#people can be single yknow is not that big of a deal
love-is-a-pearl · 5 months
Any non-pokeshipping ideas for who Misty would end up with? Crack ship idea: Nessa.
I have no idea of someone for Misty, really. And honestly at least for my AU I think her being single is the best option (I feel like Misty is that person who puts her job first so she wouldn't have time for relationships).
And it's not a crackship if it has potential to be a real thing òAó)!
No but really, that's such a cute idea!!! She would be so cocky about how "my girlfriend is a super model uwu". Not to mention all the provoking she can do to Brock about how she got a girlfriend before him lmao it's an incredible idea!
Not to mention Nessa already has a thing for red heads with side ponytails
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classpectpokerap · 7 months
How do you feel about the portrayal of plurality in Homestuck? Because it’s not good.
Cherubs are “supposed” to predominate over their other personality. With Calliope being portrayed as naive for trying to co exist.
Horuss is mocked for being a system. But I’d say it was a king fun of people who pretend to be mentally Ill on social media for clicks.
Then their are the sprites
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okay so
i guess we're doing this
okay. so
homestuck is one of the best pieces of media of all time for plurality and i fuckin mean it. no shot do not pass go i have NEVER seen anything that is more built from the ground up to Support plural reads. like, to the point where it feels impossible to read homestuck without it.
as a work dealing with two huge primary themes of a) finding yourself/identity/growing up, and b) ideas coming to life, plurality is pretty much the Perfect intersection between the two of them. like.
take rose for example.
rose is plural and it's great.
when the doomed timeline evaporates, future dream rose does not actually "cease to exist." she ceases to exist as her own person -- her memories, experiences, personality, thoughts (or, as shorthand, her selfstuff) all flows back into rose prime. and that experience is just something rose has to roll with. one becomes two -- that other rose is still in her mind.
jade's plural and it's great.
when her dream self awakens as jadesprite, jade has a horrific argument with her. if you're plural i'm sure you understand. fighting with an age-regressed version of you, stuck in a traumatic past, who WONT FUCKING LISTEN -- we've all . been there.
she has involuntary barks, she can't stop seeing images of fire, she wants to go back to nonexistence but she doesnt want to die and it's torture,
and then in cascade, jade fuses with her.
dream jade is still in there. that part of her she has to grapple with is still real. her dog who she loves is in there, too -- but, yknow. woof
then grimbark gets forcefully introjected into her. i've seen a few fics play with the idea that the grimbark personality is still residually there (read ygtpoasu), but it's not a huge thing that's explored in the text. more backgrounded. but still! her crisis of identity is in there.
wanna know what's NOT backgrounded
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tavros's plurality is like, a pretty big factor in his character!!!! it's one of the bigger points vriska uses to bully him with (because she's projecting because she's projecting because she's projecting, because she's also plural and kins mindfang), it's like. a big thing that he has to cope with and figure out.
kanaya suggested tavros treat his self-confidence as his own brain guy, like, completely sincerely. she genuinely thought it would help, and it sorta did!!!!!
and like
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it is FAR from the only positive example of plurality in the comic.
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like. look at sollux and aradia defending "alternate reality copies" of characters -- which can be pretty easily extrapolated to them talking about fictives
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like. !!!!
i dunno, man. i think that homestuck is a DEEPLY plural story. you should read mtm and kgtac for more exploration of these themes. read detective pony too while you're at it. like.
i havent even TOUCHED on horuss or dirk or karkat here because there is just so much. there's so much! like ultselves. oh my god i completely neglected to talk about ultselves or cherubs or --
but anyway here's The Screenshots from mtm
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homestuck is, like, the single most fictive compatible fictional work i've ever read.
"oh im being sent to another universe as a brain ghost? that happened to my buddy dirk"
"oh im one of many incarnations of myself, and perhaps not even the most 'canon compliant' one? haha dream bubbles moment"
"ive been isekai'd into another world? lol sburb"
it. yeah. god. i could literally talk about this all day. but instead im gonna direct you to my ao3.
check out no metaphors and then scroll through the "multiplicity/plurality" tag on my page
and if youve got more specific stuff, send in another ask!
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revelca · 2 years
aggretsuko s5 was the best and the worst at the same time, and here's why.
so, the last season of aggretsuko is here, huh. it's one of my favorite shows ever and i just really want to discuss all that happened in s5 with someone. it's totally okay if you disagree with some of the stuff below, i'd love to hear your views and opinions!
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so, obviously, it wasn't perfect. it was fun, but it had some issues. luckily it was better than s4 and had some really good moments, but the 2nd half of the season was a big misunderstanding. i decided to make a list out of all the stuff that bothers me:
retsuko literally got forced into politics. saying she's a people pleaser is not enough to justify it. i'm not saying "you can't do politics in aggretsuko", i'm saying that it would be better if she went "maybe i can make lives of regular office workers like me better?". and what was the politics arc for, anyway? there was no point but if you have to do it then just don't force her into that? give her a reason that would make her go "maybe it's not that bad of an idea".
why were retsuko and haida always going to a grocery store that was far away? plot hole! you see, after the stalker incident in s3 retsuko moved and i remember haida literally saying something along the lines of "the shop below keeps it safe and light at night". in additon, the building retsy lives in was shown several times and there really is a shop below her house.
remember when retsuko dreamed of being a lil blushy bride with a big smile in a beautiful dress all the way back in season 1? it was important for her, it was her dream. and in the end, haida and retsy just went with the civil marriage thing and? why?? honestly, why...
one of the biggest issues is obviously the fact that we didn't get enough about retsuko's and haida's relationship. since when were they even together?? i might've missed this part, but my point still stands - we really didn't enough about them. 5 seasons of waiting and this is what we get?? i just didn't get the feeling that haida and retsuko are actually happy and in love with each other, so them getting married so suddenly was a big suprise to me. and it's not like there weren't any opportunities for them to show affection to one another! i'm not saying they should act lovey dovey all of the time, but take for example retsuko's visit in haida's house. when they went out for a walk to the garden, he could say something like "i know it's hard, but deal with them just for today, okay?" or "sorry that i'm making you go through this. you really shouldn't have went here with me." stuff like that is what would make it feel a bit more like a real relationship and this exactly what their relationship lacks.
in the end we didn't get a single bit of info abt whether haida have found a job or not. he was supossed to get into IT and? after visiting retsuko's parents it was never mentioned again?? did netflix really just forget about it?
this isn't really an issue, but i still wonder who have hit haida with that truck. his brother said that he didn't do it but how did he even know that happened? not like haida would've told him about that considering their relationship... is, yknow.
and now, to the good stuff!! i have to admit, the 1st half of s5 was good, great even. those honestly were the best aggretsuko eps after the stalker incident in s3.
SHIKABANE ABSJSJSJ (no explanation needed) <33
haida deserved that. bro was being miserable and i loved every second of it. now he knows how tough life can be!! and that's a good thing.
as always, tadano never fails to make the show better, no matter what season is it. the thing where he bought the whole internet cafe? hilarious.
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i'm bad at explaining why a show is good i was born to be toxic so that's about it haha. would love to hear others' opinions! <33
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catoslvt · 1 year
Dewey Riley x Reader
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Sidney Prescotts' Big sister, who's the head of the fbi, so you know a lot about their friendgroup because you used to babysit them, and sidney and tatum tell you all the drama.
Gale was ur best friend until she wrote that book gale dates her camera man.
Unofficial relationship.
Tw, mentions of killings, blood, and stabbing.
"Just fuck off and get that camera away from my little sister and my house, you've already ruined our lives enough with that shitty book of yours, if you don't leave us alone I'll take down your full news show." I warn before I get in my car and drive off, heading towards the station flipping her off as I go.
"These killings are too difficult for us to deal with, so we've had to get the FBI involved." I hear sheriff Burke state, and that's when I walk through the doors with a small smile on my face, which only widens when I see Dewey.
"So, this is Agent Prescott." He continues, and i wave at everyone.
"But, in here, you guys can call me y/n." I tell them and everyone nods.
"So, I think first of all, we should narrow it down a little. Who would know Casey well enough to know where she lives and to also know where Steve lives?" I ask as I turn to the board on the wall and pull out a whiteboard pen, writing the words
"Well, strangers wouldn't, unless they'd been stalking them." A man calls from behind me and I turn and let out a small laugh.
"If it was a stalker not close to them, there's a slim chance they'd know the number for caseys House phone." I tell him and he looks away embarrassed before dewey speaks up.
"Perhaps a jealous ex?" He asks, and I shoot him a large smile, which he returns before I turn to the board and write a single name, 'Stu Macher'.
"Only a few months prior to Casey and Steve's killings, Casey broke up with Stu for Steve, so potentially yes. Stu is a suspect." I say as I underline his name.
"But, the killer couldn't have done it alone. One would've killed Steve whilst the other prepared for the attack, and then they both would've needed to hang her from that tree, so who is Stu Machers best friend?" I ask, knowing only either dewey and I would be able to answer that one, but dewey is too sweet to admit it so I have to clear my throat and say it myself.
"Billy Loomis." I state as I scribble his name on the board, and a few people gasp.
Suddenly, the sheriff gasps.
"Okay, but what if it was Caseys mom or dad's ex, killing casey because they're jealous of what they have?" He quizzes and I let out a small laugh.
"You'd think im doing all the work on this case. Mr and Mrs Becker have been together since their high school years. It was both of their first relationships." I state, but then I begin to write on the board again.
"Potential Affair"
"But, Mr and Mrs Becker might've grown bored of their relationship, neither of them ever getting to explore something that wasn't each other, so we have a potential love affair on either the mom or dad's part." I then add, before I let out a little gasp, this idea isn't too bad.
"Sheriff, I want you to go to where the beckers have been placed and confiscate all of their phones, and I then want you to go through every single call log since the phone has been purchased." I tell him, and he nods before he points at one of the men, and they both quickly scurry out.
"What if it isn't any of that though, what if it was a girl who loved Steve?" One of the men ask and I shake my head.
"It was a man's killing, its obvious." I flatly say, confused on how they couldn't have easily spotted it.
"It's sloppy. Women's kills are much neater. They don't tend to draw as much blood, and if it was a girl in love with Steve, why also kill Steve?" I quiz, and the man quickly shakes his head, shutting up.
"We're not getting anywhere with this. All we've got is a girl bossing us around, i wouldn't be surprised if she's the one behind all the killings, yknow after what happened with her mom." I hear one of the boys snicker to dewey, who just rolls his eyes at him, which makes my stomach flutter in all sorts of ways.
"Thank you for that wonderful comment, but it's funny because this 'girl, that's bossing you around' is helping you get to the bottom of a bunch of murders, and I'm suspecting that the killer isn't gonna stop here after two, they're going to spiral out of control. I'm the head of the FBI, not just some silly girl who doesn't know what she's doing." I spit before I put the lid on the pen and sit it next to the board.
"Everyone take an hour for lunch. We're coming back to this." I say before walking out of the doors I walked in through and straight towards my car, where I unlock my door and climb in, grabbing my lunch from the back seats and quickly opening it and smiling at the sight of a sandwich with an apple, its not much for lunch but because of my work I don't tend to eat a big lunch incase I ever come across a gruesome sight.
Only moments later of me beginning to eat my lunch, dewey is tapping the window of the passengers side.
"It's open." I tell him, and he lets out a small awkward laugh before he lets himself in.
"You alright?" He quizzes, and I smile and nod at him.
"I just wish the killers were stupid enough to leave some sort of clues on who they are." I sigh before I shake my head.
"I'm gonna go to the scene, I've not been there yet, maybe I could find something, or atleast understand why." I say quickly and dewey just stares at me, his normally overly emotional face currently holding no emotions.
"If you're worried about Sidney, it's okay. I'm worried about tatum." Dewey tells me as he reaches out and places his hand on top of mine, which makes me smile slightly.
"I'm worried about all of them, I'm even worried about us. We don't know what age this killer is, so we don't know who they're gonna go after next." I mutter and dewey squeezes my hand.
"But we'll figure out who it is y/n, I know you can." Dewey says, and I gulp a little but nod.
"Yknow what, I could be doing with a coffee before we go to the scene. Do you want a coffee or anything? I can pay." I offer and dewey smiles and nods as I start up the car.
"I'll have the usual." He tells me, and I let out a laugh, by 'the usual.' He means a jet black coffee.
"I still don't know how you can drink that jet black shit." I tell him, and he just scoffs before I begin driving to our usual coffee place, we meet here probably like ten times a week to get coffee, deweys my safe person, I love him more than anything truly, but all we ever seem to come to is unofficial, but I'd do anything to tell dewey how much I love him, I genuinely mean it.
As I pull up to the drive-through, I roll down my window and clear my throat.
"Hello, what can I get for you?" The workers' voice rings through the speakers, and I smile and put on the same voice I use to tell people that I've found their child dead.
"Hiya, can I get two coffees, please? One black and one regular." I ask, and the girl lets out a small 'mhm!'
"Now, is that a small, medium, or large?" She goes onto ask, and I look at dewey and shrug. Normally, we'd get mediums, but I think today is a large sort of day.
"Both of them large, please." I answer, and the girl lets out another 'mhm'
"Okay, drive through to the next window to play, please. Your total will be $7.50." The girl says and I nod.
"Thank you." I say before driving towards the next window, where I feel my pockets for my wallet, and as I pull it out, dewey slaps it from my hand.
"I'll pay." He states and I shake my head.
"Dewey, shut up. it's my treat." I argue.
"You paid last time." He reminds me, and I roll my eyes as he hands me the exact change of $7.50 right as the worker approaches the window and pulls it open.
"Hey, you're the two large coffees, one black one regular?" He asks with a large smile and dewey and I nod.
"That'll be $7.50, please." He beams, and I reach out the window and hand it to him, and as he counts it in his hand he smiles at me.
"Perfect, thank you. Go to the next window, please." He tells me, and I nod, quickly saying goodbye before I drive to the next window to see a worker already stood with our two coffees, and I quickly take them from her hands, thanking her before I hand them both to dewey as I drive off, parking in the carpark.
As I take the drink from deweys' hand and take a sip, I let out a small groan at how good it tastes.
"Shit, they never fail to make good coffees." I cry and dewey laughs.
"Tell me about it." He agrees.
As I begin walking towards the front door of the Beckers house, I carefully duck down under the police tape and pull my gloves up, making sure they're extra tight as I open the front door and carefully walk through to the kitchen where the events all started.
"So, she was sitting making popcorn when the phone rang." I whisper as I walk around the kitchen, inspecting everything but being careful not to touch anything, because even with gloves on the slightest knock could fuck up all my evidence
As I continued to walk through the back garden where Casey was then stabbed multiple times and then hung for her to die, my heart dropped when I saw that the tree she was hung from is right across from her front door, meaning her parents would've walked outside and saw her.
"Noticed anything new?" Dewey asks from beside me and I nod slightly.
"Whoever done it would've had to be extremely fast or had a getaway car because your guys were on the scene almost instantly." I tell him, and he nods slightly as I turn to look at him.
"So if there were two of them, I'm guessing the taller one hung her whilst the smaller one started the car." I add, and he continues to nod.
Once we're getting ready to leave, it's quite late.
As I climb in my car, my work phone begins to ring, and I answer it.
"Agent Prescott speaking." I state into the phone, and that's when we hear that Sidney has been attacked.
As I speed off to our house, I'm the first one to arrive, and dewey runs out of the car, and I watch as he bends down and picks something up before he continues to run to the door, and that's when I see Sidney opening the door and screaming as the rest of the police cars pull up, and once they do I climb out of my car and run to Sidney, pulling her to the ambulance.
"Are you alright?" I quiz as she sits down, and I grab a blanket tight round her.
"I'm fine, y/n." She reassures, and I sit next to her and hug her.
"You fought back didn't you?" I continue to quiz and she laughs and nods.
"That's my tough little bitch." I say as I kiss her head, before i see them pull Billy Loomis from my house and I gasp.
"He was the top of my suspect list Sidney, what was he doing at our house?" I gasp and she shrugs.
"After I was attacked, I turned to my door and saw that the killer was gone, and straight away Billy climbed into my window and he dropped the phone I was called from." She whispers, and I gasp and listen as Billy tries to plead as being innocent but I just scoff, I can see through his lies.
And that's when dewey and the sheriff approach us right as tatum runs out of her car towards the ambulance screaming and asking if sids okay.
"I see y/ns suspect list was correct." The sheriff says with a small chuckle and I smile.
"When's it not?" I quiz and he laughs.
"Tatum, you can't be here it's an official crime scene." Dewey states to his little sister.
"It's okay." Sid presses and tatum groans.
"Her dad's out of town, alright? Her and y/n are staying with us tonight." Tatum argues.
"What? Does mom know?" Dewey quizzes as he shoots me an awkward smile.
"Yes, doofus." Tatum sighs before the sheriff tells Sidney that she should go to the station and we all leave the ambulance and climb into our own cars, when I spot Gale Weathers, so I climb out of my car.
"Get your cameras away from my house." I warn sternly and Gale and her camera man both turn to face me.
"Oh, y/n, lovely to see you again." Gale coos and I roll my eyes.
I can't help but to wonder at what's being said, but to stop myself getting too angry at some sick bastard who just tried to kill my little sister, I stay silent.
I watch carefully as Dewey tries to find our dad on the system and frown slightly as I realise we're getting nowhere before my eyes fall into the room where Billy's being held.
"You ruined the moment you really did." He says shaking his head as he backs away which causes me to laugh.
As tatum walks in, she ducks down next to sid and hugs her, whispering that she's going to get her out of here and I can't help but smile at the niceness of Tatum, and also because Sidney has deweys jacket wrapped around her, but I don't know if I'm jealous about that actually.
"Hey Dewey, can we go now?" Tatum cries and dewey points a finger at her.
"Hold on a second." He states, and I stand up from my chair and crack my back.
"God dammit dewey!" She exclaims.
"What did mom tell you? When I wear this badge, you treat me like a man of the law." He warns, and the way he says it almost makes me weak at the knees.
"Well, I'm sorry, Deputy dewey Boy, but we're ready to go. Now." Tatum yells, and as we walk out the door, tatum and dewey begin to bicker, and I feel Sidney grab my hand.
As we walk out into the back alley, dewey runs to get my car as I throw him the keys, and Tatum, Sidney, and I all stand in the alley.
"There she is! Sidney!" Gale gasps, and I groan in sync with both Sidney and tatum.
"What happened? Are you alright?" She quizzes as she pushes the microphone into her face and tatum steps in front of the microphone.
"She's not answering any of your questions. Leave us alone." I call from behind them, and tatum throws the microphone down, but Sidney steps forward.
"No, no tatum, it's okay, she's just doing her job, right gale?" Sidney asks with a laugh.
"Yes, that's right." Gale says with a large smile on her face.
"So, how's the book?" Sidney asks.
"Well, it'll be out later this year." She says smiling.
"Wow, I'll look for it." Sidney states with a small nod.
"I'll send you a copy." She coos, and Sidney uppercuts her full force to the jaw, which makes me laugh in shock, before dewey runs out of my car and pulls tatum and Sidney towards it, and I just stare at gale.
"Write a book about that for me." I tell her before I blow a kiss at her and walk away to the car, where I jump into the front passenger seat.
As I walk into Deweys' room, i smile. It's not changed since the last time I was in here, there's still photos of him and I growing up together plastered over his walls, there's still photos of us together even now over his walls too.
"If I knew you would've been staying, I could've cleaned it a bit more." He says awkwardly and I laugh.
"It's fine, I did say I could stay home, but tatum and your mom both wouldn't let me." I tell him and he smiles and pulls me into his arms
"I wouldn't have either." He whispers with a small kiss to my head, which causes me to laugh before we both walk into Tatums room.
"Thought you might want some ice for that right hook." Dewey says as I rest an arm on his shoulder and we all let out a small laugh.
"We will be right next door, try and get some sleep." Dewey states and tatum turns to me and smiles but glares at dewey.
"Yeah, yeah." She says waving and dewey begins to close the door.
"Night, guys." I say to the two girls.
"Night y/n, love you." They both say in usion and I smile.
"I love you both, too." I say before the door is fully shut, and I slowly walk back into deweys' room where he shuts the door and stares at me.
"You're so beautiful, even when you're stressed, you know that right?" He asks with a small laugh as he grabs my waist and pulls me close to him.
"You're so handsome even when you're being such a doofus." I tell him, mocking tatum with the doofus word and he gags.
As dewey goes to take another step closer to me, his mom begins knocking at the door, and he quickly runs out, me following behind, but I'm guessing it was too late because whoever was on the call doesn't speak.
"Sorry, sorry." I apologise, and he rolls his eyes.
"Better be." He warns, and I nod.
As I sit with Sidney at the table, deweys mom stood behind us with her arms on our shoulders as the news report begins to talk about Cotton and how he killed our mom, I feel all the blood draining out of my face as I stare at the TV screen, as dewey sits next to us he realises and turns the TV off and clears his throat.
"Billy was released." He says as he sits down his plate and places a mug in front of me, the smell of coffee instantly bringing all the blood back to my face.
"His cellular bills were clean, he didn't make those calls." He tells Sidney and I continue to stare at him, I know Billy made those calls.
"We're checking every cellular account in the county. Any calls made to you or Casey Becker are being cross referenced." He continues and I roll my eyes.
"It's gonna take some time, but we'll find him." He then says, and I grab sidneys hand and give it a comforting squeeze.
As we pull up to Woodsboro High in my car, we all step out, and I can't help but to admire dewey with his sunglasses on, but my attention is grabbed by billions of reporters swarming sid, and I have to harshly push them away.
"Are you okay? After all of this?" Dewey asks, I can tell he's trying to ask about my mom dying, but I shake my head.
"A year tomorrow dewey, this is all happening a year after it happened. What if it's the same person that killed my mom?" I whisper and dewey stares at me confused.
"But, you were both convinced it was cotton." Dewey gasps and I shrug.
"Now I'm not sure, dewey, this is all too much, I shouldn't have got involved with this case." I whisper as I feel tears brim my eyes as I shake my head, but dewey pulls me into an extremely tight hug that almost cuts off my airways.
"You did the right thing getting involved in this case. You're the perfect person to solve it, but if you need to take a step back, then tell me." He says as he cups my face and leans down to kiss me, and I kiss back and smile, happy to be in this moment.
As dewey and I drive back to the school, we climb out the car only to be approached by Gale Weathers, and Dewey protectively wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.
"Hi, gale weather's. Field correspondent top story." She says to Dewey and I just scoff.
"I know who you are, Ms. Weathers. How's the eye?" He says as he motions his head to me.
"Is there a problem on campus?" She quizzes and he shakes his head.
"No, it's all under control." I tell her, hinting that she should piss off.
"Well of course, he's here." She says as she smirks at dewey and my face drops.
"You know, you're not supposed to be here." Dewey warns and she laughs.
"Dewey, come on." I whine, and he nods before the principles voice rings through the speakers, saying that all classes are cancelled, and our city has a 9pm curfew.
As dewey and I continue to walk up the stairs towards the school entererance, I turn to gale and let out a deafening groan.
"You just can't take a fucking hint can you? God gale you were my bestfriend for years but your career just has to come first. You ruined our friendship for that book, you ruined my reputation over that book, and now what? Are you trying to ruin my relationship by flirting with my boyfriend!?" I shriek, and she takes a step back down the stairs.
"Sidney punched you and you still didn't get the fucking hint, so do you want me to punch you too?" I then ask as I raise my fist but dewey quickly grabs it and drags me inside of the school.
As I walk through my house, I quickly gather some things for Sid and I, like our clothes and pyjamas, because we're probably gonna be staying at the Rileys household until our dad's back.
As I entered my room, I almost could've sworn I heard someone walking up the stairs, but I threw it down to my paranoid mind. god, what kind of use is a paranoid FBI agent?
Actually, not even a FBI agent, the head of the FBI.
As I pull out more clothes from my drawers and shove them in bags, I'm now 100% sure there's someone in my house.
"Sidney?" I call as I grab the gun fastened to my belt.
When I don't get an answer, but the footsteps begin running closer to me, I pull the gun from my belt and raise it up towards the wide open door.
"I'm an FBI agent, you do not want to fuck with me!" I scream as I begin storming to the door, but as I look out into the hallway I see nobody.
Stupid shitbag must've run down the stairs when they heard 'FBI agent', I let out a small laugh as I kept my gun in my hand and began making my way downstairs, but whats when a door from behind me flies open, and I feel something sharp being stabbed into my shoulder, and I let out a blood curdling scream before I'm forced to turn around and flung off of the floor, hitting my head extremely hard off the floor as everything begins to spin, everything apart from the knife that's stabbed into the same part of my shoulder, only from the front, probably leaving an all the way through stab wound.
As I raise my gun to the masked killer, he takes the gun from my hand and raises it to my head, and I begin taking deep breaths as I try to sit up to take the gun back, but my breathing comes to a hault when my neck is slit with the knife.
"Y/n! Sidney!? Are any of you in here? I want to talk to either of you." I hear Gale scream, and the killer quickly stands up and shoots me in the lower stomach before running away, and yet again, I let out a large scream as I hear a pair of footsteps running up the stairs.
"Y/n! Shit are you okay!?" She screams, and I just stare at her through tears, as I realise I'm loosing blood fast.
"Phone the police." I cry, and she nods and runs into my room, which she's all too familiar with, and I hear her pick up my phone and begin screaming some shit.
As Gale then runs back through and collapses to my side, I stare at her with a smile.
"I'm sorry for everything. What I did was wrong, I shouldn't have replaced you for some stupid book, and I shouldn't have wrote all they lies, I'm so sorry y/n and if you don't forgive me then I don't blame you, but I just miss you. I miss us, I miss our stupid sleepovers and you talking about Dewey all the time." She cries, and I nod.
"I forgive you." I tell her as I reach my hand up and grab her face, and she grabs my hand with hers.
"I wasn't flirting with dewey either, I've had a serious boyfriend, my cameraman, for a while now." She whispers, and I just nod before the pain coming from my shoulder. My stomach becomes too much, and I begin crying, and I realise I'm losing a lot of blood, but I begun to cry more when I realise there's so much I haven't said, there's so much I haven't done and now I can't do it because I'm dying.
When I wake up in the overly lit hospital room, I quickly stand up and find my jacket, grabbing my pen and notebook from it and writing down instantly who the killer is.
Billy loomis.
When I fall back down onto my hospital bed, I hold my throat and try to talk, but all that comes out are horrible sounding gurgles.
Only seconds later, a nurse runs in with Sidney and dewey running behind her, and I hold up my notebook and repeatedly point at the words sprawled against the lines, and Sidney shoots me a small smile, but it's clearly a frown.
"Y/n, we know. He tried to kill us last night." Sidney says as she sits on the edge of the hospital bed and grabs my hand.
"Y/n, it's going to be best if you don't talk for a few weeks, three weeks at the most, your shoulder will be fine if you don't over work it and go easy on it, and we had the bullet removed from your stomach." The nurse tells me, and I slowly nod before I pull out the notepad again.
"What happened?" I write down.
"Billy and stu, killed tatum and our headteacher, also our mom, and our dad didn't make it to his hotel because they captured him to blame him for the murders, but I shot Billy and stu got a TV dropped on his head." Sidney tells me with a large frown on her face, and I pull her into a hug when she says Tatum, but then I look at dewey and see him almost crying, and I becon him to come over with my hands and he quickly does and he almost practically throws himself ontop of me.
As I slowly run circles on his back, I begin crying too as I realise the murderers of my mom were so close to me, and I didn't realise.
When dewey pulls away from the hug, he stares at me, and then Sidney, and then back at me.
"We're all gonna be alright, yknow, the three of us, if we all stay together, then we'll all be okay." He says as he rubs his tears from his face and pulls Sidney and I into a hug.
"Gale?" I croak, and Sidney gasps when she hears me speak because I'm not actually meant to be talking.
"She's alright, yeah, but I'm more worried about you with that voice." Sidney says with a small laugh, and I smile.
When our dad comes to pick up Sidney, he says hi to me and gives me a small kiss, but he quickly has to leave as he doesn't like seeing me in this state, it leaves only Dewey and I together.
"I think, maybe you should take some time off of work." Dewey says with a small laugh, clearly trying to lighten the mood and it works because he gets a small deformed laugh from me as he stares at me.
"I love you." I croak and dewey shakes his head.
"You're not meant to speak!" He yells, but he quickly realises what I said, and he leans down and kisses me, being careful of my neck, and I kiss back with a large smile on my face.
"Holy shit I love you too." He cries as he cups my face in his hands.
"Will you be my girlfriend? Like, officially and not this unofficial shit?" He gasps, and I nod and kiss him again.
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gaysheep · 1 year
now my experiences might not be universal but as far as im concerned you asked far fewer questions about video games when you were a kid. the first time you encountered waluigi in mario tennis or mario party or whatever other mario spinoff you encountered him in for the first time because they only put him in spinoffs you didnt say "who's this goofster stomping around like he's a member of the crew?" you said oh ok that's waluigi i guess.
super smash bros melee the crossover fighting game starring all your favorite nintendo characters (well pikachu was second party but thats pikachu everyone knows who pikachu is) had a whole three characters who nobody in north america knew who the fuck they were, two of which were from games that weren't localized at all and one of which was from a game that was enough of a commercial failure in the united states hardly anyone remembered it a little under a decade later. now to be fair ness was in the one on the n64 also but its not like he'd gotten another game. "oh earthbound's failure was overexaggerated" you say that but my brother lived the super nintendo era and not a single one of his gaggle of friends had even heard of earthbound it was not on anyone's radar come on. but no one said "hey these aren't iconic nintendo characters" we all went "well i guess they can be here too" and now we say "you cant main a smash character if you havent played their game" like we werent saying "thats marth i dont know who the fuck he is but hes like a brother to me" in 2001
youd just go into the store and look at a game's boxart and decide you wanted that one and yknow what it usually worked out for you. i did this longer than you'd expect too i was in 7th or 8th grade and thought to myself "yknow i havent really played any console rpgs lately" so i looked up "rpgs for the wii" and i saw a gamefaqs rec thread or some shit where a guy went "well xenoblade is coming out." and i looked up xenoblade and found virtually no information about it other than that it was coming out and thought to myself "yeah xenoblade... that looks like an rpg i could get into." and you know what i did? i preordered it this may very well have been the first game i ever preordered i thought "well they were talking about it on gamefaqs so it must be a big deal i wanna make sure i can play it day 1" but i didnt need to reserve a copy of fucking xenoblade chronicles the store probably could have given me every copy in stock for no profit loss when i walked in there with my gir t shirt and my little receipt because i was one of all three and a half people in north america who played this game counting the gamefaqs guy. and xenoblade chronicles knocked me flat on my ass it was one of the best games i'd ever experienced i'd played plenty of story heavy rpgs before but this one hooked me in a way none of them ever had.
fast forward around 4 years the 4th smash game comes out but this one was different. this was when we really started to go in on the crossover fighters, character slots were now real estate that potential entrants had to earn the right to occupy as if one game ago they didnt make a failed NES peripheral a playable fighter and give it an emotional subplot in subspace emissary. no longer was it "cool i guess this guy is here" it had become "who the hell is this and what do they think they're doing in smash bros?"
and thus came that fateful night when amidst crazy new character reveals like the fucking wii fit trainer they unveil a cinematic trailer and announce that shulk from xenoblade chronicles was joining the fight. to which the unilateral reaction was "who the fuck is shulk why was this trailer framed like we already have a rapport with shulk i dont know this man why does he say stuff like 'im really feeling it?'"
but i knew who shulk was.
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yb-cringe · 1 year
alright wybie here's a free ask to talk my ear off about fitpac GO
this is like a trap isnt it ih gos ok yea
the thing that gets me abt fitpac is that its not that deep. and i dont mean that in an insulting way or that their impacts on one another arent expansive and hugely helpful but i mean it in that like. theres no catch. i love spiderbit for their complexity i love fitpac for their simple, slow, love
that by no means is me insinuating its not got its edges though. theyre just. sweet.
i think both of them have a lot of trauma when it comes to imprisonment and just general fear for their lives and while that could be said for a lot of people on the server i think whats important is that they’ve recognized that in each other? or at least fit has from what ive seen
and pac (and mike tbf) need a constant right now. things are crazy people are disappearinf theres no stability but they can always trust that fit will be there and he will listen and more importantly that he SEES them and will defend them
i think my thoughts abt them boil down to ‘pac needs consistency. a solid rock. he needs a recognizable pattern that doesnt change so he can have a safety net’ and ‘fit spent so long in survival he doesnt know how to just Live and he needs someone to be patient with him’
and its not easy for Either of them especially right fucking now. whats happened is that fit is trying to be the solid foundation for a bunch of people and its wearing him thin. and pac is just speedrunning traumas.
god the babysteps thing will forever be imprinted on the back of my eyes tho. like yeah fit needs to go rly fucking slow. hes a traumatized single father and hes fucking cautious about everything. always has been. letting someone into his life and giving them space in his heart is a big fucking deal. he just cannot afford to make that choice lightly. hell even ramón had to be patient for a bit
whats the fuckin saying like. fell first but he fell harder? wheres the ‘he fell first but didnt wanna think about it until he accepted it at which point he fell so fucking hard it would ruin him to lose it’ thats qfit. he literallt cannot even say the words date or romance or love or wven really Like in a romantic context about pac because shit will get too real and he needs to go slow rven if he has to FORCE HIMSELF to move slowly.
gkd i dont even know where to start with pac. he needs consistency so bad. and mike was that- mike IS that. pac is someone who needs company he needs someone to be near especially lately after his whole kidnapping thing where he was alone in that fuckin room after whatever they did to him—
hes been through so much shit and he just needs someone to stay- someone to turn to and know he’s got slmeone on his side. like pac in his own right is sort of paranoid —not the kind of way he has been recently though.
but like if you had to force tazercraft into designations of head and heart, pac would be the mind and mike would be the heart. pac is thinking ahead, he’s trying to force himself to move on because he knows mike wont, he’s trying to avoid doing things too crazy to keep them off the radar— he’s keeping them out of trouble when he can remember to.
not to say hes not chaotic and passionate in his own right but yknow. comparisons. but hes a thinker yjnow he plans for the future and if he doesnt have someone to be his safety net he fucking panics and doesnt do things he wants to because he’s worried about being caught out alone without any support
all of this to say that he doesnt Really think of romance more then Fun because he needs safety nets first. which is also kind of why the moving slow thing works for him because he’s definitely not going to realize how in deep he is like love wise until its too late. and he probablt cant even fuckin risk it right now considering yhh like Everything going on.
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whumpshaped · 1 year
lore: court relations
i'm thinking about the deal with the devil x got under your skin crossover piece. and i'm thinking about the dynamic between astaroth and the devil and the nobility.
edit: adding the rank system and how it all works both in hell and heaven
hell is a monarchy. there is one single ruler who decides most things, can't be held accountable for any of their actions, and that's that. the reason it's like that is because if there was anyone else stronger than them who could force stuff, that demon would just stage a coup and take over. that's how monarchs operate, that's how they change from time to time.
"the devil" is a title synonymous with monarch of hell. it's passed down from monarch to monarch! so really all devils had a regular demon name before ascending, but for most of them, it kind of gets forgotten during the thousands of years it takes for their rule to end. the throne can be inherited, but it'll only actually stay in the hands of the heir if they're the strongest demon around. so really, it's just power that matters.
there's a court situation going on. the court is made up of nobility (both hereditary and gifted) and """special officials""". all nobles have been gifted their title at some point, but some have had it for long enough that they're known as "the original" noble "families" (it's just the name that carries it. also regular commoner demons don't even have last names usually.) nobility can only be gifted by the devil, it can also be taken away by them, and it gets passed down. it can be awarded for outstanding accomplishments or talent and it gets taken away if the ones carrying the name don't live up to it. which means there's really no divide between the types of nobles, it's understood that whoever carries a title like that is most likely worthy of it.
it's the goddamn officials. everybody hates them. they're the ones who don't belong there, they're weaker than the others, they most likely bribed their way into court, or used their debts to somehow get in there. very annoying. most monarchs let it happen because they kiss ass best <3
being part of the court comes with privileges, like audience with the monarch, getting a say in how hell is governed (though not much), and getting their own huge territory to watch over and be responsible for. there's not a Lot of beaurocracy, but there's enough for the devil to get bored. but being in court also comes with risks... being close to the devil means there's always a chance that one will annoy them a little too much and get mauled.
people outside of court are mostly commoners and peasants. to the big dogs, they're all just dumb prey animals. within the commoners though, there are still clear distinctions between stronger demons, pet material, and the hermits (those who choose to live on the outskirts to avoid being eaten).
then there are the exceptions, which is mostly what astaroth is. it's rare, but sometimes a really strong demon will decides to say fuck you to the court and live as a commoner. most people don't mind the benefits that come with being a member of the court and gladly take on the responsibilities and risks in exchange. but yknow. it is how it is.
so basically astaroth hates the court because they're boring and the court look down on zyr because ze's not technically a noble even though ze could become one any day if ze wanted.
heaven is a theocracy lol clearly- there's god, there are the highest-ranking angels, and they just... decide what happens. that's it. and it's usually just the highest-ranking angels as well, no one else gets to actually hear the original commands or rules. ok i say it's a theocracy but it kind of reminds me of ants or bees or whatever. hivemind.
low-ranking angels are workers, disposable, obedient, MADE to be obedient, mistreated, kept ignorant- it's not a very fun time. all they know is work work work, they don't do what's right, they do what they're told. they don't have a concept of right as humans do, they just have faith that what they're told is the right thing. there's no right or wrong, there are commands and forbidden things.
angels operate under strict rules and schedules. that's another thing the fallen need to get accustomed to, the lack of rigidity. there's no wiggle room. everyone has a place they need to be in at a certain time, a thing they need to be doing- it's all supervised, controlled, and planned out.
moving up in the ranks is possible but horribly difficult and mostly depends on luck. and honestly? there haven't been any angels who got into the sky palace in a looong time. almost like the current ones are viciously guarding it.
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dirtreally · 4 months
In da light of recent posting events im gonna try 2 start posting about rap and other alt type music (heavy focus on shit made by black people but if i keep this up for long enough i will probably start doing it for poc artists in general too) im into regularly both as a journaling exercise type deal but also cuz a big thing i feel like i want to see more is people posting their (relatively) detailed thoughts on shit cuz frequently i will get a music post on my dash that i want to like but wish i had a better angle to approach it from or at least a better understanding of why the person posting it fucks with it. This isnt gonna be a high effory thing just like loose thoughts about the song/artist and me trying to nail down why i like the thing
Anyways ive been on a mike kick lately. Its fucking crazy that this guy drops 1.5 albums a year and basically every single one has this energy of like. I sound fucking stupid rn but this guy raps like hes optimus prime in the sense that every song he puts out has an air of steely conviction. It is not so much that he is deliberately hyping himself up in the text of the songs but rather that his delivery and a lot of his lines really just paint a compelling portrait of a guy who self-reflects and like. This is a guy who knows about the weight of history and how connected all shit is (a lot of mike's music, for me, brings forward the same energy as that wallace shawn thing where he talks about reading marx naked and then being able to see the ways that everyone around him had their destinies linked by commodity fetishism). Very little is said directly but you can feel the weight exert itself in the samples, in the lines, in his voice.
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Anyway this song works way better when you listen to it as part of the full album (Disco!). The first time i listened to the whole albym when i hit this song it straight up felt like being shocked by electricity when That Part hits. Theres definitely still a little bit of that energy when you still listen to it as its own thing but yknow. Either way the way he raps over the sample and has to fight his fucking ass off not to get overpowered by it is really good stuff.
Also he has a song called 100 gecs where the hook is just him saying COME IN TWOS, HUNDRED GECS
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aller-geez · 1 year
Get to know my OC, Remington!!
(Im sure it can be confusing since that is my name also, but I actually got my name from him 🥰 so he came first)
Full Name: Remington Connors
Remington is a large, stocky 28 year old. Hes very stoic, and keeps to himself 99% of the time to avoid spending time around other people. He is also a wolfboy, and can have pure black wolf ears & tail. He is hot headed, and very stubborn, and will not tolerate others pushing him or his mate, Levi around. He loves to play on his natural intimidation. He has shoulder length black hair, and radioactive green eyes that always glow, however the light dims significantly if hes ill. He also has 1" red tunnels in his ears, the bridge of his nose pierced, as well as two piercings on each side of his bottom lip.
He also constantly has blood stored within his body that runs out of his nose/mouth whenever he experiences extreme emotions, as sort of a defense mechanism for his species. When sneeze attacks get too intense, he cant help the small sprays of blood that accompany them.
Only allergy is cats, which seems to be a fun game for his mate Levi who can freely switch between human and snow leopard, and enjoys teasing the normally very dominant male.
How severe are they?:
Hes a sniffly, hitchy, sneezy mess for the next few days if Levi is feeling extra mean, and coax out some desperate fits just rubbing his tail under his nose 🥰
Anything else that makes them sneeze?:
He does have a photic sneeze reflex and is sometimes sensitive to temperature changes.
Do they get sick often?:
As strong, and healthy as he looks and acts on the outside, poor Remi catches a cold every few weeks, unless hes been extremely lucky. As much as he tried to deny the existence of the "Man Flu", hes a big baby every time he gets sick again.
How bad is it usually?:
Every cold involves at LEAST one box of tissues in his lap, with a couple single ones never not clamped tightly to his nose as he constantly tries to fend off the coming onslaught. His whole body quits, and he definitely isnt much help when out of commission. Can get pretty messy, and definitely will have used tissues everywhere.
Do they stifle?:
About 50% of the time, as too many full sneezes can cause him massive nosebleeds, resulting in an extremely sore throat.
How loud are their sneezes?:
He tends to have pretty good fits, but they dont tend to get louder until the very last, desperate sneezes. Plus, he doesnt like to draw attention to himself sneezing if at all possible.
What do they sneeze into? (Hands, handkerchief, nothing?):
Honestly, Remi is HORRIBLE about remembering to cover his sneezes. Levi will constantly have to nudge a sick Remi to gently remind him to at least sneeze into his elbow. But prepare for the splash zone until Levi has to remind him again.
How often do they sneeze?:
When sick, hes a continuously sneezy mess that cant concentrate on anything other than his nose itching and bothering him. When healthy, you can still expect at LEAST 3 in a day.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?:
Usually 3-4 is a normal fit, but he has personally counted and got to 142 sneezes in one day from one of his usual nasty colds.
Do they have buildups, or are they sudden?:
Allergies come suddenly and completely unexpected, which tends to be a problem for the wolf since he had no time to prepare. However, when dealing with a cold, he is constantly twisted up in a presneeze face, with a balled up soggy tissue trying its best to keep up with both the ITCHY tickle, and the lake pouring from his nose.
Do they sneeze in public?:
He'll try his best to avoid it, as having someone notice that his hard, tough exterior has a weak spot, is definitely not what he wants. But yknow, its Remi and his nose, so its not out of the question.
Some examples of their sneezes?:
-' TSCHh!
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murkymaid · 1 year
Anyone else feel like nothings really been a big deal this year? like outside of spiderverse, pretty much everything coming out of the entertainment industry has gotten nothing in terms of mainstream responses. theres been no event music, theres been a couple event movies and in terms of tv, i'm struggling to conjure up anything that was both successful and liked.
I think companies are starting to realise that they need to space apart their big stuff more which is good that they get a chance to breathe but in the interim, theyve got nothing else going on and on the rare occasion that they do, no one cares anymore cause shows and sequels get cancelled immediately.
And dont even get me started on music, outside of paramore and la priest (who only i was excited for), theres been fucking zero in terms of interesting successful music. Maybe the new kylie minogue single is an exception but the rest of the top 40, both here and over in america, have been dead for months at this point. I think the last album that got people excited was metro boomin's record with the pink floyd reference on the cover but the rest of the stuff thats come out has had zero cultural presence.
Maybe im just getting more cynical about it since im not immersing myself into whatever shit is getting spewed out and have started getting an actual life but i don't think me doing stuff outside of media is the reason its so lifeless now. Also the writers strike for movies and tv but i dont think it accounts for the lack of stuff that came out the few months before.
Sorry for the ramble, im just annoyed that the year is almost halfway over and it feels like nothing major has come out. Everyone i know is watching random niche stuff but unlike previous years, there's no major blockbusters or serials that i can break the ice with, yknow?
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vanillahub · 1 year
the salty af munday meme [Accepting]
☄ Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
// In all of my years RPing here, I've managed to avoid big dramas for the most part! Thank fuck.
So, the one that did involve was mainly due to misunderstandings, from another person. This happened about 4-5 years ago, and the person in question has come clean and apologised for jumping the gun, the way they did. It's all good between us, but the incident in question has kinda of stuck in my mind.
Essentially I had responded to one of those unpopular opinions memes, and this person's former friend looked @ my post and went straight to this person, try to push the idea I was somehow vagueposting about them and their muse. And they believed their so-called friend in question.
Which I really wasn't..... At all. Things escalated for like an hour, thankfully it all ended within that night, and next to nothing hit the public dashboards. But it was still seen as an odd incident, because other rpers who knew this person better, found their reaction to my post odd (they could tell my post wasn't a jab at all at them). Then about an year later, I was reached out by this person and we both cleared things up.
read more bc iT GETS LONG LMAO
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
// SEE, I'm SO confrontational avoidant, it is really difficult for me to pop off in the instant something is happening. I may grow angry and develop resentment, but that only happens after the matter.
So, looking back on some of my shit experiences. I'll have to say that it for sure was back when, I had to deal with ppl who loved cherrypicking everything I said, and distort beyond belief what I was trying to communicate. I don't hide the fact I'm not native in English, and I try my HARDEST to be as clear and straightforward as possible.
BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP TO ATTRACT PEOPLE, who cannot have a rational and level-headed discussion, and have to resort to low moves with me. Why bother coming up with arguments and yknow, keep it within the realm of things we are discussing. When you can just start acting as if, you can't understand a single sentence I write?
Yes gringos, show us how you guys simply cannot communicate with us, because we may have made a small grammar mistake while talking to you in an informal setting like Discord DMs. Just make it all about the semantics, that's such a big brain move. Only native english speakers can do this, we are the pleb and must be thankful, you guys even talk to us foreigners at all. This has unfortunately happened more than once with me, and let me tell you: this shit can get under my skin so FAST. It happened with my writing, and it has happened with some of my muses portrayals as well.
I'm being clear with my statements, but people CHOOSE to misinterpret to suit their views of me. I have always been clear about what my muses are about, but people CHOOSE to run with whatever they want to believe.
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?
// I've been through a handful of Fandoms around here, and I'm going to say it. The RPC that's the worst one, in being the most newcommer unfriendly. That would be League of Legends. Things were already pretty bad, back when I was into it and part of that RPC. And by the looks of it, it only got progressively worse. The Arcane show, only added to that toxicity according to some of my folks, who are still in touch with that series one way or another.
You just don't hear a lot from it now, bc now there is competition for the prize of "the most toxic online community".
❦ Has someone been jealous of you?
// There could have been, and at the same time no one may have felt like that about me. Either way, I really don't care about it, I'm not dying to find that one out. And honestly? That's entirely a their problem.
I genuinely have better things to do in my day. I pity anyone who develops jealousy of others, over tumblr RP of all things.
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haloburns · 2 years
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I posted 23,071 times in 2022
204 posts created (1%)
22,867 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,885 of my posts in 2022
#danny phantom - 115 posts
#the world is having more fun than me tonight series - 94 posts
#ecto writes - 91 posts
#ecto fics - 88 posts
#my fics - 72 posts
#my au - 35 posts
#ml spoilers - 31 posts
#the batman 2022 - 26 posts
#strike back spoilers - 26 posts
#my writing - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#nor did the fact that i could already read do me any favors bc i was like immediately singled out and elevated to the 1st grade reading cla
My Top Posts in 2022:
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag others. No skipping!
thanks for tagging me @roundaboutnow !!
i'm gonna use my invisobang playlist that i can't share the title of yet. it's my fav right now.
1. same direction - hoobastank (honestly hoobastank fucks)
2. getting away with murder - papa roach (a classic)
3. be my escape - relient k (my beloved)
4. make it stop (september's end) - rise against (this song makes me cry)
5. until the day i die - story of the year (a perfect ghost light song, ive had it on all my songs)
6. for you, and your denial - yellowcard (oh this song fucks too. the violin man. the violin.)
7. last night on earth - green day
8. saying sorry - hawthorne heights
9. devil in the mirror - black veil brides (this song is so good for this fic...)
10. give it all - rise against
@redead-red @jadenoryuu @omnicrafts (share those crossover playlists babe!!) @floralflowerpower @bibliophilea and anyone else that wants to join in!
31 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
with every sin, i still wanna be holy
Dan wants to be better. But that means dealing with his past (future?) actions and starting to make amends and acknowledging how he's hurt these people in his life. It's hard than he'd like to admit. Part of the the world is having more fun than me (tonight) series.
I dunno why I’m writing this. It’s stupid. I’m not even gonna send it. You don’t even know who I am! Clockwork did his meddling with time bullshit so you don’t remember me.
No one remembers me
You were my favorite teacher, yknow. You were the only one who actually gave even a little fuck about me. All my other teachers wrote me off as just another dumb lazy kid. No one knew of course.
Oh I guess I should tell you. I’m… Danny Phantom. Sort of. It’s a big mess of things, but Fenton is Phantom. That little punk Weston kid was right. That's why I missed so many assignments and always fell asleep in class. I promise I wasn’t a bad kid, Mr Lancer.
I guess I just needed to tell you who I was. So you would be understanding or some shit. Maybe so I wouldn’t feel like I failed every adult in my life.
Whatever. It’s not like I’m sending this anyway.
Read more letters on AO3!
40 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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hey look at that! another redraw!
i wanted to work on style and some other things, so i redrew my avatar (again). the first one is literally just the screenshot, and then the second one is Pissed Off Ghost King™ Danny. that one was more to fuck around with ectoblasts and some other stuff. also i designed a crown!
some more stuff below the cut!
here's a version without the blasts bc im vvv proud of how these hands turned out, considering the weird ass proportions of the cartoon. big thanks to @friendly-neighborhood-imbecille for those hand ref sheets 👉🏼👉🏼 u the realest
See the full post
44 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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my friend @i-think-in-metaphors did this amazing commission for me!!! i redid the phantom planet statue for my au, and wrote a scene for one of my upcoming works where mateo gets to see it in person. i finally got tired of imagining it and wanted to see it.
and the product. is. GORGEOUS. it's so perfect. i'm in love. i'm gonna cry about this for the next 30 years. LOOK AT HIM.
(click for quality.)
check out her commissions!!
the scene it's based on is below the cut!
Excerpt from quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead! (wip)
The black zirconium statue was larger than life. It towered above them on two separate, stepped obsidian pedestals, each about five-feet high. As Mateo moved closer, he could see something glittering in the bases. Danny mumbled something about ectoplasmic ice mixed into it, stronger than diamonds, but Mateo thought they looked like stars. He figured that was the intention. It was gorgeous.
He tilted his head back to take in the actual sculpture. That Danny was twice as large as the one standing next to Mateo. He felt his heart lurch a little at how serious Danny looked, the tight furrow over his brow, the determined set to his jaw. It all made him look so much older than even now, even though Mateo knew he was only sixteen when the statue was made.
The statue’s zirconium white accents were blinding in the late afternoon sunlight, and Mateo found himself shading his eyes as he looked up even higher. The hair on the statue was shorter than Mateo had seen Danny wear his, probably closer to the length it had been when he was in high school. It was swept back heroically, as if moved by an unseen wind, and the sun glinted off its sharp edges. It made the whole statue look as if it were glowing.
Crystalized ectoplasm made Phantom’s eerie green eyes, and they glowed too, though Mateo figured they probably glowed under their own power rather than a trick of the light. The statue’s eyes were trained on the thin, steel-wire Earth he cupped protectively close to his chest; it was a promise as well as a remembrance. The world remembered what Phantom did for them, and he promised them he would do it all over again if necessary.
65 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
this is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
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Sam did this amazing cover for me and I literally can't stop staring at it. I'm making it my phone background like immediately. Here's their post, go give it a reblog!
prologue: without you, there's no reason for my story and chapter one: fading in the afterglow are live right now!
i'll be posting every SATURDAY starting this saturday 9/3! we got seven more chapters to go, lads, so buckle up!
71 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lostacelonnie · 6 months
Sorry this took a bit to get to time slipped right by & life happened a bit. Plus i got my first tattoo & thus couldn't use my right arm as well for a bit. Weather here has been like. Back & forth between rain/snow & mostly sunny so i can only blame the horrors. Oh good! Im glad its mostly easy stuff for you this month. Wait what? Thats all wild & im glad those teachers got fired for that. If only we were that regulatory of teachers in the states. A win win situation indeed. A carnival? That does sound like a lot of fun i gotta add that on my list of stuff to hopefully see one day. Yeah honestly! Like something about schools just. Is way different & can only be explained by school air. Thank you! I got sparkle decently quick which i needed her for her buffs so im glad. Those 30 free pulls from the anniversary will help my archeron gain i hope. Shame jingliu is in the same patch so ill have to wait for her again. One day clara will come to me. I hoped it would be on sparkle's banner but i got e1 gepard instead. I cant even reach gold & gears because the final boss of swarm disaster is still beating my ass i need better imaginary units. Or to work on ratio maybe he can deal with that damn boss duplicating itself. Oh talents are another thing i should focus on maxing for characters i just. Keep forgetting. Next patch we have triple drop coc & su planar ornaments which is gonna be nuts i cant wait to farm then. Ive played wendy's arc a bit more & like. Wow cocolia is awful what the hell. Worst mom of the year. Im excited for you to continue them both are so good. Oh thats what all that was about okay. Seele best girl always. Oh no worries take all the time you need to jot it down. Yeah some people get. Real intense about their us patriotism & its. Embarrassing. My condolences on losing such an impressive noita run. One day ill get into honkai part 2. But for now its a slow movement through part 1
ah very fair and apologies on my part as well!!! yknow how it is. same old same old. i was personally also Quite busy with our dear beloved school festival which drained me for like a solid week 😭😭 but it was SO worth it. im def helping with it next year as well. AND YOO TATTOO??? THATS AWESOME....... man i wanna get tattoos when im older (and piercings. i dont have a Single one i feel inferior to like all of my friends) but ive never really known what Of. and yeah same with the weather..... it was like. 9 celsius like two days ago and its 25 celsius today. Wild. and thankies!!! i Got Through it (with varying results tbh) but not anything to get me really down so we chillen. AND YEAH RIGHT???? our school is just generally a hotspot for strange individuals (both students and teachers) but its usually in the positive way. but ah what can you do. and yeahhhhh i heard it kinda sucks in the us. and same!!! ive heard a Lot of things about the carnivals in spain since theyre a pretty Big Thing and our teachers love to tell us about them so i actually ended up looking quite a bit forward to seeing one someday. if money allows for it, that is. AND GOD FOR REAL. school air my beloathed school air. OH CONGRATS ON THE SPARKLE!!! to be fully honest i do Not know what her kit is because i wasnt playing That much when her banner was up. or rather focused more on just going through penacony, both story- and exploration-wise. AND GOOD LUCK ON ACHERON!! i managed to get her, her lightcone, AND claras eidolon in like. a 100 pulls which is probs a new record for me. currently saving but i dont know who for yet SHJD. ill see if any future penacony chars interest me (ive been Thinking about boothill, or aventurine for clara) but if not then its gonna be either jingliu or topaz. and ahh good luck with getting them as well in the future!! GOD I HATE THE SWARM. I HATE THE SWARM SO MUCH. GAHHH. the most annoying enemies in the game by a MILE. but ah what can you do. oh yeah very real i always forget in genshin but luckily dont really have that problem in hsr. and yeah im Waiting for that triple drops for my acheron since rn she just has. Very scuffed temporary gear. but not gonna lie her damage is pretty good regardless. i think the mechanic with not needing energy to use her ult but stacks of That One Thing instead is very fun and interesting. brings a bit of spice into the gameplay. AND AHHH I HAVE VERY COMPLEX FEELINGS ABOUT COCOLIA shes a really interesting character imo. but thats revealed a bit more in the later arcs so i wont share too much hehehehe. tho yeah i agree she is Not a great mother. SEELE BEST GIRL ALWAYS!!!! and thankies!!! also yeah... but at least theres a lot of ways one can make fun of them. i literally cant stop saying "MY PRONOUNS ARE U/S/A" whenever i get a good mark on my english tests its just embedded in my vocab now. and have fun with honkai!!!!
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reviewsclown · 1 year
Pokemon Shield 2019
For context before playing shield I was on a bit of a pokemon kick, specifically difficulty mods I could play on my 3ds, Wilting Y and Volt White specifically, and difficulty mods can be a bit frustrating if your brain isn't huge yeah? wanted to go for a calmer experience, a baseline regular difficultly game, some would call it easy even, and yknow I've never played swsh I was a gen 7 and below truther so now that I have, I have thoughts on it.
So, this game was hated on a lot because of dexit but, let's be honest, the average 5 year old player isn't going to be finding every pokemon ever to really notice that some aren't included, it's still a little bit sucks but I'm not going to get mad about it or anything, it's understandable, people got too mad about it. I don't remember what else people hated about it back then though
The wild area, at first I kinda disliked it but I realized it's such a small part of the game why get mad about it, putting raid battles in a pokemon game is kind of stupid though and the ability to farm for free exp at them is kinda busted, made this game really easy because at any time I could go and get 5-10 levels in less than an hour. And speaking of that and how this is a bit of a baby game, having recently come off playing difficulty hacks, it was kind of shitty about how I could just kinda, one shot every single pokemon in every gym, just way too easy, barely even had to try. the champion was a league above everyone else in that i had to 2 shot every one of his pokemon which is still way too easy and not fun.
Graphically the game looked fuckin amazing, great aesthetic style, kinda had a painting vibe? all the areas in that game look really good no complaints ever. However due to pokemons yearly schedule (please fix) you can tell all that work put into the graphics was work taken out of the story, the story was just super nothing remarkable especially since i played this after white which i would consider has the best story going on, there's a good lot more they could explore with the commercialization of the pokemon league in galar, all of it's done for money, and you see that spikemuth sucks because they don't have that league money because they can't dynamax. better people have made better points about this. Also I would've liked to explore more what was going on with Bede considering he's like, some orphan Oleana found to do Macro Cosmos dirty work? how does he feel about the abandonment by the person that took him in and gave him a chance at a good life and all that Edit: also the final fight with eternatus/dynamax eternatus looked quite epic.
The music I would not say is especially noteworthy, like a few pokemon games I guess there's some songs that especially fuck harder than anything else. Mainly the gym themes and the gym rematch themes, of course they go hard they're big deals. And a special shout out to every song that uses that howling instrument that's first used in the slumbering weald it's such a fun instrument, love it, adds a lot to a song
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girlypsyop · 1 year
I'm going crazy I need somebody to read this conversation I overheard on an airplane in 2022. I totally forgot about it until I found it while going through my notes.
It is a bit long but it was just so surreal and beautiful and something something humanity ok?
u ever just overhear one of the most touching interactions of your life in the back of a airbus a320
So I'm gna explain this really bad and it was kind of a "had to be there" situation but just imagine a completely dark airplane, no lights, no open windows, except a single one in the row behind you
In that aisle there's a middle-aged man sitting on the aisle. He is traveling alone. 2 women are sitting next to him
Across the aisle from them are 3 guys
So this middle aged guy. his name is Roy:)
He sits down next to the two woman and as we are shuttling to the runway, he asks if they can open the window because it's his very first flight.
They open the window
They ask him about his destination
He says he's going to Chicago when the plane starts taking off. He YELLS "Woah! Full throttle baby!" (Imagine this in the most southern accent you've ever heard)
Everyone in the back 3 rows cracks up
He laughs and says "yall got your windows closed? Not the least bit curious about what in the hell just happened?"
Everyone at a window seat who could hear him opened their window for a bit
For a while he points out things in the window.
"First time I stepped outta my podunk little town and saw the city it seemed so massive. Just... skyscrapers you have to crane your neck to look at, I'd never seen anything like it. But look at it... you can see the entire city from up here. Look at those teeny tiny little buildings."
"Are all those squares down there farms?"
"I think so yea"
"....if aliens ever visit they're gonna think someone got to us first"
"I thought there'd be more trees. There are trees everywhere where I'm from. I mean ive seen pictures of deserts and whatnot. Just never seen it with my own two eyes. How do people live like that"
"well it is January. Maybe they're all just dead"
"Oh right. No shit............. that's worse somehow."
"This is gonna be a stupid question but is that a cloud down there? Or just fog from a different angle or something, I dunno! Nothing looks like it does down there, I don't trust my own eyes"
"Yes its a cloud"
"That is so awesome. I was hoping we'd see some clouds. I looked up pictures on the internet, but they don't compare to the real deal"
After that he gets a bit nervous, says he doesn't like how the plane feels so still, as if we aren't even moving. He asks if we get drinks on this flight, they say yea usually. He tells them to wake him up when it happens.
When the attendant is a few rows ahead of him, they wake him up. He asks them if they've got bourbon. They laugh and say "not for the poor people" then they ask him if he likes ginger ale he says
"I mean sure"
"If you like ginger ale you'll love it on an airplane"
"Why in the... why the hell does it make a difference on a plane?
"I don't know, the carbonation the ginger it settles your stomach. And it just tastes better somehow. Trust me, it's almost a tradition."
"Well gee there's something you don't read about.. ginger ale on airplanes.."
He gets the ginger ale
"It tastes like a ginger ale"
"Yea but it's ginger ale on a plane!"
"If you say so"
A few minutes later he says
"Yknow maybe my expectations were just too high. I was expecting it to taste like. I dunno God's spit or something."
The guys across the aisle lose it
"Man that's what I'm calling airplane gingerale from now on. God's spit"
He goes back to sleep after that. As we start our initial descent he wakes up. one of the girls asks where's he's from
"Lousiana. Small town, I never left it once."
"Wow you must have really loved it"
"Ha. Something like that. I'm a rehabilitation counselor there. Have been for 3 years. Got a big fancy promotion last year, now I'm a bit of a team leader. Who would have thought. Have to wear a tie and everything. Never pictured myself someone's boss. Normally I'm... normally I'm the one quittin after a few months and slashin the boss's tires"
"Oh yea? You ever piss someone off enough to get your own tires slashed"
"Not yet but a man can dream"
A minute passes
One of the guys across the aisle, he's wearing a tie tells roy
"I was in and out of rehab for nearly my whole life. What a thankless job, nobody likes you until long after they've left"
"Ah well. We don't do it for the thanks. It's rewarding to see people turn their lives around. Not all of them not even most of them. But every now and then...."
"Well I hope you know even the ones who don't quite make it are just grateful someone gives a shit about them, even if they're being paid to."
"Oh I'm well aware son. I'm In recovery myself. It's why I could never leave my town. My mom died birthing me and my dad... well it's hard for him. He's got health problems and head problems probably. I think losin her really fucked him up. He did what he could but.... Well I don't wanna bring down the room.....bringing down this particular room would be terrorism I think"
I died at that one
"This is the first time in my life I've had a paid vacation. I never married or had kids and. Well I'm taking this trip for me, but those folks back in the facility are what push me to do this. It's hard sometimes to convince them it's worth it to cross the finish line when I can't show em proof of a better life."
"So why chicago?"
"Well... I never said it out loud but I used to read about those old prohibition bars. Those were big in Chicago. I always wanted to go. Secret entrances and passwords and all that. So I looked it up and there's some those old speakeasies that you can still go to. It's a bit kitch
"My ears hurt real bad don't they control the pressure in these tin cans?"
"I guess not very well. Try opening your mouth a bunch it'll pop your ears"
"That's.. disturbing"
0 notes
lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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