#people read her tone as bitchy 100% of the time but that's not what she means and he naturally picks up on that nuance
everchased · 3 months
i have a small headcanon that one of the reasons finch and lae'zel get along so well and so quickly is both of their tendencies to subtly express themselves through their long fuckign ears
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cure-typhoon · 1 year
im so tired of seeing people mischaracterize john. could people stop writing him as a bland personality-less nice guy who likes movies im begging. yes john is nice but he can be bitchy too and he has his limits! if you write john as the personification of :0 im pretty sure you go to your own personal hell :/
Idk if this is being directed at me or not because i don't really talk about June a lot but yeah I think thats fair but tbh I think a lot of mischaracterization comes from June being a really popular character + the way people read the comic
She is basically the face of Homestuck, and because of that people have like this specific idea of who she is as a character, some people still have the ideas of Naive June or the June from the old fandom in mind even when making new content.
There's also the issue of tone and interpretation, Homestuck is a really long webcomic who is mostly writted and with no voice, so people will all have different ways of reading the same character. Also some people read homestuck a looong time ago
Obviously this doesnt mean people can just write whatever the fuck they want but June can be really sneaky in the way she expresses, she is an asshole but like a loveable one type, the one where you don't really realize until you think about it
Like her calling Davesprite "not the real Dave" like thats a fucked up thing to say but because people have like an idea of her being naive and friendly they kind of just, forget about it or take her word for granted.
The same happens with Karkat and Dave, in that chat in the game over timeline, where Karkat says him and Gamzee broke up and then him and Dave proceed to make fun of his religion.
We know that they're both wrong, we know that Lord English exist. But most still ignore that dialogue, damn, people assume Gamzee was 100% guilty of the relationship between him and Karkat ending but we don't actually know what happen. Yes, Gamzee was in a bad relationship with Terezi so there's the possibility of him fucking up the one with Karkat, but Karkat has the same history of being a bad partner, we cant really take Karkat's word because he has been wrong before
Anyway I ended up rambling lol
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hwangdol · 5 years
n.jm: where were you?
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summary: y/n does not know what the fuck is going on half of the time. 
pairing: highschool!fboi!jaemin x fem!reader
warning: a lot of cursing, drug usage reference, crackheadness, maybe a lot of grammer error. this is my first bullet-scenario au so yeah. also! this a collab with the lovely @huangsren in out nct dreamies alternate universe teehee. she has a lovely, fluffy renjun one up so go read it!
part two!
you okay let’s get this collab with @huangsren 
so at NCT High if you don't know Na Jaemin who the hell are you? like everyone knows this kid from lunch ladies to the freaking janitors 
its not a surprise since the dude is literally dead drop gorgeous and has a shit ton of social skills. like the boy deadass can swindle his way out of detention (which he did) with just a wink 
typical fboi but instead of it being a huge turn-off, girls still throw themselves on him even when he WARNS them beforehand that he isn't looking for a serious thing
still, they get attached and heartbroken when he tells them “this isn’t working out” 
his friends (aka art-hoe!renjun and student-athlete!jeno) always rolls their eyes when jaemin rolls up into the lunchroom with his arms wrapped around a new girl’s shoulder
“bet she’s not going to last two weeks”- renjun slapping down a 10$ 
“knowing him, this isn’t going to last more than a week”- jeno said but still sliding over a 10$ bill 
AND SUPRISE it doesn’t 
both renjun and jeno don’t approve of his philandering, but they stick w jaemin cause he’s still their best bud cause bros before hoes ya know what i mean?
this is especially true with jeno cause they’ve been bffl since they were like five but that doesn’t mean that jaemin is anything like jeno. 
nah man they both are the complete opposite of each other
like jeno is a quiet reserved student-athlete boi but jaemin out here acting like a little thotty 
nomin is like a package deal, no one can separate them
here where out little y/n comes in
surprisingly you’re childhood friends w nomin 
both u and jeno are neighbors and your families have been friends since before you were even conceived 
your moms’ have weekly tea times where they’d gossip about everything and anything while your dads would be watching the weekly soccer/football games drinking a cold one 
you and jeno would be playing with some legos or barbies 
jeno had a minor (major) barbie obsession which was probably induced by you
don’t tell anyone but jeno still binge-watches barbie movies;;;his favorite really be the princess charm school one 
like i said nomin is a package deal so expect jaemin to be taging along to yours and jeno’s weekly playdate
imagine you being the princess while jaemin pretended to be the prince and jeno was the dragon,,,yeah man it was so lit 
this isn’t a jeno fic btw keep in mind its still jaemin 
all of that stuff before was when the three of you were like kids
once highschool came around all three of you found ur niches: jeno was the student-athlete, jaemin was well that guy that was wanted by all the girls
and you were just a regular mundane student ya know,,,you weren’t extremely talented nor smart you just floated around 
u still hung around jeno tho but your friendship was really lowkey 
like both of y'all would wait until the other one was completely alone or do some ridiculous actions to deliver the simplest messages 
jeno would look both ways before slipping you a note in class that said “can your mom drive me home today?” and you would make sure no one was looking before nodding secretly 
or the two of you would hide behind bushes to say that y'all parents wanted to have dinner together tonight 
tbh yall could just text each other but where’s the fUN in that? 
jaemin, on the other hand, was someone you haven’t a solid conversation with since sophomore year bc of an incident 
basically, you had helped one of your friends into a relationship with jaemin that lasted for about two months,,, which was considerably a long time considering that it was jaemin.the two of them were a fat power couple 
ur friend, let’s call her ella, was probably one of the more popular girls at school. she was well-known for being the prettiest, kindest girl that everyone LOVES
anyways, things didn’t end so well bc he stood her up at hoco even though he was gonna be crowned homecoming king and her queen. 
no one knows why jaemin just ditched but he did. 
didn’t stick well with your friend tho cause she stopped talking to you as well not really giving you an explanation
and this led to everyone in your friend group to kinda put all the blame onto you 
this is also when jaemin picked up his heartbreaker reputation and began living up to that title
at first ur were hella mad and sad, but you got over it cause being outcasted and kicked out of that friend group led you to befriend the local stoner boi!haechan
honestly, you got over it but after ignoring and avoiding jaemin for a whole year it just stuck. 
yall never talked again 
u were so done w school at this point, you had suffered and labored through junior year,,, SAT and ACT were the biggest bitches you ever faced in your lifetime and this is coming from someone who was friends with the resident shithead lee haechan 
so it’s lunchtime and you’re listening to haechan’s wild story about some shenanigan that he and his weed dealer/ older college friend mark had gotten up to the past weekend 
“so like we were just hitting a blunt this weekend in mark’s car and this cop pulls up next to us.mark rolls down the window and all of the smoke just hits the cops in the face” 
“you're a fucking idiot, haechan” 
“listen bitch, i’m not done” 
“so the cop is doing the regular illegal drugs bullshit and asked mark a question. understand at this point that mark is high as fuck so i kid you not the crackhead says quack. nothing else just quack. honestly, i still don’t know how we got out of that but we did and lee haechan is still in school.” 
you want to slap your friend with a big smh at this point 
but it so ridiculous and so haechan that you can’t say anything else 
and you don’t have too! bc someone taps ur shoulder pulling you out of your convo and boom it’s ella 
“hey, y/n” she starts out sweetly and you could feel haechan’s bitch face directed towards the girl, who seemed to just ignore the boy 
“what’s up, ella?” you were hella fucking slightly irritated and highkey suspicious bc like this was the first time that she talked to you in like two years
“this out of the blue, but you know how prom is coming up soon? we need extra hands on the planning community,” ella explained with a bright smile  “we need another person to work on making the centerpieces for each table, but we only have one person on that” 
“okay, so what does this have to do with her?” haechan’s bitchy tone soaked in each word 
ella’s smile faltered slightly at his words, but it was so subtle that only people with keen eyes could notice
“i hope that i’m not imposing anything on to you.” ella trying to reassure  “but Mr. Moon told me that you still need some community service hours for our graduation requirement so I just assumed that this would be a good opportunity for you.” 
oh shit 
you completely forgot about that and you still needed like another 10 hours to complete
“i wouldn’t ask you this but my workload is completely swamped” ella added “it would be a big help if you can help. haechan, you can help too!” 
haechan let out a loud gag that seemed to baffle her 
“oh hell no, i already got my community service hours done like freshmen year.” 
you gave haechan the most incredulous face you could make cause like this druggie who gets high every other week and vapes in the bathroom really finished his community service hours before you????how?? 
“don’t look at me like that.” haechan kicked you underneath the table “it was before i learned how to roll a blunt” 
“drugs aren’t good for you, haechan,” ella chided 
haechan made a mocking face,,you know the one he does like that one,,”not all of us can be little miss goodie-two-shoes like you” 
oKAy time to do some damage control before your shithead friend gets himself into more shit 
“i’ll do it. just text me the details.” 
“thank you so much y/n!” ella said before bouncing off 
“i hate her” haechan stated
“you hate everyone” 
CUE aFTerschool when you follow ella’s text to go to the art building where everyone was gathered 
the minute you walked in you realized that you should have just said no and done some other community service activity cause jaemin was present standing in the corner and other people who you once called your close friends that turned out to be fat snakes
now you gotta deal with them again (aww shit here we go again) 
ella is motioning you to come into the classroom which you obliged cause you figured that you possibly could survive w ur rbf on as you made your way to the other unoccupied corner
there was some whispering in the background but you ignored it cUASE like hyuk always says: “you just gotta get high and block out all the haters” 
well, he was right about the second half, not so much the first. 
“alright everyone! thank you so much for volunteering to help set up for our senior prom! we only have about three weeks so we have to get all of the decorations done as soon as possible!” ella said in a chirpy tone
a lot of people looked motived by the girl’s bubby short speech on how everyone needs to put in 100% of their effort. you zoned that out as you caught the sleeping figure at the teacher's desk 
“goddamn you mr.moon forcing me to be here” you grumbled in your head almost missing your assigned duty, 
“y/n!” your head snapped in the direction that your name was called 
you saw ella standing with jaemin and the sirens go off in your head 
you let out a loud sigh before trotting over to the two 
ella gave you a piece of paper that had the centerpieces’ picture on them along with a long list of decorations “all you guys have to do is make about 300. all the directions are on the sheet and the supplies are in the other room. it’s really simple, just have it done by next friday.” 
you nearly popped a blood vessel 
300 by next friday? today was wednesday so that meant you only had ten days to finish all 300 of them
so you and jaemin are walking to the classroom next door to get the supplies y’all needed,,, in your head, you were just cursing everything in existence for putting you into this position especially mr. moon 
“so how did she rope you into this?” you heard jaemin say from beside you as you both carried boxes out to the parking lot. 
you two came to the good conclusion to split the load so that he would do half and you would do half 
150 it’s not that bad 
15 a day
hell yeah
it was so strange and foreign talking to him since it’s been about two whole years.  
he had a nice voice tho ngl maybe that’s why he got out of that detention that one time 
“she somehow found out that i still needed to complete my community service hours before graduation” you murmured, praying that haechan remembered you telling him to wait for you after school 
he probably ditched you to get high or hang out with one girl he liked
all jaemin said was “oh” and the rest of the walk to the school’s parking lot was quiet 
the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife and the knife would break
“hey can i ask you a question?” jaemin asked when the two of you were about to go your separate ways 
you could see mark’s old beat-down car meaning that haechan, in fact, did ditch you but had the decency to call up mark to pick you up 
“yeah, go ahead” 
“how come you still talk to jeno, but not me?” 
i shit you not this was the quietest and deepest voice that you ever heard jaemin project 
you didn’t know how to reply so you looked down at the large box in your hand, mumbling some incoherent excuse
“can you repeat that?” 
“ i said, we don’t really have any other reasons to be friend's unlike me and jeno” 
“is that all?” jaemin asked, probably catching onto your bullshit
you were probably delusional but you could’ve sworn you heard some sadness in the tone he used
you nodded quickly trying to get to mark’s car hoping to avoid further conversation 
but boy was jaemin stubborn 
“that wasn’t a good explanation,y/n! ” jaemin called out after you. 
this time he sounded more lighthearted than before
you turn around to face jaemin who had a fatass smile on his face 
damn was he good looking smiling like that 
“give me a better reason tomorrow or else i’m taking you on a date!” his dazzling smile nearly blinding you as he made his way to his own car
inside your head little y/n is going whattheactualfuck? 
“what’s with that shook face?” mark ask as you climbed into the passenger seat 
“what the fuck?” you say 
you look at mark “what the ACTUAL fuck?” 
poor mark is like wtf is wrong with her,,,did haechan get her on some type of crack? 
that night while you were making the little centerpieces you were still going over what jaemin said 
you looked at the last centerpiece you finish making 
was he flirting with me? or was he serious?
he sounded sad when i said that tho? 
at the same, this was jaemin, a boy who is well-known for having flings left and right. 
he’s probably just flirting
until next day! jaemin pops up next to you as while you get your shit from your locker for your first class 
“did you come up with a good explanation yet? 
his sudden appearance startled you causing you to subconsciously let out a yelp 
“cute” he said, and you forced down the blush that was about to show 
“i thought i told you already?” causing jaemin to shake his head like a cute little puppy 
“i don’t accept it.i want a better one,” he said sounding like a spoiled toddler 
you gave him the “wtf do you mean look” and he was about to reply until you saw haechan walking through the school doors with a pair of sunglasses on which can only mean one thing
that little shit head came to school high again
you pushed passed jaemin and stormed towards haechan pulling him to some vacant hallway to lecture him
leaving jaemin standing there staring at your backs as the two of you left 
jaemin’s smile dropping significantly as he nearly glared over at the two of you leaving, specifically at the back of haechan’s head 
“dude, why do you look like you’re going to murder someone?” jeno asked as jaemin sat next to him at their lab station 
you weren’t in this chemistry class but haechan was,,,and it was his naptime
“how is y/n friends with him?” jaemin stared directly at a sleeping haechan 
jeno follows his line of sight, letting out a sigh once he notices it was haehcan
“she never really told me, but i assume it was because she stopped being friends with ella and that group” jeno said honestly. he raised an eyebrow in question at his bffl “why do you need to know” 
jaemin didn’t answer him, continuing to glaring at the sleeping male 
jeno rolled his eyes at his friend's antics 
but in a serious tone, he warns to his friend, “don’t pull your games with y/n.” 
except jaemin’s head wasn’t registering this warning,,he was solely focused on how lee fucking haechan the biggest stoner of NCT High managed to take a girl’s attention from him, na jaemin....it was simply ridiculous 
maybe he really was an attention seeker bc he made a beeline for your table during lunch instead of his regular one once he saw just how loud you were laughing at haechan’s joke 
“what’s so funny?” jaemin asked sliding into the seat next to you 
now both of you and our boy hyuk is like wtf 
immediately you’re on defense, “what are you doing here?” 
“you never gave me a good explanation!” jaemin pouted, giving you fat puppy eyes 
those aLMost worked 
“uhhhhhh” you try to find a good excuse but jaemin quickly cuts you off 
“it’s okay if you don’t have a good explanation,” jaemin reaches over and steals a fry from haechan’s tray eliciting a hissing sound from the boy “you just have to go on a date with me” 
then he winks 
and he's gone
“what in the holy fuck just happened?” 
the amount of time that y/n has said wtf is unbelievable 
haechan’s sunglasses slip down the bridge of nose and you could see his red eyes giving you a look of disappointment, “and you say i have issues” 
“stfu before i slit your throat” 
the rest of the day wasn’t any easier on you tbh. you learned that jaemin was really really stubborn and very very clingy 
the boy deadass scanned the whole hallway to find your face so he could tag along with you to your next class even though you could have sworn that his class was one the other side of the school 
he kept on bombarding you with questions on what you wanted to get after school and if you like roller skating 
by some means, you were able to hide in the library for the rest of the study hall period which meant that you could probably avoid jaemin until school ended 
you spotted a familiar boy huddled in the corner reading a book that made you squint your eyes. 
marching over to jeno, your eyes just say “explain” 
jeno looked at you with like those wide eyes he does when he’s shookth bc the two of you never interacting in school so puBlicly
“what the hell is na jaemin trying to pull?” you whispered-yelled plopping down in the wooden seat next to the athlete 
jeno is all like????wydm 
and you explain your whole situation to him and he just lets out the biggest sigh 
“he doesn’t like being left on read” 
“what do you mean?” 
“i mean, that’s what you basically did to him sophomore year. he was kinda depresso about how you just stopped talking to him out of nowhere. by the way, why did you do that?” 
tbh you really didn’t know at first you were mad at him
was it bc his actions caused all your friends to blame you for his inability to commit to a relationship,,, but it’s been two years since that incident
you got over it, so why were you still avoiding jaemin? 
“i dunno after him and ella broke up, i didn’t have a reason to talk to him.” 
jeno looked at you like “really? is that your answer?” 
“think about that question again because i’m sure that that's, not the whole answer.” 
now you’re more confused but also very mad about how both of them weren’t accepting your reason as valid! 
so as you were furiously making the stupid centerpieces that ella forced you into volunteering to do
angry y/n really got through a solid 50 of them 
you pondered on jeno’s words and you thought back to sophomore year 
you remembered still joking around lightheartedly w jaemin until he started dating ella 
he actually spent a lot of time and effort even ditching jeno sometimes for her which was okay cause jeno would chill w renjun or even you (mostly bc he could watch barbie movies w no shame) 
everything was alright until homecoming came around and jaemin flaked on ella leading them to breakup the next day 
and ella to stop talking to you which made everyone mad you or think that you were the one that caused the breakup 
you were the one that hooked the two of them up too! so it was really unfair! 
it's like 2 am and you don’t know what came over to text jeno but you did 
y/n: why didn’t jaemin go to hoco sophomore year? 
you felt instant regret after sending that text bc like it probably made it seem like you were interested in jaemin,,,, which you were totally not!
seconds later jeno slaps you with the ”ask him yourself”  
fattest facepalm 
so that’s how you spent the entire night finishing all of your centerpieces that you were assigned to make cuz of your frustration
wow we love a productive y/n 
alrighty this is where shit goes down 
now that you were done with all of your centerpieces you took them to the art room the next day before school where ella was there doing her stoof 
she looked up with a giant smile when you came in with a giant box 
“you finished all of it?” 
“nah just 150. jaemins finishing the other half” you set the box down 
“oh okie,” ella nodded returning to whatever she was doing beforehand 
since it was just the two of you in the classroom and you’ve been dying to know the answer since sophomore year 
so fuck it 
“hey ella, can i ask you a question?” 
the said girl looked up with that same friendly smile that she gave everyone “of course!” 
“why didn’t jaemin show up to hoco sophomore year?” you blurted out 
in an instant, ella’s smile dropped and there was a sudden cold look in her eyes 
“you already know the answer to that, y/n, you don’t need me to answer you. now if you excuse me, i have things i have to do” ella said in a very unlike-ella-way 
her answer made you even more confused than ever bc how were you supposed to know the answer to THAT 
confused!y/n is even more confused 
however, all your questions were about to be answered, not really tho 
you’re on your way to the third period with the same burning question in your head: why the hell did jaemin not show up to sophomore year hoco??? someone help?  
tbh you didn’t even notice someone yanking you into the janitor’s closet until you were surrounded in darkness and someone's hands were clasp over your mouth 
“it’s me, jaemin” his soft whisper sent tings down your spine 
he let go of your mouth to switch on the light 
“are you fucking insane?” 
“yes, but it’s only cause i’m madly in love with you” 
you rolled your eyes “cut the bullshit, jaemin, what do you want?” 
“our date. you never gave me a solid explanation, so i want a date” 
you were about to reject him but then an idea formed in your head 
and with that one-word jaemin’s eyes glowed 10x brighter with his smile almost blinding you 
cheesy i know. 
“let’s go now!” 
the boy was really about to skip class just to go on this stupid date w you 
is he that bored? did he really run out of girls to date? 
but then again you really don’t want to go to math bc you’re pretty sure there's a test today that you haven’t studied for yet 
so that’s how you found yourself with jaemin at the local ice cream parlor 
jaemin INSISTED that y'all share a sundae, which he also fought you to pay for 
there a silence that falls upon you for a little bit 
jaemin breaks it though like he breaks heart (okay minnie that’s kinda mean) 
“ella told me that you finished your half of the centerpieces in two days. that’s pretty impressive,” he comments 
you nodded staring at the ice cream drowned in chocolate syrup 
“to be honest, i haven’t gotten much done yet,” he admitted, continuing to ramble on “it’ll get done. i might even pay renjun to do it, but i’m pretty sure he’s too preoccupied with this girl that he’s been pining over for a while” 
“speaking of which, are you seeing anyone right now?” jaemin asks out of nowhere. 
“lol i could be doing other things with my time.” 
jaemin observes your face closely taking in the faint blush on your cheeks from his direct gaze, “so what about that haechan dude?” 
“what about him?” 
“are the two of you a thing?” 
you nearly gagged 
“there no way in hell i’d ever get with haechan. besides, he’s having some of his own girl problems right now. he was being a little bitch about it too” 
“good” jaemin says really contently. 
“why didn’t you go to hoco sophomore year?” you finally asked
taken back slightly, jaemin softly smiles down at the half-eaten sundae
instead of answering you, he asked another question “why did you stop talking to me?” 
you gulp, but eventually, you had to tell him the truth even though it was kinda dumb and immature
“because ella was mad at me after the two of you broke up.” 
he shifted his gaze up to your own eyes 
“do you know why she was mad at you?” 
you shook your head
jaemin smiled again 
this time it kinda looked sad :( 
“because she knew that i was in love with you”  
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smoljamswrites · 5 years
all is fair in love & war | bts x reader | chapter 3
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pairing: bts x female reader
genre: mafia!au, series fic, angst, fluff, (eventual) smut
warnings for this chapter: bitchy girls? degradation, mention of Syndicate killing reader’s parents, abuse, slight mention of Y/N talking about killing herself (only mentioned once in passing), stalker elements, swearing, 
a/n: hey, please let me know what you think in the comments! All feedback is appreciated! Just a reminder, that I am not condoning any abusive or stalking relationships in my writing. If you are sensitive to the warnings above, please do not read this fic. Thank you. 
the fic playlist is here, thanks for your support! x
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Over the past 24 hours you have completely worn yourself out. Practice. Practice. Practice. You have one day until your first performance and you couldn’t be more nervous. After selecting the song on the stereo, you move to stand in the middle of the podium, your hips swinging with fake confidence as you walked. Coming to the black chair in the centre, you sit sideways, bringing your legs off the floor in one smooth motion. Hooking your legs over the back of the chair, you swing yourself around so that you are now upside down. Running your hands over your body, you look at the wall straight ahead. Moving away from the chair, you make your way over to the pole. Wrapping your legs cautiously around the pole, you do a couple of turns on it before bringing yourself down to your knees. You open your legs wide before turning to grind down, so you were now on your tummy. Butt first, you slowly bring your body up off the floor.
There’s a knock on the door before you can continue further with your routine. The door creeps open, and you’re met with big beautiful eyes and high cheek bones. “Hey! Hope you don’t mind me checking in. My name’s Kira, and I work here too” the girl smiles. The door opens further, allowing you to see her properly. Dressed in a plain sports bra, and some black shorts, her silky brown hair falling to rest at her hips, she enters the room and comes up to you. “So, what’s your name, new girl?”
Something unsettling rested within you as she called you that. You had thought she was going to be sweet. Someone nice to talk to. Finally, someone you can call ‘friend’. But the weird glint in her eyes warned you otherwise. But still, you answered her politely, not wanting to make any more enemies around here, “My names Y/N, it’s nice to meet you Kira”.
Kira’s eyes moved to look you up and down and then drifted over to the podium. “Oh, I heard your practicing for your first performance. It’ll be tough out there, especially because you aren’t really a dancer are you? I can tell because you don’t have the correct physique yet. But don’t worry! You’ll be a professional like me in no time! If you ever want any guidance from me, just give me a shout, I’m sure I can fit you in somewhere.” Snobbiness oozed in her voice, and you could tell this girl had Syndicate blood. The way she looked down on you, and put herself superior, made your blood boil. That’s what the monsters who had killed your parents always done to you – belittle you. And you’re not going to lie, it works. You are petrified of them. Who wouldn’t be!? But that doesn’t mean that you don’t hate them, that they don’t get you seething. You hate that they have you trapped in their little world. God, the things you’d do to be able to be free. Free of their torture and torment. You’ve had enough! This whole liberty idea, of ‘allowing’ you to work, is beginning to piss you off. Having to work for your life? Sometimes, you wish you’d rather be dead. If you were ever handed an opportunity to leave this place, this gang, this hell, then you’d take it. 100%. You’ve always dreamt of this magical opportunity, that some knight in shining armour is going to come and save you, but it never has arrived. Instead you’re stuck here with them, with her right now, wishing you were somebody else.
“Okay, thanks for the offer!” you force out a smile, although it doesn’t reach your eyes.
The day has finally come, and you’re currently perched on a black box backstage. A few of the other girls are getting ready for their performances too and are engaging in conversation. Kira is there, along with two other girls – Sunny and Grace. Kira’s long brown hair tied up in a high ponytail, her figure on display as her outfit hardly left anything to the imagination. Her face is made-up; Smokey eye makeup, coupled with a nude brown lip and false lashes. A sparkly choker completed her look.
Sunny had a different style to the rest of the girls. Her hair is left down, resting just below her chest. Her makeup is much more neutral, but she definitely draws attention to herself with her collection of tattoos. Art adorned her arms and neck, a small sentence written in a foreign language is placed above one of her breasts. Piercings decorate her lip and eyebrow, and leave a trail up her left ear, glistening when the light hits them. Out of all the girls you have met, it is Sunny that screams intimidation. Her black lace two piece matches her black hair and the glare that she sends you, makes you look away immediately.
Grace seems much brighter than the other two that you have met, but maybe that’s due to her obviously bleached hair. You can see her darker roots starting to come back through the top, but this really suits her. Her outfit is a lime green colour. Grace sits on the floor on her phone, a cigarette resting between her lips.
Just then, a Syndicate member comes through the curtain looking for you. His eyes land on yours immediately, “these packages have come for you” he throws them in your direction and walks away, leaving you to fetch the package that lays near your feet. The other girls don’t bat an eyelid at his behaviour; they know who you are, and they make it clear that they are your superiors, despite their own status in the group being quite low anyway.
You crouch down onto the floor and grab the first parcel. It feels soft in your hands. Pulling at the plastic, you tear it open, a mass of lacey fabric coming into view. Taking it out of the packaging, you see that you have a pastel pink lace bodysuit, accompanied by a garter-type belt to go over the top. Taking the outfit and the second parcel, you go to get ready in a booth, aware that you only have about 15 minutes until your show. The garter belt has two strips that hug your thighs and the bodysuit is kind of low cut, showing off your collar bones. Compared to the other girls, you look quite bare, as your body isn’t decorated with ink, or with glitter like Grace’s. Looking in the mirror, you scrunch your face to the side, quickly applying and blending your makeup. You decide quite early on that you don’t need to have a really bold makeup look today, being as you’re pushed for time. That’s why you settle for winged eyeliner, subtle eyeshadow and a nude peachy tone for your lips. You add a bit of contour onto your collar bones, hoping to make them stand out. Opening the second box, you take out a pair of chunky, lace up boots and put them on. Deep breath Y/N. Everything is going to be fine.
You exit through the curtain, passing the other dancers on your way, and wait at the edge of the stage. You peek your head around and see an array of people whispering amongst themselves and waiting for your performance to start. Shit! Here goes nothing. The music begins to play through the speakers, all whispers come to a halt. As the intro plays you walk onto the stage, beginning to feel yourself getting lost in the music. It’s just you and the practice room, you’ve got this! Nobody else is here. Placing yourself sideways onto the chair, the first verse brings your routine to life.
You make it look like it’s magic
'cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you
I'm never confused, hey, hey
I'm so used to being used
Your legs have swung around to hook over the chair, just like you practiced, everything is going perfectly. The upper part of your body is hanging off the edge, all eyes drawn to watch your every move. The spotlight makes your collar bones glisten, your neutral look making you look angelic and feigns innocence.
So I love when you call unexpected
'cause I hate when the moment's expected
You’re now wrapped around the pole, turning to the beat. There’s something so delicate about the way your body moves. It’s like you were one with the song, completely in sync. You come back down and look straight ahead, coming down onto your knees.
So I'ma care for you, you, you
I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah
Legs are spread, your own hands coming down to marvel your body. You were mesmerizing! Your body turns to the side, sinking down onto the cold floor, ass high in the air as you do so. You lift the lower half of your body up quickly, and then you bring it back down, and you repeat. It matches the beat of the song really well, but also your pounding heart.
After a couple more minutes, your routine wraps up. As soon as the music finishes, you quickly leave the stage, not wanting to look anybody in the eye once the spotlight gets dimmed down. As you rush backstage, ready to get changed back into some more comfortable clothes, you’re stopped by Yunseo.
“Y/N! That was brilliant sweetheart! Who knew a sweet, little girly like you could get every man in there going, huh?” his sweaty palms caress your shoulders, and you’re struggling to hold back the urge to shudder. His words are vulgar and coarse, eyes looking you up and down like he wanted to demolish you. “I always knew you were a performer, the way you act all shy with the boys at home is all a front really, isn’t it?” You couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. You do not ‘act shy’, it’s called being frightened for your life! How dare he! What he is insinuating was uncalled for, and completely untrue. You were fuming at this point, rage bubbling up inside of you. He hit a nerve alright, and you had snapped.
Your brows knit together as you look up ready to face this appalling man, “Um- actually I’m not shy thank you! It’s the fact that I don’t want anyone of Syndicate’s filthy fucking hands touching me. You make me sick. All of you make me-“
The hit was loud, and the contact stung your face. You were sure that was going to leave a mark! He’s hit you before, god they all have, but having Yunseo slap you in public made the anger set in more. Your cheek felt warm and tingly from the hit, but that didn’t stop you from maintaining eye contact with the monster in front of you.
“Listen here you little bitch, I don’t want to hear another word from you tonight! Do you understand me? I don’t know who the fuck you think you are! I’ll tell you what’s going to happen now, okay? Someone has requested a private dance from you, and usually I’d have to decline being as it’s your first week and safety and all that bullshit. But I don’t give a shit now. So, you’re gonna go through there and entertain that man like the little fucking whore that you are! Got it?” his hand had come up to clutch your chin. His eyes glaring into yours, as he spat his bitter words into existence. He pushed your head towards the direction of the door. “Oh and Y/N?” you turned around, tears beginning to brim in your eyes, “just letting you know we don’t have any cameras, and if you scream, no one will come running.” His tone had changed into a calmer one, a malevolent smirk on his face, but his words made you more frightful than the last. He shoves you into the room and slams the door behind you.
Sitting on the black couch, a man peers up to look at you. He looks quite shocked to see you, but then you hear voices in the hall. You hear them clearly. Great! So he fucking heard everything! You walk over to the man, but then slow down once you get a better look at his face. He’s the one who was sat at the bar earlier this week!
“Hi, I’m going to have to apologise in advance, I have nothing prepared and so…yeah. I’m sorry.” Your voice comes out more timid than you had wanted it to, than you expected it to, but you don’t miss the way that the man’s face softens at your apology.
“Hey, no, please don’t apologise! Come here” his voice is soft, and although the request for you to come closer should have sounded unusual, you found yourself moving to sit next to him, seeking comfort. His hand moves to cup your cheek, and you tremble slightly at the action, thinking the worst, “what happened here?”. His thumb gently caresses your inflamed cheek and you can see the sincerity in his eyes as he asks you.
You remain quiet and evidently nervous as you manage to build up the courage to confide in him. Taking a deep breath, you lean into the stranger’s touch, “h-he hit me” you simply stutter. The handsome man hums in response, features beginning to tense after your comment. It is obvious that he cares, but you don’t know why. “Who hit you Y/N?” although he is seemingly a little infuriated with the situation, the tone in which he uses to address you is still soft. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to be in trouble. You’ve done nothing wrong, princess. But it’ll help you if you talk about it, and I’m here for you. I don’t want to see you upset like this. You’re too beautiful to be sad. I want to see your eyes gleaming with happiness, not shining with tears.” At this point, you have somehow managed to be propping yourself up on this man, him soothing you, large hand running up and down your spine as tears flood down your face.
“It’s the man who owns this place. He said something t-that I didn’t like, and it made me angry so I raised my voice at him a-and he slapped me,” you sobbed into his chest. Never before have you had the opportunity to confide in someone, you’ve always felt alone. But in this moment, you feel cared for, you feel safe, you feel seen. Albeit by a stranger, but this stranger must have a heart of gold. He could have easily had taken advantage of you, but he didn’t do that. He didn’t want to.
“He shouldn’t have hit you. My mother always told me that a real man would never hit a lady, and if he did then he isn’t a man, he’s a mouse. And as for the things he said, I heard it. And you were right to stick up for yourself, princess. You don’t deserve any of this. But it’s going to get better, I promise!” You snuggled closer to his chest and looked up at him, smiling. You thought it was weird that you felt safe in his arms, and yet you didn’t even know his name.
“What’s your name?” your voice gets muffled into his shirt, but he still hears you and smiles sympathetically. “My name’s Seokjin, but you can call me Jin.” He replies, hand resting just above your hip. You nod in response whilst letting out a yawn and begin to sit up. His hand moves to tuck your hair behind your ear, “You’re tired, huh? Why don’t you ask somebody to take you home so you can get some rest?”
“Okay,” you whisper, “will I see you again Jin?” you ponder, wishing that he could take you to his house, instead of having to go back to the hell that you call home. He nods insistently, “of course! I’ll come back here regularly so you know that you aren’t alone, yeah?” both of you rise from the couch, but Jin turns to face you. He leans down, gently placing his hands on your petite shoulders and kisses your forehead. It’s ever so soft that it barely feels like his lips have grazed your skin, but your body shivers in delight all the same. You both part to exit the room and bid your goodbyes. Then you’re off in search for somebody to take you home.
Walking through backstage, you find your belongings screwed up in a plastic bag, definitely not where you had left them but at least they hadn’t gone missing. You get changed back into a much more comfortable attire, wiping off all of your makeup, and leave the booth once more. Sunny and Kira are in the next room you walk into and you are surprised when they start talking to you.
“Hey Y/N” Kira chirps, turning to look at you, “we’re gonna go outside for a smoke, you wanna come?”
You nod, maybe a little to eagerly, as you think that maybe fresh air would do you some good after this whirlwind of a day. Following them outside, the cold air of the night briefly brings you out of your sleepy state. Grace is already out here, sat on the grimy sidewalk without a care. All 3 of you walk towards her, Sunny and Kira in front while you walk behind. This unnerving feeling comes over you, as you get the sensation that you are being watched. You can’t seem to shake it, but it feels like someone has their eye on you, and it is watching your every move. The back of your neck feels tingly as a result, but you try to forget it as you reach Grace.
“Oh my God!” she exclaims in disgust, staring right at you. Kira and Sunny turn around to look at you as well, as Grace continues, “Looks like some guy got carried away with you during your private dance, huh? Look at your face! He hit you? Didn’t think new girl would be into that ladies!” The other girls join in, mocking the blemish on your face, and you don’t know what to say to make it stop. So you just sit down on the floor, and play with the weeds that are pushing through the concrete squares of the pavement. You try your best to block out their words, but some of them stick in your mind, repeating like a mantra.
‘Slut. Kinky bitch. I thought the syndicate pet was going to be shy clearly NOT! Whore. Disgusting bitch. Did you enjoy it slag? What was you doing anyway giving somebody a private dance on your first week? Desperate much?’
After a while, they all get up to go inside, and you know you have to follow suit. But just as you stand up to follow them, you hear something from the opposite side of the road. You turn to squint into the darkness, trying to make out what was lurking in the shadows. Something is over there, right? A bright flash of light grabs your attention, coupled with a faint shutter type sound… did somebody just take a photo of you? You freeze in place, completely still, as you feel the blood drain from your face.
“Hey new girl, are you coming or not?” Sunny is holding the door open for you, looking extremely pissed off with you. You let out a shaky breath, before stepping through the open door and back into the confinements of the club. I definitely need to go back home. All 4 of you are greeted by two Syndicate members as you enter backstage again. Going up to one of them, Seojun, you feel the eyes of the other girls on you, “When can I go home? I’m a little exhausted”, you smile, asking nicely. Seojun turns his head to look at you, “Not yet, you’re gonna have to wait. We’re, um, busy with something at the moment-“
“I’ll take her!” both you and Seojun turn your heads to the assertive voice, and your eyes meet with Sunny. Great! you muse.
The walk back to the Sin Syndicate’s mansion was one of irritability and interrogation. Sunny would not stop making sly comments about you, but you couldn’t do anything about it. You were already in enough trouble with Yunseo already, and you didn’t really want to make it worse for yourself.
“So I guess the Syndicate pet is a certified hoe now, yeah? After that private dance of yours, it’d be spiteful to refuse you of that title. Welcome to the club, hunny! We’ll take care of you!” Lies. Lies and insults, that’s all the shit that came out of her mouth. God, how badly you wanted to shut it for her. Just take deep breaths. “Your performance was okay too, for your first time at least. You’ll get better though, don’t worry!” at this point, you’re 90% sure that she’s just trying to provoke you. To test your limits.
“Right, I wanna pop into this off-licence, so come on!” she grabs your wrist forcefully and drags you in the direction of the store.
“Can’t I just stay out here? Please?” you hate yourself for sounding like you’re begging, but you really want to be alone, even if its for 5 minutes. She laughs in your face at your request and you already know what she’s thinking. “I’m not going to go anywhere, I promise! Why would I? Do you think I’m dumb? I wouldn’t even know where to run to, and besides I get everything provided for me at home. I just need a breather, that’s all, I swear!”
She lets go of your wrist and walks alone towards the shop door, “You better be telling the truth, pet! Or I’ll personally track you down and kill you, understand?” she doesn’t even face in your direction as she speaks to you. But you know she’s true in her threat. She pushes the door open, the bell above the door signals the arrival of a new customer, and then it shuts swiftly behind her.
Propping your exhausted and aching body against the filthy wall of the shop, you take a deep breath. At least today is over and done with, and you can finally go home and go to bed. You roll your head to the side and admire the night view. It’s so weird being outside at night like this, being completely alone with the world. The big dark blanket of the sky is adorned by sparkling silvers, begging to capture your attention. It’s so peaceful, and you feel so safe. You can hear cars and sirens in the distance, the slight breeze in the air occupying most of the sound. You look straight ahead, and you notice something rather peculiar. A car. Albeit there is nothing strange about a car normally, but it’s because you had seen this exact car before. A dark grey body shining in the moonlight. And that’s when you make eye contact with him.
You storm over to the car and forcefully tap on the window. Big wide eyes are staring back at you, and you can feel the urge of his to drive away, but no, you want answers! You pull on the handle to his side of the car and you can feel the fury and confusion beginning to build up inside you. “Care to explain why you are straight up stalking me!?” you spit, subconsciously allowing yourself to take out everything you were feeling from that day on him.
“Y/N no- I can explain I promise! This isn’t what it looks like!” the man is beginning to panic. The last thing he wants is to lose contact with you. This isn’t how this was supposed to go.
“Explain to me then, Jungkook! First you get me free drinks, then you get my number, and now you follow me around in your car! What the fuck!? Was it you taking photographs of me?!” You are now raising your voice at him in this street, probably waking up the residents nearby, but you’re too pissed to care. You’re outraged!
“No- It’s complicated I swear! It’s a long story and I don’t think we have time-“
“You know what!? Just forget it, you creep!” and with that you slam the door to the car and begin to make your way back over to the store. You’re red with anger. But as you look up, you can feel all the colour drain from your face. Sunny is standing in front of you, eyes wandering from you to the car. “Y/N?” her face seems cold; emotion is not evident. A detached and distant tone takes hold of her voice. You’re beginning to think your heart cannot beat any faster.
thump thump thump thump thump
But the next words that fall from her mouth make your stress and panic set in more, “Who’s the guy in the car, Y/N?”
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next chapter update: Sunday 9th February 2020 9pm gmt
tagging: @dearlydreadful​ @honeydewseoks​ @whimsicalwoodlands​ @toddsgirl27​ @wendyiiwl​ @asifetch7​ @barbyisafangirl​ @miraculyfe​ @btsxdoll​ @laluzdirectioner​ @slutkoo​ @bubbletae7​ @h5naaa​ @smollmonajinsa​ @vivpurple7​ @purplelady85​ @vi-hoshi​ 
let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters! 
Thank you so much for reading!
all rights reserved © smoljamswrites | 01/02/2020 | reposting my work or modifying of any kind is strictly not allowed. Translations are also not allowed.
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mactuna · 5 years
ђคгɭєץ ợยєєภ
↠ summary: jisol isn’t the only who got run over by the gossip train... and in the process, she learned a lot more than she was ever supposed to... (lmao this is such a trashy summary!!)
↠ idea: jungkook x oc!! bts mafia au!! kpop universe!!]
↠ part 1 [] part 2 [] part 3 [] part 4?
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“I’ll bring you your stuff later, ok sis? Just please don’t trip on yourself if you see Han Jisung. Please.”
“For the last time! I DON’T LIKE HIM!”
“Sure sis… you definitely don’t have a sketchbook of drawings of him.”
“You can stop talking now!”
The two had arrived at Jeongmi’s new room, because college dorms were way too expensive. And lucky for her, there was a Min Jisol who was looking for a roommate.
“I’ll bring your stuff around later, ok?”
“Ok… bye!”
But in his defense, Jungkook believed he had the right to be worried about his little sister. Because he was pretty darn sure he knew exactly how her roommate was: the infamous Min Jisol of Daegu Town High School. She was the girl that everyone warned you about. It was obvious she smoked because she always coughed as if she had smoker’s lung and could literally collapse at any given moment. And Jesus Christ, she always smelled like goddamn alcohol! She always seemed as if she had tried to get the stank of alcohol off, but in the end she miserably failed and the smell basically radiated off of her. But of course, can’t forget that she was always late and skipping class. The problem? She never got in trouble for it. To top it all off, she graduated as valedictorian. Combined with her popularity amongst the boys for her looks, it was no surprise when the gossip train tooted about Jisol sleeping around with the administration to get straight A’s. Hence, she was basically the queen of the school in all aspects. Despite all the obvious warning signs, people loved her. Earning her the nickname, Harley Queen.
But Jungkook was barely any better and he knew it. His reputation wasn’t exactly spotless since he hit high school. Puberty had treated him very kindly, earning the attention from all the girls within the school district. Especially at sport competitions. And every so often, a girl would ask to speak to him somewhere quiet. Alone. Like a lost lamb, he would follow. He never did anything, didn’t even touch them, yet the gossip train tooted that Jungkook had a knack for quickies and breaking the girls’ hearts once he was done with them. Because of this one fact, Jungkook had begrudgingly agreed to let Jeongmi room with Jisol. Maybe she was just another victim of the gossip train, just like him.  Or maybe it was just his grudge against her for… a number of reasons.
“Ok… bye Jungkook!”
“I’ll bring your stuff up in like, two hours ok?”
“Uh-huh. Goodbye!”
Obviously, Jeongmi was super embarrassed that her brother was basically dropping her off at her first apartment. And she didn’t want to make a bad first impression, so she did everything in her power to shoo him away. But as soon as the door opened, Jeongmi was shocked by the girl’s beauty in front of her. All of her doubts disappeared into thin air and she found herself bowing awkwardly.
“Hello, my name is Jeongmi. It’s really nice to meet you!”
But Jisol was already busting a lung with laughter.
“You are so cute!! But anyway, you don’t have to act so formal around me. We’re roommates now Jeongmi. As you probably know, my name’s Jisol and welcome to the apartment!”
Despite having only met once or twice, Jeongmi already felt the bond forming between them.
“Do you need any help bringing your stuff up or anything?”
“Actually, my brother is bringing up my stuff in a couple of hours.”
“Girl, that’s honestly sibling goals. My brother would tell me to suck it up and be independent like all the girls in the world preach about.”
But now, Jeongmi was confused as hell. How in the world did Jisol have such awful rumors circulating about her? She was honestly one of the sweetest, most wholesome Jeongmi had ever met. But for Jisol? She was just over the moon that there was someone who was willing to give her a clean slate and actually get to know her. Not try to kiss up to her just so she could be referred to one of the guys. The reason everyone thought she was a slut was that most of her friends were guys. Mostly because the other girls at school were entirely too judgemental. And super bitchy.
“Feel free to explore, Jeongmi. Lol, you don’t have to be so nervous. You kinda live her now?”
And Jeongmi was like, why the hell does it literally smell like freaking daisies? Smoker’s lung, my foot! There wasn’t even the slightest whiff of smoke or alcohol anywhere. That’s when the knock came faintly. Which Jeongmi barely heard.
“Hi, I’m Jungkook, Jeongmi’s older brother. I came to drop off her stuff?”
Already, Jungkook was gaining attention from the neighbors. Mostly because the apartment was a hot spot for college kids who couldn’t afford or didn’t want to live in a dorm.
“Unnie, do you mind if he comes inside? Because there are literally people crowding the hallway just to stare at him. And it’s kinda gross?”
“Yeah, of course! Come on in.”
See, Jeongmi was totally clueless to the history between Jungkook and Jisol. They had been rivals at everything, all the way up until high school. But that was a different story. Sighing, Jisol let him in, promising herself to be civil for Jeongmi’s sake, if not hers.
As for Jungkook, he was surprised to see the two three-star black belts hanging in the open closet and the sheer amount of beat-up medical textbooks on the kitchen table.
“Do you want anything to drink?”
“Uh, no. I’m good actually. But thanks.”
And he was 100% surprised at how well Jisol was keeping her cool. Taking the heavy box from him, Jisol gave Jungkook a tight smile.
“I  can help Jeongmi unpack if you have somewhere you need to be.”
But Jisol knew that look in his eyes all too well. There was no way this could be the apartment of the Harley Queen, right? There was no way that the Queen would actually be reading and studying to get good grades, right? She had to be hiding the booze somewhere, right? The drugs? The weed? The cigarette packs? And Jungkook understood the tone of dismissal in her voice all too well.
“Then I’ll be going then. Bye, Mi!”
But as Jungkook made his way down to his car, he couldn’t but think of the little collage of Jisol’s baby pictures on the wall. One of them was of the two of them holding hands as they crossed the street. Groaning out loud, Jungkook looked towards the sky.
Why was his life so intertwined with Jisol’s?!! On top of already being entangled with every aspect of his life, why was she his ex-girlfriend from preschool too?!! He thought he’d erased his memory of her a long time ago!!
When Jungkook got back to the house, he wasn’t surprised to find Yoongi watching TV on the couch.
“So… how did it go?”
“I mean, Jeongmi seems to really like her, so I guess that’s all that matters.”
Shaking his head, Yoongi sat up straight.
“But I asked what your thoughts on Jisol are?”
“She’s… a lot different from what I expected.”
“How so?”
“She seems a lot more… put together than everyone takes her for. There’s not a single trace of cologne, smoke, drugs, or alcohol in there. I honestly have no idea how the hell these rumors formed about her. She seems really nice.”
“Well… she has changed a lot since high school ended. Plus, the rumors are mostly my fault. But I thought you were-”
“What are you talking about, hyung?”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Jungkook. However, this story isn’t entirely mine to tell, so it’d be a tad unfair if she weren’t here to explain the entirety of the situation.”
Grumbling, Jungkook made his way to the shower. He knew where he stood among the seven guys as the youngest: at the top. But when it came to Yoongi? That was all null and void.
Jin yelled through the door, banging on it to disrupt the peace of the hot, running water.
“Ok hyung! I’ll be out soon! BUT YOU BREAK THAT DOOR I SWEAR-”
But why was Tae coming on this mission? That almost never happened. He was the one who usually stayed back to work the comms and get all the inside info that was necessary to send to whoever was out in the field. But if he was coming, Joon-hyung’s mission for them had to be insanely top priority if Tae was coming out to play. 10 minutes later, the boys were seated on the floor in front of Joon.
“Does everyone here know Song Yuri?”
“Yeah. We’re all in the same biology class.”
“Well we just found out from our spy that Yuri is actually the heiress of the Ahn Empire in Daegu.”
“Wait… aren’t they the ones-”
“Who created a memory implanter and have passed down some secret through generations, using it?!!”
“Yes, that one. And if everyone else knows, then everyone is going to be gunning for her. She’s dating one of the NCT boys so we have to be careful. From what we know, she’s close with all of the NCT boys so we have to be careful. The reason I chose you three is because you have a subconscious memory of Yuri’s behavioral patterns So please bring her back alive. Got that?”
“Yes hyung.”
“Good. We’ve also got word that it’s one of the Dreamies’ birthdays today so they’ll be vulnerable. I will take the other hyungs to take them out, ok?”
“Ok hyung. See you later!”
A/N: OKAY YAY PART 1 IS DONE OF THE BLOOD UNIVERSE SERIES!! lmao idek if i actually want to turn all the “books” of this series into the same universe but we’ll see:) btw i literally just fangirled so hard in the car when dream glow came on LOL!
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doctorgerth · 5 years
If you're still taking match ups! I'm 28, female, preference for men but meh, not fussed. 5'3 ish, usually quite laid back but ready to throw down at any time. Sarcasm and reasonably dark humour. Like reading and writing, occasional art and general creative stuff. Not a morning person. I like vegetables?? I'm bad at describing myself?? I enjoy driving at night time.. I like hugs by only with people I know. Bit of an introvert... im so bad at this Haha. Help me.
Yay, my last matchup for the week! I’m so excited to get a request from you, sweetie. I’m a huge fan of you and your blog so I feel honored that you are requesting from me!
Your match is…
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You’re willingness to throw down is really what won Kid over. He finds it amusing and pretty sexy how quickly and easily you can go from 0 to 100. You can keep up with his pace pretty well, and that’s the kind of partner he needs. You’re a chill person, but he knows you can fight for yourself when you need to, and that makes him feel better. Kid loves strong women; he doesn’t have the time to constantly protect you - he’s got people to murder, things to steal!
He also appreciates how low-key and laid-back you are in the relationship. Kid isn’t one for super romantic gestures, so he enjoys that you’re content with the smaller things. You wouldn’t think it, but Kid actually can be romantic and cute without even trying. He’s not a flowers guy, so he likes to disappear for a while into his shop to make you cute little trinkets or jewelry that makes him think of you. It’s small, but damnit he’s proud of what he’s made for you! He needs immediate affirmation that you like it, because he doesn’t do this for just anybody. If you show even the slightest hint of hesitation or dislike for it, he’ll huff and throw it over board, threatening to never make you anything again - when really he just goes right back to his shop to make something better! You wearing or using the things he makes you really warms his heart, though he’d never verbally express it.
You are a bit older than him, but that’s another thing he really finds enjoyable about you! Kid finds mature women who have their shit together much more appealing than whiny, dramatic, and bitchy girls close to his age. He loves to brag to others about snagging a cougar for a woman (even though there’s only a 5 year difference??) and it doesn’t seem like he’ll stop any time soon. On the flip side, he likes make fun of the height difference between you two. When you’re arguing or just getting on each other’s nerves, he likes to remind you that he is your superior/senior. He also loves to torture you by picking you up like a small sack of potatoes and just throwing you over his shoulder. He either does this to shut you up…or he does this while taking you to the bedroom, letting you know that it’s time for some lovin’ now.
Kid is the biggest sarcastic asshole of them all, so he appreciates that you don’t get offended when he’s being pretty snarky. Its just his normal conversational tone, and honestly, you’ll serve it right back to him. He finds that really entertaining, causing him to laugh a lot. The crew find it strange since Kid’s laughter is usually maniacal, but your witty banter makes his genuine laughter come out! Your dark humor really threw him off at the beginning - he’s called you a freak many a times - but now after being with you so much, he’s developed his own sense of dark humor. Now, he calls you “my little freak”, which can be innocent in nature, but we all know what Kid is really insinuating. The only good thing about mornings is morning sex, according to Kid, so he is with you on not being a morning person. But, you two know how to make it at least a little more tolerable. ;)
He likes to pick on you for being a little nerd, what with your reading, writing, and artistic hobbies. He never makes fun of your creations though, as he knows he would never want you to do that with his. He also sees how much time, energy, and creative thinking goes into your art, and he truly respects that. You two love to show each other your art. He tries to act uninterested, but he can’t hide the proud smile that creeps on his face when you show him a new drawing or story you had just written. You’re unique, talented, and highly interesting - Kid never gets bored with you (which is very hard to say about his past lovers)!
Other potential suitors:
Law - it’s the dark humor. Law isn’t a humorous guy, but you sure do make him laugh with your macabre nature. He relates to it, and you two like to exchange jokes every now and then. The crew finds it absolutely disturbing, but you two are never fazed. He’s also a sarcastic asshole, so he enjoys your witty responses. Law hasn’t met a lot of people who he enjoys holding conversations with, but you, he could talk with you all day! 
Lucci - he is a calm and collected guy, but like you, he can jump into any fight without hesitation. Lucci enjoys how laid-back you are, but also how there’s a strong fighter hidden underneath that chill persona. He also enjoys exchanging in sarcastic banter, your dark humor eliciting a chuckle from him every now and then. It’s enjoyable to see you break his scowl, and it embarrasses him, which makes it even funnier! 
Robin - again, the dark humor. This woman lives for some dark humor. She’s been surrounded by people who are sincerely disturbed by her words, but with you, she can let loose all the jokes she’s kept to herself! Aside from that, she enjoys sitting in the library and reading with you, or reading while you work on some art! She enjoys reading and critiquing your stories, though she truly loves them all and hardly ever has anything bad to say. She always demands a copy to keep for herself, and she really hopes you will release a book one day! She’s your biggest fan, and even asks for autographs, just to be cute and playful
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jeffrinamichelle · 6 years
Ugly Christmas Sweater
So my Pitchmas recipient  is @magda-adgam. It totally won’t let me tag your blog. Lame. 
Anyway, I am hella sorry that you are getting this late. And trust me, I feel like a total dick about it. But, emergencies happen and they always seem to happen to me. So, to make it up to you, I am going to give you at least two parts to this story. Maybe three. I like to ramble when I write.
You won’t have to wait 100 years for the next installment. I am almost done with it.
Once again, I am so sorry. Merry Pitchmas/New Year!!!
How losing a bet and having to buy ugly Christmas sweaters changed Beca’s life. 
Read on AO3
There were few things in life that Beca hates more than movies. If she had to pick one thing that was almost as painstakingly awful as losing two hours of her life to some predictable cinematic snorefest, it would have to be Christmas. Without a doubt. One would think that she would hate Valentine’s Day more, seeing as she was perpetually single, but no. The only reason why she could stomach Valentine’s Day just a smidgen more is because she has a soft spot for the candy hearts. Her best friend Stacie makes fun of her all the time because she tells Beca that they taste like chalk. And maybe they do, but Beca still thinks that they are delicious.
Maybe the reason behind Beca’s distain for Christmas is the fact that she worked retail throughout high school and college. Stacie never knew the horrors of dealing with bitchy people who absolutely needed the newest video game console for their bratty child. She is insanely smart and got into college on a full ride scholarship. Beca wasn’t dumb by any means, she was just lazy in high school. After she graduated, she tried to talk to her father about her college plans. She wanted to major in music management and production. He immediately freaked out and told her that he wouldn’t pay for her college education if she chose that path. According to him, she needed to major in something that would give her a lucrative career. He wanted her to be a college professor like he was. They argued about it for months. There was no way in hell that Beca was going to become a teacher. Not that she didn’t respect teachers or anything, that just wasn’t the career choice for her. Since she was a child she had loved music, and she’d be damned if her father stopped her from going to school for her dream job. So, at the end of the argument, she refused to change her career path. In turn, her father refused to pay for her school. So, she put herself through college working a horrible retail job. It paid well, but she was miserable for the entirety of it. Thus came her hatred for the whole holiday season.
Aside from Beca’s affinity for the chalky heart candies that made Valentine’s Day, she can never seem to turn down a bet. Most of the time when she bets against Stacie, she loses. But for some reason she can never stop herself from agreeing to Stacie’s outrageous bets. After fifteen years of friendship, she should know better. But, she just can’t help it.
“Come on Becs, let’s go dance.” Stacie eyes her best friend with a grin before slamming back the last of her jack and coke.
“Ugh, why? You know that I hate dancing.”
“Yeah, I know. But you’re so good at it. And I need you to be my wing woman.”
“What lucky dude does the hunter have his eye on this evening?” Beca asks with a grin as she finishes her tumbler of whiskey.
Stacie tsks softly, cupping Beca’s chin with the palm of her left hand. She leans down to lightly kiss the corner of her best friend’s mouth.
“Now Bec, you know that the hunter doesn’t discriminate when it comes to sex.”
“I’m sorry. Sometimes I forget that the hunter is so fluid. So, let me rephrase. Who is on the hunter’s radar tonight? Which lucky lady or guy will you be attempting to seduce tonight?”
“I’m getting some very sexy, sapphic vibes from a tantalizing brunette at the bar.”
“Stace, I don’t even know what the hell that means.” Beca turns her head to look over at the bar, only to be stopped by Stacie’s hand gripping her chin tightly.
“Don’t look over there. You’ll ruin the air of mystery.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, woman?”
“She thinks that we here together. That’s why I need you to dance with me. It’s like she’s having some kind of internal battle on whether she should come over here and talk to me or not.”
“Any how exactly does us dancing together help this situation?”
“Because, jealousy is going to seal the deal. After she comes over to break up our dance, I’m going to take her back to our apartment so that I can make her squeal.”
Beca scowls at Stacie’s choice of words before smacking her arm lightly. “Ew! Dude, that’s so crass. You sound like a fuckboy when you talk like that.”
“I am anything but a fuckboy, Bec. I know how to treat a lady. I won’t apologize for being crass. Now are you going to help me bag this babe or not?” A perfectly sculpted eyebrow raises in question as Stacie eyes her best friend.
“Okay, fine. But when this girl shuts you down or punches you, I’m going to laugh.”
“Keep talking crap Becs and I’ll hide your beats that I bought you when we get home. And then I will fuck that hottie all night long.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Wanna bet?”
“No, because I know that you’ll do it. I love you but you’re kind of an asshole.”
“Right back atcha, babe. But since you are so doubtful of my seduction skills, how about a little bet?”
Honestly, Beca is also well aware of her best friend’s sexual prowess. She has fallen victim to it many times in their fifteen year friendship. Beca isn’t ashamed of it either, she knows that her best friend is insanely attractive. And Beca is very, very gay. When the opportunity presented itself, she would’ve been a fool to say no. It hasn’t made their friendship suffer in any way either, which is something that Beca is monumentally thankful for. Stacie has a high sex drive, and rather than risk getting some sort of std, she made a deal with Beca. When Beca is single, which is more often than she’d like to admit, they sleep together. It keeps Stacie safe and it keeps them both satisfied.
So, taking this bet is really a horrible idea. But Beca has the best punishment if she manages to beat Stacie.
“Fine. What’s the bet?”
“I bet you that I can take this girl home tonight.”
“That’s it?” Beca looks over her shoulder at the girl that Stacie is talking about. She’s attractive, yeah. Tall, brunette, and she looks kind of bitchy. She’s exactly the type of girl that Stacie usually goes for. And she’s totally flirting with the very male bartender. There’s no way in hell that Stacie is going to win this bet, because this girl is totally straight. Beca smirks in the girl’s direction, Stacie totally oblivious as she runs her hands up the bartender’s bicep. “You just want to bet that you’re going to take this girl home?”
“Yup,” Stacie pops the ‘p’ loudly, biting down on her bottom lip with a smirk. “I can’t wait for you to lose this bet. I have plans for you.”
The tone of Stacie’s voice makes Beca shiver. She just hopes that whatever Stacie has planned for her is as awesome as her plan.
“Oh, babe, you are so going to regret this.”
As it turns out, Beca didn’t stand a chance when it came to this bet. They didn’t even make it through the first song of their dance before the brunette approached them. She introduced herself as Aubrey, eyes raking over Stacie’s body shamelessly. Honestly, the way the two women were eyeing each other made Beca incredibly uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, in fact, that she quickly excused herself so that she could make a beeline for the bar. She’s positive that Stacie and her flavor of the night didn’t even notice her absence.
The bartender gives Beca a sympathetic look as she slides a tumbler of whiskey over to her.
“Tough night, Becs?”
“You have no idea, C.R,” Beca mumbles from around the rim of her glass. She swallows her drink with a grimace. “I didn’t even want to come out tonight.”
“So, why did you?”
“Stacie needed to get laid. Finals have been kicking her ass.”
C.R. chuckles softly, wiping the countertop with her rag. She turns her attention to a customer, quickly making them a drink before turning her attention back to Beca.
“She’s the one that decided to go after her graduate degree. Nobody forced her to stay in school, therefore she has nobody to blame but herself.”
“This is true, but that girl is so fucking smart. She’s going to change the world.”
“Or destroy it.”
The two women share a laugh as Beca drains the last of her drink. C.R. is quick to refill Beca’s glass, pouring way too much into the tumbler.
The night drags on as Beca waits for Stacie to seal the deal with the angry brunette. Beca knows that she’s lost this damn bet, so she’s going to drown her sorrows in whiskey. Whiskey that Cynthia Rose isn’t going to let her pay for at the end of the night. The upside to having a close friend that is a bartender is free drinks. As long as Beca doesn’t ask for expensive, high end drinks, that is. But, she’s a college student, she will drink Jack Daniels if she doesn’t have to pay for it.
It’s nearing two a.m. when she hears her phone notification ping. She’s pleasantly buzzed, nearing on being drunk. She fumbles with her cell phone as she pulls it out of her tight jeans. Her vision is a little blurry, but she’s just going to blame it on the fog lights. Yeah, definitely not the Jameson that she has been borderline binge drinking for the last three hours. She just has to squint a little bit in order to read the text.
Best Sex Ever: (1:55 a.m.) Aubs and I took a Lyft home. Thought that I should let you know so that you don’t worry about me.
Broody Bitch: (1:56 a.m.) Did you change our contact names again?
Best Sex Ever: (1:56 a.m.) Like two weeks ago, babe. Lolz.
Broody Bitch: (1:57 a.m.) What the fuck, dude? Why?
Best Sex Ever: (1:57 a.m.) Aww, baby, don’t be mad. You know that I love you the most.
Broody Bitch: (1:57 a.m.) It’s weird that you’re telling me this while you are probably fucking another girl.
Best Sex Ever: (1:58 a.m.) Aww, Bec, are you jealous?
Broody Bitch: (1:58 a.m.) Not even close, dude. I’m just worried about the hunter’s sexual prowess. Why are you texting me, instead of making that hot chick ‘squeal?’
Best Sex Ever: (1:59 a.m.) Oh, I fully intend on making her squeal. And you know first hand just how much sexual prowess the hunter possesses. How many times have I made you scream?
Broody Bitch: (2:00 a.m.) That statement goes both ways, asshole.
Best Sex Ever: (2:00 a.m.) I’m not going to deny that you know how work this body. You just didn’t seem to be in the mood tonight. So, I decided to bring somebody home.
Broody Bitch: (2:01 a.m.) You know the rules. Also, it’s not my fault that work was a bitch today. I really just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep until tomorrow. But I know that you needed some sort of release.
Best Sex Ever: (2:02 a.m.) I’m sorry babe. You manage the studio though, so you could just fire all of the incompetent assholes that work for you.
Broody Bitch: (2:02 a.m.) I know that. Stacie, remember the only rule that we have.
Best Sex Ever: (2:02 a.m.) No fucking on the couch.
Broody Bitch: (2:03 a.m.) Thank you.
Best Sex Ever: (2:03 a.m.) I don’t know why we still have that rule. We have sex on the couch all the time.
Broody Bitch: (2:04 a.m.) That’s different.
Best Sex Ever: (2:04 a.m.) It’s literally the same thing, but whatevs. I gotta go, Aubrey is all sorts of naked on my bed right now. Love you, bitch.
Broody Bitch: (2:05 a.m.) Love you too, asshat! Also, I hope this goes without saying, but don’t fuck that girl in my bed!
Best Sex Ever: (2:06 a.m.) I’m sorry, the person you’re trying to reach is currently preforming cunnilingus. Please try again later.
Broody Bitch: (2:07 a.m.) Anastacia Marie Conrad, I swear to Lesbian Jesus that I will tit punch you if you have sex in my bed again.
Beca slams her phone down on the bar top with an annoyed sigh. Cynthia Rose smirks at her friend as she refills Beca’s tumbler. She should probably cut Beca off, but she knows that the brunette can hold her liquor. Despite her small stature, Beca can definitely drink with the best of them.
“Last one, Becs.”
“Whyyyy? C.R., you’re killing me.”
“I’m not in the business of letting you get white girl wasted. Remember what happened the last time that you did.”
“It wasn’t my fault, dude. That skeezy guy wouldn’t take no for an answer. I told him that we played for the same team and he refused to leave me alone. He even grabbed my ass.”
“So that gives you the right to break his nose?”
“He touched me first. Sorry, not sorry.”
“Regardless, you are not allowed to get wasted when Stacie isn’t here to keep you from kicking the shit out of somebody.”
“I have you.”
“I have to close the bar. And I’m sure that I have other people to get drinks for before I kick everybody out.”
“Ugh, fine. Take away all my fun.”
“Whatever, you love me.”
The buzz of her alarm startles her awake at what she knows is a godawful hour. Her head feels like somebody is jackhammering inside of it, and her mouth is as dry as the Sahara. Beca groans painfully as she stretches out her sore muscles.
“I’m never drinking again,”Beca grumbles to the otherwise empty room. She reaches out blindly, scrambling to grab her phone off of the bedside table. Her hand smacks softly against a glass cup that definitely wasn’t there when she went to bed at three a.m. She opens one eye slowly, looking over at the table. A fresh glass of water is sitting where her phone was last night. Two round orange pills are next to the glass, sitting on top of a folded piece of paper.
“What the fresh hell?”
Beca grabs the pills hastily, throwing them into her mouth and swallowing them dry. She sits up with another groan, rolling her shoulders to work out the knots. She grabs the glass and chugs down the water, slamming the glass back onto the table a little too hard, wincing at the loud clunk. She then turns her attention to the folded up piece of paper that she knows for sure wasn’t there this morning. She grabs the paper and unfolds it, tired eyes roaming over Stacie’s loopy scrawl.
You lost our bet, babe. I don’t know why you continue to bet against me when you almost always lose, but whatever. I’ll bask in my glory.
I made a fresh pot of coffee. When you’re feeling human enough to leave your room, come get some. Aubrey and I are in the living room. You and I have a date to go shopping this afternoon.
Love ya,
Stace xoxo
Beca groans, crumpling up the note and tossing it onto the bed. She gets up, wincing at the painful throb in her entire body. She walks to her en suite, stripping off her dirty clothes and leaving them carelessly in her wake. If she has to go shopping, taking a shower is a must.
She just hopes that whatever Stacie has planned for shopping isn’t completely horrible.
“Stacie, no.”
“Stacie, yes.”
“I’m not going in there.”
“But you are.”
“Why?” Beca whines petulantly, frowning at her best friend.
“Because you lost our bet. And my punishment for you is that for the next two weeks, you have to wear ugly Christmas sweaters. A different one each day, to be exact.”
“I….but you know that I hate Christmas time.”
“I know.” Stacie laughs softly. “That’s what makes this punishment even sweeter.”
“You know, when you said that we were going shopping, I thought that this punishment might be fun.”
Stacie grips Beca’s shoulder as they walk through the front door of the store. The fluorescent sign above the door says ‘Aca-amazing Threads.’ Just the name alone makes Beca want to vomit. She can tell before they walk in that there is going to be a really perky, annoying salesperson. The store will more than likely be playing Christmas music, even though it’s barely the fourth of December. A tiny bell announces their presence before Beca can make a stealthy escape.
“Hi!” An all too perky voice calls out as Stacie and Beca make their way into the building. Beca hasn’t completely recovered from her hangover, so that cheery voice just makes her cringe.
“No, Stace. For lesbian Jesus’ stake. I am too hungover to deal with that voice.”
“Beca, you seriously don’t have a choice in this matter.” Stacie’s grip on Beca’s shoulder tightens slightly. Beca winces at the movement, but not in pain. To be honest, the forcefulness of her best friend is kind of turning her on a little bit. But now is not the time or the place for that.
“Dude, I will literally do anything else.”
“Nope, I think that this is the right punishment. Aubrey actually helped me come up with it.”
“Of course she did. I knew that she looked evil as hell.”
“That woman is amazing, not evil.”
“Awww, Conrad. Are you getting soft on me?”
“Hardly. I’m just letting you know that I’m going to marry that girl one day. So you should probably be nice to your future….I was going to say sister-in-law but that thought just kind of makes me want to puke. It makes us sound like sisters.”
“Ew, dude. Sisters don’t do the things that we’ve done to each other.”
“At least, not normally.”
“Welcome to Aca-Amazing Threads, ladies. Are you looking for anything in particular?” The chipper voice is closer now, making Beca finally turn her attention away from her best friend.
The first look that Beca gets of this chipper woman takes her breath away.
The woman is gorgeous. Absolutely stunning.
She’s a little bit taller than Beca, with bright blue eyes. Her red hair makes her eyes look ridiculously blue. Her smile is so bright that it makes Beca’s sensitive eyes hurt. Beca does a once over of the other woman, looking at her nametag after what she hopes is a subtle glance at her boobs.
Beca is so, so gay and this woman is one thousand percent her type.
Her subtle staring might not be so subtle because before she knows it, Stacie is jabbing her in the stomach with her elbow.
“Ouch, what the fuck dude?”
“Becs, tell Chloe the reason why we’re here.”
“I need a sweater….” Beca mumbles quietly, still gob smacked by this outrageously attractive woman.
“Okay, that’s a start. What kind of sweater are we looking for?” The woman enthusiastically grabs Beca’s hand, pulling the brunette alongside her.
“What my best friend is looking for is a Christmas sweater.”
“Okay. We have plenty of Christmas sweaters. Tis the season after all.”
“I hate you so much right now, Anastacia.” Beca grumbles as Chloe stops them in front of a very elaborate display of Christmas sweaters. She turns her head to glare at the best friend, scoffing when she is nowhere in sight. After looking around the store, Beca notices her, standing by the front doors, looking down at the phone with a goofy grin.
She’s probably texting that girl from last night. Amanda or Ashley or whatever her name was. Beca makes a mental note to give Stacie so much shit when they get home.
“Are you guys looking for matching sweaters? I always love it when couples have matching sweaters.”
“Oh no, we aren’t a couple.” Beca’s eyes roam over Chloe’s body once more. It dawns on her at that moment that Chloe is still holding her hand. Her entire body feels warm next to the other girl. She wants nothing more in that moment than to pull Chloe’s body against hers.
Whoa. You’re treading dangerous waters here, Mitchell.
“No? You guys sure argue like one.”
“No. Not even close. She’s just my best friend. We’ve known each other for a long time.”
“Gotcha.” Chloe clears her throat softly. “So, do you see any sweaters that catch your eye?”
“Yeah, that one.” Beca blindly points to the sweater that is closest to Chloe. She has literally no idea what the sweater looks like, to be honest. She just needs to get far away from this girl before she does something stupid.
She’s actually surprised that she can still form coherent sentences at this point. Usually she becomes a useless mess around pretty girls.
Chloe is so breathtakingly beautiful that Beca should probably be drooling troll by now.
Beca watches Chloe as she walks away to look for the sweater in her size, which she totally didn’t tell the other girl. She is about to call out to the other woman, but all the can think about is how cold her hand feels without Chloe’s wrapped around it.
“Becs? I am going to leave you here in Chloe’s very capable hands. I’m meeting Aubrey for lunch down the street.”
Stacie’s voice breaks Beca out of her reverie.
“How am I supposed to get home? You drove here.”
“Well it just so happens that the bistro that we’re going to is like five blocks down the road. So, after Chloe helps you pick out your sweater, you guys can meet us there.”
“Fine. That’s fine.” Beca’s eyes widen as Stacie’s words sink in. “Wait, what?”
“Oh didn’t I tell you? Chloe is Aubrey’s best friend.”
“What the fuck dude?!” Beca hisses under her breath. “I can’t go to lunch with her.”
“Because, dude, she is so fucking attractive.” Beca huffs indignantly, crossing her arms over her chest. “You know how I get around pretty girls, Stace.”
“I know. You become a useless lesbian.”
“I can’t be around her. I’ll make a fool of myself.”
“Would it help matters or make them worse if I told you that she thinks you’re totally hot.”
“That doesn’t help, at all Stacie!” Beca squeaks, her neck flushing with embarrassment. “Also, how do you know that?”
“Um, so I’ve maybe been dating Aubrey for the past month,” Stacie whispers. “Look, Bec….”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?!?” Beca yells at her best friend, waving her arms in the air.
“Seriously Becs, I’ve been meaning to tell you. It just hasn’t come up.”
“That’s a copout and you know it. We spend a lot of time together, you could’ve told me at any point. Were you guys dating while we were still sleeping together?”
“No, you gotta hear me out. We were only kind of seeing each other. It wasn’t anything serious. But I really like her Beca. And for the first time since I dated Joey Presley sophomore year of high school, I can see myself falling in love with her.”
“That’s great.” Beca shoves her hands into the back pockets of her skinny jeans. She’s mad, sure. But she hasn’t seen this look in Stacie’s eyes in the last eight years. So, really she wants to support her best friend, but fuck, she really hates it when people lie to her. “Really it is, Stace. I’m happy that you found somebody to make you want to settle down. But you didn’t have to lie to me.”
“I didn’t lie to you.”
“You kind of did though. Lying by omission is still a lie. And what’s worse is that you felt like you couldn’t tell me that you met somebody.”
“Becs, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“Save it. I’m gonna go. Have a good lunch with your girl. I’ll see you later.”
Beca holds a hand up to stop Stacie.
“Just, don’t right now. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Without another word, Beca walks out of the store.
The next three days are absolute torture for Beca. She doesn’t like fighting with her best friend. But she is mad and a little bit hurt. Not because Stacie found somebody that she wants to be exclusive with, because honestly Beca wants that for her best friend. It just kind of makes her feel gross to know that Stacie was still sleeping with her while dating another person. Just because it makes her feel like a little bit like a homewrecker, even if they weren’t technically together.
So, for the past three days Beca’s been crashing on Cynthia Rose’s couch. She’s pretty sure that C.R.’s girlfriend Denise is ready to scream from having little to no privacy. But she’s too nice to say anything.
She’s done her fair share of housework and cooking to try and make up for the fact that she’s basically freeloading. She also hid money inside of C.R.’s refrigerator last night. She’s not planning on telling her until after she leaves the apartment, because she knows that C.R. will find a way to slip it back into her bag.
Stacie has tried texting and calling her nonstop since she stormed out of the clothing store. Beca wasn’t ready to talk to her, so she has been ignoring her best friend’s messages. If she’s completely honest, she’s still not quite ready, but she’s out of clean clothes and C.R.’s laundry room is out of order. So, if that isn’t a sign from Lesbian Jesus that she needs to go home, then Beca doesn’t know what is.
Luckily, when Beca gets dropped off by Denise, Stacie is still in class. Beca thanks Denise before trudging up the two flights of stairs that lead her to her and Stacie’s apartment. She goes into Stacie’s room to grab her dirty clothes so that she can wash them along with her own. After starting the washing machine, Beca grabs a beer out of the fridge and plops her body onto the living room couch. She puts something menial on television to pass the time until the inevitable conversation the she will have with her best friend.
She’s so immersed in the cooking competition on the television that she doesn’t notice the box on the table right away. It isn’t until she goes to put her feet up on the table that it finally catches her attention. Well, the attention of her feet, anyway.
Beca grabs the box and pulls it into her lap. She studies the box curiously. She’s not quite sure what it is, but her name is written on top of it. It’s in a loopy cursive scrawl that she knows isn’t Stacie’s. She unties the ribbon on the box and opens it.
Beca isn’t able to stop the sarcastic chuckle from escaping her lips when she sees the most godawful Christmas sweater that she’s ever seen in her life. On top of the sweater is a folded up piece of paper. Beca grabs the piece of paper out of the box and then sets the ugly ass sweater on the couch beside her.
With a sigh, Beca reclines her body against the couch and unfolds the paper.
Here’s the sweater that you picked out. Although, I’m pretty sure that you just blindly pointed to one. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas sweaters but this one is just terrible. You left before I could bring it out to you, so I bought it and had Stacie bring it home for you.
I’m pretty bummed that you didn’t come out to lunch with Stacie, Aubrey and I. While we were eating, Stacie told me about the whole not telling you about her relationship with Aubs. I’m sorry that she kept that from you, it totes sucks.
I know that I didn’t really get to talk to you much while you were in the store, but here is my number in case you want to get together sometime. I think that we’ll be fast friends.
Enjoy the sweater!
Chloe XOXO
Beca laughs softly at the cheekiness of the redhead. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and immediately opens up her text messages. She types in Chloe’s phone number and creates a contact, listing her under ‘Redheaded Babe.’ She starts a new message thread using the acquired phone number.
Beca takes her time planning out her message to Chloe. She doesn’t want to sound like a complete idiot if she actually sacks up and sends the text. She barely knows this girl, there is no reason for her to be so damn nervous. She’s such a gay disaster and Chloe just might be her undoing.
After much deliberation, she finally types out the message. She presses send before she can talk herself out of it.
Unknown (4:30 p.m.) Hey.
When she rereads what her ridiculous brain actually came up with, she wants to punch herself in the throat.
‘Hey.’ So freaking eloquent, Beca.
If Chloe didn’t think that you were an idiot before, she surely will now. There’s no way Chloe’s going to respond to that stupid message. No way in hell.
With a resigned sigh, Beca tosses her cell phone onto the couch cushion next to her. She’s just going to sit in place and die of embarrassment now. She leans back against the back of the couch, bringing her left hand up to her face to pinch the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She’s so busy chastising herself that she doesn’t hear the ping of her phone.
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Movie Double feature
Today I saw TWO Movies somewhat back-to-back.
Bumblebee AND Aquaman.
One I’d been anticipating and one I was slightly skeptical about.
So I’m going to do my little post movie write up AS a double feature as well.
So first the overall experiences I had with both and then below a read more, I will get into spoiler territory.
I will admit I had the bar set low because it’s a Transformer’s movie. Though, I was slightly hopeful because Bee was a bug like he was in the cartoon. And also, Bee is my favorite transformer’s character.
I was right to be hopeful. This movie was thoroughly enjoyable. Not once did I glance at my cellphone. Ok I did but that wasn’t because I was bored. 
The pacing could be very quick at times but the human protagonist was actually someone I could give a full damn about. The plot wrapped up nicely and if Michael Bay really wanted, he could reboot the whole franchise and it would work. Easily the best of the....how many are there at this point? Let’s see.....(one google search later) Six. Best of the Six Transformers movies out. Personally, I think Michael bay should just reboot the series.
I didn’t have the bar super high here either but I was hoping for it to be good because of several reasons.
1) I am a HUGE DC fangirl. That’s right I’ll admit it, I prefer DC to Marvel. So, I’d prefer it when DC movies are good.
2) Representation matters. 
3) The way they set up Aquaman in Justice League (especially with the Motherbox thing and Mera) intrigued me.
So, how was it? Well, I will say it was not as good as Wonder Woman. However, it was better than all the other current batch DC movies, though. By which I mean the ones that are already out. Which is something it does pain me to admit since I am (at heart) a hardcore Superman fangirl. So, for me current DC movie rankings in quality (in my personal opinion):
Wonder Woman
Justice League
Man of Steel
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (extended cut)
Suicide Squad
The tone flipped back and forth with light and more serious moments here and there. The pacing could be choppy in a few segments and Snyder is back at it again with his choices for editing scenes together. More on that in the spoiler section. But it was also fun and Arthur’s 1000000% done with it was something I could relate to. Yes, it is the standard trope-y King Arthur tale (yeah, pun intended and DC did that too) of good true king versus Bad False King, but it also wasn’t totally stale. The art direction is what really made this movie for me. I loved LOVED how the underwater civilizations looked.
Now time for the spoiler section.
You have been warned. Don’t read if you’ve not seen either.
Like I said above, I did not enter this film with high expectations of it. I mean, I don’t hate the other Transformers movies. I’ll just admit up front that if I could cut out the human bits from most of the other five films and just have nothing but giant robot fights, I’d be more than good with that. Especially Dark of the Moon. Just give me the giant robot bits and omit the rest please.
Charlie is actually relatable. Especially to me because I’ve had the sucky as fuck job at an amusement park. I won’t say where or when but trust me: working at a theme park is not fun at all. She also has something of an arc in this film that isn’t “get the girl” or whatever Mark Whalberg’s character’s arc was supposed to be in Last Knight (I didn’t see age of extinction but it seemed his arc there was around fatherhood or something). Charlie is also (as a character) charming enough to help carry the film with Bee. 
I won’t say the Charlie parts were always 100% good, but definitely good more often than not.
The male human lead (Memo?)...he was just Sam Witwicky 1980′s edition and a little less pathetic. 
Bumblebee was adorable in this. I get it was the amnesia but before he lost his voice, it was nice to hear him actually talk and the fact they cast a guy with a young-ish sounding voice was something I really liked since in the cartoon I’m more than fairly certain Bee was a kid or the youngest member of the Autobots. After the amnesia, it also sort of was childlike in his behaviors. 
I even liked the Decepticons. They were barely playing nice. 
I like that the human military was trying to play them right back.
Best line in the movie was when the John Cena character Agent Burns says something like,
“Should we even trust them, It’s right in their name “Decepticons”“ 
That was actually a clever thing to have in the film. 
Something else I liked was the fact that Optimus Prime, Soundwave, and Ravage were all really close to their cartoon designs, and it looked so much nicer to me.
Bee as a Camaro origin story. It was a nice touch. This skews the canon of the films a little but since it’s in my personal opinion they should just reboot it here and run with this new universe, any continuity issues aren’t that big to me.
Were there times the move just went from 0-CRAZY. Yeah. 
Charlie’s family: Borderline abusive at times, and borderline too...much. They weren’t as over the top as the Witwicky’s but that’s not saying much.
The internet already existed in the 80′s for the military as either DARPA or ARPA Net, so that little revelation was stupid.
The bullies who harrass Charlie at that party spot. I’ve never met someone that callus IRL and there is no way the bitchy chick making fun of the fact Charlie’s dad dropped dead wouldn’t have had at least someone aside from Memo and Bee going “Not Cool”
Speaking of that, the whole delinquent thing that they did to rich girl’s house? Funny but not 100% plot relevant. There were other ways to end up with Charlie, Bee, and Memo in a car chase. 
E.G. Bee’s trying to cheer Charlie up by going fast or something.
The nod to the other films with Simmons was nice. 
A solidly enjoyable film. I do actually recommend it.
Now onto a bigger spiel.
Again, due to DC’s track record for film quality with the current movie universe (and beyond) I did not want to have my hopes up, but I already mentioned why I wanted it to do well above.
The tonal shifts from serious to light to serious again could be (to borrow what my dad said) corny. I like corny, personally, but I get that tonal shifts like this can give others whiplash. Fortunately, they didn’t do this all the time.
What Snyder had them do enough times, however, was editing in flashbacks in the main flow of the story with little warning a la Man of Steel and I didn’t like it then, I don’t like it now.
Sometimes the dialogue could be a bit on the nose and clunky but I did like Arthur’s arc in this film. It was slightly incomplete because part of his arc started in Justice League which was learning how to play nice with other people to do something. Then there was the whole reluctant leader thing. It was done well enough, but having seen it done much better in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy, I know that attempting this sort of character arc in one film was asking for it to be a little less refined. Which is the result. Yet, despite it relying on a very Arthurian trope of Chosen King with Magic Weapon, it did it well enough that it wasn’t a totally stale thing. The fact he had the magic-trident of King Atlan was something he was actively working to earn throughout the movie. It did actually feel like he had gone through enough of a growth in the film (and part of Justice League) to merit him earning this achievement of his. 
The film did drag a little in places but only twice did I just want them to get on with it already.
Black Manta Ray’s origin was interesting in this universe. Arthur did quasi-create this enemy. 
On the other hand, I can’t fully feel sympathy for a murderous pirate dying because he tried to kill Arthur and Arthur decided that the man who tried to blow him up wasn’t someone he wanted to save. But that’s because I’m a vindictive bitch.
Arthur, later, realizes that he should have done the right thing all along but too late now. He also realizes the value of mercy because of this so...
Mera’s powers are never fully explained, but I find myself mostly ok with that because I just started calling her a waterbender in my head. 
Arhtur and Mera’s relationship evolved semi-organically. They did have chemistry for the most part, but it was almost too cliche at times yet it was fine because it’s the action movie romance cliches that aren’t 100 horrible but it was even at times a little sweet.
So, let’s go over, in detail what I loved about the art direction
Yes, it does look very similar to other underwater cities that I’ve seen in the past in other media, but they also incorporated enough new and nature inspired parts to it that I loved looking at each underwater civilization. The ruins, the tech, the fact things glowed the way they did. That pirate ship air pocket was also a really interesting thing though I kept wondering where Ariel was
I even got that the reason there was water in the Atlantean vehicles was Atlanteans don’t need to worry about things being airtight because they breathe under water. 
Later when it was explained that only a handful of Atlanteans can even breath in the atmosphere it made even more sense.
When Volko was training Arthur in his Atlantean skills and stuff started to glow once he went deeper in the water I actually nodded because there is scientific evidence that every living thing does give off small amounts of bioluminesce. Even we humans do, but it’s so faint we can’t perceive it.
I personally think the Atlanteans should have glowed a little too. 
The different species of Atlantean were very neat. Especially the “feral” ones. Reminded me of someone crossing a Zora with that creature from Pan’s Labyrinth or that thing from Hellboy 2 that Liz made a deal with to save Hellboy.
Onto other things:
The Karathen. I did not expect her to live up to the hype the movie was building her up to be. I was also pleasantly surprised that it was a “she” during the scene where she is trash-talking Arthur without knowing that he can understand her. Then, later, I found out she is voiced by Julie Andrews.
Also, because the Karathen did make such a huge impact in that final fight two things entered my head.
Orm: “I have an army!”
Arthur: “I have a sea monster.”
The Atlantis thrown down was noticed but that got me thinking: Where was the rest of the JL during this. Were they just doing damage control or something after Orm’s little oceanic temper tantrum?
The mid-credits stinger with Mantaray. I knew he wasn’t done because Manta Ray is a major Aquaman villain. I just didn’t think the Atlantis obsessed prof would end up finding him.
I don’t fully get why Nereus would want a war with the surface with Orm in charge, unless he would just strike Orm down later and take his power. 
I didn’t get why the fishpeople didn’t just RUN AWAY whenever Arthur showed up with the Karathen AND wielding the Trident of Atlan. All Fish-People Princess would have had to do was say “my people RUN FROM THE MONSTER” And Orm’s armies (and Orm himself) would be so busy fighting a literal sea monster from their worst nightmares that no one could or would have stopped them.
In fact, I am confused as to why there wasn’t mass panic once the Karathen showed up and she started wrecking all the military vehicles. -\( `-`)/-
Arthur’s ability to speak to the aquatic animals was actually built up to be a major ability. 
Aquaman’s been made fun of in the past for this, but considering he was able to talk to the Karathen, and control a bunch of apex sea predators (turning them on their masters) it isn’t something to be fully laughed off. Outside the ocean, sure it doesn’t really make a huge difference but that’s where making the Atlanteans tougher than land humans comes in. That too makes actual sense with the reasons as to why this was.
Atlanna’s survival wasn’t really too much of a shock for me. I was half-expecting the Trench-peoples to not be totally savage and actually just have a bad rep. 
The Hidden Sea at the Earth’s core bit got an eyebrow quirk. I was half expecting it to be the Caspian Sea....
I would still very much recommend Aquaman.
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pettyelves · 6 years
Long Ass Chart
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Arbiter Eilithe Duskbringer Reason or meaning of name: OOCly I love Gaelic names- icly, her mother just liked the name-- the surname is of importance to all Duskbringers, because it is one they chose.  Character’s nickname: E, Lithy, Eili, Eye- PS she hates them all Reason for nickname: To irritate her, she presumes. Birth date: May 12th
Physical appearance
Age: Somewhere between three and four thousand How old does he/she appear: By human comparison, early-mid thirties Weight: 150/160lbs Height: 6′ Body build: Toned Shape of face: Square Jaw Eye color: Deep Gray Glasses or contacts: Nope Skin tone: Getting more tan now that she lives in Dead Sun, still mostly pale Distinguishing marks: Scars- Claw-like slashes on her shoulders, gunshot scar on her right side, slashes on her stomach, various minor ones on her legs. Tattoos- Strange mark on her left wrist, an upward facing moon cupping a circle between her brows, Kaldorei mark of the Owl, a small spider in the middle of her spine, a serpent vweaving through peonies on her right forearm. Predominant features: Weird eyes, pierced elfie ears Hair color: Midnight Blue-Black Type of hair: Wild curls Hairstyle: Down usually Voice: Raspy and low Overall attractiveness: She’s purdy good looking- bit rougher from the neck down. Physical disabilities: Weak ass ribs. Usual fashion of dress:  Black- Leather or loose cloth (and often see-through dresses)
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Favorite outfit: There’s a black chiffon dress she wears a lot, feels the most comfortable in loose pants and a tank top. Jewelry or accessories: Earrings, an emerald ring on her right ring finger, daggers or short swords.
Good personality traits: Loyal, Generous (usually), Protective, Loving, Cunning  Bad personality traits: 100% Bitchiness, Ill-tempered, Paranoid, Petty, Stubborn, Unsure Mood character is most often in:  A very quiet depression that she’s carefully keeping herself from plunging into  Sense of humor: Queen of Petty™ Character’s greatest joy in life: Her children, The Family Character’s greatest fear: The unknown, Uncertainty. Why? Because she feels she can survive anything so long as she knows it is coming. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing Eilonwy would destroy her, Losing her ‘adopted’ An’Diel children, Kurel breaking their deal, Losing anyone from her inner circle. Character is most at ease when: When everyone is getting the fuck along and making money Most ill at ease when: She is being questioned. Enraged when: (By) Cowardice, Hurting kids, Slavers, Violators, She makes a mistake Depressed or sad when: She makes a mistake, she feels hopeless.  Priorities: Her daughter, Her Family, Dead Sun Harbor, Her Businesses Life philosophy: ‘Ya’Til-Anath’ - which is just the made up elf version of ‘Momento Mori’- ‘Remember that you must die’ If granted one wish, it would be:  A prosperous family Why? Because that means everyone would be getting the fuck along Character’s soft spot:  Children, Slaves, the poor and hungry Is this soft spot obvious to others?  Hugely Greatest strength:  ‘Rabid’ will Greatest vulnerability or weakness:  Easily exploited  Biggest regret:  How she faked ‘The Spiders’ death Minor regret: Waste of Time Biggest accomplishment:  Her children and her empire (AKA Dead Sun) Minor accomplishment: Bleeding secrets out of a proverbial Fort Knox of a Pirate Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:  She dead ass went running down a dock to try and help someone whilst they were being attack and proceeded to knock herself out cold via tripping and faceplanting Why? She’s an old ass rogue that, because of my crit fail, busted her ass infront of goddamn everyone. Character’s darkest secret:  The manner in which her pseudonym ‘The Spider’ was executed Does anyone else know?  Yes, the people who created what stood in Eilithe’s place for execution.
Drives and motivations: ‘Still have things to do’ Immediate goals: Fix what she did to Kurel, Fix her relationships with Recke and Elle-- also GETTING THE FUCK OUT of wherever the Golden Orb took her Long term goals: Cash Money $$$, Expanding she and Kurel’s businesses. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Ways...Mysterious ways How other characters will be affected: Kurel will be stronger, Recke and Elle will hopefully be happier. DSH will be richer
Hometown: A secluded village in Feralas Type of childhood: Happy, then sad for a bit, then okay Pets: Some random cat First memory: Learning to swing a dagger, ‘the right way’ with her mom. Most important childhood memory:  The death of her parents, but also all the teachings that they passed to her. Why? Eilithe was very close with her parents, and the way she was raised in that village shaped the code for Mortua Sol Childhood hero: Her mother. Dream job: Livin’ it Education: Various teachers over the years Religion: Not Focused on, but Elune Finances: Lived in a bargaining society, very little need for coin- but they had some
Current location: Somewhere-- before the plot? Dead Sun or Stormwind Currently living with: Kurel An’Diel, Eilonwy Duskbringer, Karkah An’Diel, Diana Moonfeather-- and on the same property are Xavier Sunshadow and Saeris Blackblade Pets: Kaz’Alarion, a cat that comes and goes as he damn well pleases Religion: Voodoo Occupation: Arbiter of Dead Sun Harbor, Businesswoman Finances:  Okay, but not as good as they were
Mother: Meridianna (Lu’Cerne) Duskbringer Relationship with her:  Very close Father: Valedinel Stormsinger Relationship with him: Close, but not as close as with mom Siblings: (From Oldest to Youngest) An’Set Duskbringer, Sulerion Duskbringer, (Eilithe), Moltai Duskbringer Relationship with them: Much love, Tolerant- mostly hate, Doesn’t know who Moli exists Spouse: (sort of) Kurel An’Diel Relationship with him/her: Carefully Co-existing, comfortable Children: (Oldest to Youngest) Threshad Duskbringer (Missing), Ayoden Duskbringer (presumed dead), Eilonwy Duskbringer--- (Under her care) Karkah An’Diel, Xavier Sunshadow/An’Diel Relationship with them: Close with Eilonwy, Trying to get close to Karkah, deeply devoted to Xavier Other important family members: 
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Color: Black, Red Least favorite color: Yellow Music: Tribal, Drums Food: Dumplings Literature: Fairytales Form of entertainment: Reading, Drinking Expressions: “Get Fucked.” Mode of transportation: ‘Doorways’ aka Portals Most prized possession: Her mother’s daggers, an anklet
Hobbies: Drinking, Event Going, Event Planning, Making Money, Sparring, Sunbathing Plays a musical instrument? A little piano/lute Plays a sport? Sparring How he/she would spend a rainy day: Sit on the patio and read- or play in it with Eilonwy Spending habits: Hands out gold to people like it is candy sometimes Smokes: A ton Drinks: Often Other drugs: In moderation What does he/she do too much of? People pleasing What does he/she do too little of?  Eating Extremely skilled at: Master of Thrown weapons, daggers, Exploiting technicalities Extremely unskilled at: Letting shit go Nervous tics: Nervously petting- as it a repetitive motion over and over, usually someone’s hair. Pacing. Usual body posture: Loose and probably arrogant  Mannerisms: Varies by who is around her Peculiarities: Doesn’t like to eat in public
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert that’s lowkey and Introvert Daredevil or cautious? This is situational Logical or emotional? Also situational, usually emotional if it concerns herself Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Oraganized disorcer Prefers working or relaxing? Working Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Situational Animal lover? 'Meh’
How he/she feels about himself/herself: She kind of wishes she could just ‘shut off’ her emotions One word the character would use to describe self: Water One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: ‘Eilithe Duskbringer is never going to stop.’ What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Cunning What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Emotional What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Eyes What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Scars How does the character think others perceive him/her: Depends on who--anything from an unworthy leader to the greatest mother ever What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Nothing, ever.
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: She’s trying to adapt ‘Trust until they prove untrustworthy’ mindset Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Almost always Person character most hates: A list has many names Best friend(s): Strixena Draconis, Elle Sunweaver, Recke Stoutmantle Love interest(s): Kurel ‘I don’t want to’ An’Diel Person character goes to for advice: Kurel, Recke, Raylen Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Literally everyone she meets that isn’t ‘bad’ Person character feels shy or awkward around: Karkah An’Diel Person character openly admires: Varies, Strix, Recke, Kurel, Elle, Raylen. Then she could turn around and shit on one or all of them. It just depends Person character secretly admires: Full time moms Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Her Mother and Father-- among other Shal’Thera Kaldorei After story starts: Her kids and the Family
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Tagged by: @ellwelune
tagging: @mortua-sol
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dateing101 · 7 years
Why Men Love Bitches is a relationship guide for women who are “too nice.” The word bitch in the title does not take itself too seriously—I’m using the word in a tongue-in-cheek way representative of the humorous tone of this book.
The title and the content address what many women think, but don’t say. Every woman has felt embarrassed by appearing too needy with a man. Every woman has had a man pursue her, only to lose interest the minute she gave in. Every woman knows what it feels like to be taken for granted. These problems are common to most women, married and single alike.
So why do men love bitches? An important distinction should be made between the pejorative way the word is usually used, and the way it is used here. Certainly, I’m not recommending that a woman have an abrasive disposition. The bitch I’m talking about is not the “bitch on wheels” or the mean-spirited character that Joan Collins played on Dynasty. Nor is it the classic “office bitch” who is hated by everyone at work.
The woman I’m describing is kind yet strong. She has a strength that is ever so subtle. She doesn’t give up her life, and she won’t chase a man. She won’t let a man think he has a 100 percent “hold” on her. And she’ll stand up for herself when he steps over the line.
She knows what she wants but won’t compromise herself to get it. But she’s feminine, like a “Steel Magnolia”—flowery on the outside and steel on the inside. She uses this very femininity to her own advantage. It isn’t that she takes undue advantage of men, because she plays fair. She has one thing the nice girl doesn’t: a presence of mind because she isn’t swept away by a romantic fantasy. This presence of mind enables her to wield her power when it is necessary.
In addition, she has the ability to remain cool under pressure. Whereas a woman who is “too nice” gives and gives until she is depleted, the woman with presence of mind knows when to pull back.
Among the hundreds of interviews I conducted with men for the book, over 90 percent laughed and agreed with the title within the first thirty seconds. Some men chuckled as though their best-kept secret had just been revealed. “Men need a mental challenge,” they said. Time and time again, this was the recurrent theme.
The men I interviewed all phrased it slightly differently, but the message didn’t change. “Men like it when a woman has a bit of an edge to her,” they said. Two things became clear across the board: First, they would regularly use the phrase mental challenge to describe a woman who didn’t appear needy. And second, the word bitch was synonymous with their concept of mental challenge. And this characteristic, above all, they found attractive.
When I used the phrase mental challenge with men, it was immediately clear to them the quality I meant. On the other hand, when I interviewed hundreds of women, rarely did they understand the same phrase. They often related the phrase to intelligence, rather than to neediness. It wasn’t just that my hunch was confirmed by these interviews; they also strengthened my sense of purpose. I thought that anything this obvious to men should not be kept a secret from women.
This book addresses the very issues that men won’t. He won’t say, “Look, don’t be a doormat,” “Don’t always say yes,” “Don’t revolve your whole world around me.” This book is necessary because these are things a man will not spell out for his partner.
In the chapters that follow, you’ll find one message coming through loud and clear: Success in love isn’t about looks; it’s about attitude. The media would have us believe differently. A teenage girl picks up a magazine and reads: “Get that boy’s attention” with an item of clothing, or a certain look. “This nail color or lipstick will wow him,” the magazine assures her. And what does the girl learn? How to obsess over someone else’s approval.
Then there is the issue of how the media treats aging. The teenage woman evolves into a twenty-something woman with confidence, and the media bombards her with negative images of aging. The message here is: Two wrinkles and a stretch mark, and she’s “marked down” like last season’s merchandise that’s sold at half price. And what does she learn? How to obsess over someone else’s disapproval.
So what’s the message of this book? It’s that a bit of irreverence is necessary to have any self-esteem at all. Not irreverence for people, but rather, for what other people think. The bitch is an empowered woman who derives tremendous strength from the ability to be an independent thinker, particularly in a world that still teaches women how to be self-abnegating. This woman doesn’t live someone else’s standards, only her own.
This is the woman who plays by her own rules, who has a feeling of confidence, freedom, and empowerment. And it’s this feeling that I hope women will glean from reading this book.
The woman who has a positive experience with men possesses the ever-so-subtle qualities I discuss in this book: a sense of humor and an aura that conveys, “I’m driving the train here. I’ll tell you where we get on and where we get off.” This woman has that presence of mind to do what is in her best interest and an attitude that says she doesn’t need to be there. She is there by choice.
The bitchy women who are so loved by men give off a devil-may-care quality and, yes, have that “edge.” This is that same edge, coincidentally, that men say they find so magnetic. The difference is this woman isn’t looking for it outside herself; it is a special quality she carries within.
Excerpt From
Why Men Love Bitches
Sherry Argov
This material may be protected by copyright.
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lejojotrash · 7 years
How would la squadra chill with their s/o on a Saturday night? Lets say she gets along with the group for the most part.
Omg. I freaking love La Squadra. Thank you Anon for requesting this. La Squadra chilling with s/o on a Saturday night:
 - He doesn’t. I repeat. Ghiaccio (even though ironically he’s an ice stand user) does not chill.
   - He rants and rants a lot about his team and other unimportant things like a bitchy teenage girl, but you don’t really listen. You’ve grown used to his rants ever since you realized you had to deal with him until you died or he died. (You hoped that wouldn’t happen soon. You liked him a lot).
 - Instead you just stare at the TV, chewing on some popcorn, humming occasionally to let your boyfriend know that you were kinda listening.
 - Ghiaccio knew you weren’t paying attention to him, and that pissed him off even more. He stops his rant, a cold glare in his eye towards you.
 - “Are you even listening to me?”
 - You note the serious tone in your beloved angry boy’s voice and you knew you were probably in deep shit.how's​  - “Yeah! Of course I am! Somethin’ about Melone being a shit head…”
 - Um. No S/o. He was talking about how Formaggio being a shit head and how shitty his stand was. Close but no cigar.
 - “Ugh! I can’t believe you aren’t listening to me!” And he storms off little a bitchy teenage girl, and you had to ditch your show and popcorn to follow him.
 - You cling on to his knees while he’s walking, and beg for forgiveness. You wonder how long until he forgives you.
 - This was a regular sight at the base of La Squadra: Ghiaccio getting angry and you being dragged by him and getting first degree rug burns. It’s still an amusing site for all of them.
 - That poor fish is gonna be dragged by you everywhere (much to Prosciutto’s distaste).
 - You two were the newer members of La Squadra, but you were the more rambunctious one and Pesci decides it’s easier to stick by a new member like you (or just Prosciutto in general) .
 - You wanted to go out of the base and just mess around outside with a whole arsenal of ideas to do in Italy with your’s and Pesci’s stand.
 - Pesci (and Prosciutto) thinks this is a terrible idea, but you just looked so happy, and being the weak willed guy that he is, he goes along with it.
 - From fishing by the pond to sitting on top of the building with Beach Boy taking wallets and giving people wedgies, you and Pesci have a lot of fun.
 - “Beach Boy is such a cool stand. I wish I had it.”
 - Pesci blushes and stutters, defending your own stand and saying how it’s better at combat than his and praising it.
 - You blush too and grin sheepishly, and you took Pesci’s hand and stand up.
 - “Come on, Pesci. Let’s go home and show everybody your profits.”
 - He really likes the feeling of your hand in his.Risotto (No. 1 Rice Dad):
 - Risotto works a lot, and he barely gets any sleep. So you two spend your Saturday nights in bed.
 - You were the one that spoke for the both of you, with you just telling him about work and other trivial things that makes him amused. He sometimes adds to the conversation, but that was occasionally.
 - You could tell by his groggy tone that he was just tired, but he tried to stay awake for you, despite all the exhaustion he’s had throughout the week.
 - Risotto may be a serious and deadly assassin but when he’s near you, he’s a bit softer. The team notices but they don’t want to point it out.
 - Eventually your weird ramblings, and the sound of your voice put him to sleep, as evident by the soft snores that come out of his mouth.
 - Awww. He looks so peaceful, but too bad you couldn’t see it in the dark.
 - “I love you, Risotto.” It was a quiet dedication in the dark, a vow that you’ll stay by him no matter what.
 -However, he hears the confession, he’s not that deep of a sleeper, years of being an assassin and fighting for your life can make you into a light sleeper, alert at any time. He feels warm inside, and a smile threatens to appear on his face.
 - And then the two of you sleep, both listening to the sound of each other’s breaths.Formaggio:
 - Formaggio and you do what every other couple does on a Saturday night and just go on a date. 
  - The two of you hold hands and you laugh at Formaggio’s terrible jokes because they’re so bad it’s funny.  
 - The both of you normally go to the theaters and watch whatever movie they’re playing and make fun of it. 
  - It’s incredibly disruptive because of Formaggio and your teasing, it’s really worse if you two watch a Rom-Com. During a horror film, you two try to predict the jump scares that would happen, and just make fun of the protagonists in the horror flick.  
- “Seriously? He trips again? What the hell is wrong with him?” “That guy seriously needs to learn how to run, babe.”
 - Eventually you two are threatened by some employee who works at the theater, but Formaggio gives him a glare and uses Little Feet to shrink him, and squishes him like an ant.
 - Nobody messes with him and his date while they’re out. Nobody.Melone:
- Melone is a 100% romantic, would probably take you on a date like Formaggio, but the two of you just wander aimlessly around the city, people watching.
 - You’d probably eat gelato with him or something cheap (He’d probably ask you to feed him tbh).
 - Melone makes the conversation, asking you a lot of questions and telling you a lot of things about the habits of people around you two while people watching, showing off his knowledge and how smart he is. (You were impressed).
 - However, Melone eyes a woman not so far away, screaming curses and throwing a hissy fit. Hm…
 - You notice her too, and you know about Melone’s creepy as hell stand, Baby Face. You sigh softly.
 - “Go ahead. Just don’t cheat on me, Melone.”
 - He looks happy, like a child who got their Christmas gift early, but he’s scandalized by the comment of him cheating on you. He would never!
 - He gives you a reassuring, deep kiss (you could still taste the gelato) that made you really weak in the knees.
 - “That woman over there may be the perfect mother for Baby Face, but you are the perfect mother for my own child, amore mio.” Well hot damn…
 - And so you sigh dreamily at Melone who is currently harassing that lady about children.Illusio:
 - On your Saturday nights with Illusio, you two are the base, reading books on the couch, with your head situated on Illusio’s lap, holding the book in the air, and Illusio leaning on the arm rest, book in one hand, and the other hand playing with your hair.
 - Sometimes you two would read to each other.
 - Occasionally the two of you would fall asleep like this, with Illusio dropping his book on the side of the couch, and then you dropping your book on your face, making you shoot upwards and throwing the book somewhere, and Illusio would wake up too.
 - “W-What’s wrong?” He’s slightly startled from waking up so suddenly.
 - “I dropped my book on my face… Shit, I can’t remember what page I’m on!” He laughs at your situation, but then he remembers that he too dropped his book… What part was he on again? Shit.
 - Eventually the two of you give up, trying to find out what page you left off since both of you accidentally spoil the book for yourselves by looking for the page.Prosciutto (No. 1 Mom):
 - There is no relaxing for Mom. There is only paperwork and looking after Pesci
 - You, being the attention starved person that you were, tried to get Prosciutto’s attention in many ways, he just gets more irritated and tired each time though.
 - He’s tired and you know it, he can’t hide shit from you because you know him.
 - “You need a break, babe.”
 - He doesn’t listen to your comment, nor cast a glance at you, and so no desperate calls come desperate measures.
 - Did you know seduction was the most powerful weapon a person can have? It doesn’t matter if they can stop time or create fire or see into the future and erase time.
 - You run your hands from your boyfriend’s shoulders to his chest and you were close to his ear and in a low, sultry tone, “Babe, you need a break.”
 - Formaggio looks at you and really looks at you from your half-lidded eyes to your parted, soft lips. He’s conflicted between choosing paperwork for La Squadra and you. Seriously?
 - “It seems that I’ve been neglecting you, tesoro mio,” He states. No shit, Sherlock. “I do need to release some stress from all of this paperwork.” He stands from his desk, his eyes staring you down like a predator. “Shall we take this into the bedroom?”
 - Well at least you got him to take a break.This is the longest thing I’ve ever written and I love it. I love La Squadra and anything La Squadra. Please request more of this fabulous group!
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thorne93 · 7 years
Who Will Win? (Part 4)
Prompt: Jefferson (Once Upon A Time) sees you on the sidewalk one day, his “dead” wife.
Word Count: 2150
Warning: Threats, language, angst, sadness, sick parent
Notes: This will span from season 1 through 5, if you don’t want spoilers, maybe don’t read this, haha. Also, the reader’s Storybrooke name is Alice. Beta’d by the amazeballs @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and badgered @amarvelouswritings Thank you both! Could never get this done without you!
Tags:  @amarvelouswritings @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @myparadise19982sand @missinstantgratification @thejulesworld@nedthegay
Sebastian Stan Tags: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @buenostardissherlock
Who Will Win Tags: @mrs-lancelot @elivanah @ultrarebelheart @learisa
The end of the week finally came. You didn’t work Sundays, it was your only day off. But you were happy for it. Jefferson had treated you like a queen this entire week. He drove you anywhere and everywhere, but you tried to keep it to just to and from work. He brought you lunch every day, and took you out to dinner every night. He was like a saint. You two always found something to talk about and he was an amazing person to vent to because he turned irritating situations into hilarious ones.
Truth be told, you were a little sad that you couldn’t have an excuse to see him today but you weren’t going to push your luck and his generosity. You paid him for the gas, but spending 6 days together after just meeting might’ve gotten on his nerves.
You decided to take the day and make it about you, since you had one of the most stressful weeks of your life. You started to take a shower, but the water never got hot, not even close. It was ice cold.
“What in the world?”
You went down to inspect your water heater and it appeared to be broken. You called a plumber and when he got there he was the bearer of even more bad news.
“Well, not only is your water heater busted, your pipes up throughout the house aren’t up to codes.”
“What? How is that possible?”
“I’m not sure. We’ll have to strip out some wood, replace a few of these pipes, and replace the water heater.”
You stifled a groan. “And how long will that take?”
“Well my guys won’t be available until Thursday. It’ll take the whole crew and a few more days after that.”
“What am I supposed to do in the meantime?”
“Well, with this stuff broken, you got cold showers and cold dishwashing.”
“For five days?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“Okay...Well thanks. Yeah if you could come out Thursday, that would be great…”
The plumber left and Jefferson called you.
“Good morning, Alice,” he greeted in that same sexy, cheery tone.
“Hey,” you responded in a discouraged tone.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, sounding so sincere it made your heart ache.
“My water heater is broken and they can’t fix it until Thursday and even then it’s going to take some time to fix.” You sighed with a bit of a groan. “Why does all of this happen to me?”
“I’m sorry. If you want, you could stay with me for a while. I have a huge house and lots of spare rooms…”
You laughed lightly. “Uh...I don’t know…”
“I know we don’t know each other very well, but I promise I’ll be a perfect gentleman. You need somewhere with hot water, I would like the company. It’s a win-win. What do you say?”
“Well, I have a dog, would it be okay to bring her?”
“Bring 100 dogs if you wish,” he said jovially.
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. It’s no trouble at all.”
“Ever the saint, Jefferson,” you remarked, a bit of adoration tracing in your tone.
“I’ll be by in an hour to pick you up. Pack whatever you need, alright?”
“Okay. Thank you so much.”
“As always, it’s my pleasure.”
You hung up and raced around to grab your makeup, clothing, curling iron, and the dog food for Rabbit. You called her Rabbit because as a puppy she bounced around so much, and she was all white.
Jefferson came up and helped you with your suitcases and Rabbit happily jumped in his car.
“I hope she’s okay to be in your car,” you noted, worried about her nails on the leather.
“It’s just a car. It’s fine.”
“Thanks again.”
You two drove off toward his mansion and as soon as you got there, Rabbit bolted for the back door to go outside in the fenced in yard.
“Feel free to go shower and I’ll get started on lunch, okay?” Jefferson lightly instructed.
Something had been eating at you since you met Jefferson, and you didn’t want to ask it, but for some reason, now you felt like you had to.
“You’re being so good to me, why?” you wondered. You usually never got this sort of kindness no matter how much you doled it out yourself.
He seemed to be taken off guard by the question. He went from a small smile to a much wider one and a laugh.
“Uh, what do you mean, Alice?” he asked. And you could almost hear the lie in it. He knew why he was doing this, but he was pretending not to...Why?
“I mean, you’re going way out of your way to help me. Why? Most people might just give me a few bucks to help for the car and the house. You’re giving me everything. Food, a house, a car…”
“I’m just helping out a friend,” he said simply. “I’d hope if I was in your situation someone would do the same for me.”
“I don’t think people are quite as kind as you.”
“You are,” he breathed and the air became electrified again between you two, even though you were several feet apart. There was almost this physical desire to move toward him, but you stayed planted for a few more moments.
“Well, uh...You go shower and I’ll make lunch,” Jefferson echoed the command from earlier.
You showered and met him downstair, the shower feeling amazing as it seemed to wash away your stress and fears.
“I have some scraps, if it’s okay, I’d like to give them to Rabbit,” Jefferson said.
“Sure. She loves human food,” you said as you looked at your white companion. She looked back at you with such adoration, you wondered how it was possible these wonderful things could exist.
You two sat down to lunch and Jefferson said, “So what are you going to do?”
You looked around, confused for a second. “I’m sorry?”
“About your house, your car, your dad…?”
“Oh...right. Well, I’ll just have to wait on the house. I’m hoping my car is finished in the next couple of days...As far as Dad…” You sighed and shrugged, picking around your food. “I don’t know…”
You went into all the pros and cons of amputation and non amputation, no option sounded better than the other.
“I’m leaving it up to him though,” you said as a final decision.
“Why is that?”
“He’s coherent. It’s his legs. If I was in his situation, I wouldn’t want anyone making that decision for me. I mean, if we amputate and...and something happens, I’ll blame myself. And if we don’t, and the sores get infected and go to his heart...I’ll blame myself. If I leave it up to him, there’s no choice I have but to support his decision, and pray it’s the right one.”
“And you’re okay with that?” he questioned as he took a bite of food.
“Well...Yeah. I mean, they wanted to give him a different heart. You know, a heart transplant? My mom left it up to my dad. He ultimately said ‘I don’t want to get a heart transplant, because what if I get the heart of someone who doesn’t like kids?’ And...here he is, several years later, using his own heart. I think he makes the right decisions when it comes to his body.”
“He seems very wise.”
“He is. He’s strong, wise, knowledgeable, loving…He’s the greatest man I know. He was such a hard worker. He’s funny…” You sighed.
Jefferson leaned over and grabbed your hand. “Hey, he can make it through. If he’s done all that you said he has, he can make it.”
“Thank you, Jefferson. You’re so sweet.”
A kind smile played on his dark and pale features, making your heart flutter.
After lunch, you said you would get settled into your room, and Jefferson showed you where it was at. He brought up your suitcases and showed you to a beautiful room, where he dropped off the suitcases as you stood in the door frame.
“What’s mine is yours. I mean it. You need towels, blankets, washcloths, anything, just let me know. If you have a favorite snack or drink, I can go get them…” he offered as he stood in your room.
“I think I’ll be fine, Jefferson, but thank you, so much, for everything.”
“My pleasure,” he said as he started to head out of the room. “I’ll let you get settled in,” he said as he stood right across from you in the doorframe, only a few inches of space separating you two, that same tension clicked to life as soon as he was in front of you.
“I---uh--yeah,” you said, stammering out some sort of response. Whenever you made direct eye contact with him, you were reduced to a bumbling idiot.
He seemed like he wanted to say or do something but instead, he clenched his fist and jaw and just spun and left the room, leaving you speechless, and finally able to breathe. You hadn’t realized you’d been holding your breath.
The week seemed to fly by. Your car was ready, which was helpful, so you drove on your own to and from work, but the house was still being worked on. You told Jefferson you would cook for him tonight to repay the favor of letting you basically move in.
Having Jefferson to come home to after a long day of bitchy customers was so perfect. He was quickly becoming someone you wanted to be with. You two enjoyed reading quietly together, walking Rabbit together, making dinner for each other, and having breakfast together.  
So you two were at the grocery, picking up items. You grabbed red potatoes, meat, sauces. You were going to make this a banquet he wouldn’t forget.  
You two got back home and he put on some soft, classical music and you began to work in the kitchen while he cleaned up the dining room and living room. You got done with the meal and brought it out to a beautifully decorated table, and you two sat down to share an amazing meal as conversation seemed to flow easily between you two. Once you were done, you cleaned up the plates and grabbed two glasses of wine and sat on his couch.
“You’re so...beautiful,” Jefferson said as he put his hand on his cheek.
You blushed, playing with your wine glass.
“Thank you, Jefferson. You’re quite the sight for sore eyes yourself.”
“I do try to keep my appearance up,” he noted, gesturing to himself.
You laughed lightly and he seemed to watch you with so much adoration you weren’t sure where it was coming from. You’d only known each other a few weeks.
“It’s been so wonderful living here,” you noted. “I wish I could live here all the time. It’s so big, beautiful, so secluded...I love it.”
“You could stay, you know. I wouldn’t mind,” he said gently.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t...I couldn’t do that,” you said sheepishly, not thinking he would actually take you up on the offer.
“Are you sure? I really wouldn’t mind. LIke I’ve said, I get lonely here. The company would be much appreciated.”
“I know. Me too...but I have a house and I can’t live with a guy I practically just met,” you noted. A look of hurt lashed across his face and you reached towards him, after putting your wine on the coffee table. “No, Jefferson, I don’t mean anything by it. I care for you a great deal and I appreciate all you’re doing for me, I’m just...as much as I would like to, that might be moving too fast, you know?” you said, shrugging.
“No, I understand,” he said simply. “Alice, I’d never force you to do anything you didn’t want to…”
“Thank you, Jefferson,” you sweetly said, hour hand still on his hand. You two looked down at your hand but you didn’t remove it. His eyes flashed up to yours as you both began moving closer to each other, your faces closing the gap between you two.
“Is this moving too fast?” he whispered, his eyes casting down to yours.
“No,” you breathed back in response. And finally your lips touched. You thought it would be a sweet kiss with as slowly as you were moving, but the instant they made contact, there was a fiery heat behind them. You kissed him hard and bit his lip, your hand searching for his dark locks as his tongue found yours. His hands skimmed your sides as he lifted you and put you on his lap, where you were straddling him.
After a few moments of that, you broke free, foreheads resting against each other.
“Now,” he started, out of breath, “do you remember?”
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wfmaqh · 5 years
INT-Scene opens with Abby on the floor of her bathroom curled around the toilet. Playing with the palm of her hand.
 ABBY (V.O.)
Jeannette... That's all you remember, Her name. You don't remember why it was so special but if tracing out the ink on the palm of your hand was any indication of the gooie tingly feelings you woke up with, then hell yes it was important. And more important that the last two digits of her phone number had smudged off. 
 Camera pans to Abby’s hand and back to her face. Suddenly, she realizes how drunk she is and shakes a grimace.
 ABBY (V.O.)
If only I could get off this floor and- 
 Abby is cut off by Max entering the bathroom with a bag of McDonald's and gatorade in his hands
Jesus, girl. You're a hot mess. Here.
Max passes the bag and drink off like a hot potato. Abby immediately tears through the bag. Cramming fries in her mouth.
Sometimes I wish I could marry you. 
 Max stands akimbo sashaying his hip- Leaning on the door
I wish the feeling was mutual. When was the last time you got me McDonald’s when I was hungover?
 When was the last time you were hungover like this?
 Groggy arguing back
That's not even the point.
(waving hands)
You seemed pretty  out of it when you got home. You kept going on about this    “goddess” you met. I wish I had snapped it. Girl, it was funny. 
Well I got her number but…( shows Max her palm. With a look of desperation )
Okay, I have a plan but let me finish my coffee and bring a pen and paper. 
 Abby looks back confused then feels like vomiting. Max turns to leave the room.
 MAX (Cont.)
This is your problem so,you can be my assistant but it looks like you need to pull yourself together.
 Abby slowly gets ready still a bit drunk trying to get a hold of herself, leaving the bathroom she enters the kitchen. The apartment has a lofty open feeling to it there is an island that Max is sitting at sipping from a paper cup scrolling through social media faster than he can even comprehend. Abby places the paper and pen near him. He slides it closer to him. Abby sits next to him. 
So what’s your plan, oh great master. 
If you don’t want my help then…
 Max flashes a sparkle in his eyes that is devilish and Abby acquiesces. Max starts to scribble numbers.
Well, we can’t call 100 different combinations. That could take all day. 
No, that’s insane. Look the first number looks like a 5. It could be a 3,7 or 2. The second number looks like a 6, which could be an 8 or 0. So that leaves us with 12 options. I’d say that’s progress. 
  Max begins typing the numbers 
 Hi, this is Maxine from the Human Rights Campaign do you have a couple of minutes to talk about gay rights?
 No, okay would you like to be put on the do not call list?
Can you verify your name? 
...Have a blessed day sir. Homophobic piece of shit.
I mean what did you expect? No one wants give money away for free. And why are you pretending to be ‘Maxine?’
Oh my little Abby. So sweet.
 Max continues with the calls.Finally down to the last number we both took a deep breath as the phone rang. This time Max  puts the phone on speaker.
Hi, my name is Maxine I work with the Human Rights Campaign. How are you today?
  I’m good. How are you?
Good. Thanks for asking. I’m calling to see if you have a moment to talk about gay rights. Is now a good time?
Not really. But I already contribute and I’m not going to increase it at this time. Thank you.
So would you like to add to your contribution?
 I just said no.
 Both Max and Abby are perturbed by this response.
I’m terribly sorry. Can you confirm your name for our records?
Jeanette Issing, 602 W 185th Street, New York.
Thank you.
(hangs up)
Sounds bitchy to me.
I wouldn’t say that. You did just cold call her.
Whatever...Now you have her number so get to texting girl. Work some lady loving magic. I’m going to read my book and take a nap.
 Max leaves. Abby sits staring at the number catatonically trying to figure out if what to do next. She punches the number in her contacts.
 Fade to black “The Next Day”
 INT-Music store that Abby works at. It’s around 4 PM Abby stares at her phone trying to figure if she should send a text. The store if virtually empty but abby cautiously looks around. Abby starts typing 
 “Hey. It’s Abby I just wanted to see what you were up to tonight?”
Then deletes the whole text.
“Hey, sorry to bother you”
Then deletes the whole text.
“Hey, This is Abby from Steamy Bunny. I had a good time ;)”
You don’t even remember that night.
(Types again)
“This is ABBY from the other night. I wanted to see what you were up to?”
 Her finger hovers over the send button, wincing she presses send. And lets out a breath of relief. Dots begin appearing. 5 seconds passes.Jeanette’s message.
“Hey ;)” 
Holy shit!
 Abby looks around the store. Blushing. dots appear again. 
 “I’m teaching until 5:30 we could meet up for happy hour. Do you know Mel’s on Broadway?”
 Abby’s hands are a bit shaky she exits pulls up google maps and types in Mel’s 
111th Street! That’s gonna take me and hour. 
 Her manager pops up behind her.
Abby jumps slamming the phone down. Manager follows it with his eyes.
It’s fine if you’re on your phone. No one’s in here anyways. 
Sorry, thanks. 
 She doesn’t even know why she’s apologizing.
So.. Anyways. I was just going to let you off early.I’ll close up See you tomorrow.
I can stay if you need me to? 
Avoiding plans you made?
 Manager turns and leaves visibility
ABBY (Cont.)
 Sighs and texts back
 “Sounds great. I’ll see you around 5:45?”
Dots appear
 “Works for me.”
 Abby goes to the back of the store and grabs her backpack and bike and begins montage.
 EXT-”Greenlight” by Lorde is playing. Abby bikes from Williamsburg with headphones. She riding across the bridge leisurely while speeding hipsters pass her but she doesn’t care. As she get on Houston she is cut off by a car song stops as she yells at them. Then continues on. Jumps to her biking on the west side highway at the chorus. Jumps to Abby staring at the large mountain cliff sighs has she struggles to bike up it. Finally arriving Mel’s She rushes inside a bit sweaty. She walks into the bar
Can I get a water?
 She sighs and hands him her ID, He rolls his eyes and gets a very fast non icy water
 Abby looks around the bar pretty busy with college students. In slowish motion Jeanette walks in. She has this gorgeous aura and Abby instantly remembered why she woke up with tingly feelings. Jeanette walks in and doesn’t recognize Abby and heads to the bar. She orders quickly and starts to look around. And spots Abby Then waves to her. Abby eagerly walks over. 
 Jeannette instantly hugs Abby catching her off guard. 
Sorry I’m a little wet.
(laughs in a sultry tone)
Well aren’t you forward.
(nervous laugh)
No! No, I biked here. I’m all sweaty and gross. 
 Abby avoids eye contact. The previous bartender walks up with Jeanette’ drink, vodka tonic
Here you go Jenny. You know, we missed you the other night. 
Ha, you’re just saying that to tease me. Anyways, Abby, first round's on me. What do you want? 
 Bartender sneers
Um, what kind of whiskey do you have?
Jack, Jameson, Wild Turkey...
Mmmm...I’ll just have a beer. Stella?
 Bartender leaves. Jeanette is sort of looking Abby up and down.
You like whiskey?
Yeah. Most places don’t have what I want. But there’s this great place in Brooklyn-
(cuts off Abby, sarcastically.)
There’s always a ‘great place’ in Brooklyn.
You know, it’s not all hipsters. It’s actually owned by this nice guy named Steve. Plays great music. The food is awesome too.
I guess you’ll have to take me some time. 
 She takes a sip of her drink. Abby nervously gulps.Bartender returns with beer. Slamming it down a bit. There’s an awkward silence. Both women sizing each other up.
So if I’m being honest, I don’t really remember the other night. 
Well, I’m not surprised.
Wait, what happened? You make it sound bad.
 Jeanette laughs whilst Abby swoons.
(puts drink down)
I was going to the bathroom and there you were. You were on the floor , I think waiting for a stall  but you were pretty out of it. So I sat down next to you and we chatted. You looked like you were going to throw up but you didn’t. Anyways, you asked if we could hang out sometime and I gave you my number. Now here we are. 
Wow, sorry about that. That bathroom floor is not clean. You didn’t have to take care of me. 
(laughs again)
That’s what you said then too. Listen, I  don’t think you would have gone home if I hadn’t found you. But I wouldn’t call that a proper introduction. 
(holds out her hand)
I’m Jeanette, you can call me Jenny. Nice to meet you 
(shakes her hand)
Abby-Nice to meet you sober. 
So, Abby who drinks whiskey and lives in Brooklyn. What do you do for fun?
Yes, that thing people occasionally indulge in.
Um...I play guitar. So I like doing that when, I’m alone.
You don’t like an audience?
I have a hard time palying when there are people around. It’s distracting.
 Jenny is distracted staring across the room at another woman.
ABBY (Cont.)
(shakes her head)
Sorry about-.There’s just someone I- I’ve just seen them around recently. 
Oh which one?
 Jenny points to a woman far away. 
Her name is Jeanie. 
She kind of looks familiar. How do you know her?
I’ve just seen her around before. 
 Jeanie catches to Abby looking across the room and begins to walk over. Jenny begins to act nervous. Abby is rather unfazed.
Oh my god Abby!
 Jenny looks at Abby with confusion.
JEANIE (Cont.)
Shit it is you. Jeanie, we went to Pace together. Max and I acted together.
Oh? I think I remember you and Max did ‘Stop Kiss’ or something? You looked a little different. I guess I didn’t recognize you right away. 
(look of disappointment)
Yeah, I chopped off my hair. Who’s your friend?
(interjects with her hand)
Jenny, pleasure to meet you. 
The pleasure is mine. 
 There is an awkward amount of hand touching, then Jeanie turns to Abby.
JEANIE (Cont.)
Abby we should hangout sometime. Max still has my number. Anyways I won’t keep you. See ya.
 Jenny turns back to Abby.
Sorry, you were saying... you played guitar?
 Music plays over them talking “tip of my tongue” Civil Wars. They continue talking as fast paced people move past them. Seemingly hours past.
 ABBY (V.O.)
I don’t think I knew it then but this was the start of something truly...messy.
 INT-Abby is asleep in her bed. Sunlight is pouring into the room. The decorations are miss mashing of odd strange things that don’t particularly match.  In the room bursts Eliza high energy and jumps on the bed effectively pouncing on Abby. Abby tries to hide underneath the covers and escape.
Wake up sleepy head. 
It’s a Tuesday at 8:00 AM. Why are you here? Don’t you have work?
For your information I have the evening shift and Max told me you were out late with a lady love and I want to hear all about it.
She’s not my ‘lady love’
Whatever...Are you gonna tell me about it or not? 
(pulls off the covers)
Will you buy me coffee from downstairs?
(rolls her eyes)
Fiannneee if you insist.  Get up you lazy bum!
 INT- Coffee shop. Both are seated Abby is cradling her coffee with sunglasses on. Liza is fast away texting a mile a minute.
New boy toy? 
 Liza is still paying attention to her phone.
Maybe you’ll find out. Maybe you’ll never know. 
Hmmm. Well you know I have to pre-vet him before you bring him around the boys. We can’t have a repeat of Michael. Jake near ripped his head off.
Yeah yeah. Jake won’t do anything stupid. I hope. 
(Places phone down)
Why are you wearing fucking sunglasses inside?
I had a long night and I don’t give a fuck. 
Because you were up all night with your new lady love?
(bats eyelashes)
(glows with embarrassment)
It’s not even like that, number one. And we were just talking most of the night. She’s nice, her name is Jenny. 
That’s not how Max describes it. Gimme your phone?
What for?
Cause. Now hand it over. 
 Abby passes the phone over reluctantly. Liza types in the passcode
LIZA (Cont.)
I don’t even know why you bother with a passcode, when I know all of them. 
 scrolls through Abby’s texts.
“Hey winky face?”
LIZA (Cont.)
I wouldn’t call that nothing. 
 Abby snatches back her phone.
Stop looking through my texts. It’s nothing, Okay?
(puts her hands up defensively)
Okay! Jeez. Look I’m happy if your happy. If y’all are just friends I’m cool with it. Just don’t bring her around until you’re sure.
What’s that supposed to mean?
Remember Angie? Max harassed her all night. 
I remember. I’m still mad at him for that. She was nice. 
She was weird and you know it. 
Maybe not a healthy relationship but it worked at the time. 
Anyways, if you like this person, Jenny, then get to know her first. Okay? I don’t want you writing some love sick song about her and presenting it to her. 
That only happened once. And you know  I’m sensitive about that. Listen, I will be careful. I’m fully aware of the fully beating heart on my sleeve. Mom!
I’m just looking at for you Tabs. Now, I’ve got to go make myself  look presentable for Juan.  I look like a damn bird lady. 
(shakes her head)
No you don’t. You look fine. 
Thanks for the complement. Real confidence booster. 
You know what I mean. 
I know. I’m just teasing. 
(stands up and hugs Liza)
Love you Liza. I’ll see you later
Love ya Tabs. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. 
Like that means anything. 
 Liza shrugs
 INT-Scene opens on Max playing video games in their living room. Abby enters through the front room discarding her sunglasses and hoodie. She vaults over the back of the couch and sits next to Max leaning back and sighing. 
So how was Liza? 
Good. Why didn’t you come?
Coffee isn’t my thing 
I literally saw you drink coffee yesterday. 
 Max pauses the game and passes Abby the remote and they both begin to play “rayman”.
You know,Liza and I haven’t exactly been on the same page since the whole thing with Jake. 
(very focused on the game)
You have got to let that go. I know Jake is your brother but that was forever ago and we All need  to move on. 
It’s not that simple. Jake says he’s fine but he’s not. I haven’t invited him over in sooooo long. I just don’t want him to cause a scene. But I can’t cut him out of my life. He’s the only family I have. Besides I still think I can keep them separated for at least another 2 months. 
Oooo go back. secret level
 Tapping controllers.
You know I love all of you guys but this has got to stop. This isn’t healthy for anyone. And I can’t be a buffer anymore. 
Why don’t we all get together for my birthday? We can invite John. 
Ugh John. 
You know you love him. 
Not since he started dating what’serface. I see them all over facebook all gross and shit. When is the last time he hung out with us. Just us. 
Exactly my point. We should all get together. It will be hella fun. Pleease it’s my birthday!
Fine, fine fine. But there better be lots of booze or I am not entertaining. This is my house too. 
 Abby’s phone buzzes in her pocket she pulls it out to inspect it. Text from Jenny 
“I get out of class in at 12 would you want to grab lunch? I had a great time last night. :)” 
Max shuffles in his seat realizing that Abby is still just staring at her phone. Abby doesn’t move for about 3 seconds just looking over the words.
Ah Mah Gawd just say yes. Jesus! Let’s get on with our live’s
 Abby protectively pulls away her phone and feigned a shocked look.
Ah! What have I said about over the shoulder text reading?
It’s an invasion of person space and boundaries and isn’t fair.
Yeah! The fact that you know how I feel about it should say something. 
I’m just a curious cat. Now, are you going to text her so we can beat this level? I want a perfect 100 and no less.
 Abby types away fast then throws the phone to the other side of the couch.
(slightly demonic voice)
Let’s do this! 
 INT- Barnard College. Students are filing out of the lecture hall. Jenny is putting her books in her bag. She’s sporting fake reading glasses. Abby slowly tip toes into the lecture hall trepidatiously. Checking the students as she walks past. Abby walks up to Jenny.
(looking down at a syllabus)
When you said you were a teacher I wasn’t expecting this. “Women’s studies a look through an intersectional lense.”
It’s just an Intro class they won’t let me teach anything above a 100 level until I’ve been here for a couple more years. But I like it. 
 Jenny smiles sweetly, a student walks up and stand patiently with her book to her chest, Jenny notices and looks towards the girl and the girl blushes.
Professor Issing, I was wondering if you might have some time to chat about the mid-term paper. I wanted to run an idea past you. 
(cocks her hip and stares at her knowingly)
I am more than willing to discuss it at office hours. They should be listed on the syllabus. Or you can talk to My TA Gerardo 
(looks down)
Oh okay. I’ll stop by this week. See you then.
She smiles and looks up as she leaving then frowns at Abby.
So… should we get a sandwich?
 Jenny pulls her bag over her shoulder. And they begin to walk out.
Don’t worry about her. I’m the youngest professor at Barnard. So they all think I’m available.
But you aren’t seeing anybody though?
Of course not! I mean I’m not available to them. I’m so not doing a student/teacher thing. I’m trying to get a promotion.  And I’m not going to fuck that up. Anyways, there’s great cart I like to go to. We can sit on the library steps since it’s such a nice day. 
Sounds great to me. 
 EXT- at the cart. Abby and Jenny are grabbing their boxes of food 
Thanks Sammy. I’ll see you around. 
Okay habibi. Stay safe, these people crazy out there. 
 Jenny and Abby stroll along Broadway quietly before entering the campus. Abby looks around amazed. Enjoys her bewilderment. They climb to the top of the steps and sit opening their food.
Pace never had a campus like this or really even one at all. 
 Abby opens her box and pokes food.
Well that’s what you get with a $9 billion endowment. 
(takes a bite)
But that doesn’t make it any better. Education is what you make it. You put in the effort then you’ll make out pretty well. Some of the people who go here don’t even have a  clue. 
 Abby looks down at her food. Sad.
I’m sorry did I upset you?
No I just think sometimes I’m not on the right path to what I want to do. I have this expensive degree and I’m working at a music store for just over minimum wage. It’s just silly. 
Are you happy? Like on a day to day basis.
 Abby thinks for a moment.
I’m happy with what I’m doing. I just don’t know about everything else. You know?
I think that was the most vague nondescript answer I’ve ever heard. 
Sorry. You don’t want to hear about my melodrama. It’s not even about me. 
(sits facing Abby)
See this is the problem today. Women think ‘oh my problems aren't valid because they don’t speak to some higher purpose’. We can’t elevate the world around us without elevating each other first. So, tell me. 
(takes a deep breath)
I guess I want to play music, which is what I’m doing. I don’t want to be famous or anything I just like playing. Being at the store does give me some time to mess around. I used to be inspired but I was bad at writing things down. By the time I figured that out a system the lyrics kind of left me. But I also feel like I let my parents down because I’m not running some successful business. Which I don’t want to be doing. On top of that I’m trying to hold the balance between my best friends. They’re my family, I love them but they constantly make mountains out of mole hills and in some ways it’s valid but like they just can’t seem to move on. 
(nods head and hums)
So you’re friends can’t get over small bullshit?
Not exactly.Long story short my roommate's brother dated this girl in our friend group. It wasn’t exactly healthy, but we didn’t mind. The problem was Jake, the boyfriend, would get drunk and try to cause fights or get angry and leave, yell at his girlfriend for no reason. Of course Jake's brother is my roommate, Max, so, like I can’t avoid him. And honestly Liza, the girlfriend, did nothing wrong. She just broke up with him and it wasn’t mutual. So Jake is upset, still, this was a year ago. And Max blames Liza for breaking up with him. URGH! It just drives me crazy.
Wow, that sounds messy. So you’re stuck in the middle? Trying to be friends with all of  them. 
YES! And the worst part about it, is no matter what I say it’s like ‘yeah you’re right but that doesn’t change anything. And I’m just like ‘Damn can you just step back and look at your actions’. Like everyone is physically stressed out by this situation. 
I mean people can’t exactly change their feelings that’s what makes things like this messy. It’s illogical but it doesn’t matter because it just is. You can’t fix everyone’s problems, Abby. 
(reaches for Abby’s hand)
 Sometimes you have to take care of yourself.
(nervously swallows hard and stills)
You’re ...Right. I just want...things to go back to normal. If I had a time machine. 
Again you can’t fix everything. Even if you want to-
(looks at her watch) 
Shit I’ve got to get to class. But if you ever need to talk I’m here for you. 
 Jenny Embraces Abby in a deep hug.
 They hug for a  long moment and Abby nuzzles into the crook of Jenny’s neck. Jenny pulls away and looks at Abby then kisses her cheek.
Maybe we can hang out in Brooklyn tomorrow I don’t have class then. 
That would be nice. 
 Camera pans out and up into the sky and fades into Abby’s notebook, she is writing words to song lyrics at the counter of the music store. While humming. The manager walks up to her peeking over her shoulder.
Are you going to show me what you got there?
 Abby pulls away some not totally recoiling.
Maybe. It’s a work in progress. I’ll show you when it’s done. 
You know I can always lend an ear. 
 He laughs a little at his own pun.
Cute Ed.
Fine but, I’m not singing I’ll just show you the guitar parts. 
 They walk over to the stands, Abby pick up a cream colored Telecastor.And plugs it into the amp(fender deville) she plays a soft finger plucked song humming softly. Ed picks up a guitar. He lets her play a bit before for joining in. He plays the harmony that she is singing. Abby smiles and stops humming. They play one round and Abby starts to sing some of the lyrics. After a verse Ed stops from the ding of the door.
Hey, feel free to take a look around. 
 Ed looks down at Abby and whispers.
ED (Cont.) 
She looks cute.
  Abby turns around in her stool. revealing Jeanie. Abby places the guitar down and turns off the amp.
I got this Ed. 
 Hey Jeanie. Are you looking for something in particular that I can help you with?
 Jeanie pulls out a small Ukulele
I broke a string on this. 
 Abby steps closer to inspect the ukelele.
Got it. You want me to replace it for you? There’s no extra charge.
That’d be great. I don’t really know how anyways. 
 Abby walks over to the wall of stings and grabs a pack and places the uke on the countertop. Then starts replacing the string.
  ABBY (Cont.)
I didn’t know you played the Ukulele.
Not really. I know a couple of songs. I actually need to for a prop. 
Oh another play. You starring on Broadway or something?
I wish. I’m doing this black box thing not too far from here. I mean not many people go to Brooklyn to see a play
There is culture and things here. And not just in Williamsburg.
(does not pick up on the sarcasm) 
I love Bedford ave. They have such cute stores. And there’s this little gem. 
 Abby finish stringing the Ukelele and plays a little diddy.
All done. The strings will slip out of tune for a little bit so you may have to tune it a couple of times
 Jeanie looks puzzled.
I don’t have a tuner actually. I don’t think I’ve ever actually tuned it. 
 Abby scratches her head.
Um..well.Someone told me you can just remember this. 
(sings while plucking each string)
‘My dog has fleas’. I’m those aren’t the notes but it’s the tones. It’s easy enough to remember. 
I think I can remember that. 
(smiles and places her hand over ABBY’s on the neck of the uke)
You know I don’t remember you being this cute in college. 
(eyes dart down in embarrassment)
I guess I just grew into myself more. Here
 Abby holds out the uke and Jeanie takes it.
Listen you should come to the show it’s suggested donation. 
 Jeanie holds out card. Abby takes it.
 JEANIE (Cont.)
Show starts at 8. 
I might stop by later if I have time. 
Well we’re playing all week so you should stop by st some point. 
I will.
Great I’ll see you around. 
 Jeanie exists through the front door. Abby takes a deep breath.
She’s a piece of work, ain’t she. 
What? Oh please fix my Ukulele. Did you even charge her?
You know if that was a regular you wouldn’t have charged her.  
But she’s not a regular. And she caught you off guard with that little hand thing. 
I am so not in the mood for this conversation 
Whatever. I’m just pointing out the obvious.
Which is?
This is why you don’t have a girlfriend. She was flirting with you. She came into this specific store to fix one string. And she wants you to go to that show. So go!
Even if she was flirting I’m sure she’s into someone else. 
So! Seize the moment. You just have to go for it. Rip the band aid off. Jump in the deep end. Swim with the sharks
OK! I get it. Lay off with the analogies. I’ll think about it. 
Well don’t miss an opportunity because you’re holding out for something better. If you get a call about a gig you take it then worry about the set list. 
Yeah yeah. Sage advice from my guru
(points finger) 
You know I’m right which is why you’re deflecting.
I think you should have been a psychiatrist because you love this shit. 
What can I say. I’m a good read of people.
 8. EXT- Abby is standing outside smoking a cigarette checking her phone before placing it in her pocket.There are other groups of people standing around talking. Jeanie walks up behind Abby and taps her shoulder. 
Hey. I’m glad you could make it. 
Yeah, well you said to. Couldn’t pass it up. 
 Jeanie check behind her. ABBY shakes her head mouthing ‘what the fuck’ to herself, Jeanie turns back to face her
You think I could bum one of those. 
 Abby is taken aback reaching in her pocket and pulls out a pack.
 Pulling out a cigarette and Jeanie places it in her mouth and leans forward for Abby to light it. Jeanie cups her hand around Abby’s looking up at her with hooded eyelids. Then pulls back.
What did you think of the play?
Um I thought it was interesting and uh….
You didn’t like it huh?
No. It was hard to follow for me. The whole nonlinear thing didn’t make sense at times. 
Well that’s the point. To make you question what’s really going on when. 
I’m not a theater person I guess. 
(places her hand on ABBY’s bicep) 
That’s okay at least you showed up. That’s more than I can say for some of my friends.
I’m glad I could help be supportive. 
You’re are always so sweet Abby. I think that’s what I remembered the most about you. Max always said such nice things about you. 
Well I’m glad he did because he could say worse. 
I highly doubt that 
I probably should be getting home.
 Abby starts unlocking her bike next to the pole]. 
Where do you live? 
I live on the upper west side where you saw me the other night.  I’m just going to the train. 
Let me walk you to the stop. It’s on my way. 
Thanks I appreciate that. Maybe I won’t be verbally harassed today. 
One can only hope. 
 They continue to walk down the street.
Speaking of the other night, who was that woman you were with? Jenny?
Yeah what about her?
Just curious. You know what her deal is?
She’s a friend. She works at Barnard. She’s a professor
Ah. So you two aren’t together?
No, no, no 
 Jeanie cuts her off without hearing the but
Is she single?
Um yeah I think so. 
Do you think...if it’s not too much to ask, maybe get her number off of you?
Um what?
If that’s not too weird. Or anything. 
(take a second to think about it.)
 I mean sure why not. Here 
 Abbyr pulls out the phone from her pocket pulling up the contact.
Wow! Thanks a lot I really appreciate it. I’ll text it to myself so you can have my number too. Maybe you could teach me some of your music skills.
 Jeanie passes the phone back.
Yeah sure no problem. 
 They arrive at the train stop.
 ABBY (Cont.)
  I’ll see you around sometime.
 Jeanie pulls Abby in for a side hug.
Yeah I’ll see you around. Thanks for the walk. 
No problem.
 Jeanie leaves down the stairs while Abby turns around doubling back the way she came.
 9.EXT. Roof of the loft apartment. Max and Abby are smoking a joint on the roof listening to music and drinking a few beers. Ratatat’s song Nostrand is playing in the background.
I feel played man. 
What did you expect It’s Jeanie fucking Thompson. She’s manipulative. She was like notorious for that shit. 
I had totally forgotten about all that drama. I just thought like she was being nice. She said I was ‘cuter than she remembered’. Like I’ve always been cute. Look at this face.
Tabby, I don’t want to burst your bubble but... you used to wear cargo shorts. 
That didn’t mean I wasn’t cute
They had holes in the butt.
Maybe I didn’t have a fashion sense but that is conceded to say that I wasn't cute. 
 Max raises his hands, in defense.
Alright. You were cute. But this is coming from the man not attracted to women. 
True. I just can’t believe it. If you were there you would have seen it. 
I’ve seen you around girls, Abs. She probably wasn’t actually  hitting on you. 
She totally was! I swear it was just so she could get that number out of me. Fucking cunt. 
So you’re telling me you actually gave her the number. I spent a good time on figuring that out. I’m gonna give her a piece of my-
Ok fine I’ll leaver her alone. But if she comes over here I’m doing something. 
What are you gonna do?
I don’t know lick the top of her chapstick. Fart in her bag.
You are straight childish. But I support it. 
 Both laugh
Alright. So like what’s the deal with this Jenny? Are you going to take her on a real date because this weird grab a drink/ lunch is not sexy.
I haven’t figure that out yet. She’s smart for god sake. Where am I going to take her? I can’t take her to the ale house.
NO! It needs to be romantic. 
I could take her to a performance something at the Met.
You have gone to Manhattan too many times. Let her come to you. 
Fine I’ll take her to BAM 
 Abby pulls out phone typing away.
Ew Ew you should take her to 5th Ave they have some little places right by there. Have a drink in a quiet secluded bar, dark mysterious like our little Tabs.
Okay- The Principles of Uncertainty. I’m getting them. Done 
Impulsive much?
It was almost sold out and it’s like the premiering night. And it’s next weekend so timing is everything. 
Whatever. I do have to meet her at some point. Approve her potential status. 
For all the mothering I do for your guys. This is the thanks I get. 
(places hand on Abby’s shoulder)
Love blinds. And you are very weak. 
Like I said the thanks I get 
It comes from a good place. 
 10. EXT- Abby is waiting outside the Barclay’s center waiting for Jenny. Jenny is slowly coming up the escalator. 
I’m glad you found your way. I know it’s a bit of a trek
 Abby rubs the back of her head.
It was fine although without the helpful tip about the back of the train I might have gotten lost in the station 
I have literally been lost in there for like 30 minutes, before. So tips from a pro. Shall we go. 
Where will  we be  going to first?
There’s a little strip of bars on 5th. All of them are pretty good so, which ever one sticks out to you. 
You don’t have a special place picked out ?
Maybe ?
 They walk down the street when Abby begins to slow down in front of the place she wants to go. Jenny smiles and takes the hint.
Very subtle. 
I have no idea what you’re talking about 
So you want to go to this one
(points with finger)
You said it not me. 
 Jenny shakes her head and opens the door. It’s a small dark bar with a few older couples drinking wine quietly. They both walk up to the bar and sit.
(places napkins on the bar)
What are you ladies having to drink to night?
Vodka tonic.
  Abby stands on the edge of the chair looking behind the bar. For 3 seconds. Jenny looks confused.
Ooo yeah Blanton’s
How do you want that?
 Bartender leaves.
So Blanton’s is your kind of whiskey? Neat, how very sophisticated of you. 
It’s good. And I don’t want it watered down by ice. It’s pretty expensive. 
If you work at a music store then how do you afford a $20 drink? 
I have other business ventures.
And what would those be?
 Drinks are placed down. Abby passes her card to the bartender. Then passes a business card to Jenny.
You teach music? That’s so cute! Are they like little 10 year olds learning chopsticks?
That’s piano and more like 40 year old single men. Some younger hipster guys who walk into the shop but, once they realize they aren’t as good as me , a girl, they get pissed and don’t come back. 
Sounds shitty. Do they come to your apartment?
Worse, I go to theirs. I’ve seen things that can’t be shared with regular people. 
I’m just regular.
Of course not! 
 In a realization of what she just said her eyes dart down. Jenny searches Abby’s face. They both take drink separately to avoid further conversation.
Do I ever get to hear you play?
Maybe. I haven’t done an open mic thing in a while. 
You should. I bet you’re great. 
Thanks. Encouragement is appreciated.
And tips.
That’s actually what it says on my jar 
No. They don’t let you put jars out at open mics
Oh I’ve never been before. I’ve been to some poetry slams but those are very different. 
Some people do poetry
Some people dance. I’ve seen comedy before.
(with disgust)
 There’s this one guy with puppets it’s not great. 
 What’s wrong with puppets?
The bit is about creepy old men with audience participation.
Ah. Well I’d like to hear some of your works. 
Right now?
Is that possible?
(leans in closer)
I- um...It’s well
That’s a  yes. Show me. Please 
(claps hands together)
 Abby sighs and finishes her drink, reaching for her phone slowly. Mumbles in a low voice.
Don’t judge me okay.
I won’t. 
 Abby passes the phone the Jenny looking down at the hands clasped in between her legs. Jenny has the phone cupped to her ear. We can’t hear the music. Jenny bobs her head dictating a slow rhythm. Jenny’s face turns loose and limp. Sadness takes over. The song ends and she passes the phone quietly to Abby.
(concerned by the silence)
Did you like it?
I did. But who is it about?
It’s about my grandpa. He died when I was in highschool. It wasn’t exactly sudden but, my parents weren’t very forward the fact that he was on his deathbed. I just didn’t get to say what I wanted to say to him. 
I’m so sorry .
(straightens up)
This was years ago, there’s not too much to be sorry for now. But I needed that song, then. It just poured out of me. I wrote it in about 15 minutes. Which is crazy. Everything I’ve written that is actually  good it is just in these spurts. And I don’t even see it coming. I just pick up my guitar and there it is. I’m lucky if I can grab a pen in time.
Wow. So why aren’t you out there writing songs?
If only that were so easy. I have only about 5 of those moments in 13 years. And I remember them, distinctly. But there are so many songs that just get lost or unfinished. Sometimes I can’t find the thing that the song is about. So they just lay there in my 2 minute recordings.... I’m sorry I’m babbling 
No, No! I want to hear this. I never thought-
(stops herself)
Thought what?
That - 
(pauses to choose a particular word)
You were so deep?
What did you think?
I don’t know. You worked in a music shop and you’re funny and cute. I don’t know what I thought. 
Listen don’t get me wrong here but there’s more to me then how I act. I don’t open up to people, easily. I’m more often hurt than helped and...I just want to honest about who I am. That’s all I’ve ever been. 
There’s not anything else you want to be honest with. 
  Abby stares off looks up a clock-sudden shock. Turns towards the bartender.
Oh my god is that the real time?
Why else do I hang a clock on the wall?
Shit we got to go.
 “Queen Bitch by David Bowie starts playing. Grabs Jenny’s hand and runs out of the bar. Running through the streets on green lights skillfully running around people with Jenny trotting behind.
You left your card!
Forget it. I’ll come back tomorrow. The show starts in 5 minutes. I got too caught up there. 
 Stops at a busy intersection. ABBY looking left and right bouncing a bit.
It’s okay if we’re late. I’m sure they’ll seat us. 
 Break in traffic Abby starts to run again.
It’s opening night we can’t be late. Also BAM is hella strict on closed door policy.
 They run up the stairs outside bam. Pulling out the tickets quickly. Getting them scanned and sitting at the house lights close  as they take their seat
 11.INT- Abby and Jenny are walking side by side talking about the show. Abby sees a restroom and excuses herself. Camera follows Jenny outside she walks up to a bike rack and leans against it. Camera pans out showing her playing on her phone. A group of men walk past. One of them pats the other and walk towards Jenny.
What’s a pretty girl like you doing all alone?
(looks up from her phone)
I’m just waiting for a friend so…
If I was him I wouldn’t leave you out here in the cold. 
Well that’s not gonna happen, okay? I have a boyfriend.
Then where’s he at?
On his way so scram!
(turns back to his friends)
I like em feisty. What’s your name beautiful
Nonya….Nonya bussiness
How very 90’s of you. Listen if your boyfriend don’t come out here in 5 minutes. You have to give me your number
In your dreams. 
 Jenny begins to walk away. Abby is coming down the stairs. Man is following her. His friends are about 10’ away.
Come on! Give me a chance 
 Abby walks faster to Jenny once she sees the bastard. Jenny walks a bit faster catching up. Abby cuts off the guy and stumbles bumping into him.
OH I’m soo sorry. Are you hurt?
 Guy tries to get around her.
 ABBY (Cont.)
No seriously I didn’t mean to 
Dude get outta my way! 
But really though? I don’t want you to sue me. 
Jesus lady I’m fine. Now will you move. 
(Feigns shock)
You are so rude. 
Let it go man she’s gone. Come’on let’s go. You’re being annoying. She’s a bitch anyways
Yeah yeah, Whatever. 
 They all turn and walk away. Abby looks to see where Jenny went. She checks her phone. ‘Around the corner’. Abby walks on a quiet secluded street and is standing waiting impatiently.
You okay?
I hate that I can’t go out one fucking night without some fucking comment. Did you tell him off?
No. I don’t want to piss off the angry/ horny bear. 
Sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m just angry.
(looks at Abby)
 Thank you, you didn’t have to do all that falling business.
Well better then running away.
 Jenny looks down with her arms crossed.
  ABBY (Cont.)
I mean that’s why I’m here. I’m sorry the night ended on a bad note. I had a good time, though. 
 Jenny still looking at the ground quietly.
You alright?
I just hate that this shit gets to me.I teach feminism at an all women's college, for god sake. Now I’m all pissed and shit. And it’s an hour train ride. Probably longer because the trains are all fucked up.  And I am not sitting in a cab with a strange man after that. 
I totally understand . Listen, I live about 30 minutes from here. If you don’t want to go home. I have a nice couch you can sleep on?
Really? What train to do live off of?
Well um, the M or L but we would take the bus it’s faster. 
I don’t think I’ve ever taken the bus before.
It’s not glamorous but it is direct and you get cell service. But I guess you’re used to that in your fancy Wifi manhattan stations.
I didn’t say I was opposed to the bus just hadn’t taken one before. 
Then let’s be on our way. 
 They are waiting at the bus stop as it pulls up. Abby let’s Jenny enter first. Jenny tries to sit in the front. Abby pulls her to the back. And sit down in the back.
You always take the back seats first. Bus etiquette.
Oh sorry. Why ?
It’s hard to move around. Plus a bunch of older people take the bus and they sit in the front for easy access. 
I see. 
 Abby pulls out her phone and headphones and passes a free earbud. Quietly takes it. Better Times by Beach house or  dramamine by modest mouse comes on Jenny stares out of the bus window as they pass through narrow streets. Some people are walking about Abby is looking forward not wanting to look at Jenny. Jenny’s hand twitches towards Abby’s leg just as she’s about to touch it. Abby get’s up and presses the button.
This is our stop. 
 Jenny gets up quietly and follows Abby out the doors. Abby holds the doors open for a little old  lady and her cart
 ABBY (Cont.)
Want a hand?
Oh yes.Please 
 Abby grabs the bottom of a cart and carries it down the stairs 
LADY (Cont.)
Thank you sir.
No problem. Stay safe
You too.
 Abby and Jenny walk past.
Such a chivalrous young man. 
I’m not gonna shove my white privilege in people’s faces and I was misgendered for 2 seconds, I don’t mind. 
 Jenny finds the gesture endearing and sweet. Abby is focus on the street ahead. They walking into a building and stop up the stairs. Only hear the jingle of her keys. Jenny leans against the wall while Abby unlocks the front door.
Well here it is. In all it’s glory
 Jenny looks around curious
It’s cute. 
 Abby goes to the kitchen and fixes two glasses of water and passes one to Jenny. Jenny looks down at drink.
I’m sorry that I was being a little crazy back there. Normally that stuff doesn’t bother me. 
It’s totally okay. You should be upset. That guy was an ass hat. I’m just sorry that you have to sleep on my couch. Which by the way-
 Abby walks over to find a Jake (Max’s brother) sleeping on the couch fully dressed. Abby turns back to Jenny.
Looks like we have a problem.
 Jenny peaks over the edge of the couch.
Oh.[pause] Well I can just sleep in your bed. 
 Abby blinks a few times.
I-could sleep on the floor
I meant we could both sleep in the bed. You don’t need to sleep on the floor.
 Jake begins to stir. Abby leads Jenny to her bedroom. Abby starts sifting through her drawers trying to find spare pajamas for Jenny. Meanwhile Jenny is undressing to her underwear and T-shirt. Abby turns around as Jenny is bent over. Abby blushes and turns around and puts the clothes on top of the dresser. Jenny has already climbed into bed. 
Sorry I’m just so tired
 Abby slow follow’s Jenny’s lead and strips to her underwear and shirt. Quickly dart under the covers. They’re backs are facing. Abby is still rustling a bit to get comfortable. 
Can we cuddle?
 Abby stills, breathless. Jenny stirs but doesn’t roll over. Abby reluctantly turns over and scoots closer. They are close but not touching. Jenny reaches for Abby’s and pulls it around her.
Is this okay?
  (barely audible)
 “Run All Night” by Rachael Cantu plays. Jenny pulls Abby tighter. Abby lays awake. Somewhere between terrified and excited. But petrified. 
 INT-Abby’s Bedroom. The sun is barely up but Abby didn’t sleep at all that night. She quietly gets up not to wake Jenny and goes into the kitchen and starts to make coffee. She rubs her head in frustration. She slams the coffee cup down hard. It wakes Jake. 
(Incoherent mumbles)
 Abby takes another cup of coffee and walks it over the the couch. Passes it to Jake who sits up. They both sit on the couch.
So what happened?
Why do you assume something happened?
Your knuckles have cuts on them.
 Jake tries to hide his hands. 
I don’t care what happened. Just let me know if I shouldn’t open the door.
I wouldn’t. But for the record it was self-defense.
Didn’t say it wasn’t. Listen I have a someone over so if you could-
 Jenny is holding her coat over her arm and is quietly leaving the room. Her path is aimed towards the door.
Thanks for letting me stay over. I have to get going I have a class in a few hours. I’ll text you?
Yeah no problem. 
Abby stands up
I can walk you down?
No it’s okay. I’ll be fine. I’ll text you. Bye.
 Jenny leaves and the door slams a bit. Jake lifts his brows in surprise.
That was rude.
She had to leave.
She didn’t even hi to me. Bitch
Can you not?
Sorry. Just saying man. 
Yeah, well it’s not cool. Anyways. You coming to my party next weekend?
I wouldn't miss it for the world Tabs!
 Scruffs Abby’s Hair. Abby pulls away and adjusts it.
Just be chill okay?
I’m always chill
 Abby looks down at Jake’s hands.
Okay. I’ll be chill. Just don’t be lame and   puss out. We gettin you fucked up!!!!
I won’t puss out. You just worry about yourself.
 Both sip coffee at the same time. 
  INT-The Apartment. Party night with the gang. Abby is prepping the house with drugs, booze and tunes. Max idly helping out but also playing different music than Abby wants. Door knocks Abby goes to get it group of Jake, Eliza, John and John’s girlfriend. Liza enter first and pinches Abby’s cheeks
Oh Tabby!
 Jake does a sort of dab hand shake
Hey man what’s going on.
  John does the same hand shake
Hey Abb’s this is my girlfriend. I hope it’s cool I brought her. 
Of course. Nice to meet you nameless girlfriend.
(Abby smiles)
Oh, uh my name is Denise. Nice to meet you. 
 Chaos ensues. All the pre-party planning destroyed in one fell swoop.Jake is poking through the drawers looking for something. No one knows. Max and Liza are cackling and making weird cooing noises at Abby’s efforts to maintain calm while John and Denise are make themselves a drink being disgustingly cute. Abby hangs her head.
Jake, stop looking for drugs. They’re all laid out on the table for you. 
 Jake puts on Abby’s sunglasses
I’m not looking for drugs. But these sunglasses are awesome. Can I have them?
 Jake ignores Abby and sits on the couch next to his brother, sunglasses on. Abby walks behind Liza fiddling with the music.
You know I did make a playlist. Guys.
Oh Mama Abby. 
(pats Abby’s hand)
You know I got to play my boy Bob before    John plays his weird ass dubstep
 John walks over to the couch, Denise follows 
You guys don’t like my music?
No one said that. Liza just wants to be the DJ for once. alright?
Yeah! Fuck you male privilege!
(fist to the air)
Let’s play Medusa!
Do we have to jump right in? Can’t we enjoy each other’s company for 5 minutes. 
(Talking over each other)
Come on Tabby Abby get in the game! It’s gonna be a long night. You don’t even have to work tomorrow. Or drive or get home. Pleeaaasee.
(Mimics Abby)
(then smiles)
(to Denise)
Okay so, the game works by everyone putting their heads on the table. When I say go we all look up. Whoever is looking at someone and they are looking back at you they have to drink. Kay?
Um, I’ll sit this round out and watch until I figure it out. 
 John gives her a reassuring side hug
I mean it’s pretty simple game. 
Yeah, even Abby is doing it. 
Wow. Didn’t know I was setting the standard.
Abby Tabby (shake head)
ANYWAYS! Get your drinks so we can get started. 
 Jake and Max run to the refrigerator as if they were racing. Abby and Liza follow behind and return with their drinks.
Head’s down
 Everyone but Denise puts their heads down.
1,2,3 GO!
 Max and Abby make eye contact
We must be in sync. Fuck.(both drink)
I don’t have a vagina so. Don’t know how that’s possible.
 Montage of lots of drinking  few rounds, everyone has had a turn except Denise. Door knocks( music stops). Abby gets up.
Who’s that?
I invited Jenny.
 Liza puts her finger in his open mouth and gags, Max laughs both Denise and John are clueless. Abby opens the door to reveal Jenny in a fancy trench coat holding a bottle of wine.Very much dressed for a dinner party.
Hey, come in. 
 Abby opens the door further and lets in Jenny. Once the door is closed Jenny pulls Abby in for a firm, long sensual hug.
 Everyone else is watching this for the entire length of the hug.Shocked and taken aback at how Abby and Jenny do not seem to realize they are still in the room. Jenny pulls back and turns to the room noticing the drinking is already taking place.
I brought wine but I don’t think anyone wants it. So I’ll just put it in the kitchen. 
 Liza springs up from couch and runs towards the kitchen.
Oh I’ll have some. White wine spritzer!
 Abby stares coldly as Liza takes the bottle from Jenny. 
Sure, go for it. 
 She passes the bottle at an arm's length distance.Liza opens the bottle and pours nearly to the brim of the glass before returning to the group. 
I do have vodka if you want that?
Sure. You know what I like by now. 
I suppose. Go and sit down make yourself comfortable. I’ll fix it for you.
 Jenny approaches slowly, careful to not feel too comfortable. She sits awkwardly in a single chair. 
So what game are you guys playing?
 Liza is sprawled lazily drinking her wine regally.
I’m done playing. I have a headache. But I’m interested in hearing about you Jenny. Abby hasn’t told us too much about you. 
There’s not much to tell really. I’m a professor at Barnard. I teach women's studies but mostly intro classes. I only started working there last year. 
And what were you doing before that?
I was getting my master’s at Barnard. 
So you like all women’s schools?
 Abby returns from the kitchen and hands Jenny her drink.
No interrogations before midnight.
 Abby winks at Jenny. Jenny ignores it, still focused on Liza.
Well we just wanted to get to know Jenny your...friend here.
Well like she said she teaches women’s studies and you all know how we met. So what more is there to know?
But how does she feel about Bob Dylan?
 Everyone in  the friend group eye rolls and sighs. Denise and Jenny are lost. Jenny searches Abby for any indication of the right answer.Abby won’t answer.
I guess he’s alright?
 Liza passes her glass to Max and leans forward.
He is possibly the great musician that has ever existed. He is more than alright. 
 Stands up abruptly and walks to the speakers.
  LIZA (Cont.)
If you are not converted after this song. Then I don’t know what. 
 Abby knits her eyebrows and rubs her head. 
Really? Do you have to do this?
Tabby, don’t be such a downer. You know you like him too.
 Liza puts on “going going gone” by Bob Dylan. While the friend group rolls their eyes again as they have hear this song for the umteenth time. Denise being on the outside looks at Jenny and they share an awkward exchange as if to say “is she for real right now?”
 Abby sits at the table and rolls a joint, some how in a way to bridge a divide. Once finished rolling she lights it and passes it to Jenny
(while holding in the smoke)
Guests first. 
 Jenny Semi-reluctantly takes the joint and takes a baby puff and passes to Max.
 We do puff-puff pass. If you want.
 Max passes it on to Liza who is still very much into the song. Once finished, she  passes it to Jake. They share a devilish look. Jake stands up before passing it to John. 
I’ll be right back. 
 Abby and Max exchange a knowing look and follow their eyes to Jake going to the bathroom. John and Denise are whispering over how Denise hasn’t really smoked before and John is assisting with the joint. Max leans over to Liza to have a side conversation. Abby turns to Jenny
(in a whisper) I’m sorry about Liza she can be...forward. 
It’s okay. 
 Jenny wants to say more but John leans in a passes the joint to Abby.
I’m John by the way. This is my girlfriend Denise. 
Nice to meet you. Abby, thanks for having us over. I’m glad to finally meet you. John talks about you alot
No problem. I just want to be around people I love on my birthday. I hope John hasn’t told you any horror stories.
Tabby I would never. 
Why do you guys keep call her Tabby?
 Max and Liza overhear this and jump over to where Abby is sitting and pinch her cheeks and rub her hair. 
  MAX and LIZA
Because she’s cute Tabby cat
She’s soft and cuddly
Gets all angry and flustered when you don’t do things her way.
She’s just Tabby. Don’t know how to explain it any other way. 
I’ve learned to accept it. 
You know you love it. 
 Abby grunts. Meanwhile (in the background) Denise has left to use the bathroom. The bathroom door swings open. Jake appears to be doing something secretive and closes it. Denise asks to use the bathroom.
  DENISE (from across the room)
Can I just get in there for a minute?
  JAKE (from across the room)
Give me a second. 
I got to go (Opens the door knocking into Jake.)
What the fuck, Bitch! I said wait. 
You did not just call me a bitch!
 All the friends have been alerted by this time. Abby and Max share a frantic look. John turns into ultra protective mode and stands up. Jake emerges.
John, you need to keep your bitch in line!
 Denise pushes Jake’s back
You are not gonna let him talk to me like this? You call this guy your friend?
John Seriously, no manners. 
 John is now chest to chest with Jake 
Dude, you need to calm down. 
Me? she’s the one acting all crazy and shit!
I’m serious man. You need to chill
 Jake pushes John. John lunges into Jake and grapple each other. Max and Abby spring from their seats. Abby pulls Denise away, who is in shock. Max prys the two of them apart grabbing Jake by the shoulders and leading him to the front door. John still angry tries step forward Abby steps in front of him. 
He didn’t mean it. You know that. 
 John looks at Abby and steps back and walks to Denise and asks if she’s alright. 
You need to leave now. 
 Max is livid but calm. He’s done this many times. Jake steps back and sniffles his nose and pinches it. 
Com’on I’m family. You’re not gonna kick me out, are you? Look I’m cool man, I’m cool. I swear. 
You need to leave, go home calm down. Ride it out. 
Jake, just go and cool down.
 Jake looks around the room expecting someone to defend him. Just silence. 
Fuck you! I’m outta here.
 Jake leaves and slams the door. Abby nods to Max who follows Jake out into the hall. Abby turns back to John and Denise.
I am so sorry Denise. Jake can lose his temper,sometimes. I suggest you guys wait a bit, if you want to leave. If you need some space,you can use my bedroom. 
Denise looks at John.
 John and Denise walk off into Abby’s bedroom. Abby looks at the front door, murmurs of yelling are going on in the hallway. Abby goes to sit down next to Liza and downs her drink 
God, I hate it when he does this.
 Abby is too afraid to acknowledge Jenny’s presence she is embarrassed and remorseful, that all of this is happening.
Yeah. I think he’s had a rough couple of days. 
 Jenny looks at both of them curious
You’re not seriously defending him? He just did blow in the bathroom and yelled at that girl for no reason!
I’m not defending his actions. But he’s still my friend. 
Friends don’t have angry bursts of rage at someone else’s house on their birthday. 
 Abby wants to rebuttal but Liza cuts in 
Listen. It’s complicated I wouldn’t try to understand it. Don’t think you can just come in here and get.It. 
Liza, please. Jenny, I don’t expect anything sort of understanding but Jake is our friend no matter what. I don’t like what he did anymore than you do. Neither does Liza. But we have to support him. 
Why? He doesn’t seem to support you?
 Door opens and enters Max. 
Hey, did he leave?
Yeah. Do you have a cig I can bum?
Yeah I’ll come down with you.
(turns to Jenny.) 
Do you want to come?
I think I should leave. 
 Liza and Max exchange a look, as though they realized they messed this up. Abby is disappointed but knows she can’t fix it. 
Yeah sure. Whatever you want. 
 Max, Abby, and Jenny grab their coats down stairs. Outside it’s cold Abby lights a cigarette and passes the pack to Max They are standing next to each other and Jenny is across from them. Jenny doesn’t know how to talk to Abby while Max is present. 
I wish I could stay but I think you guys should enjoy your night without me. 
I’m sorry about my brother. But, honestly it doesn’t have to ruin the rest of the night. 
 Max elbows Abby’s side. 
We can just listen to music. 
Another time. I’ll text you?
Yeah sure. Get home safe. 
 Abby and Max take a long drag and exhale, standing in silence. Shortly John exits with Denise behind. 
I’m sorry things got messed up on your birthday.
 Denise nudges John.
I’m sorry I got physical in there. I’m a little tipsy. 
It is by no means your fault. Jake lost it and you responded like anyone else would have.I’m just sorry it happened. 
Anyways, we’re gonna get home. I’ll see you guys around. 
See ya.
 Shot from across the street. “Let it go” by James Bay starts to play. Max finishes his cigarette and leaves Abby outside. Abby leans against the wall alone, cars and people pass. She’s reflecting on everything. Why Jenny left, why Jake has to ruin everything, why is she still alone. It feels futile. She checks her phone and starts to type then stops. She looks at her phone then stops and puts her it in her pocket and goes back inside and enters the apartment. Max and Liza are sitting on the couch. Abby sits and places her head in her hands. Max and Liza wrap their arms around her. 
I like her. And I fucked it all up. 
 Max and Liza look at each other over Abby’s back and rub gently. 
EXT-roof of Abby’s apartment Abby and Max are sitting in lawn chairs wrapped in blankets. Max is fast asleep. Abby is watching the sunrise. She’s moves to stand near the edge of the building with the blanket wrapped around her. She pulls out her phone and calls Jenny. Jenny’s hand slams the phone, she pulls it under the covers. 
Hey. Sorry to wake you.
Are you okay?
I’m fine. I’m just...watching the sunrise.
It’s beautiful. 
 Jenny shuffles to get out of bed. We can see a lump but it’s unclear if it’s a person or just covers.Jenny walks over to her window and manages to get to the fire escape and see the sun rise.
It is. You didn’t call me at 6:00 AM to tell me the sunrise was beautiful did you?
I did. 
Both laugh 
ABBY (Cont.)
I guess I was sitting here thinking about being another year older. Realizing that things can change in an instant. Given what happened last night. And I just feel sorry-
 Jenny cuts her off.
You don’t need to be sorry about anything. Last night wasn’t your fault in any way. 
I should have just talked to Jake-
I bet you apologized to everyone at that party?
You shouldn’t go around apologizing for a man’s action. That is so classic just make everything about fixing the situation without it even being caused by you. 
Jenny, don’t get all theory on me. I just wish things had gone differently but there’s something-
This isn’t theory. Sexism isn't a theory it’s a reality we live in everyday. And you aren’t helping Jake be a better person. 
That’s not what I meant. I don’t even want to talk about this I just wanted to tell you-
That’s the problem you don’t want to talk about it. Jake has clearly had this problem before but you and your so called “friends”. Who‘ by the way’ seem to take advantage of you and demean you with that little nickname. 
Hey! You’re totally out of line. You met them for ,not even, an hour and you’re already judging them. You know what, I’ll talk to you later.
 Jenny tries to speak but Abby hangs up. She throws off the blanket and carries it back to where Max is sitting and sits next to him. 
Why are you yelling so early? 
Just cause. How you holding up?
I’m fine.
I know when you're lying
Well I don’t want to talk about it. 
 Abby looks off in the distance. 
I think I’m gonna take a break for a bit. Take a minute. Just not worry about anyone else... besides you
Aw thanks Tabs. You know I love you... I just hope Jake didn’t ruin whatever you have going on with Jenny.
I think it’s beyond repairable.
Well I’ll give him a piece of my mind
I just hope Jake can get off coke soon. He’s already in trouble. After last night I don’t know what’s gonna happen to him. 
He’s grown. He can make his own choices. Unfortunately, the ripple effect is wide. I am going to talk to him later today. He was being a dick and you didn’t deserve that. 
Or Denise.
Yeah, yeah.
 Abby stands up and stretches. 
And where do you think you’re going?
I am going to bike a bit . Clear my head, get some exercise, be productive. 
Gag! Exercise. 
I wasn’t asking you to come with me. I already know the answer. 
 EXT-Abby is biking across the Williamsburg bridge with headphones on.”Land of a Thousand words” by the scissor sisters. Very slow and dragging. It early morning the city is waking. Abby isn’t really sad but enjoys the moment. She Bikes up the east river and parks her bike against the railing near southstreet seaport and watches ships. She returns back to the apartment and picks up her guitar and starts writing a song furiously. The song is written over several days back and forth between the apartment the shop and over again. Tolling over the details. 
 INT- Abby is in the apartment watching TV with Max. Jake enters 
Hey. What are we watching?
Downton Abbey
Because it’s relatable
How’s that?
 Max and Abby both giggle
Because it’s my name
Wow...Been partaking in a little wake and bake?
Loosen up a bit. It’s good. I just love Mary and Matthew they are too perfect. I love them. 
 Abby tears up
So beautiful. 
 Jake looks down at Max and Abby who are enthralled in this british melodrama. 
So…. Anyways, I have a surprise for you Tabby.
 Abby turns around, confused and holds out her hands. 
    JAKE (Cont.)
Not like that. I signed you up for the open mic night at the Underground.
Wait… What?
I got you in. I heard you playing your guitar again. And I thought you should show everybody your new song.
 Abby fully turns around on the couch. 
How do you know about that?
Because I have ears. You’ve been playing it like every day. 
 Abby turns back around in a flop.
Well you shouldn’t have.
Come on Abby! You got to get out there. You are so good people need to hear you. 
You’ll be be fine. Just picture everyone in their underwear.
You know that stresses me out.
Well you can’t puss out. It wasn’t cheap. 
You paid?
Not like that. Listen don’t worry about the details.
Listen, let me borrow your phone for a second. I think I misplaced mine. 
 (hands phone)
I’m mad at you, by the way. 
 Jake takes the phone and waves Max over. 
Max help me out I think it’s on vibrate. 
 Jake gives Max his phone. They pantomime there conversation 
 Max: What are you doing?
Jake: go with it. 
 Jake pulls up Abby’s contact for Jenny and sends her a text. “Underground tonight at 8PM. No questions.”
Jake and Max give each other a thumbs up. 
Oh here it is in my pocket. 
 Jake mouths ’what?’
  MAX (Cont.)
Anyways, let’s pick out your outfit tonight. 
I don’t want to. 
I want to dress you up. Can I put makeup on you ?
I’m just going to go through your closet.
No! I don’t know what you’ll find
A big pink DILDO. Oh my!
 Max runs to her bedroom and slams the door shut. Abby follows but it’s locked. 
Open up Max!
Oh it is big. 
I know you’re lying 
 Max opens the door with one of Abby’s sports bras over his shirt. 
Such a party pooper. 
That doesn’t even fit you.
 Abby and Max are bickering. Jake still has Abby’s phone. Text appears from Jenny “I’ll be there ;)”
 INT- Open Mic night. Abby is nervous holding her guitar as Jake and max stand tall behind her. She nervously walks up to the stage and places the guitar down then returns to stand next to the boys. Jake passes her a drink.
To ease your nerves.
 Max starts messing with Abby’s hair. Abby swats at his hand. 
Thanks dads! Jeez there’s a lot of people here. I don’t know if I can go up there. 
Trust and believe. You are gonna do just fine. 
Yeah. You’re not playing until the middle so it doesn’t even have to be great.  
 Max slaps Jake’s arm
JAKE (cont.)
I mean, no pressure. 
 A few people get up to play. They're all fairly good. Abby is less tense but still nervous. Jeanette walks in and slips in the back she can’t see Abby over the boys. Finally it’s Abby’s turn. She get’s on stage and keeps her head down and focuses on setting up her guitar. She pulls out a small metronome and places it on a still next to her. 
This is a new song I wrote. It doesn’t have a name.
 Abby starts the metronome and starts to sing “stranger things have happened” by the foo fighters or new song
“It's like the river and the rocks always fighting back 
It's like the sky and clouds always moving past
 It's like daydream that’s always out of grasp.
 Will the moon and sun ever meet?
Or spin round looking down at their feet 
 It’s Lonely feeling being so meek. Staring straight into the sun
 You make me angry and worthless. 
 I make you feel nothing or less
 And I'm laid bare for you
And means nothing at all”
 Abby never looks up from her guitar but Max and Jake look on proud. Jenny stares impassive, not really understanding the song is about her until the end. Abby finishes the song and looks up and sees Jenny. It’s upsetting, frustrating and whemling. Abby walks off stage and returns to Jake and Max. Who suddenly realize Abby is pissed. 
I can’t believe you invited her. 
I wanted to help.
 Jenny is walking over.
Well don’t.
 Abby begins to storm towards the front door. Trying to get past Jenny. Jenny grabs Abby’s arm. 
Hey? Where are you going?
 Abby pulls away. 
Well you invited me. I was hoping we could talk. 
Well that wasn’t me. And I don’t really feel like talking. 
 Abby pushes past and walks out onto the sidewalk. Jenny looks at Max and Jake then follows Abby.
Abby wait!
 Abby turns around. Jenny pauses.
 Jenny doesn’t know what she was going to say. 
I just wanted to catch up. 
Catch up? Really?
 Jenny steps closer and and grabs Abby’s hand. 
I miss you.
 Abby looks down. 
I know but...
 Abby looks up. 
 Awkward silence.  
Just come with me to Steemy Bunny on Friday. Please?
 Abby just nods and Jenny hugs her a little non-consensually. Abby isn’t exactly a fan. 
 EXT- Max and Abby are waiting to enter “Steamy Bunny”. Abby is anxious and Max doesn't want to be there. 
I hate lines. Especially with a bunch of horny lesbians. I can smell the pheromones from 4 blocks away.
Well you only have to bear it for a little bit. You can leave after Jenny gets here. 
Why didn’t you just come with her?
She lives super far away. I don’t want to be waiting by myself like a fool. 
Well you better be buying my drinks. 
 The line starts to move forward. 
2 drink limit. 
 Max crosses his fingers emphatically. 
 INT- “Loophole” by Etta Bond  - Slow motion dancing. Abby and Max are dancing with each other and actually having a good time. Others are dancing around them ignoring their bad dancing. Time passes.The slow motions stops as a slow jam song comes on. “Don’t go” by Reece. Max looks at his phone. 
It has been an hour. Where your girl at?
 Abby pulls out her phone. No notifications. 
Don’t know. But maybe she’s here already. Go grab us some drinks.I’m gonna look around. 
 Max disperses into the crowd. Abby stares at the women dancing slow with each other with melancholy. She weaves through the crowd to get a better look from upstairs something catches her eye so she turns. Her face turns white. Shot moves to Jenny dancing with Jeanie very closely. Abby is frozen in place. Jenny moves into kiss Jeanie, it’s slow and sensual. Abby watches in horror. Once, their kiss breaks Abby shakes her head and storms upstairs. Max at the bar sees a flash of Abby rushing out the front door. He’s confused but stays. Abby is outside smoking a cigarette.Just as she puts it out, Jenny comes outside stumbling. 
(to herself) 
Shit, I’m drunk.
Abby! What, um ,how long have you been here?
Long enough.
 Jenny ignores the comment. 
Oh my god. I just kissed Jeanie. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t even like her.
(beyond frustrated)
I saw.
I need to get out of here.  
 Looks like she’s going to hurl.
Do you need me to get you a cab? You don’t look good. 
 Jenny is a bit shaky. Abby looks around and sighs. She walks to the corner and waves a cab down. She pulls Jenny over and tosses her in a cab. Abby goes to leave but Jenny pulls her in. 
Take me home. 
 There’s a moment of indecision. But it’s too late the door is closed and Jenny has given the driver the address. Abby acquiesces as Jenny leans on Abby’s shoulder. The driver steady’s on. Abby shoots a text to Max that she’s left. The ride is quite. Abby stare catatonics out the window until Jenny’s hand wraps around her. Abby looks down and places her hand over it. 
 EXT-On the corner outside Jenny’s apartment. Jenny stumbles out of the cab. Abby follows suit. Jenny fumbles with her keys, as she’s opening the door and turns to Abby and places a kiss on her cheek. 
Thanks for taking me home. You always take such good care of me. 
 Abby blushes averting her eyes. 
It’s no problem. It’s kind of late do you think..
 Abby looks up to see Jenny closing the door behind her. 
(realizing that she’s left her)
 Abby turns to see if the cab is still there it’s not. The street is dark and quiet. Abby looks at her phone it’s 12 something. Throwing her head back she starts to walk. “Pendulum’ by FKA twigs plays as Abby takes the train. Taking the C train downtown. Waiting for her transfer on the platform next to sleeping people on benches and couples holding hands. Finally she is walking down her block and opening her front door slowly trudging up the steps. She opens the door to her dark apartment. She plugs in her phone it’s now 2 something.There’s a text from Jenny. Abby ignores it and flops on the bed. 
 INT-Eliza’s dirty messy apartment clothes all over the floor. Fluffy cat perched on the kitchen table. Abby is sitting on the couch while Liza flings her clothes about. 
(from a closet) 
Well, if you want my opinion…
Not really
She’s a bitch! Like what the fuck?! If that were me I would just venmo request her for that cab ride there and back. Why didn’t you take a cab again?
I have no money and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to be in a car with a stranger for an hour back home. She practically lives in washington heights. 
 Eliza comes out of the closet in a thrift store dress with a few holes in it. 
You can’t see my nips in this?
No but your ass is hanging out. 
 Eliza looks in the mirror, shrugs and pulls off her dress with no bra on. Abby’s hands fly up. 
Give a girl a warning. 
It’s nothing you haven’t seen before. 
 Eliza returns to her closet. 
I’m just looking forward to this concert.And I’m looking for your support. Okay? I haven’t talked to Jenny in like two weeks so it would be great if we could just drop the subject. 
 Eliza comes out of the closet in a sequin dress looking in the mirror.
I don’t know. I look like whale in this. 
Oh my god! If I have to tell you one more time that you look great I’m literally going to tackle you. 
Tabbs I know you’re just saying that. But thanks. 
 Girl you look fine as fuck. Now can we go we need to pick up Max?
Why didn’t he just come here?
Because he has no patience for this 
(pointing to Eliza) 
like I do. 
(rolls her eyes) 
I didn’t know I was such a burden. 
Can we just go? 
(melts into the couch)
Fine. Fine. Let me say bye to snugglepuss
 Picks up cat.
I love you boo boo kitty. 
 Abby walks over cat to try and pet it. Hisses. 
I love you even if you don’t love me. 
 INT-Abby and Eliza are knocking on the apartment door. 
Max! Hurry yo ass up. 
 No response. Abby looks a Eliza. Abby pulls out her keys and opens the door. Max is talking to Jeanie on the couch. Abby clears her throat. 
I didn’t know you were having a party without me. 
 Max mouths sorry. Abby is a little perplexed until she walks in further to find Jenny is there too. 
That’s not a pleasant greeting to a friend.
 Jenny gets up to hug Abby. Jeanie has a smirk that isn’t pleasant. 
Sorry, I wasn’t really expecting you. 
I’m just messing with you. 
 Eliza walks in with a stank face. 
 ELIZA So what are you doing here? We’re on our way to the concert in Prospect Park. So…
 Abby’s eyes widen she looks at Eliza
Sorry. Just curious. Max are you ready?
Actually no, come help me pick out a shirt. 
 Max nods his head nonchalantly to his room. Eliza and Max leave turning to check on Abby who could quite possibly petrified. 
 Jeanie stands up from the couch. 
We just happened to be in the neighborhood. I hadn’t seen Max in a long time so we thought we would stop by. 
Cool. Well, Liza was actually right. We were literally here just to pick up Max. 
Well we were just talking to him and it sounds like a fun concert. Would it be cool if we came with you guys?
 Abby looks as Jeanie. Jenny looks at Jeanie. It’s Awkward. 
I mean, its free so… It’s up to you. It’s kind of far from your house. 
 Jeanie steps forward and wraps her arm around Jenny’s waist. 
You can always stay at my place. 
 Jenny nods then looks at Abby, who is fidgeting. 
So is that what you’re wearing?
 Abby looks at her clothes.
What’s wrong with this?
There is definerlty going to be some queermosexuals there. 
Yeah, we want you to get some ladies.You got to gay it up. 
I mean, I’m fine like this. Just really want to be comfortable. 
 Jenny starts towards Abby’s bedroom. Jeanie follows.
Um, where are you going?
Going to pick out an outfit for you. Duh?
 Abby rushes to stop them but it’s too late they are going through her clothes. 
Ooo...Yes these pants! This is going to make your butt looks so good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in skinny jeans. 
 Abby shuts the drawer. 
Really it’s fine. And I don’t really wear those pants too much. There’s no pockets!
Oh! This hat is so cute. 
 Jenny comes out of the closet, standing close to Abby while putting on the hat. Jeanie hangs the pants in front of Abby.
See won’t these look so good.
 Jenny steps back.
Oh yeah. Put them on. 
 Abby looks confused.
Right now?
 Abby takes the pants and is holding them waiting. Jeanie and Jenny wait in anticipation. Abby twirls her finger for them to turn around. They do. Abby checks to make sure no one is looking and slips off her pants. The door opens as her pants are at har ankles. 
Damn girl! I leave you for one minute and you on some voyeur shit.
 Abby falls to the floor. Jenny and Jeanie see her exposed.
 They all scurry as the door shuts. Back to Abby on the floor face covered. 
Can someone come shoot me now?
 Leaving the apartment. Abby, Max and Eliza stay to lock the door. Jeanie and Jenny are ahead.
Not a word.I don’t want to hear it. 
 Max and Abby raise their hands and walk away. 
 INT- at the music store. Abby had her hand placed on her hand place on her chin and is staring out the window. 
Now I know you’re not sitting here because the new loop pedal doesn’t interest you. 
 Abby turns to face him. 
Sorry, just lost in thought. 
I can tell. Listen,I’m not gonna pry into your personal life but, if it’s something serious I hoped you know I can be a person to talk to. 
Ed, I know I can talk to you. I just don’t want to talk about it. It’s all my friends want to talk about. It’s all I focus on. Like a vicious cycle. 
Hung up on a girl. 
I never said that. 
Okay. Fine. Just know your are worthy of time and respect. If you’re not getting that then they’re not worth your time. 
 INT-Abby is pulling out her keys to go into her apartment after work. She is visibly tired. Before the key enters the lock the door cracks open, stretches his neck out. 
Um… What are you doing here?
I live here?
Didn’t you get my text?
 Abby pulls her phone from her pocket showing Max’s text.
I’m sorry. I didn’t see it. Can I just be in my room? 
 Loud talking erupts from the living room. Max leaves into the hall closing the door behind him. 
Look you can’t be here right now. 
Max, I live here. You can’t just tell me to leave whenever. Who do you have over, anyways? 
It’s my parents. They… (in a whisper) they want to put Jake in rehab.
Oh my god what?! Your parents are here? What the fuck Max?
Look I’m just trying to get this all figured out and I don’t want you involved. Okay?
Please just let me work this out. I’ll text you.
 Max backs up into the apartment. Abby lingers. Shouts are muffled through the walls. She turns and walks down the hall. 
 EXT- Abby is out on the sidewalk at night. She’s aimlessly walking. She finds a coffee shop and goes inside. There is one lone barista. Not very tall, friendly face charismatic in energy. ”Medley:Kendrick Lamar” by Jessica Domingo is playing softly in the background, to an empty store. Abby walks up to the counter. 
What can I get you?
Can I have a latte, for here?
 Barista looks at the clock
Actually, we’re shutting down here soon. I can get you a drip?
Then why didn’t you just say that?
Sorry habit. So a coffee or no?
 Sorry, that sounded rude. Yeah a coffee is fine. 
 Abby pulls out her wallet shaking her head to herself. Feeling ridiculous.
Here you go. Did you you want any milk or sugar?
Yeah, both. I can get it-
I just put it away. I’ll grab it. 
 Abby looks around anxiously.The barista returns and starts to pour. 
How do you like it?
Light and sweet.
Like your women?
 Abby blushes while the barista laughs at her own joke. 
Oh no, no…
Which part?
The color or women?
I uh, you know, like not like..
So both. 
I didn’t say that. 
She speaks!And in sentences. 
I don’t appreciate the taunting. 
 Abby picks up her coffee and sips it and passes money.
It’s okay. It was the bottom of the thing so. No worries. 
Well, thanks. That makes up for the comment. 
Uh huh. Sure. Anyways, we are closing so…  
Oh. Shit. Sorry I uh, just need to not be at home of a bit and-
Nothing else is open.
Well I mean technically, you could just be here while I clean up?
You’d be cool with that?
I am here alone and clearly you have a silverfish infestation that’s out of control. 
I wish it were only that. Thanks, I’ll just sit over on the couch. If you don’t mind. 
I don’t. 
 Abby walks over sheepishly to a couch and sits. The barista follows her with her eyes, then proceeds to start closing up shop. She finishes behind the bar and begins to start wiping the tables down making her way back to Abby who is sipping and playing with her phone. The barista is within ear shot. 
Is this a cover of Kendrick Lamar?
Ah someone was paying attention. 
I like it. I’m always down for an acoustic guitar mash up. 
Especially a woman with a guitar.Mmmm 
 Abby blushes furiously and has no idea what to do with her body. 
So do you want me to give you a hand? I know I’m not supposed to or what ever but I feel bad just sitting here doing nothing. 
 The barista stands for a moment thinking then tosses the rag to Abby and walks away. 
Start  wiping the tables. I’ll flip the chairs.
 They both work together cleaning and closing up the shop occasionally getting near each other but focused on the task at hand. 
Thanks for helping out. You didn’t have to. 
Thank you for letting me stay. I just hope I can actually go back now. 
I hope so too. It’s too late to be not at home in bed. 
 Abby shrugs. 
True. It was nice to meet you…
Shawna. It was nice to have a helping hand. 
Well with an awesome playlist like that, wasn’t a trouble at all. 
I’m glad you liked it. 
Wait a sec.
 Shawna reaches over to a cup and pulls out a pen and starts writing on it. Then passing it to Abby.
Just in case you have another invasion of roaches. 
 Abby reveals the number on the cup and nods. 
Will do. 
 They both get ready to walk out the door awkwardly weaving until both outside. Shawa locks the door while Abby waits. 
I guess I’ll see you around. 
I guess you will. 
 They both go to leave but end up walking the same direction, continuing to walk. 
You’re going this way?
Well this is awkward. 
Nah, nah. I’m not going that far. Just to the bus stop.
Yeah, I just live a couple of blocks away.
It’s weird I’ve never seen you around. 
I suppose. I don’t really buy my-
 Abby freezes.
What? What it is?
 Abby darts over to a wall looking down the street. Jake is walking out with his parents and getting in a car while Max stands by the door. Abby looks back at Shawna. 
It’s nothing. You can go ahead. I’ll just wait here a minute. 
 Abby looks on silently while Shawna watches it all unfold. Max is standing by the outside door, eyes fixed on the sidewalk. 
You know him?
 Abby is still silently focused on Max.
Huh? What, oh yeah… um it’s a long story. Seriously you don’t have to wait for me. 
 Shawna looks back and forth. Disappointed. 
Okay...I’ll see you around. 
 Abby still focuses let’s Shawna leave. Pivoting back around the corner she stews in frustration, for a moment then walks up to Max. 
So what the fuck happened?
I-I tried to convince them but…
 Max looks down.
Max… I 
Can we just go inside? It’s been a long day. 
Sure whatever you want. I got you. 
 Fade to black. Text across the screen. “Three months later”
 INT- The gang in playing settlers of catan together. Jake is back and healthy. Liza is getting along and is excited to play together. 
Ha-ha! Give me longest road bitch!
 Liza celebrates
You know the game isn’t over. Right?
I don’t care. I win fair and square. 
We haven’t even moved the thief. Liza that’s not how the game works. 
Unfortunately, they’re right. 
 Sits with a plop. There’s a knock on the door. 
  GROUP (coos together)
Must be Shwana….
 Abby rolls her eyes to get the door as she shushes them. He opens the door. 
Hey, yourself. You ready. 
Yeah. Let me grab my stuff. Come on in. 
 Shawna enters quietly and looks at the coffee table. 
Oooo. Catan. Who’s winning?
Well that depends on who you ask. 
I didn’t say you weren’t actively winning just that you hadn’t won. 
Well, someone has the longest road. I would say that’s winning. 
I knew I’d like you. 
 Abby returns to the living room. 
 Shawna nods. Abby turns to the group. 
  ABBY (Cont.)
I see you guys later then. Don’t burn down the house. 
Yes… Mama Abby
 EXT- Abby and Shawna are walking hand in hand. 
Jake looks good. How’s Max holding up?
He is. He’s been back a week or so. We’ve been trying to keep him close. Max is doing a lot better. I think her felt like everything was falling apart. But now he’s sort of realized he can’t control Jake and Jake wants the best for his brother. We had a little talk about it. 
That’s good. He probably needed to hear that from you more than anyone else. 
 Abby smiles 
It’s just good to have things a little calmer. For while I thought it was all going to fall apart, there for a minute. 
Mhmm. When you’re trying to stop smoking and your best friend goes to rehab, being stressed out is pretty normal. Speaking of which. 
 Shawna holds out her hand. 
Shawna lifts her eyes brow.
  ABBY (Cont.)
I have to ween myself off.I can’t just quit cold turkey. 
 Shawan waves her hand. Abby pulls out a pack of cigarettes. 
See that wasn’t hard. 
 She takes them and throws them in the nearest trash can. 
You’re cruel sometimes.
You’ll thank me when you don’t have lung cancer. 
I’m going to go ahead and get our tickets from will call. Wait here. 
 Shawan kisses Abby on the cheek. Abby waits and pulls out her phone. There’s a text. She’s opens it to see that it’s Jenny. “Hey.” Abby looks up a Shawna getting their tickets and looks back at the phone. She pulls up the keyboard, fingers hovered over. Then stops. She taps the contact button thumb hovering over the delete contact. Shawna walks over. 
Who’s that. 
 Abby looks up. 
Oh. It’s nobody important. 
 She presses delete and puts the phone in her back pocket. She wraps her arm around Shawna’s waist and walks into the venue. “Somebody that I used to know” plays the outro. 
0 notes
vita-e · 8 years
My MPHFPC Movie Notes
Love the opening credits, fits spirit and theme of the book
(music in general is good)
Hate the different opening line – rather generic imo.
Asa please I know you’re a good actor. Please stop being so flat.
This all feels rushed.
Grandpa has lost his marbles and his acting ability.
“That guy gave me the heebie-jeebies” is all you have to say after nearly hitting a man?
“Jake” was in the house for only 10 seconds, didn’t even bother checking the whole house.
This opening is so boring that my foot fell asleep.
Was this the first take? There’s little to no emotion.
Grandpa Portman doesn’t sound like he’s dying. At all.
1943?! What’s the point of changing the date?!
Also, what’s the point of changing his last words which were a lot more mysterious?
C’mon dude, your grandpa just died! Show some emotion!!
Why do the hollows look like Slenderman rip-offs?
Dr. Golan’s a woman? I’m fine with this – but I won’t be later.
“A month ago,”? Wasn’t it more than a few months until he finally sought help? (I haven’t read the book in a while)
Asa is still a bit flat but he’s doing better in these scenes.
Tiny Jacob is super cute!
His acting is bad, though. This is a given for child actors.
The dad is an ornithologist. He wouldn’t change a bird documentary to a football game (although that was a bit funny.)
Why does Miss Peregrine look so young? In the book, she looks more like a mother waiting for her children to give her some goddamn grandkids.
Bronwyn is 9 now I guess.
Hugh is 11 now I guess.
“Where’s Emma? She could float.” SHE COULD NOT.
Grandpa Portman sounds more English than Polish. Throwing in a Polish nickname doesn’t convince me that he’s Polish.
“Little tiger”? He called him “Yakob.”
“No eyes,” in the book, Jacob tells a sketch artist that they have 2 like a normal mammal. This may be personal taste, but for me, monsters are scarier when they look more human.
Kids this age wouldn’t laugh! They’d see the picture of Millard and go “Holy shit! He’s invisible!” Kids are gullible, dammit. (I had this problem with the book as well.)
Funny how younger!Jacob dresses exactly like Asa.
Damn, kid, he said he didn’t want to talk about it! Chill!
Still 0 emotion, I guess.
“He was a wonderful grandpa, but not… such a great dad, you know?” Damn, that hits home for me – but doesn’t this talk happen later in the book? Like, this talk happens at the island.
Wait, the scene just ends there? No argument? Damn, Jake just doesn’t care that his dad is smack talking his idol.
JESUS fuckin’ twins.
Jacob’s cousins were brats and I believe teenagers as well, so why are they perfect lil’ angel twins that look 10 at the oldest?
Also, why is Jacob’s house so small? His mom is an heiress to a Wal-Mart type store-chain.
Cairnholm is apparently popular enough to warrant postcards.
And popular enough to warrant a spot in a travel book, wtf? It’s not even big enough to be seen on a map.
The dad looking at Jake like he’s crazy gives me life lmfao.
Cairnholm is 100% my aesthetic.
Where’s Kev???
What? But… Uncle Oggie is a relative of Martin?
Didn’t imagine Kev looking like that but okay.
Franklin is me trying to make friends tbh.
I’m so glad Worm and M.C. Dirty D made it in.
Aren’t the residents like… a bit afraid of the home themselves?
Wait, what? Oggie can see? He looks blind.
1943? At that point, Germany was taking a more defensive stance, doing lots of evacuating.
“And they were lovely, too.” In the book, Uncle Oggie claims they were strange and rarely spoke.
“3 months later”? He left the day after the loop was created!
Is that the dart competition I keep seeing on Vine?
Wait, why is Enoch there? I know they fucked with his character a lot but he probably joined after the loop was created since he’s from an older loop, otherwise he’d age forward ~30-40 years – so why is he next to (who I presume is) Abe, who left after the loop was made? (or in this case, before!)
Enoch’s little laboratory was in the basement, not upstairs.
The twins might’ve been in the loop at some point, but they certainly aren’t there when Jacob arrives.
Wait, so instead of chasing after them, he runs away? Jake’s a pussy.
And he trips and gets knocked unconscious by a rock. Wow.
Bronwyn, despite being the wrong age and having no personality, is at least cute and it’s fun to watch her carry Jake.
Why is Millard so tiny? You can say that his age is ambiguous, but in the book Jacob clearly states that his voice sounds like that of a young man’s, not a young child’s.
“You’re Emma!” (John Cena voice) Are you sure about that?
Why is Olive, like, 16? She’s supposed to be 7-9 years old (and ofc she has Emma’s powers instead.)
“She sent us to get you”? Why, though?
Standing there all creepy ain’t gonna make him want to follow you.
Jake doesn’t seem to see the change in the weather.
“I am the manager” reminds me of that one Tumblr comic.
Ngl, Millard would do this – if just for fun. He’s a little shit like that.
What’s the point of lighting the place on fire? They’re distracted enough.
Did they just steal someone’s horse?
Millard no longer has any personality out of “Yeah” and “Yep.”
Emma is not nearly bitchy enough. Or at all.
The house is gorgeous! It looks just like I imagined it!
What the fuck, why is Miss Peregrine so young? I know I mentioned this before but what the fuck.
“Right on time”?
“I had to kill them twice this month” WHAT. MISS PEREGRINE DOESN’T KILL UNLESS NECESSARY
Miss Peregrine is not nearly this creepy in the book.
Why does he sound mildly Scottish? He’s from London and has a slight cockney accent.
From now own, every time I see Enoch, 5 years are taken off my life.
Why is Fiona 11 and English? She’s supposed to be in her late teens and Irish – not to mention, SHE DOESN’T TALK!
I don’t think Fiona’s powers make things huge.
“Imm-breen” it’s “imm-brinn”
Do the twins have names?
Claire looks cute!
I don’t think Millard, no matter his age, would be very interested in physical activity. He’s a brains over brawn kind of type, you know?
Kind of uncharacteristic of Hugh to send his bees after a friend.
I’m gonna cry. At least one of my babies looks right.
Horace feels… off. All the components of his personality are certainly there, but in different degrees than in the book.
I’m sorry, what? A daily chore that’s reset by the loop? Miss P, these are kids and teenagers! They’ll get bored of doing that every day! I know because I am a teenager!
That squirrel would be going crazy and scratching her up. I know this is a nitpick but squirrels are vicious, man.
Was this scene the only reason they swapped Emma and Olive’s peculiarities?
Why are her shoes so hard to take off? What if she has to get away in an emergency? She’s fucked!
Why’s it so hard to pull her down?
Emma doesn’t seem to heartbroken over Abe’s death. In the book, she bawled upon overhearing that he died.
This dialogue barely hints at Emma and Abe having a romantic relationship, making only people who read the book know this information. Non-book readers might just assume they were close friends.
Of course, instead of borrowing Victor’s clothes he has to borrow Abe’s.
God, am I the only one that hates looking at Finlay? He’s not ugly – a bit handsome actually! -- he’s just… kind of weird looking.
So… Olive is good friends with Enoch? Don’t get how they got that out of the book when they have no interactions in the first book.
His dolls are meant to be made of clay! Now he just looks like an older Sid.
The stop motion is terrible.
So, they care enough about Enoch’s character to remember that his parents ran a funeral parlor, but not enough to make him his actual character.
Did he not see Millard’s silverware moving? Did no one see it?
So, Enoch is clearly mad at the statement Horace made, so why hold back your retort by whispering? Was he sick on this day of filming?
No one needs that much carrot.
Hugh’s been living there for 70 years; pretty sure he’d never forget to put his net on.
Wait, so he remembered to bring it with him, but not to put it on?
“She’s embarrassed in front of Jake.” Uh, Hugh, I think you flubbed your line, it’s “Claire don’t eat with the rest of us.”
Oh, thank god, she has the same peculiarity.
I’m crying, Claire is so adorable!
Enoch’s a bigger asshole than I remember him being in the books.
Although it wasn’t in the book, I do like the inclusion of the call from Abe. It makes no sense whatsoever, but I still like it.
Would Horace really be comfortable sharing his dreams – especially via projector?
“Some of his dreams are prophetic,” shouldn’t ‘some’ be ‘most’? Everyone’s dreams can hold some form of future-telling, albeit in an abstract way. If only some of his dreams are prophetic, that barely makes him peculiar.
I don’t get why Horace’s dreams are at all symbolic. They should be literal.
Why did he see Ms. Avocet get kidnapped when she, in fact, didn’t?
“Horace must’ve just had a bad dream, that’s all.” HIS DREAMS ARE PROPHETIC.
Wait, so they have a phonograph outside? And it works?
Why make Miss P creepier, but tone down the creepiness of the reset scene? Think of it: 9 children you barely know wearing gasmasks are singing an old song you don’t know to the tune of bombs falling. That’s a lot scarier than listening to the song on a phonograph.
I just remembered: they never offered the reason why Cairnholm gets bombed. In the book, it’s stated that the island had a sort of anti-aircraft gun which made it a target, but here the Germans simply bomb it to be seen as more evil than they already are.
I do admit, the reset scene does look beautiful.
Jake doesn’t seem as terrified, though.
Emma learning about cellphones is pretty cute.
And we’re back to talking about Abe.
“More than a few minutes,” it’s closer to hours, days even if we’re going by Library of Souls.
Already with Ms. Avocet?
(Cinema Sins voice) Jake’s dad reminds me too much of my own father in this scene.
Okay, so I’m assuming “Mr. Barron” is some wight higher-up? I know he’s not, but for the sake of the notes let’s pretend I don’t know.
Man, he really is my dad. He acts all weird and pretends like nothing happened later.
Who dresses like that in the 21st century!? I like the aesthetic too, but you don’t see me walking around in a Rococo period dress.
No one talks like this either.
That fuckin’ dart competition’s going to get me every time.
Who the fuck rests on their bed with their shoes on?
Bronwyn is cute but… I can’t get over the fact they made her younger and erased her character.
Would it kill someone to say, “Can we try that take again?”
WHY did they make Miss Peregrine so creepy? She was never this creepy!
Yeah, and he’s trying to warn you of potential danger. Also, can I ask where the fuck he got that letter?
Every time I see Finlay’s face a deep hatred resurfaces from the darkest corners of my heart.
All the kids in that room together just chilling is cute.
OKAY THIS IS WHAT PISSES ME OFF. I know for a damn fact that Enoch would never be mean to someone who was kind to him.
In the book, Bronwyn wanted nothing more than for Enoch to wake up Victor but go off I guess.
According to the timeline, HE SHOULD BARELY KNOW ABE.
That’s not how he brings them back to life, though? It’s not like he’s doing heart surgery, it’s more like he’s just gonna smell like death (literally) for most of the day.
Enoch being there as Jake realizes Victor’s dead really takes out a lot of the punch from the scene. Having him show up afterwards (like in the book) is better since it’s more like ‘Realization -> Confrontation’ instead of just… explaining and scaring.
I don’t know if Tim’s ever been around a normal human being before but usually you don’t see their heartbeat.
Okay, so… he can’t bring people back to life, only use them as puppets. First off, that’s gross, and second, that’s a nearly useless peculiarity.
How can tears roll down Victor’s cheek if he’s never conscious anymore? Dead people are known to shed tears, but it’s after they die and are decomposing, and Victor can’t decompose because he’s in a loop!
Does Miss P just do that on a regular basis?
Wasn’t that a rowboat?
That’s carbon dioxide, you can’t breathe that.
How is she swimming? Wouldn’t she just walk? She has lead shoes on!
I don’t think skeletons keep their hair.
Well how the hell does that work?
“Air, it’s my peculiarity.” No, it is not.
I’d rather trust a bunch of information I don’t want the people I love knowing with an adult, but okay.
Wait, so Emma has the Map of Days now?! It was stressed countless times in the trilogy how much Millard loves that damn thing and you give it to EMMA?!
Okay, WHAT? Barron is the leader now!? I guess Miss Peregrine’s brothers just don’t exist now!
“Bad peculiars”? They’re ex-peculiars, because they don’t have powers anymore!
They took the kids, too, you know.
Wait, while they’re at it, didn’t this conversation take place at night?
Just tell him how Abe could see monsters, then he’ll believe. No need to be dramatic.
Hollowgasts sure as fuck would not loop along with the townspeople, they’d be free to roam around or they’d get left behind. Also, Victor died AFTER the loop was made! He got tired of living there and tried to leave and died THIS IS SUCH A SIMPLE STORY TIM.
Did I mention that I hate how the hollowgasts look?
You could have told him earlier but okay.
I don’t remember any of this from the book.
“Tired of living in loops.” Caul was tired of peculiardom being a ‘matriarchy.’ Yes, there were some problems with how peculiar boys who could turn into birds were treated but overall Caul was crazy and narcissistic.
I guess there are only 13 wights, opposed to hundreds or even thousands.
Also, why are they all upper-class? I’d assume a lot would be lower.
Didn’t they also blow up half of Siberia?
EYEBALLS? It’s from consuming their souls! I guess Tim just wanted to put in some ugly ass imagery.
Wait, why are they still eating? They’re fine now!
Almost forgot Millard was in this fucking movie.
But they weren’t even going to try it again! It was a ploy! And why hold it where a normal person could find it!?
This ‘leaving’ bullshit pisses me off because it’s breaking so many fucking rules. Hollows can’t enter loops so leaving is more dangerous than staying, which is what she chose to do in the book!
Claire is so cute.
Makes a bit more sense that an old blind man on his own died than a healthy, (I’m assuming) mid-age museum curator but okay.
This is probably the dumbest thing Jake has ever done. Surely, he knows that normal people can go in, but that they can’t enter through the loop, right? And he could potentially also be a danger, so why call out to him?
This reveal isn’t nearly as powerful as the one in the book. By doing his other voices from previous identities he’d taken before to watch over Jacob, he intimidated him and by finally revealing himself as Dr. Golan, he immediately made the one normal person that Jacob felt a bit safe around a danger and in that moment, he realizes what he had done by telling him everything.
Okay, here’s why I’m pissed they made Dr. Golan a woman. Reason 1 is because it shows that Tim wanted to make the wights really overpowered by letting them keep their peculiarites, and reason 2 (separate of reason 1) is because they didn’t make the rest of their identities women. Like just make a lady ornithologist and have her be a peculiar who can turn into a bird but can’t control time, making her feel self-worth incredibly low and hate ymbrynes. It took me a minute to think this up, Tim.
That’s not how you take off contacts.
Did this fucker really think he could take on an adult?
Hollowgasts can’t enter loops but okay.
This is a bit of a nitpick but the fact that Jake was used as a hostage instead of Hugh just shows how much they didn’t give a shit about the other kids unless they had a relationship cookin’ for them.
So, she has a crossbow, but she’ll just go down without a fight? That’s not like her at all!
This is NOT the time to be petty, Wal-Mart brand Enoch.
I just realized that Horace has like 4 lines and now I’m sad.
I would be so happy that instead of turning into a bird and leaving that Miss Peregrine just fucking decked him. It’s a lot more in character than just letting them take her.
I don’t remember Miss Peregrine trusting a 16-year-old with the lives of 9 kids but okay.
One of the few good things this movie brought me was a peregrine falcon sound so I could look it up and see if it was accurate. I then found a video of a sweet old man filming a peregrine falcon’s call and providing quiet commentary. Just felt that was worth mentioning.
Since when did Jacob become good at strategy?
Cute scene, but it means nothing to me.
Okay I guess Miss Avocet never mattered.
Just destroy Wal-Mart brand Enoch, please.
Why does Fiona have the most lines out of the neglected kids? She only had 2 lines in the whole book!
That bomb would be enough to take care of it, but okay go ahead and shoot it.
Olive seems pretty in-control of her peculiarity, so why give her gloves?
“It’s only 6 months old.” What?
Time travel is bullshit. Also, I don’t think it works like that?
“I know you’ll choose Abe.” Well, duh, I’d rather see my grandfather again than some cute girl I met a few days ago that barely even seems to like me that well.
Okay, so the movie I’m watching is really choppy and cuts at random parts and it just cut in the middle of a sentence Wal-Mart brand Enoch was saying and I couldn’t be happier.
Yeah, but the loop entrances are usually in places normal people won’t go. (ex. Miss P’s loop entrance, Miss Thrush’s loop entrance, etc.) Seems dumb to put it on a ride. Imagine sending your kids on there and when the cart comes back one of them is missing?
Okay, so there’s only 4 hollows and 6 wights left according to the movie. Why are they all so afraid of them then?!
In the book, a lot of them were trained to handle guns, and in the movie they still have their peculiarities – so WHY are they not attacking Emma as soon as they see her!?
I’m pretty sure that in the book Jacob had been seeing Dr. Golan much longer than 3 weeks.
Yeah, Florida’s a hellhole, to be quite honest.
I guess no one cares about a floating girl in the sky. I don’t see any iPhone’s out recording.
Never mind, I see one (1). I should see much more, though.
How would the hearts stay in the skeletons? There’s nothing for them to hold onto.
Is there no staff at this place?
How are these skeletons in general staying together?
This fight is pretty dangerous. They’re exposing normal people to peculiardom.
Okay, so now the wights use their peculiarities to fight.
Horace saved lives at least 3 times but I guess he’s just useless now according to the movie.
Man, Tim, you sure did a good job of creating strong female characters! /s
How is Mr. Barron not dead? She lifted the boat out of water and the closer you get to the bottom of the ocean the more pressure you’ve gotta deal with.
3 cheers for this forced romance! Hip-hip! (Boo)
This 16-year-old doesn’t need to tell these women what to do.
Why is Miss Peregrine in a different cage?
I guess Barron just had some blue eye contacts on him.
How did the hollow get down there?
I guess Jake’s a perfect shot now, since it’s convenient.
(vomit noises)
Again, time travel is bullshit. Wouldn’t there be another Jake walking around?
Wait, they’re still there?
Hurray for more terrible loop entrances!
In the book, this would be the second time they had kissed but okay.
Never knew that birds could just be stationary while in the sky.
Wait, so she just… keeps her clothes? Trust me, I don’t want to see a naked woman in something other than an art piece or otherwise but that was a rule that they had in the book.
Well that was a load of shit. At least with the ending there can’t be a sequel.
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dahliias · 7 years
hello children it me theye. i am playing my love, my life, dahlia. you can read about my trash monster below n as always pls come plot w me ,,,,, u all know how i feel about plotting 
lmao so. this is dahlia day hayes, aka twin sister to dexter hayes, aka the sensible one
jus call her dahlia . there are nicknames her Favorite People can use (dee namely) but if ur not someone she actively likes she’ll probably pour her drink on you lmao
ok so dahlia is 22, bisexual but its like a men 5 / 95 women thing , like she can appreciate the male form but 100% if u dont eat ur girl out she will 
so dahlia grew up in new york with a really irresponsible mum and a constantly growing family; her dad abandoned her, shes got 5 younger siblings she helped raise, it was a real fun shitshow
basically her entire life up until about 16 was her family -- dexter, her siblings, her mother, she was consumed with morning routines, bedtimes, diapers, sick children, dishes, laundry -- she had almost no personality outside of “caretaker”
except .... dahlia is lowkey p freaking amazing up in her head ? she’s amazing at engineering and math. she can fix microwaves, toasters, ovens, driers, cars, blenders. if something broke in the hayes household, it’s dahlia you’d hear little voices screaming for. 
she also has a calculator up in that head of hers. she’s been doing advanced calc since 8th grade, and senior year she was bored in two different ap math classes.
when she was 16 she decided that she wanted to try to make something of herself. she thought if she could claw her way out of the poverty-stricken mess, she could eventually bring her siblings with her and they could live a good life
so she applied for hundreds, hundreds of scholarships, met with college representatives, took her s.a.ts three times to get her 2300, -- all behind her family’s -- and dexter’s -- back
mid senior year, she found out that, against all odds, she had managed a full scholarship, living costs + relocation fees included, to berkley. with this knowledge, she pushed herself, and graduated with a 4.5.
she didn’t know how to tell her family, so she waited until a family dinner a few nights after her 18th birthday that she’d be leaving them. it broke her heart, but she desperately wanted to pursue her dreams, she wanted to know more about the world, and see more things than just the view from her crowded bedroom. 
she left for berkley in august -- and it was nothing like she expected? it was horrid. overwhelming. her dorm room was too empty. she missed her family. it was like they were inside of her, ripping her to pieces trying to drag her back to them.  she loved berkley, and finally had found a place she truly felt like she could belong and flourish, but she couldn’t handle being so far away from her twin, her babies, and her mother.
during spring break, when she finally saved up through work study to return, she dropped out and stayed with her family again; she hated herself for giving up something she was so excited and passionate about, but she felt like she couldn’t justify leaving her kids just to be selfish
so she adapted. she started working, although illegally, at a little nightclub as a waitress -- it helped, some, that she looked young, because sleezy drunk men were always willing to tip a young-looking blonde a little extra. 
she did a fair bit of illegal shit too -- she stole, she cheated, she pickpocketed, she conned, -- and eventually she ended up in underground fighting
she’s good, too. at first she came home with the shit kicked out of her every night, but she learned to anticipate the throws and learned where to hit to make it hurt, and how to use her body to hurt other people. 
she only fought on the weekends, but it was enough at the time
dahlia also grew angrier. every morning when she got home from a fight at 5 am and had to slather drugstore concealer all over her face to help get the kids up for school and out the door, she hated that -- once a genius with potential -- she let herself become a criminal. 
when dexter left the family, she grew hard; it’s hard to learn that you can’t even trust your family, but she learned that. she started working double-time, with half the time to sleep, waitressing and pickpocketing, fighting in safe rings on the weekends didn’t cut it anymore, so she started to go to rings where she would be pit against grown men; it was riskier, but the pot was much larger. 
eventually, one of the various dads of her siblings came back into their lives and tried to push in as “father,” and her mother, a wreck, let him. he told dahlia he wanted her to work on moving out because she was a bad influence on his kids, and dahlia was furious -- who was this man? a stranger who had left her family in the first place?  she refused, obviously. 
as time went on, the man became more and more aggressive with her, leading to an actual physical fight. she hurt him, and he kicked her out of the house she’d been raising her siblings in basically since she was a first grader.
she had literally no one -- so she took what money she had from the last few weeks, and put it together on a debit card. her plan was stupid and half-baked, but she decided that she would track down her wayward twin and force him to return with her so that she could get back the only purpose she had anymore -- her family.
dahlia’s not a nice girl. she doesn’t pretend to be. she’ll be perfectly cordial and nice, but if you pull a tone with her she’ll go 0 to bitch in ten seconds lmao. 
she’s not afraid of very much at all, and she has literally like four switchblades on her at any given moment, even though she’s definitely dressed like some mannequin at forever 21 lmao
she always has a lighter or a box of matches on her, and when she gets restless or agitated, she starts striking the matches, shaking them out, and throwing them on the ground, or flicking her lighter open and lighting it over and over again
she’s v unimpressed w the male population. thank dexter and her dad for that lmao 99% sure her favorite water bottle dead ass says “male tears” on it
honestly dee is so ?? edgy n mean n tough ?? but she dead ass dresses like any other lil preppy thing w her shorts n skirts n her sheer ass shirt and heeled boots, she loves the hot weather in marbella so far so she’s just like yes please i love shorts and i hate jackets
she had never actually seen the ocean before bc berkley isn’t in beach county, so when she got to marbella and saw the ocean in person the first time she finally found the one thing that scares her and takes her breath away lol
so sometimes she just sits in the sand looking at it bc she hasn’t plucked up the courage to go and play in it yet shes honestly so intimidated by the ocean . she’ll never admit it bc she is the Man Of The House but still 
it took her a while to hunt down her brother, she started in france and ended up here via hitch hiking and sneaking into trains, she has no fear its insane , so she’s probs only been in town like 2 weeks. 
she’s currently staying at a lil youth hostel so she only really has a nice army backpack full of three or four mismatched outfits and a toothbrush and a phone + charger that only works w wifi. she’s stealing toiletries from tourists and makes a living pickpocketing atm 
she’s probably going 2 be too easy to convince to kick back bc she hasnt had a goddamn day off in 4 years
when shes mad move anything breakable out of the way and do not stand close to a bar because she will throw a beer bottle at your head and she will destroy everything you own
the only ppl in the world who see any gentility to her are her baby siblings and they’re not here are they ????? 
if she Adopts u she will show u how soft and sweet and lowkey maternal she can be, but otherwise nah
i genuinely am so brain dead now i cannot think of many plots but i have 3 i really want below so pls:
someone who she can stay with in the longterm -- just because she’s gonna be here for a while and there’s only so long she can pay the fees to stay at a youth hostel and live out of a bag honestly she’s gonna want to buy a bra and wash it regularly; i’d love if these two actually get along well whatever that means. like she’s not a horrible roommate bc shes spent her whole life cleaning up after other ppl but she’ll probs steal ur clothes bc shes not gonna buy her own lol
someone who can help her just fucking unwind for two seconds like girl needs to chill i swear ?? like get her drunk. get her to actually stand in the ocean. let her listen to music and eat good food. she’s never got to be a teenager, she needs that
a person who lowkey caught her with their wallet in her hand and was like dude wyd?? and instead of throwing a punch or calling The Law Enforcement Officers they actually stopped for a sec n now the two are unlikely bffs and they are her Emotional Support even tho shes mean and bitchy and likely is gonna be like “sad??? sad?????? i do not feel that emotion. nut the fuck up.  ‘sad.’ what a pussy”
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