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This is your sign to get a hair transformation for brat summer!! ✨️
Credit to @creations.by.chelsey
Message me to book!
#redandblackhair #redandblondehair #blackandblondehair #colorblockinghair #vividcolorspecialist #pennsylvaniastylist #pennsylvania #pennsylvaniasalon #pennsylvaniacolorist #berwickpa #570pa #berwickhairdresser #berwickcolorist #berwicksalon #570hairstylist #570salon #bloomsburguniversity #bloomsburgsalon #nepahair #althairstylist #althair #bloomsburgpa #k18results #k18hair #nepa #stylistssupportingstylists
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? Archeologists have found Babylonian women buried with their cosmetics, mirrors, and tweezers for plucking hairs. #didyouknow? #hair #hairhistory #babylonianwomen #babylon #burialcustoms #cosmeticshistory New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale ⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Cherry Hill, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChDOrd1Pb-m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mstgetmoney74 · 5 years ago
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IF YOU WANT TO THIS STYLE 💁🏽‍♀️ “ CROCHET LOOPS “ CLICK ON THE LINK IN MY BIO GREAT STYLE FOR KIDS OR ADULT GO VISIT MY HAIR WEBSITE PAGE yourhairismytestimony.simplybook.me When they ask “ WHO’S DOES YOUR HAIR “ be sure to tell them " YOURHAIRISMYTESTIMONY” #YHIMT #Braids #PHILLYBraider #braidsBytmoney #boxbraids #braids #ezbraidhair #beautifulhair #blackhair #prettybraids #neatbraids #braider #phillystylist #pennsylvaniabraider #pennsylvaniastylist # #client #clientselfies https://www.instagram.com/p/B71bHXxBpyA/?igshid=c6d6k129agg1
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banginghair-blog · 7 years ago
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Unleash Your Inner Sexy with Banging Hair Professional Stylist Network ~ Locate a Stylist Near You! www.BangingHair.com #professionalhairstylist #hairstylist #stylistslocator #topstylist #beststylist #alabamastylist #alaskastylist #arkansasstylist #californiastylist #coloradostylist #connecticutstylist #delawarestylist #floridastylist #georgiastylist #hawaiistylist #idahostylist #illinoisstylist #iowastylist #kansasstylist #kentuckystylist #louisannastylist #mainestylist #marylandstylist #massachusettesstylist #michiganstylist #minnesotastylist #mississippistylist #missouristylist #montanastylist #nebraskastylist #nevadastylist #newhampshirestylist #newjerseyhairstylist #newmexicostylist #newyorkstylist #northcarolinastylist #northdakotastylist #ohiostylist #oklahomastylist #oregonstylist #pennsylvaniastylist #rhodeislandstylist #southcarolinastylist #southdakotastylist #tennesseestylist #texasstylist #utahstylist #vermontstylist #virginiastylist #washingtonstylist #westvirginiastylist #wisconsinstylist #banginghair #banginghairstylists
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kinkzcoilzncurlz · 8 years ago
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Growing out your Mohawk or tapered cut but still want a protective style with YOUR OWN HAIR? • Ayana's SIGNATURE 2 STRAND TWISTS is the answer. _____________________________________ NEW CLIENTS RECEIVE $10 off this style now thru January 31, 2017. ___________________________________ APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE . @kinkzcoilzncurlz We've love our Au Naturale 2 strand twists just as much as you will. Great style protective style for those that still like versatility. Lasts up to 4 weeks. Unlimited looks with just one style. __________________________ Our focus is to make you "FALL IN LOVE WITH THE HAIR YOU GROW". Through the use of quality products and knowledge and skill we choose the best styles for you and your lifestyle. We not only style your hair,you leave the salon with an understanding of what your hair needs and how to maintain your tresses in between visits. ____________________________ Book you consultation or appointment today -Www.kcchair.com ___________________________ AYANA IS COMING TO PENNSYLVANIA SOON!!! _______________________________ #salontraselectsuites #naturallyshesdope #kcchairgallery #naturalhair #naturalhairdoescare #kinkzcoilzncurlz #teamnatural #twostrandtwists#flattwists#protectivestyles #corporatenaturals #corporatewomen #blackowned #likesforlikes#lovethehairyougrow #baltimorehairstylist #pennsylvaniahairstylist #dmvhairstylist#twostrandtwists #naturalhairDMV#naturalhairPennsylvania#pennsylvaniastylists (at Kinkz Coilz N Curlz)
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✨️ more rainbows, please!!
Credit to @creations.by.chelsey
I think this placement is a new favorite for me, especially on curls!
#rainbowhair #rainbowprismhair #hairreels #vividcolorspecialist #pennsylvaniastylist #pennsylvania #pennsylvaniasalon #pennsylvaniacolorist #berwickpa #570pa #berwickhairdresser #berwickcolorist #berwicksalon #570hairstylist #570salon #bloomsburguniversity #bloomsburgsalon #nepahair #althairstylist #althair #bloomsburgpa #k18results #k18hair #nepa #stylistssupportingstylists
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? Clairol was founded in 1931 when Americans Joan and Lawrence Gelb discovered hair coloring products being made in France. #didyouknow? #hair #hairdye #haircoloring #clairol#paris #france New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale ⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ced7H6lLw9O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? Clairol was founded in 1931 when Americans Joan and Lawrence Gelb discovered hair coloring products being made in France. #didyouknow? #hair #hairdye #haircoloring #clairol#paris #france New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale ⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ced6v7rLTsT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? Aztecs bathed often and made hair-cleansing preparations with juice from the yucca plant. #didyouknow? #hair #hairculture #hairhistory #aztecs #yucca New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CcDizyfp0yg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? Historians have found more than 100 different recipes that the Romans used for dying hair. #didyouknow? #hair #hairhistory #hairdye #romanrecipes #rome #ancientrome New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CahrA7SFk32/?utm_medium=tumblr
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? Since ancient times, henna has been used to dye hair orange-red. Historically, crushed tadpoles were used to make different shades. #didyouknow? #hair #hairculture #hairhistory #henna New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7I3-gJImj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Let. 👏🏽The. 👏🏽Gloss. 👏🏽Sit. 👏🏽 . . . . . Reposted from @hairxjessnields When the gloss starts to get scary looking, let it sit! Would you have been scared if your gloss looked like this??? #protip: To prevent over processing and adding too much pigment into the hair I add a dash of GI, G, or AA in to my formula #platinum #platinumblonde #gloss #platinumgloss #purple #processing #hair #blondehair #highmaintenanceblonde #mainlineblonde #mainlineblondespecialist #phillyblonde #phillyblondespecialist #berwynsalon #pennsylvaniastylist #behindthechair #btcreelquickie #btconeshot2021_platinum #redkenreels #haireducation #maneaddicts https://www.instagram.com/p/CZUvekyq56W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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desertbotanicalsblog · 3 years ago
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Did you know? It is customary for men of Northern Afghanistan to gather and shave one another's heads. #didyouknow? #hair #hairculture #shave #afghanistan #uzbek #tajik New! Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Propylene Glycol Free Product Line, including➡️sulfate-free shampoo, rich conditioner, leave-in hair serum, and detangler. 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com (at Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXlnIY2F1GL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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desertbotanicalsblog · 4 years ago
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Did you know? Some Brazilian Keratin Treatments (BKT) use formaldehyde or methylene glycol to cross-link hair's keratins in order to achieve their locked-in straight style. #didyouknow? #hair #hairscience #hairknowledge #bkt #braziliankeratintreatments #formaldehyde Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Leave-in #glosser 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair #cherryhillhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️parabenfree and crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTmC29jlSY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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desertbotanicalsblog · 4 years ago
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Did you know? Most babies are born with "lanugo hair" which is extremely fine but with a solid core. This hair is shed almost immediately after birth. Next time you have a newborn in your arms look for it at the top of their forehead. #didyouknow? #hair #hairhistory #hairknowledge #jacob #esau #oldtestament  Desert Botanicals Sonoranshine™️ Leave-in #glosser 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating #hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #pennsylvaniastylist #philadelphiastylist #pittsburghstylist #allentownstylist #eriestylist #readingstylist #scrantonstylist #bethlehemstylist #lancasterstylist #harrisburgstylist #yorkstylist #altoonastylist #williamsportstylist #pennsylvaniahair #phillyhair #pittsburghhair Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️#parabenfree #sulfatefree #crueltyfree 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSH4G5A-jF/?igshid=ger7gy9a8gtd
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mstgetmoney74 · 5 years ago
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IF YOU WANT TO THIS STYLE 💁🏽‍♀️ “ TRIANGLE BRAIDS “ CLICK ON THE LINK IN MY BIO GREAT STYLE FOR KIDS OR ADULT GO VISIT MY HAIR WEBSITE PAGE yourhairismytestimony.simplybook.me When they ask “ WHO’S DOES YOUR HAIR “ be sure to tell them " YOURHAIRISMYTESTIMONY” #YHIMT #Braids #PHILLYBraider #braidsBytmoney #boxbraids #braids #ezbraidhair #beautifulhair #blackhair #prettybraids #neatbraids #braider #phillystylist #pennsylvaniabraider #pennsylvaniastylist # #client #clientselfies https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Tes-jhieE/?igshid=18ww61vthiynw
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