#penumbra s3 spoilers
pippalovestunabrick · 5 months
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Nureyev: It's so strange. Even after everything we've been through I still find it so difficult to talk about my... how I feel.
Juno: It's scary. I get it. You don't have to if you don't want to.
Nureyev: It is frightening, yes. But that doesn't stop you. I think I respect that about you a great deal.
Perhaps what I'm trying to say is... I feel rather vulnerable around you. And it is a difficult time for me to feel vulnerable. If I have taken that out on you, I am genuinely very sorry.
I'm glad you're here. I don't think I could have made it through everything without you.
I absolutely positively could not prevent myself from drawing this scene!! Now that the ep's been out a few days, here you go tumblr
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ephemeralgalaxies · 7 months
Y'ALL. Re-listening to The Penumbra Podcast (s3 now lol bc yes I am specifically looking for Nureyev lore since s4/5 new info) and Man in Glass has me SOBBING IT WAS RIGHT THERE ALL ALONG.
s3ep2, Buddy telling Nureyev his "calling card"
Buddy: "An endoring moral core, coupled with a strong desire to excise that core completely...like having a heart embarrasses you. I brought you on this ship for that moral core. If I distrust you, darling, it is only because you have proven that you can do anything you set your mind to, and so I am certain that you are capable of excising those morals for good. You just haven't done it yet."
Then later, s3ep2 still, Nureyev is talking with Juno in his room and Nureyev narrates:
Nureyev: 'I feel the weight of potentiality sit heavy on my shoulders, I hear Buddy's words about the excision of my moral core and about my ability to do it. And I realize, for the first time, that there is a kind of helplessness in complete freedom[...]when trouble arises, I disappear. [...]but looking at this new man [Juno], there is nothing I want more than to stay.'
AND THEN AND THEN IN S5ep14 The Sixteen Tons,,, yeah I know this line by heart :')
Nureyev and Juno talking (arguing) after Juno takes him into the closet at the facility (near the beginning of the ep)
Nureyev: "I do not want to see you anymore, Juno."
Juno: "...What?!"
Nureyev: "You said that it would just take those words to excise you from my life entirely, didn't you? Well, I've said them..."
Because the reality of it: keeping someone between life and death for YEARS, helping fund the Big Pharma that has vowed to safe Slip and yet also commits such horrific acts, but he has to do it or else he never gets to know Slip or have someone know him as he thinks they should bc surely he must not be worth all of this to Juno, the lady's just being stubborn again and inconsiderate, but deep down Nureyev KNOWS that's not it at all. He knows that Juno does know him and will continue to know more about him, and if he can do that and love Nureyev... well, that means Nureyev could have a future.
But Nureyev has been trying to stretch out the future for over 20 years. He's set his mind to it, and he can do anything he sets his mind to. Including destroying himself until there is nothing left to bother with a future anyway. Until there is nothing for Juno Steel to know and love and so he gets the punishment he believes so adamantly that he deserves long before Juno first left him in that hotel room.
If he is alone, then when trouble comes he can just disappear. If he is alone, there is no one to hurt when that bomb goes off.
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a-linearis · 1 year
just relistened to juno steel and the tools of rust and my heart is shattering into pieces over and over and i just want to lie in my bed and cry. imagine what jet and m'tendere could've done together. imagine.
the episode is chilling and eerie and action packed and full of friendship and conflicting perspectives on the world and i love it so so so so so so much and i'm going to miss this podcast SO MUCH
i wanted to get the poster to remind me of the episode but shipping was more than the cost of the poster lmao
also i hate dark matters for preventing rita from giving jet a hug.
and yes i squealed at jet (effectively) saying he was aroace
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Relistened to What Lies Beyond (part 1) today and had a terrible thought during the wedding vows...
Knowing what we know now about Slip and the Executives and what they did to Nureyev, what do you think was going through his mind when Buddy said this:
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When Buddy describes feeling as though she's in a dream? I can imagine the panic, the kick of his flight response. That's the last thing he really hears from them before he disappears. It's almost a confirmation that he can't stay, he doesn't belong here.
And he probably shares Buddy's fear, that he'll wake up one day and find out that he's been tricked again, that Juno and the rest of the Family were all just another dream. A pretty lie, a fabrication of his mind.
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steadysapphics · 2 years
I feel like the conversation between Vespa and Buddy in “Heart of it All Part 2″ is so underrated. Vespa is just so lovely and caring and supportive to Buddy, coming up with solutions, reassuring her, and joking to make her feel better. Buddy finally gets to escape the image she’s trying to present of herself and just be human. She’s allowed to finally cry and just let out all of her emotions for the first time that we’ve seen. It’s such and underrated scene. I always come back to that scene, and I never get tired of it.
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io-and-ox · 2 years
Queen Mira was like, 'I'm making changes!'
And I was like heeelll yeah, time to get some revision and equal rights and-
'Bigots are valid, I feel terrible for kicking them out because they were god awful so we're getting them all back. Also, we are broadening our muder spree to include more people, directly endangering every single main character in the story (:'
Girl what.
UPDATE, I listened to Caroline's reply. Just about kissed my damn screen, god that woman is sexy, couldn't have told the Queen she's being a smooth-brained rose-glasses-wearing dumb fool dingbat better myself. Incredible.
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michaelburnnham · 2 months
i dont go here (penumbra pod) but i wanna hear the tea
So the following typed up by @genderbinaryisforlosers after I haterposted during a conversation we were having with @iknikblackstonevarrick
I'll put this under a cut in case anyone else reading doesn't want to see spoilers but. it's a fucking mess
it all starts with sasha wire being awkwardly written out of juno steel in the penultimate episode of season 4. despite ostensibly being the big bad of the season (as of the s3 finale) she has spontaneously given up on the goals she was hell-bent on two stories ago and is attempting to commit suicide via juno steel (he does not indulge this). she is never heard from again. when the aurinko family splits up, jet apparently deals with all of dark matters offscreen. a wild choice. the misogyny part is that harley takagi-kaner said in their own words that the reason they wrote sasha out of the show is because it makes him dysphoric to voice her/edit her dialogue. to which i would say. idk maybe recast the role, you've done it before. but anyway. that is unfortunately only the beginning. juno steel ceases to be about anything other than juno and nureyev's love story. juno, nureyev, and rita are the only main characters still in the show and rita is constantly sidelined and kept out of scenes for the focus to be maintained on jupeter, despite everything juno has said up to this point about ceasing to leave rita behind because their friendship is more important to him than a guy he met two years ago, even if he is the love of his life. ok. over in second citadel land, despite being set up in season 3 as a new big bad, queen mira has been utterly stripped of all accountability for her crimes (don't worry you guys... she was being manipulated by an evil MAN... she couldn't help it) and also has barely been in the show since then despite literally ruling the story's namesake. she steps down as queen to make way for ~democracy~ which apparently fixes all the citadel's systemic problems offscreen in a one month timeskip. caroline and quanyii are killed by being shot with a gun, sacrificing themselves to protect olala, which doesn't even work because now the fourteen year old has to kill herself to save the universe and cry about dying alone. the only character to mourn caroline is angelo, who is in denial for a month and then accepts it and moves on the second that alé says they can go have their romantic ending now. no one mourns quanyii despite spending years with her. the only female character to survive second citadel except mira is rilla, who has to sacrifice the memories of all her work & professional knowledge (to save olala. who again, dies anyway) and then her ending is to... have a baby. magically created to share genetics with her, damien, and arum all together. so to summarise, the fates of the women in second citadel are-- absolved of all crimes because she is just a weak-willed woman, dead, dead, dead, gave up her profession to have a baby with her husbands. juno steel is not quite finished yet but buddy and vespa have not been mentioned in all of season 5 since they retired in the penultimate episode of season 4, sasha hasn't been seen or mentioned since she attempted suicide by juno in that same arc, and rita has been technically around with juno but constantly sidelined and left behind in favour of nureyev. it reeks of misogyny. harley takagi-kaner apparently got the ick from the idea of women in general since they transitioned? and this isnt even going into the casual disregard for all of the (supposedly no less meaningful than romantic) platonic relationships in both stories (buddy & jet, juno & rita, angelo & caroline...) OR the other ways the plots of both stories have got steadily more stupid since season 4
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littleliongirl16 · 7 months
Cws for worms, very minor gore, and bad improvised first aid
I'm back at my drawing my favorite characters with old poetry
this is Jon, Sasha, and Martin from TMA with lines from Shakespeare's Sonnet 65! https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/50646/sonnet-65-since-brass-nor-stone-nor-earth-nor-boundless-sea
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Previous bit of old poetry lyric art I did (does have penumbra podcast s3 spoilers):
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dumptruckofanass · 8 months
podcast mutual search <3
hiya ppl
i recently got back on tumblr and i desperately need more podcast mutuals
my name is hange, she/her, lesbian, sometimes an artist, professional shitposter, and here's what i listen to and wanna discuss with people really really bad!!
the magnus archives (finished two times, absolutely obsessed)
the magnus protocol (i listen as it comes out)
welcome to nightwale (ep 52, but i'm chill with spoilers and already know some)
the silt verses (ep 16 and OBSESSED)
the penumbra podcast (just started s3)
hello from the hallowoods (ep 3, it's mostly just on my list for when i have time)
literally from today, malevolent (i finally gave in to all the cosplay tiktoks i've been seeing)
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scarlettrust · 8 months
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Buddy always had a hunch that someone on her crew would betray them…
Never in her wildest dreams did she expect that person would be Juno Steel.
this fic is a very long time coming- and i am so excited to share it with everyone. its an s3 canon divergence featuring nureyev’s debt plot line. so spoilers up to s4, but nothing from the most recent season.
massive thanks to @violetsinviolence for the gorgeous banner and @melonoverlord for betaing this
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ephemeralgalaxies · 7 months
fucking "Rex Glass" and the episode "Man in Glass" AND NUREYEV EXPLAINING HOW HE CHOSE "REX" BC IT MEANS KING, AS IN CONTROL.
In s1ep1, Nureyev (Glass) talking about the meaning of names and what "Rex Glass" means to him:
Nureyev: "I take my name as a creed to live by: control your name, and you control yourself."
Juno: "It's a pretty thought, Rex. [I] Wish it were that simple."
LIKE HELLO??? SHATTER MY HEART AGAIN AFTER THE SIXTEEN TONS. Nureyev thinking he controls himself, and he can when he changes his name. He can disappear when he changes his name. But he loses some sense of control with Juno, let's himself relax a bit and let's Juno take charge of some things instead. On the flipside, he has no control with the people holding Slip Jackson — they know his name and are willing to use it as a weapon against him. He can't control his name here, so he can't control himself (looks at the line in which Juno says that they "stole his [Nureyev's] story" because Nureyev always thought he was doing something inconceivable and unique (therefore no one could understand his suffering), just to find out that he is one of maybe thousands in the same position all across the galaxy.
Not only does Man in Glass make Nureyev more transparent for us, Buddy, and even Juno, but also it highlights the back-and-forth struggle for Nureyev as he goes between choosing his names and yet yearning to hear Juno "call [him] what [he] used to."
He's breakable, here.
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Today on Alex goes trough the hellsite experience: is the whole experience just sitting down while you wait for the world to turn on it axis and put your long forgotten blorbos back on your mind again? Like???
I was here crying over staged s3 cuz I thought watching that after good omens s2 would make me feel better. I WAS WRONG IM EVEN MORE UNWELL NOW. And then I was pondering whether or not to watch dr who cuz that was on trending earlier AND NOW MY SILLY LITTLE HORROR PODCAST IS TRENDING AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF ONLY TO GO “oh yk what I haven’t catch up with my other silly gay horror/sci-fi/ fantasy podcast, wonder what they are up to” ONLY TO BE SLAPPED WITH YET MORE DEPRESSED DIVORCED MIDDLE AGE PEOPLE. I month ago I was a happier person than I am now, and I’m starting to think being in here is not going to make that better, oh well let’s see what the YouTube series I haven’t finished have in store for me. I’m sure none of them will make me cry. If not I can just rewatch the other British gays who are actually happy to cure my soul.
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aesphantasmal · 4 years
so. peter nureyev. Here Are All Of My Opinions
ill start by saying i'm not a meta writer, im a clown. i've never had a coherent thought in my life and i'm not gonna start now. all I'm gonna say is that fandoms tend to be awfully pessimistic, and tend to treat not being pessimistic about stories as naive. (and when i say pessimistic, i mean that fandom tends to treat hoping for not the worst outcome for characters as naive.) i remember after shadows on the ship, a lot of people were saying we can't trust nureyev, that we never should have done so. and that kinda stressed me out at the time even though it actually being nureyev didnt even like. occur as a thought in my head. so! 1. the penumbra and recovery quoting savanah @mraudiodrama, "Penumbra has proven itself to be about recovery, about finding love and found family and i dont see Kabert as the type of writers to sacrifice such an emotionally complex character as Peter Nureyev and not give him that chance to find family and start to rely on other people and get mentally healthier for some cheap twist!" for my part, i think that its possible we might get some kind of darkest hour morality wise from nureyev, as in, he might end up as a villain in the next season but eventually change sides again. ill address this again in point 6, but im not sure if this will happen. hell, we could even end up with something like the end of s1 where the person gets exactly what they want from nureyev and ot just doesn't work how they expect it to (im pretty sure the curemother doesn't exist at this point.) also, I'll go over this more in point 3, but i think grtting betrayed like this would pull juno significantly back in his arc, and. like. we've seen juno's arc. its great. but i dont kmow if we need to go through it again, and it wouldn't be remotely as good this time because we dont live in junos head full time. 2. the penumbra and hope the penumbra podcast is not the magnus archives. its not the kind of thing where everything's gonna end horribly, its not a tragedy, unless kabert are worse writers than i think they are. after everything, nureyev betraying everyone like that would be pretty bleak. 3. gay people if nureyev isn't at least seriously considering turning on whoever his debts are to, his behaviour towards juno throughout cyberjustice is. uh. pretty bad and manipulative. the closer he gets to juno, the more badly it will hurt him if/when nureyev betrays him, and nureyev doesn't want to hurt juno. he was willing to give his name up to engstrom and potentially lose his life saving him from miasma, i just cant imagine him both deliberately getting closer to juno and planning to betray him because thats some cartoon evil bullshit 4. from a purely practical perspective audiences are fickle, and easy to piss off. and i don't think there's many fans that would like tje penumbra more if it turned out nureyev had been bad all along. hes on a lot of the merch, and i think the queer romance is what brought a lot of people here in the first place. the two episodes done as liveshows heavily feature nureyev. alienating your fanbase like that just isn't good when you're an online creator 5. the evils of capitalism i dont have a whole lot to say in this section. just that spending so much time on capitalism bad and then having a thief with large debts be an antagonist for any decent length of time feels kinda weird 6. i dont want to think about it because it makes me sad im gay leave me alone! so, at the end of it all, it basically comes down to "do i expect the penumbra to be well written and satisfying". now, i'm a firm believer in keeping a knife raised just in case you do need to kill the author, but for now? i trust kabert. im still anxious tho lmao
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healingsteel · 4 years
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protectclaypigeons · 4 years
one of the many reasons I love the dynamics on the carte blanche is that every time someone makes a joke implying Juno and Ransom slept together, Juno gets all flustered and denies it and Ransom’s like “LMAOO damn right we did”
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