#alpha!kurt wagner
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i3atz0mbiez · 5 months ago
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Their ship dynamic I fear
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ndscottsummers · 11 months ago
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Alpha Flight v1 #1
wow the x-men have NO manners
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xfactor7aurora · 11 months ago
I come back to offer beaubier twins hello
I have been making more art but that's for oomf and oomf only
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Beaubier twins tiktoks
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Actual art ig
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Then xme concepts (me and oomf have a whole thing) ft moonstone my favourite non X or alpha girl
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comicsiswild · 1 year ago
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Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons Of Vengeance Alpha (2023) #1
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wwprice1 · 1 year ago
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Some classic Marvel Age covers by John Byrne, Dave Cockrum, Paul Smith, and Bob Layton and Butch Guice.
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comicwaren · 2 years ago
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From Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha #001, “Sympathy for the Devil”
Art by Geoff Shaw and Rain Beredo
Written by Benjamin Percy
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x-istential-crisis · 1 year ago
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This scene has made Snowbird shoot up my list immediately. This some animorphs shit and I love it.
Uncanny X-Men #140
Chris Claremont and John Byrne
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viperixsworld · 6 months ago
mutant file (logan howlett x fem!oc)
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name: michaela isabella fiore
alias: natura
day of birth: june 22nd, 1968 (32 in X Men 1)
height: 5'6
category: mutant (alpha level)
abilities: chlorokinesis, toxikinesis, toxic immunity, genius
residence: xavier school for gifted youngsters
occupation: doctor and biology teacher
affliction: x-men (since 1990)
state: alive
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"early life"
Michaela Isabella Fiore, born on 22 June 1968, daughter of Paul and Francesca Fiore in the borough of Brooklyn, New York. Both are children of first-generation Italian immigrants to the United States. Working class, they ran a flower shop in North Brooklyn. Currently retired.
The first mutant gene samples are demonstrated in a biology class during primary school. According to the teacher's reports, during an experiment where students were asked to grow a bean in a beaker, Fiore's plant grew "abnormally". Other school reports state that, during high school, girls who were picking on Michaela reported to the teacher that Fiore had planted manure in her lockers. It was never proven.
Michaela continued her studies and was awarded one of the Xavier Scholarships for Gifted and Talented Youth at New York University, where she graduated with a major in Botanical Biology and Toxicology and a minor in Genetics,where she met Sara Kinney. She later obtained her PhD at Oxford, with a thesis on assisted mutation in various plants for medical purposes.
"xavier school for gifted youngsters and X Men"
Since her doctorate at Oxford in 1990, Michaela Fiore has been a registered biology teacher at Xavier School for gifted youngsters. She is also a member of the X Men team, along with Scott Summer alias Cyclops, Jean Grey alias Marvel Girl, Ororo Munroe alias Storm, Kurt Wagner alias Nightclawer and Hank McCoy alias Beast.
However, Fiore's work is more oriented towards laboratory work and the development of new ways to treat the injured mutants who come to the school.
Some field missions are recorded. Despite little hand-to-hand training, Fiore's skills allow her to get the upper hand in a ranged fight.
During the 2000s, the X Men had several clashes with the notorious ex-terrorist Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants. As well as battles against the government against the Mutant Registration Act and the "Mutation Cure". Both Dr. Fiore and Dr. Grey advocated against both of these in Congress.
During this time, new members join the X-Men: Remy LeBeau aka Gambit, Anna Marie aka Rogue, Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin aka Colossus, Robert Louis "Bobby" Drake aka Ice-Man, Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde aka Shadowcat and Logan Howlett aka Wolverine.
Currently, the X Men grouping is still unleashed by Scott Summers aka Cyclops, Ororo Munroe aka Storm and Logan Howlett aka Wolverine. Michaela Fiore does not take part in the field missions and shares the position of deputy director with Dr. Jean Grey.
The Sentinel menace was stopped in 1973 by a mutant named Mystique, who saved the president from Magneto.
currently, 2024 (nobody's dead, we're all happy and forgetting the timeline, FUCK TVA)
The school remains the same as it has been all these years, but the threats don't stop. Recently, records came in about a trafficking of mutant children being experimented on by an illegal organisation on the Mexican border.
The X Men are working on it at the moment.
character analysis
Michaela is a kind and optimistic person. Over the years she has gained more experience and control over her powers, which makes her a confident person. At first she was reluctant to be introduced to the X-Men, but her colleagues convinced her.
She spends much of her time in the underground lab at X-Mansion, alongside Jean Grey and, on occasion, Hank McCoy.
Her first encounter with Logan, aka Wolverine, was not a pleasant one. The mutant awoke from his coma (induced by the Professor) altered and confused, so he attacked Michaela and scarred her back with his claws. Michaela, in response, put him to sleep with chloroform, until the Professor arrived.
The two slowly, slowly worked out their differences.
For their personalities clash quite a lot. Logan is a lone wolf, while Michaela is all about teamwork. But according to Cyclops, they're both equally annoying.
Despite appearances, constant bickering and "mutual hatred", there is a pact of respect between the two. They will never say it to each other's faces, but they are very fond of each other. (Everybody knows it, except them).
now some headcannons
The X Men affectionately refer to Michaela as Mickey or Dr. Mickey.
Logan refers to her as "kid".
Mickey refers to him as "old dog".
Mickey wears a necklace with a St. James medal, a legacy from her paternal grandfather Jimmy Fiore.
Mickey doesn't know that Logan's real name is James.
The children shipped their biology teacher and the history teacher (i.e. them).
Michaela was upset after Logan's departure after fighting Magneto.
And when he left again.
And again.
He has commitment issues (no shit).
Apparently he always fixes it when he comes back.
The X Men always party when he comes back, they go to a bar a few miles from the school.
Our girl can't stand alcohol (she's given Logan endless lectures on the problems of alcohol), but on these occasions she has a margarita or two.
Bad idea.
She's a lightweight.
Very funny until she throws up.
Logan always ends up looking after her.
But not without laughing the next morning, delivering her own sermons against her.
Again, children SHIP them.
Bobby tried to lock them in a classroom. It was fun until Logan chased him all over the mansion.
Logan offers to teach Michaela how to fight.
She has improved a lot.
He always ends up in a cold shower.
Sometimes they are found in the kitchen at night, or in the greenhouse or laboratory.
Logan suffers from chronic nightmares, about his past, about Weapon X, PTSD...
Michaela is only used to little or no sleep. She lives in a mansion with hundreds of children, there must always be someone awake.
They do not normally speak at these meetings.
The next morning it's back to normal.
Michaela lives in coffee.
Logan hates coffee.
Logan always makes Michaela coffee.
They will end up together. For sure. But there are bets hanging around.
Even Magneto, in his plastic prison, asks the Professor for updates.
"Any news on...?" "Not that I know of." "For God's sake, Charles! You're a mind reader!"
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merriemarvels · 6 months ago
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If the cards had fallen in a different direction, Talia Josephine Wagner would have grown up in a mansion full of children just like her; the offspring of heroes, the stuff of legends. A roll of the dice, a twist of fate, and -- instead, she was alone. A single bundle of trouble in two buildings full of adults with so much on their plates it was a wonder she'd been born at all. But lest that make her past sound sad, it was the only life she knew, and she wouldn't have changed it for anything. She had dozens of aunties and uncles of all stripes; heroes, sometime-villains, Avengers, X-Men, even Excalibur and Alpha Flight.
But one stood -- metaphorically, at least -- head and shoulders above the rest, practically from the day she was born. It was almost as if he'd decided to make up for lost time, past mistakes; whatever the case, one could rest assured that if she wasn't in the care of one of her parents, TJ Wagner could be found perched on the arm or in the lap of one Logan 'Professor W' Howlett. He called her his 'favorite niece'. Even her parents considered him a third parent.
Once, he'd shooed Wanda and Kurt off for a much-needed date night without their sweet but rather energetic six-month-old daughter, only for them to come home to him gently swaying to country music with her perched on his arm, her little three-fingered fist closed around his thumb. The picture still sits on his desk, though the girl has long since outgrown being held and danced with by her favorite uncle.
She'd nap on his chest while he lectured older students about battle tactics or geopolitics; she'd be right at his hip as he drilled them in the Danger Room. He'd let her pick the movie, even when it was his turn. She wasn't exactly spoiled… but he had a lot more time on his hands, running the school, than her parents did as active members of their respective teams. Wanda had to hold down the magical end of things; Kurt had risen to his former spot as squad leader.
A little girl could get lost in the shuffle, without someone to make sure she didn't.
Later, much later, when the past had come to haunt her, she'd cried, wishing he could see her now, wishing she knew if he was proud of her. And somewhere out there, even though it's singed and the glass had to be replaced, a picture of a man dancing with a little blue baby still sits on a desk, waiting for her to come back.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 1 year ago
For requests, here are the things I can do/write for:
• X-Men: The Animated Series
• X-Men Evolution
(I can do a crossover of these with other Marvel heroes, just as long as your request is platonic and has something to do with X-Men, I can do it)
• Fluff
• Angst
• Hurt/Comfort
• 5 + 1 Things
• Creepy Fluff
• Forced Adoption
• A/B/O (Alpha, Beta, and Omega)
• Platonic Cuddling
(Just ask/request what you want, as specific as you can, so I cover it to the best of my ability. If I say no, or can't do it, i will ask if i can write something else for you)
Characters I Write For:
• Professor X/Charles Xavier
• Storm/Ororo Munroe
• Wolverine/Logan Howlett
• Beast/Hank McCoy
• Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde
• Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
• Rogue/Anna Marie
• Spyke/Evan Daniels
• Cyclops/Scott Summers
• Marvel Girl/The Phoenix/Jean Grey
• X-23/Laura Kinney
• Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
• Mystique/Raven Darkholme
• Sabretooth/Victor Creed
• Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
• Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
• Toad/Mortymer Tonybee/Todd Tolansky
• The Blob/Fred Dukes
• Avalanche/Lance Alvers
• Gambit/Remy LeBeau
• Colossus/Piotr Rasputin
• Pyro/St. John Allerdyce
(If there is another character I didn't name that you want, just ask, and I'll see what I can do)
AU Ideas (If you're curious):
• A/B/O
• Dark (A Better World Inspired AU)
• Villain
• Hunger Games
• Vampire
• Drider
• Naga
• Dragon
• Wings of Fire
• Zombie Apocalypse
• Siren
• Selkie
• Werewolf
• Reincarnation
(If you have any you want to see or like any of these, don't hesitate to request it)
Possible Mutant!Readers:
• Pyrokinesis
• Electrokinesis
• Foresight
• Invisibility
• Snake
• Cat
• Spider
• Creator (makes things out of nothing)
• Gembody (like Emma Frost)
• Telepath
• Telekinetic
• Hydrokinesis
• Botanokinesis/Phyokinesis (control plants)
• Crystallokinesis (manipulate and control gems and rocks and minerals)
• Hemokinesis (control and manipulate blood)
• Wings/Flight
• Light
• Darkness/Shadows
• Were-creature (can be human, turn into a n animal, and/or have a mixed form)
(If you have any mutant powers you want Reader to have, please mention it, otherwise I will keep it neutral or pick out one myself)
I hope this helps y'all if you are having problems putting together your thoughts. I know organizing some options can help, as I have OCD and like to know my options, too, and have have in their own categories. Y'all have a lovely day💛
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marveltrumpshate · 2 years ago
June 2023 MTH fills
Check out the June 2023 fills below and don’t forget that MTH event team applications are due today if you’re interested in joining us!
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Our AO3 collections: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (only has works posted to AO3)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type.
Lynds/@gold-from-straw - “Brother” (MCU post-Thor fic where Thor finds out Loki is alive and both brothers heal together) for @penguinofthewaddles
TweetStweet - “All Together Now” (MCU Steven & Jake & Marc slice-of-life brotherly bonding fic) for Catgirl
illogicalkat - “When you see me like this” (Beauty and the Beast Bucky/Rumlow AU fic) for Mech
Laily/@lailyn - “All The Plans We Didn't Make” (MCU Bucky/Loki fic where Loki becomes pregnant after comforting Bucky) for @mischievousdope
RoseRose/@tehroserose - “Hearth” (MCU Bucky/Pepper/Steve/Tony poem about Pepper keeping home safe while Steve, Bucky, and Tony are out adventuring) for @abrighterdarkness
tipsy-kitty - Podfic of “The Winter Stallion,” a Steve/Bucky AU fic where prince Steve reunites with his long lost knight Bucky who has been transformed into a warhorse due to a curse by fancyh for @liquidlightz (MTH 2021)
emilywithoutY/@between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place - “make a home between the stars (and call it a universe)” (MCU Carol/Maria fic where Carol returns to and leaves the Rambeaus over the years) for @bugsandcoffee
@nolanfa​ - Art of MCU Phil patching up Clint for @spagbol99​
@flightinflame - “A Matter of Minds” (X-Men movieverse Charles/Erik fic with humor, angst, and some miscommunication) for Yenny2206
@eurydia - Art of MCU Wade in uniform and Foggy kissing on a rooftop in the city at night for @missmoochy
velociraptorerin/@velociraptorerin-art - "Dark Asters” (painting of MCU Ronan and Korath gazing softly at each other) for @pocketcosmic (also on Tumblr) (MTH 2021)
@flightinflame - “Catch You” (X-Men movieverse Pietro/Kurt A/B/O getting together AU fic) for @kalika999 (MTH 2021)
@iam93percentstardust - “Ours” (Bucky/Steve/Tony A/B/O AU fic where omega Tony is in a loveless marriage with Obie and alpha soldiers Bucky and Steve are interested in him) for capsgirl1990
@hollyandvice - “fill the new shape” (Steve/Tony non-powered AU fic where the two reunite after breaking up) for lokicorey - “the bridges before us” (Steve/Tony CA:CW fic where Steve regrets his choices and is unsure he can be forgiven) for @bthehufflepuff208 - “to catch a wolf” (MCU married Steve/Tony fic where Steve is brainwashed by HYDRA and Tony works to find a cure) for @betheflame
RurouniHime/@thegertie - “...and that has made all the difference” (canon-divergent post-IW Steve/Tony reconciliation fic where Steve tries to go on a road trip after the Snap and ends up at Tony's doorstep instead) for Destina (MTH 2019)
@stevetonyedits - “Somebody to You” (fluffy AA & MCU Steve/Tony fanvid set to “Somebody to You” by The Vamps) (also on AO3, Tumblr, and Twitter) for @ishipallthings (MTH 2021)
@superdecibels - Art of Tony reading a book to baby Peter and Steve holding a box of packing peanuts from @festiveferret's Steve/Tony fic, "Peanuts 2," for @t0nystark1er 
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years ago
At Your Service, Alpha   9
Alpha!Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) x omega!Reader
Descriptions:   (Y/n) finally starts to figure her shit out! Alex tries to be helpful... but maybe it’s a bit much...?
A/n- Not much to say, just enjoy, I guess! And, feel free to like, comment, reblog... y’know, whatever.
Masterlist     Series Masterlist
(Y/n) woke up, stretching and turning off her alarm, pausing as she took a deep breath through her nose, an enormous grin growing over her face as she realized that she didn't feel the way the back of her sinuses pressed against her throat, making it so that air couldn't get through. 
(Y/n) took a deep breath again, feeling how easy the air came through her nose. 
She jumped from her bed and ran to the door, yanking it open and taking a deep breath. 
(Y/n)'s face fell when she smelled nothing. She pressed her nose against the jamb, breathing as deeply as she could. 
Nothing, no scent, no smell, as though it had been recently cleaned. 
Pain tore at her heart. 
It was gone. 
She closed the door and leaned back against it. 
A dejected feeling grew in her chest as she got ready for work. 
Where was her wonderful scent? 
Tears grew in her eyes as she walked to the café. 
The flowers were in bloom, and the trees, they smelled wonderful, beautiful- but they were dull and uninteresting to her; they weren't the one scent she was longing for. 
She trudged in through the door of the café and made her way to where her apron was hanging. 
“(Y/n)?” Alex asked, stunned by her behaviour. “What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Do you need me to get Jared?” 
(Y/n) shook her head silently, tying the apron around herself. 
“What's wrong?” 
“The smell…” 
“(Y/n)! Your sinuses are clear!” 
(Y/n) looked up at her in surprise at her exclamation. “Yeah…” 
“You don't have that weird hollow sound in your voice!” She teased, trying to cheer her up. 
“Ha ha ha,” (Y/n) mocked. 
“You don't sound like a duck!” 
“Shut up!” She snapped playfully and Alex grinned at her. 
“What's wrong?” She asked, now that (Y/n) had finally opened up and relaxed a tiny bit. 
“That smell, the scent that was on my door…” 
Alex nodded. 
“It’s gone…” 
Her friend shrugged. “So?” 
“It- Alex, I think it was- him…” 
“Him? Him who?” She asked at her nod. 
“Him; my alpha- my one true alpha,” (Y/n) told her, her voice showing her frustration. 
“Oh… Oh, (Y/n), but… the scent is gone?” Her pity was visible on her face. 
(Y/n) nodded and Alex walked around the counter toward her. 
She wrapped her arms around (Y/n) and her omega scent calmed her; it was like a comforting blanket. The cooks in the back were more relaxed as well. “Maybe he’ll come back-” 
“I- I thought I smelled him yesterday, but…” 
(Y/n) nodded. 
“Not today…” 
“Why don’t you take the table settings out and sniff around, maybe you’ll smell it again.” 
(Y/n) nodded and filled the tray with table settings, walking outside and slowly setting them. 
Customers came, and she still couldn’t smell the scent, anywhere. 
Tears and pain filled her belly and heart. 
She filled her tray with a coffee pot and cups and accompaniments enough for the three tables that had ordered coffee, resting the edge of the heavy tray on her shoulder as she carried it out. 
(Y/n)'s eyes were focused at about knee level as she made her way between the tables, her nose still sniffing, hoping to catch a whiff of that amazingly wonderful scent. 
The breeze changed direction, blowing from the side, left to right, to behind her slightly, and she froze, her nose perking up a scent. 
The scent- it was the scent. 
The alpha- maybe her alpha. 
(Y/n)'s chin snapped up, and her eyes darted around, looking for the source, focusing toward the edge of the trees, where a figure was moving toward her. 
The breeze shifted again, blowing her hair around her face and into her eyes. 
(Y/n) pulled it out of the way with her free hand, cursing that she had felt too emotionally pained to bother with it that morning. 
When she got control of it and managed to get it tamed enough out of her face that she could see, she looked up at the figure walking toward her. 
It was Kurt. 
(Y/n)'s heart sped up as she looked at him, tears of happiness, relief, and joy stinging at her ducts. 
Her jaw went a little slack as her bottom lip trembled, and she stared longingly at him as he grew closer. 
Her hand dropped to her side, the tray holding all of the dishes and coffee things crashing to the ground, the sound of shattering dishes filling the air. 
Kurt looked more alert, hurrying to (Y/n), and she stepped forward. “(Y/n), don't, you'll get hurt-" He tried to stop her from walking through the broken ceramic and glass, but she didn't listen, running to him and throwing her arms around his neck, burying her nose in the scent gland there. 
Kurt's arms wrapped around her, and she could feel his uncertainty. “Liebling?” He asked. 
“Alpha,” she whispered. (Y/n) felt his shoulders relax. 
“You started taking your allergy medicine,” he said, a statement of fact, not a question. 
“Yes. And I'm never going to stop taking them again.” 
Kurt chuckled, burying his nose against her neck and starting to scent her. 
(Y/n) scented him back, the both of them nipping and licking at the tender flesh of their scent glands. 
(Y/n) let out a whimper, feeling a wave of slick start to grow between her thighs, and Kurt let out a bit of a feral growl, nipping a bit harder, making another whimper leave her lips. 
Alex slowly walked toward the two of them, alerted by one of the café patrons that something was happening outside. “(Y/n)?” She asked, keeping alert. 
(Y/n) turned to look at her, her pupils a little dilated. 
Kurt pulled her closer against his chest, but didn't stop Alex from making her way forward, probably only because she was an omega, and therefore not a risk to her. 
“Alex… it's him…” (Y/n) told her. 
She bowed her head to Kurt to show her respect, and he let his arms loosen a little, feeling more at ease at the show of respect. “It's him?” 
(Y/n) nodded, laying her head against his shoulder so she could still see her. 
“(Y/n), are you ok?” She asked, sniffing to assure herself that no fear or discomfort pheromones were in the air. 
“I feel weird, like I've got a heat coming on- but I just had one, like, two weeks ago,” she admitted. 
“I'm about to start a rut,” Kurt supplied. 
Alex nodded. “How long?” 
“No telling. I thought within the next two days, but now,” he nuzzled into (Y/n)’s shoulder, giving a lick over her scent gland again. “Who knows.” 
“Can you- I mean, I would appreciate it if you could do me the favor of letting her finish the day, and I'll find a replacement for the next week,” she asked. 
There was a nearly silent, low rumble in Kurt's throat, and (Y/n) could tell he wasn't a fan of the idea. 
She pulled back and looked up at him. “Alpha,” she chided, putting her hands on her hips. “You don't think you're going to make me quit my job, do you? Make me stay at home?” 
He smiled at the defiant look in her eyes. “I've come to accept that I can't make you do anything you don't want to, omega,” he told her, and she felt another trickle of slick at him calling her by her presentation. 
He sniffed and she knew that he could smell it from the dark look that came over his eyes. He let her go, but still held her hand, leading her to his usual table and sitting down, giving her a smile. “I'll wait for you to come to me here, Liebling, same as always.” 
(Y/n) felt her cheeks heat, and her lips turned up in a smile. 
Kurt held watch over (Y/n) all shift, as she now realized he had been doing all along, only now he wasn't completely holding back the warning growls to the other alphas when they tried to get too close to her. 
“(Y/n), I have to talk to you,” Alex said as she motioned (Y/n) closer near the end of her shift. 
(Y/n) walked closer, throwing a glance at Kurt outside. “About what?” She asked. 
“Well, it's going to be your first time, right?” 
(Y/n) blushed and nodded. 
“So, has anyone ever given you the talk?” 
(Y/n) shook her head, uncertain of exactly what talk she was talking about, after all, she wasn't a pup, she wasn't stupid, and she had been through a heat before. 
“Ok, so… it's going to get a bit weird…” 
(Y/n) raised her eyebrows. “Weird?” 
Alex looked around to make sure the cooks weren't listening, but decided to pull her back to the office for more privacy. 
“Ok, imagine an alpha, being completely alpha-" (Y/n) nodded, nonplussed. “-and then holding you down… not letting you leave the nest, scent marking everything, biting you all over, following you around everywhere naked, pressed against your back with his arms around you so that you can hardly walk…” 
(Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit. 
“Wanting to shove every part of them possible into you, trying to freaking drink your slick, and not even letting you lay on your stomach because “it might hurt the pups" even though that would be impossible so soon, even if you did conceive,” she said, taking in the stricken look on her face. 
“Holy shit,” (Y/n) murmured. 
“Ok. So there's that. Alphas also tend to get a bit focused, like, when you're in heat and your brain gets a little fuzzy, but instead they get focused and really, really are all about filling you up with pups, but it's the same as us, they may not actually want them yet, but it is definitely on their mind. You may have to remind them that food, water, and sleep are things that exist.” 
(Y/n) bit her lip as nervousness filled her. “Um… Alex, when you said “shove every part possible” wh-what did you mean?” 
Her friend gave her a pitying look, her lips pressing into a line. “He has a tail, right?” 
(Y/n) nodded, her hands fidgeting with each other. 
“You may soon be intimately acquainted with it.” 
(Y/n)’s face heated, and she could tell that Alex was trying not to laugh at her. 
“As well as his fingers, his tongue, his knot, of course, really, anything they can try to get in there… Lord knows why…”
(Y/n) nodded, though she wasn't really able to pay much attention to what Alex was saying. 
When she felt like she'd give as information as she could, Alex put a hand on her friend's shoulder and walked her back to the front of the café. 
(Y/n) looked up as she passed through the door, seeing Kurt waiting for her, standing across the seating area, looking calm and confident. 
She looked behind her to Alex as she passed through the tables, and saw her friend give her an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. 
(Y/n) turned back to Kurt, taking a breath and pushing away her nervousness. 
She could do this. 
Tag List!
@otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore  @racheo91  @tephi101  @lilypalmer1987  @pingu89  @gifsbysimplysonia  @omnomsauruswrites  @keldachick  @Randomfandompenguin  @mannls  @screeching-student-unknown  @lizfawn  @ya-lyublu-tebya  @their-bibliophile  @the-fifth-marauder03  @colourforanamee  @whisperriddle  @143amberrose  @one-of-the-weebs  @The-marvelatic  @silverloveless
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valkyrieofsmutlist · 5 years ago
At Your Service, Alpha! Masterlist
Kurt Wagner x Non mutant! Reader
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Description: Kurt is apartment sitting for his friend and the last thing he expected to find was his one true omega, but there she was. Except she can’t seem to tell they belong together. (Y/n) has dreamed about the day she would meet her one true alpha her whole life. A new, blue, alpha comes to see her every day, and she hates him! Until she starts thinking about him all the time. Her allergies make it so she can’t smell anything, but she knows that her alpha will let her know when he finds her. Won’t he?    NSFW 18+    (In Progress)
Types: Smut. Romance, angst, pining that becomes mutual pining, ABOverse A/B/O dynamics, Alpha Nightcrawler, Sassy Omega Reader
Overall series warnings: Smut, swearing, German (translations provided, but I have bad grammar… Sorry native speakers…) (can’t remember any more at the moment)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4   Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 
Part 10 
Last updated: 10/21/2020   Next update: Writing it now (11/30/2020)
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I was reading the Uncanny X-men when I came across this panel, I thought it cute, funny and I just had to draw it!
Uncanny X-men issue #121
Fraulein.... Boo!
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sapristi-comics · 4 years ago
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justdealingwithsomeissues · 6 years ago
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As is to be expected, everything returns to the status quo after the deal is broken...
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