#people actually quite enjoy following curator blogs
bleaksqueak · 1 year
Working on getting a patreon pack up and ready right now, but real quick: I'm a big fan of "Share it! reblog! tell the new style of algorithm internet shit to suck it!", but you might look around and be like "...But you never reblog much of anything?" I do though lol. This is largely my art blog, and while I'll reblog something here from time to time despite wanting to keep it mostly concise, I have like three other blogs on this same account. One of those blogs in particular I reblog to so much that I finally had to make myself add things to my queue instead of just reblogging on the spot. It was (a lot). It's like collecting pins, action figures, cards, (or in my case, architectural photography, landscapes and monster art)... I'm tacking them all up on display so that I can look at them, and make anyone else who visits look at them as well.
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sprout-fics · 8 hours
Hi I wanted to ask for some advice as to what I should do with my blog because I’m quite new to tumblr and idk who else to ask but the writers I already follow😭
I no longer want my main blog to have my cod fics on them so I created a side blog specifically for cod content. What do I do with the few fics I’ve already posted on the main blog? Should I delete them and then copy and repost them to my new blog? Or should I leave them with an edit saying I’ve moved and just reblog them so the original post is still visible on the new blog? The thing is that these few fics I’ve posted already have around 100 notes each so I don’t want to be annoying to anyone by moving.
I’m so sorry if this makes no sense. You obviously don’t have to answer this if you don’t want, I just wanted to ask someone who seems to know how tumblr works and knows what’s the norm lol. Love your stuff btw💖
Hello love! I actually encountered this same thing a while back. I have some very ancient fanfics on my main that I never moved here. (The difference being I distanced myself from that fandom so I had no need to move them)
Personally what I would do is leave a note with each fic saying 'I've moved to this new blog for my writing' so you preserve the original notes and you don't lose any nice comments or tags from others on your original posts. Plus people can still go back and re-read those fics under your original url. This way people know where to find you for future fics!
I doubt anyone would find your organization efforts annoying. People move around on blogs and change their handles all the time. If anything, I think those who enjoy your writing would be disappointed if they found your fics to vanish into the ether if you deleted them, and they couldn't remember your url so as to figure out where you went.
There is no norm for how to do these things, and ultimately it's your decision how to go about this. I'm just offering my opinion in regards to how I would do it. You're free to move/change things any way you please because at the end of the day- it's your blog! You are free to curate your space however it makes you most comfortable ❤️
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pararennial-archived · 8 months
*‵ ・ 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃. / moved
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After a whole rollercoaster of experiencing a lot of highs and lows last year and into this year, I think I managed to figure out how to best curate my space here. I made lots of friends, and lost a lot at the same time. I find that it's like a coin toss here because I'm happy that I am able to vibe with people I feel at home with and who inspire me. But the RPC is getting notoriously non-communicative and smaller, but perhaps staying small is the best, meaning I will keep a close few that I actually have a blast writing with. I genuinely love this hobby and writing this muse, so I'm far from getting into the mindset of quitting.
I might catch you guys on the other side with the new blog, for those who might not, again it's not personal. If you do find me (and it's not like I'm gonna make myself hard to find), you're still welcome to hang out and follow if you still enjoy having me around.
Roxy and I are continuing to move to greater creative heights, but this time I'm gonna do it right by generating my own good vibes. Keep your eyes out for me, I'm gonna be quiet for a while and take the time to re-establish myself before following people back!
Peace! ~ ✌🏼
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alexaloraetheris · 1 year
I follow 180 blogs (I learned early the importance of curating my dash) and while going through that list I took a bit of a headcount, and then did a double take.
I don't know how I managed it, but almost exactly 30% of the blogs I follow are Finnish, 30% are Jewish and 30% are either fandom, LGBTQ or both, and the remaining 10% are people who are so extremely autistic/ADHD that it's like I'm reading stuff beamed directly from my brain. Like, I did actual math dor this.
I don't know what that says about me, but I'm quite enjoying the content of my dash, so.
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
I did notice that some people (vagueblogging) who go on about how LIKES DO NOTHING YOU MUST REBLOG EVERYTHING and YOU MUST SUPPORT CONTENT CREATORS WITH REBLOGS OR YOU MURDER FANDOM actually run quite tightly-curated blogs themselves. So either they just happen to only enjoy (and thus - of course! - reblog) content very similar to what they make themselves or... they're not actually reblogging everyone else's posts the way they demand we do of theirs. Is this because, I venture, they want to keep their own blog to fairly consistent themes, because they know that if they just reblogged literally every post they appreciated in some way they'd appear on their followers dashes so often that people might go "they're getting a bit spammy, I can't keep up with this flood of widely varying content I have no personal interest in, I'll just unfollow them"?
There have been one or two angry posts about the moral responsibility to reblog everything you see where when I go to the OP's blog it's oddly coherent in theme and consists mostly of their own content or already popular content that I don't know was mostly there to maintain a reciprocal promotional relationship but like... I do wonder.
I just happen to only like things made by popular people who make content similar to my own, okay?!?! You though... you need to put my desire for fame and tumblr popularity over your own desire to curate the content that appears on your blog, as well as over any concerns about 'spamming' your own followers. My content could never be considered spam, by anyone! Why don't you support me? THIS IS HOW FANDOMS DIE YOU KNOW!!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I've been following you on here pretty much since you started blogging and I just found out I've also been following you on Twitter without realizing it 🤣
People say Tumblr is just as bad as Twitter, what's your opinion? I lurk on both, but I feel like I see a LOT more firsthand craziness on Twitter, but mostly responses to craziness (usually from Twitter) on Tumblr.
Do you think the vibe on Tumblr is gonna change if Twitter dies?
Lol it's like the deck of the digital Titanic over there... Everybody's scrambling to consolidate their mutuals, get their new SM profiles out and get their parting shots in
I had some friends point out that I mostly successfully lurked on Twitter and then when everyone was sharing their tumblr/insta links with their moots for the possible digital titanic (lmfaoo! Love that) of Twitter, I figured I would too. And they then said it was like I just did a face reveal. The shock some people had 😅🤣 and now I'm feeling a little exposed on Twitter. Lol but that's okay, I'm deleting the post later so the few who saw it, yay. Let me know if we are moots or not anon and if you want to be lol
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I don't think Twitter is actually going anywhere anytime soon. I don't think it's going to capsize on us like Titanic, although the amount of panic over it right now is very Titanic 🤣 I think it's going to be a slow painful agonizing death that gets drawn out. Lol unfortunately. Maybe Elon can pull his head out his ass long enough to ask for help and maybe it can be turned around
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Tumblr has survived through every time people thought the site would go down. It survived through every other social media crash. It's adapted, overcome, and gone straight back to its own specialized verison of a hellsite as it always has. At least, from my experience. Lol it'll probably be an adjustment period. Especially as people from Twitter try to bring Twitter culture over onto tumblr and have it not work quite as well. But I think overall it'll be fine. The nice part in MY experience with tumblr is that what you see is VERY easy to curate. You only have to see things from blogs you follow or tags you follow. You can block out specific words or tags if you want so that even if you get asks, you won't get some with certain words in it. Or you won't see posts with certain words or tags in it. Whereas on Twitter, even if you curate your timeline very well, it's still super easy to stumble across alot of drama and hate. Now, I mostly only find that on tumblr if I go looking for it, if it gets sent to me in DMs or a troll shows up in my ask box. And I haven't even blocked any tags, just a few accounts here. I will say, for anyone new from twt, enjoy learning tumblr. I've been here for a while, have only been blogging for little over a year though, but I still don't always know or understand what I'm doing or how it works. Lol good luck!
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Anyways, if you found me on Twitter with my little announcement to my moots. No you didn't 😅 lol keep it to yourself, but feel free to DM me, talk to me, or engage with me over there as well. I'm pretty chill over on Twitter honestly, but I enjoy it still! I'm still jikook focused over there, but much more of just a bts account too.
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chaosnightmare · 2 years
heyyyy i had a post gain some traction a while ago where i listed some good advice for newbies on tumblr, but some of the information in that post is now either outdated or no longer helpful. here's a better, more accurate version.
advice for tumblr newbies (2.0)
so as i said before, deleting your post will not stop it from getting reblogs. tumblr reblogs work by saving a new version, a "snapshot" of your post, frozen in time, immune to any changes to its content you may make. as such, so long as a reblog of your post exists out there, simply deleting it will not solve the issue if you want people to stop reblogging. HOWEVER, since my last post there was a monumental new feature added to tumblr that allows you to disable reblogs universally across all existing versions of your post. this setting is called "Reblog Control", and can be changed even after a post has already been made. this is now no longer an issue.
deleting your blog or posts may cause oddities to occur on existing reblogs, such as empty OP, empty notes, and so on. if you notice these in the wild, that's what happened.
tumblr does have an algorithm, but its barely functional. you'll mostly have to curate your experience on here by yourself. follow blogs you want to see, block people you dislike, reblog posts you enjoy, and you'll find a community you like in no time.
reblogs are really the only way to boost attention for work somebody else has done. if you're not recieving any more attention on a post even though it has tons of likes, it's because you'd need reblogs for that. there is a new feature, called Blaze, where you can pay money to have your post shown to a certain amount of random users. this is never a good idea and nobody ever likes it
that last part is because tumblr is actually broken up into smaller subcommunities, who, due to the nature of the site, can stay extremely isolated from eachother. blazing a post will force people from outside your circle to see it, which can lead anywhere from confusion to hostility. on the other hand, this means that you'll rarely have to interact with people outside of your bubble.
posts don't generally become too old to reblog. if you see a post and hear it's from a long time ago, it's probably still okay to interact with. where this becomes iffy is when you start going though one specific person's old posts repeatedly, which isn't always appreciated. if you aren't sure, check the date.
tags are a very important tool for blog organization. they often work better than the content search function, and can help your original posts gain traction. if you aren't sure how to use tags on a post, take a look at other people's blogs and take note of how they use them for ideas. they do however serve another purpose, and that's to avoid adding a reblog comment.
reblog comments are where you add directly on to a post with something extra. generally, you should only do this if you're really certain that you're adding something of value to a post, or if the original post is one of your own. doing this if you don't have anything important to say is considered rude in most contexts. the workaround for this is simple: say whatever you wanted to say in the tags. character limits on tags are actually quite large, so you can add most anything you want to say. this ensures that what you want to say about the post shows up on YOUR blog, but won't necessarily transfer over to other reblogs, and it isn't considered an inept thing to do.
change your icon/pfp. change it. this website has lots of spam bot users (again, poor moderation) and while some of them do have icons, not changing yours is the easiest way to be mistaken for a bot. just change it to anything you want, but otherwise you run the risk of being reported for spam or blocked. if you're feeling up to it, tumblr gives you plenty of other blog customization options as well, such as headers and fonts and color schemes. if you're on desktop, you can even completely alter how the website looks when somebody visits your blog, but thats better to do when you already know your way around a bit.
xkit is your best friend if you're on desktop
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konkonvt · 2 years
So you're brand new to Tumblr: A primer for former Twitter users.
Note: This guide is aimed at users who have little to no experience with Tumblr, it was originally envisioned to help my vtuber friends but was written to be a general help for all users. It is not a comprehensive guide or tutorial, rather a tool to help familiarize yourself with the core features of tumblr, as well as the terms you’ll be encountering.
First and foremost let's get something out of the way, do not treat Tumblr like it's Twitter. It's not. Tricks you learned on Twitter may or may not work here but the audience and flow of your dashboard are going to be very different. Tumblr is primarily a slower site than Twitter. I don't necessarily mean that literally though that can be true, but in that posts get disseminated in a much slower way here, the average long term Tumblr user will not see your posts until someone they follow reblogs them, that's because while Tumblr does promote posts the user base has developed many a tool to curate the site to make their browsing experience better. We'll get to that later, but the point I'm trying to get at here is not to lose heart if your content doesn't get much engagement early on. That said sustainable growth is still possible here, but it's going to require some tweaks to how you do things.
Two real quick terms I will be using throughout this post, I will include more terms towards the end of this post but these two will be used throughout so we’ll define them here:  Dashboard: Sometimes referred to as your Dash is the term for the front page of your tumblr. Basically your timeline, it is where all the content you receive will end up. Your dash is heavily influenced by who you follow, how many people you follow and how often they post. Most people’s dashes are in chronological order and when they follow new blogs the new blog’s posts will be added in order to their dash, meaning they may not see content from new blogs right away but they will be sprinkled into their dashboard as they scroll. Most people will have recommended, promoted etc. posts turned off and it’s honestly the recommended way to use tumblr at this point.  Blogs: Each user’s page. In order to join tumblr you make a blog. How much each user treats their blog like an actual blog will depend on the user but it is the term used. 
Alright let's start with the basics:  
What is Tumblr's primary audience?
While like any site there will be people of all stripes here Tumblr largely functions as a gathering hub for Fandom and politics, in my experience the user base tends to skew left but it's certainly not just for leftists... Alas there is no utopia of that kind online. In general content that feeds into those broad demographics will have a higher chance of doing decently and due to Tumblr's tagging system acting more as a classification system you can get quite insular in the communities you make content for.
What type of content will do well here?
So aside from the above mentioned broad categories, due to the way content is shared on this site you want your content to, as much as possible, avoid being time sensitive. While it's absolutely possible to have time sensitive announcements and the like do decently on Tumblr, for long term sustainable growth you want at least some of your original content to be something that can be reblogged at a users leisure. Additionally I highly recommend reblogging other's works, embrace the Fandom nature of the site, users are more likely to follow someone who's interests align with theirs in what they're already using this site for. The more users following you directly the less steps it'll take to get eyes on your content since it'll show up on their dashboards from you directly, additionally they may reblog it from you disseminating it further. Find some shit you enjoy and follow some people who share it!
Any big fauxpas?
Reposting. That and art theft. If you were a good person on Twitter who hated those things already then you'll be good, but due to the nature of Tumblr's reblog system it's often seen as bad form to screenshot posts from around Tumblr to post them on your own blog. Due to the nature of replies being part of reblogs you can easily share an amusing exchange just by reblogging the last reply you want to share and the whole conversation will be boosted to your dash.
Note: Some blogs may post Screencaps of old no longer visible Tumblr posts for archival reasons, additionally there are some blogs that share art from outside sources with permission, these are generally viewed as totally fine so use context clues.
What about networking?
This is going to be the biggest difference between Twitter and Tumblr. While I will never claim Twitter was the perfect networking tool it is admittedly much better than Tumblr. Tumblr doesn't explicitly harm networking but frankly it just doesn't have the same audience for it as Twitter does and the tools for connecting with others are more rigid. That said you absolutely can network on Tumblr, just expect it'll probably be more awkward.
Okay let's get more granular and start breaking down several of the systems you'll want to familiarize yourself with here:
Like retweets but with the ability to include your own commentary or not built into the same button. This is your primary way of sharing content already on tumblr. Use it at your leisure, be aware there is a daily post limit but unless you're retweeting everything that crosses your dash you likely won't hit it most days. It's considered bad form to remove the original posters commentary, which is possible with certain tools I'll recommend later. Don't do that, especially on art. You may also directly comment on something while sharing it using this system. 
Blazing is a feature implemented after my initial time here that said it's basically paid promotional posts, you pay to have a post "blazed" onto people's dashboards and then they harass you about it. Based off of the culture on Tumblr I cannot say if doing this will or will not cause some people to harass you but posting literally anything will make someone harass you so do you.
Unlike likes on Twitter likes on Tumblr are for you, and really only you. While there are features that may share your likes with others most users will have that turned off and I recommend turning it off as well. Likes are a good, not great, way to save content for later. Personally I use likes to save stuff I want to reblog for later so I can add them to my queue... Speaking of which...
There is, as far as I am aware, no Twitter feature that mimics the Tumblr queue. While you can schedule posts for specific times, you'll find many users who use Tumblr consistently are using the queue function. The Tumblr queue can be set up to reblog a certain number of posts within a certain time frame. This way you can be reblogging content throughout the day without actually having to reblog things every hour. I suggest playing around with the amount of posts and timing until you have a queue you feel you can maintain so you're providing a constant drip feed of reblogs.
Your archive is a built in feature for your blog. It’s a grid view of all your posts by month and year. Some users use a blog’s archive as a way to judge if they want to follow a blog. The only way to control it is by deleting/adding posts. You don’t really need to think about yours too much, just be aware you have one.
Unlike Twitter's tagging system tags on Tumblr are more similar to a filing system than an algorithm boosting one specifically. That said personally I find tags on Tumblr help boost a post to the right audience much better than Twitter ever has and was the biggest feature I missed. While there is a limit on tags it's a very generous one and allows users to make sure their content has accurate tags to help the right communities see them. Use tags to your advantage. Tag broad categories and niche ones. Ex. A piece of Pokémon fan art can include both the “video games” tag and the “Pokémon” one to help people who follow both those tags find it. You can get even more granular and tag the Pokémon in the art. Use tags to sort your own blog as well, make sure to include important ones for your own content or branding. For instance including "my art" helps a follower know something is yours but also means they can search your blog for that tag and find everything you've posted with it, making it easy to find and share it from your blog. You can also set up a tags page for easier navigation. (We'll talk about pages in a bit.) It's easy to make sure you're using the same tags consistently as once you've posted once using a tag it'll auto suggest it when you start typing it the next time when on desktop, though old and hardly used tags may not be suggested, and this will not apply to tags on who's first post is still in your queue. Figure out what tags work best for you but please also do not spam unrelated tags, Tumblr is much less forgiving with that. Tumblr also allows users to track or hide posts using certain tags. This is the second feature I missed the most. Hiding posts with specific tags means a user can tailor their saftey on tumblr without having to block or unfollow people. As such it is considered good form to use tags to tag common Trigger or Content warnings as well as to add tags users ask you to for their own safety, within reason. (There is an infamous post of someone asking a space blog to tag space related photos because it gave them anxiety.) Also remember tags can have spaces.
This will be the primary way your followers will interact with you directly. Asks are not DMs, they have a character limit and you can set whether or not users can send you asks anonymously. When you are notified of an ask you will be prompted to respond, most asks will be published to your blog directly once you've responded, it is possible to set it to a private response so only the original asker will see it, but only if they did not send it anonymously. Asks can be a great tool to let your followers interact with you, not quite directly. However they can also be used to harass users, consider the levels of security you wish to have, you may want to turn off anonymous asks to avoid people hiding behind a grey icon when harassing you, conversely some followers may only send asks if anon is turned on. You may switch anon asks on or off at any point if you need to. 
The closest thing to DMs on Tumblr. It works, I really don’t have much to say about it. 
A feature that will be hit or miss for users, it’s not new by any stretch of the imagination at this point but wasn’t part of tumblr for a long time and so some users will use reblogs or tags for this instead. Replies are public but unlike reblogs they do not share the original post, instead the OP (and any mentioned blog) will get the notification. You can also reply to replies.
Side blogs: 
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Side blogs are additional blogs that are connected to your main blog. All side blogs share the same dashboard, they can also have multiple main blogs as admins. (Which main blog is posting/reblogging something to the side blog will be visible.) Side blogs also cannot send asks. Otherwise they can do most other things your main blog can, including being password protected, having their own themes etc. It is strictly against tumblr TOS to hoard sideblog urls. You may have many side blogs for any reason but there is a point where tumblr starts to get cranky about it so be aware. I personally use them for storing resources I do not wish to reblog to my main.
Please please please set up a custom theme for your blog. If you are reading this on my blog itself then you’re looking at my theme. It’s the custom look of your blog, it lets you make your blog into a space that reflect you and what you want to share. There are tons of themes out there, some are available to be installed directly onto your blog while others will require you to edit the html of your blog. Search around, look up tumblr themes on google, check out blogs and if they have a theme you like they will probably have a theme credit somewhere. Make your own if you got the know how (but please do check what tumblr’s current guidelines on custom themes are before you start coding away.) Setting up a custom theme has two-fold benefits. 1. You get a blog that more directly represents you and what you’re putting out there. 2. It means there’s an actual landing page for your blog.  It turns your blog url into a proper url. You go from your blog being visible only in a sub-par floating bubble that’s url reads as tumblr.com/[username] and turns it into it’s own web page with [username].tumblr.com. It looks better and usually people will prefer to scroll your actual blog page and not just the floating ill-formatted box. Some pre-created themes comes with built in pages, some don’t, so onto...
Pages are extra well, pages, on your blog. They can be used to create any number of pages you want. Each page must have a unique name from other pages on your blog, as that will be used to make the url of the page. By default pages will use the same theme as your main blog but you can also edit their html to get custom page themes. This may be useful for certain page types, such as navigations or tag pages which may have a lot of information you’d rather not force people to scroll through. Similarly to themes you can find pre-made page themes through some simple searching. Be aware that the mobile app does not see pages natively you must set up a mobile nav link, if you wish to set up a mobile navigation I recommend checking out this guide. 
This is the primary function by which most people who did not have your content posted to their Dash will find you. The search function is... Well it’s something  of a running joke among the community. Many new features have been added to this function over the years and most users don’t like them, so many a tool has been used to change it around. All of which is to say it can be inconsistent. The best way to utilize it is to search for tags related to what you want to see, the first 20 tags show up in search. You can also follow tags, this is a feature which once you’ve searched for a tag will add it to a list of tracked tags that will notify you when something new is posted there, making this feature useful for keeping on a rare pair or a community you want to be involved in. The first 5 tags show up in tracked tags. 
The Mobile App:
Pretty much what it says on the tin. There is a tumblr mobile app. It is okay at best. Up to you if you want to use it but it is not the ideal tool for posting original content. I personally mostly use it for browsing tumblr and liking things until I can get on desktop to start actually posting/reblogging content. 
Xkit is an outside tool designed to make tumblr a better experience. Most users use some variation of it at this point either New Xkit or Xkit Rewritten, or both. It is recommended you use at least one as it drastically changes the tumblr expereince for the better as well as just generally adds some fun things if you wish. (Such as a dashboard version of the old neko desktop cat.) That said as it is a third party tool be aware the coders do have to update it semi-regularly whenever a core piece of an extension is broken. Be nice to these coders, they’re the biggest reason this site hasn’t collapsed under it’s own weight. 
Some general tips, etiquette and other resources!
Firstly, take your time. Tumblr is a slower paced site than twitter and you do not want to burn yourself out on it by spamming it all the time. Tumblr has it’s own very unique history and culture and it may take some time at first to get all the references. (I will not explain the shoelaces thing, I’m sorry I just can’t handle the level of embarrassment it gives me.) 
Reblog yourself, a lot. If you’ve got work that you want to share reblog it! Since most people have built their tumblr experience to be sans algorithm you’re going to need to refresh your works on people’s dashes frequently. For a little more in depth about that and what content you should be reblogging read this.
Use tags freely but don’t spam, but do go wild with your tags. They are there for you to categorize things, and most old school tumblr users will also use them to comment on reblogs instead of adding their own comment in the reblog. There are very few rules about how to tag but please to check out this etiquette post to make sure you’re not gonna get anon hate for it. (You will anyways.) 
DNIs are used pretty freely and generally accepted within reason. That said unless you put a DNI in each post people will interact with it and you’re gonna have to live with that, if you spot a DNI that applies to you, do your best to respect it within reason. (Obviously some people are gonna be racist, sexist, ablest, homophobic, transphobic, acephobic etc. Those people are twats.) 
When reblogging an ask meme you wish to participate in, it’s generally considered good form to send an ask to the blog you’re reblogging from first to insure they also get to participate in the meme. 
I already said this, but don’t repost!
Don’t censor triggers in your tags, this is because censoring them means someone using a tag blocker will likely still see the trigger post as it will not be caught by the blocker. 
Other resources: 
Setting up your dash (Highly recommend doing this early)
How to customize your theme
Even more tips I don’t cover
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heybaetae · 2 years
I hope this doesn't sound rude because I don't want to sound rude: I'm really glad people on tumblr are more open-minded and 'normal' about being in a fandom or multiple fandoms. I see so much hate and toxicity on twitter, and I'm sure it happens on tumblr too but it kind of gets lost here (at least to me). And among the people I follow, nobody will bitch about someone being a multi or start fanwars to then blame someone for not supporting X artist enough. I'm sure there are people like that here too... But I feel like in general tumblr is more chill at least that's what I experienced in fandoms (bts is my first kpop fandom though).
this isn’t rude! it’s refreshing to hear someone point it out without being so harsh, actually. last week when a lot of new people joined this site, i immediately started seeing tweets from people already talking shit about the way people navigate their bts fandom experience on this site in comparison to twitter. it did not take long for people to notice that some of the ridiculous crap that people try to cancel or harass each other over on that app daily simply doesn’t occur on here because this is a blogging website, not a social media app, contrary to popular belief. tumblr has been around for years and has been such a massive part of fandom culture since long before stan twitter started growing more. and while, of course, no platform is completely devoid of toxicity and this site is quite notorious for its misuse of the anonymous option…the abuse you can experience on twitter just for breathing is unmatched. these websites were designed for different uses and some people like myself have literally grown up on here, spent time in several fandoms, and shared so much of their life and creativity on here. so one would be hard pressed to think they can join this site for the first time in 2022 and think they’re gonna manipulate the way people use it up to their twitter standards. it’s just not gonna work. this site has been dying for a long time and i think the communities left have managed to build a comfortable space for themselves with a lot less discourse or drama and people wanna keep it that way. it’s not “being boring” or having a superiority complex like i’ve seen people call it. it’s just that people from other platforms are gonna have to relearn the fact that fandom (in general) is much bigger than just one app and people engage with it very differently across many platforms. it doesn’t make anyone lesser of a fan or more superior than anyone else. it is possible to have nuanced conversations, for critique to be subjective instead of a personal attack (most of the time), and just because people on here aren’t constantly talking about things like voting or streaming…it doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it. stan twitter has made it very difficult to enjoy being a fan sometimes. it’s not treated like a job here. it’s just fun and good vibes as long as you curate your dashboard to your liking and do what YOU want, not what everyone else tells you to do. keep it healthy.
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zhongrin · 2 years
Hiii, I'm back, I may have fallen asleep, lol. It's been hell lately, so I'm very tired. (I'm the anon who asked about why people enjoy Yandere tropes)
I can definitely relate to people thinking I'm cold and intimidating. I've been called cold, emotionally unavailable, and distant before. But I do think you have quite a warm personality. c:
Hmm. I'd love to have some recommendations, maybe I'll take a peek through their blogs soon. I generally just haunt the Zhongli tag rather than following people (I know that seems kinda mean, but after the stalking incident, I've become afraid to follow people.)
Oh yeah, I definitely agree. It's very traumatizing and I still haven't quite gotten over it even though it's been a few months...
hello hello!! i hope you had a good rest!!
mmm yeah... i get so many "why don't you smile more?" to me it feels like an invitation for me to actually give people a glare and a snarl lmao ah, thank you <3 i'm glad that there are people who think that!!
i personally think not following blogs is fine on this platform cause that's basically just you curating what you want to see in your dash. what matters more are the reblogs for content creators!
here are some recommendations for writers who writes fluff from the top of my head: @/the-travelling-witch @/seelestia @/silkjade @/dustofthedailylife @/sonder-paradise @/pearlywritings @/hiraya-rawr @/genshinarchives @/primofate
some of them also write angst but as you go down their masterlist, if you see it in the tag you can always skip them! if i remember right they should have more fluff than angst & rough smut too.
small steps. the memories might forever remain but given time and effort to heal yourself, it'll get better! :)
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"dunno why some of their fans keep hating on each other."
lando fans: get hate and threats for moving, breathing, drinking water, daring to even think the words "lando norris is talented"
staniels: harass and send death threats to lando, lando's fans, mclaren engineers, mclaren mechanics, daniel's own race engineer, mind mental health charity volunteers, zak and andreas .... need i go on?
there's numerous posts on here with HUNDREDS of notes by staniels about how "mediocre" and "untalented" and "overrated" lando is. i haven't seen a single post like this after any of daniel's horrid races with hundreds of notes; in fact, i've seen lando fans and even fans of other drivers altogether get anon hate for even to dare criticize daniel for causing incidents this year.
honestly if anyone is still saying lando and daniel fans are anywhere near equal in toxicity, they need to check their biases. there are some toxic lando fans, i'm not excusing them - but i genuinely can't name one occurrence on THIS website where lando fans acted like hateful fools en masse the way staniels routinely do.
that’s definitely how i view things as well. the thing is that i do curate my dash quite perfectly, and it leans heavily towards the things i like which means it’s full of lando and carlos and barely any mention of other drivers. it’s not even anti daniel, i follow daniel fans and i have daniel mutuals and that’s absolutely great cause we respect each other and don’t unnecessarily spew hate about each others faves. but the thing is that i don’t think i’ve been overtly critical or criticised dan because of nothing.
firstly, as a mclaren fan he has basically done nothing to help us fight alpine this year. i am going to be critical of a driver who gets an obscene amount of money yet doesn’t give anything back on track. secondly, i have gone well off him by seeing the way both his management and a certain part of his fandom behaves. it’s disgusting and if it were anyone else there would have been calls for daniel to say something to his fans and make them realise this kind of behaviour is not it. but it clearly matters what driver it is cause i didn’t see anyone coming for the ferrari drivers after the tifosi’s disgusting behavior at monza but people did demand it from max after the orange army’s disgusting behaviour in austria. thirdly, (and idk if that’s a word) but us being critical over daniel laughing at sexist and misogynistic remarks, and basically just going on that podcast in the first place and being friendly with those guys, IS LEGITIMATE CRITICISM. it’s not some random hate because we don’t like the guy. call out your faves for the stuff they do, hold them accountable.
and if any of that is actually being hateful towards dan then idk what to say, cause i will not stop. what i don’t do is go onto people’s blogs on anon talking shit, send threats to anyone associated with him or go on his socials and insult and mock him or the things he enjoys doing.
i wasn’t gonna be on tumblr much this week but that ask was the fist thing i saw when i opened the app this morning (legit only got it minutes before) and i just had to say something 🤷‍♀️
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beaststarved · 2 years
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✽𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕋𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕍𝔼𝔻 ( careful , the cornered beast bites the hardest . )
an independent roleplay blog for 𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙀 from redspring studio's upcoming game, 𝔗𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔡. worshipped by ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜 ! minors are not permitted. 𝟏𝟖+ for mature and potentially triggering topics due to game content. heavily suggested to look through theme pages for more detailed info. Est 3/23/23.
─── 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒚 𝒐𝒏    b̲e̲i̲n̲g̲ bound against ones' will, hedonism, mind games, love through the visceral animal instinct, devouring your enemies, & the pursuit of power at all costs.
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⊰ 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 … @sanctissimx , @sunderer
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I. ℭ𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔤𝔬 , the Senobium bound a wicked beast with a magic collar , sealing his powers and forcing his obedience . Known for his sharp tongue and biting wit , Vere is a cunning fox spirit born of the depths of the Shroud and has long done the Senobium’s dirty work with a sly smile , but he’s grown restless and there’s no telling what a beast as cunning and ruthless as Vere will do once unleashed . Can he be trusted , or does he simply enjoy playing with his food ?
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01. i'm 28 yrs old and living in cst . feel free to send me IMs if you want to plot or talk about the muses . due to my demanding schedule i am extremely low activity . i require patience and understanding from my mutuals , although most of my mutuals are friends anyways .  
i may post oocly on the dash but i am often working sun-thurs. after 5 pm cst i am almost always available for chatting even if i am not rping . I have discord available upon request if you want to reach me on the regular . i curate my space often but please do not be deterred from reaching out & starting a conversation . i am actually quite shy but once we get talking i am your jester fr .
NOTHING   on here is owned by me unless stated otherwise . the psds i am currently using for icons/graphics are self -made or by these talented people :  
please support the incredible artists and team behind the  𝔗𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔡 project at their site here + kickstarter here !
i  always  check  mun  info when  reading  rules  /  looking  at blogs  ! 
02. this blog is considered MUTALS ONLY . If we are mutuals , always free to reply to my open starters or ask memes ( preferably on a new post ) . If you think i have lost a post , feel free to shoot me an IM and ask ! i always tag my partner's url too .
such as but not exclusive to : Violence / Gore / Trauma / Language , etc   . due to the nature of some of the content my character is from . i , as a mun , of course  DO NOT ADVOCATE for the behavior of my character or others or my fandom on top of that . i try to keep to my own corner really . this applies to general rpc happenings , too .
threads of an explicit or dark nature should be pretty common so beware , however i have my limits . i have  NO   time for able*sm, r*cism ,  p*dophila , inc*st , r*pe , or lgbt fetishizing / homophobia . if you ask or present me with it , i  WILL   block you . 
I will always tag  NSFW   for images / gifs / threads . anything else that is potentially triggering will have a  TW   after it . i don't do fancy tags for triggering content so you will be safe here , just ask me to tag something if it's reasonable .
i also refuse to participate in mature threads with minors or follow them .  in fact, even if this blog content is 18+, I will only interact with rpers who are 21+.
04 . I don't require my partner to match the length of my replies . i am always open to general script rp to start our interactions , too ! i don't mind if you do or don't format posts , i don' t judge !
concerning RP , multis please specify which muse you would like to interact with when sending in memes or liking starter calls . unfortunately i am not a mind reader and i'm inclined to panic and inevitably not answer someone's rp if i don't know who they want to interact with . 
 i'm always down for forming / establishing many kinds of relationships if we have agreed to it beforehand . I don't mind one sided shipping either .  regarding MCs , i only ask that we discuss what route / dynamic we both want before assuming to auto-ship with me .
I also reserve the right to my interpretation of a character. I don't operate on fanon 80% of the time, so please understand if I have a different perspective of Vere than maybe you do.
05. Do not involve me in drama. I will block liberally if you are of the opinion that someone who annoys you warrants a smear campaign or you create a hostile space on your blog or in GC for people who have not done anything wrong. That being said, I will rarely reblog a post about people who have genuinely caused harm within the online community since this blog is a safe space (even if Vere is not lol).
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slow-button-off · 2 years
I got an ask re my opinions on Carlos recent interviews and I really want to talk about these two sentences of that ask:
"If not for him, at least out of respect of people who DO like him and want to enjoy fandom's spaces in peace. You have no right to ruin the party for everyone else."
If this is about the Santander video reblog then I am sorry but I added a harmless little joke about their race pace this year. And adding little things onto reblogs is just how tumblr works.
If this is about me giving my opinions on my blog then this is a bigger conversation because I don't tag my snarky opinions under the drivers tags. At most they have my ask tag. And I do it this way because people that don't follow me that really like Carlos do not have to see these opinions. And this way those opinions do not show up under that tag and you'll only see them if you follow me.
Considering all of that it sounds like you view my blog as a larger fandom space. This blog exists because I wanted to have a space where I can give my opinions and I can talk about what I am passionate about. I happen to be super into engineering and I happen to like talking about it and that evolved into people sending me asks for me to explain certain things.
And I love that! If me explaining things I am super passionate about makes the more technical things more accessible to some or whatever that's a brilliant thing!
But that was never the intention behind this blog.
My blog is still my blog where I get to talk about whatever I want to talk about. It's not some public service.
If you are only here for the Ferrari news or the technical things or whatever it is, you are very much welcome! However, I am still going to talk about whatever I want to talk about.
I can make you the offer that we can come up with a tag that I can use when I am being snarky about Carlos so you can then filter that tag. This offer also stands for anything else that I might talk about that whomever isn't interested in.
But I'm not going to stop saying whatever I want to say because at the end of the day it's my blog. And I never pretended to be 100% objective. I try to be as objective as I can when talking about actual races and the data and these things. But me also talking about that doesn't mean I don't get to have and share my opinions on drivers interviews.
I quite literally cannot ruin the party for everyone on my own blog when I don't use any tags on those posts. If you see them then you follow me. And that's lovely! But that is at the end of the day a choice you made. You don't have to follow me for all my posts! But you also don't get to tell me what I can and can't talk about on my own blog.
This blog is just a collection of what I want to talk about. The same way your blog is a collection of what you want it to be.
At the end of the day every tumblr user curates their own experience. If you want me to add a tag so you can filter it then that's fine and I'm happy to do that! But otherwise maybe my blog just isn't the right thing for you and that's ok!
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
🦄 🔥 🖼 🛍
MY EXPERIENCE IN THE ROLEPLAYING COMMUNITY * send me a symbol and i'll tell you... - @kingofthewebxxx
🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
Okay, I don't think I actually have any hot takes, I have thoughts here and there.... like I wish people would be more honest about stuff. I wish some of the language was simpler because somethings are really confusing to me (probably a tism thing) - like why 'private' blogs advertise themselves in tags. If it says private I assume it means, completely closed off or like invite only or they don't accept random follows. - If it just means mutuals only I don't understand why you wouldn't use that language.
I have thoughts about shipping too - like I'm probably more sensitive to it because I'm an OC. On the one hand I wish people wouldn't assume that all OC's want to romantically ship, there's a lot of characters I'd just love connections with. I also wish I didn't feel so.... like not bad but like a certain type of way about curating shippy stuff, reblogging shippy stuff, making gifsets for ships I don't even have. - I have a lot of conflict about it because I'm trying not to put people off taking a look at my blog, trying not to make people think that the only reason I want to write with them is for a ship when that is far from the case and chemistry is the absolute most important thing to me. I think I just need to think fuck it and do shit anyway.
🦄 the best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year
I definitely think coming back to Maria, realising how much I missed and loved her. I think being accepted again and finding new connections, reconnecting with old friends. I think those are the best things.
🖼 my favorite types of characters
I'm not going to lie, I think it depends on what I'm reading/feeling like. I love well rounded characters with depth though, or potential depth and I tend to be really attracted to side characters the most in canon.
In terms of playing characters, I adore sort of grumpy cop characters with a heart of gold, that's why in the past I've played Harvey Bullock, Lestrade, Alfred Pennyworth, a couple of OC's. I quite enjoy soft male characters too which is why I've had a couple of male OC's with a similar character type to Archie Hopper.
As far as female characters go, I tend to go for OC's rather than canon quite a lot. I couldn't tell you why because often in RP it's not about shipping them with someone, it's more about exploring characters. I like softer female characters with a strength in them and a tendancy towards kindness - that's what Maria is, it's what Briar was and Charlie. Even characters who are darker, like my vampire OC with Eva Green FC - have a great strength in them without being villainous or OTT. I've only played one or two canon female characters and one of them I had a horrible experience on (Tauriel from The Hobbit).
I LOVE a good dramatic villain, really hamming it up and making it panto. I love playing a mirror/evil version of Maria because that's exactly how I play her, as cartoonish, hack and hamming it up, but also kind of early 00's sexy.
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
Oh goodness I'm not sure. Okay, maybe, how crippling awkward I feel all the time. How if I don't contact you, or I rarely IM it's not a reflection of how much I enjoy our threads. I just categorically NEVER want to be a bother to anyone. I get very in my head about how I might be misinterpreted or that I'm bothering people with my mere presence, that I'm too much. That I talk too much. So I just keep myself to myself instead. Even when there's gifs/drabbles/ideas/fun stuff I am DYING to share.
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Tried redownloading Instagram recently and I have some thoughts....
I originally deleted it because of the endless void of pointless, time-wasting, brain-rotting Reels. I finally realized it was actively harming my (admittedly, already terrible) mental health. It's the same reason I don't have, and never will have Tik Tok. If I have endless content to scroll through in my free time, I'm going to. I'm bored easily and full of Mental Illness™️. Yes Tumblr is my home and I have dedicated far more years to this hellsite (affectionate) than any human should. Look at the way I type, for fuck's sake. But I have curated this hellsite over the span of quite a few years to cater to me: Blacklisting/filtering tags and content I don't want to see. Unfollowing and blocking people LIBERALLY, and without the burden of knowing them in real life. Only following juuuust enough blogs to make it so I can scroll and catch up to where I had last left off without wasting too much time. There is no """"algorithm"""" to speak of.
In less than an hour, I had inadvertently turned my Instagram "Explore" page into an infinite, hate-spewing, emotionally distressing flood of Reels.
It started off innocently enough. I was watching a video of a woman with a service dog listening to a mother teach her young daughter about why she couldn't pet the dog ("he's working, sweetie; his vest says 'Please Don't Touch'"). Then it started showing me videos of some not-as-friendly people interacting with service dogs; harassing, petting, disregarding the owner's pleas and nervous explanations about why their dog can't be distracted on duty. This progressed further, to videos of "Emotional Support Animals" who were CLEARLY not trained in any professional capacity, barking at/attacking actual service dogs. And if this wasn't upsetting enough, the videos then began to depict rude strangers harassing people in public about anything and everything. In roughly 43 minutes, I had a brand new, clean-slate algorithm actually PROMOTE TO ME a video of a self-titled TERF verbally assaulting a trans woman in a restaurant.
Many people have said it before me in a far more eloquent manner than my current brain can muster, but this is why people are able to transition so quickly into hateful individuals. It is APPALLING how little time it took for me to want to throw my whole phone in the garbage. I've worked so hard to truly curate my online experience into something I enjoy, and can handle on a regular basis. I tell everyone I know: "Use the Block button FREELY!!!! Filter out content you don't like!!! Blacklist tags you don't want to see, even if it's because you don't like spoilers, or you don't know your mutual's current hyperfixation Blorbo of the Week!!!" It should be NATURAL and EASY to unfollow content you aren't comfortable with! Even if I erase my history on Instagram, or delete and then redownload the app, it doesn't mean this won't happen again!! It happens all the time, all around the world, to the MILLIONS of people using Instagram, or Tik Tok, or Twitter, or ANY social media site without proper community guidelines.
It makes me really upset to think about how easy it is to turn someone into a cruel, uncaring person, and how hard it is to turn them towards kindness instead.
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kurtanaroyalty · 3 years
Hi<3 I wanted to ask you if new directions were on tumblr, how do you think you would interact with them? And what do you think their blogs would be about?
Oooh I love this question!! Tysm for the ask🥰💗
Santana: Mutuals. It was basically confirmed in canon that this girl had a tumblr with her comment about her having a favorite ‘Rizzoli & Isles’ blog.. if that doesn’t scream a tumblr lesbian idk what does lol!! Her entire blog would mainly be devoted to sapphic ships that she would sob about in the tags (think overuse of emojis and keyboard smashes)! She would have a pretty decent following and get quite a few asks where she would give headcanons and meta on her favorite ships. She also wouldn’t tell a soul that she’s on there but Brittany would find out and lovingly tease her about it.
Tina: I follow her but she doesn’t follow me. She would be on tumblr constantly! She would have one of those super popular multifandom blogs that makes the most crisp gifs and has hundreds of requests waiting in her inbox. At first you’d be a bit intimidated by her until you realize she is the sweetest and is always super nice about giving tips and resources for gif making!
Sam: I don’t follow him but he follows me. His tumblr would consist of almost 100% memes with no organization/tagging system. Instead of tags, he would leave comments under posts like “woah this is sick dude 🤩” or “nice!!! 👍” which would in turn make a good amount of people block him because they would think he’s some bot or sarcastic troll when in reality they are always genuine comments. He would be the king of spam reblogging to the point that if you did follow him he would overwhelm your dash. Though, every once and awhile there would be a very detailed & coherent post by him about ‘True Jackson, VP’ with links to a petition to get it renewed/rebooted.
Blaine: Mutuals. You just know he would make the best tumblr mutual! He would definitely be that one mutual that you can always count on to like and reblog your content and he would leave the most thoughtful tags. His blog would be a variety of all his interests (he originally tried to have separate side blogs but it was too much for him to keep up with!) but it’s extremely well organized and mainly runs on a queue.
Kurt: I follow him but he doesn’t follow me. His tumblr would be very curated and definitely fit a certain aesthetic. I picture it mostly consisting of reblogs of fashion, films, art, food, etc. But multiple times a week he would post blank text posts with super long rants in the tags with a lot of cussing and the last tag would be #delete later.
Brittany: Mutuals. Everything she posts would be super cheerful & colorful (envision loads of rainbows & cats). She is known for sending asks since she absolutely loves sending her mutuals the most offbeat questions. You can also always rely on her if you’re having a bad day to send you a random quote or fact that will make you smile.
Mike: Mutuals. He would truly have the most chill blog and reblog anything that catches his eye but not in a way where it overloads your dash. He also is someone who follows back almost everyone who follows him and sends a lot of kind asks & leaves nice tags on your original content. He would never get involved in any fandom drama and would only have one filtered tag which is ‘Channing Tatum’.
Puck: Mutuals (mostly for entertainment purposes on my end). He’d be the one to act like he’s never even heard of tumblr but secretly runs his own fic blog mainly for the soap opera he compulsively watches with his mom & sister. He also occasionally enjoys posting snippets of the various screenplays he’s working on. He prides himself on staying anonymous so he uses a pen name and changes the names of everyone he writes about but does an awful job at picking out new names (changes Puck to Huck, Finn to Binn, etc)!
Finn: Neither one of us follows one another. Actually didn’t know what tumblr was until he saw the app on Puck’s phone and noticed him spending a lot of time on it so he got curious. Months later he still has no clue on what the point of tumblr is and has pretty much given up on trying to properly use it. He has a few text posts screaming into the void but they have no engagement. Though he did somehow link his instagram so that still updates.
Mercedes: Mutuals. Her tumblr consists mainly of reblogs for her favorite celebrities, tv shows, & movies. She also has gotten into the habit of live blogging for a few of her top shows and her commentary is so good that you wouldn’t dare to unfollow her or filter her tags for it, even for the shows you didn’t have any interest in previously. She’s the mutual that has such great taste that you find her continuing to influence what media you want to consume next!
Quinn: Mutuals. Her blog is a mix of literature, art, philosophy etc which does make it have an overall pretty “classy” feel but the vast majority of it is also just very, very, very, gay.. to the point where half of what she reblogs is of women kissing/being affectionate with one another. She also eventually dabbles in writing some femslash & it’s very good stuff…
Artie: Neither one of us follows one another. Has a decent following due to his film reviews (he also blocks anyone who disagrees with any of his opinions). He’s also heavily involved in various popular fandoms like Star Wars and Marvel which leads to him getting into some very intense discourse which results in more blocking.
Rachel: Mutuals (on thin ice). Posts super nice aesthetics & moodboards. Though unfortunately, she would be that tumblr mutual who gets into heated debates with anons constantly and is such an easy target because she can’t recognize when people are trolling her so she takes the bait every time. But, fairly often it does get to the point where she actually ends up exhausting the anons with her long written responses.
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