#perhaps i am soft for blaise now
sunnylands-world · 2 years
Bloody rose's
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Pairing: step dad Mafia draco x reader
Summary: you happen to walk in on your step dad in a meeting with his enemy in the mafia while pregnant with his child and Draco has to keep them quiet…
Word count:629
Warning: mentions of gun's, talks of harming others, pregnant reader, I think that's it
Universe: step dad draco in the mafia
A/n: hope you like it 🤍😌@b-bewley1979
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Your hand rested on the swell of your belly as you walked the house in your skin-tight black dress. The cotton was soft and elastic. It was your favorite dress to wear around the house, especially since you were carrying a child now. Draco and your baby. When you found out you were scared of the baby coming into this world with a father working in the field he was in, but he assured you he wouldn't let anything happen to either of you with a kiss on your forehead and your belly making you smile.
You were now at the kitchen island as the cook prepared lunch. You tried to help her, but she insisted that you needed your strength, which made you laugh. She was an older woman who had been employed by the Malfoys for years. She was awfully nice to you when you moved in.
"I'll get Draco," you said, standing up, and she nodded, continuing with lunch. You walked down the hallway before you encountered the stairs which were not fun to walk during pregnancy, holding the rail. You headed up towards his office, knocking, but there was no response, so you opened the door, seeing Draco leaned back in his chair. His snake tattoo is nearly visible under his button-up with the black cover-up on top and a few buttons open.
"Draco the-"
"I had no idea your stepdaughter was pregnant, congratulations!" a voice you recognize caught your attention. You didn't even see Harry enter but you knew not to speak to him because the reds were enemies on the green side of the Mafia.
"Yes, with my child, so if you don't mind, hurry this the fuck up so I can go down for lunch with her" Draco said, sitting forward. Harry fixed his glasses, a smirk coming at his face.
"Ah, so it's yours, " he beamed, but you could hear the sarcasm in his tone. He stood walking toward you, but the guard blocked you, lifting his weapon.
"Listen, Harry, I'd hate for something to happen to your friend Ron, who we caught last time trying to steal my things, so I suggested you keep your mouth shut or I'll cut your redhead friend up and mail him to you." Draco glared. Harry swallowed, adjusting his tie.
"Ho-how did you find out -"
"him breaking into my warehouse trying to steal my weapons like the broke piece of shit he is?" Draco stood coming to your side and putting his arm around you protectively.
"Well the asshole is clumsy as Fuck. He nearly killed himself by setting off a bomb in my building, which made me have to switch locations and I am very, very, very pissed about that. I was going to kill him but my beautiful princess here begged me not to. I think you should say thank you. " He moved from your side, taking a knife from his pocket and putting it to Harry's neck.
"Say it," he ordered. Harry was on edge and shaking.
"Thank you" Harry gave in, breathing, when Draco removed the knife.
"Be quiet and perhaps Granger will still have a husband," he murmured, and Harry nodded.
"Blaise get this pussy out of my sight" Draco scoffed and Blaise nodded, grabbing Harry by the collar and dragging him out.
"You know you didn't have to tell him the baby was yours," you say quietly looking down towards the carpet.
"But I'm not ashamed of you or my child," he said, putting one finger under your chin and slowly kissing your lips.
"Come on, I'm sure lunch is ready and I'm starving!" Draco exaggerated, walking you out. You shook your head, amused.
Draco never missed an opportunity to point out everyone who had the most power.
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Request open 😺
Draco's lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf , @jac1ndaa
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Hello lovely, congratulations once again🥰🥰 Can i pls have a ship? 🥺👉👈 i'm a Hufflepuff, i like swimming, dancing and singing, although i study public policy lol (kinda political sciences); i like reading although i haven't read much lately (thanks uni). I'm very emotional and passionate, i never shut up, i'm very protective over my friends and i struggle a lot with mental health, also i'm a hugeeee procrastinator. I like cooking, i'm trying to go vegan again and i curse a lot, lol. 🥰🥰
I ship you with Blaise Zabini!
okay hear me out
I am a sucker for SlytherPuff couples and i feel like you two are peRFECT
once upon a time.... Ok im kidding it all started when Blaise caught you singing alone at night
he was patrolling as he was a prefect (cmon this dude hAS to be a prefect look at him) and he accidentally saw you singing in one of the empty classrooms
Now, Blaise isn't familliar with love at first sight since *cough*his mom*cough* but there was a tingly feeling on his chest as he watched you singing your heart out (you must've forgotten the 'muffliato' charm)
He recognized you as you two shared classes occasionally, he only knew your name, Alyssa.
You didn't notice him at all actually, he didn't come forward to reprimand you or anything, he just watched from afar, admiring your voice.
Starting from there, Blaise noticed you everywhere
You would be in class laughing at your friends and he would look at you, his heart went badump badump at your sight
Or reading at the fountain with your hair almost covering your face as your head was so down low to the book you had on your lap, he would have stared at you for hours if it wasn't for Crabbe and Goyle shoving him to move quick
Boi wasn't familliar of these feelings at all, so he was very confused as of why his heart decided to beat faster whenever you smile or laugh with your Hufflepuff friends
So he asked Pansy about it (because god forbid if he asked Draco, he would rather drown himself)
"So your heart beats faster whenever you see her?" Pansy asked, intrigued. It's not everyday Blaise would talk to her, let alone for something like this.
He nodded, furrowing his eyebrows, "Am I sick? Should I see Madam Pomfrey about it?" He asked, his voice concerned for himself despite his stoic expression (he's bad at expressing emotions let him live syaf).
Pansy chuckled, knowing immediately what's wrong with Blaise. "Maybe not Madam Pomfrey, perhaps go see the blood traitor Weasley Twins instead,"
He shot her a ridiculous look, "What? Why?"
Pansy rolled her eyes at him, he's so oblivious sometimes, "Because, Zabini, they're selling love potions."
Poor Blaise still didn't follow, "What does that had to do with anything?"
"Salazar Slytherin, Blaise," Pansy sighed out, annoyed now.
"You like that Hufflepuff girl. Romantically."
And Hell breaks loose for Blaise.
See, Blaise hates the idea of love, his mother proved that, so when Pansy said that, he didn't know how to react
Like, AT ALL
Pansy had to see him went through 7 stages of grief in 15 seconds
He stormed to his room so quick, slamming the door shut and that night he didn't sleep at all, he processed everything
He had thought he's asexual; he had no interest in love or sex before
And then this Hufflepuff girl, Alyssa came into his life and he's in shambles trying to recognize himself again
He had avoided you ever since then, he didn't want to feel it again (poor boy lemme give u a hug)
Well, it worked until Draco (that slimy git) had pushed your friend, Hannah Abott to the ground for being in his way one day.
And oh boy, were you furious
"What was that bloody for, Malfoy?" You spat as you shoved him back, before glancing at Hannah who was helped by your other friends.
Blaise was surprised, normally when Draco pushed someone away, they would cower in fear for his father. But you; you didn't give a single fuck.
Draco narrowed his eyes at you, scoffing in disbelief, "You dare to push me? You filthy little mudblood!" He shouted at you.
You scoffed, "Learn to have some human decency, Malfoy. Wrinkles look bad on you."
A sudden snort interrupted Draco from hexing you.
It was Blaise, and he was trying so hard not to laugh. You looked at him in confusion; you never saw him smile before.... he has a nice smile.
"What are you laughing at, Zabini?" Draco sneered and Blaise rolled his eyes, his mood flattens down immediately by the platinum blonde, "Let's just go, Malfoy, class is starting soon." He said, glancing at you who had already looked at him.
There it is. Badump badump.
Draco huffed, "He'll hear about this for sure," and walked away, purposely shoves Blaise in the shoulder while on it. Blaise rolled his eyes at the childishness and turned to you, "You alright?"
That was the first time he ever talked to you.
You gave him a polite smile, "I had him earlier, you know. But thank you anyway," you said, suddenly got flustered as Blaise returned the smile.
He scoffed in amusement, "I know you did, but then again it wouldn't hurt to save someone from getting hexed at."
You rolled your eyes playfully, "If he hexed me, I would simply hex him back, so don't you worry."
A lingering smile on his lips, amused by your fiery personality. His mind was screaming to get away from you, but his heart had made him stayed put, stayed close to you.
"Say, are you free this weekend?" He suddenly asked, a sudden confidence was surging through him.
You shrugged, "Depends on what activity, why?" You never realized this but Blaise was quite... Handsome.
"I'm taking you to Hogsmeade, heard there's a new dessert at Three Broomsticks." He said smoothly, slowly Blaise took a liking at the fast heartbeat his heart made.
You smiled, shocked at the sudden confidence the boy in front of you had.
"Saturday, 8 am. I'll wait you at Zonko's." Was all you said as you turned around and left, leaving him speechless.
And that was the start of your beautiful relationship with Blaise Zabini.
He was a complete gentleman, smiling at you who was shocked, he arrived there sooner than you.
The Hogsmeade date was a complete success, you had shared the said dessert with him; only to find out later on he doesn't like dessert at all, but tried one anyway because it's with you
He was stoic and had difficulties to express his feelings through facial expression, but when he's with you; it became easier.
You're passionate at the things you love to do, and he loves hearing you talk about it, your eyes twinkled so much he wished he could store the twinkles for himself
That day Blaise smiled for the whole day (creeping out Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo, although Pansy only smiled)
You would sing him to sleep whenever he sneaked into the Hufflepuff dorms to see you, and he loves to hear it.
"I've actually liked you even before I asked you to Hogsmeade," "Oh really? What have I done?" "I caught you singing at night one day, and my heart started to beat faster. I didn't understand what it was then, but Parkinson told me I like you." "Well, do you?" "Darling, I like you more than I like my friends." "Good to know, because I like you too."
The first time he realized he loves you was 2 weeks after that, you two had spent time a lot together, and he had never shared so much information of himself to others before.
You made him feel safe.
You made him feel loved, he barely had that since his mother is too busy finding a new husband
You taught him that love is indeed real, and love is indeed beautiful
And that's why he loves you.
To him, you are love.
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selenesheart · 3 years
astonished // d.m.
word count: 1.9k words
warnings: smut, oral sex (male receiving), innocent looking reader, best friends au, dirty talk, wet dream, praises, naughty thoughts.
summary: draco never thought the innocent y/n would give such an amazing blowjob.
a/n: thanks to @silverdelirium for telling me to write ily
“oh yeah! just like that,” draco groaned as he held your hips tightly, the side of your face pressed against the mattress harshly by his hand. his hips coming in contact with yours, clapping sounds could be heard from where the two of you connected.
heavy breathing, sweaty hands, and a very visible boner. those were the things draco woke up to. lately, he’s been having these sweet dreams that involved you getting naked at the end.
the blonde groaned as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, he couldn’t control it, the thought of shagging you until you were breathless, it always came back. even it the worst times possible.
he felt guilt swirl at the pitch of his stomach, embarrassment fulfilled his body at the many times he’d dreamed about you, on that little skirt of yours.
he felt bad, yet he could help but imagine those little innocent eyes of yours, or how you would look with your fingers going in and out of you repeatedly.
he was sure that you had little to no experience in the sexual world. considering the fact that he had watched boys and girls give you useless hints, and joked about their sex life, yet you gave no reactions to those conversations, having no clue of what any of that meant, or so he thought.
“why don’t you shag her, then?” blaise spoke shortly after draco explain his situation to his best friend. “shh! no, I’m not doing such thing.” draco shushed blaise, he wasn’t really trying to get humiliated in the middle of breakfast.
“you know y/n,” draco sighed “she’s not really into that type of stuff.” said draco, the thought of telling you rushing in his mind, but quickly waving it off as he saw you walk in the great hall, with that bright smile, and those angelic features.
“how do you know?” asked blaise.
“how do you know if she’s not into that type of stuff? I mean sure, she looks like she wouldn’t kill a soul, but again, it doesn’t mean she’s has a limited sex life.” he advised draco, who seemed to be deep in thought.
draco watched as you took sat with your friends, a few tables always from his.
blaise could be right. but he was too much of a coward to actually talk to you about such things, despite the fact that you know him like the back of your hand.
draco never imagined that his sweet, innocent best friend would even dare to be on her knees for someone. he felt his pants tighten at the thought of your beautiful body, sinking on your knees for him, glassy eyes looking up at him, mouth full of his heavy cock.
he took a deep breath as he gripped his silver spoon, he felt dizzy, and with shaky hands, he dismissed himself from breakfast. this girl would be the death of him.
“y/n!” your friend called “you’ve been staring at the same spot for more than thirty minutes,” they spoke quietly. blinking a few times, you tore your eyes from the blonde’s empty chair. wondering why would draco miss his favourite class? only if you knew.
you were worried for him. these past few weeks, he’d been avoiding you, acting a bit odd. sometimes you’d catch his eyes looking at you, analyzing every move you made. still, you would deliver him a sweet smile before returning to whatever your current task was.
sometimes, you wished those warm smiles, and the glances the two of you shared across the room meant something and the times where he would hold your hand under the table made you feel warm inside. you would be lying if you said that you didn’t think of the handsome blonde while your fingers were inside you.
often, you would think about how his mesmerizing eyes would hold eye contact while his dick would enter you roughly and fuck you senselessly until all you could do is mumble a few breaths of malfoy’s.
maybe this was wrong. yet you couldn’t help but have wild thoughts about your so-called best friend.
you took a deep breath before knocking on draco’s door, hoping that he would be alone at the moment. you played with your fingers while waiting, you bit your bottom lip slightly as you saw the dark door open with a tired draco behind it.
merlin, did he look good.
with slightly wet hair, pajama pants on, accompanied by a simple white shirt. if you didn’t know better, you would say that you could see the outline of his abs through his thin shirt. you let out a breath before speaking again.
“can— can we talk?” you asked quietly, you watched as draco’s jaw muscles flexed. he let you in his cold dorm as he eyed you for a second, taking your appearance in.
you had a night slip covering your body, considering that it was almost curfew, you just wanted to have a small talk with him before heading to your room. it took all of him to not stare at your cleavage for more than a second.
“what do you want to talk about?” he said nervously, maybe you had used the legilimency spell on him and read of all his naughty thoughts about her getting naked with him. or perhaps…
“why are you avoiding me draco?” the way his name left your mouth was intoxicating. he furrowed his brows, walking closer to you. you felt small under his presence.
“i’m not!”
“yes, you are”
“no, i am not”
“what did i do wrong?” you questioned your best friend, maybe it had something to do with the way you treated him in the past.
“what? nothing, you did nothing wrong. it’s just that—” his voice died as he closed his eyes, he took a deep breath. he didn’t really want to tell you how he felt about you. what if you left and never came back to his life? he didn’t want to risk it.
“it’s just what? tell me draco,” you raised your voice unexpectedly “tell me what’s wrong so I can help you.” you said sweetly. he hated the way you could still be sweet even when you just finished yelling at him.
“it’s nothing, I swear!” he raised his voice immediately “how about we talk in the morning, hm?” he hummed, trying to save his embarrassment for the next day.
“just tell me what’s going on so I can go!” you yelled, anger and frustration building up in your body. your eyes looking directly at his. you were extremely close now.
“fine!” he yelled, you could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears “I’ve had wet dreams about you and… I still do, okay?” he admitted, he groaned as he rubbed his temple in frustration.
“and I know you’re not quite familiar with—” he tried to explain himself before you cut him off.
“draco” you breathed, you took his face in your hands. hesitantly, you brought your lips to his, kissing him slowly but firmly. after the two of you parted lips, he looked lost of words.
“do you trust me?” you asked with a tiny smile on your face. he nodded, still dumbfounded by the breathtaking kiss you just gave him.
soon, the two of you were devouring each other. lips, tongues connected as you took your time taking off your night slip dress. when it was off draco wasted no time on caressing one of your soft breasts, rolling your hardening nipple between his fingers. finally feeling the tits he always imagines while stroking himself at night.
you disconnected your lips from his as he took his shirt off, muscular, smooth chest on display. your hand traveled from his chest to his lower stomach. palming his growing cock through his pants.
he breathed out your name when you got on your knees, holding his long legs for support. he began telling you that you didn’t have to do this if you didn’t want to before you shushed him. you placed small kisses over his crotch, smiling slightly as you felt it twitch against your lips.
you hooked your fingers in his pants, bringing his pajama pants down along with his underwear. you observed his heavy dick with parted lips, it looked delicious. your hand came in contact with the tip as your eyes went up to his face. innocent eyes looking up at him.
the fact that you still looked innocent drove him crazy, it made the desire for you grow. he felt filthy, yet he couldn’t help but made him want to destroy you and that little innocent face.
“you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” you spoke so close to his dripping tip, he could feel your breath against it. he fought the urge of grabbing the back of your head and shoving his whole length down your throat.
your lips came in contact with his tip, sucking on it roughly, taking draco off guard. you were doing so good, mind-blowing good actually. he never imagined you would be so skillful with your mouth.
you took more of his cock in your mouth, your hands working on the rest of his length. then, you took all of him in, his tip pressed against your throat as his fingers made their way down your head, guiding you up and down while he threw his head back.
“you’re doing— oh— so good” he groaned lowly, one of his hands flew to his bed’s poster for support. you moaned against him at the praise, his word making you clench your thighs.
the blonde thrusted his hips, making you gag loudly, tears threatening to escape your eyes. draco caressed the side of your face lovingly like your mouth wasn’t full of his dick.
your hand made its way to his aching balls, folding them, as you hollowed your cheeks, making draco moan loudly.
“fuck! you’re so good to me,” his mouth opened, however, there was no sound coming out of it. he felt his high coming quickly.
you released a hand from him, taking it up until you were feeling his abs, you could feel how his muscles flexed against your skin from the pleasure. he was cumming soon.
you grabbed one of draco’s hands and guided it down to your chest so he could feel your desperate breasts. he saw stars the moment his fingers tips came in contact with your hard nipple, he grabbed your tit roughly as his prick twitched uncontrollably.
before you knew it, your best friend’s cum was dripping down your throat, stuffing your mouth with his warm cum as he moaned loudly from the pleasure you gave him.
your tongue collected all of the remaining liquid. draco felt like he was dreaming, his kind, innocent best friend just sucked him off like a fucking goddess. even if he was dreaming, he would surely wank off to whatever this was in the future.
with his hands still on top of your breasts, you opened your mouth to show him that you had swallowed all of his cum. his eyes grew dark.
“oh merlin,” he sighed as he felt his dick hardened once more.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Please do 8th, I am a whore for that one!! 😗
Bitter addiction
For @drarry-is-my-therapy | Dialogueprompt: " if you bite that lip one more time, I'm going to go it for you "
Someone wise said There’s a fine line between love and hate, so fine that it may even seem like a point if far into deep. And so exists a very fine line between love and lust, much mistaken often to be the same. Combining the three, love, hate and lust, were what harry felt for draco. He hated draco, loathed with every single atomic matter that ran in his veins, his muscles and his psychological being and yet he loved the way draco was, they way everything about him screamed ' watch me', effortless in every sense, like he must've been curated by Michael Angelo himself, and harry loved him like he loved the hate he had for him. The man could snap a finger and he would be the hottest, most beautiful man in any room, just like an angel had himself come down to show mercy on harry and then there was lust. The most dangerous of them all. For once harry could handle the love and the absolute hate, but lust, it drove him crazy. It kept him up nights after night in relentless sighs, moaning and whispering his name like a prayer he'd learnt since he was a child. And above all, he hated that Draco made him feel.
Harry had been with men and women, woken up with strangers and had scattered them away but that one drunken night after work had transitioned into a fixed memory, as if everyone had after him was based on such evaluation, that everyone after him would have to be analytically better than him, but he had no competition. He was one of his kind, only one of who could make harry desperate to have him writhing under him and that was Draco. Harry remembers that night vividly when they had stumbled from the bar, to the kitchen in Harry's place, sloppily kissing each other, with moans emerging out of them like a rhyme to a poetry, and the hands all over each other. He remembers kissing the side of Draco's neck, hearing that grunt that made him groan in pleasure that sent fireworks across his body and all how Draco humped for the tiniest of friction between their bodies. One thing after another, Draco was lying under Harry, moaning for more, his eyes sparkling with the tears of pleasure as he asked Harry to go faster, like he meant it and harry remembered going on and on until the last of his breath gave out and he collapsed on top of Draco, marking his neck with hickey's in hopes that he may never forget the wondrous night.
But Draco had left much before Harry could've asked him anything and harry knew the sign too well, being the one who did it too often himself. He went to work that very next morning, not seeing Draco, even though they shared a room and even the same case but all Harry thought of was the pleasured look on Draco's face.
But they never discussed that night, as if so it was only a drunken mistake and nothing was left to talk about. Harry knew it then to never get involved with Draco, yet somehow, there he was with Draco's hands pinned against the bed above his head with one of Harry's hand resting over his little waist as he fucked Draco with so much of a pleasure.
But this time, Draco left before morning with a note " thanks for a great night ~ D.m."
Harry didn't know if he should've replied or not, but somehow decided he'd talk with him over work. But like last week, he couldn't, not because there wasn't anything left off to do but because he had Found him Flirting with Jackson in Muggle artifacts department.
This happened 3 more times in total when Harry had let down his so pulled up guard with only simple words that Draco Whispered in his ears when they'd dance " I want you, harry "
It was as if, Draco too was addicted with the pleasure of feeling Harry's soft, tanned skin against his, feeling his arms as Harry fucked him over the bed, feeling of his hands being pinned and seeing in Harry's eyes. Maybe it was bitter addiction to both of them, but it was addiction.
" he's playing on something " Ron had warned harry when Harry had tried to seek some advice while they were on a usual 'bitch about' session.
" what exactly could he even play at ?"
" I don't know Harry, maybe he's wanting you to reach out to him or definitely playing hard to get. Whatever it is, it seems like friends with benefits, only you don't know how if it really is your case " Ron explained as he squinted his eyes from the narrow beam of sunlight that hit his eyes
" why would he even do that ?" Harry sighed as he slumped further in his chair " I mean I'm fine with friends with Benefits but if that's what it is, I need to know "
" you're fine with friend's with benefits?" Ron asked as though he was surprised
" I mean- yeah. It's not like it's total shit. I mean yes there's a risk of actually liking him but what most plausibly could go wrong now. I hate him, yet I like him too "
" hm- you guys always have had a pretty weird relationship " Ron hummed playing with the crystal ball from his table
" I don't know. I'd Just like to know whatever it is that we have, like is it like exclusive or friend's with benefits or if it's just some random hook-"
" is he a jealous guy ?" Ron suddenly asked leaning forward as though he was finally attentive
" what ? "
" is he the jealous type of guy ?" He asked
" I- I don't know. I haven't seen him being potentially jealous of someone around me, although he does make sure that everyone watches him when he dances with me, but I don't think that's him trying to make anyone jealous " harry shrugged
" what's your point anyways ?" Harry asked crossing his legs
" you guy's are not exclusive, not that you two know and knowing you two both won't talk about it, make it seem like whatever you two have is exclusive"
" how exactly ?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows
" let's say, the next time you guys hook up, you stay up, or something, tell him to go Maybe and that someone's coming over " Ron suggested
" that's a shit suggestion but I agree on what you're trying to get on. I just have to make him jealous " harry hummed as he stared at the wall behind him
" exactly. Now you just have to find someone to actually make him jealous through "
" and who would that be ?"
" hey, ron can I talk to you for a mom- oh, send me a memo, whenever you're free "
Harry looked at Ron curiously as though the wildest idea came into his head " Blaise? You got a moment ?"
Harry grinded his body against Draco's as they danced to the low music of the bar they had gotten drunk in like every other time it happened. Harry enjoyed the sensation of feeling Draco's hands over his side's, his body pressed against his own, his breath fanning over Harry neck, swaying his body with Harry's moves and then, there it was,
" I want you, harry "
Harry smirked to himself as he still danced against Draco, ignoring the uncontrollable urge to disapparate them to his bedroom.
" I'm sorry but I got a date in a few minutes " harry replied, his voice coming more of a rasp
Draco's Hands suddenly stopped swaying, his body becoming slightly stiffer as he mumbled " you got a date?"
Harry smirked to himself as he turned around " yes, a date. I'll see you around Draco" he winked and walked off to the bar, ordering one drinking, gulping it away and then he met Blaise.
Harry made it so much sure that draco definitely saw Harry Flirtatiously Whispering in Blaise ears. And grinned happily when he found Draco was watching, with a stern face.
The whole pretend with Blaise and dodging draco went on for 2 week until Draco had to ask, he just had to.
" what's the deal between you and Blaise ?" Draco narrowed his eyes from across the table at harry as he pushed back his chair to lean backwards
Harry looked down from where he was standing finding some file with an amused smile " nothing special. Why do you ask ?"
" no reason, apart from the fact that it seems unrealistic. Like it's staged " Draco tilted his head for emphasis.
" staged ? Looks like someone can't digest that I'm with someone " harry snickered softly as he stacked away files
" then tell me what Exactly of an item even are you and him ?" Draco asked, merely curious, perhaps more.
" nothing exclusive. Random hook ups. A few dates. Why are you suddenly so curious about me and Blaise ? Are you, perhaps, jealous ?" Harry looked at Draco with a mocking smirk
" jealous! Why would I be ?"
" I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm not just with you but with someone else too" Harry's Voice densed as he stepped closer to the chair draco was sitting on.
" why should that bother me ? We're not exclusive " Draco looked anywhere but Harry's face, as if he felt slightly embarrassed.
" exactly. So it's my business however I like to fuck Blaise, against the wall or against the bed. And that shouldn't bother you " harry smirked as he put his hands over the sides of Draco's chair, leaning down to face Draco.
" it's none of my business " Draco gulped as he stared at the proximity of their faces
" not your business, right. Then you won't mind if i tell you we hooked up after the last time we hooked up ?" Harry asked as he tried his best to stare at Draco's lips without wanting to kiss them.
" nope. Not my business. You're at perfect liberty to kiss whoever you want, whenever you want and wherever you want " Draco replied without taking his eyes off Harry's lips, as though if Harry leaned anymore closer he won't be able to resist himself.
" and how I kiss, right. It won't bother you if I kiss over his neck, give him a hickey as he moans, right. It won't bother you if I told you that I kissed him behind the building, made out even, or the fact that I kissed him when I fucked him last night or that I bit his lips, licked his lips and passionately kissed him with tongue with the desperation to just Rip each others clothes off with and just fuck until our breaths gave out like I fucked you against the bed, with your hands pinned above your head while you kept moaning my name and begging me to go faster. It won't bother you if I said, I did it with him too " harry rasped
" y- yes. It doesn't bother me " Draco swallowed.
" good then" and harry walked away back to stacking his files up in the rack again.
" I suppose you'd be bringing him to ministry dinner ? Rockwall's retirement dinner?" Draco had asked at the end of the day just before they left
" who ?"
" Blaise " he could've sworn Draco smirked before he had turned away to pick up his coat from the stand.
Harry frowned before he realised why he would " oh, I- no. We're not that public kind of couple sort of thing yet so. I'll ask him though"
" you should bring him " Draco had smiled mockingly before he walked out of the door, leaving Harry to fetch his own coat and bags.
" what's he playing at now ?" Harry furiously Whispered to himself as he left for home.
He didn't figure out what Exactly Draco was playing at until the very day of the ministry dinner and they were sat at the far end of the table, facing each other. Everything seemed fine until during the middle of the dinner, Harry not so subtly jerked on the feeling of something going up his legs. He apologized across the table until he noticed Draco sitting on opposite side as if he was satisfied with something and harry just knew, it was going to be one heck of a night.
He tried hard but Harry was forced to watch Draco eat, as he swirled his tongue around that of a cherry, tying it in a knot in mouths before he popped it into his mouth maintaining an eye contact with harry. It wasn't as if harry didn't had a choice, he had, he could simply look away from watching Draco sucking on straw rather seductively, eating a cherry or licking his fingers, but he couldn't simply resist because of the tension it forced down Harry. He was forced to watch Draco eat because if he didn't, he felt the world would implode with the energy between them. Draco too made sure harry was watching him and when he finally did take his eyes off him while eating, he travelled his legs up Harry's legs, slowly and carefully, causing a tingling sensation as he bit his lip. With almost a yelp, harry held the corner of the table tightly as his knuckles turned white, controlling himself. He wanted Draco to stop doing whatever he was trying to do but lord was he mesmerised with Draco biting his lips anytime Harry looked at him. It drove him crazy, more on the fact that he couldn't do anything about it.
Harry allowed everything to go as Draco until he was sure he felt something brush against his zipper. Harry almost grasped it, without a catch because there wasn't anything to catch. Suspecting Draco must be behind, as he was, he looked at him, glared at him more like to stop doing it, when he felt the tingling sensation again with Draco much juice-ly biting his lip with a wink and harry was done..
" would you all excuse. I have to use the washroom " harry immediately rushed to the washrooms, closing the door behind and breathed heavily. He stared down his pants, a much clearly visible boner had taken place because of Draco's mischievous behaviour and somehow harry loved it. He loved the tension, the lust and all the sexual energy there was. But sat in a ministry dinner he couldn't afford to have a boner or have inappropriate thoughts of fucking Draco right there because of how highly unethical it was.
Harry pushed himself away from the door, clearing his mind as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, his body relaxing little by little. To do at least something while he relaxed further, he washed his hands and just then he heard the door unlock.
" they're missing you out there " he smirked as he closed the door behind him, locking it with his back pressed against it, arms crossing in front.
" fuck off Draco " harry rolled his eyes as he closed off the Tap, taking the tissue and drying his hand.
" oh we got a little Arousal " Draco teased as he had seen Harry's pants. Harry blushed in embarrassment but didn't deter.
" because of you " Harry rolled his eyes turning around, pocketing his hands. Draco pushed himself from the door, walking towards Harry leaned over the sink, his back facing the mirrors.
Draco with lustful intentions, grabbed Harry's tie pulling him closer " I'm very glad then " he smirked as he swiftly tried to way his hands down Harry's body
" Draco-" harry rasped getting hold of Draco's hand, stopping it from going further
Draco smirked as he leaned over to Harry's ear, Whispering " I've got you Harry "
Draco bit his lip as he leaned backwards to watch harry trying to control his breathing as he was forced to watch Draco's lips.
" what you gonna do now ?" Draco seductively questioned as he moved his other hand to immediately cup Harry's pants.
" fuck " harry gasped as he tried to hold of Draco's hands but was pinned behind him with Draco's hold.
" i knew you and Blaise were never a thing"
Draco bit his lip as he cupped a little tighter than before, feeling how hard Harry have became in such a short span of time since he came in the washroom.
" I swear Draco, If you're going to bite that lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you " Harry's Voice deepened as he stayed there watching Draco with lust.
Draco smirked as he licked his lip and bit them again but a warning been given once, harry didn't waste time in pining Draco against the wall by their side in a few seconds that Draco didn't see it coming however he wasn't surprised.
" I warned you " harry purred
" who said I didn't want you to " Draco smirked. Harry only looked at him for a second before he pulled draco into a much awaited long kiss of lustful passion embodying their tongues in little battle of dominance. But once gave in, Draco never again stood a chance against the dominant harry, biting off Draco's lip without a care in the world only to hear him make the same sound he always did whenever harry found his lips over Draco. It was as if their lips were designed, but only for them, like they were made to be kissed by no one but them. Harry knew Draco was giving in because he liked it,he liked it when Harry was rough, he liked it when Harry took control because it was unexpected of whatever Harry would do and Draco loved it. He loved the passion, the desire, the desperation Harry's mouth held as they finely pressed against his as if his tongue was trying to write a letter over his mouth. And they kissed like they Only had other's air to survive on. They kissed like never before.
" admit it, you were jealous " Harry teased as he bit Draco's bottom lips, his body adjusted betweens Harry's leg as he was sat over the sink
" in your dreams potter " Draco moaned tugging the end of the roots of Harry's hair.
" you are a lot more than just jealous in my dreams malfoy " harry purred as he kissed him again, much nastily this time, as if it was a necessity.
" show me all you got " Draco moaned into his mouth and harry wasted no further time in apparating them to his bedroom without thinking of anyone at the party or what would he explain or how would he in the first place. All he cared right now was Draco, and his tangled feelings for him.
" you sure ?" Harry had asked only once after they had messily taken off each other's shirt off, now lost somewhere in the puddle of clothes while he was on top of Draco.
" never been more " Draco moaned before he pulled harry down into another messy kiss and slipped into the intimacy of moaning his name as they fucked again over his bed, only this time it was more than just fucking, Maybe it always had been more than just fucking to them. It might've been Making love, who knew, not even them, they were just hormonal men seeking desires to be fulfilled.
300 followers appreciation dialogue prompt request open
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choccy-zefirka · 2 years
'And then…'
Felix waves his fork with a flourish, tracing some elaborate formula in the air.
No magic sparks into life at the motion. He has not cast a spell in years, not since he realized that he did not have to cry and strain till he was read in the face to kindle a flame the refused to spark, just to make his parents happy. Because they already were.
'And then, he goes up there, to the blackboard, and shows the whole class, clear as day, that the professor made a mistake in the very first equation — making the entire solution to the problem completely wrong! Oh, you should have seen her face… That pompous Orlesian, getting it handed to her by an elven student!'
He has to pause for breath at this point, and Livia gives him a gentle smile.
'And you were the one who encouraged that boy to speak up.’
Felix’s eyebrows, raised in excitement, slide downwards.
‘I cannot take any credit for that, mama. I am a human, an Altus — it is wrong to ride on an elf’s coattails just because I was not horrible to him.’
‘Of course, dear. The story is not about you, is it?’
She inclines her head, soft yet solemn; and gradually, Felix’s eyes light up again.
‘Blaise was the class hero for the remainder of the semester — I am looking forward to sharing a class with him after I go back — '
Parched with his boisterous chatter, he reaches out for the water pitcher. His reflection stretches across the surface, a hazy cloud amid flares of polished silver. Alexius, who has been listening to the conversation between his wife and son with a warm, languid contentment over the rim of his wine glass, glances at the pitcher as well... And freezes.
 With a viscous ripple, like the pitcher were about to melt, the distorted copy of his son’s face is replaced someone completely different. A pale, straw-haired youth in an utterly ridiculous hat. Perhaps a mage, concealed by an illusion spell? Reflective surfaces often betray those.
Alexius has certainly never met him before, but his first guess, as the startled numbness thaws and his mind begins to race, would be a spy from the Magisterium. Maybe even an assassin. Those blighters never did like his proposals for educational reforms... Well, the little fashion criminal will certainly regret interrupting their first family dinner of this Satinalia season!
Alexius flexes his fingers, ready to cast a fire ball, and tilts his head subtly: to signal Livia that there is an intruder lurking somewhere behind the dinner table. She would have understood the gesture, she would have lit up her battle magic beside him. They’ve always had such remarkable synergy when casting, like one hear pulse chasing after the other, falling into a perfect rhythm…
As the light hits the pitcher again, the youth's reflection vanishes. Alexius gapes blankly at his hand, straining (with the first inklings of a headache) to puzzle out why there are mage fire sparks tickling his skin. Was he preparing a spell? Whatever for? He cannot quite remember.
'Amatus?' Livia lays her hand on his. Her eyes search his face, and some of his tension ebbs just from looking back at her. Nearly thirty years of marriage, and he’ll never stop being in awe of how beautiful she is.
'You seem distracted... Is something the matter?'
'You do look troubled — and please don't try deny it, not like you usually do,' Felix joins in, laying down his fork with a resolute Clang!
'I am home now, and I can help. Are those politicians breathing down your neck again? Or is it Dorian? If it's Dorian, I can talk to him. The holiday season has always been hard for him, because he is expected to leave our household and be with his family, and well, you know Lord and Lady Pavus…'
He trails off, and Alexius shakes his head.
 'I — thank you, my boy...'
A thought begins to stir at the back of his head; vague and slippery, it escapes any words he tries to find, and attaches, leach-like, to his left temple. The headache is beginning to worsen.
'But it really is nothing serious. I believe I had a bad dream...'
He blurts this out before really registering the movement of his mouth. How odd. He did not expect he’d end up saying this; he did not even remember what he dreamt this night. Until now.
'A bad dream?' Livia straightens up in her seat. 'Please, Gereon, tell me everything: it could be a side effect of my apprentices' latest experiment with the Veil!'
Alexius waggles his hand dismissively, still stupefied by his own words.
'Don’t worry, delectatia mea, it was something so bizarre that frankly I do not know why I am giving this a second thought. I dreamt that I had joined an insane cult that wanted to bring Tevinter back to "former glory”. For that, they apparently needed the time magic that Dorian and I have been working on —'
He shivers uncomfortably, overcome by a nagging, prickly feeling that someone is watching him from behind his back. As the pain in his temple twitches and coils, he turns, in a slow, choppy, wooden motion to look over his shoulder.
Standing perfectly straight, like a scarecrow in the fields, there is a figure on the other end of the room: a lanky youth in bizarre patchwork garb and a hat shaped like mill wheel. How did he get here? He is not one of the servants; most of them are on leave for the holidays anyway… Why is he staring like this? What is his game?
Not my game. Yours.
That’s impossible! At this distance, the boy's voice should not have sounded so clear — unless he shouted. But he is not shouting; his tone is calm and even; with a rhythmic undercurrent in time with the throb of blood in Alexius’ aching head.
You created this game all for yourself... Like the one you used to play with Felix when he was little. Eyes closed, lips tingling with subtle laughter; I do not need to look at him to see him, my darling boy, a gap between his milk teeth as he smiles, black locks curling in a halo around his head. Hide and seek, do not peek... You are playing hide and seek again.
How… What is he saying?! He has to be a blood mage, sorting through his thoughts like some vermin hunched over a garbage pile!
Alexius slams his open palm into the table.
‘My memories are not yours to gawk at! And my home is not yours to intrude in! Get out!’
'Who are you talking to, amatus?'
The sound of Livia's voice makes Alexius turn back to the dinner table... And there he is again, that interloper in his ludicrous hat, standing right behind his wife's chair, shaking his head from side to side like a mourner at a funeral!
Apparently, neither Livia nor Felix can see him, or hear him. The ragged wretch circles around the table on cat-like tiptoe. And not once does either Alexius' wife or his son as much as slant their eyes into his direction.
So he is not physically here, is he? A projection then? A personal apparition, meant for Alexius’ eyes only, sent to... deliver some sort of a rambling message? From Dorian maybe? Felix was right; this is a trying time for the boy; he may have gone on another binge and tried experimenting with magic while drunk…
'I... I have to deal with something private,' Alexius says stiffly, getting up from his seat. 'You can finish eating without me.’
 With that, he marches across the room, and the ragged spectre floats all the while in the corner of his eye. Like a grainy spot from staring too long at a bright light. Teasing him, luring him away from Livia and Felix, further and further away...
Alexius is so focused on the ever-shifting apparition, that does not pay heed to his surroundings for quite some time. When he finally decides to slow down and recover his bearings, a falling blade of pain carves at the back of his legs, making his knees buckle.
They are no longer in his house — or in the surrounding garden. The ragged boy has led him into a desolate wasteland, dotted with jagged spires of emerald-tinted rock, all underneath an undulating tangle of green and black smoke trails instead of the sky. The Fade. Damn it all, they are in the Fade!
You are in the Fade, the boy corrects him, flashing into being right in front of his face. His face, even more sallow in the green wash of the Fade’s light, is frozen like an Orlesian mask; but his blue eyes, peeking through the strands of matted hair, look almost… pained. And guilty, somehow.
And I am in you... And also, around you. And... next to you? It's... It's hard to explain.
Cryptic speech patterns, affinity to thoughts and memories... A spirit. Why did he not see it sooner? He is in the Fade, talking to a spirit — which means that... that...
'That dinner with my family...' Alexius asks, each syllable draining more and more of his strength. 'It was... It was never real, was it?'
No, the boy says simply.
It could have been, in another past, down another path, but it wasn't. You wanted it to be, so you wrapped yourself in a dream like a blanket, a comfort in the cold, and hid what was real, pretending that it was the dream, and not them...
 Alexius feels like his whole body turns to shattered glass. The pieces hang in the air for a second, suspended in slow motion, and then turn inward and rain down in a cutting deluge, slicing up his innards and making every inch of him bleed.
'Livia...' he groans, no tears in his burning eyes. Remembering.
'Felix... They... They are gone... Despite everything I've tried, despite the depths I've sunk to... They are gone!'
The last word turns into an incoherent screech, as Alexius lunges at the spirit, his fingers ablaze with mage fire once more.
'You!' he wails, his mouth twisting into a snarl. 'You ruined everything!'
He tries to shoot the spirit down with a charge of lightning, but it (he? Ah, what does it matter!) dodges the sizzling, bluish-purple burst, and meets Alexius' helpless glare with an intent, understanding look.
This infuriates the magister even further.
'Why did you have to show yourself?’ he spits.
‘Why did you have to cast off the illusion? I — I was so happy! Felix was telling us stories about his studies at the university, and I was going to surprise him with his Satinalia gift after dinner... A sending crystal... very rare, very hard to procure... I wanted to give it to him so he could contact me any time he wanted while in Orlais... So we could talk, and share excitement over our research, and I... I could tell him how much I miss him...'
I came to help, the spirit whispers, catching Alexius as he is about to collapse to his knees. Its… His arms feel surprisingly solid, but that only makes Alexius recoil from the touch.
I didn't want to at first, because you hurt a lot of people, even if it was the never-you... But then I felt your own hurt, gripping, gnawing, all gnarled on the inside — and so I found you, where they forgot you…
…I don't like it when people get forgotten in dungeons.
 'They would have come down to judge me eventually,' Alexius shrugs.
The boy shakes his head. And there is that guilt in his eyes again.
They can't. Not any more. You think there is still Haven above you, but there's nothing left. Even the air is beginning to forget the smoke and the screams...
'The screams?' Alexius echoes. And in his shattered mind, among all the sharp, bleeding edges, a heavy, dark thought begins to swell.
So, they came after all... Samson and his legion. The dwarf disrupted the plan, took the mages — but they still came. The Elder One still prevailed.
The spirit's gaze grows distant, filling with a glassy blue glow.
Black wings slashing through the air; so much scorching red over the white, cold snow. Feet stumbling, running, slipping; hands, a shield from the glare of the flames.
She came, she helped; arms small but strong, helping them stand, taking them to where they can breathe; pearly smile against a sooty face.
She is truly blessed — Maker forgive me for all the times I looked at a dwarf and locked away my silverware.
To the Chantry, everyone to the Chantry!..
A deep sigh comes to quiet the dark, wet sobs of blood leaving the wound, and a thought shines clear and bright in the Chancellor's mind. He remembers; he remembers the path, hidden, sheltered, winding out of the dark. She must have shown me — Andraste must have shown me!..
They leave along the path, hustling, hasty, too scared to think, to turn around, to count. Those who lead do try to count, as they guard and guide; but there are so many orders to give, so many people to think of all at once. The soldiers, the traders, the pilgrims, the clerics, the farmers, the workers, the wounded, the children... Nobody remembers the man in the dungeon, bound, broken, abandoned.
Dorian would have remembered. But he is with her, in a whirlpool of fighting, facing a wall of merciless red. And by the time she tells him to run, to join the others, it will be too late.
Alexius runs his hand across his face.
It is not easy, to take these ramblings and deduce what has been happening while he was rotting away in a prison cell. Especially when his chest is still caving in on itself. But at length, he manages to speak.
'The Elder One has destroyed the village, and while the intrepid leaders of the Inquisition were evacuating the survivors, they did not think to look in the dungeon? Fitting end, I suppose, being left for dead... Not the kind of judgement that the... Herald promised, but... fitting.’
It is not an end, the spirit says firmly. It does not have to be if you try.
There is a blanket of snow, shrouding everything above, soft and thick and downy, lulling the ruins to sleep. Thoughts are fast, much faster than snowfall: while we are here, talking, time does not pass. But when it begins to move again, the snow will press down on you, growing heavier and heavier, a perfect, stainless white tombstone, like the one over Livia's shrine. You do not have much air: the last precious droplets at the bottom of the flask, to feed the thirst in a desert. But if you use it well, you can escape. Through the gap in the crumbled wall, then down, then up, up, into the mountains...
'Why should I?' Alexius glares at him, lowering himself onto the nearest half-floating chunk of rock. 'Why not just... succumb to the snow and go to sleep?'
Because they want you to escape, the spirit replies, still sincere and insistent. They want you to breathe, to run, to live, as their thoughts seek you in the dark. Dorian, Felix... Yvie.
 'I don't know anyone by that name!' the magister snaps.
For the first time since he set eyes on him, the spirit smiles.
That is her name. The Herald's.
Yvonne Kader, a name for Chantry halls, under vaulted ceilings, where she melts away, tiny, tinier, tiniest, in the glare of steel weapons and brass words.
And Yvie, just Yvie, a name for friends, for sunlit meadows, for hands grasping warm soft bundles of food, sharing with everyone like she did back home.
Strong and happy, smiling and singing, always hoping, always getting up when she falls, and keeping others from falling, too.
You liked it when she hugged you. You felt too numb to realize it at first, but then, you knew you liked it. Soft and soothing, a welcome warmth; lux en tenebris — a light in the dark.
She promised that she would give you a second chance; and you promised yourself that you’d thank her — but you can't keep your promise if you are dead.
Alexius draws a ragged breath. He still aches, but somehow, at the mention of the Herald, the feeling subsides just enough for him to humour the spirit.
‘Very well,’ he agrees, even managing a crooked little smile. ‘I shall make my daring escape... But first, spirit, tell me one last thing: did... Yvie… Yvonne face the Elder One? Did...'
The question crumples into a lump that blocks his throat. But the spirit understands.
He did not get what he wanted. Yvie is alive, and she still glows. You will see if you keep your promise. If you wake up.
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kittyspotatoes · 3 years
*gun todd* I want to see "10. I know you’re hurt, Kisa" with kisa and miraak. throw in a "13. there is no shame in crying. I promise." even.
Dialogue prompt turned snippets. You can just tell how amazing i am with instructions 💀💀💀💀
That time Kisa refused to re-materialize + after she finally did
So here she is again. Existing beside him in this.. This strange.. unknown, where they are nothing but thousands, even millions of strings set alight. The only two entities here and not here. An eternity within a moment. An in between. Bound by a link exclusive to him and him only.
"I.. I can't go back there.." Curious what a void can do. She couldn't even hear her voice tremble. Is she even talking?
"But you will." It wasn't a command. It wasn't anything. Just the brutal truth spoken gently.
Why? Why can't she stop it? She was sure that last spell could disintegrate her until there is nothing left. The gods turn their gaze and watch, unstirred and unfeeling. Nobody has yet to answer her. So why keep her here, send her back each time to suffer a cycle impossible to break? She still feels it in every fiber of her being. Lives, history, emotions ripped apart, sundered and unmade as she used it to command reality. To save them - her family.
"I know you're hurt, Kisa..."
"Miraak, I made a choice. I know the consequences." She tried to clench her fist to no avail as she suppressed the storm of emotions. "They wouldn't want me back anyway." But that, breathing life into those words was a dull knife into her flesh.
"Is death really what you're after?"
Something about his question silenced the cacophony of whispers in her head. "If you desire it so then why are you still here?"
"...I'm so tired, Miraak.. The lingering noise.. These-" Kisa grimaces, reflexively grasping at her chest, and let out a bitter laugh. "I can't even begin to describe it."
"I know. We are the same soul, you and I. Between us, we cannot nor do we need to lie." They have no face in this realm, but emotions he has. And she can picture him smiling softly beneath the warm glow of his figure. "You will always return. And I.." Miraak made a gesture, an extended hand perhaps - she couldn't tell, she could only know he moved in this space. "..will be there with you. Just as you were there for me, dragonborn."
The ticking of time slowly began to match her heartbeat. It aches yet it isn't a painful one. How come... Was hope already too foreign of an emotion to her?
Bonus bc im emo
The first thing she caught was the scent of freshly baked loaves wafting the air. Next was the breeze, rustling of leaves above her head. On her side were soft cluttering and distant chopping. Then comes vision. Soft crystalline glow bouncing off the cabin room reflected by gems—soul gems—by her feet.
She panicked at first, making a mumbled noise that alerted her caretakers but was stopped short by the hand holding hers. Kisa blinks her confusion away and recognizes Miraak by her side. He didn't need to show his face, she would know him by what they are. And right now, she knows he's at peace to have her back.
Light, unbalanced footsteps echoed in the house as Blaise stumbles his way to her bed. The young man did not wait for permission and immediately captured the dragonborn like they'll disappear again if he didn't hold on tight enough. He would berate her for the next moments, claiming to be mad at her yet cry out happiness. Miraak raised his shoulders slightly when Kisa looked at him for instructions.
"Blaise? Wh-.. If you're here, then…"
"By the Stars. You're here.."
Valgus enters the room to look after Blaise and finds himself holding back tears upon seeing Kisa returned. "You're truly here. My child.." The old man reaches out as he approaches and Kisa was more than willing to reach back, to embrace their guardian, to tell him she's back and,
"Valgus, I'm sorry—I couldn't do it.. I failed.. I couldn't let them go." She anxiously whispered her apologies to them, already expecting to meet their baffled expressions, but they didn't budge. Valgus kept them in his arms. Kisa had made mistakes but he never loved her any less.
"We have time later, my child. Do you want something to eat?"
"Yes! I was just helping Valgus with lunch. You're going to like it!" Blaise cheered with a wide grin as he bounced on his feet.
This should be too much for her, Kisa thought. But there was a lump forming in her throat, misty eyes from receiving their tender gestures. Kisa didn't want to say anything until she sensed Miraak still observing her.
"There is no shame in crying." Miraak gives his apprentice a sagely nod "I promise." A sense of fulfillment flooded the first dragonborn as he watched her bare her heart to them. Home, belonging, contentment. He easily feels some of what she does. They are strange concepts to him, yet she places so much value on them. Perhaps she did have something to teach him that a thousand lifetime's worth in Apocrypha couldn't.
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mctherofdragons · 4 years
Little Black Book | D. M.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Genre: FLUFF! 
Request: “could you write a draco x slytherin!reader where they both have a crush on eachother, but they think the other person is into someone else? like draco with pansy or reader with some other character” from the lovely @minty-malfoy <3 
Trigger Warnings: Cussing
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Draco Malfoy furrowed his brow at the cauldron in front of him. He added the last ingredient and watched jubilantly as the ivory smoke spiraled upward. You watched as he leaned forward, taking a small whiff of the potion. He gasped quickly, his cheeks beginning turning a ruddish red. You looked over at him and raised a quizzical eyebrow.
He hastily placed the lid onto the Amortentia potion with a loud clang. You sighed, feeling a little twinge in your heart. It no doubt smelled like Pansy Parkinson. “Perfect, pretty, put-together Pansy Parkinson,” you thought to yourself. You knew that the reason Draco was flushed was because the familiar scent of broomsticks, cinnamon gum, and cherry lipgloss had invaded his senses. You secretly desired that he had smelled you instead - lavender shampoo, mint, and a touch of morning coffee.
“Does it smell like Potter?,” you jested. Draco glared at you before cracking a smile.
“Careful, y/l/n.”
You gave him a toothy grin, going back to flipping through your textbook. “What does yours smell like?,” he asked curiously, secretly hoping it smelled like apples, hair product, and vanilla. You leaned over the cauldron, gently taking off the cover. You inhaled deeply, closing your eyes. It felt as though you were bathing in the scent of the boy next to you and you drew back.
“Well?,” Draco asked curiously. You swallowed hard, trying to figure out the best lie to tell in the moment.
“Oh, um, I...it smells like honey...and...grass,” you blurted, turning back around to stare at your book.
Draco felt his heart sink, peaking up at you behind his lashes. You were busy distracting yourself with packing up your bag as he watched you longingly.
“Of course she didn’t smell you, you bloody idiot,” he thought to himself defeatedly, thankful for your professor calling an end to the class.
That evening, you sat curled up on a green velvet chair in the Sytherin common room. It was always a lucky occasion when the common room was empty. It allowed for time to relax with nothing but the sound of the crackling fire to keep you company. You sipped a cup of peppermint tea and absentmindedly flipped through a copy of Witch Weekly. A yawn washed over you, which allowed you to stretch a bit and settle down more comfortably in your chair. You looked up from the article you were reading about a Beauxbatons’ pastry recipe when you heard the door creak open, disturbing the silence.
Draco and Pansy came stumbling into the common room, chuckling about something Draco must have said in the hallway. Pansy giggled, playfully placing a hand on Draco’s chest. You felt as if you were watching the interaction in slow motion, silently longing to be in Pansy’s place. Her blithesome smile made your eyes fill with jealous tears, although you were too prideful to allow them to spill over.
You quickly gathered up your things, polishing off the rest of your tea. You shuffled past the two, ignoring the way Draco’s head turned on a swivel when you brushed his shoulder. Heading out into the hallway, you rushed as quickly as you could back to your dormitory. “Why am I crying over Draco Malfoy?,” you cursed to yourself, feeling relief once the door slammed behind you. You sniffled a bit before wiping your eyes in annoyance. “He’s just a boy. A stupid boy at that.”
Knowing it would make you feel better, you climbed up onto your bed and pulled out your diary. Your method of getting out your frustration was often through writing letters - of course, letters you’d never dream of sending. You had written angry letters to your professors and even inspirational letters to yourself, all of which you burned immediately in the common room fireplace. You flipped to an empty page and grabbed the quill next to you. The words flowed easily now as you let a few tears drip onto the paper. Your sentences had no real beginning or end, nor did your care about making a whole lot of sense.
‘Dear Draco,
I wish I could tell you what you mean to me....that you’re charming, and handsome, and perfect in every way. I want to tell you that I am captivated by your smile, your eyes, and every last inch of you. My potion smelled like you...Did yours smell like Pansy? I’m sure it did. If I had the chance, I’d kiss you right in front of everyone. I know it’s stupid but I really do fancy you, Malfoy. I just wish you’d fancy me back.’
It was written in the same way your thoughts of Draco often graced across your mind - jumbled and disjointed. You closed the tiny black book and placed it into your backpack, reaching over the shut off your bedside light. You snuggled deeper under your soft, wool blankets, secretly thinking of the Slytherin prince as you drifted off to sleep.
Draco Malfoy sat at his dormitory desk, sipping slowly on a cup of tea. The sweet drink warmed his insides. He was grateful for this as he was often coldest at night. He pulled the blanket over his shoulders and continued to write, sighing as he felt all of his pent up emotions ease. He wouldn’t admit it aloud to any of his friends, but he kept a diary. It had always served as a way for him to process the difficult parts of his day, protecting him from having to share too much with other people.
Tonight, he wrote unabashedly about how he felt for you. He wrote about your hair, your eyes, and the way his Amortentia carried your scent. He gushed about dreaming of kissing you for hours and hours, leaving very little to the imagination. After seeing you rush out of the common room, he felt an unwavering sense of dread, thinking perhaps you couldn’t even stand to be around him. Thus, he put down in black and white all of the sickeningly sweet ways he thought of you. It occurred to him that maybe if he spilled his heart out on to the parchment, he could stop being so damned enamored with you.
His eyelids started to become heavy, so he slid the small, raven-colored book into his knapsack. Turning off his lamp, he slid beneath his covers, allowing himself to drift into slumber.
Final exams were fast approaching and the entirety of Hogwarts was in a tizzy. Between Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies, there was far too much information to digest and far too little time to do it. You and several others from your house shared a long table in the library, your papers and manuals spread out in front of you. Reading furiously, you had lost track of the time, along with Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.
“Oh bloody hell, we’re going to be late for DADA,” Pansy cussed. She stood up to quickly shove her books into her bag. The remaining three of you jumped up, jostling your belongings into your bags as quickly as possible - which is why neither you nor Draco noticed when two tiny black books got swapped.
You all jogged off down the hallway, your robes flowing behind you as you desperately hoped to not be late to class. Unfortunately, you didn’t make it in time, rushing in through the door just as Snape had begun to speak.
“Nice of you to join us, albeit late. 10 points from Slytherin, each.”
You sulked as you slid into your seat, pulling your parchment and quill out to begin taking notes.
Later that afternoon, you found yourself sitting on your bed. You had finally finished reviewing for your classes and figured a much needed break was in order. You got up and padded over to your tea kettle, flicking the water on. Just then, you heard a tiny knock at your door.
Unsure who would be coming to visit you, you walked over and stood on the other side. “Who is it?,” you beckoned, not wanting to open the door for just anyone.
“Malfoy,” the voice on the other end replied. Your stomach did an immediate flip. You opened the door, coming face-to-face with a red faced and anxious looking blonde on the other side. He held up something in his hand and you felt like the floor had just given out under your feet.
“Is this yours?,” He asked sheepishly, extending a hand to give it back. You snatched it quickly. The sound of your heart pounding echoed in your ears. A feeling of dread washed over you and you couldn’t stop your hands from beginning to shake.
“Did you r-read it?,” you choked out. You sent a prayer up to Merlin that the answer would be no.
You let out a tiny gasp and your lips began to tremble.
“Hey, hey,” Draco whispered, allowing himself to walk in the door. He closed it behind him, reaching out to take your hands. “Don’t be upset. Believe me, it’s alright, y\n,”
You pulled away, turning around in embarrassment. “I’m n-not upset! I’m fucking humiliated,” you sniveled. Draco knew about how much you liked - no, at this point he probably assumed loved - him. He had read the inner workings of your heart. Every thing you had penned about the boy was now knowledge he possessed. You wished you could just dissolve into the floor and disappear forever.
Draco sighed, walking over to your backpack. He reached in and pulled out a different journal. You had no idea that his book had been in your bag the entire time, given that you thought it was yours. He sauntered back over to you, pulling you by the hand to sit down on the bed.
You looked at him confused as he opened the journal. He handed it over to you, allowing you to peruse it. You began to read, your jaw falling slack. “Y-you...is this about Pansy?,” you asked sadly, unable to accept that Draco’s feelings might be mutual. Draco’s cyanic eyes twinkled. He took the diary from your hands, placing it out of the way.
He moved a piece of hair from your eyes, tracing his finger along your jaw. Then, he took a finger and traced it down the bridge of your nose and over your lips. He began to speak, repeating a line from one of his diary entries, “Everything about you is flawless.”
He leaned in slowly, planting a kiss to your lips. In that moment, it wouldn’t have shocked you if fireworks began to burst across the ceiling of your room. You scooted closer, gently placing a hand on the back of Draco’s neck. Your fingers played in the tufts of his platinum blonde hair. You pulled him back in for another kiss. Suddenly, you were very, very grateful for finals week - and those 40 missing points from Slytherin mattered not.
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grangers-broomstick · 3 years
”Hold on, I tried to call Ron, who is this?” Potter doesn’t sound even a little bit out of breath. Twat. Draco sees him run past the Tom Ford store and silently prays that the awful looking grey monster with tentacles that is following Potter doesn’t destroy one of his favorite stores.
”Someone who’s watching this spectacle live. Merlin, I feel like im watching a muggle moving picture, a film is it? Anyways, Potter, watch out behind you,” Draco replies, and takes a sip of his tea. He watches as Potter hastily points his wand at that thing behind him. ”That beast was about to slice you in half, you really ought to be more careful. Didn’t they teach you anything at auror training?”
”What?” Is all Potter says and Draco silently contemplates how he managed to become an auror with such underdeveloped critical thinking skills and terrible awareness of his surroundings. Draco thinks he is absolutely daft.
”Wrong number, and before you ask, yes I am a wizard with a muggle telephone and no I have no clue how to successfully operate this thing. It’s been fun to try though,” Draco takes another slow sip of his tea. Just twenty minutes prior, Draco had sat himself down at this café somewhere in central London for a calm, extremely boring brunch. And then Potter came to ruin it by blasting a bunch of slimey, grey tentacle monsters right down the block. Typical. ”Please, Potter, get this over with. I would very much like to enjoy my brunch as soon as possible.”
”Who are you?” Draco watches as he almost dies, again, and rolls his eyes. He feels as though he should probably be startstruck that Harry Potter, of all people, accidentally called him on his muggle flip phone, but honestly? He’s been through more shocking things. He thinks.
”The name is Draco Malfoy,” Draco tells him as he watches Potter turn a corner up ahead, and he’s gone in a swoosh of monsters and red flashes of light. ”Anyways, you should probably hang up now to focus on that thing following you, it’s about to turn the same corner you just did.”
Draco hears Potter’s swear through the phone, and then a list of spells shouted in rapid fashion. Most likely at the beast. ”Uhm, okay, thanks,” he says.
”Whatever,” Draco says, and then snaps shut his flip phone. He continues to sip his tea.
Almost four weeks later, Draco’s phone rings again whilst he is cooking dinner. He doesn’t recognise the number, but he picks up anyway.
”Oh thank Merlin, Ron. Please tell me how to stop a densaugeo hex,” Potter’s, now familiar, voice says.
Draco sighs. ”Still not Ron,” he replies. ”But just use a shrinking charm, it should do the job.”
”Huh? Who is this?”
Draco sighs again, this time annoyingly and loud enough for Potter to hear over the phone. The water starts to boil over in the pot on the stove and he turns down the heat slightly. ”Draco Malfoy, same person you called when those awful grey things were trying to kill you, do you recall? Reducio should save whatever has been hexed, you’re welcome.”
”Thanks,” Potter says, hesitantly. ”So, I still have the wrong number in my phone?”
”Well, considering I’m not Ron or his affair de coeur, yes, it seems so Potter,” Draco snarls, and smirks as he hears Potter laugh on the other line.
”Alright, that’s fair. Thank you,” Potter replies. Draco hears him mutter the charm under his breath faintly. ”Draco, was it?”
”Yes, I’ve told you that twice now,” Draco turns of the stove with a flick of his wand and pours the pasta into a bowl. ”Well, I would like to enjoy my dinner now so, goodbye.”
He hangs up the phone and eats his dinner in the living room. He thinks about Potter.
”Merlin what an idiot,” he says out loud.
Draco’s phone rings while he is at work only a week later, and Draco already knows who’s calling. Not that he is keeping track. He rolls his eyes and picks up.
”Hurry up, I’m busy,” Draco says, adding two drops of flobberworm mucus to his cauldron and stirring 4 times clockwise.
”Hey Draco,” Potter says, sounding awfully entertained. Draco huffs. ”Am I disturbing you?”
”As a matter of fact, you are indeed Potter. I’m working, get to it,” he says, and tries to focus on the dreamless sleep he’s making.
”Just wondering, do you know anywhere I could get some blood-replenishing potion? The Apothecary has run out and it’s sort of urgent.”
Draco hums into the phone, and presses it in between his shoulder and head in order to cut up some lavender. ”If you’re brave enough, Mr Mulpepper’s is on Knockturn Alley. If you just walk past Borgin’s and to the left, you should see it.”
”You think I’m scared? I defeated Voldemort, I think I can manage Knockturn Alley,” Potter says, and Draco can practically feel the grin on his face.
This would probably be a good time to owl Pansy to admit that he has been properly enamoured by Britain’s golden boy. Ugh. Not fair. Totally not fair.
”You’re not half as cute as you think you are, Potter,” he lies through his teeth. He stirs the cauldron anti-clockwise and adds the lavender.
Potter chuckles, and Draco feels it in his whole body. ”No, but you’re probably twice as cute as I think you are,” he says. ”Anyway, thanks for the tip Draco,” and then he hangs up.
Draco stares at the cauldron of dreamless sleep for at least, like, five minutes. He should be shocked that this was the third time Potter rang, if he wasn’t so dumfounded by the fact that Potter was flirting with him. Harry Potter had called him, on purpose, to flirt with him.
Draco fucks up the dreamless sleep. It turns blue. He gives up on trying to save it after that.
Just a few days later Draco is on his way to have a few drinks with Blaise and Pansy, when the phone rings. Draco would very much like to ignore it, but the ringtone is so immensely antagonising he thinks it should be illegal.
”Again, Potter, really? Be quick about it, I’m a busy person,” Draco drawls into the phone.
”Draco Lucius Malfoy, born 5th of June 1980 in Forcalquier, France. Son and only heir to Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy, née Black. Oh, you’re Sirius’ cousin, how fun, I’m totally going to make fun of him for that. Anyway, your father was a notorious death eater, played a major role in the second wizarding war and was considered You-Know-Who’s second in command. Very interesting. Your aunt was quite infamous too, Bellatrix Lestrange. She tortured me once, you know. You grew up in France and attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, I suspect for reasons being to stay away from your father, perhaps. Graduated top of your class three years ago, and works as a potioneer, is that right?”
Draco draws in a sharp breath. He had stopped walking and was standing in the middle of the street as if he had been hit with a petrificus totalus. Mild panic claws at his chest, but he continues walking. He couldn’t quite place the voice, but it sounds awfully familiar. The person is soft spoken, and the speech didn’t sound cruel, so he tries to calm down.
”That is indeed right, may I ask who I’m talking to?” Draco asks, trying to sound nonchalant. He drags a shaky hand through his hair.
”Oh yes, of course, my apologies,” the voice says, a bit muffled, as if the person is moving around. ”The name’s Hermione Granger.”
Ah. A lightbulb in Draco’s head turns on. ”Miss Granger, what a pleasure. Thank you for calling, I was just thinking about my cousin, Sirius was it? Last I heard he escaped Azkaban, how thrilling.”
”Hm, yes that was quite some time ago. He’s doing well now, all the things he had been inprisoned for were a lie, so,” Granger gets cut off by someone and there is quiet mumbling. He tries to make out the words but to no luck. Instead, he focuses on the directions to the pub. Something rastles over the phone, and Granger is back. ”Well, I just thought I’d call. Harry’s been very smitten as of late.”
”How fun for him,” Draco says and hangs up. He speeds up the pace.
The next evening, Draco had just walked through the front door to his apartment when that dreadful ringtone starts again. He slams the door shut and walks to his bedroom.
”You know, usually, people don’t keep calling the wrong number, Potter,” he says and squeezes the phone between his shoulder and cheek. ”And, I would very much like a peaceful evening so if this is Granger, please spare me the speech about my own family tree.”
”Wait what?” Potter’s voice fills his ears and he closes his eyes and shivers. ”Hermione? She did what?”
Draco unclasps his robes and shrugs them off his shoulders. He starts at unbuttoning his pants and curses as he almost stumbles over them as they fall to his his ankles.
”Draco, are you okay?” Potter says, sounding concerned. ”What are you… are you undressing?”
”What an excellent observation, Potter. But don’t get your wand in a knot, this isn’t some awful sex line,” he replies and steps out of his pants. He pulls on some old pyjama pants. ”I don’t think you could afford me, if I’m honest.”
Potter laugh is loud through the phone and Draco basks in it for just a moment. He pulls on a t-shirt and flicks a folding charm at his clothes before making his way to the kitchen.
”You’re funny Draco, but what was that about Hermione? What did she do?”
”Oh Merlin Potter, don’t worry. She just called me to kindly remind me of my heritage and the fact that my family is insane, no harm done,” Draco mutters and heats up his two day old Chinese takeout with a wave of his wand.
”Oh fuck, fuck, I’m- I’m sorry Draco, really,” Potter sounds annoyed. Draco wonders if Granger is in trouble. ”I’m going to have to call you back.”
Draco hums, ”Please don’t. I’m going to be asleep in approximately fifteen minutes, and I need my precious beauty sleep. Why do you think I wake up looking perfect every day? Ugh, you understand nothing Potter, imbecile.”
Draco hears another one of Potter’s dark chuckles before he hangs up, and silently prays to Salazar that he’s not going to be woken up by the phone ringing tomorrow morning.
The phone doesn’t ring the next morning, or the next until its been almost two weeks since he last spoke to Potter. Bit it’s Thursday afternoon, and Harry Potter walks into Mr Mulpepper’s potions shop. Draco is up front at the register today, and Merlin how he wished he was in the back brewing something right about now.
Potter steps through the door and the bell makes a little jingle. He heads straight for the hangover potions and takes a couple of vials before looking at Draco. He watches as Potter looks him up and down, and he wonders if he knows that it’s him. If maybe Granger had told him about Draco and his family, and maybe that’s why he hadn’t called in a few weeks.
He swallows and throws a small smile at Potter. He smiles back. Okay, Draco thinks, maybe he doesn’t know.
”Just these, please,” Potter says, and puts the vials on the counter carefully. He shoves his hand in a pocket of his robes.
”That’ll be 2 galleons and 10 sickles, Potter,”
Potter’s head shoots up and his movements stop completely. They stare at each other for a few uncomfortably long seconds. Draco looks away first.
”What, forgotten how to count, have you? I really don’t have all day, we have lots of customers you know,” he snarks. Potter shakes his head and slowly, a grin lights up his face. Draco wants to strangle him.
”There’s no one here but me,” Potter says and pulls out a few galleons more than necessary and puts them on the counter between them. Draco huffs out a laugh. ”I’m sorry, I haven’t… I never called you back, work has been hectic.”
He’s still grinning. His hair is in it’s usual mess, looking like he had just had a proper shag. I want to shag him, Draco thinks. Ugh. Not fair, so not fair.
”Hm, you don’t owe me anything, Potter. I was wondering why you kept calling in the first place,” Draco says. Merlin, was his voice a bit shaky? It is totally Potter’s fault for making him nervous.
”Well, what can I say? I kind of like the arsehole that picks up,” Potter says and Draco can feel a smile growing on his own face too. He blames Potter for his future wrinkles.
”Well Potter, are you insinuating that you’ve been calling me only for my arse? I already told you, you can’t afford me,” Draco says and picks nervously at his nails. He looks down and counts out the money since Potter is too preoccupied with staring, still.
The man hums, and Draco closes his eyes briefly. “I mean, it’s a beautiful arse, don’t get me wrong. But, I think the sarcastic personality does it for me too.”
Draco lets himself laugh now, and shoves Potter lightly with a hand to his chest. He swears at Salazar for making Harry Potter so fucking fit.
“So, Draco, what do you say about a date?”
Draco is going to kill him.
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Opposites attract
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Pairing: Hermione Granger x Slytherin!Reader, Platonic!Blaise Zabini x reader, Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson, Platonic!Draco Malfoy x reader (The reader is race-neutral!)
Warning: I think there’s a couple swear words, uhh if you’re in love with Draco you probably shouldn’t read this, there is not a single sentence in this fic where Draco and Y/N are any more than friends. Actually, Y/N will commit an act of violence against him. (Don’t do this to your friends)
Summary: Blaise notices that his best friend, Y/N is different the second he sees her again after Summer break. You are a full-fledged pure-blood Slytherin, but during Summer, you got your heart stolen by a certain muggle-born Gryffindor.
A/N: I am OBSESSED with Gryffindor x Slytherin trope, I’m so sorry I will write a reader who’s in Hufflepuff soon! Also, I love Blaise Zabini? He deserves love :/ He a true King in this fic. Oh and Y/N & Hermione are a power couple who eat men ok cool happy reading!!
It was a quiet evening in the Slytherin common room. The white noise of the light rain present, but none of you could see, for the Slytherins belonged in the dungeons.
You had your head rested on the lap of Blaise Zabini, your best friend, and your legs over the lap of Draco Malfoy. You wouldn’t say he was your best friend, per se- you didn’t always like how he acted. You thought of him more like a brother, in a way. An annoying brother, no less.
But while your friends engaged in some deep conversation about whatever they talked about, your mind was elsewhere. Since last week, you’ve been lost in the curious world of a strange muggle book titled “pride and prejudice”. You picked the damned book up every time you had some spare time.
“What’s this then? Never seen it before.” You recall 2 weeks ago, laying by the old oak tree of the city park, the bushy leaves shielding you from the blinding sunlight.
“You’ve never seen a book before?” She teases, playful laughter filling the crisp summer air.
“You know what I mean! C’mon, read to me.” You look up at her, sitting down with her back pressed against the tree. Her face was covered with the red cover of the book, but you could swear that what you were seeing deserved to be drawn on canvas and presented in museums. Her golden curls looked as if they were lighting up under the sun, her soft yet strong hands curling around the spine of the book.
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife-”
Blaise also had a book opened in his hand, but he was not reading- he was listening in on Draco and Pansy’s conversation. Also glancing down and seeing you smile to yourself, for whatever reason. It could have been the book, but he doubted it.
And even though this was the first day back to Hogwarts, he knew that you were very different from who you were when he waved goodbye to you before summer break.
First of all, you never read muggle books. You were the eldest child of one of the most pure bloodlines to exist. Your family were very close with the Malfoys, the Blacks, and obviously the Dark Lord. Anyone would expect you to grow up hating muggles, and... in all honesty, Blaise thought you did.
But then why didn’t you say anything few hours earlier when Granger bumped into you on the train? A witty quip about her blood, perhaps? But nothing. And why in the world did you have a Jane Austen story in your hand?
Despite the multiple questions looming over his head, Blaise had a theory. So now, he wanted to see. Test you, on how you’d react to another one of Draco’s degrading talks about “muggles” you recently seemed to take an interest to.
“God, those mud-bloods infuriate me. And what’s Dumbledore thinking, opening a class of ‘Muggle Studies?’ What a pathetic excuse for a school.” Draco said quite loudly for the whole common room to hear, looking behind him and at first-year Slytherins as if to get them to agree with him. They nod out of fear, but Blaise can see it’s poisoning their unbiased minds already.
Great. More racism. He’s never been a big fan of it.
Just when Blaise turned back around to pretend to stare at his book once more, you quickly stood up from your place in his lap, and smacked your hard-covered book over Draco’s head. The first years jump and gasp from utter and complete shock.
...Ouch. Blaise doesn’t know if he should be happy he was right about something being up with you, or stop you from killing Malfoy.
“What in the- What is your problem, Y/L/N??!” Draco stands up too and glares at you in an accusatory manner, hand flying up to the back of his head. His tall figure looms over your head, his eyes burning with confusion and rage. But you’re not afraid. Quite the opposite.
“Don’t you dare talk about muggles like that ever again, Draco. You know I’ve never liked it when you used that word.” You point your halfway closed book into his chest, the corner digging into his neatly ironed shirt.
“What? You’ve never hit me over something as little as this? What’s wrong with you, Y/L/N?” Draco questions loudly, the irritation in his voice evident. Pansy stands up as well, linking her arms with the Blond, and glaring at you up and down.
“You’ve been acting strange all day, Y/N. Blaise, say something!” All three of you looks over to Blaise, who was nonchalantly pretend reading his book, unmoving from his place on the couch.
“What? So Y/N can’t hit Malfoy with a book now? She’s done it before.” He looks up and locks eyes with Pansy, “I don’t give a fuck” written all over his face.
“That’s not the point! Why is she so angry over filthy Mudbloods?” Pansy retorts, but as soon as the last word left her lips, you raised your brows at her warningly.
“Don’t. Use. That. Word. Why does bloodline matter? We all bleed red, for Merlin’s sake!” You huff, whirling around to get yourself out of this godforesaken dungeon. Blaise gives a playful salute and trails closely behind, leaving behind the pure-blooded idiots and follows you towards the Gryffindor common room.
“Will you tell me, though? Y/N, what happened during summer?” Blaise stops you just in front of the portrait of the fat lady, and you’re forced to look at your best friend’s curious expression.
“Promise you won’t laugh?” You sighed, knowing you would have to tell your best friend if he wanted to come with you. He nods sincerely, although there is a twinkle in his eyes that lets you know he’s enjoying this.
“I fell in love with someone. A muggle-born.”You confess, your cheeks burning like a 1,000 degree flame just by admitting that.
“A muggle-born??” Blaise’s brows shot up to his hairline, his brilliantly talented imagination already making up a scene of you getting disowned by your parents.
“Wait...” his gaze glides past you and at something behind you. “Does it happen to be Granger?”
Your eyes grow wide as a plate, and you almost break your neck from how quickly you turned around. Hermione, Harry and Ron stood there, the door to the Gryffindor common room wide open.
“There was a Slytherin alert. Uhm, Fred and George. Not us.” Harry tries to explain, looking over at Ron for some assistance, but he just stays in place. Wether it’s from shock or fear, you couldn’t tell.
“You... fell in love?” Hermione looks directly into your eyes, as if everything that wasn’t you didn’t exist to her. She climbs out of the entryway, taking a few steps over towards you.
“Uh- I did. Over the summer.” Guessing you didn’t have much other choice than to admit it, you stood your ground and focused on her sharp brown eyes you’d come to adore.
“You did.” Hermione repeated, stunned from the looks of it.
“I did.”
“So did I.”
“You did?”
“I did.”
“Oh bloody hell, just admit you love each other and move on.” Ron teased from a few feet behind, comfortable now that he saw who he originally thought was a Slytherin nightmare act so awkward and giddy.
Hermione glared at him threateningly, and so Harry wordlessly pulled him and Blaise into the Gryffindor common room. Before entering, Harry almost forcefully rips off the cloak from Blaise, still skeptical of the Slytherin always hanging around Draco Malfoy.
“Right. Anyways-“
Before you could say anything, Hermione hurriedly pressed her lips against yours, her cheeks tinting rose from a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. She’d never done something like this before. She feels like she can hear her heart beating rapidly in her ears, which can’t be normal, but she thinks it feels right.
You feel like getting wrapped into a cloud of euphoria as she deepens the kiss, your hands finding their place on her cheeks. The book clatters on the crème stone floor, but neither of you pay it any mind. Luckily, not one soul is walking around the halls at this hour, everyone getting settled into each their dorms. But you don’t even think about that, for your mind is filled with her, and only her.
After pulling away, Hermione chuckles at your surprised look, mumbling a little “You’re blushing, Y/N.” Before pulling you into her chest for a hug.
You return the gesture without hesitation, grinning from ear to ear and whispering back, “So are you.”
“Come on, we’ll have butterbeer inside. Take your cloak off and hide the tie. I’ll bring my jacket.” Hermione laughs nervously, and looks back at who she swears is the most beautiful girl in the world. Never had she thought she’d get her heart stolen by a Y/L/N, even in an alternate universe, or in a dream.
But she takes your hand, and pulls you into the common room, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
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drarrywords · 3 years
would you?
A soft, slow music drifted in the air and the light of the enchanted ceiling cascaded a silver, beautiful glow on the room. It was a faint luminesce of the night sky. The sight of the stars - of the constellations - was, in fact, a wonder to behold.
Harry Potter, however, wasn't focused on the music or the stars. Instead, he was rather focused on Draco Malfoy, who was, without a doubt, a sight to behold. He was wearing a beautiful, black, long, one shoulder, slit dress which accented him perfectly.
Draco's hair was curled at the ends, a few strands falling over the forehead and his eyes were captured with a black eyeliner, a powder dusted on the eyelids, archly curled lashes.
He couldn't resist.
"Pansy, can I borrow your best friend for a while?" He said when he walked over to the table, eyes fixed on Draco, who was turning the glass of wine in his hand, a small smirk on the mouth. "if you don't mind, of course."
"Of course you can, sweetheart,” Pansy said as she rose from her chair, placing a small kiss on Draco's cheek. "couldn't resist, could you, Potter?"
"Pansy –" Draco warned and directed a sharp glare towards her, which she returned with a similar intensity. "can you not –”
"No, she's right," He said while he fidgeted with the sleeve absent-mindedly, staring at the blond with earnest, expectant eyes, mouth curling into a small, proud smirk when a faint pink tint started to form on Draco's face. "I couldn't resist."
"Told you he fancied the idea of you in a black dress," Pansy winked, which caused Draco to direct yet another warning glare at her. "oh, why don't you stare fondly at Harry instead?”
"Pansy, I swear, if you don't leave right now, I'll not return your dress and of course our he fancies the idea – now, can you trouble Blaise or your best friend Ginevra instead?”
"You should continue to wear the dress when Harry Potter fancies you in it.”
“Oh, I’ll wear the dress,” Draco drawled while he sipped the wine while he peered into Harry’s eyes, which caused a wild stutter in his chest. “it’s a perfect fit, isn’t it?”
"Yes, of course, now I'll find Gin and irritate her for a while - fifteen minutes only, Potter."
"Yes, woman.”
Harry turned to Draco with a faint smile while he continued to ignore the flutter in his chest when the blond returned the smile and said, "You lost a bet, didn't you?"
"Well, yes, a bet with Pansy was a bad idea and – wait, how did you know I lost a bet?"
"Pansy, for starters, might've mentioned it once or twice when we were working on a case," He said with a sigh. "she was on about a black dress for four hours," Draco shifted slightly, curling his fingers around the soft fabric. "for what it's worth, it suits you."
“I figured you were rather pleased with the view when I caught you staring,” Draco said with a small snort. “you weren’t very subtle, Potter.”
He couldn’t be subtle when Draco Malfoy was wearing a beautiful black dress which he carried with grace and oh Godric, the light make-up, specifically the eyeliner. Perfection, indeed. “Yes, I know, Malfoy.”
“Do you, now?”
"Can we -" The brunet's voice cracked while Draco lifted a brow at him and a corner of his mouth curved upward while he placed the glass of wine on the table. "Circe fuck -"
"Graceful with your words as always, Potter." He was fine with words. Yet, right then, the words had evaporated out of his mind which, by the way, was Draco’s fault. “Of course, I have that effect on you.”
“No you don’t –” He cleared his throat, carding his fingers through the unruly hair and in an uncertain, voice, he whispered, "wait, no, right now, you do,” It elicited a laugh out of Draco “it’s a rare privilege.”
“Oh, of course.”
Harry was, however, certain he wouldn’t form proper sentences for the rest of the night if he was with Draco Malfoy. “Can we –” He inched closer to the blond. “can we dance?”
"Wait, you want to -" Draco's eyes widened and the pupils dilated, mouth caught open on the soft vowel sound. "you want to dance?" A moment. “right now, in front of the others?”
"I do," He curled his fingers at Draco with a faint smile. "would you want to?"
"Oh, of course I want to," He cast a contemptuous glance around and scowled at the cameras. "the prophet, however, is a royal pain in the arse and as much as I’d love to show off the dress or the perfect make-up, the eyeliner to be rather precise –” Draco softened. “I wouldn’t want you deal with the others.”
"Draco, I want to dance with you tonight," He said with a soft sigh. "the prophet can fuck itself, plus, it'll be factual news for once and I'd rather not focus on it when I can dance with you," A beat. "can we?"
He was convinced that the front page of the prophet would contain an absurd headline with a picture of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. It would cause a stir. "You're certain?"
"Yes, I want to dance with you and if the prophet wants to publish fifteen articles it can," He outstretched a hand towards the blond with a small smile, "come on."
"In that case," Draco placed a hand into his and interlaced their fingers while he rose from the chair, "I'd love to dance with you." He leaned in, mouth close the brunet's ear and whispered, "but if you step on my toes, I will light you on fire, Potter."
He chuckled with a slight shake to his head, leading Draco to the centre of the room, to a place he had chosen on purpose. A place underneath a particular constellation.
When your legs don't work like they used to before and I can't sweep you off of your feet
One song drifted to another familiar one. A song he was rather fond of. It was a song he would play on the road-trips with Draco. “Oh, it’s our favourite song.”
He twirled Draco around once, laced the fingers with Draco’s and placed the left hand on his waist in a firm, yet gentle grip. “It’s – yeah.”
‘And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70 and, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23 and I'm thinking 'bout how’
Draco tilted his head to the ceiling, perhaps to offer a distraction, and a small, soft smile formed on his face. "On purpose?"
"We're dancing underneath the Draco constellation, of course it's on purpose."
"I'm flattered."
Harry peered into the startling grey eyes while he swirled to the music with Draco and felt a faint flutter in the chest, which wouldn’t cease. “You dance well.”
He drew Draco closer and for a few seconds, he couldn’t find the words while he swayed to the music in a slow pace. “Oh, it is?”
‘People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand.’
Or maybe just a slow dance.
"Mhm, yes." Draco said with a short laugh while they turned to the rhythm. For once, it felt like there were less eyes on them. Like there was just one single tree in the forest.
Harry, however, had no desire to cast a glance around. Instead, he focused on Draco. On the silver eyes, the softest smile which graced his lips and the light of the stars above dancing on his pale skin.
He was enchanted, his body moving in along in tandem of it's own accord and it caused a warmth to surge through him. He felt content for once.
He felt a breath claw of his throat and the confidence returned in him while he dipped the blond to the floor in accordance with the music. He did not, however, raise him up. “Is it the right moment to mention how beautiful you look tonight?”
“It’s always the right moment to mention how beautiful I am, Potter.”
‘So honey now, take me into your loving arms and kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.’
“Godric, Draco,” He lifted the blond up with a small smile and drew him closer, "You're perfect," He raised a slightly trembling hand to Draco's face and his thumb across his cheekbone, "I could dance with you to our favourite song forever."
Draco leaned into the touch and closed his eyes for a brief second. "I wish you would."
He couldn't confess that he wanted to. Or that it wasn't for tonight. Yet, he couldn't find the words. Perhaps, it was purely platonic and he didn't want to screw it up. Not now.
He retracted his hand and continued to dance. The air which was comfortable a moment ago, turned taut.
Place your head on my beating heart, I'm thinking out loud, Maybe we found love right where we are
"Would you?"
"Would I, what?" Harry said with a small, confused frown while he slowed the pace.
"If I said I want you to dance with me forever or if I want you to kiss me under the light of the thousand ceiling stars," Draco whispered, in a soft, vulnerable voice, "would you?"
Perhaps, it was love that was stuck there in his throat, if the rambling passion he felt for him that he couldn't form words, "Draco I -"
The blond leaned closer and curled his fingers around Harry's neck, mouth an inch away from his. "Kiss me."
The brunet's gaze flickered to Draco's lips and back to his eyes. He wanted to. He had wanted to for years. Now, he had the chance - so, he placed a single finger under Draco's chin and the nervousness he was so prone to feeling washed out of him like a tidal wave, flooding from the tips of his fingers and crashing out of his mouth as it parted in the slightest way, almost invisible.
Harry enclosed his lips on Draco’s; soft yet immersive, gentle yet powerful all the same.
Harry paused, only to whisper softly against his mouth, "I would."
y'all, it's 2:30 AM and I'll pass tf out now.
Plus, I wrote it because "Anon" said I should stop writing, which I won't. Deal with it.
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
lavender and velvet //part six
SUMMARY: she had her fathers eyes, his aristocratic looks, her grandmothers spite, her mothers heart, but the one thing she didn't have was the love of her father that her god brother received. juliet black finally meets her father who has already decided who his child is.
PAIRINGS: to be decided.
hello! i am so happy to see im nearly at 200 followers! once i hit that milestone, i have something special for you guys ;) hope you all like this chapter! also, if any of you cared to give me your opinion, how are you feeling about juliet’s relationships with everyone, romantic or otherwise? i just want to make sure im doing a good job at portraying her and that she is not coming off as a mary sue. thank you all, and as always if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
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Juliet had never so thoroughly misjudged a school year before in her life.
She really should have taken the summer as a forewarning towards the hell that awaited them at Hogwarts. Then again, she doubted anyone could have really predicted the horror that was Dolores Umbridge.
The wretched old toad was a horrible excuse for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She had told them they would not be doing magic of any kind, even though the entire point of them attending Hogwarts was to learn magic. To add insult to injury, she had the most disgusting personality, and for whatever reason, she absolutely fawned over Draco.
Well, not for whatever reason, she thought to herself, his father’s ministry contributions surely had a lot to do with it.
Of course, given her parentage, Umbridge absolutely despised her. Draco, because he loved being an utter twat, found it to be the funniest thing. It had caused a few genuine arguments between the two, because he didn’t understand that it truly bothered her. It wasn’t like the teacher didn’t like her because she was a bad student, because she wasn’t. Umbridge hated her because her father was the escaped alleged murderer Sirius Black.
Draco couldn’t seem to understand that, and per his usual behavior, he would beat a joke to death. 
The only thing keeping her from being over the edge was the meetings with Dumbeldore’s Army. George had told her about it, and despite the tension that had been there between her and Harry, she had to admit he was a great teacher. It was easier for her to put aside her jealousy of him while they were at Hogwarts, as the presence of her father was absent, and she found herself enjoying his company. He was much more sassy than she would have thought, and could keep up a banter with her that would have the others annoyed in no time. 
Being a Prefect wasn’t half bad, either. She enjoyed helping the younger students, finding it joyful to do so. It made her feel useful, and needed. The only thing that was annoying was trying to keep Draco in line, as he preferred bullying and intimidation rather than helping them. 
Due to Draco’s behavior, there was a growing wedge between them. She didn’t know how to fix it, and it upset her. 
“Black,” Blaise Zabini snapped his fingers, breaking her out of her thoughts. “Nott’s been trying to talk to you.”
“Oh,” Juliet cleared her throat, her eyes flicking from the fire to Theo, who looked at her with a smile on his admittedly handsome face. “Sorry, Theo. What is it?”
“I was wondering if you were going to Hogsmeade tomorrow.” Theo paused, waiting for his reply. His blue eyes stared at her, and she found herself self conscious under his gaze.
“Erm, I suppose so,” Juliet replied, lifting an eyebrow as she appraised the boy. “Are you?”
Theo nodded. “I was wondering if you would fancy grabbing a butterbeer.”
Juliet blinked. “With everyone?”
“Well, I was thinking just the two of us could,” he paused, raising an eyebrow. “Unless you don’t want to.”
“No,” Juliet paused. “I would like that.”
As Theo smiled, Blaise snorted. Juliet glanced at him, her eyes narrowed.
“That was bloody awkward,” he shook his head. “Good thing the two of you’ll be on your own.”
“Aw, so sorry Blaise,” Juliet fake pouted, resting her chin on her palm. “Perhaps if you catch Parkinson when she’s not sucking Draco’s cock, you could go with her.”
Theo laughed at that, while Blaise flicked her off and turned his attention back to his Transfiguration homework. Juliet smirked, looking back at the fire with her chin in her hand. She couldn’t help but think of George.
He had begun casually seeing Alicia Spinnet, or at least that was what was heard around the castle. She almost didn’t believe it, but she had caught them snogging once. She hadn’t said anything, instead she acted like she saw nothing. It had hurt her, and she really wasn’t sure why. She should be happy for George, that he had finally gotten himself a girlfriend. She should have teased him, when she caught them kissing, yet, she had backed away slowly as her chest tightened.
“I’ll be so glad when Christmas break comes,” Draco sat down next to Juliet, lying his legs across her lap. “I’m so tired of having to help pathetic little first years.”
“You used to be a pathetic little first year at one point,” Juliet reminded him, shoving his legs off her, ignoring his protest. “Now look at you, a pathetic little fifth year.”
“Oh, shove off,” Draco rolled his eyes, ignoring the laughter from their friends. “Yeah yeah, you all are right gits.”
Crabbe and Goyle had arrived with Draco, both sitting in separate arm chairs. They had snacks, obviously having just come from the kitchen. They ate loudly, smacking their lips and chewing roughly, making Juliet’s stomach churn.
“Nott’s asked Juliet to Hogsmeade with him.” Blaise informed Draco, flicking through his book. 
“Did he now?” Draco looked from Theo to Juliet. “Shall I sound the bells?”
“Oh bugger off, Draco,” Juliet hit his arm harshly, standing up from her seat. She had felt her fake Galleon burn in her pocket, signaling a new date had been set for Dumbledore’s Army. “Just because you can’t get a friend to go to Hogsmeade with.”
“I’m going with Pansy tomorrow.” Draco responded smugly, crossing his arms.
“I said a friend, not a stalker.” Juliet called over her shoulder, smirking when the others laughed.
She checked the Galleon to see that they were set to meet tomorrow night at nine, probably their last meeting before they went home for holidays. Heading up to her room, she turned in for the night, thoughts of Theo and George swarming in her head.
“You’re going to miss breakfast if you don’t wake up soon,” Pansy woke Juliet up the next morning, swishing her curtains open. “Wouldn’t want to go to Hogsmeade with Theo on an empty stomach.”
“Blimey, word travels fast,” Juliet grumbled, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She stretched her arms over her head, her joints cracking as she did. “Draco told you.”
Pansy shook her head, her short black hair styled wavy this morning. “Theo did. He was practically grinning ear to ear. Made me positively sick.”
“Oh, little Parkinson can’t handle the thought of someone caring for someone other than herself,” Juliet mocked, making her way to the bathroom.
“Piss off, Juliet.” Pansy called after her, annoyance laced in her tone.
“Love you, Parkinson.” Juliet called back, smirking on her way to the shower.
After she had showered, she dressed nicer than usual. Instead of leggings and a sweater, her usual weekend attire, she wore a baggy cream sweater tucked into a short pleated black skirt belted at the waist with a thin green strap, and knee high socks. Her dark hair, usually tied back in a low pony, was free around her face. She put on more makeup than usual, spritzed on her perfume, and walked down to breakfast. 
“You look pretty,” Theo complimented her, pouring himself pumpkin juice. “And you smell nice.”
“Merlin, Theo,” Draco rolled his eyes, stabbing at his eggs. “We get it, you fancy her. Save your lovey dovey talk for when you’re alone.”
“I pity your future girlfriend if you think compliments are saved for when you’re alone,” Juliet shot back, fixing her tea. “Thank you, Theo. You look nice as well.”
“You know Draco, she has a point,” Pansy sniffed, pointedly looking down at her seemingly new blouse. “Compliments are what you give when you like someone and want them to feel nice.”
“I love when they do this,” Blaise muttered to Theo, a smile on his face. “Get on his case. Teach him manners. It’s brilliant.”
“Oh, do shut it Zabini.” Draco snapped, rolling his eyes for the second time. 
After breakfast, they split up, Theo and Juliet walked alone together to Hogsmeade. It was an unusually nice day, thankfully, even though snow dusted the rooftops and covered the ground with a thick layer. 
Walking with Theo was nice. He was very kind, and intelligent. They spoke about their homework due Monday, and their mutual dislike for Umbridge. The latter conversation carried them all the way to the Three Broomsticks, where Juliet told him about how she had gotten two detentions from her so far; because she had pointed out that they were at Hogwarts to actually practice magic, whereas Theo had not gotten the lovely opportunity. 
“Merlin, she’s awful,” Theo shook his head, looking down at her arm. “Is there still a mark?”
Juliet rolled up her sleeve to show him the faint scar that remained, reading, I must be respectful of authority. Theo’s fingers brushed gently over the raised lettering, his fingers soft against her skin, giving her goosebumps. 
“I suppose Dumbledore can’t do much about her,” Theo said quietly. “After all, she’s ministry appointed.”
“She sure is,” Juliet murmured, pulling her sleeve down once more. “The ministry is a fool.”
“Right on that,” Theo said darkly, taking a drink of his butterbeer. “Suppose it makes it easier on us, though.”
“How so?” Juliet questioned, taking a drink of her own.
“Well, with our parents,” Theo shrugged, noting how Juliet tensed. “Did I say something wrong?”
“Theo,” Juliet paused, biting her lip. “Are you referring to Voldemort?”
“This really isn’t the place for that conversation.” Theo responded quietly, but nodded his head. 
“You started it,” Juliet pointed out, her stomach lacing with knots. “Are you.. On his side?”
Theo shrugged again. “I think he’s got the right idea on some things. It’s kind of hard not to be a supporter, anyways. Family business, and all of that.”
“It’s not my family business,” she replied quickly, shaking her head. “I don’t think he’s got the right idea.”
“Not entirely, of course,” he agreed with her. “I’m just saying, it probably would be better for the muggles if they had our help, y’know? I don’t really believe in the mudblood hatred, of course, I mean look at Granger, muggle born and still the brightest witch of our year.”
“I like you, Theo,” Juliet began, pausing again to bite her lip. “But I don’t know that we can get anywhere if you really support him overall.”
“Perhaps you’ll have to change my views then,” Theo replied lightly, reaching out his hand to brush his thumb over her knuckles. “Open my eyes.”
“I can handle that.” Juliet cocked her head at him, a smile on her face. Theo’s touch was nice. She felt butterflies in her tummy as they continued talking.
At some point during their conversation, Theo had taken her hand in his, across the table. Their butterbeers were long gone, but they kept talking. She was trying her best to change his opinion, and by the time he suggested they head to Honeydukes before returning to the castle, he had admitted that she made some rather good points.
A familiar voice caught her attention from where she sat with Theo, and she turned her head to see the twins head in, with two girls trailing behind them. Angelina Johnson was holding Fred’s hand, while Alicia Spinnet held George’s. Juliet felt her heartbeat quicken, and she was suddenly hyper aware of her surroundings. 
Theo noticed her change in energy, and clasped her hand in both of his as he asked if she was alright.
Juliet nodded, swallowing hard as Fred noticed her first. He caught sight of her holding hands with Theo, and nudged George while pointing over towards her. Juliet glanced away before she caught George’s eye, feeling her chest tighten at the thought.
“Looks like your twins are headed our way,” Theo remarked lightly, his hands tightening on hers. “Should I be nervous?”
“He-They, aren’t mine,” she corrected him, nerves tightening her tummy. “And no, you shouldn’t be.”
“Little Juliet, you look rather dashing today,” Fred greeted, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. “Long time no see. Out on a little date, are you?”
”Same as the both of you,” Juliet remarked, raising her eyebrows as she forced herself to look at the redheads. “Hey Fred, George.”
“Theodore Nott, hm?” George asked her, his eyes tight as they looked at each other.
“Alicia Spinnet, hm?” Juliet echoed him, raising her eyebrows and giving him a look as she dared him to say more.
“I’m with Angelina Johnson, if anyone cares to know,” Fred joked, breaking the tension. “Where are you two headed off to after this?”
“Honeydukes,” Theo replied, giving Fred a friendly smile. “I bet you lot just came from Zonkos.”
“Smart man,” Fred snapped his fingers, giving him a grin. “I like him, Jules.”
“Thank you.” Juliet murmured, looking away from George.
“Well, I suppose we’d better let the two of you be on with it then,” Fred gave Juliet a hug. “See you later.”
“Bye Freddie,” Juliet hugged him back, looking hesitantly at George, who was staring back at her with that odd look he had given her at Kings Cross, when he had said goodbye to her. “Bye, Georgie.”
George nodded, turning around with Fred as they headed back towards their dates. Juliet swallowed hard, unsure of the feeling in her tummy that had traveled to her chest and her throat.
“Shall we?”  Theo asked, standing when she nodded.
They left the three broomsticks, and Juliet didn’t dare look at the twins again. She didn’t understand why she had gotten so upset when she saw George. They were best friends, so why did it seem like they were both upset with each other?
Theo bought her two sugar quills, and a package of Droobles Best Blowing Gum. He had gotten an assortment of other things, for Christmas presents, he informed her. Which then, of course, made Juliet realize she hadn’t gotten any presents as of yet. She would have to remind Remus to take her.
He held her hand as they walked back to the castle, his warmth welcomed as the wind picked up. By the time she made it back to the castle, her thighs were red from the cold.
“I should’ve given you my robe,” Theo blushed, scratching the back of his neck. “Sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Juliet looked up at him, smiling. “I should’ve probably worn jeans or something.”
“I quite liked the skirt,” Theo’s voice was low, and he eyed her up and down. “You are positively gorgeous, you know.”
They were alone in the corridor outside the Slytherin common room, and it seemed both of them were much aware of that fact. Theo cupped her cheek, tilting her head up slightly. He pressed his lips against hers, his lips still sweet from the chocolate frog he had eaten on their way back. Juliet reached a hand to the back of his head, tangling her fingers in the light brown strands that brushed his neck. His lips moved against hers, his tongue tracing her bottom lip. His hand stayed against her cheek, keeping her head tilted upwards. 
“Bloody hell, save it for somewhere other than the hallway!” 
Juliet and Theo broke apart, their cheeks red from the lingering cold and embarrassment, to see Draco rolling his eyes while Pansy glared at Juliet with odd anger.
“Sorry, mate,” Theo apologized, although there was little sincerity behind it. “To be fair, this hallway was private until you two showed up.”
Draco shook his head, and he and Pansy entered the common room. Juliet and Theo entered next, and Juliet excused herself to go get ready for the meeting with Dumbledore’s Army.
The feeling of Theo’s lips lingered on her own, and for a reason she couldn’t fathom she felt slightly upset by the thought that he had taken her first kiss.
taglist: @person1839 @big-galaxy-chaos @spooderham @iamashlynmarie 
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cafeacademia · 3 years
Love Between The Pages | Chapter 4 Finale
Blaise Zabini x Reader
Chapter Summary: You and Blaise slowly come to terms with the feelings that have been hanging in the air, along with the future of the book club.
Warnings: The tiniest dash of angst for about 0.1 seconds, boatloads of fluff.
Word count: Approx 2800
A/N: Hi loves! Here is the final part of this series! Wow I was not ready for this to be over, I've found this series incredibly comforting to write. It took me a little while to write the last part purely because I just wasn't quite ready to end it yet, but I'm really really happy with how this chapter came out. Additionally, I'm really looking forward to writing more for sweet Blaise and I've been thinking about writing a few standalone pieces that might fit into this little universe. I'm not sure yet!! Let me know if you're interested. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this series, I am so SO proud of it, thank you so so SO much for reading it! 💕
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It was a calm, quiet afternoon, the old loft windows in the library were pushed open and secured on their old latches, the smell of fresh air mixed with the ever cosy scent of wood polish and old books making it all the more delightful to spend time in the library. Sifting through your bag, you pulled out the books you needed to return to Madam Pince, wondering what you might pick up this week, deciding that it needed to be something special.
You clocked Theo walking in with Cho and Neville at either side of him, the three of them chatting quietly amongst themselves as they began to make their way across to the table you all usually sat at. Looking over towards them as you placed your books on the library check out desk, you realised that having him there had become normal. Having all three of the Slytherin boys in your group had become normal and you weren’t sure you really wanted it to end.
“All of you have been reading a lot of romance as of late.” Madam Pince observed as she slid the books across the desk so she could stamp the library slips inside of the covers. “It’s spring, it brings out the romance, doesn’t it?” You said, idly fiddling with the closure on your bag, missing the way Madam Pince gave you a knowing look. “I suppose it does.” She replied before stamping your library slip and handing it back to you.
Stepping across the library floor, you made your way through the rows of shelves, passing the tables of students chatting and studying quietly, some of them reading, others getting their homework done before the weekend. But as you continued towards the table near the back where the golden hour of sun glowed so beautifully across the deep chestnut hues of the furniture and the aged spines of books that were all positioned neatly on their shelves, you caught sight of him. Blaise.
You wondered if he hadn’t noticed you first, his eyes seemingly already on your approaching figure, his smile bright and lopsided, a sight you had gotten fast used to and yet did not want to lose so quickly in the matter of an hour. “There you are.” He said, stepping over towards you with a book in hand. “Here I am.” You smiled, looking up at him with a sweet smile on your lips, trying your best to conceal the way his smile and his voice made your heart leap.
You had not yet forgotten the way his hand had felt in yours just a week prior, the way he had brushed his fingers against yours and held you with such a gentle grip. Was it too much to ask for that again? To feel the fluttering of something akin to love in your chest or the light airy feeling of something new, something delightfully thrilling.
“What are you reading this week?” You asked quietly as he placed the book he had been looking at back on the shelf. “What would you have me read?” Blaise asked, watching as you pulled your bag off your shoulder and pulled out a chair to set it down on. “Me?” You almost gasped, sounding a little surprised by the question. “Well is there anyone else I’d ask for book recommendations?” Blaise teased, stepping a little closer to you and placing his hand on the back of the chair you had placed your bag on. Smiling shyly and struggling to meet his gaze, you giggled softly. “I suppose not.” You replied, shrugging off your robes to get more comfortable.
“Jane Eyre.” You suddenly said, looking up at him. “You should read Jane Eyre.” You added, awkwardly fiddling with your robes as you draped them over the back of your seat. “Is it romance?” He asked. You knew by now that he was very fond of romance, especially period romance and while it surprised you, it also warmed your heart to know he loved a genre you enjoyed too. “Yes, it’s a classic romance.” You replied. Blaise smiled. He always found himself gazing at you with an uncontrollable smile, it was impossible to keep his usually controlled demeanor in check around you. Perhaps it was your shyness that just seemed so sweet, or maybe it was your kind, gentle nature that made him inexplicably happy.
“Show me where to find it?” Blaise asked, holding out his hand for you. Glancing down at his hand, you felt your heart flutter. What if this wasn’t all a one off feeling between you, perhaps he too was immersed by lingering thoughts of love and attraction. “Of course.” You replied, gently placing your hand in his. Your touch was hesitant at first, his eyes capturing yours for a moment as he carefully grasped your hand in his. Blaise was gentle and soft, his touch just as exhilarating and sweet as the previous week and you felt your breath hitch in your throat before you met his eyes with an amative gaze.
Gently you closed your fingers around his hand and led him towards one of the many sections of muggle fiction within the library. As you both dipped between a couple of bookshelves, you watched as Hermione and Draco rushed in with Ginny in front of them, Hermione hissing at them both about how they were late and it was all Malfoy’s fault.
And while Blaise snorted at their antics, the two of you overhearing Hermione whisper yell as they all began to settle down at the nearby table, you trawled through the shelves in search of a copy of Jane Eyre, all while his hand held yours.
“Here it is.” You spoke softly, reaching up to grasp the copy, a soft dusty pink clothbound spine with a beautifully imprinted and silver embossed title. Blaise smiled at you as he gently took the book from you with his free hand, still holding onto you with the other. “Let me pick one out for you?” He asked, watching as you nodded, smiling rather uncontrollably. How was it that he knew just how to fluster you? All you needed was a sweet boy to hold your hand and talk to you about books and here Blaise Zabini was, doing those exact things and making it seem so romantic.
If only he knew how it made you feel. How he made you feel.
A soft, pale powder blue copy of Arabella was passed to you moments later. “Theo told me this was a good book.” Blaise said, watching as you smiled down at the book in your hands. “Did he now? I never thought Theo would be interested in Regency romance.” You mused, peering around the edge of the bookcase to catch a glimpse of the Slytherin sitting side by side with Neville, who now he seemed closer than ever with, along with Cho who seemed to have warmed up to him. You smiled, watching as Theo read a book over Neville’s shoulder. You managed to see which novel it was they were reading when Neville shuffled around a bit, revealing the lovely old illustrated cover of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
“Neither did I, but he seems to be full of surprises.” Blaise said softly as he leaned over you, his hand landing gently on your upper arm, the warmth of his presence behind you nearly melted you, nearly made you want to lean back into him. But you were not more than friends with the odd soft touch and longing gaze. In truth it felt as if it could be more, but knowing this was his last week that he would have to attend your book club, you were still unsure if this was something fleeting.
You found yourself perfectly comfortable beside Blaise as you read together in a comfortable chair, his arm resting over the back of the seat behind you while he held his book in the other hand. You tried hard not to lean into his side and you stayed comfortably close.
And while the bell tolled lowly in the background, signalling the turn of the hour, you still had hope that the boys might stay, because it truly would not be the same without them.
Getting up from your seat, you began to walk back towards the table, though you were stopped in your paces when you felt Blaise’s hand rest softly on your shoulder.
“Sweetheart.” Blaise’s low voice rolled through you, warm, sweet and yet there was an edge to it that scared you, that scared your heart. Turning in his grip, you faced him shyly, the sweet name he used for you making your chest warm and your thoughts hazy with adoration. Adoration that you quickly pushed aside. But it all seemed like a helpless attempt when Blaise reached up, gently brushing the backs of his fingers against your cheek. You leaned into him, into his warm touch, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment, breath hitching at the intimacy of the moment. And you looked up at him, eyes softening with something akin to fear and something deeper, something that looked as if it swam deep below the surface.
“What is it?” You asked, clutching the book tightly against your chest. “There’s something on your mind.” He prompted, watching as you looked shyly down at your feet. “This is all fleeting. You’ll leave and- this will have been no more than part of your detention.” You voiced your worry, somehow confident enough to let your feelings air, ones you had been hesitant to even acknowledge for several weeks now; though you still could not meet his eyes no matter how easy it had been to say the words.
There was a soft sigh, heavy swallow before his fingers gently lifted your chin. “You truly think I’d leave after all this club has brought me?” Blaise asked. “It’s much more than just books and an hour of reading in company each week.” He said. “It’s friendship,” Blaise tilted his head towards Neville, Theo and Cho. “And the way your club brought out the better in all of us.” He smiled softly, his eyes now on Draco as he read quietly with Hermione and Ginny, the three of them sharing the odd bit of chatter now and again. “And for me it’s something else. You make me feel,” He paused, the words resting on his tongue. Wonderful. Accepted. In love. “You make me feel like I’m meant to be here. You make me feel.” Blaise stopped. Because you did make him feel. You made him feel everything. Others might have stunted his feelings in the past, things slowly adding up to prompt him to build his mask of stoic temperament. But it was your passion and your love and kindness that brought out the things in Blaise that he long had forgotten. You made him feel energetic, as if there was nothing more amazing in the world than being in your presence and sharing a moment with you.
“What I’m trying to say is that I’m not leaving after this week. I’m not leaving as long as you’ll allow me to stay. This club has become my escape just as books always have been and you have been my guide.” He explained. “You’ll stay?” You asked, barely above a whisper. “As long as you’ll have me.” Blaise spoke softly to you, your eyes meeting his, wide with the warmth of adoration and the softness of simple romance.
And where his words failed to express what he truly felt in his muddled moment, encased in worry and a desperate rush to get it all out, he made up for with gestures of his feelings instead. Leaning in, Blaise gently pressed you against the bookcase, carefully taking the book you held in your grasp and placing both of your books on the shelf beside you. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, words brushing softly against your lips, your heart fluttering and racing with the wild, unequivocal feelings of love. “Please.” It was a whisper, one that was not desperate nor rushed, but soft and sweet and accompanied by the way your lashes fluttered, eyes slowly sliding shut as Blaise closed the gap between you, his lips meeting yours with a gentle touch.
His kiss was slow and sweet, his thumb coming up to rest against your cheek as he held you, one hand at the nape of your neck and the other resting at your waist. His lips captured yours in a moment of slow, amative bliss, kissing you tenderly until you found yourself breathless, your delicate fingers grasping at the edges of his Slytherin robes.
Slowly parting from you, just enough to catch your gaze, Blaise smiled softly. You felt stunned, but in the best of ways, mind reeling with thoughts and feelings of love. You supposed there had always been something so peaceful about sharing time together to read, but even more so now that you had allowed your feelings to feel.
“I got you something.” Neville said shyly, one hand rubbing the back of his neck as he held out a beautiful old copy of The Secret Garden for Theo to take, the brunette grinning at his friend before taking it from him. “You shouldn’t.” He shook his head, unable to stop himself from beaming at the kind gesture. “Thank you. I’ll read it with you next week.” Theo said, gently patting Neville’s shoulder. “You’re not leaving the club?” Neville asked, his voice full of hope. Theo glanced around the group, his eyes landing on Cho and Neville. “Nah, I have a feeling that even if I tried to leave I’d end up back here anyway.” He grinned, the three of them sharing great delight as Neville pulled Theo in for an unexpected, though appreciated hug.
“I suppose you’ll go back to bullying us again, will you?” Hermione asked Draco as she began to pack her bag. Draco eyed her, his glare softening. It was not love he felt, more something like the beginnings of a friendship. His eyes travelled around the room, falling onto you and Blaise for a moment and then over to Theo and his new found friendships. Attending the club had been a punishment and while Draco had acted as if he hated it, he knew that beyond his usually brooding and snarky behaviour, he had begun to hold the club in high regards. “No.” Draco said simply. “No?” Ginny asked, looking up at him with a challenging stare. “I can’t bully people I like, can I?” He sneered, and while it came out rather unfriendly, they all knew that he was being sincere. That Draco had actually grown fond of you all. “Will you come back next week?” Hermione asked. “We’ll see, Granger.” Were his last words to her before he pulled his bag onto his shoulder and took his leave.
“I’ll walk you back to your common room, sweetheart.” Blaise said, waiting until you had pulled your robes back on before he gently took your hand in his. “And perhaps we can plan a date?” He added, watching as your smile became uncontrollable and you giggled in your flustered, shy state, overwhelmed but in the best of ways. “I’d love that.”
And with that, Blaise pulled you close. He put his arm around your shoulders, his hand leaning down to hold your hand as you made your way out of the library as a pair, but not for the last time. There would be many more times, your hand in his each time. And you counted yourself lucky, because you had found love between the pages and it was undeniably real.
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Blaise Zabini Taglist (OPEN):
@paintballkid711 @megantje123 @chaotic-fae-queen @slytherinwh0re @frecklesandfirecrackers @starofthedawn @mingyuahjumma @dracosaccount @90smalfoy @fuckingdraco @loving-life-my-way @cpetrova @miraclesoflove @struggling-bee @weasleywhore @little-me204 @dreaming-about-fanfictions @eli-malfoy-asf @ur-local-reality-shifter @voidmalfoy @wh0re4blaise @cherie-draco @lazypeachsoul @sistheselenophile @sw33tgirl
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Prompts no 25, 27, 31 angst and non happy ending because I'm a little sad
The affair
Dialogue prompt 31- I want you to list every lie you ever told me.. then I'll forgive you | I hope whoever you are, you're doing better now. My apologies for bringing it out pretty late.
TW- ANGST | Harry loved him, only till fire burned.
Prompt 25 | prompt 27
It could have been love.
Or perhaps it was love until the arson had lasted and the land got buried in the ashes. Maybe it was love, until the fire remained burning, and the air had stated vanishing and soon it died.
He always knew he thought love was a transaction, to get something back in return for what you deposit in, he never believed in it but was Draco swooned. He let himself take the fall hoping that maybe harry would save him. He knew what he was getting into but too fooled was he to believe that love changes people, he held onto the false hope. He assumed, he believed in himself that maybe, just maybe after everything Harry had been through, after everything he fought for, maybe he'd like to not face change anymore. That maybe after everything, he deserved to be loved and deserve to love. That maybe he too felt that there was none who understood him better than Draco like he did, only he should've known.
But once learnt the hard way, draco didn't know how many loses more could he take. Maybe he felt as though he owed it to harry, that perhaps harry was his last shot at love, no matter what happened. Even with the ever consuming lies building up in the relationship that had been going on for 3 years. But Draco would lie to himself if he said he was happy anymore. He used to be, but he hadn't felt the little comfort in the physical affection or more than a chaste kiss in the past few months and he was afraid. Afraid that his inner voice was right.
" I think he's cheating on me " Draco numbly spoke to pansy as he drank his cold coffee
" oh hone-"
" I knew it " Draco interjected.
Pansy gave him a pity look but oh she knew too. She knew he was cheating. The lies Harry had fed only worked a little.
" how do you know ?" Pansy asked, holding a little of Draco's hand in a comforting touch over the table.
" he told me he'd be at the office yesterday. I went to drop him something but he wasn't there. He had left hours ago " Draco replied blankly stating at pansy drawing circles on the upper side of his hand
" but you can't be sure " pansy sighed.
Draco hummed, deciding to not further talk about it.
Perhaps days went by, Draco had stopped counting, he has stopped looking at the calender when their anniversary passed as a forgotten date. Perhaps weeks since Harry tried to come home and cuddle with Draco. And maybe month too when they last went on a date.
Why was Draco doing this to himself? Fear.
He watched as the light, the spark, the fire diminish in Harry's eyes for Draco but a new one was born each day he left for work, like he had something to look forward to. He felt it in Harry's soft light chaste touches that they weren't a secret, private anymore, they were of Someone else too. He even smelled the perfume of another one on Harry's shirt. Yet he rested in fear, fear he'd never be loved again. Because even if everything, harry still was his boyfriend, by tag but he was.. it was all in the labels. But He didn't even come to Draco's work party.
" why don't you leave him ?" Blaise had asked. Draco only shrugged, yawning.
" do you even sleep anymore?" Blaise tried asking again. Draco shrugged once again. He had lost count of hours he slept too.
But alone in the night, sitting on a bed in loneliness even with the body next to him, he cried relentlessly in silent sobs. He would bite his palm to keep the muffles inside as he'd stare at the man he'd once loved, become Lost. He missed the harry who'd kiss him before sleeping or who'd whisper good night or the one's who dragged draco to shower with him or the harry who'd visit between works to take him out for lunch.. he missed the harry that was only his own and not shared as a public property.
He sat alone on the table of a family dinner as his father for first In a while looked at Draco in pity sitting next to an empty chair, reserved for his love who never showed up.
" we should start. He must be stuck with something " Draco Whispered.
Narcissa hesitantly nodded, helping serve the dinner and the family ate in low Whispers and soft chews.
And then perhaps as if an old friend has knocked his door, Draco was met with the young boy who loved Harry in his rivalry,who stood for what was right, for what wasn't just to him, one who believed that if love existed he'd never settle for less. Slamming the door shut, Draco instead of disapparating, stumbled back home with one bottle of whiskey he couldn't even drink because of the drowning heart that yearned sobriety.
" where were you ?" Harry has asked sitting on the sofa, watching TV at midnight when draco had stumbled back home.
But draco didn't respond, placed the bottle on the counter top, only little drunk, unknown tears smeared across his face.
" I asked you a question Draco, where were you ?" Harry sternly asked as he turned around to watch Draco
" are you fucking drunk ?' harry was perhaps disgusted but it only made Draco laugh. A mock.
" do you ask your other boy that too ?"
" what- what other boy ?" But harry was a bad liar.
Draco sniffed in as he walked forwards, collapsed on the couch next to Harry's and stared blankly out of the window, tears immediately blurring his vision.
" it was my parents anniversary today? Do you remember ? I told you a day before yesterday to be there, even sent a memo ? Did you receive ?" Draco asked, his legs shaking.
" oh- see I kept thinking I was forgetting something. I'm so sorry babe-"
" don't-call-me-that" Draco sneered
" what is the matter with you ?" Harry asked thoroughly offended
But Draco only exhaled a shaky breath, his hands contributing to the shakiness and he finally landed his eyes upon the man he had lost.
" was I not enough ?" His voice broke as he asked, staring into Harry's lost face
" what are you even on about-"
" your affair harry. Your bloody affair " Draco raised his voice so as to be stern, confident that be wasn't lying.
" what ? I don't have any affair. I'm offended that you even think that Draco. After everything we've been through-"
"bullshit " Draco snapped
" you think I can't see it Harry ? I can sense it across an entire room if you're there or not, don't you think I wouldn't know that the man I loved is not just Mine anymore ?"
" you're being ridiculous " harry rolled his eyes.
Draco gave Harry a weak smile before he went on " do you remember the last time you told me you loved me ?"
Harry frowned as he thought upon until the realisation hit " i- I didn't realize -"
" I don't blame you " Draco shook his head " I can't even if I Want to. Perhaps I am infact not enough.. perhaps I've failed to be who you wanted me to be. I don't blame you harry, I don't-"
" Draco, there's nothing going-"
" what's his name ?" Draco interjected
" there's no one "
" does he make you happy ?" Draco asked weakly
" Draco, there isn't-"
" does he kiss better than I do ?" Draco asked, his voice breaking.
Harry sighed " I'm not cheating Draco "
" then when did you fall out of love with me ?" Draco asked
Harry stared at Draco long enough to see the pain turning to mocking numbness " I never did "
" liar " Draco sneered as he looked away, not even bringing his hands up to wipe his tears.
" I love you Draco-"
" liar " Draco suddenly raised his voice " you're a pathetic liar " he sobbed
" all this time I tried to forgive you in my head but I only need to ask one thing, what did I do to deserve this ?" Draco sobbed
Harry's face filled with pity as he closed distance between them to wipe Draco's tears away but he jerked his hands away.
" I didn't mean for it to happen " harry finally said as he looked down at his feets, as though he was disgusted in himself.
Draco looked at harry attentively " how long ?"
" Draco-"
" how long harry ?" Draco asked sniffing
" 5 months " harry replied. It should not have been a blow, not have hurt this bad, because Draco already knew but he did. Tears rapidly burning his face as pathetic sobs left his lips and he looked away as if he couldn't bear to look at harry.
" it meant nothing to me Draco-"
" it doesn't matter " Draco interjected, heaving for a long breath
" no I mean it Draco, it didn't mean anything "
" if it didn't mean anything then why were you with him tonight instead of me ?"
But in hopes of trying to fix things, harry couldn't formulate an answer without hurting Draco.
" I really loved you harry, I still do and I hate myself for it but I will let you go "
" Draco Don't-"
" I have loved you enough but in hopes of trying to keep you close, I have made you runaway from me and that's no one's but my own fault. Perhaps I loved you too much or too little but neither of it was enough to make you stay " Draco cried in silent tears.
" don't say that Draco. Please. I still love you. I never stopped. I'll leave him for you. I only love you. It was a mistake Draco. I promise it won't happen again. I'm sorry Draco, please, please forgive me " harry begged
Draco offered Harry a little smile before he took Harry's hands in how own, locking their finger's together and kissing his knuckles.
" I Want you to list every lie you ever told. Then maybe I'll forgive you "
And in that sweetness Draco left Harry more broken than he had ever felt. Filled with regret he had never felt. Pain he had long forgotten. Misery and sorrow he had said good-bye too. But it was in his sweetness harry had loved him and it was in his sweetness he had lost him. That night when Draco went away, with no response, he never came back again and harry was left alone.
It could have been love, or perhaps it was, only until the night was young and the sun had not risen.
Till the mortal fire had burnt.
It's basically midnight thoughts.
300 followers appreciation dialogue prompt requests open.
( ps. I reached 400 tho )
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
The Party
A/N: After a few days of going MIA, I’m back with a piece taken from two similar requests. I hope you like it. If you requested something, please be a little patient. I’ve had some rough days and I’m going back to my working mood :) 
Have a very nice weekend! 
Draco x sister! Reader / George Weasley x Malfoy! Reader / Harry x Malfoy! Reader (platonic)
Word count: 3460
Summary: Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy aren’t home, so reader convinces her brother, Draco, to throw the party of the century. 
“Come on, Draco,” whined (Y/N), “it’s going to be fun!”
(Y/N) had been trying to convince her younger brother to throw a party. Their parents were in France on some distant relative’s funeral and wouldn’t be back for a whole other week. She figured that doing something fun with her brother would rekindle their relationship, which had been strained for years now.
Draco was two years younger than his sister. Before Hogwarts, they adored each other. Draco looked up to her and almost idolized her. Then, she was sent off to school. The sorting hat took a long time with her and ultimately placed her in Gryffindor, much to everyone’s dismay. (Y/N) could still remember, like it was yesterday, the fear that consumed her as she sent a letter to her parents. She was expecting a howler that would fill every corner of the castle with the news of her disownment. Their silence was deafening. For a week, she had nightmares with her father burning her face from the family tapestry.
Then, on the first Sunday after her arrival, Professor McGonagall guided her to Headmaster Dumbledore’s office. For a second, there was a glimmer of hope. Maybe it was all a mistake. Perhaps she could be sorted again and her parents would be proud. As she set foot on the headmaster’s quarters, though, her face fell. As she found herself face to face with her parents, she gulped. Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore left them to talk, not without giving the first year encouraging smiles.
As (Y/N) and her parents stared at each other, she decided she’d show her courageous Gryffindor side. She had always been very rebellious. Even when she played the part of the perfect pureblood, deep down she knew it wasn’t something she wanted for the rest of her life. A lot of what her parents said also didn’t sit very well with her. And this was the decisive moment.
“Mother, Father…I’m sorry.” Regardless of how hard she tried, her voice cracked. Her vision became blurry a few seconds later.
“(Y/N), dear,” her mother said, engulfing the girl in her arms.
(Y/N) sobbed in her Narcissa’s shoulder. She thought she would never feel her mother’s embrace again, yet here she was, rubbing her back and all. The relief she felt was crushed by the fact that she still had to face her father. Narcissa wiped away her daughter’s tears and gave her a reassuring smile, like she had done so many times before. Lucius then came forward, his expression unreadable. He put his hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze.
“This was…unexpected, to say the least. But there is nothing to be sorry about,” he said. (Y/N) still couldn’t decide if this was a good or a bad thing.
“Y-you won’t disown me?” she asked nervously.
“Of course not! Where did you get that idea from?” her father said.
Both Narcissa and (Y/N) shot him an “are you serious” look. Everyone around them was way too keen on having their children sorted in Slytherin. Disownments, banishments and the likes were concepts that adhered to a pureblood’s vocabulary even before they could spell their names.
“My child, I can only imagine how scared you have been in the last few days. I am very, very sorry. If the sorting hat placed you in Gryffindor it is because you will be a great fit in that house. And that is it. Right, Lucius?” Narcissa’s voice was equanimous, but she eyed her husband sternly.
“Right,” he mumbled.
“We won’t lose a child to some tradition. We love you too much to care,” she continued.
That day, (Y/N) learned about her mother’s aunt Walburga and her cousin Sirius. Narcissa vowed to never repeat that story. Even if her father winced when she mentioned that she had befriended the Weasley twins, she knew they had her back. She left Dumbledore’s office feeling like the luckiest girl alive.
The bliss, though, only lasted a few months. When she went back home for the Christmas break, she noticed how something had changed between her and her brother. As much as her parents reassured her, she swore he treated her differently. The adventures around the manor ended, as he claimed they were too old for that nonsense. Every time they were alone, she felt guilt and shame around him, as though he was always judging her. It made her sad. And she found refuge in the letters she received from the Weasley twins, especially George, who had become her best of friends.
Things turned for the worse when Draco arrived in Hogwarts, strutting with a posse of eleven-year-old entitled purebloods like he owned the place. Of course, he was sorted into Slytherin. He never looked her way after that. (Y/N) guessed that now he was bothered by everything she did, everyone she befriended and everything she stood for. She decided not to let that get the best of her and instead shared love and friendship to her newly found Gryffindor family. George and Fred’s little brother, Ron, had come to his first year as well and she took his little gang under her wing, especially Harry who had been brought up by some horrible muggles.
As the years went by, as much as Draco tormented the golden trio, she comforted them. When he bullied them, she apologized. When he said mean things, she always had a comeback. She even told on him with their mother when he was particularly mean, warranting weeks without her famous the care packages.
This year, though, (Y/N) had decided to declare truce. When they got back for the summer, Narcissa locked herself with her daughter in the piano room. They talked for hours about everything and nothing. Narcissa begged her daughter to reconcile with her brother. She told her how afraid she was of her son’s fate now that it was very clear that the Dark Lord had come back. She knew that, if the time were to come, (Y/N) wouldn’t choose Voldemort and she wished with all her heart she could take her brother with her.
(Y/N) took this conversation to heart. She was about to start her last year in Hogwarts and she didn’t want to finish her school having lost her brother completely. She thought a party would be the best place to start. They could have fun together, an occurrence unseen for many, many years. Also, after four years of sneaking around with the golden trio and Fred and George, she realized that there’s an especial kind of complicity between people who shared a secret. She wanted that kind partnership with her brother as well.
After much convincing, Draco agreed. He was expecting a gathering with their pureblood friends and acquaintances, perhaps a very selected group of people to talk and gossip for a while. Maybe if she saw him in his element he could show his sister that he was also worth her time. Draco was definitely not expecting the avalanche of people that flooded the manor. All of a sudden, he was surrounded by people from all houses and blood statuses. The seventh years brought fire whiskey and muggle booze. The music was raging. He looked in disbelief as Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint raced their brooms in their mother’s garden. He was disgusted by two seventh year Ravenclaws getting handsy by the staircase.
As he walked around, he encountered some of his friends. Pansy was sulking because Daphne had ditched her to dance. Blaise had already joined in the fun and Theo sat on a sofa between a cranky Ravenclaw and a very shy Hufflepuff. Crabbe and Goyle were nowhere to be found. 
“Are you having fun, Dray?” as he turned around, he saw her sister. One of the twins, who he didn’t bother to identify, had his arm draped around her shoulder.
He wanted to tell her that she was in big, big trouble. He hadn’t agreed to this. And how it was annoying and disrespectful and inappropriate and…then he saw the infamous golden trio behind her. They were talking to the remaining Weasley twin and eyeing his home in awe. If he had been pissed and annoyed at her sister, he now felt like he would combust in any second.
Draco shot his sister a murderous look.
“I thought you’d have some more respect for me and our home,” he said icily before storming off.
(Y/N) was very confused. Her friends eyed her worriedly. George held her closer to him.
“(Y/N/N), are you okay?” he whispered softly in her ear.
George and (Y/N) had a one of a kind relationship. They knew they liked each other. Back in fourth year, she had told him bluntly. He admitted his feelings as well. They had never made it official for reasons unknown even to them. They had shared a couple of kisses and sometimes they’d walk around with their arms wrapped around each other. They’d flirt a lot. And yet, if anyone asked them, they were both single.
Under different circumstances, she would’ve blushed a little because of how close he was. Maybe, she would’ve even flirted. Right now, her gaze was fixed on her brother’s retreating form.
“Should we leave?” asked Hermione sheepishly.
(Y/N) looked at her wide-eyed, realizing how rude her brother had been to them.
“Of course not,” she answered coolly, “I’m sorry Draco is so rude. Enjoy the party. I’ll go talk to him.”
The group scattered around. (Y/N) pecked George on the lips before she went to find her brother. She didn’t have to search too much; she knew exactly where Draco hid whenever he was upset. She walked up the stairs, were the party was just a distant rumour, and walked towards a godforsaken wing of the manor. After passing through a series of judgmental portraits, she pushed a heavy door that lead a spacious room. The only thing inside was a huge, empty wardrobe, which (Y/N) and Draco used as their own playground.
She smiled at herself, knowing that even if they had outgrown their playground days, that place remained a safe haven for both of them. She opened that door softly and found her brother huddled in a corner of the dresser, his face hidden in his arms. (Y/N) took a seat by his side.
“It’s been a while since we last played here,” she said.
“It’s a miracle you still remember,” he sniffled.
“How could I forget, starlight? It was our favourite hiding place,” she said fondly, calling him by a nickname she hadn’t used in a while.
Draco looked at her for a minute. She noticed his tearstained cheeks. “Well, now you’re so busy with Potter and your blood traitor friends, you hardly look my way anymore,” he countered bitterly.
Something clicked in her mind instantly. “Is that what this is all about?”
“You’re replacing me with Potter. Why wouldn’t you? He’s better than I am in absolutely everything. You send him presents, you cheer for him in quidditch, you’re always looking out for him. You’re like…like we used to be.”
Draco hid his face again in embarrassment. Once she heard his sobs, (Y/N)’s heart broke.
“I honestly hadn’t realized you thought that way until now. But I’d never replace you, starlight. You’re my brother. The things we’ve been through, the things we share, the memories we have together, those things have bonded us for life. It killed me every day to think that you hated me for not being the perfect pureblood sister. You’re the person I love the most and thinking that I wasn’t good enough for you…it made me so, so sad.”
Draco lunged forward and hugged (Y/N) tightly. “(Y/N), you’re my sister. Yes, you could be less boisterous, more proper…” (Y/N) raised her eyebrow. “But I wouldn’t change you for the world. I’ve missed you so much.” (Y/N) rubbed Draco’s back, like their mother did. She remembered what she said when they first arrived for vacations.
“I’ll always be here for you, Dray. And Harry’s not better than you. You’re just two different people. I won’t lie: I really love and appreciate him and I do try my best to give him some sisterly love because Merlin knows he hasn’t had much of that.” Draco tried his best not to scoff. “But you are my real brother. I don’t prefer him over you! And I’m here to reassure you, coddle you and hide in a closet while the party of the century is happening downstairs.”
Draco chocked out a laugh and hugged his sister tighter. He didn’t feel like moving just yet. (Y/N) understood he needed the embrace and so she stayed still, combing her brother’s hair with her fingers until he calmed down. She enjoyed the moment and realized how much she had missed the role of Draco’s big sister. He was such a gentle soul and even when they were kids she knew she had to be careful.
“I think…I think we can go downstairs now,” he announced timidly.
(Y/N) chuckled and nodded, refraining from teasing him. Once they were downstairs, her eyes met George’s. He sat in a circle with a bunch of people. She identified the golden trio, as well as some of Draco’s friends. Angelina Johnson was also in the group and so was Alicia Spinnet. (Y/N) dragged her brother to the circle.
“Be nice,” she mouthed to him as she took her place by George’s side.
“We’re playing spin the bottle,” said Lee Jordan before giving the bottle a spin.
A few rounds in, everyone teased (Y/N) on how she hadn’t kissed anyone. So far, Draco had given Katie Bell a peck which left him blushing. Ron and Hermione shared a sweet kiss. Harry kissed a giggly Daphne Greengrass. Theo smooched Fred, who also brushed lips with Angelina. Pansy Parkinson stamped her lips on Vincent Crabbe’s on what must have been the most dispassionate kiss of the night.  
After George and Alicia shared a quick kiss, it was finally (Y/N)’s turn. She had to kiss Blaise Zabini, on of Draco’s friends. She wasn’t very sure about kissing a younger boy at first. She asked him three or four times if it was fine with him, until he made the first move. The kiss started slow and shy and then Blaise grabbed her hair and pulled her to him. Her breath hitched and she kissed back passionately. How old was this boy and why did he have so much experience?
When they pulled apart, her head was spinning. Draco was looking at them, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets. Some people were cheering on them, particularly on Blaise. His friends were congratulating him on being a “ladies’ man”. Her friends were shocked. She still didn’t know what to make of the situation, until she realized George had left the circle. Fred couldn’t help to shoot daggers at her.
“Excuse me,” she said standing up.
At a distance, she heard Blaise boasting and Draco threatening him. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and walked through the sea of people in search of George. ‘Why do I keep chasing after people tonight?’ she groaned when she failed to find him within five minutes.
She went out to the gardens to try and think. (Y/N) sighed in relief as she recognized the familiar mop of red hair. George was pacing around. As soon as she saw his face of disappointment, she hated herself for accepting to that stupid game with that foolish boy. She should be dancing and having fun with her crush instead of having to mend broken hearts.
They stood in front of each other. George didn’t want to meet her gaze. For years, he thought that their arrangement was the best for them. The love and attraction were there and none of the drama. They could be partners in crime without the messy bits of a relationship. So far, things had worked in their favour. But seeing her smooching that Zabini git had made him change perspectives. For one, he was jealous. He hated every second of that awful feeling. And he realized he wanted to be (Y/N)’s boyfriend. He wanted everything, including the messy bits. He wanted dates in Hogsmeade. He wanted to take her home as more than just “the twins’ friend”. Now she had kissed that Slytherin and he felt like he didn’t stand a chance.
“I know Blaise Zabini could a better match than me,” he sighed.
(Y/N) eyed him quizzically. “What are you talking about?”
“We all saw how eager he was to kiss you. He might be a bit young now, but eventually he’ll probably try to date you and marry you and be the proper pureblood family you were meant to have,” he said his fists tightening with every word.
“Don’t be silly, Weasley,” she answered, moving towards him, “you know you’re the only one I want.”
She kissed him then. It was passionate and blissful. One of his hands travelled to her hair and his fingers tangled on her ringlets. The other hand squeezed her butt. (Y/N) moaned and bit George’s lip.
“Be my girlfriend,” he said against her lips before capturing them again.
“What are you doing to my daughter?!” roared Lucius Malfoy from behind.
Like a deer in the headlights, both teenagers turned around to face the Malfoys. Narcissa and Lucius looked at her, a mixture of rage and disconcertment in their faces.
“(Y/N) Narcissa Malfoy,” her mother’s voice was stern. She might be loved and spoiled by her parents, but the look they were giving her at the moment was one that assured a punishment to kingdom come.
(Y/N) noticed her little brother standing behind their parents, a smirk on his face. She guessed he washed his hands off the matter and was waiting to see her punished for their party.
“Bloody snake,” she muttered.
“Hey, don’t call me that! You got yourself in this missy,” he huffed in response, not even concealing the pleasure this was giving her.
“I thought we had magically rekindled our relationship?”
“We did. Does it mean I’ll magically take the blame for your mess?” he said smugly.
“Your friends are also here,” George retorted. He still had his hands on (Y/N), a fact the whole family was trying to ignore until he brought the attention to himself.
“What are you…what is…why are there…drunk people…my garden!” Narcissa was so taken aback she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. Lucius was eyeing here warily; the only other time she behaved like this he had been banished from their room.
Narcissa went back inside, were everything was eerily quiet. The teenagers who just a few minutes ago had been dancing and drinking stared at the Malfoy matriarch. The music had stopped, just as any bit of conversation. She walked to her precious mahogany table in the common room, where the students had set all of the alcohol, and took a bottle of firewhiskey that hadn’t been opened yet.
“Everybody who I did not create, get out of my house right now!” She didn’t even raise her voice, but it had such a sharp edge to it that everyone in the grounds heard and complied. A sea of Hogwarts students ran out of the door.
George made a move to leave as well, but Lucius stopped him.
“No, you stay,” he said bitterly, “if you’re man enough to touch my daughter’s arse then you’re man enough to stay and listen to what I’m about to say.”
Both (Y/N) and George blushed profusely. Draco faked gagging and Lucius was about to start a lecture when Narcissa came back. She took a swig of the firewhiskey straight from the bottle. Lucius was glaring at George; but even as intimidating as he tried to be, the three teenagers saw how afraid he was of his wife’s glare.
“You,” she said motioning to George, “out.”
“Mum…” (Y/N) tried to intervene.
“Don’t you dare, (Y/N). Don’t you dare,” her tone was almost murderous.
George kissed (Y/N)’s cheek and walked out, biting his lips to hold in his laughter.
“When I wake up tomorrow my house better be pristine or you are going to be in a lot of trouble. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, mum,” (Y/N) answered, not wanting to meet her gaze.
“You two,” Narcissa motioned her husband and son, “to your rooms. Now.”
“But mum, won’t you punish (Y/N/N)? Look what she did when you were gone!” Draco pressed on, behaving in absolute Draco fashion.
Narcissa drank from the bottle again and Draco’s eyes widened.
“Listen to me, Draco. I am going to say something to you and I’ll only say it once: stop being such a little bitch.”
As soon as she said that, (Y/N) burst out laughing.
“I love you, mum,” she said.
“Don’t push it, (Y/N).”
Tags: @cleopatera @okaydraco @naomi02hook @the-hufflefluffwriter @the--queen-of-hell @honeymarvel @blisfvll @icintliviinyiniilsiji @gloriousrebelrunaway @heistmaster69 @victorialynn7 @inkhearthes @wollymalfoy
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: guns, fighting, shooting, murder (none of the characters!), fluff??, mentions of insecurities
A/N: This takes place AFTER Neville tosses reader off the balcony.
“Alright boss! I’ve got her, toss her down!” Seamus called, arms outstretched. As much as Neville didn’t want to, he knew the safest option was throwing her down to him. Without another thought he placed a kiss on her forehead before flinging her over the balcony. 
Neville sighed, smoothing down loose strands of his hair as he watched Seamus run off with her before disappearing into the distance. He wasn’t worried about his ability to protect her. Seamus was more than capable of getting her home safe and sound. He was worried about how she was feeling and whether she’d be too upset with him about it all. Even though he hadn’t lied to her, he wasn’t fully truthful about what his job really was and he was scared that once she realized, she’d leave.
“Well, let’s get to business.” he said to himself before cocking his gun, making his way inside. As soon as he did so a fist came flying his way which he dodged, jabbing his elbow into the crown of the attackers head. He heard a familiar chuckle, looking up to see Ron there, a small cut on his face.
“That was a close one. Your little girlfriend got you distracted, boss?” he asked. Neville’s response was halted due to another challenger which he shot right in the center of the forehead. He felt a movement behind him, turning around he headbutted the guy causing him to collapse to the ground. He turned back to Ron who was wide eyed, a smirk on his face.
“You were saying?” he felt a movement to his side aiming his gun but quickly lowering it when he saw it was Fred. He was kneeling by the guys who were either dead or passed out, taking the money from their wallets. Neville rolled his eyes, kicking him in the rear which caused him to fall over. “You still do that? What is the point in that, you make more than enough money!”
Fred stood up shrugging as he brushed himself off. “It’s a tradition! We did it on our first ever mission and I’ll do it to the end.” He held up his hands, flashing the fifties and hundreds. “Plus it never hurts to have pocket change.”
“Whatever. Where’s George?” his answer questioned itself as he heard a familiar hyena like laugh combined with the a round of rapid gunshots. “Nevermind. You and George take the basement. I’ve got Blaise searching the more obscure areas. Ron, I’ll stay with you down here. Any questions?” they all shook their heads and he nodded before beginning to walk off. “What’re you doing then? Let’s go!”
So far, everything had been going quite successful. After taking out the majority of the men, they found the ones who were in charge of the missing shipment. They clearly weren’t the ones in charge, he assumed them to be two lower rank goons trying to make their ranks up to whatever rich family they were employed to.
“I’m going to ask you one more time. Who the fuck are you working for?” he asked the guy through gritted teeth, gripping at his jaw harshly. The two men had been refusing to speak since they had been tied up, resulting in them being bestowed a plethora of bruises, cuts, and wounds. Near there feet were a few teeth covered in the remains of their own blood. “No? Okay how about this one then, where is the shipment?” he growled out. The two men continued to look back and forth, scared out of their mind. Neville shrugged, standing up as straight. He shot a look to Ron who snapped his fingers causing one of their men to open the door. In they brought in one of the few enemy men who hadn’t been beaten, killed, or escaped. Without hesitating Neville pulled the trigger, blood splattering on the wall. The men in the chairs jumped, loud sobs and pleas leaving their mind.
The mob boss laughed, walking around them in a circle. He held the gun to the back of the one on the lefts head. “You know, I could take your life just like I did his. I’ve got zero fucks and an insanely bad temper so if you wanna push your luck, so be it.” He trailed the gun over to the side of the man’s head as he leaned down closer to him. “But just know it will cost you your fucking life. I don’t have time for games and your existence just so happens to be one.” the man stuttered, not really saying any real words as he tried to stay still as possible. He removed his gun from that man’s head, putting it on his partners. “Or you? You look weaker than him so why don’t you go ahead and spill?” he felt a puddle at his feet, noticing the guy had completely pissed himself. He grimaced, growling as he dug the gun deeper into his head. “ Your in real deep shit now so I suggest you start speaking.”
“I-it was the Livingstons! They heard about the shipment that was gonna be leaving and told us to do something about it! They sent us all as a warning to tell yous all to step off!” he wailed, his partner nodding frantically from beside him. “We ain’t toss it in no water or nothing! It’s at Belmont pier on the corner of Demona Drive!” Neville hummed in content, pulling the gun away from his head. The men relaxed, sighing in relief. Little did they know, Neville was not being so kind tonight. He was tired and worst of all, they had ripped him away from his flower. Sure it wasn’t directly their fault, but still held some of the responsibility.
“See? Now was that too hard fellas?” he said, taking a seat in the large chair behind the desk in the room. He sighed, a fake pout making its way onto his face. “Unfortunately for you though, you’ve wasted hours of my time and messed up my Givenchy’s. Harry, bring in the twins. I’ve got better places to be. Ron get the car and bring it around front.”
“Th-the twins?! Who are the twins?” he smirked, not turning around as he reached the door.
“Oh you’ll see soon enough. Probably the last thing you’ll see actually. Blaise, Draco. Let’s go.” he said as they all walked out the room, the twins taking their place. As they walked towards the entrance the sounds of screams could be heard from the room.
“I’ve gotta go get something real quick boss, I’ll be right back.” Draco said before running off towards the stairs. Blaise chuckled some, shaking his head as he nudged Neville.
“That was harsh, even for you boss.” he said, opening the car door for the man as he slid in next to him. Neville took out a blunt from his pocket, sparking it. He took a large hit before passing it to Blaise, looking out the window. “Guessing it has something to do with your girl waiting at home?”
“More or less. I just wanna make sure she’s alright. I-I know she’s in good hands but I can’t help to worry. She’s sensitive, you know?” Blaise nodded along, patting the man on the leg.
“I’m sure she’s fine. We’ll be home shortly.” with that, the car door opened once more a giggling Twyla hopping in with Draco who’s face was covered in lipstick. 
“That was amazing! I can’t believe you guys get to do that all the time!” she exclaimed, snatching the blunt from Blaise’s hands. Draco tightened his grip on her waist as the car began moving again. Blaise laughed some too, relaxing into his seat.
“Yeah you were a natural out there! Perhaps you’ll consider joi-”
“No absolutely not.” Draco spoke up, taking the blunt from the girl as she stuck it between his lips. He let out a puff, coughing some as he glared at Blaise. She awwed at him, ruffling his hair.
“Aww you care about me? That’s so sweet! But for your information, I wasn’t going to say yes. I enjoy watching the action more than I like being apart of it!” Draco relaxed some, letting out a deep sigh. Neville couldn’t help but laugh at the dynamic they had. Once Harry was in, he told Ron to floor it which he did.
When he got to the manor, he went up to his room opening it to see the girl wasn’t in there.
“I figured you’d want me to put her in another room.” Seamus said, startling him. He turned around yawning as he gave him a tired smile.
“Yeah, thanks. I think she’d appreciate her. Is she in the room down the hall from mine?” once Seamus nodded, he walked out of his room heading to down the hall. Once he got there, he smiled at the sight. Twyla had taken the liberty of changing her out of her dress but in her drunken state, forgotten to tuck her in. Lifting her up, he pulled back the silk sheets before tucking her in, pecking her forehead. Neville couldn’t help to smile, she was absolutely beautiful. He couldn’t wait till the day he’d get to wake up next to her, finding her fast asleep in his arms.
‘It wouldn’t help to lie here for a bit, would it?’ he thought to himself. He didn’t plan on staying the night in her room. She had only had her first kiss earlier in the night, a step like this would be sure to make her a bit overwhelmed, especially waking up in a new place. He slid in next to her, letting out a soft groan at the softness of the bed. (Y/n) mumbled something in her sleep, scooting closer to the man, nuzzling her head into his chest. He felt his heart swell. She was too adorable for his own good, every time he looked at her he just wanted to ruin her. Carding his fingers through her hair, he yawned taking a long blink.
Neville jolted awake, looking at the analog alarm clock on the side table. 3:30 AM. “Shit.” he mumbled, looking down to see the (h/c) haired girl was still there. He began to slide out the bed, placing a pillow where he was once lying. He grinned softly, brushing her hair out of her face as she snuggled into it. He was glad she was sleeping so well. Neville had worried that the girl would have trouble adapting to everything but to his luck, she was doing just fine.
Closing the door gently, he sighed before making his way back to the room, throwing himself on the Alaska king bed.
“One day.”
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99 @princesslaiahg​ @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically
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alittlewhump · 3 years
Unbidden - Act 4, chapter 3
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Content warnings: None
Tyrael's presence roused Morgan from his light meditation. He'd been focused on reviewing the familiar training to maintain emotional control, after his serious lapse in the face of having been restrained. It was quiet in the fortress. The others were likely all asleep. The angel stood like a statue, resplendent in his armour, the tendrils of his wings moving slightly as though caught in a breeze Morgan couldn't feel. The sight was no less breathtaking than it had been the very first time, but the more time he spent around Tyrael, the easier it was getting to function around the feeling of awe. It felt like the angel was looking at him now, but since no face was ever visible beneath his cowl, it was impossible to tell.
"Tyrael?" he asked softly, as to avoid waking anyone. "Can I help you with something?"
"I have questions," Tyrael replied, his voice almost equally soft, "about the experience of mortality." A very unusual request, Morgan reflected as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. Angels weren't known for their curiosity. But then again, they weren't really known at all.
"What can I answer that Cain cannot?"
"I act in the capacity of a mentor for the last of the Horadrim. It does not befit such a station to ask the simple questions I have. But I have no such obligation to you, and my thirst for knowledge remains unslaked."
"I'll answer all I can. Let's go somewhere we won't wake the others."
"Yes. Mortals need to sleep often." There was something in his tone of voice that almost sounded like fondness. "Why do you not sleep as the others do?" Tyrael glided alongside Morgan soundlessly as they made their way into one of the remaining wings of the fortress.
"I am a priest of Rathma. It is ours to stand vigil over the Balance of the Great Cycle of Being. To that end, we learn to rest ourselves through meditation instead of sleep."
"Why? Can you not take your vigil in shifts?"
"The vigil is... partially metaphorical," Morgan admitted. "But it serves us well to sleep little."
"What is it like to sleep? To dream?"
They worked slowly through a series of questions in this vein. Tyrael seemed curious about the most mundane aspects of human existence. Morgan hoped his answers painted an accurate picture. He was permitted to ask some questions of his own in return. Mainly he asked about angels and how their experiences differed. It was fascinating. They were something completely inhuman, physical manifestations of Anu's light created by a great crystal arch at the heart of the High Heavens. They weren't faceless to one another, but human minds couldn't comprehend what they looked like and simply defaulted to emptiness.
Archangels were a particularly high order of angel, each one specially attuned to an aspect of the Light. Tyrael was the archangel of Justice, which explained why he was so amenable to engaging a priest of Rathma. He could see the utility of balance in a way few of his fellows understood. They conversed until the sound of Halbu's hammer began to echo through the fortress. Tyrael's hood tilted to one side, as though he was considering something.
"There is a task I would have you carry out, champion. I believe you capable." Morgan tried to smother the spark of delighted pride that flared to life at that. It was wholly inappropriate.
"Certainly, Tyrael. Name it."
"In ages past, my most trusted lieutenant was an angel men knew as Izual. He led an assault on the Hellforge, against my wishes. Despite his valour and strength, he was captured and twisted by the Prime Evils. They forced him to betray his own kind, giving up Heaven's most guarded secrets. He became a corrupt shadow of his former self, bound inside a demonic form and sentenced to wander the Burning Hells eternally. But he has spent ages in his penance. He has suffered enough. Find Izual and destroy him. Free him from his imprisonment. Put an end to his suffering."
"Of course. We will." Morgan paused. "He will be freed upon the destruction of his vessel, correct?"
"Is there any anointment or other ritual I should perform? To help him find his way back?"
It was Tyrael's turn to think for a moment. "That should not be necessary. Even after all this time, he cannot have forgotten the path home."
"Very well. We will find Izual and see that he suffers no more. Where will we find him? How are we to know him?"
"The answer to both is that he wanders, alone. Demons travel in packs but his vessel is unique and other demons will not suffer his presence. This is part of his penance. It is... unnatural for angels to be severed from the heavenly Host. We are meant to be part of a greater whole, just as demons are, in their way."
"I see." Most people shared that same tendency to group, to seek out others to bond with. Morgan could even see it in himself, to some extent. Knowing he was part of the Order of Rathma lent him certainty and strength he would lack on his own. And he certainly wouldn't have made it anywhere near this far without Blaise and Cain to support him as well. He just hoped he was holding up his end of things adequately.
"Good morning, early birds," Blaise called, passing by on her way to take breakfast.
"It is not morning, and we are not birds," Tyrael pointed out.
"Calling someone an early bird is another metaphor," Morgan supplied. "Some birds begin singing early in the morning, before the sun rises."
"It is day above," Tyrael said.
"Yeah, well, it always looks the same here," Blaise said. "I just woke up, so as far as I'm concerned, it's morning. If you're up already, does that mean you're ready to head out?"
"Yes, whenever you're ready. Tyrael has been telling me about something we should look for while we're out there."
"Tell me over breakfast. I'm starved."
Morgan gave a quick bow to Tyrael before following Blaise. With a little luck, perhaps there would be something easy for him to eat while he explained this new task. He would need the fuel for the coming hours of work, regardless of the lurking memories that turned his stomach and soured his mouth. He could not allow something so insignificant to slow their progress.
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