shibara · 4 months
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A couple of months ago I read Peristalsis by Quakergoth and it absolutely blew my mind, so I had to make some art for it because good god, what a story, 10/10, very fucked up, will reread for ages~ <3
This image is a crop! The full piece, which is explicit and contains non-con and gore, can be seen over here at my pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/4746364
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eowynstwin · 5 months
Selkie Soap who keeps hiding his pelt in your house and saying he can’t leave until you find it (he keeps moving it around every time you get close)
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pinkbeeps · 5 months
Call me peristalsis the way I'm going down your man's esophagus
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Tough to Swallow
Sip a refreshing drink, or take a bite of yummy food and, for most of us, no thought is given to what happens next. Swallowing, like blinking and breathing, is automatic. But what if it isn’t, and one of life’s pleasures becomes uncomfortable and a serious choking risk? Swallowing disorders have a variety of causes that often include a neurological problem such as nerve damage from a degenerative disease, stroke or neurotoxic medication. Recently, researchers have identified in mice the particular oesophagus-targeting neurons (pictured) that sense the presence of food or liquid in the throat and relay signals to the brain to prompt peristalsis – the wave-like squeezing of oesophageal muscles that pushes food to the stomach. The hope is that knowledge of how these cells work and how they might be stimulated could ultimately lead to interventions for people where the simple act of swallowing has become difficult and dangerous.
Written by Ruth Williams
Image from work by Elijah D. Lowenstein and colleagues
Developmental Biology/Signal Transduction, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Image copyright held by the original authors
Research published in Neuron, May 2023
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candont · 2 years
The movement of dead things through the living body
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lokilysolbitch · 7 months
i will always be surprised by how if i push on a my stomach or intestines a few times when it feels like it's not moving, it actually starts moving. manual peristalsis
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adaptable-polarity · 2 years
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Grateful for your guts. Especially today! Finishing the large intestine segment… There’s going to be a lot of additional flow in this region of your body (if you’re in the USA)…and then, taking a moment for all those that won’t see heaping piles of food today. Fun facts: -Your Turkey will travel through five feet of colon before you let go of what is left of it -your Turkey will take 12 to 48 hours to travel those five feet -100 trillion microbes live in your large intestine -your large intestine has a special musculature that squeezes and relaxes in a wave like manner -this movement is called peristalsis and is governed by your parasympathetic nervous system -and apparently, your colon is never empty…so we’re all full of shit! 😂🤣😂 Thanks for stopping by. Stay classy social media! #turkeyday #begrateful #attitudeofgratitude #gratefultoday #thankyou #largeintestinemeridian #largeintestine #colon #smoothmuscle #peristalsis #peristalticpump #parasympatheticnervoussystem #parasympathetic #restanddigest #adaptablepolarity #funfacts #visceralmanipulation #viscera https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWfdx7J9y8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"The stomach has three types of contractions: (1) There are rhythmic, 3 per minute, synchronized contractions in the lower part of the stomach which create waves of food particles and juice which splash against a closed sphincter muscle (the pyloric sphincter) to grind food down into small particles. (2) The upper part of the stomach shows slow relaxations lasting a minute or more that follow each swallow and that allow the food to enter the stomach; at other times the upper part of the stomach shows slow contractions which help to empty the stomach. (3) Between meals, after all the digestible food has left the stomach, there are occasional bursts of very strong, synchronized contractions that are accompanied by opening of the pyloric sphincter muscle. These are sometimes called "housekeeper waves" because their function is to sweep any indigestible particles out of the stomach. Another name for them is the migrating motor complex."
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ceeberoni · 6 months
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no you cant have the ultimate weapon and heres why. well the reason is ive decided to shloink him silly style
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novustrad · 6 months
I'd be surprised if a lot of the terminology in these books so far hasn't inspired a few future doctors
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eowynstwin · 2 months
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Proof of life for selkie soap
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the-stray-storyteller · 5 months
So I was writing....and I started describing this heartbeat thing for an alien race
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Then I remembered that this fucking alien race doesn't have a fucking literal biological heart and now I don't know how to describe this feeling.
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marieisnothere12 · 4 months
Im not a system but like I mentally spilt myself into multiple parts like I name them but its not like hosts or headmates its like inside out like 5 different entities miserably failing st being a human theyre not a single emotions but like a smoothie maybe my depersonalization lets me objectively view my emotions ans thoughts i kinda want to organize them so who wants usless yapping
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candont · 1 year
Neither the show nor the show within the show has a name. There are no credits, no title sequences, pure binge TV in its perfected manifestation, content that never ends, interrupted only and frequently by ad breaks, enforced absences in the flow of our consciousness, like a sleep full of symbols and portents. We reorganize the onstreaming into television in our hearts; we declare borders, we define episodes and seasons. We catalogue, document, and discourse, because we like it like that
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dracula-enthusiast · 8 months
got 97% and 95% on my two finals today 💪💪
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skinnamon39 · 1 year
occasionally I see some art tagged as body horror and it's just like. some intestines hanging out or a stray eyeball. my good sir that's gore
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