#perks of working out at home: you get to heavy breathe and blow your nose as much as you want
lonely-crescent · 7 days
This cold is still taking a lot out of me but I really want to do a workout because I haven't done one since I came back from the trip and I'm getting antsy about it.
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lazybutsmexy · 2 years
Bird hunting
Ghost x fem!reader x Soap
Chapter 4: The Hound Dogs
Ch. 3 < Series masterlist > Ch. 5
Warnings: probably inaccurate police procedures, misogyny, referenced/implied human trafficking, cursing, non-con elements.
Summary: Ghost and Soap are missing a piece of their unit, but the search unit finds a piece of the puzzle.
Do not read if you're under 18. This work contains mature and triggering themes.
Word count: 3000~
Simon didn't move an inch while Johnny used his shoulder to block the world from around himself. It was unusual for him to see Johnny so distraught. Out of the two of them, he had always been the most emotional of them, less inhibited to show his emotions towards other people he trusted. Of course, if the situation called for it, Johnny would always keep a tight grip on his emotions - their job demanded it, after all. 
Making friends is not in the military handbook, he had told him once, and he was right in a sense. Making close relationships with people they knew could die the very next time they walked out of base could only destroy them. 
But it would be very hypocritical of him to not admit that growing closer to his team, particularly to Johnny and Canary, hadn’t made him better at his job in a way. He was more aware of his and his team’s surroundings, and less likely to put his life in the line of fire unnecessarily and do reckless things, knowing that there were at least two people who would chase him to the pits of hell to tear him a new one. 
There was also the perk of looking forward to getting back to his house, knowing that he had a home to come back to, and that someone wanted him to come back alive. 
He felt Johnny stir slightly, and he slowly let go, allowing him to stand straight. Simon looked into his eyes, finding a newfound determination shining through. Johnny’s hands moved up to cup his face through the skull balaclava, and Simon let him pull it up to his nose. His hands stroked Johnny’s wrists as he let himself be pulled down to meet his lips. He would have stopped him, but decided to humor him as there was no one around them - and they both needed it. 
The kiss was slow, almost calculated in every fraction of a move. They both took their sweet time enjoying the weight of each other's lips, and the warmth of each other’s skin. It was bittersweet, knowing that there was a missing piece to their unit - one of the many reasons they never kissed during missions, even if they were by themselves. It was lonely, quiet, and cold. It felt like they were in the middle of Siberia, trying to huddle for warmth in front of a dying fire. The world grew silent around them, the only sound being the soft, quick intakes of breath through their noses. They let themselves be taken away from reality, and shut away everything else around them. 
In their small fraction of the world, only they remained, along with their grief, their pain, their fear, and their hope. 
Hartford ended his call with the station and put his phone in the inner pocket of his jacket, stifling a groan. The cold wind had picked up and his old knee wound began to sting again, as it would every winter. He paid it no mind, though - he had assured his old friend that he would treat this disappearance as a personal case. He didn’t have many of those, but he couldn’t deny the heaviness in his heart when he first spoke to John Price about Canary. 
It was obvious that, not only was she an important part of his task force, but also she was the kind of person who nestled herself into the hearts of those around her, and made them her home. He saw it all through John’s eyes - the worry that she was missing, the fear when he announced the discovery of a body, the bittersweet relief that the body didn’t belong to her. 
“John, you might want to call your boys back,” he told the captain while he adjusted the neck of his sweater. Price nodded and brought both pinky fingers to his mouth, blowing hard on a long, loud whistle that crossed the air into the forest. 
Seconds later, both Ghost and Soap walked out of the tree line, and Hartford noticed there was a different look in their eyes. They were determined, hungry for action, like men on a mission.
Or like dogs in a hunt. 
It ran a shiver down his back - although he pretended it was the wind’s fault -, and he let himself feel slightly sorry for the poor sod that got in their way. 
As soon as Ghost and Soap joined them, the detective cleared his throat with a grunt, getting everyone’s attention. “In about twenty minutes, a unit will arrive to the start of the trail,” he pointed in the direction opposite to the bridge, “and we will begin combing through the grassy area between the forest and the road, the trail, and as much as we can of the edge of the forest.”
“You can participate in the search but only as volunteers and not as appointed officers,” he sighed, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair as he looked directly at Price, “HQ told me that until there’s a hint that this is something related to the people you told me about, or anything bigger than a one-man crime, this is a police case through and through.”
Price frowned, clearly unpleased, “So, we have to discard the military gear and weapons, and follow your lead, am I right?”
“Exactly,” Hartford sighed, “they don’t want the military to conduct searches without previous police authorization.” Price considered it for a moment, but thought that it was better than nothing. He moved to the back of the jeep and opened the trunk, nodding at the men.
Ghost was the first one to move, reaching towards his vest and unfastening it, shrugging it off and tossing it into the jeep’s trunk. His tactical belt and holsters followed, but he would keep the skull balaclava. Soap and Gaz followed, leaving their gear in the trunk and being left only with their uniforms. They weren’t entirely in civilian clothes, but it would work for their purpose. Price was the last one to shed his gear and close the trunk, fixing his fishing hat a little tighter on his head.
Hartfort nodded at the men, “Alright, let’s go meet my boys now.” He climbed on the passenger seat, and Price behind the wheel. Gaz sat behind price, Soap in the middle, and Ghost climbed on last - these last two pressing their thighs against each other a little tighter than necessary. 
“So, this is how things’ll go,” the detective raised his voice so the entirety of the search squad would hear him over the passing cars. Price’s task force was among them in their uniforms, sticking out like a sore thumb against the small sea of officers in dark blue. Once a quick introduction had been made, it was decided they would walk between the officers in a side-by-side line. 
“Each of you will have a few of these little ones,” Hartford raised a long, straight pole, no thicker than a straw, with a little red flag in one of the ends, “if you see anything that you think suspicious, no matter how apparently insignificant, you stick one of these next to it. The boys and gals from evidence,” he pointed at a smaller group of officers standing at a side, carrying cameras and briefcases, “will follow you and take care of whatever you found.” Then he clapped his hands, peeking a glance at the position of the sun, “I say we have about two hours of sunlight left, so let’s not waste any more time.” 
A few minutes later, a somewhat crooked line of people were slowly combing the terrain, using sticks to peer through the bushes, their faces pointed to the ground below them. It was slow, tedious work. A patrol car had parked at the beginning of the search area, and an officer was slowing the passing cars to make it safer for the team to work. 
After almost an hour, a few tiny flags had been littered around the bushes. Most of them were signaling candy wrappers and cigarette butts. Gaz had placed one right next to a used condom, wondering what was the appeal of making such an open area a place to bone, chalking it down to just college kids being weird. The officers in charge of evidence were close behind, photographing and processing every element found, knowing that the smallest object could become a big lead in the case. 
Still, Ghost felt like they were making too little progress. His eyes scanned the tall grass methodically, but his mind was set on Canary. He wondered if she was hurt, or if she was being tortured for intel. From experience, he knew that she had built up her pain tolerance as she climbed the ranks, but everybody had a limit. 
Almost a full day had passed since the moment Canary had left her apartment, and he wondered if she was hungry, or thirsty, or cold. Judging by the clothes that were missing from her bedroom, he guessed she was only lightly dressed, fit for a jog but not for spending a night in the cold.
If she was being held for ransom - Laswell and her communications team were on high alert for any incoming calls to her personal phone and all phones in base, by the way - Canary was probably being maintained at least healthy enough to survive. 
His thoughts were interrupted when an officer, who had been walking next to the trail, noticed a strange shoe print in the mud and called out for the detective. Hartford mentioned that it looked like someone had slipped on the slope. Little by little, other officers in the line noticed the trace as well in their positions. Price took a closer look, crouching over the trace and noticing there were two sets of shoe prints. 
“The trace looks spaced out,” he offered, “two people came running from the trail, probably a chase.”
This alerted Gaz, Soap and Ghost, and Hartford couldn’t help but compare the sudden change of their posture akin to hound dogs finding a trace, or a sheep dog smelling a wolf. The combing of the terrain didn’t stop, however. The officers stepped over the trace to avoid contaminating the clue, but this time it was Ghost who called it out, after his eyes caught the sight of something very familiar among the thin branches of a tiny bush. 
“I found something,” he bellowed, causing the skin of the officers around him to erupt in goosebumps, and looked straight to Price and Soap with a strange look on his eyes, “it’s one of her gloves.”
The drive to the trail was mostly silent, but definitely less tense than the stuffy environment of the basement. The only permanent sound was the constant click and buzz of the radio changing stations.
“...Nothing fancy your taste, Your Grace?” the young driver teased, his eyes fixed on the road, one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear shift, his fingers tapping along the ever changing rhythms from the radio. 
“Ugh, I miss the time where fewer DJ’s were obsessed with Latin pop,” Baldy groaned, “Bad Bunny my ass,” he spat, still changing stations until he stumbled upon one playing Arctic Monkeys. He stared at the radio for a few seconds, then shrugged and finally put his hand down, fishing his cigarette pack and a lighter from one of the pockets in his jacket, “Eh, at least this is in English.” He lit a stick, then offered one to the other man, “Fancy a cig, Luke?”
Luke didn’t hesitate to fish one for himself and light it, taking a slow drag before exhaling the smoke through his nose. He kept his eyes ahead, only occasionally looking to the sides when he faced an intersection. After a few more minutes, he decided he should speak his mind. “...You know, Charlie, you should stop clashing with Alan so much,” he immediately felt the other’s glare on the side of his head, but he remained unfazed, “you know he’s kind of right about this whole thing.”
“...About me being an idiot for losing the fucking dart? Or for losing it and killing the other wench?” Charlie puffed out a cloud of smoke in Luke’s direction, who simply shot him a side-eye glare. 
“I was referring to the last one, about controlling your impulses,” Luke sighed as he stopped at a red light, “you know that if you lose it on every girl who doesn’t want you to fuck her, we won’t have any product to sell,” he took another drag of his cigarette, quirking an eyebrow at his companion, “the girls don’t look that alluring on video if they’re all red, black and blue.”
“They do if you’re sick in the ‘ead,” Charlie chuckled deeply, unable to keep down a wolfish grin. 
“Alan doesn’t want to sell snuff videos, idiot,” Luke sighed, starting the van again as the light turned green, “he wants to sell the girls, the videos are just…for catalog.” He grumbled a curse as a biker overtook a bit too close for comfort, then drove the van into the road that led them through the campus and to the trail, “It’s like when you worked in the bakery, you wouldn’t be able to sell the cake if you ate all of it.”
Charlie thought about it, briefly reminiscing on his old job, before tilting his head. “What if I want to have a taste of the cake before selling the rest?” he wondered, his eyes fixing on the younger once again, “y’know, to make sure the product is tasty.”
Luke snorted a chuckle, shaking his head at his logic, “then you should do it on video, just make sure not to take too big of a bite.”
Charlie cackled, nearly sucking his cigarette into his throat, and looked ahead, “got it”.
As they rounded the campus and neared the area they were supposed to look, they immediately went into high alert as they noticed a patrol car. They tried their best to greet the officer standing there nonchalantly. 
“...If they ask what we’re looking for, we’ll tell them-” Charlie immediately interrupted himself, his eyes going wide as he caught sight of the number of police officers in line, looking through the grass. “...shit.”
As they drove nearer, Luke gulped out loud, his cigarette nearly falling from his lips, as something caught his eye. “...Are-... Are those soldiers, too?”
Officer Melanie Kirk had always been indecisive about what she wanted in life. Every morning meant a twenty-minute long decision on whether to have waffles or toast with her jam for breakfast. She always took the longest to order at any restaurant she went to, wondering if she should pick something new or stick to what she already knew she’d like. Before joining the evidence department at the police station, she even toyed with the idea of joining the bomb squad - in her own words back then, to have more adrenaline in her life. She desisted when she realized she could lose her fingers and never get a manicure again. 
Right now, as she carefully photographed and processed the tactical glove that was found in the bushes, under the heavy, unnerving stare of the behemoth of a soldier with a skull balaclava, she felt as if she was defusing a bomb with less than a minute left in the timer. 
With safely gloved hands, she carefully lifted the glove to put it in the transparent evidence bag, when she noticed something in the inside of the glove. She picked a tweezer from her briefcase, and with trained delicacy she dug it into the glove, pulling out a small, empty dart. 
Melanie held it up and looked at the detective, who stared at the tiny object with a confused frown, “A tranquilizer dart, with traces of what I’d bet is blood in the needle,” she explained, “I’ve seen larger ones being used on animals like rhinos and giraffes when I worked in a conservation program in Tanzania.”
“Those are tricky to use on humans,” Ghost commented, “there’s a much smaller margin of error, and clothes can be thicker than most animals’ skins.” Melanie looked up at him, slightly bewildered at the ‘how’ he knew about that fact, but chose not to comment on it - probably the easiest decision in her life so far. 
“Whoever used it must’ve been a bloody good shot, then,” concluded Hartford. Then, he looked around where he stood, and turned to Price, who stood next to him. “This is also where the trace ends, I reckon this is where she was finally captured.” 
“But not where the dart got her, if she managed to run, pull it out and stuff it in her glove,” Price continued, “I’ve seen this lass get shot and still be able to move for almost a kilometer before finding a place to lay low and patch herself up, then keep going.”
“Even if she managed to pull it out,” Melanie pondered out loud, taking her camera to photograph the dart and process it, “the drug would have entered her system the moment it dug in her skin. I’d say the dose was very strong, if she only managed to run up to here.”
Ghost stayed silent, his eyes following the trace back to the trail, picturing Canary desperately trying to run away as her body quickly faltered. His mind filled in the details he didn’t know yet and only imagined, like her eyes wide open in a terrified expression, and her skin clammy with sweat as she tried to force her body to respond as she ran from the trail towards the place he was standing on. 
He turned towards the road, searching over the surface of the road for any traces of tire marks, when he noticed the gray van driving by. A gut feeling told him to look at it more carefully, and locked eyes with the driver. 
The man behind the wheel visibly tensed up and discussed with the passenger, before speeding away towards the bridge. Ghost’s eyes remained on the van until it disappeared from view, and turned to look at Hartford, dictating the license plate to him.
A/N: aww kissy Ghost and Soap
Taglist: @died-in-a-field-of-flowers @rafaelacallinybbay @namenotimportant1373 @ragingbookdragon @zinfairy @scrumplump @speckel @omgitstatertot @fullmoon-94 @kalamataolivesssss @embers-of-alluring @warenai @frazie99 @kee-0-kee @littlezarp @scaredknight @kendahl757 @sweetybuzz25
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guaranteedlover · 6 months
Unnamed for now (Korrasami vampire)
I shuffled a bit through the heavy white blanket of snow, though cold outside, my heavy clothing felt warm. I blowed into the air, my breath making visible air. I finally made it to my destination, a spot in the woods by a lake. The lake was surprisingly not frozen so I whipped out my fishing rod and hooked a bait to the hook. After that, I threw the line into the lake. My nose ran, feeling the warm liquid running down, I wiped it.
I sat, watching and feeling carefully for a tug on the hook.
Sometime later, I got 6 fish. A smile appeared on my face as I ripped off the head of one of the fish. I dug my teeth into the fish and sucked the blood out of it. I did that to two different others before I noticed something moving in the snow. I flinched, holding my fish close to me and backing up.
A whimper escapes from the snow as I noticed a black nose and brown eyes appearing in its white blanket. "Who's there!?" I snarled, quickly stopping before seeing the polar bear puppy. "Oh hey, little buddy, want a fish?" I wagged a fish in it's face before throwing it at it. The puppy jumped and caught it.
"Well, what are you? Boy or Girl?" I smiled. The puppy run up to me and licked my face. I picked it up and noticed it's a female. "Alright girl, what's your name? Do you have an owner?" I asked. She barked. "How about Naga?" she panted, though she shivered. I frown. "Aw. Here, let's go." I put my hat on her and my glove on her tail. Then I picked her up and brought her home.
"Mommy, mommy. Mommy?" I looked around the outside of the house then cautiously went inside.
"Yes, Korra?" Her mother appeared, kneeling down. "What is that, a dog?"
"A Polar bear dog. She found me while I was fishing." Korra answered. She looked down at the named dog she just picked up then back at her mother.
Senna frowned but covered it up with a smile. "You know how your dad feels about dogs..I suppose he'll allow it. But keep her outside, okay?"
Korra grinned ear to ear. "Yay, do you hear that, Naga?" Her mother perked up to the name. 'She named it already.' She smiled.
Korra took Naga outside near their sled hounds. The sled hounds were particularly nice to Korra out of everyone, especially Tonraq.
She laid Naga by the fire and left to hunt food for the dogs. Once she came back, she saw the sled dogs cuddling around Naga and keeping her warm. Korra fed them all and played with them before it was time to sleep.
"What the fuck does that have to do with me?!"
"Tonraq, please!"
"Shut your mouth, you don't get to do that anymore! I should be the one crying right now!"
Korra abruptly woke up from her sleep in a cold sweat. She breathed semi heavily before quickly calming herself down.
She laid back down and glanced up at her open window. "Morning, Naga." Korra smiled weakly. Naga's head filled the space of the window in only seconds before letting out a small bark.
"I know, today's a Wednesday. I switch into Kuvira's school today." Korra sighed. "I've missed those idiots." She sat up once more and got off her bed.
Naga licked her, which caused Korra to giggle and pet her. She then watched as her owner left the room and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Korra stretched once she got out then put on a black tanktop, white shirt and a white hoodie along with black jeans. She put her earbuds in then put her hood over her head. 'Time to get out of here.'
Korra grabbed her book bag then her phone and walked downstairs. She noticed her step adoptive father sleeping on the couch. He must have had a drunken night and is missing work. Korra ignored him and every thought to wake him up and went outside after grabbing a donut from the fridge.
Naga greeted her with a wagging tail outside, panting. "You ready to go?" Korra asked. Naga barked. "Shh, Alec is still sleeping." She used airbending at her feet to push her up so she could sit on Naga. "Remember the school we passed the other day?"
Naga waited till Korra was situated on her back then started running down the side of the road. As she rode, Korra started to remember bits of her past flooding back in memory. She could barely remember her parent's faces.
Korra had known she was the avatar since she met with Tenzen. Nobody knows except Alec, since he's taking care of her, The chief of the police force, and the chiefs of other places such as the southern and north poles. Korra had been training under Tenzen for some time now, she stopped Amon, in the end learning air bending, however she did so anonymously. Nobody knows who it was that stopped him, but they do know that they're the avatar.
Ever since everyone had learned she was a vampire and could possibly bloodbend, the police force had put a thin collar at her neck. It asked her vitals and adrenaline, when sensing she's in danger or at risk of putting others at danger, the police force and Tenzin will be alerted.
Naga stopped abruptly once they reached the coffee shop, throwing off Korra. Korra yelped as she fell onto the ground. As she was falling, Korra turned the ground beneath her into soft dirt.
She groaned, sitting up. A shadow casted above her. "Hey, you alright?" A foxy woman's voice said. Korra looked up.
A beautiful woman with long wavy raven black hair and emerald green eyes. She wore a nice leather Future Industries jacket and black pants with boots. The woman put her hand out. "That was quite the fall. I hope you didn't damage that pretty face of yours." Korra cocked an eyebrow and gave a nervous chuckle before taking her hand. "Thanks?"
"Don't mention it. Asami Sato."
Korra hummed. "Korra Smith. Sato? As in the Future Industries people?" Asami nodded. "You sure you're okay?"
Korra shrugged. "I have a hard head, I think I'll be fine." She turned the ground, that she had turned into soft dirt, back into hard concrete.
Asami smiled. "Alright then. We're in the same school right? Wanna get coffee together?"
"Sure..Naga, stay."
Naga huffed, sitting near the outside seating. Korra smiled and tossed her a treat from her pocket. Naga hurriedly snatched the treat out of the air and laid down comfortably, biting on her treat.
Korra and Asami walked into the Cafe. They spoke lightly or not at all, Korra was comfortable in the silence, used to it even. Asami, not so much.
"So what classes do you have? I'm not sure if we have one together." Asami asked.
"Are you in advanced?" Korra replied.
Asami nodded. "I am, yes."
"Then we probably have a couple together."
"What about your electives?"
"I have gym, bending classes, self defense. A lot of stuff that has to do with physical."
Asami perked. 'So that's where I remember her from. She's the one that I saw the coach sparring with while I was going to the bathroom.'
"Do you have self defense for 4th period?" She asked.
Korra nodded. "Yeah."
Asami noticed how sharp her canine teeth were. Like a predator's canines. Animal teeth. She also noticed how Korra responded and how she acted.
"Then we have the same class together."
Korra stared at her, Asami feeling like prey underneath her gaze. "You can't bend can you? Sorry if I'm being rude."
Asami shook her head. "No it's alright, I'm a normal person. I can fight though, don't underestimate me." She gave her a challenging look. Korra chuckled then smirked. "Wouldn't dream of it. You look like you can handle yourself."
"Hey, you're the one with the private trainer at school."
"...You know about that? Then you're stalking me?" Korra cocked an eyebrow. Asami blushed a bit, flustered. "Uh no, I'm not stalking you, you just happen to catch my eye when I pass the bending class. 4 at a time is cool."
Korra sighed. "I guess. Wu has told me about you. You're his little crow, aren't you? Cause of the black hair?"
Asami laughed a bit. "Yeah. I didn't know you spoke with Wu? He's a bit crazy, but he makes friends mostly wherever he goes."
"I know." Korra smiled.
The two spoke more comfortably. But Asami felt like Korra was hiding something. Not that she shouldn't, the two aren't friends yet. But it felt like something serious. After having their breakfast and grabbing some drinks, Korra offered Asami a ride, to which she agreed.
Asami held on tightly, never riding a polar bear dog before. Once they made it to the school, they walked inside together then went their separate ways.
'Korra Smith...When you fell, you thought I didn't notice...I didn't hear any thud, nor when you got up, only dirt came off of you, you weren't injured at all. We were on hard concrete sidewalk, I know, I watched my dad help build this sidewalk.' Asami thought. Though she seemed to not be, she was very perceptive. 'You could have earth bended the floor beneath you..but you're not an earthbender are you? Earthbenders don't particularly wear blue. They have a liking for green, like Bolin.'
'Could she be the..Avatar? No..that's too rash. But it has been long enough since Avatar Aang has died..and she resembles Katara, maybe she's of the same family? There's been a rumor that the avatar resembles the last avatar's lover, maybe that's a myth though.'
Asami flinched out of her thoughts. "Y-yes Mako?"
"Get out of the clouds already, can't you see Bolin is trying to talk to you?" Mako scoffed. He wore a red shirt with black jeans. "Mako, chillax, it's not serious." Bolin sighed, holding his sandwich. He wore a dark grey shirt with a green jacket and black pants. Asami glanced over at Bolin. "Sorry Bolin, what's up?"
"Don't pay any mind to him, he's just salty because the coach benched him. Anyways, I saw you came to school on a polar bear dog! That was Korra right, the closed off girl?"
"The weird loner." Mako added. "I heard she fought Beifong, didn't hear the results though. I bet she got her loner ass kicked."
"Right cause if you can't beat her in a spar, nobody can." Bolin said sarcastically.
"Exactly. You finally get me."
Asami shook her head. She doesn't know why she even began dating Mako. He was a sweet guy, now he's just cocky. 'Come to think of it, I met Mako kind of how I met Korra. Except Mako, I nearly ran him over.'
Asami looked behind her. "Wu?
He jumped in Asami's lap. "Asami, Joseph touched me!" He said. "What?"
"Jospehhh! He acknowledged meee! Asami, I think I'm in love!" He shook her. "Calm downn." Asami shook him as well. "So you two are talking?"
"Yes!! And its all because of that hot water bender."
"Forgot her name, but, I think she saw me tweaking over him and went over to talk to him, then suddenly he started talking to me and we got along pretty quickly."
"...Was it Korra?" 
Wu cocked an eyebrow. "Uhm..something like that. You know her?"
"Basically just met her." Asami shrugged. 
"Korra? Stay away from her Asami, you too Wu." Mako said in a serious tone. "She's not someone you want to be around. A wolf in sheep's clothing if you will, she's crazy strong. I remember some kid in our grade had tried to fight her and he ended up dead. Another kid that fought her on school grounds was bloody all over. His face was bashed in with a fist." 
Asami and Wu stared at him in a bit of confusion and concern. 
"Try not to interact with that demon at all. She has a short temper, anything you say could tip her off." Mako warned.
'She didn't seem like that...but maybe Mako's right? No, don't judge until you know completely. Korra Smith, I'll find out about her on my dad's laptop..'
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infinitesuckuyome · 3 years
Puppyboy Tobi
18+ content, Minors do NOT interact:
ᴥ Tobi is such a cute and loyal puppy, always so hyper & affectionate
ᴥ He’s constantly on you and hates to be apart for too long- it’s really hard on him when you have separate mission assignments since he can hardly think of anything other than getting back to you as quickly as possible 
ᴥ Needs to hear your pretty soothing words, craves your delicious scent- the memory alone has him drooling & whining into his pillow 
ᴥ Loves to wrap himself around you to lave heavy stripes up your neck, nose pressed to your pulse point 
ᴥ Can’t hold back happy moans when you run your fingers through his hair while he lays in your lap or nuzzles against your chest, it makes him feel so safe & cared for
ᴥ Praise isn’t something that Tobi will specifically ask for but it’s something he deeply craves, he’s never had much positive reinforcement so it just blows his mind when you tell him how well he’s doing or when you call him your good boy
ᴥ  He’ll blush so pretty & doesn’t know what to do with himself because on one hand your words are bringing him so much comfort that he wasn’t aware he desperately desired- and on the other hand all your praise/encouragement is getting him so worked up that he’s starting to feel a little feral 
ᴥ Body Worship King [both giving & receiving, he needs both] It’s important for him to feel that you like his appearance and genuinely find him attractive- becomes putty in your hands when you tell him how cute / adorable / sexy he is 
ᴥTobi is insecure about a lot, so your words of affirmation mean the world to him, especially if/when he decides to take his mask off infront of you for the first time
ᴥHe needs reassurance that you’ll accept his scars / past and won’t change your mind about wanting to be with him- he’ll be beyond happy since all he’s ever wanted is to be loved & accepted 
ᴥ When you first started to be intimate, Tobi was so nervous and embarrassed to tell you that he was virtually inexperienced- he was very grateful with how sweet & patient you were with him while he fumbled and figured out how to make you feel good too 
ᴥ He’s so lovestruck especially when he draws out those beautiful noises you make when he’s buried between your thighs or when he’s rutting into you
ᴥ Total Service Top, he gets off on getting you off- has cum from eating you out on more than one occasion 
Warnings: Language, NSFW, Petplay, Praise Kink, Oral Sex, Overstimulation, Unprotected Sex
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It had been a little more than three weeks since you had been sent out on a solo mission and Tobi was losing his mind. He kept telling himself to be patient & that you’d be home before he knew it, but at this point, he wasn’t thinking rationally anymore. With each passing day, the hours seemed to go by slower than the one before, while his need for you grew by the second. This was the longest you’d been apart since the two of you had gotten together- the separation anxiety was suffocating, he misses you so much and fuck did he need your touch.
He flopped down onto the bed, groaning into a pillow when memories of your lovely face and beautiful body came flooding into his mind. Tobi tried to think about anything else but found that despite his best efforts, every train of thought just brought him back to you. He felt painfully hard & with a pitiful whine, he glanced down at the large damp spot that had formed over the straining erection in his pants. 
“Y/N-Chan will be home soon” he muttered to himself, gnawing at his lower lip. Though he knew those words were true, they did nothing to curb his need, especially since every passing thought of you had his ball clenching.
Giving into his base needs, he walked over to your dresser to fish out a pretty pair of your lace panties. He gripped the fabric tightly, letting out a shaky breath as he recalled the numerous times he’d taken them off of you and how delicious it looked when they were sticky & soaked with your arousal.
With a deeply flushed face, he went back to sit himself on the bed- hastily pulling down the waistband of his pants as he wrapped the fabric over his leaking head. Tobi hissed when he felt the delicate fabric rub against his skin but it just wasn’t the same- not nearly as soft as he’d hoped and nowhere near as warm. He winced, every sensation suddenly feeling too rough & it made him miss you that much more. In a desperate attempt to relieve the ache between his legs, Tobi closed his eyes and grit his teeth as he pumped himself furiously. 
                                                    * * * * * *
After an absurdly long walk, you’d finally made it back to the Akatsuki hideout, breathing a sigh of relief when you were inside the main entrance. It seemed unusually quiet, you figured that most of the other members were off on missions of their own, but you were surprised Tobi hadn’t greeted you at the door like he normally did. You pouted, but shrugged it off, thinking he may have taken on an extra mission or was simply busy antagonizing one of the other members- either way you were just glad to finally be able to relax and unwind. After hanging up your cloak, you made your way to your room, eager to spend some time in your own bed.
A quiet gasp left your lips when you opened the door to your bedroom, eyebrows shooting up at the sight before you. Tobi’s eyes were squeezed shut while he roughly fucked his fist against your favorite pair of panties- grunts and whines of your name tumbling out of his mouth. You bit your lip at how adorable yet how lewd he looked, vigorously rutting into the now tattered fabric, With a slight shake of your head, you called out to him “Tobi, I’m home!”
“Y-Y/N-Chan!” Tobi yelped, covering himself with a nearby pillow. His eyes were wide, eyebrows furrowed - he was torn between wanting to run to you and trying to hide the evidence of what he’d just been doing. He had the decency to be embarrassed by how needy he was, hanging his head as a deep blush crept its way up his neck. 
Your expression softened, knowing you shouldn’t be too hard on him- you knew how he got when you were away for too long. “Why are you hiding, puppy? Did you do something bad?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow as you made your way over to him. 
Tobi whined, not wanting to look you in the eye. He clutched the pillow to himself tightly as a wave of embarrassment and shame washed over him. 
“Give me the pillow, puppy” You sighed, feeling his grip loosen. You gently took the pillow from him, pursing your lips as you removed the shredded lace from his reddened cockhead. “I really liked those...” you tutted, flinging the material towards the waste bin. 
Tobi glanced at you hesitantly, searching your features for any sign of disappointment or anger- when he found none, he finally lifted his head to meet your gaze. “Sorry” he mumbled, shifting slightly to adjust his insistent erection.
“Awe, it’s okay, you’re still my good boy” you cooed, affectionately carding your fingers through his hair. “Such a big boy too!” you giggled, eyeing the heavy way his dick twitched between his legs. 
Tobi perked up at your words, relieved you weren’t upset with him. “Tobi missed Y/N-Chan so much!” he said nearly bouncing in his seat. 
Any fatigue you’d felt from your trip melted away when you saw the twinkle in his dark, eager eyes. “I missed you too” you husked, sinking down to your knees. “What a pretty cock, can I play with it?” 
He nodded frantically, digging his nails into the bedsheets. “Yes, yes! Tobi wants to play!” His heart thumped loudly in his chest, excitement and lust nearly making him tremble when he felt your warm breath just inches away. 
“Mhm” you mused, taking his shaft in hand, licking a long slow stripe from the base to his head. You looked up at Tobi as you swirled your tongue around his reddened tip. 
He let out a choked out groan, nearly falling backwards at the inviting warmth of your mouth, barely catching himself on his elbows- propping up just in time to see your head begin to bob. His eyes rolled back at the way you worked his dick, moaning loudly when you hallowed your cheeks. 
Your fingers grabbed at his thighs, eyes fluttering closed as you set a rhythmic pace- taking in as much of his length as you could. 
Tobi panted as he watched you, feeling delirious with pleasure that was steadily bubbling up within him. “S-soo good!” he keened, instinctively bucking his hips.
You hummed in response, happy to see your puppy getting the attention he needed. You sank down on him until your nose grazed the soft hair at the base of his cock, feeling the stretch of your lips accompanied by the slapping of his fat balls against your chin. 
Taking one hand off his thigh, you moved it to cradle and massage his neglected balls, noting how heavy they felt in your palm. “Ngh- Y/N-Chan!” he howled, tossing his head back. “Cu-cumming now!”
Tobi came almost violently- weeks of being pent up all channeled into the thick, hot ropes currently swelling your mouth. You’re mildly shocked by just how much there was, swallowing around him as best you could, yet still unable to stop the steady stream that was seeping past your lips. You coughed a few times after finally pulling off his softening cock, strings of saliva still connecting you to him.
“Tobi’s Turn!” he panted, grabbing at your forearms to haul you onto the bed. 
“Ah!” you squealed, suddenly laying on your back with Tobi hovering over you.
“Y/N-Chan is home, never letting you go!” he whined, kissing and lapping at anything he could get his mouth on. “Gone for too long..” he pouted, pushing your shirt up to bury his face between your warm breasts. 
“I’m sorry puppy, I'll talk to Pain so it doesn’t happen again.” you assured him.
He tensed up, growling at the mention of another male’s name, “No Pain, only Tobi!” 
You smiled, almost forgetting how territorial your puppy was. “Only Tobi.” you cooed, cupping his cheek.
He nodded in approval, nuzzling your palm as he tugged down your bottoms. He settled between your thighs, drooling at the sight of your drenched panties. Pressing his nose up against the growing wet spot, he flicked his tongue over it as he breathed in your scent. “Off!” he grunted, not wanting to destroy another pair of your underwear. 
You lifted your hips, allowing him to drag them down your legs- casting them aside, along with your discarded shorts. He ran his tongue through your folds, moaning at your taste, feeling the blood rush straight to his crotch. He pulled back for a second, wanting to spread you open with his fingers. “Pretty!” he cried, eagerly diving in to lave over your clit.
He dug his tongue into your bundle of nerves, kneading at the plush skin of your thighs as he dragged your hips up and off the bed- nudging his chin forward to drive his tongue in as deep as it would go. Tobi savored every minute of it, shutting his eyes to immerse himself in your heat, nuzzling his nose against your swollen clit. He continued his relentless lapping, holding you flush against him- brain so focused yet hazy at the same time. 
You tugged at his hair, feeling so dazed, you weren’t sure you could form words, settling instead for writhing & sloppily rocking your hips. 
Tobi’s eyes snapped open, cock jolting at the way you were responding. Pride bloomed in his chest when he felt your legs begin to shake, high-pitched moans of his name freely falling past your lips. “Cum for Tobi!” he groaned, doubling down- watching every twist and writhe, taking in every sweet cry you gave him. 
“Puppy!” you wailed, thrashing against him as wave after wave of pleasure tore through you. 
Tobi humped the mattress, slurping lewdly while you shook and cried in his grasp. You tried to push him off but he wouldn’t budge- opting to suckle at your pussy lips before sealing his mouth over your poor swollen clit. Your taste was driving him insane, he didn’t stop even when you sobbed and whimpered out a “too much!”. He just kept sucking and rolling his heavy tongue over you, reveling in the way your body twitched and spasmed. 
“Not enough, need more!” Tobi grunted, taking one of your ankles in each hand to spread your legs apart. He thrust his leaky cock against your little bud, rocking back and forth to feel the pulse of it against his slit. He growled, the slickness of you making him feel near feral with need- he quickly lined himself up with your entrance, slamming into you until you cried out.
Tobi’s head spun as he sank into your tight heat, keening at the way your were sucking him in. His cock throbbed with arousal, loving the loud squelching of your pussy, knowing he was the one who’d made such a mess of you. 
You whined, lower lip trembling as you teetered on the edge of consciousness. Tobi’s crazed thrusting sending shockwaves through your overstimulated body. “P-please” you stuttered, struggling to keep your eyes open as your puppy continued to plunge into your gummy walls. 
Everything felt so messy and hot, Tobi’s head tipped back when he felt you cream around his length. His sanity slipping a little more with every tremor and gush of your sweet pussy, making something snap inside of him. He frantically pumped into you, the harsh snap of his hips making you gasp and seize. “Hold on- hng- so close!” he said through clenched teeth. He dropped your legs, pushing your knees up to your chest, curving his form over yours- driven by pure hunger and the instinct to fill you up with his cum & breed your pretty cunt. 
Your vision was blurring in and out, hips aimlessly rutting against him- feeling like a ragdoll in his grasp. Animalistic thrusts causing your body to jolt against the bed springs. “Good boy- ah- such a good boy!” you babbled. 
“Tobi is a good boy- Y/N-Chan’s good boy!” he pants, reaching between you to rub circles on your clit- determined to tip you over the edge one more time before reaching his own breaking point. With every thrust, a yell is dragged from you- body shaking uncontrollably as your vision goes white. 
“Fuck! Fuuuuck!” Tobi growls, feeling your pussy flutter and convulse around him- his lower half completely drenched with the fluids you had just sprayed all over him. He drives in and out of you with reckless abandon, swearing he’s beginning to see stars. He bites down on your shoulder, grumbling fucked out moans against your skin as thick spurts of his seed paint your insides white. 
You shiver when he finally pulls out, clutching at him weakly when he uses his fingers to push his cum back into your cunt. “’S full”. you whimpered, completely limp and exhausted. 
“Shh” Tobi cooed, kissing your sweaty forehead. “Sleep now, Y/N-Chan.” 
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0risha · 4 years
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✰ PAIRING ⤷ megumi x gn!reader
✰ SUMMARY ⤷ megumi's mind has finally become clearer.
✰ TAGS ⤷ fluff, junior high megumi, barely edited,
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✰ A/N ⤷ “yesth, I should be working on requests right now but this came to me while listening to lemon glow by beach house... so forgive me?” don't ask why I added a header..... lmfaooo. Lowkey thinking of doing a part 2 to this in the current timeline... idk.
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The color of Megumi's mind.
It’s murky, at first. Where unclarity suffocates his every crevice because he’s still trying to find his place in the world.
Although it clears up for a second whenever he comes in contact with his sister, Tsumiki, it returns as soon as the words of animosity cross between the two.
Even when he’s witnessing the fear of delinquents who call themselves tough because the only thing they can pry on are the weak, he still feels as though he needs something.
Fortunately, his plea is answered in due time.
Megumi figures that it's not God. Through the clamor of his life, he’d never believed in one. But every time he looks back on this gift –no matter how unexpected it was– he couldn’t help but mutter a prayer of thanks to who knows what.
You’re a new face. At first, muddled like the others. Face distorted with cloudy substance where your features should be, whirling past whenever you two come close.
When you two do finally come in contact, it’s at his home. The one he shares with Tsumiki and Satoru. But Satoru's rarely there.
He’s sick. A high fever of 106. His nose is stuffed to the point where he fears he won’t be able to breathe when the next cycle of inhale and exhale comes.
He hasn’t been able to get up from his futon ever since his alarm rang. His sister and Satoru long gone before then. He didn’t want to call, figuring that he could work through this himself.
When Megumi hears a voice, soft and timid, he shakes his head. Eyes blinking as he wonders if he’s finally lost it. But it comes again, closer this time.
“Fushiguro san?” A head peeks through his room door.
It's you, the new student. He recalls that you're quiet and rarely talk. Even then, somehow associating yourself in the popular crowd. Though, a part of him thinks it wasn't your doing.
When you hand him your name he doesn't recognize it. A thought in where he needs to pay more attention flits through his mind.
"You're here because...."
His voice comes out wired and scratchy, he's sure if it wasn't for his battered throat, it would've come out as harsh.
Your response is delayed. Almost as if you need twice as much the average time to process his words. "Oh, since I'm in your homeroom, I was sent to deliver your classwork and homework." You take out a stack of papers from your backpack and place it by the door.
He closes his eyes, expecting to hear retreating footsteps.
"Should I make you something?" you ask. For a second, Megumi has the urge to deny, he hates relying on other people, especially the too-good ones.
But as he surveys your almost pleading posture he accepts. "Okay."
With his affirmation, the air shifts. A smile takes its place on your face as you clamber up to him. "Do you want tea or sou—"
"Anything, just don't make a mess." He grunts, with half of your body over his –even with his clogged nose– he catches a faint scent of vanilla. He turns his head away from you to hide the flush in his cheeks, he's never actually been this close to someone as pretty as you before. Less alone cared for.
"Okay," you chirp. Not the slightest bit encompassed by his offish behavior.
When you leave, he curses himself for being so rude to you. But Megumi can't help it, his cold demeanor had been injected into his body since birth.
An hour passes by.. ten minutes, maybe? And Megumi starts to forget that you're even in his home; his fever finally hitting its pinnacle.
In his dream-like state, he doesn't hear you enter his room.
But, when you say his name meekly and place a cool palm on his forehead, he finally shifts.
"I made miso soup, it probably doesn't taste the best but I—"
"Thank you." He breathes out, turning towards your sitting figure to grab the bowl. He grunts in frustration as his body strains.
"I can feed you if that's alright?" Groggily, he blinks. His pride had been wounded too many times today but when he sees your expression, he again complies.
When you perk up, he has to turn his head away from your too-bright smile.
"Can you at least sit up?" you whisper, already reaching towards his head to hoist him up.
"Yeah," Megumi grunts, using all of his strength to finally rest his back on the wall.
"That's good." You state, blowing on a spoonful of soup before you reach to cup his jaw.
Megumi doesn't have the heart to move away, a part of him thinks that seeing a hurt expression on your face would be far worse than his now fever.
Slowly but surely, he widens his mouth to welcome the soup.
He keeps his eyes from making contact with yours as he tastes the warm liquid on his buds. Even though his sensory is barely there, it didn't taste good. At all.
"Is it good?" you inquiry. Your eyes sparkle with anticipation as you gaze at him.
"Yeah, it is." Your smile grows much wider than it was before at his positive commentary.
"Really?" You place another spoonful in his mouth, much eagerly than the last as you ramble about the ingredients you used. His brain can't perfectly piece your words together but your voice soothes him, nonetheless.
"What time is it?" Megumi asks when the soup is finally close to done.
If Tsumiki or Gojo were to come, he thinks, this moment of his would-be interrupted. As much as he hated to admit it, he didn't want it to.
"By now, school's almost over." You shift, taking a cup of tea and placing it to his lips. Megumi wants to ask why you decided to skip school and take care of a stranger instead, but he decides against it.
"Do you want me to leave?" Your eyes shift to his. When he shakes his head, you breathe out a sigh.
Megumi hopes it's one of relief.
Hesitantly, his eyes fall on yours."Can you uh.. stay untill I fall asleep?" Your brows raise in surprise at his pleading tone.
"Of course." You decide, placing the tea cup on his room table.
Slowly, you shuffle closer to him and lean a little on his shoulder.
"What if you get sick?"
"You'll have to take care of me, just like I did." Megumi blinks as he processes your words. A warm, serene feel surrounds every stack of his vertebrae. It's an unfamiliar feeling, one that makes his heartbeat grow unsteady, but he welcomes it.
When Megumi wakes up, it's nighttime. A sliver of the moon from his window acts as a source of light for his room. He attempts to shift in his futon, only to be met with a warm body, yours.
Megumi stills for a second as he observes your face. Throughout his whole day with you, he never got the chance to get a good look at it.
You're pretty just like he first thought. He thinks it's almost adorable how your nose twitches every time he moves around.
He's never been this interested in something or someone, this much. Maybe it's because of the involuntary care you gave him. The nice, white gleaming smiles too.
He's never experienced or accepted care from somebody else.
A ghost of a smile threatens to touch his lips as he realizes that his nose, chest and mind are no longer heavy but instead, clear.
Your soup must've worked.
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Click: Finale
Synopsis: You invited everyone out to dinner. You also audibly clicked. People have opinions about this.
Word Count: 2,286
Tags/Warnings: Language, Smoking, Fem!Reader
Part I: Shikamaru, Part II: Shino, Part III: Neji, Part IV: Rock Lee , Part V: Naruto, Part VI: Kiba, FINALE, The Message in Click
Notes: I’ve been legit putting off this finale for a month. Come get y’all juice.
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You could only assume that something was about to go down. What you didn’t know just quite yet was if it would be violent: truly a worrying unknown. You hoped not, but then again, Rock Lee’s insistence felt ambiguous at best. He refused to answer any of your questions. And so for the moment, the only thing that felt certain boiled down to Lee’s vice grip on your wrist as he heaved you out of your apartment. You sighed. Everything else that escaped Lee’s lips you found useless at best. With nothing else to work with but a few ramblings about youth, you didn’t bother trying to pry more than you had already.
He hardly gave you any time to prepare and you hoped that you could chalk it up to his overeager nature and not a village-wide emergency. He led you, tugging you across the village. You stumbled over your own feet as you struggled to keep up with his fast pace. He pulled you over rooftops and through busy crowds of people who quickly grew not too pleased with the pair of you as you pushed through.
“Are you not going to tell me where we’re going?” You pleaded, grasping at his wrist. You might as well have asked a rhetorical question or perhaps even not at all. Lee looked back at you for a split second with a wide grin.
“Nope!” He answered before almost crashing you into a wall. You swiveled out of the way with a shriek, still tethered to Lee, and silently thanked your shinobi reflexes. Surely, they saved you from much in this world.
When Lee finally stopped in front of your destination, it was abrupt. You probably should have expected as much, but ultimately didn’t have time to think about it as you fell onto your backside. You crashed into Lee’s lean and muscular back. And unfazed, Lee threw up his arms in show as if unveiling a grand magic trick. He shrieked to the sky above.
“We are here!” You finally shifted your attention to Shushu-ya’s storefront. You blinked, slowly and hesitantly turned to Lee whose face shone like he just won a million ryō. You picked yourself off of the ground and squinted as you brushed yourself off, wondering if there was something about Lee’s presentation that you missed.
“It’s not on fire… or destroyed,” you pointed out with more than a fair bit of skepticism in your voice. Lee glanced up at the storefront with visible confusion. He turned his attention to you and then to the storefront.
“No it is not!” he bellowed, deciding to plaster on a wide grin. Your fingers weaved together as you rocked on your heels and let out a relieved sigh.
“Lee, is this an elaborate way of inviting me out to dinner?” Lee’s features contorted into a deep worry which made you immediately concerned once again. He yelled out something incoherent before taking your wrist again. You braced yourself for news of the village’s doom.
“I completely forgot! Everyone is waiting for us!” And before you could question him, you were tugged inside. He threw open the door, once again almost hitting you in the face as he did. Too focused on your dodging, it took you a second to take in what awaited you inside of the restaurant. “Everyone! I apologize for the delay!”
You turned and couldn’t hide your surprised gaping. Shikamaru, Shino, Neji, Naruto and Sakura were all sat around a rectangular table. Neji scoffed, neatly aligning his chopsticks on his napkin with disinterest.
“About time—” He rolled his eyes— “Lee went to get you a half hour ago.” Lee tried to guide you to the table, but you remained where you stood, unmoving. Lee gave you another slight pull, but you couldn’t even look at him. You couldn’t look at any of them. You quickly excused yourself with a shaky promise of coming right back and left out the front door.
Shikamaru let out a sigh, not one of exasperation, but a sigh nonetheless. He lazily moved to stand, but Shino planted a heavy hand on his shoulder.
“I got her,” he said in his usual Aburame monotone and stood up in Shikamaru’s place. The Nara, on the other hand, sat back in his spot with the newfound relief that he wouldn’t have to get up.
You were trying to catch your breath when Shino found you outside. You hugged your arms to your chest and faced Shino with your posture small. He stood a comfortable distance away, ever-unimposing. Shino buried his hands in his pockets, his back straight but shoulders slouched.
“It’s not a joke is it?” you asked. Shino frowned, slightly perplexed by your question.
“When have you known me to be in on jokes?” You pursed your lips, bobbing your head slightly. You kept nodding and cleared your throat. Your knee bent as you mirrored Shino’s posture, though a bit more nervously.
“It’s not out of pity, then, is it? For me? Because I don’t wanna be here if people are just here out of pity.” Shino took in a deep, discrete breath.
“This group of people wanted to have a meal with friends. Why would that be about you?” You hummed, casting your gaze away from him, flustered. You opened your mouth before shutting it again. Shino waited patiently for your response. He had always been blunt like a wood hammer and to some extent, Shino knew that. After all, he usually didn’t know how to navigate moments such as these. But he would try. “No. If there was a joke, it would be new to me. I was invited to dine with my friends and nothing more.”
“You really think of me as a friend?”
“I could ask you the same. I thought that we’ve been friends for a while.” Shino didn’t hesitate in his response. You stared up into his dark glasses, blinking.
“Yes, of course, Shino. We always have been. I guess I’m just shocked, that’s all. With everything, I mean.” Shino gave a slight nod, but nothing more. He had never been one for outward expression of emotion and he wasn’t about to start now.
“If you’re uncomfortable you don’t have to stay. I can walk you home if that’s what you’d feel better doing.”
You took a moment to think and Shino once again waited patiently. You sat on the ground next to the building. Shino took a step forward and motioned to the space next to you with his palm. You gave him a nod and he sat. The two of you gazed out at the village. Even in its most populated parts, Konoha looked exceptionally beautiful in the summer. Plantlife grew all around you and you wondered if Shino admired it as much as you did.
You didn’t think for long. You didn’t have to before you went to stand. Shino got up quicker than you and lent you a hand. You turned towards the entrance with him at your side and shook your head.
“No, this is nice. Sorry, a lot’s gone on recently. I think I’m just overthinking, you know?” You looked up at Shino but he didn’t look down at you.
“Well?” he asked simply, “Isn’t there something you should be doing then? Everyone’s waiting inside to order.” You perked up, moving to scurry inside but Shino grabbed you gently by both arms as he blocked your path to the door. He lowered himself, but with a frown. “What? I thought you always carried it with you.” The thought dawned on you as his large hands shrunk away.
You reached into your pocket and fiddle with your clicker. Shino looked at you expectantly. And with a single click, Shino ushed you inside.
A second round of drinks were already on the table by the time you took your place in between Shino and Shikamaru. Despite still being a bit uneasy, as you glanced around the table, you couldn’t help but feel a certain amount of warmth beginning to grow in your chest. Naruto and Lee turned to you, mischief shining in their eyes.
“We’re gonna order the whole menu, right?” Naruto looked at you expectantly, holding up the laminated menu like a holy prize. You let yourself laugh, nose crinkling up as you nodded.
“Of course!”
You seemed happy. Or at least that’s what Shikamaru thought. The appetizers kept coming and the more you ate the more you spoke. Shikamaru wondered if this is what it would have been like if anyone came with you the week before. As much as he’d like to think so, he knew that if he bothered to ask, you both would come to the same conclusion. By far, this was nicer.
A few figures walked past outside. Shikamaru’s irises drifted to the corner of his eye as he glanced out the window where his gaze fell onto Kiba. Ino, Choji, Sai, and Hinata encompassed the group that crowded around the Inuzuka, but even though chatter surrounded him, his eyes locked with Shikamaru’s through the glass. Their passage past Shushu-ya felt slowed in time. Shikamaru slowly rose from his seat. You tugged at his sleeve.
“You’re not leaving are you, Shikamaru?” A small, hopeful smile clung onto your lips, oblivious to the world outside of your little table. You stared up at him with bright eyes. Shikamaru leaned over, his breath ghosting the shell of your ear as you laughed with the others. You tilted your head to better hear him. He tapped a box of cigarettes on the table, his lighter tucked on top under his knuckles.
“I’ll be right back. Smoke break.” You nodded before turning back to the table, unsuspecting.
Kiba fell to the back of the group and gave a feeble excuse to allow the others to go on without him. By the time Shikamaru stepped outside, the rest of the crew had left, expecting him to catch up soon. Kiba positioned himself away from the window and Shikamaru leaned up against the side of the building. He plucked out a single cigarette before offering the box to Kiba, who shook his head and held up an open palm. Shikamaru flicked the top back on the pack before shoving them back into his pocket. He lit the rolled paper, taking a deep, audible inhale before blowing out the smoke in a line. Kiba stood by: watching, waiting. Shikamaru tilted his head up, puckered lips relaxing as the last of the smoke poured out of the side of his mouth.
“That’s a pretty nice thing you set up in there,” Shikamaru stated simply and brought his cigarette back up to his lips. Kiba sputtered as he crossed his arms.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he scoffed, turning away to glance momentarily at you through the side of the window as you dined with your friends, “And even if I did, I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal out of it.”
Shikamaru raised a brow, but said nothing as he tapped a flurry of ashes onto the ground. Kiba had always been as stubborn and defensive as he was readable. His jaw clenched and his fingers dug slightly into his bicep. Kiba nearly pouted. Shikamaru studied his friend and found guilt, but that was something that Kiba already knew so Shikamaru wouldn’t go through the trouble of pointing it out. Shikamaru took another huff.
“No one’s making a big deal out of anything.”
Kiba’s nose crinkled. With his keen sense of smell, he couldn’t hide his disgust at Shikamaru’s poorly scented habit.
“Do you have to do that right now? When we’re talking?” Kiba barked, but Shikamaru simply shrugged off the edge to his tone. Shikamaru’s head turned to Kiba as he blew his smoke directly into Kiba’s face. The Inuzuka stepped back, waving his hand around wildly in the air in an attempt to disperse the stench into the air.
“This was my excuse to come out here. To talk to you, loser.” Shikamaru expected Kiba to put up a fight, but received nothing. Too wrapped up in his own thoughts, Kiba went quiet. He leaned back against the wall like Shikamaru with his head bowed toward the ground. He tapped his foot.
“Can’t a guy do something nice for someone and not make it some big deal about love or friendship or whatever?” Shikamaru threw the butt on his cigarette on the ground and squelched it out with his shoe.
“Wow,” he mouthed as he began to head back towards the door of Shushu-ya. He laid a hand on Kiba’s shoulder as he passed by, deciding to stop for a split second. “You know, Kiba, I wasn’t exactly listening this whole time and quite frankly, I don’t care—” Kiba scowled. —“but I do know that I didn’t say anything like that and that you, maybe, need to sort out your shit. All of you do and I don’t have the time, the energy, or the care to do anything about it.” Shikamaru gave Kiba a pat where his hand rested and went back inside.
When he came in you were waiting to greet him back to the table. A small plate of dumplings sat at his spot. He couldn’t help the tiny, blushing grin that tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“About time!” you yelled, “I didn’t know how long I could fend Naruto and Lee off of your food, Shikamaru!”
Shikamaru hummed, taking his seat next to you. You clicked, but Shikamaru couldn’t help but notice that the little noise became more scarce as the night went on.
You all ate your dinner together.
Notes: I’m not too sure how much I like how this turned out but I suppose I can’t keep postponing it. Hopefully with a bit of time, when I revisit it I’ll like it more.
Thank you to everyone who stuck by this series and gave your love and support. I’d ideally not like to milk it (because I think then people would get sick of this series), but maybe if I have some good ideas I’ll make like an epilogue or something. I hope that y’all got some sort of nice message about this. Maybe in time I’ll let y’all know what spurred this series on.
Lots of love, friends.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
if you’re taking the riverdale prompts “we’re a rather broody bunch.” + whoever you’re feeling!!
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“we’re you're a rather broody bunch.”
I know its cheating just a little bit, however it just fit better. Also thanks to you I have also decided in the future that the little group will be called the (uncreatively) “Broody Bunch”.
word count: 2.2k and no warnings
The punch seems to come almost out of nowhere and Sahar is quick enough to dodge it….most of it. Her cheek is going to reflect the graze tomorrow, right now though she has to focus on her opponent’s next move. Watch, analyze, dodge, go for a hit. Watch, analyze, dodge. Watch, analyze-. 
The air’s knocked out of her as she’s pushed from behind and a fist makes contact with her stomach. She falls to her knees, tears watering the corners of her eyes, struggling to gasp for a breath, ears ringing as the ground shifts beneath her. The shadow of a young woman looms over her, letting out a heavy sigh, “That wasn’t too bad. Could be better though,” Sahar looks up at the source of the Russian heavy accent, blowing the falling hair out of her face to meet Yelena’s golden eyes. “Didn’t you fight multiple people at a time back home?”
Sahar stands, taking the towel Matt hands over, “Sure,” she huffs out, wiping the sweat from her forehead, “but I had a partner.”
“Well now you don’t, so,” the young woman shrugs, turning away from the glare Sahar throws at her.
“Sahar,” Matt says, placing a hand on her shoulder, “you know she’s just trying to help.”
“See, Matty gets it,” Yelena slides under the ropes of the boxing ring, “Look, you don’t know when or if this Marc guy will ever show up, so you have to be prepared to work alone.” Sahar grinds her teeth, getting an eye roll in exchange, “Unless you plan on putting this whole hero stuff down when your trail grows cold.”
She steps back with a scoff, “No, never. If anything I’ll reopen the Mission myself. I’ll continue to pray and who knows maybe I’ll just end up with his powers.”
“Wait, pause,” Matt says, raising an eyebrow, “Hasn’t everyone told you not to make a deal with Khonshu? Even your Marc Spector?”
“What is even with this Khonshu guy anyway?” Yelena asks, tossing Sahar some water, “I’ve heard Valentina talk about him recently too.”
Sahar, perks her head up from the water bottle, “She’s found him?”
“Who? Your god?” Yelena shakes her head, “No. But they’ve heard rumors about how an archeology team may have found an old temple belonging to him.”
“They’re hoping to find his power,” Matt chimes in, holding his chin, “How powerful did the Moon make him?”
“Better endurance, strength, maybe some other stuff,” Sahar waves a hand, “Honestly he wasn’t always consistent with what he gave Marc. Though he did bring him back from the dead a few times I think.”
Matt’s eyes go wide, “He’s died and come back to life?” Sahar nods, “That might be why then.”
“So, what, they want an invincible army?” Yelena asks with a snort.
“Or he’s simply a god,” a new voice rang out, the rhythm of her heeled boots in time to Sahar’s beating chest. Despite the warming months the older woman coming to stand before them wears a dark pea coat and plum turtleneck underneath, her dark hair with its single streak of purple pulled up into a bun, “Gods are always good to have on your side.” 
“Hello Valentina,” Sahar greets, turning away to her bag with a roll of her eyes, “Come to ask again?”
Valentina pouts, crossing her arms, “I really do think you’d benefit by teaming up with us, Ms. Mahin.” Her gaze turns over at Matt, smirking, “The offer can still stand for you, also, Mr. Murdock.”
“No,” he says bluntly, leaning against the ropes, almost sitting on the middle rope, “How did you even find us?”
“Well you’re all a rather broody bunch,” she says, wrinkling her nose, “So I simply followed the smell of depression and trauma.”
“What do you want, Valentina,” Sahar pressed shortly with a glare, throwing down her towel into the bag.
“Well I know you won’t join me, but I do still need your help,” her gaze falls slowly to Yelena, “Yours too my dear.”
“Aww,” she whines, “You’re not going to make me comb the desert again are you?”
“Well you won’t be alone this time,” Sahar raises a brow, shoulders rising with the Cheshire smile the older woman gives her.
“You’re wanting to send me too don’t you?” Sahar shakes her head, “Look I’m not your dog, I’m not going to do your bidding.”
“What if I told you that I found a few potential Marcs?” Valentina reaches into her bag, several files in her hand, “You can have a look at them,” she waves them Sahar’s way, ”I even threw a few extra that fit the physical description.”
“Sahar,” Matt whispers, pulling her away, “you do this and you know for a fact that you’re going to keep owing her.” She glances over shoulder, Valentina standing much too calmly for her tastes, ”I don’t think it's worth the potential of maybe.”
“But it could be him, Matt.”
“And what if she’s bluffing? Or none of them end up being what you’re looking for?”
She clenches her jaw, inhaling deeply, “How can I know the information you have is even reliable, Valentina?”
“Well I have no reason to lie to you, firstly,” she flips through the folders, pulling out three random ones, “secondly I’ll let you look at the descriptors as a sign of good faith, how about that?”
“I doubt that this is a no strings attached kind of deal.”
“No, no. I like to keep my word. Don’t I, Yelena?” 
The young blonde shrugs, “She was honest with me.”
“Sahar….,” Matt breathes out, “Think about this.”
“I say you should do it,” Yelena says, “Her information is good and you haven’t had any leads. This could provide answers.”
“Just like she provided you with answers,” Sahar tilts her head, fingers tapping her upper arms. “Was it worth it?” She asks finally, Yelena’s face unmoving in her neutral state, “Working with her?”
She’s silent a moment, looking between Sahar and Matt, “I didn’t have anything to lose. But as your friend, I think you have to start accepting that he doesn’t exist.”
Matt’s eyes go wide, “Yelena that’s-.”
“She’s right though,” Valentina says, seating herself in one of the metal chairs, “She told me how you looked up this world’s version of you.”
“I thought you decided against that,” Matt whispers.
“No,” Sahar turns from him, shaking her head, “You decided that.”
He crosses his arms, leaning against the ropes, “What did you end up finding then?”
“She’s dead,” Yelena answers, “Perished in the Battle of New York.”
Matt scoffs, “Well that’s blunt.”
“Sahar likes me blunt,” she retorts, “Look it's been, what, almost a year? Maybe you have to start accepting that this world’s Marc has lived his life already or just doesn’t exist.” Yelena holds a hand up when Matt readies himself to speak, ”And don’t argue with me, Matty, even you can’t be that blind to the truth of that sentiment.”
He sighs, Sahar’s eyes glued to the way the folders move as Valentina taps her foot, “What will you have me do?”
Valentina looks up surprised, “You want to help me?”
“Sahar, don’t,” Matt pleads.
“Well I’m not going to do just anything for you,” I’m not that stupid.
Matt grabs her shoulders turning her to face him, “You do this, start going down this path I-. I can’t follow you. I beg you to please think this through.”
Sahar sighs, gently removing his hands, “I need closure. Yelena’s right, he may not exist and the sooner I can know that for sure the sooner I can figure out how the rest of my life will play out.”
“Wonderful!” Valentina stands, with a clap of her hands, “Just wonderful. Here,” she hands over the files, “There’s a group of archeologists that came across a strange temple. I want you there to gather information, confirm the rumors of it being Khonshu’s and report back to me.”
“That’s it? That’s all you want me to do?” Sahar asks, Valentina answering with a nod, “And if it is?”
“Then I’ll handle all of that.” 
Sure you will, Sahar gives a slow nod, “If it’s all the same I’d like to help in the handling of such a sacred place.”
Valentina’s smile is unwavering as she holds Sahar’s gaze, “As you wish. You are the only expert that’s sane on the matter. Yelena,” she points at the young ex-Widow, “will be posing as your bodyguard, just in case anyone gets ideas.”
“So there’s going to be other mercenaries there,” Yelena groans, “I hate mercenaries.”
“Honey, you’re also a mercenary,” Valentina says in a sing-song voice, Yelena scoffing. “Your flight leaves in three days.” The older woman turns on her heel, waving as she brings her phone to her ear, “I’ll handle Jameson, so don’t you worry about that, Sahar.”
The three watch in silence until the doors close behind her. Matt jumps down from the ring, picking up his bag, “I think it's time I call it a night. I have a case to prepare for tomorrow.”
“Aww, but we were just going to get to the fun parts of training,” Yelena pouts.
“Was it going to involve overloading the senses I have left,” he chuckles, with a shake of his head.
“Maybe,” she grumbles.
“Then it's better I call it quits tonight.” He stops, in front of Sahar, who’s already seated herself cross-legged, files lined in front of her, hanging his head. “What you said earlier,” Sahar looks up, frowning, “What do you plan on doing should you never find Marc Spector?”
Yelena tilts her head, leaning on the outside of the ring, watching as her friend picks at her nails. “For starters, making sure the temple is preserved correctly, then open the Mission fully. I still have a duty to protect and defend those that travel at night,” she meets Matt’s gaze with steel, “I will not stray from that.”
“And then what,” Yelena asks, “There’s always something more to you.”
Sahar shrugs, “I guess I’m technically the only follower so far so that makes me a priestess. And as such I need to be accessible for whomever else may gain the power of Khonshu.” 
“What if someone already does have the power,” the young woman questions.
“No one has it, I’ve checked. The last avatar of Khonshu was documented not too long after the fall of the Romans.” She jumps up, placing the rules in her bag, “With the temple potentially being found, it’s more important than ever I’m available to them. I have to help them, make sure they know how to handle him and the power they’ll wield.”
“A noble cause,” Matt says under his breath, leaving the room.
“Hey, Matty! Don’t forget to come tomorrow. I’m going to really need your help before we leave,” Yelena calls out, his wave the only acknowledgment. She turns back to Sahar with a smirk, “I thought you couldn’t call yourself a priestess? That you hated being called that?”
Sahar feels her cheeks flush, “I-I do. Especially when Marc did.”
“No, no,” Yelena counters, “You’re blushing so you-.”
“I am not! And like I said it’s only on a technicality.”
“How about I fight you for the truth,” the blonde suggests. Matt smiles as he hears the two women begin to argue over whether they should press on with the fight or begin from a training point, the closing elevator silencing them. He can feel the chill of the night air against his sweat lined face, the sounds of a never sleeping city taking over as he pulls out his cane to make his way home. He takes a few steps before hearing Valentina’s voice just around the corner. Quickly he presses himself against the brick of the building, holding his breath to concentrate.
“Yes you can inform him that things are going as planned,” her voice has lost all the higher pitches from the boxing gym, the reply lost on Matt as a static plays over to deter eavesdroppers like himself. “Trust me, she’s a follower and with the training the Widow is giving her, how could such a god resist?” His brows raise, She-. She can’t be implying what I think she is, “Trust me, we’ll get Sahar to become his avatar, so long as you hold up your end of the plan.” No. No, that’s the last thing-., “Of course I’m aware of there being a Marc at the same time she’s there.” Matt stiffens, the information clicking further into place, “No, I’m not worried. She’s too much of a hero to let such a thing happen, and too desperate for any possibility of that man to keep it from happening to him.” 
A car pulls up, taking Valentina away from him, leaving his thoughts swimming. He should go back up and warn them. Stop her from going. Keep her safe and where he can keep an eye on her. Matt also knows that if she were to believe what he had to say, she’d still find herself there to help Marc anyway. Even if it turned out to not be hers, Sahar would still want to be there to help them understand what it meant to be a Fist of Khonshu. She just said as much, not even five minutes ago. Matt sighed, sending a quick message to Yelena before continuing down the New York street, “I just have to hope that maybe Yelena will be enough to disrupt whatever Valentina has planned. To stop that power from even leaving the desert.”
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
At Your Service, Alpha   9
Alpha!Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) x omega!Reader
Descriptions:   (Y/n) finally starts to figure her shit out! Alex tries to be helpful... but maybe it’s a bit much...?
A/n- Not much to say, just enjoy, I guess! And, feel free to like, comment, reblog... y’know, whatever.
Masterlist     Series Masterlist
(Y/n) woke up, stretching and turning off her alarm, pausing as she took a deep breath through her nose, an enormous grin growing over her face as she realized that she didn't feel the way the back of her sinuses pressed against her throat, making it so that air couldn't get through. 
(Y/n) took a deep breath again, feeling how easy the air came through her nose. 
She jumped from her bed and ran to the door, yanking it open and taking a deep breath. 
(Y/n)'s face fell when she smelled nothing. She pressed her nose against the jamb, breathing as deeply as she could. 
Nothing, no scent, no smell, as though it had been recently cleaned. 
Pain tore at her heart. 
It was gone. 
She closed the door and leaned back against it. 
A dejected feeling grew in her chest as she got ready for work. 
Where was her wonderful scent? 
Tears grew in her eyes as she walked to the café. 
The flowers were in bloom, and the trees, they smelled wonderful, beautiful- but they were dull and uninteresting to her; they weren't the one scent she was longing for. 
She trudged in through the door of the café and made her way to where her apron was hanging. 
“(Y/n)?” Alex asked, stunned by her behaviour. “What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Do you need me to get Jared?” 
(Y/n) shook her head silently, tying the apron around herself. 
“What's wrong?” 
“The smell…” 
“(Y/n)! Your sinuses are clear!” 
(Y/n) looked up at her in surprise at her exclamation. “Yeah…” 
“You don't have that weird hollow sound in your voice!” She teased, trying to cheer her up. 
“Ha ha ha,” (Y/n) mocked. 
“You don't sound like a duck!” 
“Shut up!” She snapped playfully and Alex grinned at her. 
“What's wrong?” She asked, now that (Y/n) had finally opened up and relaxed a tiny bit. 
“That smell, the scent that was on my door…” 
Alex nodded. 
“It’s gone…” 
Her friend shrugged. “So?” 
“It- Alex, I think it was- him…” 
“Him? Him who?” She asked at her nod. 
“Him; my alpha- my one true alpha,” (Y/n) told her, her voice showing her frustration. 
“Oh… Oh, (Y/n), but… the scent is gone?” Her pity was visible on her face. 
(Y/n) nodded and Alex walked around the counter toward her. 
She wrapped her arms around (Y/n) and her omega scent calmed her; it was like a comforting blanket. The cooks in the back were more relaxed as well. “Maybe he’ll come back-” 
“I- I thought I smelled him yesterday, but…” 
(Y/n) nodded. 
“Not today…” 
“Why don’t you take the table settings out and sniff around, maybe you’ll smell it again.” 
(Y/n) nodded and filled the tray with table settings, walking outside and slowly setting them. 
Customers came, and she still couldn’t smell the scent, anywhere. 
Tears and pain filled her belly and heart. 
She filled her tray with a coffee pot and cups and accompaniments enough for the three tables that had ordered coffee, resting the edge of the heavy tray on her shoulder as she carried it out. 
(Y/n)'s eyes were focused at about knee level as she made her way between the tables, her nose still sniffing, hoping to catch a whiff of that amazingly wonderful scent. 
The breeze changed direction, blowing from the side, left to right, to behind her slightly, and she froze, her nose perking up a scent. 
The scent- it was the scent. 
The alpha- maybe her alpha. 
(Y/n)'s chin snapped up, and her eyes darted around, looking for the source, focusing toward the edge of the trees, where a figure was moving toward her. 
The breeze shifted again, blowing her hair around her face and into her eyes. 
(Y/n) pulled it out of the way with her free hand, cursing that she had felt too emotionally pained to bother with it that morning. 
When she got control of it and managed to get it tamed enough out of her face that she could see, she looked up at the figure walking toward her. 
It was Kurt. 
(Y/n)'s heart sped up as she looked at him, tears of happiness, relief, and joy stinging at her ducts. 
Her jaw went a little slack as her bottom lip trembled, and she stared longingly at him as he grew closer. 
Her hand dropped to her side, the tray holding all of the dishes and coffee things crashing to the ground, the sound of shattering dishes filling the air. 
Kurt looked more alert, hurrying to (Y/n), and she stepped forward. “(Y/n), don't, you'll get hurt-" He tried to stop her from walking through the broken ceramic and glass, but she didn't listen, running to him and throwing her arms around his neck, burying her nose in the scent gland there. 
Kurt's arms wrapped around her, and she could feel his uncertainty. “Liebling?” He asked. 
“Alpha,” she whispered. (Y/n) felt his shoulders relax. 
“You started taking your allergy medicine,” he said, a statement of fact, not a question. 
“Yes. And I'm never going to stop taking them again.” 
Kurt chuckled, burying his nose against her neck and starting to scent her. 
(Y/n) scented him back, the both of them nipping and licking at the tender flesh of their scent glands. 
(Y/n) let out a whimper, feeling a wave of slick start to grow between her thighs, and Kurt let out a bit of a feral growl, nipping a bit harder, making another whimper leave her lips. 
Alex slowly walked toward the two of them, alerted by one of the café patrons that something was happening outside. “(Y/n)?” She asked, keeping alert. 
(Y/n) turned to look at her, her pupils a little dilated. 
Kurt pulled her closer against his chest, but didn't stop Alex from making her way forward, probably only because she was an omega, and therefore not a risk to her. 
“Alex… it's him…” (Y/n) told her. 
She bowed her head to Kurt to show her respect, and he let his arms loosen a little, feeling more at ease at the show of respect. “It's him?” 
(Y/n) nodded, laying her head against his shoulder so she could still see her. 
“(Y/n), are you ok?” She asked, sniffing to assure herself that no fear or discomfort pheromones were in the air. 
“I feel weird, like I've got a heat coming on- but I just had one, like, two weeks ago,” she admitted. 
“I'm about to start a rut,” Kurt supplied. 
Alex nodded. “How long?” 
“No telling. I thought within the next two days, but now,” he nuzzled into (Y/n)’s shoulder, giving a lick over her scent gland again. “Who knows.” 
“Can you- I mean, I would appreciate it if you could do me the favor of letting her finish the day, and I'll find a replacement for the next week,” she asked. 
There was a nearly silent, low rumble in Kurt's throat, and (Y/n) could tell he wasn't a fan of the idea. 
She pulled back and looked up at him. “Alpha,” she chided, putting her hands on her hips. “You don't think you're going to make me quit my job, do you? Make me stay at home?” 
He smiled at the defiant look in her eyes. “I've come to accept that I can't make you do anything you don't want to, omega,” he told her, and she felt another trickle of slick at him calling her by her presentation. 
He sniffed and she knew that he could smell it from the dark look that came over his eyes. He let her go, but still held her hand, leading her to his usual table and sitting down, giving her a smile. “I'll wait for you to come to me here, Liebling, same as always.” 
(Y/n) felt her cheeks heat, and her lips turned up in a smile. 
Kurt held watch over (Y/n) all shift, as she now realized he had been doing all along, only now he wasn't completely holding back the warning growls to the other alphas when they tried to get too close to her. 
“(Y/n), I have to talk to you,” Alex said as she motioned (Y/n) closer near the end of her shift. 
(Y/n) walked closer, throwing a glance at Kurt outside. “About what?” She asked. 
“Well, it's going to be your first time, right?” 
(Y/n) blushed and nodded. 
“So, has anyone ever given you the talk?” 
(Y/n) shook her head, uncertain of exactly what talk she was talking about, after all, she wasn't a pup, she wasn't stupid, and she had been through a heat before. 
“Ok, so… it's going to get a bit weird…” 
(Y/n) raised her eyebrows. “Weird?” 
Alex looked around to make sure the cooks weren't listening, but decided to pull her back to the office for more privacy. 
“Ok, imagine an alpha, being completely alpha-" (Y/n) nodded, nonplussed. “-and then holding you down… not letting you leave the nest, scent marking everything, biting you all over, following you around everywhere naked, pressed against your back with his arms around you so that you can hardly walk…” 
(Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit. 
“Wanting to shove every part of them possible into you, trying to freaking drink your slick, and not even letting you lay on your stomach because “it might hurt the pups" even though that would be impossible so soon, even if you did conceive,” she said, taking in the stricken look on her face. 
“Holy shit,” (Y/n) murmured. 
“Ok. So there's that. Alphas also tend to get a bit focused, like, when you're in heat and your brain gets a little fuzzy, but instead they get focused and really, really are all about filling you up with pups, but it's the same as us, they may not actually want them yet, but it is definitely on their mind. You may have to remind them that food, water, and sleep are things that exist.” 
(Y/n) bit her lip as nervousness filled her. “Um… Alex, when you said “shove every part possible” wh-what did you mean?” 
Her friend gave her a pitying look, her lips pressing into a line. “He has a tail, right?” 
(Y/n) nodded, her hands fidgeting with each other. 
“You may soon be intimately acquainted with it.” 
(Y/n)’s face heated, and she could tell that Alex was trying not to laugh at her. 
“As well as his fingers, his tongue, his knot, of course, really, anything they can try to get in there… Lord knows why…”
(Y/n) nodded, though she wasn't really able to pay much attention to what Alex was saying. 
When she felt like she'd give as information as she could, Alex put a hand on her friend's shoulder and walked her back to the front of the café. 
(Y/n) looked up as she passed through the door, seeing Kurt waiting for her, standing across the seating area, looking calm and confident. 
She looked behind her to Alex as she passed through the tables, and saw her friend give her an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. 
(Y/n) turned back to Kurt, taking a breath and pushing away her nervousness. 
She could do this. 
Tag List!
@otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore  @racheo91  @tephi101  @lilypalmer1987  @pingu89  @gifsbysimplysonia  @omnomsauruswrites  @keldachick  @Randomfandompenguin  @mannls  @screeching-student-unknown  @lizfawn  @ya-lyublu-tebya  @their-bibliophile  @the-fifth-marauder03  @colourforanamee  @whisperriddle  @143amberrose  @one-of-the-weebs  @The-marvelatic  @silverloveless
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torujours · 4 years
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🦇 plot: Your city has been dealing with vampire attacks year after year and you have been lucky enough to avoid coming face to face with the famed vampire himself or do you? Afterall, vampires look just like you and me. Normal right? Untill it's too late for you to say goodnight and go.
🦇 wc: 2,110
🦇 warnings: slight metions of blood and violence!!
🦇 mini playlist:
Monster- Lady Gaga
Bad Romance- Halestorm version
Never getting rid of me- EGG version
🦇: please note: this is a longer continuation of this drabble i wrote but you can read this as a stand alone also but there is some references to this drabble fyi
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It’s been a week since you saw Suna.
You would think meeting someone like him would stay stuck in your head, playing on repeat but it just was the occasionally thought. 
He didn’t occupy your mind in such a way, it was odd but nothing you can do about it. After all, that fang you saw was just your imagination after a long night you were sure of that. Vampires aren’t real, but your city is ripe with these “vampire attacks” for many years people have been attacked by someone who takes large amounts of their blood, leaving them knocked out and with puncture wounds that look like vampire bites but not many people believed it was a real vampire but some creep harming people late at night. You no longer believed in vampires, yes there was a time you were deeply convinced the blood sucking creatures of the night walked among humans but that was a long time ago. So you carried on, October was coming to a close and nothing in your life truly changed. 
Unknown to you, Suna wasn’t thinking much about you either. Sure, it was odd you managed to find out he was a vampire just by looking at him but nothing about you stood out. You just seemed normal, you didn’t even have an intoxicating smell just sweet and pleasant but nothing to knock him off his feet (plus it helped he fed before that encounter at the party). “Thinking about that person you met at the party I see” Suna kept his mutual face despite his announce towards his blond friend “Of course, not you overgrown dandelion, now leave me alone” But Atsumu just smirked and laughed “Well I happen to know where they work in case you ever want that info~” Suna doesn’t say anything, shutting his eyes and finding something better to do with his time. 
Another week goes by and at this point, Suna is more of a memory. You don’t even know if he lives around here. Your eyes wander around the quiet and almost empty library, the sun was starting to set and your shift was just getting started. Working at the campus library has it's perks like you get easy access to books for projects and studying plus you have always been a night owl. “I’d like to take this book out please..” you look up at the backpack wearing student holding a thick book in their hand “sure thing..” you take the book and scan it, the title catches your eye “the history of mythical creatures huh.. Sounds pretty cool” you state and they nod excitedly “it’s for a story I’m writing but it also helps I like reading about that type of stuff” you also liked reading that type of stuff, falling into the lore and mystery that came with witches, werewolves but most of all..vampires. 
“Thank you..” they take the book and walk away from your desk, leaving you to think for a moment about what other books on vampires the library has but you don’t linger on it for long. Your shift ends hours later without issue, but the sun is down and the moon now hangs eerily in the sky as you walk out of the quiet building. You have grown to hate how early it gets dark during this time of the year, it doesn't let itself well to a nice walk home and now the attacks have everyone on edge  yet again. Still you hold onto your bag tightly and don’t waste time walking home, staying close to lightpost and open spaces. You haven’t been attacked before and don’t want this year to be the one. 
Suna whips the corner of his month, the taste of dark red blood heavy in his month still as he looks at his “victim” before moving their body to lean on a nearby tree, he might be a vampire but he isn’t a monster. They aren’t dead don’t worry...just taking a nap in his mind. So after calling 911 and telling them to pick up the body, he doesn’t waste time heading home. Feeling the need for a after meal nap, he walks down the empty sidewalk when a familiar scent hits his nose causing him to stop momentary. It’s you he can smell. You might not have a smell out a fairytale book but Suna never forgets a smell. So, it takes him no time finding you as you powerwalk your way home. It’s funny, Suna didn’t think he would see you again yet here you are. Should he say something? Maybe be a jerk and scare you would be funny? But he decides to just watch you on your way home, but he smirks and shakes his head watching you jump slightly at the smallest sounds. It’s dangerous to walk home so late, he is out and about so just where did you come from? He eventually gets board of watching you and finally leaves you to walk alone again, remembering that annoying wolf aka Atsumu knows more about you. Suna doesn’t believe in coincidences but it is just a tad bit interesting you keep popping up on his radar, it wouldn’t hurt to learn a little more would it?
After one of the worst walks home, you finally shut the door and let out the breath you were holding. Someone was following you, you were sure of it but they just left you alone. You shiver, wanting nothing more then just to shower and relax. Relax you do for a few hours till your phone blows up the next morning with alerts about yet another attack no too far from where you were, the chill once again runs down your spine. 
Yet another hard working night at the library, it’s even more empty so you decide to find a book to read (wanting to stay away from anymore news about the attack) As if automatically, your feet put you right in front of the books about mythical creatures. Books about vampires stare back at you as you grab one and head back towards your desk. You flip mindlessly though the pages, taking little information other then what you already knew.
Beautiful skin, sharp fangs, no sunlight and blood. 
But the attack last night won’t leave your mind. What if that was you? You did feel something follow you, could it have been- 
Shaking your head you shut the book quickly, there is no vampire. It’s a little funny, you claimed joking that Suna was a vampire and hear you are, along with your whole city, on a vampire brainrot of some kind. It’s almost time to go home, the moon once again staring down from the sky, when the heavy door to the libary opens catching your attention but you jump slightly at the person walking into the warm building. Suna. 
Okay now this is getting freaky.
He eventually turns your way and your head cracks away, trying to look more busy than you are completely missing his smirk. He owns Atsumu one for giving him your place of work, is it a little creepy? Yeah, but he just doesn’t care it’s time to put his plan into action. 
You watch from the corner of your eye as he disappears into the many selves of books. You relax your tense shoulders for a moment, guess that answers the question if he lives around here. It doesn’t take long for him to reappear, a thick, black covered book sitting in his hand as he stunts over to you. He doesn’t even look real. Pale skin, sharp and fox-like eyes along with the always nonchalant look. Maybe it's the lighting in the old building but damn he looks good. He keeps his neutral face as he hands you the book “Fancy meeting you here Y/N..” you scan his book and let out a soft chuckle “Yeah, small world I guess..” He agrees with you and watches you as you put in the information, “The library is empty, how long do you have till you leave..” he asks you calmly as you hand him back the book “I can leave now actually..” the corners of his mouth lift up only for a second before he turns his back to you, casting a look over his shoulder “I’ll walk you home then”. Um..not what you were expecting. Should you say yes? It would be nice to have someone with you or should you say no? You only have met him twice (counting right now) what if something happens? You shake your head again, if something where to happen it would have happened around so it should be fine. “Sure, let me grab my bag.”
“Thank you for walking me home..” you finally say after a few minutes of walking in silence, he just nods “Sure, plus isn’t it a little dangerous for you to be walking so late with yet another year of these attacks...” you frown slightly “yeah but hey someone has to lock up the library..” he chuckles as you keep talking “People think it's a vampire again..” he keeps the smirk off his face “of course they do, with the victims being attacked late at night, the lost of blood and the puncture wounds on their necks but what about you? You buy into the whole vampire thing?” he will admit, he is a little interested in yoru answer. “I gave up believing in vampires a long time ago but I guess I still find them interesting..” He hums listening to you “So you wouldn’t jump in the arms of a handsome, centuries old vampire who wants to suck your sweet, dark red blood?” he smirks at the slight look of embarrassment that flashes in your eyes “If you asked me years ago maybe but I’d like to keep my blood to myself as much as I can..” you laugh, but now that’s interesting to him. Very. “What about you?” You ask him back “hm?” “Do you believe in vampires?” it’s quiet for a moment “Yeah I do..I wouldn’t be surprised if vampires, witches, werewolves and the like walk around..” he looks into your eyes, causing a chill to run down your spine but it's the wind right? “Afterall, they look just like you...normal everyday people hiding their true nature some better then others I assume” he then snickers “Did I spook you?” you huff and turn your head “No way...but I guess you could be right..”.  Your thoughts are going wild in all the wrong ways but you don’t voice them as you both keep walking. 
Your front door is a warm sight in the chill of the night, turning to look at Suna you give a small smile “Thanks again..” his sharp eyes drill holes into your head “Sure, maybe I can keep walking you home till this attacks stop hm?” Your heart is pounding loudly, you almost wonder if he can hear it (and yes he can) as you just smile “I wouldn’t mind that..” just say goodnight and go rings in your ears as his stare counties to look right into your deepest thoughts but he smirks yet again, turning his back to you “Goodnight Y/N...see you soon” it comes out soft, sultry and you aren’t sure why you feel so effected by it but you waste no time turning towards your door. You get a foot inside before a cold hand grabs yours, a chuckle hits your ears as you shut your eyes. “Remember when I said I wasn’t a vampire I just looked good in black..” Suna’s voice flows smooth from one ear to the next as he has trapped you in front of him “Well..I think we both know I lied..” Your eyes widen as your heartbeat quickens, your palms get sweaty and oh my god are your thoughts running wild. Suna is just living for it, finally finding you and your time tonight to be the most interesting interaction with a victim he has ever had in his many years of life. “You said you wouldn’t run into the arms a vampire who wants your blood but I think we should test that idea hm..” he toys with you and you still can’t say anything but your head gives a slow nod, you find yourself unable to say anything. 
Is it out of fear? Or want is the real question but you don’t have time for that cause Suna is already in your home. 
No time for thinking now. No time for a “goodnight and go”
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thetaoofzoe · 4 years
Fic: Tea and Edith 1/1
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Title: Tea and Edith 1/1
Pairing: Edith Grayston / Mycroft Holmes (Enola Holmes 2020)
Summary: Mycroft Holmes may have said something he regretted, and as a gentleman, he needed to rectify his wrongs. How understanding will Miss Grayston be?
Rating:  Fluff and tea and apologies and sweetness. I guess that’s the answer to the question in the summary.
Notes: I ah... well... I wrote this to indulge in my own pleasures. I know for certain that I was screaming into the void with this one, but hey, I liked it. And if you read it, I hope you like it as well.
Tagging the sweeties who expressed interest :)  @athickgirlsblog @october505​ @hardcandythinking​
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Mycroft Holmes was exhausted and all he wanted to do was go home and sulk by the fire with a good stiff brandy. Or two. An evening of silence, reflection and strong liquor was the only thing that could break him out of his self induced dither.
It was late on a Friday evening and the cool autumn rain was busily washing away the smog and fog and filth from the city. Mycroft didn’t particularly enjoy a cold rainy night, but he had to admit that the scent of the clean clear air was a welcome change from the dank scent of the press of bodies and horses and industrial smog. He took in a breath, held it, then let it out thinking about a conversation he’d had with a woman just the night before and he stood there in the blowing rain consumed with guilt because his careless words had offended her.
‘Sir? Are you ready to go?’
The words pulled him from his muse and Mycroft peered up at the hunched man in the Hansom’s driver’s seat.
The driver gave him a curious look.
‘You hailed my cab?’
He had posed it as a question, but the down turn of his voice indicated that he thought the slim man in the trim black frock coat and top hat may have indulged too much at the club and was not in his right frame of mind. But a fare was a fare and he wasn’t going to let the well dressed gentleman get away.
‘Get in, sir, before you catch your death in this rain.’
Mycroft nodded. He had come out onto the road to wave down a cab, and having one there was fortuitous He climbed into the shallow interior and pulled the door closed. It was obvious the previous occupants were not fans of private hygiene and he wrinkled his nose.
The driver asked for his destination and Mycroft gave the address then sat back for the ride.
The city was still alive with people doing God knows what in the evening hours and travel was slow going. Mycroft leaned his heavy head against the padded wall next to the window and closed his eyes, ignoring everything that was going on outside of his own narrow enclosure.
The Hansom suddenly drew up to a jerking stop and the hollow rhythmic clop of horse hooves danced to a halt.
Probably some traffic in the road, Mycroft thought, eyes still closed, but when the cab sat for nearly five additional minutes, he sat forward and used the silver rabbit head walking cane to rap on the window between he and the driver.
‘What’s the hold up?’ he called, trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice.
‘Overturned cart, sir,’ answered the man. ‘Blocking the road.’
‘Oh, for God sake,’ Mycroft grumbled. ‘Can’t you turn round? There are other methods of getting to my destination.’
‘I can do that, sir!’ chirped the man.
He then clicked at his horse who perked up and wheeled round the cab as directed. The cab bobbed away from the obstruction in the road and Mycroft noticed that it was going the long way round and therefore would cost more. He sighed. As long as it got him home, it was bearable.
He idly watched the buildings roll by and after a moment, started to frown. This area they were moving through was beginning to look familiar. Abruptly his heart clenched with panic in his chest, and his mouth was working before his brain engaged enough with his snap decision to talk him out of it.
‘Driver, stop here!’ he shouted and was halfway out of the carriage before it had fully come to a halt.
The driver promptly complained that he had been expecting the full fare (exactly what was promised) to take the gentleman to his original destination. And, that shortening the trip was going to cause a loss in income.
Of course, Mycroft didn’t have to pay full fare, as he was well within in his rights to stop the transport wherever he wished and pay only what the truncated trip required. However, Mycroft relented and paid the man what was originally promised, plus a generous tip. He was not in the mood to fight alone in the middle of a rainy evening on the avenue.
Securing his top hat on his head and grabbing his walking cane, he trotted across the wet street and approached a familiar warmly lighted shop front.
He didn’t know what he was doing there. He didn’t know why he was there in front of her little tea shoppe that smelt of fire-warmed melted chocolate and cinnamon and strong black tea.
No, he thought, unwilling to go along with his own delusions. That wasn’t true.
He knew exactly why he was there.
Through the front glass he could see Edith puttering about, and casually wiping her hands on a small pink towel before she walked towards the door. As she reached to turn the ‘Welcome’ sign to ‘Closed’, she spotted him staring in at her from the street like a ghostly specter.
It took a moment for her to compose herself and when recognition bloomed she scowled. The neatly hand lettered ‘Closed’ sign clattered into place and a small fisted hand came to rest on her hip.
Mycroft felt his cheeks heat beneath her examination. He lifted the silver headed cane and waggled it in greeting.
‘What do you want, Mr. Holmes?’ she asked uncharitably.
I deserve that, he thought. She has no reason to be kind to me.
‘I’m sorry, Miss Grayston!’ he called, hoping to be heard over the night street noise and through the glass. ‘I was hoping to talk with you.’
‘The shoppe is closed, Mr. Holmes,’ she said.
Mycroft glanced at the sign.
‘I know,’ he said, creasing his brow a bit. ‘I know, and I’m sorry to bother you. Please. A moment of your time?’
Edith sighed and for a moment considered letting him conduct his business through the glass, but she had been raised much better than that.
These maddening Holmes men, she thought, unlocking the door and standing aside to let in the elder of the brothers. They will be the absolute death of me.
A thought rose in her mind and Edith immediately dismissed it, knowing that it was her treacherous subconscious trying to unearth what had happened between them the last time they’d butted heads. She pushed down the memory of that sudden lusty heat in his blue eyes, and how hungrily he drank in the sight of her lips in that tense moment after they’d growled near abuse at each other.
What had he come for? More abuse, or to continue what the younger Holmes had so unexpectedly interrupted. She glanced at him and gestured that he follow her into the kitchen.
In the warm kitchen, Mycroft put his hat on the table and leaned his cane against the smooth edge. Edith poured them both a hot steaming cuppa and politely offered the man a seat and a slice of ginger cream cake. He declined the cake, opted to remain standing, but gladly accepted the tea.
Mycroft darted nervous blue eyes round the cosy kitchen. This was definitely a woman’s place, he mused. Edith’s delicate and feminine influence was evident and it strangely comforted him.
She comforted him
Cup still clutched in his damp gloved hands, Mycroft sighed and waiting patiently, Edith sat looking up at him.
He cleared his throat.
‘It’s not that I… hmm no. I’m not…’
He trailed off and frowned, dipping his sharp head to one side so that he would avoid mistakenly looking into her face. Her enchantingly beautiful face.
More silence drifted between them as she watched him struggle with whatever it was he came there to say. If she let him witter on, as he didn’t seem to have a handle on himself, Edith knew that they could be there all night. She was already tired and wanted to go to bed, so she prompted him with a variety of choices.
‘So, you are either here, because you want to … apologise? You are interested in my services for an upcoming tea party? You’re lost?’
Mycroft lifted his head and looked squarely at her. There was a smile toying with her generous mouth and he knew that she was teasing him. At least a little teasing and his spirits lifted slightly.
‘I came to apologise, yes.’
He let out a soft, self-conscious breath and felt relieved when she smiled encouragingly in response. Edith drank her tea and continued to wait, letting her eyes drift over his features, over his elegant moustache, down his chin and over the front of his frock coat. Like his brother, Mycroft was a man of quality. He may have been misguided at times and absolutely block-headed at others, Edith could admit to herself that she enjoyed verbally sparring with him.
Mycroft cleared his throat. Again.
Oh, here we go, the big pronouncement, thought Edith and hid her growing and amused smile behind her cup.
‘I was… I had overstepped my boundaries and offended you. For that I am humbly sorry.’
Edith delicately replaced the cup in the saucer and let him stew for a moment longer as she spooned a bit of cake into her mouth and chewed.
Mycroft looked helplessly at her.
‘Please accept my apology, Miss Grayston.’
She stood after a moment and with hand outstretched, she approached him. An invitation. Mycroft rushed to put down his own cup and whipping off his leather glove, he closed her tiny hand in his, leaned down and  kissed the back of her proffered hand.
‘I accept your apology.’
Head still bowed, Mycroft said, ‘Thank you.’
He held her hand for a moment longer, then drew up to his full height, eyes gleaming at her in the lamp light. Edith looked up into his face and then down at the hand still gripping hers.
‘You are still holding my hand, Mr. Holmes.’
Mycroft made a show of peering down at their still joined hands as if his actions were a surprise to him as well, and nodded, looking thoughtful.
‘Hm, it appears that I am.’
‘And do you plan to release me any time soon?’
‘Yes, yes, of course Miss Grayston.’
But, he didn’t. Instead, Mycroft slid his free hand about her waist and easily drew her closer. He relished the stiff feel of her corset beneath her clothes and made a soft noise of appreciation.
Edith reached up, cupped his face and rising on her tiptoes, she kissed his cheek. Planting both hands on his chest, she gently pushed him away.
‘Now, you know that you have to behave, in order to earn your liberties. Yes?’
Mycroft rubbed his gloved thumb across the back of his own naked hand and nodded like an obedient child.
‘Yes, Mr. Holmes?’ she pressed, biting her lower lip to stop herself from kissing him again.
‘Yes, Miss Grayston. Yes, yes of course.’
Edith picked up his velvety black top hat and cane and presented them both to the elder Holmes.
‘Let me see you home, Miss Grayston.’
‘I’m just next door, you know that.’
Hat still in hand, he made a sweeping gesture towards the kitchen door. Pleased, Edith smiled, and retrieved her coat. The night was foggy and the air smelt of the aftermath of rain.
The walk was short, but nonetheless pleasurable and when she walked up the steps to reach the front door, she turned to look at him over her shoulder.
‘Good night, Mr. Holmes,’ she said opening the front door and walking into the building.
‘Good night, Miss. Grayston.’
tag squad:
@0witchtrials0​  @supernaturallymarvellous​ @lharrietg  @gingerspecks​ @lightsidecalling​ @littlefreya​ @lunedelorient​ @omgkatinka​ @igotkatiepowers​ @emmaofgreengabbles​ @justaboringadult​ @jencanbeyouryengeralt​ @skittywittykitty​ @g0ldenlush​ @xxxkatxo​ @rachie725 , @the-soot-sprite , @harrysthiccthighss​ , @little-green-love​ @darkbooksarwin​ @foxyjwls007​ @xshadyladyx​ @maan24​ @angreav​ @mstgsmy​ @littlesidewriter​ @ruthoakenshield​ @wheretheriversrunintothesea​ @maizyistrash @demivampirew @itsjusttaralove​ @cynic-spirit​ @heathengurrrl71 @husherstan​ @october505​ @magnet-girl@virtualpeanutartisanjudge
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mulderist · 4 years
Wicked Game
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previous chapter // read on A03 // @today-in-fic​
CHAPTER 7 3rd District Precinct 12:31 a.m.
The second wind finally arrived. I paced the floor in Interrogation Room 5 with arms folded tight across my chest. I felt like a gun ready to go off. My focus was on Theo Chambers, enforcer to Carlo Lodi. He sat handcuffed in his expensive blue suit with a shit-eating grin. After I got him processed I let him stew and he behaved, which was a bit of a surprise.
“I could do this all night, you know, “ I said standing at the edge of the table looking at the remains of a weak cup of coffee and half a pack of Morleys. “Even if we’re just sitting here in silence.”
I paused and listened for dramatic affect. “You know, I read somewhere that silence is golden but, I don’t think you like to keep quiet.” 
“How’s the jaw,” he responded with a puff of smoke and a tilt of his chin.   
I turned and pulled out the chair at the opposite end of the table, dragging it purposefully across the floor creating a sound like nails on a chalkboard. 
“Well, you hit like a featherweight so a stiff drink and I was right as rain.” I said as I sat down. “Speaking of which, does Lodi get you to do all his heavy lifting? Use you like a trained dog; Theo attack! Theo come! Good boy Theo...”
“You wanna cut the bullshit?” he interrupted.
“Indeed I do. You want to tell me how long you’ve been running out of the Navy Yard?”
Theo cracked a smile and tapped his cigarette against the discolored ashtray. He then pinched it between his thumb and index finger, covering the end to hide the glow. Standard technique for someone who does a lot of their work in the shadows. I continued with my questioning.
“Is the taxi company your only front?”
“Mum’s the word, detective,” he said.
“Do the taxis only run in the southeast?” I pressed. 
Theo tucked the cigarette in the corner of his mouth then leaned back as far as he could. Silent, aside from the sound of the metal chain pulling across the top of the table. His cuffed hands knitted together. 
“Do the taxis run anywhere else in the District? Down Constitution Ave.? Down to the Tidal Basin? Over the bridge into Virginia?”
“Mum’s. The. Word,” Theo said pointedly, letting the cig hang from his lip. I was wired and on the edge. I rose and placed my hands on my hips. I resisted the urge to hit him; punch him square in the jaw, bloody his nose, pin him against the table. Really make him hurt. Instead, using better judgement, I turned on my heel and left the room, slamming the door behind me.
Several officers were in the hallway and scattered when they saw me. Word travels fast when you bring in a c-list celebrity from the crime sheets. I moved past them and their whispering and took a walk to the bullpen. The chorus of ringing phones and typewriters was in full swing. I approached my desk and took the liberty of kicking the unsuspecting wastebasket. It ricocheted and rolled away from where I was standing. A few heads perked up at the noise but returned to their work just as quickly. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I was getting nowhere slowly.  
“Rough night?” I heard the captain’s voice from behind me.
“Just blowing off some steam,” I said with an exhale, “So far I haven’t gotten much out of our new friend Theo. I need to talk to his boss.”
“He’s already been questioned,” Skinner said as I crouched down to straighten up the wastebasket. I glanced at my shoes, which were probably ruined from traipsing around in the storm. Maybe on a day off I’d buy another pair. 
“Not by me,” I replied and started out of the bullpen back to the interrogation rooms. I went two doors down but before I could turn the knob, Skinner caught up and stopped me.
“Sir, may I ask what you’re doing?”
“I want to remind you that this is a valuable asset. I commend your effort in apprehending him and his enforcer,” he said in a low voice. I sensed there was more to that statement. This case already had too many hands involved.
“But you don’t want me to unravel this seemingly tightly knit case with my usual brand of questioning.”
Skinner squared his jaw.
“Oh, now I get it,” I continued. “You already talked to him and you were just going to leave it at that. No one else in or out?”
“Are you doubting my methods, Mulder?”
“I’m doubting the line of questioning,” my voice lowered and I clenched my fist, “We are so close to tying things together with this ring and Spender’s involvement. I need to see how far up this goes.”
“We already have the evidence to pin Lodi for Skinner’s murder,” Skinner said. I shifted my stance. “We just need something to narrow down where the heroin was being distributed. 
“That’s all I want to do. Because as soon as I get what I need, I’m going home. Believe me sir I want to close this and move on. This case has already taken up too much of my life.”
Skinner nodded. I knew I was walking into a high-stakes game with the house’s money and a cold shoulder from Lady Luck. My hand gripped the doorknob and I entered the smoke filled room. 
Another table, another ashtray, another handcuffed suspect. Carlo Lodi sat just like he did when I confronted him at the restaurant; an air of superiority trapped in a grey pin-stripped suit. breathed life into a superficial demeanor as cool as a summer breeze. 
“We meet again Mr Lodi,” I began as I pulled out the chair and took a seat. I unbuttoned the cuffs of my sleeves then rolled them up towards my elbow. The skin on my forearms felt clammy. I couldn’t wait to get into fresh, dry clothes when this was all over. 
“Quite the set-up you’ve got down at the docks. Smart to use a small crew. Less people to inventory when you get caught.”
“C’mon detective, you know how this works,” Lodi said twisting the ring on his finger, “I ain’t saying anything without my lawyer.”
I continued without missing a beat.
“Vincenti sure knows how to pick ‘em. What makes you hold the title of being his favorite croney? It can’t be your looks.”
“You’re getting nothing from me.”
“Oh I can keep going.”
“You think this is the first time I’ve been here? You think you’re being original?”
“I have evidence that connects you to Vincenti. I have proof you operate out of the Navy Yard not to mention proof that you murdered a city detective in cold blood. And if you won’t talk, perhaps your friend down the hall will.”
I watched him light up and take a long drag. Thick white smoke drifted out of his mouth and curled up towards his nostrils.
“Here’s the thing, detective; you got nothing on me. Not a damn thing. My hands are as clean as a nun’s habit. So if you want to listen to yourself talk, then go right ahead. I’ll finish this pack of smokes and wait for my lawyer.”
My second wind dissolved into a subtle breeze, taking the wind out of my sails. I knew his lawyer wasn’t marching through that door anytime soon. I didn’t want to paint myself into a corner. I considered going downstairs to retrieve the bullets that matched his gun. Rub his face in it. 
“Alright then,” I said as I pushed back in my chair, “I like the sound of my own voice. Who’s idea was it to use a taxi company, couldn’t have been you could it? Vincenti must have been riding around town and the idea just came to him right? Seems as though an awful lot of people must want a taste of that dust. Gotta give those pushers an extra cut for spreading the word about a top notch supply.”
 Lodi pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray and cleared his throat.
“The pushers...they’re ants compared to us.” He grunted, “All of that product, all that demand, all because of us. They’d be nothing without us.”
Now we were getting somewhere.
“Are those pushers driving your cabs too? Skimming a little more off the top, just a little closer to that brass ring. Or are you threatening folks just trying to make an honest living, taking their livelihood so you can move the product. Unless, you start recruiting smart looking door-to-door salesmen to sell the dope”
“Yeah, then nice people in the suburbs would be hopheads,” he chuckled at himself, “Mary and Joe with their kids and their white picket fence, flying high getting a little taste of the city. Going mad when they can’t get another fix. Vincenti does say business is business.”
The pop of a match and familiar scent of a Lucky Strike. He waved his hand to extinguish the match and tossed it on the table. I rose from my seat and walked to the opposite corner of the room, glancing at my watch. I needed a drink. My stomach turned at the thought of another boiled down cup of coffee. I looked at Lodi and he flicked away some ash. 
“Get comfortable. You’re going to be staying the night.” I said then exited the room.
I woke with a start and realized I was still at the precinct. It was a brief respite, maybe thirty minutes of a fitful sleep. A cramp pinched at the side of my neck thanks to how my head was turned towards the back of the couch. The strap from my holster dug into my ribs; I should have taken it off before I laid down. I checked the time and slowly sat upright burying my face in my hands. My head was swimming, my throat felt raw. I stood and went to the water cooler, grabbed a paper cup and pushed the tab. I took a swig, listened for the gurgle then poured in some more. 
I walked past my desk to see if any messages had been left in my absence. Nothing. It was just as I left it. Officer Pendrell caught my attention.
“Hey Mulder, the suspect in room 3 was asking for some water a little while ago. Do you know if anyone went back in there?”
“I’m not sure. I took a cat nap but I was going back in there anyway. Have we heard anything from his lawyer?”
“Don’t think so. But I’ll check it out.”
I loosened my tie as I strode down the hall. My shoulders felt stiff as I adjusted the leather strap of the holster.
“Rise and shine,” I said as I entered the room and snapped my fingers. I felt my voice catch in my throat when I saw Lodi on the floor, his arms stretched overhead at an unnatural angle with hands still cuffed to the table. His lips were purple, his eyes looked bulged in their sockets. And then there was the smell. I covered my nose and mouth as I observed the horrible pale tint to the skin on his face. There was a puddle of sick on the floor and some remnants down his front.
“I need some help in here NOW!” I yelled out the door then approached his seemingly lifeless body. His wrists were a dark red from where the cuffs were cutting off the circulation, his fingers and hands already looked dead. 
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” a voice said behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Pendrell hesitantly standing in the doorway.
“Do you have keys?” I asked. He nodded and fumbled in his pocket. I did the honors. With the second cuff released Lodi’s body fell to the floor with a wet smack. The smell hit me again.
“Was it a heart attack?” Pendrell offered as he came over. Two other officers crowded in the doorway to get their looks in. 
“Someone get Captain Skinner,” I said then turned my attention back to the body. I leaned closer and noticed a white trail down the corner of his mouth, crusting on the lips. Pendrell rounded the other side of the interrogation table and bent down, covering the lower part of his face.
“Mulder look.” He was pointing at a discarded water cup. The wheels started turning. I stood quickly and left the room, leaving Pendrell to document the scene. I went two doors down and saw Theo Chambers in a similar state. He had collapsed across the table, cuffed hands hung off the edge. The smell didn’t hit as hard but there was more blood. Theo had a thick smear of it under his nose down to his mouth. I left the room and charged down the hall, meeting Skinner.
“What the hell happened here, Mulder?”
“Both suspects are dead. I think they were poisoned.”
“Excuse me?”
“Someone...someone knew. Somebody discovered they were caught and wanted to rub them out.”
“Who would have known that?”
“It’s the mob, sir. Word travels fast.”
“Mulder...Hey! Mulder!”
“I need to get the boys in forensics up here. No one touches these two!” I was rambling, I could feel it. Things took a turn faster than a Grand Prix driver. I heard dissonance in my ears as I found the closest telephone. I pulled the rotary to dial the lab. I closed my eyes to try and center myself, listened to the ring in the earpiece. I hoped one of the boys was awake down there. Another ring and a groggy voice answered.
“Langley, it’s Mulder. Are Byers and Frohike with you?”
I could hear a yawn before he said, “Frohike called it a night a few hours ago but Byers is still burning the midnight oil.”
“I need the two of you up here with your bag of tricks. We’ve got a couple of stiffs in the intero rooms.”
“Wait a minute, someone dropped them off?”
“No. It’s a fresh scene.” I wiped my brow.
There was a pause and I heard him adjust the phone.
“We’ll be right up.”
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It’s The Avengers (03x09)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 09: I’m Allergic to Bad Memories
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: *shrugs*
Word Count: I am sick. But I am out of stuff to keep my loud mind busy. So here we are. Be grateful to the Gods of k-dramas
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The chirps of concern were a train of ramblings coming in between the nudges little orange furry paws were giving you; smushing your lips, your cheeks, booping your nose. The only time they stopped was when that echo that resulted in your unconsciousness announced a little plan. “How about I be of some help, little one?” Lulu stood up on his hind legs while he and his camera saw a pair of pale hands stroke your head ever so gently, whispering something foreign under a sweet breath. The next second, you stirred, perking up the little furball- who smushed your face and head with an endless amount of rubs with his own. You groaned before a yelp found its way out of your throat as you felt the bump at the back of your head thump with piercing pain. “Ow! Ow ow ow ow.” “Ah,” the soothing voice called out from outside the frame, “you hit your head pretty hard, dear.” The realisation of the stranger came a little late- maybe because of the concussion, maybe because of the angelic voice that seemed to make you feel at ease- and once it did, your eyes widened while your legs moved your body away from… “God?” you gasped in question while Lulu’s camera looked at the aged women smiling down at you with a glow unlike any. “More or less, yes,” the glowing woman in a gold dress chuckled before bringing her hand forward. “Come, let me help you, dear.” You tried catching your breath there. “Wh...who…” The smile on that bewitchingly calm face brought this uncalled ease inside your chest. “I’m Frigga.”
. A shrivelled high-pitched scream eroded the den as Javier stood frozen at the expressions similar to that of a spooked out little child on the face of the head of the universe’s deadliest mafia. “No, please do not hurt my face!! That is my one good asset!!! You always hit me where it hurts the most!!!” Taneleer cried. The camera focused from the ball of luxurious fur whispering on the floor to Loki- who stood there with his arms across his chest. “I didn’t even hit you yet. Quit being such a pain in the a-” “Ssso what! You were thinking of hitting me,” Taneleer huffed while he looked up at Loki, “I could see it in those snake eyes of yours. Like you will bite my-my h-head off!” Loki sighed and rolled his eyes.
Loki: *bags under his eyes* I am…*blinks tiredly* surrounded...by the most idiotic scum of this universe *camera pans across his shoulder to show Taneleer calling his henchman* “As long as they are here, make sure that little Terran is safe. Otherwise, I will cut off your limbs and feed it to the street rodents,” he hisses.
“I cannot believe you just thought of hurting me for that Terran,” Taneleer tsked and jumped in annoyance, “she is getting between our friendship.” “You were never my friend,” Loki delivered the blow with a straight face while the boss felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. “And to think I made little marble figures of us both hanging out in Knowhere,” he whispered with the hurt reflecting in his voice. “Who is she to you anyway?” He pouted. “Who is this creature to have you travelling by her side as if you are...she is...you both...what is she to you?!!” “Just get me my fucking grace,” Loki raised his voice while rolling his eyes, “or I swear to all the power in this universe I will personally make you suffer for frying my brain cells with your utter nonsense. What are you trying to do? Buy time till your rotten brain can figure out how to make up an excuse for your incompetence?” Taneleer’s slouching and sad figure straightened up and raised a finger. “More like, trying to buy time before I really tell you who I sold your grace to.” . “Frigga?” The camera took in the glowing pale face smiling in your direction as it nodded in your direction. Your face, on the other hand, was a mess of confusion, surprise and the worst possible daze just sitting on top of your forehead. “Like...Loki’s mom Frigga?” A sparkle went off in Frigga’s eyes as the already glowing face seemed to shine four times brighter. Her eyes widened and her smile seemingly found a reason to grow wider. That was till some uncertain thought crossed her forehead and her smile twitched and transformed into an unsettling concern. “This is…” Frigga trailed off. “Weird?” you tried helping her. “It’s usually Thor that people know me through.” “Huh...makes sense.” “How...do you know Loki?” “Oh, I’m his friend. Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you.” “Ah,” Frigga nodded and mirrored your smile before confusion punched that softness away. “I’m sorry, you are what?!” The Lounge Scott sat on the sofa reading the latest copy of One Piece while the big screen opposite him showed Loki threatening Tivan by his collar. The screen did not seem to take his attention but the figure looking in front of it, going to and fro more times than Scott could count. Actually, Scott stopped counting after six about an hour ago. "Instead of working your legs, it would be better to work that mouth for your friend, don't you think?" Natasha called out from behind the counter, sipping on her kale smoothie. The words stopped Steve short, his whole face a mixture of blushing horror. "W-what." "That's not what she means, you thirsty grandpa!" Scott called his thoughts out without raising his eyes from the latest in Wano arc, "go talk to him." Steve blinked and regained a part of his lost senses, slowly moving towards the dorms. "And kiss him senseless while you're at it," Scott added, stopping the captain midway to give him an irritated glare- one that Natasha was loving.
Natasha: *smirks* I have to say it feels good to have someone else make thirst jokes on Steve too *Camera pans out to show Scott smiling for the lens* Scott: It's me *points to self* she means me. Natasha: I guess there are more coming? Scott: *gushing* you have no idea
The Den “So, if I were to summarise what you just told me, midgardians have no quarrels with Loki, Thanos has been defeated and my son is living with the Avengers now.” Lulu’s camera caught seriousness in Frigga’s brows while you nodded. “And I’m his friend,” you added with a smile before looking at Lulu’s camera.
You: I stressed that for reasons *shrugs nonchalantly*
“Right,” Frigga acknowledged. “So, how is my son? Is he here? My essence is only supposed to be released in his presence or someone he…” Frigga paused and looked back at you, this time with the keen observation that seemed to make you a little uncomfortable. “He is somewhere in the back with the anime-hair guy. They are trying to find a way to get him out of these cuffs my dad made so he couldn’t use magic. Long story. But we got teleported into some galaxy far away and now we are here to help Loki get his powers back so we can go home.” You thought best to blabber than stand there in awkward silence while Loki’s mother was giving you a deep mental once over. “And by we I mean me, Lulu and Javi. We are all friends. Lulu is the little baby we adopted on the way,” you cooed and smiled at the little pile of soft fur purring on receiving scritches from your under his not-so-visible jaw. You looked back up to watch Frigga’s fingers rest on her lips to mask some sort of emotion you were too late to read.
Frigga: This cute little midgardian keeps calling herself Loki’s friend *tilts head* and then tells me they adopted an old beastling’s offspring as their child. *contemplates* So...do marriages not happen on earth lately? Or is this something my son came up with? *raises her brows* no matter the story, *waves her hand* I am not letting him lose this precious one.
“Let’s go meet Loki,” you jumped in controlled excitement taking the first step to lead the way before freezing right there. “Wait,” you interrupted your own buzz with a grim expression, “how do I know you are one of the good ones?” “I beg your pardon, little one?” You sighed, feeling a little heaviness settle in your chest. “How do I know you are not going to hurt him?”
You: Yup *purses lips* reasons *stretches the corners of her mouth in regret*
“Did you just ask me if I was dangerous for my own son?” You could already feel the mother hen judgment even when you didn’t stare into her eyes. “I know,” you sighed, “it’s the space. My nerves are overworked and the only thing I can think of is Loki.” “...” “-’s well being.” Clearing your throat, you nodded at your own words, stealing a glimpse at the camera. “That usually does not happen. I can assure you that.” The surprise at your sheer audacity melted within ten seconds to give place to something soft and glowing; along with something else. You did not expect Frigga to bring forward her hand and cup your cheek with her palm to gaze into your soul while you stood there with disbelief dripping from your skin. “Your hand is so warm,” you commented after flinching a little at her touch, waiting for her to say something. But Frigga took her time, her thumb stroking your cheek while you witnessed the corner of her eyes glistening. “By the Norns, you have been one gentle soul through such wild storms haven’t you, dear,” she whispered, forcing you to grow more confused for a second, “why would someone hurt such a precious soul.” Lulu’s camera moved with Lulu’s body suddenly on alert. He could feel the change in the atmosphere right when the camera caught your crinkled brows release themselves to some invisible realisations that were either too quick- or too heavy- to bring tears to your eyes. All that your face carried was bearings of something that stopped time for you while your tears ran as much as they could; and with them ran your breaths getting shallow by the second till Frigga engulfed you in her warm embrace, her hands soothing your back. “Forgive me, my child,” she whispered, never leaving your cold figure, “forgive me for bringing it all back.” Lulu’s whines and unknown movements from the corridor made Frigga bring herself to face a dazed you. “You are one brave human, my dearest. Trust in yourself. And you are not alone. Take good care of my son till I can see him one last time.” With those words hanging somewhere in the midst of your ears and your brain, she left with a peck on your forehead, dissolving into the same light she was radiating all along.
The Dorms and Their Outer Surroundings The camera zoomed in to focus away from the leaves and into the french window of Bucky’s room where he and Steve sat in their respective love seats five feet apart, trying their best to keep their composure while trying to come up with words. Steve cleared his throat. Bucky moved the bottle of water on the coffee table towards him. “So…” Steve’s throat barely made any noise the first time while Bucky’s red face tried to hide under the shadow of his long unruly hair, “I heard that...ahem...that you…” “I’m gay!” The confession came like a shot of rifle mid-air, taking both Bucky and Steve by surprise. “And that’s o-okay,” Steve stressed, sitting up straight, “it’s okay to love anyone you want.” “So-” Bucky’s fingers wrung each other under the internal pressure to get the words out- “is it...is it okay to love you?” Unknown to them, another camera standing outside in the lawn witnessed an excited Scott perched upon the top of the tree with the headphones on to hear every word they said. And just as the confession came, the poor man caught hold of his chest, muttered, “my heart,” and fell from the branch while his red-headed accomplice waited for more. “Is it okay to love you now?” Steve was on pause, his attention solely taken by Bucky’s words and eyes. “Bucky,” was he was able to get out before standing up, forcing Bucky to mirror him. “I know this may seem out of the blue, Stevie, but I have always...always only had eyes for you. And I know times were different back then, but now I finally have the guts to tell you how I feel and I would completely understand if you don’t-” The words were stopped short right on the lips when Steve took Bucky by the collar and kissed him. “FINALLY!” a victorious cry came from the Black Widow right beside the camera, making the poor thing wobble and fall down lens first onto the ground.
The Weird Den Javier’s camera already caught the shimmer of an orb disappearing from right in front of you as he entered the room but his company was too late to notice any of that golden light that had just illuminated the room. The moment Loki entered the room the camera recorded his senses going off. His eyes ran over every corner of the room, over Lulu rubbing himself on your legs while trying to draw your attention, and then back to your figure standing in the middle with your back to him. “Y/N?” he called out, taking one cautious step at a time. You flinched. That stopped him right in his tracks. “What’s wrong?” Lulu’s camera caught your hands wiping away the tears before turning to face him. That effort was not of much use as both Loki and Taneleer could make out some real tears had been shed. “Nothing. Did you find something for your cuffs?” your nasal voice did not help your case either. Taneleer raised his hands a little as he stepped close to you, bringing forward a dense black fabric. You took without much thought and blew your nose into it, making the boss gag behind you. Loki clearly wanted to ask you about the reason behind those tears but those lines of latent rage in between your brows made him go the other way. “We will have to travel a little further for that, I’m afraid.” You sniffed, finally feeling the air in your nostrils. “Cool. Let’s go,” you muttered nonchalantly and walked out.  Taneleer’s eyes widened and he aggressively gestured his guards to follow you.  Loki’s brows raised themselves in question. “What just happened?” . “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” Javier’s camera caught the grit of your teeth as you sat down in the transportation vehicle that looked like an exoskeleton of a schoolkids’ van. “I said I’m fine,” you pressed with zero emotions in your eyes. “Then why are you crying,” Loki pressed back while casually leaning on the doorframe and watching you with his intense gaze. You scoffed. “Because I’m allergic to you,” you spewed into the air and shifted to face away from him. Taking full offence of that statement, Loki opened his mouth to say something before shutting it back. Tight. “You know I’m still single right?” Tivan whispered from behind the God with a smirk. The latter did not pay much attention to his words. “I’ve taken some of your inventory. Don’t bother getting it back in one piece.” Loki was about to step into the van when Taneleer decided to open his mouth. “She knows you are here.” Loki paused, his hand resting on the frame and his biceps feeling a tug under his dark shirt. “She knows you are out of hiding, Loki. She will come for you. I know you already know that. And she will come for anything-” his gaze shifted from Loki’s beautiful back to yours- “-that stands between her and you.” No words came from the other side except for the tap of a finger on the frame before Loki got inside the van and came to sit next to you. Tivan’s guards were already putting the vehicle in full throttle to fly towards your ship while Loki waited for you to say something. But you were stubborn in your own way, not letting out a peep but turning to watch where exactly Loki is sitting. “Lulu,” he stressed with a note of caution when he did not let Javier secure him in his seat, leading to the fur-boy slump in his seat and sulk till Javier presented him with candy. At the same time, you scooched closer to Loki- still not facing him- and let your fingers feel his overcoat in them. Your eyes still carried the remnants of the tears along with a hidden hurt that you did not want to show anyone. But the high definition cameras everywhere were quick to catch it all; even the slight break of your heartstrings when you felt the fabric of comfort in your fingers move away. It also captured the shock that followed when you felt his arm come and rest behind your neck to prevent the discomfort of the metal rails on the back of your head on this bumpy ride, giving you full access to take the support of his shoulder and arms in that moment. You didn’t even realise when the waterworks came again. “What,” Loki looked at you expressionless, “I’m just resting my arm.” You blinked and took in the snot rising up in your nose. “I’m still allergic to you,” you muttered while resting your head on his shoulder. A smile born for two seconds was seen by no one except the camera.
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mlqcconfessions · 5 years
MLQC Headcanons - Quarantine with the 4 boys
Warning: Minor plot spoilers for main story; suggestive? not really?
Because a lot of people have been worrying over current situations, I hope this can perhaps lessen your burdens. Enjoy!
Your entire apartment complex is set as a shelter-in-place
Even though you’re so healthy, you can’t go outside
So after work, he orders suggests you stay at his house for the time being
You happily take the offer (pudding all day, every day!)
You actually don’t have your stuff with you (and can’t go back to your now-blocked off apartment)
The two of you arrive home to CONVENIENTLY placed clothes (with your size), toothbrush sets, and enough groceries for 4
Victor avoids your eyes
So this is why Goldman kept complaining about how he’s a butler now
He tells you to take a bath first while he prepares dinner
You suggest taking one together (with the look to accompany your words)
He pauses for a second, nearly drops the knife, before responding
“....dummy.... then we’ll have no time to cook ALL of this food to satisfy that never-ending stomach of yours”
Really? Mr. Victor “Time Controller” Li saying there’ll be no time?
You roll your eyes before heading to the bathroom (fortunately, you didn’t catch Victor’s cheeks starting to go pink)
After dinner, you two watch movies together
Rock, paper, scissors; winner gets to pick (he stops time right after you pull out paper; he pulls out rock)
You decide to put on a black and white film you’ve never heard of before
“You’re going to fall asleep, MC”
“Am not!”
You’re out within the first 20 minutes (your head is lying against his shoulders)
“This dummy...what am I going to do with you?”
Contrary to his words, his tone is delicate and he smiles warmly, picking you up to let you sleep in the bed
Of course, he will too
Savin cancelled all his schedules so as to prevent him from going outside
Nothing is boring with this energetic ball of sunshine
Even quarantine
He's actually excited for this (an excuse to stay up all night with you)
It’s not a sleepover, Kiro
Buys 3 bags full of snacks and food before going to his house
"We're gonna need ALL of this if we want to survive, MC!"
Treats the entire process as a zombie apocalypse
You're wearing matching pajamas that he specifically made Savin order (sorry Savin)
Actually brought walkie-talkies so you can talk to each other in different rooms (his house is HUGE)
You call him Agent Key, he calls you Agent Chips
Insists you end your sentences with “Over.” (whines if you don’t)
He waits by the door for you to walk by, ambushing you with kisses all over
You grab a nearby pillow to playfully nudge his chest
Proves useless because he just hugs you even tighter, as if he's trying so hard to keep you from leaving
You notice the slight change in his actions, and pull down his collar to kiss his nose
He’s definitely caught off guard as he can feel his cheeks starting to burn
You say nothing and simply bury your head in his arms
You guide him to the bed because he NEEDS reassurance that you’ll be with him forever
You answer by being the big spoon this time around (he loves it more when you stroke his hair)
"We're gonna get through this together, alright?"
He knew the apartment complex would be quarantined sometime soon
Invites you over to his place, instead
Actually supplied to the MAX (this man just knows)
Recent news has made you frustrated and worried (of course, he realized this too How could he not)
He prepares you chamomile tea to ease your anxiety (you love the way he elegantly brews and he knows that)
He uses the china set the two of you bought together (only takes it out of the case when he serves you)
His house just has that scent
Infused with lavender; it’s enough to make your nerves calm down by a ton
You take a sip of the tea and lean back on the couch, completely at peace
After brewing his own cup, he sits next to you
Does a quick briefing on how the situation might change in the future
“No matter what happens, I’m always your next-door neighbor”
You set your cup down and lay your head on his shoulders
It gives you a sense of security in a world where danger is all around
The smell of Lucien coaxes you to a wonderful sleep
He looks at you with multiple emotions in his soft eyes, all pointing to the same thought
“.....am I enough for her?”
Is it too selfish of him to want her by his side? Forever?
He looks down at his teacup, fully decorated with butterflies painted with all colors of the rainbow
Was this cup always this beautiful?
You lightly mumble some words in your slumber, much to his delight (he always did enjoy listening to your “dream language”)
“I love you, Lucien” 
He goes wide-eyed before closing his eyes and matching his breathing to yours
“I love you, too”
He was dropping you off at your apartment after work ended
There was a curfew set in your town, so he couldn’t go home on Sparky (probably pertains to “flying” home, too)
Despite your worries, he opens your window to fly off
You grab his arms (he’s surprised, but definitely happy about it)
“You can stay over at my place!” 
Would you have done the same to your next-door neighbor if he asked??
A strong gust of wind blows into your open window (Gavin is brought back to his senses as you struggle to close it)
Tightly shutting your window, he accepts (he’ll have to talk to you about being too trusting later)
You bring him the clothes he left behind last time (you may have worn it once or thrice but you washed it, of course)
Tonight’s dinner will have to be instant ramen (you forgot to buy groceries; it was sudden, after all)
He notices you stocked up on his favorite types, and blushes slightly
You don’t understand what’s so embarrassing about instant ramen
It starts heavily pouring as the two of you clean up after dinner
You take a shower first while he sets up the bed (his ears are fully perked, happily listening to your cute little humming)
When he’s done with his shower, you two cuddle close on the bed, watching the news on TV (he smells like you, and it’s great)
You must’ve shown signs of worry, because he turns off the TV and pulls you into his arms, chin resting on your head
Words can’t explain how comforting it is right now. How SAFE you feel.
The two of you doze off into a deep slumber in each other’s embrace, surrounded by the harmony of heavy rain softened by an opposing wind 
He knows you sleep better when it’s quiet
This took longer than expected but so WORTH IT
I’ve poured my heart and soul into this post, hope I was able to stay in character!
Whose imagines did you enjoy the most? If I had to choose, I would choose Lucien’s (sorry Birdcop, but I actually felt emotional when I wrote Lucien’s)
Stay safe and healthy, everybody! We can get through this!
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celestialmark · 5 years
Lacuna - Part One
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- Characters: Johnny Suh x reader, members of nct - Category: single parent au, fluff, slight angst  - Word count: 4.8k - Warnings: none - Navigation: prologue | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | epilogue - Author’s notes: enjoy <3 
“Okay something definitely happened at that gala.” 
Taeyong is watching your every move as you pace back and forth your kitchen, grabbing necessary items to make him coffee. He’s sitting by your dining table with brows raised and arms crossed across his chest, analysing your strange behaviour. When you finish pouring the coffee in the mug you set it down in front of him and turn your back on him once again to get started on the dishes piled up on the sink. 
“Y/n, stop avoiding me.” 
“I’m not avoiding you.” 
“You’re avoiding my questions.” 
“What questions?” 
You hear Taeyong sigh behind you. “Stubborn, as always.” You dismiss his comment by continuing with the dishes, hissing in pain when the water from the tap is too hot. You draw your hand back almost immediately and Taeyong rises from his seat in less than a second. He walks over to you and inspects your now raw and red hand, blowing cool air on it gently before you’re retracting it from him and hiding it behind your back. 
“Now will you tell me?” Taeyong prods, leaning against the sink, searching your already panic-stricken features. “Did Doyoung confess?” 
You snap your head towards him, “Confess? Doyoung?” 
“What?” Taeyong asks again, face contorting. “Why is that a surprise to you?” 
“Because why would he confess? Confess what?” 
Taeyong’s mouth falls open, “That he likes you? As if he hasn’t made that obvious to you already?”
“He doesn’t like me,” you deny and tear your eyes off him to stare out the window above your sink. “No way he would.” 
Taeyong rolls his eyes and you see it from the corner of your eye, “For someone who’s pretty smart, you’re actually pretty dumb.”
You drop your shoulders at the same time you release a sigh, lowering your head and resting your hands on the edge of the counter, memories of last night flashing right before your eyes you have to physically close them just to unsee it all. 
“If it’s not Doyoung, then what is it?” Taeyong asks, his voice quieter and concern evident in his gentle tone. 
“It’s not a what, it’s a who,” you mumble. Taeyong doesn’t say anything and you know he’s urging you to continue with the way he’s leaning forward to catch a glimpse of your face. “Johnny Suh,” you finally say, looking up, the name rolling off your tongue for the first time in so many years.
“Yeah,” you sigh again, your mind blank. “He was there at the gala, for a partnership with Doyoung.” 
You turn to face Taeyong, grabbing a towel from below to dry your hands completely. “You know Yong, it’d be really nice if you could say something else other than “oh”.” 
Taeyong blinks and bites his lower lip, “Well, I don’t know how to tell you this but.. I kind of knew he was back in the country.” 
“What?” You’re glaring at him by now as you place the towel back on the counter. “And you didn’t even tell me?”
“Y/n, I only found out two days ago,” Taeyong explains, taking a step back from you. “I was shocked too, I mean we didn’t have contact with him for what? Five years? I didn’t know how to tell you, plus you had other things on your plate, the gala and everything.” 
“How did you even know he was back?” 
“He got in touch with me. And the guys.” 
“The guys knew too?” 
Taeyong nods and presses his lips in a thin line. “Did you know he’d be at the gala?” You ask in a huff. 
Taeyong shakes his head. “No. All he told us was that he was back and that he wanted to meet us.” 
You press your index to your temple, feeling a slight headache coming on. Taeyong scurries to grab a glass nearby and fill it with water before handing it to you. “What.. happened at the gala?” he asks you cautiously and quietly. 
You down the glass of water in one go, hand the empty glass back to Taeyong and forcefully pull at a nearby chair and sit on it. Taeyong takes the seat beside you, leaning forward until he’s resting his elbows on his knees. “He asked me to dance,” you reply, picking at your fingers. 
Taeyong’s eyes widen and before he can even ask further questions, you interrupt him, “But we didn’t. Doyoung came in time and that’s when I got him to bring me home.” 
“So you didn’t talk?” 
You shake your head, “No. Though Doyoung did introduce us to each other. And it wasn't the most pleasant. I had to pretend like it was my first time meeting him. I swear I saw him glare at me from the corner of my eye.” You run a hand through your hair out of frustration. “The world is too small. I don’t want to live here anymore.” 
Taeyong consoles you by rubbing your arm soothingly, the sadness in his eyes serving as evidence of how much he feels for you. He knew you hated confrontations, you always ran away from them because you believed that as long as you didn’t acknowledge things, they’d never be able to touch you. But this was something that needed to be addressed and Taeyong knew that you knew that too. He thinks you just need a little bit of a push. 
“Are you going to tell him?” 
“Y/n, he deserves to know. He has-”
“Good morning uncle Yong,” a small voice cuts Taeyong off from digging into the conversation any deeper. He tears is eyes off of you and immediately soften at the little figure standing proudly by the doorway clothed in a fresh uniform. 
Taeyong immediately stands from his seat and walks over to the little one with you following suit. “Hey buddy! Are you ready for school?” Taeyong asks as he crouches down to ruffle his hair.
The child nods with a grin, “I am. I’ll just say bye to mommy,” he replies and walks away from Taeyong to make his way over to you.
You instantly wipe away the dazed look on your face and shift your focus onto the figure waddling over to you. You bend down to match his height and you are met by his little hands reaching out to you for a hug. “Have fun in school today okay? Be kind,” you remind him as you give him a tight squeeze. His laugh resonates in your ear and your heart melts. “I love you,” you says as you let him go and fix the straps of his bag on his shoulders.
“I love you more mommy,” he says smiling and eyes twinkling at you.
You walk Taeyong and your child out to the car and wave him last one goodbye before you turn to your best friend who’s already staring at you with questioning eyes.
“I know Yong, I know,” you exhale, defeated.
He sighs in return, feeling guilty for adding to your worries and concerns. He brings an arm around you and rubs his palm on your back in a calming manner. 
“You know I’m always on your side. But you can’t hide forever. You know that too.”
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“We hope you’re just as pleased as we are about this partnership, Johnny,” Doyoung says with a grin, buttoning the coat of his tux as everyone begins to pile out the conference room upon the completion of the meeting. 
Johnny smiles, his eyes forming crescent moons. “Of course Doyoung, it’s our pleasure. We can’t wait to have your furniture across our malls. And plus it was a reason to bring me back home, so I definitely have gained a lot through this.” 
“How many years did you say you’ve been away for?” Doyoung asks curiously, fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. 
“Five years,” Johnny replies, a heavy breath escaping his lips, feeling genuinely elated to be back. “Feels much longer than that though.” 
Doyoung chuckles, “Well it isn’t easy being far from home.” 
Johnny falls silent and unconsciously begins to stare into nothing when he hears the word home with the distant thought of you somewhere at the back of his mind. Doyoung’s words ring in his ears again amidst the silence and he finds himself slowly nodding. 
“Yeah... it really isn't,” he mumbles. 
Doyoung leads the way and navigates through his company building towards the exit, continuing his conversation with Johnny about different business matters. When the two reach the entrance, situated by by the lobby, the automatic revolving doors just right in from of them, Doyoung stops in his tracks to face Johnny who does the same. 
“So what do you say, dinner? It’s on me,” Johnny offers, thinking that maybe Doyoung could be his first friend upon is return home. Plus, it had always been on his agenda to definitely get to know the people he does business with. 
Doyoung contemplates for a second before he’s giving Johnny an apologetic smile, “I’d love to.” He then takes a glance at his wristwatch that’s hidden beneath his sleeve. “But I have to pick up y/n from work. She should be finishing soon.” 
Johnny’s ears perk up at the mention of your name and unknowingly, he raises his brow, but brings it back down just in time so that Doyoung doesn't see. “Y/n?” 
Doyoung nods, “Remember y/n? She was at the gala. I introduced you guys to each other.” 
Johnny nods and feigns ignorance by pretending to finally remember. “Oh, yeah I remember her.” He plasters a smile on his face before he purses his lips into a thin line, his fingers beginning to twitch. “You guys... dating?” He’s not so sure what he’s trying to gain from asking the question, after all, it hasn’t been long since he’s known Doyoung and he was definitely in no place to pry into his personal life but the words are out even before he could prevent himself from saying them. 
Doyoung breathes a small chuckle and stuffs his hands in his pockets, blowing air out of his cheeks. “No, we’re not.” And somehow Johnny’s shoulders drop in relief unknowingly. “But I might as well ask her to,” Doyoung finishes. 
Johnny tries hard not to show the change in his expression by maintaining a straight face, angling his face upwards so that Doyoung doesn’t pick up on it. “You like her?” 
Johnny doesn’t even need a verbal answer because Doyoung’s smile says it all. “Yeah, something like that,” he says, a bashful hint to his voice. Doyoung clears his throat and stands up straight after realising his behaviour. “Unless, you’d like to come and have dinner with us? I'm sure y/n wouldn't mind.” 
Johnny is quick to shake his head and shrugs it off with a small smile, “Oh no, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. There’s always a next time. You guys enjoy your night.” 
“You’re sure?” Doyoung asks, slightly concerned, the thought of Johnny having dinner by himself popping up in his head. 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” 
You’re waving at the four year old who’s last to leave the preschool premises as he runs to his parents. Doyoung pulls up just in time to see the scene and there’s a smile playing on his lips as he tears his eyes off the family who’s about to take off to land his gaze on you. You wave at him too and gesture for him to wait out here while you grab your stuff inside. It takes you no less than five minutes to come back out and you find Doyoung standing outside, looking at the trees that  surround the humble building. He’s quick to take your bag from you and you don’t even notice as you fall into conversation with him about the occurrences of your day. 
“Fancy anything specific for dinner?” Doyoung asks as he begins to drive. 
Taeyong’s words suddenly echo in your head and as you watch Doyoung’s side profile from the passenger seat, you couldn’t help but think if Taeyong’s assumptions were right. It was either that, or Doyoung was just extremely nice enough for him to go out of his way to pick you up from work every now and again. But then again, Taeyong does that. Jaehyun does that. And Ten does too, and they most definitely do not have any feelings for you. 
“Y/n?” Doyoung calls out when he momentarily catches you staring at him. 
You snap out of your daze then, convincing yourself you were overthinking and way ahead of yourself. This should be the last thing on your mind right now, “I’m sorry, you were saying?” 
“Dinner, is there anything you’re craving?” Doyoung repeats, blinking onto the road ahead. He turns to you again briefly, “Everything okay?” 
You nod too quickly and keep your eyes ahead on the road, “Y-yeah.” You feel your stomach ache with uncertainty then, the mere thought of the possibility of Doyoung harbouring any sort of feelings for you making you feel unsettled. “Doie, I think I'm going to skip dinner tonight. I’m really sorry.” 
Doyoung nods understandingly, “Are you sure everything’s okay?” 
“Yeah. I’m just, tired.” 
“Alright. Let’s get you home.” 
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“I’m just picking up some groceries,” You say into the phone that’s tucked between your cheek and your shoulder, picking up a bag of potatoes. “I’ll be there soon.”
“Take your time,” Jaehyun says on the other line. “No rush at all, we’re having fun over here.”
“You know I’m beginning to think my own son likes you more than he likes me,” you laugh and continue to weave in and out of the supermarket aisles.
“Well, I’m really good with children,” Jaehyun says proudly.
You rolls your eyes playfully. “Yeah well anyways, talk to you later. Thanks again Jae.”
“Safe home Y/n.”
It takes you another half an hour to pick up everything you need, from basic ingredients for everyday food, general necessities needed at home, to your son’s daily snacks for school. You’re about to head towards the cashiers when the news headlines catch your attention on the TV hanging on the ceiling in the middle of one of the aisles. You hook the basket on the crook of your elbow and fixate your eyes on the LED screen. On it, you find Johnny all suited up in grey, entering a building with a man you remember to be his dad.
“Suh Youngho, the only son of Suh Hyuk, to take over Suh industries by the end of this year,” the headlines wrote. You almost don’t recognise him then and there because of his unfamiliar demeanour. He had a taught expression on his face, hair completely out of his face, and stature well composed. It reminds you of the night of the gala, only then, he looked so much more at ease. He looked like a real businessman; so far from the Johnny you once personally knew; the one who was always smiling, goofying around, dressed in more casual everyday clothes. But then you realise he was the Johnny you remember from five years ago, and you come to a conclusion that maybe in the span of that time, he’s grown to change into this person.
You snap your head towards the direction of the voice that had just called you. Your eyes fall to the man who had just been in your thoughts seconds ago. Johnny shifts his gaze from you to the TV he had found you watching and he suddenly feels embarrassed when he finds himself being the centre of the headlines.
“Johnny, hi,” you manage to reply, not being able to help yourself eyeing him from head to toe because your previous thoughts perfectly matched the situation right now. It’s been two weeks since you saw him last and today, Johnny’s wearing a cap over his head, a plain white shirt grazing his torso and pair of black jeans hugging his lower body. Looking at him now, nobody would ever suspect he’d be next in line to manage one of the country’s biggest and most powerful companies. Your eyes catch the bottle of water in his left hand and a black plastic bag hanging in his fingers on the other.
“You’re on the news,” you suddenly blurt out in the midst of your attempts to calm your thoughts.
Johnny smiles a small one. “Yeah- I didn’t know the press would release the news that fast. I only found out a few days ago.”
You find yourself nodding at his words and when his eyes dart to your basket, full of children’s snacks, you get the sudden urge to hide it away from him. So you tug it away slightly and hide it by your side.
“We never really got to talk in the gala,” he says, your heart slowly picking up its pace at the reminder of you pretending not to know him. “How have you been?” 
You find yourself nodding profusely for some reason and you feel your palms begin to sweat. Johnny eyes you closely and doesn’t even take his eyes off you even for a second, “Yeah, I've been well, thanks for asking,” you reply even when the shakiness in your voice says otherwise. “Yourself?” 
Johnny smiles nonetheless with a nod of his head, “Good, thank you.” 
“What brings you here?” he asks again, smiling.
“Groceries. There’s no food left at home,” you half chuckle. “And you?”
“I had this sudden craving for spicy rice cakes on the way home,” he replies, gesturing at the plastic bag in his hands. “And this was the first place I came across.”
A soft laugh escapes your mouth, “Tastebuds missing it here huh?”
Johnny nods, “Tell me about it.”
Silence envelops the two of you for a few seconds with you two just standing there, staring at each other and the only difference was that Johnny’s smile only seemed to broaden as the seconds passed while you remained expressionless, trying to figure out what could be running through his mind. But his smile disappears almost immediately when he remembers his conversation with Doyoung from weeks prior and begins to contemplate if it’s a topic he should bring about. But he decides against it because it was too soon and he didn’t want anything to ruin the atmosphere. After all, it’s been five years and that’s a long enough time for him not to have the right to meddle in your business regardless of your past together. 
“Well, I guess I should get going,” you announce finally.
Johnny nods and takes a step closer to you, “Oh here, let me help.”
You don’t even realise Johnny taking the basket from you and securing the handle in his hand because you’re too engrossed with how he’s gotten too close to you for a mere two seconds. Still, you don’t protest when you fully grasp the situation and lead the way towards the tills instead. Johnny follows you silently and unloads your basket when you arrive at a free till. You avoid his eyes when he empties your basket completely, fully aware of how he’s examining the contents of the object that he’s set aside neatly. Johnny doesn’t ask any questions though and you mentally thank him. He takes it upon himself to collect everything inside your grocery bag and after you’ve paid for everything, he carries it and makes the effort to bring it all the way to your car.
“Thanks Johnny. You really didn’t have to,” you say when he finishes putting the bag into the boot of your car.
Johnny smiles and straightens himself after shutting the door close. “It’s nothing. Don’t mention it.”
“Drive safe, okay?” You say to him, returning his smile.
Johnny nods, “You too Y/n.” You’re about to turn away from him to make your way to the driver’s seat when he speaks again. “Let’s uhh.. grab coffee sometime?”
The sudden offer catches you off guard and it’s obvious in the way your limbs grow weak. There’s a bashful smile playing on his lips and a tint of red spreading on his cheeks to match it. Nostalgia seeps through your bloodstream and a part of you wants to say no, fearing for what it might entail, but the other part, the bigger part, pushes you to say yes, secretly intrigued in what coffee might have in store.
Johnny asks for your number that night and when he dials your number for his to be saved on your phone, you realise it’s the exact same number from five years ago.
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“So you’re staying for good?” Ten asks as he takes a bite of his pizza.
It’s a Friday night and the much awaited reunion with Johnny was finally happening in Ten’s house. It reminds Johnny of the old times, of when they were all much younger and caught each other everyday for lunch in university, of when they were all just trying to come to terms with adulthood. Sitting on the table surrounded with friends he spent the most crucial years of his life with makes him feel nostalgic yet happy at the same time. It’s been too long he thinks, it has been way too long. 
Johnny takes a sip of his soda and nods shortly, “Yeah. It seems so.”
“That’s good,” Jaehyun, who’s sitting beside Johnny at the round table, grins. “Glad to have you back John.”
Johnny smiles gratefully as he lands both of his palms on his thighs. He sits up on his seat then, straightening his back. “So what did I miss?”
Being the sharp person Johnny is, he doesn’t miss the way Ten and Jaehyun share a quick glance at each other across the table. He raises a quick brow but doesn’t prod.
Ten smiles awkwardly and turns his body to Johnny who’s expecting an answer. “Nothing much really.”
“Y-yeah,” Jaehyun butts in. “Nothing interesting happened while you were gone.”
Johnny laughs and playfully raises a brow at the two. “You sure? You guys look guilty.”
Ten opens his mouth to say something when the ringing of the doorbell echoes through the house. He gets up almost immediately and looks more flustered than he intended to reveal. Jaehyun shakes his head disapprovingly at his friend who is whizzing out of the kitchen and out to the hallway.
“Must be Taeyong,” Jaehyun mutters under his breath before he’s getting up to follow Ten as Johnny follows suit.
“Hey guys!” Jaehyun and Johnny hear Ten say by the front door. Johnny sees you and Taeyong standing by the door, greeting the host when he stops in his tracks just behind Jaehyun.
“Youngho be careful!”
Johnny’s ears perk up at the name that leaves your mouth and before he can train his eyes on you, a small figure runs past Ten and into Jaehyun who immediately scoops him into his arms.
“Uncle Jae I missed you!” he pipes up, making Jaehyun chuckle.
From where Johnny is standing, he sees the face of the child who has his arms wrapped around Jaehyun’s neck and is resting his head on Jaehyun’s shoulders. The child stares at Johnny, his big brown orbs blinking at the stranger.
You on the other hand, witness the whole thing and you have to grab a hold of Taeyong’s arm to steady yourself when you see Johnny inside. Taeyong glances at you and then at Ten and then at Jaehyun who’s absentmindedly entertaining the toddler. His eyes fall on Johnny who’s staring at the child intently, brows furrowed in the middle and expression unreadable.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were bringing Youngho,” Ten whispers apologetically to you, making you tear your eyes off Johnny.
You shake your head in response, feeling a slight comfort settle inside you when Taeyong’s palm rubs your back gently.
“No Ten, it’s fine,” you mumble though not quite convincing yourself or Ten. You certainly missed the memo that Johnny would be present tonight. 
You pretend everything is okay during dinner and the rest of the guys get your message when they do the exact same thing as you; pretend. There’s occasional laughter that burst at the table and you laugh along even when you don’t understand what the conversation was about to make it seem like you don’t feel the need to shrink under Johnny’s gaze who hasn’t left you ever since you sat down opposite him. You focus all of your attention to helping Youngho with his food, sitting quietly between you and Taeyong. Every now and then Taeyong would help feed Youngho just so you could have the opportunity to eat as well. You and Taeyong share silent glances at each other and it mostly consists of Taeyong raising his brow at you in pure concern, knowing all too well just how tense you are right now.
“Mommy, I’m full,” Youngho says when you attempt to feed him another spoonful.
You nod absentmindedly and reach across the table for a napkin that’s too far for your reach. Johnny, who’s been watching you this whole time, leans forward to grab the stack so that he can hand it to you. The chatter stops momentarily and everyone’s eyes falls upon the two of you as you take the object from Johnny, muttering a soft thanks in the process. When you settle back in your seat, you wipe away the excess food that had settled on your son’s lips. Youngho smiles at you then and you smile back, grateful that he made everything feel better even without him knowing, and even at such a nerve-wrecking time.
Jaehyun who’s sitting beside you, lands his hand on your arm and uses his thumb to rub it. You are met with soft eyes and dimples and you manage to give him a small smile, bringing your hand to land on top of his as a token of gratitude for his silent acts of comfort.
“So Johnny, I heard about Suh industries,” Taeyong says and it’s only this time that Johnny tears his gaze away from you. “That’s some amazing stuff.”
“Thanks Tae,” Johnny starts. “Actually, me and the guys were just talking about it before you arrived, looks like I’m staying for good,” he finishes and spares a quick glance towards your direction, one that you catch.
You feel Youngho shift in his seat and a second after, you feel him leaning towards you. You lean towards him when you realise he wants to say something to you. “Mommy, who is he?” he attempts to whisper in your ear, but it comes out much louder and you’re sure everyone else heard.
“Baby, he’s an old friend of ours,” you whisper back in his ear. When you sit back on your chair properly, everyone is staring the you and Youngho who’s innocently looking towards Johnny’s direction, in pure curiosity.
“I’m Johnny,” Johnny says suddenly, smiling at your son. Youngho only blinks up at him, the unfamiliarity of the stranger making him hide behind Taeyong’s arm. “I’m a friend of your mom’s. and your uncles’.”
Ten eyes you carefully and you nod at him, reassuring him you’re okay.
“What’s your name?” Johnny asks and you close your eyes momentarily before gazing at your son who by now has scooted fully towards Taeyong’s side. You wait for your son to answer and you hold in your breath.
“Y-Youngho,” your son replies.
You’re the first to excuse yourself for the night when Youngho falls asleep in Jaehyun’s arms. You’re unsure about the turn of events, especially after tonight but seeing Johnny tonight really sucked the energy out of you and so all you want to do right now was to get away and not think for the rest of the night. You know there are questions that need to be raised and issues that need to be cleared but for a second time, tonight at least, you choose to run away.
“Thanks for the dinner Ten,” you say as you give him a hug by the front door of his house.
Ten responds by hugging you tighter, “Thank you for coming, and I’m really sorry about tonight,” he murmurs into your ear.
When he lets go of you, you only smile at him, knowing all too well that nothing was his fault.
“You’re sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Taeyong asks as you reach up to hug him next.
“I promise we’ll be okay,” You reassure him, hugging him a little longer so that the nerves inside of you would calm.
Taeyong caresses your hair and tighten his arms around you when he feels you not letting go anytime soon, “You did really well tonight. And don’t beat yourself up too much alright?”
You nod against his shoulder before peeling yourself away from him. Johnny only smiles at you when you reach him next and it’s a smile that knocks air out of you. You awkwardly shift in your spot, not really knowing what to say to him because you knew. You knew that even when he’s here, pretending nothing was out of the ordinary, he had burning questions that needed to be answered by you.
“We’ll get going then,” you say, earning a nod from him.
You don’t say anything more as you turn on your heels to walk out of the house and towards your car with Jaehyun carrying Youngho in his arms.
“What a night, huh,” Jaehyun says after he straps the sleeping Youngho into his car seat.
You exhale a breath and feel your shoulders slump out of exhaustion. “What a night indeed.”
“You think he knows?” Jaehyun asks softly when he embraces you.
Your limbs feel weak beneath Jaehyun at the thought and focus on inhaling the lavender scent of his shirt instead.
“I have no idea.”
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onyourzeus · 4 years
in ruins | kyh
title: in ruins pairing: kang younghyun (youngk of day6) & you genre: heavy angst, not a happy ending i’m warning you, small caps words: 4.0k
author’s note: i love hurting myself this way. 
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
you thought upon knocking on the door, you’d be greeted by the one person you have been looking forward to seeing all week. instead, an unexpecting friend of his unlocks it ajar, eyes peering over to your figure before realizing who you were. 
“wonpil, hey,” you greet him amidst the confused expression on his face. it brings him back to his senses, shaking his head slightly before fully letting the door open. he gulps slightly yet you catch it, but don’t question why he looks.. so nervous.
“is this a bad time?” you hesitate, taking one small step forward as you crane your neck to look around the apartment. wonpil immediately shakes his head again, sidestepping and gesturing his hand over. “no, no! please, come in. make yourself at home.” 
“okay, thanks…” you trail off, a small smile on your lips but a certain emotion tugging at your heart. with a better sight of the inside, you notice dowoon lying down on the couch with his phone on hand, seemingly focused on a game that requires both of his hands to control. wonpil closes the door behind you, and excuses himself to the kitchen before asking, “did you want anything to drink? water, tea?”
“i’m okay, wonpil. thank you, though,” you tell him, nodding your head to let him be. as he makes his way to get a glass of water for himself, you walk into the place further, taking in the minimal decorations and a few picture frames hanging on the walls. it’s been a while since you’ve set foot in the dorm, and taking in its unique scent and interior gives you some comfort from the anxiety building up from your stomach. 
you tell yourself that’s just how wonpil acts around you when younghyun isn’t around: a little shy, polite, and a smidgen bit careful not to say anything weird. you wish, at this point, he can get used to your presence. then again, you only get to see most of them whenever the bassist invites you over.
“hey, dowoon, what’cha playing?” you attempt to start a conversation, standing next to the edge of the couch where dowoon’s head rested. his sight is obstructed by the screen of his phone, so you bend down to check what has gotten most of his attention: genshin impact. 
“ah, jae had told me you rolled a keqing yesterday, that’s pretty cool,” you comment, and dowoon jumps from the sound of your voice so close to his ear. you get up, stepping back while apologizing. “sorry, sorry! didn’t mean to be nosy.” 
“no, you’re good—” he starts to say, sitting up from his comfortable position while pausing his game, haphazardly placing his phone on the side. a scratch on the back of his neck, he glances over to you. similarly to wonpil, he looks surprised to see you here. “oh! how’s it going?”
“it’s going,” you reply quickly, realizing more and more it doesn’t seem like you were expected to come. weird, you wander in the back of your mind, younghyun usually gives them a heads up when you’re coming over to hang out or just pick him up to leave. 
“did younghyun not say anything today?” an air of silence is felt, and now you’re more concerned when turning to look at his bedroom door— he’s not in there. 
“he probably forgot,” wonpil chimes in, approaching the living room as he sets down his glass. “hyung has been really busy lately, so it might have slipped his mind.”
“yeah, yeah. it’s no big deal. you’re always welcome here,” dowoon adds, an encouraging smile appearing on his lips. you reciprocate, albeit a little forced, feeling less sure of the fact that the plans you and younghyun had made and promised to pursue are starting to crumble beneath your feet. 
sighing deeply, you grip onto your purse and interrogate further: “he’s not in his room, is he?” 
the drummer and pianist steal a glance at each other for a split second, but every detail of their silent conversation is not lost on you. that’s a look of panic, worrying what you’d feel if they told the truth, rapidly forming excuses in their heads they can use to white lie their way out of the situation. 
“he’s…” wonpil begins, and dowoon’s ears have warmed up to the tense air looming all over you three. a door to the left creaks open, and for a moment you’re relieved. maybe you were overreacting, already affected by the many times something similar has happened to you, but there was no reason not to forgive younghyun.
 however, this time, it’s different. if that’s not him coming out of the door right now…
“hey, i’m gonna go on a run—” sungjin informs his roommates, locking the door in his wake. he finally looks towards the three of you in the living room, and given his certain sense of maturity— and analyzing what’s going on by the awkward expressions painted on your faces, he gives you a wave of his hand. 
“hi. you’re looking for younghyun?” 
“sungjin, i… yeah. where is he?” you let your breaths stabilize, not wanting to break down in the middle of what once was a familiar space, and is now becoming more and more foreign to you. as wonpil and dowoon remain quiet, pretending to busy themselves with his almost empty glass of water and overheating phone respectively, you keep your eyes on sungjin. begging him to tell the truth. 
he delivers, but his stare is hard, almost as if he’s hiding something behind the glassiness of his eyes. “he’s been out for the whole day. he said to not wait up on him since he still has another work schedule tonight.” 
as you stand there, knuckles turning pale with the way it holds onto your purse for dear life, you scoff sarcastically. leaving sungjin’s gaze, the anxiety had reached the base of your throat, restricting words of profanities to come out of you like a broken dam. 
“you can wait for him in his room. did you text him?” sungjin continues to console you, walking closer but allowing personal space between you. “i can call him while i run, he’s going to get annoyed eventually and pick up.” 
“yeah, i’ll do the same as hyung. we’ll blow up his phone so he can come back home,” dowoon joins with a perk to his voice, seemingly anticipating their master plan to succeed. wonpil nods along, but doesn’t meet your gaze, only swirling the remaining liquid in his glass. 
“you don’t have to do that,” you let them know as much as your voice can muster before breaking. “i’ll take you up on your offer of waiting for him, if you don’t mind. i’ll call him myself.” 
sungjin brings his fingers in between the bridge of his nose, contemplating on accepting the compromise. to hurry things up, you bring a hand to his shoulder and squeeze it gently. he seems to understand as he nods firmly, patting your hand before you let it go. 
“okay. let me know if he doesn’t come back in an hour, yeah?” 
“yes, sir.” 
“do you want some snacks? leftovers? are you hungry?” wonpil goes off with his questions, and it’s an endearing sight to watch him treat you so politely in his humble abode. honestly, at this point you’d rather leave and forget this day even existed— but you needed answers, and you know you’re not getting it from them. 
you don’t want to, anyway, because they shouldn’t be involved in this. they don’t need to be. this is between you and younghyun, and if you were to wait for him again, for the longest time— and maybe the last time, then so be it.
you’re not going to leave until you get what you wanted. 
“don’t worry about me, wonpil. i’m sorry for intruding on your night,” you apologize, bowing down before him as you make your way to younghyun’s bedroom. thankfully, he left it unlocked, and you swung the door open and close in an instant. with your back on the door, your labored breathing comes back— it took a lot from you to stay calm, collected, and unbothered by what’s going on. you didn’t want to make it a big deal, they’ve seen this before, and it usually gets resolved.
like you said, forgiveness was not an uncommon concept with you and younghyun. you believe it’s essential with how… complicated your relationship is with each other. you’ve fucked up a couple of times, said things that weren’t within your best intentions to, and younghyun didn’t hold grudges because of them. 
he would be upset, justifiably so, but after a day or two, you were both back to normal. he reassures you there wasn’t any bad blood, and he understand the frustration himself. 
from then on, you tried— really hard not to fuck things up anymore because it’s scary. it’s terrifying to think about the consequences of unwanted words, uncalled for actions with a person whose schedule is jam packed everyday, and his thoughts never ending. 
younghyun is always on the run, whether that be hopping from studio to studio or collecting ideas for a new song and another. 
it’s not like you aren’t busy yourself, but the degree to which he pushes himself further into his career is miles ahead from yours. and it’s not your place to complain about, it’s your choice to be supportive, though. which you promised. from day one, and he kissed you like it was the one answer he needed to hear.
you miss it. you miss him, his lips, his touch; everything that screamed younghyun, it’s right here. in his room. the only thing missing is the person himself, him. 
you walk over to his bed, kept clean and sheets folded. always organized, rarely leaving miscellaneous crap in random places. sometimes it’s intimidating, to visualize the kind of person who inhabits this room, but knowing who he is, you feel safer than insecure here. 
walking over to his desk, a black notebook sits atop with a pen to the side. ah, you notice the cap is missing, and you look for the miniscule thing all over the place. you find it on top of his dresser, and quickly put it back in its place. 
you guess, there are some things that younghyun forgets, that he misses, but never the big picture. 
you’re tempted to turn the pages over, but respect his privacy nonetheless. it might be lyrics he’s not ready to show anyone yet, and you of all people know what it’s like to write something new, a genre you haven’t dipped your pen in yet. it’s quite the daunting experience to bring it into the world, for other inquisitive eyes to read. 
most of the time, younghyun’s words are never amiss. in fact, they always fall in the category of perfect, for you. you don’t like to admit that because he will never believe you, so it’s best to keep it a secret for yourself. 
you enjoy his new releases better that way, making you feel more special in a sense that you’ve heard his melodies first. you’ve heard the stories behind these metaphors face to face. 
you wish you could see him face to face right now. 
before you forget, you pull out your phone and pull up younghyun’s messages with you. your text was sent three hours ago, and it was read which made you think okay, he’s seen it and acknowledged the fact that you’re coming over, maybe he’ll reply once he gets a break soon. 
he never did. 
you scroll up to the previous messages, a lot of back and forth short phrased responses that don’t mean as much as the way you guys would constantly bombard each other with long conversations. 
have you eaten? yeah, a lot. you? yup, out with a friend rn. ight, stay safe. u too. 
r u asleep? no, in the studio. oh, it’s super late. yeah, working on stuff. alright, text me when u’re home? i’ll try. 
he never did. 
feeling a tear fall down to your cheek, you wipe it away roughly and begin to type another text. 
i’m at the dorm. the boys didn’t know i’d be here. do you remember our promise? please respond.
your hand hovers on the send button for longer than you thought, and you bite your lip in anticipation for a decision so foggy in your brain. should you? should you be this upfront and accusatory? it’s not that bad, right, because he did promise. and now you’re here, the only one taking care of that promise— what’s his excuse?
i’m at the dorm. the boys didn’t know i’d be here. are you coming back soon? is what you sent instead, feeling the lump on your throat getting bigger and your eyes welling up hot, salty tears. you try to compose yourself. sitting on the edge of his bed, hands going over his white sheets as a way to ground yourself. 
you can’t cry, the walls are too thin and dowoon or wonpil will know. and wonpil will be too polite to leave you alone, and dowoon wouldn’t know how to confront the situation and just run to his room leaving wonpil by himself. 
it felt like forever that you wake up uncomfortable lying down on younghyun’s bed. you blink a few times before sitting up straight, your side hurting from the way you fell asleep on the mattress. you straighten out the right half of your hair that had been messed up having plopped down on the pillow, and look for your phone in your purse. 
it has been an hour since you got here, and no new notifications on your phone. 
you have had a fair share of getting stood up on blind dates before meeting younghyun, and at one point you stopped caring. boys don’t deserve your tears, you’ve never even met them and if they thought you were fooled by their persona online, then they were dead wrong.
but this is younghyun, the guy who proved himself different. the guy who came to your first date spot prim and proper, an hour earlier than the designated time. to think you were actually going to cancel this one because it was too tiring, too predictable at this point. 
but seeing his selfie that day, a table already reserved for the two of you and you haven’t even gotten ready yet, you felt guilty for assuming so wrongly of him. 
two years later, you’re thinking you should have listened to your gut all this time. 
as you are about to leave and practice what you have to say to the boys in the living room, the door opens and in comes a disheveled looking younghyun. his coat hangs on his arm, his hair a little haggard but his smile soon disappears upon seeing you invading his space. 
“oh, you’re here.”
oh? you’re here?
you stand up from the bed, eyes directly staring at him just five feet away from you even though he feels like a galaxy away with that kind of answer. 
“did you look at the texts i sent you?” you deadpan, trying your hardest not to seem fragile. 
younghyun shakes his head, plops the coat on his dresser and shrugs. “i’ve been busy, did you need something?” 
“you don’t remember?” 
he stands rigidly, his own fox like eyes avoiding your burning stare. they focus on the wall, with his lips in a tight line. 
he looks different to you. 
there’s something about the younghyun in front of you that makes you question your presence in his room. and how unwanted he’s making you feel. 
“younghyun, what’s going on?” 
“what do you mean by that?”
“don’t play dumb with me. you promised, hell, we promised we would see each other tonight,” you remind him, your voice rising a pitch higher and it strains your throat. you drop your purse on his bed, and cross your arms defensively. 
anything to make you feel safer in the cold that has entered the room once he got in. 
“something came up, i’m sorry. you know how work has been,” younghyun explains nonchalantly, still refusing to see you. refusing to tell you the truth with his eyes. 
it’s not enough anymore. 
“you could have texted? you could have let wonpil or dowoon or even sungjin tell me that , you’re busy, you can’t even do that?” 
“i don’t want to bother them.”
“well, younghyun, guess what? you’re bothering me!” your sudden outburst causes him to turn towards you, eyes wide and brows furrowed. 
they definitely heard that, and they’re definitely listening from the outside. but any worries about your image towards his friends had gone out the window by now, only to be left with an ounce of desperation for an explanation. an answer. an apology, even. 
he doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, and you’re scared to break off the eye contact at this point. you’re determined to tell him you’re not really mad, just frustrated. you’re not holding a grudge, you just want to hear it from him that he didn’t mean to do this to you. that he didn’t mean to hurt you this way.
your vision gets blurry, but you force the tears to pool over your eyes and not fall down. not right now, not when his gaze is steel and intimidating. 
“i’m leaving, stay as much as you’d like but i’m not going to be back until midnight,” he dismisses  you, grabbing his coat to bring it with him. 
a scorn burns on your mouth, words tasting like lead when you say: “leave, that’s all you know how to do.”
this stops him from his tracks. a pin can drop in the middle of the room, and you still can’t hear it. your thoughts are screaming, a headache forming on your temples not understanding how it’s come to this so suddenly. 
you didn’t mean that, but now your tears are saying sorry for you. you sob standing up, arms on either side and hands shaking from the pent up frustration popping out of your veins. 
you’re tired, so tired of being the one to adjust. of being the one to stay when he leaves, and foolishly wait for him to come back. only that he doesn’t, and this time he probably never will anymore.
“pull yourself together,” younghyun tells you, tone hinting pity which aggravates you further. he doesn’t look as mad anymore, but his shoulders are tense and his eyes fierce. “we can talk later. i have dinner with heejin and i still need to record kiss the radio later—”
“dinner? with who?” you snap, tears momentarily stopping with the mention of a name you’re unfamiliar of. “when did you schedule this? could it not have waited after tonight when i have been asking you for some time together for this very day?” 
younghyun rakes his fingers through already unkempt hair forcefully, distaste in his mouth as he shoots back at you, “i told you i’ve been busy, heejin and i have a song together and it’s supposed to come out in two days so we’re meeting up as much as we can—”
“yeah, okay. over dinner, at a fancy restaurant away from a recording studio, am i right?”
“you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“younghyun, it’s my fucking birthday,” you talk over him, your voice speaking over the loud beating of your heart. sweat drips down your temple, the headache hammering itself on your skull as the tears escape down the surface of warm cheeks. suddenly, you hear yourself laughing. monotonous, without emotion, as you see younghyun’s scowl snap into a look of confusion, then of realization. 
“i know what the fuck i’m talking about, brian. and from the looks of it, you don’t. you never did.” 
“you should have told me—”
“and i need to remind you of that? after knowing each other for years?” you snap back. the walls vibrate with the volume of your cries, and you hear a knock on the door and a person asking if everything is alright. 
younghyun looks back, but doesn’t respond and turns to you with pained eyes, a fine line between guilt and feeling bitter. he knows he should have remembered. besides, your first date with him was on your birthday too. 
“enjoy your fucking evening, brian. i’ll see myself out,” you mutter under hot breath, breathing hard and eyes red. grabbing your purse, you walk past the man you thought you knew. and now he just feels cold. 
it stings when he grabs you, and he loosens his grip when you exclaim loudly. “brian, stop.”
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry i fucked up.”
“it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“yes, yes it does,” he pleads, pulling you closer to his body. you shiver, not liking the way he presses into you with a desperate attempt to forgive him. maybe if it wasn’t today, you’d drown yourself in his needy touches, inhale the scent you miss having all over your skin, kiss younghyun on the lips and understand he’s human too. 
not anymore, not when all the chances you have given him were taken for granted, and there’s nothing left inside of you to give him another one. you’re all out, exhausted from the waiting, the forgiving, the crying. exhausted from it all. 
“younghyun, let me go. please. i’m tired.” 
he hesitates, but once you pull yourself off him he releases his stone cold grip. your eyes hover downward, face sticky from the tears you have shed. 
no more. 
coming out of his room, wonpil and dowoon are nowhere to be found anymore. it was only sungjin, sitting by the island counter, scrolling on his phone absent-mindedly. he notices your presence, looks up and offers you that warm smile of his even if his eyes sympathize with your heartbroken gaze.
“i’m so sorry,” he whispers. 
you close your eyes, shake your head and offer a grateful smile. for him. “not your fault. i’m sorry you had to hear that. please let the others know i’m deeply sorry.” 
“text me when you get home, okay?” sungjin hops off the barstool and places his hand on your shoulder this time, transferring the kind of warmth you have been needing all day, all week. 
you know he’s just being kind, roped into the tail end of your disastrous break up with younghyun so you nod once. he doesn’t take it and adds, “i’m serious. if i don’t hear from you, i will text you. multiple times. you’ve seen me do it.” 
with no escape from his compromise, you emit a small laugh and firmly nod this time. “okay, sungjin. thank you.”
“happy birthday, by the way,” he consoles you, and you do your best to keep another wave of pain locked up. you thank him, accepting the side hug he offers you, and make your way out the door. 
as the breeze outside doesn’t do well in vanishing the evident sadness on your expression. you walk the streets of the city holding in a breath, careful not to attract too much attention to your lonely self.
you get home barely alive, shoes left on the doorstep and your clothes slithered off on the hallway. you text sungjin what he wanted to hear, and once you’ve landed on your bed, you let it all out again. 
birthdays were never really a favorite “holiday” of yours before you met younghyun on this very same day two years ago. 
it was as if being alive on this earth for another year was a favor given to you by fate, having to know younghyun even more as the days go by past it. as much as he created meaning to your birthday for the past two years, this time, younghyun had destroyed everything you built together. 
the pieces are too small, much too fragile to make your heart whole again.
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faithfully-writing · 4 years
Neko! Levi Ackerman X female reader [NF NSFW]
~Your point of view~
I return home from work to be greeted by my cat. He quickly leaps into my arms and licks my nose in place of a kiss. A giggle escapes as I rub my cheek against his, his short black fur soft to the touch. But he wasn't a complete black cat, he had a white chest. He looks up at me with unique dazzling eyes full of boredom and coldness yet at the same time love and trust. I smile softly down at him, closing the door behind me and placing him down on the floor much to his disappointment. He started to meow and whine for my attention so I flopped down on the couch and he suddenly landed on my chest, right on my breasts. "Oof." I gasp at the contact. He starts kneading before curling up and resting his head under my chin, purring while falling asleep. "Oh Levi." I sigh in complete relaxation. "I'm so glad I found you." Truth be told that a few weeks back I had saved him from dying of hunger and thirst as he was only skin and bones and some of his now soft fur was missing in tuffs. But back then he was a cat and all attitude. Always grumpy and glaring at me, even when I fed him. It took him a while to calm down and to accept me and since then he's just found his own personality. Though when I do clean my house, very rarely I might add, he seems to be in a happier mood and I can't get him away from my mop. I pet him and all I get in return was him purring. My (e/c) eyes feel heavy and I close them, falling into a comfortable sleep.
~Couple hours later~
I groan and crack open my eyes. I feel a strange hot and heavy sensation from my chest down. I lift my head and my (e/c) eyes widen to plate size. There, using my breasts as a pillow, is a man. His black undercut hair tickles my neck and his eyes are closed. He appeared to be sleeping. I quickly shout and push him off, standing up and running to the other side of the room. "Who are you?" I question, pointing a finger at the man.
He sits crossed legged, rubbing his dull yet bright silver eyes with the back of his hands which were covered by a long sleeved black woolen jumper with a long white scarf. I look at his head once again and almost shriek in fright. There, pointed up, were two black cat ears. Swishing behind him was a back tail which looks like it should belong to a cat. "Don't ignore me please. Who are you?" I speak softer. He was quite handsome and cute at the same time. But he was still a stranger. A stranger who managed to get into my house. “Where's my Levi?” I demand, hoping he didn't do anything to hurt the creature.
The man looks over at me and all of a sudden he pounces on me, knocking me to the ground. A low rumbling purr erupts from his chest as he hugs me tightly. "Tch brat. I'm your Levi." He rolls his eyes, brushing his cheek against my own softly as if helping me to remember. "You shouldn't yell. It doesn't suit your kind nature." He licks my cheek, his grey eyes staring down into my own (e/c) ones. His hands push down on my shoulders, pushing me against the floor harder. "Though you're cute for a brat." He says, his grey eyes darkening and filling with an emotion which I think is lust. "Maybe these clothes should come off? Tch pesky clothes."
I'm at a lost for words as his hands trail along my now showing stomach. His fingers dancing and trying patterns which slightly tickled and felt soothing. I giggle at the touch a little and his ears perk up. His grey eyes glisten with playfulness and another purr erupts from his body. "Le-Levi." I struggle to speak with the feeling of my once cat now person, touching my stomach. I blush bright red as his hands start trailing higher.
"That's it brat. That's it my (y/n)." His voice thick and heavily filled with lust, "Say my name. It's been ages since I've wanted to do this." He mutters before crashing his lips against my own with enough force to bruise. I let out a small squeak in surprise and he smirks knowing full well what he's doing. He shifts his weight so that his legs were taking it all and not my waist and his cloth covered cock brushes against my bare stomach, reminding me exactly what he was planning.
I gasp and he slips his tongue in. The wet slimy organ brushes against every part of my mouth, coating it in his own saliva. He grips my tongue with his and starts a small tug-a-war in which I lose as he squeezes my left breast. The sudden feeling of unknown pleasure was too much and I slightly let a quiet moan slip past my (l/c) lips only to be swallowed greedily by Levi.
He detaches his lips from mine and a thin trail of our mixed saliva joined the two of us together. I blush a bright red as he smirks down at me, his ears twitching as well as his tail. "I want you to make more of those sounds. Tch. Only make those sounds with me brat. As I can be the only one pleasuring you." He uses his long nails and rips my (f/c) shirt from the inside and slips if off my arms tossing it near the coffee table but not enough for it to land on it. I blush darker as he views me, even though I still wore my bra and shorts, it felt he could see straight through it.
"Lev-Ahh!" I were in the middle of saying his name when he forcibly bit on the nook of my neck, drawing a tiny bit of blood in which he lapped up like he did with his milk.
"Tch brat. Your taste may get me addicted." He grunts before kissing my neck looking for my sweet spot. My once idle hands came up to his head and starts knotting themselves into his hair, sometimes brushing against his ears which caused a low growl to emit from his chest. I moan Levi's name when he finds my soft spot and he abuses it until it was black and purple leaving me out of breath. "Now you're mine." He purrs satisfied, sitting back up looking down on his work with pride. I was getting hot and bothered and feeling him wasn't enough. My breasts hadn't even been freed from their confinement.
I smirk up at him and push him over so I was the one sitting on him. Oh how the tables had turned. His silver eyes widen in surprise before narrowing with a smirk. He seemed to be egging me on. I smirk down at him and lick my lips. I reach down and pinch the tip of one of his cat ears getting a reward of him giving of a little yelp like moan. I snap my bra off and throw it away this time landing it on the coffee table.
I start to move my hips, grinding on him, making sure to pay special attention to any small changed in his tone. He lets out a slight groan, letting me know that it wasn't enough. But he was helpless to get me moving faster as when he tried to help I just pinned his wrists down.
"(Y-y/n)." He lets out shakily. Ripping his wrists from my hands and gripping my hips tightly, digging his long nails into my (s/c) skin, as a few ruby droplets fall. I just sit up a little straighter and move a little faster, pulling the scarf off before reaching down for the hem of his sweater and pulling it off him, leaving him bare chested. It seemed he didn't wear shirts underneath his sweaters. The sweater and scarf left my hands, flying somewhere unknown this time and I focus on his perfect skin. My hands trail down his chest, and along his abdomen, feeling the smooth skin and earning sharp intakes of breaths. But it didn't last long as he quickly gathered ahold of himself and before I could place my lips against his collarbone he suddenly flipped the two of us and was kneading my breasts like he did in cat form.
I moan as the pleasant feeling rose. He leans down and gives me a small soft kiss on the lips before trailing them down along my jaw, down my neck, along my collar bone before latching onto my right nipple. Haven bitten a couple of times on his journey down, I now had a numerous number of hickeys that would be hard to cover up. The feeling felt unreal as he flicked his tongue, making my back arch and him to gather more into his mouth, sucking and nipping. He other hand that wasn't gripping my right hip was fondling my left breast, pinching the tip before massaging the small amounts of pain away. My moans filled his ears like a song and he got more and more excited. "My name brat." He growls lifting his head up to look into my glazed (e/c) eyes, "say it." He demands next, leaving my body to the cool floor as he went down to my legs.
He places both his hands against my short's hem and gently tugs it down, leaving (f/c) underwear on. He sits back happily, watching me breath heavily with want and my eyes clouded with lust. "Levi." I mutter look over at him. He smirks and trails a finger up the inside of my thigh reaching closer to my clitoris.
"Is that all?" It was like a switch had been flipped and he tears the remaining cloth from my body, feeling the wetness of it. "Well it seems like your prepared." He chuckles, flinging the cloth away. He leans his face close to my folds and softly blow air along it, sending shivers up my back.
"Lev-Levi!" I exclaim in surprise, leaning my head back against the hard floor as a finger gets pushed inside, electric shocks running haywire through my body as I tighten against the strange feeling. It slipped in easy and he started to thrust that one finger slowly, enjoying the looks of pleasure and want contorting my face. My (e/c) eyes half closed with lust as I moan out from the pleasure which sent my mind clouding, "Levi m-more." I stutter, closing my eyes as he adds a second and a third. Stretching me out. There was pain as I stretched but it was soon pushed away by pleasure been his thumb pressed and rubbed my clit. My moans grew louder as a coil tighten in my stomach, it was growing tighter and tighter with each finger thrust and curl he did that I clamped my legs against his arm tightly.
He quickly spreads them and sits between my knees forcing them to stay open. "Your moans are delicious (y/n)." He whispers to me, and that's what snapped the coil, an explosion of feelings and colours happened as I cummed over his fingers without warning. He continued to thrust letting me ride out my first orgasm before pulling his fingers out and licking then sexily. "You taste so sweet (y/n). I must have more." He whispers as I lay there panting, trying to regain my head, "I think I'm addicted. Punishment will be given out brat."
He kisses my folds before licking them, cleaning off any cum before sticking his tongue straight in. Moving the organ around and lapping up the cum, smirking as he felt me shake in pleasure. 'Oh how fun his days were going to be now.' He thinks as he tastes his love's sweetness. Earning more song like moans as the feelings piled, waiting for the lid to blow. He started to thrust his tongue in and out until I was close, having nothing to grip onto, my hands found there way into his soft locks and I pushed him closer in, wanting more of the friction, my body now greedy for pleasure. I start to grind myself against his face as Levi continues to thrust before he claps his hands on them, stopping me from moving. The coil comes back but tighter than ever but before I could release he retracts his face, leaving me on the edge.
I pout and struggle to talk, wanting more of him. I shakily hold up a hand towards him and he seems to get the idea. He moves back up and kisses me harder than before, most like bruising my lips worse. His tongue slips in automatically and I can taste my own sweetness as well as his saliva. We both break of for air and during that time he pulls his black trousers off, leaving him in his boxers with a fairly large tent. "Take them off." He demands, his grumpy nature leaving for a more demanding Levi. I slowly sit up, wanting some friction on my clit but none being granted, I whine and look at him wanting him to continue but he shakes his head. I push him on his back once again and press light butterfly kiss down his chest, nipping here and there as I grind myself against his hips, making us both groan and moan at the pleasure. "Hu-hurry up." He demands getting impatient. I hook my fingers into his boxers and pull them down, them finding somewhere else in the room to land. I look down at his larger than average member, not knowing what to even think. He raises an eyebrow and asks suggestively, "You like?"
All I could do was stare at it, not even thinking if it was going to fit. I kiss my way along it reaching the tip, flicking my tongue along it, retracting a groan from Levi. I lick from the base to the tip where I swirled my tongue around it. Hollowing my cheeks I slowly start to take him in, encouraged by his moans and groans. Soon enough his hands tangle into my (h/l) (h/c) hair and pushes me onto it, deep throating him. I try not to gag, and wrap my hands around what I couldn't fit. Unsure of what to do I give his shaft a lick and he groans, losing himself in my mouth. He starts to push and pull me along his cock, as I lick as much of it as I can which caused more grunts and groans, while pumping my hands. He starts to move my head faster as well as some thrusts, the tip hitting the back of my throat more than once. His pants were getting louder and well as his groans, "Stop little one.” He demands, pulling my off him. But I don't listen, “Baby girl. I want to cum in you so you best stop before I change my mind about pleasuring you again.” I stop and back off, sitting back on my heels. I tilt my head at him, waiting for his next move.
He quickly shoves me quickly to the ground, sitting between my legs once again. He grips my hands and brings them up, each on either side of my head. He leans over and his cool silver eyes looking into my own (e/c) eyes with a heated expression. "Tch. Just remember I love you brat after all this." He mutters looking to the side as a faint blush appears on his stoic face. His ears twitch and his tail wraps around my left leg, as if clinging to it.
He places the tip of his hard cock at my entrance and he slowly rubs the tip up and down, coating it in my fluids. He smiles faintly before gritting his teeth and pushing in slowly. I feel my eyes widen as I gaze up at him. He was larger than I thought he would be. I could feel him stretching my walls but it was purely pleasure. Sure I had a couple of guys who I had let do this to me but none were as gentle and loving as Levi was being. For them it was all about having a quick fuck. I moan as I feel him fill me completely. It was like a lock and key. He kept pushing while whispering loving murmurs and telling me to relax and breath. I could feel my breath leaving me as I grew tense. My walls clamp around his throbbing cock, stopping him from entering any further or he could damage me.
He stops and hovers over me. Freezing his movements. "(Y/n), love? I need you to breath and relax." He whispers. Leaning down and pressing his lips softly against mine. None of the other guys could of filled me up this much. The pleasure was overwhelming and I can't think straight. All I can think about is the large, hot, throbbing cock. Slowing making its way inside me and filling me up. He breaks the kiss feeling me relax a little. His warm breath hits my bruised lips in an uneven pace as he struggles to keep himself together. "I don't want to hurt you. I have never wanted to hurt you." He mumbles, slowly pushing in again. My walls relax and so does my body allowing him ease of access but he moves more slowly, being careful not to let me grow to tight otherwise it could bring harm. Once he was in to the hilt he closes the small gap between our lips and kisses me softly again but with more passion. I could truly feel his love being translated through the kiss.
If I was still standing I was sure his kiss would've made me weak at the knees and limp. It still did even if I was laying down. He slowly draws back until just the tip was in before thrusting just as slow back to hilt, meeting some friction. The friction between us was hot and made me impatient.
He breaks the kiss as he feels me squirm underneath him. He kisses my nose gently and smiles down at me. "Patience love." Levi whispers. It seems his cold exterior from before had broken down, showing the loving man well neko underneath.
He leans back and hooks his hands underneath me, clasping them together at the small of my back. His hands slightly tickle as he moves his fingers along my back. He pulls he with him as he sits on the floor and brings me on his lap. His cock still completely engulfed by my vagina. He starts to rock back and forth on his ass, making me loop my arms around his neck in response. He slowly starts to thrust in time with his rocks. It was slow and painless. Pleasure filling my every sense. It was like every sense had been magnified. His scent of cleaning products and fresh air filled my nose as our skin rubbed against each others. It was relaxing. Just rocking and his thrusting in time as my fingers knot in his hair.
The pressure and heat was building up much more slowly, almost in an agonizing way, but it was much hotter with a larger pressure. It was like it was being magnified. His cock swelled and my walls stretched to fit him. He made sure I was comfortable at all times as he thrusts. He locks our lips again in a passionate kiss full of love. Never have I've experienced such a passionate sex. All the others were rough and just after the high. This seemed more about translating love and relaxing. It was just pure enjoyment.
We broke of the kiss, panting lightly before rejoining our lips again. His thrusts didn't seem to fasten it's pace nor slow it. He continued rocking. I could feel his cock against my walls and the friction was heavenly. The coil grew larger and hotter the more he rocked and thrusted. It was agonising not going faster yet it was more pleasant. I close my eyes and lean my head back as his lips trail down my neck. The coil was getting hotter and hotter. Almost like a burning sensation.
"Lev~Levi~" His name is uttered from my lips like a soft moan. He smirks against my neck, moving down to my collar bone. He sucks and nips, leaving more hickies as he continues to thrust. I was getting close. I tighten my legs around him as my walls gripped his cock tighter than before.
He grunts, now forcing himself. "(Y-y/n)." He groans, thrusting in one last time before letting go at the same time. He groans loudly, his hot cum filling my womb to the brim, some even flowing out as I cum as well. It was the most hottest feeling ever. I could feel the weight of his cum and mine. He forgot to have protection. I could of cuffed him over the head if I was wasn't so tired and sore. He slowly pulls out and kisses me faintly, lips barely brushing. He moves his arms lower and grips underneath my thighs.
"Hold on for me." He whispers, not seeming tired at all. I grip the back of him and lean against him. Too tired to even do anything else I let him lift me up and he stands up, carrying me gently through the house and into my room. Levi gently sits me down in the attached bathroom and grabs a towel he cleans us both before laying me down gently on my (f/c) bed. He lays down beside me and draws the covers over us. "I'll try to stay in my human form until you wake up, than I'll need to take a break from using my energy." He whispers, holding me close to him and stroking my hair with one hand and trailing along my back with his other. I splay my hands our on his chest and bury my head into it. Our legs tangled together. "I won't leave you brat. Not now. Not ever. Tch. Nobody would be able to drag me away." He places a soft kiss to my forehead. "Now relax and go to sleep. I'll wake you up at tea time."
I close my eyes and relax, falling into a warm sleep in my neko's arms.
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