#percy kissing Nico’s forehead as he passes: make sure you eat
mikeluciraphgabe · 11 months
Percy, dragging his ass to the lake: I’m gonna go lay down
Nico: Ok, just make sure to be like an autumn leaf landing in the water and depressingly going down stream as the person who watches feels a sense of longing as it disappears from view.
Percy: Already ahead of you!
Everyone else: what the fuck
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fatedbutblinking · 4 years
when hades!reader dates percy jackson
relationship headcanons are actually pretty fun to write so expect more of these soon. i might do like some brother-sister kinda ones from pjo (like siblings in a cabin, for ex) but ofc can’t wait to tackle the nico-will dynamic <3
Percy was too scared to admit he liked you so he instead was extremely overprotective.
One time, at a party a Dionysus camper threw, an Aphrodite guy was getting touchy-feely with you.
Percy splashed the guy’s beer in his face using his powers, angering him, but he only winked at you and walked away.
Eventually you caught on that he liked you and kissed him by the Canoe Lake.
Initially you tried to keep your relationship a secret.
There was always sexual tension during Capture the Flag.
It was even worse at the nightly campfires, where you stole lustful looks from each other.
You snuck into his cabin most nights as you couldn’t do it with Nico around.
That’s when you found out he was a big cuddler. All night he would warm you up, as children of Hades are unnaturally cold. And because he likes smelling your hair.
Nico was the first to know. He told you that he was dating Will and you would have felt guilty if you didn’t tell him about Percy, so you did it right after. You made disgusted looks at each other jokingly—but not before Percy bust into the room with chocolate-covered strawberries. He always seemed to be in the right places at the wrong time.
Despite being popular on campus for your powers and ethereal looks, you never had many friends. People were intimidated by your dad being the god of death.
Until Percy introduced you to those from the Prophecy of Seven and you all became really close.
He made it seriously obvious that you were dating, even though the whole point of keeping it a secret was to protect it from them.
Whenever Leo tried to flirt with you, Percy held Riptide in the pen form against his back and glared.
When Jason stared at your bikini bod at the beach, Percy sent a wave of water over him before he could finish stuttering.
When girls flirted with Percy—which was and is all the time, especially the mortal ones—you kissed his cheek in front of them and got the message across that he was yours.
“I’m the disciple of death, so,” usually did the trick.
Percy got sick of keeping the secret. He didn’t want guys flirting with you anymore.
So, at your birthday party, he pulled you onto him in the Canoe Lake and kissed you passionately. Everyone stopped swimming to cheer you on.
An Apollo kid took a picture of the moment. It turned out like one of those aesthetic Pinterest couple photos with the sun setting in the background and the silhouette of your chests against each other.
Percy often asks you to replicate the silhouette in the picture as a shadow on the wall.
From that moment on, PDA became a big thing between you two.
Everyone knows you’re dating and if they’re new, they learn quickly.
You’re like the mother and father of Camp Half-Blood.
The first time you told Percy you loved him, he hugged you tightly and pulled you into his chest to stop you from seeing him so happy.
“I love you too,” he’d said quietly. “More than anything—everything.”
After a few moments of you being buried in his chest, he kissed your forehead, and then all over your face, and repeatedly said, “I love you,” until you laughed.
Nobody makes you happy the way he does.
“I’ve never seen you smile so much,” Leo said one time, not really joking.
“That’s because I’ve never been so happy.”
Nico threw a pillow at you. “Out.”
Your dates are at the beach, where Percy steals kisses from you in the water and you laugh at how dorky he is explaining the anatomy of a hippocampus.
You’re accustomed to riding dolphins, watching the sun set and swimming with sharks.
“Aren’t you scared?”
“Of what?”
“Of the sharks biting you or killing you. Girls are always scared of that.”
“I’m not scared of death, Jackson.”
You and Percy binge-watch Netflix and binge-eat all the time.
You and Percy are very powerful and competitive, being children of The Big Three, resulting in long and rough fights.
There is a literal rule that you’re not allowed to be on the same team. You’re both too powerful.
Because of the paleness you inherited from your father, you blush easily. Percy thinks this is adorable.
He always talks about how beautiful you are, saying Aphrodite can’t compare. He knows that you secretly like the compliments, in spite of smacking him and calling them moronically cheesy.
He is always in awe of you when you take people down in fights.
He genuinely admires what he calls the ‘badass bitch’ vibe.
You make him blue pancakes.
It isn’t very often that you’re open with people, but you’re very open with Percy. You wouldn’t admit it to him, but you’re sure he’s the only one you could love that much.
Percy appreciates your honesty, though others might find it startling. He appreciates most your ability to conceptualise what he’s feeling when he explains something that happened to him.
For example, he told you about how much he hated Gabe Ugliano. You recognized it as abuse and Percy denied it.
“Oh, come on. He was just a mean dude. I wasn’t abused,” he had chuckled.
“He hit you, Perce. He bullied you. Just because you’re a demigod doesn’t mean you’re a strong mortal incapable of feeling pain. Your problems as a human guy matter just as much.”
“You know, you’re nicer than you think.”
“Don’t insult me again, Jackson. No matter how cute you look doing it.”
Everyone at camp is envious of your relationship.
The Aphrodite girls go insane shipping you guys.
One time, Piper had to stop the Aphrodite girls from spying on you guys through the crack of the Poseidon cabin.
They like the contrast between you two; Percy is the warm one and you’re the cold one; he’s the tan one and you’re the pale one; he’s an idiot and you’re smart.
And yet you have a balance of similarities. You’re both illegitimate children of The Big Three, powerful, good-looking, brave and would do anything for each other.
One time, a mortal tried to capture a mythical seamonster on video in the middle of a Greek ocean. In the corner of the video were you and Percy heatedly making out; he had taken you there for a date.
Your accidental sex tape became worse when Poseidon used Mist to get rid of the hippocampus in the video so no mortal would find out about it.
The video was debunked, but also broadcasted on the news where the world got to see you two making out. And no seamonster.
Whenever you and your brother Nico play with Mythomagic cards, Percy always shows up.
He says he wants to learn to play, but rubs your love life in Nico’s face simultaneously.
You’ve always thought it was because of the ‘Nico saying Percy wasn’t his type’ thing, but it’s actually because Percy wants Nico to know that he really loves you and wants his approval.
Hades only accepts your relationship because you’re happy, but that doesn’t stop him from threatening Percy’s life.
“Break her heart and you’ll have wished you became immortal, Percy Jackson. Of course that wouldn’t stop me.”
Poseidon loves you like his own daughter.
But when you talk to him, you’re pretty awkward, as he knows about the things you and Percy do in his waters.
Sally thinks you’re good for Percy because you save his ass whenever he does something stupid.
With Paul Blofis being a smart, docile guy and Percy being a rowdy goof from a different world, they didn’t get along well initially.
So you’re the middleman. You educate Paul on the world of gods and you tutor Percy so he passes Paul’s English class—his worst class due to his dyslexia.
You’re pretty much the rulers of Camp Half-Blood and the high school you both attend.
Overall, you’re both strong and powerful in your own rights, but the two of you together are these soft cuties. Your relationship is passionate on all fronts and you’re sure you won’t find a connection as strong as this one.
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ask-thediangelo · 4 years
Nico and Will! For the couple meme
Gives forehead kisses
This is Will - definitely. Mainly because he has the height advantage between the two, but I'd like to believe the gesture really helps in calming Nico down and helping him relax.
A gentle reminder that he isn't alone and that he's safe.
Gets jealous the most
Nico. Although this isn't because he doesn't trust Will. It's more of a low self-esteem thing. He firmly believes that he doesn't deserve Will, and that he would be better off with someone who was not as "messed up" as he was.
Picks the other up from the bar when they're too drunk to drive
I have a headcount that, down the line/ when everyone gets older, Nico drinks quite often. Not so much that it's an issue, but it's definitely habit. So I would say this would be Will.
I also believe that Will would be that person who wouldn't take part in anything that could potentially risk his ability to help others. (And the boy definitely likes to help others - just reread his entire appearance in Blood of Olympus. He's a helper.) So drinking, smoking - stuff like that - he wouldn't touch. So he is everyone's DD.
Takes care of on sick days
Pretty sure the obvious answer here would be Will, since a good chunk of his character is being the camp's doctor and such. But I'd like to believe this is both Nico and Will.
The two of them are a team. If one person is down for the count, you can count on the other half to really come to the rescue and help them down the road to recovery.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
Oh WILL - no doubt.
Nico hates being in the ocean. Being on it, like on a ship or on a canoe? That's fine. But being IN the water? No.
It would take a lot of coaxing, but with a pout here and a puppy dog look there, Will can get Camp Half-Blood's resident Ghost King to wade in the shallows of the beach. But no deeper than that.
Gives unprompted massages
I can imagine Nico doing this.
Will already does so much, for him and for everyone at camp. Nico would pamper his sunshine with a nice massage whenever he managed to catch the blonde boy at a moment of rest (which is rare).
Drives/rides shotgun
Both of them would take turns once they've both gotten their licenses and their hands on a car.
Although Nico wouldn't really make use of one as much if he knows he could shadow travel there without passing out.
Brings the other lunch at work
When Will's in "Doctor mode", he tends to lose track of time and pay less attention to the state and needs of his own boy (ironic). Nico makes sure that Will is able to eat, and even keeps him company for lunch too.
Has the better parental relationship
I want to say both of them have good relationships with their parents.... But Nico definitely has a strong bond with his father, Hades. He even visits him quite frequently.
Apollo is doing his best, but even he has his moments where he just...doesnt have any contact with Will. But he tries.
Tries to start role-playing in bed
Neither. I don't think that's really a kink shared between the two of them. Plus, those moments are special (and rare, since I believe Nico doesn't have a high sex drive.)
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
Funny enough - Nico.
When he gets drunk, he is A LOT more energetic. To the point where he could rival both Percy and LEO. So he's had moments where he truly embarrasses himself - both on the dance floor and off it.
Still cries watching Titanic
Will. Nico isn't really into romance movies (unless they're animated).
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Nico - hands down.
Pretty sure he and Will are reigning champions for Best Couple Costume in Camp Half-Blood's Halloween Party.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
He has a dad who spoils him, so he has access to the riches of the Underworld. Why wouldn't he take advantage of that to buy some luxurious gifts for the sunshine of his life?
Makes the other eat breakfast
Nico has a terrible habit of stopping breakfast. The only way to get him to eat is to make sure Doctor Will Solace is there to remind AND monitor him.
Remembers anniversaries
I believe, even when a decade has passed for this couple, he will always be astounded that Will chose him out of all the people on the universe to love. Thus, Nico sill never forget an anniversary and will always make those days special.
Brings up having kids
The idea of having a family with Nico tickles him pink. It will take a while, of course, before Nico feels comfortable with the idea - but they get there.
The two of them would be the best dads ever. And that's a fact.
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Hi! I was rereading your Bad thing happen Bingo prompt fics and I thought it would be so ironic for Percy to be dehydrated and for Nico to have hallucinations in two different fics, if you want.
OOF. This is crazy late and I’m not even sure you’re still out there, nonny, but here it Nico with hallucinations! I hope you like it!
Stars are completed, swirls are requested!
Tumblr media
Request: Hallucinations
Fandom: PJO/HoO
Requested by: Anonymous on Tumblr
If you've read my Riordan!verse book, this plot probably looks familiar, but it was really cute and a perfect fit for some Solangelo whump! So sue me! Actually, please don't. I'm poor.
"Nico, are you paying attention?" Will asked, waving a hand in front of Nico's glassy eyes.
"Hmm?" Nico hummed, blinking innocently, trying to make his brain focus on what Will was saying. "I'm listening." The drowsiness really wasn't his fault, it was the stupid meds he was on for the cold that had somehow developed into an all-star blend of bronchitis/flu he'd managed to catch thanks to his chronically crappy 1920s immune system that somehow still wasn't used to the germs of the 21st century.
"Then explain the dosages of these medications to me before I leave for work." Will demanded, gesturing to the bedside table full of various bottles of pills and liquids.
"Two of the little yellow and white ones every twelve hours, two of the blue ones every six hours, a full cup of the brown stuff, a full cup of the yellow stuff when I need to stay awake and breathe, a full cup of the pink stuff when I don't want to puke, and two sprays of the nose stuff if I want to be able to breathe out of my nose." Nico rasped, hacking and coughing when all of the talking irritated his shredded throat.
"The terminology was a little lacking, but that was actually right." Will said in disbelief, surveying the various bottles of pills and liquids. "Are you sure you don't want me to call in? You're still so weak. You barely made it to the bathroom without getting winded earlier." Will knit his eyebrows, frowning as he sat down beside Nico and put a hand to his forehead. Yep, fever was still as present as ever.
"Will, it's already been three days. I think I can manage to keep myself alive for the next twelve hours." Nico tried, and failed to sit up on his mountain of pillows in an attempt to show independence, all he really got was another worried look from Will.
"Plus," Nico continued, knowing that Will was one cough away from calling into work again, "You never know when you'll need a sick day for yourself." Nico wheezed, trying to breathe normally as his lungs screamed for oxygen.
"Doctor's don't get sick."
"Charlotte," Nico looked to the other side of the bed to see their cat lounging across Will's vacant pillow, "Do you want to remind your father about the Great Pneumonia Debacle of 2017, or should I?" He asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Merrr. Charlotte trilled.
"Charlotte, language!" Will laughed. "Alright, alright. Point taken. I'll go to work, but I'll be back at 3 to check on you, or I'll send Annabeth. She's immune to your charms." Will stood up, folding his arms and giving Nico an incredulous look.
"No one is immune to my charms, right Charlotte?" Nico smirked, looking over at the cat who was now sound asleep.
"She agrees." Nico reassured Will.
"I'm sure." Will laughed and rolled his eyes, leaning down to give Nico a kiss on the forehead.
Nico took one last opportunity to breathe in the scent of Will before he turned and walked to the door to get his bag.
"For the record," Nico said nonchalantly, leaning back into his pillows, "I know that was a poorly disguised attempt to check my temperature." He called as Will rounded the corner out of the bedroom.
"For the record, you still have one." Will grinned, popping his head back into the doorway.
Will disappeared and Nico could hear the front door opening a moment later.
"Love you. Try not to fall and hit your head on the bathtub or overdose on Advil today!" Will yelled, mostly joking.
"I make no promises." Nico screeched back. "Love you too."
Nico coughed roughly, barely hearing the door shut. When he could -- sort of -- breathe normally once again, Nico wished he'd asked Will to stay. Being left alone with his crappy immune system and nothing to distract him from his own thoughts was not very high on Nico's agenda.
After laying around in bed for a while, Nico got up, tried not to fall over from the wave of dizziness that consumed him momentarily, wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, and shuffled to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
"Try to eat something." Will's voice echoed in his head. Maybe he'd try some toast, Nico thought. Will would be proud of Nico's budding self-preservation skills.
On second thought, Nico corrected, he was glad Will had gone to work. Dr. Solace had barely let him out of bed for the last three days and had basically been drowning him in soup. If he was winded just by walking to the kitchen, Nico thought he'd just keep that to himself.
Finding the kettle, Nico filled it with water and put it on the stove to boil. He found some English breakfast tea and his favorite mug and set them on the counter beside the stove. Seeing little black and white spots on the edges of his vision prompted Nico to sit at the table and wait for the kettle to boil. Maybe Will had been onto something by putting him on bed rest.
Once he was sure he wouldn't pass out and bludgeon himself on the kitchen sink, Nico got up once again to make himself some toast like his Will voice had suggested. As he finished buttering the toast, the kettle made a high pitched whistle noise, indicating that it was ready.
After carefully pouring the boiling water with trembling hands -- which could have been from hunger, fever, or both -- Nico sat down to eat. He could feel nausea building in his stomach, but he knew it'd only get worse if he didn't eat. Plus, he wouldn't be able to stomach any of the meds until he ate.
Nico ate and drank slowly, sure that every bite or sip would send him hobbling towards the bathroom. Thankfully, he managed to keep the food and drink down and the nausea had faded to a manageable level.
He was tired. No. Not just tired. There had to be a word for more than tired, but Nico's gummy brain wouldn't think of it right now.
Nico quickly, in spirit, not body, shuffled back to the room and his bed. When he was settled, he measured out all of the various pills and liquids he was supposed to take, one of everything since it was the first dose of the day, and was about to pass out when he remembered to set an alarm for his next dose of meds, and promptly passed out.
Nico had weird dreams, but that was pretty normal if you were a Demigod or taking prescription strength cough medicine. There was something about a goatman and there was also a horse who kept yelling at Nico and calling him a cupcake.
Beep Beep Beep
The annoying sound was slowly pulling Nico out of weird dreams and a deep sleep. He cracked his eyes opened and looked around for his phone, which turned out to be underneath Charlotte. She was not happy to be disturbed and jumped off of the bed as Nico pressed snooze on the alarm. He sat up and clumsily sorted out all of the medicine he needed to take. Once he'd taken the cough medicine, pepto bismol, advil, tylenol, and nasal spray had been successfully administered, Nico set the alarm for the next dose and fell back into the weird dreams.
Beep Beep Beep
Nico felt like he'd barely managed to fall back into sleep when his alarm was dragging him back out of sleep again. He looked around the room blearily and thought that it was much too bright to be four o'clock, but couldn't really focus long enough to care. He took the required medication and, feeling oddly jittery, got up and, once the subsequent dizziness subsided, grabbed a blanket and shuffled into the living room.
Nico felt weird, kind of spacey and floaty, like he'd been given laughing gas at the dentist's office. He also felt hot, his cheeks felt like they were on fire when he put a hand on his face. Also, he was a little numb. Part of him, the common sense part, seemed to think he should be worried about this, but the other part of him, the part that honestly felt a little drunk, told the other side to be quiet. This was the best he'd felt in three days. Then, he was tired. So, so tired. Nico tried to decide if he could make it back to his bed, but the decision seemed to be made for him when he was already drifting off again on the arm of the couch.
Consciousness pulled at his brain. No! Just a few more minutes! He begged his brain.
As the wheels of his brain began to spin, Nico got the distinct feeling that he wasn't alone. At first, he thought it was Charlotte, but the presence felt "human." His second thought was Will, but Will's presence felt different. Nico opened his eyes.
At first, he couldn't really make out the figure sitting across from him. His brain and eyes were not friends at the moment. Nico rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands and tried to figure out who was watching him sleep.
Black hair pulled to the side in an artful braid, olive skin, just a little taller than Nico now; back then, she'd been almost a foot taller. She wore the tell-tale uniform of the Hunters of Artemis, but Nico thought he could see the brim of her green hat poking out from one of the pockets.
Was throwing up from happiness a thing, because Nico was really nauseous and really happy all at once. There were lots of other emotions, confusion chief among them, but happiness and nausea were at the forefront of his foggy brain for the moment.
"Bianca?" Nico screeched, jumping off the couch and subsequently almost passing out from the vertigo.
"Woah, sit down! You look awful, fratellino." Bianca laughed softly and gently pulled Nico back onto the couch.
Nico tried to gather his thoughts, but his head ached and everything was still spinning. There were so many questions, but all Nico could come up with was "What?"
Bianca just shrugged.
"Well that's helpful." Nico retorted, finally recovering some of his snark. " How are you here? Why are you here?"
"I can't really explain, I just had to see you. I can't stay long."
"Why not?"
"Just because."
"That's not fair."
"Tell me how your life has been, fratellino." Bianca said, changing the subject.
"Th-there's so much I need to tell you. So much has happened."
"Why don't we start here." Bianca said, sounding curious as she got up off of the couch and took a picture of Nico and Will from Christmas.
"Th-that's Will." Nico said simply. Suddenly, he was scared. He'd never officially come out to Bianca.
"Didn't we meet him when we first went to Camp? He was smaller then, but so were you." Bianca laughed.
Nico couldn't breathe.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Bianca asked the same was one might ask "What's for lunch today?"
"He's cute. A lot more sunshiny than I thought you'd go for." She laughed, putting the picture back.
"That's what everybody says." Nico tried to laugh, but he still couldn't quite breathe.
There was a beat of silence.
"Are you happy?"
"More than I've been since-" He'd been about to say since you died, but faltered.
"I'm glad."
Nico thought back to all of the days and months that he tried to contact her, tried to give Bianca one last message.
"I-I'm sorry." Nico choked out.
"You have nothing-"
"I should have been there. It should have been me." He cried.
"No." Bianca said firmly. "That was my fate. It was always going to happen that way."
There was another beat of silence. Somehow, Nico knew that Bianca understood everything he hadn't said.
"You look like death." Bianca laughed wetly, wiping a tear away. "You should rest."
"I have so much more to tell you!" Nico rasped, feeling the weight of sleep trying to pull him under.
"I know. I know." Bianca shushed, gently pushing him until he was laying flat.
"D-don't leave." Nico slurred.
"I can't stay, but I'll wait until you fall asleep."
"I love you." Nico murmured.
"I love you, too."
Nico could feel sleep pulling him in like quick sand. He didn't want to go. Not yet.
As he drifted to sleep, Bianca sat beside him and ran her hands through his hair, just like she'd done when he'd had nightmares as a kid. Then, there was nothing but the endless sea of weird dreams.
Then next time he woke up, Nico wasn't on the couch anymore. He wasn't even in his house. The too loud beeps of a heart monitor and the buzz of too bright fluorescent lighting told Nico that he was in a hospital. Wait, what?
Nico tried to sit up and get a better look, but his abdomen exploded in pain. It felt like he'd done several thousand crunches.
"Agh!" He yelped, still hoarse.
"Woah, Nico, take it easy. You're probably a little sore." Will shot up from his seat where he'd been dozing.
"A little? My stomach is trying to vacate my body!" Nico groaned, curling into himself. "Why am I here?"
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"Taking a nap on the couch." Nico tried to think back. "Bi-nevermind. Why am I sore? Also, why am I not at home?" He asked, almost bringing up his conversation with Bianca, but that somehow felt like a secret he couldn't share with Will.
"You somehow took triple the dose of all of the meds you needed. When I came home, you were delirious and kept calling me--nothing. You were delirious, I brought you to the hospital and the ED pumped your stomach and had you admitted for observation. You've been unconscious since around 1 o'clock yesterday." Will explained.
"What time is it now?"
Will tapped the screen on his phone. "Almost 4 o'clock."
"27 hours!"
"Some of the meds you took had already started to absorb into your stomach lining, namely the insane amount of Nyquil you took."
"I set an alarm. If I only took the meds when I needed them, how did I take too much?"
Will tried to look serious and worried about his boyfriend, but couldn't hide the laugh that escaped him.
"I'm sorry. It's really not funny." Will laughed. "You could have been seriously hurt, but this is something that could only happen to you."
"What are you talking about?" Nico asked, looking at Will like he'd gone insane.
"Where'd they put your phone?" Will looked around, still laughing. "Ah!" He exclaimed, pulling Nico's phone out of a clear bag with what looked like the pajamas he'd worn yesterday.
"Here. Look." Will opened Nico's phone and showed him the screen. It was still on the alarm setting.
"What am I supposed to be seeing?" Nico asked, not comprehending what was supposed to be so funny.
"You-" Will laughed, "you only set one alarm." He pointed to the alarm for 11 o'clock. "You just kept snoozing the same alarm and took your next dose of medicine whenever it went off."
Nico couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"Oh my gods! This is so serious and not a thing we should laugh at, but the past 27 hours have been so stressful." Will wheezed.
"So you're saying that I took three rounds of meds in 30 minutes?" Nico laughed, his stomach muscles begging for mercy.
Will nodded, trying to get a hold of himself.
"On one hand, that's terrifying, on the other, that's hilarious."
The room fell into silence for a moment.
"Will?" Nico asked timidly.
"Yeah?" Will sat back down and scooted his chair closer to Nico's bed.
"W-was there anybody else in the house when you got there?" He already knew the answer.
"Like Bianca?" Will sighed.
"W-what?" Nico knew it was ridiculous to be hopeful, but maybe, just maybe it hadn't been a dream.
Will was quiet for a minute, giving Nico a sad look.
"I wasn't sure you'd remember."
"Remember what?"
"I wasn't going to say anything."
"Will, just spit it out, please." Nico plead.
"When I got to the house, you were delirious. At first, you were just babbling and saying nonsense. Then, you started calling me Bianca and begging me not to go and..." Will trailed off.
"And what?"
"You kept apologizing. Saying it should have been you."
Just like that, the happy air  left the room and was replaced by a weighty silence.
"Maybe it should have." Nico shrugged, feeling the telltale pressure of impending tears behind his eyes, but begging himself not to cry.
"Nico, I know. Trust me, I know what it feels like to lose that person. To feel like you should have been able to stop it, but you weren't even there."
"I should have been there." Nico's voice wavered, tears starting to spill over.
"Look at me." Will demanded, using a harsh but soft voice that Nico rarely heard unless he'd done something to stupid to hurt himself.
Nico looked up, not wanting to meet Will's gaze.
Will pulled Nico's hand into his. "Even if you'd been there, she never would have let you sacrifice yourself like that. That was never who she was, and you know that."
"I know. It's just hard." Nico whispered.
"I know." Will sighed.
And Nico knew that Will really did know.
"Wait, I have one more question."
Will cocked an eyebrow.
"I thought your shift didn't end until 5. How did you find me at lunch?"
"I played hooky to come check on you because I had a bad feeling that you might have done something dumb, like take triple the dose of meds you needed." Will smirked.
"Hey, you can't be mean to me. I'm sick." Nico whined, smiling.
"Whatever, special guy." Will chuckled.
"Significant annoyance." Nico rolled his eyes.
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newathens · 7 years
untitled — cont.
i asked if i should continue, i got answers. here it is [ jazz hands ]
original fic prompt and part i · this is part ii
summary: uh? it’s the nico and annabeth are terrifyingly good at being demigods but got ambushed prompt, idk how to summarize this lmao
hope you enjoy!
They dragged themselves to a diner. 
It was difficult, what with Annabeth being unconscious and Nico possibly having a fractured rib, but after awhile—and maybe a few rounds of harsh shaking—she came to and they hobbled themselves into town.
“I can’t believe we were roughed up by wolves.” Annabeth said, eyes closed, hands in pockets, head against his shoulder. They were in a booth, holed up in the corner, trying their best to avoid prying eyes. He’d ordered two coffees and a plate of fries, and was eating them one by one, as slow as possible, to extend their time inside. He wasn’t sure how long it’d been, but he knew neither of them were ready to face the cold again.
“It’s not our fault, there was way more than expected.” He said, then added, “Something is going on.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “Same shit as usual.”
Nico scanned the room, stared at the door. Sunlight filtered in through the windows, warm and golden and shining. It made him squint, made him sweat under his jacket; he groaned, rested his head back against the booth.
“Relax,” Annabeth said. “Maine is hours away from New York. They won’t be here for awhile.”
“Then we’re going to get kicked out soon.”
“We’ll just rest here until we do.”
Silence stretched between them. Then—“Your rib.”
“Not important.”
“You need a hospital.”
“I need ambrosia.”
She huffed, clearly to exhausted to argue and neither spoke again. They sat there for some time, listening to glasses clink, plates clatter, sugar packets shake. The afternoon sun continued to beam against them, drying their clothes to the very last fray. It wouldn’t be easy to find a place to sleep, it wouldn’t even be easy to stand, but he knew they’d manage.
Though, it become apparent they wouldn’t need to worry, once the bell jingled at the front. He opened his eyes, was blinded by the light, but caught two figures walk in as he blinked the sun away. Both were tall, both were men, but one was brunette, while the other was blond.
“That’s not possible,” He said, but it was also impossible to deny.
Percy and Will spotted them in the corner and navigated between tables silently, until they stood in front of their booth. Nico stared up at them, mouth agape.
“How did you—”
“We hijacked one of Hermes’  chauffeurs.” Percy said, eyes flitting between him and Annabeth and back again. “Please tell me you’re both alright.”
“He hijacked the car, not we.” Will said. “But, yeah to the second part.”
Nico shook his head in disbelief, pushed himself up and gestured to Percy, who was already shuffling over to take his place. Annabeth woke from whatever daze she’d fallen into and grabbed his sleeve, “Nico, your rib—”
“His rib?” Will whispered, exclamation mixing with his tone.
“My rib,” Nico said and wrapped a hand around his chest as the repercussions of standing hit him. Percy took him underneath the arms and with the help of Will, Nico slid into the other side of the booth.
“You’re unbelievable,” Annabeth said as Percy sat at her side. Will sat next to Nico, hands flying underneath his jacket, pressing gently up his abdomen.
“She’s right,” Will muttered; Nico rolled his eyes. “Percy, get the tin of ambrosia from my backpack.” Before complying, Percy reached over the table and shut the shades, cutting the light from them. Nico exhaled, felt his shoulders sag. He hadn’t realized just how annoying the sun had been.
With the glare gone, he was able to see the others better. As Percy shuffled through the pack, he noticed that his hair had grown longer, loose curls now arranged on his head, reaching down to his ears.
“Nice hair, Jackson.” Nico said and felt Will’s hands tighten around his midsection. 
“Thanks,” Percy said and popped the tin open, taking a piece out before sliding it across the table. Annabeth took it from him, bit off half without pause. “I’m growing it out.”
“I told him if it gets any longer I’m chopping it off.”
“What,” He smiled, taking her hand. “Only one of us can have long, flowing locks?” 
“Exactly,” She laughed.
Will sat up, pushed the tin right in front of him. “Take two squares, right now.” He raised his hand, flagged the waitress. “You’re both dehydrated and you need rest.” Nico munched on ambrosia as the waitress came over, took an entire new set of orders and hurried back to the kitchen. He really wanted to know what impression they were making, it had to be off-putting. 
Shadows streaked the floor of the diner, thin and long. It was getting late, people would flood in soon, for dinner or take-out or to just escape the cold. He hoped they’d shadowtraveled far enough that Lycaon’s cronies weren’t regulars. 
“I can’t believe you both just ran off.” Will started.
“We were sent on a quest,” Nico said. 
“You could have asked for backup,” Percy said.
“We were each others back up,” Annabeth said and shot Nico a look across the table. It was exasperated, humored. He tried not to smile.
“You know,” Nico said. “We also came across the manticore.”
Percy choked on Annabeth’s coffee. Will blanched. 
“Yeah,” Annabeth agreed. “A hoard of dracaenae’s too.”
“Think I even saw a Titan,” Nico said, laughter spilling over. “Told him to choke on—ow, ow!” He grabbed at his rib, smile still in place. Will fell back against the seat.
“Oh, they’re joking,” He said. “You’re both horrible.”
“You both need to stop worrying yourselves to death.” Annabeth said and turned to Percy, who held his face in his palms. She pulled him up, grabbed him by his chin. “We’re the best there is.” 
“Fatal flaw’s comin’ through, babe.” He sighed, but kissed her nonetheless. There food came then, sandwiches and burgers and milkshakes crowding the table. As small talk passed between them and the staff, he leaned over to Will.
“I love you,” He pressed a kiss to Will’s shoulder. “Thank you.” A question about desert—blue jello, specifically—was made and the waitress hurried off. Will turned to him, worry lines still etched into his forehead. His head shook softly, and he pressed a quick kiss against Nico’s lips.
“No thanks needed,” Will said. “Love you too, you daredevil.”
“Overachiever,” Nico corrected.
“So, should we tell them the actual story?” Annabeth asked, gaining their attention. Nico shrugged and grabbed a milkshake from the middle of the table.
“If we do, you’re telling most of it.”
“Alright, let’s get started.”
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jflashandclash · 7 years
Attrition of Peace
Twenty- Eight: Percy
I Fall Over. Epically, Of Course.
 Author note: Sorry this is late guys! The last week and a half has been insane. It’s not like I left you waiting for a major battle—oh… ah—well, I hope you enjoy!
             To say Percy was having a bad day would be a grievous understatement. He’d had worse days: he wasn’t in Tartarus right now, nor was he in that awful demigod prep course that Annabeth and his mom had signed him up for to do New Rome’s entrance exams.
           But, his girlfriend had broken up with him today for a weasel she couldn’t catch. And this was the third counselor of Cabin Seven that Percy would see moments before his death—though maybe not. Maybe Will was okay. Percy tried not to focus on Will, or Nico’s disappearance, or the headless corpse.
When he first ran up to the scene, Percy feared the worst on the body’s identity, except that Nico hadn’t been wearing such a fashionable pink pajama set. Percy was pretty sure, if someone tried to redress Nico in that post-mortem, even Hades would break the rules of the dead and allow Nico ten seconds of undeadly massacring to destroy such a sleepwear atrocity.  
However, when Percy saw Annabeth and Piper lying on the ground and that crimson-and-black unicorn-jerk keeping vigilance over them, everything else vanished. He sprinted to her side, dropped to his knees, and cradled her.  
With the way the unicorn had its gold and silver, broken horn to Piper’s neck, Percy may have feared some Diomedes’ level of flesh-eating-horse, except he could hear the unicorn grumbling about healing her.
But nothing about healing Annabeth.
When Percy pulled Annabeth into his lap, he was relieved to hear her soft breath. She was okay, but looked exhausted. There were dark circles under her eyes, like she hadn’t slept in days. He knew that look well during her exam times.
“Wise Girl…” he whispered and kissed her forehead. Despite the cold, her forehead was coated with sweat.
What happened? He demanded mentally.
The unicorn huffed, its black mouth puttering. He raised his horn from Piper to scowl one eye at Percy. At the sight of Piper’s neck, Percy winced. Pus and blood stained Piper’s camo jacket from some sore the unicorn was fixing. She was also breathing, though each breath rattled.
Eat bit, mate, the unicorn snapped. Other than Arion, Percy was so used to unquestioned respect from equestrians, the unicorn’s tone startled him. I just got back from fightin’ your little bird, went for a bit of grass, heard a crack, and came to check on my pet—
Jason and Leo appeared on either side of Piper.
When Leo knelt down, he landed in something squishy.
“How’s our Beauty Queen?” he asked, his voice cracking. Leo looked pale and he kept glancing back to Will.
Frank knelt beside Will. The big Canadian took off his praetorian cloak and gently laid it over Will in a way Percy really didn’t like. The movement was too final, too telling, especially how Frank covered Will’s smashed face, like that was all that was left to do.
Beside Frank, Hazel stood with her spatha drawn. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her empty fist was clenched and shaking.
Calypso sank down beside the decapitated body, looking stunned.
When Percy returned his gaze, his eyes locked with Jason. A moment of understanding passed between them, and Percy knew he had seen the final moments of another deceased Cabin Seven counselor. He wondered how many friends Jason had seen die in battle.
Anger wretched at his gut. This was supposed to be a peace party.
           These other demigods weren’t great at the whole “peace party” thing. They’d need to be taught a thing or two about peace.
           Er, well, about keeping the peace. Or—whatever. They needed to be taught a lesson.
           “Guys? Earth to Percy, what did Sergeant Horn say about Pipes?” Leo asked.
           Judging from his expression, Leo hadn’t realized what had happened to Will yet.
           The unicorn snapped its teeth near Leo’s head. The name is Vinyl, Meat Sack.
           “I wouldn’t call him that,” Percy said. He’d meant it for Leo, but realized it work for both parties.
           “She should be okay,” Jason said, almost stubbornly. Percy watched Jason gently take Piper’s arm, two fingers pressed to her vitals. “Her heartbeat is strong though I think she’s running a slight fever.”
           Behind them, Percy could see Hazel wipe away her tears. “We’re not letting them get away, not—not with what’s happened here. I’m going to bring down that barrier.”
           Percy might have asked “What barrier?” but Hazel turned towards the woods, where they’d seen Pax dart off as they arrived.
           As she raised her empty hand, a circle of green runes glowed around the forested lot.
           Calypso stood up, away from the body. She rubbed her fingers on her work pants, then flipped her braid back over her shoulder. She stepped beside Hazel. “I can help you.”
           Leo frowned and shifted. “Sunshine, I thought you didn’t have magic—wait—if you do, shouldn’t you be focusing on healing Will?”
           Jason winced. “Leo—”
           But Calypso beat him to it. While lifting her hands beside Hazel, Calypso hissed, “What good would that do?” Her voice was so much harsher than he remembered.
That did make Percy realize she could be healing Annabeth or Piper. Thinking about the curses and death wishes Calypso had given Annabeth in Tartarus, should he let her heal Annabeth?
The barrier’s circle emblazed with a more brilliant green. It expanded, like a bubble ready to pop.
           Leo’s mouth dropped open. He glanced back over to Will and the decapitated body. “…oh… oh gods—does that mean the other body is Nic—”
           “No, it’s Jack,” Calypso said. She gritted her teeth. Hazel made a soft grumble. Something small and sparkly sprang up by their feet—a diamond.
            “Jack, your ex-boyfriend Jack? You can recognize him without a head?!”
            “Not the time, Leo,” Percy pointed out. Though he wasn’t sure it was ever the time to discuss headless body recognition. “Jason.” Percy locked eyes with the son of Jupiter. “Do you wanna find out if that barrier is wind resistant?”
           “On it,” Jason said. He gently kissed Piper’s forehead, took off his jacket, and propped her head under it. Then he went to join Hazel and Calypso. When he raised his arms, a deafening whistle blasted into the air as wind thundered into the trees.
           Leo fumbled with his tool belt. “Lemme alert Felix and Festus. Maybe we can smoke them out.”
           Frank stepped over to them, looking sick. “My stick could be in there.”
           “Right. Maybe Felix can annoy them out,” Leo corrected and walked off, calling on the metal friends they’d parked further down the street.
           Annabeth murmured softly. Percy dropped his face close to hers, trying to tune out the others. She was so quiet; he was scared Jason’s wind would drown her out.
           What she said made his skin crawl. “Eris... has… your sis...ter…”
           Percy felt his jaw drop. “My sister? They took my sister?!”
           She inhaled leisurely and her eyes fluttered. She seemed like she might pass out again, but managed, “Don’t... kill… Ajax… Not… Fault…”
           None of that made sense. But Annabeth’s grey eyes rolled back into her head before Percy could ask her what any of it meant. Although she’d barely managed to move at all, what little she had done spent the last of her energy. Annabeth collapsed into a deep sleep.
           Percy trembled as he mimicked what Jason had done for Piper. He took off his swim captain sweater to put under Annabeth’s head. He couldn’t tell if his shakes were more from fear or anger.
           You could mess with him. You could mess with the gods. You could even mess with Camp Half-Blood.
           But no one touched Annabeth.
           And no one touched his little sister or the rest of his family.
           “Your sister?! Gods, Percy, are—are you okay?” Frank’s voice brought him to the present.
           Frank hovered nearby, looking like he felt dumb for asking the question. But Percy was glad for it. The question made him focus.
           “You.” Percy pointed at the unicorn who had continued to heal Piper. “You keep an eye out on these two, else I’ll hunt you down and turn you into glue.”
           The unicorn huffed at him. Yea, the unicorn had attacked them, but he figured—had Vinyl wanted to kill Annabeth and Piper—he would have been using them for horn goring practice instead of sprinkling them with fairy dust.
           Percy got to his feet and drew Riptide. “Alright, Frank. No more horsing around. We gotta make a plan to catch these bastards.” Especially if his sister and Nico were on the line. Especially if they had to find out what bastard did this to Will.
           Something exploded beside them.
           Shards of what looked like glowing green glass puffed into the moonbeams before dissolving into dust. As Jason’s air swept the particles away, an entire townhouse came into view in place of the forest, with a full driveway, a van parked out front, and a confused looking metal donkey beside it.
           The Pax brother’s van.
           There was also a stumbling silver worktable on the lawn. Leo must have sent Felix in while Percy was attending to Annabeth. The table looked crippled, one leg bent to the point of nonfunctioning. Now, it might make a better piece of angry, modern art.
           “Barrier is down!” Hazel announced.  
           From their position in the neighbor’s adjacent lawn, Percy could see the back porch, where seven demigods were making a run for the forest behind the house.
           “They’re leaving out the back!” Percy shouted.
           Jason was on it. As he stepped rapidly along the side of the house, he raised one hand. A lightning bolt blasted into the tree line ahead of the retreating demigods.
           Everything went white.
           Percy’s ears rang with the pop.
           Despite temporary deaf and blindness, Percy and Frank rushed over to join where Jason and Hazel were converging.
           When Percy blinked the white dots out of his vision, he could see their attempted escapees were still trying to get to their feet.  Before the Pax brothers and their allies could regroup, Hazel lifted her hands and shoved them down, hard, like she was about to hop over an invisible fence.
           The ground by the tree line collapsed in a semicircle trench, cutting off any escape to the woods, unless one of them had a grappling hook or were an Olympic level pole vaulter,[1] they’d have to get through the five of them instead. Percy hoped they’d try to get through them.
           “Nice,” Frank complimented Hazel.
           “Thanks,” Hazel said, but her eyes were narrowed at their opponents. Percy understood. He could feel their collective rage. While Percy didn’t know the full story, these jerks had messed with him, his friends, and his family too much. They were going to find out who did this to Annabeth, Piper, and Will, where Nico was, and what they’d done with Percy’s little sister.
           “Annabeth said not to kill them,” Percy growled.
           Jason cracked his knuckles. “Did she say anything about beating them senseless?”
           “Nope. She left that out.”
           “Good,” Hazel said, clutching her spatha.
           A rush of air puffed out behind them as something thumped onto the ground. Leo laughed crazily beside what Percy assumed was Festus. “Ha—ha! Dragon cavalry has arrived! Let’s show them that our back up is cooler than theirs!”
           “No fire,” Hazel called over her shoulder.
           Frank gave her an appreciative smile.
           “Right! No fire!” Leo assured.
           Festus creaked in confirmation.
           “Hey, Sunshine, see if you can heal the girls while we take care of this.”
           Percy was thinking how to politely inform Leo that his girlfriend might want to kill Annabeth when a cry went up from Hazel’s makeshift trench.
           By now, Percy and his friends were walking past the back porch. He could see where Axel, Pax, Euna, and another boy that Percy didn’t recognize were standing
           The tall, gangly brunette stranger tossed something onto the ground.
           Smoke exploded into the moonlight, twisting out in three different colors: black in the center, and gold and green on either side. The screen completely coated their opponents, the back yard, and the trench. Then, it snaked upward into three separate shapes. The gold warped into a lion; the green, a serpentine head; the black, one of a goat.
           As though in sync with the swirling smoke, a hiss and a snarl thundered from within.
           Although Percy desperately hoped the goat would go baaaa, instead, a column of fire spat out of the smoke goat’s mouth. Not nearly as funny as the baaah, would have been.
           Percy immediately recognized the shape as something he’d fought as a child. Some part of him felt small again.
           Frank put it to words. “That is the Triple A Chimera,” he warned.          
“AAA? Do they sell insurance?” Percy asked, trying to sound confident. Why was his voice shaking still? He was trying not to think about his sister, or Annabeth, or what could have happened to either of them. He was trying to focus on the battle, but his mind kept twisting to panic, like his battle mode ADHD had gone haywire.
Someone chanted in a language Percy didn’t understand. The barometric pressure dropped, like it had when Jason summoned lightning. A flash of turquoise flames fluttered to life within the golden smoke, tinting it a sickly green.
           Another chill went down Percy’s spine. Some part deep inside of him said he should nope right out of this. But he and his friends had defeated the giants together and other way scarier things. Some renegade demigods? No problem, right?
           “Reyna said they use fear magic—at least the Leonis Caput does. Ares said he already killed two praetors.”
           “Right. Fear magic. That’s what it is,” Leo said behind them.
           Jason put a hand out to stop any of them from approaching the smoke. “Frank, you didn’t say Axel was the Leonis Caput!”
           “You know them?” Hazel asked. The fear magic must have been getting to her too. She looked queasy.
           “I fought him and the Silver-Tongued Snake during the Battle of Mount Othrys. That’s the bastard playing with Reyna’s emotions?”
           The way Jason said it made Percy think Annabeth’s wishes about no-killing wouldn’t be honored.
           “They have nicknames?” Percy asked, trying to stop shaking. “It’s like a boy band.”
           “I assure you, they’re nothing like a boy band.”
           As though to confirm, through the smoke, a figure stepped out. Percy wondered if the bronze dragon behind them might discourage an attack and encourage making a sign that said We surrender. Sorry for being jerks.
           Instead, the creature he saw didn’t look human, but also didn’t appear to be anything he knew from Greek mythology.
           It had a ram’s skull for a head, with horns jutting several feet out to the sides. Green mist poured from its empty eye sockets. Pouches with glowing runes dangled from its wrists, its exposed spinal column, and its two-pronged black staff. Its limbs looked built out of tree twigs. Although humanoid, its gait was off, like each cloven step forward required it to rip roots out of the earth.
           From the golden smoke beside it, another stalked forward. This one had golden skin that sagged into folds. Where the skin was torn, Percy could see a rotting skeleton. The face was feline, with a bloodied, crimson mane encasing the neck. Its jaws were permanently stretched into a snarl, too far for a living creature. Inside the blackness of the throat, Percy could see the reflection of two predatory golden eyes, like this thing had swallowed someone that wanted out.
           The way it moved reminded Percy of how Leo’s flames flickered—too abrupt and jerky to look real.
           Lastly, something rolled from the green smoke. It hissed out a laugh and crept closer, keeping low to the ground, though Percy could have sworn he saw the reptilian flicker of a tail.
           Percy was not digging this fear magic. He was shivering like the first time he’d seen Polybotes.
           “I’ve seen the real thing… They’re more like a… discount Chimera,” Percy said, swallowing.
           The others looked as stunned.
           “Jason.” Frank seemed to come to first. “Can you blow their cover?”
           Jason shook his head, like he was warding off a bad memory. “Gladly.”
           As Jason raised his arms to blast away the smoke, the serpentine figure and the feline crouched low, like an Olympic sprinter about to dash at them. Mr. Ramhead in the center slammed his staff down.
           “Incanteare: Gelu Semati!” he snarled.
           The serpent and the feline disappeared. Something else swirled out from the smoke: a blast of wintery hail. Tiny ice bullets pelted into Percy’s skin, making him wince and raise a hand to block his face.
           Although the smoke dissipated under Jason’s wind, the hail blew into the wind, unlike anything Percy had ever seen. Percy couldn’t sense the water in that ice. He never thought there would be a storm he and Jason couldn’t stop, but this hail didn’t seem to care about the powers of the children of the sky and storm.
           “So you wanna play with magic? You should know what you’re falling for,” the voice echoed from where Mr. Ramhead had been standing. The hailstorm increased; Percy could no longer see him. He could barely even see Frank, only a few feet away from him.
           But he could sense something coming, something bad.
           “I can’t control any of this!” Jason said, “Hazel?”
           “It’s an illusion—but I can conjure Mist, not see through it,” Hazel said, “Listen for them!”
           Percy desperately wished Rachel was here. Or Annabeth and Piper were conscious. Rachel could have seen through. Annabeth might have thought of a plan around it, and Piper could have talked Mr. Ramshead down.
           “Jason and I will take to the air, see if we can get a better idea of what’s going on or where this ends,” Frank said, getting a hold of himself. “Hazel, see if you can trip up our opponents and make it hard to sneak around. Percy, Leo, Festus, make sure no one gets past you.”
           “Will do, Praetor Man. Time for the Leomeister and Festus to—”
           Something scurried past Percy’s leg. He pivoted to follow the movement, but the small creatures weren’t after him. The storm was less intense behind him, allowing Percy to catch a glimpse of what happened.
           Leo stood a few feet back. Festus crouched behind him, making the townhouse look like a toy model. Both were ready to fight.
           Then a weasel the size of a tractor slammed into the side of Festus. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Two smaller creatures hopped off the first, scampering up onto Festus’s wings.
           While Festus tried to gain his footing, the monster-sized weasel twisted to chomp down on Festus’s neck. Percy hoped it would wretch back in pain from a toothache, but the black teeth sank right into the bronze.
           The dragon creaked in alarm. The weasel was smaller than him, but those teeth must have hurt.
           “Festus!” Leo shouted.
           Festus stumbled, smashing into the side of the house. Percy took a step towards them in horror—Festus was close to Annabeth, Percy, Calypso, and Vinyl. The structure groaned, siding ripping off and onto his wings. The weasel disengaged, darted to the side, and dashed at him again. That thing was fast.[2]
           “No fire!” Leo shouted when Festus’s mouth began to glow, withdrawing a sledgehammer from his tool belt.
           It creaked again in anger. Then went to unfurl its wings, when one made an uncomfortable cracking sound.
           One of the other tiny weasels phased out of Festus’s half-folded wing, a strip of wires dangling from its mouth.
           Something exploded on Festus’s other wing.
           They couldn’t use fire, but no one had said anything about water. Percy was about to give that giant rodent a hose down and get Festus clear of the girls, when he realized something horrible.
           The weasels had been a distraction.
           “Eyes forward!” Frank shouted.
           Percy’s gut tugged when he felt for the water in the plumps under the house. He pulled, forcing the pipes to burst, flooding the water towards the surface.
           As the water surged up, Jason shouted in alarm. The air and hail whirled around Jason as he went to take off, and follow Frank’s orders. Something anchored his ascent.
           Vines erupted from the ground, wrapping tightly around the son of Jupiter’s ankles. The vines shooting from the earth became thicker—tree roots—and dragged Jason back down. Jason slashed furiously at the plants, but a new one would snag out of the ground each time he cut one down. Soon, the tree roots had crawled up his leg and sank him back to the grass.
           A hissing laugh cackled out of the hail beside Jason. “I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.”
           When the vines snatched at Frank, he dispersed into a swarm of wasps—or something like that, since Percy just saw the large Canadian disappear into the hail.
           Before Hazel could help him or Festus or before Percy could blast them with water, something rolled from the same direction of that taunting hiss.
           Percy expected to have to destroy the soccer ball-like object, but felt his stomach pitch when the head started talking in an announcer voice.
           “Oh! Our eagle boy is out for the count! Can the gracious Jason Grace manage to fight Euna Song’s godly grip! Stay tuned to find out folks—”
           “Is that a talking head?!” Hazel demanded, being closest to the… thing.
           No one could answer.
           The Triple A Chimera reappeared.
           Percy didn’t see the other two members, but something flickered out of the hail, directly beside him. One moment, Percy was concentrating on the up flow of sewer water and hoping Hazel and Frank could help Jason, when a skeletal humanoid appeared out of the hail and rolled into the splits beside Percy.
           He hadn’t expected it to be so close, or so low to the ground. The movement completely exposed the Leonis Caput’s golden fur back and red maned head. It had no weapons drawn, and—for that instant—Percy could see it give him a ghastly grin.
           A second set of golden, glistening eyes winked at Percy from inside the creature’s massive jaws.
           As Percy pivoted to redirect Riptide, the monster slammed its palm into the side of Percy’s knee.
           Percy felt air escape his mouth in the form of a scream.
           Something snapped in his knee. The joint bent inward, towards his other leg.
           Percy focused to keep his concentration on the scene around him: the hail, the gleam of the monster’s fur, the sewage water, his friends’ shouts, the talking head announcing his fall. He refused to let the world white out, like his body wanted it to.
           In the same instance, Percy slammed Riptide’s blade into the Leonis Caput’s shoulder.
           The blade deflected off the monster’s hide.
           The Nemean Lion fur, he realized. He should have recognized it. This person—Axel?—must have killed it after him. If it was the same, no weapon could pierce that hide.
           There was nothing Percy could do to regain his footing. His knee wouldn’t respond when he tried to stumble. He was going to fall.
           But his little sister and Nico were on the line. He wasn’t about to let this monster win. After all, he was Percy Jackson.
[1] Pax would like to clarify, that as he and Axel are circus performers, they probably could have made it. But they didn’t want to leave the others behind. You’re welcome, Pax.
[2] Look up videos of weasels vs. snakes. Weasels are AWESOME!
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buoyantsaturn · 5 years
You’ve Got the Magic Touch (2/2)
summary: “It’s pretty hard to miss, Nico. It’s right there, hand-shaped, hand-sized-- Did someone slap you with a handful of glitter?”
word count: 1,677 (2,846 total)
read on ao3 | read part one
Nico wished people would stop calling him Sparkles. It had just started that morning, and the only justification of it he’d heard was that he had gold sparkles covering half of his face, but he couldn’t see them. He’d even washed his face - twice! - but the name calling remained.
He wanted to summon a few skeletons to chase his bullies away, but he knew that if he did so, he’d either pass out or get dragged into the infirmary by one of the spies he was sure Will had set up throughout camp. It’s not that he was against going to the infirmary - he generally enjoyed doing so, and he and Will had gotten...close since the end of the war. A weird kind of close, maybe, but weird didn’t mean bad, though Nico wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about their relationship. He was certain of one thing, though: he did not want Will to start calling him Sparkles just like everybody else.
It had been a full day since the name calling began. Nico sat down at the Big Three table for breakfast - with all of the new cabins for the minor gods, it didn’t make any sense for him and Percy and sometimes Jason to have three separate tables, so Chiron had combined them all into one. Percy and Jason were already at the table when he arrived, greeting him - of course they did - with a “Good morning, Sparkles.”
“Please stop calling me that,” Nico muttered, jabbing his spoon into his bowl of cereal.
“Did you forget to take a shower this morning?” Percy asked, the corner of his mouth quirking up as he spoke.
“Percy, I swear to all the gods--”
“I’m just saying, it looks like you’ve got something on your face,” Percy interrupted.
“There’s nothing on my face,” Nico hissed.
Jason rolled his eyes. “It’s pretty hard to miss, Nico. It’s right there, hand-shaped, hand-sized-- Did someone slap you with a handful of glitter?”
Percy started laughing so hard that he choked on his bagel. “Oh my gods, is that what happened? Did it hurt? Maybe you should get your boyfriend to check you for injuries.”
Nico frowned. “Boyfriend?”
Jason inhaled so heavily that it sounded like it hurt. “You know, Solace?” he said, like he’d had to explain it a thousand times before. “That Apollo kid, the medic.”
Nico hoped that whatever sparkles were supposedly all over his face would prevent the others from seeing the blush rising on his cheeks. “Will is notmy boyfriend!” he spluttered.
“Maybe not, but you sure wish he was!” Percy teased.
“Shut up!”
“Nico and Will, sitting in a tree--”
Around them, the pavilion went quiet as cracks started to form in the ground. Percy seemed surprised at first, but once he realized that it wasn’t him causing the damage, he smirked at Nico. After a second, the earth’s shaking ceased and the cracks in the ground sealed themselves as Nico relaxed his fisted hands.
“di Angelo!” someone called from the direction of the Apollo table, and Nico winced.
“Say hi to Will for us,” Jason told him.
He was escorted to the infirmary by Kayla, and forced onto a cot while he waited for Will. He kept his head ducked and rubbed at his cheek with his hand in the hopes that whatever sparkles were there would disappear before Will saw him, but nothing was rubbing off onto his hand. He kind of hoped that Will wouldn’t show up, that maybe he was still asleep or eating breakfast, but he hated himself for even thinking that. Will was probably one of his best friends and he hadn’t even seen him once yesterday - he should want to see his friend!
Soon enough, the door to the infirmary flew open and Will ran inside, eyes frantically searching the infirmary until they landed on Nico. He rushed toward him, immediately cupping Nico’s face in his hands and tilting his head up to look at him. “Are you alright? What happened? Austin told me you used your powers--”
“I’m fine,” Nico told him, and pulled away from Will’s hands. “I just got a little angry because people keep calling me--”
“Sparkles,” Will cut in, his eyes dropping to Nico’s cheek before refocusing when he saw Nico frowning. “Sorry! Uh, you’ve just got all these sparkles on your face.”
“No, I don’t,” Nico whined, and saw something spark in Will’s eyes.
He reached up and brushed his thumb across Nico’s cheek, though he frowned when it seemed like he only spread more sparkles rather than wiping them away. He pulled his hand away, looking at it to see if the sparkles had rubbed off, but all he saw was the ink-black shade his skin had turned. He pulled the sleeves of his sweatshirt over his hands.
“Aren’t you hot?” Nico asked, and Will’s head snapped up. “It’s like, eighty degrees outside. Why are you wearing a sweatshirt?”
“Kayla always insists we blast the air conditioning in here when it’s so hot outside,” Will told him after a moment of hesitation, and shrugged. “It gets cold in here. Can you see the sparkles?” Nico shook his head. Will pulled back one of his sleeves and revealed his forearm. “Can you see the marks on my arm?”
Nico shook his head again. “Is this happening to other people?”
“Nobody’s come in to ask about it, so I think it’s just us,” Will replied, and frowned. “It’s weird that it’s only on your face, and only on my arms...unless…” He shot to his feet, grabbing Nico’s hand to pull him up with him. “Do you have a mirror in your cabin?”
“In the bathroom, yeah.”
“Alright, come with me.”
Will dragged Nico out of the infirmary and toward the cabins, ignoring the shouts of “hey, Sparkles!” that came their way, and opened the door to Nico’s cabin, allowing the other to walk inside first. Hopefully no one would tattle on them for being alone in a cabin before Will could test his theory.
He shed his sweatshirt as soon as the door was shut, and Nico squeaked and blushed at the sight. Nico pointed toward the back of the cabin, averting his eyes, and said, “Bathroom’s back there.”
Will grabbed Nico’s wrist again and took him with him toward the bathroom, flipping on the light and looking at himself in the mirror. The black marks went up both arms, all the way to the shoulders, and a few scattered across his chest with some even on his back.
“Can you take your shirt off?” Will asked, and Nico’s eyes widened.
“Please? Humor me, I think I’ve almost figured this out.”
Nico bit his lip and hesitated with his hands tugging on the bottom hem of his shirt. After a moment, he reached back to grab the neck of his shirt and tugged it over his head. As Will’s eyes traveled over Nico’s pale and occasionally sparkly skin, Nico seemed to shrink under his gaze.
Will smiled, hoping to ease Nico’s discomfort. He reached up to cup Nico’s cheek again, tilting his head up to look at him. “C’mon, Neeks, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
“That was...different. Have you figured it out yet?”
“I--” He pulled his hand away and frowned at Nico’s cheek. “Hang on.” He spun Nico around gently and saw his back almost completely unmarked - everywhere except for the small of his back. Will placed his hand, fingers spread, between Nico’s shoulder blades, and felt the other shiver under his touch. After a second, Will pulled his hand away, and a golden, sparkly handprint remained. “It’s your touch,” he whispered.
“The black spots all over my arms. It’s where you’ve touched me. And the sparkles, they appear everywhere I touch you.”
Nico furrowed his brow. “Are we...cursed?”
Will reached up to brush his fingers across Nico’s cheek again, fascinated by the appearance of the sparkles and, admittedly, not wanting to pull away. “We must be, but I don’t know who...or why someone would’ve--” In a second, Will’s eyes slipped shut and he started to fall forward until his forehead pressed against Nico’s as he groaned. “Lou Ellen. There’s nobody else that would’ve done it, I’m certain of it.”
“But why would she?”
Will sighed and his eyes opened, though he couldn’t make himself look at Nico. “Sometimes, I… I’ll go to her cabin and complain to her about...about how much I like you, but how I can never do anything about it. She must’ve been trying to get back at me, and dragged you into it, too. Gods, I’m so sorry, I’ll go talk to her about it, and we don’t have to talk about this ever again if you don’t want to--” He paused with his mouth hanging open, his eyes widening as he stared into Nico’s. In a second, he jumped back like Nico’s touch burned him. “Oh, gods, I just told you that I like you! Please,please don’t hate me for this, I don’t want this to change anything between us - unless you like me back, in which case I’d rather maybe kiss you instead of not kissing you like we do now--” He slapped a hand over his mouth to keep himself from blurting out anything else.
“Lou cursed us because...you like me? You like me?” Nico took a step back and pulled his shirt back on as Will buried his face in his hands.
“I’m sorry,” he whined. “Do you want me to leave?”
“What? No, never.” Nico pulled Will’s hands away from his face and squeezed his fingers. “I… I think I like you, too.”
“Really?” Will whispered.
Nico dropped his gaze shyly, but didn’t loosen his hold on Will. “And if you wanted to...kiss me...I wouldn’t stop you.”
When Nico’s gaze flickered back up to his, Will saw his eyes brimming with hope, and couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He would give Nico anything he ever wanted.
thanks for reading!!
(it’s almost my birthday so:) buy me a coffee | more solangelo event stuff
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