all the time on their day off to help until they got fed up with being treated like they were lesser?
I think about the time I fought against a capacity increase (literally one of the hours we could have 13 orders drop for one hour with only 2 hours to do it, and maybe 2-3 shoppers to execute it, and that's assuming we had the previous hour completed and actually had a full 2 hours). And then when it went into effect anyway despite me shoving numbers at every higher up I could about how it didn't work for what we had to work with. My one manager told me that's just how you build a business, increasing volume. So I told him it's also how you burn one down. He didn't have a reply.
I asked politely from the store manager that if we called for help, if there was no other employee who could, a manager should help us. And he returned with hedging and saying that "well if there's only one manager on duty that's not really feasible". Even when there were three managers on duty and two of them were standing around talking they did nothing. But don't worry if it was register front end drowning two managers plus a stocker would come to the rescue.
And prior to all this, prior to my Lead position, I didn't know I could be an effective and intelligent leader. Now I know I can, but absolutely no one will listen to me and will routinely talk down on me when they were so interested in me, that they fought corporate when corporate didn't want to give me the promotion and gave me a bigger raise than was protocol because they believed in me. And that belief went down the drain immediately when they realized I would not blindly fall in line.
I feel so bad that I'm no longer on the front lines defending them, and that I failed to give management one last piece of my mind like I was going to, but I know if I stayed there it would have eaten me alive and that it was slowly killing me.
I don't know where to go from here. How to live knowing I have enough intelligence to lead and be fair and nuanced, but having no where to put that to use. I don't know what to do anymore but this one haunts me.
And like I'm not gonna say I was perfect and I definitely didn't know the answers to everything. And I did have my issues. (I was angry but refused to take it out on anyone, I sometimes got so overwhelmed I had to ask someone to take over while I laid on the floor for a second to regain perspective, and I would often have to sit down because I would become light headed and dizzy from the heat outside). But at the very least I fought for them ya know?
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
Oh speaking of irritation
I have the dumbest coworkers I swear to god. Well she works front end but bc I used to say "good morning" whenever someone was in the breakroom when I started (stopped doing it about 6 or 7 months in?) She thinks we're buddies but she doesnt remember my name ever and just calls me Friend.
Anyway she wanted "a size 12/13 in girls pjs and an 8/9 in boys" okay well if you pay attention to sizing at all when you shop for kids sizing is never an odd pair if it's not a single size, except for smalls ie: 4/5 (xsmall) 6/7 (small)
Size 8 is medium, 10/12 is large, 14/16 is x-large and 18/20 which is only in boys usually is xx-large
So theres never a 12/13. You'd buy 10/12 or 14/16. I had to explain this to her like five fucking times. Then I had to explain that yes the 3 pack of girls tees that are on sale CAN be worn as pj tops
"Okay so where's the bottoms?"
Jeans?? You mean these jeans next to them?? I said they CAN be worn to bed not that they're pjs nor that they're a set!
So then I have to help her find the kids pjs that arent the sales ones bc those go up to 10. Finally show her and she gets one for the boy. Cool theres girls literally right next to it. Okay bye.
"so is this a pj set?" (Chamagedon Hoodie & Leggings literally labeled ACTIVE SET) bitch do you sleep in jogging clothes as pjs? If my grandma got me a jogging set and my (nonexistent) brother pjs I would have assumed he got pjs and I got a jogging set. Not pjs....
Finally got her to look again and see the girls pjs and she was like "In 12/13??" 😑
She ended up on 10/12 like ffs man just get her a giftcard like... you've had these grandkids, (which means you've had children and thus BEEN CHILDRENS CLOTHES SHOPPING BEFORE) for 13 years and you still dont understand sizing?? Childrens sizing which is usually consistent (4/5, 6/7, 8/10, 10/12, 14/16) ???
And dont get me fuckinh started on people's fucking internalized misogyny/fragile masculinity bullshit when you try to put a half row of girls and boys shit together
"Well which are the BOYS?" Does it fucking matter? It's a blue shirt with a cartoon dog on it. For a 3 year old. Maam he will not know and if he did I doubt he would care bc hes THREE and it's just CLOTHING IT DOESNT HAVE A GENDER OR PRONOUNS
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outfitswithmystuff · 7 months
the difference between a personal shopper, a fashion stylist and a fashion designer
personal shopper: they will search and look for the piece you tell them to, whether its a vague description like a red dress with lace (no silhouette, no length, no brand) or a specific piece. their job is to look for it and find it.
fashion stylist: they will build outfits for specific situations, they have more often than not a unique vision, so their opinions weight heavily on the final outfit
fashion designer: they create the wardrobe pieces according to their own vision, their own style, no matter the situation.
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readymades2002 · 8 months
i've put a lot of thought into how i would make this job better and more humane to work and fundamentally i think that it is not possible unless our higher-ups start being okay with Number Not Going Up and that's not going to happen. it is all about convenience for the customer. taking breaks is difficult and taking lunches is straight up not possible if you're working alone because, even aside from the workload (bonkers), customers can just show up Whenever and you Will have to take that order out to them. not much of a way around that. its just so frustrating. i've thought about talking to our union rep before, but i don't even know where i'd begin. the company is pushing this department super hard too as a growth opportunity! you can't imagine how many fucking Records have been broken orderwise the last few months and every time it happens we get an email celebrating record holiday profits like this is not a death sentence. even thinking "how would i ask for everyone to be guaranteed some kind of break without driving the other person working to madness" involves three people working at a time to split the load of shopping and of covering pickups, and if three people are scheduled then slots will be opened to reflect this and that just means more FUCKING orders can be placed and so like what is even the point!!!!!! ohhhhhh god its so bad. i need to get out of this department more than anything
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chicshoppers · 1 year
Essere un Personal Shopper in Europa: Una professione in crescita
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Negli ultimi anni la professione di personal shopper ha registrato un notevole aumento di popolarità in Europa. Sempre più persone cercano aiuto per migliorare la propria immagine personale, sia per le occasioni speciali che per la vita di tutti i giorni.
I personal shopper sono professionisti che offrono consigli ai loro clienti su come vestirsi in modo appropriato in base al loro stile, alla loro figura e al loro budget. Possono anche aiutare a trovare abiti e accessori adatti a eventi o occasioni specifiche.
Cosa fa un personal shopper?
Le responsabilità di un personal shopper possono variare a seconda del cliente e del servizio offerto. Tuttavia, in generale, un personal shopper svolge i seguenti compiti:
Analizzare lo stile e le esigenze del cliente. Il personal shopper deve conoscere lo stile del cliente per proporgli abiti e accessori che gli piacciano e che lo valorizzino. Inoltre, deve conoscere le esigenze del cliente per consigliargli un abbigliamento adatto alla sua vita quotidiana o alle occasioni speciali. Deve fornire consigli sulla figura e sulla tonalità della pelle del cliente.
Assistere i clienti nella ricerca di abiti e accessori adatti al loro budget. Un personal shopper deve essere in grado di trovare articoli di alta qualità che rientrino nel budget del cliente.
Fare acquisti per il cliente. In alcuni casi, un personal shopper può fare acquisti per il cliente, il che può essere utile per chi non ha tempo o non ama fare shopping.
Quali qualità deve avere un personal shopper?
Per essere un buon personal shopper, è necessario possedere le seguenti qualità:
Buon gusto e conoscenza della moda. Un personal shopper deve avere buon gusto e conoscenza delle ultime tendenze della moda per offrire consigli accurati ai clienti.
Apertura mentale e rispetto delle preferenze dei clienti. Un personal shopper deve essere in grado di ascoltare e rispettare le preferenze dei clienti.
Un personal shopper deve essere in grado di stabilire un rapporto di fiducia con il cliente per fornire consigli personalizzati. Essere organizzato ed efficiente. Un personal shopper deve essere in grado di organizzare il proprio tempo e i propri compiti in modo efficiente per fornire un servizio adeguato ai propri clienti.
Come diventare personal shopper?
Sebbene non esista un programma accademico specifico per diventare personal shopper, esistono corsi e workshop che possono aiutare gli individui ad acquisire le competenze necessarie per questa professione. Un'altra opzione è quella di candidarsi per un posto di lavoro presso un'agenzia di personal shopper rinomata. 
Anche l'esperienza nel settore della moda è importante e può essere acquisita lavorando in negozi di abbigliamento, partecipando a eventi di moda o assistendo un personal shopper.
In definitiva, quella del personal shopper è una professione entusiasmante che permette di aiutare gli altri a migliorare la propria immagine personale. Se hai buon gusto, sei organizzato e hai la capacità di ascoltare e capire gli altri, questa potrebbe essere la professione ideale per te.
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kkoraki · 1 year
i love my job because i get to look at computers all day and then lecture very important people about them
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vaultdwellerbarbie · 1 month
happiness is a butterfly
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(gif credit to junkfoodcinemas on tumblr) :-)
cooper adams (trap)/f!reader (5.5k wc)
summary cooper keeps his promise to return your security clearance card after escaping police custody
content warnings smut, unsafe sex, morally dubious main character, mentions of murder and violence, guns, not really cheating but still kinda cheating i guess, dark i guess but everything is consensual
i know that this is like a twisters blog but i needed to get this off of my chest i don't have any other blogs sorry to everyone who has my post notifications on i'm in love with josh hartnett fun fact. i actually giggled out loud in the movie theater when he took his shirt off it was kind of humiliating. this is named after the lana del rey song, but has notes of velvet crowbar and dark but just a game too.
When you and everyone else you worked with were informed that Lady Raven’s show was going to be used as a rouse to catch The Butcher, a man who had been keeping everyone you knew awake well into the night for quite some time, you weren’t so sure that you were equipped to handle the responsibilities that you were being given.
Most people, when asked to picture a security guard, didn’t picture you. You weren’t intimidating, physically or in terms of your personality. You were rather disarming, but that unassumingness made you an asset because you were equipped to handle threats, you could fight back if need be, and you knew that most people would feel comfortable enough around you to not worry about doing something wrong like they would around a big, strong man.
That was the whole point of your role at the arena, you were undercover security. If you needed to take someone down, you were able to do so. If you needed to call something in, you were able to do so. It wasn’t exactly a unique position, plenty of security personnel worked in plain sight. Up until that meeting, you weren’t even so sure why so many people in your life were so concerned that you were putting yourself in danger. 
You’d claim that it’s ‘really not even more dangerous than being a secret shopper at Target’, and for the most part, you never really got put in super dangerous situations. You were allowed to escort people off the premises, and if someone did get a little aggressive, there was often a way for it to be handled without you getting hurt. There were so many procedures in place that you were never worried. 
It was difficult to not be worried when you were told that you were going to take part in taking down a serial killer, someone who you knew was killing people indiscriminately. Someone who you were being told was partially your responsibility, as security detail. When you were given your card, you felt as though it was going to play a part in your life in some way. You were just under the impression that way was something simple, though. It was important because it was going to be there during a day that you could tell your family about for years to come, surely?
Not so. 
He was tall, charming in an awkward way, devilishly handsome, and one of the best sexual encounters that you had ever had in your life. You couldn’t forget the way that he pressed you against the wall, the way that he touched you wherever he pleased but wouldn’t let you even get a taste of him beyond one fleeting kiss when you agreed to lend him your card for the day. He had promised that he would get it back when he was certain that he was safe, and at the time you were too charmed by him to actually process what you were doing - who exactly you deemed it appropriate to get finger-fucked by at your job in return for him taking your one-way ticket throughout the arena. 
The promise that he made you to return your card was never fulfilled, and when you saw on the television that The Butcher had been apprehended, you knew that it never would be. 
There was a sick feeling in your stomach. You knew that you had willingly helped The Butcher, Cooper. But it didn’t really matter, did it? He was apprehended, he wasn’t going to hurt anyone else, and the young man that he had kidnapped had survived the encounter. Lady Raven never made it to her second show, the one that had sold out to begin with, but even she had made it out alive.
Still, that sick feeling grew - because you were almost disappointed. 
Not disappointed that people had survived, it wasn’t that you thrived on chaos and wished to see more violence. You were disappointed because you wanted more from that encounter, you wanted to feel more than just his fingers, you wanted him to fulfill that promise that he had made to you to return his card. That promise had come with a lot more implications than just returning something that you weren’t going to need for work anymore now that he was caught. It made you feel sick because you knew who he was, what he was capable of, and you still found yourself wishing that you could feel his fingers digging into your hips again. You wished that you could touch him, at least once. It was so very wrong to wish something like that about him now that you knew who he was - but did you not know before? 
Glancing away from the glow of the television in your dark room, you raised the fabric of the tank top covering your upper torso. His fingers had dug into your skin harshly, it almost felt like the ghost of them still existed on your skin even though you knew that couldn’t be possible. 
A knock at the door shook you from your thoughts, but you were certain nobody should be knocking at this hour. Leaning forward, you opened the drawer of the coffee table and grabbed the small gun from inside of it, work-issued, something that you really weren’t supposed to fire when you weren’t on the clock. They should understand if you were about to be potentially murdered, right? 
Standing up, you peered through the peep-hole only to find the one person who you were certain couldn’t actually be there. But he knocked again, and you were almost sure that he had somehow made eye contact with you through the hole in the door.
“How did you figure out where I live?” You asked, opening the door and letting him in before anyone could see what was happening. “And how are you here? I saw on the news that you were in custody.” 
“Well, I was in custody.” He held up a small metal object, it looked like one of the spokes from a bike that he had bent. “I got out.”
“And my address, how’d you get my address?”
“You left your wallet sitting out, figured I’d return it to you.” 
You watched as he pulled a wallet out, and it was unmistakably yours. How had you not noticed that you didn’t have your wallet? It must have been the chaos of the day. When the concert ended, you were all briefed and asked to go home, but you knew that there was more that needed to be done once it was over. You were supposed to return for the second concert once they had done a sweep of the building to make sure that nobody was hiding out in there, but that had never happened. 
“I shouldn’t have let you into my house.” You acknowledged, taking the wallet from his hands and tossing it behind him onto the coffee table. “But I did.”
“You did. Why?” 
“You made a promise, I figure it would be the gentlemanly thing to do to keep your promise.” 
Cooper hummed in agreement, pulling the small white card out from his pocket and holding it out for you. Just as you went to grab it, he pulled it back. “I’ll give this back to you, but I want something in exchange.”
“What’s that?” 
“How much did the news actually tell you?”
“Just that you were apprehended, that you have a family.”
“It was my wife who turned me in, I can’t go back to that house. I can’t hide away with my children, I can’t even see them again.” He looked angry, you could see that, but his anger wasn’t with you. “I can’t run away because they’ll just look for me, but you…” 
“They won’t suspect that I’m with you, they don’t even know that I know you.” 
That much was true, he had pulled you into an area with no security cameras. You had already been there, and even if they questioned you, you doubted that they were actually going to be able to figure out that you’d been working with Cooper in any capacity. Still…
“That’s a terrible idea.”
“How so?”
“Well, I don’t have any clothes in your size, so I’d have to buy those. I don’t have enough food for two, or anything for you to shower with. It would look really weird if I all of a sudden had a bunch of ATM withdrawals or mens clothes on my bank statement since they have you entering a room I was in on camera.” 
“I’ll give you cash.” 
“Alright, fine. But what if they come here?”
“Why would they come here?”
“At home visit. This is the FBI, they’re thorough.” 
“They’re not going to come here, I walked into a lot of rooms with a lot of people. I doubt that they’re going to interview everyone, and there were no identifiers on the card you gave me.” 
Glancing back over at the card, you knew that he was right, but there were still flaws.
“You’re going to get caught, and then we’re both going to be put in jail. Someone gave you a card, they know that much.”
“No, they knew that I had a card. I could have stolen that from anyone, I stole a clearance pass from someone - is he under investigation too?” He stepped forward, holding the card out for you. There were a lot of different ways he could have played this, and you weren’t foolish enough to think that he actually liked you as a person - this man just wanted to lay low and survive, even though you had been told that he wasn’t the type of person who really wanted to survive to begin with. You could only imagine that he was driven by pure spite, but by god were his manipulation tactics working. “I won’t hurt you, I promise. You can see that I’ve kept my promises to you.”
“Yeah, with conditions.” You replied, but you doubted that he was going to kill you. Unless something randomly snapped in him, you had done nothing to provoke him and he, technically, needed you. He couldn’t go out in public, and he really needed to lay low. Killing you would cut off any resource he has, and he would have to come up with some way for your neighbors to not get suspicious. Cooper wouldn’t be stupid enough to kill you even if he wanted to, since you were so willing to comply with him for some reason that you couldn’t quite figure out. “What do you gain from this?”
“I live, I fuck Rachel over just like she did to me.”
“The anonymous tip was her, wasn’t it?”
“It was.” 
Sighing, you fought with yourself in your mind for a few moments. This was wrong, incredibly wrong. This man was a serial killer, he had done awful things. You had a gun and you could kill him, he couldn’t fight back in time when he had nothing to protect him. At the very least, you could incapacitate him and call police. It would be the right thing to do, the moral thing to do. Yet, when he looked at you, you couldn’t help but remember the feeling of his hand on your hips, of his fingers inside of you, of his brief and taunting kiss. You wanted to do the moral thing, but you couldn’t do it.
“I’ll help you.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. I knew you’d make the right choice.” Taking the card from his hand, you glanced it over before setting it down. 
“Do you want something to drink? I have water, lemonade, whatever. Make yourself at home, I guess.” Glancing toward the living room, you moved to turn the television off, figuring it probably wouldn’t be advisable to have the news on anymore. Flicking the light on, you pointed toward the hallway. “I’ve got a small house and I live alone, you can sleep on the couch. My room’s back there.” 
“I’ll take a water, and the couch will be just fine.” 
Nodding, you walked to the kitchen and grabbed him a bottled water, but the couch couldn’t be right, you wouldn’t be comfortable with it. “Couch isn’t fine, you can sleep with me.”
“What’s wrong with the couch?”
“I have a giant sliding glass door, I’m shocked you didn’t just break in.” He finally turned to look at it, it was very close to your couch. “I’ll work on covering it up, but you’re just going to have to sleep with me.” 
“My pleasure.”
Your heart beat sped up for a second, but you brushed it aside and handed him the water, your fingers brushing his for a second. You couldn’t have sex with him, not tonight anyway. You wanted to, desperately, but your mind was running a mile a minute and you were certain his was too, considering. Everything about this felt like a fever dream, you were harboring a serial killer fugitive in your home for what reason? Because he was hot and good with his fingers? It was shameful, sinful, but not enough that you could stop it from happening. 
“Promise me again that you’re not going to kill me.” You said, walking him to your room and opening up the drawer where you typically kept your gun at night. Though you lived in a relatively safe area, you were always rather cautious. Supposedly. Maybe it wasn’t very cautious to let a known serial killer lay low in your home. 
“I promise I’m not going to kill you.” He stepped closer to you, his thumb on your chin as he tilted your head so you were looking into his eyes. There was a coldness in them that contrasted the naturally warm brown color that his eyes had, it probably should have turned you off. You were pretty sure it was impossible for you to be turned off by him, though. “Do you believe me?”
“I believe that you kinda need me for at least a little while, so yes.”
“That hurts.” He replied, and for just a moment you wanted to smile - he was kind of funny, but you weren’t sure that he was trying to be funny. 
Cooper’s movements were swift, it was as though he was sealing his promise with a kiss just as he had the last one. But this one was deeper, much longer than the kiss that left you yearning for more in the supply closet where you had forgotten what you were even looking for. The feeling of his hand on the small of your back urged you to move closer to him, his taut frame pressed against yours in a way that made you forget every pesky worry about safety and morality. Cooper’s hand ventured lower, a gasp escaping your lips upon feeling him squeezing your backside. 
But he pulled away, and he actually had the nerve to laugh at you for pouting before sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“You’re gonna need to strip, you’re not sleeping in my clean sheets in your outside clothes.” 
“These aren’t even my clothes, I took them.”
“That’s even worse. I’ll get you new clothes tomorrow.” 
“Are you sure you don’t just want to see me strip?”
“I do want to see you strip, but no. Please?” 
The rest of the evening was… uneventful. You should know, since you were awake for most of it. 
Despite having the assurance of your gun being beside you, and knowing that logically there really was nothing this man could gain from killing you, you also knew that this was a terrible idea. He needed you for now, and probably for a little while, but were you just delaying the inevitable? People were going to assume he fled the country after a couple of months, and were you really even capable of laying that low for a couple of months just so he could kill you when he no longer needed you? But would he even want to kill you? He had the option to earlier in the arena, he had no idea at the time that it would have been shooting himself in the foot if he did. He knew that you would figure out who he was, and somehow he knew that you weren’t going to turn him in. 
Even with the belief that he, at the very least, wouldn’t kill you for a while - was this right? Surely, no. He was a serial killer, he was surviving predominantly so he could kill someone who had wronged him. This wasn’t someone who was at large for robbing a bank to feed his family, this was someone who was at large for murdering people and who was hoping to kill one member of his family. Still, it struck you as interesting that it was only one member. He seemed to care about his children in a genuine capacity, you had seen him with his daughter. At the very least, he had a capacity for human emotion, but did that simply make him more dangerous than he already was?
Sleep didn’t come easy for you. If it wasn’t a worry that the man beside you was going to turn on you on a dime and kill you two months down the road, it was your moral arguments about how you shouldn’t have even let this man into your house - how the right thing to do would be calling the police now that he was asleep beside you. If it wasn’t that, it was thoughts of how gruesome the murders had been, and a morbid curiosity about why he had done what he had done and what had driven him. You’d heard the profile, you knew that it had a lot to do with how he was raised and the issues that he had with his mother, but you wanted to know more - you wanted to hear from his own mouth what it was that drove him to do the things that he did in the manner that he did them. 
Eventually, you were able to fall asleep. Not that you slept for long, because just the slightest stir beside you caused you to wake up. But you did get a few hours of sleep, and those few hours translated into a sluggish day where you picked up men’s clothing and foods that you wouldn’t normally eat and hoped beyond all hope that someone you knew wasn’t going to be there. You were lucky that the arena was closed until further notice - with pay, thankfully - since it was still considered an active crime scene since Cooper was still at large. 
When you returned back, he was still right where you left him and seemingly relieved to change into something that didn’t belong to someone else. While he took care of himself, you took care of dinner. It was odd enough cooking for two people when you were used to just being alone, but it was even weirder knowing what the person who you were cooking for was capable of. Still, you couldn’t bring yourself to actually question if what you were doing was morally okay or not - it wasn’t. It was not morally okay, you had ample opportunity to turn him in without worry of being killed for doing it and you chose not to. And why not? Because he was hot? Because you wanted to have sex with him? What kind of reason was that? At some point, you really just got tired of arguing with yourself in your mind and focused instead on whether you were actually going to have sex with him.
Sure, he fingered you one time, but he did that so you’d do him a favor. Sure, he’d kissed you since then, but was that just a thank you for helping him? And, sure, he was driven to kill Rachel - but it wasn’t like he was technically divorced. Killing his wife was probably a lot more severe and permanent than divorcing her, but that didn’t necessarily mean that he was looking to have sex with someone who he had just meant. At some point, you had to consider your own morality in ensuring that - if that happened - it wasn’t solely because he wanted somewhere to stay. 
Once you had finished cooking, you took the opportunity to install the curtains that you had purchased while you were away. It was true that you had a fence in your backyard, but it was also true that you were still worried that - being that you were on camera in the same room as Cooper - you were being monitored, or at risk of being monitored. You’d intended on getting curtains for the glass door anyway, some sort of worry about people peeping through the glass. Of course, you hadn’t accounted for purposefully letting the danger inside of your home and deciding to look past the amorality of it. 
“Need some help with that?” 
“I’m good.” 
“Looks like you need some help with that.” Cooper moved with such ease, adjusting the curtains so they were installed in the right place. He was incredibly tall, and had no qualms with leaning so closely behind you that you could absolutely feel him pressed against your back. It sent a shiver up your spine, but that only made him lean just a little bit closer. 
When he was finished, you would expect that he’d move away. Instead, you felt his large hands move down to your hips, your breath hitching in your throat as you watched his reflection in the glass. He could see you, he was looking right at you, and you wanted to stop him and remind him that you made dinner, but the feeling of his lips against your neck had you forgetting anything else that was lingering in your mind. 
“You don’t have to have sex with me just so you have a place to stay, you know.”
“I had other ways of getting your help, I’m not looking for a favor.” He replied, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin on your neck. “Unless you don’t want to… but I feel like you do.” 
“I do want to,” You replied, but turned around to face him anyway. He left his hands on your hips, not bothering to move away from you. He was so close to you, you could smell the soap that he had just used in the shower on him when you looked at him. “After we eat, I spent extra money on food for two.”
“After we eat, then.”
Cooper leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your mouth, your eyes fluttering shut as you had a difficult time controlling your body’s unavoidable attraction to the man. Wetness still lingered on your neck from his mouth, and all you could focus on was how badly you wanted to look down and confirm that he wanted this just as badly as you did. But he pulled away, giving you exactly what you had asked for and joining you for dinner. 
It was tense and somewhat awkward to sit down at eat with him, but it also seemed like something was was awkward for him, too. Not because he was thinking about you, or because he was even thinking about being on the run, but because he was used to eating meals with his children. Regardless of who he was, regardless of what he was capable of, it was inarguable that he cared about his children. You were certain that his mind was simply lingering on them, on what they were doing and what they were thinking of him at this very moment. Despite knowing that he was The Butcher, knowing that he really didn’t deserve much sympathy since he had made the decision to dow hat he had done, you still felt bad to see a man so desperately yearning to be with his children again. A yearning that you both knew was never going to be fulfilled because, even if he could find a way to get in contact with them again, it was unlikely that they were going to want to be in contact with him knowing what he had done, what he planned on doing to their other parent in an act of revenge. 
By the time you were finished eating, the only thing you could think about was how badly you wanted the man sitting in front of you - and how badly you were sure he wanted to distract himself from whatever thoughts were lingering in the back of his mind. Trying to wash the dishes lasted about two seconds before he was behind you again, and this time you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything other than give in.
“Finish cleaning.”
“Finish cleaning or we won’t do anything.” He responded, but made no effort to make it easier on you as he pulled your hips against his, the rather apparent evidence that he wanted this as badly as you did pressing against your ass as you tried your best to continue washing the dishes that were in the sink. “Good girl.”
“You’re a tease.”
“Just organized.” 
You knew he was organized, you knew it bothered him if things weren’t clean and tidy. Each of those things were discussed during the breakdown of the profile of the man, so you doubted that he was going to be much different from that while living under the same roof as him even if it was only temporary. You had no qualms with washing your dishes and keeping your house clean, you simply took issue with it when you were trying to do a chore and had his mouth against your skin.
It took you all of two minutes - a personal record - to have everything cleaned and to have him turning you around and lifting you onto the dry part of the cupboard. You knew that he was strong, how else would he have been able to effortlessly lift the people that he was kidnapping? It wasn’t a shock to you that he would have no issue in placing you on your own cupboard, but you simply whined out a complaint along the lines of ‘I just cleaned in here the other day’. 
“You can clean again, I’m feeling impatient.”
“You really should help me clean since you’re not paying rent.” 
“Sounds fair.” 
Cooper seemingly was being honest about being impatient, wasting no time in pulling your shirt over your head and undoing the bra that was hooked at your back. He had a lot more ease with that than even you did sometimes, but you chose not to think too hard about it as you felt his lips against yours. He pressed himself in between your legs, spreading them a bit wider than was entirely comfortable for the muscles in your thighs, but that slight apprehension was entirely forgotten the moment you felt his hips grinding into yours.
A sigh left your throat, his hands complimenting the feeling nicely as he brought one to your chest, his thumb pressed against your nipple. He had quite large hands, but considering his overall stature, you weren’t very surprised by that. Your own hands got a bit adventurous, moving to undo his pants while he moved back slightly so you could do what it was that you wanted to do. Cooper helped you remove them, but you noted that he didn’t allow his pants to fall to the floor - that must be something that bothered him.
“Please take your shirt off.”
“Since you used your manners, I’d be happy to oblige you.” He responded, taking the shirt of but very neatly setting it down beside you. Your eyes locked on his, that familiar darkness still lingering in them as he looked at you. Bringing a hand up, he let you explore his torso, the warmth of his skin contrasting the coldness in his eyes - even when he seemed to be doing something intimate, there was never much warmth behind them. Not when he looked at you, anyway - you’d noticed that he looked very warmly at his daughter during the concert, it was something that made him stick out to you in the first place. 
“I really need you to fuck me.” 
Cooper huffed out a laugh at your bluntness, but wasted very little time in helping you get your pants undone and pulling them down your hips along with your panties. You watched him as he set them into a neat pile with his shirt, the coolness of the counter underneath you making you move a little bit closer to him. But any coldness that you still felt was gone soon thereafter. The head of his cock pushed against your clit first, a whimper leaving your lips as you felt him teasing you. 
“So fucking wet, have you been thinking about this all day?”
“I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday.” You admitted, but you were certain that he knew that. 
“I have too.” He responded, pushing inside of you a moment later and giving you very little time to process what he had said. Leaning forward fully, Cooper supported your body so you could press against him. He set a brutal pace, giving you very little time to adjust to the stretch of the size of a man of his stature. It was painful at first, but that pain was soothed by the feeling of his mouth against yours, by the sound of his moans filling your ears and reverberating against your lips. 
The pain melted away into pleasure rather quickly, fingers absentmindedly roaming his body before settling on his forearm. 
“You’re taking it so well, honey, you feel so fucking good wrapped around me.” Whatever thoughts were plaguing his mind were quickly forgotten as he pounded into you, and any remaining apprehensions in your own head were gone just as quickly as his were. “If I had time yesterday, I would have bent you over in that supply closet. You would have liked that, wouldn’t you?”
“Fuck- I would have-”
“You’re sick for fucking me, you know that.” He was taunting you now, and he seemed to be getting off on it - in a weird way, you were too. 
“I know.”
“But you love it anyway.”
“I do- feels so good.” 
“I know, I know it does baby.” His taunts faded into coos, but his tone was still teasing and his hips were still snapping against yours with reckless abandon. Everything felt overwhelming, him inside of you, filling you more than anyone else ever could. His hand squeezing that part of your hip again, his hot breath against your lips - your breaths and moans fading together, and the feeling of the friction against your nipples as your chest was pressed tightly against his. It was all too much, but somehow not enough; you really couldn’t get enough of him. “But now I can have you whenever I want, isn’t that right?”
“Yes-” You let out a squeal at a particularly harsh thrust, a coil building in your stomach as you felt one of his hands roaming down your skin before he pressed a finger against your clit. “Whenever you want.”
“Such a good girl, I think you deserve to cum. You’ve been so accommodating, so sweet.” 
Cooper’s finger sped up against your clit, your eyes shutting and your head falling against his chest as he brought you over the edge. He let you ride out your orgasm before pulling out to finish against your stomach, bringing his fingers down to collect the cum on your skin. Your eyes felt clouded over as you opened them, gazing into his that were also still blown out with lust. He watched as you took his fingers into your mouth, his own lips slightly ajar as he took in the sight of you taking the taste of him onto your tongue.
“Let’s get you into the bath.”
By the time that you had finished your shower - a shower that was riddled with mistakes as your legs were just a little bit shaky, he had placed all of your clothes into the washer and had seemingly dug through your drawers to find you some pajamas. It was definitely not the polite thing to do, but you weren’t sure what you expected from him.
This issue with him was, as you got back into bed with him and let him hold you - which, you weren’t sure if it was more for you or for him - was that he was so normal. You knew there were things wrong with him, but he appeared so normal and tame that you were almost able to forget them. But you knew about them, you knew what was wrong with him and you knew that you were just as bad for hiding him from the police, for allowing him a place in your life even though you were well-aware of the awful things that he did, the awful things that he was planning on doing in the future. 
Yet, as you felt his fingers brushing through your hair and the warmth of his body against your own, there was no part of you that wanted to change the decisions that you had made regardless of the risk and amorality of it all.
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emploisdacheteurs · 4 months
Personal Shopper à Lyon : Prendre le contrôle des pavés
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Lyon, la vibrante capitale de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, est un havre pour les fashionistas. Forte d'une riche histoire dans le domaine du textile et de la production de soie, la ville offre un délicieux mélange de boutiques haut de gamme, de créateurs indépendants et de charmants magasins d'antiquités. Lyon est donc un lieu de prédilection pour tous ceux qui souhaitent faire carrière en tant que personal shopper.
Mais que faut-il faire exactement pour s'épanouir en tant que personal shopper dans cette ville française chic ? Ce guide vous fournira les connaissances essentielles pour naviguer sur la scène de la mode lyonnaise et vous imposer comme un gourou du style. Vous aimez le shopping ? Si vous aimez la mode, vous pouvez devenir personal shopper chez The Personal Shopper Agency.
Maîtriser l'art de la communication avec les clients
Établir des relations : La clé du succès réside dans la compréhension de la personnalité, du style de vie et du budget de votre client. L'écoute active est essentielle pour instaurer la confiance et garantir une expérience d'achat personnalisée. Adopter le multilinguisme : Bien que le français soit la langue principale, Lyon attire une clientèle cosmopolite. Envisagez d'apprendre les bases de la conversation en anglais, en italien ou en espagnol pour répondre aux besoins des clients internationaux.
Travailler en réseau comme un pro et acquérir des compétences commerciales essentielles
Entrez en contact avec les entreprises locales : Établissez des relations avec les propriétaires de boutiques, les stylistes et les tailleurs. Ce réseau vous permet de trouver des pièces uniques, d'obtenir des réductions exclusives et d'offrir à vos clients une expérience d'achat complète.
Tirez parti des médias sociaux : Créez une présence en ligne captivante en mettant en valeur votre expertise en matière de style et les témoignages de vos clients. Utilisez des plateformes comme Instagram et Facebook pour créer un réseau local et attirer des clients potentiels.
Devenir un ninja de la gestion du temps : Jongler avec les rendez-vous des clients, programmer les courses et gérer la logistique exige des compétences exceptionnelles en matière de gestion du temps. Acceptez l'effort : Le métier de personal shopper est une aventure entrepreneuriale. Développez de solides compétences en marketing et en communication pour promouvoir vos services et vous constituer une solide clientèle. Envisagez de créer un site web ou un système de réservation en ligne pour faciliter l'accès.
Les avantages d'être personal shopper à Lyon
Travailler comme personal shopper à Lyon offre un mélange unique d'épanouissement professionnel et d'immersion culturelle. Voir la confiance de votre client s'épanouir à chaque nouvelle trouvaille est une expérience incroyablement gratifiante. En outre, vous bénéficierez d'un accès inégalé aux joyaux cachés de la mode lyonnaise et ferez partie intégrante de la communauté dynamique de la mode de la ville.
Prêt à vous lancer dans l'aventure du personal shopping lyonnais ? Avec de l'engagement, un sens aigu du style et les conseils décrits ci-dessus, vous serez sur la bonne voie.
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queer-cosette · 2 years
why are old people so insistent on standing in The Most Inconvenient Place Possible when they need something from a shelf next to where a store employee is working. like it’s literally always old people. people under 70 will always be like “oh sorry! didn’t mean to get in your way haha” but people older than 70 will stand 1 inch behind me or directly in front of my cart literally as close as they can get for the sake of One Item. what’s with that. you can wait 30 seconds for me to move. there isn’t a time limit on the jammie dodgers I promise they will still be there after I move.
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tiktaalic · 7 months
Girls will be like yeah so basically Taylor swift has eradicated all attempts at creativity in favor of seamlessly merging her IDENTITY to PRODUCT and I will give accolades where accolades are due. She has been very successful at this probably the most successful person on earth at this and all it cost her is her soul. And it DID cost a soul. You could make a graph between amount of streams and quality of work and see so clearly the inverse relationship materialize before your eyes. She was not born a hack but embraced the life of a hack when she realized she would be more popular with platitudes and dialing back on oversharing and being less messy. If you replace personhood with producthood you lose your humanity but your album sales go fuuuucking crazy. I can make overtures at understanding this by reminding myself she was crucified for being a person for years and years and she has been very vocal about it doing a heavy number on her psyche. Maybe when that happens to you as a teenager the trade off seems less revolting. Getting rid of something you’re mocked for having anyway and in return you are richer and more famous than anyone has any right to be. But then I scratch my head. And go but surely you see that this is a deal with the devil. Surely with the contract laid out in front of you. You gnaw your lip. You hesitate. You follow the letter of the law but skirt the spirit of it for brief shining moments. And when she’s so publicly had misogynistic vitriol levied at her. So often for so long. IS it misogynistic for your criticisms to boil down to “she’s not likable enough for me”? At what dollar amount does a millionaire going on billionaire become a public object rather than a person? Does the fact that she’s slowly revoked access to herself change this? Is it more or less human to orchestrate your life so that paparazzi only sees you on planned outings where you look impeccable and have a message to send and you are Taylor Swift The Brand after you’ve been scarred by years of being Taylor swift the young woman in the tail end of the aughts and the 2010s ripped to shreds scrutinized for every choice and smile and dress and man? Is there a passable essay in the title Taylor Swift Doesn’t Owe You Authenticity. Maybe! but doesn’t she as an artist work at a job where she’s supposed to produce. Art? It sounds like I’m asking for ballads but I’m really not I’m asking for a song that is good. Im asking for a cruel summer which is irreplicable but surely the minds behind it can produce something more than snow on the fucking beach? Or am I overestimating the continued talent of a woman who is the platonic ideal of a target shopper? Is it misogynistic to believe the platonic ideal of a target shopper can’t create with a soul? How to talk about the fall off of Taylor swift in a woman honoring way?
five minutes later. You can’t spell awesome without ME!
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todorokies · 1 year
jjk characters as male thot jobs
including: satoru gojo, suguru geto, toji fushiguro, kento nanami
contents: sfw but very suggestive, jjk men acting like sluts, gn!reader but there is a fem term used once
a/n: you might not consider some of these as “thot jobs” but im here to hypnotize you ouuuuhhh *wiggles fingers around* .. this is so silly but i had a blast writing this one
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☆ . . . since gojo’s brain is hardwired to find teasing others amusing and quite the pass time i could see him as a dentist. you go to your local clinic for a annual deep cleaning and this man purposely goes out of his way to make things seem inherently sensual but still manages to do his job professionally. he’ll coo and praise you for following the most regular orders “now open real nice and wide for me … that’s righttt, good girl.” and “bite down on this … mhm yes just like that, you’re doing a great job.”
he’d definitely be like the annoying ones who still try to have a conversation while knuckles-deep prodding in your mouth. “i can tell you haven’t been flossing as much as you should be, what’s up with that?” and all you can do is narrow your eyes at him. he always caress your jaw and cheek too even through the latex gloves his touches are so intimate and gentle at the end of your appointment you’ll be genuinely considering if you should fuck your dentist or not.
☆ . . . i had multiple options for geto but firmly decided on a ceramic artist. i can envision him owning a modern yet whimsical pottery studio —he wanted the modern look but nanako and mimiko insist on the whimsical interior.— he offers free beginner classes twice a month. omgg the way his hands knead at the clay and skillfully sculpts on the wheel with his fingers meticulously bending, making his veins more prominent while delicately morphing the creation into a vase. he annunciates his instructions with melodic calmness but still has authority present in his tone i swearrr his voice is like honey.
you catch his eye in one of his classes and offers extended hours free of charge to help you “better your form.” he sits behind you, cradling your forearms directing your movements but still making room for you to assist your own creation. his warm minted breath tickles the back of your neck causing goosebumps “make sure to sit close to the wheel and anchor your elbows tightly against your body…” the sultry in his tone doesn’t go unnoticed with him slightly moving to your ear next “don’t be afraid to make mistakes it’s all about trial and error darling.”
☆ . . . like the unemployed bum toji is, he seems like the type of man to pride himself as a ‘jack of all trades.’ which is why i see him in the freelancer field of work, specifically, a personal shopper. he has an app on his phone where he can either accept or deny requests. he’s quite picky with commissions when money isn’t running low, but don’t get him wrong, he’s willing to go the extra mile to please his clients. always prefers phone calls over text when discussing farther details knowing his gruff voice will have the recipient weak in the knees. he isn’t shameful to treat his full time employment as a part time hookup arrangement…if he’s lucky enough that is.
“here’s your stuff pretty.” the quite taller and muscular man at your porch hands over a brown bag containing your groceries. you don’t miss the way his hands graze yours in the exchange, his sharp eyes examine you like you’re his prey; awaiting for your next move in a game you involuntarily started playing. words of gratitude try to slither past your lips but ultimately couldn’t —you’ve officially peaked his interest— “hey, why don’t i help you unload your items?” at that you nodded making way for the sleazy man to enter your home and eventually your bedroom as well.
☆ . . . what differentiates nanami from the rest is that he’s unaware of how insanely attractive his profession as a baker is. he truly doesn’t understand the appeal of a man in an apron kneading dough and decorating pink frilly cupcakes. he co-owns a bakery with haibara !! they even enrolled in culinary school together. the interior is quite morden with wisteria and other succulent plants hanging from the ceiling; most of the time he’s clueless to very clear advances from others or kindly shut them down saying how he’s “not looking for anything serious” which is a lie he himself started to believe.
but on a faithful sunday autumn morning you stroll in just salivating at the thought of warm dewy chocolate filled croissants, fresh from the oven, when you see him; clad in a bulky knitted cream sweater tying a black apron around his slim waist whilst his becipes bulged slightly through the thick material of the sweater. “good morning, what can i get for you today?” one thing lead to another making you leave with not only a croissant but the blond man’s phone number —due thanks to his cheeky younger coworker, yuji, who wrote the number on your receipt including a note that read: ‘he’s soooo into you :)’—
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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novemberheart · 1 month
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Chapter 2 <- Chapter 3 -> Chapter 4
{Overview} An interaction between Kyle and Johnny opens your eyes to your roommates.
{warnings} Soapgaz!!!!! Depictions or break ins and uncomfortable situations, reader being harassed, no s/a but intimidation and stalking written
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You’ve always had a hard time finding your way in life. It felt as though everyone around you just gets up everyday and knows exactly what they are going to do- what they are going to accomplish. Take your work life for example. You’ve done just about every job in the book. You’ve been a barista, you went to fashion school (for a month). You’ve been a dog walker, a nanny, a personal shopper, person stylist, you even worked at a campsite. After facing pressure from your family you finally decided to go back to school and ended up getting a degree in psychology. You completed about seven months of your supervised training before you felt like you made a mistake.
Your mentors were decent, but you always felt like they could tell you were a dropout. They offered you little support- likely knowing it would be a waste.
Lucky for you, you have an Aunt Kate. Whilst she never understood your inability to settle she supported you nonetheless. So when she heard the veterans facility down the road needed a new art therapist, who else was she to think of?
They didn’t care that you lacked some much needed and required experience. You weren’t particularly crafty, but you were a quick learner. You were hired nearly on the spot (which could be perceived as a red flag) and you quickly hopped on a plane to England(or drove).
Your first day you realized why it had been so challenging for them to fill the spot. They were insufferable. Grumpy, angry and entitled. It was like that for weeks. They would never do any activities you set up, just lash out and complain. Then one day you lost it. You yelled at them. A room filled to the hilt of 20+ veterans who stared at you, a young woman, with their eyes like saucers.
You quickly became their favorite after that.
For the first time ever you found your niche. The last thing you wanted to do was loose it. But problems arose at home. The first break in was “your” fault. You had burned some popcorn and had left the window open, forgetting about it as you popped over to the store. When you came back your microwave, TV and charging cables were gone. You couldn’t sleep for weeks after that. Every little sound caused you to fly straight up in your bed. You slept with the lights on and barricaded your door every night. You hid it from Kate and your family- not wanting to worry them. You had finally began to feel safe again and Kate invited you on a weekend away in the countryside to celebrate a pay raise for her and two months at a job for you. When you came back your door was ajar.
This time Kate was with you. You were thankful for that. Nothing was missing, but your apartment had been turned upside down. Rotted food from the fridge being left open. They had smashed all your lamps and lightbulbs. Your bed had been flipped, your sheets shredded. They had also flooded your toilet with tissue paper. It felt hateful. You had no idea if it was the same people as before or maybe your apartment was just a target now.
The outside world started to turn against you too. You never minded taking public transportation, until people seemed to recognize your pattern. One night a man who had always sat rows in front of you decided to sit right next to you, sandwiching you between the window. While his hands never touched you, he slowly scooted closer and closer and closer. You were tired of feeling helpless. You stood up and screamed. As loud of you could. It was effective. The man tumbled away from you as fast as he could and you never saw him again. You filed a report with the police- well you told them about it but who knows if it actually went anywhere.
A few days later you were followed. You had gotten on the train that morning and noticed a hooded figure that you hadn’t seen before. Just the sight of it put knots in your stomach. You made it into work and had forgotten about it, until the next morning.
You called the police later, not that you could give much of a description. You stayed with Kate in a hotel that night, spilling your guts. She remained tight lipped, trying not to scare you. She felt sick. She had always been so protective of those she loved and she felt as though she had failed.
“I might know a place you could stay. Until you get enough cash for a down payment.”
You quickly shot down the idea.
Until the third break in. It happened at night. Interestingly enough on a night you felt comfortable. It was early in the AM when the creak of the window hinges woke you up. You didn’t even need to see what was going on before you started screaming. It had become a defense mechanism now. It had worked for you before, why not now? You sprung out of bed and grabbed the bear spray that laid next to you, charging out into the living room. You refused to go down without a fight. Two large figures had just crossed the threshold and you quickly made yourself known. You grabbed the crowbar next to the bedroom door and started swinging- all while spraying bear spray and screaming. It was like something out of the exorcist, but you didn’t care. This could be life or death. One of them reached for you, but was quickly pulled away by their friend, scrambling back out the window. You didn’t stop til they disappeared down the street.
You didn’t need to call the police this time. About six of your neighbors did it for you.
You had no other options. Everything was out of your price range and you were still a paying off student loans. The few places that were available were too far away from your beloved job or in just as bad areas as the one you were in now.
You called Kate with a hoarse voice begging her for help. She didn’t hesitate.
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“How’d you sleep?” John asked, just as you passed the threshold of the kitchen.
“Good, thank you.” You chirped, beginning to stuff some snacks into your bag for work. “Got most of my unpacking done, not that there’s a lot.” You sighed.
“That reminds me, we each have our days for laundry. Does Wednesday or Friday work for you?” Your lips quirked out how well organized they were. You could easily imagine how they ran at work. “Honey?” He added, shaking you out of your thoughts.
“Wednesday. Wednesday works.” You smiled. He nodded his head in affirmation going back to his bowl of cereal. “I didn’t take you to be a cereal for breakfast type of guy. You seem more like bacon and eggs.”
He chuckled, tapping the box of cinnamon flavored cereal. “Guilty pleasure. Breakfast number two comes in around nine.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, filling up your water bottle. “See you later?” You questioned. He nodded his head quickly, a raspy ‘have a good day’ escaping him.
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“Sooooooo Bon. You never quite explained to us what you do?” Johnny hummed.
“Let her get in the door, Johnny. Christsakes.” Simon huffed from the couch. You slipped off your shoes placing them neatly next to a pair of work boots. Johnny felt his chest tighten at the sight. He was half tempted to race upstairs and grab his sketchbook. Your prim and proper shoes next to their beat up death boots. Just looked right.
“I’m an art therapist at the veterans center.” You replied. He pulled himself out of his head, an even wider grin spreading across his face.
“That’s sick, Bon.” He followed you to the kitchen, where you began unloading your takeout. You still didn’t know what time they cooked dinner and you didn’t want to be in their way.
“Glad you think so. I really love it, well at the beginning I hated it.” You admitted.
“Forks are in the drawer next to the fridge.” Simon said, standing up from the couch. He made his way towards the kitchen grabbing a protein bar from the pantry.
“Thank you.” You dug one out of the (of course) neatly put together drawer.
“You hated it?” Johnny pressed, sitting down at one of the stools.
“Yeah, they were so mean to me. They would seriously tell me to “fuck off.”” You gawked. Simon snorted. Your eyes glanced up to meet his, before settling on Johnnys wide eyes.
“Way to represent.” The Scot muttered. You giggled, waving a hand in dismissal.
“That was just the older class. Most of them are seventy five and up. They have no patience for anything.” You snickered. “They like me now though.”
“How’d you manage that.” Simon interjected.
“I yelled at them. You all respond very well to negative reinforcement.” You hummed.
“What about your other groups?” Johnny asked. “What are they like?”
“Well they switch out of lot. Most of my other groups are soldiers who are required to take the class, as a ‘rehabilitation’ of sorts. We mostly just try to focus on healthy coping and self regulation methods. The art is just a distraction to get down to how they really feel.” You explained, beginning to dig into your spaghetti.
The men before you softened, sharing a quick glance with each other when you weren’t looking.
“Can I take the class?” Johnny asked suddenly. Your head shot up. Your first reaction was to tell him no. You didn’t want any judgment. Then you realized how unethical it was to deny someone.
“Of course.” You scrambled. “Although I recommend you come to the old timers club that meets every Tuesday and Thursday, eight am. They love talking to people in active duty.”
A sweet smile spread across Johnny’s features as he tapped his hand against the counter.
“It’s a date then.”
You fought hard against the blush and lost.
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After you finished your spaghetti you worked your way upstairs. You were at the top of them when the front door opened. You dodged out of sight, but stayed close enough so you could peak down. Kyle and John were just getting home, both wearing workout clothes. You could hear someone bounding through the house and watched as Kyle steady himself, bracing for impact. Your eyebrows nestled together, waiting. Finally, Johnny came into view, throwing himself at Kyle. You smile grin spread on your face at the affection, but quickly turned into one of shock as Johnny opened his mouth, licking from Kyle’s neck up to his cheek.
“Shove off.” Kyle gagged, wiping at his face with his own grin. “Disgusting.” He grumbled, still trying to work out of Johnny’s grasp.
“I just love you.” You faintly heard Johnny murmur. He began peppering kisses on any skin he could reach and you watched as Kyle’s muscles relax.
“Not in the hallway you two.” John spoke up, patting both men. They whined- both for different reasons, stumbling into the living room still connected. John followed after them but not before his eyes darted up the stairs. He must’ve felt eyes on them. You dodged out of the way as quickly as possible, holding your breath. You stayed still for a moment before tiptoeing to your room.
As you laid in bed you wondered how you didn’t connect the dots sooner. All the things you witnessed but didn’t think twice about. The soft glances, how they always seemed to have a hand on each other. You wanted to know the dynamics.
How did this start? Whose idea was it? Do they all fuck each other or is it just a one on one situation? Maybe the room arrangements were the answer. Based off of that it would be Kyle with Johnny and John with Simon. But John and Simon were affectionate with the other two as well.
Your mind wandered through the late hours of night. Your mind growing more and more exhausted. You could almost imagine it. Them together. Tangled together, their muscled bodies rippling from pleasure and exertion.
You assumed John would be in charge. You could imagine him making sure everyone was getting the attention they deserved. Or maybe he would want to take the back seat for once. Who would step up then? You want to say Simon just based off of his demeanor, but you think Kyle would be good in that position. He is calm, gentle, but has underlying passion in everything he does. You could also picture Johnny running the show in his own way. Or maybe you were making this kinkier than it was. Maybe it was a mutual give and take? That’s how they seemed to be. Everything from their style to personalities blended seamlessly together.
You ignored the tightening in your stomach and rolled over pressing yourself further in your cozy bed.
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“Sorry about last night.” Your head perked up from your laptop, to stare at John. You stared at him expectantly, before realizing what he was talking about. So you weren’t as slick as you thought you were.
“Please don’t apologize. This is your house.” You insisted, waving him off gently. He looked a bit relieved, as he sat down from across from you, his own laptop in his hands.
“Johnny likes to make a show.” He explained, a quirk in his lips. So Johnny knew you were there? Of course they did. These were men who had years of training under their belt. To think you were being sneaky.
“Well I should be the one apologizing. Creeping around like that.” You huffed in apologies. He chuckled, softly shaking his head in disagreement.
“Not to worry, Honey.” He assured, opening up his laptop.
“If you want another show I’ll be happy to provide.” You jumped as Johnny snuck around the corner. You could feel your ears begin to burn and the only thing you could think to do was giggle. John shot him a stern look, but Johnny paid little mind. He plopped down next to John spreading out various sketchbook and opening a silver tin filled with different sizes of charcoal.
“You get that all over the table again Simon’ll get you.” John warned.
“He’ll have to catch me first.” He hummed without a worry. All of you worked in a comfortable silence. John typed away on his computer, drifting away every so often to grab a new stack of papers to work on. Johnny was zeroed in and you doubted a tornado could break his concentration. His eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinted as he leaned over the table. His hands were blotched with black marks, and his tongue poked out of the very corner of his mouth. Your finger itched to rub the creases out of his brows and crows feet.
Suddenly his eyes glanced over to you, causing you to quickly shift back to your computer. You waited for him to call you out but it never came. Instead when you peaked at him over your computer he flashed you a smirk, his eyes swirling with mischief.
“Would you like to join us for dinner, Honey?” John asked, breaking your stare down with Johnny.
“Oh that’s okay. I don’t want to intrude.” You said a slight grimace on your face. The two men looked slightly offended.
“It’s Tuesday, Bonnie. It’s pizza night.” Johnny whispered like it was a secret. John nodded his head.
“We’re going to eat out back again. It’s a nice night out and we have all the ingredients.” John coerced. Your teeth sunk into your lip, your stomach twisting in hunger.
“If it’s no trouble.” You pressed. The last thing you wanted was to become a burden.
“It’s only trouble if you like pineapple on it, Bon.”
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Hi friends! Hope you liked this chapter. (sorry it took so long to get up!) This was more reader based and kinda boring but it’s a necessary evil! See you next time! 🥰
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bleedingoptimism · 10 months
Wildly, Eddie starts looking forward to Tommy’s weeks with Tarja but only because it means he gets to see Steve when he comes to pick her up and drop her off. Steve lingers in the door every time, makes small talk in a pleasant manner, and always drops a joke or a compliment before going, leaving Eddie with a sigh trapped in his lips and visions of beautiful smiles and red cheeks behind his eyelids.
They become something akin to friends, those little meetings over the threshold becoming longer and longer until Steve just starts coming over for a cup of coffee before leaving with Tarja.
The first time Steve calls Eddie on the phone he is frantic. Rushing and stammering to get the words out. Turns out Tarja had a fever, Steve was panicking and didn’t want to call Tommy because he was in a meeting. When Eddie gets to Tommy’s place, Steve frantically tells him he’d given Tarja a bath, gave her lots of water to drink, cold medicine, and put her to bed but wasn’t sure if he’d done okay or enough and Eddie feels like hugging him, finding his anxious panic incredibly endearing.
He assures Steve he did an excellent job and tells him to offer him some coffee, to distract him and get him to calm down a little.
They talk a lot that afternoon, Eddie asks him about his job, he’s an image consultant and a personal shopper, which Eddie finds fascinating and actually explains why Steve always looks ready to walk down the red carpet. He tells Steve as much and the blush he gets in return makes Eddie feel a little feral. God, he wants to fuck Steve into next week.
In turn, he tells Steve about his job as a writer, explains amusedly what writing for a table game manual entails, and feels like he’s being set on fire with the awed look on Steve’s face. He makes a comment about understanding where Tarja got all his talent and creativity from that makes Eddie’s heart skip a beat.
But he also hears a few things from Steve that worry him, things he’s heard Steve say before in passing. Little comments like ‘Tommy doesn't like if I dress this or that way’, ‘he’ll be impossible if we are late,’ or ‘I don’t interrupt him at work. I’ve learned that lesson,’ and today ‘Thanks, Tommy doesn’t get my job. He thinks it's stupid.’ 
He remembers what Tommy was like and when he met Steve he had hoped maybe he had changed into someone deserving of an angel like Steve... But that didn't seem to be the case. He worries about him because Steve deserves someone better, someone who’d appreciate everything he does, who he is, how much he cares, and not just how he looks, even if his looks are otherwordly. Steve should be worshipped and taken care of, he thinks. And it suddenly hits him, sitting there in his ex's kitchen with his ex's boyfriend, shit, he’s falling for him.
☝️first part
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marvelmusing · 4 months
The Darkling Wears Prada AU
Pairing: Aleksander Morozov x Fem!Reader
Summary: Aleksander Morozov is infamous within the fashion industry, as the Editor in Chief of Ravka’s most influential fashion magazine. As his assistant, you are one of the few who actually get to know the man behind the fearsome reputation.
Warnings [18+]: smut, nudity, mentions of sex, CEO x assistant trope
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The New Girl
Aleksander Morozov is the Editor in Chief of Ravka’s leading fashion magazine. As his First Assistant, you feel very responsible for his new Second Assistant - Alina Starkov.
Can I Ask You A Question?
Alina has lots of questions about her new job and your boss. Meanwhile, Aleksander has an important question for you - it just takes him some time to realise it.
The Issue With Skorts
As one of the most influential people in the fashion industry, Aleksander has lots of opinions when it comes to clothes. As your fiancé, he thinks you look incredible in anything.
Personal Shopper
In preparation for your honeymoon, you and Aleksander go shopping. Per usual, he has high standards.
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