#period rights
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magicalaugirl · 2 years ago
To everyone being told their unbearable menstrual pain is normal
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone being denied medication for menstrual pain when needed
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone being accused of exaggerating when describing menstrual pain
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone that had to go through outrageous numbers of ginecologists before being given a diagnosis
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone that only found out they had endometriosis because they were trying for pregnancy and were infertile
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To all the scientist advocating and being denied funding for the study of endometriosis and women’s menstrual rights
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To every single person that up to this date have to take contraceptive pills because there is no treatment for endometriosis
Today is endometriosis visibility day
To everyone being denied medical leave by their jobs despite not being able to get themselves to work due to menstrual cramps
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skye-writes-stuff · 2 years ago
Why period products should be free in public bathrooms
Nobody carries around quarters - (I try to keep them with me for gumball machines, but what if I come across a gumball machine right before I need a tampon? What if a tampon is 75c and I only have 25c, because that is the amount usually needed to obtain a gumball? What if I just want a gumball more than a tampon, and since I had to spend my money on a tampon my day has been ruined?
What money is the place I'm at putting it towards? Because it's definitely not getting better period products- have you seen those things?
Again about the money thing - Why is it 75c?! You know how everyone usually just happens to have 3 quarters on them at all times. I'm not suggesting they increase the price at all, but it's such a specific number.
(Mall/store example) - I don't get a tampon (see reasons listed above), I leave, which is overall bad for business. I could buy a $20 shirt which would benefit said mall/store more than the 75c I paid for a tampon.
The reasons public places probably don't have period products for free, is most likely because they use the "it's too expensive" argument. Which is EXACTLY what we're saying. 🎶 Biological girls just wanna have fun and get gumballs, biological girls just wanna have fuuuuun 🎶 
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g3othermal3scapism · 10 months ago
rose tyler visiting home wearing tshirts from artists and tours that havent happened yet or tv shows that dont exist yet and everyone thinking she just has weird obscure music taste and is rly weird. its 2006 rose tyler walking down the street and everyone who glances at her shirt is thinking ‘who in the fuck is olivia rodrigo and where did this girl get a 2024 tour shirt’
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synnicall · 2 months ago
Thinking about Ghost with a baby, doesn’t have to be his.
Lounging on the couch, the baby sat on one of his thighs with one big hand supporting their back, knee bouncing slightly more so out of habit rather than the impulse to bounce the kid. He looks down at the child, a smirk twitching the corner of his lip as he goes to tickle their belly. Giggles fill the air as his big fingers press and wiggle at the kid’s sides. It makes his heart swell: seeing such a small and innocent thing hold so much trust in him, see him as a facet of joy and laughter rather than pain and fear.
He tries not to let that feeling sink too deep in his heart as he lifts the baby to his chest, their head tucking itself under his.
He tries and fails when the child’s grip on his t-shirt tightens.
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divine-draws · 1 month ago
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since everyone is on there period rn, have trans teen stan and ford on their period too 😔
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auspicioustidings · 6 months ago
It would be so jarring dating Soap because he will so casually say shit like "spit in my mouth would ye bonnie?" with full sincerity at the pub. "The new nails are well braw... naw had a finger up my arse in a while hen so time tae break them in" when you are at a bloody wedding. "Dinnae take it personal LT, she's on the rag and I havnae given her head in over an hour so that's why she's bitchin'. Open up bonnie, let me make it better" as he is bullying his head between your thighs when you're supposed to be having a nice dinner at his Lieutenants house and you snap at Ghost.
Johnny just does not have an off switch nor do you think he understands the concept of public decency. But fuck he's so damn good to you and is so incredibly obsessed with making you cum that you just learn to live with the embarassment he puts you through.
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rosequartzmushrooms · 1 month ago
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Reproductiverights.gov website has been taken down since the inauguration. I have also been seeing an increase in advertisements for period tracker apps. If you are a person with a uterus in the United States, DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANY PERIOD TRACKER!!!
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obsob · 11 months ago
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days are getting warmer but i am always warm when im with you ! !
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wrenwhite · 6 months ago
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boobed up tboys unite :P (he/him for both)
some fanart for @wolfertinger666
i really like salem's design, and wanted to draw him and my own fursona. i always really appreciate your positivity, and wanted to share some of my own. hope you like this!
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hinamie · 9 months ago
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round 2 of prelim designs for @philosophiums n my lovechild of an au
first year trio
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brandyschillace · 1 year ago
The Forgotten History of the World’s First Transgender Clinic
I finished the first round of edits on my nonfiction history of trans rights today. It will publish with Norton in 2025, but I decided, because I feel so much of my community is here, to provide a bit of the introduction.
[begin sample]
The Institute for Sexual Sciences had offered safe haven to homosexuals and those we today consider transgender for nearly two decades. It had been built on scientific and humanitarian principles established at the end of the 19th century and which blossomed into the sexology of the early 20th. Founded by Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish homosexual, the Institute supported tolerance, feminism, diversity, and science. As a result, it became a chief target for Nazi destruction: “It is our pride,” they declared, to strike a blow against the Institute. As for Magnus Hirschfeld, Hitler would label him the “most dangerous Jew in Germany.”6 It was his face Hitler put on his antisemitic propaganda; his likeness that became a target; his bust committed to the flames on the Opernplatz. You have seen the images. You have watched the towering inferno that roared into the night. The burning of Hirschfeld’s library has been immortalized on film reels and in photographs, representative of the Nazi imperative, symbolic of all they would destroy. Yet few remember what they were burning—or why.
Magnus Hirschfeld had built his Institute on powerful ideas, yet in their infancy: that sex and gender characteristics existed upon a vast spectrum, that people could be born this way, and that, as with any other diversity of nature, these identities should be accepted. He would call them Intermediaries.
Intermediaries carried no stigma and no shame; these sexual and Gender nonconformists had a right to live, a right to thrive. They also had a right to joy. Science would lead the way, but this history unfolds as an interwar thriller—patients and physicians risking their lives to be seen and heard even as Hitler began his rise to power. Many weren’t famous; their lives haven’t been celebrated in fiction or film. Born into a late-nineteenth-century world steeped in the “deep anxieties of men about the shifting work, social roles, and power of men over women,” they came into her own just as sexual science entered the crosshairs of prejudice and hate. The Institute’s own community faced abuse, blackmail, and political machinations; they responded with secret publishing campaigns, leaflet drops, pro-homosexual propaganda, and alignments with rebel factions of Berlin’s literati. They also developed groundbreaking gender affirmation surgeries and the first hormone cocktail for supportive gender therapy.
Nothing like the Institute for Sexual Sciences had ever existed before it opened its doors—and despite a hundred years of progress, there has been nothing like it since. Retrieving this tale has been an exercise in pursuing history at its edges and fringes, in ephemera and letters, in medal texts, in translations. Understanding why it became such a target for hatred tells us everything about our present moment, about a world that has not made peace with difference, that still refuses the light of scientific evidence most especially as it concerns sexual and reproductive rights.
[end sample]
I wanted to add a note here: so many people have come together to make this possible. Like Ralf Dose of the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft (Magnus Hirschfeld Archive), Berlin, and Erin Reed, American journalist and transgender rights activist—Katie Sutton, Heike Bauer. I am also deeply indebted to historian, filmmaker and formative theorist Susan Stryker for her feedback, scholarship, and encouragement all along the way. And Laura Helmuth, editor of Scientific American, whose enthusiasm for a short article helped bring the book into being. So many LGBTQ+ historians, archivists, librarians, and activists made the work possible, that its publication testifies to the power of the queer community and its dedication to preserving and celebrating history. But I ALSO want to mention you, folks here on tumblr who have watched and encouraged and supported over the 18 months it took to write it (among other books and projects). @neil-gaiman has been especially wonderful, and @always-coffee too: thank you.
The support of this community has been important as I’ve faced backlash in other quarters. Thank you, all.
NOTE: they are attempting to rebuild the lost library, and you can help: https://magnus-hirschfeld.de/archivzentrum/archive-center/
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seventh-district · 10 months ago
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 1 - Ratiorine Messages Edition
[Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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profeminist · 9 months ago
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My ovulation tracker suddenly asked what state I live in
"It said telling them was required to continue using the app.
The fuck it is.
I deleted it immediately. Like I’m gonna risk police showing up to my door if I miss a month due to non-pregnancy reasons.
Update: I just went to the tracker’s spot in the App Store to leave a review warning other potential users. According to the last few reviews that were written, I am NOT the first user since the last update who noticed and immediately deleted.
I have no problem naming and shaming the app, but I’m unsure if it’s allowed. If a moderator could let me know if I’m allowed to name the app or not, I’d really appreciate it!
Edit #2: I’ve gotten permission to name the app as long as we don’t go brigading. The app is called Ovia. Avoid it like the plague!"
Original Post
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funstyle · 5 months ago
follicular phase will have u thinking shit like "i wanna fuck the dreams out of him". luteal phase will have u thinking shit like "a loving god wouldnt have put me in this body"
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zu-is-here · 3 months ago
It's going to happen soon, Big good luck Cross ;v;
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one snowy night
[12/12] happy birthday, my little potato ♡
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edlucavalden · 4 months ago
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Sleeping all day.. hey, we all have our bad days.. don't we?
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